Nighttime Lover free porn video

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Steve crept into the darkened bedroom were his mother
slept. His entire body shook with nervousness. He
barely managed to close the door without rattling the
knob. Steve closed his eyes and took several deep
breaths. He needed to be calm if he was going to pull
this off.

Steve tiptoed over to the queen-sized bed his parents
shared. Steve’s father wasn’t there. He was working the
night shift at the factory and wouldn’t be home for
four more hours. Steve’s mother, Cindy was sleeping
with her mask on as usual. Dim light shone through the
window curtains allowing Steve to just barely see

At thirty-seven Cindy was a ravishing beauty. She had
raven hair and ivory skin. Her 5’ 7" frame was trim and
featured long, slender legs and generous breasts. Her
lips were a dark, nearly red shade of pink and her eyes
were a sparkling crystal blue. She was everything a
teenage boy could want.

Steve had been lusting after his mother for years. Even
before he hit puberty he had thought of his mother as
an exceptional beauty. The moment he learned what sex
was he began fantasizing about his mother. Steve had
always wanted to make his dreams a reality. Tonight, he
was finally going to get his chance.

Steve’s plan was simple. He knew his mother always wore
her sleeping mask. If he got into bed beside her she
probably would assume that Steve was his father.
Steve’s hope was that he would be able to make love to
his mother while she mistakenly believed he was his

Steve was already naked. He had taken off his clothes
before he left his room. He slowly lifted the bedcovers
on his father’s side and slid in next to his mother. He
paused for a minute, listening to his mother’s steady
breathing. This was it. This exact moment was the
turning point. After this there would be no turning

Steve reached out and embraced his mother from behind.
He cuddled up to her in the spoon position and waited
for her reaction. Cindy put her hands on Steve’s arms
and shifted around, but still seemed asleep. Steve
pressed his face into her hair and sniffed. He could
smell her strawberry scented shampoo. Steve became
aroused and his penis grew erect.

Cindy was only wearing a flimsy silk nightgown. It was
blue to match her eyes and was barely long enough to
cover her ass. Steve reached beneath the sheets and
caressed his mother’s leg. As he moved his hand up her
thigh and underneath her gown, he was pleased to
discover that her ass was bare. She wasn’t wearing

Steve hiked up Cindy’s gown. He adjusted himself so
that his rigid pole was between her thighs. He dry
humped his mother while he kissed her on the neck and
shoulders. He cupped her breasts and then began to
nibble on her earlobe. At this point Cindy finally woke
up. She was surprised by the sensation of man’s penis
pumping between her thighs as well as the hands on her
breasts and lips on her ear.

"Charlie," she said believing it was her husband. "What
are you doing?" Cindy reached up to remove her sleep
mask, but Steve was quick to intercept her. He gently
pinned her hands behind her back and turned over. He
positioned himself above her then leaned down and
kissed her on the lips.

"Charlie, what’s gotten into you?" Cindy asked in a
state of utter bewilderment. Steve responded by kissing
her again. This time it was more passionate. He slipped
his tongue inside Cindy’s mouth. She hesitated for a
moment and then responded with her own tongue. They
frenched for a while until Steve felt his mother relax.

Once Steve broke the kiss he released his mother’s
hands. Cindy obediently kept them behind her back.
Steve took hold of his mother’s nightgown and slowly
lifted it up her body. The move force Cindy’s arms
above her head. Steve used her nightgown to tie her
wrists to the headboard. He kissed her once more to
reassure her.

Steve slowly, sensually ran his hands down Cindy’s
arms. She shivered from the sensation. Steve kept
moving his hands down until he reached her breasts. He
gently kneaded the g****fruit-sized mounds and tweaked
her nipples. Cindy’s nipples stiffened and she arched
her back. Steve continued his tactile exploration,
moving his hands along her sides until he came to her

Steve bent down and sniffed his mother’s moist pussy.
The aroma was intoxicating. His hands continued down
Cindy’s legs. When he reached her ankles he lifted them
up and placed them on his shoulders. Steve crawled up
the bed until his face was again above his mother’s
twat. He placed his hands on her mound and spread her
lips apart. He stuck out his tongue and gave her labia
a slow lick.

Cindy’s body spasmed as a jolt of pleasure went through
her. Charlie had never gone down on her before. He had
always said oral sex was disgusting. A sneaking
suspicion crept into Cindy’s mind, but she ignored it.
The pleasure was too intense for her to allow reason to
spoil it. She pressed her legs into her lover’s back in
order to encourage him.

Steve took the hint. He pushed his tongue deep into his
mother’s love-channel and swirled it around. This
elicited a guttural moan from Cindy who began to
spastically hump her son’s face. Steve lapped up his
mother’s cunt-juice like it was sweet nectar. He found
her clit and used the tip of his tongue to tease it.

That sent Cindy over the edge. Her hips bucked as she
was wracked by orgasm. She u*********sly squeezed
Steve’s neck between her thighs. He had to pry them
apart to prevent her from cutting off his air supply.
Cindy collapsed back onto the bed. She lay there
panting as the final wave of pleasure subsided.

Steve crawled up his mother’s body. He planted a kiss
on her lips and shoved his tongue into her mouth. Cindy
could taste her own juices dripping down her throat.
She squealed in acknowledgement of the kinky pleasure.
Steve broke the kiss and propped himself up on both
arms. He looked down at his groin.

His cock was hanging less than an inch away from his
mother’s sweet cunt. He watched as a string of pre-cum
leaked from his cockhead and dribbled on her bush.
Steve almost came right then, but he managed to hold
off. He took hold of his love-tool and guided it into
his mother’s waiting honey-hole.

Cindy could feel her son’s cock pushing into her
forbidden depths. She spread her legs, graciously
accepting the rock-hard intruder. As Steve’s cock
passed halfway up her channel, Cindy prepared for him
to stop. To her surprise, his penis continued to
journey down her love canal. He didn’t stop until his
cockhead bumped into her cervix.

Cindy was overwhelmed. Her pussy was stretched beyond
its normal limit. Charlie had never been able to
penetrate her so completely. It was at this moment that
she knew for certain that the man inside her was not
her husband, and she couldn’t care less. She wrapped
her legs around her new lover’s waist.

Steve couldn’t believe how tight his mother was. Her
cunt was gripping him like a vice. He was glad she had
responded to him by using her legs. Until then he was
half-convinced that he was r****g her. He started to
pump his dick in and out of her at a slow pace.

Cindy fucked her son back. She met every down stroke
with a thrust of her hips. Steve’s rhythm increased. He
was now pounding away at his mother’s pussy. The
ecstasy overtook Cindy and she cried out, "Oh God! Oh
baby! You’re so fucking good! Fuck me! FUCK ME!"

Cindy’s comments spurred Steve on. He banged away at
his mother’s pussy. He grabbed her ass for more
leverage as he fucked his cock deep into her hot cunt.
His balls tightened and he slammed his steel prick
inside her. He roared as he climaxed. A geyser of
potent semen exploded in Cindy’s womb.

Cindy screamed and arched her back as her own orgasm
ripped through her. Her cervix expanded and contracted,
gobbling up as much of her son’s seed as possible. Her
whole body quivered with pleasure. As their orgasms
subsided, Steve collapsed on top of his mother. They
were both breathing heavily and drenched with sweat.

Steve lay there for a moment. He allowed his cock to
deflate inside his mother before he pulled out. He
untied Cindy and pulled her nightgown back down. He
kissed her once more before he took her in his arms and
held her close. He had subtly pinned her arms so that
she couldn’t reach up to remove her mask.

This definitely isn’t Charlie, Cindy thought. He hates
to cuddle afterward. Cindy was suddenly very
frightened. Now that the incredible pleasure was gone
she began thinking clearly. There was a strange man in
her bed. Some random person had crept into her bedroom
with the intention of r****g her and she had allowed it
to happen. Not just allowed, she had willingly

How had he gotten into the house? The doors and windows
were locked. If someone had broken in, the noise would
have woken her and Steve. Where was Steve? If someone
did break in and **** her Cindy expected her son to
come rushing in and save her. She had certainly made
enough noise. Cindy blushed as she thought about her

Then a new possibility occurred to Cindy. One that was
much more disturbing than the first. If nobody broke
into the house, and there was only one other person in
the house then the man lying next to her had to be:
Steve! Cindy tried to disbelieve it, but she knew it
was true. Her sixteen-year-old son had ****d her.

Cindy wanted to break down and cry. Steve seemed to
sense that his mother was in distress. He hugged her
tightly and kissed her cheek. Then he nuzzled her neck
for a few moments before returning his head to the
pillow. Cindy instantly felt better. She bathed in the
glow of maternal love and affection for her c***d.

Steve wasn’t treating her the way a r****t would. He
was showing her true affection and caring. If Steve had
wanted to, he could have easily overpowered Cindy and
forced her to have sex with him. Instead he had secured
her compliance by pretending to be his father. He had
even given her an orgasm before he actually fucked her.

Thinking about that made Cindy blush again. She had to
admit that Steve had given her the best sex of her
life. She had never had any sex partners before
Charlie. He was somewhat of a lackluster lover. It
wasn’t that he didn’t try Charlie just wasn’t creative.
Missionary position was Charlie’s mantra. He would
never try anything like oral sex or tying Cindy’s

It had surprised Cindy to feel so exhilarated by the
loss of control. Not knowing what might happen or
having the ability to stop it. She felt guilty about
having sex with Steve, however. As mothers often do,
she had transferred responsibility from Steve to
herself. Maybe she had done something to provoke him.

Steve was a hormonal teenager after all. Cindy couldn’t
count how many times she had walked around the house in
her underwear or left the bedroom door opened while she
changed. Maybe Steve had misinterpreted her actions as
some kind of come on. Steve’s adolescent mind just
wasn’t experienced enough to distinguish casual nudity
from innuendo.

Cindy was now convinced. Steve was simply a victim of
his own hormones. He had acted inappropriately of
course, but he hadn’t really hurt her. Maybe I should
talk to Steve, Cindy thought. Get everything out in the

Cindy decided against it. As long as Cindy didn’t
confront Steve about what had happened she wouldn’t
have to admit any fault. She could pretend blissful
ignorance and neither Steve nor Charlie would be the
wiser. She came to the firm conclusion that silence was
the best policy.

Steve watched his mother for a long time. She seemed to
be tense at first, as if she realized what had
happened. Soon her demeanor changed and she snuggled
into Steve’s embrace. He observed her carefully. Once
he was convinced that she was asleep he crept out of
bed and went to his own room.

I can’t believe it, Steve thought. I actually pulled it
off! I got away with fucking my own mother. The best
part is that she’ll never know it was me. As long as I
keep cool and don’t say or do anything suspicious
she’ll go on thinking that it was Dad.

Steve was mighty proud of himself. He thought he had
just pulled off the perfect crime. He didn’t realize
that his plans had holes big enough to drive a truck
through or that his cover had already been blown. Like
every teenager Steve thought he knew everything.
Fortunately for him his mother didn’t intend to prove
him wrong.

The next morning Steve woke up with a smile on his
face. He felt like the king of the world. He had lost
his virginity last night, to his own mother, and as far
as Steve knew she was none the wiser. If things went as
predicted then his mom thought the man she had sex with
was her husband. Steve had gotten away scot-free.

Steve took his shower, got dressed and peaked in on his
parents’ bedroom. His father Charlie was sleeping
soundly as usual. He worked nights so he had probably
gotten home around 5 am. Steve quietly closed the door
and headed downstairs for breakfast.

Steve’s mother was already awake as usual. She was
eating a bagel and readying the morning paper. She was
dressed in business attire with her hair in a ponytail.
Cindy was a realtor and worked normal hours unlike her
husband who worked at plastics factory. There disparate
lives had but a strain on their marriage.

"Morning Mom," Steve said as he came down the stairs.
"How’d you sleep last night?" He gave his mother a
quick hug and a peck on the cheek. It was unusual
behavior for him. Cindy returned the hug and then went
back to her paper.

"I slept just fine honey," Cindy replied. "Why do you

"No reason," said Steve. He thought he was being very
sly. He went to the cupboard and got some cereal. After
pouring himself a bowl he sat down across from Cindy
and started eating. Steve watched his mother as she
read her paper and ate her bagel. Occasionally she took
a sip of her morning coffee. She seemed to completely
ignore Steve.

Steve sighed. He was a little perturbed. He had wanted
a little more of a reaction from his mother. It was
absurd, his plan hinged on the idea that his mother
wouldn’t know who she was with last night. Still, he
wanted some kind of acknowledgement from her. A wink or
a smile would be enough. Instead she seemed completely

In reality Cindy was fighting to maintain her sense of
normalcy. She had wanted to write off last night as
some bizarre sex dream. The dried semen in her pussy
and her sore muscles quashed that theory. Now she was
torn between confronting Steve or pretending to be
ignorant about what happened.

If she confronted him now Cindy could talk to Steve
without involving his father. She might be able to
dissuade the boy from continuing such grossly immoral
behavior. If she did that, however, she’d have to
explain that she knew it was Steve from the moment he
entered her. She’d have to tell him why she didn’t stop
him right then and there.

By holding her tongue Cindy knew that she was leading
Steve to believe his ruse had succeeded. If she didn’t
say something there was the possibility that Steve
would attempt this again. Consciously she decided to
wait and see what Steve would do. If he tried to fuck
her again she would stop him. Secretly Cindy knew she

That night Cindy lay in her bed contemplating what she
would do if Steve came in again. Her mask was on but
she was wide-awake. She desperately wanted to do the
right thing and put a stop to this i****tuous affair.
Something was stopping her from doing that. Something
Steve had awoken in her last night.

Cindy felt the subtle change in air pressure that meant
her door was being opened. She knew it was Steve. She
felt him cross the room and stand next to her bed. She
could sense his eyes looking at her in the dim light.
Cindy remained still. She tried to feign sleep even
though her heart was racing.

Steve looked down at his mother. She was so beautiful.
Her jet-black hair was splayed wildly on her pillow. It
accentuated her lovely, ivory colored face. Her ruby
lips were slightly parted. Steve couldn’t help himself.
He sat on the edge of the bed, leaned down and kissed

Cindy responded eagerly, forgetting her pretense of
sleep. The kiss was tender and loving. It was sexual,
but not hungry or demanding. It was like some unspoken
pact passed between mother and son. In their hearts
they knew that they were now lovers. Their blood
relationship, Cindy’s marriage, societies rules, they
were all incidental. Nothing would stop them now.

Steve pulled back Cindy’s sheets. He took her in his
arms and kissed her once more. Cindy eagerly embraced
Steve and initiated a French kiss. As their tongues
wrestled their hands explored each other’s bodies.
Cindy felt the rock-hard muscles of her son’s body. She
groped him until she found his semi-erect penis. As
soon as her hand closed around the member it grew to
full size.

Cindy gently pushed Steve off the bed and stood up
without breaking their kiss. Cindy suddenly realized
how tall Steve was when she was forced to stand on
tiptoe. Her lips suddenly moved from Steve’s mouth to
his neck. She kissed down his body. Her lips moved
along his chest and abs until finally she reached his

Cindy positioned herself so that her face was mere
inches from her son’s cock. She gripped the shaft with
both hands. She placed her lips against his cockhead
and gave his hole a tentative lick. Steve shuddered and
closed his eyes. Cindy dragged the tip of her tongue
along the bottom of Steve’s shaft until she met his
hairy balls. Then she slowly dragged her tongue back to
the tip.

Steve couldn’t believe what his mother was doing to
him. He had never dreamed that his mother would take
the initiative let alone give him a blowjob. With her
tongue alone she’d brought him close to coming. Now
Cindy was slowly wrapping her lips around her son’s
engorged cock. Steve gripped the back of her head, but
made sure not to remove the sleep mask.

Cindy took a few inches of Steve’s man-meat in her
mouth. She sucked as she pulled back, almost releasing
her son’s cock. Her head bobbed back and forth as she
sucked Steve’s prick like a Popsicle. Steve’s legs were
quivering. The pleasure was so intense he was losing
his balance. Finally Cindy managed to deep-throat her

Without warning Steve erupted into orgasm. He sprayed
his cum straight down Cindy’s throat. She fought her
gag reflex and dutifully swallowed her son’s seed. When
he was finished, Steve withdrew his cock from his
mother’s mouth. Not a drop of cum had escaped her

Steve lifted Cindy by the shoulders and planted another
loving kiss on her lips. They embraced tightly,
pressing Steve’s still hard cock between their bellies.
They tongue wrestled as their hands resumed their
mutual exploration. Steve began lifting his mother’s
nightgown over her head. There lips separated only long
enough to remove the garment.

They pressed their naked flesh together as they kissed.
Steve’s hands went to Cindy’s breasts. He gently
kneaded his mother’s white globes. Reluctantly Steve
broke the kiss and moved his mouth to his mother’s
erect nipple. He suckled and teased it with his tongue
and teeth. He continued to fondle her other tit while
his free hand made for a lower target.

Steve rubbed Cindy’s pussy mound as he continued his
ministrations on her breasts. His finger found its way
insider her wet hole. He pumped it in and out of her
love tunnel. Soon it was joined by a second finger and
then a third. He finger fucked his mother while he
suckled her breasts. He brought his other hand down and
manipulated her clit.

That was it for Cindy. She exploded into orgasm. She
lost her balance and collapsed against her son. She
screamed as the pleasure consumed her. Her entire body
shook with delight. She finally came down from her
ecstasy and fell to her knees.

Steve kissed his mother once more. Then he lifted her
in his arms and laid her on the bed. He bent her knees
and spread her legs. He got on top of her and held
himself up by one arm. He took his cock in hand and
positioned it against Cindy’s cunt-lips. Just as he was
about to penetrate her, his mother surprised him again.

"Let me," she said as she rolled Steve onto his back.
She grabbed his prick and positioned it at her pussy
entrance. She slowly lowered herself onto his cock.
Steve moaned as he felt his cock penetrating inch after
inch into her steamy twat. Finally he was buried to the
hilt inside his mother. Cindy used her pussy muscles to
give her son’s cock a good squeeze. Steve groaned in
shocked delight.

"Didn’t know I could do that, did you?" Cindy said with
a sly grin. She leaned down and frenched her son. As
her tongue entered his mouth she made another
contraction. Steve almost blew his wad right then. He
actually grabbed his mother’s hips and lifted her until
only a few inches of his cock were inside her. He'd do
anything to prevent a premature ejaculation.

"No you don’t," Cindy wickedly stated. She placed her
hands on his shoulders and pushed down with all her
might. She began rocking back and forth. Steve
responded with a counter motion. Cindy began to grunt
as she rode her son’s cock in earnest.

"Uh…ah…oh…so good…so fucking GOOD! Baby…oh God…you fuck
so good. Fuck me…fuck me hard! Fuck me DEEP!"

His mother’s banter pushed Steve past the brink. He
raised his hips off the bed and pushed himself as deep
into Cindy as possible. With a feral roar he spurted
his potent sperm directly into his mother’s womb. This
elicited a climax from Cindy. Her cunt milked her son’s
cock. Her cervix drank up every drop of i****tuous

When it was over they collapsed. Cindy lay on top of
her son. They both gasped for breath. They were
drenched in sweat and the room smelled of sex.
Reluctantly Cindy rolled onto her back, releasing
Steve’s now soft cock. After a moment Steve leaned over
and gave his mother a kiss. Cindy embraced him as he
ran his fingers through her soaking wet hair.

Not a word was spoken between them, but in their hearts
and souls they made a pact. From then on they were
lovers. They had crossed the murky barrier between
fucking and making love. Now they would not let
anything come between them.

Steve got up and left for his own room. He didn’t
bother attempting subterfuge. Cindy lay there with her
hands on her stomach. She was sure she could feel
Steve’s sperm wriggling inside her womb. She smiled a
smile of pure bliss before drowsiness overcame her and
she fell asleep.

From then on Steve came to his mother’s room almost
every night. They had a tacit understanding that their
sexual relationship could continue only if it was never
acknowledged. To that end Cindy kept her mask on during
every encounter. She and Steve acted like a normal
mother and son during the day, even when they were

Charlie had a sneaking suspicion that his wife was
having an affair. She rarely let him fuck her and she
seemed distant and cool when they were together. He
never suspected that Steve had anything to do with it.
In fact he enlisted his son’s aid in investigating
Cindy’s activities. Every afternoon he asked Steve what
his mother had been doing the night before.

Steve always gave an accurate report right up to when
he himself went to bed. Charlie was surprised to learn
his wife rarely left the house. He knew that if she
were having an affair it would have to happen at night
during his work shift. Since Steve informed him that
Cindy was usually in bed by 10 pm, he decided he must
be wrong.

Cindy herself was in denial about the affair. Her heart
knew beyond all doubt who her lover was, but she
convinced herself that as long as she never saw him she
would never know for sure. This was how she was able to
behave as a mother during the day and as a craven slut
at night. She soothed her conscience with the false
conviction that she was in the dark.

That was about to change. Three months after her
i****tuous liaison began Cindy missed her period. She
waited a week, then two, and then she took a home
pregnancy test. It came out positive. Cindy knew the
baby wasn’t her husband’s. She hadn’t had sex with
Charlie since before her last cycle. She went to a
doctor who confirmed her results. Now she had to deal
with the consequences.

She briefly considered having an abortion, but the
thought of killing her own c***d appalled her. She
thought of continuing her pretense of ignorance and
simply announcing her pregnancy to Charlie and Steve as
if she truly believed Charlie was the father. Cindy
knew that would be futile. The sham of deceit was a
formality by now. Steve was well aware that his mother
knew who was cramming her womb with sperm on a nightly

Finally Cindy came to her decision. She would have to
confront Steve about their affair. She waited until
after Charlie had left for work. She went into the
living room where Steve was watching TV and shut it
off. "Steve honey," Cindy said, "we have to talk."

"Okay," Steve replied as he sat up straight on the
couch. Cindy sat down on the opposite end. "Steve, we
have to have a talk about…about what’s been going
on…between us."

A lump settled in Steve’s throat. He swallowed hard
trying to get rid of it. "What, ah, what do you mean

Cindy closed her eyes and sighed. "Steve don’t, you
know exactly what I mean. It’s time to stop the game
and deal with this."

Steve looked down at his feet. He felt like a stone was
sitting inside his chest. "You’re right Mom. I guess I
knew this was going to happen sooner or later."

"Steve, what we’ve been doing is very wrong. It’s
i*****l. If anyone found out about it I would go to
jail and you’d be taken away by the state. That’s why
we have to make sure that no one ever finds out. Do you
understand me Steve." Cindy put a hand on her son’s

"Yeah," Steve mumbled as his shoulders slumped. "I

Cindy smiled. "That being said, I want you to know that
the past three months have been the best in my life.
I’ve never had a relationship that was sexually
fulfilling before. When were together Steve you make me
feel so wonderful, so needed, so loved." Steve looked
into his mother’s eyes to make sure what she was saying
was true. He returned her smile as he saw that it was.

She continued: "I don’t regret what we’ve done. I only
regret that it took me so long to admit it to you. I
love you Steve. I’m in love with you. I want you to
know that. I also want you to know that I’m proud…to be
carrying your c***d."

Steve was so shocked that he fell off the couch. "You
mean…I…you… you’re pregnant? With my baby?"

Cindy couldn’t help but laugh at her son’s wild-eyed
reaction. "Yes honey, I’m pregnant with you’re baby."

"Wow, I mean I’m sorry, I mean…I didn’t know…I didn’t
think about it." Steve was actually shaking from
nervous excitement.

"It’s all right," Cindy said reassuringly. "I told you
I’m glad to be carrying you’re baby. You’re not upset
about it, are you?"

Steve looked at his mother incredulously, "Hell no!
Knocking you up has been my biggest fantasy for years.
Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to say it like that."

Cindy giggled, "Oh Steve, I think we’ve gone far past
the boundaries of acceptable behavior. Say it however
you like. As long as you’re happy about it I don’t

Steve suddenly took his mother’s face in his hands and
planted a kiss on her lips. Cindy responded by
embracing him and pressing her body tightly against
his. Steve picked her up and carried her upstairs to
her bedroom. He sat her on the bed and turned on the
lights. "Take off your clothes," he said. "I want to
see you naked in the light."

Cindy obediently kicked off her shoes and began
unbuttoning her blouse. "You know, it occurs to me,"
she said as she stood up to take off her skirt, "that I
haven’t seen you naked at all."

Steve grinned and began to disrobe. He kept his eyes
glued to his mother as she turned away from him and
removed her underwear. She slowly turned back toward
her son. She did a little pirouette for effect and
asked, "Well, what do you think?"

Steve stood frozen and speechless. His mother was
absolute goddess. His cock sprang to life and pressed
painfully against his jeans. His eyes moved up and down
trying to drink in every gorgeous detail of Cindy’s
body. Steve finally found his voice and said, "You are
the most beautiful woman in the universe."

He watched as her nipples grew erect. Her white skin
took on a crimson hue as her body flushed with heat.
Cindy walked over to her stunned c***d. She wrapped her
hands around his waist and gave him a passionate French
kiss. She whispered into his ear, "Make love to me

Steve’s clothes seemed to disappear. He lifted his
mother by the ass-cheeks and carried her to the bed.
They spent a long time kissing and fondling each other.
Finally Steve rose on his hands and knees. Cindy laid
spread eagle beneath him. Steve looked into his
mother’s eyes as he lowered himself. His cock went
straight into her eager cunt without assistance.

Cindy wrapped her legs around her son and pulled him
deep inside her. Steve kissed her and then began a slow
rhythm of fucking. Their eyes remained in constant
contact. They fucked in time with their heartbeats.
Tears came to Cindy’s eyes as she saw the deep love for
her son reflected in his own. They were connected on a
level beyond any ordinary lovers. They had discovered
the ultimate sexual love.

Neither of them knew how long their lovemaking lasted.
It seemed to be an eternity yet was far too short. They
experienced their first mutual orgasm. As they came
they kissed each other. Their lips and tongues
replicated the play of their genitals.

When it was over Steve and Cindy lay in each other’s
arms. They kissed all over their faces, necks and
shoulders. Neither of them wanted to let go. Steve
placed his hand on Cindy’s smooth belly, trying to
detect the life inside. "My baby’s really in there?" he

Cindy smiled and stroked her son’s face, "Yes, your
baby’s really in there."

Steve closed his eyes and smiled contently. He felt
like a god. His divine reverie was suddenly broken by a
dark thought. "What are we going to tell Dad?"

Cindy frowned at the thought of her husband, "I guess
I’ll just have to tell him that the baby is his. I wish
we could tell the world about our love but we can’t.
We’ll be mother and son to the outside world but in
private we’ll be lovers."

Steve sat up and looked at his mother, "Cindy, would
you ever consider divorcing Dad and marrying me?"

"Oh honey," Cindy said as she sat up next to her son
and hugged him, "it just isn’t possible. Any marriage
we had would be i*****l. Once somebody found out about
us they would take away our baby."

"What if we moved? Not just out of state, but across
the country. We could change our names, our social
security numbers, everything. Nobody would ever know
were related. We could live as husband and wife and our
c***dren would grow up knowing their real father."

"c***dren?" Cindy asked.

Steve smiled, "Yeah, I want at least six."

Cindy snorted, "It sounds like you want to turn your
old mother into a baby factory."

Steve held his mother’s chin and kissed her softly.
"Please say yes. Say you’ll run away with me. Say
you’ll marry me and bear my c***dren."

"Oh Steve," Cindy lamented as she turned away, "It’s
just a romantic fantasy. There’s no way we’d pull it
off. Besides, you still have two years until you
graduate. I want you to go to college honey. I don’t
want to be the reason you throw away your future."

Steve put his hand on Cindy’s face and turned her
towards him. "Cindy, Mom, don’t you understand. I don’t
want a future without you. I’ll never be happy with
anyone else. If I can’t be with you for the rest of my
life then I don’t want to live."

Cindy held her son and buried her face in his shoulder.
Love and despair played tug-of-war in Cindy’s mind.
Finally she came to a decision. "All right," she said,
"I’ll make you a deal. You finish up high school and
get accepted to a good college that’s as far away from
here as possible. Do those two things and I will
divorce your father and move away with you. This is my
only offer. Do you accept?"

Steve smiled and kissed Cindy. "Mom, I’d grow wings and
fly to the moon if it meant I could be with you."

Eight months later, Cindy gave birth to a healthy baby
girl. She named her Stephanie after her father. Charlie
never suspected that his wife had cuckolded him. He
accepted Stephanie as his own daughter. He did find it
odd that Steve took an inordinate amount of interest in
his little sister and that Cindy seemed to discourage
Charlie from spending any quality time with Stephanie.

Properly motivated, Steve became an ace student. He
graduated at the top of his class and got accepted to
an Ivy League school a thousand miles away from his
hometown. Cindy was elated when she heard the news. She
served Charlie with divorce papers the next day. Cindy
and Steve moved to a townhouse near the university he
was attending.

Cindy was already pregnant with Steve’s second c***d
before they moved away. No one ever suspected that she
and Steve were related. Cindy and Steve eventually
married and had a total of eight c***dren. All were
perfectly healthy and happy. Cindy and Steve lived out
the rest of their lives in bliss, never regretting the
fateful night Steve snuck into his mother’s room.

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Nighttime Picnic

It is our third night camping with my group of friends. The weather glorious and hot, and I’d been able to spend the entire day in my tiny bikini, soaking up the sun and working on my tan. I knew that Rick had been watching me all day, just as I had been watching him in his too-tight shorts for his extra large cock. After dinner we were well into our chosen beverages of the weekend – mine being vodka and his being beer. My friend Chelsea is sharing my bottle of vodka so I pour her yet another...

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I Fucked My Girl Friend In Front Of My X Lover

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Preparing for My Lover

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My gay lover

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Marys Secret Lover

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Blindfolded Lover

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Meeting my online lover

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Judys Night In Part Two A Tireless Lover

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Mature wife with young black lover

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A Paladins TrainingChapter 2 Mentor Lover

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Julie Finds A Lover

For just a moment after opening her eyes Julie didn't know where she was. As her eyes became accustomed to the dark room she was able to pick out the shape of the furniture, thanks to the sliver of light coming through the blackout curtain. That's when she remembered that she was in a suite at a local four-star hotel. The clock on the nightstand told her that she had been asleep for only ten minutes.'It wasn't supposed to be this good,' was the first thing that Julie said to herself after she...

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My stepmom my lover

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The adventure of Elastic woman and her lover

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The first day with my black lover

Victor had warned me his business trip would take at least two weeks.Before leaving he had fucked my ass wildly, bearing in mind I was on my period. Later his assistant Jennifer had fingered my wet cunt in the bathroom, being my husband unaware of her presence there…By Tuesday I was feeling fine, but also very horny. Then I called my black lover Jimmy, as I had promised him. He was very excited and so was I that I had to finger myself to get rid of a bit of the sexual excitement that was...

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Horny for my lover

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Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Your Son My Lover

What are you staring at?" said Julie as she came up silent on slippered feet beside her friend Elaine, who was gazing out of the picture window. Elaine turned with a smile. "Nothing much. My future, I suppose." "Future, huh? And what do you see?" "Loneliness." "Why? You're still young." "Forty next birthday, divorced for the second time, and haven't been laid in almost three years." "Ouch." "Ouch is right. Sheesh, Jules, I get so horny sometimes, I could, well, I don't...

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The Muse portrait of the artist as a lover

THE MUSE (PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A LOVER) By Katharine Sexkitten "For I have crossed between the poles, and for me there's no mystery Once a man, like the sea I raged Once a woman, like the earth I gave Ah, but there is in fact more earth than sea." Cinema Show, by Genesis She sat in peaceful repose, while all around her seemed chaotic. Her hair fell down her back in a wild tangle, dark on dark. The massive pile of pillows behind her showed them as a mixture of big and...

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Lodger Becomes Her Lover

Bazza had been kicked out of his girlfriends home after shagging another woman in her bed and she found out about it, He was now homeless and had no were to go until he bumped into a friend down the town, her name was Helen, a sexy hot wife well in her 40’s but still a cougar. He told Helen about him becoming homeless and Helen was shocked and didn’t want this to happen so she suggested Bazza come to her home for a while and she would speak to her husband about Bazza staying, he was over the...

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Lodger Becomes Her Lover

Bazza had been kicked out of his girlfriends home after shagging another woman in her bed and she found out about it, He was now homeless and had no were to go until he bumped into a friend down the town, her name was Helen, a sexy hot wife well in her 40's but still a cougar. He told Helen about him becoming homeless and Helen was shocked and didn’t want this to happen so she suggested Bazza come to her home for a while and she would speak to her husband about Bazza staying, he was over the...

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Taking Advantage Of A Betrayed Lover

                    Taking Advantage Of A Betrayed Lover Jess was in her last lesson at the end of what had been a long day at university. She had been kept frustrated all day and was driven wild with lust with the need for a release. The cause for this was the two blondes who were sat in front of her. Their names were Emma and Sarah and they were, which Jess couldn’t think of any other way of describing them as very open Lesbians. Their relationship was no secret to the rest of the school...

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Ghost Lover

Ghost Lover “What’s that you’ve found?” Jo asked her husband John as he fished something from under the floorboards. “Looks like a dusty old diary of some sort,” John replied. “But it’s got a small lock on it.” John passed the diary to his wife and took the cup of coffee which she had brought him. “Ooh, this looks intriguing,” Jo said excitedly. “I’ll see if I can pick the lock.” “It’s probably full of dirty little secrets,” John said raising his eyebrows suggestively. Little did he know,...

2 years ago
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Computer Lover

Introduction: A. I. Sex toy. Working to improve Gaming Tech She finds her . I can not find a Toys theme. JAMIES COMPUTER LOVER Mike pulled the straps making sure that they were tight. He then checked the wire harness. The suit was a wire mesh woven into a spandex leotard. The wires transfer my movements to the character in the computer. I bend it bends. If I scratch my nose it dose, just like any other V.R. unit. Mike had adjusted this suit for what he called virtual feedback. I was supposed...

3 years ago
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Ghost Lover

Ghost Lover“What’s that you’ve found?” Jo asked her husband John as he fished something from under the floorboards.“Looks like a dusty old diary of some sort,” John replied. “But it’s got a small lock on it.”John passed the diary to his wife and took the cup of coffee which she had brought him.“Ooh, this looks intriguing,” Jo said excitedly. “I'll see if I can pick the lock.” “It’s probably full of dirty little secrets,” John said raising his eyebrows suggestively.Little did he know, but it...

1 year ago
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Cross Dressing Lover

The weekend started off the same as any other for Dhiren. He threw off his drab male work clothes with alacrity and stepped into the shower. He shaved his face, legs and pubic area as was his custom, then, after turning off the tap, moisturized his legs, stepped into a pair of lacy pink panties and hooked on a matching bra. The feel of the light, soft, feminine fabric had always been a thrill to Dhiren, ever since that fateful day when, aged fourteen, he found himself alone in the house all...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Nature Lover

Based on a true story. My first post, so please comment! I would love constructive criticism and opinions. Otherwise, enjoy!!! For as long as I can remember, I have always loved the outdoors. There's something about being alone with nature that can still me to the core, filling me with a peace that cannot be found in any other venue. So here I remain--in my secret hiding place. It didn't take me long to find. An hour and a half of hiking the course I'd created so many seasons ago led me to my...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Secret Lover

 My Wife's secret Lover One day i caught my lovely wife cheating on me. Here is how it happened. My wife is a school teacher. She usually gets off from work at around 3:30 PM and arrives home at 4:00 PM. I work also. I am a salesman and my job keeps me on the road a lot, so me and my wife enjoy what time can have together. Dispite the fact we don't see much of each other, my wife had never given me any reason to doubt her fidelity. Now my wife is knockout gorgeous, with a sweet angelic face,...

1 year ago
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Our Family Lover

Have you ever considered bringing an outside lover into your family? My wife and I actually did, and we all find it most enjoyable. Our ‘family’ lover, Bobby, cuckolds me with both my wife and my sixteen-year-old daughter, activity I enjoy watching. Not only does he fuck the two of them, but he is also bisexual, so he fucks me as well.I’m Brad, a forty-year-old married man with a slightly younger wife, Clara. I’m about five-foot-eight-inches tall, weigh one-hundred sixty, and Clara is...

1 year ago
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Dream Lover

I sit in the chair by the bedside, watching you as you sleep. Your breath, slow and even and your body only half covered by the sheet and comforter. I see your dark nipples as they rise and fall in time with your breathing, your round and firm behind the exotic sleeping gown you bought for yourself in Asia last year. The sleeping tablet you had taken doing what it was prescribed for. I love to watch you as you sleep, your full lips slightly parted, the long lashes on your eyes as they flutter...

3 years ago
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Crimson Clover

EPISODE IVCrimson & CloverWe decide for our anniversary to go for a ride in the country, having a picnic lunch packed with a bottle of red table wine & a blanket. Just the two of us this time. We drove for quite some time, until we drove way out into the boonies, big time! We spotted this huge field of clover growing on the right side of the country road, so we found a dirt road leading into it. Bob's road, I presumed? Ha ha. Driving in just far enough not to be spotted from the road,...

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