Humiliated At My Sons Party free porn video

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I was glad that Sarah had agreed to go to the conference with me. We'd been married for nearly 19 years and never seemed to go anywhere alone together any more. I was also surprised that she had agreed, as she had to know that for the most part she would be bored out of her skull, so maybe she was thinking along the same lines, and I was glad because she seemed to have lost interest in sex lately. And it wasn't as if it was far away, barely a five hour drive in fact, and my company offered to pay for the hotel room, so I thought we might as well take advantage.

We packed enough stuff for the overnight stay. We'd agreed to let out 18 year old son, Brent, have some friends stay over, on the condition that there were no girls. I was a little tentative when the first of them began turning up just as we were leaving, as I had only counted on one or two friends, but Sarah said we could trust him.

I wasn't so convinced; I had noticed that Brent was becoming, well, not exactly rebellious towards me, but perhaps a little flippant and dismissive, especially at times like this when I tried to lay down any rules. But I reasoned that it was to be expected in a young man his age, and there was no way I was going to miss a night of randy hotel sex with my wife over this, so we got in the car and off we went, leaving the house at the mercy of the band of loud, energetic teenagers.

As it turned out, I might as well have insisted on staying. A group of guys from our office headed to the hotel bar following last assembly of the day, and, being the macho (so we liked to think), overly-competitive guys that we are, we proceeded to attempt to drink each other under the table. I didn't even realise how much I'd drunk, or how late it was, until I got a very short text message from Sarah a few hours later just saying, 'Where the fuck are you?'

I don't really remember much of the evening after that. I vaguely remembered throwing up on the floor of the hotel room once, maybe twice, but the rest of it was a blur. When I finally awoke in the morning, with a pounding headache, I was alone in the room with an angry note from Sarah informing me that she'd never been so embarrassed, having to call room service to clean up her 40 year old drunk husband's puke from the hotel room carpet, and that she was getting a cab home. A couple of Advil were pointedly taped to the note.

I had to spend the second half of the conference with a thundering hangover, pining for the night of hot sex I'd totally blown, and desperately thinking of ways to make it up to Sarah. By the time I clambered into the car at 5.30pm, I hadn't come up with anything, resolved to the fact that I was going to have to face the music and plead for forgiveness, especially if I wanted to have sex ever again.

When I pulled up outside our house a few hours later about 9.30pm, I couldn't get onto the driveway as there were already several cars parked there, which I recognized as belonging to some of my son's friends. The party was only supposed to be for one night, as far as I knew, and I also presumed that Sarah was back, so the presence of the cars confused me. It was possible she had gone to her mom's or a friend's house and Brent and his friends had decided to stretch out the party, though he had to know we were due back about now.

I was going to walk right in through the door, but something told me that I should get the lay of the land first, partly to find out whether my wife was actually home, and also to find out exactly what sort of teenage post-party hell I was walking into. I felt a tad guilty, peeping through the windows of my own house to spy on my wife and our son, but I rationalised it as just a quick check to see what I was in for.

I walked as quietly as I could up to the lounge window and peeped through the window. The light were on and the curtains were open a crack, and I could see there were a couple of guys either passed out or zoned out on the couch or on the floor, all of them only half-dressed, every available flat surface covered in beer cans, beer bottles, and even one or two bottles of spirits, not to mention the ornate bong perched on the coffee table for all the world to see. But there were only about two or three guys there, and no sign of my son, so, though I frowned at the fact that my 18 year old son and his friends were drinking heavily and smoking pot, essentially confirming my misgivings of the day before, I moved around the side of the house, where I could see the lights were on in the master bedroom.

Well, I couldn't really have predicted what I saw, not in a million years.

The curtains were more open here, giving me a good view of the whole room, and when I looked inside I was initially shocked by the crowd of boys I saw, angry that they'd invaded our privacy, but that was nothing to what I felt when I took in the rest of the scene.

On the bed, naked from the waist down was my wife Sarah, her big boobs exposed and bouncing around. She was lying on her back, her legs wrapped around the waist of my son's best friend, Tom, his tight pint-sized butt rising and falling smoothly and fluidly as he pounded his 18 year old dick into her snatch missionary style. Off to the side, watching the events very intently and with apparently great enjoyment, sat Brent, our son, ardently jacking a truly massive slab of teen meat as his bud fucked his mom right in front of him like it was most natural thing in the world.

I was paralyzed by the sight, my entire body frozen in place, my mind too it seemed, as all I could do was stare soundlessly in disbelief. I wanted to scream out loud, to crash through the window and tear Brent, Tom and their smirking, cat-calling friends limb from limb. How could Sarah do this to me, cuckold me with another guy, a guy who was still practically a k** no less, while our son and all his friends looked on in admiration? I should have been ranting and raging until the sky fell, or at least crumpled on the ground, sobbing broken-heartedly. But I didn't. Partly because I was still in shock, but mostly because my dick talked me out of it.

In spite of my inner turmoil, I suddenly realised that my cock was rock hard in my pants, the tent poking up against the wall of our house as I watched my wife get well and truly laid by a teenager speaking volumes about what I really felt beneath the feelings of shock and anger, which seemed suddenly superficial.

I ducked my head down closer to the windowsill, for fear of being seen, my eyes wide as I watched the disturbingly hot scene continue before my eyes, my breath short and my heart racing, my hips moving slowly so that my confined erection rubbed pleasurably against the smooth wooden boards beneath the window. I took a quick look around behind me to make sure nobody was about, but the house next door was dark and silent, and nobody would be able to see me from the street, even if it had been broad daylight out. Having ensured that I wasn't likely to get caught in the act, not immediately anyhow, I eagerly turned my eyes back to the window.

I couldn't help but admire Tom's energy as he pumped his hips up and down into Sarah. Even through the double-glazed windows I could hear the boisterous cheers and whoops and raucous encouragement from the other boys, and I imagined the smell to be akin to that of a high school locker room, all cheap deodorant, a little bit of aftershave, and that funk of raw testosterone and teenage hormones permeating the air, combined with the heady funk of hardcore raunchy sex.

The boys were all shirtless to a man, several wearing baseball caps, a couple of them still in their board shorts and socks, the rest either stripped to their boxer briefs or naked altogether. They were all built along the same lines; smooth, tight, rippling muscles, some a little more beefy, others more lean, all displaying annoyingly large erections for their age. Most, if not all, were easily bigger than my measly 4.5 inches, and my own son was definitely in the top two in terms of length, and pretty thick too.

I wondered absently where in the family he got that from; certainly not from me. Then I remembered the huge bulge in my father-in-law's pants that intimidated me so whenever we met, and I felt a little shred of my manhood shrivel and die inside me as I gazed enviously at my son's proud cock, more than double the size of mine, which was straining harder and harder in my pants by the minute. I didn't think I'd been so hard since I was 18 myself.

A couple of minutes of watching later I saw Tom slam himself to the hilt in my wife's pussy and I heard him holler out loud that he was cumming, before his breathless voice was drowned by the roars and cheers of his comrades. He thrust and twitched for a few moments before his taut body finally sagged in exhaustion, the sweat dripping from his smooth muscles as he pushed himself up and back, giving me a side-on view of his dripping erection, still hard as an iron bar by the looks of it, clearly the biggest of the group length-wise, but the shaft was much thinner than Brent's. Through all the turmoil in my mind over what I was watching, I felt a small glow of pride at my son, which suddenly turned back to disbelief as I saw him stand, swagger over to where his mom lay prone on the bed, her pussy leaking copious globs of jism onto the linen sheets, swaying his hips as he walked so that his huge bone swung dangerously in front of him, got into a kneeling position on the mattress by her head, and began feeding his bone into her wide open mouth, my wife sucking her son's cock into her throat with apparent relish.

The raucous cheering of the boys in the room reached a fever pitch as they watched Brent get deep slurpy head from his mom, and one of the sitting boys - I think he was called Liam - stood up and laid down on the bed beside her, hands behind his back, his towering cock arching over his washboard stomach as I saw him mouth something to my wife as she pumped her mouth down on the first five inches of Brent's cock.

I saw her nod to what Liam was saying, and then she extracted our son's cock from her mouth and got to her knees. The boys cheered even louder and began chanting and whooping as Sarah swung her leg over to straddle the boy, her hand playing with his leaking cock as he beamed eagerly up at her, one hand coming out from behind his head to fondle one of her heaving breasts, and then she shuffled forward so that he was pressed against her labia, teased him a little, and then she lowered herself down, her pussy accepting his entire length inside her in one go.

Was cock was still straining as I watched, open mouthed, as Sarah ground herself into the boy's lap, her cunt hugging his erection snugly, gyrating her curvy hips around, and then she started to ride him passionately, her large tits heaving up and down as she bounced, the watching boys chanting, "Cowgirl, cowgirl, cowgirl!"

This continued for a few minutes, until Liam apparently got tired of being the passive party and began thrusting up into her insistently, and Sarah rose up on her knees to support herself as the boy began to power fuck up into her with blinding speed, causing her to throw her head back and squeal out loud, her throat emitting the sort of sounds I had never heard her make while in bed with me.

As this was happening Brent was also apparently becoming bored kneeling on the sidelines jacking off while his friend got all the action. As Sarah threw her head back again, her mouth opening and closing soundlessly as the boy beneath her rammed her like a diesel engine, I saw my son get to his feet on the mattress, set himself astride Liam's chest and push his boner in his mom's face, upon which she eagerly slurped it back into her mouth with apparent relish, his fat cream-filled balls slapping against her chin as he took advantage of the better position to force himself in to the root.

My wife gagged a couple of times around our son's thick shaft, but other than that she had no obvious trouble with the intrusion, not even when he began to fuck her face, his rock hard abs bumping into her forehead as he rapidly pumped his hips back and forth, his strong hands holding her head still. Everything about their demeanour suggested this was not the first time such inappropriate activities had taken place between the two of them.

Then, just as I thought I could take no more, I saw another boy stand up, whip off his underwear with a showman's flourish and swagger over to the bed to turn the threesome into a foursome. For a moment I was confused as to where he was going to fit himself in, though at the back of my mind I already knew perfectly well.

Sure enough, the boy, whose name I didn't know, crawled up so that he was kneeled behind Sarah, lined up his long, slim cock, and pushed it up her ass in one long, smooth motion.

I saw Sarah go rigid, her eyes flying open and rolling up into her head. She jerked a few times and I realised with a thrill that the brazen force of the penetration had made her cum, hard, by the looks of it. Brent and Liam never relented their assault on her mouth and cunt; if anything they increased the intensity of their fucking.

The new contended held himself still for a moment as my wife orgasmed, then began to dick her ass with long smooth strokes, bringing his hands around to grasp her body just below her b**sts, increasing the speed of his strokes steadily until he had matched the ferocity of the other two, the sound of flesh slapping wetly against flesh now audible to me even over the sound of the spectating boys, who were now chanting "DP, DP, DP!"

I marvelled at the energy and sheer unadulterated stamina of the three boys as the triple pounding of my wife went on and on and on, the minutes seeming to stretch into hours and still they rammed her like wild a****ls, never losing pace or that maniacal speed, Sarah's body flopping around between them like a ragdoll, her weight largely supported by their pounding cocks in her every available orifice.

Finally, I saw Brent throw his head back, his body tensing, every muscle standing out in relief as he filled him mom's stomach with his seed. Moments later, I saw the other two also tense, the unknown boy driving himself as far as he would go as he went rigid, his body jerking as he unleashed the contents of his balls into my wife's ass. Liam didn't stop and I saw him grimace wildly as he fucked through his orgasm like a man possessed, his copious teen load spurting out onto his hairless stomach, the juices churned up by his thundering cock like whipped cream.

It was too much for me. I gripped my cock to try and stop the inevitable, but it was too late; the sight of the three powerful superior teenagers, each one of them alone ten times the man I had ever been, brutally inseminating my darling wife - who would, had it not been for my excesses last night, have been riding my own cock with hopefully half the appetite I had seen her display tonight - pushed me over the edge. I couldn't silence my desperate moans as I collapsed on the grass, my cock filling my underwear with my own load, soaking through my slacks to form a big wet patch. I continued to grunt and moan as I jerked and twitched, overcome by the throes of orgasm, the scenes I had witnessed through the window in the past half hour racing across my mind's eye like a fast movie reel.

After a couple of minutes, as I was lying panting and practically sobbing on my back on the gravel, I heard footsteps crunching towards me. I turned my head in alarm, wondering who it was who caught me. If it was any of the neighbours or, god forbid, a cop, then I was toast. My reputation in the neighbourhood would be mud.

But it was Brent. He stood over me like a giant, his hands on his hips, the sweat still glinting on his bare chest, his baggy shorts tenting menacingly, smirking down at me like the cat that caught the canary.

"Enjoy the show, dad?"

There were suddenly other footsteps, and the next second I was being dragged to my feet, then the bedroom window had been flung open, and the strong hands that were holding me were bundling me through it, so that I fell to the carpeted floor with a dazed thump.

The eyes of all the boys were on me, and I suddenly felt an inch high, though I was old enough to be any of their dads. They were all grinning at me with no shred of contrition or guilt, and I heard a few poorly stifled sniggers ripple among them. I looked down and saw the spreading stain in my grey slacks and turned bright red, dropping my eyes to the floor in shame as the mocking laughter grew louder.

"Well, Stanley, I hope this teaches you a well-earned lesson about the evils of drinking to excess!" I heard from the bed, and raised my head to meet the cold hard eyes of my wife, glaring down at me with grim satisfaction. Even with jizz dripping down her chin, and onto the bed from her ass and cunt, I couldn't bring myself to hold her gaze for long, and I dropped my eyes to the floor again, feeling utterly wretched and worthless.

"Well now that he knows our secret, mom, it looks to me like he wouldn't mind joining in!"

I looked up again to see Brent and the two other boys from outside re-entering the room from the hall, my son still flashing his sneering, shit-eating smirk. The tent in his shorts didn't seem to have gone down at all, and I found my eyes following it, as though hypnotized. How had I failed to notice how big he was growing down there?

"Yes, I agree, sweetie," Sarah said decisively from the bed. "Stanley, come up here. Now."

Some dormant submissive programming somewhere inside me flicked on like a light bulb, and I found myself crawling across the carpet to the bed at my wife's directed order. I heard the laughter from the boys growing louder.

"Stand up," Sarah barked like a drill sergeant, making me jump. "And take your clothes off. All of them."

I did as I was told, my face burning even redder as I heard the boys burst into ribald laughter at the sight of my pitiful pin-dick, which was already treacherously hard again. I glanced over and saw them pointing at my crotch, still wet from my hands-free orgasm, practically rolling on the floor with gleeful mirth, and I felt yet more of what manhood I still possessed shrivel up inside me. I must've been smaller when hard than some of them were when soft.

"Now, listen; I've been fucked by all these boys multiple times since I got home last night, better than I have been in all my nineteen years of sharing my bed with you, at least until our son was old enough to take over those duties from you. I was fully prepared to give you one last chance to fuck me good and properly last night after the conference - though I had no intention of giving up Brent's huge cock - but you chose to drink to the point that you couldn't even go for a shit by yourself, let alone get that ridiculous little thing hard. I clearly put WAY too much confidence in you. But I will say one thing; the only thing these boys can't do better than you is eat pussy."

I looked up at her, pleadingly, as the laughter burst out again, but Sarah's eyes flashed and I dropped my eyes again at once.

"Get on the bed and lie back." She directed, and I found myself practically scrambling to obey, to the great merriment of the boys. My wife maneuvered me so that my head was at the foot of the bed facing the onlooking boys. "Since these boys have been good enough to give you a display of how real men treat women like me in bed, I think it's your turn to give them a demonstration in turn. Now I have them it's all you're really good for any more. Watch closely, boys!"
I looked up as she swung her legs over me so that she was straddling my head, her ripe, gooey cunt directly overhead. I noticed that she had shaved recently, and I squirmed at the realisation that it was probably intended for my benefit last night. But I had fucked up, and her freshly shaved pussy had instead been enjoyed by our son and his band of friends.

"Now, Stanley, I want you to go to town on this pussy like your life depends on it." Sarah said instructively as she lowered herself down onto my face, her ass facing the room. "Show these boys how a wimpy, pathetic cuckold services his wife."

What could I do but obey? As her gaping snatch pressed against my mouth, the laughter and jeers of the boys ringing in my ears, I extended my tongue to lap gently at the lips of her labia and her clit. I heard her gasp above me as I teased the folds of flesh, and as always she began to get wetter, the scent of her sex overpowering my senses. As I dug deeper with my tongue, her weight pushing my face ever deeper into her muff, I heard her grunt, and my wide open mouth was suddenly filled with a glob of gooey, tangy fluid.

I swallowed it dutifully down even as I realised that she was feeding me the god-knows-how-many loads of the boys' spunk she was holding up inside her, but I felt oddly floaty and disconnected as the flow increased to a steady trickle, her sweet womanly nectar infused with the fresh zesty flavour of potent teenage spooge.

The boys were cheering and roaring with laughter like they were at a wrestling match as my wife ground her crotch into my face, and I knew that even over the noise they could hear my enthusiastic slurps as I munched on her pussy. The flavour of the juices spilling out of her was overwhelming and I sucked and tongued her more and more fervently, trying to get more of it, like trying to lick the last of a tasty sauce from a jar when you tongue isn't quite long enough. My cock was rampant against my belly, and I wondered if the humiliation combined with the flavour of my wife's cum dump was going to make me cum involuntarily again.

A shadow suddenly fell over me and I looked up to see my son towering over me like a god, fully naked, his majestic cock rising from his crotch like a rocket ready to launch. His youthful familiar face was twisted with a malevolent leer as he looked down at me, watching me drink the cum loads from him and his buddies from his mother's pussy like it was the fountain of youth.

"Here dad!" he sneered. "Let me help you with that."

He swung a foot up onto the bed, so that our audience could still see the perverted act going on between my wife's legs, his fat balls resting heavily on my forehead, lined himself up, and rammed his huge rod all the way into the cunt he had slid out of eighteen years ago with a vulgar squelch. The underside of his cock glided across my burrowing tongue, and before I even knew what was happening I was licking my son's heavy, sweaty balls, so much bigger than mine.

"HA! Yeah dad, suck on my balls!" He hollered, giving his watching friends a rowdy 'rock-on' hand sign. He wiggled his hips around, sloshing his cock around inside his mom like he was drilling for oil, and then he quickly yanked himself back out. A torrent of slime gushed out of her, and into my waiting mouth. I gagged for a moment but then began to guzzle the juice down, no longer really caring about the jeers and cat-calls the boys were throwing at me.

As the torrent began to reduce again Brent once more lined himself up and slid into Sarah, claiming his mom's snatch, and then pulled out to let another gusher rain out into my face. Then he slammed in again, and began to pound her hard, holding tight to her hips so that her cunt remained over my face as he fucked more and more of the spunk out of her into my wide open mouth, my tongue extended to catch any stray drops, his balls bashing into my forehead.

As the torrent began to subside, and I began to realise that I'd swallowed down all the pent up cum she had to feed me, Brent slowed down too, before carefully withdrawing his rod from his mom, causing the slime-covered helmet to drag across my tongue.

"Ooh year dad, that feels good!" my son grunted as he rubbed back and forth across my tongue, which for some reason I hadn't retracted, keeping it stuck out to slurp the last of my mistress's pussy juices.

He did this a few more times, the watching boys howling with laughter, raising cries of 'faggot!' and 'fuckin' cocksucker!' Then he stood up straight, looking down at me from above past his throbbing cock a cold hard look in his eyes that made me tremble as to what was coming next.

"Keep that tongue out, wimp!" he snarled. "Come on, tickle mom's clit with your tongue."

"Do as he says, dear," Sarah put in, arching her back so that I had to stretch my tongue as far out as I could to reach her clit, teasing me with it. Oh god, I was so close my cock was practically trembling.

Brent smirked down at me as I followed his and his mother's orders, then pressed the head of his cock up against her clit so I was tickling that with my tongue as well, and he started to leak heavily.

"God, you're such a fuckin' loser, dad." He spat, as he changed his angle of attack and sank his cock into my mouth and down my throat. With my wife sitting astride me and my head between my son's legs there was nothing I could do to get away, and I gagged as my own son forced me to fellate him, his superior cock violating my throat until his balls were resting on my nose. I couldn't stop it; as my gullet struggled helplessly around his thick fleshy shaft I felt my cock jerking about as I came, my balls dribbling what was left of their contents onto my stomach.

"Oh my god, that's hot!" I heard Sarah say as she lifted her weight off me and turned to get a better look at the humiliating proceedings. I doubted anybody had even noticed my orgasm. "That's right, honey, suck your son's enormous cock. Billy, why don't you come over here and fuck my ass again with that thick cock of yours while Brent's teaching his father how a wimp husband thanks the proper man who has been satisfying his wife for him."

My streaming eyes saw a short stocky youth jump to his feet and scamper over to us and out of my field of view, and a moment later the bed was rocking as he plunged into my wife's ass and began humping into her fervently, making her moan and grunt.

"And while my husband is pleasuring my son, why don't one of you other boys come up here and pop his cherry? I can't keep all of you satisfied on my own, and I'm sure he'd be happy to help me with that, wouldn't you honey?" She said to me sweetly, though she knew I couldn't respond with my mouth plugged with our son's monster. "And once Billy here is done I think I'll take a nap next door, it's been a long day. Brent, didn't you say something about the school football team?"

"Yeah, mom, they wanted to come last night but they had a game in another county. I called the captain earlier and he was pretty pleased when I told him it was still going on, and that there was pussy to go around, so he and about eight guys from the team will be here in about half an hour. They're all fucking the Glee club fags so they won't mind pounding dad for a while. They said a couple of guys from the baseball team wanted to join in too, if you're okay with that?"

"Yes, that's fine dear, but I simply have to have a nap if I'm going to have all those boys as well as all of you again tonight. But if I'm still asleep when they arrive I'm sure your father won't mind taking care of them all until I'm ready for them."

I listened to all this in a daze as Brent began to fuck my face with a natural dominance I had only been partly aware he possessed, turning my throat into a pussy so effortlessly that it made my eyes water even more. At Sarah's suggestion, Tom had eagerly jumped up, his long thin cock, longer even than Brent's, leading the way, and he grinned down at me eagerly as he approached, before he went out of my sight around Brent's thrusting butt. I felt the mattress sag as he climbed on, and then I felt my legs yanked up over my body and spread apart. I quickly realised that it was my son holding my ankles, making sure his friend had easy access.

I screamed around Brent's cock as Liam rammed more than half his mercifully slim cock inside me, forcing my asshole wide open, followed immediately by the remaining five or more inches. The two boys high-fived as they began to pump me in unison, spit-roasting me like a hog.

After a few minutes I felt Tom tense and I whimpered as his teen firehose spewed cum up my ravaged ass.

No sooner had Tom retracted himself from me then Brent pulled out of my throat too, and I couldn't help but wretch as it dilated my tonsils on the way out. I watched my son as he shuffled round the bed to take Tom's place between my legs, silently begging him with my eyes, but all he did was grin wickedly as he slid himself into me, stretching my hole even wider, his cock pushing even deeper into my body and making me sob at the pain.

I looked away from my son's uncaring expression in the pitiful hope of finding at least a little sympathy from my wife. But she wasn't even looking at me; her head was resting back leisurely on a pillow, her eyes closed and her legs over Billy's shoulders as he pummelled his wide shaft into her ass with a ferocity and urgency that was genuinely alarming.

Then I saw another of my son's friends stepping up from the observers, an eager grin on his face. He took hold of my head roughly, and pushed his cock into my mouth, forcing me to suck it.

I suddenly felt as though I were outside myself, looking down at the bizarre proceedings, my wife getting fucked by one of our son's friends as he fucked my ass with what I can only describe as a mad frenzy, as one of his other friends pounded my throat, his balls practically breaking my nose every time he pushed in, and a gang of other teenage boys watching with delight, waiting their turn.

Billy lasted a couple more minutes before shooting his wadd up Sarah's ass, after which she got unsteadily up from the bed and announced she was off for a shower and a nap, bidding all the boys goodnight.

One after another the boys fucked my ass and my mouth, filling my innards with cum from both ends, before taking their place back in the queue and waiting their turn again. The pain and humiliation was long forgotten as I eagerly took each newcomer in my ass with a moan of pleasure, hungrily gobbling down the endless array of juicy dicks that came to my face. I must've sucked Brent again twice, and he took one more shot at my ass, his smooth easy inward slide such a contrast to the initial agony the last time, and I wrapped my legs around him as he pounded me hard, Liam's cock hammering into my mouth.

Then the football team showed up, and the baseball team, which kicked everything up a notch. The group bundled back out into the lounge to continue the party with the fresh supply of beer and marijuana, while the handsome football team captain, his young body bulging with smooth, powerful muscle, busted me a new pussy with his double-wide cock, feeling like he was ramming a c***d's arm up my butt rather than a dick, the hulking quarterback pumping my mouth. And when they were done, another pair of players strutted in to take their place, and then another. By the time Sarah woke up again over two hours later I'd taken each newcomer in one of my holes at least once, and the line was going round again, some of the original group managing to cut in and get laid again.

"Well, honey, isn't this just the best party ever?" Sarah cooed to me a little while later as she lay on her back, the baseball team captain ramming his footlong erection up her ass while little Billy fucked me doggystyle, one of the thuggish line-backers stretching my newly trained throat. "It's odd to think that none of this might have happened if you hadn't fucked up so bad last night. So I suppose I should be thanking you, really."

I swivelled my tired eyes over to her as I felt Billy shoot in my ass, hearing the stud fucking Sarah wonder out loud if my ass was loose enough to take a baseball bat, one of his teammates skipping out of the room to grab a bat from his bag. She simply smiled sweetly at me, and then became preoccupied as her beau shoved his tongue down her throat as he mated with her ass like a seasoned pornstar, only surfacing again when she heard me screaming around the line-backer's shaft as the aluminium baseball bat was pushed inside me, followed about ten minutes later by the quarterback's massive fist, and by time he managed to push in up to his elbow the whole party including Brent had piled back into the room to watch the spectacle.

As the line-backer splurted down my throat and got up, I laid my head on the mattress, a little dazed smile coming to my stretched lips as the quarterback managed to get his elbow into me too. I had to admit, though I never would have thought I would, I was silently thanking me, too. That was my last coherent thought before my head was yanked up and I was faced with my wife's cum-smeared cunt again, burrowing my face in it yet again to suck of yet another gloopy creampie, as the quarterback's twenty inch biceps began to stretch my asshole to the max.

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DONNA'S THREE SONS(by Eros) Chapter 1. On a hot June day in Los Angeles, Donna Mason looked out her living room window and watched the gardener mowing the front lawn of her house. He was naked to the waist, and he had a broad, hair-matted chest. The sight was turning Donna on like crazy. The guy was in his fifties, and he didn't even speak English. Donna knew she had to be pretty hard-up to get turned on by the gardener. He'd never attracted her before. But she'd been almost three months...

2 years ago
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Two Moms Two Sons 13 The MILFs Meet Gia And Keisha

POV London."Oh, someone is knocking on the door, boys, is that your secret girlfriends?" I asked, getting up off the couch."No, Mom," Joe objected, grabbing my arm. "I wouldn't cheat on you; I love you.""I know, Joe, I was joking. I know how much I mean to you; now I'm gonna answer the door, because whoever is there, is still knocking," I made clear before walking to the door.As I made it there, I opened the door. 'Holy shit, there are two stunning ladies at our sons' door now,' I...

4 years ago
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My Tit Hungry Sons

Chapter 1 "Oh mom, your titties are so big and i always wanted to fuck them to my heart content. please mom lemme fuck them and i wanna cum all over your titties". said Paul, my elder son. As i said i have two sons and a daughter, i have become a slave to them and they treat me like they treat a slut. "Oh mommy, i crave for your big boobies and i too wanna play with them and fuck them with my big cock. Paul, let's fuck mommy's big boobies today to our heart content. Mommy, you son...

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Two Moms Two Sons 16 Gia Accepts Sandra And Petes MotherSon Love

POV Sandra"So, tell me what you think? You'd love to be a grandma, wouldn't you?" she asked, as we walked down the hallway. "Yes, London, but are we ready for that now?" "Maybe, maybe not, but we just have to get them on board, with getting with another woman first, remember? They didn't even want to ask out Keisha and Gia, even though we encouraged them to do it," she mentioned it before we made it to the door, and she took my hands in hers. "Let's hang out with our sons, fuck the...

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Anna the Slave and Her two Sons

Anna was born into slavery and was married at age 13 by the age of 15 she had two healthy boys. As Anna cleaned her sparse living quarters in her mind she kept hearing the words of the landlord Cyrus. She twisted and wrung her hands fitfully. How she wished for her husbands return from the battle of the Moors.A longing filled her heart as tears filled her eyes. For she knew not if he was dead or alive.As she made her two son’s beds her mind drifted to thoughts of her and her husband. How she...

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Chapter 1 =-On a hot June day in Los Angeles, Donna Mason looked out her living room window and watched the gardener mowing the front lawn of her house. He was naked to the waist, and he had a broad, hair-matted chest. The sight was turning Donna on like crazy.The guy was in his fifties, and he didn't even speak English. Donna knew she had to be pretty hard-up to get turned on by the gardener. He'd never attracted her before. But she'd been almost three months without a man, and it was...

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Tit loving sons

"Oh mommy, your titties are so big and I always wanted to fuck them to my heart content. please mom lemme fuck them and I wanna cum all over your titties," said Paul, my elder son. As I said I have two sons and a daughter, I have become a slave to them and they treat me like they treat a slut. "Oh mommy, I crave for your big boobies and I too wanna play with them and fuck them with my big cock. Paul , let's fuck mommy's big boobies today to our heart content. Mommy , you son fucking whore ,fuck...

4 years ago
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"Oh mommy, your titties are so big and I always wanted to fuck them to my heart content. please mom lemme fuck them and I wanna cum all over your titties," said Paul, my elder son. As I said I have two sons and a daughter, I have become a slave to them and they treat me like they treat a slut. "Oh mommy, I crave for your big boobies and I too wanna play with them and fuck them with my big cock. Paul , let's fuck mommy's big boobies today to our heart content. Mommy , you son fucking whore...

1 year ago
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Two Moms Two Sons 14 Gia And Keisha Get A Sexy Surprise

POV Keisha"I guess we'll see you later then, bye Pete and Joe, and nice to meet you two, London and Sandra. Maybe we'll see each other again considering you two love to frequent here," I said before we walked away."I hope so because you two are lovely ladies," London added before we waved to Pete, Joe, Sandra, and her, as we left.I waited for the door to close before I spoke. "Gia, is it just me, or do you think it just might be possible that Joe and Pete are, you know?" I muttered,...

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Two Moms Two Sons 28 The Dads Find Out Everything

POV: Will, then Keisha, Will again. "Holy shit, I can't believe we both just had sex with our daughters-in-law, Josh." "Yes, but we did it, man. I mean, we fucking did it, regardless of what the reasons were. No matter how we developed crushes on them, we got into their panties and had our ways with them too, Will." "Dude, this is bad," I said, shaking my head. "How the hell can we expect this to stay locked up forever? What if just one of them lets it slip? Then the other one will...

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Two Moms Two Sons 9 London And Sandra Talk And Sext

"So, you really had sex with Pete in the library?""Yes," I answered as we both sat down on the couch. "I fully realize that it's not as classy as the shower, but we did it.""Weren't you worried about getting caught?""Well, don't tell Pete I told you, but it actually started with him jacking off under the table. I couldn't help, but to please myself to him. Even with me on his mind, it took him a few minutes to pop, but he did. Then he praised me with one line, and I had to say...

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Two Moms Two Sons 24 Josh And Will Discuss What To Do With Their Wives

POV: Josh"Seriously, man, what the hell was going on last night? Granted, we were both a little buzzed still, we both know what we saw and what they were doing too," I said, coming to his desk. "Can it really be that cut and dried?""Fuck if I know, man, but how do we bring it up to them though?""Maybe start by asking what they did last night because we just happened to go back to your place. Could they want to be new moms again so badly that they both hooked up with their sons' best...

Office Sex
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Mother and Sons

Sighing I listened to the racket of my sons thundering around upstairs, it was hard to believe that two boys could make so much racket, but they were managing. Wondering what the hell they were up to I pushed myself out of my chair and headed upstairs, as I got closer to their room I could hear the pair of them arguing. Wishing that Sam, my husband, was not stuck out in Saudi Arabia I listened to the boys for a moment. "Mine is bigger than yours," Josh my eldest was shouting "I'm older so...

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My Sons Girls

Okay I know this is a little twisted. Some may even call me a pervert or cradle robber but I could care less. Young pussy is so sweet. There was no forcing them, they consented, I am single and have no one to answer to. So what would the problem be other than the fact they were my son’s girlfriends. The ladies found out that I am the real man of the family.I have two sons I am in my mid forties take care of myself and look about five years younger than I am. I love young sexy women but thought...

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Two Moms Two Sons 12 First Half London And Sandra Push Their Luck

"Well, here we are again," I said, coming next to her. "Back at your house, as you're cooking dinner for us, our sons, and our husbands.""I noticed, but I guess this time you have a different young man to eye-fuck," London added, flipping the chicken breasts. "Then to actually fuck when no one else is looking.""Well, you have the same game to play here. At least this time, you already know you want to play, you don't have to be pushed into it this time.""I pushed myself, Sandra,"...

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Two Moms Two Sons 12 Second Half It Is Gutsy Fuck Time

POV: London We all quickly got dressed as we heard footsteps approach."We're back," Will announced."Hey babe," Josh greeted me before pecking my cheek. "We never heard from you two, so we're hoping this wine is alright," he said as they put it on the counter."And we got some more beer too," Will added before he opened the fridge and they both filled it up.I couldn't resist, but to come to Joe, grab his hands, and kiss him. "Holy shit, that was close, what a rush, son. Can you feel...

2 years ago
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Fucked at the BBQ by my sons friends BBC 3

My mind was spinning.I had just been fucked by my sons friends BBC whilst being forced to suck my sons cock, whilst he licked my pussy, then watched him suck the BBC that had just been fucking his mother.What on earth was happening to me this weekend.I heard my son say please don't do anymore you win the bet, you can fuck me, just please don't do anymore to my family.I turned to ask what was going on, and I was told to follow my sons friend and he would show me, there in the family was my...

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Two Moms Two Sons 1 Sandras proposal And Londons Dilemma

POV: London"It is good to have you and your son over, Sandra," I mentioned, stirring the pot."We're practically best friends now, and don't forget my hubby, who is currently locked in your bedroom with your husband," she whined, strolling towards me with her arms crossed. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were having sex.""Sandra," I said a tone while grinning. "Keep your voice down; Joe and Pete are in just in the living room.""So what, London?" she complained, walking...

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Two Moms Two Sons

POV: London "It is good to have you and your son over, Sandra," I mentioned, stirring the pot. "We're practically best friends now, and don't forget my hubby, who is currently locked in your bedroom with your husband," she whined, strolling towards me with her arms crossed. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were having sex." "Sandra," I said a tone while grinning. "Keep your voice down; Joe and Pete are in just in the living room." "So what, London?" she complained, walking away...

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How I became my Sons whore Part 1

Introduction: A trip to visit my son changes our relationship forever My name is Jamie, and this is the story about how I went from a loving mother, to my sons whore. It all started when I decided to fly into Buffalo to visit my son. It had been several years since I had seen him last, mostly because of monetary reasons. He had attended college in Buffalo and was lucky enough to acquire a job right out of the gate due to his interning. He bought a place about an hour outside of Buffalo and had...

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Sex Slave MotherChapter 2 Mother Raped by Her Sons

Susan soaked in the tub; her mind spinning with what had happened to her in the garage. After she was released from her bondage, she had stood before her young sons without trying to conceal her totally naked body. She felt as if they had degraded her, come juice running down her thigh, her cunt quivering and feeling as if those fingers were still in her. She went straight to the bathroom and ran a tub of very hot water, hoping it would wash away her shame. Her fourteen-years-old son...

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Two Moms Two Sons 27 The MILFs Make Their Time With Their Sons Count

POV: London "I love you, Joe," I told him, taking his hands in mine. "And I love you, Pete," Sandra told him as well. "We've been having sex with our sons and their wives, and I know we both love you two, along with your wives and grandkids, more than life itself. We can't thank you enough for allowing your wives to do some dirty work, but you two aren't upset with us now, are you?" "No, Mom," Pete made clear, before kissing her. "Even if we weren't having sex, we'd love you two...

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Two Moms Two Sons 19 The MILFs And Boys Have A Serious Chat

POV Sandra "Hey, Sandra," she said, coming towards me. "I think we should talk," she muttered, sitting next to me. "What's up, London?" She stayed silent and couldn't make eye contact. I wasn't sure what she had on her mind, but I waited her out and even placed a hand on her leg. "I love Keisha and Gia, I think at worst, they love our sons. Best case scenario, they're in fact ready to take the next step. It’s been a year now, and we've been sharing our sons with them. I know...

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Donnas Sons

Part 1 On a hot June day, Donna Mason watched from her living room window as a gardener trimmed the lawn in front of her Los Angeles home. He was stripped to the waist and had his chest covered with matted hair. This sight drove Donna crazy. The guy was in his fifties and didn't even speak English. Donna knew that it must be difficult for her to be excited by the sight of her gardener. He had never attracted her before. But she had been without a man for almost three months, and this was...

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Once Upon an AlienChapter 8 Sons of the Viper

Lieutenant Salim Al Khoury leaned back in his chair and looked at the Sergeant standing at attention in front of his desk. The Lieutenant's uniform was crisply starched and creased. His short, black hair was neatly trimmed. The only thing about his appearance that didn't scream military efficiency was his luxuriant, flowing black mustache. He stroked it thoughtfully as he considered the Sergeant. "At ease, Sergeant Mahdi," Salim said quietly. The Sergeant's right foot snapped out...

1 year ago
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My Sons Mother Part 1

Introduction: Ex husband finds his ex wife nursing more than just her new baby. It had been a long day at work a long week, really and I was happy it was Friday. I had no plans, the kids would be my ex wifes, and I was going to spend the night sitting home and watching baseball. Being divorced for almost 5 years, with no current girlfriend, I was free of any responsibilities. Life was good. I pulled into the driveway just after 8pm, having spent the last 2 hours driving from a supplier visit....

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Life With Our Mutual Sons

It was on parent’s teachers meeting that I first saw Ajay’s mom. She was so radiant and energetic that she instantly made friendship with me. Her charisma was so overpowering that I invited her to our home. And there started the beginning of a long relationship that changed our life.Let me introduce myself first. I am Sandhya, 35 year old, single mom to my only son Shyam. I am a widower and live alone with my son. I am left to fend myself as I invoked the wrath of my relatives by marrying a...

2 years ago
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Life With Our Mutual Sons

It was on parent’s teachers meeting that I first saw Ajay’s mom. She was so radiant and energetic that she instantly made friendship with me. Her charisma was so overpowering that I invited her to our home. And there started the beginning of a long relationship that changed our life.Let me introduce myself first. I am Sandhya, 35 year old, single mom to my only son Shyam. I am a widower and live alone with my son. I am left to fend myself as I invoked the wrath of my relatives by marrying a...

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Life With Our Mutual Sons

Hi, this is writing this story. This is an incest fictional story between mother and son. The characters in this story are fictional and any resemblance to anyone is just coincidental. The situations mentioned are not real life and should not be aped.Your comments and feedbacks are welcome.F It was on parent’s teachers meeting that I first saw Ajay’s mom. She was so radiant and energetic that she instantly made friendship with me. Her charisma was so overpowering that I invited her to our...

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A threesome with my sons

I got a phone call while I was visiting my mom from my younger son "Mom, do you care if I come visit you for a while on spring break" he asked."Sure honey." I replied. "But just out of curiosity do I need to come get you or is your dad bringing you over.""Dad's bringing me over if I want to go since he's going to be passing by on his way to Uncle Stephen's house for a three day fishing trip or something like that." my son replied."Ok, I will be home on Tuesday." I answered."Wait, if your not...

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My sons hero

Introduction: A wife does something she never imagined she would, and it only gets worse from there. I was just taking the brownies out of the oven that I had made for my son, Kyle, when I heard a knock at the door. This caught me by surprise, since we get so few visitors to the house. This is due to the fact that the entire neighborhood is terrified by my husband. He is a city cop, and an intimidating one at that. We fell in love in college, when he was the star linebacker of our small, local...

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Mothers make their sons dreams come true

“About last night,” Sonia began. “We’d had too much to drink. But that’s no excuse.”“No its not, we’re all responsible for our actions, whether we’ve had a drink or two, or not, you understand that don’t you boys.” Chloe said.“Yes Mum. We’re sorry, we got carried away, and took advantage,” Jack said“I’m sorry to,” Harry told them. “This is our secret, you understand!” Sonia said. Both boys nodded.“No really, this is to be kept between ourselves.” Chloe said“We won’t tell,” Jack said.“Good,”...

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2 MILFs Theirs Teen Sons

So enjoy the story. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I always considered myself to be lucky to grow up in a vacation wonderland in New Hampshire, and even luckier to be able to live there as an adult. My father established a lucrative real estate agency in Laconia, and we lived in a beautiful home on Lake Winnipesaukee. My name is Ellen, and when I was five years old and just going into the first grade, an Indian family bought the home...

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Drunken Mom and her four sons

Betty is tired of anonymous sex, so one night after she’s all ready to go out, she gets drunk instead. Her four sons come home and find her skirt up to her hips, and extremely drunk. They help her to bed, making sure to undress her nice clothes and lingerie before doing so. As I do maybe a couple times a year when my boys are out for the evening, I dressed in sexy clothes and prepared to go out, pick up a man, and get laid. Sometimes I just get so horny that I need to have a cock inside...

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Fathers and Sons

Fathers and Sons Adam looked down as he pushed his cock in and out of Alex's lovely smooth ass, her black stocking encased legs were rested on Adam's shoulders as he fucked her. Her stockinged legs were attached to a garter belt that framed her 4 inch clitty cock, over her chest was a padded black bra. Alex's face was made up sexly, Her skin was smoothed with foundation and power, Her eyes were lined with liquid liner and brown shadow tapered out to her thin eyebrows and her...

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Fucked at the BBQ by my sons friends BBC 4

I was still lying on the floor looking at my body when Paul my sons black friend walked in with his BBC swinging from side to side.He stood over me and said I need you to come with me.I was a little worried by his expression, but the thought of being taken by his cock again made me follow him.I walked into my sons room and he was now tied to his bed with my stockings, his ass was on display for me too see.Paul said you have two choices here, you can stand and watch me fuck your sons sweet ass,...

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Lauren and Her Loving Sons

My name is Lauren. I am 39, about 5'6", shoulder length red hair, and have managed to keep my body in very good condition. I am a little plump, but my curves are womanly as a woman should be. It isn't easy, but I have managed to keep my figure to 36C-26-38 (yes, my butt is still a little big, I know)with exercise and dieting. Since being left a widow 10 years ago, my time has been devoted to providing a home for my two sons, Kevin, 18 and Patrick, 16. They were just boys when their dad was...

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Anna the Slave Prepares Her Sons

I lay between the boys on my tummy. I looked at them and giggled and shook my head. Moments before I had told them of the landlord Cyrus’s demand of me. They both had threatened to go slay him. Now I was laughing at my two little hot heads. Look you two we really have no choice. Brutus’s face was dark with anger. Listen Brutus this was and is no easy thing for me.I know mom Janus spoke up. Good I said. This could be worse really, although you’re my sons, what if he would have demanded I have...

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Two Moms Two Sons 11 Joe And Pete Do Something Sexy For Their Moms

POV: PeteJoe and I suddenly bit down on our bottom lips and made eye contact just for a few seconds. Needless to say, my hard-on deflated just a tad. No one said a word for over a minute, but we both surely knew they wanted to see the sight, judging by the looks on their faces.Then both of them came to us, but they went to each other's sons, so I had London press the front of her body onto mine. "We fucked each other for you two, solely to please you," she admitted, wrapping her arms around...

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Damn my sons cock is huge

Chapter 1 "Damn Kyle, how do you live in the same house with those two without sporting a hardon all day" Jeremy asks as he watches Kyle's sister Tera and his Mom walk to the edge of the beach in their Bikini's? "That's my mom and sister dumbass, it ain't like I'd ever think of them that way", Kyle replied. Kyle was lying because he did think of them that way every day but he wasn't going to broadcast it to the world. He keeps his gaze from the two of them because he knows...

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3 Negro sons from 3 cheap white sluts1

Well, so here we all were, more or less, at the same time, all 3 of us Black loving whores, banged up to the hilt with our Nigga sons, bellies bulging and ready to drop them! This was my 2nd,., pregnancy to my 2nd BBC stud, so I knew what to expect! Putting the brat in there was the fun part, having my cunt stretched and feeling that hot jizz explode at 1,000mph, blasting my womb, spilling over my fertile eggs, making me cum silly. Making feel like a proper bitch. Blacky Africa, invading this...

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Two Moms Two Sons 21 Gia And Keishas Plan Involving Pete And London

POV: Keisha, then Gia "Go see grandma, little London," I said, handing her to London. "There's my cute six-month granddaughter," London mentioned, taking her. I smiled as I saw my mom hold her. "Well, you certainly made her rather happy, Keisha," one of my dads said, pressing his back onto mine and wrapping his arms around me too. "I agree," my other dad added. "Oh, hi, Jake and Al," London greeted them, coming towards them. "Yes, I wasn't planning on being a grandma just yet, but...

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Like Fathers Like Sons

There are many studies and competing arguments out there taking both sides of the debate on whether bisexual and homosexual behaviors are due to nature or nurture. I’ll admit that I don’t know the definitive answer, but as you’ll learn in this story, I do have my suspicions that a significant part of it must be due to nature.My name is Ed, and at the time of this story my wife, Susan, and I were thirty-nine years old and living in an Atlanta suburb near where I grew up. My son, Jason, had just...

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Cuckold Dad Watches Sons Fucking Mom

Jane and Wade Cane had been married for twenty years with two sons, Wade Jr and Alex. Wade Jr had been fucking mom Jane for six months when Alex joined in the fun.It seems Wade Sr had a small cock and had never truly satisfied Jane. The first time Jane spied Wade Jr stroking his big cock, she virtually drooled and knew she had to have it in her. It took little effort in seducing Jr into fucking his mom. Hell, Jr had been masturbating for some time while dreaming of fucking his hot mom.Fucking...

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Two Moms Two Sons 6 Pete And Sandra Discover Their Own Incestuous Love

I ran out in front of him. "Stare at my butt, I don't mind," I pointed out, walking to my room.I didn't see him peek back at me, and I entered the room. It took him a few seconds to come in there with me, but I wasn't sure what to make of it at the time.As he made it in there, I pulled him to me and closed the door. "You're about to have sex with your flesh and blood mom," I spoke before I kissed him. "The one woman that literally loves you most in the world. The one that will never...

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Sitting on my sons lap

Note: I am not the Author of this story. I recently read this much of the story on this website (XNXX) with less grammar etc. I searched the web for the rest of the story and will be uploading them part by part at some point during this week. The reason for the delay in uploads is that I am editing Grammar, Paragraphs, and re-typing sections of it. So consider this story Camping With Mom: Remastered. It was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It...

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Sitting on my sons lap

It was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting pretty sweaty loading up the car. The trunk was already full and the back seat wouldn't fit much more. Mike went back in the house to get the last of his things. I heard him come out of the house. I turned around and saw him carrying his 42 inch flat screen TV."Where are you going to put the TV?" I heard his father...

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not mom on sons lap

It was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting pretty sweaty loading up the car. The trunk was already full and the back seat wouldn't fit much more. Mike went back in the house to get the last of his things. I heard him come out of the house. I turned around and saw him carrying his 42 inch flat screen TV."Where are you going to put the TV?" I heard his father...

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It was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting pretty sweaty loading up the car. The trunk was already full and the back seat wouldn't fit much more. Mike went back in the house to get the last of his things. I heard him come out of the house. I turned around and saw him carrying his 42 inch flat screen TV."Where are you going to put the TV?" I heard his father...

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I WAS SENT THIS STORY AND WANTED TO SHARE!!It was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting pretty sweaty loading up the car. The trunk was already full and the back seat wouldn't fit much more. Mike went back in the house to get the last of his things. I heard him come out of the house. I turned around and saw him carrying his 42 inch flat screen TV."Where are...

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Lustful MILFs and Their Teen Sons

I always considered myself to be lucky to grow up in a vacation wonderland in New Hampshire, and even luckier to be able to live there as an adult. My father established a lucrative real estate agency in Laconia, and we lived in a beautiful home on Lake Winnipesaukee.My name is Ellen, and when I was five years old and just going into the first grade, an African-American family bought the home next to us on the lake. The father is a wealthy businessman, and they moved to the lake after he...

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Donnas Sons Pt2

She knew she ought to spare herself any more frustration and just quit looking, but somehow, she couldn't tear her eyes away from the naughty scene in the pool. It had been so long since she'd even looked at a cock. Donna couldn't resist the sight. Obviously, Terry had practiced this routine. He was floating around effortlessly, his hot horny eyes focused on the sky as he furiously pumped his rock-hard teenage cock. Matt was almost as good as his brother, but once in a while, he had to...

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Two Moms Two Sons 25 Josh Gets His One On One Time With Keisha

POV: Keisha  "How are you four ladies doing?" Josh asked, walking towards us. "We're fine, guys," London responded, failing to look at them. I had to grin and cover my mouth. 'Oh, shit, you two are driving your wives nuts, dudes,' I thought, peeking at the floor. "Well, I know our granddaughters, that we're holding here, are definitely growing on us, and we're hoping you two start throwing up soon. We can have even more bundles of joy to snuggle with indeed. Keisha, Gia, what do you...

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Two Moms Two Sons 10 London And Sandra Put On A Sexy Show

"Holy shit, we're dating our hot moms," I said, sitting down on the couch."Where have you been, Joe?" he laughed."I mean, we both actually went on dates with our moms a few weeks ago. Having sex is one thing, but we had dinner, and sat across from our moms, in an intimate setting. You have to admit; things are getting serious, Pete. I've already kissed my mom more in the past two months than in the previous five years before then. I mean, they seem crazy about us. Do you know what I...

3 years ago
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My Sons Whore

Introduction: How I came to be my sons whore. Well where should I begin? My name is Debora and I am a 44 year old divorced white female who, over time, has become my sons whore. When my husband Troy left he had good reason. We lived in a trailer complex and I had the habit of going to bed with various men within the complex. I couldnt help it and I enjoyed it tremendously. So, Troy left me and that was that. What I didnt see coming was how our son Steve reacted. He was sixteen at the time...

2 years ago
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Between my sons

I was relieved to have my sons home. Tim was 18 and just returning from his first semester in college and James was 20, home for the week from his job in the city. My husband was away on business in Thailand, no doubt enjoying the company benefits with some young hooker, and I was planning on spending the week alone. But then James called and here they were at the kitchen table.I loved my sons. We had always been close, ever since they were boys rolling naked in the mud we never kept anything...

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