The Witch And The Dragon Part 8 free porn video

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Zak’s hair brushed against her cheeks as his tongue completely dominated her mouth. Her head spun, and if it weren’t for the red-haired reaper holding Alluna’s waist from behind, she would have fallen to the floor in a swoon.

Out of all the people onstage, Zak’s presence could not be denied. He was like a god amongst mere mortals.

She missed his taste when he finally stood and backed away. Alluna didn’t miss the looks of hatred and envy cast her way from those surrounding her. Amaranth backed away from the edge of the stage with Alluna.

“It’s getting too hot for me here… Alluna, right?”

Alluna turned to the girl with a smile. “Yes. My name is Alluna.”

“I’m Amaranth, but Remien has nicknamed me Ama.” She grinned and then separated her wings form her back a little. Her smile wavered. “I’m about to pass out from the heat. Drawback in have these babies.” She wiggled her wings for emphasis. “Let’s go back with Dev and Angie.”

“What about Remi?”

Alluna turned to search for him.

Ama snorted. “He’s glued to the edge of that stage until his woman finishes. Don’t worry. He’ll be able to see you in the VIP. It’s clearly visible from every angle in the castle.”

Alluna followed Amaranth, but just as they reached the edge of the Alpha Angels VIP, Seth stepped right in front of Ama, blocking her path.

Alluna frowned, noting he was a bit unsteady on his feet.

“Amaranth,” he said staring into the girl’s eyes.

She reared back. “Are you drunk?”

Seth scowled. “I’ve been drinking, but I’m hardly drunk,” he snapped.

“Well you’re off to a good start,” she retorted. Amaranth made to brush past him but he gripped her arms and hauled her against him, making Alluna gasp.

“How easily you’ve forgotten me.”

Amaranth made an enraged sound and tried to shake his hands off her arms. “I’m certainly trying. Leave me be, Seth. Look at your aura. You’ve fucked half the galaxy.”

Seth bared his teeth. “Why should you care? You don’t want me, remember?”

Amaranth did something that surprised Alluna. The girl fisted Seth’s newly grown locks and slammed her mouth over his in a hungry kiss.

Her wings spread out, making Alluna jump back and tiptoe away.

Apparently, those two had personal issues to resolve.

Alluna turned and walked tight into a solid wall of muscle and sinew.

She looked up, her mouth open, into a pair of dark brown eyes.

“Well, hello, princess Alluna.”

Zak was panting by the time he was done. He started out overjoyed about being back on stage, but after kissing Alluna, a hunger for her had awoken in him so strong it was almost painful.

His hands shook as he handed the stage tech the borrowed power guitar. When the boys from Draconius came to pat him on the back, he smiled half-heartedly and made his way quickly to the stairs leading down to the dance floor.

He stared at the throngs of ecstatic fans waiting to pounce on him in dismay.

Zak backed up with a frown. He looked over to the VIP area. Only Angel and Devon occupied it. There was a large expanse in the middle and Zak concentrated on it.

He felt the snap of pressure around him before he materialized in the middle of the VIP area.

Devon, who’d been busy shoving his tongue into Angle’s mouth turned his head to look at him.

His commander grinned. “Great show, Zak.”

Zak nodded, his brows furrowed as he looked over the din of beings surrounding the stage trying to pick out Remi’s unmistakable head of hair.

“Where’s numb-nuts?” Zak growled.

“Where ever Rowie is,” Angel answered.

Zak let his power out to see if he could feel them. There were so many pulses of life that it was confusing. He cursed mentally, wishing his abilities were as developed as the others.

Something to work at, boy-o— he thought to himself.

Devon suddenly shoved to his feet and stormed down the steps.

Angel watched him wide-eyed.

Zak didn’t wait to find out what was wrong. Something was wrong—period.

He wanted to roar in frustration when he descended the steps to the VIP and was swarmed by his fans. The Gargoyles would keep anyone from going up, but once you stepped off the pedestal, you had to fend for yourself.

“Zak, follow me,” Angel shouted squeezing in front of him.

Alarmed, he wrapped his arm around her, placing his hand over her pregnant belly. “Baby, you need to stay up in VIP. You can get hurt.”

“Shut up,” she snapped. “I’m a Venushtian warrior, you silly male. Just follow me.”

Zak’s brow arched, but he humored her by not giving her pert backside a swat for being insolent.

Angel led him toward the back exit of the castle. Just under the ledge of one of the balconies stood, Seth, Devon, Amaranth, Rowie, and Remien.

When Angel and he drew closer, his hackles rose and a snarl tore from his lips.

Zak instantly recognized Arboria’s five Master Guardians. Buun, Hamuun, Ukle, Joi, and Dresh. Dresh held Alluna. Her eyes stared straight ahead, not really focused on anything.

“Luna, baby, come back to us,” Remien coaxed.

Dresh laughed. “She wants to go back to her home, don’t you princess?”

Her mouth opened, her eyes rolling a bit.

Zak snarled, feeling his skin burning with the onset of a shift. “Give her to me,” he roared.

Booing and hissing grew around them and suddenly the Arborian Master Guardians didn’t look so sure of themselves.

“Give Zak his girl back,” a masculine voice shouted, followed by more similar exclamations.

“You’ll never make it out of here with the girl,” Devon snarled. “Hand her over.”

Dresh bared his teeth. “You stole her away from her home. The Arborian king wants his daughter back. This is an act of war.”

“Your people tried to kill her,” Zak spat. “If we hadn’t gone back for her, she’d be rotting away at the bottom of a volcano vent. Give her back. She’s mine now.”

“How dare you enslave the royal princess. We’ve been watching you. You’re passing her around like a common whore. Look at how she’s dressed… so indecent. How many of you have defiled her already? The girl was pure before she was robbed from her home.”

Zak’s rage made him see red, his back burned, felt like it was splitting, and he could feel the tips of his fangs touching his lower lip.

“Zak,” Remi said close to him. “Control. You’ll kill us all if you lose it now. You don’t want to hurt Luna.”

Zak panted through his mouth, reining in his fury… but just barely.

The other four Mater Guardians unsheathed their swords when the crowd of aliens around them pressed in closer. Most looked at the Arborians with hostility, taking Zak’s side.

“Give her back,” Devon growled through clenched teeth.

“You can take it up with the LOS,” Dresh sneered backing away.

Zak threw his head back and roared, feeling when his wings tore out of his back. When he looked back down, everyone seemed smaller, and they’d also given him a wide berth.

Remi gripped his arm, his eyes wide in alarm. “You’re losing it, man. You’ll kill Luna if you shift. You’ll get too big and squash us all as well as bring the entire castle down over our heads. Come-on Zak. Don’t make me sing the song. I hate singing in front of strangers.”

Remi’s stupid ramblings helped diffuse a bit of Zak’s rage.

“What did you do to her?” Angel demanded. “She looks like she’s tranced.”

“Give her to us,” Seth demanded.

The Master Guardians took another step back.

“We will not,” Dresh shouted.

Just as Zak was about to lunge at them, uncaring if he met their blades in the process, the sound of thundering wings had him jumping back instead.

Black feathers floated down before Ashriel landed in the middle of the confrontation.

“Then you shall give her to me,” his voice growled, black wings spread out behind him ready to strike.

Dresh shoved Alluna at the reaper and fled with the rest of his cohorts.

Alluna collapsed in his arms. Zak swatted at his feathers, his arms reaching out to take her away from him. The reaper scooped her up in his arms and held her a moment, his wings closing in around them.

“Give her to me,” Zak shouted pulling at the black wings.

“Zak, easy.” Devon gripped his arm and Remi the other.

“He won’t hurt her. Wait a moment.”

“She’s mine,” Zak panted, wild with fury.

Ashriel’s wings folded back and Alluna was pressed into his arms. Zak bared his teeth and snarled at the reaper.

Ashriel merely backed away, his expression unreadable.

“Zak,” Alluna sobbed holding him tight. “I want to go home.”

He pressed her against his chest, raining kisses over her head. “Yes, baby.” His head snapped to Devon. “Get us out of here now.”

Alluna trembled, clinging to Zak’s warmth. She didn’t know what was more terrifying, feeling herself lost in a strange mist, hearing Zak snarl and roar in apparent rage or waking up to find herself in the arms of a death angel. Not just any death angel, but Ashriel. His black wings had cocooned them in darkness, the luminosity of his silver eyes the only points of light she could see.

“Remember,” he’d whispered to her.

Everything that had happened had slammed back into her mind. Five, tall, dark men had surrounded her. They’d told her they were taking her home and had grabbed her. She’d wanted to scream, push her energy out to find Zak, but a strange lethargy had overtaken her.

The dark man had whispered that Zak had taken her as his personal whore and they were saving her. She would never have to remember him again.

And then she’d awakened to find herself in Ashriel’s arms.


Alluna felt terror slam through her, but then he opened his wings and put her into Zak’s arms.

She pressed herself against his warm skin, her hands clutching him. “Zak,” she sobbed. “I want to go home.”

“Yes, baby.” Kisses covered her head and his arms gripped her tightly against him. His head turned. “Get us out of here now,” he snarled at Devon.

Alluna just closed her eyes and clung to him.

Silence surrounded them now and she felt Zak’s thighs under her. His hands caressed her, his lips continued to kiss her, her forehead, eyes, cheeks, nose and lips. He grabbed her hands and kissed each finger too.

Alluna felt sleep tugging at her, but was terrified of falling asleep and waking to find him gone.

“I’m here, baby. I’m not going anywhere. Neither are you. You’re mine, Alluna. No one will take you away.”

“Zak, your wings,” Devon murmured.

Alluna felt him stiffen. His arms around her tensed and he gritted out a pained moan, his body shuddering afterwards.

He leaned back, bringing Alluna closer to his chest. She opened her tear-filled eyes to look around. They were sitting in the cabin of a large space transport. Seth and Devon sat at the helm and through the glass, she saw the stars swirling like a kaleidoscope of colors.

Devon turned, his look one of worry, but he looked at Zak, not her.

Alluna snuggled closer to him, her master. She never wanted to lose him. Life would have no meaning if that ever happened.

There was a clawing need within Zak… to make love to Alluna endlessly, until his scent was so embedded in her skin and hers in his… no one would be able to tell them apart.


He held her until they reached Alpha 7. Stomped out of the cruiser when they landed in the hangar, and teleported into his quarters, shielding himself from the others in a bubble of power.

The break in the link to the Alpha Angels made him gasp in pain, but he needed to bond to Alluna alone first.


He rushed into his sleeping chamber and didn’t stop until he reached his hygiene unit.

She smelled of other males, the scent driving him insane with rage. He needed to get it off her., flood her with his scent. His alone.

Their clothes disappeared and he activated the hygiene unit. He hit he active button four times before he was satisfied she smelled like no one but herself.

“Alluna,” he snarled gripping her waist. “Mine. All mine.”

Zak sank to his knees and buried his face between her legs. He inhaled, filling his lungs with her sweet scent. With a moan, he gripped her thigh and draped it over his shoulder. He nuzzled her with his nose and mouth before opening his lips to taste his woman. Her hands buried into his hair, her soft sighs whispering his name. He licked her, flicked his tongue repeatedly until he coaxed the honey of her passion out. Alluna opened wider for him, her hips thrusting against his face. Zak found her clit, swollen with need, and sucked it. Her hands tightened in his hair and she cried out his name. He tormented her, but he tormented himself even more. His cock ached and his balls hurt from how tight they were drawn up against him. Still, the taste of her was intoxicating. He wanted to drown in her scent and flavor. His tongue flicked her nub, making her tremble and pant, and then stabbed her slit deep. Alluna bowed her back and cried out. Zak gripped her ass and held her up as he prolonged the agony of her release with his mouth.

Panting and still unsatisfied, he teleported them onto the bed. Alluna gasped when he spread her thighs and dove between them again.

His tongue roved every millimeter of flesh, flushed a deep strawberry from her passion. Her clit poked up from its hood quivering with delight as he cherished it again. Zak moaned sucking on it. Alluna’s clit had grown more since the last time he’d taken her, and her scent was sweeter. It drove him wild. He’d never felt so out of his mind for a woman. He wanted to fuck her so bad he would kill anyone who tried to stop him.

Alluna began to cum, screaming. He reared up and buried himself in her quivering depts.. Her pussy seized him so hard, to his own shock, he began to erupt as well.


His mouth opened on a silent scream. He shuddered and clutched the sheets to either side of Alluna. Fire coursed through him. He kept cumming. It wouldn’t stop. Everything spun. He pulled out, fearing he would collapse on her and hurt her. His cum shot out over her shivering body, bathing her in pearly lines.

Zak fell to his side, panting, feeling the last few spurts of semen shooting over his chest and abs.

They both panted, lying next to one another.

Zak closed his eyes and felt when she rose. His eyes snapped open again as his body tensed, thinking she was going to leave his side. Alluna only crouched over him. He didn’t want her more than a few inches away from his body… and even that was too much.

Mine— his inner beast snarled.

His lust shot up again when she began to lap up the lines of cum from his body, moaning and licking her lips as if it were the most delicious thing she had ever tasted.

Zak squirmed beneath her. Normally he’d never allow a female to crawl over him that way, but Alluna’s pleasure in lapping up his seed and discovering his body with her lips and tongue gave him a satisfaction he’d never felt before.

I’m hers. Every inch of me, for her to taste, kiss, love and adore.

Alluna climbed over Zak, her hands running over him in desperation. He gripped her waist, feeling his heart pound, and guided her hips over his cock. He was still hard and aching to be inside her again. Alluna’s nails dug into his flesh as she lowered onto his prick. Zak gasped and moaned feeling her velvety depths swallow his length.

Alluna’s sounds of pleasure echoed his. Her cunt was still quivering form her orgasm, making Zak hiss in agony when her pussy gripped his sensitive flesh in a strangle hold.

He bared his teeth, reining in his need to just grab her and pound away like a mad man. “Ride me,” he snarled.

Her expression changed. She sucked in a breath, drawing her plump lower lip between her teeth and rocked her hips awkward and unsure. Zak’s ardor calmed and he felt his heart twist.

He wrapped his hands around her waist and showed her how to move rhythmically on him. “Yesss, baby,” he hissed. “Mmm—such a good girl.” She grew bolder making him moan as her hips pounded against his with more enthusiasm. “That’s right, baby. Fuck me—take me.”

Zak was too lust crazed to be shocked by what he’d just gritted out. The feel of her wringing agonizing pleasure out of his prick was driving him insane.

Alluna threw her head back, her lips parted in a feral snarl. Her sharp little claws dug into his skin and he felt her hair whip his balls pushing him closer to oblivion. She rocked harder on him, grunting and groaning as her breasts bounced unrestrained.

Unable to resist, he reached up and tweaked her nipples. She hissed and bit her lip.

“Oh yes,” she moaned.

That moan sent a jolt of pure lust straight down his back, making him arch his hips to bury himself deeper in her clenching depths. Zak pinched her tight buds harder, watching her writhe and go wilder over him.

He kept one hand gripping her breast as the other one shot out over his head. Using his telekinetic abilities, he drew the golden nipple clamps and chain he’d bought just for her many moons cycles ago when he still only dreamed of being with her like this.

Zak closed his fist when the feel of the cold metal links settled there. She didn’t even notice. Zak grinned watching her writhe all over his lap in wild abandon. She was trying to find release, was on the brink .

Rising up on his hands, he drew first one nipple into his mouth and then the other, sucking them until they stood erect and wet. Her mewling cries filled his ears.

“Zak, please…” she cried shuddering.

Letting himself fall back again, he took one nipple between his fingers and pinched hard. Alluna arched her back and screamed out as she climaxed.

Her orgasm seized his turgid flesh so hard she pulled him into oblivion with her. Zak’s mouth opened, a roar erupting from his very soul. He came so hard it actually hurt. A hot wash of semen filled her quivering depths until he feared his eyes would sink into their sockets. Alluna milked him dry.

“Oh, fuck, yes,” he panted, realizing the extra stimuli was what sent her over the edge. And he hadn’t even had the opportunity to put the gold nipple clamps on her.

He snarled, wanting to feel that sublime agony again.

She looking wiped out, and slumped with a little sob over him.

Alluna’s bones felt as if they’d turned into liquid. The only thing that kept her from falling face first into Zak’s sweat gleamed torso was his big hands wrapped around her waist.

Looking up at his face through the strands of her unruly hair, she winced. His pupils had almost encompassed the startling blue of his eyes, turning them the color of an Arborian midnight sky. His cheeks were flushed and the pink of his tongue darted out to lick his lush lips. Alluna’s mouth watered wanting to taste him again.

Zak wrapped one hand around her back and used the other to rise up against her. He dipped his head and took her sensitive nipple into his mouth.

Alluna cried out, digging her fingernails into his meaty shoulders before she realized and eased off. His mouth tugged insistently on her right breast before abandoning it for the left.

He panted when he backed away enough to look at his handy work.

She hissed and arched into the bright pleasure/pain that bloomed in her breast when he tweaked first one nipple and then the other. Her insides fluttered and his cock twitched in response.

“You like that, don’t you baby?”

Alluna bit her lip before answering. “Yes, Master.”

Zak’s eyes narrowed and his hand wrapped around her throat. “Master?” His lips quirked in a grin. “You want to play, baby? Do you want to play with me?”

Longing filled her. “Yes, please, Master,” she panted.

His hand slid behind her neck and brought her down to his lips.

“Very well, my sweet little submissive.”

And then he was kissing her—a kiss unlike any other he’d ever given her before.

His mouth devoured hers, teeth and tongue plundering.

Alluna’s back met the mattress with two hundred and sixty pounds of male pinning her down. His hair cascaded down to one side in a spill of gold to the sheets.

Zak ground himself against her making her moan and then he lifted, drawing her up with him.

Alluna’s legs faltered a moment, but he kept her from sliding onto the floor with his arms.

Her legs were definitely shaking, and the warm feel of his seed slid down her thighs making her tremble harder.

He brushed a kiss over the crown of her head. His hands swept over her back in soothing sweeps, until, with a sigh, she locked her knees and let her legs take her weight.

He stepped back a few inches and studied her face.

“You’re almost wiped out.” One golden brow rose. “Almost.”

Alluna gulped. He looked like he was ready to fuck her for days. She tightened her lips and pulled her shoulders back determined to last…for him.

Zak’s lips quirked into a smile, his eyes narrowing. He circled her slowly, like a hunter circling prey. Alluna shivered.

She felt his heat at her back. His hands curved around her hips and slid up her ribcage. They didn’t stop at her arms but nudged her to lift them until his hands circled her wrists over her head.

Something warm and furry wrapped around her wrists pulling them higher up until she stood on tiptoe.

Zak stalked back around to face her.

Alluna looked up at her bound wrists to see them encased in metal cuffs that attached to a chain that hung from the ceiling. She frowned, never having noticed the chain and cuffs before. She wiggled her hands, feeling the soft fur that lined them. Zak’s hands on her breasts drew her gaze back to him.

He pinched and pulled at her nipples, his gaze on her face the whole time. Alluna felt the muscles deep in her groin clench deliciously. Her breasts felt heavy and so sensitive now. If he sucked her tight little nipples now she would scream in ecstasy. Her back arched in supplication.

His fingers left her nipples and a sob caught in her throat at the loss of contact. Metal clinked making her look down. Alluna gasped in shock when he pinched her nipple with a golden clip and moaned in bliss when it tightened around the tip. A second clip pinched her other nipple. She had never been so aware of her nipples as she was now. A chain hung between the clips, the weight tugging at her breasts. Alluna moaned and rubbed her cum-slicked thighs together.

Zak circled behind her again. One hand slid up her ribcage to give the chain a little pull, making her hiss and arch. “Feel the pleasure, Alluna.” His other hand slid over her hip to cup between her legs. “Feel the pain.” He bit her ear and she yipped in surprise. “Open your legs for me.”

She spread the tips of her toes as far as she could and moaned when his finger slid into her. The feel of his seed was cooling on her thighs. He rubbed her clit. Alluna wiggled in joy.

Zak gave her pussy a light smack, startling her again.

“Did I tell you you could move?”

Alluna swallowed. “I’m sorry, Master.”

“You’re sorry?” He cupped her pussy and then smacked one buttock a little harder than he’d smacked her pussy. “You didn’t answer my question. Did I tell you you could move?”

“N-no, Master.”

His hand smoothed over her stinging ass cheek before curving over her hip again. She felt him press his erection against the seam of her ass and began to move his hips. His thrusting movements jerked her hips against the hand clamped over her mound. His finger pressed over her clit and she tensed feeling pleasure soar through her.

“Don’t,” he hissed in her ear, “move. Don’t cum. Wait until I give you permission, my sweet sub.”

Agony made her body shake. She wasn’t sure she could hold back and being forced to keep still was killing her. Oh, how she wanted to cum—so bad.

She whimpered and bit her lip until she was sure she bled.

“Alluna,” he groaned behind her. “You may beg if you want to, baby.”

“Oh, please,” she cried out, her muscles tensing even more. She wanted to writhe so badly.

“Please what? What do you want, baby?”

“I need to cum, Master.”

“So cum,” he growled. He pulled the chain between her breasts, tilted his hips, and stabbed into her in one savage thrust.

Alluna’s toes left the floor. The scream she let out was shrill as spasm after glorious spasm made her grind her ass against the fiery brand of his possession. She felt the hot spurts of his seed bursting into her, filling her again.

Her head fell back against his shoulder and now that she’d climaxed, her nipples began to hurt. To her dismay, she began to cry.

Her wrists fell to her sides and Zak scooped her up into his arms. He made soothing noises as he laid her on the bed.

He looked deep into her eyes. “I’m going to take the clamps off, baby. Be strong for me.”

Alluna nodded, trusting him implicitly.

His finger pinched a clamp and she hissed as fiery pain assailed her cherry-red teat. Zak lapped at the hurt until the pain dulled down.

“One more, baby.”

Alluna bit her lip and closed her eyes tight. This time she knew what to expect and sucked in a ragged breath when he released the second nipple. He soothed the ache with his mouth again before taking her up in his arms and striding in the hygiene unit room.

Alluna just lay limp in his arms. She couldn’t move even if the space station caught fire.

“Such a good girl,” he crooned. “You’ve given me so much pleasure, baby. I’m going to care for you now. Just relax.”

He didn’t take her to the glass tube with the blue rays of cleansing light. He strode into the glass room with the sunken pool and immersed them both in the warm waters.

Zak washed her hair and body with gentle fingers, making her feel as though she were some delicate thing that might break. He kissed her deeply when he washed the sore flesh between her legs, and then carried her out to dry in the hygiene unit.

By the time he laid her in the bed, she was barely able to keep her eyes open.

She felt the heat of his naked body press against her back as his arms wrapped around her waist to hold her close.

She snuggled back with a sigh. “Love you, golden angel,” she yawned, sleep luring her deeper into its fuzzy void of weightlessness.

“I love you too, my temptress,” his deep voice rumbled near her ear.

Her fingers clutched his forearm, the feeling of bliss, and safety letting her drift off with a smile on her face.


Chapter Fifteen


The feel of a hot tongue sliding up her neck had her stirring from sleep. Alluna stretched her sore body and blinked open surprised eyes when she discovered her limbs bound tight. As Zak continued to lick her throat and breasts, she wiggled her fingers and toes with a frown. He’d cuffed her arms over her head and her legs spread-eagled.

A flash of gold had her gasping. Shimmering gold dragon’s wings spread behind Zak’s back as another snarl tore from his lips.


He raised his head.

Alluna stared into inhuman eyes, the sapphire taking up all of the whites and slit pupils widening out to black ovals. The bones of his face were more pronounced, and the beginnings of horns peeped from with the wealth of blond spilling down his back.

Alluna’s heart sped up, a shiver of fear skipping through her.

Zak’s clawed hands caressed down her torso. She felt the sharps tips of his talons leave bumps of awareness in their wake. His smoldering dragon eyes followed his claws.

“Mine.” His voice was like heavy gravel, more demonic than human.

“Yes, Master,” she whimpered arching as much as the restraints allowed. “I’m yours.”

What had come over him? He looked absolutely terrifying… but beautiful too. Alluna cocked her head and studied her Master. He looked like a blue-eyed, golden devil.

Zak sat up straighter between her legs, spreading his wings wider. He licked his lips with another snarl, showing fangs at her.

Alluna grew wet. The sounds he made had her aching with want.

Her eyes lowered to his belly. His cock looked bigger, and the once rounded head ended in a pointed tip.

“Master, fuck me, please,” she whispered.

His eyes narrowed to slits and he snarled at her again.

Alluna bit her lip with a sigh. Master really did not like being told what to do. She needed to switch her tactics.

“I’m sorry, Master,” she said with a little hitch to her voice, letting her eyes well up and her lip quiver. “I just want you so much…” she sniffled and batted her eyes at him with a pout, “I hurt down there for you. Pleeeease.”

At least he’d stopped snarling and growling. His eyes softened and Alluna had to bite her cheeks not to grin when a purr rumbled from his chest.

“My… girl,” he said burrowing his face between her breasts.

Alluna smiled. His voice sounded a bit more normal.

When he suddenly dove between her spread thighs, she squeaked in surprise. Master had developed an addiction to the taste of her pussy. She shuddered and pulled at her restraints in desperation. The feel of his hot tongue lashing her mercilessly was driving her insane.

Alluna felt swollen with need, and thrashed her head from side to side. His tongue slid deep within her, driving repeatedly within her clenching center. She couldn’t take the pleasure. Rapture approached, coiling the erotic agony in her sweating body to the breaking point.

But Master would ease off whenever she felt ready to tilt over the edge of sexual oblivion. And then he would start the harsh tongue thrusts again, until she was shaking and screaming…begging him to let her cum.

Just when Alluna thought she would lose her mind, Master reared up and snarled, fangs bared. “Now, you will cum for me.”

His cock should have ripped her in two when he stabbed into her, but she felt only sublime pleasure. Alluna screamed as she came… and came… and came.

It was too much. Her voice grew raw from her long wail of completion. He fucked her mercilessly, tension making his arms and chest bulge. Blond locks covered her face, spilling into her mouth, but she was beyond caring. Spots of bright color filled her vision as climaxes rolled into each other. Her internal muscles clamped down on the thick cock ramming into her, until all he could do was thrust in small jerks.

Zak threw his head back and roared. Every vein and muscle stood out on his glorious body. Alluna felt the hot spurts within her, filling her womb with his seed. His wings trembled, the quivering echoing out to the rest of his body, until with a groan he crumpled on top of her. Somehow, he managed to keep most of his weight on his arms and legs, but for the most part, Alluna found herself buried under a passion-spent male. Her male. Her magnificent Master.

She passed out with a smile on her lips.

Fuck, Zak, snap out of it already.

Zak snarled, stirring from his deep slumber. The hairs at the back of his neck stood in fury as another masculine voice invaded his thoughts again.

Zachariel, you’ve been cloistered in your rooms for three days with Alluna. If you don’t come out, we’re going in. Is she okay? Neither of you have eaten. What the fuck is wrong with you?

A measure of sanity trickled into his mind. Devon. His commander was reaching to him telepathically.

Zak felt weak when he sat up. His half-erect cock slipped from Alluna’s lips. Briefly, he remembered feeding her his cum. She’d nursed from him like a babe as he gripped her hair and pumped his throbbing flesh between her plump lips.

They’d both eaten. Alluna’s belly was full of his semen and he still had the sweet taste of her pussy in his own mouth.

The sight of her dark nipples drew his attention, reminding him of the other little surprise they’d discovered the night before.

Zak pursed his lips around her nipple and suckled. Sweet milk filled his mouth and he swallowed ravenously.

Oh-shit— Remien snickered making Zak snarl again. Congratulations, Goliath. Looks like you’re gonna be a daddy. Welcome to the club.

Stay away— he growled at them telepathically.

The voices continued, angering Zak further. Alluna began to stir and he gathered her in his arms. His gaze darted about the dim room as he continued to snarl threateningly.

He wanted to be left alone. Why were they intruding?

Remi, what the fuck is wrong with him? —Devon demanded.

Zak snorted. There was nothing wrong with him. I just want to be left alone—he insisted.

Alluna must’ve gone into heat. He’s been mating her—quite successfully I might add— Remien finished with a chuckle.

Alluna whimpered in her sleep, shifting in his arms again.


“Shhh. It’s alright, baby.”

Zak— Devon called to him again.

He would ignore them. That’s what he’d do. Again, he took Alluna’s breast and fed. He needed to keep his strength. Her fingers came up to stroke his hair as she murmured sweet, sleepy, little noises to him. His hand covered her still concave abdomen and a feeling of fierce protectiveness made his body tense.

The scent of ocean and wind filled his nostrils and Zak’s fury had no limit. Pain slashed down his back and he turned with a rabid snarl, dragons wings stretching out behind him.

Releasing Alluna, Zak rose and took a threatening step toward the intruder. “Out,” he snarled.

Devon’s glowing blue eyes widened. “Easy, Blondie, it’s just us.”


Zak snapped around just in time to see Remi gathering Alluna in his arms. Green-gold eyes stared into his with a mischievous grin before disappearing in a flash of red-gold fire.

Zak roared, jumping onto the bed and ripping the bedding.

He took her. Remien Fyre took his female.

His skin ignited and everything grew smaller around him.

“Zak, the enviro-level,” Devon shouted, his hands held out. “Go get her.”

Everything swirled around him. By the time the enviro-level appeared before him, he was panting in rage.

Alluna’s head spun. One minute she’d felt content and blissful as her Master nursed from her tender breasts, and then she was being jostled about.

When she blinked open her eyes, a confusion of colors had her ready to vomit. Her hands gripped strong biceps, but they weren’t Master’s bulging, rock-hard muscles

The kaleidoscope of colors finally stopped swirling around her and she found herself staring up into Remi’s face.

“I don’t have much time,” he blurted. “Are you okay, sweetness?”

“Uh… y-yes,” Alluna stuttered. Her breasts hurt and she cupped them, her face flushing when she realized she was stark naked in Remi’s arms.

A roar shook the ground beneath their feet.

They were in the enviro-level.

Remi’s eyes narrowed. “I swear to you I will not kill Zak, nor will I let him kill me.”

Alluna stared at him in horror. “Why are you saying that to me?”

“Zak isn’t himself. He’s stuck in a half shift. I’m going to help him tip the shift completely. Just don’t get scared. Don’t use your powers either. Just sit tight and stay out of the way. If you get too scared…” Remi took a deep breath, “…just close your eyes, Luna. Can you do that for me, baby?”

She opened her mouth, unsure what to answer, and another roar rent the air around them. Remi kissed her forehead and disappeared—vanished into thin air, leaving her alone and terrified.

Trees crashed in the distance and a flash of fire exploded before her. Alluna turned her face with a shriek, expecting the heat to turn her into ashes, but nothing happened except another roar shook the ground. This one sounded higher pitched than the first two.

Shadows passed overhead and she had to shield her eyes to look up into the bright holographic sky.

“No,” she cried out when she saw two dragons circling each other.

The gold snapped sharp teeth at the red’s tail as it swooped across the sky. Had she not known it was her Master and Remi, she would have fainted at the sheer beauty of the two creatures flying across the pale blue heavens. Remi’s red scales shimmered with iridescence and Zak’s golden ones reflected the sunlight, making him seem like a star himself.

Alluna bit her fist when her Master’s maw closed around the tip of Remi’s tail. The red bellowed in anger and spun around to snap at Zak. His teeth locked on a claw, and Zak retaliated by snapping his tail across the red dragon’s snout.

They tangled into a red and gold ball and plummeted into the lake in the center of the enviro-level.

Alluna screamed and would have run into the water but Seth gripped her arms and held her back.

“They’ll kill each other,” she shrieked. “Let me go.”

“Calm down,” he said giving her arms a gentle squeeze. “Devon’s watching over them. He won’t let anything happen.

Alluna looked toward the bank of the lake to see Devon standing at the edge, his focus on the center of the lake.

The water boiled and rippled until finally, her Master flew out with Remi in human form in one claw.

The golden dragon descended with a spray of water on the banks of the lake. Killing rage filled his eyes as he held Remi up, opening his maw to bare sharp teeth.

Alluna realized in that moment her Master was going to eat Remien.

“No,” Alluna cried out, resuming her struggle to escape Seth.

He paused, with Remien’s wriggling body half way to his snout.

“Don’t kill him, I implore you,” she begged twisting in Seth’s iron grip.

Zak snarled, fiery dragon’s eyes peering at Remi through slits of fury.

“Zak, it’s me dude. Put me down,” Remi panted, kicking his naked legs. “Come-on, Goliath. One of your talons is jabbing my left nut.”

The golden dragon roared, fire spewing in Remi’s face.

Remien only fanned the flames away with a little cough. “Aw, fuck, man. You’re going to make me sing the song, Zak?”

The golden dragon opened his maw again to toss the red-haired weredragon into it, but Remi began to sing the Dragon’s Lullaby.

His voice, clear and melodious, wove a spell around all who listened, including Zak. The dragon’s eyes widened and his maw slowly closed. A deep breath had his chest expanding, only to be released with a half growl, half rumbling purr.

Alluna held her breath.

Slowly, the golden dragon’s form began to shimmer and glow, and finally shrink until Zak remained standing before Remi, his hand curled around his waist. Zak blinked in confusion and swayed, a bit unsteady on his feet. Remi stopped singing and gripped his shoulders.

“Zak? You okay?”

Zak just stared, blinking, until he finally lifted his hand and touched Remi’s cheek. “You’re bleeding.”

Remi grinned. “Just a little scratch.” He lifted Zak’s arm. “You’re bleeding too.”

Zak stared at his forearm, dazed, before lifting his eyes to Remien’s face.

Alluna felt Seth wince when Zak threw his arms around Remi in a tight hug.

“I almost killed you didn’t I, asshole?”

“Ew, Zak, dude,” Remi protested, struggling in the other man’s embrace. “We’re butt naked. Please. Leave the man-love for another time, yuk.”

Alluna pulled her arm free from Seth and ran toward them.

“Master,” she cried out.

Zak stiffened and turned toward her. She ran right into his arms, reveling in their strength and warmth. “I’m so glad neither of you got hurt.”

“Luna,” he sighed, nuzzling her hair.

“Zak?” Devon drew closer cautiously. Alluna felt Zak stiffen. “Rem, is he okay now.”

“Sort of,” Remi replied. “Just give him a little breathing room. Golds tend to be possessive of their new mates.”

Alluna tried to look at the men from the circle of Zak’s arms, but he held her too tight, keeping her face pressed against his chest.

“Easy Zak.”

“Why did you take her?” her Master suddenly snapped, making Alluna grow nervous again.

“Just wanted to help you focus, Goliath. That’s all,” Remi replied. “We’ll go at your pace now. We’re your family, Zak. Remember.”

“Family,” he echoed. “Yes.”

“We’re not going to take Luna from you. She’s part of the family too.”

“No.” Zak shook his head, his arms tightening around her. “She’s mine.”

“We’re yours too, Zak.” Devon spoke now. Through the corner of her eye, Alluna saw him coming nearer. “I belong to you and you belong to us. We’re one, Zachariel. You disconnected yourself from us. We miss you. I miss you.”

She felt her Master press his face against the crown of her head.

“I…” He puffed out a ragged breath. “I feel confused.”

“Agitated?” Remi asked.

Zak answered with a soft growl.

“Listen to me, Zak,” Remi began. “What you feel is normal. Part of over-coming it is understanding it and then reasoning it out. You still with me?”

Zak turned his head to look at Remi, but remained silent. Alluna managed to move her head enough to peer up at him. Master was scowling at Remi.

“Alluna is in heat. Arborian females secrete pheromones that act like Liquid X to ensure their males stick around long enough to impregnate them and care for them while they are gestating.”

“Liquid X? That’s ridiculous. I’ve studied all about Arborians and—“

“You’re not going to find that little fact in any database, buddy. If others knew about the Arborian females little secret, the planet would be swamped with slavers and hunters. They’d wipe out the entire race by stealing all the females.”

Zak looked down at her with a little frown.

“Think about it, Zak,” Remi continued, “You’re acting weird, dude. I can understand wanting to take some alone time to indulge in a little…” Remi chuckled and humped his hips. “But, for fuck’s sake, man, let the girl at least eat.”

“Eat?” Zak echoed.

“Zak.” Devon spoke now. “You’ve been cloistered in your rooms for three days. Neither of you have come down for food nor have you teleported anything up.” Devon’s gaze fell on Alluna for a few seconds before looking back at Zak. “That’s fucking extreme, even for you.”

Alluna frowned. Had three days really gone by. She knew it felt as if time had no meaning in her Master’s arms… but three days?

“I…” Zak huffed out a frustrated breath. “I can’t help myself. Just thinking of anyone else so much as talking to her right now—“

“Doctor Quinn thinks he can help.”

He bared his teeth and snarled at Devon. “Did you not hear what I just said?”

Devon lifted his hands. “Wait. Let me finish. All he needs is for you to swirl this little glass tube… uh… inside her, and give us a sample of your blood. We can touch you, right?”

Zak took a deep breath, and then held out his hand. The slender tube Devon held up disappeared and then reappeared in Zak’s hand.

“Take the sample.” Devon instructed. “We’ll be waiting for you in Quinn’s lab. Leave Alluna with Angel and Rowie.”

He stiffened, his arms gripping Alluna tighter again.

“Zak, she’ll be safe with the women. You won’t become aggressive with them, so don’t worry. We’ll be with you, okay?” Remien assured.

After a moment’s hesitation, he nodded slowly.

He left her with Angel and Rowie, but his hands shook when he cupped her face to kiss her softly.

“I’ll be fine, Master.”

“Zak,” he whispered correcting her. “We’ll play later, baby, when I’m in better control of myself. I’m not much of a Dom if I can’t control myself.”

She pouted up at him, but nodded. She enjoyed calling him Master, but he was very tense at the moment, and she didn’t want to stress him any further.

He traced a finger down the curve of her cheek before vanishing into thin air.

Rowie had given her a soft black robe to cover up. Zak had forbidden her to use the hygiene unit without him. He needed her to have his scent on herself, because he feared he’d go insane if she stripped it off.

Alluna wasn’t about to argue with him. She agreed he was not being himself at the moment.

“Alluna, come into the bedroom,” Rowie called from the doorway. “We’ve got snacks to eat.”

Her stomach rumbled for the first time in a long time. Alluna was suddenly ravenous.

Angel lay curled up on the pillows near the headboard of the bed. Trays of food were in the center drawing Alluna’s attention for a moment before she looked at Angel again.

The girl looked pale, and dark circles sat beneath her big blue eyes.

Alluna walked over to her, on an impulse, and placed her hand over her rounded belly.

The vision seized her, blinding her sight to all reality. A being of pure light stood before her, wings of fire spread out behind its back.

Jazriel— an angelic voice whispered into her mind.

Alluna snatched her hand away, stunned.

“How did you know my baby’s name?”

Alluna blinked at Angel, confused. “Huh?”

“You said Jazriel. That’s his name.”

Alluna swallowed. “How did you come by that name?”

Angel remained looking at her a moment. “I had a vision before I got pregnant. Something that looked like a divine angel told me that would be my baby’s name.”

“A being made of pure energy?”

Angel nodded. “You saw it too, didn’t you?”

Alluna took a deep breath. “Yes. Just now when I touched you.”

Angel closed her eyes and made a little gasp of pain.

Rowie was on the bed next to her in a flash. “What? What is it? Are you okay? What happened? Angel?”

Angel gave her a slightly annoyed look. “It’s just a little contraction.”

Alluna looked around. “Where’s Anniel?”

“She’s back in her funk,” Rowie huffed. “Hasn’t wanted to see or talk to anyone since we all got back from Haddasha.”

Alluna bit her lower lip, wondering. What was the strange concoction Remi had given to Anniel and the big scary reaper… and did it have anything to do with Anniel’s mood right now.

“So…” Rowie began. “Are you really… pregnant?”

Alluna looked down and pressed her hands over her flat stomach. “How should I know?” She looked back up at both females. “What I know about conception and pregnancy is what I learned from that strange cap Remi put on my head. I’m still trying to make sense of most of the things flitting about in my brain.”

Again, her stomach growled.

“Well, you better eat up, woman,” Rowie said nudging a tray closer to her. “Just in case you’re eating for two… or three, like me.” She grimaced before snatching up a big round red fruit.

Alarm made Alluna gape at Rowie. “Three? What do you mean by three?”

She looked at Rowie’s baby bump with a gulp before snapping her eyes back up to her face.

Rowie was about to take a bite out of the fruit, but paused. “Oh. Red knocked me up with two baby dragon’s.”

Alluna began to hyperventilate. “You mean they can plant more than one... baby inside us?”

Both girls stared at her wide-eyed.

Alluna turned away, striding rapidly to the glass wall with the view of outer space. “No. I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to have lot’s of little babies squirming around inside of me.” She shuddered in terror.

“Hey.” Rowie’s hand on her shoulder made her jump. “It’s not so bad, Luna. It doesn’t hurt. Honest. Look… feel mine.”

Rowie placed Alluna’s hands on her gently rounded bulge. There was a soft push against her hands, and then…

The image of a planet filled her mind, sky roiling with clouds the color of blood and ash, burnt, dead trees, with rotting limbs twisting up in supplication to the poisonous sky. The foul stench in the air made her gag. Near the horizon, a vast sea, its churning depths frozen solid stretches out to eternity. Now she’s flying directly over it. Below her is a funnel, a mile wide… It yawns down into absolute black within the frozen ocean.

She sees her Master, cringing on the edge of the funnel and three winged males in the sky hovering over the abyss. Two have hair red as blood with dragon’s wings the same color. The one in the middle has hair as white as driven snow, with wings that start out pure white in the center and graying out to pure black at the ends. The white-haired male looks like Devon, and he holds a flaming sword in his hands.

From the abyss rises a shadowed figure… in its arms a golden-haired Seraph… a reaper, with wings blacker than a starless night. The creature holding the unconscious death angel lifts its glowing eyes to look right at Alluna. It smiles.

“Lucifiere,” Alluna shrieked.

Same as The Witch and the Dragon Part 8 Videos

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The Witch and the Dragon Part 14

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The Dragon and the Wager

The Dragon and the Wager By Morpheus With a deafening roar, the enormous reptilian creature easily soared through the air, his body held aloft by a pair of powerful leather wings. Nearly every inch of the creature was covered with thick, virtually impervious scales and from the end of his long tail to the tip of his snout, he was a creature to be feared. If his sheer size alone weren't enough, a single glance at his long claws or vicious saber like teeth were enough to terrify any...

3 years ago
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The Dragon Invasion Chapter 1

I acknowledge this story will not be everyone's cup of tea. I also acknowledge that this is probably a rather niche genre. I make no apologies for that but I do hope it finds an audience. The tags below should give you an idea of what content is within. The sex in this chapter is somewhat limited but I promise there will be far far more of it in Chapter 2 and it will involve both men and women. Finally. I'm definitely a bit of an aviation geek, as you'll probably tell if you read on,...

2 years ago
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Dragon WytchChapter 12

The following new characters appear in this chapter: Muadhnait Graham Doctor, OB/GYN, an older woman of indeterminate age, but surely more than 70 years old. She was about 5’-6’’ tall and thin with short gray hair. Her eyes were as black as coal. Gerald Employee, Dragon offspring, 5’-11’’ tall, 185 pounds, 28 years old, black hair, dark eyes By the time we were finished, I was famished. All of the flying, and the repairs had taken a lot of work and Magic. The four of us flew back...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 10 the Flaming WomanChapter 11 The Dragonrsquos Pain

Knight Angela – Dominari’s Lair, The Despeir Mountains Lady Delilah’s draconic jaws opened above me. My arms burned. The power of Gewin’s blessing buttressed my limbs, keeping the immense weight of the dragon from crushing me as her claw pinned me to the cave floor. But as I looked into her open jaw at the sharp teeth dripping, the reek of sulfur of her breath, I saw my death. I had failed. My companions were scattered, dead or dying. She was too much for us. I grit my teeth, straining...

4 years ago
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Dragons Flight Pt2

Dragon's first Flight pt.2As Dragon slowly returns to the land of present, I remove the spreader bar from between her legs and decide I need one last taste of her lovely pussy juice. On my way back up to untie her hands from above her head, my tongue finds each of her still perky nipples and gives them a little flick each. Finally, I untie her hands and I help her ease them down to her side. If anyone has had their arms tied above their head, they'll know that your arm muscles kind of go...

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Horny DragonChapter 2

Over the course of the next three months the dragon had to sleep spell the woman a lot as she would go into hysterics or act as though she was going to try to hurt herself. But by the end of the third month, they both knew there was something different and wrong going on. The child was growing at a very fast rate and the dragon decided that the woman couldn't grow any more and size shifted the child so that it could continue to grow as well as letting the woman survive. That was also when...

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She Ra v Dragon Queen

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ???? SHE? RA? v? DRAGON QUEEN  ?By Sonya Esperanto ([email protected])  Synopsis: About the animated heroine She Ra (from Masters of the Universe and had her own series) being defeated by a sadistic Oriental villainess, who makes She Ra her bdsm slave. Story: Our Earth Dragon Queen entered an abandoned mansion that had a Victorian look to it. As far as she was concerned, it might as well be a haunted house.Dragon Queen was a tall, slim...

2 years ago
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Witch SwitchChapter 21

Six yeti are lounging around then the two human women appear. They glance up with wide smiles appearing on their faces. They all know Gudnwet and have heard of Penelope. “Did Phurre inform you that we were coming?” Gudnwet asks them. “Yes,” one of the yeti answers quickly. “We have been expecting you for some time now.” “Well, we shall be in that room over there,” the witch says, pointing across the way. “Somebody should spread the word.” As the yeti discuss this amongst themselves,...

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The World of Erasthay The Son of Lust Chapter 4 Taming the Naughty DragonMother

Chapter Four: Taming the Naughty Dragon-Mother By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Coral Isle, Jyou Sea My dragon mother seized me by the shoulders and...

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Witch SwitchChapter 16

“Do you think we’ve gotten far enough away?” the witch asks, coming to a stop to bend over with her hands on her knees, huffing and puffing. Hazel is just a few yards ahead of her, breathing just as heavily. “I doubt anyone is still following us.” “I’m more worried about that cyclops.” “And to think he was such a nice guy,” the cat remarks with a shrug. “How exactly did you manage to get us a rom anyway?” “Let’s just say that I used my persuasive charm.” “You don’t have any charm,” the...

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Witch SwitchChapter 27

Penelope stares up at the orc, wide-eyed and a little stunned. She has only ever seen orcs from a distance as they don’t usually visit parts of the world that she is from. Most are sailors and thus only generally seen at the docks of port cities. But to see one up close—a female at that, well... “It appears that my arrival may have been a little too late,” the orc says in a gruff yet feminine voice. The witch quickly shakes her head. “Actually I was enjoying myself.” The orc’s eyes go...

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The Dragon Mistress Heathers Trade

Heather couldn't believe she was standing in the castle keep of the Dragon Mistress. Legends were told of this woman's power. The fear she command was only exceeded by her beauty. Her hair was long and thick, a fiery copper coloured. Her eyes were a commanding bright green, so green it was as though even in human form she couldn't keep the dragon from showing inside her. She sat on a throne and stared at Heather in a way that was both enticing and dismissive. Heather wanted to shuffle her...

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Book 1 Milady and the DragonChapter 8 The Dragon

Virlane stood outside his lair, he spread his wings and stretched, his neck arching, he flexed his talons and sighed with pleasure, he turned to watch Trink heading down the mountain path muttering about donkeys and his most treasured assets. Virlane entered his lair, prowling around, looking, touching, smelling, it was all there, just as he had left it, not that there had been any doubt, Dragons are just rather possessive about their hoards. He went into his study, touching his books that...

4 years ago
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Witch SwitchChapter 12

Her face feels wet, like something lapping against it. As Penelope begins to come around, she hears the sound of waves hitting the shore. That’s it! She doesn’t know what happened after Vebri and Lysis and the sea god Crocdius, but she knows she must still be in the temple, or where the place is. Slowly, she opens her eyes, squinting when the sunlight hits them. “Hazel?” she mumbles. What in the nine hells happened to us? Relief comes over the witch. At the very least, whatever spell was...

3 years ago
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Witch SwitchChapter 1

Look through there are find a solution. “Do you think my mother had a second book?” Well, considering that I’ve never seen a second and this one isn’t even filled up yet? “Good point.” Yeah, I know. “Sheesh,” the witch says, shaking her head. “I think I liked you better these last few days.” I think I did too since I wasn’t trapped inside you again. “Hey, there’s a bright side...” I’m waiting... “You’re in my body.” Same thing as the last time. “I mean, we don’t look like a...

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Witch SwitchChapter 17

“Hey, wake up!” a voice says in a high whisper. A nudge follows and then, “Are you awake? Come on, wake up.” Yeah, she’s a heavy sleeper. “Hey, you’ve got to get up,” the voice says again, and another nudge follows. This time the witch begins to stir. She grumbles out something unintelligent before finally cracking open her eyes. “Is the party over?” “It’s been over for a little while,” the voice says. Hey, I’m in the same boat as you. Penelope catches a glimpse through blurry eyes at...

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Dragon WytchChapter 6

New characters appearing in this chapter: Barchanaus Leader of the Light Blue Dragon Clan, created Al and Alva as Familiars Kildarcsh Leader of the Red Dragon Clan, Ken’s great grandfather a number of times removed Khawlhring Red Dragon, Maddy’s husband, father of her twins, Kennith Sweeney in his Dragon form That evening, David and those on the Executive Committee who had gone with him went to meet with the Mayor and the City Council to explain the results, or rather, the lack of...

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Dragon WytchChapter 9

It appeared that the world had turned upside down during our time in the mountain. A few quick looks outside revealed a number of things. The light from the mid-afternoon sun, which was on the west side of the mountain, revealed at least 20 Dragons in the sky over and around this side of the mountain from my point of view. There were probably more that I couldn’t see. They were in a multitude of colors. In the cove below, there were a large number of their followers, or as I realized now,...

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Witch SwitchChapter 19

“Thank you for trying to save me,” Ned says a little while later after finding his clothes and Penelope has repaired hers. “But I was about ready to make my escape when you showed up.” “I saw that,” the witch murmurs. “Regardless, I am glad you showed up as it aided in my escape in regards that I was able to do it faster,” the vampire hunter continues. “My distraction allowed for their destruction.” “Glad to help, but I need your help.” “My help?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. “What help I...

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Witch SwitchChapter 20

Penelope stands and pads over quickly to drop to her knees in front of the yeti queen. She descends on the yeti queen’s slick slit, licking and kissing breathlessly and tasting the juices that stream sluggishly from it. A firm hand twines into her hair, simply holding the blonde tresses and letting the witch set the pace. Her tongue slathers up and down, provoking pleased growls form Phurre. “So you don’t have a particular, do you?” the yeti queen asks vaguely. “I wasn’t sure if it was just...

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Dragons flight Pt1

Dragon's first flightOn my way to the airport to pick up Dragon, I'm sweating already, even though it's only 50 degrees outside. I arrive at the short term parking lot at the airport with my balls aching at the workout I'm sure they will get over the next 2 days. You see, Dragon and I have been KIK friends for over 2 years now and have been, how do I say it, very intimate with each other. We've both exchanged nude pics of ourselves to the other one and even had a couple of video calls,...

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SRU Paper Dragon

SRU: Paper Dragon By Kim West I wish to thank Bill Hart for creating the SRU Universe and allowing others to have a chance to play in it. The story I have come up with is loosely based on "Puff the Magic Dragon." I hope you will enjoy the following. There once was a little rascal by the name of Jack Paper who loved to destroy everything in his path. His bedroom looked like a cyclone had hit it, and this would be only moments after his mother had cleaned it for him. His toys usually...

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Dragon WytchChapter 3

Tintaglia Maddy’s Dragon name, she is a Light Blue Dragon, the only Female in the last 4,000 years or so. The trio of young Wizards appeared outside of the building where Kennith had previously worked a few seconds after leaving the Ley Line Wizards building. They smiled on seeing the wards around the building. Joining hands, they cast a spell to crash not only all of the wards protecting the building, but in addition, all of the wards that those working there were monitoring or closing...

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Horny DragonChapter 3

The sun was half way down when they saw the village. In the woman's mind it had not changed one bit as they came to land in the field behind her home. It had also been decided that Dracon would not call her mother as that would start a whole new set of problems. There were screams and yells and then men with axes, pitchforks and bows, there were even a sword or two came running. They all stopped as the woman's son set his mother down gently. "You can put your weapons away." None moved....

2 years ago
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Highacre Dragon Breeders 4 Melodys Dragon

Introduction: Part 4 of the Highacre Dragon Breeders Saga Highacre Dragon Breeders part 4 – Mimis dragon Mimi sat quietly on her bed. She had received a package that morning from her parents. The box was plain, wrapped in brown packaging paper and secured with brown twine. Her parents sent her one of these packages each month, normally they were made up of her favourite chocolate and new clothes but something felt different about this box, it was slightly heavier than the last she had...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Witch SwitchChapter 24

Instead of penetrating the witch, Gudnwet starts to rub her clit. Penelope bucks against the hand as it is coaxed and caresses. The young witch then moans when the other picks up the pace. “I’m sorry that I cannot go with you, but I have to find that dirt bag brother of mine,” the demon hunter purrs into the witch’s ear. “But I thought you hunted demons,” Penelope says, feeling slightly lightheaded as the girl teases her ear and neck while playing with her clit relentlessly. Gudnwet dips...

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Master Dragons Desire

Master / Dragon's Desire Once upon a time, in a land that existed long ago, there was a small and quaint little village. This village was absolutely marvelous. It had people that knew everyone in town and they all live in harmony for the good of the village. The men worked the fields and the mills and the women taught the c***dren and cooked the meals. They even had a beautiful little stream that run through the middle of the village. Even the buildings in the village were beautiful. The most...

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Kiss of the Dragon A Halloween Story

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! This warning is possibly not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any...

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Highacre Dragon Breeders 3 Impregnation

Introduction: The Highacre Dragon Breeders Saga continues Highacre Dragon Breeders part 3 Impregnation A month had passed since Mimi had first joined the Highacre dragon stables and she had completed her basic lessons and training. She was now a junior stable hand under the direction of Arryn, one of the senior stable hands. Mimi spent her evenings with Viktoria discussing the need for the breeding program they ran and began her more advanced lessons in dragonology and stable management....

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Dragons Flight Pt3

Dragon's Flight pt3Seeing Dragon laying there with her gaping pussy gets my juices flowing and I climb on top of her pushing her legs together. As I begin to slide my cock into her, I grab a handful of her hair and pull her head back toward me. My cock is rock hard as I ease into her pussy and I can feel her juices flowing along my shaft. Slowly I fuck her and with every stroke Dragon moans. I lean over to her right ear and whisper, "Are you enjoying yourself? I know that I am." All that...

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Witch SwitchChapter 7

Penelope stretches with a yawn. She slept more comfortably than she imagined she would on rocks. She doesn’t immediately open her eyes as the sleep still lingers, clutching at the far reaches of her mind in an attempt to keep here there in darkness rather than allow her to awaken to light. But something is different. It’s not wrong, yet not exactly right either. Faintly she can hear the waves crashing... Shouldn’t those waves be lapping, not crashing? Finally the witch opens her eyes. She...

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Bad Dragon

Oh, you already know what it is, it’s Bad Dragon, and I’m about to pop off. These things have been taking over the market like it’s nobody’s business, and I am not surprised. Bad Dragon, as a company, has changed the shape of the ideal male penis. That’s how fucking influential they’ve become. It is now out of style to have a regularly shaped penis. You have to sport a dragon cock, or else you don’t get the pussy. I have a gigantic penis, so naturally, none of the women I’ve ever fucked have...

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