ProfNigma Stories #5: If Wishes Were Hornets #6 free porn video

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iCarly/Victorious: If Wishes Were Hornets #6 – Carly

"I wish my life was more like one of those fairy tales."

When Carly woke up, she instantly felt an overwhelming wooziness, and rolled out of bed. She reached for her phone on her night-stand, but she just felt open air. She opened her eyes expecting the bright morning sun to be shining in, but the light was very dim. And as she looked around the room, she realized that this was not where she went to sl*ep.

The room was almost all black and there were videos of iCarly going and lots of clocks all over the wall. Each clock had a different time, and some were not even readable. She looked at the bed, and it was definitely the same one she fell asl*ep in. She quickly pinched herself to see if this was a dream, but alas she felt the sharp pain. She walked towards the door in the room and walked out into a long hallway that was covered in all these different doors. Some looked fun and artsy while others looked ancient and rickety. Above her, she could see more clocks, this time melting as if they were a part of some Dali painting.

She could faintly hear all different noises coming from each of the doors, and she considered opening one of them, but at the last minute, she pulled away when something didn't smell right. She ran down the long hallway searching for something familiar, desperately trying to maintain her sanity in this dream world she seemed trapped in.

Reaching a much larger room, she could see hundreds of people floating in mid-air, seemingly deep asl*ep. Carly shook a couple of them, but they didn't move much more than to shift, never actually waking up. She followed a winding corridor until she reached a pillow-y door covered in bright purple and gold sheets. She heard a faint voice inside but it sounded very familiar. As she touched the door, she realized it actually was made of pillows.

Carly fumbled with the door but finally got it open and peered inside. The room had a very desert landscape feel to it, jars upon jars of colored sands, the giant clocks everywhere, a bright purple and gold throne, and faint Middle Eastern music playing. There was a giant metronome in the corner, but where Carly's eyes were mostly focused, there was a giant hourglass.

"Are you lost, little girl?" came this booming voice, which Carly jumped at the sound of.

"Um... Where?" she looked around for the source, and suddenly the throne was occupied by none other than the teacher from Hollywood Arts from the party last night, dressed in a long flowing purple robe with moons and stars all over it. "Oh my god, you're that teacher."

"That teacher? That is all the impression I made? I think you can do better than that. The name's Irwin J. Sikowitz, but for the purposes of this conversation, you could probably just call me the Sandman."

Carly laughed at that. "You're weird. You know the Sandman is just a fairy tale right?"


"So, what? This is the land of Nod or something?"

"You do know your fairy tales, don't you Miss Shay. Guess that shouldn't surprise me though, given that you ended up here."

"What," Carly asked looking around this place as Sikowitz stood up and inspected the sand jars on a nearby table, "am I doing here?"

"Hang on," he said, opening up a jar labelled Cat Nap. Sprinkling it on his face, his eyes immediately shut and he fell asl*ep where he stood. He stayed like that for nearly two minutes, as Carly kept talking to him, and eventually she had to shake him, and he awoke with a jolt. "Ahh!" he screamed, looking around, and then added, "Needs more snooze."

"I'm really scared, sir. I don't understand what's going on. I just want to get out of this dream world and wake up from this dream."

"Well, you're half right," he said mixing some sands together as if he was doing some chemistry. "This place really is a dream, but, uh… you're not dreaming."

"What are you talking about? How can this be?"

"Well, let's take a look back. Here's the scene playing out. You heard me tell you k**s to wish wisely and you pressed your hand to the orb, and made a wish tonight that you wanted to live in a fairy tale and guess what? It came true. Isn't that cool?"

"I mean, yeah, I wished it, but I didn't, you know, think it would... or even could come true and this whole process is seriously scaring me."

"Well, you're in your own fairy tale now, no bones about it." Sikowitz waltzed over to several books by his throne, and running his fingers along them, he chooses a very thin but wide book. "Here we are... iMake a Wish. Silly name for a fairy tale if you ask me, but then again, what do I know?" He thumbed through the pages for a few moments. "Would you like to see how your story ends?"

"Yes!" Carly said, rushing over to look at the book.

"Too bad!" he said, laughing, and slammed the book shut. "That would be cheating."

"But I just want to go home or even back to the house in LA."

"Umm..." Sikowitz peeks at the end of the book again. "Nope, that's not what happens. Besides, fairy tales can't be changed anyway. As many as you've read Miss Shay, I figured you would probably know that."

"What are you talking about? Fairy tales have been changed over and over throughout time."

"Ah... but have they?" he asked, as if there was something Carly was missing. "I don't understand why you're making such a big deal out of this. You're getting what you wanted- live in a world of fairy tales, free from all your responsibilities and fears, and none of your mean friends or f*mily will ever bother you again and you can live happily ever after here."

"But I don't want that," Carly said, beginning to cry. "I wanna go home and see my br*ther. And Freddie and Sam and even Gibby. I want-"

Sikowitz got very close to her face as he spoke, the words dripping with the golden sand that he seemed to be spitting out as he spoke through a sneer. "Then maybe you should have been a bit more careful what you wished for."

Carly let out a shallow breath and ran out of the room. From behind her, as if it was coming from every wall and ceiling came a very familiar tune.

As the music boomed, Carly ran back down the corridor covered in the clocks and the floating bodies, desperately trying to escape the haunting music. This isn't right, she thought over and over as her path was blocked at every turn by the floating sl*epers. She screamed in fear as the bodies almost seemed to overwhelm her, but climbed over them to escape from this nightmare.

"So you don't like your story? Why not try someone else's?" came the booming voice that filled the hall from every corner. Carly really wanted the music to stop, but now that it had been replaced by his overly theatrical and menacing voice, it felt even more terrifying. As she arrived where she started she ran into the door matching her bedroom. Inside it looked the same and she lay in the bed, pinching herself and trying to focus her way out.

"You look silly, you know that?"

"Fuck you, you crazy asshole!" she screamed at the disembodied voice.

"Now, that's no way for someone like you to speak. Think of the ch*ldren that will be reading the story of the foolish girl who made a selfish wish."

Carly's bl*od ran cold at his words and ran back into the hallway with all the weird doors, racing to find one that might help her escape.

She saw a rigid door that looked like an Ace of Spades, and she burst into that room, but stopped herself just in time before going neck first into an axe. As she looked around her, she immediately recognized the playing card soldiers, and she definitely recognized the large red card with the angry looking woman on it that was coming towards her rapidly. She backed out of the room and shut the door just before she saw a huge axe come through the door, but she could hear the familiar shout of "Off with her head!" through the thick door.

Carly ran across the hall to another door that looked very rustic, like a castle door. She opened it but stopped short as a big black dragon flew by, blowing hot fire that was quickly extinguished by the heavy door as Carly shut it and ran back out.

There was a door decorated in candy, and Carly ran inside thinking it might be something Candyland related, but her stomach turned when she found out that she was incredibly wrong. The door led straight to a giant oven where an ugly witch was waving around a giant wooden peel, and the web star recognized the fact that she had walked right into the world of Hansel and Gretel. She shut the door but the bl*odcurdling cackle from behind her sent a stuff chill through her spine.

Her mind raced for some other fairy tales that were a bit safer and tried to find what doors might correspond with them. She saw a nice and simple cottage door, and thought it was worth a shot. Unlike the other rooms where the danger appeared right when she opened the door, this time, the coast was clear and was just a simple forest. Carly snuck through the woods, unsure of what kind of fairy tale she was in. There were no houses or buildings, and it was just endless trees. As she looked back, the door seemed to be surrounded by nothing as if it really was a path to another dimension.

Carly snuck through the woods, and just as she had given up hope and was going to turn back, she spotted a very familiar person with a short crimson cape and bright red hair who rounded a nearby tree.

"Cat! Ohmygod! I'm so glad-" She called out, running towards her friend.

"Carly," she shouted back, looking terrified, "You-"


She was immediately cut off as something stopped her and she stared with a look of despair and apology as bl*od slowly fell from her soft lips.

"Should... run," she finished, falling to the side, revealing what gotten her. It was a wolf the size of a car.

Carly cried and screamed as she ran as hard as she could back through the woods towards the door that she knew would lead to safety, at least from this world. Carly dodged the wolf's lunges and remained unsc*thed as she headed towards the door, and she reached the door handle just in time to hit the wolf in the face with it before she shut it.

Carly breathed a small sigh of relief at her survival, but the horror of seeing Cat die in front of her was all she could think about. Were all of her friends trapped behind these doors? Did they all die too? She wanted to know, but she was too afraid to find out so she just sat in the corridor and cried to herself.

"Looks like you're having a little trouble there. Not everything you imagined, this fairy tale world?"

"Just let me out of here, you sick bastard!"

"Why don't you just accept your fairy-tale fate, ch*ld? It's not so bad."

Carly ran as fast as she could back through the sl*eping bodies, and searched high and low for her friends and Spencer. Finally she found Sam, but no slapping, hitting, or screaming at her seemed to alert the unc*nscious blonde in any way. She found Jade and Freddie nearby, wrapped up with each other in a way that Carly felt a twitch in her stomach. Several yards away she spotted Spencer and some other girl, both naked and asl*ep on each other. Carly looked away and tried not to vomit. The last thing she needed was to see Spencer naked right now. Near the two of them she spotted Cat looking completely fine and happily asl*ep. The thought that this wasn't real made her feel much better, but the situation had become no less dire.

Nobody was waking up and she felt utterly powerless. She thought long and hard about her situation and resigned herself to facing the Sandman/Sikowitz again.

She fumbled into the purple pillow palace and found the room completely empty, but a booming voice echoed through the room as soon as she approached the hourglass.

"Get away from there. Don't touch it!" Sikowitz appeared in a massive tornado of sand as he edged towards her.

"Back off... and let me and my friends and br*ther go."

"Miss Shay, I'm sorry... that's not how this works. I told you that you have a set path and don't worry, you will be able to see them every night as they spend the necessary time in my domain. Why are you fighting this? This is what you asked for."

"No!" she screamed. "This isn't fair, and I swear I will smash this if you don't help me."

"Fine," he said, sneering at her and reaching into his pocket. "I have tried to be nice and fun and represent my world as best I can but if you insist on being foolish, rash, and rude, then I will have no choice but to put you down for a nice long nap."

Carly started to say something, but all of a sudden she was struck with an idea, as if it was a lightning bolt. "Then you lied to me."

"What in blazes are you talking about?"

"You said that fairy tales have a set path and can't be changed, but if you can put me to sl*ep, then... that's changing the story. I-"

"You don't understand, Carly. This-"

"No! I'm making a change right here and now, I don't want to live in the fairy tale world and I'm getting the fuck out of here."

With that, she smashed the hourglass to the ground, shattering it, sending sand everywhere. The sand shifted as if it had a mind of its own, and rose up as it encircled her like a tornado, lifting her off the ground and tossing her upwards into the black nothingness. In a flash, the sand disappeared and she could feel herself falling fast and she landed hard on a bed making her scream.

She looked all over the room and it was back to normal. It was her room in the mansion. Just the same as it had been when she went to sl*ep, but the room was glittered with sunshine. She checked her phone and saw that it was only 6am.

As she was trying to process, her door burst open and Sam rushed in.

"You ok, Carly?"

"Yeah... I guess."

The blonde sighed, clearly having been startled awake. "Fuck... you were screaming like crazy, and I rushed over. You sure you're ok?"

"Yeah... I just... had a really bad dream, I guess. Sorry to wake you up and everything."

"It's cool. You want to come hang with me in my bed? Not in a lesbo way... Just figured you might need some company."

Carly smiled, "I'm good, Sam. I think I just kinda did it on the fairy tales. Must have rotted my brain and all that. I think I'm done with that stuff."

"Thank fuckin' God," Sam said, raising her hands to her face. "About time. Good for you and everything. I'm going back to sl*ep now."

Sam exited the room and Carly lay back comfortably in the bed, feeling the cool sheets on her skin, revelling in the feel of being safely out of the dream. Her eyes became very heavy all of a sudden and she felt herself drifting off to sl*ep, praying that she was free.

On her desk, one of her books, The Sandman and Other Tales, flew open, the pages flipping quickly and stopping on a page with a single paragraph:

And so, after defeating the big bad Sandman and escaping from his domain by breaking his prized possession, Carly Shay finally faced life and stopped living in a fairy tale. She accepted the love and affection of her friends and f*mily and had learned a valuable lesson about the danger of wishes.

But, there was a tiny number at the end of the conclusion, leading to a small footnote at the bottom of the page, almost too small to read:

But if she knew what was good for her, she never would have gone back to sl*ep in that bed!


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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 1

It took a few years but Freddie and Jade are finally getting married. However, something very sinister could put an end to that, and everyone they know. Below, I thought I would give a quick review/preview of what their characters are like and what they might be dealing with.5½ Years LaterLocated 26 miles off the coast of Seattle, WA, Schneider's Island is a peaceful home to nearly 100 residents. The fishing reliant island has maintained that steadily small and peaceful population for the last...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 9

November 133:12pmUCLAOutside Elkins HallTry as she might, Sam Puckett could not catch up to the speeding Latina, who seemed to brush past the groups with such relative ease it was al-most depressing. Speaking of depressing, while her clothes may have been on, the former iCarly sidekick was a complete dishevelled mess and got stare after awkward stare from the moving students.Finally, once she had broken from the crowd, Sam was able to run to the now slowed down Tori, and scared the brunette as...

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ProfNigma Stories 3 Carousel Nights 5

iCarly/Victorious – Carousel Nights Chapter 5There was a loud buzzing in Sam's room when Freddie woke up. He tried to sit up to find the source of the noise, but was trapped underneath two bodies. His eyes opened and he looked around. Sam lay nearly on top of him, his morning wood nestled firmly between her legs, the tip flirting at her entrance. Jade was on his arm with her body facing towards him, her gravity defying breasts at face level. Freddie craned his neck just enough to stick his...

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ProfNigma Stories 2 iCarlyVictorious 7

iCarly/Victorious: Who I Did On My Summer Vacation Part 7Cat awoke suddenly, her mouth and nose buried in Carly's dark hair. She smelled so sweet... like fresh fruit wrapped in more fresh fruit. Cat thought that she just had to get whatever shampoo Carly uses. The petite redhead slid slowly out of the bed, trying not to wake Carly or her roommate up. As she walked over to the bathroom, she just looked over at Sam, who looked very unhappy as she snored. Cat finished up and took a moment to check...

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ProfNigma Stories 8 Blame It On Me 6

As the two pained teens made it back to their cabin, they couldn't help but notice the grey overcast sky above them. Clearly, they had made it back just in time before a storm hit. The two had barely made it, Freddie's leg giving him some major trouble as he pulled Jade, who he knew was in pain from their lovemaking, through the woods.Almost immediately, Jade rushed to the bathroom to check herself and to clean herself up. She felt really dirty between what they had done, and being in the woods...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 8

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]While most people had been in bed when the explosion happened, within a few minutes they all were outside of the inn, watching the add-on burn up as the deafening sound of sirens began to fill the air. There was no telling how much damage had been done, but many feared that pantry food would be their only supplements for the time being.Tori, Beck, Andre, and Sam all stood together on...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 2

[Warning - while there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, there is a post coital scene with Freddie & Jade, and a scene of a naked Cat and Noelle]Located 26 miles off the coast of Seattle, WA, Schneider's Island is a peaceful home to nearly 100 residents. The fishing reliant island has maintained that steadily small and peaceful population for the last 20 years, after the mysterious deaths of 11 people that shook the island community changed everything, as the first...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 1

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]"I can't believe I missed…" Freddie said, huffing as he moved past Carly, who could barely keep up with him."He was a long way off," she replied. "And you were upset.""No excuse… and that was no guy either," Freddie said, refusing to even look back as he looked through the trees for any sign of the woman he saw. "No way that wasn't a woman.""I could never imagine a woman being capable...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 4

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]Carly Shay had never felt more relaxed than she felt at this moment, floating in the pool at the inn, just taking in all the sounds and smells of the surrounding nature. Her best male friend was going to be married to the girl of his dreams in just two days and there was just something pleasant about that, and it drove her to seek out what she truly wanted in life."Is it cold?" a voice...

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ProfNigma Stories 6 Power Trip 6

(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.Once Trina was safe and sound back at the West mansion with the others, nearly everyone began to yell at her for her bad choices and ask her how she survived nearly 12 hours underground."Well, honestly, I don't really know. I was in the box for a while and I made the mistake of trying to phase and sit up, but it didn't do much good, but it let me...

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ProfNigma Stories 6 Power Trip 1

(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.9 am came way too quickly for Andre Harris who could barely form a coherent thought as his alarm blared next to him. He reached up to hit the snooze button so he could get a bit more sl*ep but as soon as he touched it, the brand new digital clock exploded with a loud crack, leaving smoking remains behind.Needless to say, Andre was completely awake now....

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 1

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]Freddie Benson had never moved so quickly in his life, and he could barely remember actually moving at all as his legs carried him out of the room, down the steps and around the inn to see the sight before him. His father. A man he had spent decades wondering and worrying about, was now hanging above him, bisected in the roughest way possible."Dad..." he managed, knowing that his father...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 1

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]"What kind of game are you talking about, Savanna?!" Freddie practically shouted. "What did my dad say?!""Freddie!" Spencer said in a hushed angry tone, scooping up his daughter once more. "You can't just yell at her like that.""Savanna just said that this was a game." The two men had no gained the attention of the whole group now. "A game my father is playing for me.""Then let's head...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 9

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]The inn was as crowded as ever as staff, just as much as guests, were pouring out from the inn, all eager to get off the island. There had been a mass exodus suggested for all inhabitants of the formerly sl*epy island town from the sheriff, who was erring on the side of caution, in trying to get people out even if there was a suspect in custody. Naturally there was some disagreement...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 6

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]"Do you have any idea how busy I am right now, babe?!""Yes…" Freddie said slowly, putting his hand on the shoulder of his bride-to-be and kissed her cheek before she was able to pull away and start freaking out about something else. "But you need to relax."Jade looked over the main area that would serve as their reception space and couldn't believe how much there was to do, and for...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 7

September 2810:36 amUCLA- Scott HallRoom 602Tori Vega was having a spectacular dream, but the reality that she slowly woke up to, as the sun peeked just enough to hit her eyes, was some-thing far more wonderful. She first noticed the smell. It was the smell of sex, sweaty and hot, but also of a guy's body wash. Old Spice or something… But man, did it smell good to her.Taking a huge whiff, her eyes opened and she found herself in just her underwear, in Jade's room, and most surprisingly, with...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 5

August 284:39 pmUCLA- Scott HallRoom 339"So… that happened," Sam sighed, looking over at her roommate and her "friend," all three freshly dressed after their showers."Yeah…" Noelle said, looking a little embarrassed."I'm not like judging you or anything… It was just kinda surprising. I mean," Sam said, grabbing a soda from the mini-fridge they shared, and looked at Cat, "I knew you and Carly had fooled around before but it was still weird to see.""How much did you see?" Cat asked nervously."Not...

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ProfNigma Stories 6 Power Trip 5

(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.The morning came way too fast for those staying in the West mansion. The group that went scouting for Trina and Robbie the night before had returned empty handed in the early hours of the morning, collapsing in the beds.Tori knew she should probably be in bed with Nate, and just appreciating him, but after the gravity of the situation had fully reached...

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ProfNigma Stories 6 Power Trip 4

(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.There was an eerie silence for a few seconds as everyone could not believe what they had just seen. Beck looked up at Jade, looking horrified as he dropped the pipe and backed away from Freddie's body."NOOO!" Jade screamed as she raced towards Beck, the intense heat from her body melting the ice inches before she touched it. Her whole body was slowly...

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ProfNigma Stories 6 Power Trip 2

(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.As the sun rose, the light waking up those it touched, Tori Vega stretched out her arms, and then immediately regretted that decision. For a couple reasons. One, she was incredibly sore from the fight last night; and two, she punched Nate right in the face, waking him up."Oh my god… I'm so sorry, babe.""It's cool," he said, smiling, clearly trying to...

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ProfNigma Stories 6 Power Trip 2

(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.It had been a week since everyone had woken up with amazing powers. The Seattle based iCarly's were planning to leave a couple days after the incident, but their plans got derailed when Spencer nearly tore the RV in half when his powers overwhelmed him. After his new girlfriend, Amy, threw him out of her apartment when he wrecked it, he had taken to...

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ProfNigma Stories 4 Falling Pieces 7

Victorious: Falling Pieces #7Surprisingly, Jade West and Tori Vega didn't have sex that night, but they did manage to do everything but. As Jade shut the door, Tori crawled onto the bed and planted her face in the pillow, saying how much she needed this. Hitting the lights and turning on a small lamp, Jade undressed to her giant old t-shirt and boy shorts and crawled next to Tori, Jade held Tori as the broken-hearted Latina teen sobbed in her arms. No words were exchanged for several minutes,...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 1

[Author’s Note: I do want to explain something. As I was writing, I realized that this chapter was going to be extremely dark and painful. It is not for the easily upset. And because of how tough this chapter is, I thought that my planned ending, my true ending, was a bit darker than I felt many readers would want after all that, so I decided to write two. And so you can choose which you want to believe. The 'happier' ending will go along with the story, and then after a break, for those that...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 1

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]"Why would they have just taken off like that?!" Spencer said, pacing the floor so heavily that he might as well have left marks, gripping one of his daughter's dresses tightly, the material seeping through his fingers. "We agreed to stay.""They were scared," Carly said, trying to keep her br*ther calm. "We all are, but maybe they didn't leave. Maybe they… are just getting some...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 5

Warning - while there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, there is a scene with a nude Jade West in it]"Are you Madame Clara?" Amy asked as a peculiar mousey looking woman made her way into the inn's foyer. She was younger than Amy had expected, but one look at her eyes, and her age showed tremendously, and her body language showed that she was instantly uncomfortable but seemed to be fighting through it."Yes…" she said with a sweet smile, looking at Amy and then to Savanna....

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 3

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, so please don't hate me for that]Freddie made sure he got up early the next morning, and was really torn as he looked down at his sl*eping lover, who was wearing one of his old plaid shirts, her mouth agape, deep in dreamland. He desperately wanted to get back into bed with her, but right now, he really needed to get away and take care of some pressing matters.The former tech producer threw on some shorts and a t-shirt, the perfect outfit for jogging,...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 10

November 276:44 pmVega Household"Bye, guys. I love you and tell gramma and papa I love them too."Tori Vega stood outside her house waving wildly at her parents and s*ster that were slowly pulling out of the driveway for a holiday trip to see the whole f*mily in Sacramento. They tried and tried to get their youngest daughter to go as well, but she had built up the story of how much work she had to do. Which wasn't remotely true. At least, as far as school work was considered.She took a step back...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 8

November 13:18 amRonald Reagan UCLA Medical CenterRoom 216For the last four hours, Beck had been waiting patiently to find out if his girlfriend was going to be ok. However, his mind had barely gone to Kelly much in that span of time, images of Tori and what she might be doing, or who, haunting him as he sat in the waiting area. Finally, after asking to follow a nurse, some news had arrived for the very tired teen.Beck looked over the room where they were keeping Kelly and she seemed to be...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 3

August 189:30 amUCLADelta Iota Kappa House"What do you mean, this is normal?!"Freddie had nearly gone hoarse as he yelled at the college senior standing before him, Mercer Hayes, the president and head of the Delta Iota Kappa fraternity. He and Jade had stormed the frat house together several minutes ago, but thanks to some gender concerns, Jade had to wait outside, no doubt getting the leers of all the shit brained punks here, he thought.Truth be told, he had no idea why he was here, getting...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 2

August 176:50 pmUCLA- Scott HallRoom 113While Kelly couldn't shut up to save her life, Tori had managed to remain fairly quiet throughout their interaction, focusing entirely on texting Jade and unloading all of her stuff. Tori's mind raced, wondering how much, if anything, she knew about her, and her previous relationship with Beck.After a very tense lunch with her friends, Tori finished up the last of her unloading, she marvelled at her work, her half of the room looking pretty fantastic, but...

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