First Time With Swim Team Mate free porn video

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Swim team, year 10.
I had just finished showering (typical room w/ showers along wall) and changed and then headed to the bathroom stalls to take a piss (no urinals here as it used to be a women's bathroom). By now I was one of a handful teammates still left in the locker room. Because so few people were around and I had become turned on by my teammates bodies in the showers, I started to fantasize a little bit and began stroking my cock. I was just sitting on the toilet seat, legs spread out, slowly jerking as I listened to the sounds of my teammates chatting, changing, and eventually leaving.

The room had gone silent, so I picked up the pace a little. By this time I'd gathered quite a nice bit of pre-cum and as I jerked faster it made that sticky percussive sound that is so hot. I put myself back in the shower room, all the guys showering and, unlike usual, facing the middle, where I stood alone taking it all in and jerking wildly. They all walked toward me, erections springing up and gathered in a circle jerk around my face. The hottest guy there, Zach, an 11th year, was right in front of me, and I slipped his bulging cock into my mouth, taking an extra long time to slide all the way down until his beautiful red bush of pubes tickled and entered my nostrils (he is a muscular red-head with the iconic swimmer's body, huge puffed out chest, small waist and large thighs, and of course a big package that looks even bigger on that small waist).

As I engulfed his cock with my lips I looked to my left and right to see the other guys all playing with each-other, caressing and kissing, and one of them, Josh, came over to me and told me to flip over and suck Zach from below so that he could suck my dick. Instantly I felt his warm mouth on my cold, wet body, sheltering it from the draft and pleasuring it with his tongue. With his hands he reached forward and -

"I can hear what you're doing in there, Chris."

Holy fuck. I thought I was alone. It was Zach's voice. I could see his shoes on the other side of the stall door. He had been light-footed and I remembered that he had a cloth grocery bag and not a zippered gym bag; I would not have heard him packing up to go.

"What, uh, shit man I didn't realize anyone was still here." I redundantly spurted out. No shit.

"Haha no problem man but jeez you were starting to get loud. Has it been days or something?"

"I, uh, no not really to be honest. Dude this is super awkward I'm so sorry, I just-"

"Awkward for you, yeah for sure! Your heart must be racing right now. Tell me though, why in here? Why after you just spent 2 hours with a bunch of naked men?"

"I was just feeling it, ya know? Like morning wood but in the day, I just had to get it off my chest."
I had no good answer, but I tried my best to spit out something believable.

"It's not even on your chest yet" he joked, "…and I don't believe you. I've seen the way you look at us sometimes."

I went silent. What would I do now, get mad and insist I'm not gay? Before I could start,

"I'll admit something man, I've jerked in here, too. Right where you're sitting even."


"Yeah, all the stalls, actually. Sometimes after gym, or after swimming."

"So you feel the same thing when you see a bunch of naked guys like that? I mean I like girls and all, hell you know I was fuckin' Gracie last year, but I get those same feelings in here that I did when I was leaning over her about to get it in."

"Yeah man. You gotta think, skin is skin, and everyone's mouths are the same. It's not really a big leap to think of doing it with guys. Anal too, even, if you're into that."

We both laughed since it was clear we both shared the same views on anal - just nope.

"I mean vaginas are good and all" he continued, "but if all you want is a good suck, what's the difference right?"

"But what if you're actually attracted to the guys, too? I mean goddamn we have such sexy bodies, all of us, it's hard for me not to find something so sexy in every guy I see."

"I know exactly what you mean, man. And now you got me all excited too. I'm gonna go in this stall next to yours."

I heard him lock the door and saw him drop his pants down to his ankles. He began to moan softly.

"Oh, yeah, that's what I needed."

I hesitantly started up again, too. The pre-cum came out so quick now with the excitement that it had dripped down onto my balls and it felt great as it dried in the cold air.

I could hear Zach now as his pre-cum must have started. He was audibly wet and excited. I pictured what he must look like, glistening cock and his head tilted back against the wall, chest heaving heavy with deep breaths, breaths that I was hearing through the thin wall. I couldn't take it anymore.

"I, uh, I know it's risky if someone comes in, but can I watch you?"

"I have a better idea. I was gonna go home right now, I've got my mum's car, and you know I live with just my little brother and my mum. She's out at a conference and is staying overnight at a hotel. My b*o is at the scout camp until Sunday. Pack your stuff up and meet me at the front of the school"

And with that he was gone, getting a head-start so I wouldn't have to wait long at the front. As he passed he said, "Don't you dare finish, save it for later." and with that I had to reluctantly let go of my sopping wet cock, twitching with excitement. Was this seriously happening?

I left and made it to the front of the school under shelter from the huge rainstorm that had begun. I waited only a minute before he pulled round. He shot me a 'too cool for school' look with one hand casually on the wheel, dark aviators on, and the window rolled down. As I neared he pulled off the glasses and gave me a big grin. "You better call your folks and let em' know you'll be at my place for dinner." Did he know how funny it was that he said dinner? I'd be getting all I could want to eat for sure tonight. I hopped in, and what must have been 20 minutes but seemed like 20 seconds went by and we were pulling into his drive way. Time again seemed to jump forward, I don't remember even walking to his front door, its like that bit of useless memory was obliterated to make space for all the important ones I was about to make.

The moment the door shut and he said, "See? No one ho-" well that was it. I had flung myself on him, kissing him so passionately, and I reached my hand immediately up his shirt to feel his huge pecs and abs. With my other hand I reached around and ran my fingers up the crevice of his huge back muscles, along his spine, and met the back of his neck and held him tight.

I broke the kiss.
"Ok I can get it out now. This is my first time with a guy and I am so fucking excited and let's go upstairs right fucking now." I said like one of those rushed disclaimers at the end of a tele ad.

"Mine too," he added as he kicked his shoes off in haste, I followed suite and chased him up the stairs to his room. He closed the door behind me for good measure, and when he turned around he saw me already taking off my shirt. He started with his socks, as if to tease me, and next his sweater, which he folded neatly and put back on a shelf in his closet. That fucker, he's doing this on purpose!

I began to remove my pants. It was only now that I noticed the dark spot on my flannels. When I pulled them off completely both he and I said at the same time "Holy shit". My underwear was completely soaked at the front with pre-cum. I wore white boxer briefs and we all know what white does when wet. You could clearly make out the outline of my purplish head and the dark brown pubes that were pushed up against the fabric.

"That's so hot…" he said as he too removed his pants. He had a little dark patch on his maroon briefs to compliment his growing bulge. He motioned me to the bed and I sat down on the edge, and he finished pulling down my pants for me and removed my socks. I grabbed the back of his head again and we kissed passionately for several minutes, running our hands over each others chests. Both of us avoiding our bulging briefs intentionally to prolong the agonizingly pleasurable anticipation. That changed as he leaned in closer, pushing me back onto the bed fully, and his wet dick head brushed over my thigh leaving a streak of pre-cum moistness on my leg.

"Oh man!" I nearly bellowed out to the neighbours house as I felt my first contact with a cock, even if through his briefs. As I was the younger and somewhat smaller one, it felt instinctive to let him take control.

"Take these off, it's aching down there!" And with that he slowly pulled from the sides of my briefs, letting my cock spring up, which sprayed a bit of pre-cum at my face. It hit me on the cheek and I wiped it away as my briefs reached my feet and he removed them completely with a satisfying snap sound. He reached out to my balls and fondled them, letting his fingers slip over the juices and spread them around. He pulled back his hand, taking his own briefs off, and I just about feinted at the sight. My cock is a respectable length just shy of 7 inches. Girthy and straight as a rod of steel but his, my god. Must have been 8.5 inches at least, and no compromise in girth. Wide as if not wider than mine and boasted the perfect slight upward curve that made it look springy and alive despite the fact it was clearly harder than his flexed biceps, which he was presently showing off as he reached down and with the most masculine stance imaginable slowly stroked his rod with two hands as he stared at my body. I moved back further onto the bed, pushing my head into the pillow, still staring at his eyes staring at me, and I began to play with myself too.

"Let's switch. I stroke yours and you mine," and he clambered onto the bed to the left of me, kissing me briefly on the cheek and neck, and lay his right arm across my chest, and grasped my cock. It was an amazing feeling, his strong masculine hands compared to my ex-girlfriend's dainty little feelers. He gripped strong but not tight, and began to jerk me off. I reached my arm under his and found the base of his shaft and moved my hand up to his head, pulling his foreskin down and then dragging his pre-cum lube down his shaft. I stroked with gusto my first cock. It looked amazing. It felt so right. I met his eyes and we stared into each-other as the excitement rose. With my other hand I took hold of his beautiful matted red hair and lost my fingers in it. He used his other hand to take some pre-cum from his dick and slather it onto my tight chest, working it onto my nipples and down under the 'ledge' of my pecs. It cooled instantly on my skin and felt amazing. I had to return the favour, and did, but I chose to rub my juices into his neck and part of his chin, coming so close to his mouth. I wasn't sure if he wanted to taste it so I stopped short of his lips. But he grabbed my hand and forced it to his mouth, sucking on my fingers, quite hard actually, it almost hurt a bit.

This wasn't enough for him. "I want more of that," he said as he let go of my cock, moved my hand away from his cock, and repositioned himself so he was lying with my cock by his face and his likewise to mine. He grabbed my cock again at the base of the shaft, and with his other hand grabbed my ass and pulled me until I was where he wanted me, and he protruded his tongue to meet my dick head. A sharp tingle of pleasure shot through my body. I decided to let him continue until he was settled in before I returned the favour - I didn't want to distract him with what I later learned was his first ever blowjob (first with anyone, guy or girl, actually. Hard to believe with that body!). I moaned loudly with every tingling sensation.

He licked the last of my juices off my head and then stuck the whole thing into his mouth, but not before he looked up at me with that same grin he had when he picked me up. I could feel the back of his throat and felt myself sliding down it. He had no gag reflex at all or was dealing with it really well. I tried the same on him and was immediately surprised by the taste. I thought it would be sweaty and rancid but all his pre-cum had washed away anything that was there and we had just showered, after all. His cock was nothing short of delicious and I pushed it back further into my mouth. I heard him gasp with delight and he sucked harder on mine. At the top of his cocksucking gulping motions he let out a quick "Oh, yeah," gulp. "Get it all in," gulp "FUCK yeah". I tried to get more than half of it in me but I began to choke and gag on it. "Just relax your face and jaw," he told me, between breaths, "And this feels amazing."

"And you give blowjobs so much better than Gracie ever did, holy shit, I guess guys really know what guys want" I said, and tried again on his cock. This time I relaxed completely and it slid all the way to the back no problem, and I bobbed up and down on him, with my left arm under his right leg and my hand on his ass, pulling him into me. My other hand again playing with his hair as he slaved away on my cock. It didn't take long before our rhythms became in sync and so was our moaning. It sounded like a hardcore porno the way we were showing our love for each-other's fine work. We had really sped now, and I was nearing the Point of No Return.

"I'm gonna cum SO fucking hard, oh my god," and he responded immediately by sitting up and motion for me to kneel above him. He outlined the target area with his fingers, and then reached up to jerk me off with both hands. He used a wonderful twisting motion and both hands moved slightly out of sync, stretching and bunching the skin of my shaft, but he only got about 5 strokes of this in before I proudly announced "I'm coming!!" and shot 6 heavy streams of cum all over his abs and chest, but I lost control as my body went stiff and sore and my aim moved up to his face and past him on to the sheets. He wore my cum in three big lines down his entire face and torso meeting in a pool on his abs.

I fell backwards onto the pillow and tried to recover briefly but I shot up almost immediately despite the effort it took to even move and with incredible driving ambition my lips found his cock again and I worked feverishly on it with both thumbs on the base of his shaft where it meets his balls, letting my other fingers massage his groin above his pubes. He tried to sit up a bit to touch me but I pinned him down with my hands, pinching his nipples and running my hands all over his body. I wanted him to feel this orgasm EVERYWHERE.

"Dude, oh god, yes, I'm coming" and his nearly 9 inch cock recoiled in my mouth as he let out spurts of spunk down the back of my throat. I caught the first two but pulled off of him for the remainder and let his cum blache my face and chest. I rubbed my chest and then rubbed my sensitive cock with his juices. He had wiped off his face with his sheets (they had to be washed anyway after all that) and pulled me in to kiss me. Little did he know I hadn't yet swallowed all of his load so he got a slippery surprise when he french'd me.

We lay next to each-other, kissing slowly and lovingly and touching each-other's sweaty, juicy bodies, spreading the cum like syrop over our chests. I loved the feeling of his large but completely relaxed muscles under my touch, and evidently so did he as he breathed a huge sigh and we soon fell asleep for a short afternoon's rest from our endeavours.


What happens when we wake up? Want to know more?
Let me know in the comments!

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Swim Team SpiritChapter 15 Together Times Two

Sunday Night Drowsing in front of the television, Cutie was almost asleep. Janelle's voice interrupted her almost-dream. "My Mom and Dad are going out to the lake. If you want to know whether this is real or a dream, you can see if I am telling the truth. Just wake yourself up and go out to the lake. If you are quiet, they won't even know that you are there. Her Mom's voice interrupted her semi-dream. "Cutie! Your Dad and I are going out to dinner. Later, we may go to a movie or...

4 years ago
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5 Year Reunion for Ridgecrest High Girls Swim Team

Stacy got so excited when she got the invitation to the reunion for her High School Swim Team. Amanda had invited everyone and Lynn, Becky, Kelly, Samantha, Diane, and Tamara all responded. At 22 and 23 years of age, they all wanted to catch up on lost time. Red headed, Stacy, 23, 5-8, 135, walked up the drive at Amanda's. The Ben Wah balls she had inserted before the drive down had been rocking gently as she cruised the freeway in her new Super Beetle. The drive from Napa had been a pleasant...

2 years ago
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Swim Team SpiritChapter 26 Love and Sex

Thursday Later After all of the swimmers had left, once the showers were checked and completely turned off, when the doors were all locked and the alarm set, Cal returned to the girls' locker room and from there into the lady coaches' office, where Sue was waiting for him. "Well, that's everything. We can go..." His voice stopped in mid-sentence; Sue was waiting for him -- she was semi-reclining on the massage table, completely nude, her legs hanging over the bottom edge and widely...

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Making the Swim TeamChapter 4

That night his mother was ecstatic with pride and excitement. Erin could not stop talking about how her son was going to win and if he did not win he still was the only Freshman to make it that far. In her eyes she had won no matter what the result. Saturday morning Kurt was in the kitchen when his mother walked in. "I am having my friend over tonight. You know Ms. Jackson. Well she and I are going out tonight, and then going to have a few drinks here after. So your dinner is going to be in...

3 years ago
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First time wanking with a mate

I had never thought about wanking in front of a mate or even watching a mate wanking in front of me but the night i am about to describe was incredibly erotic.I had just moved to a new job and struck up a friendship with a guy who like me was recently divorced. We used to go out for a drink at the weekend and he would get very drunk. One night we had been out and when we got back to his place and he was much the worse for wear. He put on a porno vid and we sat back and watched. As the vid...

2 years ago
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Swim team1

My name is Trevor, I’m 22 and from Alberta. I’ve been swimming competitively since I was 8 and when you’re in the world of professional sports and you spend nearly all of your time with your teammates, coming out is not the easiest thing to do. Its especially tough to deal with when your constantly surrounded by nearly-naked, dripping wet, athletic boys. One of whom is the love of your life and the rest who you’d drop the soap for any day. His name is Dustin. We’ve been best friends since our...

1 year ago
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Swim Team SpiritChapter 7 Sleeping Together

Saturday Noon The team meeting was short. Coach California Rolle and Coach Sue Shi called for a moment of silence in honor of Janelle, then announced that everyone was moving up and should get plenty of rest for the next two days. Practice on Monday would be extra long and they needed to be ready to work. They should go to the lake and relax for the rest of the afternoon, while the coaches worked on 'plans' to help the team win next week at the regional finals. There was a rush to the cars...

1 year ago
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Wot Happened After I Kissed Me Str8 Mate

© 2012 Robbie WebbThe author asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievable system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the...

1 year ago
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Wot Happened After I Kissed Me Str8 Mate

All characters and terms including boy and lad refer to people age 18 and over. I was walking home from town with my mate. We’d been drinking round town and we was walking through the park when I dragged him into these bushes and without no warning I kissed him on the lips. He was proper shocked. I don’t know what come over me. Just did it. Combination of the alcohol and like years of hiding my feelings how I felt about him. Wanted to do this for years. Fantasised about doing it loadsa times,...

Gay Male
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Me Bird Luvs Watchin Cock Action Wiv Me And Me Gay Mate

All characters and terms including boy and lad refer to people age 18 and over. Me, my bird Karina, and my gay mate Gavin, we have a fantastic time when we get together. We get together and once we’ve had a few beers we chill out. I’ve known Gavin for years. Knew him long before I met my bird. When my mate found out I met Karina he was really upset inside. I could tell. He didn’t show it though. Said he was made up for me. Thing is, Gavin had always had this thing about me. He’d fancied me for...

Gay Male
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My GF plays with herself for me and a mate

This story took place a few years ago when I was still living at my parents’ home, I was going out with a girl called Jess who was blond size 10 and attractive. On the night in question I had a good friend over for a smoke a few drinks and a session on the PlayStation. As the evening progressed we got d***ker and Jess was getting more bored so we decided to stick on a film. As the film was ending everyone was getting tired so we set up the sofa bed for my mate and settled down for the night....

3 years ago
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My GF plays with herself for me and a mate

This story took place a few years ago when I was still living at my parents’ home; I was going out with a girl called Jess who was blond size 10 and attractive. On the night in question I had a good friend over for a smoke a few drinks and a session on the PlayStation. As the evening progressed we got drunker and Jess was getting more bored so we decided to stick on a film.As the film was ending everyone was getting tired so we set up the sofa bed for my mate and settled down for the night....

3 years ago
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Swim Team Buddies The morning after

This is the third story in Swim Buddies, enjoy. And sorry for the delay and the shortness of this one I have been going through a lot of things lately and completely forgot about writing these. Even though its shorter than my others hopefully its still good to you guys. We all woke up to the sound of my alarm at 5:30 in the morning, sadly after last nights fun I forgot to turn it off and now I was regretting it. But not for long because when I got up to go shut it off someone grabbed my arm. I...

1 year ago
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Swim Team SpiritChapter 16 Games

Sunday Night Supper was pleasant. Mike and Katie enjoyed the restaurant; it was one of the first ones they had visited when they started to date -- that was over twenty years ago. And the tiny, storefront Italian place was still there, and still doing a great business. Mike had called for reservations and discovered that they would need to eat early if they wanted to eat there. So they left the house just before five pm that afternoon and spent a pleasant hour or so eating pasta and pizza...

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Swim Team SpiritChapter 25 Practicum

Thursday Later Cutie had told her folks that the practice would last at least until 10:00 that night. It was actually a few minutes before nine when the Coaches told them to get out of the pools and take off. Those pairs who had been in a relationship before the training -- as friends, boy/girl friends, sex partners, or lovers -- mostly went someplace quiet to discuss the changes this new knowledge would make in their relationships. A few new pairs also formed, as shy teens found the courage...

4 years ago
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My wifes very first time teasing a mate

As young fellas my best mate & I were a couple of wankers. He always had the latest 'dirty books' for wanking to & if we were lucky we'd borrow Porn films to look at via an old Standard 8 projector. We'd wait until my wife was out with the girls & we'd watch the movies sitting with our cocks out wanking. He always let me know he fancied my wife so after a few cans I always ended up talking about her to tease him. I think he knew nearly as much as me about her. We used to go to a...

2 years ago
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Team Mates

(first read my Story "Speed")Anita was an innocent virgin when captured over six months ago by Master Peter and placed permanently in a locked leather slave collar in his home dungeon. It was an interesting journey of slavery that she experienced. Before he took her virginity, Master Peter personally tattooed her all over her body, culminating in the one on her abdomen permanently declaring her "Slave of Peter".Thereafter, he took his pleasures with her every single day, often more than once,...

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Cool Swim lead to hot sex

When I was 15 and my sister was 13 we would holiday with our parents each Summer at a beach resort. One of my sister's class was the daughter of the local minister whose residence had a beach boathouse where the girls (5 in the same class all staying at the resort) could change for swimming. Monica a 14 year old beauty was another of the girls in my sister's girls church school class and the daughter of the school Principal who had all her life been kept away from the opposite sex. She...

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walkin my mate

There we were, me and Stephen both naked, sitting on the bed wanking eachother's dicks when his Dad opened the door. We were both dead embarrassed,me and my mate -- my mate more than me. The second my mate's Dad realisedwhat he was looking at, he shut the door and went downstairs. My mate wassitting on the bed with the duvet wrapped around him. He was mortified thathis Dad had just caught us wanking each other off.I bumped into my mate's Dad a week later in the street. He said he wantedto talk...

4 years ago
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The Swim Diaper

The Swim Diaper Synopsis Desperate for a job, Mark meets Marge, owner of a pool service, who takes on a new account and Mark. That account is not your every day swimming pool account and Abby isn't your every day customer. "Different strokes for different folks," Mark muses as he closes the swim diaper he's put on before picking up the pool sweep. Story Mark was getting desperate. He needed a job. Mark was working the street of small businesses beginning a week ago and it was...

4 years ago
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The Swim Meet

February 17th and 18th, 2006The Public school system is a curious beast. If a teacher is employed by a school district, and that district discovers that said teacher possesses some skill that can be exploited—then, exploited it will be. “You were a cheerleader your sophomore year in high school? Great! You’re our new cheerleader coach.” “You were in a play in eighth grade? Want to be the drama club sponsor?” “You took two years of dance when you were nine and ten years old? Congratulations,...

1 year ago
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The Swim Diaper

The Swim Diaper Mark was getting desperate. He needed a job. Mark was working the street of small businesses beginning a week ago and it was becoming painful. He was halfway down the block and only two had even taken his name. This new one, a pool service, was busy as five guys were working at loading five small pick-up trucks under the urging of a very large woman. Mark put his best face on, squared his shoulders and walked in. Mark knew a little about pools and chemicals working...

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My Mate

His eyes rolled back in his head. That smell…He’d know the scent of his mate anywhere. Opening his eyes again, he quickly scanned the crowd. There, near the back of the room, talking to his best friend, Derek, stood the most beautiful man he’d ever seen. Nodding and forcing a smile, Rhys made his way through the crowd, eager to get to the little man. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Rhys walked up beside Derek. “Hey, D. What’s up?” Derek took one look at Rhys’s eyes and grinned....

2 years ago
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Learning How To Recognize Your True Soul Mate

Learning How To Recognize Your True Soul Mate By Warm Hearted Nate a tall, slim, and slightly studious looking but handsome young man was parking his car near the florist in the middle of a big box strip mall. Nate was a Grad Student in Computer Design and was about to graduate with honors. He and his boyhood best friend and roommate for six years, Larry was graduating also. They both were head hunted by the same giant...

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First Swim Party

I sat in the lazy chair watching "Napoleon Dynamite" for the 107th time. I had his dance moves down from the end of the movie. I watched it at least once a day since school ended twenty-nine days ago. Mom and Mrs. Julia Swanson, the next door neighbor, talked at the dining table. They were best friends ever since ten years ago when the Swansons moved in. I was only four then. I was the older brother in our family. It took a while for Mom to get pregnant again so my little brother was only...

4 years ago
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The Perfect Mate

The Perfect Mate ? You know that kind of person who has a flaky side? Well my friend Marion has four of them. Astrology, yoga, vegan and ... who knows what she was worshipping at the time. It's amazing people like that can operate in the 21st Century. Though maybe for me it's a good thing she saw the world through?a different perspective. ? Marion and I had worked together for years. I'm an executive with a public relations firm, and Marion is my Girl Friday, and perfectly happy to be...

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Drain the swimmeat

A longer story about Erik-Jan's side of the story. A spinoff from the 21 part series I wrote earlier about Robby's endeavors. "A meeting in Leather." THE SWIMMERS' MEATFrom an early age, Erik-Jan already regularly had sex with his girlfriends. According to them, EJ was quite a good lover. His latest flame, Jessica, was the very best. They had been going steady for a few months when she asked him if he wanted a blow job. Of course, he did not say no to...

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Swim Lessons

I'm sitting here in my car, soaking wet and wearing nothing but my boxer briefs with three things on my mind: 1) how the hell did that just happen? 2) why didn't I bring a towel or a change of clothes? and 3) when can I fuck that tight little pussy again? But I guess I should start a bit earlier in the story...I met her a couple of months ago, but I had heard about her long before that. See Cat was the talk of the men's locker room. Almost every guy in the club either knew her or knew of her,...

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