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Öncelikle bundan sonra yazacağım hikayelerin bazıları gerçek , bazıları ise hayallerimde kurguladığım fantazilerdir.Sizlere sanki anı yeniden yaşıyormuşçasına bir dille anlatacağım , yani 18 yaşında yaşadıgım bir olayı , o yaştaymışım gibi anlatacağım , yorumlarsanız sevinirim.

Ben Tuna , istanbul 4.leventte oturuyorum , çocuklugumdan beri aynı evde ailemle yaşıyorum,24 yaşındayım ve yeni bir iş kurdum , sermayem çok az olduğu içinde zorluklarla ofisimin kirasını, çalışan 2-3 kişinin masrafını ödüyorum, bu yüzdende sosyal hayatım pek iyi değil,taksime gidip arkadaşlarla bir gece eğlenmek bile masraflı geldiği için her akşam mecburen evime dönüyorum.O akşamlarda farkettim Meral ablayı.3 çocuk annesi ,39 yaşında, 160 cm boyunda.esmer, balık etli türbanlı , hiç dikkat çekici biri değil aslına bakarsanız.Salonumuzun penceresi onların evinin ön cephesiyle aynı hizada ve sokak arası olduğu içinde aradaki mesafe hiç uzak değil.Yazın çocuklarını memleketine gönderir, kocasıyla birlikte kalır, o zamanlar anneme misafirliklere gelen bir grup bayanın içinde ve bildiğim kadarıyla bir yemek firmasında bulaşıkçılık yapıyor.Hakkında o an için bildiklerim bunlardı, kocası eve çok geç geliyor ve adamın alkol sorunu var, muhtemelen kumarda oynayan bir tip bunlardan yakındıgını annem başka bir komşuyla konuşurken duymuştum, salonumuz balkonuna bakıyor, o ise genelde yazın 11 den sonra balkonda bakınır durur.Birgün benim ona baktığımı farketti ve ilk tepkisi hemen içeri girip perdeleri tamamen çekmek oldu.O gece perdeler hiç açılmadı, ertesi gün yeniden izlemeye başladım, yazın sıcaklıgından pencereleri ve balkon kapısı açık, perdeleride açıktı, bizim salonun penceresininde tüm perdelerini açardık , iki evde karşılıklı evin içlerini rahatlıkla görüyoruz yani.Ben ertesi günde bunu izliyorum ama bu arada bakıyor ve tepki vermiyordu , akşamları başını açmazdı ama vucuduna yapışan ince pijamalar giyinirdi.Bu bakışmalar yaklaşık 2 hafta sürdü tepkisiz bi şekilde,BİR AKŞAM TEMİZLİK YAPIYORDU , elektrik süpürgesiyle halıyı alırken benim ona baktıgımı gördü ve sanki koltuk altını temizlemek için resmen domaldı , daracık pijaması tamamen yapışmıştı , götü o kadar çok belli olduki külodunun rengi beyazdı , benim yarragım ciddi kalkmıştı, salonun kapısını kitledim , perdenin yarısını çektim ve onu izleyerek 31 çekmeye başlamıştım.o kadar fazla firikik vermeye başlamıştıki bende anlamamıştım, arkasını dönmüyordu ama kendi bacak arasından beni izledigini farkettim, yarrağımı göremiyordu onun için rahattım , sonra düşündüm onun arkası dönüktü , ve benim evimde istediğimi yapma hakkım vardı neden görmesin ki , perdeyi biraz daha aralarım sadece onun evi benim bulunduğum odayı görüyordu, ben koltugun üzerine çıktım ve 31 çekmeye devam ettim , birden arkasını döndü ,o esnada ben o tarafa bakmadan sanki tv ye bakıyormuş gibi davranmaya başladım.O anda verdiği tepkiyi görmedim ama perdeleri kapattı sadece bir aralık bıraktı ve oradan bakmaya başladı , beni izliyordu, bu çok hoşuma gitmişti.Saat 2-3 lere kadar uyumuyodu, kocasını bekliyordu ve yanlızdı,bu günlerce sürdü , ben 31 çekiyordum sadece onun görebileceği şekilde , oda beni izliyordu, o kadar ki gözgöze gelip gülümsemeye başlamıştık , arada akşam bize misafirliğe geldiğinde herkesin elini öpüyordum , onunda öpüp hoşgeldiniz diyordum.Birgün anneme ofisin temizlenmesi lazım dedim , nasıl kadın buluruz.Annem ben bulurum dedi, bende meral abla yaparmı dedim , Annem bilemezdi sonuçta ,o da evet ihtiyacıda var iyi oldu oğlum dedi, bana çalıştıgı yerin telini verdi.Hemen aynı gün aradım , bir adam çıktı , Meral hanımla görüşecem dedim , çağırdı , telefonda efendim dedi, bende ' Meral abla , ben tuna , karşı komşunuz hatırladınız mı ?' , hatırladım dedi , abla ofisi temizlemem gerekiyor yardımcı olurmusun , annemden aldım numarayı dedim , tamam iş çıkışı gelirim nerde dedi , tarif ettim. Saat 5 gibi elemanlar çıktı , sadece ben kaldım , 6 gibide işyerimin karşısındaki okulun önüne gelmişti , gittim aldım , makyaj yapmıştı , ruj sürüp yanaklara kırmızı bişiler sürmüştü , evet o da hissetmişti ve izin verecekti, ofise geçtik ,kabanını çıkardı , bulaşıklardan başladı , ben arada gidiyodum yardıma ihtiyacın olursa söyle , yada çay alıyodum falan , sonra masaları ve bilgisayarları temizledi , yeri paspaslarken yoruldun mu dedim , hayır dedi, paspas bitince istersen çay içelim gel dedim , 2 çay doldurdu ve geldi , ofisimin girişinde 3 kişinin oturacagı deri bi koltuk var , orda oturduk, sigara yaktık.Havadan sudan biraz konuştuktan sonra , ben arada sen balkondayken dışarı bakıom , rahatsız olmuyosun dimi dedim , hayır dedi, o esnada bilgisayarda çalan müzikler vardı ve sezen aksu gülümse çalmaya başladı , ben çok severim dedim , Meral ablanın okuma yazması yoktu , dans edemediğinide anlamıştım, dans edermisin ? diye sordum , ben bilmem ki dedi. Bende şaşırmış gibi , hadi kalk dans önemlidir dedim sigaraları kül tablasına bıraktık , elimi beline attım , ve tarif ediyordum,gülüyordu ve başını omzuma dayadı.İşte o anda cesaretim yerine geldi , hamle yapamama nedenim komşuyduk çok ortak tanıdık vardı , beni rezil edebilirdi , korkuyordum , ama o anda gel dedim elini tuttum. önce koltuga ben oturdum yanıma oturacakken kucagıma cektim , oturdu ve öpmeye başladım , öpüşmeyi bilmiyor gibiydi.dilimi agzının içine sokmaya çalışıyodum , başardım , oda sevmişti öpüşmeyi, elim çok dolgun memelerindeydi , o kadar büyük ve sarkıklardıki.gömleginin düğmelerini açıyordum öpüşürken,gömleğini soymadan sütyeninin içinden bir memesini çıkardım ve emmeye başladım , ses çıkarmıyordu , gözlerini kapatmıştı , diger düğmeleride çıkarıyordum ,gömlegini çıkardıgımda altında body tarzında sıcak tutan birşey daha vardı onuda çıkardım , kot etegi uzundu ellerimi bacaklarında gezdiriyodum , etegi kaldırıyodum yavaşça ve küloduna ulaştım , amına dokunmaya başladım , inanın dışardan ıslak oldugu belli oluyordu , sonra kendi üstümdekileri çıkarmaya başladım , o da eteği çıkardı bir külodu vardı ben ise çırılçıplak , yarragım dimdikti , ben hemen külodu çıkarmaya çalışırken ince bir sesle kimse gelmez dimi diye sordu , ben gelmez dedim , amına dil attıgımda o sıcaklıgıda hissettim , fazla yalatmadı, çünkü kocasıyla bunları yapmadıgı çok belliydi, hemen içine girdim ve sikmeye başladım , altımdaydı , sesi çıkmıyordu , çok heyecanlı oldugu çok belliydi , amı resmen yanıyordu , ( BEN ONDAN ÖNCEDE SONRADA Bİ ÇOK KADINLA BİRLİKTE OLDUM AMA ONUN AMI GERÇEKTEN YANIYORDU) , yarrağımda o sıcaklığı hissediyordum , birkaç dakika sonra göbeğinin üzerine boşaldım, çok heycanlıydı ve erken gelmiştim 5 dakikada , ona yetmediğini biliyordum ve yarrağım hala sertti , hemen göbeğini temizledik ve domalttım yeniden dillemeye başladım , inlemeye başlamıştı , artık tepki veriyordu , en önemlisi izin veriyordu , hoşuna gitmişti amının yalanması , yarragımı agzına yaklaştırdım yalamadı , biliyordum ki önsevişme yapmadan sadece sikmiş kocası ( bencil adam ) , sonra arkasına geçtim , ve sikmeye başladım , ensesini yalamam o kadar hoşuna gidiyordu ki içine soktukça inlemeleri arttı , içinden çıkıp koltuga oturdum , gelmesini söyledim , üstüme oturdu ve zıplamaya başladı , memeleri o kadar büyüktü ki cidden yüzüme çarpıyordu , tutabildiğimi yalıyordum :)) , yarım saat kadar pozisyon değiştirerek sikiştik , domalma pozisyonundaydı ve bu defa beline boşaldım. O akşam 4 defa ben boşaldım , onun ise 2 defa boşaldıgını öğrendim , bana çok üzüldüğüm birşey söyledi , senelerdir boşalamamış , aylardır sikişmemiş. Ofisten çıkarken aynen şu söz
leri söyledi ' Kimse duymasın gözünü sevim ' , bende ona saçmalama ikimizide mahfeder bu deyip rahatlattım , daha sonraları bu gizli sikişlerimiz yaklaşık 7-8 ay sürdü , ofise her hafta birdefa temizliğe gelirdi ve kocasıda bilirdi , annemler evde olmadıgı günlerde pencereden gelmesini işaret ederdim o da sanki anneme misafirliğe gelirmiş gibi gelir 1 saat kadar sikişir giderdik , asla cep telefonunda sohbet etmedik , yakalanmamız imkansızdı yani. Daha sonra ben başka hatunlarla birlikte olunca ona olan ilgim azaldı , meral ablada 1 sene kadar sonra başka bir semte taşındı zaten, yorumlarınızı bekliyorum ,

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From Harry to Wendy my life

From Harry to Wendy [my life] By Samantha White My name is Harry since the age of seven I knew that I was in the wrong body. I always liked playing with dolls, playing dress up, I never cared too much about guns or boys toys, I much preferred my dolls. As I was getting older I was happier helping our mum in the kitchen or learning to knit or sew, I loved making those small fluffy toys you could get. Mum never minded or worried because I was still a young child, but as I was growing up...

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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 11 Meanwhile Back at the Ranch

Susan was driving back from her mother’s house when she suddenly saw flashing red and blue lights behind her. “Oh, no,” She said, annoyed, “I wasn’t even speeding.” She pulled her car off the road, got out her driver’s license and registration and waited, window down, for the visit from whomever it was that had pulled her over. She heard a crunch of gravel and had just turned to face her accuser when she heard a hissing sound and felt a mist cover her face; then blackness. “OK, let’s get...

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Taking the Plunge

Nerves. That feeling in the pit of his stomach, reminding him he was about todo something exciting. The Domme's house was in a plush corner of town, perhapsunsurprisingly. He rang the doorbell and waited, excitement mounting. He'dcome this far, he'd be an idiot to back out now. She answered the door herself, which was reassuring as he wasn't sure he feltcomfortable with other people around, however open-minded they may be. Shecertainly wasn't ugly, neither was she anything particularly special...

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Trapped in a Shemale Prison

The sound of the massive chain link fence closing behind you as you drag the chains shackled to your ankles along the concrete path makes the reality of your situation more lucid. You didn't know what to expect here but your life as an orphan living on the streets prepared you, at least somewhat. You know not to cry, and most of all, to never, ever snitch, on another inmate or on one of the Correctional Officers. You try to bring your hands up to your face to wipe away the tear welling in your...

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I am an attractive six foot tall, muscular black man who has a thick ten inch dick. To say that I am a bit of a freak is an understatement. I enjoy just about everything when it comes to sex. I love all women who are of legal age. Race, religious beliefs and education mean very little to me, when I am looking for pussy. With that said, I must admit that I do enjoy being the first black dick in a sophisticated, educated, beautiful white woman. I have said it many times, I have an addiction to...

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The Twins New Addition

When I was at the wild and crazy age of eighteen, I thought of myself as anything but wild and crazy. But honestly I didn’t have time, what with an over achieving brother and sister. My older siblings were twins just a single year older than me. The two of them had graduated a full year early and in my family, you just don’t come in second. Tied for first, sure, but not second. Because of this unspoken rule, we tried to focus on separate strengths. We all excelled in different sports, were very...

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An Arranged Marriage Part III

We had finished fucking by the time Sanjay joined us at five-thirty. Sunita was just putting her panties back on when the door bell rang. I was fully dressed and I went and answered it. She appeared a few minutes later smoothing her skirt down as she came into the room. The look on Sanjay’s face told me that he knew that she had been to bed with me. They kissed all the same and exchanged what I considered to be, words of love in their own language.He brought with him some bottles of wine and...

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Picked Up In A Parking Lot

Like all my stories, this is 100% true as far as I can recollect.This was back in the 90s and I had gotten back into dressing after so many collect and purge cycles. A couple of months prior to this night, I had met a married couple at a get together at the home of a swinger couple. The husband was a crossdresser and his wife was a very cute little thing. At the time my son was still living with me so dressing was always a challenge. They told me that if I ever needed a place to dress, I could...

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The BarnChapter 4

The next morning Luke got out of bed far later than normal and Amos was already out in the fields. The previous night had been a wild one for Sarah and him. She had been a wild woman and insisted on sex over and over again until they had both collapsed from the exertion. Luke still felt his wife's hot lips sucking his manhood with an intensity he had never experience before in his life. He blushed as he remembered how after he had cum in his wife, she had forced his head down to lick up...

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A Fantasy

I had been enjoying talking to a guy for months here on xhamster and finally plucked up courage to ask him for a meet. He agreed, we set up a date and booked a hotel. In the weeks preceeding our meet I was nervous and wondering if I would actually go through with it. Come the day in question and I set off, still wondering. I checked into the hotel and went up to the room. As I walked in I thought to myself "this is where it's going to happen". I sat and waited and finally the text came telling...

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Changeday In The Beginning

We all remember where we were on that day, the day everyone in the world switched genders except for pregnant women. Four weeks later we all switched back...except for those former men who had got pregnant in between. I was one of them. ******************** CHANGEDAY: THE BEGINNING BobH (c) 2014 - 1 - I don't need to ask if you remember you where you were on that Monday in June when it happened. Everyone in the world remembers where they were...

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El PasoChapter 23

The first event of the cowboy competition was calf roping, an event in which I knew I stunk. Thankfully, Melosa wasn’t weak in it even a little bit. I swear when the twenty foot rope on the calf pulled the open the latch that held our gate closed, Melosa shot out of stall as if she were a jet being catapulted off an aircraft carrier. The calf didn’t get twenty feet further before she was right beside it. I dropped my lasso around the calf’s head and Melosa hit the air brakes. The calf took a...

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OConnor Cove

By Jax_Teller Five years ago I moved to rural America and lived off the grid on 500 acres. My nearest neighbor was one and a half miles away and was seasonal. Most of my life I had lived in the heart of the city with inner city conveniences. Life was good but from time to time I missed the excitement of a big city, mostly for the sexual entertainment. Night clubs, strip clubs, and the general availability of sexual encounters that were common in the city just were not heard of way out here....

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Educating DebraChapter 6

Brian parked along the curb and walked through a carpet of autumn leaves to number 325. He rang the bell and the Dug answered the door. "Hi, Dug," he said. "Hey, man." The two bumped fists. "So -- how will the team do this weekend?" Brian asked. "We won't lose." "You're sure of that?" "Absolutely -- We won't lose 'cuz this is a bye week." "I'm almost ready," he heard Debra call from her room. She bounded out wearing jeans and a knitted turtleneck and carrying her...

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Road Trips for Peter Chapter Nine

It was about 10:00 in the morning. I had just left the Cincinnati area and was traveling west on U. S. 50. The sun was behind me and I was buzzing along, having a good time. I enjoyed the landscape. It was late Spring and there were still plenty of trees blooming, along with the flowers beside the road. Mostly croplands along the roadside, with lots of old farmsteads to bring back memories of bygone days. I would come to little towns and usually go straight through the middle on Main Street, or...

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How I Got the Name Posh Slut and Into K9Chapter 6

Now that wasn’t part of the script and I wondered how many other of Dave’s women had been in the same position as I was. I was betting I wan’t the first. My attention, though, was now focused on feeling two cocks at the entrance of my anal opening. I was surprised how easily my ass opened up to accept both of them at first, but after they were successfully into the entrance, it started to hurt. I was, however, thrilled I had been able to achieve even this. Another first. Then the ball gag...

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Dream Girl Fun

This is a story of a sweet and a sexy girl who made me go mad after her beautiful body. Her name is Vartika; she made my world upside down. She was such a hot girl that after fucking my girlfriend i shagged at night thinking of her. Well this story is about my dream in which i fucked her like animal. So here it starts: I was walking on the road and found her standing on the ice cream stall. I went near her and asked her how was she doing? The response was positive, after purchasing it was time...

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Fantasy Fufilled Me and my Sister

Thanks to 'LadyCibelle' and 'Techsan' for their editing. I guess it's time to come out of the closet. No, I'm not gay. I'm putting a light in the closet so my wife can see better. She was always complaining how dark it was in there and she could never get a good look at her clothes. I finally got it mounted on the inside of the closet so now she might get off my ass. It's always something. Do this, do that, get me this, get me that. As I was leaving the closet I began to think about...

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MomWantsToBreed Lauren Phillips Stepmom Can Borrow My Sperm

Alex Mack is bored and hanging out when his stepmom Lauren Phillips joins him in the living room. She has a yoga mat and she wants to work out, although she’s not planning on doing too much yoga. Putting the mat down, Lauren does a series of stretches that highlight her big ass and her big boobs for Alex. As soon as Lauren sees Alex’s interest, she invites him to stretch with her. She mentions wanting kids because she wants something to love. Once Lauren has put the idea into...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 44

It did end, though, as Bruiser grew antsy at being held in the water. He pushed himself away from Emma and began paddling back towards the shoreline. Emma saw Bruiser was panting as he swam excitedly. “Alright, I think Bruiser’s had enough swim time,” she announced, standing up from the water. Brent watched as the water dripped from Emma’s breasts. Emma walked slowly away from him, making sure to sway her hips as she did; it had the desired effect of leading his eyes down to her ass. He...

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Cousin Fucked Me And Took Virginity Ass

Hi ISS this is Smriti 20 name changed and I going to narrate about the story of how i had my first sexual affair with one of my cousin on a visit to his home. I am glad o inform you all that I have a slim figure with a measurement of 32-28-34. The story goes on as about 2 months and I had my class 12 exam ended and hence I had Visited almost most of my relatives and it happened on my visit to my Aunty’s Home moms small Sister they consist of Uncle, Aunty, Rajesh and Ishika, Rajesh nd Ishika are...

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Seeberger ChroniclesChapter 5

We were clearly the best-dressed people in the place, at least she was. I had read how a beautiful girl would walk through a nice place and every person there couldn’t keep from looking at and lust for her ... that happened, and she loved it. After we were seated and given menus, with her next to me, she asked, “Are all of those people looking at me, Jeffrey?” It sounded like Marilyn Monroe was asking the question. I eloquently responded, “It wasn’t just the guys who were checking you out,...

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My summer at my buddys granparents farm

We were there to help his grand dad with farm chores. We would be paid at harvest and get our food and housing all summer long. I was 16 and could drive the farm equipment, but he was only 15. So I did the chores he told me and then reported back to the farm house. I usually found his gran mom there cooking or cleaning, and my buddy on the road with his gran dad. So I had nothing to do the rest of the day. I showered and sat down to breakfast with his grandmom. She was a sweet woman who he...

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Desperation To Have Sex With Mom

Hi guys, my name is Suresh (changed). My family consists of 4 members me, mom, sis and dad. Most of the time my mom used to quarrel with my dad and didn’t have sex till 15 years. My dick size is 6.5 and diameter 3.0. So any aunties and young can contact me through email. I live in Hyderabad. Coming to the sex story. So guys my age is 21 finished with my engg. My mom is a house . Her sizes are 36-34-36 wheatish in color of height 5’2. At first I was not having any lust on my mom. So at the time...

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Constance Wendolyn CompanyChapter 5

"Who is her?" Junior was curious, "I know I'm me ... but the way you said Her ... was a little ominous." "People at the field talk about you all the time. Your family has that little island between the United States and Canada ... the one recognized by the United Nations as a country. How long have you been flying?" "Since I was 8," Junior said. "How did you reach the pedals?" Junior laughed, "I built a plane to fit me. I've always been tall for my age ... not that you could...

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A few minutes later, after she had refilled her glass, she heard a card being inserted in the door, and saw it burst open. A well-dressed, well-built man in his late thirties entered the room, saw Kimi sitting on the bed, and said “What the fuck?! What are you doing in my room?” Kimi’s eyes widened with fright, and she stammered. “Oh god! I’m sorry…..I…I was cleaning the room…I…just needed to sit down and rest for a minute.” “And have a snort of my scotch while you were at it!” said...

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