My Life As A Shemale Part7 free porn video

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I was up early, I had picked out my best skirt for my first day at school, a blouse and two hair ribbons that matched. Today I would wear my padded panties even though they made me look a little dumpy in the middle, they seemed to be the safest for now. I went down stairs with my school bag and Tim was already there with breakfast, "Good morning Danielle, I hope you got enough sleep, are you excited about your first day of school?". He had a calm demeanor, the kind you could only have after a good night with Sam. "Yes, I am excited but a little worried too". He gave me a plate with some bacon and toast, "Don't worry, if anything happens, today or at any time, you just come straight home, got it?". I nodded and ate, my appetite wasn't very big and so we decided to get a head start on our day and left.

I got my schedule and went to my first class and no one seemed to notice that I was different, I relaxed and started to enjoy myself more. The teacher introduced himself and had some information to share with us, I opened my notebook to write down anything important I needed to share with Tim. "Ok class, as you may notice we are a bit larger than last year and a few new students. This is mainly because we had a school closing over the summer for emergency repair and the students were split up and send to two different schools. I have had a chance to read the transcripts of those students and would like to let you know that you are all welcome here and for some of you this year could be a new start", he looked at the back row where a girl was squirming in the corner under his gaze, "I will not hold any transgressions from your past over you and hope that we can spend this year learning and studying together". His eyes started moving across the room again. I looked again at the girl in the back, she was dressed a little different, wearing all black and had some piercings that I thought were cool too. She noticed my starring and stuck her tongue out at me, I let my tongue slip out a little too in response but followed with a quick smile then I moved my gaze back to the teacher who had continued.

It was very hard for me at first, I had to catch up on many things but Tim always stayed up late and taught me, it was very unnerving. I had a few close calls. One time i Forgot to lock the stall door and a bunch of girls started to burst in, thank god I had made sure to always sit down when I peed. Another time in gym class, I didn't get my special panties on fast enough and I had a bit of a tent protruding from my skirt. It was the 'goth girl' that had stuck her tongue out at me that first day, well, she walked in and I am sure she didn't notice, she always kept her head down and never had any friends. I had learned that her name was Cynthia but she liked to be called Sin, I never understood that, she was very pretty despite the heavy black make-up and cut up jeans with safety pins. The next day she came over to my table during recess, "Hey your name is Danielle right?" I looked up from my lunch and nodded, "Can I sit here? There are no other tables left". I just shrugged and gestured for her to sit down. It wasn't like I didn't make any friends but I kept everyone at a little distance, just to make sure I never got invited for sleepovers or other things that could give me away. I stuck my nose back into my book, I needed to work harder than anyone else to keep up but by now I was getting used to it. Cynthia started talking to me again, "Do you like it here? I mean, you never seem to be spending a lot of time with anyone. Not that I blame you, the boys here are pretty stupid". I had to smile at that, she was right, they were immature. Some actually tried to get to know her too but after what happened to Mike it was a hard lesson learned. Oh yeah, Mike went to school here too, we had seen each other a few times even though he was a grade ahead of me. I gave him the opportunity to hang out with me but he wouldn't take it so I left him alone. "Yeah they are pretty stupid but I have to learn a lot right now anyway, I don't really have time for friends". I could tell by her expression that this was hard for her so I continued, "But I do like it here, Mr. Rosenberg is my favorite teacher even though I don't understand a thing about Math." Cynthia looked at me with something that could have been a smile, "Yeah he is pretty cool, I dig him. Math is not a big problem for me, never really was". We started talking throughout the rest of our break and I discovered that I like her, she reminded me a little of Sam. She offered to help me with Math after school and I agreed.

I spend more and more time with Cynthia but made sure never to let it get too far. The weeks passed and we became friends, Tim thought that it might be alright and invited her over too so he could get to meet her, once he got past the way she dressed, he seemed to like her too. I learned a lot from her but we never went to her home, I didn't even know where she lived but figured it was further away since she was a transfer. She asked me a couple of times if she could spend the night but I always came up with an excuse and sometimes Tim did.

Cynthia seemed moody sometimes, I tried to stay away when she got like that, I figured that that was how she is and left it at that. It was on a weekend when I went to the mall that I saw Cynthia, or Sin, but she hadn't seen me, I started to walk over to her but she was leaving the Mall, I didn't know what had gotten into me but I followed her. We had only gone a few blocks when she turned into a shabby looking house, the yard was in bad shape too. She went inside and I didn't know what to do, this was her place and I understood why she never invited me over, she was probably embarrassed. But I didn't care, I went through the gate and up the stairs and knocked, when she came to the door and saw me she was shocked, "What are you doing here? Did you follow me?". I nodded a little embarrassed, "Sorry Sin I happened to be near by when I saw you, I just wanted to talk to you. I can leave if you like". She stood there for a moment, then she opened the door, "If you like you can come in and tell me what a crappy place this is but you need to hurry my dad will be home soon", she had said this with a mean snarl but I surprised her, "I don't care what your place looks like, it doesn't change that I like you and would like to continue being your friend". She quietly stepped aside and let me fully enter, "My room is at the top of the stairs". I said thanks and went on in, I could see that the inside was even worse, empty beer cans and trash on every table, there even was a motorcycle in parts sitting in the living room. I didn't say anything but just started going up the stairs. When we got to her room, it was different, clean and well organized. I sat on the bed, "Uhm well Sin, I wanted to tell you that I got our new test days, they split it up because there are more students and you and I will be tested 2 weeks earlier than we thought. She almost forgot that she was angry or that she could now be angry about something else, "Damn Danielle, I am not ready yet, I will really have to cram", I nodded in agreement, "I think we should at least meet every other day and maybe even this weekend too...". We suddenly could hear the downstairs door being opened and a voice calling 'Cynthia' up the stairs. I looked at her and she seemed totally caught off guard by this development, i could literally see the blo0d draining from her face when she muttered, "He is early", she looked at me and quickly said, "This is bad, you need to hide in my closet over here and no matter what happens do not come out or make a sound", she looked me straight in the eyes, "Do you understand?" I nodded, "Ok but what's wrong Sin?". She was about to have tears in her eyes, "Danielle this is about to get so embarrassing for me and I cannot stand that you have to see this, please don't think bad of me". A single tear dripped out of her eye and she shoved me into the closet. It was covered with shutters, so it wasn't dark and I could even see out. Sin quickly sat on her bed and opened a book, pretending to read when her dad walked in. "Didn't you hear me? I called for you" She looked up and just apologized, "Sorry dad, I was studying, I have a lot of test coming up". He stood there for a moment swaying, I thought he must be drunk maybe. "Well I don't care about your tests, I got to work on the bike and get it ready for the weekend, we got a rally. I need you to take care of me and then clean up!" She slowly got up and glanced at the closet I was sitting in then at her dad, "Dad, I do need to practice this weekend, can I go to friends house while you are at the rally?". He looked at her in disgust and mumbled, "Well will see, depends on how good you take care of your daddy, not shut up and take your clothes off and I mean all of it". Sin started to undress, I started to understand and memories from my **** came back to me, I looked away, I knew what would be coming. I could hear his pants unbuckle and drop, sin was quieter, when all of a sudden I heard a hard slap, I whirled around and looked back through the slats. He had hit her, "I told you, all of it, don't make me tell you again!". Sin took her bra off and then slid her panties down. She had no hair between her legs either but she already started to develop breasts, she looked slim, her pelvis bones protruding through her skin, it wasn't ugly, it created a valley between them where her belly stuck out a little. I could see his penis now, it was soft but getting harder after seeing his daughter naked.

She got to her knees, like she had probably done many times, grabbed his now stiffening member and slid it in her mouth just like Sam had done to me but from the looks of it, Sin didn't enjoy it. Her dad started to grab her behind the head and shoved his penis in her mouth so hard she gagged for a moment, "Common you little cunt, why can you never get it all in". Another tear ran down Sin's face, she knew I was watching. After Sin sucked him for awhile he started to get angry again, "This is no good bitch, get on the bed, you know what to do". Suddenly Cynthia got scared, "Please don't dad, it hurts too much, you almost killed me that one time...". He just threw her on the bed, and now she was on her back. He then pulled her body to the edge of the bed so her head started to hang over the side of the mattress, "Stop your yappin, I never killed you or anything, if it wasn't for your mom I would fuck you in your pussy proper but she would find out on your next exam, so you're going to take anyway I give it and you will like it, now open up". I couldn't believe what I saw next, Sin's head was now completely off the mattress opening her mouth, her dad took his penis and started to shove it into her mouth, he was getting harder now. Sin used her hands over her head to push him away but that seemed to turn him on even more. I moved back and forth into and out of her mouth, her spit started to run out of the side of her lips, running down her jaw and dripping to the floor, he seemed to grin at that, "You are just like your mom, always nice and wet, maybe we can get it in all the way now that your'e lubed up!".

I could see her starting to struggle, a certain turn on for dad from what I could see. He moved deeper into her, when suddenly she started to go limp under his movements and I could see why. Daddy's penis started to go down Cynthias throat, I could actually see the bulge of his penis expanding her mouth and throat, I started to panic, 'how could she breathe?' I thought. He kept face fucking her harder, once again I could see her starting to struggle under his grip, her small body flailing this way and that. Then he was all the way in, she went limp again, I guess, she was careful not move to make it hurt even more. His ball sack was now resting against her nose and eyes, slowly he moaned, now making small pumping motions back and forth, I could tell he was about to cum. I was glad for that. Sure enough his spasms set in, he wasn't going to pull out either, he was going to shoot his load directly into her stomach and he did. Slowly he pulled back and out of her mouth, I could see a little blo0d on the side of his penis, he was dripping cum when he pulled all the way out, some was running down her forehead and into her hair. She started to gag and cough, spitting up everything he just shot into her small body, for a brief moment it came up her mouth and out of her nose too from what I could tell. Her dad just stood there laughing, he grabbed her t-shirt hanging over the edge of the chair to wipe off his prick then threw it at her, "Here get cleaned up bitch and yes you can go this weekend, why anyone would have you is beyond me, just make sure you're back Sunday night, I am going to need it for sure again". He laughed leaving the room and slammed the door.

I could hear the front door slamming too and I immediately pushed the closet door open and ran out. Sin was too weak to move, she was laying sideways on her bed, she had spit, cum and blo0d all over her face and coming from her mouth. I grabbed a towel from the side of the shelf and walked over to her, I gently sat down next to her and cleaned her face, then I moved next to her propping her head on my arm and cradling her. I couldn't see her face, I just saw her beautiful naked body, she had very pale skin unlike Sam, Sam was always very tanned. Sin had a different kind of beauty and it occurred to me that she was the first actual girl I have seen naked. I didn't care that I could see her body but she might, I pulled the day blanket over and covered her up a little. Sin just laid there for awhile but soon I could hear her breathing slow down and when I looked she had her eyes closed, maybe even sleeping.

I know how I had felt after I was ****d, like I could sleep for years. I waited awhile longer, then I snuck out of bed and covered her up again and left.

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A Shemale Fantasy and my Wife Part 1

Our relationship has always been good. We love each other, and the life we have built. But lately our sex life and our life in general has become some what stagnant. We get up go to work, come home have dinner, then go to bed. It's the same thing you've heard from couples who have been married for ten years. The excitement level no longer exceeds sexual intercourse more then once a week. It becomes frustrating at times because I've always been the type who wants to try new...

2 years ago
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A Shemale Fantasy and my Wife Part 1

Introduction: I didnt know what I was in for. But what a ride. I was always a sexually open individual. But in my world sexual expression wasnt really part of my routine. Im a 35 year old married man. My wife and I met back in high school and have been together ever since. Our relationship has always been good. We love each other, and the life we have built. But lately our sex life and our life in general has become some what stagnant. We get up go to work, come home have dinner, then go to...

2 years ago
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This is some of True incidents happen in my life when i take an office trip at last 2 years. After a long flight, I departed, and made arrangements for my luggage to be sent to the hotel, and then went to a restaurant / bar to get a meal and a drink. I am not a good flyer, and get real nervous during a flight, so I needed a drink to calm my nerves. I sat at the bar and ordered my meal and drink. After a few drinks were gone, I noticed this stunningly beautiful lady enter the bar. She sat a few...

4 years ago
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Mile high shemale

“Curious? Bi?” Well, yes, but only with a shemale. Beyond that I’m a firmly planted heterosexual.For many years I longed to have sex with a shemale but never did anything about it. (I’m not much of an initiator).The community I live in has lots of shemale beauts; maybe that started my interest. One such ravishing creature has a gallery close to my office, and I fantasize every time I see her in the coffee shop. She also has an eye popping diamond on her ring finger.Once in a while I’d visit...

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This is some of True incidents happen in my life when i take an office trip at last 2 years. After a long flight, I departed, and made arrangements for my luggage to be sent to the hotel, and then went to a restaurant / bar to get a meal and a drink. I am not a good flyer, and get real nervous during a flight, so I needed a drink to calm my nerves. I sat at the bar and ordered my meal and drink. After a few drinks were gone, I noticed this stunningly beautiful lady enter the bar. She sat a few...

4 years ago
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Young shemale with mature woman

High speed internet has arrived at our cottage, fibre-optics! We own almost 500 acres with a very large pond, nice home with a pool in its backyard. Pond has a lovely beach but is a serious walk from our house/cottage, roughly 20 minutes via a trail through the woods. Seclusion is paramount, peace and quiet, love it!! We've decided to try living at our cottage and have a grown daughter with her husband and k**s live at our house. I went on an extended trip to Europe for business. Wife loved...

3 years ago
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Shemale Ne Mummy Ko Choda

Hi friends yeh story meri, meri mummy aur shemale ke beech hai. Is story mein btaunga kaise shemale ko maine choda aur phir kaise shemale ne meri mummy ki chudai ki. Meri mummy jinka figure 34-30-36, bank mein job karti hai. Unka divorce hue 6 saal ho gaye hai. Mummy job ke karan kafi fit hai. Yeh incident 3 mahine pahle ka hai. Main aise hi net surffing kar raha tha.Tabhi ek din maine shemale wali video dekhi.Woh mujhe kafi achi lagi. Us mein shemale gand marwata hai aur marta bhi hai. Mujhe...

3 years ago
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Mommys Christmas Shemale for David

She had to make it good. It couldn't be just another gift wrapped cologne set, or a gift card to Ulta. She wanted this Christmas to celebrate her newfound lust with her k**s. She wanted David and Dana's presents to be fun, kinky and perverted. That's why, after a few weeks of thinking about it and a little searching, she had finally found David's gift.David had very open tastes. He was very in touch with his sexuality; he knew what he liked, and he was willing to explore new things to keep...

2 years ago
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A tale of male seduced by shemalefrom rohitraj

Hi I am Rohit,I am young,very fair and handsome,well educated decent person age 26 years almost 6 feet tall living in Hyderabad,India.I am a great fan of site and always read the sexual stories.....and compliment the people who write so long stories......i always wanted to share my encounters......but alas i dint met a single encounter.....but recently.....met an exciting one....which i am going to reveal to you people......This is my first story and i request you people...

1 year ago
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London Mein Indian Shemale Se Fuck Hua

Hi dosto, mera naam Azim hai. Meri age 23 hai aur main ek bisexual mard hun. Mujhe sex ka bohut craze hai chahe aurat ke sath ya aadmi ke sath. . Aur yeh meri pehli story ek shemale ke sath hai jo kuch saalon pehle ki hai. Agar aap logon ko meri gay stories aur maid ke sath stories pasand hai toh zaroor yeh story bhi aap logon ko bohut pasand aaye gi. Yeh kahani 2 saal pehle ki hai jab main London mein padhai kar raha tha. Meri age uss waqt 21 thi aur yeh meri birthday ke kuch dinon baad ki...

2 years ago
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Would love a shemale like this

****d (sort of) by a Shemale!I repair computers, often "on site"--in people's homes. I got a call from a woman asking me to come to her house to fix her PC. She told me her name was Shandra. We made arrangements for me to show up there Saturday afternoon. I showed up at the appointed time and was surprised when I saw her--she was taller than I am (I'm 5'11", she had to be at least 6'2") and fairly stocky. She looked like she could kick my ass in a wrestling match, but had an unmistakable...

3 years ago
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My Sister8217s A Shemale

We are a family of four. Me, my parents and my sister. I am 23 years and my sister is 18 years old. She is very beautiful, fair and very sweet looking with small perky boobs and a very petite slender body. I, on the other, am a regular gym goer and have a very good physique, but the thing with me was that I was gay and loved gay and shemale sex. I have done gay sex a couple of times but have never been with a shemale. I always knew there was something different about my sister as I often...

Gay Male
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Sherry got fucked by the Shemale hairdresser Shemale Sex Stories

Living in the poshest parts of New York, Sherry was perfectly happy with every aspect of her life. She was ambitious and had a great job. She earned enough to lead a luxurious life in this part of the city. The only trouble was her hectic lifestyle and how it left her with no time to date. Her last breakup was rather messy. It has been three months since she broke up with her boyfriend. The only thing she misses now is the sex. She was not much into flings and one-night-stands so finding a...

3 years ago
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A Shemale Fantasy and my Wife Part 2

About an hour later my phone vibrated once again. It was from Carol. This time she had send me a picture of a shemale. The text read "do you think she's hot?" I responded with a YES! And I meant it. This shemale had beautiful big tits and a pretty big dick. In fact it may have been a bit bigger then mine. This was really starting to get interesting, just like Carol had promised. She was texting me dirty pictures and being really naughty. I loved it. I wanted to be naughty just...

4 years ago
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A Shemale Fantasy and my Wife Part 2

Introduction: I didnt know what I was in for. But what a ride I arrived at work, walked into my office and settled in for the day. Just as I was checking emails on my computer my phone vibrated. I took a look. It was a text from Carol. In closed was a picture of her laying in bed totally nude with her legs spread. The text read, my tight wet pussy is waiting for you. I instantly got horny. I would never dreamed Carol would send me a picture like that. I texted back I cant wait to stick my dick...

4 years ago
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A Shemale Fantasy and my wife Part 4

A few hours later I was woken up by Carol. "Wake up baby this day is just getting started" she said. My eyes opened and I was like a kid on Christmas morning. I couldn't wait to see and "feel" what she had in store for me next. Carol instructed me to shower get dressed and leave the house for a few hours. My next surprise needed some set up. I did ask she told me. Before I left Carol came up to me grabbed my dick, kissed me and said "get ready for some fun". Having no...

3 years ago
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A Shemale Fantasy and my wife Part 4

Introduction: The Conclusion Basking in the glow of what just happened, I put my head back and just passed out from total bliss. I didnt know what else Carol had in store, but I knew I wanted to be well rested. A few hours later I was woken up by Carol. Wake up baby this day is just getting started she said. My eyes opened and I was like a kid on Christmas morning. I couldnt wait to see and feel what she had in store for me next. Carol instructed me to shower get dressed and leave the house...

2 years ago
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Shemale Stewardess Seduction

Please note that this story is not written by me! It was stored in my computer for a long time now and decided to share it with you. The author's name as well as the site I found the story are not known... My introduction into the sultry, steamy world of shemales came (and I mean came!) at 35,000 feet, on a plane flight to the Northwest. I had been working myself to the bone, staying until ten or eleven at night, coming back in at six o'clock in the morning, and I guess the stress...

2 years ago
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Beautiful Shemale Sex Fantasy 8211 Part 1

Hello people, Leviathan here with my first story. To describe me, I am an average looking guy with a pint of femme body and many have said I have a great ass. Jumping into the story, this is purely a work of fiction. I request you all forgive me for grammatical and spelling errors. I made up a story by mixing a few of my fantasies and pint of my imagination, and a lot of horniness! It was around 8 pm. I set off for a 16-hour long journey to native, my train just arrived. After a fuss, I managed...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Sweet Julie Birth of a Shemale

Sweet Julie Birth of a Shemale by Mistress Tawny Suede Chapter One Is It Just a Role? The dress rehearsal for the drama club's latest production was over. The curtain fell, the audience of excited parents applauded enthusiastically. The curtain rose and the performers stepped forward to take their bows. The curtain fell again and still the crowd applauded. The two stars, Troy and Julie, took their positions centre stage, holding hands as the curtain rose one more time. They...

1 year ago
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My Vivid Memory of Sex with a Shemale Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I am a lonely man in his forties. I love to travel, dine and explore new places by myself. But I often wish for a partner. I got divorced early, so the little chance of being with someone was also ruined in my memory. So, each morning I would go to work, do my mundane bank job and visit my nearest LGBT bar. I am sharing my memory of sex with a Shemale and how I found pleasure in it. I am not gay or have any element of pride in me but what really fascinates me is Shemales. I believe they have...

3 years ago
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First time fucked by a shemale

I repair computers, often "on site"--in people's homes. I got a call from a woman asking me to come to her house to fix her PC. She told me her name was Shandra. We made arrangements for me to show up there Saturday afternoon. I showed up at the appointed time and was surprised when I saw her--she was taller than I am (I'm 5'11", she had to be at least 6'2") and fairly stocky. She looked like she could kick my ass in a wrestling match, but had an unmistakable femininity.Her hair was dirty blond...

2 years ago
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shemale fantasy ive read before and dream

I repair computers, often "on site"--in people's homes. I got a call from a woman asking me to come to her house to fix her PC. She told me her name was Shandra. We made arrangements for me to show up there Saturday afternoon. I showed up at the appointed time and was surprised when I saw her--she was taller than I am (I'm 5'11", she had to be at least 6'2") and fairly stocky. She looked like she could kick my ass in a wrestling match, but had an unmistakable femininity.Her hair was dirty blond...

3 years ago
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A Shemale Vacation

A Shemale Vacation - Part One by Richard-to-Rachel I was eighteen, na?ve and horny. After graduating from school a group of us decided to head to Europe for a last trip before having to enter our real adult lives. It was a chance to get completely drunk and have lots of wild sex. At least, that was the idea in our simple teenage minds. As for me, wild sex was something I wasn't exactly familiar with. I was still a virgin and I was pretty determined that that...

1 year ago
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Fucking the Shemale Librarian on the table Shemale Sex Stories

I was a student by day and a firefighter by night. I had joined the team two years ago and was trying to get a college degree by attending classes at night. I often used to silently masturbate when I would go to the library, as I was alone in the evenings, at the almost closing time and it would take the edge off a bit. During one of these times, I saw the local librarian and oh she was hot. Perky tits, tight ass and a low cut blouse. Wow. She would probably feature in my fantasies for a while....


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