Young Cravings CH. 01 free porn video

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The balmy early evening slowly slipped into night. As soon as it was dark, he gave me a knowing look and quietly snuck away from the block party. I calmly rose from my chair and followed him away from the crowd.

He was waiting where he said he would: half way down the block; well out of sight from any of our party-going neighbors. I nervously walked up to him.

"Come on, let's go," he whispered to me. "This way." He placed his hand on the small of my back, sending shivers through my body. "Careful you don't trip on any bushes."

He led me between two houses, away from the ambient glow of the street lights, into the deep shadow of the night. We got to a fence and he deftly maneuvered the gate open. We passed through and he closed it behind us. We made our way across this back yard of one of our neighbors, to the tall wooden fence at the back of their lot.

"It's over here. Can you make it over the fence?" he asked.

"Hey, I'm not as old as you might think," I whispered. I was however worried that in my attempt to calm my self, I might have had a few too many drinks. He placed his hands on the top of the fence and scaled up and over with the grace of youth.

My attempt was decidedly less graceful. I pulled my self to the top of the fence and got one leg over, but there I stopped. I reached my hand out to him and he pulled me the rest of the way over.

A dull ripping sound escaped from my thigh area. He placed me gingerly on the ground. I examined my pants.

"Shit, I snagged my pants on the top of the fence. How embarrassing," I whispered.

"Here we are," he said.


The pool was lighted from within. A cool neon aqua-marine color in sharp contrast to the muggy mid August weather.

"Let's get in!" he said confidently. I suddenly felt guilty. No, not guilty, but I was having strong second thoughts.

"I forgot to bring a swimsuit," I whispered.

"What?" he said."You don't have to whisper, everyone is at the party."

"I didn't bring my swimsuit." I said.

"That's okay, neither did I." He stripped off his tight t-shirt and threw it on the ground near the fence. I watched, enraptured by his radiant youth energy. I wondered if I was ever so young and svelte. He undid the buckle to his shorts and slowly lowered them over the tighty-whities he wore beneath. I watched the top of his shorts slowly creep up and over the large bulge between his legs. I saw the bulge and unintentionally let out a small yelp of guilty delight. Embarrassed, I quickly covered my mouth with my hand, my skin turning shade of red.

He just chuckled confidently. He kicked off his shoes and with his underwear still on, walked over to the diving board and gracefully dove in. He disappeared beneath the surface of the water momentarily and then reemerged. He slowly swam over to the edge of the pool in front of me. His hair was clinging to his face and his eyes were trained on me.

"Come on," he goaded. Two little words, yet the way he said it made it the most convincing argument I'd ever heard.

I was so nervous. My heart was pounding so loud I was sure that he must have been able to hear it. I felt like a little girl again. Like a virgin teenager. I kicked my tennis shoes off my sockless feet.

I reached down and slowly began pulling my t-shirt up over my head. Beneath it I wore the most basic white cotton under wear that they make. Totally benign. I stopped right below my bra.

"Don't laugh at my underwear," I said. "It's not sexy at all."

"Neither is mine," he responded. Boy how wrong he was about that.

I took a deep breath and quickly pulled the shirt the rest of the way up over my head. Even though it was incredibly hot out, the night air on my naked flesh felt unnervingly cool. I glanced down at the tops of my breasts. A silky canvas of goose bumps.

I quickly unbuckled my pants and let them fall to the ground. Without bending over I kicked them to where his clothes lay. I felt more naked than I ever had before, yet I still wore my bra and panties.

I looked down at him. His eyes were burning lustful holes in my body. I wondered what the hell I was doing, but quickly pushed any thoughts of the sort out of my mind. I walked over to the stairs and descended into the pool.

The water was like a cool clinging blanket, a welcome respite from the summer heat and humidity. The change in temperature made me feel slightly light headed. I walked further into the pool until the water rose to just below my chin. Then I doggy paddled over to the side of the pool where he was still waiting. I grabbed the edge of the pool and let my feet hand freely beneath me.

"Feels good, huh?" he said.


"I told ya it would."

We both bobbed there momentarily, enjoying the cool sensations on our skin, of our feet hanging care free below.

"Billy, are you sure no one is going to catch us back here?" I asked.

"Nah, even if they weren't at the party, the Joneses never notice when we swim in their pool in the middle of the night."

"Oh, so I'm not the first girl you've brought back here?" I said in a playfully accusatory way.

"You are actually." There wasn't one hint of playfulness in his voice. He hesitated and then said "Luke and I swim here almost every night, but don't go getting him in trouble!" I smiled.

"I won't."

We again returned to dangling there in silence.

Then he turned to me and said "Watch me dive," and quickly climbed out of the pool. He scampered around the side of the pool and onto the diving board. Then he stopped and intently stared at the pool, trying to visualize in his mind the feat of daring he was about to perform.

That is when I noticed that the water had made his underwear transparent. Ashamed and embarrassed, I quickly looked away. My skin again growing red, I looked at his face to make sure he hadn't noticed me looking. He hadn't noticed. He was still staring at the pool. I struggled to resist looking again. I couldn't help my self though. My eyes dropped to his crotch and the see-through underwear that was covering it.

His penis was clearly visible through the thin material. It sat prominently framed by pubic hair. Laying long and thick, it angled slightly to one side. It was pushed forward to attention by his huge, swollen looking balls.

For the second time an unintentional gasp of guilty delight escaped my lips. Billy heard this one too. He quickly looked over and caught me staring at his penis. He looked down and saw that his underwear was see through. Then he looked back at me, except this time at my body that hung beneath the clear water.

I looked down at my self. My nipples stood very prominently erect through the transparent material of my bra. Beneath them, the dark patch of hair that cover my pubis mons was clearly visible, as was my labia.

Before I had a chance to get further embarrassed, he sprung from the board. He arched through the air, performing some sort of t****ze act of twists and flips. He fell towards the pool and at the last second broke out of the twists and flips and sliced through the water with an easy dive. I was in awe.

Beneath the water, he swam towards me. He didn't start to rise up to the surface until he was within a foot from me. He surfaced from beneath the water right in front of me, his face less than 5 inches away.

Then he leaned in and placed his lips on mine. I was so shocked I didn't even close my eyes. I just hung there, staring at his closed eyes in front of mine. Then I felt his tongue glide past my lips and into my mouth. He began massaging the inside of my lips with his tongue. He placed his hand on the side of my neck, his thumb in front of my ear.

My eyes closed then, let me tell you. I felt a rush of pins and needles all over my body. A dull excitement that consumed me. I thought I was going to faint. The excitement of kissing someone for the first time. It possessed me.

I sucked his tongue further into my mouth and began circling my own tongue around it. Our mouths became aggressive. Areas of desperate longing. It felt so good.

He withdrew his tongue from my mouth and pulled his face away from mine. I opened my eyes to find his staring back at me. Then he looked down.

I felt something on my waist. His hand. He was pulling down my panties. I quickly reached down and grabbed his hands to stop him. He looked back up at me. He didn't say anything, but just looked at me. His eyes were all the convincing I needed.

I released his hand and with it any sense of innocence I had about the situation. My panties, guided by his hands, slid down my legs and easily past my toes. He raised them above the water and threw them over with the rest of our clothes. They landed with a wet plop.

He looked me in the eye again and without saying a word, stripped his underwear off. He penis was fully erect. I stared at it as he threw his underwear over with mine. We bobbed there in the pool, he completely naked and me only with a bra. Our genitals were exposed to each other and it felt gloriously naughty and wonderful. He moved in closer and we stared each other in the eye.

He was only a few inches away. He slipped his arm underneath mine and placed it on the edge of the pool behind me. He reached down and grabbed his stiff cock, placing it between my legs. I felt it pressing upwards near the entrance of my vagina. He wasn't trying to enter me, he was just putting his penis there, leaving it for later use.. It felt like there was a bomb between my legs.

He reached his hand up from beneath the water and gently caressed my cheek. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "You're the first girl I've had sex with, Mrs. C." Then he pulled back and looked me in the eye. My body was on edge. I don't remember ever feeling as excited.

"Go inside me," I whispered to his sparkling eyes. He removed his hand from my cheek and grabbed his penis. He poked and prodded around between my legs for a moment before I felt that magic feeling. The tip of his penis poked just inside the entrance to my vagina.

He pushed up and toward me. His penis slowly disappeared inside me. It slowly slid deeper and deeper, stretching the walls of my vagina into the realm of ecstacy. I could tell I was moist, much more so than usual. I'd never felt so aroused before.

He kept pushing deeper into me, long after I expected him to stop. He penis probed deeper in my vagina than Simon ever could hope to. He wore his confidence on his face. He knew his penis was large.

Finally I felt his pubic bone against mine and I reflexively removed my arms from the side of the pool and wrapped them around his neck. I hadn't realized that he was taller than me, but he was standing on the bottom of the pool and our heads were both above the surface. I wrapped my legs around him too.

As he started pulling his penis out of me again, I instinctively thrust my lips onto his and began kissing him passionately. My tongue darted in and out of his mouth. I wanted to be as close to him as physically possible.

As the head of his penis neared the entrance to my vagina again, I pulled my mouth away from his. "We shouldn't be doing this," I whispered.

"I know." With that he thrust back into me. The pressure from within cascaded up my body, forcing out of my lips a breathy "huuhh" of pleasure.

"Ohh, Billy," I breathed into his ear. He was thrusting in and out of me with rhythm now. A quick staccato pace played inside my vagina. I began humping my hips down to meet his penis the best I could.

Waves were emanating from our pulsing bodies. They spread quietly around the pool, bounced off the walls and returned. They all converged haphazardly as this boy continued to make love to me.

After about ten minutes, Billy began to moan slightly. I knew he probably wouldn't last much longer, but I knew I wouldn't either. Then he stopped, his penis buried to the hilt inside me. He wasn't cumming though.

He reached down to my legs. "Hold onto the ledge," he said. I removed my arms from around his neck and placed them back on the edge. Still inside of me, he lifted my legs up. He placed them so that the backs of my knees were on his shoulders. I could already feel how much deeper his penis was inside me. He began his thrusting again. He was filling me more completely than I had ever been filled before. I began to feel light headed. His hands massaged my breasts through my bra.

With each thrust a lighting bolt of pleasure escaped from my pussy into the rest of my body. My hairs were standing on end. I couldn't keep my eyes open if I tried, but I didn't try. My fists closed tightly. My back arched forward, his hands pumping my boobs. A moan escaped my lips: "Oh Billy, I love you!" and it was true.

"I love you too!" With that I felt a warm gush of goodness inside me. My muscles tensed. My body writhed. Billy was grunting and moaning, shooting his love inside me. My vagina clamped down on his penis, relaxed, and then clamped down again. I was shaking all over. A high pitched "ahhh" escaping from my mouth. His flood of boy juice inside me. My stomach muscles contracted involuntarily as I had the best orgasm of my life.

Then through my eye lids, I saw a bright light. I opened my eyes and was blinded by the intense light coming from the Joneses back porch.

"Shit, they're home! Run!" Billy said. He pulled out of me and quickly jumped out of the pool. My first reaction was disappointment. I wanted Billy's penis back in my vagina. Then I saw Daniel Jones walk right in front of the door that led from their kitchen to their backyard.

I shot out of the pool. Billy had all the clothes in one arm and quite literally dove over the tall wooden fence. Behind me I heard the door open. I ran to the fence, grabbed the top and tried throwing my self over in one motion. I got one leg over before I got stuck the same way I had before.

"Hey you girl!" I heard Daniel Jones say.

Billy grabbed me and pulled me over the fence. "Oh shit oh shit oh shit, he saw me!" I whispered. Billy peeked through a crack in the fence. I felt a stinging on the inside of one of my thighs.

"Shhhh!" Bill shushed me. "He didn't recognize you."

"How do you know--"

"Shit, he's coming over! Run that way!" Billy pointed.

I took off running and Billy sprinted away the other way. The fences in that yard were only chain link and I easily jumped over into the next yard and ducked down behind a bush.

Daniel Jones stuck his head over the fence and yelled: "Hey you k**s, I saw you! I know who you are and I'm going to tell your parents!" A huge sigh of relief waved over me. What a bluff, I thought. Good thing he didn't recognize me. He looked around feverishly, but could see neither Billy nor me. After a few intense moments he turned around and went back inside.

After I was sure he was gone I quietly called out Billy's name a few times. There was no answer. I cautiously climbed back over the fence and followed the way Billy had run. He wasn't there though. Neither were my clothes.

I quietly crept between two houses. I peeked my head around the corner to see if the party was still going on. A lot of people had left, but the party was still going. I felt a stinging on my thigh again. I looked down to find a rather large scrap on my inner thigh. Also...Billy's sperm was beginning to ooze out of my vagina. How embarrassing.

I peeked my head around the corner again. The party was down at the far end of the street. My house was on the other side of the street about halfway between the party and where I stood. I looked around for something to cover my self with. There were only bushes. I considered waiting until everyone had gone home and to sleep and then sneaking into my house. No, my husband would wonder where I had been. My only choice was to sneak across the street and hope noone saw me.

I watched the crowd at the party for a while, waiting to make sure that most of the people were looking the other way. I counted to!

I ran out from between the houses. Heart beating in my ears. Crossed the lawn, into the street. Doing good. Feet on cement. Flap flap flap. Half way across the street. A screech to my right. I stop, instinctive. A car rounding the corner. Fast. It's lights closing in. A deer in the headlights! Move feet, move! Too slow! It's lights on me. Spotlight, naked flesh, star attraction, sperm running down her leg. Run! Running. The curb, the sidewalk, grass between my toes. Across the lawn in no time flat. Between the houses. Enveloped in dark. Safe.

They didn't see me. At least I don't think they saw me. I climbed over the fence into the back yard. I rushed through four or five backyards before I came to my home. Thank god we left the backdoor unlocked.

I slipped into the house. Home. Safe. I'd get in the shower and wash the chlorine off of me and Billy out of me.

Then I heard the familiar sounds of the front door being opened. My husband returning from the party. In the time it took him to twist the knob, I sprinted up the stairs, down the hallway, through our bedroom door and into the bathroom. I turned the shower on full blast and quickly jumped in.

Holy crap it was freezing. I adjusted the knobs and hot water finally started coming out. I took my bra off and hid it behind the shampoo bottle.

Then Simon was at the door.

"Hey babe, I was wondering where you went," he said.

"I was getting way too hot, I decided to come home and take a shower to cool off." My voice wavered. Did he hear it?

Suddenly the shower curtain shot back. He was naked. And erect. He climbed in behind me. I quickly tried to rinse Billy sperm away from the outside of my vagina. I just hoped he wouldn't notice the inside...

"Give me some lovin," he said, and pushed his penis between my legs from behind. I was praying to god that he wouldn't notice anything. I went along hoping he wouldn't get suspicious. I bent over a little, grabbed his penis and put it inside of me. He commenced thrusting in and out of me.

"Damn babe, you wanted me bad tonight didn't you! I've never felt you this wet before!"

"I wanted you real bad."

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Youngsville Part 8

After Jessie’s and Jill’s request to be more open with the family I began to notice a few chances around the farm. I noticed how lightly the girls had begun to dress. They would walk around the house in light clothing which revealed a lot of their beautiful skin. Obviously trying to catch my attention, I think it excited them to prance around the house trying to impress a boy, and it certainly excited me! Those occasions usually turned out to them unzipping my pants and playing with me. They...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Youngsville Part 7

The faucet poured water into my hands which I splashed onto my face. It was a fresh feeling, having just woken up. I stood only in my boxer briefs and a t-shit and felt like I was at home. I was standing in the new bathroom which I had just finished the day before. The girls loved it and I felt great to be able to make them happy in another way, other than tantalizing them with my cock. I stepped out and walked to the kitchen for breakfast. Jill was standing by the stove preparing tea and I...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 6

A few hours later I woke up. I could hear birds chirping and other animals from outside as a beautiful sunshine was shining into my small house. It was not the only beauty I could see. Jill’s head was lying on my chest and her arms across my stomach. She had a great smell and I brushed her hair with my hands. Last night was fantastic. First my visit to Ménage, then seeing Mrs. Day-Sea masturbate, and popping Jill's cherry. I had her crying, moaning, grunting, screaming, and cumming in a...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 5

I was laying on my bed listening to music when I looked out the window. Darkness had fallen over the ranch and I looked at the note Sybil had given me earlier. On it was an address she had written down for me. I remember her words: “Come to this address after dark.” I had been wondering what was waiting for me at this place. While I was examining the note I noticed a small marking on the bottom. It looked like a small scribble, it was a word: Ménage. I got out of bed and put my jacket on. I...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 4

During the days after my arrival, I got better acquainted with my new household, learning about the Day-Sea’s routines and getting used to the farm. The girls took very good care of me and helped me with anything I needed or wondered about. The girls found a way for me to repay them too, which I thought was more of a treat than a debt. After they returned from their long working hours I would find them at their usual resting areas. The first one who had free time was Jill. All of the girls...

2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 3

Later that evening, around 23:30, I was lying in my bed. I was thinking about how I would decorate my cottage. The cottage was about 3x4 meters. It definitely needed a renovation. The first thing that came to mind was the lighting. It was worthless! I had a small and weak gas lamp on the ground next to the bed, which made it hard to see. I would have to think about decorating in the morning. As I thought about the light, I a shadow moved outside the window above my head. There was a light...

First Time
3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 2

I got dressed and walked down the street as Let had told me at the train station. I walked out of town until I came to the outskirts of the ranch. There was a wooden fence and a gate which read "Day-Sea ranch". I needed to walk about a kilometer up a dirt road from the fence until I reached the farm's buildings. As I approached, I saw a farmhouse. I noticed its age. It must have been built sometime during the 1800s. The farmhouse was on top of a hill, which made me a little tired after hauling...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 1

Part 1: Moving  Life in the city had never been great. I had always been a little bit of an outcast in school. I never made it into the social life there and most kids avoided me. I had good grades and was usually the best in my class in all subjects. Could that have been the case? Jealousy? I guess I was smart and a bit of a know it all. My name is Eric and I'm a jack of all trades. I spend most of my spare time tinkering with things in my life, but I have also worked as a craftsman in my...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Youngsville Part 9 Consequences

I opened the door to my cottage and took out the bundle of cash I had been given by Mr. Wayland. I rolled away the carpet on the floor and opened the hatch down to my personal safe. It was brand new that Mr. Wayland had given me as a present after I had finished the nursery. He claimed that he was forced to give me a place to protect my valuables and money that I had earned. I enjoyed the loud slam it made when I closed it shut. I sure did not want to get my toe stuck in-between the 2 inch...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 8 Kira

After Jessie’s and Jill’s request to be more open with the family I began to notice a few chances around the farm. I noticed how lightly the girls had begun to dress. They would walk around the house in light clothing which revealed a lot of their beautiful skin. Obviously trying to catch my attention, I think it excited them to prance around the house trying to impress a boy, and it certainly excited me! Those occasions usually turned out to them unzipping my pants and playing with me. They...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 7 Open Relationship

The faucet poured water into my hands which I splashed onto my face. It was a fresh feeling, having just woken up. I stood only in my boxer briefs and a t-shit and felt like I was at home. I was standing in the new bathroom which I had just finished the day before. The girls loved it and I felt great to be able to make them happy in another way, other than tantalizing them with my cock. I stepped out and walked to the kitchen for breakfast.Jill was standing by the stove preparing tea and I gave...

2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 6 Celebration

A few hours later I was woke up. I could hear birds chirping and other a****ls from outside as a beautiful sunshine was shining into my small house. It was not the only beauty I could see. Jill’s head was laying on my chest and her arms across my stomach. She had a great smell and I brushed her hair with my hands. Last night was fantastic. First my visit to Ménage, then seeing Mrs. Day-Sea masturbate, and popping Jill's cherry.I had her crying, moaning, grunting, screaming, and cumming in a...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 5 Meacutenage

I was laying on my bed listening to music when I looked out the window. Darkness had fallen over the ranch and I looked at the note Sybil had given me earlier. On it was an address she had written down for me. I remember her words: “Come to this address after dark.” I had been wondering what was waiting for me at this place. While I was examining the note I noticed a small marking on the bottom. It looked like a small scribble, it was a word: Ménage.I got out of bed and put my jacket on. I...

1 year ago
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Youngsville Part 4 Expanding interests

During the days after my arrival, I got better acquainted with my new household, learning about the Day-Sea’s routines and getting used to the farm. The girls took very good care of me and helped me with anything I needed or wondered about. The girls found a way for me to repay them too, which I thought was more of a treat than a debt.After they returned from their long working hours I would find them at their usual resting areas. The first one who had free time was Jill. All of the girls left...

2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 3 Settling in

Part 3: Settling inLater that evening, around 23:30, I was lying in my bed. I was thinking about how I would decorate my cottage. The cottage was about 3x4 meters. It definitely needed a renovation. The first thing that came to mind was the lighting. It was worthless! I had a small and weak gas lamp on the ground next to the bed, making it hard to see. I would have to think about decorating in the morning.Thinking about the light, I saw a shadow move outside the window above my head. There was...

2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 2 The DaySeas

Part 2: The Day-Sea'sI got dressed and walked down the street as Let had told me at the train station. I walked out of town until I came to the outskirts of the ranch. There was a wooden fence and a gate which read "Day-Sea ranch". I needed to walk about a kilometer up a dirt road from the fence until I reached the farm's buildings. As I approached, I saw a farmhouse. I noticed its age. It must have been built sometime during the 1800s.The farmhouse was on top of a hill, which made me a little...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 1

Life in the city had never been great. I had always been a little bit of an outcast in school. I never made it into the social life there and most k**s avoided me. I had good grades and was usually the best in my class in all subjects. Could that have been the case? Jealousy? I guess I was smart and a bit of a know it all. My name is Eric and I'm a jack of all trades. I spend most of my spare time tinkering with things in my life, but I have also worked as a craftman in my uncle's workshop and...

1 year ago
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Youngsville Part 1 Moving

Life in the city had never been great. I had always been a little bit of an outcast in school. I never made it into the social life there and most of the k**s avoided me. I had good grades and was usually the best in my class in all subjects. Could that have been the case? Jealousy? I was smart and a bit of a know it all. My name is Eric and I'm a jack of all trades. I spend most of my spare time tinkering with things in my life. I have also worked as a craftsman in my uncle's workshop and...

1 year ago
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It's kind of obvious what you can expect at Young Porn Videos. Extremely horny people and serial masturbators from all over the world love nothing more than to fantasize about fucking women who are not only out of their league but also out of their age range. There’s nothing hotter than banging your 40-year-old schoolteacher as a high school student, or knocking up your neighbors hot MILF wife. It’s way more exciting to fuck an older woman than one that’s near your age range, but there’s one...

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Web Young! No site on the Adult Time network will lead to a typical porn review. Especially not since the porn studio recently merged all of their channels into one … creating one convenient membership price and area to allow you to access any of their content. This means that whether you’re looking for the hottest lesbian action from channels like Mommy’s Girl or Web Young, or you’re really into seeing girls’ asses get ravaged by giant cocks and might be more into Anal Teen Angels or Asshole...

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As you can already expect, this subreddit is dedicated to the lovely teen girls who are in the porn industry. From what I have seen, r/youngporn/ does not really have any amateurs here, and while you can find amateur content, usually, it is made by actual pornstars who just love to film dirty videos in their private life and share it with their lovers.Reddit is a free website with thousands of NSFW subreddits and even more subreddits that are not pornographic. This is why I always like to...

Reddit NSFW List
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I assume you are here to see lots of lovely women show off their goods… and when I say ‘lovely women’, what I really mean is ‘Young Pretty Hoes’, which is essentially the name of this subreddit. I think the title should already tell you what the fuck to expect, and unless you are a moron, you will be able to take the hint.However, there is a lot more about r/YoungPrettyHoes/ and, in general, you might not know, and that is where I come in. If you would like to learn more about...

Reddit NSFW List
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Young Indy Jones the Gift of Wet Pussies

Young Indy Jones & the Gift of Wet Pussies Egypt 1916 Now in his sixteenth year of living, Henry “Indiana” Jones Jr. lay in his berth listening to the rhythmic clackety clacking of the steam engine’s steel wheels as they passed over the uneven rails of the Egyptian desert. Outside his darkened window nightfall had cloaked the never-ending landscape in a shroud of mystery and magic. What adventurous escapades awaited this daring young man in this wild, untamed land? [Part...

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Young Nephew

Doris and Grace had not crossed paths, expect for telephone and email exchanges, for almost half a decade. That said, as sisters, they remained close; it had been that way since their earliest c***dhood days in England. The two women had both 'married well' and settled into their lives on opposite sides of the Atlantic -- Doris in Los Angeles; Grace in Paris. They had both managed successful careers and the demands of being both wives and mothers. When Doris's marriage had ended in divorce...

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Young Justice A Chivalrous Sprite

The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics, a division of AOL Time Warner. It is written solely as a fan fiction and the characters are used without their permission. It is not intended to alter the established continuity of any story line in any book published by DC Comics. The story that follows was written purely for fun, with no thought of profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided that the author is given...

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young toms

To begin with, my husband, Ted, has a twin brother Fred who is married to Susan and they live near by in our small town where it is difficult to do anything without someone else knowing. With all that said, we have the usual evils in our little town, the bars where men hang out looking for women and women hang out looking for men. Of course some of the women make a living off the men. Each of us couples has a teen-age son and they were born in the same month and the same year. All four of us...

4 years ago
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Young Toms

To begin with, my husband, Ted, has a twin brother Fred who is married to Susan and they live near by in our small town where it is difficult to do anything without someone else knowing. With all that said, we have the usual evils in our little town, the bars where men hang out looking for women and women hang out looking for men. Of course some of the women make a living off the men. Each of us couples has a teen-age son and they were born in the same month and the same year. All four of us...

1 year ago
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Young Cum Queen part 1

PART ONE Jennifer started as she turned to look at the alarm clock. It was 8:30 am and she was going to be late for work. “Shit” she muttered to herself, knowing how much her boss hated latecomers. Normally she was on time, but after waking up earlier that morning she’d got caught up in daydreaming about her boyfriend Brett. She’d imagined him in bed with her, sucking her hard, quarter-sized nipples and fingering her pussy and clit. She lay there pinching her nipples and rubbing her little pink...

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Young Uncle Mike Babysits the Teens

There was a large pool in their backyard, and the basement was finished as a game room, complete with a wet bar, couch, big screen monitor, and a Ping-Pong table. She had divorced her husband after catching him fooling around with his secretary. The settlement left her in sole custody of their four young daughters. The last time our family had visited them, the girls were young and rather bratty,...

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Young White Daughter Deflowere by Black Man

It's strange to be writing this story. I've written a number of stories that focused on the African continent but this one happened to a woman I met in the states. I had just spent 16 months in Nigeria working with British Petroleum but was transferred to New Orleans to explore for oil and gas for platform rigs. It was a Saturday afternoon when a friend and me decided to have a few drinks at a lounge in the French Quarter. A woman, nice figure and attractive, sat down at the bar two seats down....

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Young and Single1

~ Synopsis – A young man from a Spanish speaking family goes back to Spain to work and stays with his Mother, Sister and Niece. ~ I’m Ken, single and living at home with my Father. My Mother left when I was 4 and my sister 11. My Mother took my sister and went back to Barcelona to live with her own Mother (Galena) leaving me here with Dad in the US. I got the opportunity through my job to move to Spain with the firm and because I could speak the language I was the best choice. My Dad spoke...

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Young Lee Clark and the MILF

‘Knock…knock…knock’. Melanie put her book down and answered the front door. “Hi…Mrs. Barton,” the good looking teenager asked, “Is Warren in?” “Ehm no,” she smiled when she recognised her son’s best-friend Lee Clark or Clarkie as he was known to his friends, “he’s at work but shouldn’t be long; do you want to come in and wait?” “Yeh thanks.” He mumbled and wiped his trainers on the door mat as he followed the slim woman into the living room. Clarkie and Warren had grown up...

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