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Öncelikle bundan sonra yazacağım hikayelerin bazıları gerçek , bazıları ise hayallerimde kurguladığım fantazilerdir.Sizlere sanki anı yeniden yaşıyormuşçasına bir dille anlatacağım , yani 18 yaşında yaşadıgım bir olayı , o yaştaymışım gibi anlatacağım , yorumlarsanız sevinirim.

Ben Tuna , istanbul 4.leventte oturuyorum , çocuklugumdan beri aynı evde ailemle yaşıyorum,24 yaşındayım ve yeni bir iş kurdum , sermayem çok az olduğu içinde zorluklarla ofisimin kirasını, çalışan 2-3 kişinin masrafını ödüyorum, bu yüzdende sosyal hayatım pek iyi değil,taksime gidip arkadaşlarla bir gece eğlenmek bile masraflı geldiği için her akşam mecburen evime dönüyorum.O akşamlarda farkettim Meral ablayı.3 çocuk annesi ,39 yaşında, 160 cm boyunda.esmer, balık etli türbanlı , hiç dikkat çekici biri değil aslına bakarsanız.Salonumuzun penceresi onların evinin ön cephesiyle aynı hizada ve sokak arası olduğu içinde aradaki mesafe hiç uzak değil.Yazın çocuklarını memleketine gönderir, kocasıyla birlikte kalır, o zamanlar anneme misafirliklere gelen bir grup bayanın içinde ve bildiğim kadarıyla bir yemek firmasında bulaşıkçılık yapıyor.Hakkında o an için bildiklerim bunlardı, kocası eve çok geç geliyor ve adamın alkol sorunu var, muhtemelen kumarda oynayan bir tip bunlardan yakındıgını annem başka bir komşuyla konuşurken duymuştum, salonumuz balkonuna bakıyor, o ise genelde yazın 11 den sonra balkonda bakınır durur.Birgün benim ona baktığımı farketti ve ilk tepkisi hemen içeri girip perdeleri tamamen çekmek oldu.O gece perdeler hiç açılmadı, ertesi gün yeniden izlemeye başladım, yazın sıcaklıgından pencereleri ve balkon kapısı açık, perdeleride açıktı, bizim salonun penceresininde tüm perdelerini açardık , iki evde karşılıklı evin içlerini rahatlıkla görüyoruz yani.Ben ertesi günde bunu izliyorum ama bu arada bakıyor ve tepki vermiyordu , akşamları başını açmazdı ama vucuduna yapışan ince pijamalar giyinirdi.Bu bakışmalar yaklaşık 2 hafta sürdü tepkisiz bi şekilde,BİR AKŞAM TEMİZLİK YAPIYORDU , elektrik süpürgesiyle halıyı alırken benim ona baktıgımı gördü ve sanki koltuk altını temizlemek için resmen domaldı , daracık pijaması tamamen yapışmıştı , götü o kadar çok belli olduki külodunun rengi beyazdı , benim yarragım ciddi kalkmıştı, salonun kapısını kitledim , perdenin yarısını çektim ve onu izleyerek 31 çekmeye başlamıştım.o kadar fazla firikik vermeye başlamıştıki bende anlamamıştım, arkasını dönmüyordu ama kendi bacak arasından beni izledigini farkettim, yarrağımı göremiyordu onun için rahattım , sonra düşündüm onun arkası dönüktü , ve benim evimde istediğimi yapma hakkım vardı neden görmesin ki , perdeyi biraz daha aralarım sadece onun evi benim bulunduğum odayı görüyordu, ben koltugun üzerine çıktım ve 31 çekmeye devam ettim , birden arkasını döndü ,o esnada ben o tarafa bakmadan sanki tv ye bakıyormuş gibi davranmaya başladım.O anda verdiği tepkiyi görmedim ama perdeleri kapattı sadece bir aralık bıraktı ve oradan bakmaya başladı , beni izliyordu, bu çok hoşuma gitmişti.Saat 2-3 lere kadar uyumuyodu, kocasını bekliyordu ve yanlızdı,bu günlerce sürdü , ben 31 çekiyordum sadece onun görebileceği şekilde , oda beni izliyordu, o kadar ki gözgöze gelip gülümsemeye başlamıştık , arada akşam bize misafirliğe geldiğinde herkesin elini öpüyordum , onunda öpüp hoşgeldiniz diyordum.Birgün anneme ofisin temizlenmesi lazım dedim , nasıl kadın buluruz.Annem ben bulurum dedi, bende meral abla yaparmı dedim , Annem bilemezdi sonuçta ,o da evet ihtiyacıda var iyi oldu oğlum dedi, bana çalıştıgı yerin telini verdi.Hemen aynı gün aradım , bir adam çıktı , Meral hanımla görüşecem dedim , çağırdı , telefonda efendim dedi, bende ' Meral abla , ben tuna , karşı komşunuz hatırladınız mı ?' , hatırladım dedi , abla ofisi temizlemem gerekiyor yardımcı olurmusun , annemden aldım numarayı dedim , tamam iş çıkışı gelirim nerde dedi , tarif ettim. Saat 5 gibi elemanlar çıktı , sadece ben kaldım , 6 gibide işyerimin karşısındaki okulun önüne gelmişti , gittim aldım , makyaj yapmıştı , ruj sürüp yanaklara kırmızı bişiler sürmüştü , evet o da hissetmişti ve izin verecekti, ofise geçtik ,kabanını çıkardı , bulaşıklardan başladı , ben arada gidiyodum yardıma ihtiyacın olursa söyle , yada çay alıyodum falan , sonra masaları ve bilgisayarları temizledi , yeri paspaslarken yoruldun mu dedim , hayır dedi, paspas bitince istersen çay içelim gel dedim , 2 çay doldurdu ve geldi , ofisimin girişinde 3 kişinin oturacagı deri bi koltuk var , orda oturduk, sigara yaktık.Havadan sudan biraz konuştuktan sonra , ben arada sen balkondayken dışarı bakıom , rahatsız olmuyosun dimi dedim , hayır dedi, o esnada bilgisayarda çalan müzikler vardı ve sezen aksu gülümse çalmaya başladı , ben çok severim dedim , Meral ablanın okuma yazması yoktu , dans edemediğinide anlamıştım, dans edermisin ? diye sordum , ben bilmem ki dedi. Bende şaşırmış gibi , hadi kalk dans önemlidir dedim sigaraları kül tablasına bıraktık , elimi beline attım , ve tarif ediyordum,gülüyordu ve başını omzuma dayadı.İşte o anda cesaretim yerine geldi , hamle yapamama nedenim komşuyduk çok ortak tanıdık vardı , beni rezil edebilirdi , korkuyordum , ama o anda gel dedim elini tuttum. önce koltuga ben oturdum yanıma oturacakken kucagıma cektim , oturdu ve öpmeye başladım , öpüşmeyi bilmiyor gibiydi.dilimi agzının içine sokmaya çalışıyodum , başardım , oda sevmişti öpüşmeyi, elim çok dolgun memelerindeydi , o kadar büyük ve sarkıklardıki.gömleginin düğmelerini açıyordum öpüşürken,gömleğini soymadan sütyeninin içinden bir memesini çıkardım ve emmeye başladım , ses çıkarmıyordu , gözlerini kapatmıştı , diger düğmeleride çıkarıyordum ,gömlegini çıkardıgımda altında body tarzında sıcak tutan birşey daha vardı onuda çıkardım , kot etegi uzundu ellerimi bacaklarında gezdiriyodum , etegi kaldırıyodum yavaşça ve küloduna ulaştım , amına dokunmaya başladım , inanın dışardan ıslak oldugu belli oluyordu , sonra kendi üstümdekileri çıkarmaya başladım , o da eteği çıkardı bir külodu vardı ben ise çırılçıplak , yarragım dimdikti , ben hemen külodu çıkarmaya çalışırken ince bir sesle kimse gelmez dimi diye sordu , ben gelmez dedim , amına dil attıgımda o sıcaklıgıda hissettim , fazla yalatmadı, çünkü kocasıyla bunları yapmadıgı çok belliydi, hemen içine girdim ve sikmeye başladım , altımdaydı , sesi çıkmıyordu , çok heyecanlı oldugu çok belliydi , amı resmen yanıyordu , ( BEN ONDAN ÖNCEDE SONRADA Bİ ÇOK KADINLA BİRLİKTE OLDUM AMA ONUN AMI GERÇEKTEN YANIYORDU) , yarrağımda o sıcaklığı hissediyordum , birkaç dakika sonra göbeğinin üzerine boşaldım, çok heycanlıydı ve erken gelmiştim 5 dakikada , ona yetmediğini biliyordum ve yarrağım hala sertti , hemen göbeğini temizledik ve domalttım yeniden dillemeye başladım , inlemeye başlamıştı , artık tepki veriyordu , en önemlisi izin veriyordu , hoşuna gitmişti amının yalanması , yarragımı agzına yaklaştırdım yalamadı , biliyordum ki önsevişme yapmadan sadece sikmiş kocası ( bencil adam ) , sonra arkasına geçtim , ve sikmeye başladım , ensesini yalamam o kadar hoşuna gidiyordu ki içine soktukça inlemeleri arttı , içinden çıkıp koltuga oturdum , gelmesini söyledim , üstüme oturdu ve zıplamaya başladı , memeleri o kadar büyüktü ki cidden yüzüme çarpıyordu , tutabildiğimi yalıyordum :)) , yarım saat kadar pozisyon değiştirerek sikiştik , domalma pozisyonundaydı ve bu defa beline boşaldım. O akşam 4 defa ben boşaldım , onun ise 2 defa boşaldıgını öğrendim , bana çok üzüldüğüm birşey söyledi , senelerdir boşalamamış , aylardır sikişmemiş. Ofisten çıkarken aynen şu söz
leri söyledi ' Kimse duymasın gözünü sevim ' , bende ona saçmalama ikimizide mahfeder bu deyip rahatlattım , daha sonraları bu gizli sikişlerimiz yaklaşık 7-8 ay sürdü , ofise her hafta birdefa temizliğe gelirdi ve kocasıda bilirdi , annemler evde olmadıgı günlerde pencereden gelmesini işaret ederdim o da sanki anneme misafirliğe gelirmiş gibi gelir 1 saat kadar sikişir giderdik , asla cep telefonunda sohbet etmedik , yakalanmamız imkansızdı yani. Daha sonra ben başka hatunlarla birlikte olunca ona olan ilgim azaldı , meral ablada 1 sene kadar sonra başka bir semte taşındı zaten, yorumlarınızı bekliyorum ,

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The Making Of A Gigolo 7 Rhonda WilsonChapter 2

There was more discussion, as they waited for their lunch, and Janet tried to convince her friend that a man, such as Jill had described, could be found. There had to be more than one in the world, after all. Rhonda resisted, though, convinced that she wasn’t pretty enough to engage that kind of attention from a man. “Besides,” she said at one point. “What’s the big deal, anyway? The few times Herb did have sex with me, it wasn’t all that interesting. I’ve gone without all these years. I’m...

2 years ago
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Margots End

She's apprehensive. Everything about her, from her body language to her facial expression, screams "I don't want to be here right now." But she doesn't move; because she needs the money. My cock is throbbing because of it. My cock wants to start giving it to her. I want the moment to linger, so I wait. "Use your hand." She looks nervously at me and grabs my cock in her wrinkled hand and starts to rhythmically slide it up and down my cock. Doesn't feel great, but it sets the tone. It...

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Two Girls Pt 1

Two Girls - Pt 1 Becky and Simon married when they were just twenty-three years old, now four years ago. They had reasonable jobs, a nice apartment and some fun friends. One night they were visiting a couple of friends for drinks and the subject arose of women waxing their legs. "I hate it, but there's no good alternative," Becky said. "Yeah, who wants to make love to a gorilla," Mike joked and his wife raised her eyebrows at his comment. "It can't be that bad," Simon chipped...

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A Little History

Though I would write a little bit about myself and how I became the girl I am today.The first crazy thing that happened to me happened when I was 19. I had a boyfriend majority of high school, we had our fun. But that ended just before I left for college. The first year of college was pretty uneventful. A few random drunken hookups but nothing worth noting.The crazy event happened when I came home for the summer.To set the scene think of a large farmhouse on at least 10 acres. In ground pool in...

3 years ago
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Life UncommonChapter 5

Natalie joined me a few minutes later. "Morning. You're up early." "So I've heard. Good morning to you too." "What did Doug want?" "Nothing important. I guess he wanted to brag about his latest conquest or something. He got boring real fast, so I scared him away." "I saw him running out of here as if he had a vengeful father with a shotgun on his heels. You do realize that most of the girls here would kill to know how you did that, don't you?" "Wouldn't work for them."...

1 year ago
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Meri Teen Mastani Betia 8211 Part 2

Aapne pahle part mey padha kee meri badi beti mamta bilkul nangi hokar parents ke bed par masti kee aahen bhar rahi thee. Mai sirf ek towel lapete uss ke bagal mey khada ho gaya…. 2-3 minat gujre , shayad ussey kisee ka presence feel hua. Usne aankhe kholi, hamari nazar mili aur wo jor-jor se roney lagi. Neelam ne apne dono legs ko sameta aur ghutno ke beech face chhipa kar roney lagi.Ghar mey sirf mai thaa aur meri badi beti mamta thee. Kisee aur ke aane kaa chance nahi thaa… “Arrey beti, kya...

1 year ago
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MrLuckyPOV Alex Chance Titfuck Fun With Alex Chance Incredible Chest

Tonight she keeps things really simple…Alex Chance uses her mouth and massive natural breasts to give a relaxing yet exhilarating blowjob and titfuck combination. She knows a boob lover wen she see’s one, and she see’s a lot!! She sucks the dick until its wet and ready to slide between her heavy, soft, all natural tits. She loves watching a cock get lost between her humongous breasts and feeling the cum swell up inside the balls. Tonight she wants to feel the warm hot rush of jizz on her face.

4 years ago
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What if She WantedChapter 2 Intermezzo

I woke up Tuesday and, after making coffee for Candy and me, left for work. I called up Robert and set up a date for lunch. I also called Candy up to see how she was doing. "Sore, very sore, but OK. I love you" No it didn't seem like she wanted to back out, never even mentioned it. I met with Robert at noon. We did live in the same city, but worked and lived on opposite sides of it, so we only met each other rarely, and never during work hours. We all had been to each other's homes...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Sydney Cole Wanted

Sydney Cole is visiting with her boyfriend Brad Sterling. When he won’t pay her the attention she thinks she deserves, Sydney struts to the other side of his desk and makes sure that he knows exactly what she wants. Soon Brad is sucking Sydney’s titties and rubbing his hands all over her lithe body. Leading Brad by the hand, Sydney moves to the edge of his desk. She hops up and spreads her legs wide, making it easy for Brad to roll her thong down her long legs and then settle in for...

4 years ago
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Double or NothingChapter 10

Cassandra could feel her orgasm blossoming inside her as she sat in her own cocooned darkness. The vibrator the man had pushed inside her was caressing her with its buzzing fingers. She could feel her drool leaking over her ring gag as she panted and moaned but there was little she could do about it. Even the soreness of her welt-stripped ass and the plug inside it seemed to help her wanton desires along. The young blonde didn't want to cum but her body was ignoring her. A molten rapture...

2 years ago
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Campaign of Poltergeists MaraudersChapter 10

Mission 33 Planet: Smithon Mission: Repossession Lance: Hammer – Atlas Sonic – Dragon Vonkobra – Kintaro Hacker – Centurion We picked up a repossession contract where we were tasked with dealing with a Directorate commander who was behind on his repayments for his vehicles and we are to repossess them with extreme prejudice. Or in other words show what happens when you piss off the wrong people by not paying. The opposition is described as a lance of vehicles with a reinforcement lance of...

2 years ago
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CDTV presents A New Brady pt 3

Later on that day Alice called everyone to dinner. Everyone gathered around the crowded dining room table. "So Alex," Peter started. "Wanna play some basketball tomorrow with me and a few of my friends? I can introduce you to a lot of people before school starts so you won't have to feel you don't know anyone." Before Alex could reply, Marcia said, "Sorry little brother, but Alex is coming with me and the girls tomorrow to the ice cream parlor," "Says who?" asked Peter. "Says...

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First Pig

Susan Cameron had grown up on the farm an only child. Her parents Tom and Ellen had always doted on her, giving her everything they could, but she being the only one she was always expected to help out with farm chores. She did so selflessly, always doing her part and taking on more and more as she grew older. Life on the farm kept her so busy that she didn’t spend much time with school friends or doing extra-curricular activities. By the time she was sixteen, she had still never had a...

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Cynthia in the Real World

Cynthia was mostly described by her friends and her teachers as "The best little girl you ever did see!" She was probably the brightest 16 year old student the New Delhi Girl's Academy ever had under their tutorledge. Her Father was a recently retired Colonel in the employ of the Golden Star Trading Company headquartered in Calcutta and Istanbul. Her Mother was unfortunately a victim of the typhoid epidemic that swept the coastal regions of India almost a decade prior. In less than a year,...

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Not Taken IV

I was just getting back to the condo after work on Friday when I saw my neighbor from the running group, as I now thought of him. I hadn’t thought about his invitation at all during the week, but he held the elevator for me and we talked as we went up. I felt like I had to agree to go, but really, I had nothing else planned, and wasn’t I supposed to be doing things differently?He looked different to me today, although that might have been my horniness talking. He was wearing no ring and he’d...

Gay Male
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My Summer With Aunty Deb

When I was twenty-one years old, I used to do odd jobs for my 65-year-old Aunt Deb, who lived up the road from us. (She was not related, but I always called her Aunt Deb). I used to paint, dig, move trash, cut grass, etc. for her during the summer. One Tuesday I was painting the side of her house this terrible shade of gray that she liked. I was painting the cement foundation of her house and I was getting pretty tired of working in the hot sun. I stopped for a break and walked to the back of...

3 years ago
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Transcendent Chapter 2 Egg

Sean wasn't used to the quiet. Silence was no longer a part of modern life. Most people were surrounded by noise while at work. Whether they were employed in some field that required constant verbal communication or they were simply besieged by the dings and alerts of computers all day, the assault on the senses was constant. While commuting, the radio, podcasts or audio books were your constant companion. At home, it was the TV or YouTube always on in the background. Even when he went out...

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Janets Encounter

Janet was late for work again, her cell alarm had failed to wake her and as a result she was rushing toward the elevator after crashing through her apartment to get ready. She had a bagel in her mouth, her messenger bag slung haphazardly over her shoulder, and a sealed cup of coffee in her hand. She pushed the elevator button repeatedly as though that would have the magic effect of making it open and took a bite of her bagel. She heard the familiar ding and finally the doors opened.  She...

1 year ago
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One Mans Fantasy Part 3

I didn’t inquire what took place in the shower with Vera; I reasoned Gwen would tell me when she was ready. The following two weeks were hectic and then we had to travel to a wedding. One of Gwen’s nephews had finally proposed after an eight-year courtship and we had been invited to the blessed event. The two-hour flight was due to land at three-thirty on Friday and we were staying at the Four Seasons until Monday. The flight was uneventful and we arrived at the hotel a little after five. There...

2 years ago
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A Detectives Journal Chapter 6

Alexia Janine gave me the address to The Slice Club. She said to meet her there at 1:30pm. This was to be my interview with Inna Grekov, the club manager. All my undercover training and months of preparation would be wasted if she didn’t hire me. I had dressed as provocative as I could, using Janine’s makeup instructions carefully. The fake eyelashes and dark eyeliner made my appearance look more sexy. It wasn’t like the guys would be focusing on my face, but I had to look the part from head...

3 years ago
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Bo Derek Discovers the BeastChapter 10

As expected, Julie Moran became a frequent visitor to the Derek Ranch. She and Bo would frolic with the dogs at almost every visit, there were awkward times when they were prevented to try. Bo had even convinced the beautiful Entertainment Tonight reporter to get gangbanged by all of her ranch hands, including the maids. Bo had been fucking the staff regularly for a few years now, with John's approval. That was a most pleasurable weekend. She and Julie shared all twenty of the staff...

4 years ago
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Her First Affair III

Her first affair III irishmik60 It seems I turned Marty into a woman that demanded sexual freedom. For so long she’d been deprived of good sex. Her husband didn’t seen to give a damn about her needs, only his. He’d come home from work, lock himself in his den and watch porn. Never once did he ask if she’d like to watch as well: or even play while viewing. When he wanted sex, he didn’t give a damn if she was ready. He’d simply fuck her with no foreplay, no preparation. Just in, get done, and...

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New Life for Batgirl

The event in this story takes place shortly after the Joker's attack on Batgirl that crippled her for life. Barbara Gordon lay in her hospital bed shortly after her crippling incident with the Joker. She curses herself for being so dumb to get caught by that maniac. She had spent the last few hours crying then getting mad and finally crying again. The Doctor's told her that she would never walk again. She did not know what to do. A nurse came in and handed Barbara an envelope. She simply...

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Happy I Went To Work A Job With Benefits

Sometimes going to work is not such a bad thing...Happy I Went To Work (A Job With Benefits)Hornier and hornier all the time,I'm lucky horniness isn't a crime.Checkin' out the new girl at work,She probably thinks I'm such a jerk.Trying to think of something to say,Anything to get a lay.I offer to take her out to eat,Someplace quiet, where the people meet.Later we can go out and dance,Thinking how to get in her pants.I take her out and ply her with liquor,It's true what they say, it really is...

2 years ago
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Allies Birthday Present Part 3

Wednesday Morning (your birthday) You wake late again, sleep fading slowly. This is the one perk to the later shifts you’ve been working: the leisurely morning wake-ups. You look at the clock and see the pattern of numbers “10:28” and smile, the 28 reminding you that today is your birthday. You stretch, then catch yourself, worried (and maybe hoping), needlessly, that you will be caught and tormented again. Looking around you see a lump under the sheets beside you. Conflicted with worry,...

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Moms Boy

Author's note: Message me if you have any recommendations, if you have anything you'd like to see in the story, or if I forgot to finish it! I respond to all messages, so don't be shy! Don't forget to follow me if you want to know when I update my stories. Characters (You can customize these) Mary (Mother) Ben (Son)

4 years ago
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Forever Her Sissy Chapter 6

This is a work of fiction for your enjoyment and all the characters are fictional. Please practice safe sex, respect others limits and know that bondage and discipline can be dangerous if done to extremes. None of the scenes in this literature are meant to be reproduced in real life. Be respectful to all women and to local ordinances and laws. I Absolutely love reading the reviews that you wonderful readers have been leaving, please, please, please continue to write and post...

2 years ago
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All the Worlds a Stage

All the World's a Stage By Cassandra Morgan In the beginning, before the games became naughty, before we shed our innocence, our role-play was fairly vanilla stuff. Rated G, as in gee whiz. In those days, I was Robin Hood. She was Maid Marion. I was Rick. She was Ilsa. I was Hamlet. She was Ophelia. We would find some costumes, and we would recite movie lines, and we would imagine ourselves to be aspiring actors. Surely, our Little Theatre group could not hold us. Sure, we...

3 years ago
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Elementary My Dear WatsonChapter 5 Danielle Home Again

It was the second Thursday after Labour Day, and Danielle Winter sat in the airport, on her way home from the treatment centre. She had a medical escort who would see she got on the plane OK, and two pieces of paper, one detailing the date of the appointment with her psychiatrist and the other a prescription for zinc supplements were in her pocket. She was feeling much better about herself than when she entered treatment for the eating disorder. Her parents had caught the symptoms nice and...

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