Run To The West Pt.3 free porn video

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Erika Hoffmann spent the next day, Sunday, alone as Elsa was scheduled to work so she busied herself with cleaning and tidying her apartment. After she had gone she didn't want anyone saying she was dirty and untidy. She would probably never see Eisenach again but that didn't matter. Besides, she didn't want to stop and think about what may happen on Thursday. She would worry about that enough as the day drew near.

The following day she tried to catch up with all the work she wanted to finish before she left. She had never been a selfish person and didn't want to leave any of her customers without the dresses they had ordered.

About midday, the door bell tinkled, and looking up she saw it was the man who had come to see her just before closing on Saturday.

He tipped his hat.

"Miss Hoffmann," he said.

"Good day, Herr...?" She couldn't remember if he had told her his name.

"Braun," he obliged, "but please, call me Dieter."

"Dieter," she repeated.

"I have brought an old dress, as you requested," he continued. "You said you have patterns for me to choose from."

Erika thought for a moment. Her conscience would not let her take an order for something so important to him, knowing full well she would not be here to finish it. She steeled herself to let him down as gently as she could.

"Herr Braun," she began.

"Dieter, please," he interrupted.

"Dieter... I am sorry but I cannot take your order."

He looked disappointed as he took in what she said.

"That is a shame. May I ask why?"

"I have to take some time off to visit a relative and I would not be able to finish your dress before you need it," she paused before continuing, "I would not be happy if I spoilt your anniversary."

Dieter lowered his head. He looked up again.

"I am sorry to hear that," he said. "I had heard such good things about your work and had hoped... well, never mind." He turned to leave but then turned back

"Do you know of anyone else who could help?"

"If I could make a suggestion," she spoke hesitantly, "I could take your order and begin the process, making sure you get what you want, then pass it on to one of my associates. They are very good too. The only thing is I cannot oversee the work and you would have to speak directly with them."

"That will be fine." He looked happier. "If she works here with you then I am sure she will be good enough."

The next hour went by quickly as they perused pattern books and Herr Braun finally chose a dress that he thought would suit his wife. He had brought a photograph of her to help Erika find suitable fabrics and colours. She was plain but tall and elegant and soon they had chosen something they both felt would look beautiful on her.

After he had left, Erika felt a little sad that she would not see the finished article. Frau Braun was going to look lovely in what they had chosen for her. It made her realise just what she was giving up. She could never return to Eisenach once she left, her whole life was here. Even though she had no family here and her only friend, her lover, was going with her, she would still miss it.

With sadness she returned to her work and kept herself busy for the rest of the day.

Just before five, Elsa appeared. It was the last time they would be together before the big day and they wanted to spend as much time as they could in each other’s company.

As they walked home together, Erika looked at the shops and houses as she passed. Every day she had passed them and they went by virtually unnoticed but now she saw them and they looked so familiar yet distant.

She sighed.

"'Rika?" the voice from beside her, querying.

"Oh, it's nothing, Elsa," she answered, "I was just thinking how much I am going to miss this place."

Elsa looked at her, a worried look on her face.

"You are not going to change your mind are you?"

"No," she replied with a weary smile. "Don't worry. We can't stay even if we wanted to. Not if we are going to be together."

They walked on in silence until they were home.

Once inside Erika took off her coat and placed it on the stand beside Elsa's.

"We have not talked about what happens on the other side," she said.

"Oh... well," Elsa stammered, "I just thought, well assumed, that you and I would be together. Is that not what you want?" She looked serious.

"Yes, my love, it is but I wanted to be sure you did too."

"'Rika, do you know nothing about me? It is all I have wanted for so long! I want to be with you for ever."

They stepped towards each other and held each other tightly.

"Nothing and no-one will ever come between us."

When they finally parted Erika kissed her lover and said, "I need a shower. Put the coffee on and I will be back shortly."

In her room she began to undress. First unbuttoning the satin blouse and placing it on the bed then, turning her skirt, unfastened it and slipped it down her long shapely legs and stepped out of it before placing that too on the bed.

The satin slip was next. Taking the thin straps from her shoulders, she let the silky material slide down over her naked breasts. They were small and firm so sometimes she didn't wear a brassiere, and today was one of those days. She enjoyed the feel of the slip passing over her nipples on the way to the floor and they immediately hardened.

Her pantyhose were next and she sat on the edge of the bed whilst she pushed first one leg, and then the other, down over her feet and placed them on the bed with her other clothes.

Finally, standing, she pushed down her full panties and stepped out of them, placing them on the bed with the others, ready to put in the laundry after her shower.

With just a robe tied loosely, she went to the bathroom and turned on the shower, slipped off her robe and waited until the water was nice and hot before stepping in.

For a while she stood under the hot cascade and let the water flow over her, washing away all her fears and anxieties and luxuriating in the warmth it was providing both outside and inside, shutting out everything and providing a moment of tranquillity. She tilted her head back and allowed the hot water to flow through her hair and down her back, pushing it through with both hands.

Slowly, she became aware of Elsa's fingers massaging her breasts as she stood behind her. Erika smiled and let her head rest back against Elsa who began to kiss her neck as she gently squeezed her breasts and nipples.

This was an entirely new sensation for her. She had not showered with anyone before. The water flowing over them and Elsa's hands roaming around her body was overwhelming. She didn't want it to stop, ever.

Elsa picked up the soap and began to wash her lover's body and Erika just relaxed and enjoyed the sensation of slippery, soapy hands seeking out and cleansing every part of her.

As the lather began to build she could feel it running down between them allowing their two bodies to slide over each other sensuously as Elsa slowly rubbed soapy fingers down and into her coarse black hairs before dipping between her labia and seeking out her now swollen and throbbing clitoris whilst also massaging her ever more sensitive breasts and pulling her closer towards her hot slippery body.

Erika reached round behind Elsa and, gripping her buttocks, pulled her closer, feeling her pressing herself into her own bottom Elsa rubbed herself against her whilst seeking out the eager opening of her vagina with her fingers and slipping gently but urgently inside.

This was becoming too much and Erika leaned forwards onto the tiles as Elsa moved against her as if making love to her and worked her fingers in and out of her now burning vagina.

Suddenly, it was upon her! Wave after wave of pleasure flowed through her as her friend probed and pressed her and her legs became so weak she could hardly take the weight of them both. At it's height she turned and kissed her lover, pulling her to her and drawing the breath from her very lungs as the moisture flowed from her and was washed away by the hot water flowing over them.

They slid down the tiles together still locked in their passionate embrace and just rested under the hot flowing water as it took away all their thoughts.

Finally, Erika looked at the pretty blonde woman beside her and said, "I love you so much."

There was no reply, just a beautiful smile that showed more joy than she had ever seen.

Back in the kitchen the two women talked as they drank their coffee.

"Well, my love," Erika spoke first. "This is it. The next time we will be together will be on the train on Thursday."

Elsa didn't answer but Erika could see she was worried. She reached across and put her hand under her chin, gently raising her head.

"I am so frightened, 'Rika. What if we don't make it?"

"We will do it," Erika tried to sound reassuring. "I will die before letting them take you from me!"

Elsa smiled and wiped her eyes.

"If you are with me," she answered, "then I will be alright."

The next two days were like a lifetime to Erika. it felt as though Thursday would never come but it did and, at five, she locked the shop for the last time. Placed the key in an envelope and posted it back through the letter box for her associate who worked with her, then headed towards the station for the train to Gotha. She was carrying her largest shoulder bag and a brown paper parcel which contained the DeutscheBahn uniform.

At Gotha she had about an hour to wait for the last train which crossed the border. It was the longest hour of her life. Every time she looked at the station clock it felt as though it had stopped.

But, of course, it had not and eventually the train arrived and she boarded.

Her legs didn't want to work and felt as though they had turned to jelly but she forced herself to carry on and found a seat in the leading carriage as Elsa had told her.

The train began to move and pick up speed. Before too long she heard a familiar voice calling:

"Tickets please."

Erika held up her ticket. Elsa took it and made a show of checking it before clipping it and, with an almost imperceptible smile, handed it back, saying, "Thank you, have a safe journey."

She took the punched ticket back. "Thank you," she replied, "you too."

Several minutes later the intercom crackled into life.

"Eisenach. Passengers not alighting here please have your passes and passports ready for inspection at the border. Passengers not passing into the west please alight here. Eisenach the next stop."

As they had agreed, Erika waited until all the other passengers had stood and began to get off. as she reached the toilet door she quickly opened it and stepped inside, closing the door quietly behind her and locking it.

With as much haste as she could muster in such a small space she took off her coat and skirt. She was already wearing the uniform shirt and she unwrapped the skirt and jacket from the parcel and put them on. Finally, she put her hair up into a bun and placed the cap on her head then checked herself in the mirror. The tie! She had almost forgotten the tie and with some difficulty, she had never used a tie in her life , managed to get something that passed as a proper knot.

With her pretty face and dark brown eyes she looked very sexy but at that moment, sexy was the furthest thing from her mind.

Whilst she had been preparing herself the train had begun to move out of the station towards it's next stop, the border checkpoint!

As she buttoned her jacket the train again jolted and, with brakes squealing, came once again to a halt.

She could imagine what was happening outside. Elsa and her colleagues would be getting off the train and handing it over to their western counterparts and the guards would be walking through the train checking permits and travel documents before releasing the train from it's gated compound to pass through to the west.

A loud insistent banging on the door made Erika jump. Her heart was in her mouth and beating as though it would burst as she called out:

"One moment, please."

She quickly pushed her skirt into her bag and hid the discarded brown paper. The guard banged again and shouted, "Hurry up, I need to see your papers!"

Shaking like a leaf she unlocked the door and stepped out. She froze.

"Miss Hoffmann!"

"Herr Braun... Dieter!" She felt sick as the guard continued:

"Is this why you couldn't take my order? You were going to try to run to the west?"

Erika couldn't speak. She looked at him, eyes wide with fear.

"Well, Miss Hoffmann?"

She was shaking uncontrollably now as she slowly nodded her head.

"Listen," he continued, "I am the captain of the guards here. I can make it as though this never happened. Come with me back to Eisenach and it will be as if you were never here. Finish my dress, with a big discount of course, and all will be as it was."

Erika had no choice but to go with him and as she stepped down from the train she saw Elsa talking to the guard who liked her. She had not even had time to get back on.

As she approached them Elsa's face took on a look of pure horror. Erika could only plead with her eyes to pretend she did not know.

The train's whistle blew and the gates swung open. With a roar and clouds of steam the big, black locomotive’s wheels turned and the train began to move out of the compound.

"Run, 'Rika, run," Elsa screamed and together they sprinted through the gate and into the neutral zone between the two countries.

"Halt!" the two guards yelled in unison. "Stop or we have to shoot! Please!" They pleaded, but the two women were running for their lives, quite literally.

There was a sharp crack and a whistle as a bullet passed close then, suddenly, Erika was knocked to the ground with the force of a sledgehammer as the second bullet found its mark and struck her in the back.

Elsa stopped dead and ran back to her.

"No, Elsa, run," she croaked, "please run to freedom, go," but Elsa didn't run. She grabbed the only friend she ever wanted and began to half drag and half carry her to the western side. The rifles fired again and Erika found new strength to try to run.

The guns had stopped now and she could hear voices shouting encouragement. Another shot rang out and Elsa screamed but kept pulling until finally collapsing onto the cold, hard, rain soaked concrete.

There was silence.

Erika's mind was racing and her head was swimming. She could see blood on the ground and she dragged herself against her motionless lover and held her tightly until darkness overcame her.

Herr Dieter Braun got his wife’s dress but it didn't make him happy. It was finished by Erika's associate and it fitted perfectly. His wife adored it and it suited her but he could not forgive himself for being the one who had shot the person who designed it and should have made it. He never allowed his wife to wear it.

Some forty years later the border was reopened and Germany was reunited. The people of Eisenach held a celebration and invited all those whose had managed to escape, to attend a special service to remember those who had died in the attempt.

Two special guests attended that service, Erika Hoffmann and Elsa Schröder . Now in their seventies both had made a full recovery from their injuries.

The bullet had passed through Erika's bag and been slowed by the photo album she couldn't bring herself to leave behind so that when it entered her body it didn't have enough velocity to do any serious damage, but the blood loss and shock had caused her to lose consciousness. Inside the album was a photograph of her parents and the bullet had passed through the centre of the two of them. She always said that they were watching over her that day and saved her life.

The bullet that struck Elsa had passed through her left side but missed all her vital organs. Again the shock and loss of blood caused her to pass out but not before she had dragged her friend near enough to the other side for the West German guards to pull them across and to safety.

Erika's cousin, Franke, nursed them both after they left hospital and they spent the rest of their lives happily together in Bad Hersfeld.

Neither Dieter Braun nor his wife attended the service. It was said that he was so eaten with guilt that he was never the same again. He passed away of a heart attack in 1974. He never knew that the two women had survived. His wife died six years later.




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He could hear the street chatter through the skylight, but knew her screams would not travel the other way. Below in his home the director’s wife continued to play the TV on full volume the dull thud coming up between his feet. The neighbours might complain but it wouldn’t be about the screaming. He adjusted his black hood so he could see clearly down the viewfinder. Lara was looking fantastic. Now stretched to attention arms above her head tied to the suspended manacles she looked much...

2 years ago
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The airpalne ride home pt3

John had nearly caught his wife and son fucking in the kitchen. He had stood at the top of the stairs while they were caught up in their carnal act of i****t. Jamie had been on her hands and knees thrusting her ass back hard against Sam`s dick, rutting like a bitch in heat. He might have heard her begging for more of his son's massive tool. He might have seen his son smacking his wife`s fat ass, calling her a bitch and urging her to fuck harder. But he hadn't.Now he sat next to the boy who was...

3 years ago
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The Ball Gamept3

I awoke feeling completely refreshed, this was partly due to the fact that I had gone to bed at about 8:30 pm and my clock now said 9:00 am. Another reason was that I felt like I had freed my self, if even for a short time, from all of the stressful things in my life, namely, MOM. I just lay there looking around the room, not really in a big hurry to get up and going, after all, I had time before I needed to call Ray. I wasn’t even worried now about being pregnant, if I just kept my...

2 years ago
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The naughty family pt3

As I pulled onto the campus of the state university, I could feel the anticipation of the moment tingling inside me, mixed up with the horniness I had felt since I'd woken up this morning and called home. There hadn't been much conversation -- it's really hard to have a phone conversation with people when they're fucking, especially when it's your husband and daughter gasping and moaning between "Hello" and "How are you?"I had burned up the cell phone minutes, stroking my wet pussy while...

2 years ago
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The Best Week of my Life Pt3

Under normal circumstances, a storm would dampen my mood irrevocably, but the one that raged for hours on Wednesday morning was nothing short of perfect. It meant that the three girls were unable to make good on their plan to head off to the beach and that would have seen them gone for the entire day. Instead, they were forced to stay at home with me, and to try to make their own fun. Slumping down in an armchair opposite the coach that had become a base, my fourteen-year old sister Sophie...

3 years ago
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The Vine pt3

Oh my, is this how it feels when a guy first enters me. I can feel how tight she is, and how wet her pussy is. As she is squeezing me as I start slowly thrusting in and out of her. Zeta hugs her, up running her arms up her sides under her arms and holds her shoulders. Looking her in her eyes as she grinds into her with small circles. She gasps under Zeta as she trails her fingers down Zetas’ sides as Zeta starts to thrust harder and faster. Enjoying the new feelings that she feels, zeta...

2 years ago
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Training the Wife for BBC PT3

The first interracial picture I saw as a teenager was in an adult magazine. It showed a very attractive red headed woman with long hair and alabaster skin sitting on a black man's lap with her back turned towards him. The black man was well built and had his hands firmly on her hips. Her face conveyed to me that she was experiencing great pleasure fucking the black man. The contrasts in skin color fascinated me. I ignored virtually all the other pictures of white couples fucking in that adult...

3 years ago
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The Sick Day Pt3

Seventeen-year old son Josh was uniquely quiet tonight, his young brain awash also with the twin sins of guilt and lust. Having enjoyed stepsister Lucy's attentions via a wonderful handjob that was subsequently reciprocated as his fingers worked her tight young pussy to climax, he craved more, much more. Glancing up only to look at the object of his affection, his mind was agonising over how to get her alone and into bed. Sixteen-year old stepdaughter Lucy sat in between, the focal point...

3 years ago
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The beginnings of my curiosity pt3

So far it had bee a great day! I had traded a friend for some new nudie magazines and on the way out of his garage I found some More that he had thrown in the trash. From there I went home an put them to good use! I had just finished Jacking off to a explosive orgasm and was sitting on the couch in my basement catching my breath. My parents were not home. Mom was out doing laundry, Dad was at work. I figured I had another two hours or so before I had to worry about either of them getting home....

1 year ago
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Jessicas Story The Kidnapping Pt3

Supper began normally. I had laid the table after I had finished my homework, placing out knives, forks, spoons and table mats. Misty called everyone to the table. Tonight we were having my favorite, Sloppy Joes. I poured a glass of cider for Jan, and milk for myself and Misty and sat waiting. Jan wheeled herself up to her position at the head of the rectangular table, while Misty sat opposite me. I was never certain of Misty, She is always perfect! Even when doing something depraved,...

3 years ago
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A new start The love story of a sub pt3

Thanks, as always, to NaughtyAnn, for her help and support.  I suggest you to read the previous two parts before to read this one. Comments are strongly appreciated. ******* So, as the months continued, I received punishment and humiliation for my mistakes and also for my unworthiness. I concentrated totally on learning everything as fast as I could, not for me, but to let my Mistress be proud of her slave slut. At times I would cry in pain or scream for joy. An unspoken agreement between us...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Virgin used by the nurse pt3

As i walked to my first class I was trying not to think about mum and the nurse discussing the history on the laptop, Mum thinks i'm some sort of perv, but then again maybe it would put an end to having my cock in a cage,I entered English class and sat down, my bum still slippy and slightly sore, like a reminder of what happened, like i was still being spanked an entered.I was paying no attention to what the teacher was saying, instead my mind was wondering , its funny how a boy cant think...

4 years ago
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Stories From the OOPS Files pt3

But now things were better, with sun up I could no longer feel the weight of Ms. Fluke's saggy breasts and massive belly. And I fixed that gnarly old bitch real good, as when I was trapped in her body I shaved every hair off her head. It felt wonderful being back in my male body again, although my skin felt a strange warmth in many areas like my arm pits and groin. But everything was alright, I could tell I had my morning stiffie. I figured to leave a cum surprise in Ms. Puke's bed....

3 years ago
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Fun at the beach pt3

Anna stepped right up to Angel's unsuspecting backside and placed one hand on the girl's waist. With the other hand she delicately teased the girl's lips. She gently guided the girl to the position she wanted. Finally, she touched her cock to the girl's aching pussy. Angel sucked a sharp breath as she felt the tip touch her pussy. Realizing something was amiss, Angel whipped her head around just in time to see Anna's rock hard cock disappear into her pussy. Angel's head reared back as she felt...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Maid Marion Pt3

The Orgy of Sherwood continues   If you haven't read the previous chapters please do so as always comments and suggestions are welcome sorry for the delay in this part coming        Marion roused from her unconscious state at the sound of someone crying out as she looked around she saw her young hand maid Anna being impaled on a bandits cock the mixture of her juices and the previous man's cum making her slick tunnel slide down his thick shaft. Anna groaned as her pussy was stretched...

3 years ago
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On the Balcony in the French Alps pt3

Sitting on the balcony in this picturesque place, I admired the trees in the valley and the beautiful lake in the distance guarded by snow-capped mountains. I tried to imagine the beauty of the whole valley covered in snow.Listening to the birdsong, it was truly peaceful, tranquil even, but other thoughts still flashed through my mind: who was the female who’d watched me masturbating. And was that all she saw? Was she watching when I fucked Carole on the balcony?More importantly, how could I...

3 years ago
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The Humiliation of Mysticemmy Pt3

Having ran for what she felt was hours, Mysticemmy crept into her room so not to give away which room she entered as she heard the 3 couples, Jake and Tanya walk past her door talking loudly but not enough so Mysticemmy could make out what they were saying. Creeping back to her bed, oblivious to the amount of spunk and pussy juice covering her and how wet her pussy and as were from the fresh humiliation. Noticing Jeni in her bed, Mysticemmy couldn’t help but feel compelled to curl into Jeni....

3 years ago
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The wife and girlfriends after drinking PT3

This is Part 3 of The Wife and Her Girlfriends after drinkingA month later Lisa comes home from work and tells me that BJ and Bud would like to get together because BJ wants to do anal for her birthday and Bud and her have tried but he is just to large. I told her sure why not. I told her that I know she really like fucking Buds big black cock and was sure she would love to again. Lisa called BJ and told them to come over the next night which was Friday. When Lisa got home from work I was...

4 years ago
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9 into 1 The Destruction Of A Bitch Pt3

Scott withdrew the speculum from his partners pussy her vagina was well and truly destroyed gaping wide open a cavernous mess dripping what was left onto the sofa below he then quickly shoved his head between her legs lapping away his face buried deep Scott was now the cuck of the group a chuckle went around the watching party Dawn moaning sat up "that's enough my poor pussy is throbbing" another chuckle rose from the group "get on that table now" she was lifted by myself and two others and...

3 years ago
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The CockSucking Transformation PT3

I had just taken six loads on my face and in my mouth, but these guys were not even close to being done with me. They alternated shoving their cocks in my mouth to clean them up and a few of them were already getting hard again. I felt one of them reach down and start to rub my pussy. One of them ripped my panties off and pulled my bra down to expose my tits. I was right on the brink of cumming, but I didn’t care; all I wanted to do was get these guys off again, and I wanted to swallow even...

3 years ago
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All the Teachers PT3

Ohhhhhhh god, I can’t believe how this feels she told herself while he held her shapely soft ass in his hands as they kissed. At the very same time, he pulled at her body elsewhere. She loved it. She adored how it felt to have her ass cheeks squeezed and pulled at like he was doing. It had to be the most delightful thing ever done to her. She was embroiled in sensations she could not define and her breathing along with her thoughts ran off in a variety of directions not even she could...

3 years ago
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All the Teachers PT3

Ohhhhhhh god, I can’t believe how this feels she told herself while he held her shapely soft ass in his hands as they kissed. At the very same time, he pulled at her body elsewhere. She loved it. She adored how it felt to have her ass cheeks squeezed and pulled at like he was doing. It had to be the most delightful thing ever done to her. She was embroiled in sensations she could not define and her breathing along with her thoughts ran off in a variety of directions not even she could...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Sniffing The Cleaning Ladys Bum Pt3

I was out golfing, when it started pouring rain. My party and I decided it would be awhile beofre it let up and called it a day and headed out. While I was changing in the clubhouse my sell rang and my hime number showed up on caller ID. Figuring it was just my roomie Kimmy, I didn't think anything of it and answered. It was Teadora! It seems she was out biking when it started raining and as my place was a lot closer then her's she stopped in. She asked if I minded if she waited the storm out...

2 years ago
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The Group Pt3

Miss Burke collected me in her car at noon and we drove across the city towards her home.“I have been thinking about you,” she said.Shifting in her seat she drew up her skirt, driving one handed.“Look, Thinking about you makes me wet.”She was bare legged. Where her strong thighs met was a triangle of white cotton, wisps of hair escaping at the edges. darkened at it’s centre by her moisture. “This is what happens to women when they feel sexy . It’s not pee”, she giggled, “it’s my love...

First Time
1 year ago
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Kelli and the Masseuse pt3

Her fingers traced the profile of the girl’s breasts as she watched Kelli breathe softly. She kissed her softly and brushed Kelli’s hair out of her face as she revelled in what she had just done. The sweet girl was now hers and she knew that she could have this girl anytime she wanted, boyfriend or not. She laughed to herself as she thought how easy it had been to seduce Kelli. The girl’s eyelids fluttered a bit as Earlene realized Kelli was coming to. The girl started to speak but the big...

4 years ago
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Kelli and the Masseuse pt3

Her fingers traced the profile of the girl's breasts as she watched Kelli breathe softly. She kissed her softly and brushed Kelli's hair out of her face as she revelled in what she had just done. The sweet girl was now hers and she knew that she could have this girl anytime she wanted, boyfriend or not. She laughed to herself as she thought how easy it had been to seduce Kelli. The girl's eyelids fluttered a bit as Earlene realized Kelli was coming to. The girl started to speak but the big...

2 years ago
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A new start The love story of a sub pt3

Thanks, as always, to NaughtyAnn, for her help and support.  I suggest you to read the previous two parts before to read this one. Comments are strongly appreciated. ********* So, as the months continued, I received punishment and humiliation for my mistakes and also for my unworthiness. I concentrated totally on learning everything as fast as I could, not for me, but to let my Mistress be proud of her slave slut. At times I would cry in pain or scream for joy. An unspoken agreement between...

2 years ago
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The Group Pt3

Miss Burke collected me in her car at noon and we drove across the city towards her home. “I have been thinking about you,” she said. Shifting in her seat she drew up her skirt, driving one handed. “Look, Thinking about you makes me wet.” She was bare legged. Where her strong thighs met was a triangle of white cotton, wisps of hair escaping at the edges. darkened at it’s centre by her moisture. “This is what happens to women when they feel sexy . It’s not pee”, she giggled, “it’s my love...

2 years ago
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House Slut 33 Halloween pt3

This is a direct continuation from Part 2, which I recommend you read if you have not already. -phenylalanine Tegan assessed the dildo again and then at the vessel of spunk. The most semen she had ingested in one sitting was eleven, the night she visited the glory hole, and that was in small increments as she served each man. This was spunk from thirty different guys who’d probably cum at least twice, gathered in a container that had been sitting around going cold and coagulating. She...

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