A Step Apart: Teased free porn video

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Stephanie Modders laid on her bed with her cellphone in her hands hovering over her face, clicking away at her texts. Her pink, spaghetti-strapped undershirt was half riding up her belly revealing the belly button piercing her mother nearly killed her for getting last year. Even though she was eighteen when she got it, her mom didn’t like piercings that were anywhere, but the ear and she didn’t like tattoos, period. Which is why Stephanie was taking this time while her mother was out running errands to wear as little clothes as possible and air out her recent tattoo she got on the small of her back. Every other waking and sleeping minute she spent at her mom’s house she would have to wear some oversized sweatshirt or a baggy t-shirt that wouldn’t risk revealing her tattoo any time she bent over.

Matt didn’t mind in the least. He sat balancing on a large blue sit-up ball in the corner of the room and pretended to type on his phone. In reality though, his eyes couldn’t keep from creeping up and down his step-sister’s body. Her long tan legs that stuck out from the small black with pink trim, loose-fitting shorts she wore.

Why even wear those? They cover no more than panties would.

Matt knew how wrong it was to be so attracted to his stepsister. It’s not like he didn’t try not to be. His father had married Mrs. Modders four years ago and divorced two years ago so he could move on to his third wife and Matt’s second stepfamily. It was becoming a sick joke. The collection of step-siblings and parents Matt was collecting. Ironically, he had no biological siblings and after his mother passed away from cancer as a child, that only left him and his douchebag father. Of course, all of his stepsisters and mothers were incredibly/unfairly attractive. It was one of the perks of having an absurdly rich and asshole-inclined father. Plenty of attractive women somehow fall in ‘love’ with him magically.

It was fine. Matt has made his peace with it after his father divorced Stephanie’s Mom. It helped that all of his stepfamilies seemed to genuinely like Matt. He was a good-looking boy. Polite, funny, and outgoing. He had just graduated high school and was set to attend college in the fall. But unlike the heartless business tycoon his father was, Matt planned to study medicine to become a doctor. He liked helping people. He liked making them feel better.

Matt picked up pieces of Stephanie’s clean and dirty clothes that littered the ground around him and threw them at her playfully one piece at a time. At half-speed she batted the clothes away with one hand, her eyes still not leaving her phone. “Stop it, freak,” Stephanie whined.

“Pay attention to me,” Matt did his best to annoy her and he was succeeding. “What are you even doing? Writing your memoirs?”

“A friend of mine just hooked up with this guy in a hotel she works at,” Stephanie smiled biting her lower lip. “So naturally we’re all discussing the pros and cons of marriage at this point.”

“She make a vid of them hooking up?” Matt asked.

Stephanie glanced down over top her perky breasts at her stepbrother. She gave him a measured look as if deciding between a repulsed response or one of humor. She went with one somewhere in the middle. “Ugh. Freak. And no, I already asked.” She gave him a devious smile through her pink sparkling lip-glossed lips that made Matt’s cock pulse under his jeans.

“Damn, I could use some new vids- watched all the good ones on the internet,” Matt boldly joked. He felt heat rise to his cheeks. They had an odd relationship. Having met when they were both teenagers, they developed a friendship early on. Since they were both going through a phase of learning about their sexuality, naturally, their humor had tested sexual boundaries. They used to talk more like teenage friends would back when their parents had been married. Now, it had been almost a year since Matt had seen Stephanie. She had disappeared to college for her freshmen year and never visited her mom when he did. So hanging out today was especially awkward since they hadn’t seen each other in some time. Stephanie’s eyes flicked down to him and she silently shook her head as of to say You’re stupid.

He might have been reading too much into things, but she did use this moment to adjust her position. She tucked her feet closer to her butt so her knees were in the air and slightly parted. The thin shorts- the only thing keeping him from her warm, tight lips, were tucked into her ass crack and flush to her pelvis. He could almost see an outline of everything.

Matt could feel the flushness in his cheeks. He took deep breaths in attempt to quell the flaring heat to his face that ultimately did nothing. He wasn’t thinking logically anymore. He wasn’t thinking at all. The blood flowed far from his brain to the growing shaft between his own legs. He knew he should not have pursued this flirtatious side of things, but he couldn’t help it. Everything about her was intoxicating.

He remembered how they would play outside as younger teenagers. They’d get into wrestling matches over everything. Every time it ended in a chorus of giggling. But once his asshole father divorced her mother a year ago that all stopped. Now Matt came to visit Stephanie’s mom once a month for a day or two over the weekend. Enough time so Stephanie’s mom could get extra child support money from Matt’s dad.

Matt didn’t have to visit. He was eighteen now, but he liked doing these little visits just to be around Stephanie. He kept the visits up while Stephanie was in college so that it wouldn’t seem suspicious when she returned home over the summer and Matt started visiting, again. He especially liked times like these where her mother was out getting groceries or with her friends. It made his fantasies more powerful. Even though he knew nothing could ever happen between them, just the possibility of it was enough to make him get a hard-on.

He threw a series of shirts from the floor at her. Each one getting closer to her face. Each one making her more and more perturbed. His final throw of a dirty pair of jeans that covered her face put her over the edge.

In one motion she tore the jeans from her face and smacked her phone down on the bed beside her. “That’s it!” she yelled as she lunged from the bed and dove for him. Matt tried to brace himself but the shock of it toppled him off the sit-up ball as she tackled him. The pair of her jeans in hand, she shoved it in Matt’s face with a smile and giggle on her lips.

“You like that? Huh? How you like it?” Stephanie yelled half mounting Matt. His hands scooped under Stephanie’s bare thighs and lifted her easily, rolling her to the side. At eighteen years old he was quite athletic. First baseman on the Baseball team in the spring and running back on the high school football team in the fall. Matt had at least fifty pounds of muscle on her and he could see that she realized how much he had grown in the last year, instantly.

“How do I like it?” Matt asked as he had her on her back. His fingers spidered up and down her ribs tickling her to no end. “How do you like it, huh?”

Stephanie’s high-pitched scream broke into a helpless giggle as she tried to squirm away from her stronger stepbrother. “Stop,” she tried to cry between laughs. “Oh my god, stop stop stop.”

Stephanie crawled back onto the bed she had leapt off of and tried kicking Matt off of her but Matt slipped around her flailing legs and threw his own leg over her thighs, mounting her. She slapped and pushed playfully at his hard chest, but she couldn’t move him.

“Yeah, now you realize you fucked up,” Matt smiles down on her as she squirmed helplessly. For the briefest of moments, Matt’s hands relented their attack on his stepsister enough that she stopped wiggling beneath him. The moment lingered uncomfortably long while their eyes met.

“You need to stop getting between a girl and her phone,” Stephanie broke the silence. It’s a dangerous thing to do, you know?” She picked up her cellphone from the bed and with Matt still mounted on her went back to texting. “Now if you don’t mind, I have some texts to catch up on.”

“Well, maybe I’ll just hang out here then if you won’t pay attention to me,” Matt said, jokingly rocking back and forth on top of her hips.

“Sure, I don’t care. Do what you want,” she said quickly.

If Matt had been thinking right, he probably would have stopped his hands before they did it, but they moved before he could think. “Fine, how about this? I’ll just do this then,” Matt’s hand reached forward and gently but playfully poked at her left breast through her thin top.

But to Matt’s surprise, Stephanie’s only reaction was to shrug while her fingernails clicked away on her screen. “Sure, go ahead.”

Matt continued to poke and rub playfully and nonchalantly for a minute. Trying to make it look more like he was being a goof than he was loving every moment of it. But then he somewhat accidentally, lightly pinched a patch of her shirt with the intention of lifting it from her chest, only to pinch her nipple and pull up on it. Stephanie let out a short, quiet, but high-pitched sound. It was a sound that roamed the mysterious land between pleasure and pain.

It startled Matt at first. He almost apologized, but then realized his lower half had a completely different reaction. He was worried she might feel or see his erection growing in his jeans. He considered dismounting his stepsister, but then he also realized that she was still laying there. Her cellphone in both her hands floating a foot above her now pointed nipples and her eyes locked on the phone and not her stepbrother straddling her.

Matt slowly moved his right hand back down to his step sister’s breast but this time there was nothing playful about it. His palm and fingers wrapped around her and massaged her breast slowly. His fingertips brushed against her bare skin as they pushed up her chest. His thumb circled her hard nipple through the thin fabric that restrained it. He switched to her other breast only this time he brushed his fingers down inside the shirt and felt her bare breast in his palm. Her nipple grew so hard it felt like a small blade against his skin.

Stephanie didn’t move her eyes from her phone. Matt could feel her chest rise and fall as her breathing sped up. He leaned back and brought his hands onto both her breasts. He pulled them out from her shirt and made long rubs across her skin. Giving her chest a deep massage as he mashed her breasts together and into her chest. They felt glorious.

Matt was beside himself. He couldn’t believe this was real life. He had never felt breasts so full and perfect as these. And they belonged to his stepsister.

She was panting quietly now. Her mouth hung open and she pushed and pulled air through her lips silently, like Matt might not notice. Like her nipples weren’t getting harder by the moment and she wasn’t getting more and more aroused.

Matt scooted himself to the side of Stephanie. Enough that his hands could slide down her taut belly and brush over her tiny pair of shorts she wore. His fingertips dipped over her sex enough that he could feel the groves of her lips. His middle finger found the center and wiggled a little deeper into the crevasse of his step sister’s pussy before he pushed down between her thighs. Matt dragged his fingers back up and pushed down again. He could hear Stephanie struggling to keep from moaning. Air whipped in and out of her mouth between her sporadic breath-holding as she bit her lip.

While Stephanie’s eyes may have had the discipline to stay on her phone screen, her thighs seemed to have a mind on their own. They begged to open up to her stepbrother. He felt her open some to make room for his hand as it dipped deeper between her thighs, then when he took his free hand and pulled on her inner thigh it spread wide with ease.

This time when his hand pushed down and into her pussy lips, he felt his middle finger disappear along with a part of her shorts inside her lips. It was too much for Stephanie. A surge of brief high-pitched coos escaped her. Inside her, it was warm and tight, just like he had always imagined. Matt pushed the opening of the short’s leg hole to the side. The fabric was loose and stretchy. It was easy to expose his step sister’s bald pussy lips. A string of her juices stuck to the crotch of her shorts as he did.

She’s not wearing any panties, Matt marveled.

He looked up at her as his fingertips kissed the lips of her pussy. Her mouth was open as she panted, her eyes locked on her phone. She wasn’t typing so much anymore. Her mind must’ve been elsewhere. Matt kept waiting for her to stop him. To draw the line somewhere on this game that had already gone too far. And as he slipped his middle finger inside her tender, wet lips he wondered, how far I was going taking this.

He had to wiggle his middle finger back and forth to push it deeper inside her. The walls of her pussy were so tight they contracted on his finger. He didn’t have much experience fingering girls. Matt had two previous girlfriends he had sex with, but he knew they went wild, sometimes at least, when he rubbed the roof of their pussies. He tried that with Stephanie, dragging his fingertip gently out against the top of her pussy again and again. Stephanie’s hips maneuvered in tiny circles. Lifting and lowering. She pressed her lips together, but still light gentle moans hummed out of her.

Matt knew, like every boy who had ever watched porn, where her clitoris was located, just above her vagina. But to be honest, he wasn’t really sure what to do with it. His first girlfriend, Maxine, yelled at him when he tried to rub her’s roughly and smack it like he saw in the porn videos online.

Apparently, pornos aren’t accurate. Go figure.

After that embarrassing experience, Matt tried his best to not linger with foreplay and to rush to just sticking his dick inside his girlfriends. But now, Matt wasn’t sure if Stephanie would shut this all down if he rushed to that, so he tried his best to take his time. After slowly pumping his finger in and out of her pussy for several seconds and seeing her juices start to pool on his finger and hand, he decided to go for it.

Matt rested his thumb over her clitoris area and let it rock back and forth with each penetration. She didn’t react at first but as he slowly applied more pressure and let the meat of his thumb drag wide circles over her clit area, he saw her arch her back at one point. Throwing her head back as she took in a deep breath and exhaled trying to focus. After a minute she looked back down at her phone.

Matt realized when she arched her breasts were still out of her shirt and they bounced as she moved. Her nipples were thick and hard. They pointed away from another to the corners of the ceiling as she laid there. Matt reached up with his free hand and groped her left breast then her right. The rock nipple raised between his fingers. Clamping it slightly between his knuckles.

Stephanie was moaning now. The combination he entered over her body must have been correct or at least close because she could no longer lie there and pretend nothing was happening.

“Ohm- Mmmmm... gah...” she squealed. No words came out. Just syllables. The back of her left hand pressed against her mouth. Matt was pumping his step sister’s pussy faster now. More firmly. A steady hard finger pressed inside her with her whole step brother’s arm. Every sound she made only made it worse for her. He followed her cues like the game it was. The more she moaned the more he did what he was doing.

“Oh fu- fuck mmm...” Stephanie bit the meat on the back of her hand to keep from crying out in her cute high-pitched moans. Her eyes stayed on her cellphone clutched in her one hand, but she didn’t text. Matt doubted the screen was even on anymore. Her whole body rocked up and down with his thrusts making her arm holding her cellphone bounce haplessly.

Matt’s thumb made firm circles that circles around the edges of her clit. They drew messier and wilder as juices from her pussy slicked the surface. His whole hand became wet as he pumped inside her. He felt the walls of her vagina squeezing his finger and his step sister’s hips angled down.

It was in that moment Matt saw Stephanie’s whole body was rigid and arched. Her stomach taut against his forearm as he stretched to keep her nipple pinched. As if she just surfaced from a long dive underwater, she gasped for air. Matt didn’t even notice she was holding her breath. He was so focused on the pushing of his finger inside her tight hole and the faster and faster rubbing of his step sister’s clit.

“Oh my god-hmm-fuck!” Stephanie managed to grunt out. Her left hand still covering her mouth. Her right clenched her phone to her chest. “Oh my god oh my...”

He finally felt his step sister’s pussy loosen for a moment before clenching on and off around his finger. Her juices slicked all his fingers and her pussy lips as her thighs trembled around his hand. Stephanie arched her back then rolled her head back as her thighs clapped together around his hand tucked between them. After a brief paralyzing moment her body started to relax.

I just made my stepsister cum.

“Ohm- ahhm... mmmm...” Stephanie’s moans and breathing slowly came under control slowly as she panted. Her eyes opened and looked up at the ceiling. She rolled her eyes like she was trying and failing to control herself.

Matt had stopped torturing her clit with his thumb as that seemed all what he was doing. Every touch or brush nearby seemed to set her stomach and hips into a small convulsion. His index finger still traced the length of her pussy lips. Every few moments dipping inside and making her hold her breath or bite her lip. Stephanie, once she finally regained control of her faculties, took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then, raised her phone and started clicking on the screen. His finger was slowing on her pussy. It retreated backward off of her. He thought about leaving. Maybe just walking out of the room without saying anything.

She clearly doesn’t want to talk about it or even acknowledge what happened. Small talk is out of the question, which was good since I don’t have any.

He didn’t want it to be weird the next time they saw each other, but at the same time, he couldn’t see it being anything but weird.

Well, if things are already going to be weird... this might be my only chance. Fuck it.

Matt took his hand away from her sex just to undo his belt. He unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans finally giving relief to both his throbbing erection and his strained zipper on his pants. He thought she would start protesting at the sound of his jingling belt. But on the contrary, when he stood, Matt heard nothing from her but thought he saw her from the corner of his eye look down from her phone to see his cock.

Matt froze for a moment. His stomach cringed. It was his biggest worry since starting down this surreal path. Her pushing him away, calling him a freak, and leaving to tell god knows who what he’s done.To continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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StepsisterBy  Sonya  EsperantoStory:FIRST WEEK -  Monday Later AfternoonJames  was  out  by  the  backyard.  He  was  smoking  a  cigarette,  oblivious  to  the  fact  that  he  was  being  watched!!  His  backyard  faced  a  cliff,  that  overlooked  the  Gulf  of  Mexico.  He   lived  in  a  big  mansion,  on  the  top  of  a  hill,  somewhere off the coast of  Miami,  Florida. He  quickly threw away the cigarette,   since  he  believed  his  parents  would  be  home  any  moment!!  James ...

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Stepsister8217s Skillful Mouth 8211 Chapter One

Carmelita eyed Mark’s stiff cock with lust. She knew the devilish glint in her dark eyes told him better than words that his new Stepmother was more eat-hungry now than fuck-hungry. She was standing before him, naked from the waist down, baiting him with her cunt, while her wet pink tongue licked still another invitation across her plush red lips. Suddenly her heart was pounding faster when a wicked little smile creased his lips. Without waiting another second, she dropped to her knees...

3 years ago
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Stepson helps me with my bruised butt and then

Hi Y’all,Well the week could have been better but it’s ended well. This past week we had a little bit of ice and snow Wednesday night causing for a not so fun Thursday morning of getting the k**s off to school and driving for Uber. My bad Thursday morning started off as I was driving home after dropping the k**s at school and hit an ice patch on a downhill road. The car in front of me hit their brakes as soon as they hit the ice and they started sliding, I hit my brakes too and joined in the...

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Stepmom Gets a Deep Anal Plundering

When I arrived home, I noticed that Cassandra’s car was parked in the driveway, which was odd because she typically worked until late in the evening. It was only 2:00 in the afternoon. I sat in my car for a few minutes, unsure, before I finally made my way to the front steps of my stepmom’s house. As I peered through the living room window, I spotted my stepmother dancing by the stereo and really getting into it. The mushy, lazy sounds of Jack Johnson wafted from the speakers. She never...

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Terrace View Apartments

Author's note: this is actually an older story that I wrote almost 15 years ago. A gentleman who has been encouraging me to write these sissy stories suggested that I post some of my older work online here, so that all of my stories would be available to read in one place. I hope that you enjoy this story; Sissy Michelle The Terrace View Apartments: Chapter 1 - Danielle I got a great job, right after I graduated from college. And while the job required that I relocate from my...

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Stepmom helps out 1

It was well past midnight when I got home from my last date with my now-ex Sarah. I had dropped her off at her house, having resisted the urge to tell her to go to hell and walk home. Getting dumped was bad, but having to drive her home was extra insult. As I pulled into the driveway I shook my head. This was the second time in a year I had been dumped, and for the same reason. I unlocked the door as quietly as I could, hoping to wake no one. I passed my stepsister Liz's door and then turned...

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Steph Meets Daddys Friends

"So, you don't feel well? What hurts? There? Let me rub it for you. Lower? I think you had better get undressed, sweetie, so I can check you out."His daughter looked at him quizzically. "You want me to what?""Honey, I can't tell you what's wrong unless you show me, ok?""Well, I guess it's ok, Daddy,”She quickly removed her top and her tight fitting bra. She took off her jeans but was reluctant to take off her panties. Nevertheless, her tits pointed directly toward Daddy. He...

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Stepbrother Sleepwalking Surprise

“Fuck me!” Nicole couldn’t believe it; she had slipped on the icy path leading up to her house, her ankle had twisted painfully, and then she had heard (and felt!) the crack of her wrist as it hit the pavement. She was overwhelmed by dueling pain sources. “Mom! MOM!” she cried out desperately. Finally her stepmother and stepbrother Cam came out and helped her inside. 4 to 6 weeks, the doctor said; that was how long she’d have to remain bedridden unless her family practically carried her...

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Stepsister Seduction Chapter 9 rewrite A wild threesome

Introduction: Okay I went and rewrote Chapter 9 since I got bad reviews on the previous one. No more parents will be involved, as well as no pregnancies so quit asking for it. Let me know what you think. Read on and enjoy. If youre new to this series, please read the previous chapters first. After Tim walked in on a threeway, lesbian sexfest, mom suddenly had second thoughts, but the younger girls werent done yet, and Tim wanted a little more action too. But his stepsister and her friend may be...

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Stepmom sleeping

True story. My stepmom and my Dad came home one night both drunk after being at a party. Stepmom is 45 and a total milf, she has huge tit's and a biggish ass, she has the classic hour glass figure. Dad is 49 he has kept himself well over the year's, I was 15 at the time. stepmom was wearing a knee length skirt, she sat down opposite me, I caught a glimpse of thigh as she sat down, she sat there with her leg's slightly apart, I was enjoying the show, when Dad said to Mom "come on honey bed time"...

2 years ago
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Stepson Fantasies Chapter 2 Joey

A few days after Peggy broke the taboo ice by fucking her new stepson, she was anxious to share the event with Wanda, her college girlfriend. Wanda was the one person she could tell anything to and would not get any condemnation from. In fact, it was quite the opposite. She and Wanda had an unspoken competition between them. Each wanted to outdo the other with the dirtiest stories and nastiest desires. There was always a hazy line between what was real and what was fiction between these two....

4 years ago
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Stepsister Seduction Chapter 9 rewrite A wild threesome

Jenna watched her mom leave the room, not noticing how her mom was acting. She quickly sat up, looking at her stepbrother's fat member hanging there. "That means this is all ours now Anna," she exclaimed, wrapping her tiny hand around Tim's shaft. Tim watched his stepmom leave, wondering why she had just suddenly got up and left. It seemed to him that she must be having second thoughts about what she was doing now. Kelly walked back to her room, knowing she should have told Tim to...

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Terrace Height Apartments

Many would have considered the Terrace Heights Apartments a dump. It was a square five-story building that stood atop a small ridge in southwestern Madison WI. The exterior was covered fake fieldstone, including the small balcony outside each apartment. That fieldstone was dirty and weathered from years of neglect. The first floor hallway was dimly lit. The dark green paint on the walls didn’t help any. The area off that hallway which held the vending machines was lit by the lights inside the...

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Stepmom Goes to the Prom

When Jillian's period came a few weeks after her encounter with the boys she breathed a huge sigh of relief. So far her stepsons had not said anything to their father and she felt this was the last bullet she had to dodge. Despite taking a "morning after" pill she would not believe she was in the clear until she was sure she wasn't pregnant. She had never been so happy to have her period in her life. Her husband had asked during those weeks why she was so nervous, but she kept putting him...

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Stepsister Sleepsexing Surprise

--- Stepsister Sleepsexing Surprise (MF, inc, nc, oral, impreg?, reluc, safe, viol) by Krosis of the Collective --- I opened my apartment door and let my sister in. As she shuffled past I noticed a bruise under one eye. I didn't ask. She had called me out of the blue a few hours before to ask if she could stay with me for a while, and now I was pretty sure I knew why. Regina (I call her Reg) was a big woman -- not fat, but tall and proportionate -- an Amazon with an hourglass...

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Stephen vs Stephanie The Morph Wars the Conclusion

Pregnant?! that would explain the nausea, at least. How dare Stephanie do this to him! Now they were pregnant (and how was that thing to come out?) and some guys' names were tattooed on the body they shared. AND they were on the way to fuck him. Oh, yeah, and he now had breasts! Not to mention that his soon-to-be lovers had sole possession of his bank account. What to do??? He wanted to get out of this fuck-up, and quick. Suicide was the first thought, but he knew this idea...

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Stepdaddyrsquos Filthy family 4

JACOBI couldn’t believe what I was seeing through the sliding patio door.My mom was on her knees in front of my stepdad, completely naked, with her robe hanging off her chair behind her. Cum covered her face, shined on her little tits, and coated her swollen pink nipples. Her hand was rubbing her clit like it was itching her bad.And I was in front of the glass doors, jerking off. My stepdad first frowned then smiled at the sight of me. I came before the third stroke, a powerful...

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stepmom grace

So I knew my stepmom would be really horny after a while. ”see you soon Jon im heading to Chicago for 3 Weeks”. Ok bye dad I hugged him and left to my room. after about half an hour my stepmom grace walked in. ”hey Jon” . I looked up and said hello. This is going to be the first time your father leaves us alone and I think this will be a good time for me and you to get to know each other. Yea I think so to. ”good well im going to order a pizza for us to eat im to lazy to cook today. Ok. All I...

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Stepford Househusbands Chapters 46

Chapter 4 "Well that was odd," Stephen commented as he carried the last of the bags into the house. "Did you notice the way those women were dressed?" He asked his wife. "I did," Emily replied. "But who are we to judge? It's a small community and they could think the same way about us." Stephen looked a his wife before shrugging his shoulders. She did have a point. "And what about those 3 women?" he continued. "They hardly said a word through dinner and they all seemed to ignore me....

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Stepford househusbands Chapters 1316

Chapter 13 Emily sighed as she got into her car at the end of the day. It had been a weird day. First she learned about the truth of Stepford and what was going on here, then she was given a choice. A choice to which Emily felt that she had no reason other than to accept. At least until she could figure a way out of this place. Emily spent the rest of they pretending to play along while she came up with an escape plan. When she got home she would grab Stephen and then under the cover...

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Stepford Househusbands Chapters 2325

Chapter 23 "This wasn't what you were expecting was it?" she asked Emily as she reached for some nuts. Emily slowly shook her head slowly. Trying to come to grips with it all. "Don't worry," Natalie said with a smile. "You'll get used to it." Stephen returned a few minutes later with Emily's drink. While he had been in the kitchen he had donned an apron similar to Richard's. Emily watched with a mixture of fascination and shock as Richard handed her her drink. He gave Emily a...

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Stephen and I

Introduction: My first story, hope you enjoy! Just for reference Stephen and I are both going into 9th grade at the time of this story. Hey man are you ready?! Hell yeah dude! Two weeks at camp away from parents and responsibilities! Perfect way to start summer! Haha I cant wait! All I could think of on the two hour drive was how much fun I was going to have for these two weeks. And better yet, it was going to be with my dream guy. Hes just perfect. *** Finally here. I said to Stephen as...

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Stephen vs Stephanie A Story of Morph Wars

Stephen prepared for his change. Every solstice it was the same: get ready for his six month sleep. He didn't remember when this all started, but the centuries seemed to blur after awhile. All he knew about her on the other side was kept in the journals they wrote back and forth to each other. Once a year he would go to sleep after leaving her a written message, then he would wake up six months later with no memory of half a year. She would leave him a message, too, usually...

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I reclined, gratefully nude on the couch. My wife's three daughters were visiting us for a few days and I'd had to remain "decent" for two of them so far. Their arrivals and departures were staggered, with the older two of them (Pauline and Sarah) arriving the day before yesterday — on separate flights — and the youngest, Lila yesterday. Mattie, my wife, was married before to Pauline's dad. Together they had Sarah and Lila, who were virtually grown when they got divorced. According to...

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Stepsister Seduction Chapter 6 Jenna Caught Mom in the act

Jenna slowly walked into the room, looking at her mom laid out on the bed, Kelly's lingerie messed up a little, but still on and covering her. Jenna walked in front of them, looking down at her mom's still gaping pussy, Tim's cum clearly visible yet. She looked over at Tim, his limp dick laying in front of him, as he laid on his side, the remnants of the condom still on his dick. Jenna shook her head slowly, "no wonder why you wanted me to leave, and you let him shoot inside of...

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Instead I got her to come to my house. She trusted me, not that I wasn’t one to be trusted, and I let her stay on my couch over night to sleep it off. When I asked her about getting her car she said she had walked to the club with some friends (they’d left without her I assume) so cars weren’t an issue. In the morning, when she woke up, I had breakfast sitting on the table. She thanked me, especially for the coffee. We ended up talking for a long time. My niece was to be over for a haircut...

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Steph Looks after my Flatmate

My luck was in the day I met her, and the first time we fucked, it just got better, she has an insatiable desire for sex, and the cutest tightest pussy I have ever come accross or cum in!! My name is Rick, Im about 12 years older than Steph, and we have had some great imes together, so i thought i would share them with you, starting with this, and more to come. This story starts in a bar, my Flatmate had been having a bad time with his girlfriend and Steph and I took him to the local bar to...

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Stepmothers Love part 2

Stepmother's Love, part 2 By: Malissa and Gang Waking up slowly I felt the urge to pee again. This time it wasn't as urgent as the one in the middle of the night. Looking at the clock I saw it was almost seven am, I could hear my Mommy in the next room putting my brother down for his after feeding nap. I knew her next stop would be my room so I tried to lay there like a good girl and wait. Finally she came in and saw me watching the door. "Madison are you ok?" "Yes Mommy but...

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Stepmothers Love part 3

Stepmother's Love, 3 By: Malissa and Gang My two friends followed me to my room in silence. To tell the truth I was more than just a little bit afraid of their possible reaction to what I was about to show them. Standing next to my bed I reached behind me, sliding the skirts zipper down after unfastening the button at the top. It fell to the floor, fanning out around my feet. Next I pushed my pantys down to my knees, my gaff barely visible against my cream colored skin. I bit...

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stepdads cock

On Saturday night my mom and stepdad went out for supper while I stayed at home doing a geography assignment as I was in matric. It was after 10 when I decided to call it a night and get into bed. Before falling asleep I decided to play with myself, I rubbed up and down my pussy and clit, soon licking my middle finger making it wet, entering it in my pussy. I fingered myself and rub on my G spot, to make myself cum. I fell asleep afterwards, but was woken up to my mom and stepdad laughing,...

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Stepmother Knows Best

I know it sounds kind of pathetic when I tell people I'm twenty-five years old and still living at home, but it really isn't my fault. After graduating high school I had drifted through a number of meaningless dead end jobs before finally deciding to go back to college part time. My life certainly wasn't what my dad hoped for, but he has always let me make my own choices. While my family has a lot of money my dad firmly believed in people standing on their own two feet, meaning once I...

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Stephen and I

"Hell yeah dude! Two weeks at camp away from parents and responsibilities! Perfect way to start summer!" "Haha I can't wait!" All I could think of on the two hour drive was how much fun I was going to have for these two weeks. And better yet, it was going to be with my dream guy. He's just perfect. *** "Finally here." I said to Stephen as I was unpacking "I know. I've been looking...

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Stephanies New Friends

Stephanie's New Friends By Susan Day This is a story of a chat over tea in the parlour with Penelope Primrose, usually known as 'Auntie'. Stephanie is one of Auntie's girls, who comes to visit regularly for tea. Today she is telling Auntie's maid how she became Stephanie. Stephen tried to convince the shop assistant that he was looking for lingerie for his wife, but the shop assistant knew better. Before...

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