Sorrento Pt. 02 free porn video

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Thursday started overcast and remarkably cool. I was happy to wrap up in Jeans and my cardigan. I confess that I had slept remarkably well and despite the change in the weather, I started the day feeling refreshed and remarkably alive. Somehow I knew this was going to be a very good day.

I was so glad that Tom had fallen asleep when I arrived back to the room, I had been convinced that he would know what I had been doing just by looking at me, or worse still, smell sex. I had been convinced that every man in the hotel had known what I had been doing, but somehow that just contributed to the warm glow that had developed inside me, I had become a woman that was desired and wanted. I felt special.

Tom had set an early alarm. As we sat and enjoyed breakfast together, he brought me up to date with work. I have always taken an interest in the job he did, and always made sure I was there to listen to ideas and grumbles whenever they arose, particularly if he needed to just vent. I was genuinely concerned that this round of talks had not gone well, but when he told me that he had to go to Rome, I found it hard not to cry out with joy.

I would have a whole day alone. A whole day to do whatever I chose without having to face the reality of what I was, a faithful married woman. I know that I should have been questioning my judgment, reminding myself of the vows we had made when we got married, but if those thoughts were there in my head, they did not linger. I wanted to enjoy myself. I wanted to experience new things. I wanted to experience sex in new ways. I wanted to be fucked by someone I did not know.

Tom had organized a rental car with the hotel, and told me that he would drive back this evening if the meetings finished early, otherwise he would stay over and return in the morning. I sincerely wished him luck. I genuinely wanted things to go well for him, but secretly hoped he would have to stay.

The woman from reception came to tell Tom that his car was ready and waiting for him. When he ran back to the room to pack an overnight bag and collect his papers, she handed me an envelope, simply saying ‘a message for you, Mrs. De Carlo.’

I puzzled at first who might leave a message for me. Tom had been sitting next to me until a few seconds ago, and any family or friends would have called his cell. Then I realized. This was from whoever was making out with me on the terrace.

I looked round the room thinking that whoever it was must be watching me. The restaurant was busy with people taking breakfast. A few people seemed to notice that I was looking, and acknowledged me with a smile. The other guests, the waiters, there were any number of possible candidates, but none gave any hint that they had enjoyed licking and finger fucking me last night.

I opened the envelope. It was standard hotel key folder with a room number, and a time. Inside the key folder was a key card. I glanced at my watch. It was just after 8.00am. I had six hours to wait.

After Tom left, I tried to distract myself by reading, but thoughts of the things that had happened, and imagining the things that might happen, made it impossible. I read the same couple of pages several times over without grasping a single sentence. I tried flicking through a magazine, but the articles dwelling on the excesses of celebrities, and glossy images of women in sexy underwear, just made it worse. It was going to be six hours of agony.

I went for a walk. I stopped for coffee and a pastry and then made my way to the boutique where I had bought the dress. I had made up my mind that if I was going to be seen in my underwear by a stranger, then it was going to be the sexiest underwear I could manage. I did not want to use my bank card, that would alert Tom to what I was doing, but I hoped I had enough cash.

The sales girl remembered me. I had thought that my limited knowledge of Italian, and her broken English were going to cause problems, but it soon became clear that she thought I was planning a surprise for the husband that bought the dress, and translated my thoughts perfectly, even if the man was not my husband.

I ended up with lilac satin panties and bra, trimmed with black lace. They perfectly matched the dress that I thought of wearing. And as I had been encouraged to step into the changing rooms, undress, be properly measured, and try them on, I could attest that they fitted perfectly, and looked adorable.

By 2.00pm, I had showered, dressed, and spent forever with make up and hair. I wanted to look perfect. I wore a knee length, sleeveless purple dress, and black high heels. I tried hard to hold on to the thought that I looked classy, but being dressed up in the middle of the day made me extremely self conscious. Thankfully the room was towards the back of the hotel and I passed no-one.

I arrived exactly on time, feeling nervous and very, very horny. I knocked, but after a few moments of nothing, let myself in. The room was a smallish twin, but furnished in much the same style as the suite that Tom and I occupied. The window opened onto a small, rather dusty courtyard, so the room appeared quite dark, but someone had left fresh flowers on one table which gave it a friendly, homey sort of feel.

On a second table stood an ice bucket, a bottle of Prosecco, and some glasses. On the bed a black scarf. In the few minutes I had alone, I opened the bottle, downed a full glass of wine, and tied the scarf tightly over my eyes. The wine was Dutch courage. I felt less certain why I wanted to be blindfold, but somewhere in my head I thought, if I did not know who was fucking me, I would not be embarrassed after.

I heard the door. I stood by the end of the bed and soon felt the presence of someone standing very close to me. Lips kissed me gently on the mouth. I recognized them, their feel, their taste. I knew it was the same person that had kissed me the past three nights. I felt strangely safe and loved.

Hands started to fondle my breasts, very gently and very slowly. Each time they brushed over a nipple, a tremor traveled down my body to my already aching groin. I felt the zip of my dress being pulled down, and allowed it to slide off my shoulders. As my dress landed in a heap at my ankles I tried clumsily to step out of it, and two hands took mine to help steady me. It was then that I realized there was still a hand on my back. Three hands. I gasped and stiffened.

Something was said in Italian which I did not understand, and then the voice spoke to me. ‘I am so sorry, we did not mean to frighten you.’ The voice was female. I felt so confused. The hands holding mine gently guided me so I could sit on the edge of the bed.

‘If you wish us to leave, we will do so immediately, but please accept that I am sorry, I did not mean to upset you.’

‘I thought you were …’ I started.

‘A man? Please, believe me that right this very moment, I wish that I were. I am very attracted to you, and I thought from our little exchanges, that you felt the same.’

My mind raced. Those moments on the terrace were with a woman? Of course it made sense, the softness of those hands, the kiss, the tenderness. But I had deluded myself that it was a man. I had so desperately wanted to be fucked by this person, that I had not even considered the possibility that it was anything but a man.

Taking my silence for dismissal she stood and started to move away. I instinctively reached out for her hand, and said, ‘no, please, it is I that is sorry. I want you to stay. I want you both to stay.’

There was a moment of stillness. Silence. She leaned forward and kissed me. ‘Thank you. I thought I understood what it was that you wanted, and thought that this would make you happy. If I had a penis, I would not dream of relying on someone else, but sadly I am not a man.’

I could not think of anything appropriate to say, so I simply squeezed her hand and stood, hopefully showing both of them that I was
ready. I tried to imagine how I looked in the lilac satin panties and bra. I hoped that the extreme sense of being aroused was not leaving unsightly wet stains.

‘I have one question,’ she asked, ‘do you wish that he wears a condom?’

I thought about the joy I had felt when Tom first made love to me without a condom, how wonderful it was to feel him cum inside me. ‘No,’ I replied. I did not once think about any risks.

Hands once again started to touch my breasts and caress my skin. I was acutely aware that this time, the hands were masculine, the feminine one being tightly held in mine. It was not long before my bra and panties were skilfully removed and I stood there completely naked, scrutinized by two pairs of eyes. It is a truly exquisite feeling knowing that you are being looked at with desire and lust.

I was guided to sit on the edge of the bed, and listened to what I assumed was the sound of the man undressing. A hand gently took the back of my head and pulled me forward until I felt the man’s penis brush against my face. I used both hands to reach forward and guide it into my mouth.

I have already confessed that Tom is the only man that I have been intimate with, so my experience of size was non existent. What I now grasped was far larger than I imagined a penis could be. I was able to hold both of my admittedly small hands around the shaft, and still have room for the beautifully bulbous head to fill my mouth. I felt it push against my tonsils. I know that I audibly sighed, and I felt a sudden rush of warmth in my groin. I could feel the bed covers where I sat becoming damp with what was flowing from my vagina.

I was then guided to lay back. The woman was behind me so my head rested on her leg. I instinctively reached for her hand, wanting her to be part of what I was experiencing. The man lifted my legs off the floor, raising them high up towards my shoulders. I managed to hold one. The woman, the other.

I imagined how I must look. I imagined how inflamed and engorged my cunt lips and clitoris were, I could feel them burning. I imagined my swollen cunt fully stretched and exposed in front of a man that I did not know. And not just stretched and exposed, but dripping and leaving puddles on the bed. I imagined seeing my tight little bum, puckered and twitching. I imagined all of me, waiting to be taken.

The head of this enormous cock was soon rubbing the entrance to my cunt. He clearly wanted me every bit as much as I needed him. Each time his penis touched my clitoris, an earthquake went off inside me, sending shudders through my whole body. When he did finally enter me, I had an immediate orgasm. I screamed out words, obscenities. I had never sworn in whole life.

Thankfully all of this was taken as encouragement. He did not stop. He continued to feed his cock into my now aching cunt. Slowly, with each successive thrust, taking it deeper. I felt the end of it pushing against my cervix, but still he continued to thrust and push, distorting and stretching my insides in ways I did not know possible.

I felt his testicles slapping against my bum, the wet now oozing from me making them stick, so it sounded as if they were slapping me. Finally I felt the lower part of his belly rubbing into mine, squeezing my clitoris between our bodies. That and the sensation of being fucked deep and hard sent me over the top one more time. I screamed and I shook, and I continued to shake, as he continued to fuck me.

The thrusting and pushing eventually gave way to a moment of stillness, as he exploded inside me. I could feel his cock throb as he released hot sticky cum deep into my womb, the force of it seeming to fill me even more.

When he withdrew, it was to mutual sighs from us both, while my cunt joined in with the sound of what can only be described as a fart, as if it were blowing bubbles. Far from being embarrassed by the noise, I felt as if I could rejoice in it. I felt wonderful.

The woman, who had held my hand during the whole experience, now leaned forward and kissed me, the sweetest and gentlest of kisses that is possible to imagine. ‘Please do not move,’ she asked, ‘I will be right back.’

I did move, but it was only to slide further up the bed to get more comfortable. I could hear the rustling of clothes, and a hushed conversation in Italian. I made out the words ‘grazie’ and ‘molto bravo’ but little else. After the door closed, there was more rustling of clothes, and a body slid down onto the bed next to me. A naked body. A naked female body.

‘My my,’ she said, ‘he has always claimed he was built like a horse, but I thought he was just bragging. I can see I will have to take him more seriously in future.’

‘I have never imagined being fucked by a horse.’

She laughed. A sweet, contagious, easy laugh. She reached for the scarf. ‘Shall we take this of?’


When it came off there was a brief moment where my eyes struggled to focus, but then I recognized her. Her beautiful smile. Her beautiful large black eyes. It was Anna.

It was Anna that had greeted us and checked us in when we had arrived at the hotel. It was Anna that I had laughed and joked with almost every time we had passed the reception desk. It was Anna that had seemed so very sincere when she said she would do anything to make our stay a happy one. It was Anna that passed me the envelope this morning.

I had judged myself to be only a few years older than her, but now, seeing her naked body at such close quarters, her absolutely perfect olive skinned body, she looked a lot younger. She was petite, slim, with long black hair. She had perfectly formed pert breasts with large dark brown nipples.

After all the times I had complained about Tom and other men not looking at women’s faces when they spoke to them, here I was staring at Anna’s breasts. Transfixed by them. ‘I am glad you approve,’ she said.

‘May I touch?’ I stupidly asked.

‘I really wish you would,’ she replied, reaching for my hand and placing it so that it cupped her. Her breast seemed to fit perfectly into my palm. It felt so very, very good. I smile up at her face. Her beautiful face.

‘I take it you have never been with a woman before.’

‘No,’ I admitted.

‘Is that because the thought repulsed you?’

‘No, it is because I never imagined that I could be with anyone but my husband.’

‘Hmmm. That seems to have changed.’ She laughed, and moved to kiss me. It was wonderful feeling her lips against mine, and quite magical when our breasts touched. I instinctively put my arms around her, pulling her ever closer, and kissed her deeply and passionately.

‘If you have never been with a woman, then you have never tasted a woman.’


‘And does that idea repulse you?’

‘On the contrary,’ I said, ‘I am quite looking forward to it.’

With that she pushed herself up onto all fours, and shuffled across the bed. She placed her feet either side of my shoulders, then sat back so that her bum hovered above my face. I was able to raise one arm so that my hand was again able to touch her breast. She clasped her hand over mine. I had no control of my head, the most I could do was open my mouth and stick my tongue out. There was no room for other movement.

My tongue first seemed to make contact with her perineum, that tender area of flesh that separates vagina from anus. I knew the term from the number of times mine had been cut and subsequently stitched in childbirth. But for Anna, this part of her body was clearly very sensitive. She gave an involuntary sigh as my tongue slid over her flesh.

As she eased her body back, my tongue reached the lips of her cunt. Wet and swollen. I used to masturbate regularly when I was a teenager and licked my fingers often, so I knew what the taste was like, but it was very different having that taste direct from another woman. It was sweet and salty at the same time, and seemed to coat the
end of my tongue.

Anna continued to move until I reached her clitoris. I thrust my tongue out as hard as I could, wanting to pleasure her, but no sooner than I thought I was making contact, she moved, and slid her body forward, forcing my tongue against the tight sweet hole to her bum. This was something I could never have imagined. The end of my tongue seemed to tingle. It was delicious. I could feel her anus relax and widen allowing my tongue to enter her.

And Anna moved yet again. One moment I was licking her vagina, the next her bum, the next she would push down and my nose and mouth would be covered by her now dripping cunt. I wondered if it were possible to suffocate like this, but then, if I had to pass from this world, I could not think of a more delightful way.

I have no idea how long we continued. I had instinctively reached between my own legs with my free arm and was now well on the way to reaching my third orgasm. Anna’s movements were becoming more frantic and random. I was conscious that she was using her free hand to rub her clitoris, as it kept pushing my nose to one side.

When Anna came, she screamed. A flood of liquid seemed to gush from inside her, filling my mouth. I had no idea whether it was liquid just pushed from inside her vagina, or whether the orgasm had made her pee, but I truly did not care. As soon as I could breathe, I swallowed.

I came a few seconds after Anna, more powerfully than the last time. Noises emerged from somewhere deep inside me, and my body shook involuntarily. I continued to rub myself, and as I rubbed, so the orgasm just went on and on. My back kept arching as the muscles in my whole body kept contracting with each spasm. It was like an earthquake, with a long series of aftershocks. It was wonderful.

Anna sidled down next to me, her head propped up on one arm, the other lazily laying across my body. I reached up and kissed her. She laughed.

‘What?’ I asked.

‘You have something dribbling down your chin, and I think it is my pubic hair stuck to your nose.’

I made no effort to wipe either away. ‘If it is part of you, then I don’t mind in the slightest.’

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The tone of Justin's voice had Kelly feeling equal parts nervous and aroused. She ran upstairs, not sure what to do once she was in their bedroom. She didn't have to wait long, as Justin was right behind her. She wasn't sure what she'd expected him to do, but sitting calmly on the bed wasn't it. He studied her for a moment before speaking. "I love you, Kelly. I want you to be—" She cut in before he could finish. "Please don't think this is about you, it''s not that. I love you, Justin....

Wife Lovers
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Deciding MomentChapter 27

In frustration, Tim said rather loudly, "How come I'm not told about these things?" Jeanie was in the hallway, not really to listen in, but just to be there. She heard Tim's outburst and stepped into the bedroom. "Tim..." Jeanie said in a disapproving voice. Tim turned and looked at her. His face showed the anger he felt. "Don't you think I should know? They did a raid on the factory last year and picked up three guys. We found out what they were doing as a sideline. The FBI?...

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PrincessCum Avi Love Victory Shot

Justin Hunt and his stepsister Avi Love are hanging out watching football and playing fantasy football. Justin’s girlfriend Emily Mena is getting bored, and when Justin and Avi joke about Avi giving Justin a handy Emily freaks out and leaves. Justin is pissed that his girlfriend has stormed out, so Avi tries to apologize by stroking his thigh and hardon. Eventually she unzips Justin’s pants to wrap her lips around his fuck stick. Justin still isn’t super certain about fucking...

2 years ago
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Khudi Nka Sahito Maja Odia

Hi dosto mera naam Amit hai age 21 me Orissa ka hu ye meri ek sex kahani hai me pichale 3 salo se iss ka reader hu muje iss ki mature aunty aur incest story padhana bahut acha lagta hai agar koi aunty ya bhabhi real sex karna chahe to mere id par mail kare Mu bartaman story odia bhasa re arambha karuchi. Aie story mo Khudi nka sorry Sango mu toh mo khudi nka bisayare kahibaku bhuli jaichi. Mo khudinka namo Priya Tanku 29 barso bayasa Dekhibaku Sundar tike kam dhola kintu tanko figure 34-28-36...

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RedemptionChapter 4 Confusion Everywhere

cabin tents rented for $25 a day trailer rentals: larger $75 mid size $60 small $50 John Boyd 28yrs old Gabby Boyd 25 yrs old. Alice Boyd current owner of the Gatehouse Edwardo world famous catfish chef (according to mom) Joy and Jen wait staff for Alice Boyd’s catering Jasper Amos hunter, guide, knife make Sylvia Amos sheriff’s detective lieutenant deputy Angie Davenport Marion davenport Angyie’s mom Clyde Summers suicide victim Edward Gaines suicide victim while serving time with John Max...

1 year ago
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Horny Mother Gang Banged Her Son With Her Friends

This is the real incident which happened with me an years come to the real lady of this story who changed my life.. my hotty mommy sujata…she is 46 years old…quite chubby… her statistics is 38-36-38…she is fatty women but a realsex bomb..whenever she walks on a road every man watch her bulky ass..I live with my mom only in mumbai because my father had passed away when i was in 10th…after that my mom was totally depressed but as days were passing i seems like mom seems to be...

3 years ago
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Toxic Masculinity Has A Good Night

Back when I was in university, I optimistically looked upon any night out as a chance to meet girls.  I suppose this shouldn't be much of a revelation, since I was hardly alone in this objective.  Despite my best efforts though, results suggested flaws in my approach.  Then one night, I finally had a night that matched my wildest ambitions.The night started as usual with a few friends at the campus bar.  We were sharing a table with some others.  I knew most of the people at our table, but...

College Sex
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The Secret Plan

At work we used to be in the same office area, so there was a real camaraderie. She got more into the topics that provide that good dose of sexual tension that every guy loves at work than could be expected for someone not interested. Those 15 or so months were when the infatuation started. I fondly remember the time she told me about something that happened to her over a super bowl weekend. Her and her husband had a party, more for the fun of it than the fact they were avid football fans,...

3 years ago
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A Sons First LoveChapter 5

Smiling to myself, I grabbed my PJ's and headed up to clean off. After hand-washing myself clean, a naughty idea came to mind. Without putting my PJs back on, I returned to the den and lay back down. I figured Mom had seen me naked so where was the harm? I rewound the movie - thank you PVR - to the last part I remembered. It was almost at the beginning. Just as I put it on pause, I heard Mom descending, glanced up and watched her come into the den. She immediately took in my nakedness...

2 years ago
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Its All Her Fault Gay

It was all her fault. Really it was, I swear. I mean why else would I have ended up at the pornshop sucking cock and getting fucked through a gloryhole? It was her fault. Can't you see that?? Ok, maybe I better start from the beginning.I was on a business trip to Wheeling a few years back. Yea, Wheeling. Nail City. And about as exciting as a sack of nails. I was looking for some fun so I went to the strip club on the island in the middle of town. Well, somebody had complained and they had...

1 year ago
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BangBus Elle Monela The Perfect Walk Of Shame

So as we cruise around south beach we find this girl walking with her shoes on her hands, sign of walk of shame hahaha. We start talking to her after she flipped a bird to us. She get her into a conversation where we find out she was partying the night before and left her new friend sleeping in peace in his place. We offered some money for a quick interview with a ride to her place and she agreed. We get to talk some more until we get her sucking on cock before she starts riding it. She gets...

2 years ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 52

I was led from that classroom, down the hall into another room. I still didn’t know which class I would be in, but I followed this girl. I had no clue who I was following. Once again, I was put against the wall with my naked ass to the class and the tail was moved out of the way. But this time, a hand touched my cunt and played with me for a moment. Then I was left alone. I went through the rest of the morning, being treated the same way. No one talked to me and I didn’t talk to anyone. It...

3 years ago
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Summer Holiday Education pt11

The Beech fuck fest continued with everyone having sex with each other at least twice in some form or other, the BBQ had been attended by those who was catching their breathe. I was now on my knees in front of my dad and stroking his lovely cock to full stiffness again.   “Lets go back to the house” said Grandpa   Granma rounded up Mary and my mom, then we went back to the house chatting and giggling all the way.   We went into the living room and in no time I was again on my knees but...

1 year ago
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What’s so mad about Mad Glory Holes? I have a hard time believing anybody could be angry at a glory hole with all the holes open for business, so maybe they’re saying these glory holes are just fucking crazy as hell. They could also be referring to the sheer volume of glory holes because I just glanced at the tour page, and I can tell this isn’t some hole in the wall—it’s actually a bunch of holes in the wall. To be honest, it sounds like exactly my kind of place.You’ve probably already guessed...

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
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Routines who says they are boring

This is my fantasy Its 7:30 Saturday morning and I'm in my recliner sipping my morning coffee. I've been up about an hour. Long enough to do my morning things of getting showered and shaved. Had a small bite of breakfast. Now I can relax with my morning coffee, anticipating the coming day. Without really watching it I have Kali's favorite cartoon program on the TV. Upstairs on the second floor I hear the shower shut off and a few minutes later the voice of my wife call out, "Hurry up, we...

3 years ago
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It was the first Sunday in Belize, and the other guys had decided to go over to the mainland for the day, to go explore some Mayan ruins. I was not so interested, and decided to spend my day in the village, going through shops and generally walking around. Anna bid us farewell, closing and locking the door behind us as we left. I was barely halfway to town when I realized that I had left my wallet behind at the suite. I opened the door, seeing that Anna’s room was open, but the doors down the...

1 year ago
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Playtime Stories Ch 2

2. My cock is so hard as I write this. Occasionally, one hand strokes while the other types. Most guys love a good blowjob. Most guys are afraid to try a finger in the ass, but love it after they do. Most guys want a woman to be a total wanton slut or act like the nastiest whore of their wildest dreams. Most women aren’t loose enough to be that “hot” or that incredible of an experience. I picture myself as everything I wish I could find in a slutty bitch. You know, a total nympho who...

3 years ago
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Rebel SpyChapter 23 Annalee Annabelle

"These ladies," said the madam, handing me a note and some directions. "They say they need a driver they can trust, and I think they need a guardian since what they do is often very dangerous." She fanned herself and closed her eyes. "The things we do," she said to herself. "Get along," she said to me with a wave of her fan and a small smile, "and do be useful." The "ladies" turned out to be a mother and daughter who had been highly successful in rising within the Tory...

3 years ago
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I am to please and be pleased sexually, I love being licked by both sexes, I lost all my inhibitions between my second and third husbands and I love having sex with an audience. And I really do enjoy some racy commentary during sex, an extra dimension. Size is important for me and I love being teased and licked. Around once a month I love having a second man to pleasure me, before I pleasure him while my man watches, and often he will pleasure my man: oral sex only – no intercourse is the...

2 years ago
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Surprise Trap

Hello, my name is Steve, and I have a small confession to make.I was on a night out, and I went into this bar, never been to this bar before, and I thought I'd give it a try. And I thought it was great, the bar was cheap, and the staff were friendly. And then I met a girl, called Sandy. She was blonde, tallish, had nice boobs, that were quite the hand full, and a nice perky spankable ass. I thought she was fit as fuck!!Anyway....We got talking and we got a little drunk, and we started kissing....

3 years ago
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Frankie and Cassie Naked In SchoolPart 6 Saturday

That has got to be the strangest sensation I've ever felt. Strange in a good way, I mean. Waking up with my boyfriend's hard cock buried all the way in me. And we'd been like that all night! "You awake?" I whispered. "Yeah, " he said. I giggled and said, "I think we beat two hours. Even if we did sleep through it." "Yup. But, wow, the dreams I had!" "I know what you mean, " I giggled. He pulled out of me then. "Hey! Get back in me!" I pouted. "Just readjusting. If I...

2 years ago
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Best Friends

I pulled back and thought to myself, 'What the hell am I doing?' Instantly the little voice inside my head said, 'You know EXACTLY what you are doing.' I smiled, and ran my hands through Laurie's hair. I heard her make a little moan of pleasure as I pulled her back to me and I leaned in to kiss her again. When I first saw Laurie Duchow, it was early November just before the end of the football season. She was walking with one of my best friends and they stopped at my locker after school....

4 years ago
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Pink Ribbons

PINK RIBBONS A story by Satinmaid under direction from Mistress Lisa. Like 'My First School Skirt' this story is loosely based on things Mistress Lisa did when she was young. One day, when he was eleven, Alan was taken round to his mother's friend's house. His mother often went there but Alan did not usually go with her. However, as it was school holidays and there was no-one to look after him at home and his mother refused to leave him by himself, he accompanied her. When...

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Mark and the Girls

Mark went to meet Jenny at her home town, and as promised took her shopping. They walked hand in hand, enjoying the various delights of the town shops, made a few minor purchases and looked through a few Art Galleries. Soon they came to a Tack shop, " Let's go in here" said Mark, " OK" replied Jenny. They looked around, found the riding crops and Mark said..." You choose, but it needs to be fairly thick so as not to cut you!" Jenny found a 24" long 1/2" thickwhip with a leather tab end coloured...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Mother

"We should have known he suspected us," I said.My mother nodded in agreement. "Yes, we've been very lucky.""Lucky, how?""He's agreed I can have the house and a million in cash.""Why?""Because darling have you any idea just how much damage the scandal would do to his career. Yes we'd be prosecuted, and yes we'd almost certainly go to prison, but his career would be over, who would trust a man as a government minister if he couldn't even stop his wife and son from screwing each other's brains...

3 years ago
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The Way of the War After the War Part vI

I drifted peacefully down toward the ground. The few seconds after your chute opens and the instant before you have to prepare to land is the most peaceful time a person can go through. Then it gets hectic when you look down and hope there is no big stick waiting to ram itself up your ass. The instant my feet touched the ground I went on autopilot. I began doing the things necessary to make this a safe landing. And trying to look around to make sure that my...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnCougars Rayveness 05062022

Rayveness has developed a new way of scoring men. Tired of the dating app game she decides to rent rooms out in her house on a nightly basis. What better way to vet the men that come through. You have all their information and know who they are. Jonathan does not know what he stumbles into as he is simply taking a nap when Rayveness comes into his room and starts sucking his cock while he is sleeping. Damn – this is all part of the package. Well if this horny old cougar wants to get down...

3 years ago
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My stunning sexy cousin sister

Dear Readers, I am Kumar here writing this story. I am from Bangalore This happened with my neighbor who is a distant relative for me. And she is also my cousin sister. Her name is Priya. I am 18 years at that time and she is elder to me she is 21+ at that time. And she had a very nice figure, which everyone will look for it. Her size is 34-28-36. It all happened when everyone in my house went for a marriage. I never attend due to some reason. Then my parents told my neighbor to take care of Me...

3 years ago
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The Meeting

She rose to greet her visitor. As he entered the office and closed the door, he extended his hand, opened his fingers and revealed her panties.  “Would you like these back?” he asked. She knew her day was about to get better. She had been thinking of the bus ride this morning, the one where she was ceremoniously flung onto his lap. The ride she had never expected to be so enlightening, enjoyable and so downright stimulating. This was the precise ride where she came to learn that anal sex, never...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Blind DateChapter 22

Debra got up, and greeted Bipasha and Celia, who came along, I guess Bipasha had picked her up. So much more comfortable than taking the subway. She ushered them in, and upon seeing me, a big smile and they greeted me with a kiss on the mouth. I still was not completely used to Tom’s ‘little’ sister, kissing me and seeing me naked. Sure she is certainly old enough, but I knew her since she was little, when Tom and I were high school friends. “Make yourself comfortable ladies, as you can...

3 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Shadows of EvilChapter 2 Luna

Without really noticing she did it, Luna Lovegood started to skip as she moved through the halls of Hogwarts. The group had just finished practicing charms and she was taking a few moments to look for the rare yellow-bellied drumthwhacker, figuring that with almost everyone out of the school they wouldn't feel as much of a need to hide. So focused was she on her search, that she almost slammed into Hermione as she rounded a corner, skidding to a stop just in time as she heard her friend...

1 year ago
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WANTED by Elaine Please do not read any further if: 1. You are under the age of 16, or 2. You are offended by explicit sexual and/or erotic writing. This long story describes situations where genetic males are offered the opportunity to live and work in the female clothes and to become members of the opposite sex. If this sort of story is likely to offend you, then please do not continue. There may be areas of attitude or technical content that might be wrong but the...

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