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Maria bit her lip and tried her best not to look bored. She stared at a spot on the ceiling as Mike, her husband, labored on top of her.

"Oh yeah baby, gonna come, gonna fill you up."

Maria uttered silent thanks and winced at her husband's outburst. Did he honestly think it was sexy to come out with stuff like that? He probably didn't care, she thought, Mike had never been proficient in the bedroom. She glanced up at his chubby features, eyes closed in mock concentration. Oh well, she thought, better get into character.

"Oh Mike, oh yeah, I'm so close baby, come on!"

"Yeah! Here it comes baby, gonna pump you full!" Mike came with a grunt and Maria held him close to her. Not out of any tenderness, she just didn't want him to see the glazed expression on her face.

"That was awesome Darling."

He kissed her and got up to go to the bathroom.

If he could have seen the look on his wife's face, he would have seen that she didn't quite share the same sentiment.

They had been married for several years now, but it had been a union that had taken most people connected with the couple surprised. Maria was a statuesque brunette, with a sultry, almost exotic face and a wonderfully slender and lithe body. Even at 40, she still attracted lascivious leers and envious stares in equal measure. Mike on the other hand, was a short, portly man with thick glasses and a rapidly expanding bald spot. They were as unlikely a couple as you could ever hope to encounter.

For Maria, it had been a marriage of convenience. She had had to cut short her life at college after getting pregnant with Luke, and had struggled to juggle raising him with securing employment.

She had known Mike since high school, where she had been a cheerleader and enjoyed the perks and popularity that came with it, whilst he was chubby shy boy whom few people noticed. In fact, when they met up years later, Maria struggled to remember who he was after he had told her they went to the same school. Of course by that time their fortunes had dramatically changed. Maria was eking out an existence for herself and Luke, whilst Mike was a high-flying banker.

Maria knew a good thing when she saw it, not necessarily for herself, but for Luke. She soon realized that Mike adored her, in fact had done since high school, and although not physically attracted to him, saw that he was a sensitive caring man who could provide for them.

Maria got up off the bed, got changed and went to check on her son. Luke was downstairs reading a textbook. Normally most mothers would be happy that their c***dren were so studious, but Maria felt with Luke this was almost to a fault. She knew he was fairly shy and reserved and didn't seem to engage in any extra curricular activities outside of school. She wasn't sure if he even had any friends, no-one came to stay and he never went out with anyone.

"Luke, it's a beautiful day out, wouldn't you rather be playing football or something?'

"No thanks Mom," came the reply, his attention hadn't diverted even slightly from the book. Maria stared at him in exasperation. He took after his stepfather in personality but he definitely looked like his biological father. He was tall, with a shock of blonde hair and had a strong jaw-line with almost feminine features, a handsome boy she was proud to say. Mike had been a great step-parent but Maria wondered if sometimes Luke hadn't inherited too many characteristics from him. He had recently graduated and was now waiting to go to college. Maria had tried to persuade him to get a job but he seemed content to lie about the house reading.

She felt a twinge of guilt sometimes because she herself had grown up as an only c***d and knew it could get lonely. She had promised herself a large family but had so far been unable to carry it out. At this rate it'll never happen she reflected.

Maria grabbed the paper from the table and went upstairs to the study to read.

Suddenly she felt the need to relieve herself. She checked that the door to her study was locked and then turned her computer on, slowly unbuttoning her trousers.

She didn't let Mike know she regularly masturbated. Before she had met him, she had been pretty adventurous sexually, especially at college. She had enjoyed a pretty vivid sex life whilst at college, pushing the boundaries as much as she could. The first had been allowing her boyfriend to take her anally. Then she had moved on to other women and also groups.

There had also been a memorable night with a transsexual, but that's another story. Her sex life with Mike however had been a significant anti-climax and was very timid in comparison. Maria half-suspected that he had been a virgin when they met but never dared ask him.

She selected some porn from the archive she kept hidden on her computer and slowly began to finger her slit as she watched a young couple go at it. She had often been tempted to stray and was still not short of offers but couldn't bear to betray Mike. It may have been a marriage of convenience for her but she had grown to love him, in a platonic way more than anything else though. She recalled recently at Luke's graduation she had been brusquely propositioned by one of his classmates.

He was fairly handsome in a rugged, rough and ready way and Maria could tell from the bulge in his pants that she had got him excited. It was fun to tease him for a while but she knew nothing could come from it. It nevertheless turned her on immensely knowing that a young stud like him lusted after her and she tried to picture him giving her a good hard fucking. She now had two fingers pistoning in and out of her cunt, whilst her other hand tweaked her erect nipples. Very soon she came with a gentle moan.

This had been the third time that day. Maria had always been highly sexed but once a day was usually enough to quell her frustration. What is it they say? A woman reaches her sexual peak at 40? It seemed that way to her anyway as she started another assault on her clit. She came quite intensely before sitting back in her chair, exhaling loudly. She resented the fact that she had been reduced to this, especially when she knew she could be out there enjoying herself. It was only her loyalty to Mike that prevented her from doing so and Luke as well she supposed.

To all intents and purposes, Luke regarded Mike as his father and Maria knew it would devastate both of them if they found out she was doing anything. She was slightly ashamed to admit that monogamy had never been one of the hallmarks of her relationships.

She had always been turned on by the illicit thrill of cheating. She realized that during her nostalgic thoughts she had started absent-mindedly playing with her clit again. She chided herself. What is wrong with me? She sighed because she knew the answer. I need a good hard fucking.

Out of the blue she found out from Mike that Luke had a girlfriend, which came as a bit of a shock to her, especially as they had apparently been seeing each other for a few months now. Maria wondered what else Luke was keeping from her and why he had found it so easy to confide in Mike but not her. As it was, she had to extract the information from Mike, who was a little reluctant to do so.

"I don't think you'd approve of her" was all he would say, though at the same time he had a twinkle in his eye which Maria took to mean that he more than approved of Luke's new playmate.

"What's that supposed to mean? Wait, it's not another guy is it?"

Mike took a look at her horrified expression and gave a derisory hoot.

"No, no, no, although, I'd like to think even if it was, we wouldn't be bothered."

"You know I'm not intolerant Mike, but every mother would eventually like grandc***dren you know."

"Calm down, it's definitely a girl. Well, not girl exactly, I believe 'lady' would be a more appropriate expression."

Maria jumped to the right conclusion very quickly.

"She's older than him?"

Mike nodded his assent.

"Obviously I didn't ask her age but I believe she's, well, 'mature' is probably the best word."

"Wait a sec, you've actually met her?"

Mike grinned sheepishly as his wife glared at him.

"Yes, she seems nice. I would have told you but I wasn't sure how you'd take it."

"How old is she Mike?' Maria demanded.

"Ok, ok. Erm, at a guess...probably ...early forties."

Maria gritted her teeth.

" long have they been seeing each other?"

"About a few months now."

Maria exploded. It was bad enough what she was hearing but the fact that Mike hadn't come to her earlier about this was tantamount to a dereliction of duty. She stormed out.

Mike sighed and loosened his collar. He was a fairly easy-going guy, and had no qualms about who Luke saw as long as he was happy. Mothers however, tended to be picky when it came to potential partners for their progeny.

He spent the rest of the day trying to appease Maria with little success. She locked herself in her study and seethed quietly. She was flabbergasted that she hadn't known about this earlier. She was also annoyed that she still felt horny. If anything, her anger had amplified her frustration and before she knew it, her trousers were undone and her fingers working away at her pussy. The phone snapped her out of her reverie. She snatched it up.


Her tone betrayed her rage, and there was an audible pause on the other end of the line before the caller started talking.


"Yes, can I help you?" Maria tried to calm herself down.

"Perhaps. My name is Angela Hart. I'm a friend of your son's."

Maria suddenly perked up. She tried to quell the strength of emotion inside her.

"So you're the one who's been taking advantage of my son."

Angela gave a chuckle but quickly apologized. "Sorry, it's just that you make it sound as though I'm some sort of sexual predator."

"Well, as far as I can see, that's an apt description, he's 18, just graduated from high school, and you're how old?"

"42." Angela replied curtly.

"You don't find that a little strange."

"Not really. Luke's very mature for his age. We have a lot in common."

"Oh, I'll bet you do."

Another pause.

"Look Mrs. Delgardo, it wasn't easy for me to pick up the phone and make this call. Luke had heard from his father you were less than pleased about us. I thought maybe we could have a chat, at least be civil. I would like to meet in person to talk. If that's ok with you that is."

Maria exhaled loudly.

"And what would that achieve?"

"I don't know, but I would appreciate being given a chance."

Maria mulled it over, it would be good to meet and confront this lady in person, that way there would be no confusion over exactly where she stood.

"Ok. Let's do it."

"Thank you."

They arranged a neutral venue at the weekend. As soon as Maria put the phone down, her hands slipped back into her panties and she hungrily brought herself to an intense climax.

Luke noticed that his mother had put on a cold front with him, but he thought it best to leave her to sulk. He didn't feel as though he had done anything wrong and was slightly surprised at how upset Maria seemed. He didn't like keeping Angela a secret from her and had done so mainly on Mike's advice. In a way he was relieved it was out in the open.

Maria arrived at the café punctually and strode confidently in, scanning the room for the harlot who had enchanted her son. She noticed a woman waving at her from a side booth, ushering her over. Maria gave a smug grin and walked over to join her. Angela was different to how she expected. She grudgingly admitted she was quite pretty, a petite, lithe blonde with an infectious smile. She didn't look like a 42 year old woman, but then again, she couldn't pass for too much younger either.

Angela proffered a hand in greeting which Maria grabbed and gave a quick shake before quickly disengaging.

"Thank you for coming to see me."

"Don't mention it, it's important we set a few things straight." Maria tried to stare her down, but it was unclear what effect, if any she was having, judging from Angela's impassive blue eyes.

There was an awkward lull. Maria dove back into the conversation, anxious not to lose the initiative.

"So how did you meet my son?" She emphasized the last two words. A fact not lost on Angela.

"Well, I met your son at work."

"Oh really, doing what?"

All of a sudden Angela felt as though she was being interrogated. "I'm a sexual health counselor."


"No need to be alarmed, I work for a fertility clinic, Luke answered one of our adverts about potential sperm donors."

"And you decided that you needed to more hands-on approach to find out?"

Angela seemed unfazed by Maria's sudden change.

"Well, we like to be thorough. And after having gained intimate knowledge of the goods, I was only to happy to recommend it." She replied nonchalantly.

Maria looked as though she was employing every last vestige of self-restraint not to slap Angela.

"If you want to be crude Mrs. Delgardo then that's up to you, but you can't then go on to cry foul."

Angela gave a determined smile which Maria, much to her annoyance found quite disarming.

"You're right, that was my fault. This is hard for me."

"I know, I tried to put myself in your shoes. I'm sure you must be very concerned..."

"It's're the first girlfriend Luke seems to have had."

"Well, yes, I was a little surprised at that as well. I can't quite explain it, we just sort of 'clicked' when I was interviewing him and afterwards he invited me to go and grab a coffee."

"So, he initiated it."

Angela nodded. "Yes, and over coffee we got to know each other quite well, we have a lot in common."

Maria felt on the defensive, this wasn't quite how she had imagined this going. She had already painted Angela as a cradle-snatching harlot so to meet this effusive, bubbly woman was a bit of a shock, and she couldn't help but warm to her.

The conversation quickly moved onto other subjects and Angela gave an exhaustive biography of herself. By the time the bill had come, Maria had softened considerably.

But not to the extent that she was willing to giver her approval to their relationship. Not yet anyway.

"Luke likes you, and I want to like you, but you must understand, you're older than I am!"

"I know, normally that would be quite a barrier for me, seeing someone his age guy but Luke is very canny and knowledgeable and you have to realize that a lot of young men do enjoy the allure of the older woman. I think he prefers mature ladies anyway."

Maria went slightly red. This was the first inkling she had had of Luke's preferences.

" think it's a phase he's going through?"

"Perhaps. It wouldn't surprise me. At the moment we're enjoying each others company and we'll just take it steady."

Maria found her candor reassuring; evidently this woman didn't have grand designs on her boy just yet. He would probably forget all about her when he left for college.

"Well, I still can't say that I fully approve but I suppose that he is old enough to make his own decisions without me interfering."

She paused. "Do you have c***dren of your own?"

"Yes, a daughter, she's around Luke's age. I know what you're going to ask. How would I feel if she started dating an older guy?"

Maria gave a grim smile.

"To be honest, I'm not sure, I know that sounds hypocritical but I just hope that I would trust that she's mature enough to make her own decisions."

Maria smiled for the first time during the meeting, despite her better judgment she felt a twinge of respect for Angela, she was very forthright. She quickly made her excuses and left. Angela breathed a sigh of relief as she saw Maria exit. It had gone much better than she anticipated.

Luke was waiting for Maria when she returned. He kissed her on the forehead and mumbled thanks.

"I take it you've spoken to Angela?" He nodded.

"She seems nice."

"She is, but I wasn't sure if you would like her."

"It's not that I don't like her, it's just...couldn't you have found someone your own age?"

Luke blushed to Maria's surprise; she had rarely seen him embarrassed.

"I dunno, guess I just like older women." He fidgeted nervously.

"Older than your old mom?" Maria teased him.

"You're not old Mom! Heck quite a few of the guys think you're pretty hot."

Maria smiled; it was always nice to know you're wanted.

"Really? Bet they're all jealous of you now with your new girlfriend, what do they call it..MILF?"


Maria giggled and ruffled his hair. He ducked and tried to turn away but she grabbed hold of him.

"Come on now; give your old mom a hug!"

"Mooom, let go!" They toppled over, Maria pinning him onto the floor almost, laughing all the while.

"Aww, my baby's all grown up, too grown up to give his old Mom a kiss!"

She leaned in to give his forehead a peck, but at the same time, he tried to raise her frame off himself, but instead found his face suddenly buried between her breasts. There was an awkward moment before he disentangled himself, his face furious rouge. Maria initially thought I was hilarious until she saw the rapidly rising tent in his shorts.

"Oh...sorry Luke." She uttered, almost transfixed by his still expanding erection.

"S'ok." He quickly tried to recompose himself, which mainly involved turning his back to Maria. She took the hint and quickly excused herself, still agog at what she had seen. It had been a while since she'd been up close and personal to such a magnificent specimen and she felt a little flustered. Her first impulse was to go to her study and work out her frustration but she reproached herself. "That's your son on the other end of that cock!" she told herself. "Get a grip woman." She went upstairs to take a cold shower ruing her misfortune.

The following day Angela came over to the house and Maria saw her and Luke together for the first time. She still felt an underlying resentment to Angela but Luke seemed happy so she tried to be as pleasant as she could. She was uneasy at how demonstrative the two of them were together, holding hands, giggling and smooching, oblivious to Maria's furtive glances. Much to her surprise she felt a pang of envy, but quickly dispelled the thought.

Before long they had excused themselves from Maria's company and headed upstairs.

Maria stayed downstairs but soon her curiosity got the better of her and she stole upstairs as well. She tiptoed up to Luke's room and put her ear on the door, she didn't like eavesdropping but the temptation was too much for her to resist.

Soon she could hear heavy breathing and panting and before long the unmistakable, rhythmic slapping of flesh on flesh. She covered her hand with her mouth in shock. Suddenly she could hear Angela moaning, softly at first but quickly escalating to vociferousness. To her further incredulity Maria felt turned-on, her first impulse was to reach for her rapidly moistening vagina but she quickly restrained herself. Angela became more vocal.

Maria couldn't believe the obscenities coming out of the woman's mouth.

"Harder! Harder! Yeah, fucke meeeeeeeeeeeee!"

She could also hear Luke panting, imploring her to quieten down.

"Cum in me, come on Luke, I want to feel your hot cum in me!"

Maria's jaw dropped and she almost barged her way into the room, was Luke not using protection? Finally there was an audible grunt from Luke and Angela's histrionics subsided. Maria quickly made herself scarce and went to her bedroom. She put a hand to her crotch and gingerly regarded her soaking panties. She wouldn't admit it, but it was the most turned on she had been in months.

A few hours later a sheepish looking Luke ambled downstairs. Maria was in the kitchen nursing a coffee. Luke could barely meet his mother's eyes. He poured himself a drink, neither of them saying a word or making any attempt to defuse the somewhat tense atmosphere.

Suddenly Maria burst into a fit of giggles. She tried to recompose herself after seeing the injured expression on Luke's face.

"I'm sorry Honey, but you know they probably heard her in the next county."

This caused Luke to smirk a little.

"Yeah. Um, sorry Mom, sometimes she gets a little carried away, er, I think she likes it when y'know, she thinks other people are in the vicinity."

"Really?" Maria feigned a look of surprise and innocence. "Kinky." She grinned at him.

Luke looked uncomfortable but knew she was only teasing.

"We shouldn't really have.."

"No, that's ok, I guess you're a man now, so your father keeps telling me. You'll always be my little baby though!" She ruffled his hair and pinched his cheek as he grimaced.

"I don't know what your father would say if he heard that."

"Probably cheer."

"Luke!" Maria chuckled.

"Besides, he isn't exactly subtle himself" Luke gave a sly look to his mother.

Maria was rather taken aback at this. "What do you mean.?"

Luke went on, "Come on Mom, I've heard you and Dad, well not so much you, but definitely him."

Maria blushed. It was true Mike was loud but she had certainly not thought loud enough for Luke to hear.

"Well...I guess some people are loud and others are quiet."

"Like you and me." Maria was unnerved a little by the way Luke looked at her.


He gave a shy smile and kissed her on the cheek. It was a simple, affectionate gesture, but his proximity allowed Maria to inhale his scent, a musky smell of sweat and cum. She was glad he quickly took his leave of her after that because she felt her pussy moistening almost as if triggered by the aroma in a Pavlovian twist. She found herself turning and admiring Luke's departing figure, the tall lean frame of his body and the tight buttocks barely covered by his shorts. Once again she had to check herself, what on earth was wrong with her.

She knew what she had to do. She creeped upstairs and furiously frigged her sopping fanny to a highly satisfying climax, Angela's cries of ecstasy still ringing in her ears.

Angela came around the following week as well again, it was just Maria at home. Sure enough after initial pleasantries were exchanged, Luke and Angela went upstairs. Soon enough Maria heard the tell-tale sounds.

She was still astonished at how loud Angela could be, she seemed to modulate between a high-pitched shrieking and a deep guttural moaning. She hadn't dared to listen at his bedroom door since that first time, but she was certainly tempted. She still wanted to ask him if he was taking precautions as well.

Luke emerged from his bedroom first to grab a drink. Maria was in the kitchen again, half-expecting him. He came down bare-chested, glowing slightly with a sheen of sweat covering his body, like a primal man who had just dragged another woman off to his cave to satisfy.

They made the same joke about Angela whilst he poured himself a drink. Luke didn't seem quite so embarrassed either, in fact Maria detected more than a hint of quiet pride on his part. Maria couldn't help but become more frustrated and increasingly curious.

Luke was still surprised that his mother was still ok with him seeing Angela let alone letting them fuck loudly in her own house. And he couldn't be sure but he had noticed a glint in her eyes when they spoke about it the first time, and he was sure he had seen her running her eyes over his body.

He didn't want to say anything but even now he could feel her watching him; he was a little taken aback.

Maria wasn't even aware she was admiring him until he turned to look her in the eyes. She flinched and turned away, like a giddy school-girl and blushed slightly before quickly regaining her composure.

"So how are things going between you two?"

"Good, I guess."

"Yes I can see she's enjoying herself."

Luke was surprised by her candidness. She had a devilish look in her eyes.

"Um yeah. Listen Mom, if you're uncomfortable, we can always go to her place; she kind of insisted we come here for some reason."

"Probably to try and annoy me."

Luke rolled his eyes. "Seriously Mom, I don't think she's vindictive like that."

"It's ok I don't mind, nice to see some-one enjoying themselves anyway."

Luke looked unsure as how to interpret her last comment, but could tell that it warranted further investigation.

"Erm ,not sure what you mean Mom."

"Oh it's nothing Luke, just well, it happens to every married couple I guess, especially when you've been with someone as long as your father and I have."

Luke looked slightly perturbed, this was more information than he wanted to know.

Sensing this Maria changed the subject, " So, Angela told me you two met at the sexual health clinic."

"Er...yeah." Luke seemed embarrassed, whilst Maria found it hard to suppress a grin.

"And what were you doing there?" she asked, with more than a little glee.

Luke knew she was teasing him.

"Come on Mom. I...was thinking about donating sperm."

Maria covered her mouth with her hand in mock astonishment before bursting into a fit of giggles.

Luke let her laughter subside before replying. "It's not that bad. If most guys could make money from doing it they would."

"Right, right." Maria grinned. "You still planning on doing it or is Angela stockpiling it?"


This set Maria off again, Luke, exasperated started walking for the door but she grabbed him around the waist and pulled him into her.

"You know I'm only teasing."

She marveled at the musculature of his back, instinctively caressing it. This, along with his other's firm breasts jammed against his chest was enough to get Luke excited.

"Sorry Mom, better go." He was terrified of her feeling his erection again. Maria could sense this as well.

"Give your mother a kiss before you go."

He stopped and turned to give her a quick peck on the cheek, but she nimbly sidestepped him and put her arms around him again, giving him a gentle kiss on the lips. Luke looked flabbergasted, part of the discomfiture arising from below as his hard-on prodded his mother's waist.

Maria didn't look down but felt a thrill at the contact. Luke quickly disengaged himself, gave a nervous smile and hurried away. What had gotten into his mother?

Maria was asking herself the same question, she knew she had been flirting quite dangerously, and with her own son! It was such a delicious naughty thought, and she thought about his raging erection as she slid her hand into her trousers and commenced the inevitable.

The following weekend, Mike was home. It was Maria's birthday and they were expecting a number of guests over to celebrate. There had been feverish preparation on Mike and Luke's part as they got the house ready and made all the necessary arrangements. Mike was putting the finishing touches to the buffet when Luke walked in, smartly dressed in a suit.

"Ah Luke, go see if your mother is ready will you, people should start arriving soon and she's been up there for an eternity!"

"Yes Dad." He was looking forward to seeing Angela who had been invited as well. It had been a bit of a strange week. He had begun to notice the tension between himself and his mother, she hadn't been as open with him as before but definitely more touchy-feely. He felt slightly intimidated, but also a little excited which scared him, this was his other after all.

He knocked on the bedroom door. "Mom, Dad wants to know if you're ready, it's almost time."

"Nearly there Luke. Come in." Luke opened the door and gasped.

His mother was a vision. She was wearing a red dress that somehow managed to look classy and slutty at the same time. Her heaving breasts peeked out from the straining bustier. Her smooth legs sashayed towards him, unfettered by the shortest of skirts.

"What do you think?" She twirled around to reveal her tanned back.

"21 again huh?"

She beamed at her entranced son. It was the kind of reaction she had been hoping to inspire. It had been a strange week for her as well. She had been hornier than ever but whenever she masturbated she couldn't help but think of Luke. The strangest thing for Maria had been that she didn't seem ashamed of it, plus she couldn't remember the last time she had had such intense orgasms.

"Wow Mom, you look amazing."

"Why thank you kind sir, suppose we better go down to the party eh?" She locked arms with him and let him escort her downstairs. He looked so dashing in his suit. Mike hardly batted an eye at his wife's attire which annoyed her, but soon guests were arriving it was not time to remonstrate with him. Angela arrived fairly soon, looking demure in comparison to Maria but still very sexy nonetheless. Maria felt a pang of jealousy when she saw Luke with her, holding hands and kissing, but she attributed it to the wine.

It was her birthday after all and she had been drinking copiously since she had started getting ready. Soon enough the party was in full swing and there was no time to think about that, she had to play hostess and birthday girl. It was close to midnight when Luke came over with his gift.

"Just a little something Mom, nothing special."

"Oh Luke, you shouldn't have." She opened it up, it was a beautiful silver necklace and pendant. "Luke, this must have cost a fortune!"

:Nothing's too good for my Mom." He kissed her cheek. Maria almost felt like crying.

"Mom? Are you ok?" her expression had changed. "Yes, it's nothing. I..."

"Let's go outside Mom." He led Maria outside into the chill of the night air. She still seemed a little morose. He gave her a tissue.

"I'm sorry honey, just a bit over come that's all" she blew into the tissue. Luke couldn't help but notice his mother's nipples standing to attention in the cold.

"You're so good to me." She leaned into him and put her arms around. "Such a good son."

"What's wrong Mom?" He was anxious, praying that he wouldn't get hard, but the sight of his other like this was proving too much.

She looked up at him. "Sorry Luke, I'm making a fool out of myself aren't I? I knew I shouldn't have drunk so much."

"Don't be silly Mom. I think we've all had a bit too much to drink." He affectionately brushed the hair from her face. His erection was fully-blown now and there was no way that she could not notice it.

She wiped away a tear and smiled at him. She freed herself from the embrace and looked down at the outline of his cock.

"Nice to know I've still got it." They laughed and Luke mumbled an apology. Without warning Maria clasped her hand around it. Luke gasped but made no move to stop her. He could feel the blood surging into his penis.

"So this is the fellow who's responsible for all the noise in the house eh?" She grinned and then let go. Luke seemed a little disappointed. Maria turned away and walked further down the garden path to a bench. Luke followed her. She sat down.

"I don't deserve you Luke." He looked back at her in puzzlement.

"I'm a bad mother." He sat down next to her and put an arm around her.

"Mom, what are you talking about, you and Dad...well I couldn't have asked for better parents." She looked him in the eyes. He was so sweet and sincere. She felt his hand brush her breast.

"Oops, sorry!" He quickly withdrew. She grinned at him mischievously. "That's ok, I did feel you up as well." She nodded at his erection still straining against his trousers.

"Maybe you should let him out for some air." A cursory look at her face convinced Luke that she wasn't joking. Before he could reply her hands were already unbuckling his belt. He made no attempt to stop her. She slowly unbuttoned his trousers and pulled his boxers down, freeing his cock. It didn't disappoint her. It was a lot larger than Mikes in both girth and length, and the throbbing purple head was oozing precum. She looked up at him. They both seemed to recognize that they had come to a cross-roads.

Luke smiled at his mother. Maria inhaled deeply and took the plunge. Literally. She swooped down and engulfed his cock in her mouth. Or at least as much as she could manage. Luke just sat there in astonishment as his mother slowly inched more of his cock down her throat. Then she pulled herself up, precum dripping from her lip. Neither of them said a word. Maria got up and repositioned herself on her knees before Luke.

She freed her teeming chest from her dress and taking Luke's hand, placed it on her breast. She looked up at him with a wanton expression on her face, it was all Luke could do to stop exploding in her face there and then. She set to work on his penis again, this time ferociously bobbing up and down his gargantuan appendage. Luke rocked his head back, softly massaging her breasts with both hands.

Soon enough her assault bore dividends. He erupted in her mouth. Maria clamped down her lips, catching the cum geyser in her mouth. She felt some alarm as his cock carried on spewing hot sperm into her mouth and throat but she willfully bore it. Eventually it subsided, she sloppily removed her mouth form his cock, took two or three big gulps and gasped in the cold night air. Luke looked like he had passed out but he managed to somehow bring his head up t meet her twinkling eyes.

She looked back at him with an innocent air as if butter wouldn't melt in her mouth and proceeded to lovingly clean his still stiff pole with her mouth. Suddenly the reverie was shattered as Maria let out a loud burp. They both fell to the floor in hysterics.

"You should take more time over your meals Mom!" guffawed Luke.

"Shut your mouth mister, that was as much your fault as mine!" They got up.

"I suppose we better get back, Angela will be wondering where I've got to."

"Will she now?" Maria's tone revealed more than a hint of jealousy. "I guess you're right though."

They quickly adjusted themselves. Maria swept away the grass from his shoulder, then leant in and gave him a most un-motherly kiss. Luke met her tongue with his and they stayed locked together for a minute or so, before reluctantly parting.

"Thanks for the gift."

"Which one?" he grinned back at her. She slapped him on the arm and they quickly strode off to rejoin the party. Throughout the rest of the party they could hardly take their eyes off each other. It seemed obvious to Luke that his mother hadn't finished with him just yet, he had to concentrate fully to stop getting hard.

Luke struggled to give his full attention to Angela but she didn't seem to notice anything was amiss. Soon enough the party started to wind down but frustratingly Angela looked as though she was intending to stay the night. When they had bid farewell to the last guest she grabbed Luke and they made to go upstairs. Luke waved a reluctant good night to an unimpressed Maria.

She was so horny at that stage she was contemplating sleeping with Mike but by the time she got upstairs he was slumbering soundly in bed. She made the best of a bad situation and frantically fingered herself, thinking about how Luke's penis had stretched her mouth and the taste of his cum as it shot down her throat.

She awoke the following morning with a punishing hangover. The enormity of last night's events hit her. She felt guilty of having taken advantage of her own son but she was already trying to justify it. She suddenly realized that her hand had again subconsciously strayed into her panties.

Mike had already left the house from the looks of it. She wondered if Angela was still here. She got up and went to the bathroom to have a quick wash. She felt her heart beat in anticipation as she threw on a flimsy negligee and applied some make-up. She had to look her best after all.

Oh God, what am I doing, she pondered as she tiptoed out of her bedroom. She was beyond rational thought now, all she knew was that she had a major itch that needed to be scratched and the man for the job was in the next room.

She put her ear to the door and heard Luke's gentle snoring. She couldn't be sure if Angela was in there with him. She looked out of the window to see if her car was still in the drive and felt elated when she couldn't see it. She stood at the door adjusting her hair and nightdress.

Her breath was short and she thought that her heart was beating so loudly it might wake him. All of a sudden she could hear the voice of reason.

"You're his mother! You can still walk away from this, don't ruin your life and his! Don't fuck your son"

It turned her on even more. She could feel the juices streaming copiously out of her cunt. She slowly turned the knob.

Luke looked sound asleep, lying on the bed with just a pair of boxers on. Maria glided to his bed and sat on it next to him. She stroked his face gently but he didn't even stir.

She delicately pulled his boxers down and took his limp member in her hand, it was still fairly impressive in this state. She licked the head and ran her tongue down the rapidly expanding shaft. Cradling his balls, she took them in her mouth and gently sucked. Luke moaned.

She slowly started jacking his cock before taking him in her mouth again and bobbing her head vigorously up and down his pole. Luke awoke with a start. As his eyes struggled to adjust to the early morning haze, he initially thought it was Angela's hot mouth on his cock. When he realized it was his mother he nearly jumped out of bed. Maria smiled and let his cock fall from her lips.

"Morning sweetheart. I thought you could use a hangover cure. What do you think?"

She resumed her thorough blowjob. Luke looked too stunned to answer. Last night's events seemed almost like a dream to him. His mother had given him the best blowjob of his life and was now in his room trying to surpass it.

He ogled her voluptuous body, reaching out to squeeze her full tits. A moan from Maria signified her approval and soon he had his paws all over her. Soon her endeavors were rewarded. Luke unleashed another heavy load into her mouth, not as much as last time, but enough to make the wanton mother gag a little. Luke lay there stunned as his mother emerged from between his legs sporting a winning smile and drops of cum around her pretty mouth.

She licked her lips in such a manner that Luke felt himself go hard again. Maria noticed it too and clasped her hand around the base of his penis.

"Well, look what we have here. I wonder what I should do with this?"

She stood up and casually took her negligee off. Luke gasped, he had always known his mother was a beauty but had never appreciated how much. He could barely believe that she had just celebrated her 41st birthday.

She turned around and dropped to the floor on her hands and knees, waggling her beautifully rounded bottom, proffering it to him.

"Luke." She sounded guttural. "If you don't start fucking Mommy soon, I may have to punish you."

Jesus Christ, he thought, this was so horny. He stepped up off the bed. He had never felt his cock throb like this before.

He laid his hand on the small of her back. He could feel the heat coming off from her pussy and see her juices streaming down her thighs.

"Hurry Luke, you don't want to keep Mommy waiting."

He grabbed her tiny waist with both hands and slowly eased himself into her velvety snatch.

They both moaned out loud. Maria had never felt so full up in her life. She twitched her vaginal muscles slipping more of him inside her and started pushing back and forth.

Hot damn, Luke thought, she can't wait to get started. He started pumping away, his cock saturated with her pussy juice.

Maria suddenly realized why Angela had been so loud.

"Oh God Luke, that's it, fuck Mommy! You naughty boy!"

Hearing his mother talk like this heightened the pleasure for Luke, he increased his pace.

As hard as he was pumping, Maria was pushing back onto him just as much.

Come on Luke baby, fuck me hard! Fill me with that hot cum of yours!"

Luke knew he was near, he was still in a trance-like state: was this writing, screaming nympho on the end of his cock really his mild-mannered mother?

Come on baby, Mommy needs your cum, she needs it so bad!"

Finally he came. As soon as she felt him squirt several stream of cum into her, Maria was hit by an almighty orgasm. She was still feeling its effects even after her exhausted soon had uncoupled himself. They both collapsed on the bed.

Mike returned home later that evening to find Luke in the living room. He looked exhausted.

Mike gave him a wry smile. "You have a good time last night with Angela I take it?"

Luke went red and mumbled a yes. All he could think about was how sore his penis was. His mother had spent the whole day practically r****g him. He strongly suspected that this was just the beginning as well. Mike grinned as he saw the faraway look on Luke's face. He went upstairs. Maria was in bed.

"Did you have a good birthday sweetheart?"

"It was wonderful, thanks darling."

"Hopefully your birthday wish will come true."

"It already has." Maria murmured to herself with a smile.

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Prologue Horst Wessel considered himself a brave man. He seldom experienced fear, having become adept at avoiding situations likely to put him to the test. Instead, he sought those which guaranteed him power, and exploited them to the utmost. Tonight though, things had not begun well. Not well at all. As he left the tenement in which he lived, there had been a black van parked a few doors down. He heard the motor start as he crossed the street. It followed at a discreet distance. All senses...

2 years ago
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Another Love Story 8211 The Gift

Hey, friends this is Sid once again. I will continue from where I had left last time. If u haven’t read that then please read Http:// . O.k. After the previous event my life changed completely. I became very popular got new friends. Overall my love towards Nikki grow day by day. I never used to celebrate my birthday. At 12 midnight she wished me. We continued talking. She was telling me about our programs today. She told me to sleep well today....

2 years ago
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Hayride Hookup this year

It was Halloween and I had decided to spend my night volunteering at a haunted hayride. It was a full two mile hayride with thirty different stands. At the beginning we all got together and ate pizza and pop and then everyone was assigned to their stands. It was a mix of people of different ages. Some in their teens, others in their twenties and thirties but not many in their thirties. Everyone was dressed up in black clothes. I was surprised to find that my partner was a woman, Emma. Dirty...

3 years ago
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His Lucky Charm IIChapter 27 Old Friends

London, March 1868 Three days later, another piece of good news arrived. It was shortly after breakfast when the postman delivered a letter in a battered looking envelope bearing a 25¢ stamp from the United States Post Office. Jim and Rose sat down on a sofa and he opened the envelope with a pen knife. It was a letter from Amanda Thrush. Denver, Colorado, December 7, 1867 Dear Rose and Jim, I am sending you this letter to advise you of our imminent departure from Denver. We are headed for...

4 years ago
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Mrs Brooks

This true story happened long ago before a lot of you were even born. I was in high school, and I was one of the slow k**s and always had been. I don't know what it was, if I was just stupid or not applying myself or what. From an early age I wanted to work for the highway department and that's what I ended up doing when school was over. Everyone called me and still calls me highway. I guess because I was one of the slow k**s I never got into girls much at all. I mean I thought they were...

1 year ago
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Across Eternity Book 4 Chapter 9

It was the middle of the night, and the Knight’s Sheath had settled. The bar was closed, and courtesans lay in their beds beside blacked-out and satisfied customers. All was at peace. But then, that peace was interrupted. There was no warning, only the flash and roar as a barrage of fireballs was unleashed. They splashed against the exterior of the building, lighting up the windows and spraying flames in all directions, shaking everyone awake. Those who had been present at the original fire...

1 year ago
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Mike and Sarah Ch 01

Notes : I am British, the characters are British, set in England in fact the Cotswolds, I use English spelling and terms, none are unusual. The people and places are all fictional but inspired by real life, this is the first part. * Mike Wood had just got back from a disastrous holiday, it was at the coast with friends and there was a major falling out, he returned home after two days away, the rest of his family were away on their holiday, so he had the house to himself. Mike had...

4 years ago
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The Accidental MasterChapter 3The Second Day

Did I mention I hate mornings? I awoke the next morning to the sound of a hair dryer running in the bathroom. At first, this confused me as I live alone and never use a hair dryer. But as my brain slowly woke up to working speed, I remembered the events of yesterday and how Angela came to spend the night with me. Then, the rest of my body awoke. I realized that I needed to visit the toilet in an urgent manner. Grudgingly, I got up out of bed and headed into the bathroom. As I opened the...

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Pennies Underwear re edited

At a fairly young age, I discovered the magic of humping my mattress. It’s doubtful that I was truly aware of what I was doing, but I distinctly recall thinking that I’d pissed my sheets the first few magical times I brought myself to orgasm. My little ‘discovery’ turned into a daily event, and it never occurred to me that as a rule, my mother did the laundry every week, and no doubt that my stained sheets clearly announced my evolution into full-blown puberty. Thankfully, she never brought it...

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The Wrong Class

The Wrong Class Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When school started I was a fresh faced Sophomore, still fighting my insecurities, acne, and growing pains, freedom was in sight, but not attainable just yet. The school was huge, compared to what I was familiar with, yet like so many other kids, I managed to find my way around, getting lost only a few times. Because of the large number of students, and before we even left the middle school, we were issued a sign up sheet and...

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Debbie Takes Tissues ShoppingChapter 4

We drove into the center of town and parked on Main Street in front of the tailor’s shop. “The tailor here is a friend of Ms. Connor,” Debbie said and opened her car door. I was still wearing the baseball cap and boy shorts with no top. I hesitated a moment, since there were people walking up and down the sidewalk. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. It was a short walk from the car to the shop door and I made it without anyone noticing that I wasn’t really a shirtless boy. Debbie...

2 years ago
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Money Well SpentChapter 12

For the next couple of weeks, Lindsey seemed on a mission. She had a new boyfriend, and she made it a point to leave Jen and I alone as much as possible. Jen must have realized something had changed, because she started snuggling more, kissing me goodnight when she left. The kisses got longer, there was even a hint of tongue in the last few, and she seemed surprised at my enthusiasm. I was trying to figure a way to sound out her feelings towards me, when she took charge. “My family is coming...

4 years ago
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mdash Mom has next door lover

"That's at least four times in less than two weeks, Tom," said Carol, returning the phone to its cradle on the kitchen wall. She sat back down at the dinette table, where she was having coffee with her son before both of them headed off for work. "Don't you think that's a bit much?"The call had been from Carol's next door neighbor, Sandra Parsons. Sandra was a divorcee, not quite 50, about the same age as Carol. Sandra's grown son Paul had recently accepted a six-month reassignment to his...

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Shooting the MoonChapter 9

“So, Arlen, wasn’t it? Not such bold and brave words, anymore, would you say? Care to see the family jewels? Now that you’re not so ... um ... attached to them, that is? Well, Buddhism teaches that attachment is suffering, but in this case, the case could be said for detachment. The good news is that you won’t be thinking anymore with body parts that you no longer possess,” I dangled Arlen’s testes in front of him in a mason jar. He was strapped to a gurney and need only to look down to see...

2 years ago
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Maia VS Lucia catfight

We are both waitresses working in the same restaurant and the owner had asked us both to clean up and make sure that all of the building was locked up, I set to work on one half of the restaurant whilst SHE set to work on the other, I could feel the anger bubbling away inside me as I watched her work her tables because I knew she had been phoning my boyfriend behind my back while flirting and smiling at me. I just didn’t know quite how to approach her about this, Lucia looked over at...

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