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Αυτή η ιστορία είναι αφιερωμένη στον πιο συναρπαστικό άντρα του κόσμου, εναν άντρα που μου γνώρισε τον έρωτα, με έκανε πραγματική γυναίκα, έκανε την καρδιά μου να χτυπάει δυνατά, ζωντάνεψε κάτι ξεχασμένες πεταλούδες στην κοιλιά μου!
Σε αυτόν έχω ορκιστεί να δώσω όλο το πάθος που υπάρχει μέσα μου, με αυτόν θέλω να κάνω κάθε τρέλα, πιασμένη απο το χέρι του θα εξερευνήσω όλα τα μονοπάτια της ηδονής.....

Ο πρίγκιπάς μου...

Απο μέρες ονειρευόμασταν με το μωρό μου αυτήν την συνάντηση, για την οποία είχαμε καταφέρει να είναι ολονύκτια! Ο αντρούκλας μου σχεδίαζε κάτι ξεχωριστό γι αυτήν την βραδιά, ένα ιδιαίτερο περιβάλλον, δωμάτιο με θέα, τζινάκια και ατελείωτο σεξ! Μετρούσα ένα ένα τα λεπτά για να βρεθώ κοντά του. Φόρεσα το αγαπημένο του καρώ φορεματάκι και επειδή θέλω να εκπληρώνω όλες του τις επιθυμίες το φόρεσα χωρίς εσώρουχο!! Όταν άνοιξε την πόρτα και τον αντίκρισα μπροστά μου ψηλό, γεροδεμένο και με την πουτσάρα του όρθια να με περιμένει, σηκώθηκε μέσα μου ανεμοστρόβιλος. Αρχισε να μου δίνει παθιασμένα γλωσσόφιλα και ταυτόχρονα να βυθίζει την χερούκλα του μέσα στην ήδη πρησμένη μου μουνάρα! Εκει μπροστά στην πόρτα έχυσα πάνω στο χέρι του... Ούτε κατάλαβα πότε βρέθηκα στημένη στα τέσσερα πάνω στο κρεβάτι με τον παίδαρό μου να με ξεκωλιάζει και να με ξεμουνιάζει και εγω να χυνω ασταμάτητα!! Κωλάρα, μουνάρα, κωλάρα, μουνάρα και εγω να χύνω και απο τον κώλο και απο το μουνί και να τρέχει άσπρο ασπρο το σπέρμα απο τις τρύπες μου!!!!
Μετα απο κανένα μισάωρο ασταμάτητου ξεσκίσματος ξάπλωσε ο αντρούκλας μου στο κρεβάτι και απόλαυσε την τσιμπουκάρα μου! Δεν την χόρταινα την πουτσάρα του. Την έγλειφα γύρω γυρω με την γλώσσα μου, την έβαζα βαθια μέχρι τον λάρυγγα, ρουφούσα τα αρχίδια του, χτυπιόμουν με την ψωλάρα του στο πρόσωπο, πασαλειβόμουν με τα ζουμιά της και γκάβλωνα ...γκάβλωνα.. Σταματούσα το τσιμπούκι και καβαλούσα με την μουνάρα μου την πουτσαρα του και ξεσκιζόμουνα και έχυνα και μετά πάλι τσιμπουκάρα! Όταν γκάβλωνα τρελά ξανά καβάλημα, αλλα απο την κωλάρα αυτη την φορά! Καλα η κωλάρα μου έχει τρελαθει με την πουτσαρα του. Μόλις μπαίνει μέσα χύνει με την μια και ζητάει και άλλο πούτσο και άλλο πούτσο..
Σειρά είχε η πολυθρόνα... Στήθηκα, τέντωσα την κωλάρα μου και ο παίδαρός μου με ξεκώλιαζε ασταμάτητα. Χύσιμο ξεκώλιασμα, χύσιμο ξεκώλιασμα... Δεν θυμάμαι πόσες φορές έχυσα. Με έπαιρνε παντού, όρθια, πάνω στις καρέκλες, κολλημένη στον τοιχο, με το πόδι ψηλά, στο πάτωμα, στο μπάνιο.... Χόρταινα πούτσο και έβγαζα ατελείωτη γκάβλα!! Εχω τρελό πάθος με την πουτσάρα του!! Με γκαβλώνει τόσο πολύ που δεν μπορώ να την χορτάσω!!! Σειρά είχαν τα φιλαράκια μας, οι δονητές.. Το μωρό μου, μου έμαθε να κάνω παρτουζίτσες. Μου έβαζε τον δονητή στην μουνάρα και αυτός μου ξέσκιζε την κωλάρα και μετά διπλό στην μουνάρα. Πω πω τι γκάβλα αισθανόμουνα, ειδικα όταν έβαλε τον δονητή στην κωλάρα μου και μπήκε και αυτός διπλό τρελάθηκα... " σκίσε με του φώναζα!!! δύο πούτσες παίρνω η πουτανάρα στην κωλάρα!!" Μου έβαζε δονητές, μεγάλους , μικρούς και αυτός μαζί μπρος πίσω ασταμάτητα! Η τρέλα ήταν όταν μου έβαλε μια μελιτζάνα στην μουνάρα μαζί με την πουτσάρα του και έναν δονητή στην κωλάρα!! "Είμαι η πουτανάρα σου του φώναζα.. η δική σου πουτανάρα, κάνε με οτι θες, σκίιιισε με" Ούτε ξέρω πόσες ώρες με πηδούσε έτσι ασταμάτητα, ούτε μπορώ να μετρήσω πόσες φορές έχυσα.
Μετά απο λίγη ώρα ξεκούρασης και ενώ ο ήλιος άρχισε να δύει, βγήκαμε να απολαύσουμε το ηλιοβασίλεμα στο μπαλκονάκι μας πίνοντας τα δροσερά τζινάκια μας. Όμορφες στιγμές, μοναδικές... στιγμές που έχουν χαραχτει μέσα στην καρδιά μου, στιγμές που γεμίζουν την ψυχή μου, που πίστευα ότι δεν θα τις ζούσα ποτέ!!Αφού ήπιαμε 3-4 ποτάκια και είχαμε φτιαχτει καλά ακολούθησε το πάρτυ. Δεν έχω νιώσει ποτέ ξανά τέτοιο πάθος, δεν ήξερα ότι μπορεί αυτός ο άντρας να με μεταμορφώσει στην μεγαλύτερη πουτανάρα! Ανοιγα τις τρύπες μου με τα χέρια μου και ήθελα πούτσους, πολλούς πούτσους! "Ποσούς πούτσους θέλεις πουτανάρα μου; με ρωτούσα ο αντρούκλας μου "Τέσσερις - πέντε του έλεγα ... θέλω στην μουνάρα μου, στην κωλάρα μου, στο στόμα παντού.. Εκείνη την στιγμή πραγματικα θα μπορούσα να παίρνω μέσα μου πολλούς πούτσους, δύο στην μουνάρα, δύο στην κωλάρα, αλλον να τον τσιμπουκώνω, άλλον να τον παίζω... τους ήθελα, γουστάριζα τρελά! Το μωρό μου τρελάθηκε απο την γκάβλα μου, μου έδινε γλωσσόφιλα, με πηδούσε, με ξέσκιζε μπρούμυτα, ανάσκελα, με δονητές, με χόρταινε πούτσους την άρρωστη .. και εγω έχυνα εχυνα ασταμάτητα και φώναζα " Θέλω πούτσους!!!!" Τρέεελα, όνειρο!
Κοιμηθηκαμε αγκαλιασμένοι και χορτασμένοι προσωρινά.. Πόσο μαγικό είναι να ακούς την ανάσα του άντρα που αγαπάς... Να τον αγγίζεις και να λες " είναι αλήθεια, βρίσκεται στην αγκαλια μου, δεν είναι όνειρο!" Είναι αυτές οι στιγμές που για κάποιους είναι δεδομένες και δεν μπορούν να τις εκτιμήσουν. όταν όμως μπορείς να τις ζήσεις κάποιες φορές καταλαβαίνεις πόσο μοναδικές είναι και πόσο μπορούν να ομορφύνουν την ζωή σου!
Η άλλη μέρα μας βρήκε ξεκούραστους. Το θηρίο μεσα μας ξύπνησε!! όταν άγγιξα την πουτσαρα του και την ενιωσα πετρωμένη, ενεργοποιήθηκε το ηφαίστειο!!! Έσκιψα κάτω απο το σεντόνι και τον πήρα ολόκληρο μέσα στο στόμα!! Εβγαζε απο την γκάβλα ζουμιά, τα πιο νόστιμα ζουμια του κόσμου!! Αφού χόρτασαμε τσιμπούκαρα συνεχίσαμε με πρωινό ξέσκισμα!! Στησιμο στα 4 και συνεχόμενο ξεκώλιασμα. Τώρα είχαμε και θέα.. τα καράβια μέσα στην θάλασσα! Κάποια στιγμη που με πηδούσε η μωράκλα μου, μου λέει μας παίρνει μάτι ο καπετάνιος απο την γέφυρα!!! Και όμως, μου ξύπνησε πάλι την πουτανάρα μέσα μου. Γουστάριζα τρελα να πηδιέμαι με τον αντρουκλα μου και να ξέρω οτι με παίρνει μάτι ο καπετάνιος. Μου άρεσε να βλέπει πως ξεμουνιάζομαι και πως ξεκωλιάζομαι! Γκάβλωνα περισσότερο... Μου κόλλησε η σκεψη ότι ήθελα και εγώ να βλέπω αυτήν την εικονα!! Πήγα λοιπόν μπροστά στον ολόσωμο καθρέφτη, στήθηκα, άνοιξα τις τρυπάρες μου και απόλαυσα τα κάλη του αντρούκλα μου. Είναι απίστευτα ερεθιστικό να βλέπεις έναν βαρβατάντρα δύο μέτρα να σε καρφώνει με την ψωλάρα του!! Ειδικα όταν μου σηκωσε το πόδι και αντίκρισα την πρησμένη μου μουνάρα γεμάτη ζουμια να ξεσκίζεται απο την γκαβλαρα του ήθελα να ουρλιάξω απο την ηδονή!! Δεν θα ξεχάσω ποτέ αυτην την εικόνα μας στον καθρέφτη!!!
Αφού πλέον χόρτασα την ψωλάρα του τον αποζημίωσα με μια ακόμη τσιμπουκάρα!! Επαιζα την ψωλάρα του με την γλώσσα μου ενώ με το χέρι μου χάιδευα την μουνάρα μου και αυτή συνέχιζε να γκαβλώνει και να χύνει!! Η μεγαλύτερη απόλαυση ήταν όταν ένιωσα τα χύσια του αντρούκλα μου πάνω μου! Σπέρμα παντού, μέσα στο στόμα μου, στις βυζάρες μου, στις χειλάρες μου!! Εβγαζα την γλώσσα μου και το έγλειφα και ήταν ότι νοστιμότερο έχω γευτει στην ζωή μου...το σπέρμα του λατρεμένου μου πρίγκιπα!!
Το παραμύθι μου τελείωσε με πρωινό στο δωμάτιο αγναντευοντας την θάλασσα και το πρόσωπο του αγαπημένου μου!! Εκείνη την στιγμη που καθόμουνα απέναντί του, την στιγμή που για πρώτη φορά απολαμβαναμε μαζί ένα γεύμα ένιωσα η πιο ευτυχισμένη, η πιο γεμάτη γυναίκα στον κόσμο!! Ένιωσα ότι έγινα η πριγκίπισσά του!!

Αντρούκλα μου ήταν μια ευκαιρία να ξαναζήσω το όμορφο όνειρο που μου χάρισες!! Πλεόν έχεις κάνει την κάθε μέρα μου ένα παραμύθι!

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Stay At Home DadChapter 2

For the remainder of the month everything seemed okay. The following month Ray was back and Cara always came home later and often upset. She hardly played with our boys. Sometimes she didn't eat dinner. I had to find out what the problem was. The next time she came home upset, I told her we needed to talk. "What is it, Cara? Is Ray making advances toward you?" I asked. "Not exactly, John. He does kid around and tries to touch my arm or hand whenever I'm alone with him. He talks about...

4 years ago
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Prettiest Girl in the School

Clare was the prettiest girl in the school and of course I thought she didn't know I existed. I was just an ordinary guy, not much good at anything although I did get into the school's second eleven cricket team, mostly because they were short of players. I had heard on the school grape vine that guys she went out with didn't get much, a kiss and a quick grope, not that it stopped them asking her out. I was a still a virgin myself but hopefully not for long; I was dating a girl called...

3 years ago
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The Conference A Halloween Story

All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between...

2 years ago
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Watch what you wish for

One night they got together at the bar with one of Sues old friends from school (John) and he had a friend with him (Ben). They all danced with each other, switching partners thru out the night, the booze was rampant and all were buzzed to say the least.. They decided at closing time to take the party back to Sues house so off they went. Upon arriving home the men made drinks while the ladies changed into sweat pants and tee shirts to be more comfortable. When they returned to the living...

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Home SchooledNight school

"Don't!" my husband said in a stage whisper.  "You can't go in there like that!""Shush!" I whispered back.  "I checked him an hour ago and gave him his meds.  He's out cold."Our college-aged son Jason, was sick with a bad cold.  I just needed to check on him before hubby and I could relax for the night.  Earlier I had been fully dressed when my son was awake.  Now I was wearing only a short, black, see through night gown, thus my husband's concern.I eased his door open and softly tip-toed over...

3 years ago
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Heavy Is The Head

You are about to embark on an erotic journey; however, you do not know you are about to embark on any journey, erotic or otherwise. To you, you are Will Saxon, bachelor, unlucky in love, but lucky in attaining a broad range of averageness in most other arenas. By day, you are a self-employed IT security consultant, drawing on your years of experience as a data pusher at TechTitan. In your short time as a freelancer, you’ve enjoyed your share of freedom from the middle men – and your domineering...

Mind Control
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The School Marm

Livvy Tyler hummed to herself as she got the room ready for school. It wasn't much of a school house, to her mind, but it was all she had. It was about halfway between the "towns" of Red Rock and Lone Elm, as neither town could afford its own school. That put the school about seven miles from each, which, in 1843 meant she had to get up in the dark, saddle her horse and ride hard to get there before her students did. All of them were from farm or ranching families, and they were used to...

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Panty raider to slave boy

Panty raider to slave boy. A fantasy of women using a man. Part oneBob was a first year at college and wanted to join the fraternity zeta beta and had been accepted eventually to undergo initiation into the fraternity. Many had been turned down by the seniors and the last test to get as far as being allowed to pledge had embarrassed Bob as he had to strip naked and run around a football pitch and then rub himself hard while the seniors laughed at him and the other lads many of whom had either...

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He was my Forbidden Fruit part 11

I had never in a million years thought of Mason in a romantic way and had never thought he would be interested in me. He had never shown any sort of interest before other than me being his 'Best Friend's' wife. We simply contented ourselves enjoying each other's company, sharing the same interests, and we both loved deep, meaningful conversations. We could talk for hours about anything and everything. These conversations were sometimes so intense and so full of emotion that we got to...

4 years ago
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My Stepmother Was A Real B Pt1

When I was sixteen, my father got remarried to this total bitch. I couldn’t stand to even hear her voice. She was pretty enough: blonde, 5’6”, cute butt and small breasts.I could do nothing right in her eyes; it drove me nuts. Her two little angels from her previous marriage were always getting their way and I was invisible when it came to home life.As the years progressed, so did my ire towards the three of them, but when I started dating, spending time making out across the console of my...

2 years ago
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Best RegardsChapter 6

The letter falls from nerveless fingers as Cheryl collapses onto the couch that she asked Ron to buy for their sixth anniversary. The sun has set before she leaves the house and heads for a part of town that she hasn't visited for an eternity. She arrives at a shop and enters then starts grabbing things off the rack until a sudden frightening thought occurs. Then reluctantly she replaces them and chooses carefully. When she approaches the register the clerk leers as he scans the items....

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Tipping Point Ch 03

Chapter 3: Moving Out and Moving On My last week on the job was one of mixed emotions. I was busy working, but I was saying goodbye to many of the guys and gals that I had befriended over the years. I had no way of knowing if I would see any of them again, but if I did, I was confident that it would be a happy reunion. If I could take anything from my twenty-three years with F & C it would be my relationships with my customers. I really couldn’t think of anyone that I wouldn’t want to work...

3 years ago
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Katerinas Visit Continues

For the last three days, Katerina’s visit had been a whirlwind of sexual bliss for both of us. She had come across the country for a “weekend” visit after we had become pen pals. She had confided in me that she was attracted to older men (which I obviously qualified as, being older than her father), and later told me that she had a fantasy of being someone’s “sex slave”; to be used and told what to do, sexually, without having any control. Now, she asked if she could stay a “few more days”,...

3 years ago
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Picture, if you will... and I know you will, for you are there and you have no choice but to see this... picture, as I say, a room, a low-ceilinged room, paneled with dark wood where the paneling is visible, but more obviously richly hung about with thick curtains and tapestries, in such profusion that sounds are muffled and cry from the far side of this room reaches its audience's ears as just a whisper, while a whisper must be attended to very very closely indeed to be heard at all.In the...

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Brian Guess WhatChapter 4

So, Tuesday, Lyssa comes home and comes to my bedroom where I'm laying in bed naked waiting for her. "Oh, I see your ready. I'll be right with you," and she's back in a minute dressed as I am, undressed. "Just stand there, Lys, I just want to look at you. You really are beautiful." She raises a leg up and puts a foot on the bed exposing her most intimate beauty to me. "See anything you like, big brother?" My sister is no longer shy about her body as she lays down and spreads her...

4 years ago
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Rings of Confirmation

Simple: One ring makes the answer to any yes-or-no question always 'YES'. However, this not only compels others to agree -- it also magically makes the statement indubitably True, shaping reality, physics, or society to its accordance. This works on everyone and thing; even those that do not understand the speaker's language, cannot hear them, or are inanimate. (If you are wondering, 'But how about--' the answer is yes, even that. It as powerful as the bearer wishes to utilize it. [See below...

Mind Control
5 years ago
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Consent is Not Required Three Stories In One

There are a lot of things that I regret in my life, and the first time I was raped is one of them. I regret how I didn’t fight it, how I let it happen. I regret how obedient I was, how easy I was to victimize. I regret how everything in my body told me to scream or run or fight, but I stupidly didn’t. I regret that I was meek and quiet, letting him use my virgin body for his pleasure just so I could get what I wanted. I knew what sex was; I wasn’t an idiot, I was just a virgin. Even so, this...

2 years ago
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The Last Vampire Hunter

Author's note: I originally wrote this as background for a character I was developing for a role playing group. The group was disbanded, and so here is my character, Charissa. She's only 19 years old, tall and lithe with lovely medium sized breasts (about 36C). She's heavily into the Goth scene. She has natural straight dark red hair that falls to the middle of her back, and green eyes. Yes, she shaves down there. You might also recall the goddess Discord from Xena Warrior Princess. Charissa...

1 year ago
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Airport Security

Airports are stressful, scary and sometimes dangerous places. These are the stories of folks (right now just women, but if you want to add chapters for men, feel free) who find themselves at the mercy of the High-security bureaucratic apparatus. Strong themes of non-consent, dubious consent, humiliation, exhibitionism, bondage and more in those genres. All characters are over 18 and depicted as such in all the scenes to follow, flashbacks included. Individual themes for each story (the story as...

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A Day Without the Kids

After I dropped the kids off at daycare, I go home and lock the front door. Then I made my way back to the bedroom where my wife was waiting in bed, already naked I hoped. I get there to find she is indeed naked, lying under the covers with her ‘get over here’ smile. I lose my clothes and make my way over to her. We hug then kiss. The kiss turns into a slow wonderful hungry kiss. I run my hand over her back down to her butt and squeeze her cheek. My fingers go lower and touch her womanhood....

4 years ago
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Weekend Hike

After I set up my bed I head out to start the fire in the Sauna. After the fire is well ablaze I layer a layer of coal over the embers and head back up to the hut. I decide to go for a swim in the river to rinse the dirt and sweat off from the hike in. As I strip off the door of the hut opens and this 30 something women wearing a short shorts showing off her well toned legs and a tight tank top showing off her round breast. I quickly pull my togs up as she says hi and carries on walking...

2 years ago
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Real Pleasure Of Rebellion 8211 Part 1

Sushma ek 38 year ki aurat h.Us k pati ek doctor hai aur wo khud ek private school me teacher hai. Dikhne me sundar hai sushma lekin sarir gadraya hua hai.Kamar k pass us ki charbiyon ka ubhar dikhta hai aur us k nitamb bade bade hai.Boobs ki akar bhi badi hai lekin jyda sudol nhi h.Gore rang ki badan ki malkin hai wo.Kul mila kr kaha jae to meri nazar me adhed lekin sundar, kaamuk badan hai us ka. Jyda kisi se baat chit nhi karti hai aur mohalle me bhut he kam log hai jo un k yaha jate hai....

4 years ago
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Good neighbor

Mary had just arrived home from the hospital. Closing the door her phone rang. Hello, answering the phone. No I'm ok just a few bruses and a little stiff. Sally her neighbor heard about the car accident. You relax, I'll send Victoria over to help, she said. Mary hung up and went to change her clothes.As she was tying her robe there was a knock at the door. Opening it Mary found Victoria standing with a basket in her arms, Tory known to her friends. Mother told me you were in a car accident,...

3 years ago
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Chapter 1 The ringing of the doorbell was persistent, accompanied by impatient knocking. Allison hurried down the stairs to open the door. Her little white poodle followed her close behind, barking incessantly. A woman in her late twenties was standing outside. Her long black hair framed a face that was a bit broader than normal, but very beautiful nonetheless. Allison was struck by her eyes. They were green and had a mesmerizing effect. The only thing that these eyes now exuded was hate....

1 year ago
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The image of her mother

Note : This story is completely fictional! Having married Terri my wife when her daughter Stella was still young, I was never really aware of her growth to adulthood until suddenly she was a very pretty teenager. Then I became like most dads and worried more about her and what guys wanted than realising just how sexy she’d become to me as well. One day when she was back from university, I was taking a sauna. I was enjoying the relaxation of the heat on my naked skin and gently stroking my cock...

2 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 42

Flashback – Ben – Back in the battle Most people realize that when your legs don't work right you are really inhibited from doing your job, like I was right now. Because my legs were still fucked up, I couldn't raise myself enough above the floor to see what the hell was going on. Thank God Jack yelled, "Duck, it's a grenade!" I guess my stubborn streak forced my tattered body up onto one very wobbly knee to look. Jack wasn't always right, but he was sure as hell right this time. Not...

3 years ago
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 58 Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Mike’s Bedroom, Bryanston, Ontario 6:25am, Monday, March 26, 1979 “Sheesh! Be quiet, and just enjoy,” Lynette whispered in my ear as I was stirred from my slumber in a most pleasant manner. Lynette, who fell asleep lying on top of me with none of her body touching my bunkbed’s mattress was now straddling my body and gently grinding her pubic bone into mine. As Lava-Lips’ sensitive clit was stimulated by her hunching action, her breathing became more and more labored in my ear. With her...

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Dave ndash Massage By Jilly Part 3

I looked up at her as she stood laughing at her shorts, I could now see her lovely pink hanging lips and the perfectly shaped bubble butt, for someone who was a 5 in the beauty stakes she was definitely a 10 in the body stakes, she looked at me smiling, “I think that cleared out the cobwebs sir, how do you feel?” she sighed softly getting back into her professional persona, I felt absolutely wonderful and have just experienced the best evening of my life with Jilly, she is truly wonderful and...

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Stone and the Gangsters Girls

OK, quite a lengthy one with a little mix I hope you enjoy. Stone is a bodyguard — ex-military who heads a small team responsible for close protection of Dave Devine. Dave Devine is a gangster, a king of the underworld with a wife and daughter who are both very sexy and very kinky. I did think about submitting the chapters individually, but opted instead to lump all 25000 words together in one hit (no pun intended … gangster … hit … geddit?) *ahem* Right, well, yes, I decided to put the piece...

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The Making Of family Slut ndash Part 2

Today I am going to tell you how I met my dearest and closest friend in the whole world.But before that, let me tell you that those days I spent with my two favorite uncles had been some of the best days/weeks/months of my life. It took me a little time to realize that I do genuinely love both my uncles very dearly and loved being their mistress(I call myself their keep, but my uncles think it is too vulgar and call me their mistress). I loved to lift my skirt for them anytime, and they in turn...

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My Mom and my Sis are my Sex Slaves Part 2

This final series will focus around David building towards the life he always fantasized about, where he and his sex slave mom and sister would live in unbothered harmony. The story will be told through the perspective of multiple characters involved. DISCLAIMER #1: All sexual acts in this story occur between adults over the age of 18. DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, sex slavery, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not...

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