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In some areas, speeding is more frowned upon than others...

The road gently curved to the right, a long ribbon of black-grey asphalt twisting through the big trees. Bored already--the thought of another visit to her Grandmother’s wasn’t a good one--she turned up the radio. It was a long drive.

She rubbed herself on the outside of her jeans, teasing herself, to help with the boredom.

The hood of a white car flashed by, most of the car hidden in the trees. She didn’t think about it, until she saw the car pull out behind her. Her stomach dropped. Was it a cop? Crap. She couldn’t afford another ticket. This one might cost her her license, and she couldn’t live without it.

A flicker of blue and red filled the rear view mirror. Crap crap crap crap.

Her heart in the back of her throat, she slowed the car and pulled over to the side of the road. She hoped he’d go around her but knew he wouldn’t. Crap. He slowed, pulling over behind her.

Seeing a little dirt road just ahead, she turned onto it. After maybe forty feet, she stopped and turned off the car. The tiny dirt road disappeared into the weeds and trees not twenty feet in front of her--it looked like it hadn’t been used in years.

The white and green police car pulled up behind her, the lights still flickering. She closed her eyes, breathing deep. I can handle this. I’ve talked my way out of so many before. Seeing him climb out of the police car, she bit her lip as a little zing went through her body. He was tall, with nice shoulders and a flat stomach. A chiseled face carried a day or two of scruff. He carefully put on his hat, covering most of his dark, short hair in the process. She had a thing for uniforms.

Wanting him to see her chest, she unbuttoned her blouse further. This is going to be easy, she thought. Just a country bumpkin of a cop. He’d forget about the ticket and smile about it later.

His knuckles tapped on her window. She lowered it.

In her best, sweet voice, and with a big smile, she said, “Hi, officer. Was I doing something wrong?”

“Yes, ma’am, you were speeding. Rather excessively, too. Didn’t you see the 45 sign back there?” His words conveyed his tight anger.

Uh oh. “No, sir, I’m sorry, I didn’t.” She arched her back, so he could see her sweet cleavage. Impossibly, he ignored it.

“There’s a high school up ahead. It’s not a safe place to exceed the speed limit.”

“I’m...I’m sorry, officer.”

“You should be. License and registration, please.”

She dug into her glove box, searching for it. She could feel his impatience rising. Finally she found her registration, and handed it to him with her license.

Without a word, he walked back to his car, his boots crunching in the gravel.

She waited, heart pounding. Would all her tickets show up on his computer? Thank God she’d talked her way out of at least three. And that one cop, well it had taken a bit more than talking, but it was still a ticket she didn’t get. Hmm, maybe I should offer that to him.

After a forever, he climbed out of his car and walked back towards her. He looked more disgruntled than before. She swallowed hard.

“Your driving record is deplorable. 46 in school zone?”

“I... I...” She didn’t know what to say. She closed her eyes and gathered her courage.

Looking up, she searched his sunglasses, hopefully finding his eyes. “Sir, is there anything we could do besides a ticket? I promise I’ll be more careful, from now on.” She looked blatantly at his crotch, so close outside her open window, then back to the sunglasses.

He stared at her, unflinching. Like he was thinking about it.

“Oh, it would take a great deal more than that.”

Progress. “Ummmm. What would that be, officer?”

“Applying my belt to your ass might do it.” His voice was even and smooth as he said it. Smooth as glass.

Her mind spun. Did he mean spanking me? No way.

He flipped open his ticket book and started writing. She thought about losing her license. Having to tell her boss she couldn’t drive anymore. Would he fire her?

“Please, sir. Isn’t there another way?”

“I’m afraid not. You’re a habitual speeder. Eight tickets in the last year? And how many have you talked your way out of?”

She didn’t want to answer that. She tried another smile up at him, but felt how weak it was.

He stopped writing. “It’s your choice, ma’am. A hard lashing with my belt...or the ticket.” He stared at her for a long, long moment. “I won’t be gentle. You need to learn a lesson.”

After another long moment, the scratch of the pen started again.

“Okay.” It came out of her mouth like a squeak. She couldn’t believe she’d said it.

“Okay, what?”

“I’ll take the spanking.”

“I told you, this won’t be some playful spanking like your boyfriend gives you. This will be a lashing. You will feel it for days which is just what you need.” His hand reached in the window, and lifted her chin up so she had to look at those damn, dark glasses. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Are you choosing the belt or the ticket?”

For the first time, she looked at his belt. It was wide, at least two inches, and looked thick, dark brown and aged. How much would it hurt?

“Your belt, sir.”

He let go of her chin, opened her car door and gently wrapped his strong hand around her arm, above the elbow. His fingers felt like steel. Like she weighed nothing, he pulled her out of the car and spun her around, pressing her against the roof of the car.

Insistent but not harsh, he pulled one hand behind her back and the hard edge of metal pressed against her wrist. Click. Click. One wrist was cuffed. Like he’d done it a thousand times, he pulled her other arm behind her back and cuffed her wrists together. These were real cuffs, tight and hard against her skin. No way out until he decided to let her.

He spun her around and took off his glasses. Green eyes. Intense. She couldn’t breathe.

“This is your last chance. Are you sure you don’t want the ticket?”

“No, sir. Your belt, please.”

A little, wicked smile crossed his lips. “Okay. You asked for it.”

His hand slipped down to the front of her jeans. So near her pussy. He unbuttoned the top button of her jeans.

“What are you doing?” She tried to wiggle away, but one hand on her hip ended that.

“You didn’t think you’d get to keep your jeans on, did you? This will be on your bare ass.”

“No, please, you can’t.” Despite her plea, she didn’t try to get away. She realized she wanted this. No, deserved it. Needed to be punished.

His hand unbuttoned another button, then two more. His fingertips brushed against her, so close to her pussy. He didn’t bother with the last button. After pulling her away from the car, he used both hands to pull down her jeans to her ankles. She thought her light blue panties would follow, but instead he marched her around the door of the car, towards the hood. Her jeans around her ankles, she shuffled and almost fell, but his strong hand kept her upright like gravity had taken the day off.

Without a word, he pushed her thighs against the side of the car, then her body forward, until she was pressed flat against the hood of the car, her nipples feeling the heat from the engine. She looked back, and saw him taking off his belt out of the corner of her eye. Oh shit. It was suddenly all very real. Too real.

His hand reached up the back of her thong and gripped tight. His other hand pressed the cuffs into her lower back, pinning her in place. He pulled her panties away from her ass. The soft fabric pressed hard against her pussy. With a loud rip, her panties tore. He pulled them off her, the soft silk sliding over her pussy.

Rudely, without warning, a finger pushed into her pussy. She gasped loudly and he heard it. His chuckle sent a shiver up her spine.

“You’re nearly dripping. I bet you won’t be in a minute or two.”

His finger disappeared. She missed it.

A car went by. Oh my God. Here she was, bent over in the middle of nowhere, her ass and pussy exposed to the world. She tried to move, to get away, but one hand in her back stopped that. She wondered if they could see anything from the road.

The soft leather of his belt rubbed across her ass. It was suddenly hard to breathe. She closed her eyes. Knew it was going to hurt.

“Let’s see. Twenty-two over the limit. I think twenty-two should do it.”

He moved close to her ear. Whispered in it, “If you stand up, I’m afraid we’ll have to start over. Keep that ass up high for me. You are going to please me, aren’t you?”

Unable to speak, she nodded.

Then he was gone. She realized the belt wasn’t rubbing her a---


Her body arched. She half lifted from the hood of the car, then collapsed back down. It hurt, but not that bad. I can take this. I’ll show him.

Crack. Crack.

“Get that ass up. Earn your stripes.”

She couldn’t help it. She had to please him. She didn’t even know his name. Straining up on the tips of her toes, she arched up for him.


This one struck low, where her ass met her thighs. It burned. She cried out. Suddenly wasn’t so sure she could take it.


Same spot, low and wicked.

Crack. Crack.

The first one was across the center of her ass, the second low--lower even than the one before--cracking into the top of her thighs. She cried out again, louder.

Another car drove by. She didn’t care. Her world shrunk down to his belt and her ass. Him and her.


The pain of her ass filled her. White pain, pure and beautiful. She realized she wanted more. Arched up for him.


Low again. She half-screamed. A tear slipped down the side of her face.


It was hurting now. The skin on her ass throbbed. She panted, her body sweating and sweating, her ass feeling like it was roasting in the country air.

Crack. Crack.

What number was it? God, she had no idea. Didn’t think she would make it.

Crack. Crack.

Another low one, on her thighs. It burned and burned.


Tears ran now. With a shudder, she cried.


He was grunting, putting his all into punishing her.


“Five more,” he said. “Lift up. Earn it.”

She had to please him. Really had no choice. Crying, hurting, she lifted her sore ass up for him.


“If I so much as see one ticket in the next six months appear on that record of yours, me and my belt will be making a visit to that fancy apartment building of yours.”


She screamed, her body shaking and shaking.

“Yes, I think you’re beginning to learn your lesson. Arch that ass up. Please me.”


She lost herself in the pain. It filled her. She couldn’t even remember her own name.

“I don’t think you’ll be sitting for days.”


Low and hard. On the tops of her thighs. She lay there limp, taking what she deserved.

“One more. Arch up.”

She couldn’t. Tried to tell him she couldn’t. Barely a mumble slipped past her lips.

“Don’t make me give you more. Arch up. Please me.”

It took all she had in her. Every ounce of courage and desire to please him. She knew it was going to hurt and hurt bad. She shifted her legs, then pushed up on her toes and offered her poor ass to him.

“Please,” she said, but it was only a whisper.

“Good girl.”


She cried. Let everything pour out of her. Felt his hand rubbing her ass. It hurt. And she loved it. Needed it. His hand rubbed up her back, comforting her.

He lifted her chin, made her look back at him. “Did you learn your lesson? Will you be speeding down my road again?”

She shook her head ‘no’.

“That’s a good girl.” His hand gently rubbed back down her spine. Ran lightly across her sore, sore ass. He cupped one cheek and squeezed.


His other hand rubbed her other cheek. He spread her cheeks, and she knew he was looking at her asshole. Knew, too, that she wouldn’t stop him from doing anything to her. She wanted him. Wanted his cock deep inside her pussy. Wanted him bad.

As if reading her mind, one finger slid across her asshole and down to her pussy. He pushed it inside her, deep. She cried out, a different, lower cry this time.

“Still wet. Naughty, naughty.”

His finger pushed in and out. She arched up again, spreading her feet as wide as she could in her jeans, giving him full access to anything he wanted.

A wet fingertip came out of her pussy. He pushed lower, towards her clit. Made it wet with her own juices. He took her clit between his finger and thumb and rubbed it. She spread even wider. Damn it felt good.

His other hand rubbed her sore ass.

“Damn you have a fine ass. And it looks even better red and striped.”

He leaned forward, close to her ear. “Part of you liked that.” It wasn’t a question.

His finger and thumb left her clit. Two fingertips played with the opening of her pussy, teasing her.

“Next time, I’ll give you double whatever you’re over the limit.”

She knew then she’d be speeding down this road a great deal. Every chance she got.

Two fingers pushed into her pussy, deep. It felt so good. He pumped them in and out. Fucked her with them, one leg pressing against the back of her thigh and sore ass. She wanted him. Wanted to know if he was hard. She reached back with her cuffed hands and found his hard cock through his slacks. Yes, big and hard.

“Please...” she managed.

“Please what?” he asked.

“Please fuck me.”

He chuckled. “No, that would only encourage you to speed more.”

She moaned, needing him so bad.

Still his fingers pumped and pumped, faster and faster. Her body reacted, her hips arching up and against him, wanting him deeper and deeper. She was close to coming. So close. He went faster and faster. She moaned, long and deep. She felt herself start to shake--

His fingers disappeared. He stepped away from her.

She moaned, pushing her ass back, desperate for his fingers, his cock, anything.

“You didn’t think I was going to let you come, did you?”

Her body shook as she slid down the side of the car, to the grass below, on her knees. Her ass touched her jeans around her ankle, and she let out a little yelp and lifted up.

He turned her sideways, then facing him. He rubbed his cock, still in his pants, against her lips.

“You want it, don’t you? You want to please me.”

She could only nod.

His zipper slowly made its way down. She moved closer to him, wanting him, wanting to taste him. He pulled his cock out through his boxers and his pants. She was there, as close as she could get, taking the head into her mouth. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the taste of him. The smell of him.

One hand in her hair, he started fucking her mouth, in and out.

“Good girl. Suck on it. Don’t make me give you more with the belt.”

She took even more of him into her mouth, trying to get it all in. She couldn’t, but from his growl, she knew he liked it.

She imagined what she looked like; tears running down her face, her jeans around her ankles, her ass raw and whipped, and him still in his uniform, fucking her mouth. The thought made her even hotter.

“Next time I catch you, I’ll make you get my cock wet...”

He pumped faster and faster into her mouth. She kept her lips tight around his cock, wanting him to come in her. Wanting to taste him.

“And then I’ll bend you back over the hood of your car and fuck your ass.”

With one touch she could come. The merest brush against her clit would do it. She tried to move her hips, to find something to rub against.

Then other things mattered more. She heard him growl again. Felt his cock get even bigger and harder in her mouth. She opened her eyes, watching his cock pump into her mouth, faster and faster.

His hand pushed his cock even deeper into her mouth. A low, long moan escaped his lips and she felt the first spurt hit the back of her throat. She swallowed it eagerly and kept sucking and pumping her lips up and down his cock.

She wanted to please him. Wanted to suck his cock like no one else ever had.

Another spurt, much bigger. Still he pumped into her, dumping more and more of his seed into her throat. He held her head still, his body shaking. She ran her tongue across the bottom of his cock and earned another spurt in her mouth.

“It’s too much,” he said, pulling his cock out of her mouth. She leaned forward and licked the head of his cock and the come there. He chuckled and moved further away.

“Damn you're horny. I don’t think you’ve learned a thing.”

She looked up at him then, knowing there was come on her lips. She challenged him with her eyes. He simply smiled, like he knew he owned her.

After helping her up, he pulled her jeans up and patted her ass twice. It took her breath away in one quick gasp. He spun her around and uncuffed her hands. She rubbed her sore wrists.

Then she wanted something from him. She spun and wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. It surprised him. He started to pull away, then chuckled and kissed her back. Pulling away from her, a wicked smile on his lips, he picked up her panties and rolled them into a tight tight ball.

“You won’t be going more than five miles over the limit after this, will you?”

She looked him right in the eyes and lied to him. “No, sir.”

He nodded, maybe knowing it was a lie. He pointed to her mouth and she opened it wide. His fingers pushed her panties--the ones she’d worn all day--into her mouth. Her own scent filled her mouth and nose.

Gently, his hands still so strong, he helped her back to the car and sat her in the seat. The raw skin of her ass cried out, causing her eyes to water. He gave her a quick kiss on her stretched lips.

“You be good.” The words carried a hidden threat that raced right to her clit. She looked at him and nodded.

He walked to his car and drove away. She sat there a long time, her ass hurting, her clit throbbing, wondering what just happened. Wanting it to happen again.

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Their parents were gone for the weekend, so Nora wasn't surprised to find her twin brother Jim surfing a particularly prurient Web site on the family room computer. That he would have his impressively large cock in his hand surprised her and did little to diminish the terminal horniness she suffered from tonight. "I thought you were in bed," he said, blushing and trying to hide himself in his sweats and fumbling for the mouse to minimize the screen all at once. "Don't bother, I've seen...

4 years ago
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The World On Her Knees

I’m watching a video. I can’t believe what I’m seeing. Picture Jesus on the cross. Picture him out in the sun writhing in agony twenty feet in the air. Picture his feet and hands bloody and dusty from the iron nails. Picture the defeated look on his face. What I’m watching is sort of like that, except instead of Jesus it’s a woman, and instead of a defeated look on her face she has a mouth full of semen. Her skin is dark brown. She’s Muslim, but instead of being completely covered, she’s naked....

3 years ago
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Illicit Surprise from Sisters Boyfriend

It happened some eleven years ago, when I was just over three months pregnant with my first child. My husband was out of the country on a business trip for a few weeks. While our apartment was being refurbished, I moved back home with my mom and took the spare room at her place for a couple of weeks.I returned late one evening after an outing with several of the girls from work. Mom had already gone to bed, so I just went to my room. Closing the door, I undressed completely getting naked into...

2 years ago
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Mistletoe Candy Canes a Lesbian

Introduction: Frigid MILF turned by one of her husbands young employees. Mistletoe, Candy Canes & a Lesbian Summary: Frigid MILF turned by one of her husbands young employees. Note 1: This story is dedicated to DAVE who requested it for his wife. Note 2: Thanks to MAB7991, goamz86 and LeAnn for editing this story. Mistletoe, Candy Canes & a Lesbian You havent had sex in over a year! I asked my colleague Dave, stunned by his admission a moment ago. He shook his head as he took another...

2 years ago
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Clarice Going Down

Clarice going down was nothing new. She is now thirty-six, but a mere sixteen when she was first seduced, fucked and taught to suck cock. Her current hubby Horace shared her with his friends, co-workers and sometimes complete strangers.Horace was a traveling salesman who made it known that it was okay for his friends to have Clarice when he was on the road. And many took advantage of his generosity, with Clarice’s complete acquiescence. Thus, she was without question, the most fucked woman in...

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The Director Of BuenosariesChapter 2

Across the rooftop of the city slums the air shimmered with heat. It was early in the afternoon and each block of tightly packs homes hummed with music, animal barks and the noise of adolescent scooters and games. In the middle of one such street deep in the Buenos-Aries "villas" a non-descript block of homes was the setting for a homemade porn movie. The men inside whom once associated with the thugs and perverts of the old junta regime now eked out a living supplying "old contacts"...

1 year ago
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SerendipityChapter 14

We got a good night's sleep. We did, honestly. Eventually, anyway. I had instructions from Eric; we needed to be passing Graemsay on the approach to Stromness just before high water, roughly four o'clock, and that was about twelve miles from Scapa Bay. With the wind still in the south-west, we had to sail east of south well out into Scapa Flow before turning west, which meant more like fifteen miles. That was fine; I allowed four hours, of which Grace took the helm for two (separate) hours....

3 years ago
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Me My Son First Time Part Three

In the kitchen.Monday morning and, as usual, I'm the first person to get up. Downstairs, I make a cup of coffee and sit at the kitchen table thinking about yesterday’s session with my sixteen-year-old son — and forming a plan to fuck him in here.Before we’d first fucked, I’d become used to Sam flirting with me around the house and the kitchen seemed to be one of his special places. If I was at the sink washing dishes, he’d press against me and that excited me greatly. But I never responded...

1 year ago
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An Unusual Reunion

The heat was intense. The gym in the hotel was down in the basement, and the air conditioning had failed. This was the warmest summer for a number of years, and everyone was wet with the sweat of their exertions. Tee shirts, vests and shorts were all sticking to damp skin. As usual I was in the free weights area, 45 minutes in, and the sight of the fit women on the various cardio machines was becoming increasingly distracting. Then my attention was caught by the blonde on the pecs machine. Tall...

Oral Sex
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Pre Race Preperations

Although this is complete fiction, it was written for a special Friend. Good luck Kat. Kathy's boyfriend had been distant for some time. It wasn't entirely his fault, as he worked a lot of hours, and by the time he would get back to the home that they shared, he was dead tired. By the time the kids were in bed, and he got his dinner, the only thing he wanted to do was go to bed. Kathy however, wanted more. She needed more. Even in the rare case that he was awake, and had the energy, she had...

1 year ago
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weekend with daddy chpt 12

It all started the weekend my mom went out of town. She left me and my dad home alone. We werent very close up to this point and at 15 my dad stopped trying to connect with me. Im 5'7 110llbs i have long light brown hair and piercing blue eyes and had an amazing 38D rack. My dad couldnt take his eyes off them at all,who could blame him. He is 6'1 very athletic build he's got brown hair and hazel eyes. My friends couldnt get enough of him during our wekend swim parties, they were literally...

4 years ago
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Stop the PressesChapter 2

"Are you sure?" "Am I completely without a doubt one-hundred percent sure without question? NO. I'm only ninety-nine percent sure." "Maybe you're wrong." "Paris, you heard her. That wasn't a simple observation. Ms. Peters is way too sharp not to have figured out what was going on. Not just my clothing, but our make-up, our expressions, even the state of the Headmaster's desk for heavens sake. They all would give it away to someone not as dense as Charleston and goodness knows...

3 years ago
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Husband is forced to watch me getting gangbanged

Slutyasianwifey’s husband stood in shock in the doorway. I can’t imagine what he was thinking, walking through the door and finding his loving wife naked, exposed on the floor with 6 young men, cocks still throbbing from the hard pounding they just gave his slut wife. He didn’t get a chance to tell us what he was thinking before we grabbed him and tied him down to a chair. We taped his mouth just to make sure he couldn’t yell.“Go on. Go give your husband a hug,” I tell the slutty cum-covered...

4 years ago
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Fallout Four Futanari 2

Before her, rising from the crater in the pavement, was the Mother, blackened and all but featureless, her body shape unmistakable as a woman. Paige stepped forward, possessed by awe and meaning as the Mother formed the nexus of the wind and murk, a veritable tornado swirling around her. As she came closer, the figure turned ever so slowly in the whipping wind and pointed with her arm to the north, where a pair of satellite dishes could be made out. "There…." the screeching whisper came...

2 years ago
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Crystals Past give her strength

Even with her weird hair color and arms covered with tattoos no one would ever suspect this eighteen year old girl to have such dark fantasies. What most people didn’t know however was her background and what drove her to such a sadistic nature. Crystal’s father was killed when she was only three years old by a drug dealer who was trying to collect for drugs that was actually used by her mother. After the death of her father, Crystal’s mother brought strange men in and out of the home...

1 year ago
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Walk with Gina

Gina is 5ft 8ins tall, size 14, 36C with red hair. We met when I stopped at a country pub for a quick bite to eat. It turned out not to be quiet so quick. After talking for an hour I suggested we take a walk along the path. The sun was shining, Gina was wearing a soft flowing white dress, it was loose and her tits are wobbling as she moved. I was fascinated and started to desire her massively. By chance I was commando and my cock was aroused. We walked into the woods following the path. ...

3 years ago
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My YouthChapter 13 Caroline Part 5

I called and Caroline asked me to pick her up and go to A&W. She was a little pensive getting into the car and pretty much stayed quiet the few blocks we had to go. The Bee roared along nicely, the cam giving the car a sexy shake as we idled around, looking for a place to park. Gotta love a good muscle car! Pulling into a slot on the far outside, we could see everyone as they pulled in or circled the place. I waited for Caroline to speak. “Buck, did mom tell you what she wanted to...

3 years ago
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Standing In

I'm not sure exactly how to tell this, it seems difficult to imagine now that it's happened, but, nonetheless, it has happened and here's how. I'm a forty-five year old widow, Jake died five years ago, and I came to live with my daughter, Jennifer, and her husband, Travis. Their house was ideal, it had a rental unit to it with its own entrance which also had an entrance into their part of the house. It has worked out really well for me, I get along well with my son-in-law and I help out...

1 year ago
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Alexis Turns The Tables

Isobel arrived just after lunch as promised. I was in my see through dress and as soon as Isobel saw it her eyes popped out and she said, “Wow, when did you get that Alexis?” Jaden answered, “I did actually Isobel, but don’t worry there is one for you upstairs.” Isobel’s mouth dropped open and I could see she pursed her lips to stop herself saying anything rude. Jaden continued, “Go upstairs and change then come back down and I will run through the rules. That’s a good girl Isobel.” Isobel...

2 years ago
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Changing Amy

Introduction: This is my first time writing a erotic story. Please tell me if its good and critic the writing please. More chapters will come soon. Enjoy the story Chapter 1 I didnt know where I was or who I was with. Then it hit me. I was interrogated, raped, then now cuffed naked on a lonely table. What the fuck happened? One day I was boring Amy, thinking she was going through a phrase. But then, everything changed after I received a package. Before any horrible thing happened, a month ago...

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Jason Not Jessica

Okay now is the whole spiel about "this is my first story". We all know that one so no need to go into, feel free to leave stupid comments and all that jazz, but please point out errors with quotation marks ("") and if I use a word too many times. I did proof-read, but hey I'm not perfect. enjoy. It had started while I was asleep; though I hadn't expected it I knew better than to protest once he we started. He had taken my shorts down while I was asleep I can only...

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DNA 2 Chapter 5

Michael rubbed his eyes and looked up. "It's going to take months to work out how Chamberlain did it." "But do you know enough about it to be able to use it? Can you reverse what was done to your friend?" "I have two different DNA viruses here. I've found a way to remove the DNA signatures from the viruses, but that won't cure him. These blank viruses will pick up any DNA they come into contact with and incorporate it into themselves. So they'll immediately pick up the DNA from...

2 years ago
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Swap with Neibours

HELLO FRIENDS, DO U REMEMBER AMIT & AMRITA AND THIER FRINEDS SANJAY & SUNITA? AND ALSO WITH KANTI & KAVATI. STILL NOT REMEMBERING OK CLICK HERE AND READ GAMES WE PLAYED AT Here again we are going to tell you one more good experience of our life. Indeed we had many good and bad experiences but this one is batter than others. We had other couple friend (we will tell them James & Jolly) with age of about 45/34. James was almost 6 years elder to Amrita and Jolly was younger to me by 4/5 years....

1 year ago
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Lizzie Moving InChapter 6

Tuesday Aug 9 Went back to school today for our swim test. I found a nice quiet corner of the locker room to change in. I didn't feel like putting on extra sunscreen just for the test so I pulled on an old baggy wet suit I had left over from Halloween a couple years ago. Not only was it black but the previous owner had painted little skeleton fishes on it. Very cool. For Halloween I wore it and Em painted my hands, face, and feet, to look like a skeleton. I had to roll up the sleeves and...

3 years ago
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The StormChapter 37

“You are out of your fucking mind!” exclaimed Anita. She was standing with her hostess in Caroline’s bedroom, wrapped in an oversized bathrobe and nothing else, and staring at the leather object in Caroline’s hands. “Have you gone nuts?” Waking shortly before lunch, Anita had gone downstairs for soup and rolls, then had followed Caroline back to the master bedroom, expecting another afternoon lesbian session. Instead, she had been amazed as Caroline laid out the plan for the afternoon. Anita...

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Sleeping on the sofa

After a huge row with the girlfriend I had to stay at my mate Paul's house for the night. Paul is married to Jen who is extremely gorgeous but very frigid so Paul is always on the lookout for a quick lay which turned out I would be the next!! I knew Paul was bisexual but didn't show any interest in me until now. Paul was very well built, worked out a lot in he's gym at home, so was extremely fit. After er arriving at their house and getting the third degree from he's wife about upsetting my...

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Right Neighborly

MY Neighbor Lady     At 18 years old, I still had another few decades before I would even begin to figure out what life was all about. All I knew is that I was cursed by an insatiable sex drive that, because I was still a virgin, I had to take care of it with my hands, and I took care of it a lot. At least two or three times a day I would have to whip out my cock and jerk off. I came so much that it was always best to jerk off into the bathroom sink I wouldn’t leave any tissues or even...

2 years ago
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Hunting DelightsChapter 4 Man Of Substance

After his father died, Ramzy El-Najjar used a few of the youngest members of his father's harem, but then steadily sold off all the concubines and replaced them with his own choices from the auctions. His father's wives he had housed in luxury in a separate enclave within the harem and then he set about building his own family as befitted a man of some property. He let it be known that he was looking for a wife and there were a few discussions with the fathers of marriageable girls, but...

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October Scars

“Now then, shall we make a deal, Maxwell?” the man asked, reaching out gnarled fingers to move an onyx pawn one square forward across the chessboard. The man looked up from the game, lips forming a slanted, unnatural smile. I jolted awake in a sticky cold sweat at one in the morning to a clock flashing neon light and a whistling, icy draft. The scratch of my antique record player coming to life only added to the absurd horror story cliché of waking up to find a young woman downstairs, tapping...

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Fucking On Stairs And Shower

31 January 2014, 05:28 pm Having good skills will always keep you in profits, let’s just say it’s like karma You learn something, put all your efforts to understand it, master it and someday you will say that damn i am never thought this would be so useful! It was winters, found this chick on the internet who was studying fashion designing, soon we became friends and started to hang around, you know the drill guys, couple meet , starts spending time etc. etc. But we were just friends. As...

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My Nightmare5

Oh, I don't feel so good. I open my eyes and see nothing but white. Look he is coming around, an indistinct female voice announced. You are one lucky young man. We found you and have brought you to our facility. I felt someone move past me. It was then that I realised I was completely naked. I couldn't move. I was being held down, restrained. I tried to sit up. A hand was placed on my forehead and a female spoke softly, calm down, there is nothing to fear here. You are...

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Teachers pet

The music was a little loud for Kaye's taste, but the students seemed to be having a good time, and Kaye didn't really have anything else to do, so she didn't mind that when principal Ray Devlin asked her to chaperone the Saturday night dance in the school gym. A local dejay was playing all the latest CD's, and with about a half hour to go, he had slowed the pace down, giving the kids a chance to have a few slow dances. It looked like it would turn out to be an uneventful evening, until Cal...


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