Kinky Vanilla: Chapter 2 free porn video

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The second chapter in a very long series
I know it's been forever. Sorry.


my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over

Morning. 7:45. My parents are already up. Coffee's probably on. My alarm's gonna go off in 5 minutes. My mom's gonna wake up Cody in 10 minutes. He'll actually get up in 20. I fucked my sister 7 hours ago. We're gonna have to ride in the same car to school for 10 minutes in half an hour. I'm going to have to look at her. She's going to see me. We might even make eye contact. I fucked my sister 7 hours ago. I came inside her. She could be fucking PREGNANT. AT THIRTEEN. WITH HER brother. I'm going to jail. I'm going to hell. I fucked my sister 7 hours ago. Maybe everything's already fucked. Maybe Cammi is telling my parents what happened last night. Maybe she already did. No, why would she? Even if she was pissed at me she wouldn't tell anyone to screw me over, she'd be ruining her own life just as much. Almost as much. How do you know she wouldn't? You think she's the level-headed girl you thought she was yesterday? She had you fuck her last night. This morning actually. Whatever. She reads your internet history. She watches porn. She broke her hymen on fucking purpose. Her hormones are clearly wack. You are clearly fucked.

What if she's not mad but she's scared? You came inside her. She could be pregnant. PREGNANT. SHE'S THIRTEEN. What if she doesn't know what to do and she talked to your parents crying and in hysterics? Wouldn't you? You just entered high school and your life could already be over. The girl everyone thought was so perfect and pure walking around school with a growing belly. At thirteen. Mom! Dad! What do I do?

What if she never woke up. What if you actually fucked her u*********s and she's still lying there with your cum seeping out of her pussy and Mom walks in and sees her like that? What a joke. You're a virgin. Were. You didn't fuck someone so good they actually passed out. Get over yourself. But what if I hit her head on the wall? What if she just fell asleep like that? Same thing. Mother walks in to check on daughter. She's buck naked and leaking semen. Jail. Hell. Life over.


My head was still swimming when my alarm went off. I slammed my clock instantly. I was exhausted and it felt like could sleep for a week, but I was too stressed out. Way too stressed out. My mind was working on overdrive for seven hours. My body was functioning on pure adrenaline. I was scared to move quickly. I was scared to do anything. I had been like this ever since I nutted early this morning and actually understood what I had just done. As alert and tense as I had been this whole morning, I couldn't quite remember what happened after I had cum inside my sister, but I did remember leaving her abruptly and unceremoniously on her bed, my seed still dribbling out of her young pussy. My brain wasn't working. I panicked so hard I just left herHOLY SHIT DID I EVEN CLOSE HER DOOR?!

I jumped off my bed and bounded over to my door in less time than it takes to blink. I opened it and almost bowled over Cammi herself, who was standing right outside my room.

"Cammi?" I said in blank surprise. She was taken aback too. She had her hand out like she was about to open my door just before I yanked it open myself. I was about to stutter something panicked or apologetic before she gently pushed me back into my room and put a finger to her lips, hushing me up with an urgent "Shhh!"

She calmly but swiftly closed my door as I stood there dumbly watching her. She was all dressed and ready to go to school. No eyebags. No disheveled hair or clothes. Like nothing ever happened.

I opened my stupid mouth and blurted out, "Cammi I am so-"

Cammi turned with a quick "Shhhh!" again. "What's wrong with you?" she asked in an urgent whisper. "You want Mom to hear you? She could come wake Cody up any minute."

She was right. So I closed my agape mouth and just stood there in my boxers. Staring dumbly at her. Cammi wasted no time breaking the silence.

"We really need to talk about what happened," she said.

I was going to say something in agreement but only managed to raise my eyebrows.

"Not right now," she continued, "Later. I just wanted to tell you before school. 'Cause, you know, you kind of freak out about stuff a lot."

I was going to laugh. Then I was going to agree. Then I was going to say "no I don't." Then I was going to exhale with relief.

I just shook my head like a giant retarded bobblehead. I think my mouth was hanging open again.

"Did...did you sleep last night?" she asked.

The words in my brain turned into mush before they reached my mouth. All I managed was, "You're...mad?" Wow. Dude, you''re are fucking retarded.

"I'm mad? What?"

"Not mad. I mean. Not mad?" Caveman talk good. Use many words.

"No I'm not mad. Even though you just left me there with the door hanging wide open-"


"SHHHHH!" Cammi actually put her hand over my mouth this time. "Shut up Jord!"

I looked at her with eyes like a deer caught in headlights and glanced over at the door. She did the same and dropped her hand from my mouth and sighed.

"Seriously stop freaking out. I'm fine." She looked at me with a frown and 10 times more composure than I had.

"You're gonna miss breakfast if you don't get dressed," she said bluntly. "And brush your teeth, your breath smells really bad."

Cammi left my room and gave me a glance that said "you better hurry" before she closed the door behind her. I continued to stand there stupidly in my boxers for another minute. I couldn't believe what just happened. Not only did Cammi not have the FBI arrest me, she looked and acted like nothing was wrong. Like I didn't just creampie her and leave her for dead in full view of anyone who wanted a late night snack a few hours ago. And she had her shit way more together than me. I felt enormous relief and soon after enormous shame. Not only did I take advantage of a young vulnerable girl to pop my cherry, but that girl was my sister. And to top it all off, she was handling it a hundred times better than me. But still, I felt a lot better. My mind stopped racing. The adrenaline stopped pumping. My mouth stopped hanging.

And then it all hit me at once. I was dead tired. I couldn't stay awake another minute. My knees wanted to fold. My eyes wanted to close. And I was STARVING.

I did as Cammi said and freshened up. I saw my reflection in the bathroom mirror as I brushed my teeth. I could carry groceries in the bags under my eyes. I put on extra deodorant instead of showering and threw on the first T-shirt and jeans I saw. By the time I was dressed I had yawned so much I was tearing up. I shuffled my way downstairs and perked up just long enough to inhale two eggs and some cereal before going back into zombie mode. I got into the car before Cammi or Cody and fell asleep the moment I buckled up. When we got to school Cammi practically pushed me out the door I was so dead.

I slept through every class that day. In half the classes the teachers angrily yelled at me to wake up. Ms. Pelletier did it three times. Four maybe. I don't know, but it was enough for her to threaten me with detention, and Ms. Pelletier fucking loved me. In the other half of the classes I woke up at end of period to feel random shit slip off the back of my head. Pencils, empty pop cans, rulers. My classmates wouldn't waste an opportunity to take advantage of my exhaustion. I woke up mid-lunch with two straws up my nose. When I hopped on my computer at home later that day I saw pictures circulating among my friends on Facebook.

By the end of the school day I had slept through classes enough to be completely fucked because I didn't learn shit but also enough to not nod off every time I stopped moving. I talked with my friends at the pickup spot and spotted Cammi a bit further away talking with her friends. If we walked somewhere a bit further this would be a good time and place to have that talk she mentioned this morning, but I decided not to force it. God knows this shit's gonna be awkward when it happens, why rush it?

When my mom pulled up a few minutes later and Cammi and I piled in, we were greeted by Cody gleefully bragging about how he got perfect on a spelling test. Cammi and I congratulated him and asked him to spell different words the entire ride home. Cammi asked him to spell a made up word and everyone laughed as he struggled to comply. I pinched his cheek and he giggled and pulled away. It really was just like any other day.

We got home and I made a beeline for my computer like usual. I started downloading the new releases of my favorite anime and manga and checked my Facebook. I was in the middle of perusing the different pictures of me with straws up my nostrils when I noticed Cammi sign onto Skype on the corner of my screen. That's weird, she's almost never online on any messenger unless she wants to talk to someone about something. No sooner had the thought crossed my mind when I saw message popups climb the corner of my screen.

~*Camille*~ says:

~*Camille*~ says:
dont start watching stuff or playing poker

~*Camille*~ says:
and make sure theres a lot of cash in your wallet


I was about to respond when I saw her messages get quickly deleted one by one. Then I heard the sound of Cammi's footsteps as she walked past my room and downstairs. A few minutes later heavier footsteps came back up. Then someone knocked on my door.

My mom stepped in. "Jordan you're not doing anything right now, right?"

I shook my head and said, "No."

"Great," she replied. "Can you go with Camille to Superstore and pick up a few things?"

"Now?" I asked. "Won't Dad do the groceries on his way home?"

"Yes but Camille wants me to teach her how to bake cupcakes before your father gets home. We're low on baking powder so if we're going to buy more might as well do the groceries while we're there. Or do you expect Camille to carry all those bags the whole way back?"

"The whole way back? From the garage to the kitchen?"

"Oh I'm not driving you two. You can just walk."

"What? What happened to 'while we're there'?"

"By we I meant you and Camille," she said cheekily. "I have to write some emails but I should be done by the time you get back. It's only 5 minutes away anyway, you could use the exercise."

"Are you saying I'm fat?" I retorted with false offense.

"Yes," she countered in total deadpan.


"Camille's waiting for you," my mom said with a lilt in her voice as she left my room.

I remembered what Cammi had said in her message and made sure I had over 200 bucks in cash before I headed downstairs. I'll be paying for the groceries by credit card anyway, so $200 should be more than enough for whatever Cammi's after, right? As I went to the front door I saw Camille leaning against the wall waiting for me.

"Cupcakes, huh?" I asked as I slipped on my shoes.

"Yeah. Something wrong with cupcakes?"

"No. As long as you don't burn them."

"Because you haven't loved everything I've ever cooked or baked, right?"

"Fair enough."

We'd been walking in silence for about a minute when I decided to bite the bullet.

" made up this cupcake reason to give us time to talk with no one around right?"

"," she answered, "I really do want to make cupcakes. But that too."

"Killing two birds with one stone, eh?"

"Three, actually."

"Three? What's the third bird?"

"You'll see when we get there," she replied coolly. Uh oh. She's gonna blackmail me to buy her something expensive isn't she? What could she possibly want in the Superstore that Mom or Dad wouldn't buy for her?

We walked for another 30 seconds or so before I bit the bullet again.

"Soooooo..." I blurted.

"Yeah," Cammi said softly.

"About last night..." I continued awkwardly.

"I can't believe you ejaculated inside me," she said bluntly.

"Oh my God Cammi I am so, SO sorry."

"That's how you get pregnant, you know? I have periods too, if you didn't know. I really can get pregnant."

Holy shit holy shit holy shit. I'm such a bastard. What have I fucking done?

"I have no idea what's wrong with me," I pleaded. "I...I just...I can't believe I did that."

"I can't believe I did that either."

"Yeah and you're so young. And I took advantage of you and...I'm sorry." I put my face in my hands and groaned.

"I'm sorry too. I don't know what came over me. That's how you get STD's too! Like, I know we probably don't have any, but still we..."

Another beat of silence.

"You didn't take advantage of me," Cammi said reassuringly.

I gave her a disbelieving look before saying, "Yeah I did. You're-"

"If you wanna be hard on yourself then do it for ejaculating in me. But you didn't take advantage of me. I asked you to fuck me. I told you to fuck me. It's not- what?" She noticed me cringing.

"It...feels weird to hear you use that kind of language," I explained.

"I'm thirteen, Dad," she responded, "and I'm not a big pottymouth like you are. It's just easier to say than 'have sex with me.'"

"And...ejaculate?" Hooh, why am I continuing this topic of conversation? Talking about this kind of stuff with Cammi feels so weird.

...Really dude? Weirder than sticking your dick in her? ...Okay. And giving her a creampie? OKAY.

"Isn't that the right word?" Cammi asked.

"It is, I guess, but there are a thousand other words you could use. Words that are easier to say," I said with attitude, like I was disappointed in this pubescent girl for not being a thesaurus of raunchiness. "You said you watch porn? Did they really say, 'OH GOD I'M EJACULATIIIIIIIIIING!'"

"Oh my God shut up! People will hear you! And I'm sorry I didn't take notes, Professor Horndog."

"Professor Horndog. Wow. That's the best you can do, eh?"

"Whatever. So what are these easier words I'm missing out on?"

"Cum, jizz, cream, there's a bunch." I felt my face getting hot. I was starting to feel a little less awkward talking about this with Cammi the way I was but it was still hella weird. "Usually cum though."

"Come? Like, come here?"

"Yeah, except spelled C-U-M. Past tense is still came though."

"That's weird."

"You know I think I thought the same thing when I first heard it too, but I'm kinda used to it now."

We were walking into the Superstore's parking lot now so we spoke a little more quietly, but that didn't stop the banter.

"You're used to it now?" A small grin slowly appeared on Cammi's face. "You make it sound like you're an expert on sex. I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only virgin last night."

"That's true. But I'm a guy. I really know my shit."

"Yeah? Did you learn it from those little girl sex comics? No wonder you were all over me last night."

I was definitely full on blushing at this point. "Uh...yeah sorry. But that's why I should stick to the comics right? And why you shouldn't make fun of me for it! I've got urges you know?"

"Oh I do know," Cammi said smoothly as we walked through the sliding doors. "I felt your -urges- inside me."

Aaaaaaand I wanna kill myself again. Man how hard did I fuck this up oh she's smiling. It was a joke. Ha. Ha ha. No.

"Too soon, Cammi," I said sadly, "and I'm sorry again."

"Well that's why you're going to make it right. How much money did you bring?"

"Cash? Like 200."

"Wow. That's plenty."

"Plenty for what?"

"Where's the pharmacy?"

I pointed over to the far corner of the supermarket and she led the way over there.

"Okay," Cammi said confidently, "you are going to go over there and look for something called Plan B. It's a pregnancy pill and it's supposed to be really expensive." Oh. Oh shit. That's what the cash is for. So this doesn't have to show up on the credit card receipt. Yeah, make things right. I definitely owe her at least this much. Man fuck I can't believe I did this to her.

"Okay," I said solemnly.

"And I don't know what condoms are good or not but just buy a bunch of those too."



"Wait, what?"

"Some condoms. Whatever brand you think is good. I trust you."

Something wasn't clicking. I looked her dead in the eyes like I was trying to figure out the meaning of life right then and there for what must have been a year before...

"You want to...I thought that was it," I said. "Like one and done. You actually want to..."

"Didn't you like it?"

"No. I mean yeah. Yeah. I loved it. I mean, apart from being traumatized because I thought I killed you and then wanting to kill myself and not sleeping or even blinking all night."

"Then don't get traumatized. I told you I wasn't mad," my little sister said. "Well, too mad. We already went this far, why would we stop?"

"Um, for starters, the first time was a fucking disaster and I came inside you-"

"Can you stop. Saying stupid things. So stupidly loudly?!" Cammi snapped.

I swiveled my head around like a periscope to see if anyone heard my idiotic outburst but thankfully no one was near or looking our way.

"Look," Cammi said, "just go to the pharmacy and buy the stuff with the cash. I'll start getting the groceries."

My heart was pounding 10 times a second. Out of fear or panic or excitement, I don't know. Probably a combination of all three.

"It's gonna be so embarrassing though," I realized out loud. "An u******e teenage boy buys a morning after pill and a box of condoms? That's like telling the pharmacist straight up that I'm having u******e sex and fucked up, but I want to continue with protection."

"Isn't that the exact situation?"

"Yeah, but..."

"But what?"

"Why don't you do it?" I asked with a shit-eating grin.

"You're older. And you're a guy. It's 100 times more embarrassing for me if I do it," Cammi said forcefully. "You came inside me. You owe me."

I winced. She was absolutely right.

"Just come find me somewhere in the produce area when you're done. Oh and Jord, last night may have been a fucking disaster," this u******e vixen said as she tiptoed up to whisper in my ear, "but at least it was fucking."

I instantly pitched a tent and watched her as she traipsed down the aisle. She didn't even look at me as she said that last part. The little cocktease. Where did she learn that? Definitely not altar serving. She's probably just a natural seductress. Oh boy, yeah, seductress! She's 13 you sick fuck! Whatever. I already sold my soul to the devil. I felt bad because I thought I destroyed my beloved sister, but she's obviously got more grit than me and she wants us to keep on keeping on, so I am all. Fucking. Aboard.

I sat on a nearby chair and waited for my boner to go limp. I bit my knuckle as I watched Cammi walk further away. She really was something. Barely into her teens and not only did she handle her first time oodles better than her older brother, but she figured out what to do next on her own. She made up an excuse to fix a fucked up situation the same day it happened, and killed two, sorry, three birds with one stone. She didn't freak out. She didn't get scarred for life. And somehow, she knows how to get the heart racing. How to tease. She's going to break hearts when she's older.

Oh God she's going to break MY heart. I already know how naughty she is at just 13, when she has boyfriends at 16 just thinking about it is gonna kill me. I'm gonna know, oh man I'm gonna know what she's doing every time she leaves the house. Oh God not my little Cammi. Seriously, dude? You're 15 and you're gonna get a daughter complex over your little sister? Who you're gleefully planning to plug? How is that going to turn out, by the way? She's your sister, you moron. You live in the same house. You're gonna go the rest of your life popping boners every time you see her at the dinner table and frantically trying to find opportunities to have sex with her in the house you guys share with two parents and a younger brother until one of you moves out? How long you think that's gonna last 'til your parents suspect or even catch you? You're a terrible actor and a worse liar. What if she gets pregnant? You best be on point with the contraceptives pal, 'cause you know if you knock her up neither one of you has the heart for an abortion, and not only will your life be over as you know it, the k**'s gonna come out an autistic Cyclops or something. You really willing to risk all that, to put that pressure on yourself because you're too much of a slob to get an actual girlfriend? Because it's not enough for you to jack it to lolicons or even your own sister? You actually gotta do her for real?

Is it all worth it?



Okay you're never gonna go limp if you don't stop thinking about her. Come on.

A couple minutes later I was scouring the pharmacy racks. There were so many condom brands and boxes of different sizes. Some names I recognized, some I had never heard of. I eventually narrowed my options to a 36 pack of ribbed Trojans, or a no-name pack of 100 for half the price. The Trojans were obviously way more expensive, but the box intrigued me, and I kind of wanted to hear Cammi scream and moan. But would your parents? If you're going to fuck her, it's gonna be late at night, and you guys will need to stay quiet. It's a miracle you weren't caught last time. That's true. So the value pack I guess. But what if quality is relative to price? Well, duh. That's always how it is. Things don't get better the cheaper they are. No but what if they're reeeeeally relative with condoms. Like what if the cheap ones slip off all the time? You don't have the biggest dick ever. What if they give you a rash? Or break a lot? Don't forget: autistic Cyclops.

Okay then, Trojan it is.

Now for the Plan B. Alright more condoms, allergy medicine, Vagisil......Plan B there it is. Hm. Pretty small and light. How many are in- wow one pill literally. It's...yeah it's actually one pill. That's weird I've never seeFIFTY FUCKING DOLLARS? FIFTY. FIFTY DOLLARS. FOR ONE FUCKING PILL? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! HOW THE FU-FIFTY DOLLARS! FIFTY!

Earlier with Cammi I was sweating bullets thinking about how I was gonna deal with the embarrassment of buying from the pharmacy. While buying though, I barely even noticed the cashier's judgmental eyes. I was too busy thinking about how the Plan B pill cost FIFTY FUCKING DOLLARS. FOR THE ONE PILL. IS THERE COCAINE IN THE PILL OR SOMETHING? IS IT MADE OF DIAMOND? IT FUCKING BETTER BE. IT'S FUCKING FIFTY DOLLARS FOR ONE PILL. THIS FUCKING THING IS WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD! FIFTY! FIFTY DOLLARS! FOR ONE-

"Can you stop?"

"What?" I asked. I was paying for the groceries with Cammi. I couldn't even remember getting here.

"You keep muttering 'fifty dollars' and 'one pill',"Cammi said flatly.

"Oh. Sorry."

"I told you it was expensive."

The cupcakes turned out more like muffins, but they were still delicious. I love blueberries. Dad was pleasantly surprised when he got home and Cody was losing his mind because Mom told him he couldn't have any more until after dinner. That's one way to get Cody to eat his broccoli I guess. Tell him he can't have another blueberry cupcake-muffin until he does.

After dinner I asked my friends about what homework was due the next day since I slept through every class. Not much was assigned thankfully. I finished it all in a little more than an hour and packed up. This was usually the time when I logged a couple hours on Full Tilt or caught up on my anime and manga but tonight was different. I opened my door and peered down the hallway and downstairs to make sure everyone was asleep. Probably no one except Cody was, but at least they were all in their rooms. I locked the door to my room and took out the box of condoms I hid in the deepest, darkest corner of my closet. I didn't know when Cammi next wanted to do it, and if she even wanted to go all the way again, but I wanted to not be a fumbling mess when she did. I opened the box and took out one of the condoms. It cost the better part of a dollar, but I wasn't about to skimp out on like 60 cents to risk looking like an idiot in front of Cammi. I had already done that a million times today.

I opened the wrapper and took the condom out. I hated the slimy feel of it. I had only ever touched a condom once before, when they were handing out free samples at my school during the sex ed seminar. I opened it and put it on my dick that night, to see what it was like and learn, like tonight. The lube is pretty necessary I guess, but it feels gross. I sat on my bed and played with my flaccid dick and thought of Cammi whispering in my ear earlier today. I got rock hard real quick. I put the condom over my dick and was surprised by the girth of it. The free one from school was just like a super thin slimy dick sleeve but this one was significantly thicker and the ribs looked more intimidating the more I looked at them. Last night it took half an hour before I could move my bare dick in Cammi's pussy without her sobbing, so why did I buy this monster of a condom? Something about wanting to hear Cammi scream or something. Yeah I meant in pleasure, not agony! Should've thought about that harder. Idiot. What now? You gonna train Cammi to like this somehow? You gonna slide inside her at a snail's pace for an hour now so you don't rip her apart literally? Well done.

"What the hell is that?"

My heart leapt up into my throat.

"Cammi! Stop fucking doing that! You're gonna give me a heart attack! How did you even sneak in here? I don't even have my back to the door this time. It's right in front of me!"

"I didn't try to be sneaky. I knocked, even. You didn't hear it?"

"Obviously not."

"Your mind was too blown by the condom?" She said cheekily. "Speaking of which..."


"I don't think that's going to work."

"Yeah I was just thinking the same thing. Too big eh?"


I sighed. "Shit." My boner started wilting too. "You wanted to do it tonight? Well, obviously. Why else would you come into my locked room again."

"Well, we can still try," Cammi said tentatively.

"You sure?" I noticed the uncertainty in Cammi's voice but my penis perked up nonetheless.

"Yeah," Cammi said. She sounded scared for real though.

She started to unbutton her pyjamas and my heart started racing again. With each freed button the sliver of bare chest I could see grew longer and longer, and it felt like my cock was growing too. When she undid the last button and dropped her top my mouth hung open. I had seen these same budding breasts and cute pink nipples less than 24 hours ago, but I still felt like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time. It must have shown in my face, because a shy but wide smile grew on Cammi's lips and she stripped her PJ bottom much more delicately. She took her time and looked me straight in the eyes and she slowly lowered her pyjama pants. She bent over lower and lower, and although she didn't have much for tits quite yet the view was jaw dropping. It was honestly just as much about how into it Cammi was as her body itself. She loves it. She wants it. She's only 13, and she's all yours.

When she dropped her bottom completely she totally changed pace and stripped her panties instantly and pushed me back on my bed with one hand. In contrast to her brief striptease she quickly straddled me and I knew we were in it now. I felt a huge smile creep across my face and she smiled back. She took my dick firmly in her hand as she shuffled forward on her knees to position her bare pussy over my sleeved cock. I put my hands around her waist to steady her as she slowly attempted to lower herself onto my dick. She kept wiggling my dick, trying to position it right as it pressed against her pussy, and that sensation alone had my head in the clouds. With the condom, my dick was too wide for her to take the leap and impale herself on my member, so she kept trying to maneuver it and herself. I probably should have felt frustrated, but the feeling of the head of my dick pressing against her pussy's entrance and her soft hand firmly gripping my cock and moving left right and center felt almost as good as last night's pumping. The perfect quality of her hand and grip was probably a coincidence and there's no way she was doing this on purpose, but it felt like she was giving me an amazing handjob.

I looked up at her face and saw she was lightly frowning. I may not have been frustrated, but she was. I decided to lighten her mood and took my hands off her soft waist and placed them on her silky breasts. She gasped softly and sat back, my dick springing free from her pussy's entrance. I didn't mind. I liked seeing her in pleasure just as much as I liked receiving it. I moved my thumbs around her nipples and she shivered and closed her eyes, just like last night. Her hands shot up and held mine again as I slowly traced circles around her tiny breasts.

"Jordan...come on we have to..." she said weakly.

She pulled my hands off her breasts and shot me that shy smile again. She repositioned above my dick again and started giving me another accidental handjob. She started to be able to fit the tip in, but it looked like it was killing her, so she kept sticking the tip in and then pulling off again, all the while holding and moving my dick like a joystick. It seemed she was trying to get herself used to the condomed dick by trying to slowly lower herself ever so slightly every time. It felt so good I might as well have been fucking her already.

"Jesus...Christ Cammi..." I moaned.

"Sorry Jordan I'm trying." she cried.

"No," I laughed, "don't apologize." I was loving it.

In another minute it felt like I could nut at any second, and she suddenly stopped and sighed in exasperation.

"This isn't working," she said impatiently. "Let's try it like last night."

She pulled me up and I knew what she meant. She wanted us to recreate our position last night. I sneaked a kiss and suck on her nipple before she lay down and she giggled and squealed. She covered her breasts with her arms and pushed me off. I stood up as she lay down at the edge of my bed with her pussy facing me. She spread her legs as wide as she could and I raised my eyebrows. I knew she was in gymnastics but damn she was flexible. I felt my erection get more intense. My dick was aching to be inside her hairless pussy. I leaned forward and put my hands wide on either side of her head like a weird pushup to get my dick pointed to her entrance. Slowly, I started entering her like last night, at a snail's pace. I couldn't have been going faster than a foot a minute but her face contorted and got super red, even more than last night.

I barely got the tip in before she gasped, "Stop!"

I pulled out immediately, worried that I had already hurt her. She panted heavily and looked down at where we were trying to mash privates. She took my dick in her hand again and tried to maneuver it into her slowly yet again. She tried gripping my dick in different places now, closer to the head, closer to the shaft, and actually began stroking me like a proper handjob. She looked up and away from our groins, trying to find the right spot solely off of feel, and I strained to not cum in the condom and in her hand right there. She kept this up for another minute before I was sure I couldn't go on like this.

"'re stroking me..."


"You're stroking me...I can't..."

"Can't what? Sorry, does it hurt?" She took her hand off my throbbing cock.

"No, it feels fucking great," I sighed.

"What does?"

"The stroking."

Cammi gingerly put her hand around my dick again and stroked the full length of my dick. I could feel every rib in the condom and I thought I might faint.

"Like this?" she asked.

"Yeah that," I said weakly.

"This feels...fucking great?" Cammi asked as she kept stroking my dick.

"Yeah I- Cammi...Cammi I'm going to cum."

"What?" Cammi sat upright, so I stood up, and I had a great downward view of her bare chest and silky, juvenile body as she kept stroking my member with it pointing directly at her chin as she looked deep into my eyes. "How are you cumming?"

"I'm-" I definitely felt it. It was happening. I took her hand off my dick and whipped the condom off. I placed her hand back on my naked cock and told her, "Keep stroking just like before. I'm cumming."

"Wait, seriously?"


She looked inquisitively at my dick and with my right hand I cupped her small breast as I felt my orgasm building in my balls. She yelped but didn't stop the handjob.

"Faster," I said.

She stroked faster and looked up at me with an expression of confused innocence. She was so cute I could've eaten her up. And this cute girl, my little sister, was stroking me to climax.

I was there. "Whatever happens don't stop," I said.

"Jordy?" Cammi asked innocently.

The cute look on her face and her cute bouncing tits and her cute hand servicing my throbbing dick were too much. She was too cute. I rolled my eyes and exclaimed in hushed tones, "Cammi!" as I exploded. The first shot hit her in the chin and she stopped in surprise. Then she remembered what I said and kept tugging on my pulsating cock. I released stream after stream of hot cum, hitting her all over her naked body. Her shoulder, then her breast, then her collarbone, then her belly, then her other breast, until finally the last stream seeped out and landed in between her closed thighs. She looked like she wanted to yell in disgust but I kept softly calling her name as my orgasm shook me to my core. It seemed that seeing the pleasure she was giving me stopped her from jumping up and slicking all the cum off her body and onto my floor. She kept pumping my shaft and I kept jerking forward in weaker and weaker thrusts as an orgasm I'd never felt before continued even after I had long spent every drop of cum in me.

Cammi quickly released her grip on my cock. That felt fucking amazing. When jacking off I always reached a certain point where I just couldn't keep going and I just came, but having someone else do it past that point made my orgasm twice as long. Twice as good. My knees felt like they were made of jelly. My eyelids drooped and I let out a deep sigh as I basked in the aftergl-

"Ew ew ew ew ewwww! Jordan what the fuck!"

My eyes flew open and I saw Cammi fanning her hands frantically in disgust. Her lips were pursed and it looked like she might cry. It suddenly dawned on me that a young girl may not appreciate getting glazed all over her body on her second sexual experience. Afraid that she might hastily use my blanket or clothes to wipe herself down I leapt over to my tissue box and yanked out a massive wad of tissue. She took most of the tissue from me and quickly started wiping my cum off of herself. She looked like she was holding her breath. I helped wipe her down too.

"Oh my God that was so fucking gross!" Cammi cried.

"Sorry I should've kept the condom on," I apologized. Actually if I could have gone back in time I wouldn't have changed a thing. Cumming in a condom is lame as hell and I'd always wanted to cover a girl in jizz. Glazing my little sister like a donut was a dream come true, although it clearly grossed her out.

"What the fuck was that?" Cammi exclaimed.

"That was..." I had to think about my answer. "Actually I don't think there's a term for it. Just cumming on someone I guess? I can't believe there isn't a name for it...glazing maybe?"

"That's what cumming is like? It shoots out like you're peeing?"

"Yeah. Sorry for grossing you out again. I'll just cum in the condom next time."

"Why did you even cum?" Oh God even this girl who was a virgin yesterday thinks I'm a quick shot.

"Your...your hand felt really good. When you kept trying to fit me inside you you were like, practically jacking me off." I chuckled awkwardly.

"Jacking you off? What does that mean?"

"Hah hah. Funny," I said sarcastically.


More silence.

"...Do you really not know?" I asked. Cammi shook her head. "How do you know 'masturbate' and 'ejaculate' but not know what jacking off is?"

"I don't know..."

"Well, jacking off is masturbating for a guy. So when I say you were jacking me off it's like saying you were giving me a handjob."

"Oh." Cammi said thoughtfully. "So a handjob is pulling on your dick?"


"And it feels good like when you masturbate?" That should be even more obvious.


"...So what's a blowjob?" she asked out of the blue.

"Oh, um..." I was caught off guard. I thought she would already know this but if she didn't explaining it to her would probably gross her out even more. Whatever. She asked. "It's when you make a guy feel good by sucking on his dick. And blowing, I guess. Basically using your mouth."

"Ewwwwww why would someone put a dick in their mouth? That's so gross! You pee out of there!"

"Because it feels really good for guys. I don't know, if I was a girl I don't think I would ever give a blowjob but some..." I trailed off as something clicked in my brain. "Cammi?"

"Yes?" she replied.

"How do you not know these things?"

"What do you mean? Should I?"

"You told me last night you've been watching porn for months. But you didn't know what a guy cumming looks like, you didn't know touching my dick would feel good to me, and you've never seen a blowjob before?"


I slowly started to smile. "You've never actually seen porn have you?" Oh sweet, innocent Cammi. She told me she watched porn last night to look more perverted and grown up so I would take her first time. She's been acting like a temptress to feel her sexual flower bloom. She just desperately wanted me so she lied because she thought I would still only see her as a little girl if I knew how innocent she still was. How adorable. I love you to bits Cammi.

Cammi rolled her eyes. "Yes, I have." Her voice was dripping with annoyance.

Okay. Didn't expect that.

"What the hell kind of porn are you watching that you don't know what cumming or blowjobs look like?" I retorted.

"Um, normal porn maybe? Not the super gross, super weird kind you like apparently."

"No, in normal porn you see guys cumming. Usually the girl takes his dick in her mouth at some point. In normal porn guys don't cum in the girls because it's super scary for them to get pregnant or get STD's, but you seem to be more okay with that than giving blowjobs."

"Because putting a penis in my mouth sounds really really gross. And I had you get the Plan B, remember?"

"Yeah but when I fucked you last night you didn't look like you were gonna puke or cry like today."

"Yeah because it felt kind of good." That actually boosted my ego a bit. "Why do you care if I watch porn or not?"

"I don't," I said, "I just think you don't know a lot of stuff for someone who's been watching porn for months."

"Well, I'm sorry I'm not a super pervert like you," she said impetuously. "But I've seen porn."

"I don't believe you," I taunted.

Cammi sighed and stood up. I got a great view of her birthday suit body again and I was sad to see her leave. To my surprise, she didn't leave though. She didn't even reach for her clothes. Instead, she walked over to my desktop and opened a private browser window.

"I'll show you."

Same as Kinky Vanilla: Chapter 2 Videos

2 years ago
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Kinky Vanilla Chapter 3

Introduction:The third chapter in a very long seriesThis explains so much. "So just to be clear, all of the porn you've watched is like this.""This is the only porn I watch.""What do you mean the only porn you watch?""Like, this is the only porn I watch.""What, like this genre?""No, this movie."" Just this movie." "Yes.""...How many times have you watched it?""...Twice." Holy fuck.I rested the bridge of my nose in between my thumb and forefinger. Oh my God this explains so much."So...

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Wendy Takes a Shot of Vanilla

Wendy Takes a Shot of Vanilla Vic parked his beat-up yellow Volvo in the parking lot of the gated community. He’d had a bit of difficult finding the place but he was here finally. He’d gotten directions by the security guard where to go and now he was looking up at the three story Spanish Mission style home in a rather affluent section of San Diego. He looked at the flyer in his hand. He saw the number on the house. Yep… it was the place. Strange… there should have been more cars. The party...

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Vanilla and Chocolate Swirl

Vanilla and Chocolate Swirl.So here I am pushing my grocery basket doing my weekly grocery shopping. This is my routine that I do every Thursday for I don’t know how many years. I am a 59 year old white male who has never been married. Not that I can’t get a woman I just decided a long time ago I like being to myself and having my freedom. Financially I am doing good which does open the doors to a lot of dating opportunities. Just never found the right woman who will make me give up my single...

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Wendy Takes a Shot of Vanilla

Wendy Takes a Shot of VanillaVic parked his beat-up yellow Volvo in the parking lot of the gated community. He'd had a bit of difficult finding the place but he was here finally. He'd gotten directions by the security guard where to go and now he was looking up at the three story Spanish Mission style home in a rather affluent section of San Diego. He looked at the flyer in his hand. He saw the number on the house. Yep... it was the place. Strange... there should have been more cars. The party...

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Wendy Takes A Shot of Vanilla

She was five foot six, about 129 lbs. and very sophisticated looking in her short business skirt and white blouse; quite he didn't want to seem too young. Wendy Takes A Shot of Vanilla Vic parked his beat-up yellow Volvo in the parking lot of the gated community. He'd had a bit of difficult finding the place but he was here now. He'd gotten directions by the security guard where to go and now he was looking up at the three story Spanish Mission style home in a rather affluent...

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Vanilla Spice

This story available only on Lush Stories.Ah, that oft-used, ill-used word “vanilla”. Vanilla essence, vanilla pods, vanilla custard… Sometimes, she supposed, a lass just wants a bit more spice in her life. Perhaps not so much that it requires the toilet roll to be left in the fridge overnight, but just enough to bring on the tingling lower regions' burn that speaks of a flavoursome dish that went down like a shot and filled the inside comfortably full. Tonight was going to be different....

Straight Sex
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Chocolate Strawberry and Vanilla

Chocolate, Strawberry, and Vanilla Copyright 2023 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Clark did a waddling shuffle with his cup until it was near the middle the table. "Hello there Mister Artificially-And-Naturally-Strawberry-Flavored- Non-Dairy-Dessert-Beverage!" TC imitated Clark's actions with his own cup, nearly knocking over the plastic tray filled with our combined orders of slowly cooling french fries. "Hello there Mister...

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Whos Vanilla Now Ch 03

Kylie the room service maid with the sweet sex service sideline had left, but Rachel was far from finished her oral attentions to my revived cock. Alone again, I enjoyed the tongue bathing. Rachel closed her mouth around the cock head and flicked the underside with just the tip of her tongue. She paused, pulling back to lick a drop of precum off the tip of the head, savouring it on her lips. This was followed by a tender kiss on one side of my shaft just below the head, which lead to Rachel...

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Vanilla Spice

This story available only on Lush Stories. Ah, that oft-used, ill-used word “vanilla”. Vanilla essence, vanilla pods, vanilla custard… Sometimes, she supposed, a lass just wants a bit more spice in her life. Perhaps not so much that it requires the toilet roll to be left in the fridge overnight, but just enough to bring on the tingling lower regions’ burn that speaks of a flavoursome dish that went down like a shot and filled the inside comfortably full. Tonight was going to be different....

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My Vanilla Mistress

Switch   Cindy and I had first met on the internet and had chatted for some time.   Finally the topic changed to sex and eventually to bondage.   Over the years, I had some experience with binding my dates but it had always been pretty simple – handcuffs and using my necktie to tie their hands behind them.   And that was about it.   But, Cindy and I began talking about stricter bondage.   She told me that she had never been tied and didn’t think she would like to be involved in that sort...

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Cherry Vanilla

I was feeling anxious as I knocked on Ryan's door. Of all my clients, Ryan was my favorite. It wasn't because he was younger or more handsome than the others. It was because of how different he was. Ryan wasn't like any of the other clients. He didn't invite me over, fuck me, pay me, and then kick me out. He treated me like an actual person and not just some sex doll. But what makes him really different? His fetish. Ryan had a thing for desserts. He specifically enjoyed ice cream. I could never...

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WHACK WHACK WHACK, the wooden paddle made that noise as it hit my naked arse cheeks, which had started to feel hot after a couple. This was the last batch of 12 that my wife her mother and her aunt had decided was punishment for forgetting my wedding anniversary, We were all naked in the wet room, me hogtied, wrists short tied to ankles allowing some movement, my ball sack slip knotted with the rope stretched around my legs and knotted around my waist, any reaction to the slap of the paddle...

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My Vanilla Mistress

Switch   Cindy and I had first met on the internet and had chatted for some time.   Finally the topic changed to sex and eventually to bondage.   Over the years, I had some experience with binding my dates but it had always been pretty simple – handcuffs and using my necktie to tie their hands behind them.   And that was about it.   But, Cindy and I began talking about stricter bondage.   She told me that she had never been tied and didn’t think she would like to be...

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Vanilla Escape

Lena McKenneth and Delilah Gerard were at the Styling Profile beauty salon, getting their hair done as part of their weekly beauty ritual. The two best friends were out and about in Atlanta, been best friends since junior high. "Girl, I'm so glad to be going out with you. So glad to be away from Greg, most of all." Lena said to Delilah while they were sitting under the dryer. Lena recently had a bad break-up with her boyfriend Greg, who not only cheated on her but also couldn't keep a...

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Kinky Vanilla Chapter 1

Introduction:The first chapter in a very long seriesPlease read the prologue if you haven't already. This chapter starts at the actual beginning of the story and is thus even more detailed and exposition-y than the prologue. The pace is crazy slow but I really want this story right. Sorry if it's too long winded for you. The haul is still long and I hope you enjoy.____________________________________________________________Now you're wondering how a brother and sister started out on the path to...

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Whos Vanilla Now Ch 01

‘Tell me a fantasy.’ ‘What? No way. I don’t know you nearly well enough.’ ‘Come on, Rachel, we’ve worked together what – four years now?’ ‘But do we really know the people we work with? What they really think?’ ‘And which ones wear leather underwear?’ ‘Ewww…thongs would be gross enough.’ ‘So what sort of underwear do you wear?’ ‘I won’t tell you.’ ‘So will you show me?’ Rachel blushed a charming shade of pink, her cheeks matching her lipstick. Spring had finally sprung, and I had...

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Memories of A Gay Boy part 3 Vanilla

Introduction: Memories of a gay boy part 3! wait for the last part! Intro: In the dark hours of the night, Tokyo screams with noise. Never silent, never peaceful, and never finished. aishite mo ii kai? yureru yoru ni aragamama de ii yo matto fukaku kurushii kurai ni nareta kuchibiru ga tokeau hodoni boku wa…kimi no…vanilla rang through the house. The sound of Gackt: Vanilla sang its tempting melody in the hotel room. Translation is Would it be ok to love, too, in this trembling night? Just like...

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Vanilla and Curry just a story

I’m Jack, your average married 55 year old guy. I keep fit through hard work. My long suffering wife Julie, is eight years my junior and has a lovely curvy figure with a great pair of breasts. We’ve been married some 20 years and we’ve got used to vanilla sex. Don’t get me wrong, I LIKE VANILLA but sometimes I would like a curry! I’m stretched out on our bed naked, bound hand and foot. The sun streaming through the picture windows in our bungalow. 5 minutes ago Julie called me in to the...

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Whos Vanilla Now Ch 02

Checking into the hotel with Rachel was at once romantic and slutty. This was no ‘room rates by the hour’ dive. The high end stores attracted tourists with lots of cash. I could tell though that the desk clerk thought Rachel’s Marissa’s Cupboard bag was insufficient luggage. A large advance tip to the bellboy however ensured better treatment from him. In the glass elevator on the way up, I casually unbuttoned Rachel, exposing her slowly to the bellboy. He tried to avert his eyes, but the...

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Whos Vanilla Now Ch 04

Though Gwen’s place looked like a modest suburban ranch house from outside, the inside was more Las Vegas than Grand Rapids. Monique was waiting inside the door, dressed like a hat check girl, though none of us had hats to check, and she was more undressed than dressed. Her sheer black stockings were attached to matching garters, but there was no skirt over the garters, and no panties below. Instead, she had a bunny tail glued to her rump, where the small of her back curved into the twin rounds...

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Memories of A Gay Boy part 3 Vanilla

In the dark hours of the night, Tokyo screams with noise. Never silent, never peaceful, and never finished. ' aishite mo ii kai? yureru yoru ni aragamama de ii yo matto fukaku kurushii kurai ni nareta kuchibiru ga tokeau hodoni boku wa...kimi no...vanilla' rang through the house. The sound of Gackt: Vanilla sang it's tempting melody in the hotel room. Translation is ' Would it be ok to love, too, in this trembling night? Just like this... harder, deeper... At the grind of your lips...

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Vanilla ice cream from a black guy

I left early my office and caught the train during the rush hour. My nice car was broken down at the garage and the train was the best chance for me to meet my good girlfriend Jenna; to arrange a birthday party in a club.It was summer time and that warm day I was dressed up in a tight black fitting top, with no bra; a silk short and a pair of sexy stilettos…As I was standing and waiting for the train, I got some attention from men around, when my skirt lift up with the light breeze. I could...

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This is a short story, albeit real, about patience and some good plain vanilla sex. I am a 41 year old married man who has a strong appetite for sex. Much stronger than my wife, which is why I play and explore. I had met an individual that had posted on Craigslist Houston in the casual encounters or W4M back in May 2012. It was an interesting and sweet post, so I responded. We sent a number of e-mails back and forth and there was a sweet quality in each one. Her photo was just as sweet. ...

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Looking On Tinder For More Than Vanilla Sex

I am Sunny Thakur. I belong to a typical Indian family from Himachal. I have been staying in Delhi since my education days. I have been in a serious relationship with my girlfriend for over two years, and we have had sexual activities for a long time. She was the first girl I slept with. I have written two stories about our sex adventures, and readers can read them on my profile. However, she hesitates to try new activities, unlike me and prefers vanilla sex. She would boldly refuse any...

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Granberry und Vanilla

Die Geschichte ist einfach nur erfunden (bis auf das Klassentreffen, das fand wirklich statt). Mir ist das ganze eingefallen als ich auf der A2 zwischen Magdeburg und Berlin unterwegs war. In Stichpunkten habe ich sie in einen Kundenmeeting in Berlin aufgeschrieben. Ich hoffe die Story gef?llt euch und bin offen f?r jegliche Art von Kritik. Granberry and Vanilla Die Einladung zum Klassentreffen bekam ich per Email von meinen ehemaligen Schulfreund Ralf. Es sollte ein b...

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Natasha Denies Being Vanilla

Chapter 1 The long road to the final selection for the ballet company of the Moscow Royal Ballet was fraught with many tears and disappointments along the way. Natasha Androprovich had never really believed she would one day be going into the director's office for the final selection interview. She had just finished a long early morning exercise and was jumping with excitement to get the whole thing finished. Natasha knew she had only a 50-50 chance of getting selected for the opening...

1 year ago
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Kinky Fantasy With My Hot Wife 8211 Part I

Hello I am Abijeet and it is my first time on Indian sex story writer’s column actually I am very new to this website. Let me started with myself and my wife Nitisha. We both loved each other since we were in college days at age of 18 she lost her virginity with me I felt pride breaking her hymen. I always loved her from bottom of my heart and her too. Sex has been our first priority when were we got opportunity we fucked each other in passionate way. In college she was one of the sex bomb...

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“Wow, tell me more.” “We share a third person around once a month. My man loves to masturbate while he watches a younger man tongue fuck me. If I give that man a blow job my man expects a blow job from that man in return while I watch and tease his nipples. “To be fair to my man we sometimes share a woman. Very exciting sucking my man’s nine-inch erection while another woman is tongue fucking me. “We both find it very exciting sitting on our couch holding hands and tongue kissing with...

2 years ago
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Kinky Kay Abroad in Asia 1 Lez Love

Kinky Kay is a fine female friend, who was away for a while. As she told us recently: "Abroad in Asia" ... 'A broad in Asia', who finally finds sexual satisfaction in seducing some sexy sweet students, as tiny titted as she is.Kinky Kay is a fine friend and source of some intimate information on her love life as a sexy student. She is as nerdy as naughty. We wrote several series of short stories on her amorous adventures of hot habits, like erotic exhibitionism or listening in to her nice...

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Kinky Kay Goes Greek 2 Naughty Neighbours

Kinky Kay got a lot more of ferocious fucks after the 'surreal' sex at that unusual couple in their first evening together. Luckily, three of her major turn-ons occured to her with that guy during the remaining days of their hot holiday: awesome anal, explicit exhibitionism and voyeurism. A brilliant balcony sex scene and the funky follow-up of it, is the memory she is most fond of.Kinky Kay again answers most of my curious questions in the intimate interview about her hot holiday in Greece,...

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Kinky Perverted Lesbian Slut

I've been thinking a lot about kinkiness and perversion lately. What's normal? What's just kinky, and what is out-and-out perverted? Normal people, I guess, like simple, normal sex. Man-woman vaginal intercourse stuff, with a little oral thrown in for variety. Kinky people like their sex with a twist, maybe with some adventure and some unusual circumstances. And props. Sometimes kinky people get a bit obsessed about their sex - about the thing that turns them on. I've been kinky in...

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Kinky Kay Goes Greek 1 Playing Pool

Kinky Kay learns to play it cool in the pool to turn-on a father playing with his two doddies there. Later that day, the mom watching them invites her along for dinner and up into their apartment for more white wine and some games. In the end, she gets the sex she longed for, albeit a lot different than she imagined earlier that erotic evening.Kinky Kay has a few fine fancies. Nothing of the hard stuff, like gang-bangs or submissions into spanking. She just likes bits of exhibitionism at times,...

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Kinky Fantasy With My Hot Wife 8211 Part II

Let me introduce again -I am Abijeet R. and my wife Nitisha .R, well you must had read the first series which I told about my kinky fantasies where I saw my wife Nitisha having sex with other man (Vijay). I wanted to see how my wife goes wild with him, naughty, hidden lust of another man. We loved each other since college days so trust and bonding has been strong. First she hesitated to have other man in our sex life reason was my jealously & Indian culture. But I made everything ease and told...

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Vanilla Sky Day

Tuesday 5th February 2002: I am in the changing rooms of The Heights leisure centre in Sandown. I have swum a mile then spent about thirty minutes luxuriating in the sauna, Jacuzzi and steam room. I’m glowing and feel really relaxed. I have also taken the week off work to wind down. I take my mobile out of my back pack and switch it on. There is a pause before the message alert sounds. Pop round for a cuppa when you’re ready x It’s from Glacier Heart. Glacier Heart is the ex wife of one of my...

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Episode 111 a vanilla weekend

Hi my name is Amy, I’m roughly nineteen and a student at Southampton. My boyfriend Will is away for the weekend, and I’m already getting frustrated. You may know my big sister Annie, better known as Anna Dominatrix, who always loved to boss me around when we were younger.My first memory of watching her having sex, other than masturbation - which we always did together under the bedclothes, was when she brought a girlfriend home from school.They were naked in the back garden - I don’t think...

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Vanilla Date

Having my profile at a vanilla dating site I was curiously running through profiles of 55+ ladies.The next day a message arrived from a 56 year old lady asking if I was shy to aks her out. Out of boredom I decided to respond if she was in for dinner at friday nigth.Before I knew I was having dinner with her the next friday. She was good looking for her age, slightly overweigth and did know how to dress wearing high heel boots and a nice dress.Actually I had a wonderful evening and she asked for...

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Kinky Kay Abroad in Asia 2 Lez Love

Kinky Kay is a fine female friend, who was away for a while. As she told us recently: "Abroad in Asia" ... 'A broad in Asia', seeking sexual satisfaction in seducing some sexy sweet students, tiny titted as she.Kinky Kay finally found time for an intimate interview, mostly about her new erotic experiences in Asia."I love their looks, how pretty, sweet and sexy they are. How wet they get and moan, when I turn them on."Initially, I assumed Kay went to one of the countries, which often have...

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Kinky Fun With My Neighbour

I had moved into a flat of a friend who was away for a year and it suited me perfect, close to work and the city centre and I was later to find out a very sexy neighbour! The first time I had met Dumebi was on the stairs and we passed each other with a friendly ‘hello' to each other and a couple of weeks later Dumebi and her partner invited me over for a few beers to welcome me to the block, they seemed really easy going people, very laid back and we had a great laugh and got real drunk.From...

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Kinky Sex1

Hi Friends, am a small time contributor to this site with some of the incidents that have happened in my life. Today what I am going to tell you is a story which is not true, but is based on some true sexual incidents that I have had. So it’s a combination of real incidents as well as my fantasy. The main aim to write this story is to connect with like minded ladies who have kinky fantasies, but being in Indian society are unable to fulfill them. If there are any ladies who like my story I...

1 year ago
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Kinky Adventures Of My Life 8211 Part 6

Hey guys KINKY MONSTER here, Let me start this episode with a small message. “When A Thing is followed too much, the purpose of the thing itself will change”. A very good example is Religion and so called Culture. As also my writing for this site. Rape is one of the biggest problems in our country, technically speaking it is due to the mismatch of supply and demand. (I cant propagate this publicly but only through secret media like this.) While other reason could also be the extreme greed and...

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Kinky Punishment She Deserves It

Romantic Raza, Today, as soon as you entered the door, I greeted you, ‘Namaste, Razaji. Welcome home my dear Shiva.’ You were in no mood to play my kinky sex games, however, and shouted at me angrily, ‘Shut up you little kinky mischief. Do you know how you’ve embarrassed me?’ ‘How? What?’ I stammer, but again you silence me with a command. ‘Silence, witless waif. I’ll have to teach you not to pester our professional office male box with your silly female email.’ You seat yourself on a stool....

1 year ago
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Kinky Fetish Whore

My life was a bit of a nightmare. I had to grow up real fast. My mother was a single mother. She didn’t have any college education, so she had to do shit jobs. She mostly worked in a bar as a cocktail waitress. Although, I do think she might have done other work on the side. She had the neighbor next door watching my young siblings. I was old enough to take care of things in the house. She expected me to do the cleaning and all of the cooking. I was basically her slave.She’d always bring men...

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kinky brithday

Gratuitas: (Latin) gift/favorKang Seulgi thinks her girlfriend Bae Joohyun forgot to get her a birthday present but she was shocked to find out that it was something completely different - something kinky.Seulgi had a normal birthday. All day, she was showered with love from the staff and the other members. She was surprised with a cake when the clock hit 12 midnight. Yet, something was missing. And that something was her girlfriend Bae Joohyun. Yes, she was there with the members...

4 years ago
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Kinky Adventures Of My Life 8211 Part 7 The Perfect Girl

Hey all, KINKY MONSTER here but not really kinky from now on.This is my best incident that ever happened in my life. Story is bit lengthy but worth reading. Dont skip paras as few of you mentioned in the mail. Read fully or dont read at all is my suggestion. This event happened during one of the weekdays. And I had to visit NCT for a meeting and also had to stay in a pvt restaurant due to unavailability of accommodation. The most superb thing was that the room service was a young lady and she...

4 years ago
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Kinky Adventures Of My Life 8211 Part 3

Hey all, Kinky Monster here. This is the third part of Kinky Adventures of my life series.After successfully getting the tamarind girl in my bed. Let me quickly go to how I got my cook to satisfy my sexual appetite. When I first moved to the quarters allotted to me I asked to arrange for a cook cum maid to the Campus Manager with certain conditions. A mid-aged widow without children would be perfect, but may have a girl child if couldnt find one. I added that this was because I didnt want an...

2 years ago
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Kinky Brother Sister 8211 Part I

Disclaimer: This story is not for the faint hearted. This is an incest heavy kinky story. The story contains bro-sis, mom-son, mom-daughter, father-daughter incest. And loads of Kinky stuff covering farting, shit, piss, lactation, spit apart from others. In case you are not into any of these you please close this story. For others you may continue reading this and post your comments to me at Part of the story is true and part is fiction, but the story between mom-son-daughter-mother in law is...

2 years ago
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Kinky Stuff In Train With A MILF

I am back with another story with all the kinky stuff. You can check out my other stories on ISS page. This is a story from a train journey, which became more of an erotic journey for me. It involved some very steamy teasing and ended in a very kinky erotic venture. I was going from Mumbai to my native place for some paperwork. It was an overnight journey. I boarded the train in the morning. I climbed in my coach and headed towards my seat. I was a bit sad because my wife had to stay back. I...

1 year ago
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Kinky night with my dom Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

That night was burned into my brain. I had broken up with my boyfriend, my dom, but I couldn’t get him out of my mind. His pleasuring skills still tormenting me day and night. It had been only a week and here I was rethinking going back to him. One of these days I was remembering one kinky night we had where we did it and it was so memorable. I had orgasmed so hard and he had seemed so proud to give that to me. That night I had gone to his apartment hoping to get pleasured by him. He tied me up...

4 years ago
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Kinky Adventures Of My Life 8211 Part 1

Hey all, This is my first let out of my writing my encounters.I am 24,M, a govt officer.I cant give anymore details about me for privacy reasons.All my life i have been a kinky nut right from my adolescents. This Part1 will be full of small nasty activities of my life without much elaboration later in Part 2 i will give greatest possible details of my taking down my cook and office attendants. And later about colleagues. And whats ahead is a complete truth which i always wanted to share. I been...

3 years ago
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Kinky Kayla

By: DamonX ([email protected]) Kayla laid her arm across my chest and pressed her warm, sweaty body against mine, nuzzling her face into my neck. "That was great baby," she said, kissing me on the cheek. "Thanks." "No need to thank me," I returned, wrapping my arm around her. "I think you did all the work this time." Kayla let out a giggle as she snuggled closer. "Yeah, I think you're right. I even worked up a bit of a sweat." "I'll say!" I exclaimed,...

1 year ago
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Kinky Evening In The Park

Introduction: An evening of lust in the dusk Kinky Evening in the park Bondage, kinky, wife, secret threesome For almost a year now, Sally and I had been experimenting with a little innocent bondage. She had enjoyed me tying her to the bedposts with silk scarfs. We tried it with me too but I felt too uncomfortable with it, even though she was wonderful in her efforts to please me. It just seemed to me that men are concentrated on their penises, and women are total sexiness in every part of...

1 year ago
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Kinky Mom

John and Andy moved quietly through the gate and into Andy's yard. Moving up on the deck behind the chairs they knelt down."Ohh ohhh Andy....damn your mom is so fucking hot!" John moaned looking through her bedroom window seeing Reba come into her bedroom naked. Her firm tits bouncing with her movements, her large dark brown nipples were hard and erect. He pulled his hard cock from his shorts looking over to see Andy's hard cock sticking out already. " I would love to fuck your mom and have her...

2 years ago
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Kinky Fantasies Of A Sexy Indian Wife

Hello sexy ladies, this is Ash, an avid traveler who often travel for business or personal reasons. This story is one of my favourite casual encounters of an banged in Bangalore while on a business trip. I was staying in a five-star property at MG road and I had a busy day at the conference. I was coming out of the hotel room after getting ready for the evening to look for food and drinks. In front of the elevator, I noticed a slim and sexy lady with one piece short black dress. She looked...

2 years ago
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Kinky Adventures Of My Life 8211 Part 4

Hey all, kinky monster again, In this part I’ll quickly describe how I took down on my office Secretary. Let Me Clearly give The CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER of the various incidents of All the three parts First – the cook cum Maids story. Although i described it in PART 3 ONLY. Second – After maid, I hired the tamarind girl as assistant. This current Office Secretary story was happening in parallel to the taking down of tamarind girl. Only after taking down Tamarind girl I went for Office...

1 year ago
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Kinky Adventures Of My Life 8211 Part 2

Hey all, Kinky monster here. This is the continuation of Kinky Adventures of my life Part1. After assuming my position in Office, I was so convinced of the way my life went. For the first time, things going so well and i becoming a lucky guy.I don’t really know why, but i wanted to go for the tamarind girl. She completed her 12th and was just staying at home and was doing some odd jobs at the house where her family was staying in servant room. I was posted in a nearby district and i came home...

2 years ago
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Kinky Weekend

My Girlfriend and I get into some pretty kinky things, but a threesome with one of her friends taught us both what kinky really meant. I was in my dorm room talking to my roommate when the phone rang. "Hello?" "Jack?" It was Brenda, my girlfriend. "Hi babe. Where you at? Been looking for you for a while." "I'm at Jill's house. Her parents are out of town for a few weeks and she wants us to keep her company this evening." "Okay. That's cool with me. I'll be over in a few." "Bye." I hung up the...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriend and I get into some pretty kinky things, but a threesome with one of her friends taught us both what kinky really meant. I was in my dorm room talking to my roommate when the phone rang. "Hello?" "Jack?" It was Brenda, my girlfriend. "Hi babe. Where you at? Been looking for you for a while." "I'm at Jill's house. Her parents are out of town for a few weeks and she wants us to keep her company this evening." "Okay. That's cool with me. I'll be over in a few." "Bye." I hung up the...

2 years ago
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Kinky Kat

Story: Kinky Kat (F/M femdom)It was obvious to him from the start that Kat was dominant.  She was very attractive, with the athletic appearance of the kind you see in photos of women's track and field events. When Kat first saw Rick at the bookstore she decided that he was the kind of guy she wanted. She noticed him frequently looking at her, and after a while she came over to him with a friendly smile and asked if he would take a look at her laptop computer to determine why it was not...

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