Kacey's Garden free porn video

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The front of the small bungalow seemed to be engulfed in flowers. Kacey had planted dozens of different types and colors of flowers and had been careful to make sure there would always be something blooming. For this reason she hated the winter as once her Marigolds died she would be out of luck until the Tulips blossomed in the spring.

Her neighbors marveled at the beauty she brought to their surroundings without being gaudy. The 45 year old widow just loved being outside so she was just as busy in her backyard. She grew fruits and vegetables which she gave generously to the entire neighborhood. But, her favorite spot was a small garden near the backdoor of aromatic flowers. She fussed over this special spot endlessly.

The minute a weed invaded it was plucked right out. The gardening had become an obsession ever since her husband had died ten years earlier in a accident at his job leaving her alone with two teenage k**s. Her k**s were now both gone until one afternoon when the phone rang. Kacey ran from the garden and her 23 year old son told her that he had lost his job and was out of cash and needed to come home for awhile.

She thought things over as she ran her long fingers through her thick brown hair and told him that he would be welcome for a couple of months but after that would have to move on. After all, his sister was doing rather well and would certainly have room for him. After hanging up she contemplated things a bit more and figured it could work out well to have Matt around for awhile as he could help her fix up some things around the place.

Walking back to her bedroom she let her grungy house frock fall from her 135 pound and five foot six inch body to change into something nice to go shopping in. Feeling her 38D bra she decided that she needed to change it as it was soaked in sweat. Running her fingers over the wet bra cups brought back a flood of memories of sexy times with Hal, her husband. He loved surprising her by doing offbeat sexual activities with her.

It was on a day like this a couple of years before he died that she had come in from the garden dripping with sweat and just removed her blouse to jump into the shower when Hal came up behind her and shoved her onto the bed and frantically began licking and sucking her belly and then her bra, then he tossed her onto the bed.

As she thought about the experience she started squeezing and rubbing her melons. Then laying down on the bed she let her fingers ease down over her pubic hair to her excited clit. She thought about how Hal had ripped off her bra and sucked her boobs deep into his mouth while he tore off her shorts and panties. She could almost feel him fucking her just like he did that very erotic day.

She rubbed her clit harder and faster as suddenly the image of her husband changed into her son with his broad shoulders plunging his cock in and out of her. She thought about running her hands over his tiny little ass as she called out loudly, "Oh Matt, fuck me oh yes harder sweetie; my cunt is so hot."

It wasn't long before Kacey soaked her undies as she came with a tremendous orgasm that shot through her entire body. As she pulled her hand out of her panties she realized that she had just cum fantasizing about her own son. She decided to take a shower to try and get these thoughts out of her head. The cool water felt so good washing over her skin and soon, or she thought, her mind was clear and she knew just what to do.

She would finish up her shopping and then go to her favorite bar and see if there were any guys there worth spending the night with. She couldn't believe it had been almost a year since she had real cock meat in her cunt. This situation could not be allowed to continue as she needed a good hard fuck. She dressed carefully making sure that she was alluring but didn't look like a slut. After all, she wasn't about to fuck just any creep.

Hurriedly, she went from store to store buying gardening supplies and stocking up for Matt's visit before she stopped at a fast food joint to choke down a burger. By then it was 9:00 so Kacey sauntered into the bar. She recognized some of the regulars but no one stood out. She sat alone in a booth for about an hour when a older distinguished man came over and asked to sit with her.

Kacey looked him over and motioned for him to join her. They got along very well and downed drink after drink and before long he had his arm around her shoulder and they playfully kissed each other. The guy made his move as Kacey felt his other hand on her nylon covered thigh. He wasted little time working it up to her silky crotch and began fingering her through her damp panties.

Kacey spread her legs wide to give him better access and as she kissed him again even more passionately she put her hand in his lap to grab on to his cock. She was very disappointed as the guy was limp. As much as she tried for the next several minutes she couldn't get him hard. As she let him frig her to a wonderful climax she continued to kiss and play with him but it was hopeless the damn guy was impotent.

She didn't want to hurt the guy's feelings so she excused herself to use the bathroom. When she got to the stall she took a menstrual pad out of her purse and applied it to her panties. Kacey just hoped the guy wasn't into ladies during that time of the month. Returning to the table she snuggled back beside the man and informed him that she was sorry to disappoint him but her period had just started.

Not believing her the guy reached down and felt the pad between her legs and let out a grunt of resignation. They finished their drinks and Kacey went home. The only trouble was now she was more sexually frustrated then ever. She asked herself over and over why this sexy guy had to be fucking impotent.

She had no doubt she would see him again but he would have to wait until she was satisfied enough to have fun without being fucked or he would have to take some Viagra. Her sleep that night was very restless between thoughts of finding a stud to fuck and Matt's return the next day her mind was cluttered. The sun streamed in through the bedroom window much too early the next morning but she decided to crawl out of bed.

After drinking a cup of coffee and taking pain reliever for her hangover she threw on a halter top and shorts and shuffled out to the garden. It was just after noon while she was working in the front when she saw Matt approaching in his old car as she was bent over spreading out some mulch. Seeing him approach she stood straight up and began waving enthusiastically at him causing her boobs to almost bounce right out of her top.

Matt was not happy to have to return home a failure but his thoughts quickly changed as he drove around the corner and saw his mom kneeling in front of the garden. He had not realized what a nice big ass his own mother had until that moment. He smiled broadly when she bounced to her feet waving at him. But, almost instantly, his expression changed to lust as he saw her big boobs bouncing as she ran toward the car.

As the boy put on the parking brake he could picture himself sucking on those pretty boobs of hers. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief at the thoughts running through his head. Climbing out of the car and hugging her Matt got himself somewhat under control and told her, "Hi, mom, it is great to see you. You look like you are doing well." "Thank you, Matt, I am getting along ok and you are looking no worse for the wear," she responded holding back the gasp that was on the verge of coming out of her mouth. She had forgotten just how unbelievably handsome her son was and it didn't help that his big erection was pressing against her belly.

They spent the afternoon catching up on everything. Kacey listened intently as Matt explained how his life had fallen apart. Then she laid out the ground rules for her son to help him back on his feet as quickly as possible. Foremost was the fact that he was to look hard for a job but he would be required to help around the place repairing stuff and helping her in the garden. If he couldn't agree to these conditions she told him he could leave now; naturally, he agreed right away.

To cheer him up that evening Kacey fixed him his favorite dinner of lasagna, spinach, garlic bread and cheesecake for dessert. The big meal seemed to have worked as her son seemed quite a bit happier afterwards. Little did they both know that each of them fell asleep after masturbating while dreaming of each other.

Wanting his mom to feel better about him coming home Matt woke up early the next morning and cooked her a nice breakfast to show her that he was going to earn his keep. The smell of bacon wafted into Kacey's room. She had intended to sleep an hour longer but couldn't pass up this opportunity to be waited on by her son for the first time in several years. Matt wasted no time after serving his mom in asking, "So, what do you need me to do around here today?"

"Well, honey, the gutters are full and the lawn needs to be mowed and after that you can help me in the garden." Kacey smiled devilishly at her son as she knew that was quite a list as cleaning the gutters alone could take the whole day. But, Matt rose to the challenge as he just smiled back and said that he would get right on it.

As Kacey did the breakfast dishes her boy went out and got the ladder and went right to work scooping dead leaves and bird nests out of the gutters. She couldn't help but notice his tight little butt in his skimpy shorts. After about an hour she took him out a glass of lemonade and much to Matt's surprise when he looked down to take the glass he could see straight down her cleavage. The sides of his mom's tits were so round and perfect and amazingly tanned. The sundress barely hid her nipples.

This was driving both of them crazy as Kacey thought about calling the guy from the bar as at least she could have him eat her pussy. And Matt was going through the list of girls he knew from high school as he needed pussy right now. Sighing deeply he continued with the chores at hand as he knew he had to keep mom happy.

He finished with the gutters before lunch much to his mother's surprise and after grabbing a sandwich went to work on the lawn. The sun was now high in the sky and beating down on him soaking his shirt. When Kacey brought him a refill of lemonade he pulled off his shirt and asked her to take it into the house.

For the next hour she watched Matt mow the lawn. She could not help but stare at the rippling muscles in his chest and arms. He had the fucking sexiest biceps she had ever seen. Absent mindedly the older woman began caressing herself first teasing her nipples through her dress and then lightly rubbing her pussy still through the dress. She just had to cum so she ran into the bathroom and finished herself off. She decided after dinner she just had to call the impotent guy as she couldn't touch her son as that would be taboo.

Matt hadn't noticed his mom's show as he was busily doing the lawn but he kept thinking of her sweet boobs. With sweat dripping from his body he put the mower back in the garage and went to find his mom. He quickly found her in that special garden in the backyard. He nearly fell over when he saw her on her knees plucking weeds with her dress up around her waist exposing her bare ass.

Evidently Kacey had been so intent on ridding the garden of those damn weeds that she hadn't noticed that her dress had worked its way up to her waist. Matt pretended not to see this cock hardening sight as he came up to her saying with a huge lump in his throat and his pants, "Hi, mom how do you want me to be of service to you here?"

Evil thoughts entered her head but she quickly put them aside and answered, "Oh hi, well why don't you help pull these fucking weeds? I don't understand why they won't leave this damn garden alone."

Plucking the tiny weeds was the last thing on Matt's mind as he kneeled down beside her. The sight of his bare assed mom amongst all of the flowers was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. The situation was too much to comprehend as he inhaled the sweet aroma of the flowers that combined tantalizingly with his mom's sexy perfume. Summoning up all of his self control he put his hands on the ground and found a sprout and ripped it out brushing against her elbow as it pulled free.

"Sorry about that mom," he whispered afraid to say more. If he didn't have enough troubles now looking at her to apologize all that he could see through his lustful eyes were her boobs dangling freely in her dress. Breaking his gaze free he looked her right in the eyes and their glazed over stares became glued to each other as if in a staring contest.

They could feel their hearts beating out of control as their heads came closer and closer together. Matt reached up and put his hand on his mom's mammoth ass. Kacey was frozen in place not sure what to do as his hand felt good back there and she really wanted him but her head was yelling loudly for her not to let anything happen.

Just then their lips touched and Matt put his hand on the back of her head strongly holding his mother in place. She opened her mouth to tell him to stop but instead found his tongue burrow almost to her throat. What amazed Kacey most of all was that she found herself passionately kissing her son back. Just when she thought the kiss would end Matt placed both of his hands on her back and gently shoved her to the ground in the middle of all of her beautiful flowers.

Crazy with lust their hands and mouths worked furiously even as Kacey made a token effort to push her son off of her while at the same time unfastening the snap on his shorts. Matt grabbed and squeezed her boobs through the thin material of the dress but that just wasn't good enough as he took both hands and ripped the dress open right between her breasts exposing her perfect melons.

He sucked each one in turn into his mouth as he ground his pelvis against hers. While running her fingernails down his back Kacey spit out excitedly, "Oh fuck Matt we cant; Oh Christ suck me harder Get your fucking shorts off; Oh no don't; Oh shit what are you waiting for take them off and fuck me!"

It was difficult for Matt to break away from those massive melons long enough to shed his shorts, but somehow he climbed off of her. As her son stood up Kacey looked at her ripped dress and decided it wouldn't be fixable so she finished ripping it down the rest of the way and then yanked it out from under her and tossed it on to the nearby porch.

Standing up between his mothers calves he admired the sight before him as he tugged his shorts down his legs. There was his nude mom laying in a soft bed of pink, white, red, and yellow flowers; it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. He thought about running and getting his camera especially when he noticed that long stemmed Carnation that almost seemed to be growing out of her full-bushed pussy.

That Carnation must have been bothering his mom as she reached down and picked it and put it in her hair beside her ear. But, this only revealed more beauty as Kacey spread her legs wider causing her vagina to open like a rare Orchid. He was in awe as he exclaimed, "Oh God, this is the sexiest fucking site I have ever seen in my life!"

"Well then, get back down here," she exhorted her obviously turned on son. Gazing up at his prick she couldn't help but lick her lips as it would obviously fill up her pussy very well, it was one of the biggest ones she had ever seen; just a bit bigger than her husband's had been. Matt fell to his knees and scooted forward placing his hands on her thighs.

She gave her son a seductive smile and then licked her lips. As Matt moved his hands up to her stomach his mother reached up and grabbed his rigid pole and gave it a good yank. Soon, she had both hands there playing with his balls and squeezing his dick. Matt slid his hands up and cupped her boobs and as he twisted them groaned, "Oh shit mom, I've never been so fucking turned on in my life; I want to fuck you."

"What the fuck are you waiting for get this gorgeous piece of cock meat of yours inside of me." Immediately, he let his knees slip down until he was lined up with her dripping wet opening and shoved his cock deeply into her. Her hips came up to swallow in his wonderful erection; she couldn't believe how hot he had made her.

As Matt plunged in and out of his mom he moved his hands under her shoulder blades and pulled her mouth up to kiss him. Her mouth met his in a frenzied kiss which was quickly followed by several more. Tongues danced merrily as the big cock pumped in and out of her hot tight twat. He moaned, "I'm going to fuck the holy hell out of you." "Then do it, you mother fucker, come on and fuck me harder. Come on Matt ram it home; the rougher the better, oh fuck yes give it to me." Like a tiger she clawed her nails across his back. This was a new sensation for the boy causing him to reach back and slam into her as hard as he could. Time after time he pummeled in and out of her pussy. "Oh fucking God; if you want rough I'll give it to you! Oh my God this is fucking fantastic." He released her shoulders letting her fall back in the flowers. Then reaching again for her boobs he smashed them into her chest. Kacey let out a yelp but loved it and bucked her hips up against his wild thrusts almost as if trying to bounce him off of her all the while clawing her nails deeper into his back.

"Oh fuck yes, harder you son of a bitch. Give me your fucking cum, fill me up," she demanded. She wrapped her legs around his ass as she felt her own orgasm approach. Her whole body was in absolute ecstasy. Judging from the look on Matt's face he was close to the edge himself.

"My fucking God, I am cumming Oh mom this is fucking unbelievable." Just then, she felt the boy unload the contents of his balls deep inside her pussy. She held him tightly in place as she came yet again. They both collapsed into the flowers laying side by side cum dripping off of both of their crotches. They laid there just smiling at each other.

Kacey pulled her son into her arms and as he laid on her shoulder he twisted each of her nipples roughly between his fingertips. Looking into her son's eyes she asked, "Matt, do you know why this garden is so special?"

"No mom, I just always knew not to mess with it," he answered as he pinched her boob a little harder.

"This is my fuck garden. Your dad and I loved to come out here and have sex; it was our favorite place. We always liked to think that both you and Beth were conceived right here." She lifted his chin so their mouths met and gently kissed him. For some reason this turned Matt on again and his prick sprang back to life.

"Mom, was this just a one time thing? Do you really like it rough?"

"You can have my pussy, my ass, my lips and any other part of me whenever you want and fuck yes I like it rough." Contented the i****tuous lovers laid there and fell asleep in the soft bed of flowers. They awoke several hours later just as the summer sun was setting on the horizon. The sun was a brilliant fiery orange and its rays seemed to dance a sensual dance over their naked bodies. As Matt awoke he noticed how the sunlight seemed to shimmer off his mom's big ass, so, quietly he moved so that his head was by her ass and his feet by her head. Getting up on one elbow he gently pulled her cheeks apart and inhaled the strong pungent aroma of her bowels. Her crack was unfucking believably sexy with her peach fuzz growing along the bottom leading to her tight brown hole. He just could not help himself if an ass was ever asking to be smacked it was certainly this one.

His hand came down with a thunderous slam waking the still sleeping Kacey. As another smack hit her ass she turned her head to face her son's body and there directly in front of her was her boy's big cock. Grabbing his erection and twisting and pulling on it she roared, "Harder, you son of a bitch; give mommy the spanking she deserves."

"Ok, you fucking bitch you asked for it; just keep yanking the god damn shit out of my prick!" Matt continued to mercilessly assault his mother's ass with swat after swat after swat. It seemed that with each pop of her ass she tugged a little rougher on his cock so he kept right on smacking that voluptuous ass of hers.

They were now both yelping and moaning loud enough for any neighbors who might have been outside to hear them. Her ass turned a brilliant red along with the sun in its last gasp as it disappeared over the horizon. As hard as Kacey was playing with his penis he figured she might cause it to permanently grow an inch or two. Then Kacey surprised her son crying out, "Fuck me, come on fuck my damn ass, right fucking now!"

"Get up on your damn knees and I will ram your ass as hard as you have ever had anyone do to you, you God damn slut!" Quickly, Matt moved in behind his mother's posterior and was in awe of its natural beauty. Looking deep into her crack he couldn't help it and found himself licking and sucking on her perfect flower of a rosebud. He worked his tongue in and out of her anal opening as she pushed it against his mouth.

"Matt, stick that fucking cock of yours inside my fucking shithole right now; I cannot wait any longer." He was enjoying the taste of her shitty hole and her cum dripping from her pussy onto his chin more than he had ever before in his life but decided to do as his mother asked. Besides, he wanted to fuck the holy hell out of this perfect asshole.

Getting up on his knees he aimed his member at her anal passage and wiped some flower petals off her backside. Scooping some of her cum from her vagina he applied it to her rectum in an effort to lube her up. Then with one hard thrust he shoved his cockhead right through her anal muscles and into her shitty depths. His cock had never been in such a tight spot before so he rested for a couple of seconds and taking a deep breath he gave a hard push burying his cock up to his balls into mommy's back tunnel.

Kacey let out a cry but immediately wiggled her butt motioning for her big boy to continue. Grabbing on to her hips Matt pulled back and shoved hard right back into her. He couldn't believe how fucking great this felt as he thrust into her again and again. The yard was filled with the sounds of their skin smacking together and of their impassioned cries of ecstasy as Matt's strokes got faster. Kacey dropped her shoulders to the ground as she reached up and played with her clit as her son milked the shit out of her boobies.

They could no longer speak as every muscle in their body was helping them to reach a super orgasm. Then with a scream that could be heard a block away Matt let loose a flood of spunk in the deepest recesses of his mother's bowels as she nearly passed out as she convulsed in her own violent orgasm. Their energy totally spent the lovers collapsed into the garden for the next half hour before going into the house for dinner.

Needless to say, Matt didn't sleep in his own bed that night and was awoken the next morning with his mom's pussy in his face and her mouth sucking on his prick. The i****tuous lovers worked around the house together all day in the nude but made sure to take a fuck or suck break at least every hour. That night Matt phoned his sister and during the conversation asked her, "Did you know why that little garden is so special to mom?"

"Yes I do; but, do you?"

"I just found out yesterday that she calls it her fuck garden; why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it is a secret as she only tells people she fucks there about it being her fuck garden."

"You mean you and her did . . ."

"Oh yes every time that I am home we sneak down there and rip off each other's clothes."

"I always wondered why the flowers sometimes looked a little flattened when I went out there in the morning," the boy observed.

"Maybe next time I come into town we can flatten them together little brother," she promised seductively.

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The Gardener

I love plants. Flowers, trees, bushes. All of them. I really enjoy working on them. Smelling them. Feeling their different textures. Taking care of them. I’m a gardener and it’s the job of my dreams. It doesn’t pay very well, but I enjoy it. I enjoy working outside. I enjoy the manual labor. I enjoy my life. And that’s what’s important, isn’t it? But I also have a problem. One that most men probably envy me for. Because they don’t know how it is. I’m a hunk. I’m 6’7” and built like the...

1 year ago
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Confused Ramblings of a Gardener

Confused Ramblings of a Gardener 1. History Julia put her pen down, leaned back in the kitchen chair and stretched her arms out. This exercise complete, she leaned forward once again, neatly folded the completed letter and slid it into an envelope with her completed job application and photos of her work. With a sigh, she addressed the envelope and put it on the side ready to post. A waste of time maybe, but Julia knew that she had to be honest. Archie made his weekly rounds of...

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My Little Garden

Brenda and Peter had been married for about seven years. It was, in many ways, a marriage of convenience. They had sold their tiny little flat in Winchester and bought an old end of terrace house in a little place well out in the countryside. Peter was always busy at his office and it was quite normal for Brenda to be on her own most evenings until late.  The house needed a lot doing to it but their budget was not really enough to employ anyone.  Brenda began to wonder if they had made a...

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Bettys Garden

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Warm and sunny, with a slightly cool breeze, and a smattering of fluffy white clouds.Spring had sprung, the snow had finally melted, and the trees were just beginning to bud. We strolled through the park, hand in hand, as we did every weekend. The fresh air and beauty of the park were both invigorating and relaxing. It helped me recharge, helped us keep fit and active, and we always chatted about anything but work."I had lunch with Betty yesterday," she...

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Bettys Garden

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Warm and sunny, with a slightly cool breeze, and a smattering of fluffy white clouds.Spring had sprung, the snow had finally melted, and the trees were just beginning to bud. We strolled through the park, hand in hand, as we did every weekend. The fresh air and beauty of the park were both invigorating and relaxing. It helped me recharge, helped us keep fit and active, and we always chatted about anything but work."I had lunch with Betty yesterday," she...

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Her Place in the Garden

The warm sun rained down on me as I knelt in my garden. The fresh smell of flowers and bushes combining with the peaceful tranquility of moving the garden dirt around with my shovel. As I squatted doing my daily morning chore, Cynthia peered over her wood picket fence and gave a snort. "Think she'll finish on time this go around?" Florence looked me over, inspecting my progress before checking her stop watch. "Its gonna be close. She still hasn't even put in the Azalias." Oh fuck I...

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Anne gets spanked by old gardeners

I’m Anne a 36 year old housewife, married for 14 years. Just after we married we lived in a quiet suburban area near York. This story is about what happened just after I married my husband Eddie. I was only 23 and at the time I had shoulder length blonde hair, a good figure with 34DD boobs which looked even bigger because of my slim waist.After six months of marriage I lost my job and Eddie suggested I take a break from working and stay home for a while before looking for another job, which I...

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Enchanted Garden

The music and loud voices of numerous people was making my headache. I was at a friend’s 10th Anniversary party. I’d been here for almost 3 hours now. It wasn’t as If I wasn’t having fun, I was. But, spending this much time in a crowded, noisy room could make anyone’s head spin. I needed a breath of air. My friend had a wonderful rose garden in her back yard. She had gotten stonewalls surrounding the garden and a few Victorian benches to lounge in. She even had a stone fountain in the middle...

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mom fucked by gardener

visit on www.papahaxx.com to see real porn stories like these and newly updates sex gallery videos etcMr. Satish Reddy 47 years of age was popular as a Granite King. Heowned quite a few quarries in Southern Andhra Pradesh. His quarriesyielded best quality of Granite which was exported world wide. Helived in a majestic Bunglow in the peaceful locality of SrinagarColony in Hyderabad with his 43 years old wife Mamta Reddy and 20years old son Jagan Reddy.It was first of week of January 2006. His 22...

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Ramola And The Gardener

visit on www.papahaxx.com to see real porn stories like these and newly updates sex gallery videos etcMr. Satish Reddy 47 years of age was popular as a Granite King. Heowned quite a few quarries in Southern Andhra Pradesh. His quarriesyielded best quality of Granite which was exported world wide. Helived in a majestic Bunglow in the peaceful locality of SrinagarColony in Hyderabad with his 43 years old wife Mamta Reddy and 20years old son Jagan Reddy.It was first of week of January 2006. His 22...

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Hard WinterChapter 2 Autumn A Thief in the Garden

It was the first week of October 2013, I was working in the garden of my cottage on the edge of the Yorkshire Wolds near the coast. I hate gardening, always have done, but after last winter when potatoes reached £120 a pound on the black market, I decided that turning the garden, and a bit of the field behind the garden, with the agreement of the farmer who owned it, into a large vegetable patch was prudent. I was lifting the last of my potato crop and storing them for use during the winter....

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A Bunny In The Garden

“Hi, Mrs. Greenberg, I’m Allie, I’m here to do the weeding!” I smiled brightly at the tall, gray-haired woman in the dark blue gown that opened the door to the mansion. The way she looked me up and down spoke volumes, and when her eyebrow went up and she declared in a rather posh voice, “I expected someone… different, I was rather pleased with Pablo’s work,” I readied myself for a taxing day. “I know I’m not Pablo, but he left me instructions what I need to do.” I held up my laptop to make my...

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Live Ornaments for my Garden

We stood in the garden now that had recently been landscaped all it was missing were some garden ornaments and now I had three. In the garden were three holes freshly dug and there was a supply of fast drying concrete ready to be poured. Sadie was first, she was Janes daughter. She was just 23 years old nice big tits and a big mouth just right for what I had planned for her. I told her to strip naked, she looked at me horrified as I explained what was going to happen. Each of them would...

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Bree 9 Wifes Unexpected Encounter in the Garden

by rodeotexas April 2012 Genre: wife, 1st time, dog, donkeys, girlfriends In telling a story as complex as this and to do so in a timely manner, I had to use the first person, second person and third person to adequately describe the events. My wife Lydia and I met while in the university in Colorado working on our undergraduate then graduate degrees. We have been married for four years now and we live near a mountainous tourist/resort town not far from where we went to...

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Eve Explains Listens and Leaves the Garden

 Eve explains, listens and leaves the garden. “I didn’t do anything wrong for our marriage but I let my guard down once and Tim saw me do it. It was a charity event put on by the company he works for; a formal affair to benefit local groups.”“Are you talking about the Black and White Ball? I was there.” John cocked his head in curiosity.“Yes. It’s wonderful, isn’t it? Everyone dresses up. The women are beautiful, the men are handsome, and the atmosphere is so welcoming.” Eve brightened slightly...

Wife Lovers
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Spying on neighbor grandma pissing in her garden

Today something great and very special happen to me. I saw my old lady neighbor pissing in her garden. About 5m far from me. I didn't seen her cunt, but saw her naked ass, and pussy over panties. There is a high grass, so she had to be in some middle standing pose. Her ass was in height of my cock. As she pose for fuck behind. I wank on her for about 15 years. I love her ass when she is bent down working in garden. It is most beautiful ass I ever seen. She never wear pants. Only skirts.I was in...

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Sex in the back garden

After our 4 some with Dan and Lou (see The House Warming) nothing happened for a while. We saw a lot of each other and caught glimpses of them walking around naked in their house and having sex.In fact meeting them seemed to reduce mine and Pete's inhibitions as we now often walked around the house naked. It is really liberating.At about 10 am one sunny morning I was in the kitchen totally naked having a cup of tea when the door bell rang. I could not answer due to my state of undress. Suddenly...

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The Witch in The Garden

The Witch in The Garden By Teddie Jim looked out of the kitchen window, which overlooked his garden. The sun was just setting, and the colors of the flowers were brilliant. He went back to putting away the day's dishes, and looked out the window again. Now, there was a figure in the garden, a figure of a woman. He looked closer, and her back was to him. How did she get there, he wondered? There's a high, thick hedge all the way around the garden. And, the only gate is locked. Jim...

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A Hot Day In The Garden

My “auntie” Carole asked me around to have a look at a tree in her garden that she needs cutting right back and the rubbish removed. She is not my proper auntie but an old friend of my mother’s, who over the years she had got as close to the family as any of my proper aunties. Her hobby is tending her lovely garden and as I have a pick up truck I agree to help. In her mid-fifties she is only 15 years older than me, and is a slightly tubby lady, with a bubbly character and we get on like a house...

1 year ago
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Love in Jasmine Garden

I hope you have read my earlier Incidence… this happened few years back during my first trip to India. As I landed India from Kuwait, I thought of spending my vacation, meeting all my old friends. I am well built & tall and was 25 then. I called up my friend & I told him that I will be there for the weekend. So I reached Mangalore & there after drove around 1 hour to reach my friends village. I reached early morning on Friday & met with his family members. My friend had a big old house with the...

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The Torture Garden

************************************************************************* Note to readers: First and foremost to the people that have written kind comments for my stories. I would like to thank you. Considering the time and effort I put into my stories it warms my heart to get some feedback.....I happily accept typing errors.....but! To my critics I was tempted to say "Fuck You!" but I want to qualify this. First off you need to bear in mind IT'S NOT REAL LIFE! I was...

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Samantha Gardener

SAMANTHA GARDENER "You think you're so smart and beautiful," she spat, "but inside you're as plain and stupid as the rest of us!" I took this as something of a compliment, ignoring the second half of her accusation, and brushed a lick of hair back off my face. "If you'll calm down," I said, "you'll realise that my decision is the only correct one." Samantha Gardener had tears down her fat cheeks, dying her eyes a vile red, horribly visible, even through her glasses. She ran her...

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Tim and Abbie 34 The garden

Spring came upon them as a soft, warm breeze.  Offering delights for all.  For some special ones, sexual enchantments also, which they share with ones they love.  Open windows to let the gentle wind in does lead to libidos charging.  Morning moans fill the air in concert with the birds chirping.It is a couple of weeks since the evening visit from Abe.  Abbie and Tim are getting into a nice routine for work and play.  They have kept to themselves a good deal, but that is what happens at the...

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The Gardener

Bailey surveyed the landscape he had tended for some 37 years. He had wandered into the Henderson Estate, a s*******n year old black k** going nowhere in particular, and asked for a job. Mr. Henderson put him to work with old Rawlings, the gardener, and the rest, as they say, is history.When Rawlings retired, Bailey just carried on by himself. He discovered he had a natural talent for, 'things natural.' He loved working the soil and seeing the results of his hard labour in flower blossoms from...

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Elizabeths Garden

The world of this story is quite similar to our own, but of course still very different. After all, true futanari don't exist in our world, and the repercussions for any children born of incest are quite high. But this world is one where any such lust has no longer any consequence, if you know where the gardens are. Elizabeth's Garden is a haven for the sexual desires of only women. Men are unable to find this garden, and even if they did manage to stumble upon it, they would not find what they...

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Rebeccas Garden

Becky and I had celebrated our eighteenth anniversary in April...if you want to call it that.   There wasn't much of a celebration.   We had grown so distant that neither one of us seemed to care anymore.   She had submersed herself in her work.   I was between jobs looking for employment in another town not really caring if I had to commute or even relocate.   We had little time for each other.   Little did I know, it was all about to change dramatically.   Her birthday had come and gone...

Love Stories
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Eve in the Marital Garden

Weeds in the Marital GardenWhen Eve returned from John’s condo, she and Tim hugged and cried and then spread out the spring rolls and Kung Pao chicken she’d brought. They talked openly about the secrets of his sex life. She was shocked to learn Tim masturbated daily and he’d had more orgasms with himself over the ten years of their marriage than he did with her. She fully expected he masturbated with the same frequency she did. Perhaps a couple of times a month.“Be honest with me. Why are you...

Wife Lovers
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Eve Flees and Finds a Different Garden

Eve Flees Eve had an almost sleepless night. Drifting between short naps and long periods of drowsy thinking, Eve realized she couldn’t face Tim in the morning; not after seeing him last night with his dick in his hand and another woman watching him masturbate.She texted John at five in the morning. Bfst ur place?Where else could she turn except John? She couldn’t go to her family or her friends. None of them could ever know. There’s no recovery from knowing this information about Tim. Even in...

Wife Lovers
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Chelseas Garden

Parker was having a ho-hum day when he got the call. One minute he had been absent-mindedly doodling on a legal pad and half-watching clips from The Deadliest Catch on his computer, and the next minute a young woman with an unusual voice had his total attention. She asked for a consult — the sooner the better — and Parker happily acquiesced. ‘How did you come to hear about me?’ ‘You were recommended to me by my parents, actually. The McCluskeys, George and Anna.’ The voice was bubbly yet...

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Goddess Royal Garden

AN: All characters are 18 years or older. Damn, this took a bit of thinking on what exactly I wanted this story to be for while. Originally it was titled "Your Princesses" and was going to be a 2nd Person POV story. Also the character you become would be named Morgan Godfrey who other possible writers for the story could set up as a male/female human or some other race like elf or something. But, some new ideas I thought of weren't fitting that original story. So, here we are, a 3rd Person...

3 years ago
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Visitors while Naked in the Garden

Tess is my wife of 20 years and she loves to strip off all her clothes at home and tan in the sun around the pool or simply tend to her organic veg garden in the nick. The c***dren are out of the house and we are free to do as we please. We love stripping off on the weekends and spend all our time naked. This leads to some really sexy times especially when Tess has just shaved her lovely pussy, this I can’t resist. It is fortunate that we stay on a small farm in a peri urban environment.One...

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Visitors while Naked in the Garden

Tess is my wife of 20 years and she loves to strip off all her clothes at home and tan in the sun around the pool or simply tend to her organic veg garden in the nick. The c***dren are out of the house and we are free to do as we please. We love stripping off on the weekends and spend all our time naked. This leads to some really sexy times especially when Tess has just shaved her lovely pussy, this I can’t resist. It is fortunate that we stay on a small farm in a peri urban environment.One...

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Cherries in the Garden

Artemis Lunar Base August 7, Year 3 Blake "So, rookie, you ready to lose your cherry?" Sergeant Hulegu asked, as they took their seats in the briefing room with the rest of the squad. Private Ed Blake, newly minted Confederacy Marine, struggled not to roll his eyes. "I spent my whole adult life in the U.S. Army, most of it as an NCO, with three combat tours. No disrespect, Sarge, but you don't need to treat me like some dumb kid. It's just scooping up some civilians, how hard can it...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 48 Sorry about your garden

There was a rude pounding on my door, the sun had not even crested the horizon yet. "Who is it and what do you want?" I called from my bed while I wiped the sleep from my eyes. "Damn your eyes man! What did you do to my garden?" Shouted an inconsolable Lord Grant. I dressed and loosened my sword before opening the door. The effete Lord Grant was fuming. His face was flushed with rage, I thought that he was about to attack me with the defoliated twig in his hand. I saw Chandra peek out...

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The Gardener

It started off as a shopping trip. The weekend weather was due to be amazing and we had no commitments. Let's make a weekend of it and book a hotel, she said. The leisurely stroll round the shops turned into a few drinks and a bite to eat. It was time to book into the hotel before we got toowasted to remember anything. The hotel was smart, the room big and being on the ground floor we had patio doors leading onto a small paved area and into the well stocked gardens. We decided to grab an...

1 year ago
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The Rose Garden

?to dad: THE ROSE GARDEN the roses in the backyard have become terribly overgrown, so much so that they are now just one big mass of thorns and blooms. all fall, dad kept telling me to prune them but even with gardening gloves on the thorns poked and pricked me and i hated it so i never did it and they just grew and grew. it is spring now and he is mad. he made me take off all my clothes and sit naked in the middle of the patch. after climbing through into the middle, i am scraped and...

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© Copyright 1999 by E. Z. Riter The attached work of fiction is intended to be entertainment for adults in locations in which it is legal. If it is illegal in your location, DO NOT read. This is a copyrighted work. Reposting or any other use strictly prohibited without the express, written permission of the copyright holder, except may by posted as part of a review or posted to free-access, non-commercial archive sites. Finally. The first warm day of spring. And, it was a Saturday. I was...

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Rose My Italian Gardener

Thursday, May 2006, U Penn Campus, Philly She was on all fours as her hands worked the rich soil, and her rear end, clad in tight, green cotton chinos, seemed to be trying to wave at me as she inched her way down the flower bed directly across the lawn from my bench. I was sitting in one of my favorite spots on campus, a small green space shoehorned between Brown Hall, home to the Philosophy Department and my book lined office, and the newer and more regal Kennedy Building, home of the now...

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Secret Garden

After Lizzy arrived at the exclusive resort where she would be spending the following week, she did a reconnaissance of the establishment to find a private spot where she could sunbathe in the nude, determined to get an all-over tan. The resort was encompassed by an enormous garden with delightful nooks and crannies. It was in one of these little alcoves that Lizzy found her secret garden. Lizzy was very impressed by the place her parents had recommended, and the ‘no children’ policy at the...

Straight Sex
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Sitting in the garden the sun is out beer in hand taking in the warm sunshine. Your in the garden busy sorting out the flowers and bushes. Love watching you work in a little world of your own.Hope you know that light summer dress your wearing is see thru? When the sun is out I can see the black skimpy panties and that bra trying to hold in your ample breasts ( not very well)! Every time you bend over I dream about being behind you and just ramming my hard cock deep in your arse! Yes I think...

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