Movie Remade -- Lesb Cruel Intentions free porn video

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Kathryn heard the shower running in Sebastian's bathroom and smiled in wicked
satisfaction. The plan she had set in motion was unfolding more smoothly than
she ever hoped it would and soon the people who had wronged her would suffer.
It had taken considerable planning on her part to concoct a scheme cunning
enough to achieve all her goals in one fell swoop, but in the end she had
lined up her victims like dominos and once the first one tipped over the rest
were bound to fall. In this case, the chain-reaction would begin when Cecile
Caldwell lost her innocence . . . and the water running in the other room
told her that once naive little schoolgirl had been turned into a slut.

The thought made Kathryn laugh. So far things weren't proving to be much of
a challenge. But that suited her just fine. Though she liked to sharpen her
claws from time to time it was much nicer when things just fell into place,
and so far that seemed to be the case. She had entrusted the deflowering of
Cecile to her stepbrother Sebastian knowing he would not fail. And now, with
that taken care of, she could sit back and watch the rest of her plan come
to fruition. How wonderful!

Pleased with herself, Kathryn padded down the hall to Sebastian's room and
peered inside. The smell of sex was think in the air and she inhaled it like
a narcotic, savoring the pungent musk that had been missing from her own
bedroom for much too long. She glanced around the room, and since she assumed
Sebastian and Cecile were showering together nothing could have surprised her
more than finding Cecile still in Sebastian's bed.

Kathryn looked the woman over, and not for the first time was impressed
with the things she saw. The woman in bed had long, dark hair framing an
attractive face, and a curvaceous figure that a gray T-shirt and panties
now showed off quite well. Her gaze traveled up and down Cecile's nubile
body, still glowing from sex, moving over an impressive bosom and down
long, creamy legs.

Standing there, Kathryn couldn't help but wonder what kind of treat was
nestled between those legs. She decided on a whim she needed to find out
and set into motion another plan. This one didn't look to pose much of a
challenge, either, but the benefits were there to be reaped in abundance
if things worked out.

Kathryn barged into the room with as much noise as she could generate.
"Sebastian, are you in here . . . "

"Kathryn!" Cecile shrieked. "Oh God!"

Kathryn tried her best to looked shocked, though inside she couldn't stop
laughing. She watched Cecile scramble to pull the covers up, face flushed a
deep crimson. The blush actually made her more attractive and Kathryn licked
her lips in hunger as she waited for Cecile to settle down. This was going
to be the most fun she'd had in a long time!

"I'm sorry," Kathryn said. "I . . . I didn't know Sebastian had company."

Cecile blushed again. "We were just . . . just . . ."

"Fucking," Kathryn said.

"Oh God!" Cecile wailed.

Kathryn smiled and moved over to the bed, sitting down close enough to
Cecile that she could smell the other woman's cunt. She placed a gentle
hand on Cecile's thigh and smiled sweetly. "It's okay, Cecile. I'm proud
of you."

"You are?"

"Mmhmm. You've joined a special club and we're even closer now."

Cecile sniffled. "Then . . . you won't tell anyone?"

"Of course not," Kathryn said.

Cecile unleashed a high-pitched squeal then dropped the covers and hugged

"Thank you, Kathryn. I knew I could trust you."

Kathryn put her arms around Cecile and held her so close their breasts were
mashed together. The feeling was not unpleasant. She then raked her fingers
through that beautiful dark hair while she waited for Cecile to stop sobbing,
each step moving her closer and closer to having the woman underneath her.

"So . . . how was it?" Kathryn asked.

Cecile pulled back to look at her. "Kathryn! That's so crude!"

"I'm not asking you to broadcast it all over school," Kathryn said. "It's
just between us. Best friends tell each other stuff like that."

"But he's your brother!"

"Stepbrother," Kathryn corrected, "and for the sake of this discussion he's
just another guy. So spill. How was it?"

Cecile thought about it a moment longer then smiled. "It was nice."

"Just nice?"

"Really nice," Cecile gushed.

"I'll bet," Kathryn said, grinning. She put a hand on Cecile's thigh as if
it were the most natural thing in the world to do and when Cecile didn't
seem to mind she moved her hand back and forth, pretending it was casual
while inching closer and close to the crotch of Cecile's cotton panties.
"So tell me what happened. I want details!"

"Well, we, uh . . . fucked," Cecile told her with a sheepish smile.

Kathryn made a face. "Cecile, we've established that. Now I wanna hear more.
Did he go down on you?"

"Uh huh."

"Did you go down on him?"

Cecile smiled bashfully. "Yeah."

"Did he come in your mouth?"

"Ewww. Gross. I just sucked his cock for a while. And I played with his
balls. He said guys liked that."

"Then what?" Kathryn asked, continuing to stroke Cecile's thigh. Though she
was genuinely interested in hearing the details of Cecile's encounter with
Sebastian, her reasons for asking served another purpose. She wanted to get
Cecile all hot and bothered, and from the way the woman kept fidgeting on
the bed Kathryn knew their discussion was having the desired effect. It sure
had her own pussy dripping wet!

"Well," Cecile rasped, "he, uh, got on top of me and . . . put his cock
inside me . . . and then he fucked me."

"Did you climax?"

"Um, not the first time. The second time I got on top."

Kathryn moved her hand even further up Cecile's thigh,t his time brushing the
front of those tight cotton panties which, she soon discovered, were damp. It
would have been so easy to pull the crotch aside and slide her fingers up
that hot little cunt. But she resisted for now, looking into Cecile's eyes as
she nuzzled her hand into the other woman's mound.

"So you came when you were on top of him?" Kathryn asked.

"Uh huh," Cecile replied with a slow nod.

Kathryn smiled. She could tell Cecile was about to explode from the tension
mounting in that barely used pussy. It was time to steer things in a new
direction. "Wow. Sounds like your first time was sensational."

"Yeah, it was pretty neat," Cecile said.

"Now remember," Kathryn went on, "you have to keep doing it. As often as you
can. That way you can get better and better. I'm sure there's a lot more you
can learn from Sebastian. And you can always practice with me."

Cecile's eyes went wide in amazement, and it was all Kathryn could do to
keep from falling out of bed laughing. "Practice . . . with you? You mean
we could . . .?"

"Sure," Kathryn said, smiling, keeping her hand nestled between Cecile's
legs. "Girlfriends do it all the time. It's important for us to know what
feels good so we can tell the guys how we want it. Right?"

"I guess that makes sense," Cecile said. "But wouldn't that me a-"

"Don't be silly," Kathryn interrupted. "You fucked Sebastian even though I
kissed you in the park the other day."

"That's true."

"And admit it," Kathryn said, leaning closer. "Kissing me wasn't so bad, now
was it?"

Cecile blushed. "No. I . . . I liked it."

"I liked it, too," Kathryn whispered. "You're a very good kisser."

"I am?"

"Mmhmm," Kathryn murmured. "I'd love to kiss you again."


Kathryn smiled. The woman was putty in her hands. She leaned closer still
and brushed her lips over Cecile's, snaring them in a kiss. Things started
off slow but Cecile relaxed after a few moments, opening her mouth wider
and wider in acceptance. Soon their tongues were slithering over each other
like snakes entwined in battle, leaving them both gasping for breath. As
the kiss deepened Kathryn sped up her seduction by cupping Cecile's breast,
squeezing the ample mound of flesh in her free hand until Cecile moaned.

"Oh . . . oh Kathryn," Cecile muttered.

"Shhh. Just let it happen."

"But what if Sebastian-"

"He likes to take long showers," Kathryn lied. She pushed Cecile flat on
the bed and snuggled up next to her, propped up on one side, then bent down
to capture those delectable lips in another kiss. This time she met no
resistance. That eager mouth opened for her and she thrust her tongue inside,
kissing Cecile with renewed hunger. She could feel the heat of Cecile's cunt
burning out of control and pressed the butt of her palm into that damp
crotch, making her new lover arch and writhe with need.

"Oh . . . yes . . . touch me."

Kathryn smiled into the kiss. The transformation of Cecile from virgin to
tramp was more than complete. She traced the length of Cecile's neophyte
slit with the pads of two fingers, moving up and down at a slow, tortuous
pace that had her lover whimpering for more in no time. Such response!
This was going to be fun! Her fingers traveled Cecile's cleft, teasing the
netherlips within through the soaked front of cotton panties Kathryn longed
to remove. That would happen soon. The T-shirt would have to go first,
though. She needed to get her mouth around one of those plump, round breasts
and she needed to do it now.

Though it pained her to break the kiss, Kathryn did, with a sigh, and helped
Cecile out of her T-shirt. In doing so she put two of the most luscious
breasts she had ever seen at her disposal. The sight of those perfect rounds
and the fat pudgy nipples that capped them had her drooling like a starving
mutt staring in the window of a butcher shop. Kathryn dragged her finger down
Cecile's cleavage and delighted in how it made her lover tremble. She could
see the wanting in Cecile's eyes and smiled to find it there so naturally.
That could work to her advantage.

Kathryn bent down and snatched Cecile's lips in a kiss before moving down
to suckle one of those delicious-looking breasts. She was not the least bit
disappointed. The fat nipples she had spied were easily brought to erection
with flicks of her tongue and, once firm, she sucked them greedily, moving
back and forth, from one to the other, making sure neither of those squat
nubs were denied her attention. Her efforts had Cecile wriggling in delight
and muttering breathlessly for her to go on. And Kathryn did. She devoured
Cecile's breasts, ravishing them, getting a hand on whichever one she didn't
have stuffed in her mouth.

"Oh . . . oh Kathryn," Cecile panted. "Yes!"

Purring through a mouthful of tit, Kathryn eased her hand down the front
of Cecile's panties. She found her lover soaking wet and began rubbing
vigorously, making small circles with the tips of her fingers but not
going inside. Her lover groaned and arched to her, seeking penetration,
but Kathryn would not be rushed. She wanted Cecile desperate for it
before she buried her face in that hot little twat, and from the pitiful
sounds Cecile made it appeared that moment was fast approaching.

Kathryn continued fingering Cecile while she moved down her bare midriff with
kisses, dropping them here and there until she was at last poised above the
other woman's crotch. The smell of cunt was overwhelming and Kathryn breathed
it in, letting it fill her being until she felt lightheaded. Then she bent
down and kissed the front of Cecile's panties, and though the taste she got
was filtered through the cotton fabric it whet her appetite all the same. The
touch of her lips dragged a sigh from Cecile.

"Please . . . "

That single word, delivered in a c***dish whine, spoke volumes.

Taking a deep breath, Kathryn pulled down Cecile's panties to get at that
tender young pussy. It was even lovelier than she dared imagine, with full
lips that unfurled for her like rose petals to reveal an inviting pink
interior wet and waiting for her. She gazed down at Cecile's quim for a
moment before spreading the cuntlips with her fingers and plunging in with
her tongue. The juices she had sampled through her panties were even better
direct from the source and Kathryn lapped them up with zeal, exploring the
depths her stepbrother had not long before. Kathryn doubted he had elicited
moans of pleasure like the ones Cecile now released.

The sounds of their lovemaking filled the room as Kathryn went down on
that sweet cunt, unable to get enough of it into her mouth. She feasted
on the thick folds of woman-flesh, sucking on them then flicking them
with her tongue. The bucking hips and urgent cries that came in response
to her ministrations did nothing to lead her astray from the path she had
chosen. Using her mouth and hands Kathryn drove Cecile to the brink of
climax more than once, teasing her lover into new levels of ecstasy the
poor girl had probably never even fantasized about. She kept it up until
satisfied Cecile could take no more then moved up to attack Cecile's clit,
coaxing the little nub from its hiding place, taking it between her lips,
and sucking it. That was more than enough to set off Cecile's orgasm. The
bed shook under the intensity of it but Kathryn stayed the course, keeping
her tongue inside that quivering pussy until Cecile at last stopped

Stealing one more taste of that sweet, sweet cunt, Kathryn crawled back up
the bed and laid next to Cecile again. She watched her lover struggle to
recover from such a dizzying climax, reaching over to brush an errant strand
of dark hair from that attractive face. Cecile opened her eyes and smiled.

"That was way cool," Cecile said. "You are much better than Sebastian at
oral sex." Kathryn smiled. "Who knows what pleases a woman better than
another woman?"

"Yeah," Cecile replied. "Do you, uh, want me to return the favor?"

"Only if you want to," Kathryn said.

"I guess so," Cecile said. "I mean, yeah . . . sure. Um, where do I start?"

Kathryn unbuttoned her blouse and tossed it asside, letting Cecile take a
good, hard look at her breasts. Though not as large as Cecile's, hers were
still nice, firm and round and thorougly suckable. Cecile seemed in awe of
them and her rapidly stiffening nipples. That was a good sign.

"You can start by feeling me up," Kathryn said. She took Cecile's hand and
guided it to her left tit, going through the motions until Cecile got the
hang of it. Her inexpereinced lover proved a quick study, fondling her
breasts like a pro in no time at all. Kathryn moaned in approval.

"Am I doing okay?" Cecile asked.

"Oh yeah," Kathryn muttered. "You're doing just fine. Now play with my


"Pinch them," Kathryn said. "Roll them between your thumb and index finger."


Kathryn tossed her head back with a groan as Cecile did as she instructed.
Those nimble fingers tweaked her nipples rock-hard and had them aching for
the touch of soft, wet lips. She couldn't have done much better herself!

"Yes . . . Cecile yes!" Kathryn cried. "Now suck them. "

Nodding assent, Cecile latched onto a nipple and sucked it like a nursing
infant. The pleasure was exqusite and Kathryn soon found herself swooning
with delight as her student in making love to a woman began moving from one
breast to the other, as she had done before, flicking the nipples with that
agile tongue then sucking on them some more. She just might keep this woman
all to herself and let Sebastian corrupt some other fresh teenage cunt!

"Jesus H.," Kathryn muttered. "You are making me so wet, Cecile."

Cecile pulled back to look at her. "I am?"

"Uh huh," Kathryn said. "Feel for yourself."

Taking Cecile's hand again, Kathryn guided it under her skirt this time and
led Cecile right to the steaming hot flesh between her legs. She sighed when
her new lover was at last touching her, moving Cecile's hand over her slick
lips. The gentle caresses sent waves of pleasure through her body and she
rolled her hips in response, gyrating against Cecile's fingers.

"Can you feel it?" Kathryn asked breathlessly. "Can you feel how wet I am?"

"Yes," Cecile panted. "Kathryn . . .yes . . . I can feel it."

"It's because of you baby," Kathryn said. "I'm all wet because of you."

"God, it's running down my fingers," Cecile whispered.

Kathryn smiled. "Lick it off."

"I don't know . . . "

Kathryn brought Cecile's hand to her lips and becgan licking the juices from
it, holding the other woman's gaze the entire time. She smacked her lips and
murmured her approval, not even needing to pretend she liked the taste of
herself. It was delicious and before long Cecile joined her, hesitantly at
first, then with more determination, their two wagging pink tongue cleaning
the juices from Cecile's hand.

"Mmm," Kathryn purred. "Tastes good, doesn't it?"

"I guess," Cecile said. "Do you want me to . . . to go down on you? Because
I will."

Kathryn smiled. "I have a better idea. You lay down and I'll sit on your

"Won't that hurt?"

"I won't actually be sitting on it, silly," Kathryn said. "I'm going to
straddle your head so you can eat me out from underneath."

"Okay," Cecile said.

Letting Cecile get comfortable, Kathyrn slipped off her skirt and tossed it
to the floor. She turned around again and when she found her lover flat on
the bed, she moved up and mounted Cecile's face like a jockey climbing onto
a saddle, knees firmly planted on either side of her lover's head. Her cunt
was so close to that lush mouth she could feel Cecile's breath tickling her
pussylips and it made her shudder.

"You ready down there?"

"I think so," came Cecile's muffled response.

"Just relax and think about what I did to you that felt good," Kathryn said.
"Now, I'm going to lower my pussy onto your mouth and when I do I want you to
move your tongue around inside me."


Kathryn lowered her cunt onto Cecile's mouth, as promised, and immediately
had a wagging tongue inside her. She never would have guessed this was
Cecile's first time eating out another woman. Her lover seemed to have an
instinct for it, finding all the places that drove her wild and lashing
them with that wicked tongue. In no time at all she was bouncing up and
down excitedly, humping Cecile's face, riding that mouth to what promised
to be a delicious climax.

"Yes! Yes!" Kathryn cried. "Lick that pussy you little fucking slut!"

Reaching down, Kathryn rubbed her clit, fast furious, needing to get off
so bad. She couldn't take anymore! It was making her crazy! Her clit had
swollen to twice its size and she seized the hardened nub between her
fingers, pinching it, squeezing it, rubbing it at a frantic pace, all the
while Cecile's tongue continuend to wiggle inside her. So close now . . .
she was so close. Kathryn could feel it, like a ball of lead had settled
in her gut, and she stroked her clit faster . . . faster . . . rocking
against Cecile's face, wanting that tongue as deep inside her as possible.
So close now . . . so close . . . just a little more and she would be
there . . . a little more . . . a little more . . . the pressure so
intense . . . and then she erupted in climax.

Kathryn cried out when she came, thrusting against Cecile as one of the most
intense orgasms she'd ever had surged through her loins. It was incredible!
She never thought it would end! The juices were just oozing out of her slit
and there was Cecile Caldwell between her legs to lick them all up. Such a
slut! Kathryn rode out the crest of her orgasm then rolled onto her back,
panting for breath. She soon had Cecile snuggled up beside her and the two
of them remained like that for the longest time.

"Do you think sex with girls is better than sex with guys?"

Kathryn laughed and tousled Cecile's hair. "Who said we had to choose?"

"Yeah," Cecile answered, resting her head on Kathryn's shoulder. "Do you
think we could do this again? I mean, if you want to that would be okay with

"Mmm . . . I think that would be fun," Kathryn said. "The best thing about
doing it with other girls is we can have sleep-overs and our parents never
suspect a thing when in fact we're fucking all night."

"I never thought of that," Cecile said. "Cool!"

"Uh huh," Kathryn replied, grinning. "If I spend the night at your house I'll
bring some toys with me. and teach how to use them. It's very important your
learn how to properly use a vibrator, Cecile. Essential, even."

Cecile ran the tip of her finger over Kathryn's nipple, teasing it. "You're
such a good friend, Kathryn."

"Mmmm," Kathryn purred. Things had worked out just fine after all.

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Cruel Wife – Humilation in front of her friend Sissy GeorgeEnjoy.Would a woman really do this to the husband she loves?I’ve prepared her a small breakfast and served it to her in bed. I made the bed and tidied up the bedroom while she was in the shower, and then I cleaned the bathroom when she was done with her shower. I was now kneeling before her massaging her feet while she was putting the finishing touches on her hair at her vanity when we heard the doorbell ring. I hated these...

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cruel Schoolgirls 01

Cruel Schoolgirls, Biology Classes (Part 1)Corne – Blond, Blue eyes / giggly – horny when she gets jagermeisterAnnlie – long red/broun hair, broun eyes / straight up - windgatMadelein – Black, curly hair, Blue eyes / flirtyIrie – Blabk hair, broun eyes / bitchy - cruelIrie was a cruel 18 year old girl with a fascination for causing pain to others. As with all dominant personalities, other girls tended to gravitate towards her. Thus at gr12 Irie had her own little girl gang consisting of her,...

2 years ago
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SRU Dont Be Cruel

SRU: Don't Be Cruel - The Old Man And Elvis!!!! by Cabinessence Jennifer Sparks was just about to turn thirty. It wasn't so much the passing of youth that worried her, but the fact that most of her friends from school were already married and raising kids. If running into them all the time here at the mall with their growing broods weren't enough, she also had to contend with the daily rumblings of her mother on the phone asking as to why she didn't have grandchildren yet....

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Cruel Delilah

Delilah selected the posh downtown Hollywood hotel for a reason. It had a great location, a great suite with a view, and the lobby held a certain flair that appealed to her. She envisioned bringing many men there at one time in her life – but this time, it was really much more simple. There was one thing she wanted to do, and her slaveboy (well, man, really) was going to assist her with it.This man – Brad – was a simple man, really. He was pleasant, classy, charming. He had traditional...

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Mistress Cruel Love Chapter 3 Deviated Prevert

Heather had insisted he get more body candy. For reasons he still didn't fully understand, Darius had gone along with it. Alcohol had not been a factor this time. She hadn't even pressed him that hard. All it took was “Do it, Dana!” and his will had folded like a cheap tent. Darius removed his shirt and examined his torso up and down. He had multiple ear piercings, the “Property of Heather” tattoo just above his manhood and now the nose ring. It drooped below his nostrils, silvery white...

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Submissive slut and cruel sadistic Master who took her pain as his pleasure

He called her on the phone when he was on the way to her hotel room. “Are you ready for me, slut?” he asked, his voice steely and cold. Mira took a deep breath. She sat, completely naked, on the old and faded hotel comforter, waiting to meet her Master for the first time. “…Yes… Sir, I think… I think I’m ready.” There was silence on the other end, silence that seemed to last for more than a minute, endless silence for Mira. “If you’re...

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Cruel Wednesdays

I couldn’t have not noticed her, I realize that in hindsight. The moment my eyes encountered her, though, the fascination acted like a switch to my young brain and disrupted all the circuits but the primal ones. You’d have noticed her too, had you been in my place. Among the sea of hectic tourists in their garish outfits, she was like an epiphany. Huge, dark eyes that appeared to look right into a different world, above high, exotic cheekbones and a finely chiseled nose drew my look like...

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Mistress Cruel Love Chapter 3 Deviated Prevert

Darius leaned against the bathroom counter and inspected himself in the mirror. He needed a break from his chores and his sore nose was itching fiercely. Ultimately, he could do nothing but gaze at his nostrils and try to will the discomfort away. His septum piercing was still healing and would be for another six to seven weeks. Heather had insisted he get more body candy. For reasons he still didn't fully understand, Darius had gone along with it. Alcohol had not been a factor this...

1 year ago
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Movie and some lesbian sex

Tori walked into the adult theatre. It was crowded; atleast 75/100 of the seats were occupied. One girlstood up, and sat down in the seat next to it. She invited Tori to sit down. "Hi," she said, "my name's Jane." "I'm Violet," said the other. "My name's Tori," was the reply, and she sat down, and they began to talk. A few minutes later, the movie began. The movie was about two gay men. Tori wasn't really into gay men. She liked to see some tits in there. This one was pretty hot though. Tori...

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The Best Intentions

Carol flashes her phone to me, showing me that her husband is calling. I take a mental photograph of her screen, needing to remember his face and number."Excuse me while I take this," she says politely.I nod my okay to her, pretending to search through my purse while hanging on her every word to him. I hear the disappointment in her voice as he obviously tells her he will be working late again. Sure you are working, bud. I know where I have to go after work - to the bar. He will be there and...

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Salvation Ch 15 Cruel Lessons

the facilities fresh on her mind. Having Herbert to take care of all the paperwork had freed her to entertain her many distinguished visitors and to be able to indulge herself in her greatest passion, the abuse, punishment and torture of her young charges. Jim Cosgrove appeared from the side entrance, three young girls in front of him, all with that special glow and look to their faces that spoke of a secret knowledge, a special knowing of what was in store for them. "Miss...

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Cruel wifepart1 She reminds him of his position

Cruel wife - She reminds him of his position at homeSissy GeorgeEnjoy .It's wednesday i just come home from my work. I immediately went to the bedroom where I took off completely naked, except my chastity belt, and immediately I returned to the living room. Every working day, when I'm at home, I spend it completely naked, except weekends when I usually wear women's clothing. It's a rule’s my wife recently introduced. I also have to wear a women's underwear even at work and normally because of...

1 year ago
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Cruel Money Part 2

Part 4: Working Girl After my encounter with the Chef and her doll Carolynne, I sat in the bathroom a long while, crying, gathering myself. I had partially embraced my femininity some time ago, but I was still surprised to have those kind of tears in me, no matter how brutal the situation was. But I had just been taken against my will, and doll, genetic or man, it is a traumatic blow. Gathering myself, standing up, I cleaned up the streaks and smears in my make up the best I could....

2 years ago
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Death the Cruel Mistress

Death, The Cruel Mistress (July 17, 18, 27 2018) "Ah, pardon me, mister I seemed to have dropped something," he heard a siren voice in a whispering echo, just besides him. He was sitting at the bar, after his girlfriend had stood him up when he saw an ebony goddess sitting next to him. She was quite tall too, but that didn't bother him as much since she was a total stone babe. Dark skin with shoulder length black hair, swept her beautiful face. A single piece sky blue dress wrapped...

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Cruel Couple Deadly Revenge

Cruel Couple ? Deadly Revenge A woman mocks the female half of a very sadistic pair and falls prey to their cruel, and ultimately deadly, revenge. A sadistic love story for adults who can tell the difference between fact and fiction. Introduction I never thought that there was a woman so sadistic as Alex. Although I have often heard of the cruelty of women, I accepted that I will never find a ?badder half? and had to life out my fantasies alone. But someday we met by chance at a dungeon party,...

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Cruel Vengence

Cruel Vengeance By Aspererus Suzanne stood on the steps of the office building shifting her weight fromleg to leg on her expensive high heels. She craned her neck looking for thecar that was supposed to pick her up. Looking down at her watch it was alreadyfive minutes late, and she could feel the bitchy girl coming out, even thoughshe should have been happy. She held the large bouquet of red roses in herarms, they had been sent to her during the day. She'd flaunted them aroundthe office,...

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Frazier Dont Be Cruel

Do you have any idea how cruel high school classmates and upper classmen can be? Of course you do; you went through high school too. Even the lucky ones who weren't the target almost everyday, got their share of hits at least once in a while. The "elite" clique took their hits as well. But me? Shit, I took multiple hits nearly every day, My name's Frazier, but at five foot two for a male--well, you guessed it. My nickname was and is "Shorty." But that's only half of it. Most of my...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 61 A Cruel Man

Aoshi: Where is Himura Battousai? Megumi: I... I... Aoshi (kneeling in front of her): Where is Battousai? Answer me. Megumi: (thinking) He wants Ken-san dead... (aloud) I... I don't know. (He deliberately places a hand an inch away from her cheek.) Aoshi: If you don't answer me, I'll kill you. Saitou (from behind her): Battousai's gone to Kyoto. Aoshi: Who are you? Saitou: Fujita Gorou. As you can see, just a policeman. Don't stare. I'll tell you what's happened, since you've...

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Cruel Intension lesbians

Kathryn heard the shower running in Sebastian's bathroom and smiled in wicked satisfaction. The plan she had set in motion was unfolding more smoothly than she ever hoped it would and soon the people who had wronged her would suffer. It had taken considerable planning on her part to concoct a scheme cunning enough to achieve all her goals in one fell swoop, but in the end she had lined up her victims like dominos and once the first one tipped over the rest were bound to fall. In this case, the...

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Fragments Lesbos Fact and Fantasy

FactSappho was a poet born in Eresos on the Greek island of Lesbos in about 600 BC, She wrote many heterosexual love poems, but is most remembered for her graphic depictions of the physical love between women. She gave the world two present-day words: Sapphic from her name (meaning sexual relationships between women, who can be homosexual or bi-sexual) and of course the ‘lesbian’ (simply meaning a female homosexual). Unfortunately only fragments of her poetry remain; it is not even known...

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Mistress Cruel Love Chapter 1 How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Femdom

The wind chilled the bare flesh of his scalp in between Darius' corn rows. His long, thin braids trailed neatly down the back of his head, dangling behind him and to both sides of his upper chest. He enjoyed the “tough guy” look the style afforded him. If he was honest, it was also a way to compensate for his barely average height. Regardless, he made sure the braids were well groomed at all times. It was hard enough for a black man to get ahead in the world without creating obstacles for...

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Death be not Cruel Pt I

Tears blinding him he struggled forward, grasping her by the thighs and despreatly trying to lift her to allow her air--so safe the beautiful woman he loved. It was to no avail. Her feet twitched their last macabre tatoo against his chest, and as a final indignity, her bladder relaxed, allowing urin to run down her trembling legs and the amrs of the lover who held them. The silence of her passing was marred only by his uncontrolable weaping as he collapsed beneath her dangling corpse and...

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Angela and the Cruel Dentist

Angela had toothache. It had kept her awake all night having started a couple of days earlier. Her maid had advised her to use oil of cloves, but it was not doing any good. Even worse her husband of six weeks, William, was angry because she would not have sex with him. William was twenty years older than Angela and they were on honeymoon touring Europe. As Angela lay in bed wondering what to do about the pain the door was thrown open, and William stood there glowering at her. ‘ I have had...

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Cruel Couple

Birds chirped in the distance. Between patches of jungle the idyllic young couple could just make out the glittering waters of the ocean on their small, private island. Dmitri leaned over and softly kissed his beautiful wife. She sighed happily, accepting the kiss and returning it as her tongue teased his lips. "Mmm… this was such a good idea. It was time for another vacation, my love. I'm so glad you planned this one. Best Valentine's Day gift EVER." Dmitri smiled, stroking his...

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Salvation Ch 25 Emilys Cruel Interview

and unusual teaching practices but there's never been any shortage of parents or guardians eager to enrol their children. The elegant townhouse has its entrance around the back for reasons of discretion in Wigmore Street, whilst the front overlooks fashionable Cavendish Square. To its neighbours, is just like any other building, but because the pupils are taught behind closed doors, they are none the wiser to the clandestine visitors and activities. The Academy was founded in 1895...

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Salvation Ch 26 Emilys Cruel Interview

and unusual teaching practices but there's never been any shortage of parents or guardians eager to enrol their children. The elegant townhouse has its entrance around the back for reasons of discretion in Wigmore Street, whilst the front overlooks fashionable Cavendish Square. To its neighbours, is just like any other building, but because the pupils are taught behind closed doors, they are none the wiser to the clandestine visitors and activities. The Academy was founded in...

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Salvation Ch 21 Cruel Training

His clothes were dark and cut in a style that was no longer seen in the city. However, Doctor Croft's discrete enquiries had discovered that he was highly respected at the Bank where he was Manager, but, as he put it, felt restrained by his family's lack of obedience. "You've tried training them yourself?" Doctor Croft asked. "Yes I have, but my wife Joanna is a burden in such matters and I have come to the conclusion that she needs to join the children in learning self control...

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Salvation Ch 18 Cruel Treatments

As he drew nearer, he was able to admire its architecture. It stood three stories high and over eighty feet long, and had windows that were heavily draped. The dark roof gleamed from the recent downpour and the windows reflected the sunlight, moving from pane to pane as he approached. The building stood well back from the street and had a doorman always in attendance for added security. Built for up to fifty patients, who were accommodated in their own private soundproofed rooms situated...

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Salvation Ch 10 Cruel Punishments

enterprise was now starting to pay dividends and several new clients had recently been showing a keen interest in visiting St Saviour's as paying guests. Today, Jonathan Brown MP and his wife Elizabeth would be visiting St Saviour's and Alice intended to persuade Elizabeth to become a patron like her husband. Like all her prospective patron's, Alice had found out about the Brown's sexual interests and was delighted to learn that they were both sadists who took every...

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Salvation Ch 8 Cruel Pleasures

“Let the entertainments commence,” Alice ordered, a sly smile on her face. A very nervous little girl was led onto the stage, still wearing her costume from the party. Standing beside the girl Alice Marchant was tall, elegant and an austere figure who towered over the child. “This is Sarah, who is twelve years old,” Alice announced. Jenny Richards recognised her as the little girl who had been made to give her pleasure at the party. Alice remembered just how exhausted little Sally...

1 year ago
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Cruel Intentions Pt 3

His groans became more frequent his grip on her tighter then Sarah shrieked as his jism exploded inside her grasping cunt .Her pussy felt rubbed Raw by the rapid friction of his long prick. Sarah lost it tears running down her eyes She didn’t care anymore she just prayed to god that it would not make a baby up inside her. But hope disappeared when she realized that there were more boys waiting to squirt her full of sperm, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. ...

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Pennys Promiscuity 12 Cruel Consequences

I stood at the window, still wearing my over-tight gym clothes, watching my husband Pete’s Porsche pass out of the driveway, turn right and disappear towards the hospital where he worked. The large wooden gates swung slowly but firmly closed behind him; a menacing metaphor for the way my future looked right then.Insisting that we needed time apart to consider our relationship, my husband of over twenty years had just walked out, leaving me to my guilty thoughts, alone.The nightmare had begun,...

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Samanthas Breezy Shorts Cruel Science

This is a new series of short stories that I shall write. The idea of doing short stories was helpfully inspired by a certain someone, you know who you are! heheThese stories are completely fictional, involving my fart fetish, and are pretty dark at times,so reader discretion is advised.Enjoy :)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cruel SciencePlease, allow me to introduce myself.I am Dr Erica von Bloom, but I much prefer just being...

4 years ago
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Teenage boys are so Cruel

I was in the tenth grade, about six months after the incident with Daniel, Charlie and Bruce, it was the fourth period English class that we were introduced to Ralph T***. Our class had been instructed that we would have a new arrival and that he had been in trouble, so we were to extra nice to him. As he was being introduced, whispers were circulating as to what he had done and where he was from. My desk mate leaned over and whispered a very funny accolade that cause me to snicker loud. The...

3 years ago
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Fitness is a Cruel Mistress PT III

I couldn't believe that Tony was asking me to do this. I was infuriated that I had to portray a teenage girl that was pregnant. Tony still wouldn't tell me what the fucking project was and I was getting impatient. We were on our way to school and I was in his car, sitting shotgun. I decided to wear my pink Hollister tee with my skinny jeans and my neon pink vans. "You look like a little freshman babe," said Tony as he placed his hand on my belly. "So glad I fucked me a freshman." I just...

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Amy 34 Cruel Summer

Amy 34: Cruel Summer Copyright 2015 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2015 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: The Pavements Are Burning When school ended so did our junior year. Summer began and it was time to pretty much just file away everything from the past and enjoy the heat and humidity, playing music together in Gina's...

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Sweet Cruel Revenge

I am Munna,29 yrs old,6 ft tall, little bit extra sex drive. I work as a manager of a indo-Chinese company that runs a couple of knitting and garment factory. I don’t want to name the city for obvious reason. We have labor problem like, indiscipline, strike for no reason, theft etc. Most of the labors are involved with union, that prevents us to take any stiffer action. In a junior management level meeting, I asked the dept managers and supervisors to personally contact me if they had any...

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iqra a cruel mistress

IQRA a muslim mistressintroductiona btech civil engg student turns her classmates n teachers into her pathetic slaves chapter 1introduction to charactersiqra was a beautiful ,hot girl having proper curves n perfect waist .she was from kashmir who had come to jammu for pursuing her studies as a btech civil engineer at mahant bachitter sing college (mbs) .jammu city is nearly 600km from kashmir valley n so she had no choice other than either living in college hostel or as a paying guest somewhere...

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Mistress Cruel Love Chapter 1 How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Femdom

It was a cool spring day as Darius strode down the poorly maintained city sidewalk. Cars whizzed by on the busy street, kicking up gusts of chilly air that made him grateful he'd pulled the windbreaker over his lean torso before leaving home. His jeans and work boots kept him warm enough, though he was starting to wish he'd grabbed a hat on the way out. The wind chilled the bare flesh of his scalp in between Darius' corn rows. His long, thin braids trailed neatly down the back of his...

2 years ago
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Cruel Master Hans

CRUEL MASTER HANS! Hans Kochmeier got out of the taxicab, brushing himself. Americans were so dirty! He paid the driver with a near grimace, and surveyed the house. "Cyrus Thibodeau, aged forty-four, journalist but with independent income from family trust." ? Hans smiled and shook his head. Another lazy, fat American. And from what Fanchon had told him, this man lived in a filthy, unkempt house even with a weekly maid service, and he also had a filthy masturbation habit. An obese hausfrau...

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Cruel Intensions

Our family is a small family with my father, mother, my sister(Renu) n me(Tinku).My sister was 4 years elder to me.My parent’s marriage was a love marriage and we didnt had any contacts with any of our relatives.We just had one of my dad’s colleague cum family friend Manoj uncle oftenly visiting us.My dad n mom worked together at same place where they fell in love. I did my schooling and college in a boys school so i didnt have kind of interaction with girls. The only females i knew were my mom...


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