Sylvia’s Mother Ch. 36 free porn video

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Jason was surprised when he woke up alone in the big bed the next morning and, for a second he felt disappointed. Then he smelled coffee and knew where Karen had gone. He got up, slipped on his jeans and T-shirt, and went downstairs. When he walked into the kitchen, he found her at the counter, wearing what looked like the shirt to a pair of men’s pajamas. It especially delighted him that the shirt just barely covered her wonderful bottom.

When she saw him, Karen turned, wearing a delighted smile on her face. ‘You left all of my things here,’ she said.

Jason smiled and nodded. ‘I hoped you might get to wear them again,’ he said. He’d left all of her clothes in the master bedroom closet and dresser, although he did have all of her ex-husband’s things taken out.

He took a couple of steps across the kitchen and she moved toward him and pulled him into a passionate embrace. Her hands clutched at him as she pressed against him. Their lips joined and they kissed hungrily.

‘Last night was so unbelievable!’ she gasped when the kiss ended. ‘Jason, darling, I do love you.’

‘And I love you, more than you can imagine,’ he replied.

Karen reached up and caressed his face gently. ‘I want to make you some breakfast,’ she said. ‘Would you like some? I see you’ve managed to stock some things in the freezer. There are some of those egg replacements and some sausage, I could make scrambled eggs and sausage.’

‘Sounds good to me,’ Jason replied.

She turned to the counter, intending to begin working on something for them to eat. But, as she leaned forward to get something, the shirt exposed one of her delightful buttocks. It was more than Jason could take. He stepped behind her and ran his hands lightly over her bottom and up under her top until they were holding her breasts. He shivered with delight when he felt her nipples boring into his palms.

‘Oh, darling…’ Karen groaned and shuddered. She pressed herself back against him and wriggled her bottom against his swollen penis. ‘I…I suppose we can eat a little later,’ she murmured.

Jason, holding her against him, burrowed his face under her hair and began kissing her neck, cheeks, and ears while she gurgled with delight and continued to rub her bottom against him.

Karen turned in his arms and kissed him lightly on the cheek. ‘We…we should go back…up…upstairs…’ she murmured, and wrapped her arms around his neck.

‘We don’t have to worry about being caught any more,’ Jason replied, his voice quavering with passion.

‘You…you’re right, I guess we…Oooo!’ she moaned when his hands again slid onto her breasts. Slowly, they sank to the floor and made love. It wasn’t the long, slow lovemaking they’d shared the night before, but it was intense and loving. Once more, they shared a shattering orgasm and, when it ended, Karen kissed him tenderly. ‘I don’t ever want to lose you again,’ she said. ‘I…I love you, Jason.’

‘You’ll never, ever lose me again,’ Jason replied seriously.

Later, after they finally managed to make breakfast, they got dressed and were sitting on the sofa, talking. Karen was wearing a navy cotton sweater with a deep V-back and a form-fitting white Lycra stretch twill mini-skirt that displayed her wonderful legs to Jason’s avid gaze. Under it, all she wore was a thong bikini. He knew that because he’d watched her get dressed. And, much to his surprise, he found watching her get dressed was a very stimulating experience.

Karen’s legs were folded under her and her head lay on his shoulder, her soft hair tickling his cheek. One of her slim hands gently toyed with his thigh. ‘Do you have any idea how wonderful it feels to be here with you again?’ she asked. ‘And it’s even more special because this time there’s no guilt.’

Jason smiled and nodded. ‘Based on how I feel, I think I have a pretty good idea,’ he replied.

Karen sighed. ‘There…there is so much we need to…to catch up on,’ she said and snuggled tighter against him. ‘I have a feeling you may have been understating how well you’ve done financially. I mean, I know what the price we asked was, how on earth could you afford to buy this place?’

‘Actually, this place and my truck are all I’ve spent my money on that doesn’t give me any income,’ Jason said, ‘I invested the rest of it in the computer stores, some income property, one business, and stocks and bonds.’

Karen leaned back and looked at him. ‘What business did you invest in?’ she asked.

Jason grinned at her. ‘M.D. Industries,’ he said. ‘I own a 51 percent share.’

Karen’s eyes widened in surprise. ‘You…you bought Milton’s company? And you put in the new manager, the one who has done so well with it?’ she asked.

Jason nodded. ‘I met Joe Bartlett when the conglomerate bought out Biggie Burger. Everyone said he was a sharp manager, and I guess they were right, huh?’ he said.

‘I guess they were,’ Karen said. ‘I’m so glad my attorney had me ask for stock in the company instead of support. I’m not sure how I’d have lived otherwise.’

Jason pulled her onto his lap, into his arms, and kissed her. She returned the kiss avidly. He teased her lips with his tongue and she returned the lingual caress. Her hands tangled in his hair, pulling his mouth against hers.

He began to caress her back, most of which was exposed by the deep Vee of her sweater, and he felt her skin move, wave-like as his hands glided over it. He teased the back of her neck, then combed his fingers through her soft, fragrant hair.

Their kiss finally ended and both of them pulled back, gasping for breath, and stared at each other. Jason slipped the sweater over her head while Karen feverishly opened his shirt. Then, with their upper bodies bared, they resumed their kissing and caressing. Before Jason could do much of anything, her lips went to one of his nipples and she began kissing it and sucking it erect. ‘Oh!’ he groaned. His body twitched in response to her sudden, intensely pleasurable caress. His hands moved over her naked back, savoring the warmth, smoothness, and softness of her, then stole into her hair, pulling her to him.

Karen’s lips continued moving on his chest, blazing a trail of heat to his other nipple and drew it, too, out to a stiff peak.

‘Damn, you make me feel so good!’ Jason whispered into her hair, his throat thick.

Karen stopped what she was doing and leaned back, gazing into his eyes. Her eyes were bright, her lips red, and her breasts, capped by those luscious hard nipples, moved in and out on her heaving chest. Jason cupped the delectable globes in his hand, his thumbs going to the hard tips, then he gently began kneading and teasing them. Karen’s eyes closed, a lovely smile curved her lips, and her head lolled back.

‘Ah!’ she whimpered, pressing her body against his seeking hands. ‘Love me, Jason! Love me!’ Her hand stroked his face, caressing his lips with feather-light touch.

Jason captured a hardened nipple with his lips.

‘Oh!’ It was Karen’s turn to moan and jump as pleasure coursed though her lithe body. Her hands again tangled in his hair and she pulled him against her. ‘Yes! Yes! Oh, God, Jason, yes!’ she murmured, her voice tremulous with passion. Her impassioned plea sent ripples of pleasure through him.

Jason transferred his attentions to her other breast, noting she seemed to be having a hard time breathing. He held his head still, maintaining just the slightest pressure on her stiffened bud, allowing the movement of her breathing to thrust it in and out of his mouth. That seemed to delight her.

‘God, Jason, that feels so wonderful!’ she murmured, ‘More! More! Do it more!’

Jason began caressing her arms, shoulders, and belly with his free hand, and felt the heat radiating from her. She jumped and jerked more and more under his touch.

‘Oh, darling!’ she moaned. ‘You make me feel so wonderful!’

‘Let’s get more comfortable,
‘ Jason suggested. He undid the zipper at the rear of her skirt, and slid it down over her incredibly slim hips and off. Wearing just the scanty bikini, she presented him with a spectacular vision of erotic beauty.

With a groan of delight, Karen came into his arms and again their mouths sought each other and joined. Their tongues thrust and parried, then withdrew and dueled again. Charges of electric pleasure arced between them. He wanted to devour her!

They needed to breathe, so their kiss ended. Gently, Jason ran his hands up and down Karen’s arms.

‘Oh!’ she moaned as his hands reached her shoulders, then slid across her chest, stroking, outlining, then teasing her nipples. They were so erect and hard!

‘Unnhh!’ Karen murmured. Her body shook as his hands caressed her.

Jason moved his caresses to her abdomen, which was flat, but soft. He kept his touch feathery, moving his hand everywhere. Her body vibrated in response. He laid her flat and moved into a position that allowed him to kiss that lovely body. His lips explored her navel and her hands again enmeshed themselves in his hair.

‘Mmmm!’ Sounds of enjoyment continued to escape from Karen’s lips. ‘God, Jason! That feels so good! I…I’ve missed how wonderful you make me feel! I’ve missed it so much!’

Jason moved all the way down and took one of her feet in his hand, then he began stroking, kissing, and tickling his way up her leg, leaving no area of skin untouched. Lightly, his fingers moved over her, along with his lips. He could hear Karen gasping and murmuring with joy while his lips and hands filled her with warmth and pleasure.

Up onto her velvet-smooth thighs, along the silk-encased Vee of her sex, he slid his hands, then he followed the waist of those scanty underthings to her side and down the other leg, worshipping her gorgeous body with touches and kisses.

It seemed as if hours were passing as Jason made love to her. He was erect and wanted her badly, yet he restrained himself. He wanted to build her to the most intense peak of pleasure he’d ever given her.

An eternity of sensual delight passed before Jason eventually arrived at Karen’s other foot. When he finished his attentions to that, he ran his hands up the outside of her legs, back to the narrow waist of the pretty, scanty, underthings she wore.

‘Oh, God, Jason! You’re driving me crazy!’ Karen moaned.

Jason left the silky covering in place and touched her through it, caressing the area it covered with light, circular movements of his fingers. He got her to turn on her belly and worked on the soft skin of her rear, loving the sensuous appearance the scanty garment gave it.

‘You’re making me feel all tingly inside!’ Karen whispered, while her body continued to writhe under his insistent caresses.

Jason rolled her on her back, slid his hands over her belly, then between her legs, feeling the wetness that had begun soaking through the filmy garment.

‘Oh!’ Karen groaned. Her body jolted when his fingers found her erect clit through the sheer fabric. ‘Take them off! Please, Jason!’ she begged. ‘Take them off and touch me!’ Her back arched, delivering her center to his touch.

Slowly, tenderly, Jason did just that. He slid the negligible garment down the sweet columns of her legs, leaving her totally nude, legs splayed, pubic hair glistening with the dampness of excitement. He moved between her legs, put one hand on each hip, and leaned forward. As he neared her, he could feel her tense, then he kissed her belly button.

‘Oh!’ she moaned, trembling with anticipation.

Across Karen’s flat, lean belly – which was covered with skin that was so satiny smooth and warm – his lips and tongue moved. From side to side, and down, his caresses ventured.

‘Please!…Please!…’ Karen murmured fervently.

Her beseeching stirred him, but still Jason held back and continued the deliberate pace he’d set for himself. Slowly, his lips descended her nubile form. Her back arched and her hips rotated, her body joining her mouth begging for his touch.

‘Oh!…God!…Please!…Please, Jason!’ Karen’s desperate pleas continued.

Slowly, Jason continued, his caresses moving toward where he wanted to go.

‘Oh!’ she groaned.

His lips were on her pubic hair now. Straining, her hips twisting, she offered her treasure to him. From side to side, from the valley where her legs and body joined, across the soft brown curls, to the other side, his lips and tongue explored, loving, seeking, touching.

‘Oh!…Oh!…Oh, Jason, please!’ Karen whimpered. Her body shook as his lips and tongue touched, then engulfed her nerve-filled, erect bud. Jason sucked it as deeply into his mouth as he could, then holding her buttocks in his hands, he began punishing it with his tongue.

Karen’s body shook and she grabbed his head and pulled it against her as his tongue slid down off her clit, between her labia, opened her, then slid inside her.

‘Oh!’ Karen moaned and her hips bucked, as if she were trying to take all of him inside her. ‘Oh!…Oh!…Oh!’ Her passionate moans continued as Jason worked her over avidly with his lips and tongue. He licked and sucked, and teased her opening, making her wetter, driving her to higher and higher levels of need, giving her more and more pleasure.

Without taking his mouth off her vagina, Jason slid a hand up her thigh and began touching areas left uncovered by his oral attentions. Then, gently, he inserted a finger between her swollen labia and thrust it into her.

‘Oh, yes!’ Karen’s hips rocked upward, off the sofa. Jason wrapped his lips around her clit and began rhythmically sucking, while at the same time he was pumping his finger in and out of her. He could feel the walls of her inflamed vagina begin to tighten around his intruding digit and sensed the onset of the clasping, rippling effect that signaled her orgasm.

Suck and thrust. ‘Oh!’ Suck and thrust. ‘Ah!’ Suck and thrust. ‘Oh!’

Karen’s arched back forced her sex against his mouth while she responded wildly to what Jason was doing to her. Her legs clasped his head, mashing his mouth tighter against her, and still he continued, his finger delving into her, his lips and tongue punishing her, while she worked her middle against him.

After a while, Karen’s muscles relaxed and her cries softened. He continued doing what he was doing, enjoying the movement of her body and the rippling of her vaginal wall on his finger. Her legs unlocked and fell from him, thumping to the bed. The movements of love, though lessened, continued.

‘Oh!…That was so nice!…So nice!’ she murmured, then was still. He gave her succulent middle a last kiss, then sat up.

Karen lay there, her eyes closed, breathing softly, completely limp. Her breasts, topped by half-erect nipples, rose and fell with her steady breathing.

Jason got up, stripped off the rest of his clothes, then he laid down next to her. Karen murmured softly, but didn’t open her eyes. There was a satisfied smile on her lips.

Immediately, his body afire with need for her, he bent and teased a nipple with his lips.

‘Oh!’ she moaned in response to his new erotic assault. The nipple rose into his sucking lips, hardening, growing. Having restored that one to full life, he moved to the other one, arousing it, too.

His hand slid over Karen and Jason cupped her passion-soaked vagina, then he slid his index finger into her. Her hips rose in greeting.

‘Oh!’ Another soft moan erupted from her and her body began to move sinuously as his finger probed her insides. He could feel heat returning. More insistently now, his own urgency driving him, he re-awakened her passion and stirred her to new heights of passion and need.

His finger probed deeply while his lips moved from one rigid nipple to the other. She writhed and moaned, her hands clutching at him.

‘I want you, Jason! I want you! Please, Jason! Take
me! Please take me! I want you!’ Karen cried out her need, pulling at him. ‘Oh, God, darling, I need you so desperately!’

Jason’s penis was erect and throbbing, as hard as it had ever been. The level of sensitivity was unbelievable! Just the air moving over it as he climbed between her legs teased and stimulated his swollen shaft as if someone was touching it! He knelt before Karen’s altar of love and surveyed the sight before his eyes. Her vagina was open, wet, red, and swollen, begging him to enter. Her hips moved slowly up and down and her beautiful eyes, filled with passion, implored him to possess her! Her slim, lovely arms beckoned to him.

‘Please, Jason! Please! Take me! Oh, please, my darling, take me!’ she begged.

Jason slid forward, then his body jerked when his hot hardness contacted her soft, open wetness.

Karen grasped him, guided the rigid shaft into her, and he thrust it home. A cry of joy gushed from her and her hips bucked up to meet him.

Jason supported his weight on his arms and drove into her. She braced her feet on the bed and forced herself up to meet him. Again, as they’d done so many times, their bodies strained together, plunging, writhing, pounding, drawing pleasure.

Intense spasms of joy swept through Jason as jets of his warm cream spouted from his wildly pulsing organ, filling her, bathing her insides. He ground against her, while what seemed like endless supplies of his fluids gushed into her.

Karen screamed out in delight when the hot blasts of his fluid splashed against her womb. Her fingers dug into his buttocks and her legs wrapped around his. It was as if she wanted to meld herself to him permanently. He couldn’t ever recall her responding to him more urgently.

Their lusty attack on each other finally slowed, and as Jason held himself above Karen, watching as her features relaxed and her eyes closed. Still hard, still embedded deep inside her, he rotated his hips.

Another spasm of pleasure shook Karen and she bucked against him. ‘Oh!’ she moaned, then relaxed again.

Still hard and buried in her, Jason lowered himself and kissed her. Then, feeling himself begin to soften, he pulled out and rolled off her.

‘Oh!’ Karen gave him a look of disappointment.

Jason lay next to her, watching her, devouring everything about the way she looked, trying to etch it indelibly on his memory. He reached out and tickled her face tenderly, bringing a smile of pleasure to her face.

‘Mmmm!’ she purred. ‘I almost forgot how gentle you are when you touch me.’

Jason had been thinking about something ever since they went out to dinner the night before. He decided to act on his thoughts. ‘Want to get married?’ he asked.

Karen’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. ‘Wha…what?’ she stammered.

Smiling, Jason kissed her on the tip of her nose. ‘I want to marry you,’ he said. ‘The sooner the better.’

It took a few seconds before Karen could get her mind working again, but when she did, she grabbed him, yelled, ‘Yes!’ and kissed him fiercely.

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Sylvia and Cecil Faye

Silkie leaned back against the pillow and took another puff of her cigarette. " I'm going to try to tell this part of the thing that I got into with my mom...just that part. "Tom, I've been talking a lot to you about this sex stuff with Judy and these grown men that happened when I was f******n or fifteen years old...f******n, I think. ""Holy shit, that was crazy, you know. All this fucking and weird sex when I was still in what we called Junior High? " "Tom, telling that last story to you got...

3 years ago
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Sylvia her grandmother Ruth and KwanYin

⦁ Silkie Greene used to be Sylvia Greenburg. Her name could have been changed because of marriage or divorce , but, she didn't give up that secret right away. She claimed to have changed her name while growing up in the foster care system of the State of Oregon. She didn't even try to sustain this part of her story for very long. She had altered her identity, at least once, and now, she was beginning to peel off the outside skin of herself, and reveal bits of who she really was. She was sitting...

2 years ago
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I am Sylvia a forty-five year old widow after my much older husband died almost two years ago. My parents were Danish so I have inherited their tall, slim bearing and my mother’s good looks. My girlfriends tell me I have a very good body still, good smooth skin, an hour glass figure and I modestly agree. When I pose naked in heels in front of my wall length bedroom mirrors I can’t help but admiring my body and feeling very frustrated. Good long legs, even better hips and I can see my well...

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Sylvia gets to know Gerald

I tried to talk to Rosalie about it. All she said was:"You're a woman, a fucking sexy-ass woman now. I'm not going to tell you what to do. Al wants to give you a fucking gold mine in the sky, and all you have to do is do what you do anyway? Lots of women would jump on that so fucking fast. Sylvia, I've let myself be pimped out a little bit in my life, lots of women do. Just for myself, it didn't kill me, and I had to do a lot more than what Al is talking about..."Later that week, I got a phone...

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Sylvia visits her Aunt Ida in Berkeley part two

I began to hear them. Two women making love can just be the sweetest sound. I listened for a little. their love sounds, the train whistle sounds, and those pigeons in the eaves. Ida moaned , "Come on baby, eat my pussy...come on..."Before I had another thought, my hand was in my panties. "Sylvia! don't stay out there playing with yourself! We have plenty of room!" I pushed the door open. Dulce was between Ida's legs, with her face in her pussy. I liked that, but what really got me was her...

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Sylvia A Cuckold Story

I am sure this is a cuckold story, but I am not sure just who should be considered the one cuckold. At the time of the event, I had been separated for six months from my wife of eleven years. She and I were madly in love in college, and did not want to take anyone’s advice about waiting until a few years after graduation. Sylvia is 5’ 5” tall and about 120 pounds with a perfect hour glass figure. She has incredible pear shaped tits and long hard nipples that can make her cum just from sucking...

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When I pose naked in heels in front of my wall length bedroom mirrors I can’t help but admiring my body and feeling very frustrated. Good long legs, even better hips and I can see my well rounded and still dimple free ass reflected in the mirror on the other wall. My best feature I muse as I tease my large erect nipples is my large firm 36D tits, though I must shave my overgrown pubic hair or have it waxed. I have decided I have been a grieving widow for far too long.I haven’t had sex for...

3 years ago
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Sylvias birthday part 2 2018

I was always thinking about my first love, and in someways, my only true lover. My dear sister Rachel. a young woman who had an international reputation as a pianist and musician before she was eight years old. A woman who had to deal with her Asberger's Syndrome before there was a name for that condition. The only prson on Earth who knew ALL my secrets, and who loved me witout reservation.I wanted this, I wanted that. I wanted her to travel to New York and become sucessful and more famous than...

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Sylvias mom part 3

After our first session, I was exhausted and fell asleep which was the last thing I wanted to do at that time. Sheila had seemed to drain everything from me including my consciousness. Fortunately, for me, Sheila was not overly concerned by my temporary lack of attention to her. Perhaps she was giving me the benefit of the doubt due my youth and relatively limited lack of sexual experience with a woman. I was awakened by a tingling sensation on the head of my cock. Sheila was leaning over me...

2 years ago
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Sylvias mom part 2

Part 2 of a continuing series. If you have not read part 1, I suggest you do so in order to follow the flow of the storySylvia would be graduating from high school in a couple of weeks. She was going to visit her grandparents for the first week of her summer break before leaving for college in the Fall. I was already hoping Sheila, Sylvia's mother, would follow through on her offer of having sex with me.Sylvia's grandparents drove down and picked her up to take her home with them for her...

3 years ago
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My Wicked Stepmother

It's was my last summer before I was supposed to start college. I had the house to myself most the time and had been wasting my summer playing video games. My dad was always gone on business trips, and my stepmother was usually out shopping, or at the gym where my dad met her.On the Saturday afternoon in question, my stepmother had just gotten home from whatever or 'whoever' she was doing, and my dad was out of town on 'business' again. I didn't really care how screwed up my dad and...

4 years ago
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Young Stepmother

Young Stepmother Chapter 1 By Mark Dayette Looking back on it now I had an easy life when my parents were still alive, I was their only son, their special boy Nathan, they called me Nate. I had a childhood like any normal boy, I wasn't exactly one of the cool kids, I wished, but I never felt like I was a loser. My family lived in Philadelphia, PA. For many years Dad took me to the Flyers games. As a teenager I had a few dates but I wasn't too successful with the ladies. I hate to...

1 year ago
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Sylvia and Cecil Faye Get Close

Sylvia's mother has left her daughter in her dressing room with her drummer while she goes all the way out to Pasadena to see about another engagement. She has known and worked with Cecil for more than twenty years. Cecil is also her lover. Sylvia doesn't know any of this. Sylvia has plans of her own. She has been hungry for Cecil since she could toddle over and hug him. She has had intercourse one time before in her life, not with Cecil, but she is keeping...

3 years ago
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Sylvia meets Janet and Amy

I wasn't at all sure I was going to let myself get DP'd again, but when I finally did, Janet was on her hands and knees beside me, kissing me, getting DP'd herself.There was a lot of coke at this party. I don't think I ever saw people using it like they were here. I don't know who paid for it, but there was a lot, and everybody could share. People got so high, and in this place, with all this sex everywhere, people wanted to fuck, and fuck and fuck. I was wondering if the parties I was going to...

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Sylvia at Geralds

My mom and I were "stuck" at Gerald's fabulous penthouse fro weeks after Al was shot. Gerald was so afraid that thee mob guys were looking for me, to kill me and get their money back, that he wouldn't let me leave. He was so sweet, and his place so wonderful, that, most of the time, I didn't feel as if I had to. Mom and I were talking about her friend,Mrs. Harada, the sixty year old Japanese-Brazilian massage lady, also a frind and lover of my friiend and lover,Rosalie, who had been married to...

2 years ago
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Sylvias mom part 10

Thanks for reading my work and kill me if like with your comments. I'm not afraid of criticism.*****I picked up a few things in the kitchen and then followed Sheila's trail of clothes down the hallway expecting to lead me to our bedroom but instead the trail ended at the door going into my 'play room'. As I walked in I saw her lying on the bed with legs spread wide and tied to the foot board posts of the bed. Her arms were over head in a spread eagle position and on wrist was tied to the head...

4 years ago
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Sylvias mom part 5

Everything was progressing very quickly between Sheila and me. They were, in fact, moving almost too quickly. Our sex life was fantastic. Sheila was a dream lover and she had done everything I had asked of her so far, yet I was still very apprehensive about how things would be once Sylvia returned and if we could get her to agree to our proposal of she and Sylvia sharing me as their lover.I really did not want to hurt Sylvia in any way, especially emotionally. She had already been through the...

3 years ago
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Sylvia my girlfriends mother teaches me

Sylvia, My First Pussy Part 2 Sylvia was Linda’s mom, and she said she thought highly of me as a kid who had promise. She was heavily involved in the youth movement at the State level, so I guess when I was elected President of the State organization; her positive opinion of me was pretty much solidified. She chauffeured me to numerous state conferences, so we got to know each other quite well. She was a big woman, very attractive even though she was 45 or so. She was wealthy and looked...

2 years ago
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A Caring Stepmother

There I was, eighteen years old and laid out at home after an accident while racing motorcycles, one arm broken, the other fractured above the wrist, cuts and bruises all over. My stepmother was a nurse at the hospital that I was admitted to right after the accident. She checked up on me until I was staying awake more and then began keeping the other nurses out and tending to me herself.It was just as well. I hadn't been able to jack off in a week, and I was getting hard if the fan blew across...

2 years ago
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Lisas Stepmother

Chapter 1 The big German shepherd sat back on his haunches with ears erect and eyes aglow, watching the shapely blonde girl move busily about the kitchen. Her visible, soft white flesh, even that hidden beneath her skimpy bikini, like the tossing of her shoulder-length golden hair, pleased him with its quivering apples to her every graceful motion. Her aromatic feminine scent filled his keen nostrils, stirring his interest more than the smell of the foods she prepared, and...

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Kinky Stepmother

I threw caution to the wind and jumped head first into my new role as housewife and stepmother with open arms. The only problem was that not everyone else's arms were open.My first official morning as a member of the Norton household began at the breakfast table. I woke at daybreak to make a huge feast for my new husband and my growing boys: eggs, hash browns, bacon, sausage, pancakes, real maple syrup, waffles, fresh strawberries, whipped cream and fresh-squeezed orange juice. I didn't even...

1 year ago
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My Sexy RedHeaded Stepmother

I had secretly lusted after Alice, my sexy red-headed stepmother, for a long, long time. She had a habit of walking around the house late at night in a silky, nearly see-through, light blue nighty. It was obvious that she was completely naked underneath because I could clearly make out her dark nipples and the little tuft of hair that was just above her pussy. I was convinced that she knew I could see everything and that she wore the skimpy nighty to intentionally drive me crazy. Many a night I...

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Lust for Stepmother

My name is Eric and I was thirty-five years old when my father died. To say his death hurt would be an understatement. It was truly devastating. Although it was a difficult time, I was fortunate in that I had my stepmother Janice to help me through this period. As I'll say more than once in this story. My real mother had died when I was young. Even though Janice married my father many years after my mother died, I thought of her as my mother not a stepmother. That's important to this story. I...

2 years ago
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The Stepmother

I loved this story and wanted to share it, the writer is "horrorotica" here is a link to the main story: eighteen-year-old Dale Barrett travelled home by train, he felt excited about seeing his stepmom for the first time since spring break. Nervous energy made his heartbeat fast, his stomach feel funny, and his fingers tingle. The reason he felt so nervous about coming home is that his stepmother had told him that she knew about his little secret.She...

3 years ago
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Sylvia Margo and Janet

I soaked in the bubbles in the tub. It was time to give my ass and pussy a rest. I listened to Grace Slick singing about "Try Trans-Love Airlines, gets you there on time...""I was still on my back in the tub. I'd had had several intense comes, had watched Ida and Dulce get DP's a few inches away from my face, so close I could smell it and taste it, too. I was relaxed, I didn't need any more sex. Ida came to see me in the tub."You have tits that float, Sylvia, that's really cool. Are you totally...

4 years ago
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Sylvia After the glory hole and Gretchen

The Voice Lesson I had been making love with Judy and Gretchen after our money making stint at the glory hole at Ambassador books. We went to the store next door, and met with Gretchen Ramriez, and spent the rest of the afternoon having threeway woman sex with her. But I had a lot on my minf that day:"Judy, you can stay, but I need to wash my hair, have a shower and go.."Gretchen:"Let me find some clothes for you. Sylvia. We call this place the "Mayan Macey's" because so many women come in here...

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Sylvias mom part 12

The holiday season was incredible especially for me. Sheila managed to contain any possessiveness she might have had with admirable self control. She told me she did not while she did not have a real problem about me being with any of the girls, she was glad the holidays were over and it would just be the two of us here most of the time.I know both Mom and Leann will still come over frequently, but I imagine in a few weeks or months that Leann will likely want some kind of more permanent...

1 year ago
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Dream Come True With Sexy Mature Godmother

The following is a true story however certain details have been omitted for secrecy and protection:I'm a 21 year old man living in Cambridge, 3 years ago i went travelling around australia with my best friend, (let's call him T)anyways we were travelling up the east coast doing the usual tourist spots as well as a few ssmall surfing locals we were recommended.Eventually my friend ran out of money and had to return to England.By this point i was nearing cairns and decided to visit my godmother...

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Fairy Godmother

My girlfriend Lilly and I have been living together for almost a year and in my opinion things are great. Due to this pandemic I have been laid off from work while Lilly has only gotten busier at work. If i'm honest I may have taken advantage of the situation and taken a little vaction from all types of work including all the house work. Normally Lilly would take care of all the cooking and cleaning, and I guess I still expected this. So one day just like any other I was home alone just playing...

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Surrogate for My Stepmother

My name is Kimberly. I tell our family’s story not out of a sense of depravity but instead as an opportunity to share our family’s unique solution in accepting the realities of a challenging situation which required living with unconventional sexual relationships. Some other families may find themselves in the same predicament someday. To be candid and upfront, I have to say that my fiancé, Randy, agreed to become a surrogate to his father’s new wife, Margarita, in order for her to accept his...

2 years ago
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My Shemale Stepmother

My Shemale Stepmother by Richard-to-Rachel My parents split up when I was eighteen, I was a little distressed by it but we had never been as close as some. Still, I didn't really see what had driven them apart so quickly and so thoroughly that they never even spoke any more. I guessed maybe one of them must have had an affair and that was really all that I thought about it. I went off to college and life went on. That following summer, when I was nineteen, I moved in to live with my...

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Sylvias Hollywood Birthday part 1

⦁ 12 BIRTHDAY⦁ ⦁ "Judy and Denise and a few other friends had some connections with famous" Hollywood". Denise actually grew up in a wing of this Brentwood mansion that had belonged to a famous rich and kinky 1930's movie queen named Desiree Duncan. Have you ever heard of her?"⦁ "This part of what happened at my sixteenth birthday, Tom: ⦁ "Ms. Duncan. Oh yes. She was a huge star in the early 1930's. She lived the life of a star, plenty of booze, sex and d**gs, and her career was ruined by some...

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Sylvias mom part 8

Delilah had originally planned to stay for only three days but stayed for an extra two days. She occupied all of my time while she was here. I was delighted she extended her visit but Sheila and Sylvia were happy when she returned home even though they both loved her very much.Both girls were aching for sex and when I suggested we have a threesome they both agreed to try it. I did not expect them to engage in anything with each other unless they chose to do so and, sadly, they did not. At...

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I first met Sylvia in a coffee shop. She was part owner with her daughter in. law. . A good looker, but a few years older and wiser. We had a rip snorter of a session the first time we met, Hot, Torrid and Impulsive. I had left her my number just in case she wanted more. Although she is 15 years older than me..It didn’t mean that she had to live without sex, I had given her that missing part of life last time, and wanted more of it... the Fone rang almost a week later, she told me that what we...

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Sylvia ist eine Arbeitskollegin von mir. Max mochte sie schon immer sehr. Und seine Zuneigung zu ihr erhielt nur kurzzeitig einen Dämpfer, als ich ihn aufklärte, dass sie eher auf Frauen steht. Mit ca. 170cm und nur knapp über 55kg ist sie nicht weit weg von mir, außer, dass sie dunkle Locken hatte und ihre Haut auch dunkler ist als meine, und dabei hat sie wunderschöne, rehbraune Augen. Mit dieser hyper-schlanken Figur, und den Proportionen genau an der richtigen Stelle passt sie einfach zu...

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