The Shemale And The Studio Part 2 free porn video

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We had been doing some group photgraphs of a family. I moved to the desk to write out an invoice! George was still very old fashioned about some things! As I dated the invoice I suddenly realised that i had been working for George for a year now! Later when we were alone I told him. He looked surprised. He nearly said something to me but changed his mind! Something was happening to George and I suspected his partner Robin was behind it all.
He suddenly asked me if I would be free later on, there was something he needed to discuss with me> I said yes of course I was free!
Things went very quiet after 4 pm. We cleared and tidied up. I could sense again that george had something to say! We were in the studio that we use for our private pictures.
"Would you say that this studio needs some brightening up?" He suddenly asked.
"The sofa needs replacing." I told him!! "It is starting to look a little tired. It has seen better days." I laughed.
He stood and stared at it. "There are a few stains on it!"
"Just a few" I laughed!! "And I can tell you the history of each one!"
"We have had some good times on there over the last....year, did you say?"
"Absolutely! " He looks a little sad. He should have a smile on his face!
"That one was Amelia! God could she cum!! It was like a fountain. Rolled off my belly before I could mop it up!"
"Amelia!! I had forgotten about her. She only ever came the once."
"For a photosession? She came several times when she was here. Once in my mouth. Once in my arse and then over my belly and still there was loads."
"She was amazing! I got some terrific pictures of her cumming on your belly. The pics were very popular online as well"
"Her cum tasted wonderful as well."
"I remember." I sit on the sofa and George flops down beside me! "If we did a make over in here, what would we need?"
"You have all the facilities of having a kitchen in here. And a kitchen makes for lovely photosets!!"
"That's true! Just an apron on so that their bums are on show." He stands and moves over to where there is an old sink! "What else?"
"A bathroom or a toilet?" I stand and move over to him. "If the kitchen is here we could have a dividing wall here and put a bathroom in here. The front leading into the studio would be open! So the wall would only come to here. It would be like a demonstration kitchen and bathroom in a DIY store!"
"Wow!! This is sounding great. So I could film them in the bath!"
"Or on the toilet."
"Oh kinky!!"He laughs. "Never knew you were into that."
"Some are. Out there in internet world they are."
"Could you do some pricing up for me and see how much it would all come to."
"Yes of course" I wondered what this was all about. Something was going on in that head of his.
That evening in my flat I got on to a website and tried pricing it all up. He was going to have to pay quite a lot of money! Then I found a site of a famous DIY chain that were getting rid of demonstration bathroom and kitchen showroom displays and I put my name forward. Checking the e mails before I went to work the next day, found that I had been accepted! So I went and told George as soon as I got to work. That sounds a good price!
"They will fit them as well."
"All in that price?"
"No George. That is the second figure I put down."
"Wondered what that was!" He stared at the figure. I knew it wasn't just the thought of the expense that was bothering him.
"We will need to act quickly otherwise they will give it to someone else."
"Yes yes. I know." He says distractedly. "Lets talk about this afternoon."
It was friday and the afternoons we kept clear so that we were ready for our modelling session later on.
About mid morning the phone rang. It was the agency that we dealt with. Our model had been taken ill and they didn't have anyone to replace her. "Bugger!" George said and told me the bad news!
"Oh that's a shame. Tell you what George! I'll phone for a pizza and we can spend the afternoon chilling out."
He looks at me for a short while. "That will be good." He says at last
So, instead of taking a lunch break we finish up clearing up! It is quite late before I ring for a pizza!! While we wait I go online to Ikea website and look at their sofas! They have a gorgeous looking one which they are selling off cheap cos they want to get rid of it! there is a new one replacing it! George orders it, He also decides to go for the DIY offer. We order that too!!
"Are you really sure George?" I ask him.
"What do you mean?"
" I think there is something wrong. And you are to scared to tell me."
He grimaces slightly! " I was afraid you would pick up on that."
We sat on the sofa!! The front door opened and the pizza man stood there. I saw him looking round the studio. I signed for them and let him go and took the pizzas up to our main studio.
I put them on the table in front of us so that we could share them.
"OK George. It's Robin isn't it?" At first he is surprised and then realising that I have got to know him very well, he nods!!
"It is." He agrees. "I think he is having an affair, but when I taxed him with it he immediately attacks me about my relationship with you and my girls! He doesn't approve of out friday photoshoots.He wants me to stop doing them."
"What?!" That is our business and a very profitable side to it as well."He can't do that to you! It is where you are making your money."
"I know."
"Have you tried to find out if he is having an affair?"
"No. Don't really want to go down that road! He has threatened to kick me out if I don't do what he says."
"Oh right!! So he is going to blame you for his own faults! But don't worry George! I will always put you up. I have a spare room you can call your own."
"Oh!! Thank you!! I am getting fed up with his diva ways!! There is only so much blackmail one can take."
"Are you going to call his bluff?"
"I might do at that. Lets see what tonight brings when I tell him about the plans for the studio." I chuckle at that.
"But surely the property is not his. He can't turn you out."
"Hehehehe! " He laughs!! If I come round to yours tonight then I will contact my solicitor to have him evicted."
"Good thinking" I reach out and touch his arm. He places his hand over mine and the next moment we are kissing! He breaks off and grins at me! "You just don't know how long it is since I fancied doing that!"
I sidle up closer to him and we start kissing again!! He pushes his tongue into my mouth!! His hand starts squeezing my crutch and I can feel my cock growing hard in my pants!!
"Mmmmmmmmmmm." He gently says. He is squeezing my cock now through the material of my pants and my underpants!! "I really do love Fridays. It is not just because of the girls! I do love seeing you naked." His eyes are just inches from my own. I lean forward those few inches and kiss him again!
George starts to undress me and when he has exposed my cock licks up the shaft and takes the knob into his mouth. My cock is very sensitive and I react well to his sucking!! I start to grind my cock into his mouth!! i find myself giving in to the sensations and want to curl up and also want to push my cock deep into his mouth! He snorts and grunts and enjoys the sensations himself.
"I want to fuck you." He suddenly announces. I strip off and he undresses as well. I move up to him and kiss him and rub his cock. It is lovely and stiff! He positions me on the sofa and gets behind me!! Something cold and wet is rubbed over my arse. "Oh George!!" I laugh. " You have been getting ready for this!"
"Cheeky bugger! It is what I keep for the girls!"
He slides his cock into me. Some of the girls have cocks which are far bigger than Georges and since George loves to shoot me being fucked by them, my arse is fairly well stretched. On the wall in front of me is a mirror. I suddenly realise that reflected in the mirror is Jessica. She is standing in the door, a huge grin on her face!! I raise my hand and wiggle my fingers in greeting!! Her grin broadens!!
"Well I never guessed George!" She says. He turns to look at her, a worried frown on his brow but his face creases into a smile when he realises who it is! "Heard your girl couldn't turn up. Thought that I might come and join you. Found a friend and she has decided to join me. This is Amanda."
"Hello Amanda. Welcome" I give her my hand to shake. Her eyes are huge and she walks round us checking us out."
"We'll let the boys get on with it Amanda. Lets have a coffee and I will show you around." She drags Amanda out but Amanda is still staring at us over her shoulder. I grin at her and she gives me a shy smile in return.
"Oh fuck she has made me really hard!" George says!
"Go for it George! Fuck me daddy!" He speeds up fucking me. His skin slaps against my arse!! He cums quickly then. Cumming deep inside my arse! He cleans me out with his tongue!
"Come on Mike. Lets find the girls." We wander out into the main part of the studio. They are sat on stools, cups of coffee in front of them and chatting. They look up as we walk out! We are both naked and both of them check us out! George grabs Jessica and kisses her. They are old friends. I head for Amanda.
"Hello again." I say. " I am so sorry that we weren't in a position to greet you properly." She giggles, raising her hand to her mouth as she does so and giggling behind it. It is a very endearing trait. I move and stand close to her. Her hand suddenly reaches out and holds my cock. I lean forward and kiss her on the lips. "Mmmmmmm. That is nice." I tell her. I meant her holding my cock but she takes it as the kiss. I squeeze her small firm breasts beneath her thin top. I can feel her nipple standing proud. She starts to kiss me harder, grunting as she does so. I glance up at George and Jessica but they are watching us! I pick Amanda up and place her on the desk. I lift her skirt and rub the front of her panties! Sure enough there is a strong ridge there getting stronger by the second!
As I rub her panties a small damp patch appears and starts to spread. I bend forward and lick it. I run my tongue along the ridge! I take hold of her panties and carefully peel them back letting her cock pop out! I hold it and lick up the shaft and round the knob before letting the knob slide into my mouth! She opens her thighs a little more and then leans back on her hands so that she can push herself up into my mouth but I am fucking her with my mouth. My head rising and falling quicker and quicker on her cock. She is grunting much louder now and thrusting upwards. Lifting her sweet bum to meet my mouth. Pushing herself up with her hands! Her cum suddenly bursts from her cock, spraying the inside of my mouth. It is thick and creamy. She sits down and I milk her cock for all that tasty cum. It is thick and glutinous on my tongue and I roll it round my mouth to taste it!! Delicious. Two faces, Jessica and George suddenly are trying to kiss me and taste her cum for themselves! I turn towards one and then the other. Keeping her cum on my tongue and then pushing it into each of their mouths!
We all sit on the sofa, Amanda slides off the table to join us. I stand up and walk to the toilet to have a wee. I am in full flow when Amanda walks in. She stands beside me and wees as well. There is something so sexy in seeing someone else wee. Doesn't matter what sex they are. We stand, our hips touching, peeing into the bowl.
Her stream is much thicker than my own but then her cock is slightly bigger. When she finishes she shakes the last drops off. I bend forward and take her cock into my mouth again to lick off the last few drops. I then straighten up and kiss her on the mouth. I lift her top and admire her tiny tits and pointy nipples. I rub one nipple with my thumb!
"What are you two doing in there?" George calls out. We grin at each other and walk back out hand in hand.
When we get back George says that he must get home! He might have to pack a few things. We dress and and while George goes home I take Jessica and Amanda round to my flat.
I unlock the door and let them in first! Jessica has been there before but Amanda is fascinated with it. As soon as the front door closes Jessica strips naked and then undresses Amanda!! They cuddle up on the sofa, giggling! I watch them for a moment and then go out to the kitchen and make us tea. Next thing I know is two wriggling sexy bodies rubbing me all over. They undress me and we sit back down on the sofa!! Amanda climbs up onto my lap facing me and rubs her cock on my belly! She is sat on my cock squashing it down and I have to move a little to get comfortable! I kiss Jessica and she reaches down and repositions my cock so that it slides up into Amandas arse! So soft and warm and then Amanda starts to ride my cock. Rising and falling on it. I know that i can't last forever and I then cum deep in her arse!! Jessica slides off the sofa and goes to make the tea. She comes back in with them and puts them on the table! My cock is still deep in Amandas arse and she is kissing me. She climbs off to drink her tea. Jessica stands on the sofa close to me and positions herself so that I can suck her cock. I find myself watching Amanda! She has bent over the table to put sugar in her tea!! Her slim arse is so gorgeous and through her thighs I can see her cock dangling down. She suddenly turns to look at me. Little minx I think to myself, she knew I would be watching her!! I grin at her round Jessica's cock. Jessica must have realised that my mind was not on the job in hand and grabs my head and pulls it onto her cock! Her cock fills my mouth and when she pushes in to my mouth and pulls my head deep onto her cock I find myself gagging! Thankfully she cums soon after that and we after kissing we drink our tea and relax.
We chat for a while, I find myself sat between the two girls. My legs are crossed at the ankles my feet are on the table. Jessica sits legs tucked up underneath her and her chin on her knees. Her cock dangles out between her thighs. Amanda sits legs splayed open. One foot on the floor, the other is tucked under her thigh. It was at the moment that I felt at peace with the world. I knew also that I didn't want Amanda to ever leave the flat again. I wanted her with me. I had never felt like that before!
I found myself questioning her relationships. Was she with someone? At that question, couched rather more subtly than that I thought, I got a grin from Jessica! I chose to ignore her. Both girls began to creep in closer. I noticed Amanda getting more irritated about Jessica's attention to me! Maybe she feels like I do. I began to relax and enjoy it. Then I realised that Jessica was teasing her. When George knocked on the door, I called out to make sure it was him and opened the door! He stood there with a huge grin on his face and clutching a couple of cases! I left him and Jessica to kiss and cuddle and went to sort his room out!! It only took a little while. I had a feeling that something like this was going to happen and had got rid of all the rubbish that i had been piling in there. I just had sheets and bedding to sort out. Amanda came wandering in to help me.
"Mwaaahhh. Mwaaahhh. Jessica I have been missing you. Oh George I love you so much." She mimics the other two. I lean over the bed and kiss her.
"Don't be cross with her. She was teasing you."
"I know she was." She replies. Not very convincingly to my ears. I grin at her.
"I think I love you." I tell her.
"Only think." She bristles. I laugh. "No, I do know I love you. I didn't want to scare you off."
"That's better." She laughs back at me. "What are your plans for tonight?"
"What do you mean?"
"Are you going back to town tonight?"
"Yeah. London."
"What would you do if I did?"
"Cry all night. And hug my pillow."
"You're mad." She says laughing! "Would you really miss me?"
"Yes!" I say it as firmly and as flat as I can. "If you go back tonight, I really don't know what I will do. I have fallen for you. I really don't want you to go back to london tonight...or ever again."
"Really!!" She sits on the bed. I scramble onto the bed and sit beside her. "Amanda. Please stay with me. Just for tonight if you are not sure. I want you. No I need you." I cuddle her and kiss her neck.
"Jess said that you were a nice bloke. I never expected this."
"Nor me."I kiss her again just below her ear. " I have never felt like this about anyone before."
She turns and kisses me on the mouth. "I like you Mike. I like you a lot....."
"I am not asking you to marry me darling. Not yet anyway. I can cope with like. I love you. But lets just take it slow. It is very early days."
"Days?" She laughs. "Hours."
"Is it only hours." She laughs delightedly at that. We kiss again, slowly and languidly.
"Aaahhh. It's the lovebirds." I finish the bed. Jessica is being impatient. I grin at her. Her cock is hard and juts out from her body, swaying from side to side as she walks. I grab Amanda and pull her into my bedroom. We lie on the bed our arms wrapped round each other and our lips pressed together. And in between times we chat and feel each others bodies!
When we do get down to fucking, it is slow and easy. Both perfectly relaxed.

While Amanda showers I phone for a chinese takeaway. I am feeling hungry! Thy tell me that it won't be ready for about an hour. I let myself in to the bathroom and put my hands around Amanda's waist and slide my hands up so that they encompass her breasts. She leans back into me. I kiss her neck, my stiffening cock begins rubbing against her arse cheek. She turns to face me, her cock is stiff as well and I let them rub against each other.. I pull her closer and kiss her on her mouth, her hard nipples rub against my chest. I slide my hands down her back, gripping her arse cheeks and pulling her body up tight to mine, my finger slides into her crack and runs down over her little rosebud! She kisses me hard. Her hands round my waist keeping my body tight against hers. She breaks free, turns and bends forward, palms flat aginst the wall of the shower for support and I slide my cock into her, the water from the shower cascades over us. I hold her slim hips and pump my cock into her. I cum over her back. We soap each other afterwards and go to my bedroom. I find her a shirt to wear. It is huge on her. I put on a robe and we go out to the kitchen. I lay the table for the four of us and stop to kiss Amanda each time she passes close enough to do that!! The doorbell rings and our dinner is there. I sign for it and then place it on the table! I poke my head round Georges bedroom door, they are sat up in bed chatting!!

"I have ordered a chinese. Serving it up now."
We sit round the table. Jessica and George one side; Amanda and I the other. I have been wanting to ask George what happened with Robin. While we eat it is the perfect oppurtunity. The dishes are all laid out in the centre and we just help ourselves to what we want.
Robin was there when George arrived. He was a little cool with George. "Thinks he has the upper hand." George remarked to us! "THat really irritated me." So George told him that he had decided that he didn't want to lose my busines. Anyway your affair with Paul decided it for me. "He looked totally stunned when I said that. He tried to deny it but it was no use, from the look on his face I knew I had picked the right person. It is someone he works with. He used to mention him a bit then never said anything more about him. Very suspicious!!"
So I packed a few things while he begged me to stay and then he started to get aggresive and blamed you. I told him that I was going to stay with you but was going to move in with Jessica!! Hehehehe. He chortled , he flounced out! I have no idea what I ever saw in him when I could have a stunning girl like Jessica! He turned towards her and kised her on the mouth.
And so it was that a single mans flat suddenly became the domain for a couple of couples. George had told Robin that he wanted him out of his house and that if there was any damage he would hold him personally responsible and would have the law on him for back rent!! George stayed with me for a couple of weeks. He wandered up to the house a few times. Jessica and Amanda both moved in with us. The flat became a sex den for that fortnight. When George decided to move back home he took Jessica with him. Amandsa stayed with me. She became our receptionist and glamour model as well.

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Shemale Make Me Prostiute

Hi Myself Jimmy here I am back after 2 years with new encounters occurred in my life, going to narrate you the same, I am living in Bangalore now, in south Bangalore, I will tell you how I became a male prostitute with the help of a Hijda/Hijra/Shemale/Ladyboy, In my layout there was a beautiful girl with very attractive eyes whose name is Manju may be 24 to 26yrs, lived with her family and would go for house hold work, my age is 28, unmarried and just go a good job and was leaving alone in the...

3 years ago
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One womanrsquos depraved shemale adventures

I’m Kami, and I’m a thirty-something blonde who mostly has a preference for other women, which if anything has been heightened by my boyfriend’s recent obsession with T-girls. Secretly though, while I’m busy licking out my gorgeous young flatmate Amy, or my landlady Jess, my mind often wanders towards she-cock, something that through my boyfriend’s sessions I’ve been lucky enough to taste and experience in my pussy a few times now.The other night, I got my first taste of an actual gay and...

1 year ago
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Shemale Vids

What is it about Shemale Vids that makes them so goddamn enticing? Honestly, it might be a question for the stoned philosophers and horny social scientists of the world. Me? I’m just your friendly neighborhood PornDude. I may not be able to tell you why you’re so attracted to pretty girls with bigger sausages than your own, but I can certainly turn you on to some good pornos starring the well-endowed broads. Some dudes consider themselves ass men, others are fond of the titty, the thigh, or the...

Shemale Porn Sites
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St Judes Shemale Academy

My name is Amanda Johnson and I am a 38 year old post operative transsexual and owner and headmistress of a rather unique school, a school that turns troublesome and reluctant boys into shemales. This is the story of St Judes academy for shemales. My own transformation happened over 10 years ago when in my mid twenties I decided to transition from male to female. Being the son of a world famous actress, my gender change was largely kept secret and only a select few of my parents...

2 years ago
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A shemale couples vacation in Thailand Part 1

I'm neither a professional writer nor a native english speaker. So let me apologize beforehand for my bad grammer and writing skills. This story includes mainly: Shemale on shemale , Interracial , Domination , Submission , White , Asian , Ladyboy , Some light cuckolding.I'm a Trans-girl also known as a Ladyboy, living around the area of Pattaya at that time. I was just 22 years old then but dispite my age, i had already multiple sexual encounters with other ladyboys. And yes i said ladyboys...

1 year ago
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One mans shemale and lesbian adventures

It was my girlfriend Kami’s birthday. She had always been more into girls than guys and so I had arranged a surprise for her - and a treat for both of us. A girl I met earlier that week was to come over to hers that night, and I couldn’t stop the thought of the awesome threesome we were going to have from going round in my head.Kami was, like me, in her early 30s, but looked younger and had no problem attracting all the girls she wanted. And wow, she did get through a lot. Only a couple of...

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Shemale Shopping Spree

She-Male Shopping Spree featuring Chelsea and Victoria, two gorgeous chicks with dicks - and an attitude! by Mistress Tawny Suede "Oh god, I feel so incredibly horny!" said Victoria. "Well, sugar, if we hurry back to the apartment, I've got just the cure," said her best friend and roommate, Chelsea. Victoria looked the stunning black girl in the eye and giggled. "Actually, I haven't been able to get that cute little salesgirl out of my mind," she said as she and Chelsea left the...

2 years ago
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Shemale Amazon Goddess

This story is based on a dream I had about shemale porn star Meghan Chevalier around 15 years ago.I'm sitting up in bed. There is an empty glass on the nightstand; I know that I have recently drunk whatever was in the glass. I'm wearing a light violet silk robe, and nothing else. It seems quite feminine. Then I realize that my body has become quite feminine as well. The fat I've been carrying around for years is gone and my waist has tapered down to about 27 inches. My legs are long and slim....

3 years ago
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My first threesome with wife and shemale

My sex life with wife was becoming monotonous and we were looking for ways to spice it up. We explored different options which involved fantasies of both of us which we had not been able to fulfill. I had a long time fantasy of having a threesome with wife and a shemale which I shared with wife and after some discussion we agreed to go ahead with it. I had always watched shemale porn with interest. Recently my interest had increased and I was watching more and more of those videos that had...

1 year ago
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XVideos Shemale

What is it about women that gets you all fucking hard and drippy? Is it their pretty faces, or do your eyes go straight to their titties? Maybe you’re a leg man, or perhaps you love ass, and I’ve known more than a few dudes who love nothing more than a woman’s foot. Then there are dudes like you, whose favorite part of a broad is her penis. Have you checked out the Shemale section over at XVideos? is one of the net’s biggest sources of free smut. The site gets almost 2.5 million...

Shemale Porn Sites
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I Was a Reluctant Shemale

Author notes: I wrote several stories back in about 1995 or so, but due to certain circumstances, I ended up purging them off of my computer. Over the years I have found those stories on the net and resaved them to my hard drive. The story you are about to read is the most recent story that I have found. It was harder to find because it has been posted to a site (Kristen's Archives) by someone else claiming it to be their writing. It is not. It is my story and I am now reclaiming it...

2 years ago
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Stolen Stockings Pt 1 SHEMALE LESBIAN PORN

WELCOME TO CHURCH OF RUBBER - STOLEN STOCKING CONFESSION .the sign read above My study doorway.My transex very leggy young secretary nurse led the new prospect in to My parlor and knocked on my door and I said "COME"the heavy gothic arch door swung open and there stood the two stunning transexual stocking sluts in ultimate sissy wear. One happened to be My private nurse and secretary, the other was a specially chosen pretty thing who had been in communication with ME for some time now. My...

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My Shemale Stepmother

My Shemale Stepmother by Richard-to-Rachel My parents split up when I was eighteen, I was a little distressed by it but we had never been as close as some. Still, I didn't really see what had driven them apart so quickly and so thoroughly that they never even spoke any more. I guessed maybe one of them must have had an affair and that was really all that I thought about it. I went off to college and life went on. That following summer, when I was nineteen, I moved in to live with my...

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My shemale stepmom stepmother uses me and dad

Note : This story is completely fictional!My parents split up when I was eighteen, I was a little distressed by it but we had never been as close as some. Still, I didn't really see what had driven them apart so quickly and so thoroughly that they never even spoke any more. I guessed maybe one of them must have had an affair and that was really all that I thought about it. I went off to college and life went on. That following summer, when I was nineteen, I moved in to live with my dad for the...

3 years ago
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Autobiography of a Shemale

Autobiography of a Shemale Dominatrix By Barbi Satin Introduction Among many in the transgender world the term shemale is offensive. Transsexual in considered a proper, politically correct term. Transsexuals are persons born into the wrong gender and have the psychology and even brain structures of the opposite gender. They go...

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xHamster Shemale

While I am pretty sure that you already heard about xHamster before, I am not here to talk about that site as much as I am here to tell you more about a certain section that I really like on xHamster. This site is filled with many hot videos featuring the hottest trannies, and you are more than welcome to check them all out.So, do you think that chicks with dicks are hot? If you do, then you have come to the right section, because that is exactly what xHamster has to offer. Now, do not get me...

Shemale Porn Sites
2 years ago
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My Shemale Stepmother

My parents split up when I was eighteen, I was a little distressed by it but we had never been as close as some. Still, I didn't really see what had driven them apart so quickly and so thoroughly that they never even spoke any more. I guessed maybe one of them must have had an affair and that was really all that I thought about it. I went off to college and life went on. That following summer, when I was nineteen, I moved in to live with my dad for the summer. He had bounced back quickly...

4 years ago
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My Shemale Stepmother

My parents split up when I was eighteen, I was a little distressed by it but we had never been as close as some. Still, I didn't really see what had driven them apart so quickly and so thoroughly that they never even spoke any more. I guessed maybe one of them must have had an affair and that was really all that I thought about it. I went off to college and life went on. That following summer, when I was nineteen, I moved in to live with my dad for the summer. He had bounced back quickly...

1 year ago
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My Shemale Stepmother

Note : This story is completely fictional! My parents split up when I was eighteen, I was a little distressed by it but we had never been as close as some. Still, I didn't really see what had driven them apart so quickly and so thoroughly that they never even spoke any more. I guessed maybe one of them must have had an affair and that was really all that I thought about it. I went off to college and life went on. That following summer, when I was nineteen, I moved in to live with my dad for the...

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The Diary of a Shemale Whore on Tour

This one comes by popular request and is dedicated to all you naughty people who fe-mailed me and complained that whilst you enjoyed my stories you felt that I could perhaps be a little more filthy instead of being suggestive! Well, I've always said that I'll give you what you want, well, you got it and I hope you like it! Disclaimer; (seriously!) The following story does not reflect the writers personal tastes and depicts entirely fictitious characters and fantasy scenes of an...

2 years ago
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A Shemale Fantasy and my Wife Part 1

Introduction: I didnt know what I was in for. But what a ride. I was always a sexually open individual. But in my world sexual expression wasnt really part of my routine. Im a 35 year old married man. My wife and I met back in high school and have been together ever since. Our relationship has always been good. We love each other, and the life we have built. But lately our sex life and our life in general has become some what stagnant. We get up go to work, come home have dinner, then go to...

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A Shemale Fantasy and my Wife Part 1

Our relationship has always been good. We love each other, and the life we have built. But lately our sex life and our life in general has become some what stagnant. We get up go to work, come home have dinner, then go to bed. It's the same thing you've heard from couples who have been married for ten years. The excitement level no longer exceeds sexual intercourse more then once a week. It becomes frustrating at times because I've always been the type who wants to try new...

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How I became a Slave to a Shemale

Hey readers, This is Karan, back with another . I am sure that you guys will love it. I lost my asshole virginity to a shemale I met at a massage parlour. She took me to her place and fucked the wits out of me. So let me give you my brief intro again. I am 5 foot 10 inches tall, have a fluffy personality, and have a dark complexion, but attractive. I have a tool of 6 inches, and I am a pansexual from Hyderabad. I am shemale lover and would have sex with shemales only. I am flexible with both...

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This is some of True incidents happen in my life when i take an office trip at last 2 years. After a long flight, I departed, and made arrangements for my luggage to be sent to the hotel, and then went to a restaurant / bar to get a meal and a drink. I am not a good flyer, and get real nervous during a flight, so I needed a drink to calm my nerves. I sat at the bar and ordered my meal and drink. After a few drinks were gone, I noticed this stunningly beautiful lady enter the bar. She sat a few...

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Mile high shemale

“Curious? Bi?” Well, yes, but only with a shemale. Beyond that I’m a firmly planted heterosexual.For many years I longed to have sex with a shemale but never did anything about it. (I’m not much of an initiator).The community I live in has lots of shemale beauts; maybe that started my interest. One such ravishing creature has a gallery close to my office, and I fantasize every time I see her in the coffee shop. She also has an eye popping diamond on her ring finger.Once in a while I’d visit...

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This is some of True incidents happen in my life when i take an office trip at last 2 years. After a long flight, I departed, and made arrangements for my luggage to be sent to the hotel, and then went to a restaurant / bar to get a meal and a drink. I am not a good flyer, and get real nervous during a flight, so I needed a drink to calm my nerves. I sat at the bar and ordered my meal and drink. After a few drinks were gone, I noticed this stunningly beautiful lady enter the bar. She sat a few...

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Young shemale with mature woman

High speed internet has arrived at our cottage, fibre-optics! We own almost 500 acres with a very large pond, nice home with a pool in its backyard. Pond has a lovely beach but is a serious walk from our house/cottage, roughly 20 minutes via a trail through the woods. Seclusion is paramount, peace and quiet, love it!! We've decided to try living at our cottage and have a grown daughter with her husband and k**s live at our house. I went on an extended trip to Europe for business. Wife loved...

3 years ago
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Shemale Ne Mummy Ko Choda

Hi friends yeh story meri, meri mummy aur shemale ke beech hai. Is story mein btaunga kaise shemale ko maine choda aur phir kaise shemale ne meri mummy ki chudai ki. Meri mummy jinka figure 34-30-36, bank mein job karti hai. Unka divorce hue 6 saal ho gaye hai. Mummy job ke karan kafi fit hai. Yeh incident 3 mahine pahle ka hai. Main aise hi net surffing kar raha tha.Tabhi ek din maine shemale wali video dekhi.Woh mujhe kafi achi lagi. Us mein shemale gand marwata hai aur marta bhi hai. Mujhe...

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Mommys Christmas Shemale for David

She had to make it good. It couldn't be just another gift wrapped cologne set, or a gift card to Ulta. She wanted this Christmas to celebrate her newfound lust with her k**s. She wanted David and Dana's presents to be fun, kinky and perverted. That's why, after a few weeks of thinking about it and a little searching, she had finally found David's gift.David had very open tastes. He was very in touch with his sexuality; he knew what he liked, and he was willing to explore new things to keep...

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A tale of male seduced by shemalefrom rohitraj

Hi I am Rohit,I am young,very fair and handsome,well educated decent person age 26 years almost 6 feet tall living in Hyderabad,India.I am a great fan of site and always read the sexual stories.....and compliment the people who write so long stories......i always wanted to share my encounters......but alas i dint met a single encounter.....but recently.....met an exciting one....which i am going to reveal to you people......This is my first story and i request you people...

1 year ago
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London Mein Indian Shemale Se Fuck Hua

Hi dosto, mera naam Azim hai. Meri age 23 hai aur main ek bisexual mard hun. Mujhe sex ka bohut craze hai chahe aurat ke sath ya aadmi ke sath. . Aur yeh meri pehli story ek shemale ke sath hai jo kuch saalon pehle ki hai. Agar aap logon ko meri gay stories aur maid ke sath stories pasand hai toh zaroor yeh story bhi aap logon ko bohut pasand aaye gi. Yeh kahani 2 saal pehle ki hai jab main London mein padhai kar raha tha. Meri age uss waqt 21 thi aur yeh meri birthday ke kuch dinon baad ki...

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Would love a shemale like this

****d (sort of) by a Shemale!I repair computers, often "on site"--in people's homes. I got a call from a woman asking me to come to her house to fix her PC. She told me her name was Shandra. We made arrangements for me to show up there Saturday afternoon. I showed up at the appointed time and was surprised when I saw her--she was taller than I am (I'm 5'11", she had to be at least 6'2") and fairly stocky. She looked like she could kick my ass in a wrestling match, but had an unmistakable...

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My Sister8217s A Shemale

We are a family of four. Me, my parents and my sister. I am 23 years and my sister is 18 years old. She is very beautiful, fair and very sweet looking with small perky boobs and a very petite slender body. I, on the other, am a regular gym goer and have a very good physique, but the thing with me was that I was gay and loved gay and shemale sex. I have done gay sex a couple of times but have never been with a shemale. I always knew there was something different about my sister as I often...

Gay Male
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Sherry got fucked by the Shemale hairdresser Shemale Sex Stories

Living in the poshest parts of New York, Sherry was perfectly happy with every aspect of her life. She was ambitious and had a great job. She earned enough to lead a luxurious life in this part of the city. The only trouble was her hectic lifestyle and how it left her with no time to date. Her last breakup was rather messy. It has been three months since she broke up with her boyfriend. The only thing she misses now is the sex. She was not much into flings and one-night-stands so finding a...

4 years ago
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A Shemale Fantasy and my Wife Part 2

Introduction: I didnt know what I was in for. But what a ride I arrived at work, walked into my office and settled in for the day. Just as I was checking emails on my computer my phone vibrated. I took a look. It was a text from Carol. In closed was a picture of her laying in bed totally nude with her legs spread. The text read, my tight wet pussy is waiting for you. I instantly got horny. I would never dreamed Carol would send me a picture like that. I texted back I cant wait to stick my dick...

3 years ago
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A Shemale Fantasy and my Wife Part 2

About an hour later my phone vibrated once again. It was from Carol. This time she had send me a picture of a shemale. The text read "do you think she's hot?" I responded with a YES! And I meant it. This shemale had beautiful big tits and a pretty big dick. In fact it may have been a bit bigger then mine. This was really starting to get interesting, just like Carol had promised. She was texting me dirty pictures and being really naughty. I loved it. I wanted to be naughty just...

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A Shemale Fantasy and my wife Part 4

Introduction: The Conclusion Basking in the glow of what just happened, I put my head back and just passed out from total bliss. I didnt know what else Carol had in store, but I knew I wanted to be well rested. A few hours later I was woken up by Carol. Wake up baby this day is just getting started she said. My eyes opened and I was like a kid on Christmas morning. I couldnt wait to see and feel what she had in store for me next. Carol instructed me to shower get dressed and leave the house...

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