Tammy's Thirst free porn video

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I slowly came to consciousness lying face down in a puddle of salty, filthy water. I inhaled a little into my nose, making me cough violently and waking me up. I sat up, having no idea where I was. As I looked around, it hit me like a bolt, my recollection of the night before. I was sitting in a puddle of cold salt water in the left-hand stern corner of a very large wooden lifeboat.


Where was she? Had she made it?

"Tammy! Tammy!" I screamed, looking frantically around the boat. Dozens of weary and dazed men turned their head towards me, sitting throughout the rows of seats around me. No one said anything.

I jumped to my feet and started running forward along an aisle between the rows of seats, looking side to side. No sign of her. My heart crashed inside my chest and I felt a wail of grief and terror coming from my throat. I reached the bow and still hadn't seen her among all the dozens and dozens of men sitting throughout the seats. I was just about to succumb to utter despair when I caught sight of a female form partially wrapped in a tarp lying on the floor, tucked into the crook of the bow. Her face was hidden under the shelf over the bow, but exposed from the twisted tarp I saw two bare female feet. Further up, the tarp was off to one side exposing her left arm, shoulder and breast. Though I couldn't see the face, my heart leaped as I recognized the pink color of her toenails and the familiar breast as belonging to Tammy, my wife. I frantically climbed under the shelf to see her face and figure out if she was okay.

"Tammy! Tammy! Wake up baby."

Her eyes dully opened, but didn't seem to focus on me. I gently unwrapped her from the tarp and lifted her out, setting her gently on a bench. Two men stood up to make room for me to lay her down there. She didn't have any visible injuries except a few sc****s. Her dress was badly torn, only one shoulder of the dress still intact, the other completely ripped, so the entire left half of the dress flopped over down to her waist, exposing her breast and abdomen. Her shoes were gone. She seemed to be okay. I reached for the ripped flap of the dress and awkwardly tried to pull it back across her to cover her exposed breast. Involuntarily, my head snapped up to look the two men standing over her. They immediately turned away, but they had been dully staring at Tammy's exposed torso.

I leaned close to her face. "Tammy, are you okay sweetie?"

She looked in my eyes, and then gave me a quick but uncertain nod. "Yeah, what- what happened?" Then her eyes bulged and she said, "Oh god, the ship. The ship went down. Didn't it? Oh god."

"It's okay, it's okay, baby." I said softly to her. "We're safe."

My head was reeling with the memory. We had been on board a giant research vessel in the Indian ocean, both asleep in our cabin, when the alarm had sounded. In the pitch black. The lights or electricity had failed in our area. We frantically tried to wake up, come to our senses and tried to remember our lifeboat instructions and find our way down the darkened hallways by feel. When we reached our lifeboat location, it was total chaos. People were panicking, shoving, pushing. We got separated, and I kept shouting for her. I heard her voice but couldn't find her. I climbed on board the lifeboat in the dark, but it rocked crazily back and forth. The ship was listing wildly, and the lifeboat became unstable on its ropes. It tilted over nearly 45 degrees, and I had to hang onto a seat to avoid tumbling down into the bow. Then, there was a snapping sound and the lifeboat was falling, falling towards the water. The last thing I remembered was thinking I couldn't believe how long it was taking for us to hit the water.

We had been, as usual, the only married couple on the giant research vessel. Tammy and I worked together in the same oceanography department, and usually did research together. In fact, she had been one of only two women on the ship, as all the others in our team were men grad students, and the entire crew and other groups of researchers were all young men also. The only other female was an unmarried researcher named Agnes, a sweet, nice late-thirties woman with coke-bottle glasses and an unkempt mass of white hair. Both Tammy and I liked her immensely, and she was incredibly smart and funny. She was, by far, the most distinguished researcher on the ship and had won all kinds of scholarly awards. She was brilliant. She was especially known for being able to adapt to any challenge or research situation with creativity and skill, and we both were hopeful that our collaboration with her would be great for both Tammy and my careers. We spent every minute with her that we were able to; she was kind of my hero, Tammy's too, professionally, and if we could achieve one tenth the success she had in her career, we'd each consider that a victory. Agnes was unmarried though slim and with a reasonably nice body, but one of those nerdy types that just seem utterly sexless. I had never seen her with a man nor ever heard her talk about or show any interest in dating. Her career was her life, and she was phenomenally talented and successful at it.

Altogether, there had been about 240 people on the ship, and looking around, it seemed that about 60 had made it onto this huge lifeboat. There was no sign of the other lifeboat. This one was large enough that there were still plenty of open seats. Rather than having lots of small lifeboats, our ship had two huge lifeboats that between them could carry the maximum 250 people on board. I was now doubting if this was a good idea, since it had created bottlenecks in getting everyone on to two boats.

I lied down on the bench behind Tammy, spooning her and resting. Looking up at the sky, it was still overcast from the storm, but not raining. Exhausted, we soon both fell back asleep.

Day 2


I awoke in the morning sun, already feeling the heat gathering. I sat up, and saw that Tammy was already up. She was leaning against the wall, sobbing slightly.

"Tammy, how do you feel?"

She looked at me. "Oh Craig." And she put her arms around me, still sobbing slightly. I saw her dress had fallen open again, and I tried to pull it back into place while she hugged me.

"You're not hurt?" I whispered.

"No, I'm fine." She said softly. "I'm thirsty."

"Me too." I said. We had gone the whole previous day without eating or drinking.

I stood up and walked around, talking with various colleagues and crewmen. No one seemed to have any idea what had happened or to know if a radio message or anything had gotten out. The fact that 24 hours had passed without a rescue ship worried me greatly.

It turned out they had a few solar stills as part of the lifeboat supplies that had remained through the fall, and that some of the scientists had set them up that morning. They produced a precious little amount of fresh water, which they had organized a ration system for. I got my and Tammy's rations in two tiny baggies. I could not believe how little water it was.

She finished it in one gulp as I handed it to her.

"Do you want mine too?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No baby, you need it."

I drank it and almost felt more thirsty.

Day 3

Still hot.

And bored.

Somehow, the adrenaline from the event had worn off, and now we were just bored. Sitting in a lifeboat, all day. While we were still uneasy about not having been picked up yet, but we knew we were close to major shipping lanes, so it seemed just a waiting game at this point. We felt lucky.

I looked at Tammy as she gazed off at the horizon. Her profile was so beautiful. Her breast was still hanging out. She had spent all day yesterday trying to figure out a way to tie the loose part of the dress up, but some of the material was missing and it just wouldn't work. She tried to hold it up with her hand for a few hours, but her arm got tired, and pretty soon, in these circumstances, it just seemed silly to worry about something like that. So she just let it hang out.

In my boredom, I was a little amused at it, since her whole life, she'd been such a priss, always needing her attire and everything to be just perfect. I'd always tried to get her to loosen up, but to no avail. She was so proper and modest, so seeing her casually sitting there with her tit hanging out was quite funny. It's funny how the mind wanders in such boredom, but I kept thinking about her and her amazing body that she normally hid in such shyness.

And of course, everyone else noticed too. All the men were just kind of sitting around, bored, and so naturally their eyes wandered to this solitary female breast, hanging out in the ocean air. Even when our ship had been afloat, she had attracted a lot of attention, being the only young female among 50 men. However, she was so prim and proper, and everyone, even the crew sensed this, so they gave her space and just eyed her from afar. After a month at sea, I'm sure that it got a little excruciating. It was hard for me to judge, being the only male aboard who was regularly getting sex, but I thought I could feel all the guys on the ship getting more and more pent-up and sexually frustrated as the weeks went on with no young females around except Tammy, who was so modest in her dress and demeanor as to give them little to look at.

Nonetheless, look they did. All the time. And the fact is, Tammy is gorgeous. With a flawless body, hidden under her puritan clothing. About 5'6, 112 pounds, D-cup breasts and perfect legs and feet.

So now, they were looking again. At her bare breast and bare calves and feet and her beautiful face. I didn't mind, I mean, we were all bored. Just sitting for hours and hours, waiting for the time for our water ration.

The mate of the ship, Stubb, was an old man whom I'd talked with a few times before the ship went down; we'd sat at the captains table together once. I struck up a conversation with him; like everyone, his eyes had been playing over Tammy's form.

"She'll do fine," he said suddenly, apropos nothing.

"What? Who?"

"Her," he said, nodding in Tammy's direction.

"She'll do fine? What do you mean?"

"She'll be fine. She'll get out of this okay."

"You mean she'll be rescued? You mean we'll all be rescued?"

"No, I mean she'll be fine. Us, you, me, them -- " he nodded generally across all sixty men in the boat with us, "maybe so, maybe not. But she'll be fine. The women always survive. Look at all these men here. Sixty-odd men. She'll be fine."

I was perplexed. I looked closely at him to see if he was delirious. But he seemed okay. Bored, but okay.

"Okay, thanks..." I said uncertainly.

Day 4


Really thirsty, where it was an all-body ache for water. Then, some idiot screwed up the stills when he set them up incorrectly, and they were all empty. They'd take hours to refill. There was nearly a riot of men so angry that such a critical thing had been screwed up. Everyone was so thirsty.

Some of the more resourceful guys up front had rigged a way to fish with some lines. They caught a few fish, and used them as bait to catch more. They set up a rotation to keep it going, and they caught fish at a slow but steady rate. They rationed this "sushi" just like the water, but again, among fifty men, it was nowhere near enough. It helped, just like the water, but basically, we were all still slowly starving and withering from thirst. Eventually, we'd all die, I thought. Although, to be truthful, in the darker parts of my brain I thought it through more thoroughly. Not everyone would die, since as our numbers decreased, eventually the stills and the fishing line would be enough to sustain the smaller number of people. I got a chill, and pushed this dismal thought aside.

How one's thoughts wander, especially when faced with such boredom. I could tell that everyone was feeling bored. Some played improvised games, some talked. Some seemed to prefer to distract themselves by looking at the only available female, Tammy. It had happened so much on the ship, but in the closer quarters of the lifeboat and with my wife's dress in tatters, it really reached a more fevered pitch. I didn't mind, really, I could empathize with their need to distract themselves with anything.

Still, the men just whiled away the hours checking out my wife. I even caught a few of the younger guys a few seats away subtly rubbing their cocks through their pants as they stared at Tammy's boob. I pretended to ignore it. Why cause trouble.

Around dusk, I was so thirsty I couldn't stand it. And hungry too. Though weak, I paced occasionally and irrationally up and down the aisle, looking for something in the boat I could drink, though of course I knew there was nothing.

Tammy was too. She had complained to me how desperately thirsty she was. I didn't know what to tell her. At every water ration disbursement, I had tried to get her to take mine, but she adamantly refused.

"Taking your water ration would be like killing you. You need it just as much as me, and I don't want to live if it hurts you," she said.

I suggested she try to take a nap, to take her mind off it until the next water ration in the morning. She said she didn't think she could wait that long. Finally, as dusk approached, she fell asleep leaning against the wall. I had stood up, still pacing, and sat down in the stern, staring out at the water. When I returned, Tammy was still asleep, but one of the younger crew members - he couldn't have been more than 18 - had taken my seat next to Tammy. In the dim light, as I approached I realized he was staring at her breast and body from inches away. As I came closer, I suddenly realized with a shock that he furtively had his cock out of the zipper of his pants, and was jerking off right there in the semi-dark, turned sideways and aimed at her thigh.

Just at that moment, he started coming.

"What the hell are you doing?" I shouted.

His head jerked up, with a terrified look. Tammy also was shocked awake by my shout. Her eyes stared up at me with confusion. Then, slowly, her eyes followed mine down, and she looked down into the lap of the youth next to her. Her eyes just about bulged out of her head.

"Oh my god oh my god. What are you-"

At that moment, spurt after spurt of come was still shooting out of his large-sized cock, landing on the seat between them, and then several squirts on her dress covering her left thigh. She shrieked.

The young man quickly covered himself up and scurried away.

Tammy was very upset. She was shocked beyond words. She whispered furiously in my ear, "Oh my god. Can you believe he was doing THAT? Right in front of me -- on me?! Ewww. How awful."

She went on for several minutes, before sheer exhaustion and thirst slowed her down. She finally calmed down, and seemed to let out a big sigh.

"Oh, I'm just so thirsty. I just don't care about anything except getting some water. Even having some guy touching his 'thingy' doesn't seem as bad as this thirst." As she was talking, she looked down at the wet semen stains on her dress on her thigh. She absent-mindedly rubbed her finger over the stain, feeling its moistness. She lifted her finger slightly, and a wet trail of come extended out from the dress to her fingertip.

Even though it completely grossed me out seeing another man's semen on her, these was something about seeing moisture of any kind that seemed to grab my attention, lost in thirst as we all were. I looked at Tammy's face, and I could tell it had the same effect on her. She stared transfixed at her finger and the wet drop hanging from the end of it. She lifted up her finger right in front of her face and stared at it in the dim light for a long moment, tongue slightly hanging out of her mouth, seemingly unaware of me or anyone else or anything in the world except that drop on the end of her finger.

Suddenly, she leaned her head forward and took the whole wet finger tip in her mouth, and closed her lips around it, with a little scared look. As she held the finger in her mouth and tasted the moisture, her scared look melted away, and she closed her eyes in rapturous appreciation of moisture in her mouth. She kept her finger in her mouth for a long moment, seeming to try to suck every molecule off of it. She pulled it out of her mouth and opened her eyes with a manic, excited look. She shifted back in her seat a little, and looked around excitedly down at the bench between us.

She reached her finger down to the surface of the bench, and I saw there was a huge glob of semen still sitting on the white-painted surface. She slipped her finger down beside it, and carefully swiped across it, wiping the entire glob onto the side of her finger, then rolling her hand over so it sat balanced on top of her finger.

"Oh...oh," she said excitedly, and ever so gingerly and carefully, lowered her face down to her finger, obviously terrified that she might drop it. She carefully opened her mouth wide and took the whole finger into her mouth.

"Mmmmmmmmm" she moaned with her eyes closed and her lips wrapped around the base of her finger. Obviously the much larger glob she had found was even more satisfying to her. Let me put it this way: I felt a pang of jealousy. Not that she had tasted some other guy's semen, but that she had tasted a large glob of something that looked like moisture, and I had none. That's how thirsty we all were. It consumes you. It's one of the most fundamental programs of any a****l; your entire mind and body join to focus on the one life-sustaining goal: find water at any cost.

Finally, after she had tried for about a minute to suck every last molecule of wetness off her finger again, she opened her eyes and took her finger out of her mouth. "Oh my god, that was sooo good. I can't believe it. It's so wet and beautiful and delicious. It's even a little filling, like cream." I guess it had some calories, too. It must, I thought, some kind of organic material; protein? What made it sticky? Some kind of dissolved carbohydrate? I didn't know. Maybe you could live off it, I mused.

Suddenly, Tammy dropped to her knees and began frantically searching the bench for another droplet, her face scanning back and forth, only inches from the surface. However, there were no more large drops. She spied a tiny little drop, and was trying to figure out how to scoop it onto her finger, but it was way too small. Finally, she just brought her face down and licked the bench, sweeping up the drop with her tongue. Then, she kept licking over the whole area, trying to find more tiny drops by taste. She reached the spot where she had scooped the big drop from, and it was still a little damp. "Mmmmmm" she said as her tongue found that spot, and she licked it over and over.

Finally, after several minutes of this, she gave up and sat back up next to me on the bench. She rubbed the damp spot on her skirt, trying to get the juice out of it, bringing her finger up to her mouth, but that didn't seem to work. She leaned way over, and pulled up hard on the hem of her skirt, pulling one damp spot near the hem into her mouth. She put the damp fabric in her mouth and tried to suck the moisture out of it, apparently with some success, as she softly said, "Mmmmm" again.

She found another damp spot further up the dress, but try as she might she couldn't pull it high enough or bend over far enough to get it in her mouth. Without hesitation, she lifted her butt off the seat and pulled her skirt up to her waist, exposing her white cotton panties, and sat back down. She flipped the skirt up, inside out, and brought the wet spot to her mouth, where she sucked on it for a minute or more, getting every last bit out of the material. This spot had soaked through to her panties, which had a visible wet spot on them. She eyed this spot, feeling it for a second with her fingertip, then quickly stood up, pulled the panties down to the middle of her beautiful thighs and sat back down. Then, she lifted both thighs and slipped the panties down over her knees and bare feet. Holding the panties in front of her face, she slowly rotated them in front of her face until she found the wet spot, and pushed it from inside into her mouth, where she sucked hard on it.

She was quite a sight in the dim after-dusk light, skirt hiked up around her waist, naked below, with her sexy legs splayed, knees apart and turned in as her bare feet were spread apart on the floor. Her bare pussy was against the bench, and she passionately sucked on her panties, holding them in both hands, trying to get everything she could out of the material. Still, her dress shoulder was hanging down, exposing her breast. Quite a sight. I glanced around to see if anyone had noticed. In the dim light, most of the men around us were either asleep or resting with their eyes closed, dazed with thirst and hunger.

Tammy was finally winding down, realizing that she had retrieved every possible bit of wetness that she could from every surface that the man's come shots had hit. She still seemed to be looking around licking her lips, with a combination of rapturous recollection of the taste and disappointment that it was all gone. Let's face it. An ejaculation, even from a guy that young, is not a lot of volume of fluid. She stared around, at the wall, the floor, at the bench between us, still searching, thinking. Her eyes locked on my crotch with a crazed look.

She reached over and started rubbing my cock through my pants. "Baby, could you- " she said, and fondled me through the material of my pants, quickly bringing me to an erection. "Yes..." she said as she felt me get hard, staring at it and licking her lips. She started unbuttoning my pants, unzipped me, and reached both hands over the waistband of my boxers, down inside, pushing the pants out and down, and getting both hands around my erect cock. It felt delicious. I lifted my butt a little from the seat to ease the pants down just a bit, to make them looser. I glanced up and saw that the guy who had been staring at Tammy's pussy was now watching her handle my cock, but I didn't care. She reached one hand further down and cupped my balls in her palm, staring at them.

"Oh baby, I need it." She whispered. "I need what you have. Just spray it right here between us on the bench. I don't want just a few drops; I want the whole load. Oh my god, I can't even imagine. I'm so thirsty. Just give me your --" she paused, then looked up into my eyes and started to repeat, "your --" but paused again. Then suddenly, she seemed to come to a realization.

"Wait," she said. Then again, "wait." Her hands froze on my cock, and then, devastatingly, she released both hands. "Wait," she said slowly, wonderingly, "I can't take your, your..." her voice trailed off. "That would be like taking your water ration. It's taking water right out of you. It...it...might kill you."

"That's ridiculous." I hissed. I desperately wanted her to keep going. I tried to pull her hands back onto my erection.

"No. No!" she said firmly, yanking her hands out of mine. "Craig, I can't. It'll dehydrate you. At least a little. I mean, however little bit it relieves my thirst; that's how much it makes your worse. Think about it. It's like I'm milking you."

"I want you to." I whispered forcefully, "I want you to 'milk' me. Please, Tammy, c'mon, it's nothing. Less than an ounce, for chrissakes."

"No." she said more calmly. "I can't do that. I can't take yours. You're my husband. I can't hurt you." She turned away and looked at the wall. Slowly, dejectedly I put my wilting cock back into my pants and buttoned myself. The guy in front of us was still turned around, watching all this. I saw that he had an erection and was rubbing himself through his pants. He caught my gaze as I looked at him and I gave him a furious glare. He quickly turned around and faced forward away from us.

Chapter two

When I looked back at Tammy, she was no longer looking at the wall, but was leaned forward looking thirstily past me down our row of benches. I turned my head, following her gaze. I saw that the guy who had come on her had moved down to the far end of our bench, sitting beside his fellow crewman and kind of hidden from our sight. Obviously, he was very embarrassed of what he had done. I looked back at Tammy, who continued to stare at him, kind of licking her lips. She saw me look at her.

"Oh Craig, I don't know what to do. If I can't get more to drink, I'll go crazy. I know it's weird that it was a man's...you know, but God, it was so wet and perfect. I mean, after it's sitting on a bench or on my clothes, what is it, but drops of moisture. What difference does it make where it came from? And it tasted so good...ohhh." She swooned at the memory of it. "But it was so little! Just a few drops. Just a taste. I have to get more. I have to. Or I'll go crazy."

Again, she stared down the row at the guy. Suddenly, she stood up and started walking purposefully down the row of benches, past several reclined sleeping men. I stood up and followed, lagging behind a few steps.

When she reached the end, she stood directly in front of the guy who had sprayed her, hands on hips. As I neared, I could see that he was actually asleep (haven't we all done that after), leaning against the shoulder of his friend, another crewman, who was awake. The friend stared at Tammy, who was standing menacingly in front of them, with her left breast hanging out. His face frozen in startled surprise, he nudged his sleeping friend with his elbow, waking him up without saying a word.

The guy woke up and opened his eyes face-to-face with Tammy's bare left breast. His eyes bulged, and he jerked back suddenly, looking up at her face in terror.

"Oh god, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I couldn't help myself; I thought you were sleeping and...and..." he paused, unsure what to say, then continued, "I never meant to..." he hesitated, then said simply, "I'm sorry," and was silent.

Tammy looked at him with an unreadable expression and said, "Do it again."

He looked quizzically at her. "What?"

"Do it again."

"You mean apologize again? I'm sorry."

"No, not apologize. Do IT again." On the word 'it', her eyes looked pointedly at his crotch, then returned to his face.

Both guys' jaws dropped open.

"You mean...you mean..." he stammered.

"Yes, come back over and do it again," she said. After a moment, she added, "Please."

"I...I..." he hesitated. "I can't."

Tammy looked a little upset. "Look, I told you, it's okay, I'm not mad. I...I...liked it. I want you to come back and do it again."

"No, I mean, I can't. Like, I'm unable to; since I just...just did."

"Oh." Tammy said, with infinite disappointment. "I see." She started to turn back, then paused. "well, maybe later? In a few hours? Or in the morning?"

The guy's face lit up. "Sure! Sure I can. In a few hours. Maybe sooner."

"Okay. What's your name?"

"Jason, ma'am."

Tammy started to walk back towards her seat.

Suddenly, the guy's friend, who had been watching all this in shock, piped up. "I'll do it, if you want."

Tammy whirled on him, eyes bright. "You-" she started to say loudly, but caught herself and leaned in and whispered to him, "you will?"

He nodded. "Mmm-hmm."


"Right now," he said eagerly. He was a little taller than his young friend, and skinnier, but about the same age.

Tammy looked at him, up and down. He had an obvious boner forming in his pants. She stared at his crotch, watching the bulge rise. "Okay." She said, "come on."

I stepped out of the way, unsure what to do, as she walked back to her seat past me. The new guy followed right behind her. She sat in her seat, and faced towards him, while he stood. She stared at his bulging crotch, right in front of her face, licking her lips.

"Okay, just spray it right here," she said pointing at the bench beside her where she'd licked up his friend Jason's sperm minute before.

"Yes ma'am" he said, quickly unzipping and taking his cock out of his pants. It was a long snake of a cock. He immediately spit on his hand and began working it, fast and furiously, staring mouth agape at her exposed breast. Tammy just watched the cock, inches from her with complete absorption, with a thirsty expression.

She glanced up at his face, and saw how he was staring at her breast. Very slightly, she pulled her shoulders back and thrust her chest out, raising her breasts. She pulled the broken flap of her dress, more fully revealing her tit. The nipple was rock hard. He moaned slightly as he jerked his cock off vigorously. I looked forward and saw the same guy who had been sitting in front of us watching earlier was turned around again, staring at what was happening, his hand again rubbing his own crotch.

Meanwhile, Tammy looked back down at the standing guy's cock. Her eyes widened. A large drop of pre-cum had begun to gather at the tip. It hung heavily as the cock bounced up and down. Tammy stared at it, transfixed. As the drop grew, it began to sag under its own weight, and appeared to be about to ooze or drip down to the ground. Still staring at the drop, Tammy reached out, and she extended a finger, sweeping the tip of his cock and wiping up the drop of pre-cum onto her finger. He moaned at the contact with her finger, and Tammy's eyes looked up at his face as she slowly brought her wet finger into her mouth, sucking the juice off of it.

"Mmmmmmmm" she said adoringly, closing her eyes and savoring the taste. Then, she opened her eyes and looked up cravingly, saying, "More. More, God, I'm so thirsty I can't stand it." At that moment, the guy raised his hand to spit in his palm again, needing to wet his cock some more. Tammy watched this wide-eyed, and suddenly reached out and caught his hand before it reached his cock. He looked at her surprised, but acquiesced as she forcefully pulled his hand to her mouth and began licking the spit off of his palm until it was dry. She released his hand, and he spit in it a second time before returning to his cock.

She saw he was still staring at her breasts. "Come on, spray it. Please." She softly whispered. She slowly reached up, and pulled the other shoulder of her dress sideways and off her shoulder, then peeled it down to her waist, turning the whole top of the dress inside out, and completely baring her whole upper body and both breasts. They looked magnificent, large and round with both nipples erect, rising and falling rapidly with her excited breathing.

The guy jerking off groaned loudly and accelerated his motions. "Can I-" he murmured huskily, "can I spray there?" he asked, pointing his cock straight at her upper chest.

Tammy hesitated, looking first down at the rough bench surface, then down at her smooth skin of her breasts. Then she nodded. "Yes. That's better. Easier." She thrust her chest forward, moving it only inches away from the tip of his long cock.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in front of them, and another cock popped into view out of the darkness beside the other one. We all looked up, startled, and saw that the man who had been turned around watching had pulled his cock out too, and was furiously jerking it off, pointing it also at Tammy's exposed breasts. Almost immediately he began coming, the first spray landing right between her breasts.

"Oh!" Tammy said, with a look of surprised joy. She quickly moved her forearm up, and across tightly under both breasts to catch it, and form a little trough. The first spray was followed by stream after stream of surprisingly heavy spurts. And they just kept coming, again and again long after you would expect them to conclude. I had never known someone could come so much.

Tammy was in ecstasy. She carefully kept her forearm clamped against her body, and the new guy's aim was perfect, delivering every one of his incredibly numerous spurts right on target into the trough between the arm and her body and her breasts. Filling it with an unbelievably deep pool. The one or two shots he missed fortunately went high, hitting her chest, then dripping down between her breasts into the pool. Tammy stared up at him and softly encouraged him, "oh god, thank you. That's so much. Thank you, please, keep -- oh my god it just keeps coming. Yes. Spray it all -- oh my god - thank you so much." Suddenly, she had completely forgotten about the first guy, who was still jerking off, and she was obviously infatuated with this new arrival who could deliver such startling quantities of semen.

Finally, his orgasm came to an end. He had one long oozed line hanging suspended from the tip of his cock to the pool on Tammy's chest. She reached her free arm up, and wiped the end of his cock with her finger, then gently lifting the sticky line of semen, and guiding it into the pool trapped between her arm, breasts, and chest. At that moment, the other guy began coming, also. Tammy reacted quickly, rotating towards him. While his first spray went across her left breast, she turned so that he was aimed dead center, and brought her chest much closer, until the tip of his cock actually dipped into the pool of the other man's semen she was holding between her breasts and her arm.

Obviously this was unintentional. "Oops. No!" Tammy murmured as his head emerged from the pool covered in semen, probably taking more than he had given so far. However, he continued to spray, straight into the pool of semen an inch away, and also the sperm dripped off his head back into the pool. Mixing the two men's genes. Tammy looked positively gleeful over her bounty.

Again using her free hand, she reached up and encircled the wet head of his cock, forming a ring with her thumb and forefinger, then using this to kind of squeegee off the semen which it had picked up from being dipped into the pool. She brought this hand to her mouth, rapidly licking her thumb, fingers, and the web of skin between them, moaning gently.

Now, as the men put their cocks away and returned to their seats, she turned her attention to the huge pool of semen she had trapped, licking her lips. Her eyes darted up at me.

"Do you want some, sweetheart?" she asked.

I shook my head firmly. I was thirsty as all hell, but that was too much for me to take.

She frowned. "Craig, don't be stupid. That doesn't make any sense. Look at this, there's plenty for both of us. God that guy was amazing. Did you see how much came out? You should have some." She stared down at the deep milky white pool.

"No way," I said.

But she had forgotten our conversation. She reached hungrily into the pool with her free hand, dipping all four fingers into it, curling them like a ladle, and spooning up a huge amount. She carefully lifted it, and then turned her head up, opening her mouth as wide as it would go so she could get all four fingers into her mouth, pouring the semen in.

Tammy dropped into a deep sleep soon after gorging herself on the little pool of semen she had caught. She had stayed up for about half an hour carefully going over every inch of skin on her chest, breasts, arm, and hands, until she had licked every possible microliter off every damp surface, then quickly nodded off, satiated.

Day 5

Late, late that night, what must have been the morning hours, I was awoken by the sound of sobbing. I opened my eyes and saw Tammy sobbing, leaning against the wall.

"Tammy, are you okay?"

She turned away, surprised by the sound and nodded, trying to hide her tear-stained face.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," she said.

"Don't worry, we'll get rescued," I started to say, thinking that was what upset her.

"It's not that," she said softly.

"Then what?" I asked.

"I...I just feel so...dirty," she said, hiding her face in her hands.

It took a moment before I understood what she meant.

"You mean about-"

"Yes," she interrupted, "about that. I can't believe I did that, no matter how desparate I was. It's like I wasn't myself; all I could think about was getting a taste of something to drink. Oh my God. You must hate me."

"Not at all! I'm glad you did. Anything that keeps you stronger, that's what you have to do. Baby, you just did what you had to do. Out here, what does anything else matter?"

She lifted her face from her hands and looked at me with teary eyes. "Really?" she sniffed, "you don't think that means I'm a-"

"No," I interrupted, "it doesn't mean anything. You're nothing like that. You're just trying to survive. Anyone would do that."

"It's all 'cause of that first guy, Jason, that...asshole," she said, startling me with her foul language. I couldn't recall hearing her use that word before. "He came over, and...and...sprayed me. He fucking started it."

I definitely had never heard her use the F word before, and I was startled into silence. I looked worriedly at my wife. The strain of a situation like this affected everyone differently. I had to admit I myself had strange, mixed feelings about the strange, surreal goings on. But it's strange how being in totally different surroundings makes your old life and thinking seem so very far away. Maybe what Tammy had done made total sense. Maybe it was lunacy. I had no frame of reference to tell which was which. Besides which, my thinking was so muddled. I felt like if I could just have one tall glass of ice water with a lemon slice in it, suddenly I would be able to think again, feel like myself again.

I looked down again at Tammy, and saw that she had fallen asleep in my arms.

Later, Jason, the young crew member who had first jerked off on her was finally recharged, and he came over to our end of the bench and woke Tammy up with a light touch on the shoulder. It was six hours after his first ejaculation. I guess with all the lack of water or food, his balls took a long time to refill.

She woke up drowsily, looking up uncomprehendingly. Then, she recognized the young man standing over her, and her eyes glared at him angrily for a moment, but then, almost reluctantly, she sat up straight.

"You're ready to go again?" she asked.

Jason nodded enthusiastically. I looked down, and he was already hard and out of his zipper, jerking it with his hand. Tammy hesitated, staring at his cock, already wet at the tip, but then seemed to get over her resentment of him. Once her mind was made up, she didn't waste any time. She pulled her entire dress off over her head, and sat back on the bench in only her panties. She tucked both arms tightly under her breasts, forming the same trough again as she had done for the two other guys.

His eyes widened, staring at her bare upper body, both large breasts sitting up beautifully as she supported them with her arms. It took him only a few more seconds before I knew he was about to come.

Tammy also sensed this and tried to position herself in front of his head. However, just as he started coming, he closed his eyes and his knees kind of gave way in his arousal. He dropped suddenly to his knees, rapidly bringing his face to her breasts, mouth seeming to seek her nipples. Tammy was shocked.

"No. no no NO!" she screamed in a rising voice. His eyes popped open and stared at her as she yelled. He was still ejaculating.

"What the fuck are you doing, you asshole?!" Tammy yelled, obviously getting furious. She jumped back and was looking down to see where his ejaculate was going. "I told you to come on my chest. What the f- Oh shit!" she yelled, suddenly dropping off the bench to her knees. As she did so, I could see down enough to see that Jason was just finishing his orgasm, and since he was on his knees, his spurts had landed under the bench. Tammy and I looked down and saw they had landed in a deep puddle of salty, filthy ocean water.

Tammy frantically grabbed for his cock, trying to grab around the tip and catch his last shots, but by the time her hand got there, he was done. She had nothing, only a slight damp spot on her palm. She quickly brought her palm to her mouth and licked it, at the same time maneuvering to reach down her other hand into the puddle of salt water, where his first spurts had landed. She reached in, scooping up some salt water with a hint of whiteness in it, and brought it to her mouth, sucking it out of her palm.

Immediately, she gagged and spit it all out of her mouth onto the wall of the boat.

"Ugh! Aaah. Ptew. Ptt." She started spitting, trying to get all the salty water out of her mouth. She was hopping mad. "Fuck!!" she yelled. I had never seen her so angry or use such foul language. "What the fuck is wrong with you? I have to watch you jerk off, and you don't even give me anything? Nothing?" she yelled as she glared furiously at his face as he scrambled to put his cock away and button his pants.

"I fucking told you to come on my chest, and you spray it on the fucking floor, right into the goddamn seawater puddle. What a fucking waste. How incredibly stupid are you?"

He just stood there, utterly bewildered by her tirade, no clue what he'd done wrong.

She was disgusted. "Get the fuck out of here. Go away and don't fucking come back."

He practically ran back to his seat. I stared at Tammy. Obviously the strain of the last few days were changing her. I had never seen her rave like that; she hardly ever got angry or cussed. And, of course, she certainly had never been so sexually...well, pragmatic. She had always been so prissy and conservative. The vision of her wrapping her hand around the guy's cock to squeegee off the extra semen was burned into my memory; it was so shocking. I certainly had never seen her touch another man's cock before, but obviously in the strain of our situation, something in her had flipped. This was not the same woman I knew. Previously, I certainly never could have imagined her doing the things I had seen her do in the last 12 hours. Who was she?

I was so very conflicted about it. Water was water. It was life. It was all I wanted. It felt like the reason I was on this earth: to seek water. I couldn't think clearly. But in those moment where some clarity settled on me, in those moments I bypassed morality or jealousy or dignity completely -- no time for that -- instead, in my moments of clarity I found myself calculating...calculating...calculating. How many ounces per still. How much per day. How many men? How many days? When would the first one just stop drinking? When would he die? When would ten die? What would be the ration then?

And in this loop of calculations, every since gram of fluid in the calculation was like gold. So, within that mental circle, what Tammy did made total and complete sense. Not just made sense, but was the only sane thing to do. I couldn't deny the fact that the extra water and nutrients she had gotten just might help her chances for survival; to be among the stronger few who survived. And that was all that mattered. Whatever defense mechanisms she erected or conversely, whatever psychological gears and levers got snapped and broken inside her head, all that was secondary to surviving.

I also resolved that whatever I thought or felt about it all, so just keep it to myself. Saying anything to her could only do damage, not help. Especially since I didn't know what to think, I swore to myself that come what may I would just shut the hell up.

I held my silence.

As I saw Tammy rave in uncharacteristic anger at this boy, Jason, I thought how odd it was that she entirely blamed this boy, who had started it all by first jerking off on her, for being the spark that had initiated this unnerving change she saw in herself.

By this time, just about everybody in the seats around us was awake, confusedly taking in the scene as Tammy shouted. Nobody said anything, though, as she gradually calmed down and finally went back to sleep.

Day 6

The next morning, Tammy was much calmer, and seemed to have really thought it through. It was all she could talk about. I mean, thirst like that makes your brain focus incredibly sharply. On survival. And moisture was a survival issue. Semen was the topic of her day. It was all she could talk about; she went over and over it that morning.

"He was an idiot, but it was partly my fault. It's stupid to let him spray anywhere, since anything could happen. Plus my tongue is sore from licking all those rough, dirty surfaces. It's just a waste. If I could have gotten them to spray straight into my mouth, I wouldn't lose a drop. I don't know why I didn't think of it. God, but when I did get it, it was so delicious. Mmm."

She stood and stretched her body lithely, raising her arms and flexing backwards, thrusting her heavy breasts beautifully into the air. "I even think I feel stronger today," she said. "It was that huge load that guy made."

I gave her a doubting look.

"Okay, sure," she continued, "you're right, it's probably just psychological, since it couldn't have been more than two or three ounces, from two men. But still. And that guy," (she pointed at the man sleeping in front of us) "he was amazing. I can't believe how much came out. I need him. He actually makes enough that it's kind of satisfying to drink. I need him. I need him to want me, to want to give it to me."

She went on and on, like this, planning, obsessing. That's what it's like out there. Your head just goes in a continuous loop. But the topic playing on her loop was a little outside the ordinary. At one point she seemed to come to her senses a bit and looked at me. "You understand, don't you Craig? I mean, like you said, this is all about survival. God, I just need a fucking drink, I don't care if it kills me. Please, baby, just for me, ignore anything you hear me say to him or see me do to him today, okay? We'll just pretend it never happened."

I nodded. I knew she was right.

As soon as the sun started rising in the sky, she was thirsty and hungry (we all were), and she went around to the guys she'd tasted the night before, and tried to wake them up. First, the guy sitting in front of us who'd sprayed so much, who was clearly her favorite. She tapped him on the shoulder, and he stirred, then looked slowly around at us.

"Can I take you in my mouth?" she asked.

He looked at her perplexed and still sleepy, "hmm?"

"In my mouth." She opened her mouth slightly, letting her tongue hang out. It was incredibly sexy, but he still didn't seem to believe what he was hearing. As she saw him hesitate, she shrugged her dress off her shoulders, pulling it down to her waist. She lifted her breasts, holding one in each hand, caressing them. She slowly slid down to her knees.

He quickly woke up to the situation, and stood up and dropped his pants and underwear, then spun around to sit backwards on his bench, facing her. His cock was hardening rapidly, about average size, but his balls were just huge.

"Oh," Tammy said with a yelp, seeing them for the first time in the daylight. "They're so...nice."

She grabbed the shaft of his cock a little hesitantly, between her thumb and fingertips, and slowly moved her head towards it. She held it only a few inches in front of her face, and stared at it, as she began moving her fingers back an forth on the shaft. By this time he was totally rock hard, head fully swollen, and she wrapped her hand around his shaft, kind of gently twisting back and forth slightly. He moaned and thrust his hips forward.

She stared at his orange-sized balls, and reached out with her other hand and cupped them in her palm, while her right hand kept jerking the shaft. A huge drop of pre-cum began to gather and droop from the tip of his cock. Tammy stared at it, eyes widening, and whimpered. Her mouth dropped open as she stared. She leaned forward, tongue out expectantly, and brought her mouth closer and closer to the dangling drop of pre-cum. Finally, her tongue went slightly under the tip of his cock, then she brought it upwards, so the drop of pre-cum touched the top surface of her tongue. It kind of melted immediately onto her tongue, and she then licked firmly upwards, running the length of her tongue along his peehole.

"Ohmmmmmmm. Yessssss." she groaned ecstatically. "That's so fucking delicious."

She continued her hand motions, and almost immediately another droplet was forming at the tip of his cock. Tammy couldn't have looked happier. This time, as she brought her mouth closer, the motion kind of smeared some of the pre-cum up onto the top surface of his cockhead. She stared at it, mouth open. Then, she suddenly opened her mouth much wider, extending her lips out sexily, and gently wrapped her lips around the entire head, capturing all of the moisture on the tip.

She kept in exactly that position, making a sound, "MMMmmmmm" around his head, while her hands cupped his balls and jerked his shaft. She stayed like that for a moment, then I could see her cheeks pull in as she apparently tried to suck out more liquid from it. She continued sucking, and was obviously rewarded as she continued to moan in gratification from the taste. As she sucked harder, the cock gradually began going deeper and deeper into her mouth.

"Yes, yes, yes..." the man said as his cock disappeared into her mouth. "Oh, that's so good. Oh god oh god..." He was now mostly in her mouth, though her hand was still around the base. She kept twisting this hand while she sucked furiously on the rest of his cock. He was clearly getting close.

"Oh god, I'm going to come, I'm, I'm..."

She rotated her eyeballs up to stare at his face while still sucking and jerking his cock, wide eyed with awe about what she was about to receive. She accelerated both hands, and I could see even with the cock in her mouth that she was kind of smiling around the cock.

He burst. Suddenly his whole body froze, and he involuntarily thrust his hips forward. Apparently a big load hit the back of Tammy's throat, as she froze also, startled and delighted. The two of them both stood absolutely still, frozen except for his balls pumping rhythmically spurt after spurt into her mouth and her throat bobbing as she swallowed as fast as she could. An efficient transfer of fluid from one person to another. Like a mid-air refueling, I thought, oddly.

Just like the night before, his orgasm went on and on and on, far beyond when you were sure it would stop. Her eyes bulged as she continued to swallow again and again, visibly smiling around his cock, eyes half-closed in ecstacy.

Finally, as his spurts stopped, his body visibly relaxed. Tammy also, but she continued to suck on his cock, trying to get every drop out. At last, she gradually pulled her lips off, making a tight 'o' as she pulled her head back to make sure to wipe off every drop with her lips. After his cock came completely out of her mouth, I could see a little more semen wedged in the crack behind his circumcised cockhead. Tammy saw this too, and rapidly rotated her head to the side so she could run the tip of her tongue in and lick this out. Soon every drop was gone.

She sat back onto her heels, turning her feet inwards under her butt. She looked so incredibly sexy, eyes half closed in rapture. Her entire dress was gathered around her waist, leaving her shoulders, large breasts, and abdomen bare, and also her legs up to her upper thigh were uncovered. She had both arms kind of hugging herself, under her breasts, lifting them up and out beautifully, her nipples fully erect. I realized I had a rock hard erection in my pants.

"Ohhhhhhhmyyyyygoddddd" she purred. "Ohhhh. That was incredible." She licked her lips. She opened her eyes and looked up at him, as he slowly and lackadaisically began to pull his pants up. She reached out and stopped him, cupping his balls gently once more, then looking admiringly up into his eyes. "I love your, your...things, your, your...balls. They're so amazing. Oh my god, you're just amazing. So much. So much. And so good. Mmmmm. I want you always coming in my mouth. Always. As much and as often as you can. Please."

He looked like about the happiest guy on earth, as he stared down at the nearly-naked woman holding his testicles.

As she came back to sit near me, she was clearly still deliriously satisfied with her liquid intake. She seemed unaware I was sitting there, but I was extremely aroused. I gently held her hand, and then moved it to my pants, laying it on my erection. I was so horny.

She jerked in surprise when she felt my erection. She turned to me with surprise in her eyes. "No!" she said rather sharply, pulling her hand back. "I told you Craig, I won't take yours." She even seemed a little mad that I had asked, or perhaps that I had gotten excited by watching what she had done. Somehow, I sensed, that made her a little uncomfortable with herself; like it made it more real that she had just given oral sex to a man other than her husband.

That day, she was all over him (Derek was his name, we found out), asking about every fifteen minutes if he was ready again. True to her word, when Jason, the k** who had started everything and then sprayed in the salt water puddle tried to come around again, she yelled at him to stay away. However, for Derek, her favorite guy with the voluminous ejaculations, she was continuously supplicant. Every time he had any ability to get erect, he came near and she immediately, worshipfully took out his cock and put it in her mouth and made him come in her mouth. She obviously loved it, licking her lips in satisfaction every time. This happened four times that day. As the day wore on, she even started to look stronger, and... it was probably just my imagination, but Derek started to look weaker and weaker. Nevertheless, he was obviously so aroused by her that he kept coming back for more. Towards the end of the day, his erections were weaker and it seemed like he could hardly stand.

That first time this coupling happened between Tammy and Derek, it was so early that everyone had been asleep. And the second time, a few guys noticed, but many were still sleeping. By the third time, however, it was boat-wide news. It was high noon, and there's not much privacy on a boat that small. When he came up and she started unzipping his pants, men all up and down our row stopped and stared. Though Tammy did not remove her dress like she had the previous times, everyone could see what was going on. Further, they all knew he was not her husband. All the men who noticed were nudging the guys next to them, and soon everyone on the boat seemed to be watching Tammy give this man a blowjob.

There was an odd silence on the lifeboat, and Tammy seemed to notice. While she was on her knees, running her sexy lips up and down over Derek's cock, I saw her eyes kind of go sideways, looking around beside her at all the men staring at her. She seemed alarmed at first, but soon seemed not to care, and continued focusing all her attention on his cock and coaxing another nourishing load out of him. As I said, the situation seemed to have removed all sense of normalcy or norms of behavior or inhibitions. All that stuff just paled in the face of the situation.

After Derek ejaculated the third time, Tammy sat back on her heels, looking down and wiping one precious drop of come that had fallen onto the top of her left breast. As she raised this wiping finger into her mouth and sucked on it, she saw that everyone was staring at her, and more immediately, that the taller young man who'd sprayed on her chest the night before had walked up, and had his erect cock out of his pants already, stroking it. He held it in front of her face, as Derek was pulling up his pants and sitting down.

She was surprised for a second, then eyed it hungrily, as a drop of pre-cum was already dangling from the tip. She was about to lean forward and take it in her mouth immediately, when she sort of looked around, and suddenly became aware of all the eyes watching her. Basically, every man in the boat was watching, and moreover, all the men within a ten foot radius of her probably all had erections. I'm guessing everyone in the boat, including me, were hard in their pants, with two exceptions. One was not in his pants but out in front of her face. One, Derek's was flaccid from his recent orgasm.

For a split second, she seemed shy. Like a piece of her old self had come to the surface for a moment, wilting under all that 'pointed' male sexual attention. But then, she eyed that drop dangling from the tip of the cock in front of her face, and saw it was about to fall to the ground. Panicked, she lunged forward and put her tongue under it, then took the whole cock in her mouth. The young man tilted his head back and moaned loudly in pleasure.

"Yessss" he said softly, as she began bobbing up and down on his shaft. She sat on her bare heels and raised both hands, rapidly massaging his balls and the base of his shaft as she sucked. He was a young guy, and obviously this was an awful lot for him to take. He started orgasming in about thirty seconds. His whole body stiffened, and he thrust his hips forward into her mouth. Her cheeks bulged as she received the ejaculation.

"Mmm' she said quietly, swallowing quickly.

After he was fully done, she sat back again on her heels, and he quickly pulled up his pants and headed back to his seat. There was a pregnant pause, as she sat on her knees surrounded by dozens of aroused and erect men, many of them rubbing themselves through their pants. There was total silence, as they all stared at her, wondering what or if anything would happen next. However, no one seemed bold enough to move or do anything, and so after a half-minute of awkward silence, she slowly stood up and re-arranged her clothing, straightening the fabric and sitting down. One by one, the men averted their eyes and turned away.

Day 7

The next morning, I was feeling positively exhausted from hunger and thirst; our tiny rations of fish and water barely made a dent. Tammy, however, seemed to be doing better. Immediately, in the morning, hungry, she went back to her two guys, waking them up with oral sex until each came in her mouth. She returned licking her lips.

By the late morning, when everyone was awake, she told me, "God, I can't wait until Derek recharges; it's taking longer and longer each time; I'm starving. Plus, his...loads, his...um...deliveries, even though they were so big at first are definitely much smaller than they were at first."

She was clearly a little frustrated. She stood up and walked in front of Derek. All eyes of everyone in the boat followed her. She was now getting used to the attention. She kneeled down in front of him.

"Not yet," he moaned, obviously quite weak. "It's only been a few hours."

"But I want it now," Tammy hissed, obviously frustrated and glaring at his face. "I'm so thirsty. You've been doing it less and less often."

"I can't help it; you're draining me. I just can't keep this up." He said exhaustedly.

All the men around were closely watching and listening to this conversation, with rapt attention. Suddenly, Jason, the young man who had started it all, the one who had come on the bench and then later had sprayed into a saltwater puddle, walked up and stood beside her where she knelt. He had an obvious erection inside his pants, and was rubbing it with his hand, staring at her body. Pretty bold of him, I thought, after the way she had told him to stay away from him. But, clearly, several days of watching her blow other guys was driving him crazy, and had emboldened him to give it another shot.

Tammy only saw that someone approached, and, still on her knees, she turned to the side and looked expectantly straight at his crotch. Then, her eyes wandered up to his face. As soon as she realized who it was, a frown came across her face. "You! I told you, asshole, stay away fr-" she started to say, but looked down and stopped suddenly.

The young man had rapidly unzipped himself and pulled out his erect cock, holding it out; the tip just six inches from her right cheek. She stopped mid-sentence and just stared at the cock, so close, in silence. I think what grabbed her attention was that since he had been rubbing it for quite a while through his pants, not only was the tip wet, but the entire head was shiny and soaked with wetness, and even most of the way down the shaft. He had leaked so much, that it looked like it was about to drip off in two different places from the wet bottom of his cock.

Her mouth dropped open, and she licked her lips hungrily, staring at it. She was obviously torn, since she was still clearly still angry at this guy, but she was obviously craving what he dangled in front of her. Finally, her thirst won out.

"Fine!" she said disgustedly under her breath, and leaned forward and took Jason's wet cock fully in her mouth. She steadfastly refused to look up at his face, but immediately began sliding her lips up and down his cock.

He immediately moaned and his head fell back, as he grabbed the sides of her head with both hands. Instantly, she snatched her hands up and flung his hands off of her head viciously, obviously irritated, but never stopped her rhythm of sucking on his cock.

"Ohhhh" he moaned, leaving his hands at his sides, his knees buckling slightly. Perhaps by habit or in order to get it over faster, Tammy lifted her hand and cupped his testicles in her hand, massaging them slightly.

"Oh yes!" he cried.

At the sound of Jason's voice, she visibly cringed, and drew her head back off his cock, hovering with her mouth an inch away from the tip of his cock. She couldn't help but stare angrily up at his face, obviously repulsed by everything about him, for about a second or two, then seemed to get control over her anger after a second, and resignedly took him back in her mouth. Even with the large cock in her mouth, I recognized her angry expression; it reminded me of the way she looked at me when we had fights at home. It was weird, but I could just tell that subconsciously she blamed this boy Jason for the bizarre, slutty behavior she'd seen herself do in the last few days, and it gave her an irrational fury.

Again, half a minute later she seemed to get mad again, for no reason other than irritation at doing something so pleasurable to someone she was so mad at, though she so obviously desperately wanted the cream. Again, her anger made her pull her mouth off and glare up at him with hate in her eyes. Suddenly, I saw her anger turn into a slight mischievous look, and while she carefully watched his face from inches in front of his cock, I saw the hand that was cupping and massaging his testicles firmly clamp down on them. While I couldn't tell from looking how firm the brief squeeze was, it was obviously not too gentle. The young man jumped back suddenly and yelped loudly.

"OW! OW OW!"

She released his balls, and a self-satisfied smirk spread across her face as she watched his face squinch up in surprise and pain. He stared down at her with a wounded, shocked look.

"Sorry," she said disingenuously, almost sarcastically, but then immediately resumed a gentle, generous, almost loving caress of his whole shaft and balls. Then, she took him fully in her mouth and gave him slow, loving sucks on his cock. Again I had to shake my head at how unrecognizable my wife had become in her behavior.

Within seconds, her apologetic ministrations won him over again, and he moaned and relaxed, obviously starting to rise up towards orgasm. She glared at him again, and I feared she was about to repeat the squeeze (Lucy-and-Charlie Brown-football-style, I thought with an internal snicker), but apparently her desire for his moist load won out, although I could tell she was so

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Quenched Mom8217s Thirst

By: Arundev Dayal Sheetal was feeling very uncomfortable with the advent of monsoon. This happens every year around this season ever since she lost her husband 15 years ago. She was an affluent lady looking after her dad’s business and bringing up her only child Dharmesh. Dharmesh was a young man of 18 now. Tall and handsomely built, with a figure of 38 24 34, he has a workout for 90 minutes each day. He has just completed class 10 but strangely he is not attached to his mom. She leaves for...

3 years ago
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Ramya quenches her thirst

Hi ISS readers. Well, this is my first contribution to my collection of stories and imagination. Well, to introduce myself, i am Robin and i stay in chennai. I am 28 years old and a civil engineer also doing interiors designing. Right from school, i have had an admiration to creativity and have headed a lot of cultural events at school. I am 5’7″, fair complexioned and have a medium build. Well, all my girl friends have always liked my appearance and my mannerism. Being very creative by nature,...

1 year ago
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Dying of Thirst

This story is based on personal experience combined with a shade of fantasy. All comments and feedback, both positive and negative, are welcome. Thanks! We walked into the house and Mrs. Jensen was standing by the light green kitchen counter, reading the latest article of Romantic Homes. She smiled broadly when we entered. “Hi boys,” she said. “Back already?” “Hey Mom,” Drew said absentmindedly. “Hi Mrs. Jensen,” I replied. “Wow Michael, look at you,” said Mrs. Jensen. “You’ve grown up into...

3 years ago
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Celestial MattersUnusual Thirsts

I was getting impatient. I was only pretending to read the book in my hands. My eyes had been glancing over the same page for nearly an hour now. It had been two days since I sent Turkik out to identify my angelic caller, and so far he had not returned. The two days of his absence had sent into an uneasy pattern. Every evening I would arise at about nine, to which I would be greeted by a shy 'hello, ' from Maria. I didn't know if she simply slept the daylight away like I did, or if she...

2 years ago
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Midnight Thirst

I was sixteen years old, a typical high school freshman enjoying life and starting to enjoy girls. We were at a sock hop. For those of you too young to know what they were, sorry, but you really missed out!They were held every Friday at the Community Center from 7:30 to 10:00 PM. Sometimes we had a local rock group play. I was part of a cool band called the 21st Psyntury that played there a few times, but that is another story. Typically, we had a DJ that played his own sets of songs and took...

First Time
2 years ago
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Quenching my Thirst

I stood in the long line on the hottest day of July we’ve had on record. Little did I know it was soon going to become the hottest day of my life ever.  I couldn’t help but overhear the impatient sighing of the woman behind me. I had to take a quick peek at her out of the corner of my eye. It was a pleasant surprise to find a little brunette standing there, who seemed to have a huge rack on her chest but she held the items she had in her arms closely pressed against her.I then heard a soft,...

4 years ago
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Woke Up An Unexpected Thirst

This is my second story submission on Indian Sex Stories. A short description about me, I am an average built male, married and I am 31 yrs of age living in Bangalore. Will not exaggerate, but I have an average tool which I know is enough to satisfy any woman. It’s not always about size but how you treat a woman in bed which really matters. As I always mention sex is about giving pleasure and in turn you get pleasure, treat every woman with respect, give pleasure and get pleasure. Coming to the...

3 years ago
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A Maid That End My Thirst

Hi readers, after a little gap I am back with a story of maid. Due to my busy work schedule I get very less time to jot down the stories. Thank you for your kind appreciation and suggestion to my email, this inspires me for my new works. I have been staying away from my family since years and I do visit them once or twice in a month or sometimes once in two month, my family comprise of my wife, my son of 9 years and my mom. Due to age of my mom I don’t allow my wife to leave my mom alone, as...

4 years ago
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Wife8217s Colleauge Quenched Her Thirst

By : Hotstud001 Hi I am Ashok and am sharing a true sexy moments which I had a few days ago with my wife’s school colleague and her name is Shalini and she is from Chennai itself and was the maths teacher in the school and she used teach higher classes We were staying in Chennai due to my posting and my wife was teaching in the same school as Shalini and soon she had become friendly with Shalini and they both started visiting each other’s house. When I first saw Shalini I was excited as she was...

3 years ago
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Brother Quenched My Thirst

I am Lusy, mother of a young girl. Got married to Amar in the year 2003.He is very handsome with an athletic body. He is presently working as an area manager in a medicine company. At the time of my marriage he was a medicine representative. Now, I am 31 and he is 37. He loves me very much and ready to do everything for my shake. He is a good hubby. After fifteen days of our marriage, he again concentrated on his profession. He used to come home after 9 PM with a great fatigue. We take our...

3 years ago
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Alcohol should not have been how it began. But we were heavy drinkers then. A shot for laughs, and few more after that, plus the drinks in our hands. Who were we trying fool? Swapping cigarettes back and forth and praying it might taste of our mouths. It’s strange how I didn’t think of a****ls until you touched me. That night, on the hood of the van. Your hands over my own and on my neck. A phantom now, I still feel it. In my mind, like a shutter on a camera. Capturing bits and pieces of...

4 years ago
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Alcohol should not have been how it began. But we were heavy drinkers then. A shot for laughs, and few more after that, plus the drinks in our hands. Who were we trying fool? Swapping cigarettes back and forth and praying it might taste of our mouths. It’s strange how I didn’t think of a****ls until you touched me. That night, on the hood of the van. Your hands over my own and on my neck. A phantom now, I still feel it. In my mind, like a shutter on a camera. Capturing bits and pieces of...

2 years ago
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The early 1800s...This time, I settled in Paris, France, still assuming my birth name of Vincent. The city had many crevices where one such as myself could lurk.  I grew bored of occupying my time with philosophy and the arts of the Renaissance centuries before. Now, I turned my attention to more fleshy indulgences and found something to rival my thirst for blood - a thirst for sex. Sex was moderately successful at distracting me from my other craving. As someone who had all the time in the...

2 years ago
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NuruMassage Chloe Cherry Kayla Paige Parlor Tricks Tricked By The InLaws

Michael Vegas and Kayla Paige are thrilled when their future daughter-in-law, Chloe Cherry, visits, meeting her in person for the first time. They are excited to have her join the family, though as Michael chats with Chloe, Kayla starts to notice… signs… that he’s attracted to her! Kayla takes Michael aside, playfully scolding him for having the hots for their son’s future wife. But instead of being mad, Kayla seems to be turned on by it. In fact, she has an idea for...

4 years ago
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Fortress of MemoryChapter 4

The Section 20 escapees arrived in the city in the small hours of the morning, and drove to a certain neighborhood it was better not to visit after dark. They climbed out of second shift's car and walked away from it, leaving the doors open and the engine running. By daybreak there would be no trace of it, nor would it ever be seen again. Keeping to the shadows, they followed Reb, who was finding them a safe place to spend the rest of the night. In the morning, she could find them clothes,...

2 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 32 Operation Saturday

Saturday was to be a big day. All week, I had been organising it like a military campaign. And the objectives of Operation Saturday were twofold: (a) to clear up Albert's house, and (b) to get me laid as much as possible. The former task had been outstanding for over a fortnight now. At first I had procrastinated because it looked like such hard, dirty work; then the increasingly dramatic effects of FUCK had given me other things to worry about. But now, I was looking forward to the job I...

4 years ago
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my second cock

My second cockThe first time I ever sucked dick was when I was in my early twenties and I sucked off a buddy of mine once. Unfortunately it took another ten years before I had the opportunity to enjoy that experience once again. I moved shortly after servicing my friend so throughout my twenties and early thirties I already knew I like sucking on a thick, hot, blood filled cock. I can remember a friend of who was always my designated driver, would go out together then I'd wake the next morning...

2 years ago
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*Note: All of the characters in this story are fiction. This story is only for entertainment purposes and is fantasy. **** 6 months ago I ran into a site by accident, I am not even sure how I got there. The site contained information on bdsm groups, get togethers and parties. I had never thought about going to a bdsm party before, but wanted to check it out to see what it was about. I contacted the site manager, and inquired about how I could be a guest a one of the get togethers to check it...

2 years ago
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blowing a group of business men

i love to suck off a nice cock and swallow a good load, but i always wanted to pull a train of five business men and suck their cocks off. my friend jim set me up with three business men who work in an office. they came over to his house a week ago and came in the living room sat down and waited to see the bi guy who wanted to suck off their cocks.each one paid a fee to jim in which i receive seventy percent after the party. the fee was one hundred dollars for a blow job with swallow, or...

3 years ago
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Being Mugged

I was walking home from a friend's house, and by mistake I had turned into a housing development that, shall we say, is a bit run down. My heart fluttered a little, but I had little to lose from muggers, a few pounds in my pocket and a cheap watch. The only thing I was really worried about was that any mugger, disappointed with his haul, would take his anger out on my skin. Too late to back track, I was almost through now. Then I heard the footsteps behind me, what to do, do I run, better to...

4 years ago
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The Sexy Knight

It is a bright sunny day as you walk into town. As soon as they see you the townsfolk run to you and ask for your help. "The Princess has been kidnapped by the Dragon and has been taken to the Cursed Mountain!" With nothing but your Armor, your Shield, and your Sword you head towards the Cursed Mountain to rescue the Princess!

2 years ago
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Private Lulu Love Alyssa Bounty Anal Threesome At The Disco

Lulu Love and Alyssa Bounty are queens of the night. Blonde. Brunette. The perfect duo. And there’s no better place for these two ravenous sex hunters to find their unsuspecting prey than at the disco! So enjoy our horny beauties in action right here on www.private.com in our latest instalment of Private Movies, Anal-Crazed Groupies where they lure in Lorenzo Viota for a sensational double blowjob before showing off their perfect bodies in an all anal threesome that will include some rimming...

5 years ago
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Helping the Old Folks

My husband and I went to the old folks home to visit my great grand mother. This is one of those fancy homes where they have some assisted living and then some is the more traditional with the constant monitoring. My husband is a good looking guy nearing 50. He is a great fuck with a nice size dick and some balls that always deliver a good amount of cream that always make me feel satisfied. As we walked thru across the grounds this woman called us into her small house. She was probably around...

4 years ago
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Experience with Lakshmi

Hi I am Lokesh working as Teacher for Higher Secondary School. This is the first time that happened with my colleague virgin girl, Lakshmi. We are living in the same colony in My sore (Karnataka). I am fair, Jim body person. Lakshmi gorgeous girl white fair white color, she has big boobs and a very nice structure about 38-85-30. Coming to story, I have to say thanks to my colleague. Since my colleague dinesh loved her. He asked me to be a mediator. I always had a lust on her and so I agreed to...

2 years ago
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Biker slut just like my slag 2

Biker slut (2)A horny Biker slutDay 2It's another hot day and the whole Biker group rides again together on the highway. In the middle of the group, she rides on the duo seat of a heavy Harley.She has her motorcycle vest on with nothing underneath, her big tits loose in the jacket. Occasionally a Biker ride beside her where she shows her big tits.The Bikers are really horny for this Biker slut.On the way they stop again to refuel gasoline and from the Bikers she needs to pose at the gas station...

3 years ago
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ReplayChapter 8

Jerry and Emma rang their families that evening. Everyone was thrilled with the news. Not one of Emma's family made any remarks about the engagement being a bit quick after Will's death. They were all delighted for her, Greg going so far as to pull her leg. "First of all it was a naval airman, now a soldier. What's the next one going to be? A submariner?" Emma laughed. "I'm not planning on a next one," she replied. Neither Emma nor Jerry was able to make any dates as they were...

4 years ago
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Incestia 3

i****tia, where everything that is agreeable is also legal.Everything______Part 3“What’s the last thing you remember, Yuri?”Avan’s brother sighed and said he remembered being accused of touching a girl and a grand tribunal that said he should stand trial in Kassan. He brushed a teardrop for his eye and added, “Then, Shyla believed them and screamed horrible things and then she left. That’s when I hit the bottle again. I knew it was wrong. I knew what alcohol had done in my youth. I knew I was...

2 years ago
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The Heat of Summer

The older man, Marvin, who I had accompanied to the secluded, lake side home of a friend (now temporarily unoccupied), stood behind me as I looked out over the steep steps that led from the back patio to the dock."Nice view,  isn't it?" He said.I turned to see him setting there in his wheelchair, looking not at the view from the window, but at me, and I did, he smiled broadly."I'm so glad you came with me," Marvin said, and his genuineness made me excited. "It would have not been the same here...

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MySistersHotFriend Megan Sage 23233

Megan Sage accidentally walks into the bathroom at her friend’s house and sees her friend’s brother Ryan naked, just as he’s trying to hop in the shower. Awkward! But since her friend isn’t there, Megan makes the most of the situation and decides she wants to fuck him! So, once he’s out of the shower, Megan tries to make him feel better by walking into his room without any pants on. And, oh, does he feel better! In fact she moves his needle so much that it stands...

3 years ago
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Mom fucked hard

Hi indian sex stories dot net guys, this is shreyas from chennai, south india. I am new to our wonderful indian sex stories dot net forum. I have read many stories and got inspired to write this xxx story that happened in my life some ten years back. I am now 27 and this story happened when I was 17 years old. This story is about my mom and her sex life. My parents are married for 30 years now but they never shared a proper bonding. I am their only child. They never got along well as both my...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Night

I drove to spend the evening with him. I got there and gave him a bottle of wine. He loved it! We were sitting in his bedroom listening to music and I asked him what the hook was for above his bed. He said, do you really want to know? Of course I said yes. He said he would show me later that evening. I could not wait to learn. I crawled up with him and we poured our wine. We talk and sipped the wine and ended up kissing. It was so romantic! We shared some more kisses and I lick the side of his...

2 years ago
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PornWorld Shay Sights Home Improvement Stud Slams Bored Horny MILF Shay Sights on House Call

Shay Sight is a bored horny MILF whos looking to get fucked immediately! An idea pops into her head when an advertisement featuring a studly home improvement guy starts playing on the television. She thinks to herself, Well if I invite him over under the pretext that I want to use his home remodeling services, Ill most likely be able to seduce him. So, she goes ahead and calls him and an hour later he arrives at her front door. Within minutes after meeting the young stud, Shay has his cock in...

3 years ago
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Her island holiday Chapter 5

Wandering through the town Sandra approaches the bar where she met Arnie and his mates. Also where Monica worked behind the bar. Her pussy twitched as she remembered what had happened. She continued walking and found a massage place. Thinking it would be a fun way to spend an hour she went inside. “Good afternoon madam” she girl behind the counter said “we have several services available. Here they are” and she handed a list to Sandra. Sandra looked over the list. There were hot rock...

3 years ago
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Ragar dia dewar ne

Hi readers enjoy how bhabi got herself fucked by her dewar my name is Shalini I am 24 i was married a year back with an engineer we live in agra mere hubby ek factory me kam karte hain hamari sex life normal chal rahi thi jada kuch nai ek sal me kuch naya pan na hone k karan maja b kam ane laga tha 2 mahine pehle mera dewar jiska nam ravi hai parne k liye hamare pas a k rehne laga wo +1 me parta hai umar 18 sal gaon me rehne k karan body bahut gathili hai uski ham kuch dino me hi apas me ghul...

2 years ago
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A Woman Scorned

A Woman Scorned It was going to be the perfect day. The marriage of Richard and Linda. The wedding had been planned, arranged and the date set. The wedding gown and bridesmaids dresses had been purchased and fitted out, the reception hall had been rented, the photographer, flowers, the catering and the cake, the band the limo service and the bridal suite at the most expensive hotel in town had been booked. Even the honeymoon had been arranged and the plane tickets purchased. The...

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My Dear Sweet Slave Chapter 4

Holly was lying on the bed, bored out of her mind and lonely. It was Friday night, Isaac had left that morning, and for three days, she was alone. Not only that, but her boss had given her the weekend off in order to give some shifts to the other waitresses, so she wasn’t needed at the diner. Now she was left to aimlessly wander the unit, not knowing what she could do and having nowhere to go. Isaac had left her with plenty of money so that she could take a cab wherever she wanted, but...

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Lusty Love Story

It’s Saturday morning. I wake to the sound of a light rain blowing against the windows. All is quiet in the house. Opening my eyes more clearly, I see you’re still asleep. You look so peaceful lying there and for a long while, I just lay watching you. You’re so handsome and yet, you have a boyish look. I send up a silent prayer thanking God for sending me such a wonderful man. I reach to gently push your hair back and run the back of my hand across your cheek as you begin to stir. I take this...

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Door in the ClosetChapter 9

The door in my closet led to a house that was identical to my own. Sorta. The bedrooms were in the same place, both bathrooms and the kitchen, the den with the same big bay windows. I could have found my way around with my eyes closed, but I kept them wide open. Except for the fish in Jimmy's aquarium, I was alone. It didn't feel that way, however, and that was the biggest difference between this house and mine. It felt like a family lived here. The furnishings were clean and bright. The...

2 years ago
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My last fantasy I wish I were Marcos

My last fantasy: I wish I were Marcos Raquel was a 34 yo Spanish woman. She has been married for 16 years now while her husband was 40, a sterile guy, so they don't have any kids or progeny; they've been a happy couple though.Passion has cooled off between them by lack of enthusiasm and stimulation. But this "problem" began to change since a year and two months ago, to be more accurate, as a couple's pal had gotten to their homes to spend a few days here, in this city where the couple lived...

4 years ago
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The Client On The Sixth Floor Part III

The story picks up where Part II left off… Mattie has been hired once more as an escort by Simon. This was after they had spent an amazing night together a few weeks previously. Tonight was the launch of a new business venture for him. She was very impressed by him and looking forward to seeing him again, as was he her. We join them as they are about to enter his hotel suite and they both suddenly realise that they are a little nervous… (Whilst you don’t have to read parts I and II, it will...

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My holiday

My holiday was great, I’m not going to bore you with the touristic details, but will keep it to the fun parts :) Except of enjoying the nice weather, sunbathing and eating and drinking, I also looked a bit for relaxation. In the hotel room I dressed up and played with my toys like you can see in my other posts below, but I also got some good massages. One girl asked if I ever tried a prostate massage. I acted like I didn’t knew what it was and we discovered it together.She started slowly with...

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St Martin Awakening

St. Martin AwakeningAnn had tried to leave her old self behind since she’d married Jimmy. Sure, she’d let Lance seduce her into meeting him shortly after she and Jimmy returned from their honeymoon but she’d felt so guilty about that she’d remained faithful ever since.But as they’d gotten into their third year of marriage Ann was feeling less and less satisfied with their sex life. It wasn’t that they didn’t do it at least twice weekly, it just wasn’t as satisfying. She wondered also if it had...

3 years ago
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The IT Guy

Two office girls, Alicia and Rachel, are working away at their desks, chattering to each other as they work. Suddenly Alicia’s computer stops working. Angrily hammering away at the keyboard, she fails to get the machine working, so calls Luke in IT to come and help her.He arrives shortly and awkwardly greets the girls, noting their sexy officewear; Alicia in a tight blue fitted dress, black pantyhose, and blue high heels, Rachel in a tight cerise blouse, grey pencil skirt, tan pantyhose and...

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Remade and Reborn

Remade and Reborn by His Servant Chapter 1. Introduction Hi, my name is George. Well, it was George. No, I think it will always be George. Oh, that's right, you don't know me. I'll have to tell you a little bit about myself. It all began before I was born. You see mom and dad loved each other very much. They got married and did what, well you know, married people do. Oops, maybe that's a little too far back. I'll go ahead and fast forward a bit to a time about two or three...

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My First Real ValentineChapter 4

The first thing I did when I got home was go over to Valerie’s. Her dad answered the door. “Good evening, young man,” he said, formally. “I understand you are escorting my daughter to the Valentine’s dance.” “It’s me, Mr. Carter,” I said. “I know who you are.” “I’ve gone with Val places lots of times.” “Not on an official date,” he said. “Is this an official date?” He smiled. “It had better be. She’s pretty excited about it. Do I need to ask you what your intentions are towards my...

2 years ago
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My parents in wedding

One sunday me and my parents went to wedding of our friends.At morning mom went downstairs to the kitchen where me and dad were waiting for her. She was absolutley hot.Red lipstick, long brown hair and so sexy dress big cleavage and short skirt. We were shocked how sexy she can be. I went to bathroom and take a peek to dad, 'cause I saw staring him at mums tits.He was touching her ass nad grabbing her tits. Tellig her how sexy she is.¨Honey you are driving me crazy, look at my cock! I need you...

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Grandpas birthday gift

Melinda and I were making our regular visit to her grandpa in the nursing home. this week was special though as it was his 85th birthday today. He had alzheimers and remembered little and never recognized us. Every visit he would call us by someone in his history's name. Sometimes it was funny as he oftn mistook Melinda for his deceased wife Betty or some old girlfriend. I would giggle when he would do this and grab Melinda's ass or boobs or make some lewd suggestion. Today was one of those...

2 years ago
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Business Liaisons Ch 05

-= Chapter 5 – Undress Rehearsal =- Cyndi had been dying to tell Reg about the blowjob that she’d given Sean and how she was going to arrange for him to join them in a threesome all weekend long. But she had decided to surprise Reg and arrange for him to ‘catch’ her in bed with Sean one evening next week when he came home from work. She figured Sean would be more than willing to go along with her plan and that he’d probably want to do it Tuesday night! Unfortunately Reg had some last minute...

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Part 13 Mens Attention

After Bill caught me sleeping with mom naked, he seemed to spend much more time at the house, and paid much more attention towards me. I was used to walking around the house in short shorts and booty shorts. The first time I caught him paying attention to me, I was wearing a tank top and small shorts. I was cleaning around the house, wiping dirt off some of our furniture. I was listening to some music, and kind of dancing around to it. I got down on my knees and on all fours to clean under...

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John knew from a young age he liked cock. When he was young he always was rubbing his and playing with it. In his teens his friend Mike and he would get together and suck each others cocks and jerk them. As they learned more they would fuck each other in the ass. They lived in Las Vegas and when they started driving they would go to a male sex club. The men there loved the young guys and every Saturday they would suck cock and get their asses fucked many times. One Saturday as Mike was sucking...

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The Making of a Fighter Pilots WhoreChapter 11 Inhibitions Exorcised

Lydia and I showed up for our first joint therapy session with Ingrid at her condo apartment the following Saturday morning. We were both excited about the progress we had made under her guidance so far and were both looking forward to continuing with our therapy together. Ingrid welcomed us and said that what she wanted to do on that day was to review with both of us the progress we had both made over the last year and a half and with both of our permissions to now divulge to each other the...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Lesbian Whore

Hello everyone, I am with a juicy story for you all to enjoy. This story is based upon the narrative of one of my readers. I am just describing the event as it was delineated by her. Mail me if you like the story with your feedback and also share your wild fantasies with me. My name is Manasi. I just turned 19 this month. I am a management student here in Jaipur and I reside at a girl’s hostel here. There were around 40 girls in total. I didn’t like to interact with most of them and usually...

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Planting The Seed

I was sitting in my $2,500 custom made contour chair behind a $14,000 hand built Teak executive desk in a private corner office on the thirty-third floor of the fifty story high-rise and looking out my window and daydreaming. When I heard my computer buzz I turned and saw a reminder flashing on the screen for the upcoming three o'clock conference call. I really didn't want to sit in on another boring conference call on the proposed take over of KCI Inc., but as the new Chief Operating Officer...

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Ezekiels VictoryChapter 8

The following day, the sun rose to reveal a clear blue sky. Samuel took Charity and Ezekiel back out to empty the traps. They had caught a single squirrel that morning. They worked together to dismantle the traps because they were hoping to move on later that day or early the following morning if the river had subsided enough. They returned to the house and ate breakfast together. After breakfast, Charity approached her father as he washed his face at the rain barrel. “Father? I was hoping...

4 years ago
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University Life

You are Audrey Dupuy, a Canadian teenager from a small town in outside Toronto. You just finish your final high school year and spent the summer partying with friends. Decide how you live out Audrey's life, every action will influence the way you can play as Audrey. Scenarios will be determined based on these factors: Time Time of day Grades Must stay about 50% to avoid failing Hunger Don't starve Looks Higher the number, the more likely you'll be hit on Body Higher the number, the more likely...


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