Rosemarie Ch. 04 free porn video

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I apologize for the long display in between chapters, I hope you haven’t lost interest in our naughty innocent!

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With the weather remaining stifling over the next three days, Rose decided to continue with her nightly bathing ritual, the French doors always being wide open to allow a clear view to Jake’s room. She varied her ‘performance’ a bit each night, one evening pretending to consider her naked figure in her bureau mirror, angling the mirror down on it’s pivot so that she appeared to be considering the size of her breasts, cupping them in her hands and lightly lifting them up, as if dissatisfied with their current size, then sighing a bit of an exaggerated sigh. Turning, she studied her buttocks in the same way, smoothing her hands over her hips as she looked backwards over her shoulder at the reflection. She then slipped the light gown over her head and returned to bed.

Another night, once she had run the towel over her body, she reached into the bureau for a new nightie. Pulling it out, she contemplated it for a moment and then tossed it on top of her bureau, walking back to her bed, completely nude.

That night, after slipping between the sheets and wondering at their cool feel against her bare skin for the first time in her life, she watched the other mirror against the wall and was rewarded with the sight of Jake Collier as she’d never seen him. He, also, was bare from head to toe, walking out onto the terrace in the area concealed by the potted plants on one side and his bedroom door on the other. Rose had never seen a completely naked man before and, even thought he was a goodly distance away, his reflection in the mirror made her pussy gush with desire. His physique was marvelous, muscular and toned, and his cock stood straight out from his body at an impressive length! While she had pleasured Arlen with her hands and had seen his cock, she didn’t remember it being even close to the same size as Jake’ s, and Cousin Millie’s words about men’s cocks coming in all different shapes and sizes flitted through her mind. She watched as he grasped it, as he had before, and began pumping. There was something so primal about seeing him standing there, nude, in the shadowy moonlight, knowing that she had caused this reaction in his body, that brought her close to orgasm without even having to touch herself beneath the waist. She lay on her back and squeezed her legs together in time to his pumping, running her hands over her breasts, cupping and squeezing them as she felt her erect nipples stroking against the sheet as her body moved beneath it. She couldn’t help the urges that ran rampant through her body, the overwhelming desire that she had to feel him stroking inside her. She watched as he pumped harder and faster, trying to imagine how that impressive cock would fit inside her when two of her small fingers sometimes brought discomfort. But, as she felt the tension between her legs increase to an unbearable pitch, she saw his body jerk and the stream of liquid shoot from the end of his cock in spurt after spurt and decided that she didn’t care. She bit her bottom lip hard to stifle her cry as her body spasmed, all the while imagining him expending his cum deep inside her. Was she to never find any relief other than that she found for herself?!!?

By midweek, the hot streak seemed to snap. On Wednesday, Jake and Rose enjoyed dinner at her favorite restaurant near the Circle, and then went to a moving picture show. The more time they spent together, the more things they found they shared in common. Jake was very impressed with her take on modern literature and he discussed some of the newer authors whom his father’s publishing company had discovered.

At times Rosemarie felt as if she were leading a double life, the life of an innocent society girl by day, and a temptress by night. However the nights finally cooled and both she and Jake surrendered to a good nights sleep for the first time in over a week on Wednesday and Thursday nights. Friday morning dawned clear and pleasant, with not a hint of humidity, which was a relief to Rose as her hair tended to frizz terribly in humidity. She was wearing a daring new dress to the dance that night and had decided to try a new hairstyle as well. She certainly didn’t want her hair to be a mess before the first dance!

The telephone rang, which was unusual that early in the day, and Mamie, the cook, announced that it was a Horace Walton from Fort Wayne asking for Mister Thornton.

‘We haven’t heard from Horace and Grace in months, I hope nothing’s wrong,’ Evelyn said in reference to her husband’s college friend.

‘Does he still insist on wearing those awful leg-o-mutton sideburns that no one has worn in twenty years?’ Rose giggled.

‘No, thank heavens, Grace made him shave those off a few years ago,’ Evelyn chuckled.

They talked for a few more moments about the dance that night before Marian returned.

‘Is everything alright, dear?’ Eve asked.

‘Oh, everything’s fine. Horace had invited a few of the old gang from college to their house this weekend since several were there looking over some land to construct a new ironworks plant, and they thought you and I might enjoy coming. There are the Hendricks, the Marshalls and the Morgans. He said we could catch the morning train and be there by noon, but I told him it was a bit too last minute. Who knows when we’ll get home from the dance tonight,’ Marion said, a bit regretfully.

‘Dad, why DON’T the two of you go?’ Rose said, recognizing many of the names as people who had been in her parents wedding. ‘Mother and I could get your things packed today while you’re at work, if it’s only for the weekend you won’t need to take much. And you and mother could drive to the club separately from the Colliers. Then you could leave earlier so you can get some sleep and catch the eight AM train.’

‘But, darling, we couldn’t leave you alone here for the weekend,’ Eve began.

‘Mother, I’m twenty three years old! Mamie will be here and the Colliers are just next door if I’d need anything,’ Rose said in an exasperated tone. ‘I’m not a child who needs looking after and you and Father so seldom get away, it would be good for you. Tell the truth, you’d like to go and see all of your old gang, now wouldn’t you?’

Her parents looked at her for a moment, and then at each other. A smile tugged at her father’s face for a moment as he let the truth of his daughters words sink in.

‘It would be nice to see the gang, wouldn’t it, Dear?’ he asked and was rewarded with a large smile from his wife. ‘I’ll call Horace back and let him know we’re coming.’

With the flurry of activity in helping her Mother get things ready and pack for the weekend, Rose had little time to be nervous about the dance at the club that evening. She and her mother sat down for a quick bite to eat before Mr. Thornton got home then went up to bathe and begin getting ready for the evening ahead.

When Rose came down the stairs, her father’s eyes widened and he turned a startled gaze to his wife.

‘Evelyn, are you sure that’s a fitting dress for Rose to wear?’ he demanded, stunned by the low neckline.

‘Darling, it’s the most elegant dress in Indianapolis, there’s not another like it. Francine from the Boulevard Room at Ayers said that one of the buyers brought it back from New York for a client and it didn’t fit her. It looks like it was made for Rose,’ Evelyn soothed him, looking quite elegant herself.

Roses dress had a black satin underslip which hit just above the ankle and was covered by a shimmering sheer gold tunic which hit mid calf and was split up both sides to mid thigh. The tunic had an ornately beaded design of large butterflies, done in tiny black and purple beads and the overlay was trimmed in gold satin braid. Her father couldn’t argue over the elegance of the bottom of the dress, it was just the scanty amount of fabric at the top t
hat took him aback. There were two narrow straps of the black satin and sheer gold that began at the shoulders and widened as they met at the high waistline, ending in a deep V between her breasts. In Marion’s opinion, it was just as scanty as many of his wife’s nightgowns, and a bit scantier than some of them. While Rose’s breasts weren’t exposed, a great deal of skin between them WAS. One was also left with the impression that she was wearing very little in the way of underwear, which was the case.

‘Darling, it’s all attached to the inside of the dress so there’s no need for other undergarments to spoil the drape of the fabric. It’s perfectly acceptable and, with her hair styled up that way, don’t you think she looks marvelous?’ Eve asked. ‘Just wait, darling, you’ll see other girls dressed similarly, it’s just a new style to get used to. But, none of them will look as lovely as our Rose, now will they?’

Before he could say anything else, there was a knock at the door. Mr. Thornton opened it to admit Jake Collier, looking immaculate in the elegant tuxedo with the stiff, white shirt, his hair and mustache impeccably groomed. He was amazed at the vision that was Rose and nearly forgot to hand the box containing the deep purple orchid wrist corsage to her. Once it was affixed, he helped her on with the sheer gold wrap which matched the overlay on her dress, and bidding farewell to the Thorntons, walked her to where his Uncle and Aunt awaited them in the large, black car.

While Jake had seen this new style of dress in New York, he’d never seen anyone wear it as well as Rose did. Perhaps the fact that he knew what the body that shifted and moved beneath the thin fabric looked like, that made it seem even more alluring. As he handed her out of the car, her breasts swayed forward beneath the fabric and he could see the outline of the soft globes clearly, as well as a flash of creamy white skin as the dress gapped away from her chest for a moment. Yes, the dress definitely accented Roses every womanly charm without being cheap. The two got many admiring and a few catty glances as they arrived.

Mr. and Mrs. Collier introduced Jake to several of their friends at the club as they waited for the Thornton’s to arrive. Trudy took Rose aside for a moment and warned her that she’d been told that Arlen Morton was there with his French bride. Rose was appreciative, however realized that the prospect of running into them didn’t bother her in the way that it might have even a few months ago. She realized that the potential of facing her former fiancé while being on the arm of a man as debonair as Jake Collier was a prospect that she might even enjoy!

Once the Thorntons arrived, Marion saw that his wife was indeed correct and that, in fact, many of the young women at the dance were wearing dresses that were much more revealing than that which Rose was wearing. He sighed and accepted that the times were indeed changing and decided that Rose was one of the most striking women in the room. He enjoyed the attention that she was getting, after a year or so of being looked down upon due to her broken engagement.

The music started and the couples began filling the dance floor. Jake took infinite pleasure of finally having the object of his nighttime fantasies in his arms and they circled the floor in a well matched foxtrot. As the evening wore on, they discovered that they were well in step with each other and their dancing was effortless. Half way through the night the opinion of who was to be pitied over the broken Thornton/Morton engagement had shifted considerably. Rosemarie Thornton looked spectacular and was on the arm of a handsome stranger, while Arlen Morton and his haughty wife seemed to argue the entire evening.

The two couples had finally bumped into each other by the doors leading to the golf course as they were sipping champagne. Arlen Morton had had to take his wife outside as she had been loudly complaining about everything from the heat of the room to the caliber of the champagne, he was embarrassed for those surrounding them to hear her diatribe and had taken her away to let her whine for a bit in private. As they came back in, Arlen could hardly get over the fact that the elegant young woman by the door was the woman he’d thrown away for the shrew that he found himself married to. While Monique had been all flirting and flattery when he had met her in France, not to mention that she’d been insatiable in bed, all of that had changed from the moment that they’d stepped foot on American soil. She was now in a constant state of pouting, complaining or insulting either him, his family or the state that he lived in. While she was still a very willing and inventive partner in bed, the sexual aspect of their marriage was rapidly losing its charm as they seemed to argue every minute that they weren’t fucking.

Now, as they came face to face with Rose and Jake, Arlen’s eyes immediately went to the clinging top of her dress which contained the breasts that he remembered so vividly. Even though he’d never seen her completely naked, he had very fond memories of those beautifully sloping pale breasts which were crested with perfect little deep red nipples. He remembered how sensitive they were as he teased and licked them, causing Rose to moan in pleasure. Now, he was beginning to truly understand the error that he’d made and would have liked to find a way to undo the whole last year.

For his part Jake saw the direction that the man’s eyes were turned as Rose coolly made the introductions. Jake couldn’t help but feel a hint of triumph as it was clear to him, at least, that the man was miserable with his beautiful witch of a wife. They chatted for a few moments about the goings on in the city, Jake’s job in New York and a few other trifles before the music began again.

‘Well now, that didn’t seem too painful for you,’ Jake said with a quirk of his lips as he guided her across the floor.

‘You’re right, it wasn’t,’ Rose affirmed, then added with a bit of cattiness, ‘The fact that he’s clearly miserable made it that much easier.’

Jake threw back his head and laughed, prompting a likewise response from Rose.

They bid goodnight to her parents shortly after ten and Rose promised she would be up to see them off to the station. The Colliers and Rose remained for another two hours, the highlight of which was Rose and Jake being crowned the winners of a Tango contest. They took a stroll around the grounds in the moonlight to cool off from the heat of the room and the stimulation of the sensual dance.

They talked about the remainder of Jake’s visit which was just a little more than a week. He was then off to visit a college chum in Buffalo, New York for another week and then back home. Rose told him that she was planning to visit her cousin Mildred in Chicago at that same time and they were planning on going shopping and would likely take in a vaudeville show.

As Jake took out his cigarette case, Rose smiled and spoke before she thought.

‘You’re rather overdue for that, aren’t you?’ she asked.

Jake froze for a moment and looked at her intently for a moment.

‘Why, what do you mean, Miss Rosemarie?’ he asked with a raised brow.

Rose felt her heart leap into her throat but somehow managed to keep her composure and asked, in what she hoped to seem an innocent tone, ‘Well, it’s very late. Don’t most men usually have a smoke before retiring for the evening?’

Jake continued to study her for another moment, wondering if he was imagining a heightened color upon her cheeks, but then deciding that the moonlight was simply playing tricks upon his eyes.

‘Right, you’re quite right. I do enjoy a smoke before bed, helps relax me,’ he agreed, then glanced sideways at her. ‘I admit, I’ve had a few in the middle of the night recently, the weather being what it is. I’ve had some difficulty sleeping.’

‘I’m so sorry, the weather HAS been abysmal since you’ve arrived,’ she said with a short laugh
. ‘I suppose we Hoosiers are used to it.’

Jake simply nodded and they entered a discussion of how those from Indiana had been christened ‘Hoosiers’ and the origin of the word.

When they returned to the ballroom, it was just beginning to thin out and they went in search of the Colliers. Upon locating them it was agreed that the party was breaking up and, after bidding a few friends goodnight, the foursome took their leave.

Bill Collier dropped Jake and Rose off on the sidewalk in front of the Thornton’s and Jake walked Rose up to the door.

‘This has been a delightful evening, Rose. Thank you for allowing me to escort you,’ Jake said, taking her hand. ‘Perhaps you’d like to go to the Circle Theater next week, I believe someone mentioned tonight that they’re having a band from Chicago in.’

‘That would be lovely, Jake. I’d enjoy it very much,’ Rose said, smiling in pleasure.

‘Well then, it’s a date. But, it’s very late and I should let you go in. You have to be up in just a few hours to see your parents off,’ he said.

Reaching out for her hand, Jake pressed a kiss into the palm and then held it for a few moments as they gazed at each other. Finally, clearing his throat, he opened the door for Rose and waited until she was safely inside as she closed it behind her.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets as he slowly made his way across the thick grass that covered the side lawn and made his way over to the outside steps wrought iron steps that lead up to the second floor terrace. He was coming to realize that he cared for Rose on much more than a sexual level. She was bright, funny and beautiful, everything that a man could desire in a woman. The fact that she was all that AND had the one of the most beautiful bodies that he’d ever seen made him shake his head once again at that fool, Arlen Morton.

Jake remembered the way the man’s eyes had focused on Rose’s breasts earlier in the evening and idly wondered about their engagement. They had dated and been engaged for some time and Jake knew many girls who had given their young men a roll in the hay before they left for service, a bit of a going away present. Jake now wondered if Rose had been deflowered by Morton before the war, although he dismissed the idea almost immediately. He was convinced that if Arlen Morton had bedded Rose, he would have never allowed the French woman to turn his head. Although, Jake wondered if the lack of a female in his own bed recently was coloring his opinion of Rose. Was he building her up into an impossible female ideal in his mind?

Jake opened the door to his room and crossed over to the chair that faced Rose’s balcony. The weather was still cool enough to warrant her doors being closed, however Jake saw a soft glow of light coming from the room. He suddenly saw Rose’s silhouette projected against the curtains that covered the French doors. She was undressing and his gaze was locked on the image of her unzipping the side of the dress then reaching for the material at her hips, pulling the clinging garment over her head. His suspicion that she had not been wearing underwear was confirmed as he saw her breasts bounce as she wiggled the dress over her head. He then watched the silhouette raise her foot to rest on a chair and roll the stockings down her legs. He continued to watch as the nude form wrapped itself in a kimono robe and turned out the light.

As he leaned his head back and sighed, releasing his straining cock from his pants, he decided that his mind was not leading him astray and that Rosemarie Thornton was, in fact, the most desirable woman that he’d ever met.

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Sybil A Story About Interracial Slavery Chapter Three

Chapter Three Triva had instructed the three young men to wait the full five minutes as she took Sybil to the back door of the fraternity house and told her to do her best to get back to their dorm room whole, and still a virgin! Impressing on her that it was in her best interest to do so! Reminding her that a young white virgins would bring top dollar at a real slave auction to black men of means! It was now...

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Kimiko Loves Puppies

It was Friday night and every one was out having fun. Everyone except for Kimiko, that is, who had other plans for the night. It was quite in her house, with the only audible sound being that of the TV. Kimiko was in the kitchen preparing a late supper and chatting on the phone to one of her friends. She was suddenly interrupted by the alarm clock going off, at which point she put down the plate in her hands and excused her self from the conversation. "I'm sorry to cut our conversation short,...

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I arrived at her house I made sure my clothes where clean and my shirt was tucked in. I rang the door bell and as soon as I see this beautiful woman that answers the door my internal jaw drops. Her name was Lydia. She was about 5'1, Italian looking, tanned complexion curly brown hair tied in a ponytail. Her body was gorgeous she was definitely someone who worked out. She had a nice ass, firm and defined. Her breasts were perky and round just a nice shape. She was wearing a white tank top that...

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Philippines Beach Sex

This is my first post so please bear with me. Hopefully it will improve with time.This happened last August 2007 with my would-be then girlfriend.I started dating this girl. back then telebabad, or talking on the phone, was almost a dying thing but we were doing it anyway. We were talking about anything and everything, sexual fantasies even (hey, we are already adults). On one of our dates, we decided to go to the beach because we once talked about wanting to see which one of us swims better....

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Nothing Better Than A Illicit Romance

Hello ISS readers. I have been a follower for quite a long time. have posted a few of my experiences and felt good to hear from you’ll. Keep writing to me at About me, am a 30 year old married man, 5.9ft, muscular with a macho looking personality. Born and raised all in Bombay, moved to Bangalore a couple of years ago. I have a pretty content life in general with the obvious routines and monotonous lifestyles. Regarding my interest in women, I had a lifestyle of dating during college and early...

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Although I had indulged in a few teenage wanking sessions, when I finally decided to ‘come out’ it was a frightening experience. Naïvely, I had hoped that my homosexual predilection would magically disappear in my late teens, but alas it did not. Astonishingly, it took me two and a half years after I commenced working before I finally took the plunge, and eventually visited a well-known gay bar in the bohemian enclave where I decided to live.The well-known bar was on the bottom corner of a...

Gay Male
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Toms AdventuresChapter 10 The Same is Different

Fighting Hawk entered his fifteenth year in the reading lodge. He had applied himself almost exclusively now that he didn't have to teach the boys. He only hunted once or twice a week, and all other times he was in the reading lodge. He was surprised when Little Mule came into the lodge. Gray Eagle had never allowed anyone into the lodge. It was even stricter than the Spirit Lodge. He looked at her and asked how she got in. She said that Water Lilly had sent her in to bring the food, and she...

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A Stone for DannyChapter 2

I was at my desk when the front office asked if I could take a call that had come through from my sister. It caught me off balance as she had never rung me at the office before. She asked if I might meet her for lunch as she was in town fixed us a fix a date for Maxines. As she approached me outside the restaurant I saw she still carried herself with style; although the years had taken some of that sparkle from her eyes. We embraced upon meeting and went inside. Leaving her coat at the...

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NestingChapter 4

Caressing her extended belly, Holly watched through the window as the next set of guests arrived for the pool party downstairs. Her appearance would no doubt have caused too much disruption, given the speed at which her children were developing. Soon, however, they would have new hosts and the nest would grow. The arriving students would never stand a chance at resisting assimilation. Before the first person arrived, Donald had excreted a steady stream of pheromones around the back lawn and...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 5 Love and Relationships

It’s February now, which means Valentine’s day. From what Danny and I can figure out it’s the same as on our Earths. Yes Earths, turns out Danny comes from another Earth different from my own. Since Valentine’s day lands on a Sunday, the school decided to have two weeks of Valentine’s themed activities. The 8th graders get to have a ‘dinner and dance’ on Valentine’s day. Guess ‘rank’ has its privileges. During the week prior to Valentine’s day it was all I could do to keep from giggling like...

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GotMylf Katie Morgan MILF Libido On Valentines Day

This year, Valentines Day has MILF Katie Morgan all hot and bothered and ready for a pussy pleasing surprise. She soaks herself in a bubble bath and waits for our stud to show up with his meaty member. When he finally presents his prick, the voracious MILF gets to work, stroking it with her soft hands and licking it with her hungry tongue. She bends over and lets him plow her doggystyle as her toes curl in pleasure. Then, she grinds her hips on his dick to enjoy an orgasmic cock ride, and takes...

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My Mom8217s Life 8211 Part I

Hi friends, I am here for my first story my name is Ashu and I am doing my engineering from Raipur. I live along with my parents. Let’s come to the story. My dad generally stays out of city due to his office work. Let me describe my mom my mom’s name is Shreya and I am sure she doesn’t look a year older than 32 or 33.she has got an amazing figure 34-28-35 which is enough to turn on any man. She has got a perfect ass nice round and firm. I have not seen legs like her anywhere till now. She is...

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Dive Training Part 3 The Shark

The events of last weekend with Kate and Janice keep trotting in my mind. Certainly, they are wonderful memories, which I will treasure forever. I am also looking forward to a repeat performance with them scheduled for next Saturday.  I am also trying to wrap my mind about Kate telling me she loves me. She would be very easy to fall in love with. She is so sweet and sexy, beautiful, and cheerful; however, she is still so young compared to me. I have lived so long without ever being truly in...

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Manipulated. It was a stupid one night fling that started things rolling. I was at a week long business conference. After a day of listening to assorted guest speakers I'd gone to the hotel bar for a couple of drinks before going for a meal. Jenny was a good looking woman who was already seated at the bar when I entered. We were the only two seated at the bar and we slowly got talking. We were both there for the conference. As we were both there alone we decided to go for a meal...

4 years ago
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Best Friend Is The Best Gift Of God

HEY Guys, This is My 1ST Story at ISS. Pretty Damn Excited as if I have to just appear a wonderful exam:-P… I am a regular reader of ISS. I am Aryan age 22, and presently stay in Guwahati (Assam). The heroine of my story is a Bandana. She is an Average looking Girl Rather Lil Fat then average But, MY GOD she has Got the Bestest Bestest Breasts and the hugest I must Say. We became friends through a common friend around 3 years back. I am presently studying in Gauhati Commerce College, a reputed...

3 years ago
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One Day At The Church

‘Suck my cock Jill!’ I said it with authority but also with a tinge of request too. After all, this was new to me, offering my cock to another man’s wife. There I stood in the church basement, jeans and shorts around my ankles, right hand holding my rigid cock, left one resting on her head. Jill was kneeling on the exercise mat, black sweat pants pulled down exposing her yellow panties with the widening wet spot, naked from the waist up, sweat shirt and sports bra in a heap on the floor and...

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Angie Takes Husband

Angie, on her way home got a call from Jonny. "Angie I want you to strip your man and suck his cock. You need to make plenty of sound and encourage him to tell you how he feels. You need to ring my mobile and leave the call open so that I can listen in on your sexing him."Angie stripped down to her bra and thong and waited for her man to arrive home. As soon as her walked inthe door she went over to him, took his hands and put them on her bra cups. She wispered in his ear "You are going to take...

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Hinna Ki Chudai

By: Luvguy90 Hello Friends mera naam Lucky hai aur main 21 saal ka hoon. Aaj main aapse jo kahani share karne jaa raha hoon woh ekdum asli hai.Yeh un dino ki baat hai jab main 12th class mein tha.Maine Non-Medical le rakhi thi. Main apni class ka monitor bhi tha. Hum log class mein sirf 15 students the.6 ladke aur 9 ladkian. Hamari classes jyadatar labs mein hi lagti thi. Hum log subah physics ki tuition bhi lagate they. Jis karan hum tuition se seedha school chale jaate aur school sabse...

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HealerChapter 4

I carefully scrutinised everything around me. The girl seemed to be alone and not presenting a threat. Now taking care to walk as noisily as possible, I unhurriedly moved towards her. I hoped to indicate that I was approaching and had nothing to hide. I stopped a couple of yards behind the fallen tree trunk. “Hello, are you all right? Can I help you?” I called out. “No. Go away.” I liked the sound of her voice. It was deeper than most girls, yet without being unfeminine. And she spoke...

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Home Nursing

My throat burned from my mouth to my voice box. I lay there exhausted in the second week of my infection, sleeping as much as the discomfort allowed while keeping up with my classes and work. The doctor had tried three different tests and treatments so far and none had panned out. My fiancée had cooked the two of us dinner and somehow kept from laughing as I croaked back in Korean to her as we chatted; I had then washed up and gone to bed, even though it was only six, in the hope that...

Straight Sex
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MaquisChapter 38

December, the same year. The Telegraph. 14th December. BELFAST CALM AGAIN. For the first time in nearly a year, a week has gone by in the city without members of the Patrol being directly targeted by either republican or loyalist insurgents. The picture seems to be much the same elsewhere in Northern Island, where it seems the terrorists are on the retreat. Daily Express. 15th December. MORE SECURITY PATROLLERS DEPLOYED. The tiny security patrol presence in Northern Ireland is to be...

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Forced Incest

This i about families who in some way are forced in to situations that lead to incest. Not all have to be physically forced. It could be through blackmail, mind control or just having a situation come up.

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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 16 Zoo But First

DAY THREE The plan today was visiting the zoo. I started the coffee. Rick enjoyed a nice romp in bed. And it was coffee and bagel time. I was halfway through a toasted buttered bagel when my phone rang. I almost answered with, “This had better be important.” But said, “This is Z.”... “Okay thank you, Maryann. I will take care of it.” Fran expressed our thoughts with, “Fuck. What the fuck is it this time?” “Our house in Idle Park. The sprinklers have been on all night. We need to do...

2 years ago
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A First Time For Everything Part 4

Laying on my living room floor, I had just spent the last fifteen minutes licking my step-daughter Karissa's best friend from head to toe. Sharise was the first black girl that I had ever done anything with remotely sexual. It didn't help that my hormones were going crazy, my dick bulging in my shorts, and the fact that Sharise had an amazingly sexy body for a girl her age.I could not believe first of all, that my step-daughter sat on the couch and watched the whole encounter. Second, I could...

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Chloersquos first sexual encounter

Chloe’s storyI was a small, petite shy girl at school and I didn’t get that much attention from the boys, they all preferred the girls that had huge boobs and would suck them off for an ice blast. I had boyfriends but I was so shy I would avoid seeing them so there was never going to be any sex happening that was for sure.The strange thing about me was that I was horny all the time but I never masterbated, I’d never tried it. I only started masterbating from about 24, even that was rarely, I...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 30

Durt led us into the forest. The trail we were following was narrow. It quickly turned away from the broad flowing river and headed inland, climbing uphill as it meandered about trees and outcroppings of rock. The rest of us followed him in silence. For the most part the trail was bare earth and mud. It climbed one hill and then it slid down the other side, falling into a ravine or a gully only to start climbing again, the hill that lay beyond it. It was wet and miserable in the forest....

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(Lots of thanks to Dawnj for her suggestions, editing, help and general support – all mistakes are mine.) They met outside Nancy’s little shop – the sort of place that sold everything you might want for food, and some practical things like matches and candles, and that was open most of the time. Marguerite and Evelina had known each other all their lives, their parents had lived practically next door to each other. Marguerite had grown up with her mother and her brother, Rudy. Rudy, who had...

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Her Call

The phone range it was an annoyance I didn’t need right now. I was in the middle of packing my bags. The day before any tour was hectic. ‘Hello’ ‘Christine’ ‘Yes I know about a year or so now.’ ‘The next time I’ll be in the City. Ah Wednesday.’ ‘Sure. Just let me write it down.’ ‘Ok, I’ll see you then.’ God! I had been down this road before. Would I never learn? The memories came flooding back to me the joy, the sorrow and the pain. I had first met her by the swings at a little park just...

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Europe Holiday 3

Carrying on from part 2, we slept in till just on 12 noon, all quickly dressed & went down to get on the Hop on Hop off bus to see more of the City of Berlin (it is worth doing if you are visiting the City). By 6pm we were back in our room, getting ready for the Fetish Club & to take Klara along with us.I wore my Black leathers & leather vest, my 2 slaves had Black short skirts on, diana had a black & purple bikini top while alice had a red & black bikini top & of course...

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Evening of Bliss

The long metal toy was covered in athick blue jelly. When the base was twisted it exploded in a flurry of intense vibrations. It was mesmerizing to watch as the 6-inch machine came to life in my hands. With half lidded eyes I flipped it back to off, laying back in the plush comfort of my bed. The deep purple of my sheets enveloped the bare skin of my body. Every curve of my body was held in the cockles of my bedding. The swell of my breasts rose and fell with every shaky breath. It had been...

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