Black Lover free porn video

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Поведаю вам историю, которая произошла со мной в 2000 году. Тогда мне исполнилось двадцать лет. Папа с Мамой сделали мне шикарный подарок, оплатив поездку в Турцию. Поездка совпала с поездкой моих друзей, так что одна я не ехала, но была предоставлена сама себе, так отель у меня был другой.

Вечерами я встречалась с друзьями, мы ходили по барам и на дискотеки, но в тот день, вернее вечер я решила сходить сама по себе, там-то я его и встретила. Он был невероятно красив: темная почти как смоль кожа, спортивное тело, стильно одетый под ярко выраженный стиль крутого спортсмена. К тому же он прекрасно владел русским языком, в общем, я сразу и как бы издалека, стала с ним кокетничать.

Но, как гласит традиция, мне следует рассказать о себе. Так вот, я весьма симпатичная, довольно таки высокая девушка сто семьдесят сантиметров с короткими вьющимися под каре стрижеными русыми волосами. Парни заглядывались на меня ещё с восьмого класса. Сами понимаете в силу возраста особенно когда девушка выросла и собственное тело вызывает интерес, я мигом потеряла девственность даже не помню имени того героя кому я досталась но это не главное. Главное то, что я словно с цепи сорвалась, познав запретный плод.

В ход шли все чары, и я скрутила черного красавца за несколько минут. Мое красивое тело, плюс классная ультра, современная одежка «Как мама любит говорить до пизды модели юбка» тоже подлили масла в огонь.

Мы пили по бокалу какого-то напитка которым он меня угостил болтали настолько громко на сколько позволяла клубная музыка а потом решили выйти и прогуляться. Мы вышли на улицу, и ночь поглотила нас. Мы шли по аллее не большого парка, редкие фонари тускло освещали нам дорогу. Но нам этого хватало с лихвой. Я уже не знаю, как далеко мы ушли, но он остановил меня, и мы свернули в заросли кустов. Где мой черный повелитель прижал меня спиной к дереву. Мы стояли лицом к лицу, при тусклом свете фонарей, но я смогла более чем чётко рассмотреть его всего. Он склонился надо мной и поцеловал меня, африканский аромат его тела свел меня с ума. Сколько мы целовались, я не помню. Но когда мы прекратили он повел меня дальше вглубь парка, пока мы не оказались на пляже. Было около двух часов ночи, на пляже при свете фонарей гуляло несколько пар, но и они исчезли в темноте.

Мой же черный повелитель уводил меня все дальше и дальше от глаз людских, уводил так далеко и не говорил ни слова, я была в его власти. И была уверена на сто процентов, что со мной все будет хорошо. Когда мы оказались на свободном пляже. Он предложил поплавать, скинул всю одежду и кинулся в воду. Без одежды под светом луны его темное тело было еще прекрасней. А главный фактор это его дубинка, которая покачивалась в полу возбужденном состоянии из стороны в сторону. Я последовала его примеру, скинув свой топик юбку и трусики, пошла в воду вместе с ним. Качаясь на прибрежных волнах, мы целовались, и обнималась под светом полной луны. После чего, он взяв меня на руки, вышел из воды и положил на ближайший шезлонг. Своими сильными, но очень нежными руками стал меня ласкать.

Сперва он стал ласкать мою грудь, периодически задевая мои возбужденные соски. Моя грудь была очень упругой, а соски стояли как окаменевшие. Именно это меня возбуждало со страшной силы, я начала извиваться и стонать, как змея под его сильными руками.

Он стал спускаться ниже и ниже, целуя моё возбужденное до последнего нерва тело. Когда же его горячий язык проник пизденку, я кончила и обильно оросила его своими соками. Только после этого я реально задумалась, что нас могут увидеть.

Но мой черный друг вновь присосался к моей щелке. И через некоторое время я уже без страха оглашала криками и стонами удовольствия, все окрестности пляжа о том, как мне реально хорошо. Мой любовник ничего не боялся, ласкал меня по всему телу пока он лизал мне то руками тискал мою грудь раздражая соски. Чувствуя его уверенность, я стала раскрепощеннее, а мысль о том, что нас могут увидеть меня стала отчасти заводить. Еще бы молодая белая цыпочка в объятиях черного как смола негра на пляже в Турции... картина достояна руки художника не так ли???

Но вдруг пошёл сильнейший ливень, и нам стало очень холодно. Понятное дело что, при таких условиях у нас маловероятно, что что-нибудь получилось бы. Мы похватали свои одежки, укрылись под большим пляжным зонтом, где собственно мы и оделись. Ливень как начался резко так резко и закончился. Мы решили поменять наше место на более спокойное.

Он поймал такси и увёз меня к себе домой благо он жил не далеко. Пока мы ехали в такси он продолжал меня ласкать прямо через трусики. так как я сидела как раз в проеме передних сидений, то водитель турок стал свидетелем наших жарких игр. Рука моего любовника уже потянули трусики, намекая на то, что пора бы их снять, собственно, что и было сделано. А потом игра перешла в мои руки вернее сказать в мой ротик. Я старалась доставить удовольствие моему любовнику и была вознаграждена за старания обильной струей спермы прямо в мой жадный ротик. Только у него дома я поняла что оставила свои трусики в машине таксиста. Ну и ладно пусть это будет маленький подарок от меня. Все самое интересное было потом. Мы приняли совместный душ с обоюдными ласками. А после прямо на кровати устроили настоящую вакханалию. Господи что он вытворял, что он только не выделывал, его фантазия была безгранична. Такие позы как раком или наездница, а про классику я вообще молчу, они ему были скудны.

Уж не знаю какую версию камасутры он читал но явно не ту, с которой была знакомая. Для меня та ночь запомнилась на всю жизнь. Его член долбил мою пизденку со всех сторон от куда он мог подлезть и трахнуть меня. его язык блуждал по всему телу куда мог добраться. Он кончал как из автомата. Расстреливая своей спермой всю меня с ног до головы. Уже под утро я уставшая измочаленная лежала у него в ногах и сосала его полу возбужденный член, пока он спал. А после он трахнул меня прямо на балконе своей комнаты. Потом мы попрощались, он вызвал мне такси, что бы меня отвезли обратно в гостиницу. Уже в гостинице я рассказала своей подруге всю историю моих ночных приключений.

С ним мы встретились через пару дней в той же дискотеке. и не сговариваясь, сели в такси и поехали к нему домой, по пути зашли купить фруктов. Прейдя к нему, мы выпили шампанское, поели фруктов не много поболтали, и пошли в его спальню. Я стояла лицом к окну, когда он подошёл ко мне сзади, обняв меня своими тёплыми руками, он развернул меня к себе. Оказалось, что он сегодня последнюю ночь находится в Турции завтра ему улетать домой и он хочет эту ночь провести в моем обществе. Посмотрев мне в глаза, он стал снимать с меня топик. Сев на кровать, он поставил меня перед собой, поцеловав меня в мой плоский животик, он стал снимать с меня и без того короткую юбочку. Перед ним открылся вид на мое обнажённое тело. Он снова, как и тогда на пляже, стал приятно массировать мой клитор и ласкать язычком мою киску. Я не помню, как мы оказались на кровати, наверно шампанское давало о себе знать. Но я хорошо помню его нежные ласки.

Для своих 25 лет, он был очень опытным любовником, его действия были слажены и точны как будто он наизусть знал где все мои точки G и все эрогенные зоны. Так продолжалось очень долго пока я обессиленная после третьего оргазма лежала в его объятиях и поскуливала от удовольствия. Он дал мне передохнуть, а потом дал понять, что и его друг тоже хочет любви и ласки. Коей он был одарен сполна. Его член был одарен небывалой лаской и любовью. Каждое яичко побывало на моем языке. Даже его анус был одарен моей лаской, кстати, он единственный кто был одарен этой лаской. И каждый раз, когда он был на грани, я понижала темп своих ласк, дабы он не кончил раньше, чем я этого позволю. В конечном итоге мой черный любовник не выдержал таких любовных ласк.

Он набросился на меня, как изголодавшийся зверь. Загоняя свой член на всю глубину моей пизды. Подошла очередь моей девственной попки познать радость анального секса. Он был нежен и тактичен долго разогревая меня пальчиками и какой то смазкой в течении долгого часа. А потом он начал медленно проникать. Врать не буду первые моменты было нереально больно. Но напор его члена сделал свое дело он был полностью внутри меня.

Минутный перерыв дал возможность привыкнуть к его габаритам. И мой любовник начал сначала тихо двигать своим членом но поле некоторого времени его член начал двигаться все быстрее. Под конец нашей ночи его член ходил в мой заднице, также свободно, как и в моей пизденке. Он даже чередовал задница — пизда, задница — пизда, что меня еще больше возбуждало. А потом он перевернул меня на спину и продолжил свое чередование моих дырочек. Когда я уже сбилась со счета своих оргазмов. А мой любовник вспотел, так что с него текло ручьем, он вытащил член и начал кончать прямо на меня все лицо, живот, грудь даже волосы были заляпаны спермой. Наши после оргазменные стоны были слышны даже на улице.

Это был первый и последний раз, когда я так отдохнула, с тех пор если я еду отдыхать за границу, то ищу себе именно черного любовника. Того самого который сможет мне подарить ласку и любовь радость того что я женщина которая может и хочет подарить в ответ такую же любовь и ласку.

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Super Lover

Super Lovers Story by Angela J. ([email protected]) Editing by Steve Zink ([email protected]) Episode 1 "The Beginning" "Legend tells of two super beings, one male and one female. Their powers were derived from their super suits and each other. The suits were designed for two lovers. The lovers, wearing their super suits, made love in order to temporarily obtain their super powers. Together they were invincible. Apart and alone, they would fail..." I quickly got bored with...

1 year ago
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Blacked Raw

BlackedRaw! According to Urban Dictionary, getting blacked is “when a white-bread female raised in a middle- or upper- class home gets tricked by a smooth-talking brotha into being a black dude’s girlfriend and sex partner.” Okay, now that we’ve got that cleared up, what’s it mean to get Blacked Raw?To unravel the mystery, I aimed my browser at, one of the most popular interracial racial porn sites in the world. They get three million visits a month, making them even more popular...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Mom fucked hard by lover

I remember a couple of years ago when I was home alone with my mom. My dad was gone for the evening, I cant remember why.My mom kept getting textmessages that she was trying to ignore. Suddenly her phone rang. My mom g****d it and went outside. Curious I opened the window slightly to listen to the conversation."No, not tonight, Its too late" The window made a noise and my mom noticed me. "I got to go" she ended the call with."was it dad" I asked, knowing that was not the case. "It was from...

2 years ago
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My Papa My Lover

” Kuki, I will be visiting Banglore today at 8 pm. Darling, I am on my way to Sri Lanka and my plane is leaving for Sri Lanka two days after. I thought I would spend some NICE TIME with my darling daughter. I cant wait for time to pass. How is Raman? I hope he is taking care of my DARLING!” Papa was saying on the phone as I had just stepped out of the bathroom. I had a small towel round my waist, water dripping from my wet body. As I heard my Papa speak to HIS DARLING DAUGHTER, her pussy was...

1 year ago
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His Wife Their Lover

"You can come in now!" Tony wheeled Tim into his wife's bedroom. Belinda lay on the bed, with one hand she turned the pages of her album while touching herself with her other hand. Her warm body softly undulated. The pattern of her panties concealed the finer details of her sex, but not the size nor thickness of her smooth, shaven vulva which stood out like a hot, swollen tumulus. He enjoyed the humiliation that his wife put him through, including the unconventional taste she had in men....

3 years ago
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Having fun with a mysterious phone sex lover

I’ll admit it: the first six months after my divorce I was like a blind dog on Viagra , ready, willing, and able to jump on anything female. You see, I’d been married for almost 10 years to a good-looking but very uptight and very frigid woman; at 37, I was finally free and clear and happy. I was determined to have a good time, and I did. My childhood friend Stoney was also recently divorced. Together we hit every singles bar in Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, and most in...

2 years ago
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Preparing for My Lover

I believe every woman should take the time to make her man feel like he is the man of her dreams, her fantasies, her hero. Preparing herself with loving attention and care in anticipation of the devotion she hopes he will shower upon her will only serve to enhance a wonderful enchanted evening. This story is dedicated to every young man who desires to awaken long-restrained passions in an older woman, to allow her to once again enjoy being a woman, generously showering her with loving...

3 years ago
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Ana and her new unknown lover

I found out my sexy wife was cheating on me. Ana had often let some black man to fuck her; but his time I suspected she was having an affair with some guy I knew. A white man, not a black one.I knew exactly on which days they fucked; since these days Ana received me smiling as I came back from my office married. She was freshly showered and she did not let me have sex with her those same days…Ana finally knew that I knew about her naughty behavior. So, I made her she would not have a show after...

3 years ago
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My gay lover

Hi I have known I had gay tendencies since I was a boy. Especially on Boy Scout trips where I used to admire other lads in white Y fronts. My story begins when I went to a lay-bye that was frequented by gays. We would park in the lay bye and then go for a walk into the woods. On this particular day I call there before starting my afternoon shift.I first noticed a gorgeous looking dark haired man in his late thirties. He got out of his car and walked into the woods. I quickly followed and...

2 years ago
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Marys Secret Lover

older first time anal sex I want to lose my viriginityMy name is Mary and I'm eighteen. I’m kind of shy around my peers, andhave not really ever had a boyfriend before. I just get real nervous andstart to sweat a little around them. I love school and do really well inmy studies. I’m in my last year of high school and will be attendingcollege in the fall.I have long brown hair and green eyes, and I am five foot five inchestall. I’m one hundred and ten pounds. I have long legs, and I’m a 34 Bcup...

2 years ago
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Blindfolded Lover

The anticipation and excitement was building. I had never had a real life encounter with a woman from a website before. You were so beautiful that I was willing to take a chance. I felt nervous and extremely aroused all at the same time. Over the course of sharing fantasies with each other, you had shared a particular fantasy that aroused you more than the others. Now, I was going to do my best to make it the hottest experience you ever had. Just thinking about carrying the plan out had me very...

2 years ago
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Meeting my online lover

I'd joined a gay chat room. I had been fantasizing about being with a man for a while and this was a harmless, anonymous way to explore my interest. To begin with, I was very shy and didn't know how to respond to the occasional message that came my way. Then I got into a conversation with a guy who made all the running. I only had to go along with his messages. I've discovered that the best cybersex is to be had by going along with the person you are playing with. Unless it takes you...

2 years ago
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Judys Night In Part Two A Tireless Lover

Greg eased Judy down onto her king-sized bed, looking lasciviously down on her gloriously proportioned nakedness. "You must excuse me," he told her, "but I need to use the little boy's room"."Through the lounge and down the hall," Judy told him, "second door on the left. Could you bring our drinks back?" Greg grinned down at her. "Your wish is my command, beautiful lady!" he responded, heading for the door.Judy's hungry eyes feasted on his still swollen, semi-erect cock bobbing before him as he...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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My Wifes Fantasy Lover

Chapter 1My wife Kari and I have always had a good sex life and a good fantasy life. This story may begin easy, but like my wife, it gets nastier the further it goes.She is the attractive, but normal and unassuming everyday woman in the office, at least on the outside. But underneath, she's a sexy woman that has always wanted to be let out of her cage of 'conservative upbringing'. She just has trouble letting herself go. I am a Creative Director for an ad agency and Kari works in a studio...

2 years ago
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Mature wife with young black lover

Wife’s “special” encounter with a prodigiously endowed black man!Wife walked back to our pond to relax. Loved the privacy with 500 acres, wore her one-piece bathing suit. Once at the pond off came her bathing suit so she could lie on some large beach towels, enjoy some fresh fruit, splash in the water and just enjoy the day. She had no idea just how much she’d enjoy her day or how it would impact on her life permanently, in a good way, going forward!She’s 55 years old, 45EE-36-45, still fertile...

3 years ago
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A Paladins TrainingChapter 2 Mentor Lover

*** ONE YEAR AGO *** “Secondly,” the mysterious woman – Elaina – continued. “This place is one of the last standing sanctuaries for our kind.” “Our kind?” Aran asked, momentarily forgetting that he was naked and in a room with the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, let alone the fact that she was effectively naked herself; the sheer robe she wore hid absolutely nothing. “What does that mean?” A sudden thought occurred to him, and he asked without thinking. “Are you not human?” A throaty...

4 years ago
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Julie Finds A Lover

For just a moment after opening her eyes Julie didn't know where she was. As her eyes became accustomed to the dark room she was able to pick out the shape of the furniture, thanks to the sliver of light coming through the blackout curtain. That's when she remembered that she was in a suite at a local four-star hotel. The clock on the nightstand told her that she had been asleep for only ten minutes.'It wasn't supposed to be this good,' was the first thing that Julie said to herself after she...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Blackjack three girls and me

My wife Anna and I went on vacation to Ft. Lauderdale with her two friends Carolyn and Jenni. We were all 28 years old except Carolyn who was 27. We landed and went to our condo and decided to go to the beach and just relax. I went to the grocery store later in the afternoon to pick up groceries and some beer, wine and alcohol. When I came back the girls said they wanted to stay in that night and just play some cards and relax. After we ate dinner we sat down to play some gin even though I...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Blackmailing younger sister

Blackmailing younger sisterBy Yours master**************************************************************WARNING:This story is fiction, and should be treated as such. The following story is forthe entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicitsex. If you are not an adult, or reading sex stories upset you, DO NOT readany further. If it is illegal in your location, DO NOT read it.This is a copyrighted work. Copyright 2010 by Yours master. Reposting orany other use of it is...

4 years ago
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My stepmom my lover

I was about 14 years old (and still a virgin.....with females at least), my parents had been divorced since I can remember. My dad had remarried, divorced and remarried again. With his latest wife I acquired 2 step-brothers, the oldest (we'll call him steve) was into pot, beer and playing the guitar. My other step brother (Josh) was the polar opposite, a football star with girls hanging off him. Imagine my surprise when he turned on a she-male porn in front of me which started our years of...

1 year ago
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The adventure of Elastic woman and her lover

Sometimes my work takes me to the other side of the country for a lengthy period. It makes me crazy to be without my lover for long periods of time, but we manage somehow. * Tell me again what you’ve got cooked up for me when I get back, I smiled. It will be a surprise, darling, don’t you worry, you’ll be amazed, she told the telephone receiver, I’ve really been exercising diligently. Seems the more I stretch, the better I get. I’m really astounded myself at my...

3 years ago
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The first day with my black lover

Victor had warned me his business trip would take at least two weeks.Before leaving he had fucked my ass wildly, bearing in mind I was on my period. Later his assistant Jennifer had fingered my wet cunt in the bathroom, being my husband unaware of her presence there…By Tuesday I was feeling fine, but also very horny. Then I called my black lover Jimmy, as I had promised him. He was very excited and so was I that I had to finger myself to get rid of a bit of the sexual excitement that was...

1 year ago
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Horny for my lover

Wednesday morning after dropping my daughter off at crèche, I made my way to gym. Just before I started my workout I received a message from my younger lover saying that he can't wait to see me after his exam today. I immediately became wet and looked forward to seeing him. I did my workout and then made my way home where I had breakfast and a hot bath while I waited for my lover to arrive. Once out the bath and dry I decided I would dress up for Nick to set the mood. I put on a pair of my...

4 years ago
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65 Taking Pam a lover

65 Taking Pam a lover Jim and Pam had been married for about 8 years, they were just at the period where sexual experimenting had gone, and long term acceptance had yet to kick in, so they were bored sexually, having two c***dren Peter a lively 7 year old and at 6 Milly pretty blond and knowing tended to cramp the style a bit, but the k**s were loved and nothing would change that. Jim being a self employed journalist, spent long hours doing research, so for Pam, now the k**s had both...

2 years ago
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His Fairy Lover

Dympna of the Sí, is hungry. Her lover has gone west to meet the setting sun and to mourn her, she has taken no nourishment for seven full moons, one for every three years they were together.Even the fae of the otherworld must feed, and for her to feed she must take a special lover. She casts her net far and wide, and soon she smiles. She has found a poet, and this one has a penis. When did she last taste a fine, fat, meaty cock?*Dermot Fitzgibbon looks around the room and sighs. Surgical...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Your Son My Lover

What are you staring at?" said Julie as she came up silent on slippered feet beside her friend Elaine, who was gazing out of the picture window. Elaine turned with a smile. "Nothing much. My future, I suppose." "Future, huh? And what do you see?" "Loneliness." "Why? You're still young." "Forty next birthday, divorced for the second time, and haven't been laid in almost three years." "Ouch." "Ouch is right. Sheesh, Jules, I get so horny sometimes, I could, well, I don't...

1 year ago
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The Muse portrait of the artist as a lover

THE MUSE (PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A LOVER) By Katharine Sexkitten "For I have crossed between the poles, and for me there's no mystery Once a man, like the sea I raged Once a woman, like the earth I gave Ah, but there is in fact more earth than sea." Cinema Show, by Genesis She sat in peaceful repose, while all around her seemed chaotic. Her hair fell down her back in a wild tangle, dark on dark. The massive pile of pillows behind her showed them as a mixture of big and...

3 years ago
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Lodger Becomes Her Lover

Bazza had been kicked out of his girlfriends home after shagging another woman in her bed and she found out about it, He was now homeless and had no were to go until he bumped into a friend down the town, her name was Helen, a sexy hot wife well in her 40’s but still a cougar. He told Helen about him becoming homeless and Helen was shocked and didn’t want this to happen so she suggested Bazza come to her home for a while and she would speak to her husband about Bazza staying, he was over the...

3 years ago
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Lodger Becomes Her Lover

Bazza had been kicked out of his girlfriends home after shagging another woman in her bed and she found out about it, He was now homeless and had no were to go until he bumped into a friend down the town, her name was Helen, a sexy hot wife well in her 40's but still a cougar. He told Helen about him becoming homeless and Helen was shocked and didn’t want this to happen so she suggested Bazza come to her home for a while and she would speak to her husband about Bazza staying, he was over the...

2 years ago
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Taking Advantage Of A Betrayed Lover

                    Taking Advantage Of A Betrayed Lover Jess was in her last lesson at the end of what had been a long day at university. She had been kept frustrated all day and was driven wild with lust with the need for a release. The cause for this was the two blondes who were sat in front of her. Their names were Emma and Sarah and they were, which Jess couldn’t think of any other way of describing them as very open Lesbians. Their relationship was no secret to the rest of the school...

2 years ago
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Blackhawk Hall Ch 02

The Duke and Duchess had just dressed after bathing when Arilee walked into the bath room. She marveled for a moment that there was no evidence of the battle that had occurred there only a short time before. She found that she had to concentrate to maintain her composure in light of Christi wearing only a thin nightshirt, and Cerebus clad in only a pair of cotton pants. ‘Excuse me – Ashtar wishes to speak with you.’ Mindblind grunted and nodded his head. ‘That’s a good sign for you, Ari. If...

3 years ago
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Blackhawk Hall Ch 04

Arilee and Christi walked through the massive double doors of Blackhawk Hall into the cobblestone courtyard beyond. Both were dressed to impress, and the effect was not lost on the guards flanking the door. Christi turned around after a few steps, knowing that the guards would be looking, and winked. The men both quickly lifted their eyes from the sway of the women's bottoms, provoking a laugh from Christi as she turned her eyes back to the path ahead.A glance at Ari readily revealed the reason...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Blackhawk Hall Ch 02

The Duke and Duchess had just dressed after bathing when Arilee walked into the bath room. She marveled for a moment that there was no evidence of the battle that had occurred there only a short time before. She found that she had to concentrate to maintain her composure in light of Christi wearing only a thin nightshirt, and Cerebus clad in only a pair of cotton pants."Excuse me – Ashtar wishes to speak with you."Mindblind grunted and nodded his head. "That's a good sign for you, Ari. If...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Blackhawk Hall Ch 01

Heads turned when the door to the servants' common in Blackhawk Hall opened and a blonde woman entered, looking somewhat unsure of what she was supposed to be doing. Her face bespoke youth, still having an unmistakable softness that would fade with age. She smiled nervously as all eyes in the room fell upon her, a deepening flush in the cheeks framing that smile served to make her look even younger.Her figure contrasted with her face, obviously the body of a grown woman, although her skin...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Blackhawk HallChapter 2

The Duke and Duchess had just dressed after bathing when Arilee walked into the bath room. She marveled for a moment that there was no evidence of the battle that had occurred here only a short time before. She found that she had to concentrate to maintain her composure in light of Christi wearing only a thin nightshirt and Cerebus clad in only a pair of cotton pants. "Excuse me — Ashtar wishes to speak with you." Mindblind grunted and nodded his head. "That's a good sign for you, Ari....

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