CHAPTER 4 free porn video

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My alarm awoke me at 5:30. I walked into the bathroom and examined the damage.Okay, not bad either I’m Dorian Gray or my youth is still hanging on. I lathered up my face and began scrapping two days growth off. Then I showered, toweled off, put on my underwear and went out to the kitchen. I had a quick breakfast of black coffee, whole wheat toast, half a g****fruit and cereal. Experience had taught me that it is better to eat in my shorts than change clothes after I dripped something on myself.
I finished dressing having selected loafers, gray socks and slacks, a light blue button down oxford shirt, red suspenders a dark blue jacket and a red white and blue tie. I will confess to being a bit of a clothes horse. My shirts are always heavily starched; my ties are tied in a full Windsor knot and dimpled perfectly in the middle. I am well known for my colorful suspenders.
Then I drove to the office. Traffic wasn’t bad and my mind drifted to Nicole. I had never been around a woman so at home with her sexuality. “If it feels good I’ll do it.” seemed to be her mantra. She had taken me places I had only fantasied about. She was so frank, so open, so feminine and so completely mature. She was amazing. I wondered what had happened with her most recent significant other. What and who had caused the break up. I knew this; it wasn’t because she wasn’t an enthusiastic sex partner.
Damn, she did like sex. We just hit off too. After that first drink we both just knew we were going to have sex. I had no idea it was going to be that good. I recalled her wanting me to come in her ass. Harry began take notice of my thoughts. Did I mention he’s a mind reader? Yup, I can’t have an impure thought without him noticing. I decided I’d better change the subject.
I arrived at the gate and took the lane that passed by the attendant’s little glass walled house. He slid his window back and I opened my driver’s window.
“May I help you sir?”
“I was told there would be a key card here for me.” and gave him my name.
“Oh, yeah. Here you go; from now on you can use the other lane. Just put the card in the slot.”
“Okay, thanks.”
I found a parking place and the elevator that would take me to the floor where the offices were located. I exited the elevator and was greeted by a security guard.
“May I help you sir?”
I proffered my I.D. card. “I know I’m early, could you direct me to a computer?”
“Oh sure, they told me you were coming. There’s an office set up for you. Come with me I’ll show you. Why so early if you don’t mind my asking?”
“Well, for starters I’m still on east coast time. Plus I’ve missed two day’s work due to travel and lost luggage, so I’ve got some catching up to do.”
“Your office is right here. The staff usually starts showing up around 7:30 or so. I’ll be at the elevators if you need me.”
“Okay, thanks could you let Mr. Wallace’s admin know I’m here when you see her?”
“Sure thing.”
I settled in to my temporary office. First I explored all the desk drawers and cabinets on my credenza. Someone had set everything up very nicely. I made a mental note to make sure to let that someone know that his or her efforts were appreciated. I switched on the computer and signed in. I cringed as I brought up my e-mail folder. I glanced at the phone; the message light was blinking at me. I decided to first return the calls they would be from the east coast and everyone would be at work.
By the time I finished I could hear people walking down the hall past my open door. I had just started on the e-mails when there was a light knock at the door.
“Come in please.” I said as I turned away from my computer.
“Good Morning, I’m Jean, Mr. Wallace’s administrative assistant.”
I stood and walked around the desk and extended my hand “Oh, good morning I’ve seen you on a lot of e-mails. Nice to meet you in person”
Jean accepted my hand and smiled. “Mr. Wallace is waiting for you if you’d like to see him now.”
“Sure enough. Let me grab my jacket.”
We walked out of the office and started down the hall. “So, how was your trip apart from the luggage?”
“A boring flight, just how I like them.”
“I take it that Nicole got you settled in with the hotel and your apartment?”
I damn near blushed. “Oh hell yeah, I’d say she took care of me. If fucking my brains out is what you call taking care of me “ My mind raced, did she know? Did Nicole kiss and tell? Were our two evenings together common knowledge? I dismissed the thought. She was way too cool for anything like that.
“She showed me around, the local grocery store, dry cleaners, that sort of thing. I’m pretty much settled in to the apartment or at least as much I can be in a furnished apartment.”
“Is there something you need?”
“No, no nothing at all. Nicole took very good care of me. It’s just that I do a lot of cooking and I don’t have my knives, my pots and pans, measuring cups, that sort of thing. I just feel like I’m in someone else’s kitchen. I’ll get used to it just in time to go back home I’m sure.”
“Isn’t that how it always is, you just get your internal clock reset when you have to go home. Is the office set up to your liking? Anything you need?”
“Everything is just fine “
“Good, Nicole did it. Computer terminal, phone, security, she had a list right down to paper clips.”
“I couldn’t have been treated any better.” I smiled at Jean who seemed not to see any irony in my response.
“I’m so glad; this was Nicole’s first time at coordinating a visitor from headquarters set up and itinerary. You know she had to change meetings, a dinner everything at the last minute because of your luggage. That wasn’t easy.Well, here we are you can go right in.”
“Thanks Jean.”
I stepped through the door. Mr. Wallace stood and walked around his desk. “Good morning, are we glad to see you. Did Nicole get you squared away?”
I hoped my red face didn’t show. “Very well thank you.”
“She’s a top notch gal, I think she’s one of our company’s rising stars. Don’t you agree?”
“Well, my experience was certainly more than I expected.”
Wallace blew right by the comment. No sly grin, nothing. “Yeah, nice looking too in a plain but still pretty way, you know what I mean? Want some coffee?
“That sounds good, thank-you.” I elected not to take what might be bait regarding Nicole.
Mr. Wallace stepped to a coffee service and poured two cups. “How do you take it?”
“Black is fine.”
“Do you want one of these pastries? They’re fresh this morning.”
“No I’d better not. But thanks.”
“So I have to make a confession to you.” He turned and offered me the coffee and motioned to the wing back chairs beside a small coffee table. As we sat down he said, “I found out last week that our problem is a little bigger than we thought.”
“How’s that?”
“Well, it seems some of the front line supervisors are about ready to quit and someone covered up the real results of the last test run. The two systems were further out of balance than we originally thought.”
We went on with our discussion and finally called headquarters and spoke ion the speaker phone with my boss. It was determined that job one for me would be to interview all the affected stakeholders and find out just what was going on. It was also determined that I was going to be there for a lot more than the two weeks that had been originally scheduled. To this end I was to return home tomorrow and pick up more clothes. Wallace had Jean make reservation for the first flight home.
Two department heads were called in; we went over their organizational charts and started to schedule individual meetings with key players.
We broke for lunch. As we were leaving Wallace’s office I saw Nicole. God she looked hot. She was wearing a suit with tight skirt that ended just above her knees; the curve of her ass was accentuated by the blue material that was stretched across that glorious mound. Her long legs were beautifully complimented by her three inch high heels. Her blue jacket was open revealing white nylon blouse that buttoned down the front. Two bulges were just barely visible under the jacket. Then there were her glasses. She hadn’t worn them before, they were wire rimmed and rectangular and they set her face off beautifully. She looked sexy but so understated and classy. I call it “Librarian sexy.” Wallace called it plain but still pretty. Her looks had a way of growing on you.
After lunch another meeting was scheduled with some of the other key players. Of course Nicole had set this up and had insured herself a place at the table. Finally we broke out.
Nicole approached me. “There is a dinner scheduled tonight for you, Wallace and couple of V.P.s that you haven’t met yet.
”Will you be there?”
“It’s sort of above my pay grade. But I have to work late anyway. I’ll be here until around 8:00. If you finish by then call me and I’ll come over. The room-mate is in town and she and her boyfriend are at my place.”
“Okay, sounds good. I have an early flight back home tomorrow.”
“I know, I suggested the change in plans.”
“Is there anything you’re not in control of?”
“I like being in control of things, most of the time.” She smiled as she turned away.
Dinner was over at 7:30. Wallace cornered me as we were leaving. “Got plans for the rest of the evening?”
“No, I’m just going back to the apartment and go to bed. I’m still on east coast time.”
“Well, I know how you single guys are especially when you’re out of town. I know a couple of places that have adult entertainment if you get my drift.”
I go his drift alright and a titty bar was the last thing on my mind. “Naw, this single guy is ready for bed. I’ve got an early flight tomorrow.”
“Okay, maybe some other time.”
“Not if I can dodge it.” I thought to myself. “Sure.” I said aloud.
I called Nicole’s cell phone. “We’re done, are you close to quitting?”
“Yeah, I’ll meet you there. I’m leaving now.”
When I arrived at the apartment Nicole was already there, waiting in her car.
“Hi k**, how’d you beat me here?”
“I left the office and went to the bar down the street from here. I’ve been there for an hour. It’s been a long time since I went to a bar alone. I could have been picked up three times and married twice. It’s nice to know I’ve still got it.”
“Jesus Nicole, you haven’t got it, it’s more like you invented it. Put your glasses on again.”
She laughed as she reached into her purse. “You are a pervert aren’t you?”
We entered the apartment and I took off my jacket. I walked into kitchen with Nicole following me. “Want a drink?”
“Yes please and a joint too if you don’t mind.”
“You roll it and I’ll make the drinks, the dope is in that drawer, brandy or something else?”
“Brandy works.” She busied herself with the joint.
“What’s up with the glasses? I hadn’t seen you wear them before.”
“They’re just for reading, but I wear them all the time at the office. Too much trouble taking them off and putting them on and I hate the strap thing around my neck.”
I smelled the sweet marijuana smoke as I turned to hand Nicole her drink and she passed me the joint. I took a deep hit and held it in. I passed the joint back her. After a few more exchanges I sat the remains of the joint in a saucer that we were using for an ash tray. I sipped my brandy and considered asking her to go to bed or out to the couch. I started to ask her when she reached her arms around my neck and pressed her body against mine. I could feel the hard rounds of her breasts pressed into my chest. I sat my glass down and took her in my arms kissing her deeply. She responded by pushing me into the dining room. She pulled out a chair with one hand kissing me and maneuvering me until I sat down on the chair.
She took off her jacket and sat down on me, her legs straddling one of mine, her skirt pushed up to mid-thigh. Then her hands found my tie and loosened it. She kissed me deeply on the mouth. I reached forward and put my hands on her ass then slid them down her legs. The feel of her pantyhose heightened my excitement. I buried my face against her breasts. Her nylon blouse was smooth against my skin. I nuzzled against her breasts slowly pressing my face against one, then the other.
Nicole responded by moving her legs downward to further push her skirt up her thighs. I slid down a little on the chair so my lower back was on the most forward part of the seat. Nicole stood up, her legs spread. She rocked slowly from side to side then sat down again her crotch now firmly planted against my leg. Her skirt was now just covering her butt. I slid my hands under her skirt and onto her nylon clad ass. I pulled her forward, she responded eagerly by pressing her thigh into my crotch. Harry was being crushed and he was enjoying it
I reached for her breasts with my hands feeling and gently squeezing her firm breasts under her bra. I bent my head down and kissed them through her nylon blouse. She was now riding my thigh with her crotch and pressing her thigh into mine. She backed off slightly and I felt her undoing the clasp on my pants, then she struggled momentarily with the zipper before freeing Harry to observe and participate in the proceedings.
I began unbuttoning her blouse, when her bra was exposed I couldn’t stop myself from kissing one of the cups while I felt the other with my hand. I rubbed my face across the white lace, and then pressed upwards slightly to expose some cleavage so I could kiss her there as well.
I was a little surprised when Harry was grasped in a death grip. Nicole slid down and placed harry in her mouth. She began slowly stoking and sucking and licking. She pursed her lips and kissed Harry gently on his head, her tongue flicking in and out almost snake like. Then she slowly opened her mouth taking Harry deep into her throat. She slowly pulled back then started stroking swiftly while she sucked on Harry’s head. Then she was down again, allowing Harry to explore her tonsils.
Nicole released Harry; kissed him a few times and licked him as she stood up. She reached out and slipped my suspenders off of my shoulders. Her pantyhose clad tummy was inches from my face. I reached around grabbed her ass pulling her into my face. I wrapped one hand around her and gripped her butt and with the other I began to push aside her obliging thighs. I pressed my hand hard against her crotch, moving back and forth just a little, The heel of my palm was pressed against her clitoris. I felt her grow wet as her dampness soaked through her panties and pantyhose. I reached further back and began massaging her from her ass to her vagina. This freed my other hand to reach up and grab a breast again. She was moaning softly. “Oh God does that feel good.”
I felt the tail of her blouse brush against the top of my head. Her hands went to the sides of my face and she began lifting me up. Her blouse was open now and as I passed by her breasts I kissed each of them through her bra. Our mouths found each others and we kissed deeply. My pants and underwear had fallen to my knees. She turned her back to me and rubbed Harry against her ass. I reached around and cupped her lace covered breasts in my hands. She said, “You can pull my pantyhose down if you want to.”
“Ahh that would be very nice.” I slipped one hand down the front of her pantyhose, I found the top of her panties and slid my fingers under the elastic and then to her clitoris and finally into her vagina. She was so wet. Her natural lubricant was almost flowing.
“I want you. I want you right now, right here. I want you to fuck me.”
“I want to be in you. I want Harry inside you.” I pulled her pantyhose and panties down and lowered myself onto the chair. She turned to me and pushed herself between my thighs then spread her legs, stretching her pantyhose and panties. She reached down and grasped Harry firmly and slid him into her vagina. The she pulled her pantyhose back up to the tops of her thighs trapping my testicles inside the top of her hose. Harry was very happy in the warm grip of her vagina.
I began to rhythmically press upwards with my buttocks and she rolled her hips to compliment the motion. I reached up and by lifting the bottom strap freed a breast from the confines of its bra cup. My mouth was on her nipple hungrily sucking and alternately caressing her breast.
She let out a sound that was a combination of whimper and moan and I knew she was near her climax. “I want to let it go.” I whispered to her.
“Now, come inside me” I of course obliged her request much to her delight. She shuddered in the throes of her orgasm her breathe coming in spasms. I thought she was going to cry. Then a huge sigh, “Can you just stay in me for a minute? I just want you in me and close to me.”
“I’ll do my best.” We just stayed there for a while, kissing occasionally, my mouth finding her breast every now and then. My hands gently stroking her nylon clad thighs and ass.
Then she was up. “Be right back.” she said pulling up her underclothes. She left me for the bathroom. I went to the kitchen and cleaned the remains of our mutual orgasm off Harry with a damp paper towel.
I took a pull off my brandy.
She came back to the kitchen dressed in her bra, pantie and pantyhose. “May I stay the night?”
“Or I could just k**nap you. But you know I have to get up a 4:30 to make my flight.” I replied. My God she looked so damn sexy in her underwear.
“That’s okay, I’ll have to go home and change. Can I bring some things over?”
“Sure make yourself at home. In fact take the spare key.”
We went to bed a short time later. I asked her to leave her bra and panties and her pantyhose on. She giggled a little and obliged me. She snuggled up to me. Her nylon encased legs intertwined with mine, her breasts covered with the smooth nylon lace cups against my chest. We fell asleep in each others arms; too spent to have another go at it. But Harry, well he was ready but to no avail.
The next morning I was flying home with two empty suitcases

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“You really think we should be doing this?” Mallory wrung her hands visibly as she spoke the words.“Trust me, this guy’s okay,” Vanessa said to the younger girl. “And if he does try anything, I’ll mace out his eyeballs.”Vanessa wouldn’t have granted a ride to a long-haired drifter on a regular day, least of all with someone else in her charge, but she trusted her instincts and current circumstances demanded action.She had first laid eyes on him back in the roadside diner hitting on a pretty...

2 years ago
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Captain Ch 01

It was nearly 9am when Jack walked into the office that Monday morning and he sensed at once that everything was not right. Stella the receptionist was not her usual self and appeared to be extremely flustered. Usually a very calm and organised person, this morning she was nearly in tears. She was one of Jack’s favourite colleagues and he felt he needed to help her if possible. ‘Hi Stella, bad weekend?’ Jack asked. ‘Oh, Jack it’s not the weekend it’s Mr Green, he is in a foul mood and shouted...

3 years ago
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Doing It Her Way

Steve opened his eyes, quickly realising it had not been a dream — he really was tied up. His arms were pulled over his head, making his shoulders ache fiercely. Scrabbling, he managed to get his feet under him to take his weight, reducing the strain on his arms and shoulders. His wrists weren't tied, they were chained, the links running up to a beam in the ceiling. His jacket and shirt were gone — he was bare-chested, barefoot and, judging by the blood, he'd been in a fight. The last thing...

3 years ago
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Meeting Nick for a quicky

It was a Saturday, my husband had the flu and was sick and asleep in bed. About 9am I was sitting drinking a cup of coffee when I received a msg from my lover Nick asking me what I'm doing today, as he is alone and horny? I had nothing really planned accept watching my daughter while my hubby recovers. Nick was house sitting at his Gf's house as they all had gone away for a family matter. He asked if I wanted to come over but I politely decline. The day went on and eventually my husband got out...

4 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 6 What Do You Mean Married

The observation car was empty as I left Kalani's stateroom, so I headed for the Dining Car. As I crossed the connecting vestibule between the two cars, I could hear the raucous crowd inside. It seems like everyone else was already at dinner. And having a good time! When I enter the Dining Car, I was greeted with "... 'bout time!" and "It's sleepy-head!" I was headed for the galley in the center of the train for some iced tea, when Vickie grabbed my hand and pulled me close....

1 year ago
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BrattyMilf Casca Akashova Stepmom Drains My Balls

Jason knows that he’s supposed to go to a family reunion with his dad and stepmom, Casca Akashova. He tires to ask Casca to get out of it, but she reminds him that he knows he has to go. Changing tactics, Jason tell Casca that he’s run out of toothpaste and asks if he can go into her bathroom to get some. When he gets permission, he actually borrows one of his dad’s dick pills so he can have a good time before the reunion. Jason is in his bed jacking off when Casca comes in to...

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GreeniesChapter 23A

Eden main line of defense September 14, 2146 0445 hours The 17th, 9th, and 14th ACRs, the battered veterans of two Jutfield Gap battles, made their way into the rear areas, passing through the main line of defense and assembling in staging areas west of the city but east of the artillery positions. Eden defense doctrine dictated that these three regiments were to be resupplied and refueled and then utilized as tactical reserve units for the 2nd Infantry Division where their rapid mobility...

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Sorority Rush

Sorority Rush by Elrod W. "Why do we have to take her?" Annie fussed again. "She's no fun." Jeanette stamped her foot impatiently. "Because we said we would," she answered sternly. Besides, she thought to herself, I promised to help her fit in. Annie wasn't satisfied. "You know the Tri-Delta girls won't like her." Jeanette bit her lip. Annie had a point. The Delta-Delta-Delta sorority house had a reputation for being snobs. But it was considered the best sorority house on...

1 year ago
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Alix Ludivine Slut srs Cousin Joh

Alix & Ludivine, the Slut s****rs with their Gorgeous Cousin John Introduction We are two beautiful twin s****rs. We sl**p together in the same bed since ever. Our late parents were very permissive because of our cuteness. We are blond, blue-eyed. We love sport clothes, always in track or sweat suits. We love sneakers, tennis, basket, skate shoes. Now, at the age of 18, and still never touched by men, we continue to love each other very very much indeed. We live by our own, making lesbian...

2 years ago
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Discovering watersports ch 4

“Let’s go for a drink across the road. Fancy some more cross dressing?” Anna asked as we went into our bedroom, having just fucked on our daughter’s bed. Both k**s were at her mother’s for a sleepover. When they’re away we try to fuck in every room of the house and generally enjoy ourselves. “Can I try your new football kit?”“Why not?” I said. I watched as she peeled off the damp split crotch panties and took off her bra and went into the en-suite to have a shower. “But just wait there a...

1 year ago
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An unexpected visit from friends

Working from home has its benefits. One of them is I can dress however the fuck I please. Which most of the time means I dress as a woman. On this particular day, it was pretty hot, so I was only wearing stayups, some cute, coral lace - a gift from my wife, and a light summer dress. Messy bun, and light makeupAs I was up in the kitchen making myself a cold drink, I heard my wife coming home from work. What I did not expect was hearing other voices downstairs as well. The voices of a couple we...

3 years ago
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Cynthia MartinChapter 53

Vangie was pounding on Colleen's shoulder and the two women were hugging each other, oblivious to the fact that they were both nude. They were in the library at Jan's watching the Pro Bowl game and cheering for Cathy. Vangie winced as she sat down. Her ass was black and blue from daily sessions with Maureen and her paddle which had replaced the whip Jan had used on Cindy. When dinner was over each day, Vangie would give a recitation of her day's mistakes and shortcomings. Jan would...

2 years ago
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The College Roomate

It was a surprise getting the call from Tim. I mean it had been only 5 years ago and I really haven't stayed in touch with him so I never thought I'd be getting a call from him. I answered him in the kitchen and put it on speaker phone. At first I didn't know who he was but when I recognized his voice I immediately regretted answering him on the speaker phone because my wife was right here at the table. I told Vicky about Tim but I didn't tell her everything about Tim. I guess he was just one...

3 years ago
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Sam and Dennis A Tale From The Girls Locker Room Part I

Sam and Dennis - A Tale from the girls locker room - Part One - by John Howarth - ©copyright 2001 My Stories may be added to Any Free access Archive with similar content as long as the content is not modified and this notice and the copyright is maintained. Direct comments and email to [email protected] * * * * * * * Forward This story used a Halloween story by Jennifer Adams as the stimulus. This story centers on Sam Smythe and leaves room for someone else to...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 372

The Retreat ... Charlotte and Ada sat for a moment as Diana's words sank in. Both mother and daughter were clearly skeptical as they furtively glanced at the other three women. Diana let out a chuckle. "You can say it; we won't get mad." Ada hesitated. "This is no joke? You're actually telling us that Susan is your mother and Arlene is your daughter?" "Got it in one," Diana said with a grin. "But..." Ada began. Then, after studying Susan's and Arlene's faces some more, she...

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Becoming Melissas Cuckold Pt10

I wasn’t happy to see Tayshaun. I didn’t like the way he treated or spoke to me, and I was also worried that Melissa was spending too much time with him. I accepted her sleeping with other men, but I felt like Melissa and Tayshaun were getting too close, doing things like going shopping, grabbing dinner or catching a movie. At the very least, those were the kinds of things that I wanted reserved for me. As crazy as it might sound, I would have rather that Melissa had gone upstairs with Jessica...

2 years ago
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Even when you were little, I encouraged you to run around the garden with nothing on, watching you and looking at your cute little body, imagining how it would look when you were older... I'd scoop up your naked body in my arms, and kiss your rosebud lips ... I'd lift you higher, and kiss your tiny nipples... We always kissed each other on the lips. You'd come and sit on my lap after you'd had your bath, dressed in your short little nightie, your bare bottom wriggling on my hardening cock...

3 years ago
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Birthday party ORGY

Hi friends this story happened when i am working in Bangalore hope you like this story and comment me sumbit your feedback to [email protected] friends I am Leo I am 24 years old working in a MNC at Hyderabad presently. After completing my engineering I got posted as trainee in Bangalore so I was transferred to Hyderabad recently. So this was happened when I am in Bangalore.So the characters in this story are.Myself Leo I am 5’10” height and my tool was 7” and an average sized I am...

2 years ago
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A Farm Story Part 8 Dinner with Jack

Men! So Jack just called me, like after a week of waiting around the phone. I mean, I still see him in school and all. But he's been kind of avoiding me. I know he hangs out with Tammy a whole lot more, which of course is making me jealous, except I gave him permission. Now Jack calls me out of the blue and tells me he wants to see me. Like I wonder what that means. He's going to pick me up. Mother has been watching over me lately. I think she feels kind of sorry for me, because...

1 year ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 33

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webseiten, ...

4 years ago
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A trip down memory lane part 1

My wife and I returned to a place we had stayed in when we 18. We had fond memories of the little guest house by the sea. Especially since that was the scene of our first swinger experience. 18 and very much in love we were rampant in bed,the table, the bathroom, well anywhere really. We were looking forward to a few days fucking each other's brains out. After a frantic and exhausting afternoon we decided to go out and have dinner. Maybe grab a few drinks. Newcastle in Co Down is not short of...

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The older man

The wife and I had gone on a weekend away, this particular day we'd gone off on a day trip. Our coach driver, Mick, was very easy going and taking his time pointing out all the local attractions as we passed. When we got to our destination we had a couple of hours to kill. The wife and I were looking around a small village when we bumped into Mick.He said he enjoys his job but doesn't like been away from home, he was 61, married with two grown up boys. We spoke for a while then walked back to...

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A Blissful Sleep

As I entered the pub, my eyes were immediately attracted to your red/auburn hair. Your smile was a welcome relief from the long day. Unfortunately work had run late and we were going to miss the show. I tried to apologize but you would have none of it. You accepted my life revolved around my work. Not reluctantly like other men’s wives or girlfriends, but almost gladly sharing in my success more like a friend. Although a few years separated our ages, I found that very attractive. Most women in...

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Bhabhi8217s Sister 8211 A Beauty To Cherish 8211 Part 2

Hello friends this is Ashish again bringing a sequel of Bhabhi’s Sister – A Beauty to Cherish. I’ll give a short introduction about the previous part. Megha is a widow in her mid thirtees with admiring assets which measures around 36-32-38 and me Ashish 24 and working with a bank as an officer. In previous part I’d penned down how Megha and I made love to each other in the night when she stayed for a doctor’s appointment. But hold on your breaths for this part. After that incident Megha and I...

3 years ago
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Teacher Aunty Gets Blackmailed Fuck

HI friends, I am back your teacher/aunty Sunita. You have read my story of aunty gets satisfied and cummed on each and every part of my body whenever and however you loved it. I was out of the website for some reasons. I am going to narrate to you some recent incidents that are going on in my life. This incident are from last 3 years. you all know that I have a daughter but before I start my story let me remind you of how I look. I am about 6 feet you can combine tabu height with vidya balans...

4 years ago
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Movie Surprise

“Buddy!” The call took me half by surprise and I looked off to my left, there were two of my friends, one a reporter at the local newspaper and the other a nurse at the hospital. I grinned and waved, they came on to the deck and I motioned for them to sit down. “So how are you two doing?” “Quite busy, I had a few stories to cover today,” Cleo* answered, she has shoulder length blonde hair, brown eyes, stands around 5’2” and in her own words, “My weight is centred around my boobs”,...

4 years ago
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A Dangerous liaison Part Two

Part twoFor some strange reason, Sara’s mention of Jeff’s name, re-iterated the illicit nature of our sexual tryst. Her words aroused both her and I, confirming our sexual unfaithfulness toward her husband and my friend.Sara got up from the bar, her perfect naked body swaying as she walked upstairs to her bedroom to change in to her next outfit. As she walked away, her black thigh length boots commanded attention. Her movement was graceful and feline as she eased her way up the staircase. I...

2 years ago
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Vengeance Synopsis: A former intelligence agent who lost everything in a terrorist attack decides to get revenge. His methods are quite unconventional... [email protected] ********************************************************************** Vengeance "Comfy?" The man on the cot turned his head, startled from a fitful sleep. He started to move, and immediately was restrained by the shackles on one leg and one arm. He glanced up, past the glare of...

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Midday Surprise

You thought you were home alone, sitting on the couch and were in a naughty mood, so you put on a nice sexy video to watch. You normally left this to the night so you could go to sleep right afterwards so you decided 'What the hell... ' and started to play with your clit. The video was starting to get heavy and you saw that the guy on screen is really sexy and that just turned you on more. There was a girl in the room and she was kissing him. He pinned her to the wall and reached over onto...

1 year ago
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Sex Fantasies Of Neighbor Teen Janhvi 8211 Part 2

Hello readers, please read the first part before reading this one. Janhvi left to her home after giving me a nice, long blowjob to me. We did sexting after she had gone home. After 11 pm, we did video chat after her parents slept. I was disappointed to see as she had completely covered her body with a blanket. I wanted to see her naked tender teenage hot body but she had covered it from head to toe. She was teasing me. I said, “Remove the blanket, baby.” She replied, “It’s very cold here.” “I...

2 years ago
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Dinner and Then SomeChapter 6

Leigh lay in her bath, indulging in a slow masturbation and tried to recall the places and ways they'd done it. Over the last two weeks they'd been like rabbits on a honeymoon. She'd even gone out and on a whim had her nipples pierced. Michael had been enthralled with them, and after they had had a chance to heal, played with them constantly. They made love everywhere. The dining room table; Leigh had marred it with her bracelet while gripping its sides as Michael had hammered her with...

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BlackAmbush Remy 04282019

20 year old first-timer Remy has gorgeous blue eyes, a very healthy sexual appetite, and wants to take the porn world by storm. The “pretty girl” picture session she probably fantasises about ain’t happening today, neither are most of the other things newcomers expect. Like a makeup artist. Or time to change outfits. No, instead white camera guy Troy just tells Remy to keep an open mind and that she needs to be able to swing with the punches in this business. Showing her great...

2 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 24 Escape from Hell part III

Va'Talki walked into the probe room. In his arms he held a struggling child that he tossed in the corner. "Don't you move," he said as he shut the door. Going over to a console built into the wall, he powered it up. The holographic board came up on the panel, and he started programming the automatic probe launcher. Pressing another control, he looked to his right, and watched as the probe launcher moved and a heavy laser battery moved into the tubes position as the iris...

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