KOMŞUM MERAL free porn video

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Öncelikle bundan sonra yazacağım hikayelerin bazıları gerçek , bazıları ise hayallerimde kurguladığım fantazilerdir.Sizlere sanki anı yeniden yaşıyormuşçasına bir dille anlatacağım , yani 18 yaşında yaşadıgım bir olayı , o yaştaymışım gibi anlatacağım , yorumlarsanız sevinirim.

Ben Tuna , istanbul 4.leventte oturuyorum , çocuklugumdan beri aynı evde ailemle yaşıyorum,24 yaşındayım ve yeni bir iş kurdum , sermayem çok az olduğu içinde zorluklarla ofisimin kirasını, çalışan 2-3 kişinin masrafını ödüyorum, bu yüzdende sosyal hayatım pek iyi değil,taksime gidip arkadaşlarla bir gece eğlenmek bile masraflı geldiği için her akşam mecburen evime dönüyorum.O akşamlarda farkettim Meral ablayı.3 çocuk annesi ,39 yaşında, 160 cm boyunda.esmer, balık etli türbanlı , hiç dikkat çekici biri değil aslına bakarsanız.Salonumuzun penceresi onların evinin ön cephesiyle aynı hizada ve sokak arası olduğu içinde aradaki mesafe hiç uzak değil.Yazın çocuklarını memleketine gönderir, kocasıyla birlikte kalır, o zamanlar anneme misafirliklere gelen bir grup bayanın içinde ve bildiğim kadarıyla bir yemek firmasında bulaşıkçılık yapıyor.Hakkında o an için bildiklerim bunlardı, kocası eve çok geç geliyor ve adamın alkol sorunu var, muhtemelen kumarda oynayan bir tip bunlardan yakındıgını annem başka bir komşuyla konuşurken duymuştum, salonumuz balkonuna bakıyor, o ise genelde yazın 11 den sonra balkonda bakınır durur.Birgün benim ona baktığımı farketti ve ilk tepkisi hemen içeri girip perdeleri tamamen çekmek oldu.O gece perdeler hiç açılmadı, ertesi gün yeniden izlemeye başladım, yazın sıcaklıgından pencereleri ve balkon kapısı açık, perdeleride açıktı, bizim salonun penceresininde tüm perdelerini açardık , iki evde karşılıklı evin içlerini rahatlıkla görüyoruz yani.Ben ertesi günde bunu izliyorum ama bu arada bakıyor ve tepki vermiyordu , akşamları başını açmazdı ama vucuduna yapışan ince pijamalar giyinirdi.Bu bakışmalar yaklaşık 2 hafta sürdü tepkisiz bi şekilde,BİR AKŞAM TEMİZLİK YAPIYORDU , elektrik süpürgesiyle halıyı alırken benim ona baktıgımı gördü ve sanki koltuk altını temizlemek için resmen domaldı , daracık pijaması tamamen yapışmıştı , götü o kadar çok belli olduki külodunun rengi beyazdı , benim yarragım ciddi kalkmıştı, salonun kapısını kitledim , perdenin yarısını çektim ve onu izleyerek 31 çekmeye başlamıştım.o kadar fazla firikik vermeye başlamıştıki bende anlamamıştım, arkasını dönmüyordu ama kendi bacak arasından beni izledigini farkettim, yarrağımı göremiyordu onun için rahattım , sonra düşündüm onun arkası dönüktü , ve benim evimde istediğimi yapma hakkım vardı neden görmesin ki , perdeyi biraz daha aralarım sadece onun evi benim bulunduğum odayı görüyordu, ben koltugun üzerine çıktım ve 31 çekmeye devam ettim , birden arkasını döndü ,o esnada ben o tarafa bakmadan sanki tv ye bakıyormuş gibi davranmaya başladım.O anda verdiği tepkiyi görmedim ama perdeleri kapattı sadece bir aralık bıraktı ve oradan bakmaya başladı , beni izliyordu, bu çok hoşuma gitmişti.Saat 2-3 lere kadar uyumuyodu, kocasını bekliyordu ve yanlızdı,bu günlerce sürdü , ben 31 çekiyordum sadece onun görebileceği şekilde , oda beni izliyordu, o kadar ki gözgöze gelip gülümsemeye başlamıştık , arada akşam bize misafirliğe geldiğinde herkesin elini öpüyordum , onunda öpüp hoşgeldiniz diyordum.Birgün anneme ofisin temizlenmesi lazım dedim , nasıl kadın buluruz.Annem ben bulurum dedi, bende meral abla yaparmı dedim , Annem bilemezdi sonuçta ,o da evet ihtiyacıda var iyi oldu oğlum dedi, bana çalıştıgı yerin telini verdi.Hemen aynı gün aradım , bir adam çıktı , Meral hanımla görüşecem dedim , çağırdı , telefonda efendim dedi, bende ' Meral abla , ben tuna , karşı komşunuz hatırladınız mı ?' , hatırladım dedi , abla ofisi temizlemem gerekiyor yardımcı olurmusun , annemden aldım numarayı dedim , tamam iş çıkışı gelirim nerde dedi , tarif ettim. Saat 5 gibi elemanlar çıktı , sadece ben kaldım , 6 gibide işyerimin karşısındaki okulun önüne gelmişti , gittim aldım , makyaj yapmıştı , ruj sürüp yanaklara kırmızı bişiler sürmüştü , evet o da hissetmişti ve izin verecekti, ofise geçtik ,kabanını çıkardı , bulaşıklardan başladı , ben arada gidiyodum yardıma ihtiyacın olursa söyle , yada çay alıyodum falan , sonra masaları ve bilgisayarları temizledi , yeri paspaslarken yoruldun mu dedim , hayır dedi, paspas bitince istersen çay içelim gel dedim , 2 çay doldurdu ve geldi , ofisimin girişinde 3 kişinin oturacagı deri bi koltuk var , orda oturduk, sigara yaktık.Havadan sudan biraz konuştuktan sonra , ben arada sen balkondayken dışarı bakıom , rahatsız olmuyosun dimi dedim , hayır dedi, o esnada bilgisayarda çalan müzikler vardı ve sezen aksu gülümse çalmaya başladı , ben çok severim dedim , Meral ablanın okuma yazması yoktu , dans edemediğinide anlamıştım, dans edermisin ? diye sordum , ben bilmem ki dedi. Bende şaşırmış gibi , hadi kalk dans önemlidir dedim sigaraları kül tablasına bıraktık , elimi beline attım , ve tarif ediyordum,gülüyordu ve başını omzuma dayadı.İşte o anda cesaretim yerine geldi , hamle yapamama nedenim komşuyduk çok ortak tanıdık vardı , beni rezil edebilirdi , korkuyordum , ama o anda gel dedim elini tuttum. önce koltuga ben oturdum yanıma oturacakken kucagıma cektim , oturdu ve öpmeye başladım , öpüşmeyi bilmiyor gibiydi.dilimi agzının içine sokmaya çalışıyodum , başardım , oda sevmişti öpüşmeyi, elim çok dolgun memelerindeydi , o kadar büyük ve sarkıklardıki.gömleginin düğmelerini açıyordum öpüşürken,gömleğini soymadan sütyeninin içinden bir memesini çıkardım ve emmeye başladım , ses çıkarmıyordu , gözlerini kapatmıştı , diger düğmeleride çıkarıyordum ,gömlegini çıkardıgımda altında body tarzında sıcak tutan birşey daha vardı onuda çıkardım , kot etegi uzundu ellerimi bacaklarında gezdiriyodum , etegi kaldırıyodum yavaşça ve küloduna ulaştım , amına dokunmaya başladım , inanın dışardan ıslak oldugu belli oluyordu , sonra kendi üstümdekileri çıkarmaya başladım , o da eteği çıkardı bir külodu vardı ben ise çırılçıplak , yarragım dimdikti , ben hemen külodu çıkarmaya çalışırken ince bir sesle kimse gelmez dimi diye sordu , ben gelmez dedim , amına dil attıgımda o sıcaklıgıda hissettim , fazla yalatmadı, çünkü kocasıyla bunları yapmadıgı çok belliydi, hemen içine girdim ve sikmeye başladım , altımdaydı , sesi çıkmıyordu , çok heyecanlı oldugu çok belliydi , amı resmen yanıyordu , ( BEN ONDAN ÖNCEDE SONRADA Bİ ÇOK KADINLA BİRLİKTE OLDUM AMA ONUN AMI GERÇEKTEN YANIYORDU) , yarrağımda o sıcaklığı hissediyordum , birkaç dakika sonra göbeğinin üzerine boşaldım, çok heycanlıydı ve erken gelmiştim 5 dakikada , ona yetmediğini biliyordum ve yarrağım hala sertti , hemen göbeğini temizledik ve domalttım yeniden dillemeye başladım , inlemeye başlamıştı , artık tepki veriyordu , en önemlisi izin veriyordu , hoşuna gitmişti amının yalanması , yarragımı agzına yaklaştırdım yalamadı , biliyordum ki önsevişme yapmadan sadece sikmiş kocası ( bencil adam ) , sonra arkasına geçtim , ve sikmeye başladım , ensesini yalamam o kadar hoşuna gidiyordu ki içine soktukça inlemeleri arttı , içinden çıkıp koltuga oturdum , gelmesini söyledim , üstüme oturdu ve zıplamaya başladı , memeleri o kadar büyüktü ki cidden yüzüme çarpıyordu , tutabildiğimi yalıyordum :)) , yarım saat kadar pozisyon değiştirerek sikiştik , domalma pozisyonundaydı ve bu defa beline boşaldım. O akşam 4 defa ben boşaldım , onun ise 2 defa boşaldıgını öğrendim , bana çok üzüldüğüm birşey söyledi , senelerdir boşalamamış , aylardır sikişmemiş. Ofisten çıkarken aynen şu söz
leri söyledi ' Kimse duymasın gözünü sevim ' , bende ona saçmalama ikimizide mahfeder bu deyip rahatlattım , daha sonraları bu gizli sikişlerimiz yaklaşık 7-8 ay sürdü , ofise her hafta birdefa temizliğe gelirdi ve kocasıda bilirdi , annemler evde olmadıgı günlerde pencereden gelmesini işaret ederdim o da sanki anneme misafirliğe gelirmiş gibi gelir 1 saat kadar sikişir giderdik , asla cep telefonunda sohbet etmedik , yakalanmamız imkansızdı yani. Daha sonra ben başka hatunlarla birlikte olunca ona olan ilgim azaldı , meral ablada 1 sene kadar sonra başka bir semte taşındı zaten, yorumlarınızı bekliyorum ,

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louise and her neighbours 2

Please read louise and her neighbour(s) for the first story.. this follows on from there.A couple of days passed and Louise had spoken to Vicky a few times and Vicky had asked what happened that drunken night. Louise had told her all the gory details apart from the bit about harry fucking her ass...Days went on and Louise heard nothing and nothing was out of the ordinary apart from some misguided post addressed to "Gary Harris" the drunk next door which louises parents just took round.Any way....

1 year ago
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PornPics Lesbian

We have access to so much pornography on the Web that it’s impossible to see it all. For fuck sake, there is an uncountable amount of porn that is posted every single day. To say that you can find anything that gets you off is an understatement. From cam shows to tube sites with millions of embedded porn videos and even virtual reality porn, you can find something that will get you off.But sometimes, you want to go back to simpler times. You may even want to go back to a time where looking at...

Lesbian Porn Sites
4 years ago
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An Unexpected Treat part 1

I laid in bed, smiling to myself, as I listened to the familiar sounds of my very pregnant wife, and our daughter, sexually pleasuring each other, again. In the pre-dawn darkness their bodies were barely visible, nothing more than two intertwined shadows, as they lay atop the bed's covers, but this was now such a common occurrence, I knew exactly what they were doing, and could see it in my minds eye. They were performing their daily "Mommy/Daughter" mutual masturbation session.I also knew...

2 years ago
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Nanban Veetirku Sendra Pozhuthu Ammavudan Kaamam

Enaku appozhuthu vayathu 19 aagi irunthathu, naan vilupurathil ulla polytechnic kalluriyil padithu vanthen. Ippozhuthu than muthal aandu padithen. Enaku oru paiyan nanbanaanan, avan peyar Krishnan en vayathu thaan aagum. Parka karupaaga irupaan, naangal nala nanbargal aaginom, eppadi avanathu amma enudan kaamam seithaal enbathai intha tamil kamakathaiyil paarkalam, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. 6 mathamaaga naangal nandraaga pazhagi vanthom, appozhuthu paritchai vanthathu. Athanal naan avanathu...

3 years ago
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Going Green

Sam Green finished setting up his new auction account, wondering if he had the balls to go all the way. The idea had come to him when he'd received yet another new toy that he'd ordered on the internet. The flashlight was hardly a technical marvel, but the novelty of only having to shake it for light, never having to worry about batteries, was enough to make Sam click the buy button. As soon as he shook the flashlight and turned it on for the first time, the idea lit up in his head along...

2 years ago
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What Do You Think HappenedChapter 19

On our return, we had been in radio communication with the ship as we approached within a few miles of Corpus Christi. There had been no new developments. Three of our party -- miles away from the harbor on a food-pickup expedition -- were missing, and had been, now, for nearly 24 hours. "You think, maybe, they just went off on their own? Maybe decided they wanted to start their own little society?" Raymond asked. "I can't see it," I said. "You know Elbert. He wouldn't just leave...

4 years ago
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Dons mistake part fout

Don’s mistake turns to pleasure:- Chapter four:- the warehouse whoreAmber wore the outfit of a common street whore stockings short black high split skirt sheer blouse with a quarter cup bra, nipples hard and painted with bright red lipstick, her lips were painted with the same lipstick while her eyes were black has coal.She sat in the back of her husbands car, knowing where he was taking her, knowing she was going to be used again, but this time knowing she was going to be paid by whoever...

3 years ago
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Mothers Submission Chapter 18

"Why did it hurt so bad", he wondered to himself as he sat on the bed. It wasn't like he didn't fuck other women and he'd honestly thought of letting his mom fuck another guy. But, when he'd walked in and caught them together, it felt like she'd been sneaking around and cheating on him. And, if he was honest with himself, the fact the she was with his dad, the same man who she had so much history with, made it feel like she would rather go back to the way things were, before she and...

1 year ago
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UpgradeChapter 23 Balancing the Sexes Moving Into the Mansion Celebrations

Our growing circle seemed to be tilting strongly in favor of more women than men, a point that I worried about occasionally when I was feeling inadequate about seeing everyone satisfied. Yes, the women were happy with bisexual or sapphic lovemaking, but every one of them preferred male company. No one else voiced concern. We also had a wide range of ages in our circle too. At the older end, we had Rosalin – when she visited, my mother Beth – who now made visits every couple of months, and...

4 years ago
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Untitled fantasy

***Please note that this story is not finished yet. Might have to break in to different parts***Untitled StoryI've been dating Melissa for about a year now. I met her online and hadn't dated a white girl before and she had never dated a black guy either. But we clicked and I thought she was very pretty so we went out and things went great.I loved her body, very sexy and she seemed to take good care of herself. She was shy but I could tell she really enjoyed talking about sex and things she's...

3 years ago
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Jenola and Anita Ch 01

CONTINUED FROM ‘JENOLA THE BLACK BI BBW’ The next Thursday, six days later, I returned home and saw Jenola’s next letter. I raced inside with it, but first sat down at my computer and lit a joint, so I could read her letter while fucked up. Her letter read: Big wow to you, too, Steven! What you said about all the feelings being mutual is so right. It’s amazing, I’ve only gotten two letters from you and I can already see how different you are from my two exes. That gives us a much better...

3 years ago
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The Odd Meeting Part 2

Ross stands and takes me in his arms. He kisses me again, pushing his cummy tongue deep into my mouth and letting me taste my own cum. When he breaks away, he asks me if I would like a hot drink! The question seems so incongruous but I say coffee, please. He makes the coffee and I watch him and then we sit side by side at the little table! He has put out some biscuits as well. 'To keep your strength up' He grins! We sit and chat about all sorts of things and his hand rests on my stockinged...

3 years ago
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Mothers Model Son The Coming Show

Frankie's heart was pounding so loudly in his chest that he could not even hear the sharp clicks of his 2-inch heels on the floor as he made his way to the front door. He moved woodenly, always mindful that he was wearing heels, a pair of hipping hugging jeans, panties and a bra, and that he had on lipstick and mascara. With a deep breath, he steeled himself and opened the door. The woman in the doorway smiled broadly and stepped forward pushing a garment bag and a shopping bag into...

3 years ago
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my girl lisa

Your just laying in bed reading this to see how wet i can make you.But what you don't know is that im right outside of your window watching you.Knowing how much you want my cock i sneak in to your room and grab you while you back is turned. Your very startled at first so i whisper in your ear "shhh Lisa its just me... Anthony".With that you turn around to see me and i kiss you with as much passion as i can. I can feel you moan into my lips as i hold you tightly one of my hands rubbing your...

3 years ago
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Rachel and Sam

The world is in flames. Well not literally. Figuratively speaking it’s close to going down the drains. To say we’re fine and we will be fine if we keep ourselves neat, clean and respectful. To say – world is doing fine, but some minor hiccup that we could’ve avoid – would be a little too much. We’ve to have chaos at all times. Chaos makes money. Money runs the world. Countries warring against one another; blatant lies orchestrated between nations to disrupt others and just being plain human....

4 years ago
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The Training Grounds

It's really early and your just opening up the gym. Today is Saturday and that means there are only private lessons, and that suits you just fine. This place you've got is huge! It has a full cardio center with bikes and shit. It has of course, a weight lifting section, and all of the accoutrements. However it has a spa, complete with sauna, hot tub, and massage. It also has facilities for gymnastics and a pool. Today you are the only trainer. The only other staff present is the physical...

2 years ago
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Banging My Lovable Aunty And Her Daughter

Hi guys, this is Ramesh from Chennai. Me going to share my real story which happened to me before 8 months & since it’s my first story ignore my mistakes. I used to spend more time in my friend divya’s home since childhood, as we both were good friends and her mom was also very much supportive and she let me in whatever time i came to their home. During my +2 class I used to study with her all time and she too taught me all d subjects and i was happy with her approach. From 12th standard i...

1 year ago
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FullOfJOI Eva Long Nude Yoga Lessons

I love taking care of my body, and all the guys seem to like it too. I guess it is something about my long legs or my big juicy tits that gets them going. I do not mean to sound conceited, but I work hard for this physique. I do yoga almost every day. And can I tell you a secret? I usually do it nude! I just like the way it feels when I stretch out my body and can look at myself. It kind of turns me on. Do you like it? How about when I give you a glimpse of my tight wet pussy? I know that gets...

3 years ago
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Swinging Foursome A Fantasy

My name is Madhav. I live in the USA with my wife Veena. Last night Veena came across a story "My First Lesbian Encounter" on White Shadow stories web site. The story was very exciting and we both liked it very much. Veena and I also write stories about our sex experiences and exchange them with our close friends. We would also like to exchange our stories with your sex stories. I have never had any sexual experience before marriage, but recently we started swapping and now I am having group...

4 years ago
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Sams Infidelity

Those who shouldn't read this kind of story shouldn't. Those who should, should. The rest are on their own. Sam's Infidelity by Vickie Tern "That's who she is? He is? I mean, she was? Really? Really, Annie, I'd never have .... I knew you and Sara were close, anyone could tell by the way you talk to each other, how you touch each other. Sisters are often like that. But I'd never have guessed, Sara is really Sam? I...

2 years ago
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Raw Passion0

_One hour Later_ The party is HUGE! Everyone is here and Adreen is already sucking some guy's face! This is gonna be a blast! Music is pumping and I'm dancing with some friends, a strong pair of hand start to wrap around my waist and alcohol hits my nose. I turn to have a pair of lips crash into mine, a hand of his finds my hair and gently pulls the bottom hairline. As a cue to follow, I wrap my arms around his neck and jump up, he catches me and takes us to an empty room. I've had...

3 years ago
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Huge 3 Huge Too

Heather made her way home through the afternoon rush hour traffic. As usual, her thoughts turned to her son, Chris, and their plans for the evening. As a single mother she'd had these thoughts countless times on a countless number of drives home through the years. Did Chris have ball practice, and was it her turn to drive? What would they have for dinner? Had he finished his homework, and did he have clean clothes for school tomorrow? Of course, Chris was in high school now and many of those...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 221 Spring Break

We were pretty somber the day after the party. Sheriff Donaldson called to say that Cathy had definitely been drugged, but that she would be all right since we'd alerted him about her condition. Brenda came to collect Dawn first thing in the morning and they went to visit their friend in the hospital. We sat at the table wondering if we could have or should have done something more or different. Both girls were a bit more reserved when we met in class. Cathy gave me a whispered, "Thank you....

4 years ago
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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 9

When we got to the gate, Alice ducked down and even pulled a jacket of mine over her. I got out of the truck with my pistol on my hip and was watched from a distance. I pulled up and one of my watchers started running toward the truck. I pulled my pistol and said loudly, “Stop or I’ll shoot.” The man stopped. “You are trespassing on private property. The edge of the highway right-of-way is clearly marked and you are beyond it. Raise your hands and back up or I will shoot to protect my body...

3 years ago
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Vegans were right

It was proved. To the horror of millions, science couldn't hide it anymore.Vegans had always been right.The dairy industry was the main responsible for climate change, its product the root of the recent cancer epidemics and cows were just straight on evil. There was no way that humanity could allow them fuckers to build an army.As there were no chances that the human race could overthrow millennia of culinary traditions centered around one single product: milk.This is how the Pharm project was...

4 years ago
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Choose your fetish wisely

“What delightful housework is my sweet cuckold doing on his day off work?” Mary said, surveying the mess of clothes spread across the children's beds. “Packing the kid's stuff.” “What for?” “I’m taking them to Disney.” “Come again?” “You’re seeing Leonard, so I thought I’d take the kids to Disney.” “That’s crazy. There’s no point in going there and back in a day.” “We’re going for the week.” “What?” This time there was an edge of anxiety in her voice; the mocking curiosity had gone. ...

3 years ago
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Kismet or Happenstance Ch 08

Ride by Cary Brothers has been the one song I’ve played most often while writing this series. The perfect moment appeared and I had to include it, though I didn’t use the lyrics. I think of it as Sean and Ana’s song—at least for where they’ve come to so far. Sometimes I imagine Sean’s voice sounds similar to Cary’s: soulful, passionate and intimate. * * * * * * * Thursday, December 7th 2006, 10:10 p.m. ‘You forgot to list your emergency contact,’ the nurse huffed while he handed the...

4 years ago
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New Years Eve Part 1

It was freezing cold, already dark at 5:00, and the roads were icing up from last night's storm. Nothing out of the ordinary for a winter night in a Boston suburb, but that night was just a bit different. It was December 31st, and that can only mean one thing. Party. My friends and I were all home from college for the winter, and most of us were halfway through our Junior year. We went to High School together and worked at the same place in our teens (one of my friends is a manager there...

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