What are friend for
- 2 years ago
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Thursday started overcast and remarkably cool. I was happy to wrap up in Jeans and my cardigan. I confess that I had slept remarkably well and despite the change in the weather, I started the day feeling refreshed and remarkably alive. Somehow I knew this was going to be a very good day.
I was so glad that Tom had fallen asleep when I arrived back to the room, I had been convinced that he would know what I had been doing just by looking at me, or worse still, smell sex. I had been convinced that every man in the hotel had known what I had been doing, but somehow that just contributed to the warm glow that had developed inside me, I had become a woman that was desired and wanted. I felt special.
Tom had set an early alarm. As we sat and enjoyed breakfast together, he brought me up to date with work. I have always taken an interest in the job he did, and always made sure I was there to listen to ideas and grumbles whenever they arose, particularly if he needed to just vent. I was genuinely concerned that this round of talks had not gone well, but when he told me that he had to go to Rome, I found it hard not to cry out with joy.
I would have a whole day alone. A whole day to do whatever I chose without having to face the reality of what I was, a faithful married woman. I know that I should have been questioning my judgment, reminding myself of the vows we had made when we got married, but if those thoughts were there in my head, they did not linger. I wanted to enjoy myself. I wanted to experience new things. I wanted to experience sex in new ways. I wanted to be fucked by someone I did not know.
Tom had organized a rental car with the hotel, and told me that he would drive back this evening if the meetings finished early, otherwise he would stay over and return in the morning. I sincerely wished him luck. I genuinely wanted things to go well for him, but secretly hoped he would have to stay.
The woman from reception came to tell Tom that his car was ready and waiting for him. When he ran back to the room to pack an overnight bag and collect his papers, she handed me an envelope, simply saying ‘a message for you, Mrs. De Carlo.’
I puzzled at first who might leave a message for me. Tom had been sitting next to me until a few seconds ago, and any family or friends would have called his cell. Then I realized. This was from whoever was making out with me on the terrace.
I looked round the room thinking that whoever it was must be watching me. The restaurant was busy with people taking breakfast. A few people seemed to notice that I was looking, and acknowledged me with a smile. The other guests, the waiters, there were any number of possible candidates, but none gave any hint that they had enjoyed licking and finger fucking me last night.
I opened the envelope. It was standard hotel key folder with a room number, and a time. Inside the key folder was a key card. I glanced at my watch. It was just after 8.00am. I had six hours to wait.
After Tom left, I tried to distract myself by reading, but thoughts of the things that had happened, and imagining the things that might happen, made it impossible. I read the same couple of pages several times over without grasping a single sentence. I tried flicking through a magazine, but the articles dwelling on the excesses of celebrities, and glossy images of women in sexy underwear, just made it worse. It was going to be six hours of agony.
I went for a walk. I stopped for coffee and a pastry and then made my way to the boutique where I had bought the dress. I had made up my mind that if I was going to be seen in my underwear by a stranger, then it was going to be the sexiest underwear I could manage. I did not want to use my bank card, that would alert Tom to what I was doing, but I hoped I had enough cash.
The sales girl remembered me. I had thought that my limited knowledge of Italian, and her broken English were going to cause problems, but it soon became clear that she thought I was planning a surprise for the husband that bought the dress, and translated my thoughts perfectly, even if the man was not my husband.
I ended up with lilac satin panties and bra, trimmed with black lace. They perfectly matched the dress that I thought of wearing. And as I had been encouraged to step into the changing rooms, undress, be properly measured, and try them on, I could attest that they fitted perfectly, and looked adorable.
By 2.00pm, I had showered, dressed, and spent forever with make up and hair. I wanted to look perfect. I wore a knee length, sleeveless purple dress, and black high heels. I tried hard to hold on to the thought that I looked classy, but being dressed up in the middle of the day made me extremely self conscious. Thankfully the room was towards the back of the hotel and I passed no-one.
I arrived exactly on time, feeling nervous and very, very horny. I knocked, but after a few moments of nothing, let myself in. The room was a smallish twin, but furnished in much the same style as the suite that Tom and I occupied. The window opened onto a small, rather dusty courtyard, so the room appeared quite dark, but someone had left fresh flowers on one table which gave it a friendly, homey sort of feel.
On a second table stood an ice bucket, a bottle of Prosecco, and some glasses. On the bed a black scarf. In the few minutes I had alone, I opened the bottle, downed a full glass of wine, and tied the scarf tightly over my eyes. The wine was Dutch courage. I felt less certain why I wanted to be blindfold, but somewhere in my head I thought, if I did not know who was fucking me, I would not be embarrassed after.
I heard the door. I stood by the end of the bed and soon felt the presence of someone standing very close to me. Lips kissed me gently on the mouth. I recognized them, their feel, their taste. I knew it was the same person that had kissed me the past three nights. I felt strangely safe and loved.
Hands started to fondle my breasts, very gently and very slowly. Each time they brushed over a nipple, a tremor traveled down my body to my already aching groin. I felt the zip of my dress being pulled down, and allowed it to slide off my shoulders. As my dress landed in a heap at my ankles I tried clumsily to step out of it, and two hands took mine to help steady me. It was then that I realized there was still a hand on my back. Three hands. I gasped and stiffened.
Something was said in Italian which I did not understand, and then the voice spoke to me. ‘I am so sorry, we did not mean to frighten you.’ The voice was female. I felt so confused. The hands holding mine gently guided me so I could sit on the edge of the bed.
‘If you wish us to leave, we will do so immediately, but please accept that I am sorry, I did not mean to upset you.’
‘I thought you were …’ I started.
‘A man? Please, believe me that right this very moment, I wish that I were. I am very attracted to you, and I thought from our little exchanges, that you felt the same.’
My mind raced. Those moments on the terrace were with a woman? Of course it made sense, the softness of those hands, the kiss, the tenderness. But I had deluded myself that it was a man. I had so desperately wanted to be fucked by this person, that I had not even considered the possibility that it was anything but a man.
Taking my silence for dismissal she stood and started to move away. I instinctively reached out for her hand, and said, ‘no, please, it is I that is sorry. I want you to stay. I want you both to stay.’
There was a moment of stillness. Silence. She leaned forward and kissed me. ‘Thank you. I thought I understood what it was that you wanted, and thought that this would make you happy. If I had a penis, I would not dream of relying on someone else, but sadly I am not a man.’
I could not think of anything appropriate to say, so I simply squeezed her hand and stood, hopefully showing both of them that I was
ready. I tried to imagine how I looked in the lilac satin panties and bra. I hoped that the extreme sense of being aroused was not leaving unsightly wet stains.
‘I have one question,’ she asked, ‘do you wish that he wears a condom?’
I thought about the joy I had felt when Tom first made love to me without a condom, how wonderful it was to feel him cum inside me. ‘No,’ I replied. I did not once think about any risks.
Hands once again started to touch my breasts and caress my skin. I was acutely aware that this time, the hands were masculine, the feminine one being tightly held in mine. It was not long before my bra and panties were skilfully removed and I stood there completely naked, scrutinized by two pairs of eyes. It is a truly exquisite feeling knowing that you are being looked at with desire and lust.
I was guided to sit on the edge of the bed, and listened to what I assumed was the sound of the man undressing. A hand gently took the back of my head and pulled me forward until I felt the man’s penis brush against my face. I used both hands to reach forward and guide it into my mouth.
I have already confessed that Tom is the only man that I have been intimate with, so my experience of size was non existent. What I now grasped was far larger than I imagined a penis could be. I was able to hold both of my admittedly small hands around the shaft, and still have room for the beautifully bulbous head to fill my mouth. I felt it push against my tonsils. I know that I audibly sighed, and I felt a sudden rush of warmth in my groin. I could feel the bed covers where I sat becoming damp with what was flowing from my vagina.
I was then guided to lay back. The woman was behind me so my head rested on her leg. I instinctively reached for her hand, wanting her to be part of what I was experiencing. The man lifted my legs off the floor, raising them high up towards my shoulders. I managed to hold one. The woman, the other.
I imagined how I must look. I imagined how inflamed and engorged my cunt lips and clitoris were, I could feel them burning. I imagined my swollen cunt fully stretched and exposed in front of a man that I did not know. And not just stretched and exposed, but dripping and leaving puddles on the bed. I imagined seeing my tight little bum, puckered and twitching. I imagined all of me, waiting to be taken.
The head of this enormous cock was soon rubbing the entrance to my cunt. He clearly wanted me every bit as much as I needed him. Each time his penis touched my clitoris, an earthquake went off inside me, sending shudders through my whole body. When he did finally enter me, I had an immediate orgasm. I screamed out words, obscenities. I had never sworn in whole life.
Thankfully all of this was taken as encouragement. He did not stop. He continued to feed his cock into my now aching cunt. Slowly, with each successive thrust, taking it deeper. I felt the end of it pushing against my cervix, but still he continued to thrust and push, distorting and stretching my insides in ways I did not know possible.
I felt his testicles slapping against my bum, the wet now oozing from me making them stick, so it sounded as if they were slapping me. Finally I felt the lower part of his belly rubbing into mine, squeezing my clitoris between our bodies. That and the sensation of being fucked deep and hard sent me over the top one more time. I screamed and I shook, and I continued to shake, as he continued to fuck me.
The thrusting and pushing eventually gave way to a moment of stillness, as he exploded inside me. I could feel his cock throb as he released hot sticky cum deep into my womb, the force of it seeming to fill me even more.
When he withdrew, it was to mutual sighs from us both, while my cunt joined in with the sound of what can only be described as a fart, as if it were blowing bubbles. Far from being embarrassed by the noise, I felt as if I could rejoice in it. I felt wonderful.
The woman, who had held my hand during the whole experience, now leaned forward and kissed me, the sweetest and gentlest of kisses that is possible to imagine. ‘Please do not move,’ she asked, ‘I will be right back.’
I did move, but it was only to slide further up the bed to get more comfortable. I could hear the rustling of clothes, and a hushed conversation in Italian. I made out the words ‘grazie’ and ‘molto bravo’ but little else. After the door closed, there was more rustling of clothes, and a body slid down onto the bed next to me. A naked body. A naked female body.
‘My my,’ she said, ‘he has always claimed he was built like a horse, but I thought he was just bragging. I can see I will have to take him more seriously in future.’
‘I have never imagined being fucked by a horse.’
She laughed. A sweet, contagious, easy laugh. She reached for the scarf. ‘Shall we take this of?’
When it came off there was a brief moment where my eyes struggled to focus, but then I recognized her. Her beautiful smile. Her beautiful large black eyes. It was Anna.
It was Anna that had greeted us and checked us in when we had arrived at the hotel. It was Anna that I had laughed and joked with almost every time we had passed the reception desk. It was Anna that had seemed so very sincere when she said she would do anything to make our stay a happy one. It was Anna that passed me the envelope this morning.
I had judged myself to be only a few years older than her, but now, seeing her naked body at such close quarters, her absolutely perfect olive skinned body, she looked a lot younger. She was petite, slim, with long black hair. She had perfectly formed pert breasts with large dark brown nipples.
After all the times I had complained about Tom and other men not looking at women’s faces when they spoke to them, here I was staring at Anna’s breasts. Transfixed by them. ‘I am glad you approve,’ she said.
‘May I touch?’ I stupidly asked.
‘I really wish you would,’ she replied, reaching for my hand and placing it so that it cupped her. Her breast seemed to fit perfectly into my palm. It felt so very, very good. I smile up at her face. Her beautiful face.
‘I take it you have never been with a woman before.’
‘No,’ I admitted.
‘Is that because the thought repulsed you?’
‘No, it is because I never imagined that I could be with anyone but my husband.’
‘Hmmm. That seems to have changed.’ She laughed, and moved to kiss me. It was wonderful feeling her lips against mine, and quite magical when our breasts touched. I instinctively put my arms around her, pulling her ever closer, and kissed her deeply and passionately.
‘If you have never been with a woman, then you have never tasted a woman.’
‘And does that idea repulse you?’
‘On the contrary,’ I said, ‘I am quite looking forward to it.’
With that she pushed herself up onto all fours, and shuffled across the bed. She placed her feet either side of my shoulders, then sat back so that her bum hovered above my face. I was able to raise one arm so that my hand was again able to touch her breast. She clasped her hand over mine. I had no control of my head, the most I could do was open my mouth and stick my tongue out. There was no room for other movement.
My tongue first seemed to make contact with her perineum, that tender area of flesh that separates vagina from anus. I knew the term from the number of times mine had been cut and subsequently stitched in childbirth. But for Anna, this part of her body was clearly very sensitive. She gave an involuntary sigh as my tongue slid over her flesh.
As she eased her body back, my tongue reached the lips of her cunt. Wet and swollen. I used to masturbate regularly when I was a teenager and licked my fingers often, so I knew what the taste was like, but it was very different having that taste direct from another woman. It was sweet and salty at the same time, and seemed to coat the
end of my tongue.
Anna continued to move until I reached her clitoris. I thrust my tongue out as hard as I could, wanting to pleasure her, but no sooner than I thought I was making contact, she moved, and slid her body forward, forcing my tongue against the tight sweet hole to her bum. This was something I could never have imagined. The end of my tongue seemed to tingle. It was delicious. I could feel her anus relax and widen allowing my tongue to enter her.
And Anna moved yet again. One moment I was licking her vagina, the next her bum, the next she would push down and my nose and mouth would be covered by her now dripping cunt. I wondered if it were possible to suffocate like this, but then, if I had to pass from this world, I could not think of a more delightful way.
I have no idea how long we continued. I had instinctively reached between my own legs with my free arm and was now well on the way to reaching my third orgasm. Anna’s movements were becoming more frantic and random. I was conscious that she was using her free hand to rub her clitoris, as it kept pushing my nose to one side.
When Anna came, she screamed. A flood of liquid seemed to gush from inside her, filling my mouth. I had no idea whether it was liquid just pushed from inside her vagina, or whether the orgasm had made her pee, but I truly did not care. As soon as I could breathe, I swallowed.
I came a few seconds after Anna, more powerfully than the last time. Noises emerged from somewhere deep inside me, and my body shook involuntarily. I continued to rub myself, and as I rubbed, so the orgasm just went on and on. My back kept arching as the muscles in my whole body kept contracting with each spasm. It was like an earthquake, with a long series of aftershocks. It was wonderful.
Anna sidled down next to me, her head propped up on one arm, the other lazily laying across my body. I reached up and kissed her. She laughed.
‘What?’ I asked.
‘You have something dribbling down your chin, and I think it is my pubic hair stuck to your nose.’
I made no effort to wipe either away. ‘If it is part of you, then I don’t mind in the slightest.’
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– Hello, everyone. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this story. However, if any of you happen to stumble upon little mistakes here and there, please advise me of them. I’d like to make this an enjoyable reading experience for all. Thank you again and please enjoy. – Amela – ~~~~~ ‘How? How could it be that at this time – at this place! – something this horrible could happen?’ ‘I don’t know…but you better clean it up.’ ~~~~~ ‘I don’t want you anymore, Michael.’ Aligail...
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xmoviesforyouIntroduction: feel free to contact me at [email protected] this story is in parts true and thwts all i can say to protect my loving aunt lets just say i was 18 when i first heard her scream as i put my young cock on her fat pussy I was 14 at the time and my moms brother and my mom bother worked together at thier new. Company so after school my uncles wife would watch me until 6 pm when my mom got home we lived around the corner so it workd out good especially for me my aunt is. 5ft 7 shoulder...
Life in a small farming community in northwest Mississippi can become very routine and boring. And although being active in our small, non-denominational, evangelical church and singing in the choir provides some badly needed social interaction, even that loses its luster after a while. My name is Jenny Sue, but most people call me Jenny. My husband, Jimmy, and I own a small farm outside of Greenwood.Jimmy and I were high school sweethearts and got married right after graduation. I worked while...
InterracialDay four, and I was down to my last option. To beat Marie at her game, my best bet still was to have an orgasm before seeing her. But my experience with Karen showed me that I really couldn’t go to her or the others for help to get off without that possibly backfiring. Karen fooled me and called Marie over, and then just got me all hard and excited for Marie to beat me in the game. Would Donna or Sybil do that as well? I wasn’t sure, but Donna lived too far away for me to easily get to her...
When the troops were all ashore, they began unloading equipment. The two Blackhawks started up and flew ashore. While the four tanks drove off the ship to the dock from the modified lower deck hatch, one Blackhawk flew cover while the other went in search of the first group. One tank was left alongside the ship and ten guards were left aboard to guard the women. The previous group had left signs spray-painted in Arabic along the route to their compound. Finding the compound empty and signs...
Music, lights, I got up and set my camera up on the tripod, charger on, focused to the stage. Tuva came walking towards us totally relaxed and sat down. I saw the models lined up behind a curtain near the stage now and the Tv lady started her presentation and explaining what we were about to see. I could not understand Swedish much, but I noticed she did it with a lot of fun and enthusiasm in her voice, some winking and being flirtatious towards us and she had changed her clothes just before...
Hi everyone, this is Mohan, age 22 from Delhi. I am an undergraduate student. First of all, i want to say that i am really overwhelmed by your response. This time i have written about my sex experience with my friend’s mom. Her house is very far from my house. Her name is Sarita. She is economics teacher. Her husband has a job in another city and comes to home only in the weekends. Four months back, Sarita was alone in her house as her son went to his father’s place. I didn’t want to miss that...
I wrote this one for someone I chatted with on ICQ. It isbased on things she told me she had done in the past.FOA(Fucked All Over)by the shootistI married shortly after graduating from high school. I became pregnant and everything started going to hell in my marriage. He no longer had the desire to do anything like he used to. It was as if my becoming pregnant was a giant stop sign on me for him loving me. I used to cry myself asleep wishing he would just turn to me and tell me he loved...
Erica’s first year after State U. had turned out to be very disappointing for romance. She’d made friends, but just hadn’t found any guys to play with. She went through her wardrobe and selected an outfit for a night on the town. First the black stockings attached to a satin garter belt. Next a pair of almost luminescent white panties, followed by a loose silk blouse and an above-the-knee skirt. Lastly, some medium heels, a tailored jacket, some light makeup and perfume. Erica decided to...
After that first weekend at Jean's lodge, Monique and I became very open in all things sexual. She revealed that she was an escort, by that meaning a woman who is available both for sex and social engagements. Many of her 'clients' liked to be provided with what she called a Girlfriend Experience, or GFE. A GFE meant a date that could involve dinner and dancing, afterwards followed by sex. She showed me her website advertising her services. The site contained many photos of Monique in all kinds...
NovelsBy : Sexysandy2011 : Hi mere naam Sandy hai aur mene ISS ki sabhi kahaniya padi hai aur me apni ek kahani batane jaa raha u ager pasand aai to pls reply kare ye bat tab ki hai jab me aapne nani k gar rahene aaya tha.tab muje pata nahi tha ki meri mami itni sexy hai.ye meri badi mami ki story hai.unka naam Sanddhya hai unki umar koi 39-40 ki hogi aur mast figar hai Mere chutiya chalu huti is liye me mere nani ke yeha chutiya manane aaya tha sare log muje dhekar bohat kush hogaye q ki bohat barr...
Blonde cutie Chloe Cherry is making bad grades so she has to prove herself to teacher Luna Star by getting her ass fucked, stuffed and stretched. First assignment is to wear a jewel topped butt plug in her ass in order to get it ready for their study session. Luna inspects Chloe’s ass and pushes the plug in and out of her tight hole and lets Chloe taste it. This gets Ms. Star excited so she sticks her curvy ass in Chloe’s face and makes her lick her asshole round and round in and...
xmoviesforyouThe Wizard I'm pacing up and down the mall, Searching for his magic shop. This is my sixth mall today, Desperation and despair filling my heart. Why won't his shop appear?, Those who do and don't need him he appears to. But why not me? Is it because I don't want it enough, Or because I'm not trying...
Douglas Before I approached Jenny at school that day after class to ask if she wanted to grab something to eat with me, everyday I would follow her home in her car. I knew she didn’t have a boyfriend and I knew that she lived alone. We had gone to high school together well, only during our senior year. I had fallen for her the moment I laid eyes on her, but I was always too much of a coward to ask her out. Girls surrounded me and constantly asked me out in high school, but Jenny never did. ...
Love StoriesAfter our session with all the guys in pantyhose at Marks house we had to figure out how to get my wife and Marks to agree to joining us. Mark and I went out for a drink one evening to discuss it try to come up with a plan. What we finally settled on was for us both to take our wives out for a drink and to accidentally meet up and introduce them to each other and to take it from there. Plan sorted we left the pub and got in our cars. We drove to the woods where we meet for a quick session in...
" ... All's quiet tonight, Doctor Crusher." said the voice of Lieutenant O'Rourke. "In fact I can't remember the last time I went through a whole shift without someone reporting to sickbay for something or other." "It must be your Irish luck, Morgan." Beverly answered the disembodied voice coming from her com-badge. "But if anything changes, don't hesitate to call." "Don't worry Doctor," Morgan replied. "There's little short of a major disaster that we can't handle by...
There Can Be Only OneChapter 15Ross was surprised how easy in the end it was to get Susie to strip naked in front of the computer and even more surprised at the things his sister did when he asked her. God she even did things of her own accord which got him even hornier and had to stop stroking his cock or else he would have cum way too soon for his liking…he wanted this to last. Of course, Susie had no idea that it was her own brother watching on the other side of the monitor. Susie hardly...
Tuesday, January 26th – The Spirit Realm "How much longer do I have to walk?" Christy asked as she trudged through the strange, shimmering landscape of the spiritual realm. Nothing seemed real. Everything was blurry, like a watercolor portrait—bright colors smeared across the landscape. Iris's flesh danced like a rainbow as she skipped and giggled alongside the witch. Christy no longer had to walk the path Iris had formed, Erinyes could no longer seek vengeance upon her for betraying...
Index: https://xhamster.com/posts/957456Chapter 9A change of pace.Friday morning Chris had a hard time getting out of bed. His mind had been racing all week. Trying to keep up with all the questions the volunteers and the builders had for him. He desperately needed some alone time or at least enjoy the holiday a bit at a different pace. He remembered his aunt Dianna's words; "Don't forget to enjoy yourself too. Maybe give the head office a call if you want to help out some more on the ferry"....
Copyright© 1999-2006 SexyBeast. I feel I should start by saying that while I am not necessarily proud of my situation, I cannot honestly say I regret it either. I guess it's best to just come right out with it. While my son, Dean, was home for this past winter break we began a rather torrid affair. He grabbed me one night while we were both half-drunk and we made incredible love right on the living room floor. For the next three weeks we were practically inseparable. Dean said his problem...
Hello I answer the phone in a breathless whisper. Silence… my heart hammers waiting to hear the voice I knows is on the other end. Come to my house his husky voice purrs into my ear. I am quiet, my stomach does a nervous flicker. Now he growls in his deep manly voice, silently daring me to tell him no. I know I dont deny him, he knows I dont deny him. Im on my way I whisper. Another growl, bra & panties and he ends the call. I fling the covers off of my sleep warmed skin and grab a set of...
Looking in the mirror, Karen applied fresh makeup and perfume, ready for her gang bang. As her mental state spiralled to lower depths, she needed more torment. She couldn’t believe how casually she’d picked up that couple at the park for a fuck. Karen hated the person in the mirror as she applied thick black liner to her eyes and black streaks to the outer corners. She wore her usual thick spiked leather collar, a studded belt for gripping, and her wrist restraints. The clamps were also...
A professor with tenure. Jenna sat upright by the desk with flawless posture, while grading papers in the classroom. Her thick-framed glasses and long ponytail gave her that classic teacherly look that so many young men found attractive.Most of the community college students had already gone home since it was mid-afternoon. She took pride in being a calculus teacher and held firm in the belief that students should be pushed to their limits, knowing it would prepare them for future...
‘Really?’ Rachel wrinkled her nose and said, ‘You made a video?’ The girls had been casually discussing what Amy referred to as, “that thing,”—masturbating— as they lazed in the hot July sun in Amy’s backyard. Rachel was wearing a purple push-up bikini top, 32B, small, from Victoria’s Secret. The bottom was what Victoria’s Secret called a “Cheeky Hipkini”, maybe because of the amount of cheeks it exposed, or the camel toe, with multicolored horizontal stripes. Her long black hair parted in...
The dust flew all over the desolate kingdom. In the streets of the big capital there's no one. You ride your horse, searching for a clue, something or some one that explains to you what is going on. The doors and windows close as you pass by.
FantasyI have the fondest of hopes that you have recently read the first part of my story. If you did, then you would know my name is Juan Cordero and that like many of my “Compadres”, I am here in this beautiful country without the benefit of proper documentation. It annoys me to be called illegal because that makes me a criminal in the eyes of most legal residents just because of a piece of paper. I know that my country of birth is a lot less safe than living in this so-called “Sanctuary City” in...
All week I had been thinking about my first time with Ben, my first time with anyone to be honest. Ben worked with my father and I had agreed to help him with his yard work. We did work in the yard, but it turned into much much more. The feelings of his hands and mouth on me were so intense. It felt so natural to be with him. He was so big and strong, a lot older than me for sure, but very sexy and beautiful. I didn't consider myself "Gay" maybe I was seduced. But then again, why was I fighting...
I step into the bedroom after a nice long shower. Only wrapped in a big towel I look down to my feet and decide that I could do with a little girly pampering. Maybe some polish for my toes. I start to lift my head and catch sight of the bag that I put on the bed before my shower. It now lies on the floor as well as the boxes of it content. My gaze moves over to the bed and I see you sitting there, your back against the wall. I feel myself blush as I look into your lust-filled eyes. I haven’t...