KOMŞUM MERAL free porn video

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Öncelikle bundan sonra yazacağım hikayelerin bazıları gerçek , bazıları ise hayallerimde kurguladığım fantazilerdir.Sizlere sanki anı yeniden yaşıyormuşçasına bir dille anlatacağım , yani 18 yaşında yaşadıgım bir olayı , o yaştaymışım gibi anlatacağım , yorumlarsanız sevinirim.

Ben Tuna , istanbul 4.leventte oturuyorum , çocuklugumdan beri aynı evde ailemle yaşıyorum,24 yaşındayım ve yeni bir iş kurdum , sermayem çok az olduğu içinde zorluklarla ofisimin kirasını, çalışan 2-3 kişinin masrafını ödüyorum, bu yüzdende sosyal hayatım pek iyi değil,taksime gidip arkadaşlarla bir gece eğlenmek bile masraflı geldiği için her akşam mecburen evime dönüyorum.O akşamlarda farkettim Meral ablayı.3 çocuk annesi ,39 yaşında, 160 cm boyunda.esmer, balık etli türbanlı , hiç dikkat çekici biri değil aslına bakarsanız.Salonumuzun penceresi onların evinin ön cephesiyle aynı hizada ve sokak arası olduğu içinde aradaki mesafe hiç uzak değil.Yazın çocuklarını memleketine gönderir, kocasıyla birlikte kalır, o zamanlar anneme misafirliklere gelen bir grup bayanın içinde ve bildiğim kadarıyla bir yemek firmasında bulaşıkçılık yapıyor.Hakkında o an için bildiklerim bunlardı, kocası eve çok geç geliyor ve adamın alkol sorunu var, muhtemelen kumarda oynayan bir tip bunlardan yakındıgını annem başka bir komşuyla konuşurken duymuştum, salonumuz balkonuna bakıyor, o ise genelde yazın 11 den sonra balkonda bakınır durur.Birgün benim ona baktığımı farketti ve ilk tepkisi hemen içeri girip perdeleri tamamen çekmek oldu.O gece perdeler hiç açılmadı, ertesi gün yeniden izlemeye başladım, yazın sıcaklıgından pencereleri ve balkon kapısı açık, perdeleride açıktı, bizim salonun penceresininde tüm perdelerini açardık , iki evde karşılıklı evin içlerini rahatlıkla görüyoruz yani.Ben ertesi günde bunu izliyorum ama bu arada bakıyor ve tepki vermiyordu , akşamları başını açmazdı ama vucuduna yapışan ince pijamalar giyinirdi.Bu bakışmalar yaklaşık 2 hafta sürdü tepkisiz bi şekilde,BİR AKŞAM TEMİZLİK YAPIYORDU , elektrik süpürgesiyle halıyı alırken benim ona baktıgımı gördü ve sanki koltuk altını temizlemek için resmen domaldı , daracık pijaması tamamen yapışmıştı , götü o kadar çok belli olduki külodunun rengi beyazdı , benim yarragım ciddi kalkmıştı, salonun kapısını kitledim , perdenin yarısını çektim ve onu izleyerek 31 çekmeye başlamıştım.o kadar fazla firikik vermeye başlamıştıki bende anlamamıştım, arkasını dönmüyordu ama kendi bacak arasından beni izledigini farkettim, yarrağımı göremiyordu onun için rahattım , sonra düşündüm onun arkası dönüktü , ve benim evimde istediğimi yapma hakkım vardı neden görmesin ki , perdeyi biraz daha aralarım sadece onun evi benim bulunduğum odayı görüyordu, ben koltugun üzerine çıktım ve 31 çekmeye devam ettim , birden arkasını döndü ,o esnada ben o tarafa bakmadan sanki tv ye bakıyormuş gibi davranmaya başladım.O anda verdiği tepkiyi görmedim ama perdeleri kapattı sadece bir aralık bıraktı ve oradan bakmaya başladı , beni izliyordu, bu çok hoşuma gitmişti.Saat 2-3 lere kadar uyumuyodu, kocasını bekliyordu ve yanlızdı,bu günlerce sürdü , ben 31 çekiyordum sadece onun görebileceği şekilde , oda beni izliyordu, o kadar ki gözgöze gelip gülümsemeye başlamıştık , arada akşam bize misafirliğe geldiğinde herkesin elini öpüyordum , onunda öpüp hoşgeldiniz diyordum.Birgün anneme ofisin temizlenmesi lazım dedim , nasıl kadın buluruz.Annem ben bulurum dedi, bende meral abla yaparmı dedim , Annem bilemezdi sonuçta ,o da evet ihtiyacıda var iyi oldu oğlum dedi, bana çalıştıgı yerin telini verdi.Hemen aynı gün aradım , bir adam çıktı , Meral hanımla görüşecem dedim , çağırdı , telefonda efendim dedi, bende ' Meral abla , ben tuna , karşı komşunuz hatırladınız mı ?' , hatırladım dedi , abla ofisi temizlemem gerekiyor yardımcı olurmusun , annemden aldım numarayı dedim , tamam iş çıkışı gelirim nerde dedi , tarif ettim. Saat 5 gibi elemanlar çıktı , sadece ben kaldım , 6 gibide işyerimin karşısındaki okulun önüne gelmişti , gittim aldım , makyaj yapmıştı , ruj sürüp yanaklara kırmızı bişiler sürmüştü , evet o da hissetmişti ve izin verecekti, ofise geçtik ,kabanını çıkardı , bulaşıklardan başladı , ben arada gidiyodum yardıma ihtiyacın olursa söyle , yada çay alıyodum falan , sonra masaları ve bilgisayarları temizledi , yeri paspaslarken yoruldun mu dedim , hayır dedi, paspas bitince istersen çay içelim gel dedim , 2 çay doldurdu ve geldi , ofisimin girişinde 3 kişinin oturacagı deri bi koltuk var , orda oturduk, sigara yaktık.Havadan sudan biraz konuştuktan sonra , ben arada sen balkondayken dışarı bakıom , rahatsız olmuyosun dimi dedim , hayır dedi, o esnada bilgisayarda çalan müzikler vardı ve sezen aksu gülümse çalmaya başladı , ben çok severim dedim , Meral ablanın okuma yazması yoktu , dans edemediğinide anlamıştım, dans edermisin ? diye sordum , ben bilmem ki dedi. Bende şaşırmış gibi , hadi kalk dans önemlidir dedim sigaraları kül tablasına bıraktık , elimi beline attım , ve tarif ediyordum,gülüyordu ve başını omzuma dayadı.İşte o anda cesaretim yerine geldi , hamle yapamama nedenim komşuyduk çok ortak tanıdık vardı , beni rezil edebilirdi , korkuyordum , ama o anda gel dedim elini tuttum. önce koltuga ben oturdum yanıma oturacakken kucagıma cektim , oturdu ve öpmeye başladım , öpüşmeyi bilmiyor gibiydi.dilimi agzının içine sokmaya çalışıyodum , başardım , oda sevmişti öpüşmeyi, elim çok dolgun memelerindeydi , o kadar büyük ve sarkıklardıki.gömleginin düğmelerini açıyordum öpüşürken,gömleğini soymadan sütyeninin içinden bir memesini çıkardım ve emmeye başladım , ses çıkarmıyordu , gözlerini kapatmıştı , diger düğmeleride çıkarıyordum ,gömlegini çıkardıgımda altında body tarzında sıcak tutan birşey daha vardı onuda çıkardım , kot etegi uzundu ellerimi bacaklarında gezdiriyodum , etegi kaldırıyodum yavaşça ve küloduna ulaştım , amına dokunmaya başladım , inanın dışardan ıslak oldugu belli oluyordu , sonra kendi üstümdekileri çıkarmaya başladım , o da eteği çıkardı bir külodu vardı ben ise çırılçıplak , yarragım dimdikti , ben hemen külodu çıkarmaya çalışırken ince bir sesle kimse gelmez dimi diye sordu , ben gelmez dedim , amına dil attıgımda o sıcaklıgıda hissettim , fazla yalatmadı, çünkü kocasıyla bunları yapmadıgı çok belliydi, hemen içine girdim ve sikmeye başladım , altımdaydı , sesi çıkmıyordu , çok heyecanlı oldugu çok belliydi , amı resmen yanıyordu , ( BEN ONDAN ÖNCEDE SONRADA Bİ ÇOK KADINLA BİRLİKTE OLDUM AMA ONUN AMI GERÇEKTEN YANIYORDU) , yarrağımda o sıcaklığı hissediyordum , birkaç dakika sonra göbeğinin üzerine boşaldım, çok heycanlıydı ve erken gelmiştim 5 dakikada , ona yetmediğini biliyordum ve yarrağım hala sertti , hemen göbeğini temizledik ve domalttım yeniden dillemeye başladım , inlemeye başlamıştı , artık tepki veriyordu , en önemlisi izin veriyordu , hoşuna gitmişti amının yalanması , yarragımı agzına yaklaştırdım yalamadı , biliyordum ki önsevişme yapmadan sadece sikmiş kocası ( bencil adam ) , sonra arkasına geçtim , ve sikmeye başladım , ensesini yalamam o kadar hoşuna gidiyordu ki içine soktukça inlemeleri arttı , içinden çıkıp koltuga oturdum , gelmesini söyledim , üstüme oturdu ve zıplamaya başladı , memeleri o kadar büyüktü ki cidden yüzüme çarpıyordu , tutabildiğimi yalıyordum :)) , yarım saat kadar pozisyon değiştirerek sikiştik , domalma pozisyonundaydı ve bu defa beline boşaldım. O akşam 4 defa ben boşaldım , onun ise 2 defa boşaldıgını öğrendim , bana çok üzüldüğüm birşey söyledi , senelerdir boşalamamış , aylardır sikişmemiş. Ofisten çıkarken aynen şu söz
leri söyledi ' Kimse duymasın gözünü sevim ' , bende ona saçmalama ikimizide mahfeder bu deyip rahatlattım , daha sonraları bu gizli sikişlerimiz yaklaşık 7-8 ay sürdü , ofise her hafta birdefa temizliğe gelirdi ve kocasıda bilirdi , annemler evde olmadıgı günlerde pencereden gelmesini işaret ederdim o da sanki anneme misafirliğe gelirmiş gibi gelir 1 saat kadar sikişir giderdik , asla cep telefonunda sohbet etmedik , yakalanmamız imkansızdı yani. Daha sonra ben başka hatunlarla birlikte olunca ona olan ilgim azaldı , meral ablada 1 sene kadar sonra başka bir semte taşındı zaten, yorumlarınızı bekliyorum ,

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Shared Cindy Judys story part five

This story can be found online at the now-abandoned blog, “Shared Cindy”. As it's a true story and far too good to be allowed to disappear, I'm putting it on my blog here for everyone's pleasure. This is part five, and finally Judy is getting to enjoy Joe's thick cock. Enjoy! Going in The sexual tension in the room was palpable and no-one moved. Slowly and confidently, Joe reached under Judy's gorgeous, round ass and pulled her closer to him and the edge of the overstuffed arm of the couch. All...

4 years ago
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School Nurse Confidential 3

School Nurse Confidential, Ch. 3 of 3by DirtyMindedMomMy whole world was different. Ever since Nurse Cady had opened my eyes (as well as her pussy), I was seeing things in a new light. I sat in fourth period English and stared at Mrs. Hughes moving around in front of the class talking excitedly about Catcher in the Rye. I’d never paid much attention to her before, but now I was compelled to study my seemingly asexual teacher in a new way.She was tall and slim. Her breasts were small but their...

1 year ago
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Delta TrixyChapter 2 Leaving Home

The Fortune had arrived on Earth. We were allowed to board the shit and go get settled into our berths. We were leaving in the morning (station time). I had to laugh when we found Foxy and Jill entering the room beside ours when we got on the ship. They both grinned at us. Most of us had been wearing our own clothes, but we had been told we could wear the ships suits or any of the clothes in the replicator if we wanted our clothes to last longer. I was seriously considering it because...

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The ProfessorChapter 24 Delayed gratification Halloween party

There had been a modest effort to put away the leftover pizza and side dishes, and square away the kitchen after the impromptu meal. The four girls – Lisa, Marcia, Ashley, and Christy – had tempered their nudity by putting on aprons for the meal. None of their feminine parts were frontally displayed, but there was a lot of skin, ass, cleavage, and occasionally a breast, pussy, or bare leg that kept Myron and I hard as rocks for the entire meal. I had a hundred questions for him about what his...

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My Katy

(this is my first story here, so bear with me, please. i will post as i go, like a series. you do not have permission to use this story elsewhere.)i am sitting in my study, starting to write about my new friend katy. she is sleeping in the next room, in my bed. we don't live together, but she is here a lot. i can see her from here, lying there in the soft glow of the nightlight. i see her long black hair contrasted against the white bedclothes. she is tucked in, warm and relaxed. i can see her...

1 year ago
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A story about how Alisha became a slut Part 1

Alisha is a 23 year old girl who's just graduated from a design major. She's only ever had one boyfriend in her life. They recently broke up after having been together for two years. Alisha was pretty upset about the separation but she knew that it is the right thing. Jake wanted to start a family right away but Alisha did not feel ready. She wanted to have time to be adventurous before settling down. She wanted to travel, to have new experiences. Sometimes, when she was not busy and got home...

Group Sex
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Through the Looking GlassChapter 6

Todd woke up with a splitting headache. He knew he had been drinking too much the night before, but they were celebrating their first victory after a week's worth of work. Sake hangovers are something to be avoided at all cost, if possible. Sarah had been drinking as well, but she was smart enough to stick with beer, saying something about being allergic to rice. Todd knew better, but didn't let her secret out. He was seriously thinking of using that excuse in the future. He pulled himself...

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48 Hours Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Let's Make UpLynn walked into the bedroom and threw the bags down on the bed, a white lacy suspender belt falling out from one of them."Wow," smiled Chris, "you weren't kidding about the weekend.""I certainly wasn't. Now lose the dressing gown and turn around. Shut your eyes too, keep them shut until I say otherwise, and remember, no more questions."Chris did as he was told. He really wished he could watch her undress and put on that new lingerie.He heard her pull off her dress and...

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An Affair Observed

It all began on a pleasant April morning. It was a gorgeous Saturday. The windows were open, in deference to the unusually mild temperatures. The birds were singing, the air was fresh and clean-smelling, and Norman Rockwell was going to town. I went into the kitchen to begin breakfast. I normally drink coffee, but occasionally I go on a tea binge, sometimes lasting for a couple of weeks. I filled my favorite teapot, one left to me by my grandmother, put it on the stove, and readied the bags...

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Subservience of the Mind Body and SoulChapter 2

The morning light bleeds through the blinds and right into Marshall’s eyes. He stirs, finding it annoying to wake up like this yet again, and before his alarm goes off to wake him. But it isn’t all so bad. Yesterday was a good day, and so was last night. He jerked off more time than he could count. He climaxed far more times than he ever had in a single day. He opens his eyes to look upon the Big Black. That is the name of the ancient dildo the book gave it. It is the object of his desire...

3 years ago
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Intrusive DelightsChapter 3 London

When they finally reached central London at about two the next morning, the limousine bearing the Emir drove into the Embassy gardens and there was a group of notables, including the Ambassador, his deputy, the Commercial Attaché, and a representative of the British Foreign Office, all standing in line waiting to greet His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah. Ignoring all of them the Emir walked swiftly into the Embassy and was conducted by one of the flunkeys to his suite on the top...

2 years ago
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Lust Relief Dorm Chapter 4

The fucking lasted late into the night. Afterwards, Noah and Hannah had done it two more times. Every time they had finished resting, they would still see countless couples fucking each other’s brains out in the corridor. Every time they would get caught up in the whirlwind of hormones in the air, and start making out all over again. Noah couldn’t quite remember how many times he had come inside Hannah. In the end, he took a quick peek into the room next door, and saw Debbie leisurely sucking...

College Sex
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Sung Hees New Job Part One

I was my third day on the job. I’d noticed the handsome guy in the cubicle next to me and we’d flirted a little. Maybe this job wouldn’t be so bad after all? I hadn’t finished that third day when I received an email on the company account they had set up for me. There was no subject, but when I opened the email it simply said: Go to the bathroom. Take off your panties and throw them in the trash, return to your desk. I was suddenly overcome by memories of my junior year at UCLA. I was a nice...

4 years ago
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Rubber Restriction part 2

Miranda looked up at the shelf to where the lady pointed out the book she was looking for, 'curious' she thought 'I've never noticed that book on the shelves before?' She went over to the ladder used to retrieve books from the top shelves and carefully lifted it down. She opened the cover and to her surprise noticed that it did not have the stamp of the library or the place where the books get stamped in and out."I-I don't understand?" Miranda looked puzzled "What is it my dear ?" the woman...

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Chastity Belt Roulette

Chastity Belt Roulette ———————————————————————— Chapter 1 In a small town in New Jersey a small group of husbands and wives meets each weekend for a very special evening. The purpose of the evening is for the husbands to provide total, complete and absolute service to the wives in any manner they see fit, while the husbands compete for a chance at Chastity Belt Roulette. You see, each husband is locked into a very secure and nonremovable chastity belt, which can only be unlocked with the...

1 year ago
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Joanna Angel 900 641000

Today I'm here to talk about another legend of porn. This bitch built an empire from the ground up. From humble beginnings, she made herself an icon of the industry. When people think about porn, hers is one of the faces that come to mind. Of course, I'm talking about none other than Joanna Angel.The Making of a LegendJoanna was born in 1980 in Brooklyn, New York. Her mother was Israeli, and her father was American. When Joanna was young, her parents moved away from Brooklyn to raise her in...

Twitter Porn Accounts
2 years ago
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I just wanted to watch

When we got to the hotel, Scott was already there and had a few drinks in him already. He was quick to offer me one and I accepted. Steph always seemed to be the only sober one which is now an interesting fact as I look back on her willing participation. She needed nothing to relax her or to get her going. This particular night, I had made a request. I wanted to sit at the foot of bed, on a chair, and just let them talk and watch things take their course. After watching the evening unfold, I...

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Lura falls in Love

My house is the last in the block, in fact, it is the last house of the street. Here the paving stops and the street turns into a dirt road. No wonder then that there is hardly any traffic. From here the dirt road runs along the wheat fields that start just east of my home. Standing in front of the mailbox one could see a mile toward the east, but only about five blocks toward the city. There the street disappeared down towards the river. Today the mailbox had yielded one piece of junk mail,...

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Shy Wife To Shameless Exhibitionist To HotWife Part 2

Susan was forever changed by our naughty honeymoon. Going topless in Tahiti was very sexually exciting to Susan as she exposed her naked tits to strangers. It had always been my fantasy to have Susan go topless in public.  What I didn't anticipate was that Susan would embrace her exhibitionist behavior and push the boundaries.  Her fantasy is now getting fucked by another man while I watch. Part of me does want to watch Susan get fucked by a stranger, but that is my fantasy.  I'm not sure I...

Wife Lovers
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Destination AzaharChapter 27 Exploring a Hot New World

With her experience as a multi-engine pilot on Earth, it didn't take Misty long to master the shuttle's controls. Once she began flying it more like a helicopter than an airplane it didn't take her much time to perform a few standard maneuvers to her own satisfaction. Like Nancy, Misty had an aversion to flying into a hangar, but even that hurdle didn't take more than a dozen approaches for her to overcome her instinctive reluctance. Misty was impressed by the skill and confidence of her...

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My Sixtieth Birthday

It was my sixtieth birthday and I went to New York City with three of my sexy female friends. We went to dinner and a show one night. Did some site seeing and attended a swinger party the following day.At the party i was sitting alone at the bar after just fucking a young man when a young woman sat next to me. Everyone was naked at this point and most were having sex. She was very young looking but I knew she was at least 21 because that was they minimum age for the party. She started talking...

4 years ago
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Parents and me

Es war Samstag Nacht gegen halb3 als meine Mutter mit ihrem Freund nach Hause kam. Ich sollte schlafen lag aber was und ziemlich angetrunken im Bett. Ich hörte wie sie und er an meinen Zimmer vorbei ins Schlafzimmer liefen. Da hörte ich ihn stöhnen: Du geiles Weib! Du hast mich heute Abend so geil gemacht und jetzt will ich mit dir Ficken! Meine Mutter lacht: Oh ja! Ich gebe es dir immer und immer wieder. Er warf sie aufs Bett und zog sie und sich aus. Langsam drang er in sie ein und ein leises...

3 years ago
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Its My PartyChapter 49

Five days later. Time: Thursday, February 14, 2019 4:45 AM Fatimashivered and her eyes blinked open at the end of a very strange dream. She glanced at the clock. It was three hours before sunrise and one hour before she wanted to get up. Was it worth while trying to coax her mind back into an extra hour of sleep? She thought for a moment trying to capture the memory her dream. Fatima had been a pre-teen again, back home in Syria before the uprisings, before ISIS. Her home was a hydroponics...

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Showing Off Again with Sue and Sharon

A surprisingly hot May Friday in New England, Memorial Day weekend. Sharon had been coy about the purpose of the visit, but Sue felt that any visit to Sharon's was time well spent. A good friend with whom you could share your thoughts, commiserate, share and trust. After breakfast she showered, toweled off and dressed. Cutoffs, a cotton camisole and sandals. The ninety-minute drive to Sharon's went quickly; the holiday traffic wouldn't hit until afternoon, and when Sue pulled into...

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Devotion And Duty

“Thank you for agreeing to help me with this, Victoria. I don't think I could do it by myself, but I guess it's time.”“You don't need to apologise for anything, Frank. I know it's difficult, and it's only been two weeks since Jessica… well, it's not been a long time. I'm glad to help.” Victoria took Frank's hand as they entered the bedroom. It had been the master bedroom, but as her cancer got worse, Jessica insisted Frank move into the spare room so he could get some sleep rather than listen...

Love Stories
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The home we were brought to the night before the challenge was to begin had the appearance of something constructed to remind you of a palace from a time long ago. Though I wasn’t that familiar with Indian history and I had no idea how long ago it might have been representative of, it did seem to reflect what we had been told about the man’s ego and feeling of power and control over the region. I was accompanied on the trip by Mary Borden, a man she hired as a bodyguard just for this trip,...

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Just For The Taste Of It

Many years ago, before I was the experienced sissy girl I am now, I was living with a man named Jake. Jake took me under his wing. He wanted to help me become as girly as I could be. One of the things that he wanted to get me used to was the taste of cum. I had tasted it before, but only my own and his. Jake wanted to make sure that I was a cum expert. He said to me, “A true sissy will appreciate the taste of a man’s cum in all of its many flavors. When we’re done with our assignments, you will...

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My First Time With Two Guys

I had made a date with a guy I had been exchanging emails with on and off for three months. He seemed nice enough and was pleading with me to meet with him. He convinced me to meet him at a nearby hotel and left the key at reception. Then, he was going to wait at the bar whilst I got ready and I would text him. Then, he would come up to the room and let himself in.I arrived at the room, let myself in, and looked around. It was small but had a double bed and an en-suite bathroom, which was all...


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