Jeremy's School Bully free porn video

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Jeremy hopped off the bus in front of his new school. He lived close enough to walk, but had decided to ride the bus instead. He wanted to see what it was like, because he'd never rode the bus at his last school, he had always walked. The school was a hulking sandstone building that loomed over the small front lawn like some mid-evil wyvern, gobbling up c***dren every morning only to puke them back out onto the lawn in the afternoon. Over the years acid rain made long dark streaks of black and brown down its façade making it look as if Mother Nature had raked it with her claws. It was a post war building, but instead of looking like the World War II era building it was it looked more like it was built just after the Civil War. Students of all shapes and sizes were streaming from the busses into the warm fall sunshine only to be swallowed by the front doors into the gloomy interior. Jeremy fell in line with the rest, his backpack slung over one shoulder and a half sheet of paper clutched in his right hand. On the paper was written his class schedule, locker number and the combination to said locker.

Jeremy wasn't a big k**. He had a lean, almost thin, build on a 5'9" frame with slightly unkempt short brown hair that hung down near his eyes. A pair of straight leg jeans hung on his narrow hips, topped off by a green Polo shirt knock off, (Mom wasn't about to drop the cash for the real thing!) and his feet were covered by a rather stylish pair of black high top Converse gym shoes.

The basement floor of the school, where his and all of the freshman lockers were located, wasn't overly crowed. He was a late transfer senior so even though he was over 18 years old, he was stuck in the basement with the freshmen. There were no longer any classes held in the basement due to some mold issues, but it was generally accepted by the principal and teachers that the students could be down there long enough to get in their lockers for books and such, though neither he nor the teachers would venture down there unless absolutely necessary.

It was the first day of school and Jeremy was on the lookout for any big boys that could be potential bullies. After all, the main reason he was here at Granger High School was because he'd had a bully at his old school that made his life miserable each and every day for his entire time there. The bully was named Billy Thornton, but all of his victims called him BB for 'Billy the Bully'. Goofy? Sure, but accurate. Billy had caught wind of his nick name through one of his cronies who thought it was a reference to B.B. King, the great blues legend. So after the crony related the story to Billy, Billy roamed the hallways as though he were a superstar while searching for one of his usual victims.

"Hi, I'm Barbra." A chipper voice said from behind Jeremy's locker door, causing him to jump. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." The voice said as he peeked warily around the edge of the door to see a rather cute brunette smiling at him.

"That's Ok, uh...I startle easy. Comes with the territory, I'm Jeremy" He replied with a sheepish smile and awkwardly stuck out his hand. Barbara took it and smiled broadly as she said,

"Hopefully we'll have some classes together since the freshman class is kind of small this year."

"Maybe," Jeremy said, "but I'm a senior so it's not too likely."

"Oh! I'm sorry, I just assumed that since you were down here with me you must be a freshman." Chagrined Jeremy looked at the floor and replied,

"Yea, well I transferred into Granger kind of at the last minute so I'm down here with the freshmen I guess."

"I didn't mean anything by that, I don't care if you're a freshman or a senior, I still think you're cute!" She blurted out. Then she turned red and hurried off down the hall and up the steps. Jeremy stood in the quickly emptying hallway with his mouth hanging open. After a few seconds a big goofy grin spread across his face. He was only 20 minutes into his first day and this was already shaping up to be a much better year than last year. He grabbed is books, slammed the door on his locker and pelted up the stairs behind Barbara.

Don't Count Your Chickens...

Jeremy was hurrying to class. The first bell had already rung and the second one, which meant that anyone getting in homeroom after that bell would be counted tardy, was going to ring any second. He was looking down at that damned half sheet of paper as he rounded a corner at a half trot and ran face first into the breasts of a really tall girl. They both bounced back and fell to the floor on their butts with books s**ttering around them. A unified gasp went up from the three girls attending the one he'd just knocked off of her feet.

In horror he looked at her face which was a red mask of fury surrounded by beautiful blonde hair. Not only did he get a good look at her face with those piercing blue eyes, but he also got a great shot of her crotch beneath the low cut, skin tight, short pink dress she was wearing. Where her long legs met were a pair of matching pink panties that seemed to have a rather large bulge to them. Her legs were incredibly long and ended in feet covered in three inch black leather pumps. She looked like she was going out on the town instead of just to class.

"What the fuck is your problem?" She yelled at him as one of her friends helped her to her feet and the other two grabbed Jeremy by the arms and yanked him to his. She stepped up to him and without hesitation punched him hard in the stomach as the other two girls held him helpless between them. "I'll teach you to watch where you're going!" she spat and hit him hard two more times. Each blow reminded him of good ole BB, she wasn't quite as strong, but she was close. The girls holding him suddenly dropped his arms and he landed hard on his knees in front of the towering girl.

"What's going on here?" Said an approaching voice from down the hall,

"Oh Miss Kline! We bumped into each other and it seems that since I'm so much bigger than he is I've knocked the wind out of him." Lana said in a voice positively dripping in fake concern.

"Lana, are you sure that's what happened?" Miss Kline asked suspiciously.

"I'm sure he'll tell you the same thing Miss Kline." The obvious threat in her voice was not lost on Jeremy. After all he'd been to BB's school on 'How to Survive Life with a Bully'. With his arms holding his stomach and his eyes looking at Lana's pump clad feet as they swam in his tears, he nodded his head yes. He heard steps moving closer and heard Miss Kline say,

"I better help him to his class..."

"Oh no Miss Kline! I feel responsible for him, please let me help him!" Miss Kline hesitated then said,

"Very well. I have to say Lana, you do seem to have turned over a new leaf. You're being positively helpful. It seems that the counselor Richards was right. I'm glad we've given you another chance instead of expelling you."

"Me too!" said Lana in fake gusto. "Once Mr. Richards and I got something straight between us we communicated much better and I saw how important it was for me to graduate before I turn 20." An odd look passed over Miss Kline's face as she considered Lana's strange turn of phrase, but she shrugged and went back to her own class room.

Lana spun back around and grabbing Jeremy by the front of his shirt hauled him to his feet.

"Don't think that just because you answered one little question right I'm going to let you off after what you've done!" She hissed in his face. Then she leaned closer and said quietly into his ear, "I saw you get a good look at my crotch. No one looks there without some consequence." Lana held out her hand and one of her girls pressed a half sheet of paper into it. She looked down at it and said, "Locker 426. I believe that's in the Dungeon. I'll see you there at the end of school. Don't try to duck me or it will go even worse for you when I catch up to you later. And I will catch up to you."

Lana released Jeremy's shirt and turned away to leave as one of her girls started to hand him his books, but the girl let them fall to the floor just as he reached for them. All four girls laughed as they walked off down the hall leaving Jeremy in tears, gathering his stuff off of the hallway floor. The second bell rang as scurried off, late to homeroom.

One Long Assed First Day

Jeremy's homeroom teacher cut him a break and didn't mark him tardy, but that was the last thing that went right that day. Well almost the last thing. At lunch while in line getting his food, if that was what you could call it, Lana walked into the room and it seemed as though her eyes immediately fell on him. It was like having a hungry tiger staring at you. She gave him a radiant smile, a big wink and mouthed the words 'See you soon!' to him across the lunchroom.

Normally having a six foot plus tall blonde with a figure any girl would be envious of smile and wink at him would have made his entire week, maybe his year, but in this case he could still feel his stomach aching from the punches she landed to his midsection only hours earlier. While distracted by Lana he didn't notice that the mountain of a boy in the football jersey in front of him had stopped moving. Jeremy ran into him and spilled most of his food down the boy's back. The boy slowly turned around as he felt his back with one hand, the disbelief on his face quickly being replaced with anger.

"Did you just dump your entire lunch down my back?" He said slowly and menacingly.

"Not my entire lunch...I'm really sorry, I wasn't looking and ..." That was all he got out as Mountain Boy dumped his own lunch over Jeremy's head. He then dropped the lunch tray and drew back a boulder sized fist in preparation to crush Jeremy's astonished face. Jeremy tired to back up, but bounced into what could have passed for mountain boy's twin in another football jersey who grabbed him by the shoulders. 'Shit! Nowhere to go!' Jeremy screwed his eyes closed and waited for his world to explode.

"Now Chuck, that's no way to treat a new k**." Jeremy heard Lana say in a smooth voice. He took a chance and opened one eye to just a slit, still expecting to see Chuck's fist hurtling toward his face. What he saw actually terrified him even more, if that was possible. Chuck was looking at Lana and his face had gone completely white. Without her pumps they would have been pretty much eye to eye.

"LLLLana! I...I...I didn't see you there!" The boy who'd been holding Jeremy turned him loose so quickly that he stumbled for a second, causing the boy to catch him and stand him up again, being sure to keep Jeremy between himself and Lana.

"You weren't looking. You should look around more, be aware of your surroundings, it might even help you on the football field Mr. Big Time captain, maybe then you wouldn't miss so many tackles." Lana said in a lazy manner. As she continued her voice hardened and began to drip with menace, "This little boy is mine. I expect you to leave him alone. Do you understand?" Lana asked as she subtly pressed her hand to her crotch for just a split second. "Or am I going to have to remind you where you belong in the school pecking order?" Chuck had noticed the quick touch to her crotch and he violently shook his head no as he said,

"NNNo Lana! I know where I belong! I don't have to be reminded!"


Lana turned and walked away from the boys. Her long legs disappeared up under the edge of her dress to make a firm round ass of themselves, an ass which swayed enticingly as the heels of her shoes clicked away on the grimy linoleum floor. Under normal circumstances the boys would have ogled her hot body every step of the way, but instead these two boys breathed a huge sigh of relief, as if a confrontation with a grizzly bear had just narrowly been avoided. Jeremy looked at the white faced Chuck and his friend, but neither one would meet his eye. Jeremy finally got his courage up enough to ask them,

"What's wrong, what have I gotten myself into?" But they wouldn't reply. They simply ignored him as if he didn't even exist.

The End of the Day

Jeremy walked down the third floor hall like a death row convict walking the Green Mile. There were four flights of stairs, two landings and three more hallways separating him and Lana, nowhere near enough to give him any comfort. As he trudged toward an almost certain doom he remembered two important things he'd learned in BB's school on 'How to Survive Life with a Bully'. One is that it is never worth it to try to avoid your meeting with a bully. They will keep their promises about catching you later and you do indeed get it much worse, because by then they have made it their mission to deliver the missed torture, ten-fold. Second is that occasionally they forget about the meeting themselves and you can get off scott-free. Jeremy was fervently praying for the last.

Hallways and steps slowly slid past him like some inanimate funeral procession in reverse. He desperately wanted to stay in one place and yet it was as if time and space were working against him by propelling him toward Lana against his will. His brain screamed for him to run even though he knew it was useless. He walked down the last set of steps to the hallway containing his locker. He took each step down ever so slowly, allowing him to see just a bit further down the dimly lit hallway. One of the tired old fluorescent lights buzzed and flickered fitfully at the end of the hall, bringing to his over active mind scenes from just about every B horror movie he'd ever seen. At long last he reached the first step where he had a clear view all the way to his locker. To his amazement no one was waiting there for him. Jeremy jumped the last few steps and broke into a dead run. Sliding to a stop in front of his locker he shoved his hand into his pocket as he desperately dug for the accursed half sheet of paper that had started all of the problems today. He yanked it out too quickly and only succeeded in ripping it in two. He pulled the remaining piece out of his pocket then fumbled desperately to put the pieces together so he could read the combination. Left 36, right 24, left 36. 'Now why the hell couldn't I remember that!' he thought with scorn. Blessedly the locker opened on the first try. He slung his books into the bottom of the locker, slammed the door, turned and bolted face first into Lana's waiting chest.

"Can't seem to keep your face out of my tits can you boy? Where do you think you're going in such a hurry anyway? You have a date with a beautiful girl right here in this hallway. I should think you would be lingering around to keep that date." Lana purred softly. She extended her right hand to caress Jeremy's cheek which caused him to involuntarily pull away. Lana's face contorted and with a loud thwack the palm of her hand impacted the side of his face, snapping his head to one side as lights exploded before his eyes.

"Never pull away from me! Never! Do you understand? I'll beat you u*********s if you ever do that again!" She hissed. The other three girls snickered at him as he rubbed his stinging cheek and slowly nodded. He didn't make eye contact, but instead stared at her heaving breasts and the cleavage they created in their pink confinement. Lana could tell where he was looking and said to him.

"You like em don't you. You want to touch em, I can tell." She took her hands and cupped her boobs, squeezed them together, then bounced them up and down a little. They were pretty big, but not too big, round and firm. Jeremy had known they were store bought from the first time his face had impacted with them early this morning, but store bought or not they were damn fine. "Mr. Richards paid a lot of money to get me these boobs and I never once let him touch them." Jeremy's head snapped up and he looked into Lana's eyes at the mention of the school counselor's name. "Oh, you're a quick one." she said with a sly smile. "I can see by the look in your eyes that you know how I didn't get expelled from school this year, and you're right, but I bet it's not quite the way you're thinking." She smirked at Jeremy and bounced her breasts a couple of more times. "I might let you touch them though...if you ask right. Go ahead...ask me."

Jeremy stood there hung on the horns of a conundrum. Lana was nothing like BB, he had basically just wanted to beat the crap out of him and take his lunch money. Jeremy knew Lana wanted something but he wasn't sure he understood what it was. She was pretty enough that she didn't have to beat the crap out of some guy just to get him to feel her tits.

"Ask me!" she repeated sternly. Jeremy finally stammered out,

"C...Can I touch your boobs Lana?" Quick as a lighting strike she slapped his other cheek, though not as hard as the first time. Jeremy's head swam again as she demurely said,

"You have to say please first!" Jeremy rubbed his other cheek as he looked at her warily. This was absolutely the most bizarre situation he'd ever been in with any girl. He didn't need to be beaten to be talked into playing with some girl's boobs. Heck, with his limited experience he'd be happy to play with any girl's boobs, even if she wasn't as pretty as Lana. "I'm waiting!" she said impatiently.


"Please what?"

"Can I please touch your boobs Lana?"

"Sure!" She said enthusiastically and shoved him hard back against his closed locker door. With a long leg on either side of his, she stepped up and pushed her tits into his face, rubbing them firmly against him. She was being a little rough, but they still felt wonderful! So wonderful in fact the he began to show his appreciation by saluting her with a tent in his pants. She held onto Jeremy's upper arms, pinning them at his sides as she worked her tits in his face. A voice off to the side said,

"Lana, he's getting a woody, but it looks kinda small." Jeremy could hear the smile in the voice.

"I don't care about his prick, it doesn't matter what size it is, it's hard because he likes my tits. Nothing quite like some nice soft boobs in your face, Hummmm? They feel soooo damn gooood!"

The rubbing became rougher and turned more into a grinding. Jeremy had to time his breathing so that he could snatch a bit of air whenever his face wasn't covered by a breast. He could feel her hard cloth covered nipples poking at his eyes as they went back and forth across his face. What she was doing was sexy as hell but kind of scary at the same time. She was in such control, something he'd loathed about BB, but with Lana it was erotic and the more she controlled him the harder he found it to breathe due to his excitement as much as her smothering breasts.

"I know they feel good for you, but these tits are also kind of dangerous. After all if I wasn't careful and lost control of myself I might accidentally suffocate you." Sudden dread coiled in Jeremy's stomach as she pressed her firm tits harder into his face. She worked the cleavage tightly over his nose so that it was deep between her breasts. Jeremy struggled trying to turn his head from side to side, but no matter which way he turned her flesh was there to seal off his nose and mouth. Lana was working hard to hold him and he could hear the strain in her voice as she said,

"Struggle all you can't get away. You're kill if I want ...right now."

Blackness was starting to engulf him as he turned his head to one side and in an act of final desperation, bit the flesh that was there. Lana yelped and jumped back. Jeremy gasped for breath, then his cheek felt like it imploded as his head whipped around to smack against the locker door. Jeremy slumped to the floor almost too dazed to understand what Lana was screaming at him.

"DON'T YOU EVER BITE ME!!! YOU FUCKING LITTLE ASSHOLE, IF YOU EVER BITE ME AGAIN I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!!! YOU STUPID LITTLE SHIT!!" Lana was rubbing her breast where he'd bitten her, but no blood was showing. Lucky for Jeremy he hadn't had the strength to bite her hard enough to break the skin. She kicked him hard a couple of times for emphasis as she rubbed her hurting tit. Jeremy could feel his cheek swelling as he huddled on the floor with his arms protectively over his head, while this Amazon of a woman towered over him. She halfheartedly kicked him once more then put her hands on her hips and with a slight chuckle said,

"Damn but you're a feisty one. I do believe that you may have more spunk than Chuck had last year. I'm really going to enjoy breaking you in. Girls it's been a long summer and I didn't get near enough action, so I think it's time me and this little boy got a bit closer." Jeremy heard her three henchwomen snicker again so he peaked up at Lana out from under the protective covering of his arms. Her long shapely legs still went up to disappear under the edge of her short pink dress, the pink dress that was so form fitting there was no way he could miss how it bulged out in front of her crotch. He flashed back to this morning and remembered seeing something of a bulge in her panties when he looked up her dress right after they had collided and the cold realization of what he was looking at washed over him. "But I don't want to do him out here in the hallway. Bring him in the girls' bathroom."

Lana walked further down past Jeremy's locker to where the flickering fluorescent light was struggling to illuminate its end of the hall. She turned right and disappeared through a doorway. Two of the girls grabbed Jeremy and d**g him down the hall. They followed Lana into a small pink tiled girl's restroom with three stalls and three sinks. There were crumpled paper towels on the cheap parquet floor and dust bunnies the size of mice in the corners. The circle bulb fluorescent fixture screwed to the ceiling provided a meager amount of light, barely enough to get the job done.

"Strip him." Lana ordered. Jeremy started to struggle like mad, but it didn't do him any good. He was pretty sure that the ones stripping him were 'normal' girls, but there were still three of them and they kicked and punched him into submission, then easily stripped him naked.

"Take his clothes and stand watch outside the door."

A red headed girl said,

"Awww Lana, we want to watch!"

"Another time maybe, but right now I need you to guard the door. If you want you can hold the door open a little and listen." They all smiled and trooped out the door, leaving Jeremy naked on the floor in front of the bulging Lana. She stood there for a few moments and just watched him as he cowered on the floor. He could see in her eyes that she was enjoying her superiority over him. As he looked at her, his eyes kept involuntarily slipping from her face down to that pink covered bulge. She was breathing heavy and her cheeks were flushed with excitement for the act that was about to start. His eyes slid down to her bulge again and there was no doubt that it was getting larger, growing right along with the building excitement that was causing her boobs to heave. Lana unceremoniously pulled up the hem of her dress, hooked her thumbs in the top of her panties and pulled them down until her cock popped over the edge. She continued to slide her hands in until her thumbs reached under her partially swollen member and she used them to flip her rather prominent ball sack out over top of her panties as well. It hung below her penis, swollen and full of her come. Her prick was about three quarters hard, long and thick. It was a cock that any stud in a porno film would have been proud to display.

Jeremy couldn't take his eyes off of that massive member and as he watched it fearfully she clenched her muscles to make it jump. With each contraction of her muscles it grew harder and harder until it stood almost straight out from her curvy body.

"I'm going to fuck you." Lana said simply, and with no more inflection than she would have said 'the sky is blue'. Her womanhood stood out from her body and it moved slightly with each of her heartbeats. "I'm going to push my cock through your tiny asshole, force it all the way inside until you are quivering around the base of my massive prick. Then I'm going to hold myself there deep inside of you and relish in my complete domination over you. After all, the act of fucking someone is so very dominant, and that is exactly what I intend for this to be. I'm going to enjoy your warm body enveloping my turgid fat fuck stick until I can't stay still any longer, then the fucking is going to start. It will start off slowly at first, my thick womanhood sliding out to the rim of the head then I'll shove myself fully back into your protesting body. You may whimper and beg me to stop, but I won't. I'll keep sawing this conquering hunk of dominating woman's flesh in and out of your helpless body as long as I can hold out from an orgasm. Then when I can't possibly hold out any longer I'm going to come hard, as deeply inside of you as I can get. After that you will be my new little fuck bitch and anytime, anywhere I'm horny, I'm going to fuck you, again and again. I just thought you should know my grand plan. Oh, and the fact that there isn't one damn thing you're going to be able to do about it."

Tears were welling up in Jeremy's eyes. He had to escape! He couldn't let this happen! He made a desperate lunge for the door, but Lana had done this before, and anticipating his move cut him off. He hit her long legs and bounced back onto the floor where she pounced on him. They rolled on the floor and he struggled in vain to escape her. She was an accomplished wrestler, older, bigger and stronger than Jeremy. He didn't stand a chance, but he struggled anyway.

"That's it! Struggle as hard as you can! Nothing turns me on like taking a guy against his will. I want you to hate it! I want to break you like a wild horse, by riding you into submission!" Jeremy could feel the hard cock pressed against him growing even bigger with her excitement. He still struggled, but he couldn't keep it up. He was getting tired and Lana sensed it. She hauled him up off of the floor and shoved him against the wall. Kicking out of her pumps so she could have a better angle at his ass she leaned in close and said,

"See, I told you I'm going to fuck you and now it's about to happen, but first I want you to feel it." She pulled his hand around as she kept him pinned against the wall with her body and forced him to feel her throbbing prick. "Feel how big it is? How hard it is? I want inside of you so bad it's aching like hell right now, and I'm so thick and long that it's going to really hurt when I get my wish and enter your little asshole." Jeremy made a strangled sound that was half a sob and tried to pull his hand away from her swollen member. "Ah, Ah, Ah...don't let go. When you let go it's going to dive into you! It's going to burrow deep inside you and eventually squirt its seed into you. Maybe if you hold on to it tightly that won't happen...but don't count on it!"

Jeremy had rested a little and started to struggle with all his remaining might. He pushed back off of the wall as hard as he could, but Lana just rammed him back against it even harder, so hard that it knocked the wind out of him. He gasped repeatedly as he tried to catch his breath. Then he heard Lana spit and her hand slipped between them. Jeremy couldn't catch his breath and couldn't summon anymore strength to fight.

"It's time." Lana said in a husky, lust filled voice, and Jeremy felt his ass cheeks parted by the engorged head of her member. She held him tightly against the wall as she found his clenched sphincter with the spit slippery tip of her prick and pushed. Jeremy gasped, finding his breath as her unwanted invader pushed his asshole in, then began to spread it open. Her spit helped it to slide deeper and wedge its way in until, after about thirty second of pushing the head finally popped inside him. The pain that came with the invasion of his ass helped Jeremy to find new strength as he tried to twist away from Lana. Lana scrambled to keep her hold on him as he squirmed and wriggled in the vain attempt to escape her clutches. Then without warning, she shoved her hips forward and thrusting with all her might, skewered him upon her throbbing hunk of girl cock.

"ARRRRRRRRRRGH!!!" Jeremy cried out loud as her hips impacted his buttocks, the full length of her member buried inside of him. Impaled on her womanhood he felt like a fish on a spear. He couldn't move as she pressed him tightly against the cool tile with her body. While he stood there trapped between her and the wall, the part of her that was buried inside him felt like a steel rod sticking into him, a steel rod that throbbed with each of her heart beats. She clinched her muscles like she had when he'd watched her earlier and he could felt her cock twitch deep within him. She kept him trapped against the wall as she moved her hips in a small circle, making his insides move with her, emphasizing even more how deep she was inside him.

" feel good! You've got to be the tightest ass I've ever had the pleasure of shoehorning my fat prick into." Her store bought boobs were pressed tightly against his back and he felt them squish around as she wriggled against him, grinding her hips against his butt in pleasure. She had him pinched between her and the wall and true to her word she was relishing in her dominance over him. "I'm so deep inside you. I'm all the way in and even though you struggled with all of your might there was nothing you could do to keep me from taking you, to keep me from shoving this big cock into your ass. MMMMM...I'm just soooo deep." She groaned as she ground herself against his butt some more and started to make little pumping motions.

"Ugh...Ugh...Ugh" She was so deep in him Jeremy couldn't help grunting with each of her little thrusts. His ass was aching horribly and each time she moved pain shot through his ass and lower back. It might have felt wonderful to her, but to him it felt like she had parked a semi truck in his ass. His face was pressed against the tile and he could feel the wetness from his tears of pain making the wall slippery. Jeremy thought about Barbra, the girl he'd met just this morning, and how nice she'd been to him and now here was Lana with her big girl cock buried in his ass using him for her perverse pleasures. Jeremy suddenly felt defiant when he thought of Barbra. He wanted to be with her, not this girl who dominating him, by fucking his ass with her prick.

"You're a fucking bitch and I'll never let you break me!" He gasped out through clenched teeth.

"Oh...Ho, he has found his voice." Lana said mockingly. "You're right about the first part! I am a fucking bitch. I'm the bitch that's fucking you with her fat girl prick right this second, but you're way wrong about the second part. Now that I've established my dominance over you by fucking you against your will, it's only a matter of time before I break you completely. It may take a month of these little trysts, but eventually I'll have you sucking on my tits willfully while I pound the hell out of your tight little ass. You'll take one look at me across a room and your ass will loosen, eager for me to fill you up. You'll become addicted to me and follow me around school willing to do anything to get my cock buried in your tight little rump."

"Never! I'll never be like that for you!"

Lana changed the direction of her womanly pole and began rubbing the head of it against Jeremy's prostate gland. As soon as she did the pain took a back seat to the sudden pleasure that began to expand from his loins.

"I was going to wait to do this because I enjoy taking a guy again and again, breaking him slowly, but you've really pushed my buttons. I want you addicted to me right now!" She snaked her hand down in front of Jeremy and felt his penis. "What is this? You're starting to get hard. That means you like what you're feeling. Too bad it's such a small penis, the girls might have wanted to play with you when I wasn't using you, but that's not too likely with this thing."

Lana pulled him from the wall and keeping her member buried in his aching ass, turned him around. She pushed him the few steps to the sinks and made him bend forward at the waist.

"Grab the sink and look in the mirror." She ordered. Jeremy did and he could see her pretty face over his head as well as some of her cleavage. Lana began to pump him. Hard thrusts that made her boobs bounce. She kept working his prostate as she thrust, working to make him excited. Jeremy was entranced as he watched this pretty girl pumping and fucking him. He could see in her face that she was getting close to an orgasm, and he couldn't help being fascinated, because being a virgin he'd never seen a girl have an orgasm before. As he watched conflicting emotions roared about inside him. He wanted to see her have an orgasm and the fact that he was part of that orgasm turned him on, but she'd just took him. He hadn't got to have a say in his part of helping her to her orgasm. Her hands squeezed his hips as she sawed her throbbing hunk of woman meat in and out of his gripping ass faster. He could feel his sphincter moving with her thrusts. She changed her angle and started to really show a lot of attention to his prostate. Jeremy's own hard prick responded by jerking and throbbing with each of her trusts, then from out of nowhere his body blindsided him with a crashing orgasm. His penis squirted its approval in quick hot jets onto the cheap parquet floor.

"Ohhhhh...shhhhhhhit! Ugh...ugh...ugh...ugh!" he moaned out.

As soon as Lana heard him come she buried her cock in his ass. Grinding her hips against his butt cheeks she worked to get every inch of her swollen womanhood deeply into his still spasming rectum and shot her first load of spunk into him as she cried out,

"Mine! You're mine! You're my new little fuck bitch! Ugh...Ugh...Ugh...I'm going to fuck this...anytime I want! Oh hell...I love shooting my load in a new guy!" When Lana finished she collapsed along Jeremy's back for a moment as she caught her breath.

With their orgasms behind them they had very different reactions. Lana was an old hand at fucking boys and she was pretty much taking it all in stride, after all it was just another score to her. She pulled her slowly deflating prick from her new boy's ass and began to tuck it back in her panties. She straightened her dress and slipped back into her pumps. When she looked over at Jeremy, he was sitting on the floor with his arms around his knees as the tears of shame streamed down his face.

"Don't worry baby, you'll get used to it, me using you. You're going to have more sex this year than any other guy in the building. Hell, any other ten guys in the building!" She chuckled and continued, "You'll also get used to the size of me and then it won't hurt as much. As a matter of fact I think tomorrow we'll start with another session in the morning before school and then do it again after school. Twice a day should get you used to me in no time. Next week we can start having quickies at lunch and maybe even some in between classes."

"It would be easier for me if you'd just beat me up and take my lunch money." Jeremy said with a sniff. Lana looked surprised then laughed.

"I don't want your money, silly, I want that nice tight little ass. I'm one horny girl who needs to fuck a lot and you're who I'm going to fuck this year. Unless I find another ass I want, then I'll fuck you both, because I can't seem to ever get enough. If I didn't have to get home I'd fuck you again right now, but it's probably a good idea to let your ass rest anyway." She turned to leave the restroom then stopped, looked over her shoulder and said, "By the way, what's your name?"


"See you in the morning, Jeremy. My new little...boyfriend."

With a big grin she blew him a kiss and left room. A second later the door squeaked opened and his clothes were thrown in on the floor to the accompaniment of girlish giggles from outside. The door closed for the final time. The only thing that broke the silence was an occasional sob or a sniff from Jeremy. He wondered if he could still transfer back to his old school where his ass would only get beat instead of fucked.

He knew that he was going to have to walk home and he was in no hurry to face the usual 'How was your first day?' questions at the dinner table. Of course with one look at him they would know that it didn't go real well. He took plenty of time to get a grip on himself, then after a while he gathered up his clothes and got dressed. If it hurt his ass to stand and walk, how was he ever going to make it through tomorrow? As he left the girls restroom a tear escaped his eye. He sighed and thought, 'This is going to be one helluva long year.'

When Jeremy got back outside into the sunshine he felt better and decided that, Barbra or no Barbra, he was going to have to ask his parents to transfer him back to his old school. It would be a bit of a fight, but it was the only thing he could do. The only way he could escape Lana. He trudged off toward home and with each step his aching ass firmed his resolve even more.

Same as Jeremy's School Bully Videos

4 years ago
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Dealing with The Bully

[This isn’t a sex story. There is a little sex in the story. This is a story about a Bully and how a family handled the threat. It could happen this way. If you think there was/is a better way to handle the Bully, write the story. I’d like to read it.] ‘Did Jackie talk to you about the Bully?’ Xia asked her husband. ‘What Bully?’ Matt looked up from his issue of Sports Illustrated. He smiled at what he saw. He and Xia had been together for twenty-one years and she was still the most...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 9 Futanari Fucks Her Bully

Chapter Nine: Futanari Fucks Her Bully By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “Will this work?” my Ōjo-sama asked, hugging me from behind. Her damp hair brushed my neck. She still wore it loose after our bath. Our love-making. “I do not know, Mitsuko-hime,” I whispered. “But I have to try. Tonight is the half-moon. The transition.” It was the last half-moon of Summer. The next would fall on the Autumn Equinox, and that night I had to perform the Kagura and help Kanshu-no-Kami keep the yokai...

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Latina Mom Black Bully

Andrea Vargas stood in the kitchen of her large, South Florida home, chopping vegetables and preparing ingredients for that night's dinner. The 38-year-old curvy housewife wore pink leggings, white flip flops, and a light pink t-shirt she had tied off at her belly button to give her tight midriff some air on the warm afternoon. By that time, her husband and her son would not be much longer in getting home.Andrea had been born in Colombia, and her light-medium complexion, big, juicy butt, and...

3 years ago
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SCOTLAND 1960ST AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC GIRLS SCHOOL Miss Brown the Headmistress of ST Augustine Catholic girls school, was currently Giving a sixth former a good telling off, after she had caught her Bullying a lower forth former. Or should that be after she had caught her attempting to Bully the girl, with the aid of her Two friends, Lucy and April. Unfortunately for all three girls, Susie wong was a girl that wasn't going to be Bullied and had Unexpectedly put all three girls on their backs. Jane...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 9 Futanari Fucks Her Bully

“Will this work?” my Ojo-sama asked, hugging me from behind. Her damp hair brushed my neck. She still wore it loose after our bath. Our love-making. “I do not know, Mitsuko-hime,” I whispered. “But I have to try. Tonight is the half-moon. The transition.” It was the last half-moon of Summer. The next would fall on the Autumn Equinox, and that night I had to perform the Kagura and help Kanshu-no-Kami keep the yokai imprisoned beneath the shrine. And not long after that, Mitsuko-hime would...

3 years ago
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Defeating my bully

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My school bully

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The Husband The Wife and The BBC Bully

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2 years ago
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the bully

Rank was his name and his reputation. He was a bully and everyone stayed awayfrom him. Why he focused on me was anybody's least at first. I waslike any of the other k**s, backpack, bike, schoolwork, dressed like most ofthem and even pierced my ear like most of the k**s did..even Rank.But for some reason he decided I was his target and took great pains to seekme out, taunt me, call me a little fag, pick on my bike, push my books out ofmy hands, depants me, give me wedgies, make the...

2 years ago
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Stephen Ellis has recently celebrated both his eighteenth birthday and high school graduation, but not much else is changing in his life. He will be attending community college in the fall and has no immediate plans to move out of his mother's house nor quit his comfortable job at a local convenience store.Also the same as ever unfortunately is daily torment from Craig Hooper. Craig is not so much a bully, but rather a terror. He is nineteen and was left back in his junior year, putting him in...

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Beauty and the Bully

Beauty and the Bully [email protected] The sun was high in the sky, yet a cool breeze blew over the busy metropolitan city of Kingston, California. The students at the local high school, Kingston High, were outside enjoying their half hour of lunch under the warmth of the sun high overhead. Jason Lane darted nervously between the buildings on his way to his next class. Most of the other students were in the quad where the lunch lines and picnic tables were. Jason wasn't trying to...

1 year ago
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High School Bully

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my mom fucked and degraded by my bully

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The Bully

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Mom Vs Bully

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High School Bully

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2 years ago
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High School Bully

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Gay Male
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My sons BULLY

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Big Bully

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Getting back at the bully

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Mad Adventures pt 1 Nathan the bully

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My Bully

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In love with a Bully

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Crossdressers Bully

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A payback to a bully

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4 years ago
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Life Changing Mail From A Bully

Chauhan june 24(5 hrs ago) to me Hey my dear little friend,how are you??Its been lonely for days without you,i nearly forgot how a sissy looks like…Oops,sorry for the language and to this mail too because this will be the end of it all.No more humiliating stuff, no more ragging,and no more punches, and certainly no more hardcore mouth fucks,ok??Because I got a better mouth than yours,all this ends in this mail,but its still in your hands on how “this thing”goes from here… Well,to be frank I got...

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Just Desserts for Sonia the Bully

Just Desserts for Sonia the Bully. The residents of Shamelock Village lived in a community ruled by sexual discipline.  Women were not allowed to move to the village unless they had a named ‘master’ and each new female resident was made aware of the conditions of their stay. All the slave-girls and wives attended the correctional school whenever there Masters told them they needed to go. The village operates a community responsibility for the behaviour of the slaves, and even private punishment...

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Consent is Not Required Zendaya and Her Racist Bully

It all started Zendaya’s senior year in highschool. She grew up in a very, very affluent part of California in a community vastly dominated by whites. She had to work twice as hard to get any respect, and was on track to graduate with honors. Sure, by then she was already a world-famous celebrity for years, having been a Disney starlet since she was 14, four years ago. That didn’t matter very much to Chad. Chad was, if you couldn’t guess, a white six-foot-three football star, and built to...

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Zacks College Bully

Pulling the strap of his backpack to adjust it over his shoulder, Zack rubbed his face with his free hand, his bangs being pushed to the side just long enough for him to catch a glimpse of the person he slammed into. His tired limbs betraying him, Zack yelped as he fell back onto his butt, pain lancing through the wrist he'd put out behind himself. Pouting as he cradled his wrist, Zack whimpered an "ow" before he looked up to see the unflinching figure above him -- an imposing blonde with a...

1 year ago
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Femboy bully

You are Jack Connor, a 22 year old white male that finally got accepted into libidine college. You were so excited, since now you could finally be build your own future for yourself. You also have brown hair, blue eyes, no beard or mustache, a white tshirt, black jeans, grey sneakers, and a good attitude. You are a single bisexual and ready for anything. As soon as you enter the college itself, there was a girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, a black tanktop, blue jeggings, a blue jeanjacket, and...

2 years ago
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I got fucked by a bully

By now, you have a good idea of who I am. I'm 27 years old, born and raised in the great white North, with a Lebanese background and heritage. My husband and I have been married for about a year. Over the course of our marriage, I got extremely close with his friends, five guys who all took turns pounding me behind my husband's back, sometimes simultaneously. My husband, who was initially unaware of the situation, finally came around when I confessed everything to him. I thought that this...

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Bullied became the bully

This story is about me and sister, aunt and cousin. My sister, Jane, was a sexy girl. Had small tits but an ass to die for. My aunt, Ann, who is only 5 years older than me, had a big ass and nice perky tits. My cousin, Jenny who was the same age as my sister was a blonde with a bubble butt and firm breasts. These three were best friends, we often referred them as 'The Trio' Our families lived together it was big joint family. I had an enormous cock. I had a 12 inch monster cock. It was...

1 year ago
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My son the bully

I spend a lot of time in the mirror concentrating on my looks and wearing fancy clothes as often as possible. Recently my son got sent home after finding out he was bullying a class mate, an Indian boy the same age as him where he would constantly hit him, throw things at him and steal from him. At one occasion he hit on the head with a text book and that drew the final straw. The Indian boy looked younger in appearance and he was a very shy as a person which made him an easy target. I will...

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Schoolgirl and schoolboy

This story is a two part. We did it my way, then her way. Enjoy The first part is about how a schoolgirl fantasy, that I wanted to do with my girlfriend. The second part is how my girlfriend did the same kind of fantasy, but she had a twist of her own to do it. It all started, when we looking up costume on what to be for her Halloween company party. She wanted to be something sexy because everyone in her office think it's kind of boring, and she wants to change that. We were looking online and...

3 years ago
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The Bully

"God, I can't fucking believe this." I say to myself while driving. "Our son is getting bullied, and what does he say? 'Just go talk to him yourself, I have to finish this report for work.', what father says that?!? God... Sometimes I wish I never married him..." I say to myself, angry at my husband for not coming with me. Most of all, I'm angry at the punk that's bullying my son. Almost everyday, he comes home in a bad mood or beat up, and the school doesn't do shit about it! I thought my...

4 years ago
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Dominated by my ebony bully

As I was walking home from school I thought of myself am I girly because I have long blonde hair bottom that is actually thick plump bottom it jiggles and sways when I move I always been mistaken to be a girl many times even when Whitney bullies me saying can I attract people with that booty she always call me names like “fat bubble butt girl” “fat butt slut” she always talk about my fat butt is it really fat,nevermind when I got home I spot my girlfriend being fucked by Whitney she had her...

3 years ago
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Romys Sexual Journey from Schoolgirl to Schoolgirl Part 2

The final day of term was mighty hectic. A lot of tears and taking of phone numbers, addresses, future education plans, ‘I’m sure going to miss you ladies. It’s been a real gas. We’ve had some fabulous times together and I just hope we’ll bump into each other sometime in the future,’ I said. And then it hit me! That’s what it was - Paul. I had really been missing him since our liaison and, stupidly I didn’t even know what his surname was! Later that day I would be even further away from him...

2 years ago
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School Bullies

I grew up in a small Midwestern town where there was only one school for all twelve grades and only a few hundred students in total. The older kids were in the same building as the younger ones, making the younger ones easy targets for being pushed around and bullied. But I had a different kind of bullying against me, a kind that turned out rather interesting. It all started when I entered the 7th grade. As a boy, I was small for my age, being both short and a lightweight, just a little kid....

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My high school bullies

When i was younger living with my mom, before i started my black cock love. i had two bullies who would pick on me everyday. I didn’t know why picked on me but they were these two tall skinny black boys and i was this little white boy with a bit of a plumped butt. My mom was this curvy women who wore tight clothes all day. She usually wear tight black leggings and a thight shirt. Some nights she would go out and not come back until the next morning. One day i came home and asked my mom about it...

3 years ago
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Workplace Bully

Everyone who worked there was pretty neutral about her being there, except for one of the guys who worked on deliveries. For some reason, John was always mean and bossy to her. She would always just blow it off, dismissing it as him having a bad day. However, it became clear to her that he was just going to be a dick for as long as she worked there. That was unfortunate, because Stephanie though he was actually pretty good looking. He was 35, with nice muscles hidden under his company shirt...

1 year ago
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The Big Bully

Wow man your cock is huge he said. Thanks I said back to him So he put his hand around my cock and started to give me a handjob. At first i was crept out but i couldnt tell him to stop i wanted it alot more Go faster i told him he kept going and i closed my eyes then i felt something wet on my cock. it was his mouth and it looked like my cock disappered. So i grabbed his beautiful blond hair and started to fuck his mouth. Awwwww yes baby i screamed as he kept tighten his mouth So he got...

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Surprisingly, you arrive early to school with the utmost eagerness to learn. It's almost ironic isn't it that you, a slacker and thug for your entire education would find yourself suddenly enjoying the boredom and imprisonment of high school as if it was the single greatest place on earth. Honestly, you could place your hand on your heart and say proudly without a hint of a lie, that you loved your time here at Cunnus High. Soon your friends meet up with you outside of school, arriving almost...

4 years ago
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Sarahs Bully

Sarah is sitting at her desk in her dorm when her roommate comes in. She recognizes her roommates look, feeling a bit of dread in her stomach.

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Revenge On Bully

It started off as a normal day in school, when all off a sudden I saw my teacher bend over in front off my desk to pick up a pencil. I could see her butt in her cute little skirt. I think she did it on purpose I thought, no way I thought that’s just my blindness hoping that my teacher crush liked me back. Little did I know I was gonna get my wish later that day, when class ended my teacher asked to see me after class. “I hoped that I wasn’t in trouble, I walk up and ask if I’m in trouble.” No...

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Amazon Bully

You walk into a Amazon ruled school. The office doors are up to seven feet tall and the office has no one in it. You look confused and look around the office and see a average height chart. Looking at the top you see the tallest female is 7 foot and the looking down you see the shortest is 6 foot 5. You dont see the boys average until you look all the way down and see the chart shaped like a leg and then the bottom of the chart was a foot and the male chart under the foot and the tallest was 5...

2 years ago
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Prolog Story is not finished yet! (1%) This storry is based on real events. Names and locations were slightly altered. It is written with the permission of actors involved. Each end will contain a note about how far you have strayed from the real story. Enough with the prolog, now enjoy the story full of Interracial sex, BDSM, Submission, humiliation and large quantities of sperm. This is my first story, please be lenient.

4 years ago
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Girlfriend and the bully

I’ve been living with my girlfriend Susan, since I left college, in a neat little one bedroom apartment. I started out with a promising job at an advertising agency and got a couple of promotions but lately it has been stagnant, I planned on hitting assistant manager in a couple of years but it still didn’t come. Susie is working several minimum wage jobs. She was not lucky in realizing her dream of being a model. It’s been years since she has given up all her hopes in becoming a model. It’s...

2 years ago
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69 with a bully

Just a made up story of a picture from the other way around....James was your average teenager, okay grades, small group of friends, quite and not one to get in trouble.One day on his normal journey home, where he has his own secret path through the woods, in his only little world, dreaming of time flying through the skys... Theres a crack of a stick and rustle of leaves, but still he carrys on, oblivious to what is about to happen to him!Suddenly he is snap back to reality, with a sense that...

4 years ago
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The Nerd Hits Back 8211 Part 4 Punishing A Bully

Greetings everyone! Welcome to the 4th part of the series ‘The Nerd hits Back!’ To remind you again, kindly read the first three parts to catch up with this one. I had forgotten to mention my email in my previous stories. It is the same- . So, let us begin with the 4th part. Enjoy! Avi had spent the night at his married eldest sister’s bungalow after enjoying a nice raunchy sex with her. He had got her drugged and even she came under his control. Avi woke up, got dressed and ready to get back...

1 year ago
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The Bully

In the whole school no student was more feared the Erin Hardy. Rumors aboud of students being beaten up, teachers threatened and confis**ted d**gs and weapons. The crowd Erin ran with were the baddest of the bad, whenever shit went down Erin was there she was the top dog. Surprised you didn't I?You didn't read that wrong, Erin Hardy the toughest Bitch at Mckinnley High was a girl. My dad was in the Air force and as such we moved quite a bit. In fact I had not set foot on Natural American soil...

3 years ago
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Neighborhood Bully

Neighborhood Gang It's our one year anniversary when my wife, Amanda, has promised to tell me the truth. For her story to make any sense I need to go back about 18 months to the time of the most brutal murders that ever occurred in our area. The parents of Amanda's best friend, Laurie, had been murdered in their own home. It appeared that 3 men broke into the home, tied up the husband and repeatedly raped the wife while they made the husband watch. Then apparently they made the wife beg...

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