You Can't Be Mad Forever free porn video

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Ian glared at the male directly across the table from him as they ate their supper together in the pub, his gaze full of rage. They were tucked away in a dimly lit corner to avoid being bothered by the general public, smiling and talking with each other in a place just for themselves. Well, at least, most of them were smiling and talking.

The whole group of close, 20ish-year-old friends had finally gotten a time where their free days seemed to line up perfectly, and too the opportunity by going to the bar for a 'guys night', away from their family and girlfriends (well, only a few had girlfriends, that being just Andrew and Michael).

Kevin looked back at the younger boy before him, frowning slightly as the other looked back to his plate quickly that he was picking at, but not quick enough. His elder still caught the daggers that were being shot at him just a moment before.

And so, Kevin copied the other male's action and looked back to his own large plate of food. He shoveled a fork full of the rice sitting upon it into his mouth, chewing softly. He decided to try and get the younger's attention, gently poking his leg with his foot, but that only caused the younger to jerk his legs back angrily and hook his sneakered feet around the legs of the chair he was sitting on and out of the elder's reach.

Ian wasn't happy. Not in the least, despite all of the excited and relaxed chit chat happening all around him with the other six members. Andrew and Ryan were talking about their most recent performance, Alex and Michael laughing their heads off at something that probably wasn't even all that funny, and Nathan was now talking to Kevin about something Ian wasn't quite aware of.

Ugh. Kevin. Ian despised him at the moment. Although they were the best of childhood friends (although Ian secretly hoped they would have been more), and they thought nothing would go wrong between them, they were recently proved horribly wrong. After Kevin had ditched Ian and their plans to go hang out with Ryan, their whole friendship had been forced totally off kilter. Ian wasn't normally one to get so angry over trivial things, but it had been happening more than once, even after the elder had apologized and promised not to keep doing such. And as a result, Ian had been feeling like he wasn't wanted or liked by Kevin anymore, so he had decided to make it easier for the both of them and end it all between the two. He had done so by completely cutting their friendship off, no matter how stupid the idea may have ended up being.

Although Kevin understood the younger didn’t want him to try and get his attention anymore, which he respected and didn’t do, that didn’t stop Kevin from sneaking glances from across the table. The whole dinner Ian had stayed in the same position: elbow resting on the wood as he leaned the side of his head against his hand, staring down at his incredibly slowly emptying plate, his eyebrows knitted. His cheeks were sucked in lightly and his lips were out in a soft, adorable, cherry-red pout.

During one f his awkward stares toward the other male that currently hated him, said person did something unexpected: stand up. “Excuse me,” Ian said shortly. After informing the group, that wasn’t really listening (except Kevin, of course) that he was going to the washroom, he did just that. Kevin eyed his back as he strolled off from the table and rounded a corner, as well as out of Kevin’s sight, staring at the ground.

Next time there was a pause in Nathan’s talking, Kevin took the opportunity to excuse himself to the bathroom as well. He sighed as he stood up, inwardly fixing his hair and making sure his clothes were straight and presentable. He sighed lightly, balling his fists together as he stalked off towards the bathroom himself, following the way he had seen the way the other had gone.

Turning the corner, he hoped he wasn’t too late. Letting out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding when he noticed nobody was in the hallway, he hurried towards the two doors at the end of the hall. Seeing the boy’s room was on the left, he took another deep breath and pushed it open.

“I’m so sorry! I didn- Oh. It’s you,” came a voice through Kevin’s pounding ears. He had bumped into the younger boy just as he opened the door. His eyes widened and he stared down at him, before a small smirk fixed his lips, his eyes going back to normal.

“Yeah, it’s me,” he said, surprising himself as his voice came out huskier than it normally sounded. Disregarding it, he slammed the door shut behind him after he had stepped forward and turned the cold metal lock with slightly shaking fingers, before whipping back around to meet the boy behind him.

“K-Kevin, what-” Ian started, before he was slammed against the large mirror and wall beside them by the waist. He let out a small groan as his back hit the cold mirror hard, his lower back on the wall, and he was about to talk again before he felt a wet pair of lips land on his own.

Ian started to whimper against the other’s warm lips, trying to push him away as muffled commands to get off were let out too, crushed by the other. He shivered lightly as he felt the grip on his hips tighten, and something wet and hot run against his bottom lip. His eyes widened as he continued to try and push the other off, to no avail.

When he didn’t open his mouth for the other, Kevin decided to do it for him. He forced the two cherry like pieces of flesh apart, his tongue darting out to massage the other’s with his own. Ian continued to whimper quietly, Kevin’s thumbs drawing circles on his hips.

Eventually, Kevin felt his lungs throb slightly as his body called out for air. He slowly let his lips separate from the other’s, breath coming out and in with quick bursts. He heard the other panting slightly himself, his chest heaving as he pressed up against him and leaned down, planting soft and needy kisses from his jaw line down to his neck.

“S-Stop, Kevin… Please,” Ian commanded in a short whimper, but Kevin just kept going. He continued to lick and kiss at his pale skin, earning small and unwilling shivers from the boy he was currently... well... molesting. He easily reached a patch of skin right below his ear which he bit down on harshly, Ian moaning softly and involuntarily as his body shuddered. Ian was incredibly glad there was nobody in there with them, and although Kevin was unaware that they were alone, that was the least of his worries. He honestly didn't care.

“You don’t want me to and you know it,” Kevin whispered back huskily, continuing to bite, suck, lick and kiss on the same spot as his hands traveled down from the other’s hips. Instantly, Ian tried to push him off and in return, his wrists were snatched up together in one of Kevin’s hands. He moved back a little so he could put the limbs above the other’s head, now staring into his younger friend’s glaring eyes.

“You can’t be mad forever,” he whispered, his voice full of obvious lust. He dove back down to the other’s neck, continuing to abuse the sweet spot below his ear lobe, which he occasionally took in between his teeth to bite. Ian’s back arched lightly, before going back down onto the mirror, biting and chewing furiously on his bottom lip to suppress any unwanted sounds.

Resuming his earlier actions, his free hand that wasn’t clasping the other’s two wrists together now moving down to the hem of the other’s jeans. He heard a jingling sound as he fumbled with the other male’s belt, trying his hardest to undo it. When the task was successfully completed, he unhooked it from the loops and threw it somewhere in the bathroom with a loud clatter. He then moved on to his jeans, frantically undoing the button and zipper before pushing them down, along with Ian’s boxers.

His lips turned into a nice smirk as he instantly took the other’s member into his hand, firmly. He heard the younger gasp loudly, shuddering softly. “K-Kevin...” he whispered, and in response, the said boy started to thumb the other’s slit before stroking his cock tightly, but yet painfully slow.

“Yes, Ian?” Kevin asked, feeling excitement bubble up in his chest as the other moaned breathily. His own member twitched slightly at the thought of the other moaning because of his touches. He continued to stroke him slowly.

“V-Vin... More... Please give me more...”

Kevin’s heart nearly stopped as he heard the younger boy beg for more after calling him something he hadn’t heard in a while. Smirking wider now, he realized that he couldn’t do that; this was supposed to be to get Ian angrier, not happier.

“Sorry, but I can’t exactly do that,” Kevin simply replied, pulling his hand away with a small chuckle. Ian whined slightly at the lack of contact, and that only made Kevin chuckle again. “Move your hands and you’re fucking dead,” he told the younger harshly, to which he got a frantic nod.

Slowly removing his hand, the other boy obediently kept them where they were. Kevin smiled slightly, bringing his handss down to his own jeans, undoing the button and then the zipper. He pulled them down hurriedly, sighing out softly as his erection was sprung free, shivering as well at the cool air that met his burning skin.

Looking with a lust-filled gaze toward the other boy, he could see that he was staring down at his own cock, his bottom lip captured tightly between his teeth. Kevin flickered his own gaze down to the other boy’s member, smirking widely and holding back a chuckle as he saw the other was pretty damn excited himself, to say the least.

Moving back towards the other, he let his hand ghost over the other’s member. In response, he got a small, breathy, almost inaudible moan. “Like what you see?” he asked softly in the other male’s ear, licking his ear lobe while the other nodded frantically.

Kevin, chuckling lightly, removed his hand from the other male, Ian almost whimpering at the loss of even his gentle touches. He quickly gripped the younger’s hair harshly, shoving him down to the ground. As the other male’s knees hit the floor with a painful thump, he grinned.

“What the fuck, Kevi-” Ian started, before he was cut off by a soft, low mumble in the form of a bitter command.

“Then suck it.”

Ian’s anger resurfaced, completely forgetting about the pleasure and happiness he had felt just a few mere moments before. He barely got any pleasure himself, and then he was being told to suck the cock of the man he hated? Fuck no. Shaking his head, he tried to pull away, but whimpered at the feeling of his hair being tugged at roughly.

“Fucking suck it; prove to me you like it. You want it, don’t you?” Kevin exclaimed, his tone slightly angrier and his voice louder, echoing in the cold bathroom. Ian shook his head once more, hands flying to his hair as it was pulled at even rougher.

“Do you Want me to go in dry?” Kevin asked, voice dripping with venom. Ian stared up at the other, eyes wide. He desperately wanted to face palm at the realization of what all of this was about. He really didn’t want to suck the other off, but if that meant the inevitable actions coming later would hurt less, then so be it...

Tentatively, he moved further closer. He looked up at the male as his tongue poked out from his hot cavern, experimentally licking the tip. He had never given a blow job before, let alone been fucked, and he was nervous as all hell.

Kevin shuddered slightly, fisting the other’s hair slightly. The other male continued to lick around the tip, sometimes delving his tongue into the slit. Kevin, getting frustrated with his light touching, eventually shoved him onto his cock, fisting his black hair desperately.

Ian choked as the other’s cock hit the back of his throat. Tears sprung to his eyes as his head was forced to bob on the other’s length, his hands flying to the other’s thighs as he gripped them painfully, the stiff piece of flesh hitting the back of his throat with each bob.

“Just... Just r-relax,” Kevin stuttered out, continuing to play with his friend’s hair as his own head went back in pleasure. Ian, taking his advice if it meant the weird feeling would cease, desperately relaxed his muscles. Slowly, it started to feel better as the other male’s hips thrusted in place of bobbing, groaning out because of the feeling. “S-Suck it already...”

Doing as told, he hallowed his cheeks instantly, earning a loud ‘fuck!’ from the other. He sucked as hard as he could, bobbing his head voluntarily as he licked around the length with each forward motion of his head. He licked up the underside, moans and incoherencies tumbling out of the above man’s mouth with everything Ian did.

As soon as Kevin felt the need to release, the coiling hard and full of pressure in his stomach, he shoved the boy off his cock and onto the wall with a shiver. “Stand the fuck up,” he commanded, pulling him roughly by the hair as he growled low in his throat, feeling way too eager and impatient.

Ian wined as he instantly did as told. He shivered as the other male leaned in to his ear, whispering a rough “turn around~” into it. His breath was hot on his skin, and the younger did as told.

Kevin reached out, grabbing the other’s wrists. He forced the other to put his hands onto the mirror, his palms flat on the cool glass. “Look at yourself while I fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk out of this bathroom by yourself,” Kevin hissed into his ear, eyes full of maniac lust as he watched the boy’s reflection of his face. “Don’t move,” he added, slowly removing his hands.

Positioning himself at the boy’s entrance, Kevin didn’t even give Ian a second to speak before he was roughly buried right down to the hilt, Ian’s head bowed as he screamed out in pain.

“I said look at yourself!” Kevin yelled, grabbing his hair and pulling it up, forcing the boy to look at his pained reflection, tears streaming down his face. Kevin’s other hand was on his waist, already thrusting himself in and out roughly with loud grunts. He leaned down to bite at the other’s back, digging his nails into his side as he felt the other’s tight heat.

“Fuck, Ian... S-So tight... Are you a v-virgin?~” Kevin asked in a slightly teasing manner against his hot, milky white skin, marking it multiple times in different places, red bruises forming in a pattern around his back and neck, his back arched. Kevin knew the other had had boyfriends in the past (the younger male had been gay for as long as he could remember) , and he also knew the other was slightly nervous when it came to sexual things, but still... Him being a virgin was slightly odd, and even worse, something inside of Kevin was excited to know that he was the one to take Ian's virginity.

Ian nodded, letting out a choked sob. It felt like he was being torn in half as the other pounded into him, the sound of their skin slapping together bouncing around the room. Kevin’s pleasured moans and grunts contrasted with Ian’s sobs and cries of agony as he was continuously pushed to stare at his face, eyes wide and tears making lines all over his face, as well as the man thrusting his huge cock into his virgin hole over and over.

Although Kevin was fucking him raw, as hard and as fast as he could, he didn’t totally want to hurt him. Sighing lightly, sweat starting to form on his forehead, he started to thrust in many different angles as he tried to get the other’s face to contort in pleasure instead of pain. Although he looked beautiful in the mirror right now, as his sadistic side told him many times, his caring side said he’d look twice as hot with his eyelids fluttering, knees weakening, mouth open and pleasured moans jumping out of his mouth.

And that was exactly what he got. Ian’s mouth suddenly opened twice as far, his back arching painfully and his toes curling in his shoes against the floor. “K-Kevin! There! R-Right there, more!” he screeched, moaning loudly. 

Kevin smirked, slowing his thrusts down despite how fucking good it felt to slam into him. He gently continued to thrust into his ass, shuddering lightly as the boy beneath him trembled with each light touch onto his prostate Kevin made.

“Kevin...” the younger whimpered, and Kevin yanked his head back, leaning down to bite as hard as he could on the spot below his ear. Ian’s fingers curled to make fists on the glass, breathing heavily and moaning.

“Beg me for it, tell me what you want, you little slut,” Kevin taunted into his ear as he sucked on the spot gently, caressing his hip lightly.

“Fuck me hard, Kevin! You said you wanted to fuck me so rough I wouldn’t be able to walk, so fucking do it... G-Give me more of that huge, beautiful cock, Vinnie... I need it,” Ian cracked, rolling his hips back against the lightly thrusting cock. Kevin trembled himself, throwing his head back down as he grabbed his hips with both hands firmly, ramming in the same angle as before but as hard, rough and fast as he could.

“V-Vin! More!” Ian screamed, practically melting against the glass. His back arched, and Kevin felt a coiling begin once again inside of his stomach harshly. He smirked as he watched the boy’s reflection, his head thrown back, his mouth open to let out quiet moans and pants, his eyes closed tightly and hips moving back to meet the elder’s thrusts in a steady rhythm.

Kevin continued to thrust mercilessly, one hand sliding around the other to grip the man he was fucking’s member. He pumped it at the same pace as his pounding, thumbing the slit. He felt the boy shudder beneath him, continuously pleading for Kevin to fuck him harder and faster.

“H-How does that feel?” Kevin asked into his ear, slamming deeply into him as he continued to thrust and pump.

“S-So fucking g-good... V-Vin,” Ian stuttered, biting his bottom lip as he shook against the other, whining and whimpering as he trembled and shivered. Kevin grinned widely as he kissed his neck, feeling himself get impossibly close as well. Just a few more thrusts.

“Cum hard for me, you dirty little whore,” Kevin ordered into his ear, and Ian did just that. With one final, abusing, rough thrust to his prostate, he came hard all over the wall and Kevin’s hand from the pleasure becoming just too much. His head tipped back, mouth opening and eyes squeezing shut to let out a deafening scream of pleasure.

“Vinnie!” he yelled, quivering under the other’s thrusts as his muscles tensed, toes curling and back arching as high as it would go.

“Fuck! Ian!” Kevin moaned loudly himself, the other’s squeezing on his cock impossibly tight making him tumble over the edge himself. He came hard inside of the other mere seconds after the younger male, grinding his hips into him cruelly, continuing to hit his prostate and making the younger squeeze around his cock, which only helped the two to ride out their orgasms with soft groans and continuous pants.

When the two had finished coming, they stood in silence, Kevin still inside of the male and the said boy that Kevin had just fucked brutally bent and leaning against the mirror.

With a shudder, the elder slowly pulled out of the younger. He watched as his limp cock slid out of the other’s twitching, mistreated hole, his cum dripping out of it. “K-Kevin.”

The said boy slowly nodded, wrapping his arms around the other male’s waist, pulling him fully upright and close to him. “I’m sorry, but t-that was... that was...” Kevin breathed against the other’s neck, mind too clouded euphoria to find the right words that were frantically swimming around his head.

“Fucking amazing,” Ian finished, turning his head to nuzzle into the other’s own.

Suddenly, though, something clicked. “W-Wait... Vin?” the younger asked softly, his hands crossing and holding onto the other’s arms that were snaked around his waist.

“Mmh?” Kevin asked, continuing to bury his face into the man’s neck, breathing in his scent. He smelled like strawberries... Sweet, delectable strawberries.

“Why have you been ditching me all the time for Ryan?” he asked softly, looking sideways at his tussled, sweaty hair. He sighed as he waited for an answer, stomach churning. He was scared; scared that all of this was for nothing, that the other truly didn’t want him. Didn’t like him, that all he wanted was a good fuck.

“To make you angry and jealous, of course,” Kevin said slowly after a long, silent pause, the only things the two could hear being their soft breathing and their erratic heartbeats, chests heaving slightly. “And it seems to have worked pretty damn well. And it won’t happen again, I promise,” he continued, slowly moving to kiss the other’s cheek.

Ian chuckled slightly, making his body vibrate against the other’s. “Asshole,” he mumbled, turning his body so that he was facing the other. He wrapped his arms around his neck, resting his forehead against the other male’s after he had lifted his head from Ian’s neck. “Good... But I gotta say, that was probably the best sex I’ll ever have,” he mumbled.

It was now Kevin's turn to chuckle. “Damn right that was goddamn incredible, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do it again. And better this time,” he responded gently, winking with a small giggle. Ian did the same, laughing slightly, before it was cut off by the other male’s lips being pressed to his own. Ian’s eyes opened to the size of saucers, as his first instinct was to try to push the elder off. But instead, he slowly let his eyes flutter closed, and he pushed close against him, fuzzy, warm tingles flitting through him as he silently kissed him back.

After a couple moments of the kiss being shared, Kevin pulled away hesitantly, before his eyes shot open. “U-Uh, we better get back... They’re probably gone by now, or at least getting pretty worried,” he mumbled, and Ian grinned.

“Yeah, and I bet some people might need to use the bathrooms themselves, and we need to shower, 'cause... Y'know,” Ian mumbled, hoping it would get to be with him, looking at the floor as his smile slightly faded. “A-And... we’ll also need to t-tell them the news. Right?” he added in the form of a nervous stutter, shuffling his feet slightly, before looking back up at the male he was currently pressed against.

Kevin nodded lightly, letting go with one arm to gently bring his hand up. He placed a finger under the other's chin, skin tingling instantly at the slight contact. “Right,” he mumbled in return, lifting the other male's head up gently, to make the other swallow his words by pressing his lips to Ian's beautiful, addicting, plump, kissable, heaven-like own once again, never wanting to ever let go.

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Hello friends. Main ek aur mazedar kahaani leke aya hu. Woh hum sab ke favourite TV show Tarak Mehta ka ooltah chashma pe based hai. Is baar maine story Hindi mein likhi hai kyu ki isme story padhne ka alag maza hai. Aur ek request hai. Padh kar zaroor neeche comments mein likhiye ki apko kaise lagi ye story taki main encourage ho kar aur zyada stories likh saku. Toh chaliye seedha story pe aate hai. Aap jante honge ki Bhide jo apne aap ko bohut smart samajhta tha ek fake lottery ke scam mein...

3 years ago
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Abby Davis and Madelyn Part 1

The Chronicles of Abby: Davis and Madelyn Part 1(Madelyn’s Perspective)Synopsis: This story is the continuation of the episode ‘Davis Getting More From Abby’. Since the day Madelyn spread for her teacher, Mr. Davis, she noticed that he would take occasional peeps at her panties whenever she sat at her desk with her legs slightly parted in her skirts and dresses. There was even once he dropped his pencil in front of her desk deliberately and then he squatted down, pretending to look for it and...

2 years ago
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An Interview With Madhavi Doshi 8211 Part 1

Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to ‘No Holds Barred’ – the show you have all been waiting for. I am Rajeev, and it is a great honor to be hosting this show. Every episode will feature a Star from the Indian Film Industry, ready to share their darkest secrets with us. This is an adult rated show, and parents, please make sure your children are not watching this. Without wasting any more time, let’s welcome our guest for the day. The very beautiful, the very talented, our dream girl – Madhavi...

3 years ago
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I Cant Wait Part 1

Introduction: A fantasy turns into a plan… It all began when I met my future wife. Until she came into my life, I wasnt even willing to acknowledge these urges. After we met, everything changed. Let me explain. First off, Im a porn addict. That sounds bizarre to a lot of people who watch porn, but when something disrupts your life this much, youd have to be crazy not to call it an addiction. I bring up my petty addiction because it led me into other bad habits which, after Marie came along,...

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Siblings cant be Separated

Introduction: Long story We always got along well from the beginning, Sabrina, Kasey, and me. Sabrina was my older sister by a year, she has long beautiful blonde hair which fell over her shoulders. She had the piercing green eyes like the rest of our family. Even though we would occasionally get into petite arguments, we had a great relationship. I was still a baby when I learned that mom was pregnant, I was so eager and excited that I would get a new play buddy. My eagerness slowed down...

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I cant just say SIster youre fucking me

Introduction: Written in 1st person, with probably 1 million and 1 grammer and spelling mistakes. Just a tester! This is a story i started to write to a good friend of mine when his internet refused to load some porn. He advised me to post it, see what you people thought. His bedroom door broke last week and as he gets his (few time daily) wank under the covers he worrys if his sister will notice, maybe she has, maybe she hasnt. Its got him thinking about his sister and shes sneaked into his...

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I still cant believe it really happened

So this is the story of how I had the most wildest, scariest, unbelievable, unforgettable and absolutely amazing weekend with my shockingly beautiful stepdaughter. Her mother and I were not actually married but we were together for ten years and after we split up I continued to stay in hiromi's life. Hiromi is my stepdaughter (to keep it simple) she is half japanesse and half navaho. Yeah like a fairytale princess. She was always a very cute little girl but at about age eleven everyone new she...

2 years ago
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i cant baleave i just fucked a shemale part 2

so it ben 3 days since crystal took my wife home I have not seen here in that time so I went to crystals house and knocked on her door she open the door wearing nothing but red hot pantie hoes and neon green corset she said well well well wat brings you to my home and I said im looking for my wife she said right this way we went down the stairs into her basement it all dark and there she was bent over naked tied on her table and there was another super hot shemale named Brittney she white lady...

2 years ago
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Wife threesome now she cant stop

If there are images in this attachment, they will not be displayed. Download the original attachmentmy wife and i visited a hotel about 30 miles away. i heard they had a more adult crowd and club attached. maybe some music. My intentions were to rent a room there, so we could stay out late and we could have few drinks for a change.I paid for the room, and we put our small bags inside. Inquired about the club, the clerk told me it was a party night, and we were welcome to go ahead inside for...

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I Cant Really Remember

Im doin my thang, ya kno, primping in front of the mirror, waiting for my ride 2 go out, and I hear the beep outside. i grab my jacket, lock the door behind me and then im gettin into a limo...i slip inside only to find the limo not empty, but a bad-ass chick is in there, sittin on the other side wit her back 2 the driver, but i dont kno her, never seen her before...she knocks on the window and we drive away. I ask her who she is and what tha fuck she's doin in my shit, but she says nothin. I...

1 year ago
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An Interview With Madhavi Doshi 8211 Part 2

Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to ‘No Holds Barred’. This is the second part where Madhavi Joshi shares the secrets of Bollywood for the first time. Madhavi: I was horrified to read the headlines in the magazines. I feared my image was going to come crashing down. But both Suresh and Michael were no longer alive. I was sure they would not dare to leave any clue of them exploiting young actresses. They had a very big reputation to maintain. The reports were not linked to me in any way. It must...

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Daniel and Madelyn

Daniel is one of my good friends and we were planning on hanging out. He informed me that his girlfriend, Madelyn would be at his house as well. I didn't mind it because I had know her since I was born. Madelyn was a short skinny girl who's in competition cheerleading. She was barely a B cup with a small but very cute bubble butt. Just by looking at her, you know any hole you put your dick in, it was going to be super tight. Daniel was your regular guy who I knew from past experience had a...

1 year ago
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With 6 Girls 8211 Vidya Geeta Swathi Madhavi Subha And Vasanthi 8211 Part 1

Please send comments or your valueble feedback of this story to my mail Any female looking for the sex chat are welcome. Hi to all. I am a software engineer working in a MNC in Chennai. Here I am going to narrate a fantasy of mine. Hope you enjoy this story. Characters in the story: Geeta – She is decent looking girl of 5 4″ with curly hair and her stats may be 32 26 34. Swathi – slim and sexy with height of 5 5″ with stats of 32 24 34. Her ass looks very soft. Madhavi – She has very big and...

1 year ago
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Madhuri Aunty8217s Sex Diaries Episode 8211 Part 2

I had just spilled my warm cum inside madhuri’s beautiful pussy while she too came as soon as I did. We both were hugging and kissing and touching each other with my dick still inside her and our juices flowing out of her red pussy. I was loving every bit of her. Her brown eyes, her black long dense hair, her smooth honey filled sweet lips, her juicy soft breasts with cherry red nipples which were still holding few droplets of her delicious milk, her slim sweaty navel shining mildly. Our...

3 years ago
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Madhuri Aunty Ne Callboy Banaya

Hi doston mein charan (name changed) pune city se hazeer hoon mere dusre story ke sath,meri pehli story mein mene apko radhika ko kaise choda ye bataya tha ab iss story mein madhuri aunty(name changed) ke sath kaise majje kiye aur usne mujhe call boy banaya, mere pehle story ko bahot sare responses aur mail karne wale doston ko dilse shukriya…mera mail id hai jaha mujhe aap contact kar sakte ho … Ab jyada bore na karte hue story pe ata hoon,baat 10 mahine pehle ki hai jab mein mera event...

1 year ago
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Nora and the Nomads

=== Nora and the Nomads === by Trismegistus Shandy This story is in the same setting as my earlier stories "Butterflies are the Gentlest" and "A House Divided". It should stand alone tolerably well, but it might help to read one or both of the others first. This story and its setting are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. You may repost it on other sites, for instance, or write new stories based on it, as long as...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Madames new Playmate

Playmate was contacted early that morning by Madame X. Eager to please, she dropped everything she was doing and set out for Madame's house. The drive to her new Domme's place took about 30 minutes, giving her time to wonder if Madame was finally going to use her body or was this to be another getting to know you chats. It was a good thing that the afternoon was sunny and warm. Madame had instructed her to wear a light weight sun dress. Her full, C cup breasts were contained by the snug halter...

4 years ago
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Suhagraat Madhe Baiko Barobar Zava Zavi

Mazi story shejarya chya baiko la kacha kacha zavle wachli aselach, tar direct story chalu karto. Shejaryachya baiko la 15 diwas kacha kacha zavun wa pichkarya deun mala tasa zavacha wa pichkarya denyacha changla experience ala hota, pan baiko la zavaychi wa pichkari denyachi maja kahi weglich aste. Finally lagna tharlya nantar me ata tya ratri chi wat pahu laglo. Me honarya baiko barobar daily bolacho. Aadhun madhun chawat goshti pan bolat hoto. Ekda tinich vicharle ki sughagraat medhe kase...

2 years ago
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Gangbanging Madhavi Maam

Hello ISS readers. This is Abhishek, a 23-year-old guy from Hyderabad. Let’s get into the story. Read, relate, and enjoy. The first time I met Madhavi ma’am was in my college when I shifted to Chennai to do my B.Tech. I don’t know if it was fate or my luck. I got to have sex with her in our college elevator in a very unexpected situation. She asked me to forget it after it happened. But a few days later we had a quick session in her staffroom. That is when my two other friends caught me and...

3 years ago
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Aunt Madges Further Instruction

"Aunt Madge's Further 'Instruction'" Ruth held Timmy down on the bed as he squirmed while Madge brought over what appeared to be a large satin bag. Tim took instant notice and recognized what was about to happen. "N...NO!, le...let me g...GO!" He struggled and grimaced. "Hold him!" Madge said as she unzipped the long gleaming black satin bag and opened it with a loud swish. Tim struggled but with Ruth holding his arms pinned and sitting on his back he couldn't get away. Tim...

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Aunt Madges Fetish Persuasion Latex Edition

Note: This story is an expanded version of "Aunt Madge's Fetish Persuasion," This version adds a bit of "edge-play" or what is known in common fetish parlance as "breath-play," This fetish is along the lines of "autoerotic asphyxiation" and unfortunately, if done wrong or unsupervised or even if supervised either of these fetishes can, and quite often do end in death! The mere practice of this "type" of fetish puts immense strain on the heart! It's a sick or perverted interest that...

3 years ago
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Marathi Madhe Zava Zavi

Mi indian sex stories dot net site khup varsha pasun surf karto. Ani aaj mala Marathi madhe story lihaichi iccha zali. Hee story nahi mazya barobar zaleli khari gostha aahain. Hee story ek prayatna aahain. Mala contact karaila tumhi email karu shakta . Mi Ashish Mumbai javal rahato majha vai 33 aahain, hi gosta 2 varsha aagodar zali aahain. Mi mazya kahi kaama nimeet Pune la gelo hoto. Sarvani mala majhi chulat baheen Usha kade rahaila sangitla. Mag mini tila call kela ani ti pan ho bolali....

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Fucked Madhuri Really Hard

Hello friends!! This is Sandeep (name changed) age 23 with fair skin and I’m working for an MNC in Hyderabad. Girls who are interested to have sex or sex chat can mail me to Now I am going to share about the incident which happened last week. It was at 11am I went to departmental stores to buy some regular needs. So I took a trolley and moving around the stores.While i was shopping i came across a beautiful young girl named Madhuri(which i came to know later) age 25 with perfectly shaped boobs...

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Aunt Madges Cure

"Aunt Madge's Cure" Timmy switched off his video game and started flipping through channels on the satellite dish. School was out for the summer and he'd been at aunt Madge's country home for three days now. His dour attitude and boredom were quite evident as Madge minced through the living room finishing up her housework. "Do you want to have a Pizza tonight Timmy? I picked up several nice frozen ones at the store yesterday. I was thinking of meatloaf and potatoes and a vegetable...

3 years ago
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Madhuri Aunty8217s Sex Dairies 8211 Episode 1

So spring break was on and I was happy that I was going back to my parents place from my horrible hostel for a month. I had not planned anything previously about this vacation. I always loved surprises and I was aware there had to something going on inside my dad’s head about this vacation. But fate had some other surprise for me. I reached home by 9:00 am in the morning. Rubbing my eyelids I opened the door of the cab and there she was standing. A tall lady about 5.9, long dark hair with a...

2 years ago
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Madhavi Bhabhi Ki Chut Mari

Hi dosto main Raj hu aur meri umar 24 saal hai. Aaj main aap sabke sath ek real incident share karne jaa raha hu ki kaise maine bhabhi ki chut mari. Main ek rented flat mein rehta tha Delhi mein apne friend Kartik ke sath. Woh indore ka rehne waala tha aur uski umar kareeb 28 saal ki thi. Humare pados wale flat mein ek husband wife rehte the. Husband ki age lagbhag 38 years thi aur wife thi uski age 36 saal hogi. Humari unse achhi jaan pehchaan ho gayi thi. Unka naam Shekhar aur Madhavi...

3 years ago
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sissy cant stop him

''Stop alex stop to fight , seriously you cant stop me now , stop this nonsense, you are so small , this belongs in panty we talk about this, yo cant be a boy, you are a sissy, my sissy ''''heeeeee''again , 2 nights in a row he joke about me having a girly frame as i get back from the showerbut this time he rip off my towell and i had my 5inch pinched atMike my roomate at the dorm . a tall black dude, was touching my ass and telling me i look like a girl more then a boy''stop it dude. ''''what...

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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 5 Madras

March 7h 1833. Government House, Fort St George, Madras. India. “You say you have pursued this de La Zouche woman from Egypt to Madras? You must have a most significant motive to embark on such a journey.” The Governor said. We sat, glasses of a fine Amontillado in our hands, in the comfortable study of Sir Frederick Adam, Governor of Madras Presidency “Indeed I have, Sir Frederick,” I replied, and took a sip of sherry before continuing. “She is the woman responsible for the death of my...

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Aunt Madges Fetish Persuasion

"Aunt Madge's Fetish Persuasion" Tommy and three of his friends stood on the front steps at Madge's front door, Tommy scuffing the concrete step with his tennis shoes. "Can Timmy come out to play? We need another guy for a game," he said while another young man tossed a football up and down while he waited. "I'm sorry boys. Timmy can't come out and play today. He's been misbehaving and has been grounded and sent to his room for a few days," Madge said sternly as Timmy's friends...

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Good Neighbor Madge III

"Good Neighbor Madge III" We stood at the doorway with waving goodbye to my parents as they backed out of the driveway leaving me with "aunt Madge" for the entire summer this time! I had survived the ten day stay with her before when my folks went on that convention meeting and true to her words she kept me dolled up like a little girl in lingerie and dresses and even high heels for nearly the entire time knowing full well that I didn't dare mention any of this to anyone for fear of...

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Maddies Gift

New Abbey, Scotland, 1914 CHAPTER ONE One. Two. Three. Four. Four steps would bring Madeline Welby to her brother’s bedroom door. Maddie’s heart pounded painfully in her chest and her body trembled, teeth chattering as she stared ahead of her in the dark hallway. With each step, she could feel the brush of the carpet under her bare feet. A late winter rainstorm was approaching outside, and the rumble of the thunder matched the rumble inside her being. Maddie took the first step. I’m barmy!...

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Bus Madhe Keli Thodi Majja

Namaskar !! Mitrano,maitrino vahinya ani sarva mandali.Me indian sex stories dot net cha khup motha fan ahe ani khup follow karto me aaj majya barobar ghadli ek choti shi ghatna sangnar ahe ani me kashi majja keli eka kaku sobat. Me ek 24 varsha cha normal mulga ahe ani hein maji paheli story ahe ISS var tar sambhalun ghya. Tar hein magchya mahinyatli varta ahe.Me nuktach Punyat shift jalo hoto mala Himjewadit ek software company madhe nokri milali hoti ,Me maja mitransobat wakad la ek flat...

1 year ago
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Madisons Revenge

Catherine saw the offer on the local community website. A family said they were going away for three weeks and offered the services of their two maids to anyone who could house and use their services. What really surprised Catherine was that one of the maids, until just last year, had been one of her teachers at sixth form college, the dreaded and hated Miss Dawson. None of the classmates liked her because she used to happily spank any of them for even the slightest misbehaviour.It wasn’t so...

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My Big Tit Teacher Madhavi Ma8217am 8211 Part 2

This story is a continuation of my previous story. Please read that to enjoy reading this part. She stopped me and said, “I will squeeze them with my hands. You just suck on them,” with her head still facing to a side, away from my face. I agreed and put my lips on her puffy nipples to suck. It was heaven. I was afraid at first but slowly I started to suck it well. I took a bigger part of her tit into my mouth after every sip by widening my mouth. She was pressing her breast to pump out the...

1 year ago
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Fucking Hot MILF Madhavi Ma8217am In Her Staffroom

Hello ISS readers, this is Abhishek, a 23-year-old guy from Hyderabad. Let’s get into the story. Read, relate, and enjoy. After my intermediate, I had to move to Chennai to do my B.Tech in one of the reputed universities there. That is where I met my college lecturer Madhavi madam and we had sex for the first time in an elevator in some unexpected circumstances. She told me that day itself to forget about it and move on. Days passed from the first time we had sex and all these days, Madhavi...

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Retribution The Critical MassAnd Meltdown of Aunt Madge

"Retribution. The Critical Mass-And Meltdown of 'Aunt' Madge!" Madge, "Aunt" Madge as she was known to her "nephew" Timmy and others in her circle of friends chatted over coffee early in the morning with Gladys Gladstone, a friend of hers who owned and operated an upscale vintage lingerie and dress shop in town. The move had been completed months ago. Madge had moved to this new town to be nearer her friend and to have a new home, a house in a country setting far from...

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Wifes Story 3 Aunt Madge comes to stay

Back in England, without her husband, Madge stayed with her sister the wife's family for a while until she got sorted. At the time the wife didn't know the full story, but Madge had been in Kenya for 12 months with her husband who died the day before they came back, nobody at the time talked about it and Madge distracted her Mother from constantly coming between the pair of k**s and reducing the opportunities form mutual fun. Madge slightly older than mum, smoked, drunk dads scotch and...

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Good Neighbor Madge II

"Good Neighbor Madge II" Thoughts raced through my mind for several days after the incident with Madge. But as the days went by and then a couple weeks I kept my distance and things began to settle down until late one afternoon when she came over to have coffee with my mom. I heard the chatter from the kitchen then went to my bedroom door and listened. "Of course! I would be happy to look after little Timmy!" Madge said as she played the always helpful, friendly and thoughtful...

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Madhuri ki chudai

Hi I am Jaideep. I am professional Artist and Graphic Designer & working in Advertising Agency and from there I run my own freelance business too. I live in Delhi. This is my first story in ISS. I am regular reader of this site. This much introduction is sufficient. Now let’s go to the story. Haan to mayn ab asli baat par aata hoon. Baat un dinon ki hai jab mayn 12th class maen padhta tha. Mayn DDA flats main rehta thaa. Meri ek balcony thee. Jis main aksar main khada hota tha. Ek din ki baat...

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Adventures With Aunt Madge VI

Note: This is the last installment of "Aunt Madge" for this story, as you will notice after reading it that there isn't much more to be told here. It's pretty much complete. I did change Tim's name from Marissa to Melissa in an effort to have a little change. But in this or any other genre there's only so much you can do to a story really, change a scenario here a story line there and move the concept around a bit but in reality there is unfortunately a lot of sameness. I appreciate the...

4 years ago
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Good Neighbor Madge the interim

"Good Neighbor Madge (the interim)" I tried to pass off the thought of our neighbor Madge who lived next door. It was a quiet, upscale but older neighborhood with properties that were designed in the mid 50's. We had a large ranch house with a nice two car garage and next door to us was another similar house but a bit larger with a large, well groomed hedge that separated both properties. There was a white picket fence gate in an opening in the tall hedge that I suppose had always...

3 years ago
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Christmas With Aunt Madge

"Christmas with Aunt Madge" School was out for the holidays and I was looking forward to the break as well as the Christmas gifts. Madge, our next door neighbor had kept up with me, teasing me and torturing me with her feminine wiles when ever she could get me alone at her place to dress me up like her personal living "Barbie Doll!" She took great pleasure and derived great excitement from controlling a teenaged boy like me and held those pictures she had taken of me from her bedroom...

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