O Mama Futacioasa...cu Fiul... free porn video

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S-a intamplat intr-o zi de vara mai exact intr-o dimineata trezindu-ma pe la ora 10:30 si ca orice persoana(om)cand se trezeste dimineata se duce sa faca un dus asa ca m-am dus sa-mi fac un dus stand in dus mai mult de o ora mama vazand ca nu sunt in camera mea a inceput sa strige prin casa:
-Da mama...
-Esti la dus...
-Ce doresti...
-Pai vreau sa-ti spun ca te astept in bucatarie sa bem cafeaua impreuna...
-Da mama asteapta-ma acolo ca vin si eu imediat...
Si bineinteles ca dupa mi-am facut dus m-am dus(indreptat)spre bucatarie stiind ca mama ma asteapta cu cafeaua sa o bem ajungand si deschizand usa imi spune:
-Da mama...
Asa ca m-am pus la masa si am inceput sa beau din cafea si sa fumez o tigara cand mama imi spune:
-Da mama...
-Azi vreau sa fac curat...
-Si unde anume vrei sa faci curat mama...
-Pai in camera ta...
-Pai da fiule ca nu am mai facut de mult curat si am zis sa fac astazi...
Asa ca dupa ce am terminat de baut cafeaua mama a spalat cestile si scrumiera iar eu m-am dus la magazin sa-mi cumpar un pachet de tigari si cand m-am intors mama imi spune:
-Da tu ai fost plecat la magazin...
-Da mama m-am dus sa-mi cumpar un pachet de tigari...
-Si eu am crezut ca esti in camera ta sau la toaleta(wc)...
-Eee si tu acuma mama...
-Da asa am crezut...
Si bineinteles ca,cand am vazut-o pe mama mea cu un prosop pe cap si intr-o rochie transparenta am inceput sa o privesc fiind o rochie transparenta am vazut foarte clar(bine)sanii,sfarcurile si ducandu-ma cu privirea pana jos am vazut si pizda ei grasa si epilata dandu-mi seama ca era complet goala vazand aceste lucruri foarte excitante pula mea a inceput sa se ridice(scoale)asa ca am inceput sa spun:
-Da ce imbracaminte ti-ai tras...
-Da iti place...
-Da imi place...
-Ma bucur...
-Sa inteleg ca acum impreuna vom face curat...
-Da odata ce ma vezi imbracata si cu acest prosop in cap e de inteles nu...
Asa ca am mers impreuna cu mama mea in camera mea si am inceput sa facem curat la un moment dat dupa ce am terminat de facut curat a mai ramas lustra de sters asa ca mama a pus o scara(mica)si a inceput sa se urce pe ea spunandu-mi:
-Da mama...
-Vino si tine si tu scara ca imi este frica sa nu cad...
Asa ca am tinut scara ca nu cumva sa cada mama si punand un picior pe scara si cu celalat pe o alta scara mama a ajuns la lustra si a inceput sa o stearga de praf la un moment dat fiind geamurile deschise a inceput afara sa bata un vant ce a provocat(facut)un curent in camera mea si la un moment dat rochia lu mama a inceput sa se ridice si sa se plimbe in toate directile pana cand sa pus la ceafa mea arucandu-mi o privire in sus am vazut pizda ei grasa si epilata si bineinteles ca pula a inceput sa se ridice(scoale)lucru care am inceput sa tin cu o mana scara si cu cealalta mi-am scos pula afara si am inceput sa mi-o frec(belesc)pana cand mama imi spune:
-Gata am terminat...
-Da asa de repede...
Vazand ca eu am capul sub rochia ei mama imi spune:
-Iti place ce vezi sub rochie...
-Tu ti-ai bagat capul sub rochia mea...
-Nu mama a inceput afara sa bata vantul si a facut curent in camera si ti-a ridicat rochia in sus si in toate directile...
-Da vorbesc serios...
-Acum fa-mi loc sa cobor...
Dandu-se jos de pe scara mama ma vede cu pula scoasa afara spunandu-mi:
-Tu te-ai uitat sub rochia mea si ti-sa sculat pula...
-Pai acum ca o vezi scoasa din bermude e clar ca asa e...
-Pai fiule se poate asa ceva hai sa te ajut...
Si bineinteles ca eu fiind langa pat mama ma impins si am cazut in pat dandu-mi jos bermudele si cu o mana luandu-mi pula si a inceput sa mi-o frece si sa mi-o beleasca iar cu cealalta mana masandu-mi coaiele(ouale)spunandu-mi:
-Ce pula...
Eu privind-o pe ea cum a inceput sa-mi frece-beleasca pula si in acelasi timp sa imi maseze coaiele(ouale)am crezut pe moment ca voi ejacula dar la un moment dat sa ridicat in picioare dandu-si jos rochia usor lasandu-se jos mai exact in pozitia capra apoi desfacandu-si bucile cu ambele maini spunandu-mi:
-Iti place...
-Bucile mele...
-Gaoaza mea...
-Pizda mea...
-Vor sa simta pula-coaiele(ouale)tale...
-Si bagati pula aia...
-Vreau sa-ti simt pula in pizda...
-Vreau sa ma penetrezi sa mi-o tragi adanc...
-Vreau sa ma faci sa urlu sa gem...
Cand am vazut-o pe mama mea capra luandu-si bucile in maini si desfacandu-le si bineinteles vazandu-i gaoaza,pizda am crezut ca ejaculez dar nu a fost asa am privit-o si am ascultat-o pana cand nu am mai rezistat asa ca m-am dat jos din pat m-am dus la ea apucand-o cu mainile de buci si scuipand-o intre buci mai exact in gaoaza si in pizda si frecand-o cu palma dar in acelasi timp frecandu-mi si pula cu cealalta mana ea a inceput usor sa scoata sunete:
-Lasa palma si baga pula aia ca nu mai rezist...
-Ce bine e...
Dupa 10-15 minute de"joaca"i-am spus:
-Hai ca deja nu mai poti esti transpirata toata...
-Stai capra...
-Vreau sa-ti ridici acest fund in sus cat poti tu de mult...
-In timp ce ti-o voi trage vreau sa-mi masezi coaiele(ouale)...
Bineinteles ca mama sa pus cum i-am cerut(spus)asa ca am inceput sa-mi belesc pula si cu cealalta sa desfac bucile mai exact zona unde se afla gaoaza si am inceput usor sa i-o introduc bineinteles ca nu a mai facut-o de mult cu mine asa ca gaoaza sa inchis sa spun asa si introducandu-i pula a inceput sa spuna:
-Stai putin...
Si bineinteles ca am inceput sa o scot si sa mi-o frec-belesc mama spunandu-mi:
-Ce ma doare...
Asa ca i-am spus:
-Te doare pentru ca nu ai mai facut-o de mult...
La care mama imi spune:
-Si ce e de facut...
La care eu ii spun:
-Doar sa te dai cu crema...
La care mama imi spune:
-Da buna idee...
Asa ca mama sa dus in camera la ea luandu-si o crema si punandu-se la loc si rugandu-ma sa o ung(dau)cu crema asa ca am dat-o cu crema la gaoaza si apoi am inceput sa ii bag pula bineinteles ca,cu crema mi-a intrat pula usor asa ca vazandu-ma cu jumatate de pula in ea o apuc cu ambele maini de solduri si am inceput usor sa fac un dute-vino usor vazand ca nu spune nimic am inceput sa fac un dute-vino dar repede asa ca nici de data aceasta nu a spus nimic asa ca am inceput sa o fut si la 3-6 numere sa ii trag si o penetrare asa ca am futut-o pana la prima penetrare cand a inceput sa spuna:
-Nu ma lasa nesatisfacuta...
-Fute-ma repede...
Auzind aceste cuvinte(vorbe)am inceput sa o fut din ce in ce mai repede ca un nebun lovind-o cu palmele peste buci apoi apucand-o cu ambele maini de par am inceput sa ii spun:
-Iti place cum te fut...
-Am sa te fut...
-Am sa te penetrez...
-Stiu ca iti place pula mea...
-Esti o nesatula...
-Esti o tarfa...
-Te fut cum vrei tarfa dracului...
-Vrei pula...
-Uite ca iti ofer poate asa ai sa te saturi...
Dupa ce i-am spus aceste cuvinte(vorbe)mama a spus:
-Imi place...
-Sunt nebuna dupa pula ta...
-Sunt tarfa ta...
-Sunt tarfa ta...
Am futut-o si am penetrat-o ca un nebun la un moment dat mi-am scos pula din gaoaza ei si m-am pus in fata ei luand-o cu o mana de par si cu cealalta luandu-i barbita ii spun:
-Suge-mi pula...
-Suge-mi coaiele(ouale)...
-Stiu ca iti place sa faci asta...
-Ce limba...
-Ce buze...
-Ce bine e...
In timp ce ea se"juca"cu pula-coaiele(ouale)eu cu ambele maini cand ii masam sanii cand o pocneam(loveam)cu palmele peste buci dupa 10-15 minute de"joaca"am apucat-o de ceafa scuipand-o in gura apoi i-am spus:
-Treci la marginea patului...
-Vreau sa-ti desfaci picioarele cat poti tu de mult...
Si bineinteles ca asa a si facut asa ca am scuipat-o in pizda si cu o mana am inceput sa ii frec pizda iar cu cealalta am inceput sa-mi frec-belesc pula uitandu-ma la pizda ei nefututa grasa cu labile grase dupa care am belit pula si i-am bagat-o in pizda ca un nebun ea spunand:
-Ce bine e...
-Mi-ai bagat pula repede...
-Ce bine e...
Asa ca m-am facut ca nu aud si mi-am pus mainile langa ea si am inceput sa o fut repede uitandu-ma la ea cum gemea de si urla si cum spunea:
-Nu ma lasa...
Asa ca am dat ca un nebun in ea pana la un moment dat cand am simtit ca imi vine sa ejaculez asa ca am scos repede pula am apucat-o cu o mana de par si cu cealalta am inceput sa mi-o frec pana cand i-am bagat-o in gura si am ejaculat picatura cu picatura pana la terminare asa ca am mai stat cu pula in gura ei 1-2 minute si ma uitam la ea cum mi-o sugea(curata)si cum mi-o freca cu mana si cu cealalta cum imi masa coaiele(ouale)a inchis ochii dandu-mi seama ca am satisfacut-o futut-o ca un nebun asa ca mi-am scos pula din gura si m-am pus langa ea spunandu-i:
-A fost buna(gustoasa)sperma...
-Ti-a placut...
-Te-ai simtit bine...
-Ti-am tras-o cum ai vrut cum ai cerut...
La care ea imi spune:
-Da e buna si are un gust foarte bun...
-Mi-a placut...
-M-am simtit bine...
-Mi-ai tras-o ca un nebun si crede-ma ca ma doare rau in fund dar si in pizda...
-E adevarat ca nu am mai facut-o de mult...
-Dar nu e prima data cand o fac cu tine...
-Dar asta e...
-Eu am vrut asa...
-Oricum sper sa-mi treaca durerile...
La care eu ii spun:
-Nu iti face griji...
-O sa-ti treaca...
-Ai sa vezi...
La care mama imi spune:
-Da sper...
-Oricum data viitoare sa ma futi mai incet si fara penetrari pana cand mi-se largeste si apoi poti sa ma futi repede si cu penetrari...
La care eu ii spun:
-Bine asa am sa fac..
Asa ca m-am dus mi-am facut un dus si m-am bagat la calculator la care si mama sa dus si-a facut dus dupa care sa pus in pat si a inceput sa se uite la Televizor"ca si cum nimic nu sa intamplat :D

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Mama Pondati Oru Thevidiya Munda 8211 Part 2

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Mama takes charge 2

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Mama Ke Family Ki Chudai 8211 Part 14

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Mama Pondati Oru Thevidiya

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Mama Ts big tits on a hot night swim

A mature African woman, taking a dip at night, when a skinny white dude walks by…. You will just have to read the story to see what happens!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The air conditioner was broken and the rain that fell just before sun down only served to make the air feel like you should cut it with a knife before trying to breath it!. So I went to the refrigerator, grabbed a couple of beers and decided to take a walk until I got tired enough to fall...

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Mama And Mausi Introduced Me To The World Of Incest

Friends I am writing my experiences for the first time. I will share all my experiences one by one. You can give me your feedback at my email All my stories will be based on true life experiences. Happy reading. Diggu mama entered the room with my Bindu Mausi (mom’s sister), bolted the door without realizing I was inside. He began kissing her furiously, sucked her tits and took out his massive cock and gave in her mouth right at the door. She too was sucking his cock like she was hungry for...

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Mama Lina Hot Latin MilF

So umm... this is the first time I'm posting a story about myself. I was sexually active from a young age as a lot of sexual things happened and was done to me when I was a k**. I was pretty shy, and I'm still kinda shy now but not as shy as I use to be. Although I was shy, I guess because I was sexually active since I was a k**, I was umm... I guess you could say sexually incline. When I think back about some of my encounters, I don't know if it was because I was attracting that sort of...

2 years ago
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Mama Pen Anitha

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil en vaazhvil nadantha unmai sambavathai pagira pogiren. En peyar Ramesh vayathu 23 aagugirathu, en udambu parka oliyaaga irukum aanal sunni perithaaga 7″ irukum. Enaku oru mama pen irunthaal, avaluku ennai paarthaal eerpu athigamaaga irukum. Eppadi avaludan sex seithen enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren, vaarungal kathai kul sellalam. Eppozhuthu mama veetirku sendru varuven, en mama pen peyar thamarai vayathu 20 aagi irunthathu. Mama irukum...

3 years ago
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Mama Ke Family Ki Chudai 8211 Part 10

Friends now we entered in a very erotic part of story.Seema aur mai boht chudakaad ban gaye the.Seema ko ab naye lund ki talsh thi aur mujhe her din ek nayi chut ki.So lets come to the story.Maine kaha daddy ye aapki inner pocket me lamba aur mota jaisa kya hai.Mere ye kahte hi dady ek dum dar gaye aur uthkar baith gaye aur bole bete kuch nahi. Ab tu ja mujhe boht nind aarahi hai daddy sharma rahe the.Mai bhi uth kar aagayi aur sawal nahi kiye kyunke mujhe thoda thoda maza lena tha.Idhar maine...

3 years ago
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Author would like to thank CopyCarver for his help editing this story. * Breathe deep, pick up the pace, keep going……..the beach is only another couple miles in the distance……… was the mantra running through my mind as my hands sliced cleanly through the ocean water. In the predawn light I could barely make out the Malibu pier ahead on my left as I veered away, always keeping a cautious watch for discarded fishing lines. Chemical runoff, discarded nets, and fishing paraphernalia often washed...

2 years ago
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Mama Ke Family Ki Chudai 8211 Part 9

Hi friends, and sorry for late so lets come to story.Hum sab log restaurant se khana khake return ghar agaye idhar kavya bechain beqarar thi chudwane ke liye.Mami dress change karne ke liye unke bedroom me gayi aur hum charo apne room me aagaye maine direct kavya ke bal pakad kar apni taraf khicha aur use fondly passionetly kiss karne laga uske lips ko suck karne laga kavya bhi jamkar kiss kar sath derahi thi uski jeebh mere mun me to kabhi meri jeebh uske mun me ahhh kya testy sliva tha.Rima...

3 years ago
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Mama LoLo Her daughter and Me

I met Mama LoLo for the first time on a summer evening about a year ago , when I brought her daughter Catherine home from our date. Upon entering the multi-level townhouse we came into the main foyer , where Catherine and I were immediately all over each other again. Totally intoxicated with each other we failed to notice the voyeur standing on the landing above us. Catherine was wearing a tight fitted red dress, which hugged her big round ass and her nice tits were pushed up and forward. I was...

3 years ago
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Mama Ke Family Ki Chudai 8211 Part 11

Lets come to story. Daddy bole ye jo mera penis hai beta jise lund bhi kahte hai ye teri pussy meri chut pe ungli rakhkar bataya.(mujhe dil hi dil me hasi bhi aayi lekin mai acting karrahi thi)ise chut bhi kahte hai is lund ko us chut me dalne se ye semen tere pet me jata hai aur phir tera aur mera semen mil kar bacha paida hota hai.Daddy mujhe bacha paida nahi karna hai lekin ye process ko dekhna hai knowledge ke liye plz will you show me plz. Daddy bole kyun nahi beta zaroor sikhaunga per...

2 years ago
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mama cea mai buna amanta

Era de mult, aveam cam 18 ani si eram la mare cu mama. Ea avea 32 ani si era divortata de tata, care a uitat definitiv de noi. Asa e viata! Eram pe plaje si ma uitam cu coada ochiului la fetele care faceau plaje fara sutien, me excitau rau. Intr-una din zile, intru in apa, ma racoresc si, cand vin la patura, mama facea si ea plaje fara sutien. Am ramas blocat, mi-am pus repede ochelarii de soare, negrii, sa nu vada ca ma uit la ea. Avea sanii rotunzi, nu prea mari si sfarcuri roze. Am simtit...

3 years ago
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Mama Pontatiyai Veetil Moodu Eatri Oothen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en mama pontatiyai moodu eatri ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar buvan vayathu 25 aagugirathu. Enaku udan piranthavargal yarum ilai, en mamavirku thirumanam aagi 7 varudam aagugirathu. Avar oru gramathu aal aanal bangaloril  irunthu thirumanam seithukondaar. Bangalore manaivi pathiyaaga irupaal endru enugureergala athu thaan ilai neengal ninaipathu polave aval oru thevidiyaa thaan. En mama padikaathavar aanal en mami padithu...

4 years ago
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Mama Izzy

My fetish for large breasted women who sprouted copious amounts of tit milk from their swollen, deep red elongated nipples began with Mama Izzy. She worked in a bar my father operated, so i was in there a lot from twelve onwards, doing odd jobs. The bar was called Dorian's Tavern, after my Grandfather. We weren't rich, so Dorian's Tavern tended to get the rougher guys, the soft criminals hiding out, the perverts, the sexual deviants. I saw things I didn't understand from an early age. I...

3 years ago
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Mama Ke Ladke Ne Gaandu Banaya

Ye tab ki baat hai jab mai garmi ki holidays mnane ke liye apne mama ke ghar jata tha..Mai us waqat kaksha me padta tha. Patang udaane ka shonk to sab ko hota hai.Mujhe bi tha. Mujhe patangbaji ka bohat junoon tha. Mai parents se chori apne dosto ke sath. Patang udata tha.:jab class ki summer holidays hui to mai hamesha ki trah apne mama ke pass holidays bitane chla geya.Mere mama ke do ladke the ek 30 saal ka aur doosra 19 aur 20 ke beech ka tha. Mama g ka bda ldka videsh chla gaya tha..Aur...

4 years ago
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Mama Ki Ladki Ko Choda

Sabse pahale sabhi chuddakad ladkiya, saaliyo, bibiyo, bhabhiyo aur aap sab ki bahano ki chood ko mere land ka sadar pranam. Pahale mai aapko apna parichay deta hu. Mai waise to Nagpur ka rahane wala hu lekin philhal mai Aurangabad me job hone ke karan hostel me rehta hu. Mera naam Prasad hai. Meri age 26 Saal Hai. Meri Height 5’11 hai aur mai ISS ka regular pathak hu. Mujhe ISS ki sabhi stories acchi lagati hai. Lekin sabse jyada mujhe desi stories padhna accha lagta hai. Maine itni saari...

2 years ago
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Mama Ki Beti Aur Bahu

Hi friends mera naam Vishal Hai main basically Punjab ka rehne wala hu but job ke liye Delhi shift ho chuka hu.meri age 23 saal aur dikhne mein 5,6″ height weight 60 and handsome.ab main apni story pe aata hu. jaisa maine btaya main Delhi mein shift ho chuka hu.maine mere mama ke ghar ke paas hi flat liya tha rehne ke liye.mere mama ke ghar mein mama,mami,unke beta bahu aur unki beti jo mujhse 6 mahine badi hai.uska naam rashi hai,wo dikhne mein bahut hi sexy hai.aur unki bahu mansi jiski age...

3 years ago
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mama mamir mahabharat 1

Aj ami sei ghatona balbo ja amader anaker jibonei ghate kintu amra kauke bali na karon amader lajja kare . Tabe aj ami amar familyr kichu katha khule balbo .Ai galpo suru hai tokhon jakhon amar bayas chilo 15 bachar ,ami amar mamar bari gachilam sekhane amar didi thakto amar mashir meye , ok amr khub bhalo lagto, infact i was probably in love with her.Akdin mar bhaggo khule galo amar didi amay ase ballo je “janish bhai mama na mami ke langto kare ki sab kare ami dakhachi”.Aami bollam ki kare ,...

1 year ago
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Mama finally got me

Note : This story is completely fictional! This story can finally be told, all the other participants are dead except me. Mamma has been dead for 6 mo. now. She asked me to tell this after they were all gone to show others that incest doesn't always bring someone to a bad end, as long as no one is forced or coerced. In fact, some of the best sex is right at home! My family has always been into sex, as long as I can remember. I poated a couple of stories about my 3 aunts, Carrie, Orra, and Edith...

3 years ago
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Mama needs some loving

Monica sat at the vanity of her hotel room sipping a glass of wine to steady her nerves, she had never called on a male escort before but since her husband's death had been unable to broach intimacy. Now though, her desire for sexual relief had pushed her to call upon the company of an escort. At fifty, she was a young widow, she had never had children hence she had retained her elegant figure. She stood at five foot four, with toned slim curves and thirty-two DD breasts. Her wavy black hair...

2 years ago
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Mama Needs Some Loving Part One

Monica sat at the vanity of her hotel room sipping a glass of wine to steady her nerves. She had never called on a male escort before, but since her husband's death had been unable to broach intimacy. Now though, her desire for sexual relief had pushed her to call upon the company of an escort. At fifty, she was a young widow, she had never had children hence she had retained her elegant figure. She stood at five foot four, with toned slim curves and thirty-two DD breasts. Her wavy black hair...

2 years ago
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Mama Ke Family Ki Chudai 8211 Part 6

Ab hum story ke 6th part me hai aap sab jaante hai ke kal raat mama apne tour se wapas ghar aagaye the aur hum din bhar chudayi karke boht thak gaye the isliye hum sab jaldi sogaye the mami mama ke sath aur ye dono mere sath sogaye the raat ko rima ne uth kar thodi der mere lund ko chusa aur aur mere balls se khela aur phir sogayi mai bhi kabhi seema ke boobs ko to kabhi rima ke boobs ko pillow bana kar sota tha hum subah uthe aur ready hokar breakfast ke liye aagaye mama ne mujhse baten ki aur...

3 years ago
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Mama Ke Family Ki Chudai 8211 Part 3

Mai subah utha to rima bed per nahi thi mai fresh hone ke liye bathroom chala gaya.Nahate waqt dekha ke meri thighs per kuch likha hua tha I love you darling. Aaj se meri chut tumhari aur lund mera mujhe kisi bhi halat me tumhara lund meri chut me chahiye.Main pani se dhone ki koshish ki lekin wo marker pen se likha hua tha.Phir me jaldi se nahakar breakfast table pe pahoncha dekha wahan seema bhi thi aur sunday tha isliye mama bhi the.Mama ne kaha beta yaha per maza aaraha haina koi taklif to...

3 years ago
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Mama Ke Family Ki Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mama ke family ki chudayi-1 mera naam sam hai mai 22 sal ka athlete body wala young handsome boy hun. Me ek christian converted family se hun. Ye me khud ki story sunaraha hun.Ye meri paheli story hai.Mai diwali ki chuttiyon me apne mama mami ke ghar gaya hua tha. Ye story meri,mami aur unki 2 ladkiyon ki hai. Mami ka naam pooja unki badi ladki ka naam seems aur choti ladki ka naam rima tha.Conversion ke bad mami ne khud ka naam only pu rakhliya.Pu 40 sal ki lekin khoobsurat fit aur tight...

4 years ago
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Mama ke ladki ko choda

Hillo mera naam rav hai yeh meri dusri kahani hai. Meri age 29 hai jab main 24ka tha tub ki baat hai. Mere mama ki ladki ka naam parveen hai uski umer tub 18 saal ki thi uski height 5fit 1inc thi dikhane main bahut choti dikhti thi magar bahut sunder thi uske boobs karib 34 the kamar bahut hi patli thi. Main akser apne mama ke ghar week do week ke baad jata tha.jab bhi jaata sab log gale milte jab parveen gale milti to bahut choti hone ke kaarn bo bahut achi lagti.ek din jab main mama ke ghar...

2 years ago
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Mama Teaches Me

I woke up when mama came home from the first date she’d been on since she and daddy split. My door was not fully closed and I heard a man’s voice and then they walked down to her bedroom. After while there were some noises and vocal sounds I’d never heard before. I got up and put my ear to my door opening and could hear better but still didn’t understand what was going on. When the man left, I went in to see mama. She’d never been fussy about nudity at home but I’d never seen her like this....

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Mama iubita

...Petrut iesi din dormitor pe jumatate somnoros . Avusese iarasi niste vise erotice teribile, deh, ca oricare militar in termen. Acum, venit in concediu de doua zile,era chinuit de dorinta apriga de a avea urgent o fata, o femeie. Trebuia sa stranga in brate un trup de femeie si asta cat mai repede posibil. Arunca din mers o privire spre baia la care usa era deschisa si ramase fulgerat, fara aer in piept. Fundul rotund, doua buci de cur care se conturau de sub capotul subtire de vara, doua...

2 years ago
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Mama Ki Beti Ke Sath Sex Kiya

Hi dosto mai ISS ka bahut bada fan hoon aur mera nam jayesh hai n mai karnataka se hoon mera rang gora hai n meri age 19 hai n ye gatna phcle 2 month phele huwi ti ab aur time waste na karte huwe story pe ata hoon ye Meri pheli gatna hai wo bi mere mama ki beti ke sath uska nam nisha hai n wo bahut sexy n cute uska fig 32 30 34 n wo b.com 1st mai padti hai n meri garmiyoon ki chutiyan chalo hogayi thi mai mama ghar jane wala tha n ek Din phele maine nisha ko phone kiya aur kahan ki mai kal...

2 years ago
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Mama Ki Beti Ki Thukai

Hello friends lund aur choot walo tyar ho jao …. Mera naam mandeep hai aur main chandigarh ka rehne wala hu. Iss par ye meri pehli story hai jo m aj likh raha hu aur ye story mere mama ki ladki ke baare me hai jiska naam anu hai figure ekdam mast hai aur use dekh kar kise ka bhi use chodne ka dil karega itni sexy hai wo ab jayada samai barbaad na karte hue seedhe kahani par ata hu Ye kahani pichli garmi ki chuttiyo ki hai jab m apne mama ji ke ghar ambala gaya hua tha. Mere mama mami dono hi...

2 years ago
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Mama Ke Family Ki Chudai 8211 Part 4

Subah me hum tino uthe tino boht dare hue the ke ab hungama hone wala hai subah me breakfast ko sab log sath me hi the aur breakfast karrahe the mama normal nazar aaye hum se baten karrahe the lekin mai samajh gaya mami ne abhi mama ko nahi bataya mere dil me dil aaya aur hum tino ne chain ki saans li lekin khatra abhi bhi baki tha kyun ke mami boht khamush tension me lagrahi thi Mama ne breakfast kiya aur 3din ke liye business tour pe dusre shaher chale gaye.Ab hum char log ghar me bache hue...

2 years ago
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Mama Ki Ladki Ko Choda

Hello dosto mera naam samir hai mai delhi ka rahne wala hu aaj mai jo story likh raha hu wo meri sacchi kahani hai ye baat tab ki hai jab maine apni graduation poori kar li Thi aur mai job ke exam ke liye dehradun gaya tha waha mere mama bhi rahte hai to mai 2 din pahle hi chala gaya tha mere mama ke ghar mai mere mama mami aur unki ek beti nisha hai nisha mujhse 2 saal choti hai. Mai unke ghar pahucha aur sabse baat hui ghar ka haal chal pucha aur maine fresh hokar nashta kiya mama ji ko us...

3 years ago
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Mama ko khoob choda

Hi ISS readers.i am regular reader of ISS.Ye meri 2nd story hai umeed hai apko meri 1st story passand aai hogi.mujhe bohat sari mails mili jis ki waja se mera josh bhar gaya hai.Mera naam Ahmad hai main islamabad main rehta hoon.ye story bilkul real hai aur ap story parh kar bohat enjoy karain ge.Main apko batata chaloon k meri age 16 hai lekin lun mera bohat bara hai 7” ka width mai 2.5” ka meri mama ki age hai 36.wo dikhne main bohat sexy bari gand mote mote aur white mummay hain main unki...

2 years ago
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Mama Paiyanai Matter Seithen

Hello friends, indru kathaiyil mama paiyanai athai pen eppadi sex seigiraal enbathai pagirugiraal. En peyar jaya vayathu 24 aagugirathu, enaku oru mama paiyan irunthaan avan peyar dinesh vayathu 19. Engal ooril nadakum thiruvizhavai parka aandu thorum oru murai veetirku vanthu povargal. Mama udan avarathu maganum varuvaan, avanai eppadi sex seithen enbathai ungaludan pagirugiren. Enaku muthal muthalil avan meethu kaama aasai eppozhuthu vanthathu endraal en thozhi avanathu mama paiyanudan...

4 years ago
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Mama Ki Ladki Ki Chudai

Hi indian sex stories doston   Mai rohit panipat se hun.Meri age 21 year hai mai b . Com kar raha hun. Meri height 6’2 ” hai. Mere ghar pe mai mummy papa or ek sister hai jiski shadi ho chuki hai. Mere papa government job karte hai wo delhi hi rehte hai kbhi kbhi ghar ate hai.   Meri mummy ghar ka hi kaam karti hai wo ek housewife hai. Ab mai story pe ata hun. Summer vacation chal rahe thei tou hmare ghar mere mama mami unki ldki or unke ldke ki wife charo hmare ghar aye wo yaha pe4-5 din...

3 years ago
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Mama Ke Family Ki Chudai 8211 Part 2

Mama ke family ki chudayi-2 uss raat hum dono seema aur mai thak kar madhoshi me so gaya jab me subah utha to dekha seema room me nahi thi aur mere uper blanket thi mai jaldi jaldi utha aur lower pahen kar bathroom chala gaya phir fresh hokar room me aaya to breakfast meri table pe tayyar rakha hua tha seema bhi wahan khadi thi nazren jhukakar maine kaha ab shermane ki koi zaroorat nahi ab hum complete partners hai seema wo mere qarib aayi aur mujhe I love you bola aur kiss kar ke bhag...

3 years ago
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Mama Ki Beti Ko Khub Choda

Hello everyone mera naam aman hai mai mechanical engineer ho aur mai pehli bar apni story aap k sath share kar raha ho so agar koi mistake ho jaye to please forgive me aap sab apne feedback mujhe meri email id par de sakte hai meri email id hai aab mai bore na krte hue apni story par aata ho Meri 1 cousin hai naam hai neha wo mere mama ki beti hai uska figure bohat mast hai i think 36-24-38 hoga aur wo kisi bhi model se kam nhi hai har koi usse patane ko try marta tha aur maine bhi kai bar...

3 years ago
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Mama Told Me Not To Cum

I told her I would be inside in a minute, but wanted to take a quick look at her outside unit first. Everything appeared normal, her pressures were fine and the condensing fan was doing its thing.. The door was ajar, so I easily slipped on in. The house felt pretty cool for a hot August day. Her name was Marsha, and I was just about to ask her where she was when I caught sight of her in the back bedroom, fingering her cunt.and moaning to a Z-Z-Top tape. As of yet, she had not seen me, so I...

2 years ago
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Mama Needs Some Loving Part Two

Monica writhed as she felt her first orgasm rip through her with Ethan rubbing her clit while slurping up her juice. His tongue lowered to taste her star and he felt a torrent of hot juice shoot onto his mouth. His mama had squirted over him, his cock pulsated wildly as she panted heavily, her hair was splayed over the pillows in a fan of black locks. Her cheeks were flushed and her body coated in a shimmer of heat and perspiration. Ethan too felt the heat despite having pushed back the bed...

2 years ago
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Mama Ki Beti Ki Naukri

Hi, I am Raja. Main engineering karta hu. Mera last year chal raha hai. Aaj tak meri koi bhi girlfriend nahi hai. Main simple sa ladka hu Mere mama ki beti Mina bahut hi sundar aur sushil hai. Padhai mein bhi excellent hai. Main aur woh bahut hi acche dost hai bachpan se. Magar ab bahut din baad us se mila hu woh bhi ek family ke shadi mein. Bahut hi sundar ho gayi hai aur uski umar bhi 21 saal ki hi hai. Mere mama farmer hai. Mere engineering ke 4 year mein hi Mina ne sarkari naukri nikal di....

2 years ago
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Mama Ki Ladki Ki Chudayi

Hi All, Thank you for posting your comments, I got good responses to my old story (Ex Wife ko Jamkar Choda – I & II) and lots of appreciation. Introduction to those who would be reading my story for first time, I am lover 52655, 39 years old working in Pune in a reputed MNC, Normal size ka lund lekin kisi bhi ladki ya aurat ko santusht karne ke liye kafi hai. I have been married for last 9 years to a beautiful girl. Ladies, If you want to get in touch with me you can write @ Let’s start with...

4 years ago
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Mama Ke Family Ki Chudai 8211 Part 5

Ab hum story ke 5th part me enter hochuke pichle part me hum ne dekha tha ke mama tin din ke tour pe gaye hai aur ab tou se wapsi ka last din tha usse pahele mai tino ki gaand marna chahta tha maine market se ek mere hi lund kaisa dildo kharid kar laya aur tino ko gift kiya 3rd day subah hum charo uthe sab undergarments pe the sab logon ne ek sath bath kiya aur Phir breakfast ke liye bath gaye tabhi kon subah subah cum plus honey lund chuse ga seema aur rima dono tayyar hogaye maine lower utara...

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