ProfNigma Stories #4: Falling Pieces #2 free porn video

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Victorious: Falling Pieces #2

The next three weeks flew by for everyone as they prepared to return to school. The Vega household was constantly busy as both girls were constantly on the move, either with dates or secret meetings with their boyfriends. The two tried to make time for friends, but Tori felt like she was seeing Robbie and Andre very little anymore. She only really saw Cat in passing, as she seemed much more private and secretive than normal, but Tori believed she would be back to normal once school started. Almost all of her time was spent with Beck, either hanging at her house or his trailer. They never seemed to go on actual dates, which was a bummer to Tori, and he usually just wanted to have sex, which, while exciting and intense, usually left her feeling unfulfilled. Though lately, he was acting much more erratic, which worried Tori more each day, but he always said it was from a headache. Whenever Beck upset her, she would always seek out Jade, out of spite to a degree, and the two would spend time together. It was weird, Tori thought, that they were friends now, and each had been affected in a weird way. Tori now loved the gory and artsy movies that Jade was into, and Jade was far more friendly, and the two starting having little sing-off karaoke sessions whenever they would hang out. But really, Tori couldn't wait to be back in school and have some sense of normalcy again. Well, whatever passed for normal at Hollywood Arts, at least.

Trina's final days before school were very different. Unlike her s*ster, she didn't have a tight circle of coincidentally interesting friends to hang out with. Most of her time was spent shopping and watching television. Sometimes she would go see Robbie at his place, or if they could be all alone, they would spend time at her house. When they would spend time together, it was usually spent hurriedly having sex, which was almost always fantastic, and she loved how he would worship her body. But Robbie was a geek, and she couldn't have anything to do with him if she wanted to anyone to like her. Tori knew of course, and she was pretty sure Beck might know since he and Robbie were best friends, not to mention that he and Tori had nearly caught them a few times. She had no idea what she was going to do when school started back, and Robbie wanted them to be a public couple.

Robbie was torn with his current social standing. On one hand he was dating a girl that was way out of his league, who was willing to sl*ep with him, who had, with the possible exception of Jade, the best rack he had ever seen, and who really was a good person deep down. The problem was, the good person might be a bit too far down. Since they first got together, she had kept their relationship extremely secret, and the only person that knew was Tori. Beck may know too but he certainly wasn't bringing it up if he did. Actually, here lately, Beck wasn't much of a talker anymore. He always looked tired, and seemed to always have a headache, yet every time someone would offer him something to help relieve, he's say no, and that he had something that would help. Then he'd tell everyone but Tori to get out or leave him alone. He was worried about his friend, but maybe that was just his way to have some alone time with Tori. God knows, Robbie thought, I'd have done the same thing if I had a shot with her.

Beck was keeping mostly to himself these days. He had always been a pretty private person, but the last couple months had been especially solitary. A lot of it was due to trying to focus on Tori, but it was more so because of him not feeling well. He wasn't sick in the traditional sense, but he certainly felt like hell. He hadn't told anyone, but while he was at the camp, he lost an aunt that he was very close to. No one even bothered to tell him until he was back home. Charged with the task of cleaning out her house, Beck stumbled across her medications. Ambien, Vicodin, and OxyContin. Three very high profile dr*gs that he considered selling, but after the guilt of taking them took hold, he found the only way he could escape it was by taking the pills. The Ambien helped him sl*ep, and the other two dulled his depression and guilt enough that he became reckless. He knew he was being too angry and rough with Tori and that he was acting differently, but a pill and a glass of water later, he couldn't care less. Beck was clearly on a downward spiral before the school year even began, and if it wasn't for genuine feelings for Tori, he wouldn't even still be in this town. He certainly never felt that way with Jade, and her continued presence in his life was really becoming annoying. No, Beck thought, turning down the lights to get some more sl*ep, I'm really not looking forward to going back to school.

Jade spent nearly every moment of the proceeding weeks in her room. Only when Tori would call her over to hang out or the really rare occurrence of hanging out with Robbie, Andre, or Cat, would she have any interactions. Other than that, she watched movies, listened to music, chatted with Freddie online, or tried to let her imagination recreate some of her favorite moments of their time together- and that was her life. Despite having serious doubts about sharing her guy with someone else, she was making peace with it now, and was actually beginning to like talking to Sam when the semi-awkward opportunity would arise. Despite all the feelings she had for Freddie, the truth was, she went to bed alone every night- a fate she couldn't imagine that Freddie and Sam were also suffering from. I asked for this... I did this to myself, she repeated in her mind most days. It honestly felt like Jade was putting her whole life on hold for Freddie, and that when he would do something, would be when she would finally start moving. The only person who ever really spent time in Jade's room was Tori. Their sl*epovers had become a regular thing, and somehow, neither had succumbed to any kind of temptation. It wasn't for a lack of trying on Jade's part; one really lonely night Jade found herself craving cuddling up with the giddy brunette, but Tori kept things very innocent. Cat came to see her a couple times, but didn't stay for very long for some reason. Ever since the Seattle trip, Cat had been acting very strangely and, given the redhead's inability to handle things that upset her, Jade was a little worried about her.

Cat Valentine preferred girls. There was no question about it anymore. She thought she was in love with her best friend, but ever since Freddie had shown up, Jade's attention had been elsewhere. Carly was great too, but she was far more bi than anything, which was fine for the sensitive redhead, they could always have fun together. What Cat was really craving in her life was love. She knew finding love at 17 was not an easy task, but the need for affection added with the weight of her secret, bother were weighing her down. She wished she could tell everyone, but there was no telling how they would react. She couldn't really be around Jade knowing she loved someone else more, and she didn't think any of her friends would accept her if they knew that she liked girls. Tori might understand since they fooled around at the camp together, but she was always with Beck... and he was starting to scare her. Robbie had a serious crush on her, so telling him would be awkward, though lately he was being very private as well. The only person who stayed the same was Andre, but the two of them were not that close, and Andre wasn't exactly known for keeping secrets well.

Andre Harris was starting to resent his friends. It wasn't due to anything that they had done, per se, but he resented the fact that they had all gone through some changes and he didn't seem to be a part of that. He had always considered Tori his best friend since the girl had shown up at the school a couple years ago, but lately, she barely had or made time for him. It had started when she started dating Beck, who had gone through some pretty serious changes himself. It would seem like an isolated incident, but all his friends were acting very differently since they went to that camp up in Canada. Jade had met some guy from Seattle at this camp, and apparently was all about him, and was acting like a completely different person. Robbie wasn't much better. He had become really secretive over the last couple of months, and would leave a lot of their hangouts to go do some random things. Cat was kinda the same, but every time he would talk to her, she would seem far less happy than usual, as if something was weighing heavily on her mind. With all of his friends busy with one thing or another, most of his summer was spent taking care of his grandmother. Andre could not wait for school to start back so he could finally get away from this monotony.

* * *

The first day of school at Hollywood Arts went by without any real hitches. There were a couple of new teachers around, one of which, who Trina had, was supposedly really cute, but the other friends didn't have his class. Sikowitz's class was relatively simple. A few new k*ds were pulled into improv exercises, and he explained, albeit very strangely, what the class was going to be like. He then told two thirds of the class that they probably wouldn't do much this year since they didn't seem like "main character material". All of these students left, but the coconut loving teacher, asked the others to stick around. It wasn't until this moment that he realized that Beck wasn't there.

"Where is Mister Oliver today? It is a very important day for him to have to miss."

Tori had actually been wondering the same question since this morning when he wasn't in the hallway.

"We have no idea," she said, semi-quietly as everyone exchanged looks.

"Maybe he was brutally stabbed and then run over by a truck."

"Jade!" Sikowitz said, via his usual dramatic shouting. "Good to see the summer hasn't changed your oh, so sunny disposition."

"That was kinda mean, Jade," Tori spoke up.

"Sorry..." she sneered back, crossing her arms.

"Well…" Sikowitz continued, "I suppose you all can fill Beck in on this. I have a new play coming up and I know that my favorite students are on their way out. So, I'd like for you to go out and find replacements. Trying to look for talent myself is pretty boring." The friends looked around, trying to understand what exactly they were supposed to do. "That is all. Go forth ch*ldren and make my life easier."

Everyone grouped up and headed out the door, meeting several feet later in front of Tori's locker.

"So, anybody else weirded out by Sikowitz making us like audition people?" Andre said, opening his locker and getting some M&Ms.

"I think it's his way of saying he trusts us," Robbie said, grabbing a handful of candy from Andre, and throwing them in his mouth, "we jush need to find people like ush."

"People like us?" Tori shut her locker incredulously, "I thought the whole point of this school was that everyone is different and everyone has a talent that is unique?"

"I would never have said this a year ago," Jade said, sipping her coffee, "but Vega's right. This assignment is bullshit-"

A squeal from Cat prompted Tori to cover the sensitive redhead's ears, knowing that any sort of profanity always made her freak out.

"Sorry, Cat, but it doesn't change the fact that what Sikowitz is doing is really awkward and unnerving. However, enough people around here are afraid of me, so making people audition for me won't be a problem."

Andre looked incredulously at Jade, "Yeah... you do that. I guess we should start with the people in class with us. There was this girl, and oooh-"

"Andre!" Tori exclaimed. "This is not a dating service. We have work to do. If you think she's talented, why don't you give her to one of us girls, and you can find a guy to test out."

"My br*ther had to be tested," Cat said randomly, earning some odd stares. "He didn't like it."

"Yeah... ok," Robbie said, patting Cat on the arm. "So I guess we have a plan now. Anybody know what's up with Beck?"

All eyes looked to Tori, who looked just as clueless as the rest of them.

"I talked to him last night, and he seemed fine. I texted him from class but haven't heard from him."

"You gotta admit though," Andre said, almost whispering. "Something ain't right with that boy."

Everyone nodded, but no one wanted to say a word. Confronting a friend with a clear problem was never easy, but he hadn't done anything, at least that they could tell, to endanger himself or anyone.

"Let's just keep an eye on him. If he doesn't show up tomorrow, we'll have to do something for sure," Robbie said, before hurrying off to a technical theatre class.

Everyone else sc*ttered as well, with Andre and Tori heading to a music class, Jade left for an art class, and Cat headed to her dance class. The hallways had cleared with the exception of one very lost looking stocky blonde teen who was too busy staring at one of the most beautiful girls he'd ever seen to find his classroom, and, at least for most people at the school, the rest of the day proceeded as normal.

* * *

Tori wasted no time heading over to Beck's trailer after dinner with her f*mily. She had called twice, and sent at least five texts, but there was no response. She knocked for a solid minute before he finally answered the door, looking almost normal, and refreshingly showered, which was surprising for this time of night.

"Sorry, babe. Had the music turned up. What's up?"

"Where were you today?"

"Yeah... sorry. Woke up at like almost noon, and I figured I might as well just not go instead of being late."

"Ok... and my calls and texts?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"I, uh, lost my phone somewhere in here. I put it on silent, so I can't even call and find it. You want to come in?"

The young Latina stepped up into the trailer, following her boyfriend, trying not to get upset at the way Beck had been the last few weeks. She looked around the trailer and couldn't believe the mess. Clothes were piled all over the place, the bed clearly hadn't been made since the last time she was over here nearly a week ago. Pizza boxes and Chinese containers littered his desk, but he had clearly tried to clean up by just spraying Febreeze all over the place.

"So what did I miss?"

"Honestly, not too much. I know there's a few classes we don't have together but you just missed introductions in Parker's class. Sikowitz is a different story though. He basically told us to go out and find replacements for us once we're gone next year. It was kind of an awkward task."

Beck looked like he had zoned out while she spoke, "That's cool, I guess."

Tori just stared at him for what seemed like minutes. "You're acting seriously messed up... maybe I should just go."

She barely had time to turn around when Beck's hand shot up to grab her arm. "I'm sorry, Tori... I'm just having an off day. Please stay. I need you."

"Beck…" she said, trying to break free of his tight grasp, when she finally decided to stop struggling. As if her going limp was an invitation, Beck began to kiss her neck. His kisses felt really cold and empty at first to Tori, but then the smell of his hair flooded her nostrils. The scent combined with his touch, and the deep kisses that were sure to leave marks, started to send waves of pleasure through Tori's brain.

The girl no longer felt angry or frustrated at Beck, and found her arms wrapping around her boyfriend, fully accepting what he was doing. Her fingertips began playing with the bottom edge of his old tee shirt, and snuck inside to run along his abs. She could feel Beck smile as he kissed her, wrapping his arms around her midsection, his hands no longer f*rceful, and just softly exploratory.

Tori's hand remained at Beck's stomach while her other hand had become entangled in the most amazing head of hair she'd ever seen, her fingers massaging his scalp as she gripped his hair tighter as his kisses became more intense. There were even a few times that Tori found herself moaning his name as he seemed to cover her whole body in his affection.

This intensified further when Beck backed away from the girl and removed his shirt, before pulling Tori close as the two fell onto his bed. They shared several deep kisses, each laughing a bit as they made out, all four of their hands searching every possible inch of the other's body, as if they had never done anything like this before.

Beck always liked that about Tori. Sex with her never really got old, and, besides the obvious, she always seemed like a virgin. His hands ran along her still clothed stomach, only slightly rubbing the edge of her chest, teasing her with every passing moment. When she finally couldn't take it any-more, she tore her shirt off, barely breaking contact to his lips as she undressed.

Taking advantage of the newly exposed skin, Beck dove into her body, kissing her exposed collarbone and chest while his hands rubbed her stomach, gripping her sides tightly. Tori reared her head back in ecstasy, biting her lip to hold back her moans. Her thin bra straps were slowly lowered from her shoulders, being replaced by Beck's warm mouth, kissing her tanned skin.

Tori finished the upper undressing by reaching behind her back to unhook her blue bra, allowing it to slide down her arms, slowly and shyly, revealing her bare chest to someone who had seen it a number of times before. Beck slid his body downward until he was at eye level with the Latina's B cup breasts. He hungrily took one of her breasts into his mouth, swathing his tongue around her eraser sized nipples, and alternating between sucking hard and soft on her sensitive skin. Once he felt her left breast was sufficiently aroused, he moved to the right one.

No longer content to stifle her sounds Tori was now on the verge of screaming as she moaned from his affections. Her mind had turned to blissful mush. They had been together a few times, but somehow Beck always found a fresh way to ravage her body. While his mouth was busy on her chest, his aggressive hands were wrapped around her abdomen and were squeezing her supple ass. Tori couldn't believe how quickly he had become so anim*listic, and she couldn't believe how much she enjoyed it.

This feeling only grew when Beck unbuttoned her jeans and quickly pulled them, and her teddy bear adorned underwear, down her legs. Continuing his carnal assault, his face dove into her newly exposed core, and he hungrily lapped up the girl's glistening pink pussy.

"Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod... Beccccckkkk... F-f-f-fuuuuuuck… Baby... don't stop..." She screamed, gripping his hair in her fingers, pushing his face into her core as hard as she could. "Just.... Fucking devour me!"

Beck was happy oblige, his rough tongue hitting every angle of Tori's extremely sensitive clit, as he reached in and slid two fingers inside her. The insertion was too much for Tori, and Beck could feel her walls tighten. Knowing she was close he went full f*rce with his tongue, and thrusting his two fingers in and out, until she screamed at the top of her lungs, signalling her orgasm, and with a higher note than she thought she could hit, she came, and Beck, whose hair was still tightly being held, quickly lapped up her juices.

As Beck climbed up her heavily breathing body, he lightly planted kisses on her face, trying not to block the air as she gasped.

"That... was... wow," she managed, eyes still wide from her experience. "If you'll give me a sec..." she said, reaching behind her hair to try and tie it back before going down on him, "I'll return the favor."

Beck grabbed her hand from tying her hair back. "It's cool… I really like your hair down, and if I could be really bold, Tori," he leaned in, his voice turning into a whisper in her ear, "I really, really, really want to fuck the shit out of you."

Tori cautiously nodded, a small grin creeping across her face, as she could already feel herself aching for him by the second 'really.' Tori was never the kind of person that craved sex, but once Beck got her going, she couldn't think about anything else. Right now she needed him to fill her body up, to pierce her very being with himself.

Standing up Beck quickly unbuckled his pants and slid them down, tossing them into a pile, quickly followed by his boxers. He wasted no time getting back on the bed and spreading Tori's legs out. With one swift motion, he pulled his girlfriend towards him, sheathing himself inside of her, prompting a wide eyed look, which was followed by her rolling eyes. Pulling himself out slowly, which earned a whimper from Tori's lips, he quickly shoved himself back in, turning the whimper into an all-out cry.

Before long, he had built up a pace, and grabbed her ankles tightly, using them to hold her in place as he fucked her wildly, watching her breasts bounce with his thrusts. Every so often she would form words to shout, but mostly it was just a mess of screams, moans, squeals, and what Beck assumed to be her attempt at profanity.

"Ooohhohhh... there... oh baby fuuuunnnnnnngggg... there... don't... Eiiiiiaahhhh."

Knowing that Tori wasn't going to provide the dirty talk, he had no problem supplying his own. "You like that baby?" he asked to a slowly nodding Tori. "You like it when I fuck you so hard you can't even talk?"

"Uh..... yeah... babyOHHHH... yes."

He then pulled her even closer, somewhat bending her back as he put her legs on his shoulders and kept thrusting harder and harder, using his freed hands to grip her abdomen on each side. Tori could feel his fingers painfully digging into her sides, but she was so lost in her bliss that she hardly noticed it. Despite being the more energetic and aggressive one tonight Beck wasn't slowing down at all, pumping in and out of her as hard and as fast as humanly possible.

"You like it when I pound your pussy with my big hard cock?"

"Yes... ohhh."

"Say it then," he said, smacking her breast less than gently.

"I love it when you p-p-p-pound my pussy with your b-bbig hard coo- ohhhh- cock."

"That's good," he said, slowing down his pace. "Now whose pussy is this?"

"Yours..." she whimpered, as he spanked her breasts again.

"Louder than that..."

"It's your pussy Beck!" she screamed, half from excitement, and half from actual submissiveness. He always had a way of making her feel so dirty.

"That's right... and tell me what you want me to do with this pussy, little Tori Vega."

Tori was able to catch her breath as Beck had slowed it down, allowing her to focus and say the dirtiest thing to come to her mind, hoping it would appease him. "I want- no, I need you and your rock hard cock to fuck me and my tight little pussy until I can’t see straight. I want you to fuck me so hard that I can’t even have a thought. Yeah... fuck my brains out, B-"

Beck wasn't sure if she was about to say baby or Beck, but he didn't care as he returned to piston-ing the Latina's love hole like there was no tomorrow, causing her legs to fall.

As Tori's legs fell from his shoulders, they wrapped around his midsection, keeping him in place as he continued pounding her with such ferocity that she wondered if she'd be able to walk after this.

Finally, Tori's legs tightened so hard, she thought they might cramp as her orgasm took hold. It was so electrifying that her body actually shook as if she might be having a seizure before she finally went limp and drifted into the afterglow.

Beck felt himself very close and quickly pulled out of Tori, and pointed his engorged and overworked member towards her stomach. A couple strokes was all it took to fire four thick ropes of cum all over the Latina's heaving stomach and breasts.

"I'm not even mad..." she said, still trying to catch her breath. Scooping up what she could from her body, she managed to get up and wobble over to the bathroom to clean herself up. As she looked in the mirror, washing her face and body where he had shot, she noticed how red her body was. It was pretty intense, she thought, it's only natural my body looks like ragged.

As Beck watched Tori stumble over to the bed, she just dropped like a wet sack and within minutes had passed out. Beck reached over and grabbed a pill bottle, and swallowed a couple before taking a sip of soda he'd been drinking when she showed up, and before too long, he had nestled into sl*ep alongside her, both still completely naked.

* * *

A few hours passed as the two slept deeply from the exhausting lovemaking, until Tori finally woke up and checked her phone for the time. Shit, she thought, it's almost midnight, I gotta get home.

Slowly, she slid from Beck's arms and gathered her clothes, making her way to the bathroom to change. She debated turning on the lights, but decided it was better not to get dressed in the dark. As she looked at the newly illuminated room, something in the mirror caught her eye. Several things actually.

There were three very deep hickeys on her neck, and there were already some signs of bruising on her abdomen where he had held her. Pressing her fingers to the finger shaped marks, she quickly felt how sore they were. She even had the makings of a bruise on her left breast, where he had struck her during the more intense portion of their sexual session. Trying not to look at herself any more, she hurried to dress, her body flailing to put her clothes back on, knocking over a pill bottle in the process.

"Hydrocodone" the bottle read.

Tori stared at it for a moment, trying to recall where she had seen this medicine before. She hoped there wasn't something seriously wrong with Beck that he needed this medication. Quickly putting it into her phone, she saved it for an internet search later. Right now, she needed to get home fast.

As she crept out the door, and got into Trina's car (which she couldn’t legally drive), Tori's mind was racing about how great tonight was, and despite her pain, it was one of the best experiences of her newly adult life.

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[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]November 28, 20131:43 AMVega HouseholdFreddie took a deep gasp as he jerked awake in the bed, awakening from one of the worst nightmares of his life. He turned and saw Jade laying in the bed next to him, and breathed a sigh of relief. Last time he saw her she was bleeding out and he was searching for help. But as he looked at her a second longer, he realized that she looked different-...

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ProfNigma Stories 2 iCarlyVictorious 6

iCarly/Victorious: Who I Did On My Summer Vacation Part 6The next couple days flew by for some people. Carly prepped and presented her iCarly presentation without Freddie or Sam, who were both moping around their individual cabins. Carly wasn't entirely sure why, but involved a bet against that weird angry girl from Hollywood Arts, and it ended with everyone breaking up. Carly was also a little sad not see Tori as much, who was cuddling up to Beck rather quickly. They were kinda awkward though....

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 7

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]A bomb could have gone off in the inn and Jade West wouldn't have noticed, her entire world crashing down around her head and nothing but buzzing in her ears had turned her perception off completely.She didn't hear the screams and the sirens that were now growing to deafening levels. Nor could she see beyond those blurry red and tear covered eyes. And she could barely feel her body...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 1

It took a few years but Freddie and Jade are finally getting married. However, something very sinister could put an end to that, and everyone they know. Below, I thought I would give a quick review/preview of what their characters are like and what they might be dealing with.5½ Years LaterLocated 26 miles off the coast of Seattle, WA, Schneider's Island is a peaceful home to nearly 100 residents. The fishing reliant island has maintained that steadily small and peaceful population for the last...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 9

November 133:12pmUCLAOutside Elkins HallTry as she might, Sam Puckett could not catch up to the speeding Latina, who seemed to brush past the groups with such relative ease it was al-most depressing. Speaking of depressing, while her clothes may have been on, the former iCarly sidekick was a complete dishevelled mess and got stare after awkward stare from the moving students.Finally, once she had broken from the crowd, Sam was able to run to the now slowed down Tori, and scared the brunette as...

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ProfNigma Stories 3 Carousel Nights 5

iCarly/Victorious – Carousel Nights Chapter 5There was a loud buzzing in Sam's room when Freddie woke up. He tried to sit up to find the source of the noise, but was trapped underneath two bodies. His eyes opened and he looked around. Sam lay nearly on top of him, his morning wood nestled firmly between her legs, the tip flirting at her entrance. Jade was on his arm with her body facing towards him, her gravity defying breasts at face level. Freddie craned his neck just enough to stick his...

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ProfNigma Stories 2 iCarlyVictorious 7

iCarly/Victorious: Who I Did On My Summer Vacation Part 7Cat awoke suddenly, her mouth and nose buried in Carly's dark hair. She smelled so sweet... like fresh fruit wrapped in more fresh fruit. Cat thought that she just had to get whatever shampoo Carly uses. The petite redhead slid slowly out of the bed, trying not to wake Carly or her roommate up. As she walked over to the bathroom, she just looked over at Sam, who looked very unhappy as she snored. Cat finished up and took a moment to check...

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ProfNigma Stories 8 Blame It On Me 6

As the two pained teens made it back to their cabin, they couldn't help but notice the grey overcast sky above them. Clearly, they had made it back just in time before a storm hit. The two had barely made it, Freddie's leg giving him some major trouble as he pulled Jade, who he knew was in pain from their lovemaking, through the woods.Almost immediately, Jade rushed to the bathroom to check herself and to clean herself up. She felt really dirty between what they had done, and being in the woods...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 8

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]While most people had been in bed when the explosion happened, within a few minutes they all were outside of the inn, watching the add-on burn up as the deafening sound of sirens began to fill the air. There was no telling how much damage had been done, but many feared that pantry food would be their only supplements for the time being.Tori, Beck, Andre, and Sam all stood together on...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 2

[Warning - while there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, there is a post coital scene with Freddie & Jade, and a scene of a naked Cat and Noelle]Located 26 miles off the coast of Seattle, WA, Schneider's Island is a peaceful home to nearly 100 residents. The fishing reliant island has maintained that steadily small and peaceful population for the last 20 years, after the mysterious deaths of 11 people that shook the island community changed everything, as the first...

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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 6

iCarly/Victorious: If Wishes Were Hornets #6 – Carly"I wish my life was more like one of those fairy tales."When Carly woke up, she instantly felt an overwhelming wooziness, and rolled out of bed. She reached for her phone on her night-stand, but she just felt open air. She opened her eyes expecting the bright morning sun to be shining in, but the light was very dim. And as she looked around the room, she realized that this was not where she went to sl*ep.The room was almost all black and there...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 1

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]"I can't believe I missed…" Freddie said, huffing as he moved past Carly, who could barely keep up with him."He was a long way off," she replied. "And you were upset.""No excuse… and that was no guy either," Freddie said, refusing to even look back as he looked through the trees for any sign of the woman he saw. "No way that wasn't a woman.""I could never imagine a woman being capable...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 4

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]Carly Shay had never felt more relaxed than she felt at this moment, floating in the pool at the inn, just taking in all the sounds and smells of the surrounding nature. Her best male friend was going to be married to the girl of his dreams in just two days and there was just something pleasant about that, and it drove her to seek out what she truly wanted in life."Is it cold?" a voice...

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ProfNigma Stories 6 Power Trip 6

(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.Once Trina was safe and sound back at the West mansion with the others, nearly everyone began to yell at her for her bad choices and ask her how she survived nearly 12 hours underground."Well, honestly, I don't really know. I was in the box for a while and I made the mistake of trying to phase and sit up, but it didn't do much good, but it let me...

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ProfNigma Stories 6 Power Trip 1

(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.9 am came way too quickly for Andre Harris who could barely form a coherent thought as his alarm blared next to him. He reached up to hit the snooze button so he could get a bit more sl*ep but as soon as he touched it, the brand new digital clock exploded with a loud crack, leaving smoking remains behind.Needless to say, Andre was completely awake now....

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 1

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]Freddie Benson had never moved so quickly in his life, and he could barely remember actually moving at all as his legs carried him out of the room, down the steps and around the inn to see the sight before him. His father. A man he had spent decades wondering and worrying about, was now hanging above him, bisected in the roughest way possible."Dad..." he managed, knowing that his father...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 1

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]"What kind of game are you talking about, Savanna?!" Freddie practically shouted. "What did my dad say?!""Freddie!" Spencer said in a hushed angry tone, scooping up his daughter once more. "You can't just yell at her like that.""Savanna just said that this was a game." The two men had no gained the attention of the whole group now. "A game my father is playing for me.""Then let's head...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 9

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]The inn was as crowded as ever as staff, just as much as guests, were pouring out from the inn, all eager to get off the island. There had been a mass exodus suggested for all inhabitants of the formerly sl*epy island town from the sheriff, who was erring on the side of caution, in trying to get people out even if there was a suspect in custody. Naturally there was some disagreement...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 6

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]"Do you have any idea how busy I am right now, babe?!""Yes…" Freddie said slowly, putting his hand on the shoulder of his bride-to-be and kissed her cheek before she was able to pull away and start freaking out about something else. "But you need to relax."Jade looked over the main area that would serve as their reception space and couldn't believe how much there was to do, and for...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 7

September 2810:36 amUCLA- Scott HallRoom 602Tori Vega was having a spectacular dream, but the reality that she slowly woke up to, as the sun peeked just enough to hit her eyes, was some-thing far more wonderful. She first noticed the smell. It was the smell of sex, sweaty and hot, but also of a guy's body wash. Old Spice or something… But man, did it smell good to her.Taking a huge whiff, her eyes opened and she found herself in just her underwear, in Jade's room, and most surprisingly, with...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 5

August 284:39 pmUCLA- Scott HallRoom 339"So… that happened," Sam sighed, looking over at her roommate and her "friend," all three freshly dressed after their showers."Yeah…" Noelle said, looking a little embarrassed."I'm not like judging you or anything… It was just kinda surprising. I mean," Sam said, grabbing a soda from the mini-fridge they shared, and looked at Cat, "I knew you and Carly had fooled around before but it was still weird to see.""How much did you see?" Cat asked nervously."Not...

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ProfNigma Stories 6 Power Trip 5

(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.The morning came way too fast for those staying in the West mansion. The group that went scouting for Trina and Robbie the night before had returned empty handed in the early hours of the morning, collapsing in the beds.Tori knew she should probably be in bed with Nate, and just appreciating him, but after the gravity of the situation had fully reached...

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ProfNigma Stories 6 Power Trip 4

(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.There was an eerie silence for a few seconds as everyone could not believe what they had just seen. Beck looked up at Jade, looking horrified as he dropped the pipe and backed away from Freddie's body."NOOO!" Jade screamed as she raced towards Beck, the intense heat from her body melting the ice inches before she touched it. Her whole body was slowly...

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ProfNigma Stories 6 Power Trip 2

(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.As the sun rose, the light waking up those it touched, Tori Vega stretched out her arms, and then immediately regretted that decision. For a couple reasons. One, she was incredibly sore from the fight last night; and two, she punched Nate right in the face, waking him up."Oh my god… I'm so sorry, babe.""It's cool," he said, smiling, clearly trying to...

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ProfNigma Stories 6 Power Trip 2

(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.It had been a week since everyone had woken up with amazing powers. The Seattle based iCarly's were planning to leave a couple days after the incident, but their plans got derailed when Spencer nearly tore the RV in half when his powers overwhelmed him. After his new girlfriend, Amy, threw him out of her apartment when he wrecked it, he had taken to...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 1

[Author’s Note: I do want to explain something. As I was writing, I realized that this chapter was going to be extremely dark and painful. It is not for the easily upset. And because of how tough this chapter is, I thought that my planned ending, my true ending, was a bit darker than I felt many readers would want after all that, so I decided to write two. And so you can choose which you want to believe. The 'happier' ending will go along with the story, and then after a break, for those that...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 1

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]"Why would they have just taken off like that?!" Spencer said, pacing the floor so heavily that he might as well have left marks, gripping one of his daughter's dresses tightly, the material seeping through his fingers. "We agreed to stay.""They were scared," Carly said, trying to keep her br*ther calm. "We all are, but maybe they didn't leave. Maybe they… are just getting some...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 5

Warning - while there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, there is a scene with a nude Jade West in it]"Are you Madame Clara?" Amy asked as a peculiar mousey looking woman made her way into the inn's foyer. She was younger than Amy had expected, but one look at her eyes, and her age showed tremendously, and her body language showed that she was instantly uncomfortable but seemed to be fighting through it."Yes…" she said with a sweet smile, looking at Amy and then to Savanna....

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 3

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, so please don't hate me for that]Freddie made sure he got up early the next morning, and was really torn as he looked down at his sl*eping lover, who was wearing one of his old plaid shirts, her mouth agape, deep in dreamland. He desperately wanted to get back into bed with her, but right now, he really needed to get away and take care of some pressing matters.The former tech producer threw on some shorts and a t-shirt, the perfect outfit for jogging,...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 10

November 276:44 pmVega Household"Bye, guys. I love you and tell gramma and papa I love them too."Tori Vega stood outside her house waving wildly at her parents and s*ster that were slowly pulling out of the driveway for a holiday trip to see the whole f*mily in Sacramento. They tried and tried to get their youngest daughter to go as well, but she had built up the story of how much work she had to do. Which wasn't remotely true. At least, as far as school work was considered.She took a step back...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 8

November 13:18 amRonald Reagan UCLA Medical CenterRoom 216For the last four hours, Beck had been waiting patiently to find out if his girlfriend was going to be ok. However, his mind had barely gone to Kelly much in that span of time, images of Tori and what she might be doing, or who, haunting him as he sat in the waiting area. Finally, after asking to follow a nurse, some news had arrived for the very tired teen.Beck looked over the room where they were keeping Kelly and she seemed to be...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 3

August 189:30 amUCLADelta Iota Kappa House"What do you mean, this is normal?!"Freddie had nearly gone hoarse as he yelled at the college senior standing before him, Mercer Hayes, the president and head of the Delta Iota Kappa fraternity. He and Jade had stormed the frat house together several minutes ago, but thanks to some gender concerns, Jade had to wait outside, no doubt getting the leers of all the shit brained punks here, he thought.Truth be told, he had no idea why he was here, getting...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 2

August 176:50 pmUCLA- Scott HallRoom 113While Kelly couldn't shut up to save her life, Tori had managed to remain fairly quiet throughout their interaction, focusing entirely on texting Jade and unloading all of her stuff. Tori's mind raced, wondering how much, if anything, she knew about her, and her previous relationship with Beck.After a very tense lunch with her friends, Tori finished up the last of her unloading, she marvelled at her work, her half of the room looking pretty fantastic, but...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 1

August 1710:00amUCLA- Pierce HallRoom 114Freddie Benson could not have been more desperate to escape from his overbearing mother than he was in this moment. Being stuck in a trailer with her for hours on end was the very definition of Hell. They had spent the night at a motel outside of the city so it would be cheaper, but the shittiness of the place wasn't worth the discount by a long shot. But finally, after a hellish day and a horrible night, the three of them had arrived at the school, and...

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ProfNigma Stories 8 Blame It On Me 8

After two months of the most exhausting road trip in human history, Tori and Trina Vega could not be happier to be back home in LA. The eldest s*ster was beyond red thanks to a routine poolside stay in Tucson two days before, and the slightest touch triggered the sunburn's pain. The pity for her s*ster was the only thing that had kept Tori from strangling her over the last 48 hours.All three Vega women rushed into the house from the camper, leaving the fully healed Mr. Vega to grab the bags...

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ProfNigma Stories 8 Blame It On Me 3

Over a month had passed since the Seattle based teens had graduated high school, and like so many k*ds graduating high school and preparing for college, Freddie Benson had taken a summer job. Luckily the PearStore was more than willing to take him back and make him a supervisor. Between the boost in pay, working ridiculous hours, and receiving more than enough in scholarships and grants allowed Freddie to amass a lot of money very quickly. So much so that he scrapped his original anniversary...

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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 16

As Freddie opened his eyes with a start, he had to squint against the bright light of morning, and took a deep breath. A dream, he thought. That's all that was- I just imagined turning Jade and Sam into a total Jekyll and Hyde case. He felt over himself and found he couldn't move one of his arms. He looked down at the wave of dark brown hair lying upon his chest and smiled, happy to be exactly where he was. Freddie turned his neck a bit to kiss her head, so thankful to be in her bed and holding...

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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 11

"I wish I was starring in a remake of The Scissoring."Jade West smiled as she woke up, the familiar scent of her boyfriend wafting through her nose. More than the smell though, she was smiling because she could feel his warm mouth along the side of her neck and shoulder. Part of her didn't want to open her eyes, in case this was just a dream, but as she felt the small pain of his teeth slide across her earlobe, she knew this was reality. Her green eyes fluttered open and looked into his deep...

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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 10

iCarly/Victorious: If Wishes Were Hornets #10 – Andre9 am came way too quickly for Andre Harris who could barely form a coherent thought as his alarm blared next to him. He reached up to hit the snooze button so he could get a bit more sl*ep but as soon as he touched it, the brand new digital clock exploded with a loud crack, leaving smoking remains behind.Needless to say, Andre was completely awake now. He stared at the smouldering clock and tried to figure out what happened. He grabbed some...

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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 9

[/u] "I wish Jade and Sam could be combined into one person so I wouldn't have to choose."Freddie Benson was having a really good morning to say the least. He couldn't believe that his wish came true, but the woman whose head was now bobbing between his legs truly was everything he had hoped for. He had been woken up by, who he thought was Jade, but as he looked down, he saw light brown hair and quickly realized it was someone else. Once the covers were pulled back, he could see her completely,...

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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 8

iCarly/Victorious: If Wishes Were Hornets #8 – Nate"I wish Tori loved me like I love her."Nate Shepherd woke up with a really bad hangover. He had no idea how many beers he had at Jade's party and he was ashamed to admit that he had a couple more when he got him. He hadn't even managed to take his clothes off before passing out. Tori was on his mind, which was normal, but this time, he was stuck on the idea that she would never feel the same way that he did. Despite feeling awful, he found...

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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 7

iCarly/Victorious: If Wishes Were Hornets #7 – Sam"I wish there were two of Freddie, so I could have him too."Sam Puckett could not get to sl*ep. She'd managed to drift off mostly due to her dr*nk tiredness, but after a couple hours she found herself wide awake. The thought of what might be happening inside Jade's room between the love of her life and her nemesis was driving Sam completely bonkers. She knew she only had herself to blame for dumping him, but at the same time, she couldn't help...

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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 2

iCarly/Victorious: If Wishes Were Hornets #2 – Chapter 2Freddie woke up feeling utterly exhausted and sore. His mind raced back to the night before and what he and Jade had done, wondering if he was right that this was a mistake. But as he shifted in the bed, he realized that Jade was curled into him still asl*ep, but she had a faint smile on her face as she breathed softly into his chest. At some point in the night, they must have put clothes on as Freddie felt that he was wearing his boxers...

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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 1

iCarly/Victorious: If Wishes Were Hornets #1 – Chapter 1In Seattle, not much had changed since the end of summer for most of the iCarly gang. They slowly worked towards finishing their senior year, and Freddie actually was earning enough credits that he would enter college as a sophomore rather than a freshman. Even Gibby was pretty busy, his school basement food joint garnering more and more business every week, which prompted him to work extra time there. Sam helped out when she could, but as...

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ProfNigma Stories 2 iCarlyVictorious 8

iCarly/Victorious: Who I Did On My Summer Vacation Part 8For Sam, getting back to Spencer's camper was taking absolutely forever. Probably because she was in a dress, and if there was one thing that Sam hated being in, a dress ranked pretty high up there. They slipped away from dance without anyone taking notice, and neither really talked much on the way.Finally reaching the vehicle, Sam vaulted in as soon as the door opened. Spencer was right behind, being careful not to push Sam in her...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 11

November 309:03 pmVega Household"You guys are laaaaate…" Tori called up the stairs, in her sing song voice. She wasn't upset at their timing or anything, but she was eager to get to the night's festivities. The Latina had spent a couple days getting everything the three of them would need, and given how much Freddie loved games, how could he not fall for her after this?The other reason for her anticipation was in the clothes she was wearing, or lack thereof really. The naturally tanned teen...

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