Hilary Duff Babysitting free porn video

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“No no, don’t shoot,” Benjamin Jacobs pleaded, holding his hands up in surrender.

“Bang bang,” little Luca Comrie said.

“Oh, you got me,” Ben cried, grabbing his chest. Stumbling around on his knees, he made a show of gasping for air before toppling over and rolling onto his back. Coughing, he closed his eyes and let his tongue loll out of the corner of his mouth.

“Wow, impressive,” Hilary Duff said, laughing in the doorway.

“Mommy,” Luca said, rushing give his mom a hug.

“Were you a good boy?” Hilary asked Luca as she bent down to lift him up. “You killed your babysitter, so you couldn’t have been too good.”

“He was great,” Ben said, propping himself up on his elbows so he could look at Hilary.

Dressed in a little black dress from her night out, she was destined to feature heavily in his dreams when he got home. It went down to mid-thigh and hugged her curves like a (wet) dream with just enough cleavage to start a war in his head over whether he should drool over her tits or her ass.

“Well that’s good to hear,” Hilary said, giving Luca a tickle on his stomach and making him giggle. “But it’s time for bed, so say goodnight to Ben.”

“Good night,” Luca said, hopping down to give Ben a hug.

“Good night to you too,” Ben said, patting Luca on the back.

Grabbing Luca’s hand, Hilary pulled him towards the stairs. Ben let his gaze fall on Hilary’s ass in her tight dress for a moment as she climbed the stairs. When she turned the corner and disappeared down the hallway towards Luca’s bedroom, Ben finally allowed himself to stand up.

Getting to his feet, Ben adjusted himself. As a s*******n year-old male, watching Hilary’s ass as she climbed the stairs was more than enough to give him a partial chubby that was a bit uncomfortable in his standing position.

Glancing around, Ben saw his jacket sitting in a chair in the corner. He just lived next door so he didn’t even bother putting it on as he headed for the door to go home. He didn’t quite make it to the door though before Hilary saw him trying to sneak out.

“Don’t go yet, I still have to pay you,” Hilary said, looking down from the upstairs landing.

“Sure thing,” Ben said, milling around next to the door.

After making sure Luca was tucked in and on his way to dreamland, Hilary ducked into her room. She couldn’t believe what she was thinking, but when she bent over, she’d noticed Ben’s eye widen a bit as he stared at her cleavage. Then she’d felt his eyes glued to her as she went up the stairs.

She’d known Ben and his family ever since she and her husband had moved in next door to them a few years ago. It was obvious that Ben had a crush on her. Mike, her husband, had even joked on more than one occasion about how she should be careful wearing skimpy clothing around Ben or he might pass out.

Normally she mostly ignored Ben’s fleeting glances and felt flattered that a handsome guy was interested in her. But after a bit of a dry spell since her last failed reconciliation with her husband a couple months ago, seeing the hunger in Ben’s eyes had sparked something inside her that she couldn’t extinguish.

She wasn’t actually going to go through with it, he was still only s*******n and lived next door and she’d known him since he was just a k**. Yet there really wasn’t anything wrong with a fantasy. And, thanks to seeing him swimming both in his pool and hers over the summer, Hilary had a decently detailed picture of his body in her head. The only thing she didn’t have was what he looked like without swim trunks on, and already her brain was busy trying to come up with what his junk might look like.

“Snap out of it, Hil,” Hilary chastised herself as she imagine Ben dripping with water, the muscles of his arms rippling as he lifted himself out of the pool.

Taking one last look in the mirror and without even thinking she adjusted her dress to show a bit more cleavage. As she descended she saw Ben look up and then felt a twinge of arousal pass through her when his eyes widened reflexively when he noticed her tits.

“I hope you didn’t have to cancel a date or anything so you could watch Luca,” Hilary said when she reached the bottom of the stairs.

“No, I probably would’ve just spent the night playing video games with a couple friends,” Ben said, trying to look anywhere but at her chest.

“Well, thanks for giving it up for me, um, us,” Hilary said, grabbing her purse.

“No problem,” Ben said. “Luca’s a fun k**. Besides, I can probably skip my workout tomorrow with all the miles I logged chasing him around.”

“Trying to work off those holiday cookies, huh?” Hilary asked, her eyes flashing to Ben’s arms before digging her wallet out.

“Something like that,” Ben said, grinning.

“Shit,” Hilary muttered. “I forgot to get money. All I have is a twenty.”

“That’s okay, you can pay me later,” Ben insisted. “After all, I know where you live.”

“I’ll get your money tomorrow,” Hilary promised. An alternate method of payment flashed through her brain, but she quickly pushed it aside, though not before a mental image of her on her hands and knees with Ben behind her made an appearance.

“Whenever, I’m not in a rush to spend it or anything,” Ben said.

“You’re still free on Tuesday, right?” Hilary asked, putting her wallet back in her purse.

“I’ll be here and ready to walk the plank,” Ben said, making Hilary give him a weird look. “Luca wants to play pirates, so I’m sure you’ll be hearing him say ‘argh’ and ‘shiver me timbers’ a lot when you get home.”

“Sounds like fun,” Hilary said, laughing.

“What k** doesn’t love wearing eye patches and sword fighting?” Ben asked, grabbing and turning the doorknob.

“I’ll have your money tomorrow,” Hilary said as Ben opened the door. “If I don’t see you though, at worst, you can get it on Tuesday.”

“I’ll be here,” Ben said, closing the door behind him.

* * * * *

Yawning, Hilary lay in bed with the tv on, but she really wasn’t watching it. It was mostly a distraction to keep her mind off certain things, namely the boy next door. Every time her mind started to drift, it inevitably seemed to drift to thoughts of Ben doing certain things to her.

At first the thoughts were just picturing him naked; in her head he had a nice sized cock, of course. Then they’d proceeded to him actually using it on her. Before long Hilary had been soaking wet as she alternated between fighting her fantasies and actually embracing them a bit.

Grabbing the remote, Hilary flicked off the tv. She wasn’t quite in the mood to go to sleep yet as she reached over to the table next to the bed. Opening the top drawer she reached towards the back, behind the old magazines until her hand found the long, smooth object she was searching for.

Withdrawing the vibrator she debated whether she should go back for her lube but ultimately decided she was wet enough already. A couple hours of vivid sexual thoughts had left her pussy a virtual swamp and she knew from previous experience that she wasn’t going to be able to sleep until she took care of it.

Setting the toy on the bed next to her, Hilary tossed off the covers to reveal the pink lace camisole and shorts she was wearing as pajamas. Hooking her thumbs in her shorts, she lifted her butt and pulled her shorts down post her knees.

Lifting her knees, she grabbed the vibrator and brought it to her mouth. Giving the tip a little suck to transfer some of her saliva, a momentary image of giving Ben’s cock a similar little suck popped into her head and made her groan.

Moving the toy down to her crotch, she ran it along the length of her slit. Sighing, Hilary twisted the knob at base of the toy and felt it hum to life in her hands. Biting her lower lip, she pressed it against her clit and gasped as the sudden vibrations hit her.

Closing her eyes, she let the vibrations roll through her. Of course, it also let her mind wander and the image it churned up was Ben pressing himself against her back, his strong arms wrapping around her. His left hand wandered down to her pussy while his right pulled down the strap of her cami and pulled her breast out of the cup.

“Ohhh,” Hilary moaned quietly, pretending the hand cupping her tit was Ben.

Rather than fight it, Hilary rolled with it. In her fantasy Ben spun her around and threw her down on the bed. She watched in rapt attention as he pulled down his pants, her mouth watering as his cock sprang into view.

Wasting no time, Ben climbed on top of her. Reaching between them, Hilary grabbed hold of his cock, giving it a couple strokes and feeling the thickness of it in her hand before lining it up with her pussy.

Moving the vibrator down to her opening, Hilary pushed, penetrating herself in time with virtual Ben’s thrust into her. She was so soaked it slid into her pussy with ease and she arched her back, pretending to press her chest against his as she was filled.

With strong strokes Ben fucked her. Her fingers tweaked her nipple as the cock pumped into her. Each time she pulled the vibrator out to the end, she tilted the toy and ran the vibrating shaft along her clit before plunging it back into her cunt.

“Ohhh, Ben,” Hilary moaned to herself, picking up speed on her thrusts as her urgency grew.

Hunching her hips to meet the thrusts into her pussy, Hilary felt her orgasm barreling towards her. Her face contorted in pleasure and she fought to keep her noise down as she brought herself to the peak of pleasure.

Screwing her eyes shut tight, Hilary uttered a strangled cry as she came. She pushed the humming toy deep into herself and held still as her pussy clamped down on it. Her muscles seized up as waves of ecstasy washed over her.

Finally going limp, Hilary sighed and lethargically slid the vibrator out of her pussy. Twisting the knob, she turned it off, a satisfied smile crossing her face. Still picturing Ben, Hilary lifted the tip to her lips, using her tongue and mouth to clean her juices from the object that had just brought her so much pleasure.

“Mmm,” Hilary purred, feeling sleep finally starting to come to her as she tucked the toy back in its drawer.

* * * * *

“Ben!” Luca squealed, seeing his babysitter at the door on Tuesday.

“Hey, big guy,” Ben said, lifting Luca to set him on his shoulders.

“Oh, Ben, you’re here,” Hilary said, coming down the stairs in a leather skirt that came down to just above her knees.

“Wow,” Ben said before he could stop himself. “I mean, you look really nice.”

“Thanks,” Hilary said, smiling as she took in Ben in his jeans and t-shirt. “I got your money for you.”

“Cool,” Ben said, watching as she dug his money out of her purse.

“You know where all the numbers and stuff are,” Hilary said. “I don’t know when I’ll be home, so try to put him in bed by nine, but knowing you I’m sure you’ll finally put him down at ten and just tell me he was in bed by nine.”

“Busted,” Ben said, grinning.

“Okay, now I just need a kiss goodbye, and I’m out of here,” Hilary said.

“Sure thing,” Ben quipped, even leaning in to give her a quick peck on the cheek.

“I meant him,” Hilary said, pointing at Luca and trying not to show how much the joke kiss affected her.

“Of course,” Ben said, grinning as he knelt down far enough for Hilary to get her kiss from Luca.

“Okay, I’ll be back later,” Hilary said, heading for the door.

* * * * *

“You’re in a good mood tonight,” Bethany Carver observed as Hilary moved to the beat of the song in her seat. “Get lucky last night or something?”

“No, I guess I’m just in a good mood is all,” Hilary said, taking a sip from her drink.

“Ooh, cute guy checking you out,” Beth said, nodding towards a guy a couple tables over clearly making eyes at her.

“Not bad,” Hilary said, smiling at him.

“Ooh, here he comes,” Beth said, grabbing her drink and making herself scarce.

“Hi, I’m Alex,” cute guy said.

“Hilary,” Hilary responded as he slid into Beth’s vacated seat.

“Want to dance?” Alex suggested, holding out his hand and nodding towards the dance floor.

“I guess I could be persuaded,” Hilary said, taking his hand and letting him lead her out onto the dance floor.

* * * * *

“Want to catch a cab?” Alex asked over the music.

“Yeah, but I should do it alone,” Hilary said, regretfully.

After a couple hours of dancing, with more than a little bumping and grinding, Hilary was more than a little worked up. But she had to get home and she wasn’t about to take a strange man home, so as much as she liked Alex, she was definitely going home by herself.

“You sure?” Alex asked, frowning.

“Yeah, but give me your number and I’ll definitely call you,” Hilary said, holding out her phone.

On the one hand, he’d just put a couple hours into trying to get into her pants and it had clearly been a waste in that regard. On the other, he liked her enough that if she actually did call him, then maybe getting shut out right off the bat might not be the worst thing in the world.

“If you don’t call, I’m totally going to hold a grudge and never dance with you again,” Alex said as he put his number into her phone.

“We wouldn’t want that,” Hilary said, smiling as he handed her phone back to her.

* * * * *

“You look comfortable,” Hilary said, finding Ben stretched out on the couch watching tv.

“If I had a sandwich, then I’d really be comfortable,” Ben said, sitting up.

“Don’t sit up on my account,” Hilary said, taking a seat in the chair next to the couch. “So, how was my little man?”

“The usual,” Ben said. “We built a pirate ship out of cushions, wore eye patches, then we used cardboard tubes as swords until he ran me through a few times.”

“Sounds cute,” Hilary said, laughing.

While having a teenage boy as her go-to babysitter might sound weird to some, it actually worked out well. Ben was willing and able to play and do stuff with Luca that a girl might not. And Luca absolutely adored him, which was the most important part of it all.

“I should be getting home,” Ben announced.

“Actually, I’m kinda hungry,” Hilary said, kicking off her shoes. “That sandwich idea you had sounds pretty good.”

“Wait here,” Ben said, jumping off the couch.

“What are you doing?” Hilary asked loud enough for Ben to hear her on his way to the kitchen, but not loud enough to wake the k**.

“I’m making a sandwich,” Ben said, opening and closing the fridge and cupboards.

“Do you need help in there?” Hilary asked even though as she sat down her feet started to remind her that they’d just spend hours crammed into tight shoes and constantly moving.

“No, a sandwich is clearly within my abilities in the kitchen,” Ben said, using a little of this and a little of that to build his masterpiece.

A few minutes later, Ben came back with a plate with one sandwich perched on it. Cut down the middle into two triangles, he held the plate out for her. When she took half, he plopped back down on the couch and picked up the other half.

“Oh my god, this is really good,” Hilary said, shocked by what she was eating. At first she’d thought it was just going to be a regular ham sandwich, and at heart it was, but there was so much more to it and she was amazed that he’d been able to make it just with stuff she’d already had in her kitchen.

“Pair it with a nice beer, and it’d really be something, or so I’m told,” Ben said, making Hilary laugh.

“I might have to try that, but I doubt your mom would like it if I sent you home with beer breath,” Hilary said.

“Oh, they left for New Zealand this morning,” Ben said casually. “Dad’s got business and mom tagged along for fun.”

“That’s right, I remember your mom saying something about it a couple weeks ago when I came over to see if you could sit,” Hilary said between bites. “In fact, I think I’m supposed to check in on you to make sure you’re not throwing wild parties or sacrificing live sheep or whatever crazy thing your mom read about on Facebook this week.”

“I guess I’ll have to cancel the raid on the petting zoo and send the sacrificial altar back to Amazon then,” Ben said, dryly.

“You’re free to hang out here if you get bored and want to interact with people,” Hilary offered. “Though I’m sure you’re already planning to sneak your girlfriend in a few times.”

“Nah, she broke up with me before Christmas,” Ben said, shrugging his shoulders. “Seems she found herself a more exciting guy, or so she thought because a couple weeks later she tried to convince me to take her back. I, of course, told her to go fuck herself.”

“Good for you,” Hilary said. “I never liked her. She seemed like one of those girls that would expect you to do everything for her and then would get pissed if you even dared to ask if she’d bring you a cold drink while you were out working in the yard in hundred degree heat or something.”

“Not quite that bad, but close,” Ben said. “Your feet look like they hurt.”

“I’ve had worse,” Hilary said, lifting her feet and flexing her toes.

“If there’s one good thing that came out of dating Roberta, she was a pretty demanding taskmaster when it came to massaging her feet,” Ben said, nodding his head towards her feet.

“If you’re not offering, then too bad,” Hilary said, smirking as she turned in her chair. Dr****g her legs over the arm of the chair and couch, she put her feet in his lap. “I couldn’t tell you the last time my tootsies got massaged.”

“Next time I’m mowing your lawn in hundred degree heat, bring me a cold drink and we’ll call it even,” Ben said, pressing his thumbs into the sole of her foot.

“Ohhh, deal,” Hilary moaned as she leaned back against the other arm of the chair.

For the next ten minutes or so Ben worked on her feet, sending Hilary into a near tranquil state. He somehow managed to not only turn her feet into jelly, but unlocked a lot of the tension in her lower body just from massaging her feet.

“You’re hired,” Hilary said, completely relaxed when he finally let go of her left foot. “Though I think I made a grave mistake.”

“Which would be?” Ben asked, hoping he hadn’t pushed too far.

“I’m now on the verge of falling asleep and have no energy left to make it upstairs,” Hilary sighed. “I should have gone upstairs first and made you massage my feet up there.”

“Come on,” Ben said, standing up.

Before Hilary could ask what he meant, he slipped one arm underneath her knees and one behind back. Lifting her up, he moved around the chair and headed for the stairs. Hilary thought about telling him to put her down, but it solved the problem of having to walk up the stairs herself.

“Here we go,” Ben, said, using his foot to push open her bedroom door.

He’d seen her bedroom before, having been in the house a bunch of times, but he still felt a twinge of nerves as he carried her over the threshold. Crossing to the bed, he moved to the side and set her down on the bed.

“I’ll let you take it from here,” Ben said, his heart beating like a jackhammer as he looked down at her stretched out on her bed.

Maybe it was the months since the last time she had anything besides her fingers or vibrator between her legs. Or maybe it was all the close physical contact on the dance floor earlier. Or the foot rub. Or the ongoing fantasies from the last few days. Or maybe it was all of those things coming together into a perfect storm that kept her from stopping herself. Whatever it was though, she reached out and grabbed the back of Ben’s head and pulled him in for a kiss.

As Hilary’s lips met his, Ben was shocked, but he wasn’t about to stop her. Moving onto the bed on top of her he deepened the kiss. He really wanted to bring his hands into the equation to do a little groping, but he didn’t want to push.

For Hilary’s part, her brain was flashing warning signs, but her body refused to heed them. Once started, she couldn’t stop and as Ben hovered over her she moved a hand down to rest on his side, pulling him down on top of her.

Nervously, Ben pressed his crotch against hers, letting her feel his excitement. Feeling her moan into his mouth, Ben grew bolder and shifted his hips just enough to grind against her, getting another moan from the sexy MILF underneath him.

Feeling his cock pressed against her, Hilary felt her head spin in ways she hadn’t felt in years. She may have had a couple drinks at the club, but at the moment she was far drunker on lust and desire than on alcohol. Her brain was quickly being silenced and it stopped complaining altogether when she slid her hand even further down and cupped the front of his jeans, feeling his cock against her palm.

As if that was some secret signal that they had been waiting both of them immediately started pawing at clothes moments after Hilary’s hand came in contact with his crotch. Her hands went to his belt while his went for the buttons on her blouse. Both were nervous enough but Hilary’s experience had his pants open and her hand slithering into his boxers before he got halfway through her blouse.

Wrapping her hand around Ben’s cock, Hilary’s eyes opened wide. He wasn’t particularly long, but it was really fat, quite a bit thicker than even her seemingly optimistic fantasies over the last few days. Squeezing it, she gave it a tug, grinning as Ben moaned and quivered at her manipulations.

When Ben finally got her blouse open, Hilary clamped her thighs to his waist. Regretfully letting go of his cock, she rolled them over so he was on his back with her straddling his midsection. Sitting up, Hilary grabbed hold of her blouse and thrust her chest out as she pulled it down her arms.

“Shit,” Ben gasped, his eyes glued to her tits encased in a lacy light blue bra. He’d seen them in a bikini before several times, but the fact that she was on top of him, showing them to her in her bra, plus the prospect of seeing them without the bra, made it so much better.

Deciding to make him wait a bit more, Hilary reached down and found the zipper on the side of her skirt. Hilary didn’t want to have to get up for fear that it would make her come to her senses, so luckily the zipper on the skirt stretched the entire length of the garment and when it was all the way down she was able to pull it away and drop it to the floor next to the bed.

Unable to help himself, Ben’s hands slipped around behind her to grab hold of her ass. Hilary had worn a thong to avoid visible panty line so he was able to get skin-to-skin contact as he gripped her butt. He’d dreamt of fondling her ass since the first time he’d seen it in a pair of tight jeans, and now he had actually squeezing it.

“You’re wearing far too many clothes,” Hilary finally said, her hands reaching for his shirt.

As Ben sat up she lifted his shirt, pulling it off over his head. He wasn’t overly muscular or anything, but he worked out enough to have some definition in his chest and arms that if Hilary was being honest with herself, she’d noticed and admired before. And after tossing his shirt aside, Hilary ran the tip of her index finger along the contours of his six-pack.

Her finger finally reaching his waist, Hilary slid off of him. Pulling off his shoes and socks, she grabbed the legs of his pants and tugged until he lifted up and she was able to pull them off. With him in just her boxers, and his cock poking out of the flap, Hilary licked her lips as she got her first look at it.

Straightening up, Hilary pulled the straps of her bra down and slipped her arms out of them. Locking eyes with Ben, she hooked her fingers in the cups and peeled them down, exposing her tits to his hungry gaze. Pulling the bra down to her stomach she spun it around so the clasp was in front to make it easy to undo.

With Ben’s eyes trying to escape his head at the sight of her tits, Hilary moved her hands down to her waist. Slipping her fingers into the waistband, she pushed them down, exposing a patch of short brown pubic hair as Ben shifted his gaze down to her pussy.

“Turn around?” Ben asked when Hilary got her thong down to her knees.

Smirking, Hilary turned around, looking over shoulder to see the look on Ben’s face as he got an eyeful of the ass he’d been drooling over since she’d moved in. Feeling a little playful, she even bent forward at the waist, sticking her ass in the ass as she pushed her panties to the ground and stepped out of them.

“Oh god,” Ben groaned, seeing her pussy lips peeking out from between her legs and the tight little pucker of her asshole between the cheeks of her ass before she straightened up.

“Your turn,” Hilary said, turn around and looking at his crotch.

“Uh, yeah,” Ben said, hastily pushing his boxers down over his hips.

When his cock sprang free, Hilary locked her gaze onto it. Grabbing hold of his boxers, she pulled them the rest of the way off, leaving them both completely naked, nothing to hide even though she could tell he was fighting the urge to cover himself.

Crawling onto the bed between Ben’s legs, Hilary grabbed hold of his cock. She really wanted to feel him inside her, but the part of her that remembered what it was like to have sex with s*******n year-old boys knew that he’d never last.

So rather than climbing on top of him, Hilary took him into her mouth instead. Though she would’ve done it at some point anyway. She’d always enjoyed sucking cock, feeling it throb in her mouth and having a man at her mercy as she worked his cock.

As Hilary’s head descended towards his crotch, Ben felt his breath catch in his throat. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as Hilary wrapped her lips around the head of his cock. It was such a surreal experience that he damn near blew his wad before she even got much past the head into her mouth. Luckily though, he managed to hang on and push his need to the back burner for the moment.

Eyes wide open to record every detail, to the point that he was almost afraid to blink, Ben watched as Hilary’s pretty blonde head worked its way down his cock, taking several inches of his length into her mouth. It wasn’t his first blowjob by any stretch, but Hilary Duff sucking his cock was drastically different than having Cynthia McPherson give him head at a party. There was absolutely no comparison between his past girlfriends and Hilary, either in looks or experience.

“Such a beautiful cock,” Hilary murmured, pulling off of his cock for a moment as she let her hand stroke the shaft and distribute some of the saliva she’d left behind.

“Thanks,” Ben said, nervously. He’d never really thought of his cock as being special. He’d always worried it wasn’t long enough, though his girlfriends had never really complained.

Noticing the shortness of breath he was developing, Hilary dove back onto his cock. Working his cock into her mouth until he bumped against the back of her throat, Hilary pulled back slightly and grabbed hold of the shaft so she could bob up and down without worrying about going too far.

Setting out to make Ben come as quickly as possible, Hilary applied suction as she lifted up. Pausing with just the head in her mouth, she breathed in through her nose before pushing back down. Repeating the process, she soon had Ben hunching his hips in excitement.

“Uh, Hil, Hilary,” Ben stammered, feeling himself reaching the point of no return.

Not needing the warning, but still rather thankful for it, Hil merely increased her suction. Ben felt like she was going to suck his prostate out through his urethra, but when he opened his mouth, all he could do was squeak out a warning.

Feeling his cock pulse in her mouth, Hilary pulled back until just the head was still in her mouth. Sucking so hard her cheeks caved in, she literally tried to hoover the jizz out of his balls. When the first blast of cum exploded out of his cock, it splashed against her uvula, followed quickly by a second jet. Continuing to suck, Hilary moaned as her mouth was filled with her teenage neighbor’s seed.

“Fuuuuck,” Ben groaned when he was finally sucked dry and Hilary let his cock fall from her lips.

“Mmm,” Hilary said, tilting her head back and swallowing his load.

“Shit, that was amazing,” Ben gasped, shocked at what had just happened.

“That was just the start,” Hilary said, slipping off the bed.

Ben’s eyes followed her, drinking in the sight of her nakedness as she moved to the table next to the bed. Opening the drawer, she rifled around in it until she came up with what she was looking for. Lifting out the sleeve of condoms, she tore one off and dropped the rest on top of the table.

She was on the pill, and she trusted that he didn’t have any diseases, but she figured a condom might help his staying power. Even after removing a bullet from the chamber, she wanted to do whatever possible to make sure he lasted more than a minute or two inside her.

Ripping the foil wrapper with her teeth, Hilary pulled the condom out of the package. She’d thought she might have to suck his cock a bit more to get him hard again, but she wasn’t particularly surprised to find that staring at her body and the prospect of fucking her had put quite a bit of iron back in his pipe.

Taking hold of his hardening cock, Hilary lifted it until it was straight up and down. Placing the condom on the head, she unrolled the condom down the shaft. With him sheathed in latex, Hilary climbed back onto the bed, throwing a leg over his waist and settling on top of him, his cock pinned between their bodies.

Reaching out, Ben put his hands on her thighs. As she lifted up, he watched her grab his cock and drag it through her folds to moisten the tip a bit. Then as she aimed it at her opening, she eased down onto him, her pussy stretching to accommodate his girth.

“Ohhh,” Hilary moaned, feeling so full when she came to rest in Ben’s lap. He certainly wasn’t the longest guy she’d been with, but he was definitely one of the thickest.

Even through the condom, Ben could feel the heat and tightness of Hilary’s pussy around his cock. He was thankful for it though because it at least helped dull the intense sensations, though it did nothing to quell the mental side of things. After all, he was balls deep in Hilary Duff.

Leaning forward and putting her hands on Ben’s chest, Hilary lifted herself up, feeling slightly empty as his fat cock slipped out of her pussy. When she had barely more than the head still inside her, she paused before sliding back down, moaning quietly as she was filled again.

With her leaning forward above him, Ben’s eyes darted between the sight of his cock sliding in and out of Hilary’s pussy and the sight of her tits moving with her slow movements. Moving his hands from her thighs, he reached up and cupped her tits, squeezing them.

“You like my tits?” Hilary asked, pushing her chest against his hands.

“Oh yeah,” Ben said, lifting his hips to meet her thrusts.

“God, your cock feels so good in my pussy,” Hilary grunted, dropping down onto his shaft.

“Your pussy feels pretty good too,” Ben said, watching her bite her lower lip as she gradually picked up some speed.

“So big,” Hilary sighed, her eyes fluttering shut as she concentrated on the sensations.

Ben wasn’t the first guy she’d been with other than her husband, there was a guy she went on a couple dates with not long her separation, but that was it since her marriage. She was just too busy with her son and resurgent career to date much.

After being completely dormant for a couple months and being very hit-or-miss for a year before that, Hilary’s sex life really needed a jump start. And that was exactly what Ben, or more precisely, Ben’s cock, was providing. She could feel parts of her that she’d almost forgotten coming back to life as she bounced on top of him.

“Ohh ohhh ohhhhh,” Hilary moaned, feeling an orgasm starting to build inside her.

Picking up speed. Hilary was slamming down on Ben’s cock hard enough to make the room echo with the sound of flesh slapping together. Hilary was a little surprised how quickly her orgasm was arriving, but considering she’d basically been burning with need for days, she probably wouldn’t have been that surprised if she’d come the moment he’d entered her.

“Oh fuck me, Ben,” Hilary hissed, being pushed right to the brink.

“I’m not going to last much longer,” Ben warned. He was afraid he wasn’t acquitting himself that well, but he was a little overcome by watching Hilary enjoy herself so much.

“Not yet,” Hilary pleaded. She needed to come and just needed to hold out a little longer.

Trying desperately to focus on anything but Hilary’s body as she fucked him, Ben closed his eyes. Clenching his teeth, he tried to think about unpleasant things, but all that came to mind was the absurd amount of money Kim Kardashian made off a stupid game. That seemed to work though as he felt the urge start to abate a bit. Then he opened his eyes.

“Ohhhhh,” Hilary moaned, trying desperately to keep the noise down as she came.

Mouth hanging open, Hilary quaked on top of Ben as her body was assaulted with pleasure. A bliss like she hadn’t known in what at times felt like forever washed over her, making her feel almost lighter than air as she crested the peak.

And watching Hilary in the throes of climax was what pushed Ben over the edge. She looked so gorgeous that it was all he could take. Lifting his hips, he drilled his cock as deep into her clutching pussy as he could get it and let loose. With a low guttural growl, he tilted his head back and filled the condom, his body spasming with each eruption he made into the latex barrier.

“Mmmm,” Hilary sighed, head hanging down and leaning her weight forward on her hands still resting on his chest as she came down from her orgasm.

Feeling him start to soften inside her, Hilary lifted her leg and rolled off of him. Chest heaving, a grin spread across her face as she rolled onto her back. Bringing her feet close to butt, it lifted her knees into the air as she basked in the afterglow of sex.

“Where should I put this?” Ben asked, taking off the used condom.

“There should be a trash can next to the bed,” Hilary said, glancing over and being shocked to see his cock still three quarters erect.

Tying a knot in the condom to keep it from leaking, Ben leaned over the edge of the bed. Spotting the garbage can in question, he reached out to drop the used condom into it. Before he can let go though, he felt a hand stroke his cock.

“The power of youth,” Hilary sighed, feeling Ben’s cock come back to life in her palm.

“I should probably be getting home,” Ben said, his eyes darting to where Hilary was giving him a slow handjob.

“You could stay here,” Hilary offered. “I mean, if you wanted to.”

“If I stay, do you keep doing what you’re doing?” Ben asked.

“No,” Hilary said. When she saw the look of disappointment on Ben’s face, she giggled. “If you stay, you’re going to fuck me again.”

“Definitely staying,” Ben said. He reached for the condoms, but Hilary stopped him.

“I don’t think we’ll need that this time,” Hilary said, rolling onto her back and letting her legs loll open in invitation. “You should be able to last a bit without one.”

In case he hadn’t gotten the invitation, Hilary gave his cock a soft tug until he rolled over on top of her. Putting his left hand on the bed, he pushed himself up so he could reach between them to grab his cock. Taking aim, he pushed forward, plunging about four inches of his cock into her in one lunge.

“Uhhh,” Hilary groaned, her pussy being stretched by his cock once more.

Reaching up, Hilary put a hand on the back of Ben’s neck and pulled him down for a kiss. As his lips met hers, she parted her lips and let her tongue darted into his mouth. She moaned into his mouth as he pushed again, not stopping until his pelvis was pressed tightly against hers.

Pausing with every inch of his cock inside her, Ben marveled at the difference in the feel of her pussy without the condom. It was a cauldron of heat and after her orgasm she was drenched and he was glad he hadn’t tried to ride bareback for their first time, let alone without unloading one down her throat before that.

Pulling back, Ben planted both hands on the bed and started fucking her with the confidence and assurance that he’d lacked the first time. While he could count the number of women he’d been with on one hand, with Hilary being the thumb, he had enough experience with those others to know what he could do. And on his third erection with some of the novelty and idol-worship already worn off from the first time, he knew he could last for a bit.

So without worry of letting her down, Ben drove into her with force. When Hilary started to realize that she might have unleashed a monster, she grabbed his shoulders, hooked her legs around his waist and tried to hold on.

For a solid ten minutes he showed her what she’d not only been missing for the last year, but also for god knows how long before that. He was primal, yet caring, as he fucked her for everything she was worth. He paid attention to how she reacted and when she moaned he filed it away and repeated or came back to it later. If she didn’t respond the way he wanted, he moved on until he found something she did like.

After the first orgasm, she thought he’d done a good job and he could finish up and it’d be the best sex she’d had in ages. Then her second hit her and he showed no signs of slowing down. By her third, she was torn between wanting to feel him come inside her and never wanting him to stop.

Alas, as with all good things, their coupling was bound to end. Finally feeling stamina start to fray, he gritted his teeth, wanting to bring Hilary off one last time. He could tell she was getting close and he wanted to get there before he did.

Grabbing her legs behind the knees, he pushed them back and to the sides, opening her up as he slammed into her. The change lifted her ass slightly and changed the angle of penetration just enough to give Hilary that extra push she needed.

“I’m gonna come,” Ben said, feeling Hilary trip over into orgasm a moment before her loud moan gave him an audible cue.

“Come in me,” Hilary hissed, shaking with pleasure as she was rocked by orgasm.

Feeling himself passing the point of no return, Ben kept fucking her right until the last moment. Driving deep into her, Ben’s lips curled to show his teeth as the cum exploded out of his cock. Hilary could feel it splashing against her insides, driving her orgasm to even higher heights.

“Fuck,” Ben gasped, his body still spasming as he pulled his cock out of her.

“Fuck is right,” Hilary agreed, feeling that mix of euphoria and lethargy start to settle over her as her orgasm faded. “Get the lights?”

“Sure thing,” Ben said, yawning.

Slipping out of bed, Ben crossed the room to the light switch. Flicking it, the room was cast in darkness. Being a mostly strange room, he was careful on his way back, going slow with his arms out in front of him to make sure he didn’t trip over anything. When he found the bed, he slipped under the covers and quickly found Hilary’s form rolled against him. A moment later Hilary was completely out, sleeping soundly as Ben was a little slower drifting off next to her, though not by much.

* * * * *

Feeling the warm body next to her, Hilary awoke a little disoriented. It faded as memories of the night before flooded her brain. She filled with a mix of arousal and regret as she looked at her actions in the light of day. She’d taken advantage of a teenager, one who lived next door no less. And as much fun as it had been, and how very much she’d needed it, she couldn’t let it happen again.

But then, her hands started caressing the muscles of Ben’s stomach and rational thought started to disappear. Once more she was filled with thoughts about what else he could do with that cock and just how much she wanted to find out personally. After all, there were a bunch more positions they could try and she definitely wanted to suck him off at least once more.

‘Stop it, Hil,’ Hilary chastised herself, finally pulling her hand away from his body.

Knowing she needed to get out of there before she tried to wake him up in all sorts of fun ways, she tossed the covers aside. Slipping out bed, she grabbed her robe, leaving him sleeping in her bed as she headed across the hall to check on Luca.

* * * * *

“So then Ben jumped in the water and started fighting with the shark,” Luca said, giving Hilary a recap of the fun he’d had with Ben the night before.

“I won too, didn’t I?” Ben asked, appearing in the kitchen door.

“Ben?” Luca asked, wondering why he was there so early.

“It was late when mommy got home last night, and his parents are out of town, so Ben stayed over,” Hilary explained. “If you ask nicely, he might stay over again tonight.”

“Will you? Please?” Luca asked, excited at the prospect.

“Since you asked so nicely,” Ben said, his eyes glancing up to make contact with Hilary.

“Yay!” Luca said, raising one arm over his head as he chewed on a piece of bacon.

* * * * *

“So, what room am I sleeping in?” Ben asked, trying not to just assume there’d be a repeat of last night.

“The guest room,” Hilary said firmly. “What happened last night can’t happen again.”

“Okay, just friends,” Ben said, trying to hide his disappointment, and largely failing.

They’d spent most of the day exchanging furtive glances. There had even been a little kissing and groping on the couch while Luca took a nap, but when Ben had tried to slip his hand into her pants, Hilary had finally stopped him. After that they’d mostly behaved, even though she’d had approximately fifty thousand dirty thoughts about him between when he’d agreed to stay over and when she’d put Luca to bed for the night.

“Just friends,” Hilary agreed even though even she had trouble figuring out whether she meant it.

“Since you’re letting me stay here, the least I can do it make breakfast in the morning,” Ben said. “Any requests?”

“If you can make pancakes, you’ll be Luca’s hero, even more than you already are,” Hilary said, laughing.

“Pancakes it is,” Ben said, turning and heading for the guest room, and Hilary’s head turned to watch him even as she scolded herself for it.

* * * * *

Watching tv, Hilary’s brain wasn’t into it though. Her thoughts kept drifting down the hall to the stud sex machine she had stationed there and for some reason resisted taking advantage of. But the harder she tried to ignore him, the more her brain brought him to the forefront.

Feeling hungry, Hilary slid out of bed. Donning her robe, she snuck down the stairs. Seeing a light on in the kitchen she guessed she wasn’t the only one that had the same idea. Entering doorway though, she stopped in her tracks.

Standing in front of the sink in nothing but a pair of boxers was Ben. A glass of milk in his hand, he lifted it to his mouth. As he tilted his head back to drink his milk, Hilary’s eyes fixed on his abs and once more felt a little overwhelmed by lust.

“Oh, hey,” Ben said, jumping a little when he turned and saw Hilary standing there. “Hope you don’t mind, I was thirsty.”

“Make yourself at home,” Hilary assured him.

“So, you couldn’t sleep either?” Ben asked, making small talk.

“I was hungry, so I thought I’d come down and get a snack,” Hilary said.

“Shit, that’s cold,” Ben squealed as he dribbled milk out of the corner of his mouth and onto his chest.

Without thinking, Hilary grabbed a towel. Dabbing at the milk, Hilary suddenly became very aware of his proximity. As she dabbed lower, memories of him on top of her driving her to orgasm after orgasm filled her brain. By the time she finished cleaning him up, the temperature in the kitchen had shot up twenty degrees.

Unable to take any more, Hilary grabbed Ben and yanked him down for a kiss. Acting on autopilot, her hands went for the sash of her robe. Pulling it open, she pushed it off her shoulders, leaving her wearing just a silky nightgown with nothing underneath.

“I thought you said it couldn’t happen again?” Ben asked as her hands went for his boxers.

“Do you really want to stop?” Hilary asked, slipping her hand into his boxers and finding him already hard.

“Fuck no,” Ben grunted, lifting her up.

As Hilary’s legs hooked around his waist, he moved to set her on the edge of the counter. Slipping his hands underneath her nightgown and finding her bare pussy, Ben groaned in anticipation. When Hilary pulled his cock out of his boxers, he moved his hands to her thighs so she could aim it at her pussy.

“Ohhh, yeahhh,” Hilary moaned as he pushed forward, finding her more than wet enough to accommodate his size.

Remembering that they were in the kitchen and couldn’t take forever, Ben didn’t waste time on niceties. He barely paused when his cock was fully seated in Hilary’s pussy, immediately pulling back. When he drove forward again, Hilary moaned and used her heels to help pull him into her.

With a frenzy born from a combination of needing to be quick and releasing some of the pent up desires that hadn’t been vented last night or had built up during the day, they humped against each other. Leaning forward, Ben buried his face in the crook of Hilary’s neck, kissing and licking at the skin of her neck as he plunged his cock into Hilary’s fiery cunt.

“Fuck me, oh god, fuck me,” Hilary hissed into Ben’s ear, clutching his shoulders as she got lost in what they were doing.

Hearing Hilary begging him to fuck her spurred Ben on to give her what she wanted. It was so hot to hear her get so dirty and Ben wrapped his arms around her. Putting one hand between her shoulder blades, the other one went to the small of her back and held her tight against him as he drilled into her twat.

“That’s it, baby, fuck me,” Hilary moaned.

Going hard and fast, Ben screwed her with a fury that took her breath away. She wasn’t sure whether he was capable of being slow and gentle after two rather savage attacks on her pussy, and she couldn’t really decide whether she wanted to find out. The almost feral nature of his fucking was really working for her and slowing him down could ruin it.

“Fuck fuck fuck,” Hilary grunted, feeling an orgasm about explode inside her.

Trying to ignore his own impending climax, Ben barely missed a beat as he lifted her a couple inches off the counter. Moving his hand from the small of Hilary’s back, he slipped it underneath her, grabbing her ass through the fabric of her nightgown that she was sitting on. Setting her back down, trapping his hand in the enviable spot between the counter and her remarkably firm, yet fleshy posterior.

“So close, Ben, sooo clooooossseee,” Hilary moaned, burying her face in his neck as she was pushed right to the brink.

Biting down on his shoulder to muffle her screams, Hilary reacted to his ferocity with an orgasm to rival it. Her body shook so hard she literally bounced on the counter, bringing more than a little pain to the hand trapped underneath her. It was so violent, she felt like she was going to unravel as the pleasure shot through her.

With the pain in his hand helping distract him, Ben somehow managed to ride out Hilary’s orgasm. Keeping himself buried inside her, Ben used the hand on her ass to support her as he straightened up, lifting her as he went. Turning, he carried her out of the kitchen and up the stairs to bed.

He figured worst case scenario once he got there was that she gave him a handjob or something and sent him back to the guest room for the night. Actually, worst case would have been that she sent him back without any satisfaction at all and left it up to him to do it on his own, but he wasn’t worried about that. The best case scenario though was that she got him off, then let him fuck her some more, which is what wound up happening.

After setting her down so he could close the door behind him, Hilary had dropped to her knees and taken him into her mouth. Even after the partial rest with minimal movement inside her as he carried her upstairs, it had only taken a couple minutes for Hilary’s magic mouth to use his cock as a large straw to drink the cum straight from his balls.

Then when he’d expected to be sent back to the guest room, Hilary had reached down and pulled off her nightgown instead. Turning around, she’d climbed onto the bed on all fours and looked back at him and wagged her ass in a way that could only be considered an invitation.

Rather than take her up on what she’s obviously expected, Ben had surprised her. Instead of moving in behind her and stuffing her full of cock, he dropped to his knees and grabbed the cheeks of her ass with his hands as he jammed his face against her ass.

“Ohhhh,” Hilary moaned as Ben’s tongue shot out and flicked at her clit.

While he wasn’t the best pussy eater ever, he was definitely better, and certainly more willing, than the guys she’d been with at that age. Of course, the real shock came when Ben was dragging his tongue along the length of her slit to poke at her hole before moving back to her clit. She’d shifted unexpectedly and he overshot his target, his tongue winding up stabbing at the tight pucker of her asshole before either of them realized it.

Ben had quickly moved back to what he was doing, but the damage was done. Even through the two orgasms Ben brought to her with his tongue, Hilary’s anus still resonated with the ghost of his tongue and it wasn’t until he’d finally shoved his cock back into her pussy that their little foray into salad tossing was pushed from her brain.

* * * * *

“Fuck me, yeah, fuck me,” Hilary hissed as Ben fucked her from behind on Thursday afternoon.

After giving in not just once, but twice, and having her will shattered pretty convincingly both times, Hilary had pretty much given up on behaving herself. Upon waking up next to Ben, she’d found a nice hard cock tenting the sheets and after a brief tug-of-war in her brain, she’d climbed on top of him and woke him up by riding him like a rodeo champ.

Currently though, Ben had Hilary bent over the back of the couch stuffing her full of his glorious cock. Ben had come back from school to find that Luca was taking a nap and decided to have some fun. Grabbing her, he’d bent her over, flipped her skirt up, pulled her panties aside and shoved into her.

With one hand on the back of the couch to support her, Hilary used the other to reach underneath her. Finding her clit, she stroked it as Ben fucked her. The combination was electric as the danger of fucking the teen boy from next door while her son slept right upstairs did wonders for her.

They say that familiarity breeds contempt, but the opposite seemed to be at play. The more familiar Hilary got with Ben’s cock, the more she wanted it. And it didn’t help that the more familiar he got with her body, the better he was able to give what she needed.

“Ohhh come on, Ben, fuck my tight little pussy,” Hilary pleaded, her finger a blur on her clit.

Wanting to make sure they finished before Luca could wake up, Ben didn’t try to slow down. If anything, he went faster, driving into Hilary’s pussy hard enough to make Hilary gasp each time his pelvis slapped her ass at the end of each thrust.

“Fuck me so good, make me come,” Hilary gasped, forgetting everything but way her pussy was being savaged over and over.

“I’ll make you come,” Ben promised, gripping her hips and pulling her back onto his cock. “Then I’m going to come so deep inside you you’re going to feel it in your throat.”

“Ohhhh, do it,” Hilary demanded, looking over her shoulder and giving Ben a look so loaded with need that it almost pushed him over the edge by itself.

Getting a handle on himself, or at least enough to hold his orgasm at bay a little longer, Ben went with short, fast strokes. Viciously impaling her, he quickly had Hilary mewling as her orgasm rushed towards her. Finally achieving release, Hilary bit her lip to stifle her scream as she came.

Feeling Hilary’s pussy clamp down on him was all he could take. Driving deep into her cunt he snarled as the cum erupted out of his cock. Growling through gritted teeth, his hips jerked as spurt after spurt exploded into Hilary’s spasming pussy.

When he was finally empty, Ben pulled out. Seeing the white froth of the mixed fluids start to collect at the entrance of Hilary’s pussy, he pulled her panties back into place to help catch them before they dribbled all over the floor.

“I think I’m going to go take a shower,” Hilary said, standing up.

“I’ll entertain the munchkin if he wakes up before you get back,” Ben said, nodding.

* * * * *

“Want more?” Hilary asked Ben, holding up the last pork chop.

“If you don’t want it, sure,” Ben said, holding out his plate. “For some reason I’m really hungry tonight. I must have worked up an appetite today.”

“Must be Luca’s fault for making you chase him around,” Hilary said, blushing.

“That must be it,” Ben said, smirking as he took a bite of his salad.

“Better eat up then, because I think he might want you to chase him around again tonight,” Hilary said, making eye contact with Ben and hoping he could figure out what she really meant.

* * * * *

“Ohh ohhhh ohhhhhhh,” Hilary moaned, grabbing a handful of Ben’s hair and bucking her hips as his tongue worked on her pussy.

After Luca had crashed, d****d across Ben while watching tv, Hilary had picked him up to take him to bed. When Hilary had gone to her room, she’d been ambushed by Ben. Clothes were quickly removed and Hilary shoved onto her back so Ben could feast on her pussy.

Clamping her thighs against his ears, Hilary yanked on Ben’s hair as she humped against his face. Squirming on the bed, she twisted onto her side, taking Ben with her. When he eased his middle finger into her, she groaned and responded by pulling on his scalp even harder and pushing his face even tighter to her crotch.

“There, there, ohhhh,” Hilary squealed, clenching her legs tightly around his head as she detonated.

One thing Ben had learned was that if a guy was willing to eat pussy, a girl was far more likely to let him keep fucking her. So few guys his age seemed willing that whenever he went down on a girl for the first time it inevitably tended to be the first time anyone had done it to her. Then even after breaking up with girls, a couple of them were always willing to be friends with benefits because they knew he’d make it worth it.

And Hilary was about three days into finding out why. She knew there couldn’t be a relationship between them and there wasn’t a future, but still… Just looking at him ignited her loins, and then when she broke down and let him near her loins everything else ignited.

Part of it was the fact that he was a new lover and everything was still fresh and interesting. Part of it was also that he kept legitimately blowing her mind. He had the abundance of energy and recovery power of a teenager and she was old enough to truly appreciate it, as opposed to when she was s*******n herself and thought every guy would be able to get multiple erections and go for hours.

Hell, even when she was s*******n she would’ve killed for a guy that could do that. A week ago she would’ve killed just for the abundance of energy. It was just terrible luck that when she finally managed to find one, he was ten years younger and still in high school.

But as Ben pushed her thighs together while she was on her side and aimed his cock at her dripping pussy, Hilary decided decisions about the future could wait. After wandering through a desert, she’d stumbled into a torrential downpour and she wasn’t ready to come in out of the rain quite yet.

* * * * *

“Uhh uhhh uhhh,” Hilary grunted as Ben pinned her against the shower wall and slammed into her pussy.

After fucking in several different positions, and Ben depositing his load all over Hilary’s tits, she’d suggested they hit the shower. And after a little soaping and a lot of groping, Ben had lifted her up and pressed her against the wall to fuck her underneath the steamy spray.

“Oh god, you’re killing me,” Hilary groaned, meaning it in the best possibly way.

She wasn’t sure how much more she could take, at least for the night. A good night’s rest and maybe the next day and she might change her mind, but for the moment she was really feeling tired, and her pussy was really feeling all the abuse he’d dished out the last couple days.

“Make me come and then I’ll finish you with my mouth,” Hilary promised.

“Pussy feeling sore?” Ben asked, feeling rather proud that he’d outlasted her.

“A little,” Hilary answered.

“Then I guess I need to finish you off,” Ben said, grinning.

A moment later the hand he’d put on her ass to help hold her up shifted slightly. Dragging his middle finger through the crack of her ass, he ran it over the tight pucker of her asshole. Before she’d even realized what was happening, he pushed forward, easing the tip of his finger into her asshole.

He’d read about it on the internet and even tried it on a couple girlfriends. One had thought it was weird and wouldn’t let him do it again, but the other really liked it. Whenever he stuck his finger in her ass while fucking her, she went off like a bottle rocket. He’d thought of doing it to Hilary before, but frankly, he had her on a bit of a pedestal and he didn’t want to do anything she might not like. But with her in need of being finished quickly, now was the time to test the waters if there was ever going to be one.

“OOOOOOOHHHH,” Hilary screamed as the sudden penetration of her asshole pushed her over the edge.

With her in the throes of orgasm, Ben slowed down his thrusting but didn’t stop. Instead he adjusted his grip on her ass, pushing his finger even deeper in the process. Feeling the way her anus was clenching and gripping his finger, he really wanted to see what else she’d let him put in there.

“Ohh gawwwddd, where did that come from?” Hilary sighed as she came down from her peak.

“You said you wanted to come quickly,” Ben said, shrugging his shoulders as he pulled out of her and eased her down onto shaky legs.

“Well, it worked,” Hilary said, reaching out and turning off the shower.

“I hate to be rude or anything, but…” Ben said, glancing down at the raging hard on sticking out from his body.

“Oh, right,” Hilary said, dropping to her knees on the tile floor.

Wrapping her hand around his cock, she took him into her mouth. She could taste her juices all over his cock. She’d never been with another woman, and never really was interested, but she’d always loved the taste of herself on a hard cock. It meant that it had just been inside her and usually meant that good things were happening, or had just happened.

Bobbing up and down on his cock, Hilary let her free cup and caress his balls. They were so big and heavy and really wanted to drain them. She wanted to feel his cum swimming around in her stomach and she sucked his cock like she was trying to turn him inside out.

“Fuck,” Ben grunted, putting a hand on the back of her head and splaying his fingers.

Holding her head in place he started to push forward, fucking her mouth with short, sharp thrusts. Her lips were stretched tight around his shaft and he watched her pretty blonde head working up and down his cock. It was a tough combo to beat and it rapidly took its toll on him.

“Uh, Hil,” Ben gasped, feeling himself reaching the brink. She’d swallowed the couple times she’d finished him off with her mouth so he had an idea what to expect, but he still wanted to at least warn her before just basting her tonsils with his man goo.

Ignoring his warning, Hilary kept working his cock. Feeling him start to throb in her mouth, she pulled back until just the head was still in her mouth. When the first spurt gushed into her mouth, she moaned and swallowed his cum as quickly as he could give it to her.

“Wow,” Ben said, his chest heaving as she pulled her mouth off his cock and nuzzled it against her cheek.

“Come on,” Hilary said, grabbing Ben’s hand and pulling him out of the shower.

Grabbing a couple towels, Hilary tossed one to Ben. After making sure they were dry, Hilary pulled him into the bedroom. Nodding towards the bed, she turned off the lights while he pulled the covers back. Slipping into bed next to him, Hilary cuddled up next to him, dr****g a leg over his thigh and an arm across his chest.

* * * * *

“He’s got a mind of his own,” Ben said, shrugging as Hilary shook her head in disbelief.

She’d woken up to find him pressed against her back, his cock hard and pressed firmly into the crack of her ass. After what felt like a couple dozen boners that she’d taken care of for him over the last few days, though it was probably closer to ten, he was still a human divining rod.

“Well put it away,” Hilary said. She regretted letting it go to waste, until she sat up and her nether regions screamed at her for overusing them. All in all though, if she was going to be in pain, it was about the best she could have asked for.

“Don’t worry, my parents come home tonight, so I’ll be out of your hair,” Ben said, reaching out and tracing small looping lines along her lower back.

“It’s probably for the best,” Hilary sighed. “We should probably try to go back to the way things were before things go any further and someone gets hurt.”

“My brain knows you’re right, but it’s hard to do some of the things we’ve done without feeling something that goes beyond purely platonic,” Ben said, shrugging.

“I’m too old for you anyway,” Hilary insiste

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Hilary Irvines Return to the Dark ContinentChapter 3

Now alone Hilary collapsed in tears, sobbing her heart out. Sobbing because she'd been kidnapped, beaten, and raped. And because her future seemed to only hold more of the same. After a tearful while Hilary had cried herself out. So she wiped away hers tears and took a deep breath. "Today has been shit," she sighed out loud, "But tomorrow is another day!" With that determined thought she climbed onto the mattress, pulled the coarse woollen blanket over, and swiftly dozed off. The...

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Hilary Irvines African OdysseyChapter 5

Hilary was left alone in her cell for a couple of days. Days of dread as she waited for the Negro to come and take her off for more abuse. Eventually when he did it was almost a relief. He entered with a leer on his face - something that sent a chill thru Hilary's heart. He unlocked the chain from the bedpost, attached a leash to the collar and led Hilary out. Outside the room Hilary and the Negro were joined by two of the harem girls. Thru room after room the group went until the Negro...

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Hilary Irvines African OdysseyChapter 1

The heat of the South African sun was oppressive inside the small office where BBC Reporter Hilary Irvine met her first contact. His name was Samuel Mbongo and he'd helped the Beeb out before, but this time he wasn't been so helpful. "But Missy Irvine," he smiled in the big toothy grin only a black African can do, "smuggling you into Zimbabwe is dangerous! Yo is banned!" "I don't care!" scowled Hilary, "if I can get an interview with this government opponent it'll be worth...

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Hilary Irvines African OdysseyChapter 2

Hilary Irvine's African Odyssey (2/5) They marched north. To the slaves it was immaterial what direction they went. The only concern of Hilary was whether or not one direction might offer more opportunity for escape than another; and only time would reveal that. The first day's march was gruelling in the extreme. Although Mudada seemed interested in making sure that none of his prizes died while on the march, and allowed them plenty of water, all of his captives were on foot and he and...

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Hilary Irvines Return to the Dark ContinentChapter 4

Still on her knees Hilary could only stare at Umbatu as he moved into the room. Her mouth opened and closed but she couldn't think of a single thing to say. "Told ya, Boss!" jabbered Corp as he appeared from behind the Katgina Governor, "Told ya Sarge was gonna betray ya! Blondie too! Typical bitch-whore!" "Betrayed... ," intoned Umbatu slowly, his eyes glazing over. "BETRAYED!" he roared, seizing Hilary by her bare arm and pulling her upwards. "L-listen h-here!" she stammered,...

4 years ago
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Hilary Irvines Return to the Dark ContinentChapter 5

It must have been a combination of exhaustion and the fact that she was at least somewhere that caused Hilary to drop off to sleep - it couldn't have been from a feeling of security. When the bound blonde awoke it daylight was streaming in thru the dirty windows of Tinga's office. She tried to rise and immediately felt the cruel, hard embrace of wire mesh on her bare arms and butt. She sighed. The subsequent breathing in was a mistake as the pungent aroma of sweat and piss assailed her...

2 years ago
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Hilary Irvines African OdysseyChapter 4

Leaving the cell and the noise of Claire's rape behind the Negro took Hilary thru the corridors of an old sandstone building. Burning torches lit the way as they ascended several levels. Feeling sick inside, Hilary's mind was a blur. Wherever she was going she would face brutality. When that was over she'd be flung back in that terrible dungeon and used as a sex machine. Forcing herself back to rationality Hilary noticed that the whole place seemed deserted ... until she realised that all...

3 years ago
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Haylie and Hilary Duff having Fun

Hilary Duff was smiling at her big sister, showing off her gorgeous dimples. She was such a pretty and beautiful blonde celebrity. Unlike other white female celebrities, she didn’t try too hard to be liked. Her sister Haylie Duff got into the acting business a few years after her sister was a total actress mega star! It was usually the other way around. Hilary was prettier when it came to the face, but her older sister, Haylie had a nice pair of knockers, and she knew it. She exposed her sexy...

3 years ago
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Haylie and Hilary Duff having Fun

Hilary Duff was smiling at her big sister, showing off her gorgeous dimples. She was such a pretty and beautiful blonde celebrity. Unlike other white female celebrities, she didn’t try too hard to be liked. Her sister Haylie Duff got into the acting business a few years after her sister was a total actress mega star! It was usually the other way around. Hilary was prettier when it came to the face, but her older sister, Haylie had a nice pair of knockers, and she knew it. She exposed her sexy...

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Hilary Irvines African OdysseyChapter 3

When Hilary woke up the first sensation that assailed was the stench of piss. Drearily she looked around her. She was in a dank dungeon, humid and dusty. Both her wrists and ankles were free so she tried to rise. Gingerly she got to her feet but the moment she tried to walk the iron manacle around her slender neck made itself known. With little real hope Hilary tugged at it to try to get it loose. Wouldn't budge. "Bugger!" This noise elicited a low moan came from the other side of the...

2 years ago
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Hilary and Kim another weekend

Hilary and Kim had been hanging out with me a lot. Mostly individually. We had been having threesomes regularly, but one weekend the girls decided that we should go away. It was winter so we went to a beach town and got a hotel room with a king size bed and jacuzzi very cheap. The girls brought very few clothes with them, and on the drive down they talked about staying in the room all weekend and just getting room service.They had also put me on a special diet. It was to produce more ejaculate....

3 years ago
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Haylie Duff and Hilary Duff A Tale of Two sisters

Hilary Duff sat in a director's chair in her trailer, having just finished making a video with her sister Haylie for the soundtrack of her new movie, Cinderella Story. Her skintight black jeans were unzipped and one hand was exploring inside. Her eyes closed as she bit down on her lip remembering when she had first met her true love.Or rather when they had first met as lovers.After all, she and Halie had Known each other her whole life.But it wasn't until the ages of thirteen and fifteen that...

4 years ago
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Sue Duff The Teacher

Hello, I am Mrs Sue Duff, a teacher. My first marriage ended very early, we just had no compatibility but had Mary and Tristan when we were both very young, he left soon after. After a few years of single parenthood I started to play the field gaining a lot of experience to satisfy my sexual desires. I then met my second husband and due to his inability to satisfy me we drifted apart, he moved out and we are now going through a divorce. Not only do I have two horny teenagers I teach a group of...

3 years ago
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Hayden Panettiere Hilary Duff

“How’s your assignment going baby, you look super stressed.” Hayden Panettiere asked her boyfriend Ryan who was sitting at the old desk scribbling notes furiously. The desk was like most of the other things in their rundown apartment, old, dirty, broken or found in the garbage. “It’s taking forever, what type of asshole instructor makes an assignment due a day before the midterm. Fuck!” Ryan McVeigh screamed as he slammed his pencil against his expensive textbook. His facial expression...

2 years ago
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Hilary and her 18 year old Neighbour

The following story was told to me by my friend Hilary, a 59 year old x-hamster member, who would like to share this experience with everyone"Working in a pub can be a real hassle most of the time, but very occasionally like last Friday, the benefits of dealing with drunk men constantly come into play making it all worthwhile. At 59 years of age I should perhaps be winding down slightly, but the divorce leaves me with bills to pay and I’ve been working at my local pub for a few years now. The...

1 year ago
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Charity At Work 1 Adventures in Babysitting

Charity Jones here again returning to entertain you with more adventures of my misspent youth. My lat recounting detailed certain highpoints in my life as it transpired through the11th grade in my 16th year of life. I introduced you to the complete trinity of my closest friends, Faith and Hope. I also landed myself a highschool sweetheart by the name of Chet, who in turned out to be my personal cuckold. And of course the trials and tribulations of jut being a high school teen. The...

1 year ago
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Gina Loses Her Virginity While Babysitting

I've been babysitting for the longest time. Every weekend, I have a job and have made enough money to buy a car. I've been babysitting for the Jackson's for about two years now. They hired me overnight and will be paying me three hundred dollars. I'm so excited to go over there tonight. The best part of babysitting over there, is their gorgeous son named Jack. I wasn't sure if he'd be home, but I was hoping he might be. I've had a crush on him for the longest time. He's so incredibly...

1 year ago
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My Sister And I Babysitting

My Sister And I Babysitting My sister and I have always been close. I had been looking for a way to earn some extra money when my sister suggested that I help her baby-sit. She promised that I would not have to change any diapers as long as I helped out by getting bottles ready and playing with the children. She had tried babysitting once and it was more than she could handle. Mom had suggested that she find a girlfriend to help but none of her friends wanted to spend their Friday and...

4 years ago
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My parents were helping me with my first year college tuition and board but made it clear that I was on my own as far as paying for fun. There was no money for a car so I made do as best I could. Without a car, I was very limited as far as part time employment was concerned so I fell back on the familiar job of babysitting. My parents did help me get a credit card with a low limit but I had to make the payments myself. I enjoyed the use of the card a little too much and soon had the limit...

3 years ago
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Adventures in Babysitting

Adventures in Babysitting By: Malissa and Gang Tommy Moore, was a bit of a loner all his life, no close friends other than the girls he went to school with. But he never dated any of them. Now as a senior in High School he was on the honor roll list. His mother was a bit concerned though, he seemed to not have any life outside of school. Of course she had her hopes, as he would often go to Laura's house for the girls study group, three or four girls he went to school with who needed...

2 years ago
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Adventures in Babysitting

When I was 14, me and my BFF, Ashley, started our very own babysitting service. She made an announcement during church and we immediately started getting phone calls. One day, Ashley said, "Come here...U gotta check this out." And she pulled out a handful of 20's. "Damn, where'd you get that?" I asked. "Babysitting," she said with a smile. I counted it...just a little over $200. "How'd you get $200 babysitting," I asked. Now, Ashley was the neighborhood nymphette and I was the...

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She writes:  hallo, it is nice to meet you. I don’t offer an adventure; I would like to have one. To meet someone I can connect to, and feel like a teen again, and do all the things one could not do when you were 16. Like being silly and love and laugh and be yourself for once. I got married young, had 2 k**s and so I think now is my time. I want to try as much as I can before I get too old. I would like to enjoy life and everything in it. I am not only talking about sex, which is important to...

1 year ago
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Trunks New Look Babysitting

Trunks sighed once again as he looked into his mother's vanity mirror and looked at himself. How did he manage to get into this mess? Oh, that's right, he remembered; it was because of those little terrors downstairs. They were the ones responsible for this! ---------------------------------------- It all started when he decided to use visit Goku and his friends again, so he used his time machine. This time, he was curious to see how they had been doing after the battle with Cell, so...

3 years ago
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It Started With Babysitting

I was employed in an office in town as a part time receptionist. I am also studying at University for a Business Management Degree, as is my best friend Samantha. At a party, we were talking and one of other girls mentioned how much money she made as a baby sitter. It also gave her the opportunity to study while she did the sittings. I asked was there much work around as I would not mind doing some to get a bit of extra money. “More work than I can handle, would you like me to refer some of...

Group Sex
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BabysittingShe didn't know why he was babysitting her, she was old enough now not to need a babysitter when her parents went away, besides he was almost the same age as she was! ?She followed her mother around a little dejectly as she showed him the place, as well as the phone numbers to the various local take away places. ?She knew this boy too, he was one of the bad boys at school always getting in trouble and known to be quite mean. ?Finally her parents leave, giving her a hug as they leave...

4 years ago
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“Sure, Mrs. P, when do you need me to come over?” I asked with a sigh. “Oh, thank you so much, Molly….any time on Friday before 4 pm would be fine. Frank and I are flying to Wisconsin for his 25th high school reunion. We should be home by late Sunday evening. We’ll feel better knowing that you’re here with Kurt while we’re away.” “No problem, Mrs. P. I’ll see you then.” I arrived on Friday afternoon, and waved to the Palmers as they headed for the airport. Kurt and I were familiar with each...

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Duff studentrsquos sex education

I didn’t ever get a proper education, and as far as sex goes I knew what I wanted to know and that was all. Though it wasn’t very much – in fact, it was just about zero. From realising I was only interested in solo-sex in the early 60s (not that I had other options even if I wanted them) up to the late 80s, I was shielded from more or less anything apart from what I saw in my magazines, and lucky views I got. I was more than satisfied with that – from the early 60s I got a lot of satisfaction...

3 years ago
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Just Babysitting

Everyone says that your high school years are the best years of your life. For me, that’s only half true. High school sucked on so many levels. People either loved you, or they hated you, usually for the most pathetic reasons that most often came from a spark of jealousy, therefore causing rumours to spread. There was the fear of busting your ass; only to walk away with a mark that would honestly get you nowhere in life, and finally, teacher’s found any excuse to be on your ass. For me, this...

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Babysitting By RogerGirl I'm sitting at the kitchen table on Friday afternoon eating a bowl of cereal while my parents scramble to pack their bags for their weekend trip to Vegas with the neighbors. I try to hold back my anticipation for them to leave so that I can spend the next two and a half days indulging in my secret hobby. Don't worry I'm not into drugs or drinking and I'm not planning to invite my girlfriend over to have sex nor am I planning a wild party. ...

3 years ago
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Adoring Elizabeth V Babysitting

Monday came and went, Tuesday came and went. I was beginning to feel very depressed without my Elizabeth to be around. I didn't even need the sex, really. Just being around her was what I wanted. On Wednesday my phone rang and I answered it. It was Elizabeth! "Hi, do you want to come over?" she asked me. "What about your parents?" I asked. "They're at my sister's band concert," she told me. Her younger sister Melissa was in her Middle School band. I said yes and...

1 year ago
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EveryThursday night I babysat for the Harrisons. Like always I arrived home from school at four o’clock and jumped into the shower before heading over to their house. It was my senior year in high school, only one month till graduation. I was psyched for the school year to be over, but I knew I would miss babysitting for them. I had gotten the job because I went to school with their eldest son Jason. He graduated two years before me and went off to college. After I got out of the shower I went...

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Reward for a nice babysitting

Suzanne is a nice looking girl of 19 years old. 5'5'' with a body perhaps a bit thinner than the average, she is cute. Her tanned skinned is higlighted by two clear blue eyes. She wears her dark hair long and often tied in ponytail. She's got a piercing at her navel and a little rose-shaped tatoo at the bottom of her back, but she's not otherwise really audacious or adventurous. She's not a vulgar bitch nor a "try any drug" girl. She just lives a cool life by her parent's while finshing...

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EveryThursday night I babysat for the Harrisons. Like always I arrived home from school at four o'clock and jumped into the shower before heading over to their house. It was my senior year in high school, only one month till graduation. I was psyched for the school year to be over, but I knew I would miss babysitting for them. I had gotten the job because I went to school with their eldest son Jason. He graduated two years before me and went off to college. After I got out of the shower I went...

Straight Sex
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Altered Fates Babysitting

I've had this story in mind for quite awhile, but the first time I started writing it, Eric came out with a very similar Altered Fates story called The Baby-sitter Caper first. Because of that I put this one on hold for awhile. Well here it finally is. I know that the ending leaves a lot that could be done afterwards, but I left off where I was on purpose. Perhaps I'll do a sequel, or perhaps I'll just leave the rest to the readers imagination. Altered Fates: Babysitting By...

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OH FUCK i LOVE babysitting

I was 15 babysitting some little k**s, i had put them to bed and was watching telly, when someone came in the door, i freaked out cuz it was 3 hours before the parents were du back, this guy about 19 comes in, to the living room, it is the parents oldest son and he just came back from college.i find out that his name is Tom and he is 19. we talk for a bit and i can tell he is totally aware i don't have anything under the dressing gown i am wearing. I can tell cuz i start to see the bulge in...

2 years ago
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innocent babysitting

Her family lived a few doors away. She was 15yrs old her sister was 13years old and they lived with their mum and her boyfriend. I knew who the mum was, she told me she was going on night out in a different town and wouldn't be back till the next morning, she couldn't find a babysitter and asked if i would just do it for a little bit of money, being nice i offered to do it free, she was delighted and showed my to her house, and introduced me to her 2 daughters i would be babysitting, chelsea...

4 years ago
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Roomies Babysitting

Kim McCall bounded up the steps to the small brick house set back from the street. She rapped briskly on the door while checking her watch. Good, she was five minutes early. The black haired 20 year old Canadian girl bounced several times up and down on her toes, less from impatience than from her pent-up energy. The door opened and Kim nearly laughed as the dignified older man standing in the doorway blinked at her several times rather blankly before asking "Can I help you?" "Hi, Doctor...

1 year ago
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Fantasy in Babysitting

Mom and I were sitting at the dining room table having just finished our dinner and I was trying to argue my side of the issue. "Look mom, I'm 13 and I don't need a babysitter anymore, I can take care of myself just fine!" "Kenneth, I understand your point of view, honest I do and if I was just going out for the evening I wouldn't mind leaving you alone. I trust you honey, I really do, but I'm going to be gone for two nights and I am just not comfortable with you being in the house all...

1 year ago
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The Wives Softball CoachChapter 4 Babysitting

It was 12-10 in the bottom of the seventh, the last inning in these softball games. We're the home team. Alicia's on third, Jenny's on second and Roxie's up to bat. The opposing manager goes out for a fruitless talk to his infield. With players at this level I never saw that it did any good, and just drug the game out. I was sitting on the bench next to Julie Potter; her husband was my Leading Petty Officer, my boss, on the boat. I knew her pretty well because Frank invited the single...

3 years ago
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So during a scorching hot summer i didn't feel like going into the evil sun light and get sweaty sack so i stayed in my cool basement secluded from anyone. *(yes i sound like a creep)* But one day my mom wanted me to stop being a useless shit and go and do something so she told her friend that " I WOULD BE ABLE TO BABYSIT" Dumb bitch! well i got to go to this smoking babes house and it was TOTALLY WORTH IT! So I arrived at the house around noon sweating hot from biking up this crazy hill and i...

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Maria and I while babysitting

I've known Maria since I was about 3, and have seen each other maybe 6 or 7 times a year every year. We are now both 17. For so long I could only think of Maria as just a great friend whom I had done so much with and knew so well. But as I hit teens, like many boys of that age, my mind began playing with the sexual scenarios we might have. She began to grow small but well-formed breasts and she became overall curvier. It was late spring and my family were visiting hers. We are the each...

2 years ago
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Fluffy Duffy the Devonshire AffairChapter 10 Facing The Music

"I'll have to see her tomorrow," said Fluffy. "And face the music. She'll murder me, for sure." Surely her mother would be sympathetic, once she got used to the idea of her dear daughter's bust growing such a vast amount in three days. Just giving her time to get used to it was going to be the hard part. That, and trying to explain where all these giant new bras and sexy clothes had come from. "I'll come with you and give you moral support, if you like," Danielle offered, not...

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Babysitter Gets Fucked by the Boy Shes Babysitting

“You know…” She began. “We still have some time left…” Rachel purred. Jake chuckled. Rachel moved her right hand down to his crotch and held it there. Rachel felt the boy’s face twist into a grin. Rachel grinned as well and began grasping at the kid’s growing erection. Jake’s cock slowly grew, thickening and lengthening. It pointed upwards and reached passed the kid’s belly button under his shirt and pants. Rachel grabbed the meat through the fabric and started lightly stroking it causing Jake...

3 years ago
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My Adventure in Babysitting

I recently started baby-sitting in order to help pay for my college expenses and I must say the experience was more than a little exciting. While I was in high school I babysat but I never had any sexual experiences with any of the families I sat for, but now about every third client I have seems to want to bed me and more than a few are single women who want to have a safe no strings attached tryst with another woman. Before I get too far ahead of myself I should tell you about how it all...

3 years ago
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Just Babysitting

Everyone says that your high school years are the best years of your life. For me, that’s only half true. High school sucked on so many levels. People either loved you, or they hated you, usually for the most pathetic reasons that most often came from a spark of jealousy, therefore causing rumours to spread. There was the fear of busting your ass, only to walk away with a mark that would honestly get you nowhere in life, and finally, teacher’s found any excuse to be on your ass. For me, this...

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Adventures in babysitting

Summer, an incredible time of year. Exams were over, the school year was coming to an end and all that was on anyone's mind was parties, gossip and sex. I was no exception. I'd lost my virginity last year at my friends house party, while half the party listened from outside the door. This earned me quite a reputation, first as a slut ready to fuck half the school after one beer. This was followed up by several rumours about my wild activities. Everything from fucking in the gym showers to...

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In the sixties in the U.K. there were few "enlightened men" who believed that women were entitled to enjoy sex as much as the males did. It was quite common, for girls to remain virgins, until their marriage and married women never to have had an orgasm even though they were mothers of c***dren. A frequent scenario in the households was of the husband coming home from the pub, slightly drunk, taking his wife to bed, kissing her roughly, putting a finger into her vagina, wiggle it around then...

2 years ago
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Lisas Babysitting

This is all happened during my College education. I was suffering to maintain my financial needs. My Parents was helpless, because they were not rich enough to spend more money for my studies than the home expenditure. I recently started baby-sitting in order to help pay for my college expenses and I must say the experience was more than a little exciting. While I was in high school I babysat but I never had any sexual experiences with any of the families I sat for, but now about every third...

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My neighbours Sally and Jack had gone to visit her mother, apparently she wasn't feeling too well. "Will you please look in on Jean and Mandy from time to time. Make sure they're not wreaking the place and they have everything they need." "Sure Sally, be glad to. They're good kids. Hope your mum's feeling better soon." Jean and Mandy were fourteen and fifteen year old sex bombs. Blond, slim, tall, nice tits and gorgeous tans. They both had their navels and tongs pierced and when they...

1 year ago
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GenerationsChapter 25 Babysitting

“So, we’re baby-sitting tonight?” asked Robby. Heather shrugged. “Is it baby-sitting when I live here?” Heather was in the kitchen, frying hamburgers in a cast iron skillet, while Robby sat at the kitchen table. Jimmy and Holly were in the living room playing a video game. “Besides, it will give us a chance to study later. I’ve got a chem test on Monday.” Robby shrugged in acquiescence and stood up. Sneaking up behind Heather, he gave her both a quick kiss on the back of the neck and a...

4 years ago
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Like Mother Like DaughterChapter 2 Advanced Babysitting

Fortunately little Barbie's gaze was fixed on the TV screen but I took the cushion from beside me and put it on my lap to hide the bulge in my loose fitting sweatpants. Glancing at her out of the corner of my eye I tried to imagine what she looked like under the flimsy baby doll pajamas she wore. The top hung loosely with only minor hills on her chest. I thought I could detect a hint of baby fat at her waist but her hips had filled out nicely and her creamy thighs were well rounded. Had some...

2 years ago
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Fluffy Duffy the Devonshire AffairChapter 9 Eating For Two

"Morning!" "Yeah, I know!" Danielle was never at her best before midday. She poked her nose out from under the sheets and watched as Fluffy sprang out of the bed, paused to recover her balance, then strode across to the window. Fluffy grinned as her friend pulled the sheet over her head, then began to count seconds to herself. Ten, fifteen, twenty... The sheet was flung back and a white-faced Danielle sat bolt upright, pointing a finger weakly at her. "You ... your... !" "Oh, you...

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