Hubby Impregnates My Co-Worker With My Blessings free porn video

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Hubby Impregnates My Co-Worker with My Blessings

This is a true story written by a dear friend of mine. She asked me if I would posted it here to share with all of you:

My name is Molly and I’m married to a wonderful man named Sean. We are very happily married. This story is about how my husband Sean fathered two c***dren with a co-worker of mine and he did it with my and her husband’s blessings.

About a year ago, a co-worker named Jennifer came into work with reddened eyes that showed that she had been crying. She tried to hide it, but I could hear in her voice that she was troubled and down.

At lunchtime, I sat down with her and she opened up to me that on the way to work, she got a call from her doctor’s office telling her that her husband Rick was sterile and that he was not capable of having k**s. Ever since she was a little girl, all Jennifer wanted was to get married and have k**s. They had been trying for couple of years and when she never got pregnant, they went to the doctor and the office just called with the results.

Jennifer was devastated and did my best to console her, but she said that I didn’t know how she felt because I have a c***d. I asked her if they had thought about adoption and she said it was too expensive and that she really wanted to know what it was like to be pregnant and give birth to her own c***d. Then I asked about using a sperm bank and she said they were also too expensive.

I did my best to comfort her, but my efforts were futile. I hugged her and let her cry on my shoulder until we had to get back to work. She was quite the rest of the day at work and I just couldn’t get it out of my mind when I got home to Sean. He could tell something was bothering me and so I told him about Jennifer and Rick and the devastating news and how they couldn’t afford the alternatives.

Sean is always an optimist and he said that if it was that important to her that she should consider allowing a surrogate man impregnate her. I told her that I didn’t think either of them would go for her having sex with another man and he said that I should suggest it to her and see what she says. Then I asked him if he was offering to do the deed and he said only if they both agreed and if it was okay with me. I told him that I was fine with me, but I still doubted they would go for it.

About a week later, I finally got the nerve to talk to Jennifer about Sean’s idea. She said that she couldn’t cheat on Rick and I told her that I wasn’t suggesting she cheat on him and to think about it as the same as artificial insemination at a sperm bank only she wouldn’t be bothered with all the probes and that stuff and that she would just be getting donor sperm directly from the source and it wouldn’t cost them a penny.

After a few moments of silence, her face turned red and she asked if she could confess something to me and made me promise to keep it a secret. I did and she told me that her and Rick like to fantasize when they make love and one of the fantasies he has had is to watch her have sex with another man. Sometimes he pretends to be someone else. I asked her how it made her feel and she said at first she felt upset and betrayed but in time the thought of having another man inside her turned her on and let to some great sex.

I told her that perhaps it was time to make Rick’s fantasy come true. Jennifer smiled and said he just might go for that but I’m not sure how he would feel raising another man’s c***d. Then I told her that if she and Rick liked the idea that Sean has volunteered to be a donor if they would like. Jennifer looked shocked and asked how I felt about it and I told her that I was perfectly okay with it. I didn’t tell her that we have a promiscuous lifestyle as I keep that hid at work as it could cause problems for me. She told me that she always thought Sean was a real hunk and I assured her he was more than that. Jennifer said she would think about and try to figure out how to suggest it to Rick.

Another week went by when Jennifer approached me at lunch and told me that the night before her and Rick were having sex when he brought up the fantasy of her with another man. She told me she asked if he was serious about wanting to watch her with another man and he practically came on the spot.

Then she mentioned my idea about having another man impregnate her and that it would fulfill his fantasy and she could get pregnant without it costing them thousands of dollars. Rick was so turned on by the idea that came in her several times before they finally tired out. Then she asked if Sean and I could come over for dinner Friday and then she told me that she hasn’t mentioned Sean as a possible donor to her husband so please keep it hush hush.

When I told Sean, I could see him salivating at the possibility of having sex with Jennifer. She was a gorgeous blonde that attracted a lot of looks. She’s tall, about my height, and more slender than I am. Her long blonde hair hung down about halfway down her back. She had brilliant green eyes that shined like emeralds and a smile that could melt an iceberg. She wore a 32C bra and had a 19 inch waist. I told Sean to take a cold shower before we went to their house for dinner and he laughed.

It was the first time I had met Rick and he was a good looking man. He was about the same height at Jennifer, slender build but very ruggedly handsome. He reminded me of the handsome cowboy that rescued the lady in distress in the old time movies. Rick definitely made my mouth water along with other places.

Friday at dinner went off well. Nothing was said about sex, but we had a good time talking and sharing some drinks. On the way home, I knew Sean was disappointed, but I explained to him that Jennifer wanted Rick to meet us first and then she was going to suggest to Rick to ask Sean about fathering a c***d for her. Sean practically tore my clothes off when we got home that night.

Monday at work, Jennifer came bounding up to me and told me that after we had left on Friday that she asked Rick what he thought about asking Sean to impregnate her and Rick smiled and said that would be hot. Then she told me that she noticed the way that Rick had watched me and she asked him if he would like to have sex with me while she was having sex with Sean and according to Jennifer, Rick’s cock jumped out of his boxers and was ready for action. Then she told me that Rick agreed to have us back for dinner the next Friday, however, she said that Rick wanted to be the one to ask us about the plan to help and that we weren’t supposed to know anything about it. I suggested that they come to our house as a reciprocal dinner and she agreed. I told Sean and he agreed to act like he knew nothing.

That Friday, Sean put some steaks on the grill along with the potatoes wrapped in foil and corn on the cob wrapped in foil. All I had to do was whip up a dessert and get the table ready. Dinner went off well with the guys talking sports and Jennifer and I talked about work and clothes.

After dinner, Sean fixed some drinks and we sat in the livingroom to talk. Rick kind of stammered and seemed tongue tied so Jennifer took over and told us all about Rick being sterile from a serious illness he had in her early teens and how they really wanted a c***d. She went on to explain that they can’t afford to adopt or go to a sperm bank. Sean was great and looked so sad and sympathetic for them.

Then Jennifer got real nervous and looked at Rick and he shook his head, telling her to go ahead and she told us that they were thinking of finding a man to impregnate her so she could have a c***d without spending thousands of dollars. Sean told her that was a great idea and then asked if they were talking about having him donate his sperm or actually impregnate her himself. Rick jumped in and said that having him donate sperm would still cost thousands as they would have to harvest her eggs, fertilize them and them implant them into her womb at the right time of the month. He went on to say that they were thinking of finding a man to actually have sex with Jennifer to impregnate her.

Sean and I acted surprised and I asked played along and asked Jennifer how she felt about it. She said at first she was against it, but the more she thought about it and they more they talked about the better she felt about it. Sean then told her that he envied the lucky guy they chose as she was so beautiful, but he understood that they were doing it for one purpose only and not necessarily for the sexual pleasure.

Rick did surprise us by saying that it’s actually both as it’s been a fantasy of his to watch Jennifer with another man. Jennifer’s face was scarlet as she looked at Sean and just asked him if he would be interested in being the lucky man as he put it. Sean looked surprised and said that was up to me and I told him that if he wanted to help that I had no problem with it.

Sean said that he would be glad to help out and asked if they had a plan as to when and how. Rick then said there was more and that since he was willing to allow Jennifer to have sex with Sean in order to conceive, he was wondering if Sean would allow him to have sex with me at the same time, just to keep everything even. Sean said that sounded fair to him and asked me if what I thought. Little did Rick know that we had already discussed it and I was already wet with anticipation.

Then Sean did surprise me and said that he insists that if Jennifer does get pregnant and have a baby that they never tell a sole about who the real father is. He said the c***d needs to always believe that Rick is his or her father. Before Rick or Jennifer could say anything, Sean went on to say that even when the c***d is an adult, he doesn’t want them to know that he is the biological father. In today’s screwed up world, he doesn’t want to see the c***d to be confused or have any problems involving who his or her father is. Only the four of us will ever know and we all need to swear to never speak a word of it ever. They looked at each other for a few moments and then said they understood and agreed. When I realized the intent behind what Sean had said, I just hugged him as hard as I could and told him how much I loved him.

Jennifer said that according to her cycle, she should be very fertile now. Sean said that worked for him and asked how they wanted to proceed. Jennifer said she wanted to do it missionary so she could try to keep his sperm in her longer to increase her chances of conceiving. With that, she stood up, reached a hand out to Sean and led him to the bedroom. Rick escorted me back also and we followed them in.

Once the four of us got into the bedroom, Jennifer and Rick seemed nervous and unsure of how to proceed, so Sean moved over to her and started unbuttoning her blouse and then took it off of her. He then slid her slacks down, leaving her standing in just her bra and panties. Sean looked over at Rick who nodded for him to continue. Sean asked Jennifer if she still wanted to go through with this and she said yes if it gets her pregnant.

Sean stood behind Jennifer and took off her bra. He reached around and cupped her breasts in his hands. Jennifer looked at her husband who smiled back at her. Then Sean knelt down behind her and slowly lowered her panties to the floor and she stepped out of them.

At that point in time, I knew how nervous Jenifer had to feel, being the center of attention, so I stepped over to Rick and lifted my top over my head. He took the cue and slid my slacks down and I stepped out of them. He wasted no time in sliding my panties down over my hips to my ankles. He continued kneeling in front of me, wrapped his arms around my ass and just hugged me with his face pressed up against my pussy. His warm breathe felt erotic as it puffed out over my lips. I took the opportunity to take my bra off so that now Jennifer was not the only one naked in the room.

When I looked back over at Sean and Jennifer, his shirt was off and she was taking his slacks off of him. Jennifer’s eyes opened wide when Sean’s cock sprang loose from his boxers and almost hit her in the face. She took it in her hands and began licking it up and down his shaft before taking it into her mouth.

My attention was turned back to Rick as I felt his tongue glide along my lips. I continued to watch another woman suck my husband’s cock as her husband worked his tongue up inside me. Rick obviously knew his way around as he managed to tease my clit with his nose as his tongue danced in and out of me. I grabbed his head and held him close.

Sean picked Jennifer up and moved her to the bed. I vaguely remember him saying that it was time to make her pregnant as he climbed between her spread legs. As his cock disappeared into her, Rick’s lips planted firmly on my clit. The sudden sensation almost made me lose my balance. He sucked and nibbled on my love bud and I found it impossible to focus on Sean and Jennifer. Rick’s actions were great and I could feel my insides starting to tingle and contract. Then he clamped his teeth down on my bud and it instantly sent me over the edge, literally, as I fell over on top him. Sean has chewed on my bud before, but he’s never bitten it that hard and while it did hurt, it also sent body reeling shocks emanating from my bud. They seemed to ricochet through me and I know I lost control of my senses.

The next thing I knew, Rick was lying on the floor behind me with his arm around me holding my boob and his cock was working its way inside. I could hear heavy breathing coming from up on the bed, but it sounded distant as my ears still rang from the most shattering orgasm I had ever had. Rick’s cock was now fully inside me and he was working up a steady rhythm. As my senses returned, I started pushing back against him as he pushed inside, trying to get every fraction of an inch of him inside me.

We continued to spoon on the floor for a couple of minutes when Rick stopped and helped me to my feet. He bent over so that I was leaning on the bed next to Sean and Jennifer while Rick took me doggy style from behind. Jennifer looked up at me, reached out and held one of my boobs and whispered thank you. My whole body was being pounded forward and back as I told her it was my pleasure. Jennifer then scooted herself enough so that she could suck on my boob which surprised me, but it felt really great.

I watched as her expression changed and her eyes rolled up in her head and then close. Her hand grasped my arm and held on tight as her orgasm swept through her body. Sean looked at me and smiled and then mouthed that he loved me and I told him I loved him also.

Watching Jennifer cum with my hubby’s cock inside her was more erotic than I expected and I soon found myself building towards my second orgasm. Rick’s cock felt larger as my pussy contracted around it. My abdomen sucked in and my back arched. My ears started to ring and everything around me blurred as I felt the crescendo burst inside me. I also felt a deep inner warmth and realized that Rick was unleashing his hot infertile cum inside. His grip tightened on my hips and fingers dug into me as he pumped himself empty with as much force as he could.

As my orgasm subsided, I opened my eyes and saw that Sean had stopped pumping Jennifer but just stayed there motionless. She was smiling in such a way that I knew he had filled her with his very fertile seed. Sean held himself inside as long as possible, but eventually he softened up and slipped out. he quickly grabbed a pillow and placed it under her ass so as to keep his seed from leaking out.

By now, Rick understood what had happened they were kissing and telling each other how much they loved each other. I told Sean that I was proud of him and that I hoped this was a success. Rick turned to us and said that it wouldn’t hurt to do it again in a couple days just to help increase the chances of getting pregnant. He asked Jennifer if that was okay with her and she said yes.

It seemed so surreal for the four of us to be there naked, planning on the next time we could get together to have more impregnating sex.

Two days later Rick and Jennifer came to our house for dinner. After Sean Jr. was asleep, we moved to our bedroom. This time there was plenty of room in our king sized bed for the four us to have sex at the same time.

A month later, Jennifer was disappointed that she still wasn’t pregnant so we met three times, each with a day apart, and Sean worked very hard trying to get her pregnant. Just over three weeks later, Jennifer called and was so excited as her pregnancy test came back positive. The four of us had dinner, got together to celebrate, but we didn’t have sex as we didn’t want to do anything that could harm Jennifer’s pregnancy. We kept getting together once or twice a month and Jennifer was happy to show us the changes to her naked body. I could tell that it always turned Sean on seeing her naked, even with her big pregnant belly as he would jump me the second we got home or the second they left.

Rick called one day and asked if we would be interested in attending the birth and I jumped at the chance. Sean was a little hesitant as he wasn’t sure how much of an attachment he wanted to develop with the baby, and he kept reminding us that we swore to secrecy. Finally, Sean opted not to watch the delivery, but I was there and held Jennifer’s hand as she had her baby. She and Rick were so happy and I was happy for them. I know Sean was also happy for them in his own way.

About a year after little Ricky was born, Jennifer called and said that she and Rick would really like to have a second c***d. By then, Sean and I had three, two boys and girl. He agreed and two months later Jennifer was pregnant again. This time she had a little girl.

We are still very close with them and I see Sean watch their two k**s as closely as he watches ours. I’m so proud of him for helping my co-worker have a family like we have. It saved them thousands of dollars and probably saved their marriage. I also have to admit that I enjoyed the impregnating sessions as well as Rick is a great lover.

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Hubby wont notice

Dedicated to all the beautiful, married women out there that want to spice up their sex life...It's a Thursday evening. We are meeting after work to have some fun. But not the easy way in a hotel. No your hubby has to be around. So we drive to your place and we pretend that I am a new co worker of yours. An important presentation is due tomorrow morning, which means we have to work late. Your hubby is a little bit suspicious as you've never mentioned me before, but it passes after a while. We...

2 years ago
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Mrs Jyoti and Worker

Mrs Jyoti Seth, CEO of the trading Corp. Stretched back to relax her neck. She had been working for more than 3 hours on this Saturday morning as she planned her marketing strategy for the coming year and was a little tired. She had decided to work on Saturday as that was the only day she could work undisturbed. Except for her assistant Vinod, the offiice was deserted. It was very hot outside, and through her office window she could see the sun beating down outside; although she was comfortable...

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The Window Worker

The Window Worker Part 1ByRubberwolf2012?Storycodes:  f/f, display, reluctant, humiliation, bd, work, petHannah Reynolds had worked for Tanaka since leaving university.  Her combined honours degree in business and Japanese had served to start her on the career ladder with the large Japanese conglomerate.  She had been interested in the East since she was a little girl, getting her first taste of oriental culture from television shows like Monkey or the Water Margin.  Classic Japanese films like...

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Ex Coworkers wife True Story

One day while I was over visting former co-worker and his wife, we were catching up on old times talking about our former employer and all the people with whom we used to work.It was a very hot summer night and the three of us were just sitting around their in the ground pool sipping ice tea and enjoying good laughs relating stories about some of the thing people did in the office. When my co-worker started talking about the time the sales manager who's office was down the hall from us forgot...

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Hubby becomes a cuckold

My first lover from my husband's perspective was his college roommate. I actually met hubby for the first time when he came home early from class and discovered his roommate doing me bent over the sofa while we watched Lost. It was an awkward moment for sure. I was being jack-hammered, with no where to go if I wanted to. So I just smiled at him and went with it. I will add every time I think of John Locke now I get wet now...weird.I guess it wasn't an entirely unusual occurrence for hubby and...

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School Administrative worker

I am Jean a 49 year old woman, an administrative worker for a local high school who is going to tell you one of my own personal stories. I date regularly but for a few years now all of the men I have been dating have not fulfilled in me what I have always craved. When I was a younger engaged in a lot of sex to men who knew how to satisfy my sexual desire to be used and abused by them for their sexual pleasure. Using me for that purpose is something that really gets me off and is what is...

2 years ago
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Hubby made me a nympho

Dear iss readers, i am nandini, a bengali housewife back here again. First let me thank the readers who have sent remarks in mail and also posted some comments in respond to my last posting named “hubby made me a nympho”. I am very happy that most of them have enjoyed my posting. But i don’t know why some one thought it is not real. Whether you believe or not it is my true life fact. I have stated how my hubby forced me to do with a milkman in that posting. For those who have not gone through...

1 year ago
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Hubby made me Fuck black man Part 3

In my first story " Hubby made me fuck black man" I told a story,how my hubby set me up to fuck black man In my 2nd story "Hubby made me fuck black man part 2" I told the story how i met and fuck Jamal Since i met Jamal sex life was great Jamal have small condo and leaves by himself,so we met a lot. Every time he was horny he would call me When i was horny, I would call him and we get together and fuck for couple hours.Life was great I must say i did miss Bob my first black cock.I was wondering...

2 years ago
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My Mother8217s Blessings

I am Nirmal of age 20, a typical rural Bengali boy from Nalhati, a small town of Birbhum district in West Bengal. I am a science student, studying at Rampurhat college. I am the only child of my father and mother. This place, Nalhati is well known for the temple of famous Nalateswari, a mystic form of Goddess Kali and also one of the 51 Sati Pithas in India. It is an important centre for Tantric Hinduism. In previous days human sacrifice was regular here, but after the decade of 1960 it...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 20 A Pair Of Blessings

September 3, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “I understand,” Lara soothed. “I really do. You can’t risk your ordination nor your relationship with Elizaveta. Father Nicholas would know, and neither of us could answer the questions he would have to ask in a way that would satisfy him.” “I’m sorry.” Lara smiled, “Probably not quite as sorry as I am! I should have played the cards somewhat differently; that said, everything we did made perfect sense at the time. May I give you your first wedding...

2 years ago
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Abducted Social Worker

Abducted Social WorkerBy:  The CryptkeeperWARNING: Please do not read this work if subjects containing non-consensual sex, racism, drug use and violence offend you. The work is fictional and the author does not condone such behavior in real life. If you are easily offended STOP READING NOW.  The September sun beats down on Lisa through the open sunroof ofher blue Acura as she pulls up to her last case for the day inthe middle of the projects. The young, 22-year-old accepted thisjob with the...

3 years ago
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Hubby Ke Friends Kiya Brutal Gangbang Part 4

Waha unn logo ne 2 bed jodke wahi let gaye aur bole abhi so jaa tuze ham raat bhar chodenge. Sabb mere agal pagal let gaye. Mai pahli baar 3-3 mard ke sath so rahi thi, Mai bahut thak gayi thi. Mujhe 10-15 min mai hi nind aa gayi. Karib raat ko 9 baje meri neend khuli. Wo log abhi bhi so rahe the. Mai uthi aur washroom jakar fresh hue. Mujhe abhi bhi thakan ho rahi thi. Mai towel lapet kar bahar aai, mere pass kapde nahi the pahan ne ke liye. Bahar aake maine mera mobile dekha, uski battery...

3 years ago
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Cam Model Prepares Me To Fuck Coworker

Hello ISS readers, I am Donald D’mello (Age 28) from Goa and I am going to share an enchanting experience that I have enjoyed with a webcam model named Arushi. My colleagues recommended me to try out the website, as I wanted to develop confidence in seducing my divorced co-worker. My very first video session with Delhi sex chat’s well-liked webcam model Arushi (age 21) from Lucknow, gave me ideas to fuck a divorced woman. Continue reading this story and find out how you can do it too! I work...

2 years ago
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worker cocks for my wife

My wife Shalini and I got married five yeas ago and are happily married except one problem. I suffer from pre-mature ejaculation. Earlier we had sex very often and I could satisfy her easily but since she gave birth to a child, her pussy became slightly loose and I also stopped feeling the tightness around my cock each time we fucked. On top of that my premature ejaculation! No wonder our sex life hit rock bottom. If we had sex once in a month, I could thank god for it. Then I got addicted to...

1 year ago
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The Craigslist sex worker

They had arranged it by text after he had contacted her initially through the ‘Services’ section on Craigslist. John had clicked on the listing and there was a brief message about personal services offered by a mature lady, late forties size 8, to gentlemen, with two photos underneath. On them she was lying face down on a bed in a black bra, black stockings and suspender belt only. She looked petite with a nice figure and a brutally chopped blonde bob that resembled a helmet. John understood...

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sex with coworker

this story is 100% true. the names have changed to protect the guilty.... lolI had been divorced for about a six months and living on my own with a few sex partners but that's another story. Michele was my co-worker and at first I did not get along with her. I was working for a non-profit agency in a large metropolitan area on the east coast. Michele had transferred to our office from another office of the same agency. She was promoted as the office manager. She was not my boss but we had...

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Mixed Blessings

Mixed Blessings by Andrea Lena DiMaggio "You're ...." "Impossible, my friend. Say it." "I was thinking more along the lines of exasperating," Sameh laughed and kissed Miriam. "What will we tell your parents?" Hell, what will we tellmyparents?" "That we are both people of the book. Depending upon whom you consult, I suppose," he laughed again. It really wasn't a laughing matter, but humor served on occasion to diffuse the tension created by so many of their...

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Irenes story Chapter 9 I expose myself to my favorite coworker

As you may recall from previous chapters, a few months ago, my husband, Oscar, convinced me to wear a very revealing outfit to a disco which was located on the twentieth floor of the Hotel Vela in our hometown, Barcelona. This was a bar with a dance floor. It was bar frequented by foreign tourists on holiday. It was Oscar's birthday. For his 'present', he wanted me to dance with other men. I was instructed to grind into them on the dance floor and encourage them to touch me while Oscar watched...

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Construction worker

Construction worker on the 5th floor of a building needed a handsaw. So he spots another worker on the ground floor and yells down to him, but he can't hear him. So the worker on the 5th floor tries sign language.He pointed to his eye meaning "I", pointed to his knee meaning "need", then moved his hand back and forth in a hand saw motion. The man on the ground floor nods his head, pulls down his pants, whips out his cock and starts masturbating.The worker on 5th floor gets so pissed off he runs...

4 years ago
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Second Time Romance With My Worker In Old House

Hello friends, this is Sumalatha coming back with the translation of my second incident with our worker. In the previous incident, I got lucky with my worker Ramesh in our coconut farm when I visited my village to attend the marriage of my uncle’s daughter. And honestly there is no fiction in any part of the story, what I have written has really happened in my life and I don’t have the patience to write a fictional story. In the previous incident, we had sex in the coconut farm in the night. We...

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Fling with coworker part 2

Check out fling with co-worker part 1 before going on. Once we was done and finished up and got resituated. We cleared our heads and went back to work. After a good half hour we was back being flirty and talking sexual to each other. It was a hour left in the day and I checked out and saw an opening and took it. I walked up behind her and wrapped a arm around her waist and place my lips against her ears and spoke. "I cant to make...

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Hubbys best friend Covid19 return

Hey u guys :)So... like the rest of the world, me 2 has been lacking in sex lol.It was my hubby's birthday this week (June 2020) an we decided to organise a bbq for him.With covid19 restrictions in place, only a small bbq with some friends was organised.Obviously I was inviting my hubby's best friend from my first story lol.The party started at about 5pm and carried on into the early hours of the morning.Everything was going as planned, and we were all when on our way. (Tipsy)I headed to the...

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Hubby brings me a dog as a gift

My loving husband left me home alone for making a business trip that would take at least three weeks away from town.Victor had never gone for a period so long. Some weeks before, he surprised me by bringing a sweet nice Great Dane as a gift for me. I named the big guy Leopold, after a former king from Belgium…One of my neighbors, Susan, was a dog trainer and then she trained my sweet Leopold. After a full week, she brought him back, saying now he was very well trained for my needs during...

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Hubby made me Fuck black man Part 2

In my first post "Hubby made me fuck black man" I wrote that my hubby hes gone soft and he set me date with Bob to fuck me I must say i have enjoyed every second of that fuck Well it has bin almost 3 months since my amazing evening with Bob I'm going to be honest i did miss Bob and his Big cock a lot Ever time i think of him i get horny and my pussy gets wet Well you can ask why i do not call him Thing is i do not have number It was my husband who arranged our date at my house and he has a...

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Hubbys Late Night at Work

I spent the weekend visiting my fam.ily out of town. By the time I got back into town it was late Monday night. Hubby had to work late, I knew he’d be tired so I wanted to surprise him there. He’s such a hard worker always pulling long hours to go above and beyond to take care of our little fam.ily. I pulled into the parking lot of his job, quickly freshened up to make sure I looked my best. I had on a short pink dress that he loves with no panties and my favorite pair of pumps. I pushed my...

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The Coworker

Cuckold Story. After I lost my job my wife found a job in an Office. She got good paid and had her own office room just at the end of an long corridor. Opposite to her office was a second office. My wife is in her early 30s and has an amazing body. Long black hair with brown eyes. Full libs and full breasts. The first weeks she always come home stressed, but after then she was more and more happy. She was staid longer at work, but she said it is because she got more responsibilities. She was...

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Co worker experience

Janie was excited about her co-worker Tyler. They worked together. she had never been so turned on before, thinking of doing her co-worker. but she was ready for Tyler, He was coming over! She had a secret that he would find out sometime later that night. This wasn’t the first time she had done this, but she wouldn’t tell Tyler that. Since Tyler had lusted after her for as long as he had worked with her, and she lusted after him. He knew tonight was the night he was going to let her know his...

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Pornstar Lookalike CoWorker Fucked Hard In Office

It had been a couple months since I started my own IT firm with a couple of my friends. We built a great team, yet the absence of female employees made the office feel a little dry. After a few weeks, we started our first venture, a news-based web portal and it went viral. We started giving out vacancies for interns as we needed journalists and content writers. After a few days of interviews and rejections, luckily, a group of 5 girls, all friends to each other showed up, with the finest...

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The Social Worker

A young woman finds her first job as a social worker is to go to a slum area of the city and brief a mother on a young problem child. She finds out being a social worker is not all its cracked up to be. (FF, dom, reluc, mc, intr, spank) Diane had just been hired as a social worker for the city and had been given her first task by her boss Miss Gaines, a large black lady. The task was in the ghetto section of town, but she didn’t care. She needed the money to support her well off lifestyle....

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Hubby drives me crazy in a night out

Friday night I felt horny and my beloved hubby noticed it.Victor then proposed to go out for dance and drinks. I accepted the offer and made my way upstairs to get ready.Soon Victor joined me into the warm shower. It was not long till my man pinned me against the wall of the shower. We kissed aggressively with passion while he rubbed my pussy up and down. Once our lips parted his hands moved onto my ass and he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as his hard cock slid into my wet...

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Hubby watches wifes ecstasy

Hubby couldn't stand it, hearing her gasp and moan gently had aroused and relaxed him, he snuck out like a naughty school boy and crept back to his chair. Troy was rocking slowly back and forth and his black hands were gripping his wife's Snow White hips. He looked and winked nodding his approval toward the wife, as hubby saw her pink shiny flesh wrapped around his thick brown shaft, she looked like she was impailled on the thing, but sounding like it was no torture for her. The sight and sound...

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