Homelands Pt 1 Ch 13 free porn video

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Heading down the stairs back to myoffice, I ran into Mom. She was wearing a black dress suitable for an upscale social event. At least, it might have been if not for the fact that it was entirely too skimpy up top to be worn without something either beneath or on top of it. The damned thing barely covered her areola. Otherwise, it fit her perfectly, even though no mortal woman had proportions even remotely close to hers. Her black thigh-high stockings and sensible heels were no less flattering.

Had I just a few minutes ago been starting to think that maybe a woman didn't need Mom's extreme curves, that an ass of Cindy's size and musculature was pretty much perfect and breasts larger than Iva's were, like Jack had said, simply unnecessary? Such thoughts evaporated within an instant of looking upon my mother.

If there was anything about her that was even a hair's breadth short of perfect in my eyes, it was her face. Nonetheless, she was beautiful, even if she wasn't breathtakingly, painfully, so.

No doubt about it. My mother had it going on. When Iva was in my arms and Mom was out of sight, apparently I could sort of lose sight of that. But only temporarily.

Mom smiled at me. "I was just looking for you. No one is at their cubicle. Strange."

"Yeah, a real mystery."

She offered a faint grin, flicked her eyebrows up and down. "What've you been up to?"

"I had a meeting with the president," I said.

"Right," she said. "Wouldn't want our fake company to let its books get out of order."

"Well, I was in Dad's office. Told me he didn't care if I slept with you," I said.

She laughed. "As if it's up to him."

I shrugged. "Seemed like hat was a segue to asking me to keep away from Aunt Cindy. He never quite finished the sentence, though, because just then, she came in. With Iva."

Mom's mouth tightened. "That so."

I placed my hand on Mom's shoulder. "Wasn't it you who said it's just sex?"

She bounced her head from side to side, as if to say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah." What she said instead was, "Remember how I used to tell you to do as I say, not as I do?"

I smiled faintly, then kissed her on the forehead. "So, yeah, I fucked the both of them. And I won't pretend I didn't enjoy it. But running into you is still the highlight of my day."

She nodded, tapped her hand against mine. "Good."

I pulled her close against me, kissed her lightly on the lips.

Mom slid a hand under the hem of my untucked shirt, caressed my rock-hard abs. "I told you that I'd like to have a go with Jack. I did. We had a threesome. With Natalie."

Should I have been upset that she'd let Jack share her with another woman after being dodgy about whether she'd let me do the same?

Maybe. But I was just glad she hadn't said anything about Dom. Moreover, picturing Mom eating Natalie out made a nice mental image. "How was she?" I asked.

"She gets the job done all right." Mom blushed.

I kissed her deeply, running a hand through her silky tresses.

"Mmm, what was that for?" she asked.

"Do I need a reason?" I asked.

She smiled, touched her nose against mine in an Eskimo kiss. "Not at all."

"So," I said, "does that mean you've had enough pussy for one day?"

Mom smiled, pinched my nose playfully. Just like she used to, when I was young. Just like Iva had, a rather short time ago. I wasn't sure how to feel about that. On the one hand, realizing that Iva's cute little gesture felt familiar for a reason endeared her to me further, and I already had the sense that we were going to get along just swimmingly. On the other hand, for precisely that reason, I felt a fresh wave a guilt, even stronger than the one that had hit me when I realized I'd briefly questioned whether Mom's figure might in fact be too curvaceous even for me. I pushed both thoughts away for the time being.

Letting go of my nose, Mom said, "I can postpone my need to get fucked by several guys at once for a little while, I think. Hopefully, you realize I have every right to share Jack with another woman without offering to do the same for you, if I so choose. But fortunately for you, I don't...so choose." She twisted her lips up in a frown at the awkward phrasing.

"Has nothing to do with you actually wanting to taste some more pussy?"

She kissed me softly. "It really doesn't. I don't have anything against that, mind you. But I can easily go without it. I was never as into women as my sister was. Come to think of it, I wonder if maybe part of the reason there was so much tension between Liz and I was because I didn't fuck her more often." She stared off into the distance, a pensive look on her face. "Anyway, I'm agreeing to this because of how much I enjoy making my baby happy."

I flicked one of Mom's evidently hardening nipples through her dress. "I can see that."

"So what do you say we go find my sister?"

I took her hand and led her up the stairs back to the executive level.

We found Vince stumbling out of Tara's office, buttoning his dress-shirt back up. He nodded to us. "Afternoon," he said with a smile. "She's getting cleaned up."

Once inside Tara's office, I swept my eyes across the room. It was almost as well appointed as Dad's. Not quite as big, but still far from small.

Then I noticed that Todd was sitting on one of the leather couches, looking pretty good and drained. His eyes were distant. He didn't even acknowledge our presence as he slowly scrambled to his feet and shuffled out the door.

Aunt Tara stood with her back to us, staring out the window. As we watched, her hair went from being a damp, tangled bird's nest to a perfect sheet of red beauty. She wore a bright blue silk robe that hung only halfway down her generous ass. She also wore baby blue stockings that reached most of the way up her thighs.

I noted that her skin was glowing rather brightly. But with how drained Todd and Vince were, it would have been a surprise if that wasn't the case. She'd obviously feasted well.

Her ass was not as large as Mom's, but it was a good deal closer to being so than anyone else's. It wasn't as tight as Cindy's, but it was firmer than Mom's. For its size, it didn't make much sense that it was as solid as it appeared to be. Her hips were unrealistically wide compared to her waist, like Mom's, though not nearly to the same degree. Overall, her figure was pretty much a mix of that of her two older sisters. Not a bad combination.

Tara looked over her shoulder at us. Her electric blue eyes made my breath catch. Those striking eyes were framed by heavily made up eyelids and a forest of thick lashes. Her brows were just as full and perfectly shaped as Mom's, if not as dark. They were a mix of deep red and dark brown. Her lips were far from thin, but not quite as full as Mom's, let alone Iva's. Slight hints of maturity showed at the corners of her eyes.

"Nice to see you again, El," she said. She had a super cute, high-pitched voice, like Brianna. Not so high-pitched that it was squeaky and annoying. Just very feminine.

"How are you enjoying this little escape from reality?" Mom asked.

"Escape? You mean you don't remember? We're closer to reality now than when we're drifting through that dreadfully boring mortal coil. If one must leave the Homelands, working a job and trying to fit in with mortals is a torture none of us ought ever have to suffer."

She finally turned around. The robe was tied shut in the front, but the two halves weren't pulled together, leaving the swells of her breasts exposed. They were gorgeous. There was no difference in color between her breasts and any other part of her, she was so pale. They were large and firm, and they pressed against one another even without a bra.

Fuck. I could barely focus on what she was saying, I was so crazed with lust.

"...time I added Frank to the list. Plus, I've wanted to taste your pussy for a long, long time. Since I was a teenager. I can't tell you how sad I was that you left home before I came of age. If Liz hadn't still been at home, I might have gone insane."

Mom's voice was low and breathy when she replied. "Oh, my." Then she furrowed her brow. "Did we never...it's not like I never came home to visit."

Tara looked confused. "Did our lovely niece scramble your brains that badly? Tell me you at least remember why I was exiled?"

"Well, I guess most of it's coming back, now that you mention it."

Tara slowly drifted over to her mini-bar. "What about your son?" She glanced at me, her piercing blue eyes sending a shiver down my spine. "Frank, honey, do you know why you never saw me or your cousins growing up?"

"Because grandma and grandpa didn't approve of--"

Tara laughed, holding one hand over her heaving bosom. "Is that what you told him? That it was about race? How...American."

"I was going to say that you were raising the kids alone."

Her shoulders slouched, mouth turned down. "Oh, you poor dear. Your mother has really sheltered you. The father of my children didn't leave me. I Devoured him."


She unstoppered a bottle of cognac. "Yes. Devoured. Either of you care for a drink?"

"Please," Mom said.

Tara approached us, each step falling perfectly in line with the previous one. Fuck, did she have a set of hips. Just watching her strut a few steps across her office, without heels, had me ready to pounce on her.

She handed us each a snifter. "You have so much power, El. If not for having Devoured a few guys in my time, I'd be much weaker than you. The way our sweet, well-behaved Liz was. If only you weren't afraid to use it."

The way Liz was?

That explained why she was the only one of us that wasn't here. Her and Uncle Jim.

Suddenly, as hot as Tara was, sex was the last thing on my mind. Poor Liz.

"I'm not afraid. I just saw how our mother suffered when she was queen, and I had no desire to go through that, nor to see my children do so."

"So it was, what, true love that made you marry the only son of the wench that deposed our mother? Was it also love that led you to pledge fealty to a Farrier queen when your family thought we should take the throne right back?"

My head reeled. Why didn't I know any of this?

"Don't even. You know nothing about marriage, or love," Mom said. Her nostrils flared, and I could feel the heat of her anger. "I'd forgotten what you could be like. At any rate, the throne is back in our family now. What more do you want?"

"Well, I'd have liked to be the one sitting atop it, for starters," Tara said with a sweep of one delicate hand, gesturing towards herself. "Well, at least, that was what I thought for a long time. But Brianna seems to be making a real go of it. I don't think I'll actually have any real trouble contenting myself with serving as one of her vassals. She's really a magnificent, beautiful, young woman, with the power and conviction to bend the world to her desires. I almost wonder how that happened, with you and Liz for role models."

"She's made you-"

Tara slid a hand around Mom's waist. With the other, she gripped the back of Mom's neck, and kissed her deeply. Tara was only a couple inches taller than Mom, but she nonetheless towered over the older woman.

Mom swooned, her spine melting. She nearly dropped her brandy. Some of it spilled on the tiled floor, but the glass remained in her hand.

"Yes, she has. And she's looking for more. She's got her sights set on your son."

"Why me?" I asked without thinking.

Tara let go of Mom and slipped up in front of me. She ran her blood-red nails over my cheek while she stared up into my eyes. "Well, sweetie, it's not such a mystery. Perhaps because power is positively rolling off of you. Were you gifted with that Libido, or have you Dev—-No. No, doesn't feel like it. But you do know what it means. That much was clear. So. Have you witnessed it? Surely hearing about it second hand wouldn't be enough to drain the color from your face at the mere mention of the word?"

Images ran through my head. Brianna. A white gazebo.

One moment, poor Jaryd had been underneath her. The inside her. Then gone. Perhaps inside her still, in a rather different sense.

I also remembered how she'd smiled afterwards.

I gave one curt nod in assent.

Mom reached out took my hand in hers. "Oh, Frank. Why didn't you tell me? You never should have had to see something like that. I should have kept you away from all this."

"Anyway, don't take this the wrong way, but I didn't mean to give the impression she's singled you out alone amongst all of us. This little bubble is a recruitment exercise. Todd and Natalie have both agreed to be vassals, and I've just about talked all three of my kids into it too. Oh, and of course, there's Dom. He was her vassal even before this, naturally. I mean, he is her Shadow, after all."

Mom didn't look surprised, but it certainly sounded like Tara had just dropped some bombs on us. I didn't know what any of that meant enough to be fazed by them any more than my mother was, but I did catch the capital S in Shadow.

Aunt Tara slid her hand down to my chest, slipping past the buttons as a hot knife through butter. "But that's not to say you aren't special. I can sense that when you unleash your full potential, you'll be absolutely frightening."

She grabbed me behind the ears and pulled me down for a kiss.

I could see why Mom just about melted. There were no words for it. Waves of ecstasy radiated through my body, and I very nearly ejaculated.

She had to be near Brianna in power. Maybe stronger. Not as strong as my grandmother, if I had to guess, but certainly stronger than my mother.

My aunt pulled away, started to settle back to her feet, then suddenly leaned back up and planted another furtive kiss on my lips, mouth closed. Then she tapped my mouth with two fingers as she transferred her weight back onto her heels. "Impressive resistance."

Was it? I for one was not impressed with myself.

Tara's voice dropped to a whisper. "I actually put something into that kiss, you know."

She turned and strode back to her desk, hopped up on it and crossed her legs. Her thighs were mighty appetizing. They were far too full and soft not to have dimples or cellulite, but nonetheless, they didn't. Which wasn't really a surprise. None of the women in the family had the least of those sorts of imperfections. Not even my mother, whose thighs and ass were even fuller and softer than Tara's.

But even so, it never ceased to amaze me.

"Relax, already," Tara said to us, with a smile. "I'm going to go easy on you." The smile turned a bit wicked. "And, for the record, El, I have changed. I'm still not who you'd have me be, of course, but I'm certainly not the little girl you once knew."

I hadn't known that little girl, and that was plenty apparent even to me.

Mom edged closer to me. Her hand went under my shirt, to the small of my back, and rubbed the thick cords of muscle. "I see that," Mom said, her voice flat.

Despite her words, I could sense her desire. It was quite intense.

And I felt mine returning. I wished it weren't, but I couldn't deny that it was.

Tara looked me up and down some more. "Now, obviously, Todd is hotter. And Dom simply exudes confidence. But Frank is actually the prize of the litter, isn't he?"

Mom ran her nails up and down my back, sending jolts of electricity across my skin. "That he is," she said.

I stood up a bit straighter, feeling.

Tara chewed her lower lip. "Yeah. I don't doubt it."

"And he's a fast learner," Mom said, beaming up at me.

Tara quaffed her cognac, polishing it off in one go. "Let's get to it then. I'm about ready to explode." With that, she laid on her back and cast the flaps of her robe to the sides.

What seduction. What subtlety. Yet, I was powerless to resist.

Slipping behind Mom as she walked over to the desk, I leaned forward and whispered, "Would you mind going down on her while I fuck you from behind?"

By way of an answer, she slid a hand behind her back and tapped the head my cock through my pants. Then her nails half-tickled and half-scratched at my erection.

Per my request, Mom cradled her head between her sister's sweet thighs. Without bothering to take my pants off physically, I willed myself naked. While I was at it, I added a few inches to my height, grew stubble, broadened my jaw, and rather than packing on bulk like I usually did, just focused on slimming my waist and flaring my shoulders. I also exaggerated the size of my biceps. But the rest of my muscles, I simply toned.

Finally, I focused on my main equipment. First, I thickened my cock to significantly more than twice it's normal girth and almost twice it's length. About as big as I could take it without it being too big for Mom to take comfortably. She could take more than most any mortal woman, of course. As could any of the women of our kind, even those with less supernatural ability than Mom. But even she had limits.

Besides, I then also grew two more cocks. And I intended to bury all three inside her.

One was immediately below my real dick. It was every bit as thick, but shorter. By about half. The other was a little bit above, so that I could fit my forefinger in the space between the second and third cocks. This one had an entirely different shape. Rather than the head being the thickest part, it was the thinnest. In fact, the whole thing was tapered sharply so that each inch I fed into Mom's ass would stretch her sphincter just a bit wider.

After lubing up my cock and Mom's ass, I took hold of her hips, hiked up the hem of her cocktail dress, and set about sliding them in. Two in the pink, one in the stink.

Mom grunted. I paused. After a few moments, she relaxed and I proceeded, slowly.

"Your boy has some real size, does he?" Tara asked, running her fingers through Mom's inky black tresses. "Good to know."

As soon as I felt that Mom was fully comfortable, I launched myself into full assault. My hands slid up from her hips, pulled the pathetic attempts at propriety away from her massive breasts, and gripped them tightly in my fists.

God, that turned me on.

Not that they felt all that different than any other breasts. But the sheer size of them and the thrill of knowing that these were the sacs that nourished me when I was an infant, drove me insane. It might have been mostly the latter, to be honest.

Sometimes, when fucking my mother, she was just a very attractive woman for whom I cared deeply. Other times, the full extent of what we were doing hit me like a ton of bricks.

She might look very little like the woman who still nagged me about not eating my veggies whenever I came home from college, but it was most definitely her.

As I thrust in and out of my mother, moving at incomprehensible speed, I watched her fat, white ass ripple. The shockwaves extended to her generous thighs and hips.

Hard as it was to concentrate on a third application while actively maintaining my extra cocks and speeding up my movements, I nonetheless threw some energy into shielding myself from the tidal wave of pleasure I felt as I slid in and out of my mother's two lovely holes.

Mom must have been doing the same. Almost ten minutes went by, the whole time my hips moving so fast that I was sure that a camera would pick up nothing but a vague flesh-colored cloud, and Mom hadn't really exploded yet. A series of mini orgasms swept over her every so often, her knees trembling and small bursts of cum dribbling down from her juicy folds to my balls. But these only set the stage for the main event.

When I heard Tara's breathing escalate, saw her fist clench real tight on Mom's hair, I stopped shielding myself from the onslaught of pleasure.

Connected to Mom more deeply than ever before, I not only sensed the energy entering her from both ends as both Tara and I exploded, but I could even sense the reservoir that contained it. Perhaps that was what Tara had referred to as a Libido, capital L. I couldn't see it as a concrete image, but I could feel it, on a metaphysical level. Like I'd been noticing people's emotions for a while and without quite realizing what was going on.

I hadn't clearly sensed a Libido before, so I had no concept of whether Mom's was large or small, beautiful or ordinary. But it was a striking sensation.

Mom was taking a trickle from Tara. On my end, it was more like a fire hydrant.

As I pulled out of her, I stumbled and almost went to my knees. I let the two additional dicks evaporate, staunching the flow of energy bleeding out of me.

Tara propped herself up on her elbows. Her heavy breasts pooled nicely between her ribs and her abs as she did so. Her legs were still spread wide, bent at the knees. "Well, stud? You ready to show me what you can do with your tongue?"

I took Mom's place between Tara's powerful thighs. They closed around my neck and I couldn't help thinking that with a flick of her hips, she could pop my head off.

Mom knelt beneath me, her back to the desk upon which Tara lay. My massive cock dangled between my legs, pointing more or less straight at my mother's mouth. She engulfed me immediately, taking me all the way back into her throat.

It took a good deal of what energy I had left to avoid erupting right away. Fuck. For once, I wished my mother wasn't so good at giving blowjobs. When I'd grown the three dicks, I'd thought I might try to drain Mom. At the last minute, I'd decided to let her feast freely on me. Now I wished I'd managed to hold back a little.

I started off slow and teasing with Tara, licking around her labia. She tasted like apples. As I worked, I alternately fondled her breasts and caressed or squeezed her thighs.

More importantly, I poured energy into her, beginning with a slight trickle but gradually escalating to steady flow. All that went towards heightening her senses, so that everything I did would be two or three times as pleasurable.

If this didn't work, I'd be in big trouble. My tank was running desperately low.

Each motion precise and measured, I built her up, eased back, stimulated her further, only to back away again. I made sure not to stick to a predictable pattern. When she presumably would be thinking she was about to receive a quick flick of my tongue to her inner lips, I either did nothing or slid under the slight hood protecting her swollen clitoris and flicked my tongue back and forth at inhuman speed for several agonizing seconds.

Slowly, I drew on my power yet more and more, making my tongue bend and stretch in ways it never could have, or allowing it to be in several places at once. I tongue-fucked her juicy slit, probing the depths of her womb. I placed my flat tongue over her vulva and rolled it like a wave. I hardened my tongue and flicked it faster than a power tool. Eventually, I added tiny, soft spines for extra stimulation.

As they say, go big or go home.

Then I added my fingers as well. They were elongated and bent at unnatural angles. This way, I was able to pleasure every conceivable part of her vagina, while fingering her ass at the same time. Her G-spot received extra special attention.

"Oh, yeah...kid, you do...ungh, oh yeah, just like that...do have some...oh, my...real talent. Oh, god, that's it, there, yes."

Tara's head banged against the desk with a loud thump and she slammed her fists into the oak surface a moment later. Her hips pushed up against my face. She writhed and squirmed, seeking momentary release from the intensity of my performance. And found none.

Expecting her to open up at any moment, I threw everything I had left into beefing up my defenses against Mom's oral talents. In the back of my mind, I was aware I was receiving a killer blowjob. I was also aware that my next orgasm would leave me too drained to continue, even if Mom tried to show restraint. But thankfully, it no longer felt like I might lose control at any moment.

Fortunately, the same could not be said of Tara.

She exploded in my mouth. But just as I was starting to feel like I'd not only replaced the energy I'd burned up getting her to this point, she closed off. I had no idea it was possible to regain control so quickly.

After, Tara climbed down from the desk. "That wasn't half-bad." She rubbed my chest.

I bent down and kissed her. Tara arched her back, leaning up to bury her tongue in my mouth. I cupped her full ass with one hand. As I'd figured, it was much more muscular than Mom's. More so than I probably preferred, but it definitely had an appeal.

Her hand dropped between my legs to stroke my massive python. "Okay, it's time you shove this thing as far inside me as you can. I want to feel it poking my lungs."

I picked Tara up by both of her ass cheeks, placed her on the edge of the desk. Then I added several more inches still to my height, and another quarter inch in girth to my dick for good measure. My hands slid to the backs of her thighs, just above her knees. I pulled them up to my chest, forcing her to lean back a bit. Then I pressed the head of my cock to her wet folds, sliding in without using my hands for guidance.

Mom climbed on the desk behind her sister and used one hand to frig Tara's clit while the other tweaked her nipples. As she did that, she sucked on one of her sister's earlobes.

I waited until Tara's eyes closed to drop the surprise on her. The other two cocks flopped into being again, and I took one of my hands from her thigh for only an instant to gently press them inside her. Lube appeared out of nowhere, directly on my tapered cock and in my aunt's ass. It took a while to get them all in, but I soon had two thick dicks stuffed in my aunt's tight snatch, and one smaller one in her stink-hole.

Tara slapped the desk with one hand, the other clapping over Mom's hand, trying to at least belay the stimulation of her clitoris. But Mom didn't let up. Nor did I.

Eyes about to pop out of her head, Tara gasped for air. "Shit. Oh, fuck...."

Sensing that she was about to climax, I called up some energy to suppress it.

I held Tara just a hair's breadth beneath the boiling point for a solid ten minutes while Mom continued working her clit and I fucked her two holes. When I finally took the lid off, I was surprised she didn't break Mom's nose, bucking her head back and forth.

Warm fluid sprayed my abs as Aunt Tara ejaculated. Unfortunately, the spasming of her ass and vag made me cum as well. And cum buckets at that.

I'd thought I'd be able to resist. But somehow, she had the wherewithal to amplify my sensitivity, dramatically, at the very instant that her own orgasm overtook her.

Aunt Tara's legs jerked spasmodically a few times before turning to jelly. Her head rolled back against Mom's breasts, her neck apparently incapable of holding it up anymore. That made me think that what she'd done to me was second nature for her, practically reflex. Yet it was something I couldn't have done if I tried.

I pulled out, letting her legs drop softly. Mom eased back too, a hand behind Tara's head making sure it didn't bang against the desk.

It was only a temporary reaction, of course. Our exhaustion was primarily physical, since neither of us had lost much energy, incapable as we'd both been of draining one another. But that was all to her favor.

After a few moments, Tara rolled onto her side and slithered off the desk. Then she walked over to the couch in the corner, her step quickly turning from faltering to steady.

"You're more advanced already than I thought," Tara said, panting. "You couldn't have pulled that off if I'd been expecting it, but even so, that was impressive."

That was flattering to hear, but if that was the best I could do when she was treating this as a leisurely romp, and even then having caught her by surprise, then I wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell against her if she decided to drain me. Of course, I was younger, weaker, less experienced, and I'd never Devoured anyone. So why should I have had a chance? But it was still humbling to realize.

Still, Mom flashed a proud smile at me as she went over to the couch and sat beside her sister. "He is something, isn't he?"

"If I may, I'd love to see the two of you to sixty-nine while I fuck one of you in the ass," I said. "And I'd really love to see you take turns fisting each other after that. Preferably, again, while taking my fat cock in your ass."

Tara moaned, rubbing her raw pussy. "Oh, baby, that sounds like heaven. At least, all of that is okay with me. Hopefully your mother enjoys fisting."

Mom quickly assured us that she was on board too.

Without wasting any time, they got in position, with Mom kneeling atop Tara.

I sat on the edge of the coffee table, watching them for a while, stroking my thick cock. Tara's tongue was twice as long as it should be, had soft spiny bumps on it, and moved with lightning speed. Her long nails softly stretched her sister's pink lips apart, granting her access to the sweetest parts of my mother.

I leaned over the armrest of the couch and gave Mom a rimjob. But only for a minute or so. I was just dying to get back inside her. So I stood up and propped one leg up on the top of the couch, resting the other just over the edge, beside Tara's shoulder. I slapped Mom's fat ass and watched the shockwave travel across her skin. I wasn't sure I would ever get tired of watching that.

Then I whispered, "How would you like to get fucked in two asses at the same time?"

Mom moaned, wiggled her hips, and a second asshole appeared, just above the other.

Rubbing the super-slippery lube that kept appearing whenever it was needed into both holes, I sprouted a second cock. Then I reworked them both. Neither had a thick head. Neither was very long. Both were relatively thin at the tip, and very very thick at the base.

Holding onto Mom's hip with one hand, the other behind me braced against the armrest, I slowly pushed both dicks past Mom's rings of muscle.

She sighed contentedly as she opened up. I worked slowly at first. But soon Mom's hips pushed back against me, a silent hint that she wanted to be fucked harder. I picked up the pace. I also reached outTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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I reread the last letter and put it on the top of the pile. Twenty-two love letters written to my father over thirty years ago by a woman who was not my mother. They started friendly, a bit formal even, in the early days of their illicit relationship. But after he’d fucked her, they were full of her passion for him, then later her worry for the child he’d made her pregnant with, and finally her despair when he abandoned her to stay with my mother. I could see from the dates on the letters this...

1 year ago
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Humiliating Kate

It was a start of summer party, my sister Kate and I usually attended these just to catch up on friends that we hadn't seen since winter set in. My name is Jack Walsh and I won't tell you what I do for a living suffice to say I make damn good money. My sister Kate Walsh is two years younger than I am, she has blond hair that falls just below her ears. Tonight she has her hair clipped back with one of those hair clips that you don't see much of these days. Kate has dark blue eyes a slightly...

3 years ago
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Quality Time With Mom

Robin walked in the door and headed to the kitchen. She was home earlier than she had expected from the sleepover at her friend’s house. Tammy her best friend ever got a last minute call from a guy she was really interested in and well Robin did not want to be third wheel. The house seemed to unusually quiet but perhaps her mom had gone shopping.She decided to head up to her bedroom. Just as she headed down the hall she heard her mom’s voice. She was talking quiet but even more so she was...

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Jonothons smelly brainwashing

Two high pillars of have been erected where Jonothon is to be given his treatment. He is clothed in nought but a short, thin skintight little cotton shirt. His head has been shaved of all hair except for a little slime-gelled cone of blond hair in the middle of his forehead. He has been restrained between the pillars with thick, wet tentacles around his legs and arms, his arms are raised at his sides, his legs are wide. Above his head, a big block of thick yellow slime like vaseline is...

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DragonChapter 6

Katie had left only minutes before the family returned. When she was gone, his feelings for her remained strong although the lust abated. Without her, Hunter felt dislocated from his surroundings. He had adjusted to the life of a hunter with help from his teachers. With this last change, though, he was encountering realities that were much stranger and he was alone this time. Katie was along for the ride, but she was blinder than him on this new path. If the changes were to continue, Hunter...

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Baby's Wedding Daybylilhotnspicy©Thank you to Moonflower1980 who edited this story. *I was awake when I heard the knock on the door.I was lying in bed enjoying the feel of it. Sometimes when I wake up, I just feel full of peace and delicious. My room was light and airy. Even though I was naked I felt so warm snuggled under the covers. I brought my hand up and gently rubbed my breast. My nipples were both hard so I gently pulled on them. The knock came again. I mumbled and turned away from the...

1 year ago
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Last Train

(This story was written in collaboration with JustTK. Please feel free to check out his stories. This story is pure fantasy. I will warn that there will be parts where men will be eating other men's cum, but there is no guy on guy action. It focuses mainly on the female character. I hope you enjoy.) Its a busy night on the subway train. Everyone is coming home from partying all night, the New Years flare wearing off. This would be the last train of the night. The loading area is full of people...

2 years ago
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Theres Something in the WaterChapter 15

A knock sounded on the door. Lieutenant Abby Kerns depressed the button on the radio. “Colonel? I think our water shipment is here. I’m going to step away for a moment.” She released the button and the radio buzzed with static. There was so much interference in Portsmith. “Message ... ceived ... care ... and out.” The Colonel’s reedy voice barely made it through. Abby nodded, adjusted the garrison hat perched on her blond head, and stood. “Code?” she said to the delivery person on the...

1 year ago
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Blog 1

Blog 1  So, Pippa and I were sat in Starbucks this afternoon for one of our regular little tete a tetes and I’d just told her all about the photocopier incident from that morning, when she pipes up with: ‘You know, with all the stuff that happens to you, you really should write a blog ‘cause I reckon it would be like really addictive reading.’ And I sort of thought, ‘Yeah right’ but as the afternoon wore into evening the idea just grew on me and I thought I’d give it a go. She’s wrong about...

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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 19 The Nurses Naughty Office

Chapter Nineteen: The Nurse's Naughty Office By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Linda Davies My excitement at being the school nurse at Rainier Christian College was quickly wearing off. It was great that I was here, and I was eager for the changes my husband made to enjoy those nubile, coed girls. I wanted to just do such naughty things to them. Playing with my daughters, especially Sam, had given me a taste for young, female flesh. And...

4 years ago
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Hollywood Life Coach

-Career need a boost? Need a new agent? Just want to vent? My name is Dr. John Doe, and for the low price of $100 a session, payable in advance or in cash up front,I can give advice to help you and your life in the long run. 100% satisfaction guarantee, or your money back. And that is a promise I am willing to keep! John Doe smiled at the ad he had posted on the internet he had posted three days ago. Los Angeles... he was gonna love it here. The nice food, rich neighborhoods, and most...

Mind Control
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We eventually made it to my house, which was on a typical, mature, suburban street. I led Deb out of the car to the front step where I told her to sit & wait fo me. With her hands still tied behind her back, sans panties, I helped her down to sit on the 2nd step, about 12" off the ground, leaving her knees up in front of her considerably higher than her waist. I instructed her to rest her forehead on her knees & not to move while I removed the blindfold.I went in the house & watched...

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The Girl With The Emerald Eyes Chapter 7

As Emily flicked through the pictures small “oohs” and “ahhs” emanated from her lips. A twinkle glinted in those effervescent emerald eyes and a broad smile was etched on her face. At least that was something — she wasn’t horrified or worse.Quietly I began to get dressed as she carried on examining Nat’s pictures. From where I was it was impossible to tell which image was attracting each response. But I was delighted that she seemed to be enjoying them.“So you’re much kinkier than just wanting...

College Sex
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Isabelle Deltore 40 685000

I guarantee that no man on the planet earth inspires more hard work from his sexual partners than I do. Bitches know it's a privilege, not a right, to ride my stead. Not every bitch who knocks on my door gets the honor of riding my hog. Therefore, bitches don't want to waste the opportunity.The Three Wise HolesI've got sluts doing gymnastics on my dick in every room of my house. I've had tantric monkettes come down from the mountain tops to train on my man meat. They love that I never run out...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Nadias Wanton WeekendChapter 4

The blinds were open, the lighting from the pool gave the room a shimmer of illumination. Paris closed the door behind them and carefully locked it. He took Nadia's hand and led her directly to the bed. "Stand close to me. Pretend we're still dancing," he said in a husky voice. Nadia let her purse slide off her shoulder and drop to the floor then she moved next to him not quite touching and waited. Was she really going to do this? She studied his face, shadowed by darkness. Yes. She...

2 years ago
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First MMF Threesome Real

This story is true, the events actually happened. This happened With a Ex & before any MM play together with my friend.A buddy had just returned home from the west coast, We met up downtown one day to catch up on years gone past. We had few brews and Rode around some bike trails by the river. I said I better get home before the wife does, I also mentioned that I wanted to stop and rent a movie at the local XXX shop. He laughed at me and asked what I was going to rent exactly? I replied...

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- It was a rainy Saturday morning, and i woke up horny.Supposed to be meeting - Sylvia my mature (55yrs) horny milf from Airdrie in the afternoon.I'd got up early and had a nice shave in the bath - arse, cumsacs and pube hairs off !I slipped into sheer nude lacetop holdup stockings and cream lace panties for fun and was sitting at my compuer at 9am on sat morning.On chat avenue there was - on the gay chat this young lad - (I was 36 at the time). A gay boy from Linwood near Glasgow. Inviting me...

1 year ago
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The Post Office Parking Lot Part Seven

"Let's swim a bit and enjoy a lazy cum-filled day. After all, Sundays are supposed to be a day of rest," Kelly offered as we all cleaned up the breakfast mess."I like that idea," George offered.With the dishes done, we each grabbed some more coffee and slipped into the pool. For the next half hour, we floated and swam. Every muscle in my body was completely relaxed as I floated on my back near the deep end. Kelly was on a raft, and George was in an inner tube. As I eyed them up in their sleepy...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 270

What’s the difference between The Rolling Stones and an Aberdeen sheep farmer? The Rolling Stones say: “Hey you, get offa my cloud.” And an Aberdeen sheep farmer says: “Hey McLeod, get offa ma ewe.” ---- Paddy and Mick are two Irishmen working at the local sawmill. One day, Mick slips and his arm gets caught and severed by the big bench saw. Paddy quickly puts the limb in a plastic bag and rushes it and Mick to the local hospital. Next day, Paddy goes to the hospital and asks after...

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Military DelightsChapter 2 The Visit

It was with this background that the Emir was surprised to receive an intimation that the Foreign Minister of Tirfil wished to pay a formal visit to Ghada Baroud, the Emir's advisor on Diplomatic Matters, in Kobekistan. "Why are you asking me? It's you he wants to see," asked the Emir. "Master, it is forbidden for any Tirfilese to enter Kobekistan. Only two aircraft have tried in the past year, both helicopters, and both bearing the markings of the Tirfilese army." "What happened to...

4 years ago
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TalentChapter the Seventh Reality Sucks

The blink of an eye was all it took to move from the scene in the enchanted wood to find myself once again back in my bed. The sheet had been pulled over our heads and was a canopy of white light over us. The warmth of the early morning and my two companions was all around me. What was more, I could still feel the warmth of a wet mouth as my fountaining shaft was being fellated. I was even more surprised when I looked down. Rather than my pet; Valerie, it was Amy who's face smiled up at me...

1 year ago
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The Trailer Park The Second YearChapter 10

"Can I sit here?" I looked up at Robbie. "Sure I guess so." I'd been sitting by myself on the bus heading for Seattle. Most of the team were bunched up in the back, talking loudly, but I hadn't been in the mood. I was sitting by myself near the front. Tami had received a letter yesterday that upset her. I didn't know what it was about, and I wanted to give her space. But I hated to see her upset. "I'd offer a penny for your thoughts, but they look deep and meaningful. I probably...

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Kija Part Of The Conquerors Reward SeriesChapter 5

When Emily did and they quickly undressed as the young blond with some freckles on her face and hazel eyes entered. As either Ki or Tony blonds were always highly attractive. Emily was wearing her usual tight jean pant and blouse shirt. She always liked being comfortable and today she wasn't wearing a bra. Pressing her up against the door Tony licked and sucked her breasts handling them expertly in his hands. Emily loved how Tony would pay special attention to this area almost worshipping...

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Alone In a Parking Lot

You find yourself lost after driving across the state to meet up with family. While you knew the route to their city, you thought you could take a detour in search of a little change in your daily routine. You're lost in what seems to be a ghost town in the middle of the night. While you may spot the occasional pedestrian, there are no signs of activities of any importance. No signs of hotels or inns anywhere in sight. You snap out of your mindless scanning for a place to stay for the night and...

2 years ago
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Naked Day part 26 California Girl

But first to catch up. Cindy filled me in on the first couple days. They were long and busy. She filled out paperwork, for the agency, for other performing groups, all kinds of stuff. She was a bit overwhelmed but Nikki talked her though. Next day it was various photo shoots. Nikki went along to check on the photographer. Nikki said, "Some it doesn't matter they could care less if you're changing. Other guys you need to watch. They can get pervy with young women." So photos for files,...

1 year ago
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2ChicksSameTime Aubrey Sinclair Khloe Kapri 22973

Aubrey Sinclair can’t handle how crazy her friend Khloe Kapri is, as she’s aways trying to get on every guy she comes across. Case in point: Aubrey’s neighbor Peter rolls by to borrow their ladder, and when Khloe sees him she instantly interrogates Aubrey, asking why she hasn’t fucked him yet! Aubrey’s embarrassed as hell when Khloe calls Peter over to them and tells him that his dick would have already been inside of her if she were his neighbor. Peter has no idea what to say, which is just...

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Daughter moves back home

Our daughter has recently moved back home with me and the wife, after splitting from her boyfriend, and brought our beautiful grand-daughter with her. I am 45, my wife is 39. our daughter is 22-our g.daughter is still just 4mnths old.All is going wonderfully, our daughter is in her old room, and we are all getting along very nicely. Our daughter (Cassy) is a little upset occasionally, but is coping much better since coming home.I was always very close to her, and we would often have tickling...

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Mike Takes a New CaseChapter 3

(In part 2, Mike and his pal Big Mike paid a visit to Three Finger Kelly to put the kibosh on a blackmail caper for Marko the Jockey and his fiancée, Candy. Mike had already tasted Candy's sweet cheeks in part 1. Meeting Big Mike in Horn and Hardart, Mike runs into his movie twist, Trudi, who spills the beans about wanting to lose her virginity at long last. That is put to rest big time at the conclusion of part 2, as Mike scores touchdown after touchdown with Trudi in an all-night session....

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NubileFilms Alexa Grace Megan Sage Fantasy Girl

Kitted out in a tight thong and bra and big high heels, Alexa Grace is dressed to impress. She can’t keep her own scant clothes on, though, and as she stands in front of the mirror she opens the front clasp of her bra and then peels off her underwear so that her hands can roam her heated body. Soon she is masturbating in front of the mirror as she fantasizes about a lover that will really rock her world. Megan Sage is the girl of Alexa’s dreams. A sultry brunette wearing a...

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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 22 The Road to Bristol

I was down at breakfast early next morning, although it took all my resolve to uncouple myself from a sleeping Mimi and leave the place and person that had conveyed me to paradise. That night Mimi demonstrated what she had promised earlier. I shall not describe what she did to me, suffice it to say I experienced delirious ecstasy, and was ridden to the limit of my sexual strength, before being rejuvenated by Mimi’s accomplished body, mouth, tongue, and hands. I went to a place I had never...

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A Homecoming Chapter 16

On his way down for dinner, Ben met Gerd in the entrance hall. Gerd, in an overcoat and car keys in his hand, was going out. Although he seemed in a grim mood, he stopped to exchange a few sentences with Ben, shook his hand, wished him Good Luck, and bade him Goodbye. Christine was watching them from behind the glass. Once Gerd had gone, she gave Ben a wave to come into the office.Christine had obviously been angry. She reached into her desk and took out a bottle of Schnapps and held it...

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Fucking Teagan part 3

I lay there watching Teagan in the gathering light of dawn. The sun was not yet up, but there was enough light in the room to see her clearly. She was on her stomach. Her head and chest lying on a pillow, with her arms draped up and over the pillow, encircling her head. The covers were down around her waist; the top of her boy shorts were just visible under the thick, fluffy comforter. She was not wearing a top; her long, glossy black hair flowed in soft waves down the curve of her back. ...

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The HillsideChapter 20

Jacob found Jim first. Jim rarely disagreed with Jacob about anything and never about anything that involved the Bellamy sisters. Both felt guilty, not about killing the girls' parents but for not killing them sooner. "I'll pay half if the women don't like it," Jim stated firmly. "That number seems a little low for the ranch, though. I think we'll get more for them than they're asking." "You want to tell Juliette or do we want to face this together?" Jacob asked. For the first...

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Absolute Life Absolutely LivedChapter 2

Mary Jerkins had been delighted that Marla Tanner had agreed to become her part-time on-premises representative for the Absolute Arms condo complex. Perhaps 'complex' was a bit upscale for what 'The Arms' was in actuality. The four interconnected buildings formed a sealed square, with sundecks on each roof top and a swimming pool and hot tubs in the otherwise empty center of the square. The balconies for each apartment faced the inner courtyard and swimming pool. What had started life as...

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Cruise Ship Regeneration Part 01

A cruise ship that specializes in human sexuality. High Tech makes a dream come true. 01.01 Prologue, Cruise Ship Regeneration: 01.02 Evan and Susan: 01.03 Evan and Susan meet Ruth: 01.04 Evan, Preparation: 01.05 Evan, Gel, Preparation: 01.06 Evan, Gel, Genital Correction: 01.07 Evan, Gel, Prostate Correction: 01.08 Evan, Gel, First Ejaculation: 01.09 Evan, Gel, Nipple Enhancement: 01.10 Evan, Gel, Prostate Preparation: 01.11 Evan, Gel, Urethra, Prostate Enhancement: 01.12...

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Spying more hot neighbours undressing part 2

New propertyI realised I was a voyeur at a young age and ever since have been chasing those fleeting glances of ladies changing or slipping a nipple. The rush from a new 'spot' is incredible! We moved house recently to a spot with potential, my attention has been focused on the houses to the back of the garden with some success until I got busted by one of the neighbours (no consequences yet but I am pretty nervous).After a fruitless couple of hours waiting for any bedrooms to go live (lights...

4 years ago
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Holding OnChapter 4

Danny had no idea of how long Caleb would be gone, and even less of an idea about what the alien had meant about his doing nothing to deplete the energy. What he did know was he was somehow back in charge, making all the decisions again. The remainder of Caleb's long list of instructions included details on how to access his money. One hour after awakening without Caleb's presence, Danny was down at the gym he trained at, putting out feelers in hopes of finding his next boxing match. He...

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Toms Personal SEXetaryChapter 2

Samantha had only been working for her new boss, erotic writer Tom Land for about 10 days, but she'd never had a job that had progressed as quickly as this one with him. After her first day in the next job, Samantha had been very pleased that she'd interviewed and been hired by Tom Land. Now, after her first 10 days, she was more glad than ever that she was quickly becoming an essential part of his workday and work-nights as his newest SEXetary. Samantha laughed to herself when she...

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GotMylf Christie Stevens Ramming A Rich Bitch

Christie Stevens is a rich bitch who loves to get fucked in her luxurious pussy. But first, she wants you to watch her take all her clothes off. She shows us into her mansion and invites us into the bedroom where she loves to rub her body sensually. She peels off her clothes and reveals her luscious tits and bodacious ass. Then she sprawls out on the bed and does what she does best, gets her pussy nice and wet for a hard cock to enter. When our stud shows up, he slings his banana in her fruit...

3 years ago
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Ropeville Interludes

A Report On Subject Purple Following your requests I hereby submit a report on the Male subject codenamed 'Purple'. I must protest at the short amount of time I was given to examine the subject. Male is a healthy 40 year old Caucasian, no discernable scars, marks or deformities, a perfect specimen of a human male. A brain scan showed a high level of activity, more than would be expected under his current condition — stage 3 sedation — It was noticed that several of the female examiners...

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Night Scene part 1

Tonight was the night! It was the Grand Opening of my fourth potentially successful nightclub. After going through this three times before in Miami, Dallas, and Hollywood, I didn’t think I had the nerve or the patience to open another “Night Scene.” I didn't think I could do it. Matter of fact I really didn't want to do it but my advisors talked me in to it. Now I'm glad I took their advice. Seattle was the city that my board of investors and I had chosen, and looking at the crowd tonight I...

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My Mommy

"Mom, can I cum on your face?"Looking back, I know why I asked.I had been masturbating alone in my bedroom for the past four hours, teasing the same erection without allowing myself to orgasm. I would usually lock myself in my room while my Mom cooked dinner, but jerking off for four hours straight was uncommon for me. I would usually browse the internet, or play video games, or finish whatever homework was leftover from the bus ride home after school.For no reason in particular, I was feeling...

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Rohini Ends Up Being Gang Banged

Rohini Ends Up Being Gang Banged Rohini was your everyday 40 year old housewife. She had been married for 15 years to a wonderful… Rohini Ends Up Being Gang Banged Rohini was your everyday 40 year old housewife. She had been married for 15 years to a wonderful man who gave her everything she ever needed. There was only one problem in Rohini’s life and that everything had become very routine. Her life seemed to be the same everyday. The excitement she had once experience was now...

Cheating Wife
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6 Chasing CanariesChapter 6

Lori put her glass on the floor. She looked a little giddy as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "Chet ... It's time to start the movie, honey." Rhonda smiled briefly before a pout pushed out her lower lip. "Lor-eeee," she whined. "What?" "We agreed Chet's my boyfriend tonight, remember? So don't go calling him 'honey.'" Lori's eyebrows rose. She shook a finger at Rhonda in teasing rapprochement. "Hey, we're all here to have fun. But I'm here to thank Jimmy,...

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Maggie May Jackstraw

It's funny how small things can change your perspective. In my case, it was a single ray of sunshine coming through a gap in the tattered curtains that didn't quite cover the window to the apartment. It was a bright early autumn morning, around 8, maybe 8:30, one of those days that makes California truly golden. First, it caught my eye, waking me up from a restless sleep, then it hit Maggie's face just right. She was still zonked out, lying on her back, her naked breasts heaving slightly...

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Fun In The Bus With Stranger Girl

Dear ISS readers, thank you for all your comments and replies for my first story, which I described about my encounter with one of my chat friend. This time I would like to share my experience with one stranger girl whom I traveled with. Kindly share your feedback in As I told in the previous story, I recently moved to Bangalore, and used to travel on weekend my native in Tamilnadu, and the travel time is overnight. Just like any other week, I made my booking in the bus, which starts from...

2 years ago
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For the Love of LiciaChapter 44 Shell Sell You

Thinking back at how they'd traveled from the main island to Atol proper, Pamela felt the salty wind tugging at her hair again, whipping it around her face. She'd gathered it, tying it into a blond bun. The sea was choppy, but that didn't impress the dark boy at the helm. Sinewy muscles played under his threadbare tank top shirt as he held the wheel with two fingers. The main island sank below the edge of the ocean, their destiny not yet in sight. The entire world seemed immerged in water...

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Enticing a Housewife

Maggie Woods was a homemaker. She was a wife and mother. Her children were now back to school and she had a lot of time on her hands. She decided to sell make-up. Some of her friends sold cosmetic products and told her about it. Maggie went through all the training and was ready to sell the product. She hosted many parties at her friend’s houses. She was making decent money. After she completed all her friend’s parties, she needed to find new business. The best way to do this was to send...

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Vixen On Top Ch 04

Marty drove, the next day, to the credit union she’d paid into during the time she worked for the department of corrections and surprised the teller when she handed her a withdrawal slip for all of her savings. ‘Ma’am, are you sure want to close out the account?’ ‘Mmm. Today is a new beginning for me. I’ve been saving toward this day for a long time and I need all the money I have to get started.’ The teller counted out Marty’s savings in a pile of hundred dollar bills. When she finished...

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The Matinee

It’s rare that Susan and I have the same day off during the week, and even more unusual when that day is a beautiful warm summer day. We had no special plans for the day except to try a new little restaurant that her friends had told her about. It was in a developing part of town and we were anxious to see what new shops may also be there.  I was waiting outside when she came out. Wow, she looked hot, a short white skirt that covered her sexy legs only to mid-thigh. She had on a sheer red top...

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A middle aged manrsquos first gay experience

After going out for a few pints with a few of my mates and at the end of the night I found myself with just one of my friends the rest must have gone home so we went for taxi and called at the off-licence and got a few more drinks before ending up at mine. Quite a few drinks later we then decided it was time for bed my friend asked To share it. thinking nothing of it I said yes.After getting into bed we talked about sex and sex toys, I ended up showing him a few of mine explaining in detail...

2 years ago
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Hidden desires finally exposed

I had found a swingers group on the web in a nearby town that met monthly at a local hotel. For many years I have wanted to attend an adult party with my wife but she wasn't hearing any of that. I emailed the leaders and over time became familiar with them on line.I had mentioned it to my wife quite a few more times and she continued to be reluctant about it. Finally after me bringing it up enough times she agreed to go. She remarked that she didn't want to be caught up in a lewd party with a...

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The Clothing Option Chapter 2

The next day I came to work a little late. I had a short meeting with a corporate client who likes to do business directly with me, much to the dismay of my commissioned sales staff. As I walked into the building I was in a kind of happy place in my head, whistling as I walked, and not really paying too much attention to anything. It really was amazing the effect that seeing Becky Lawrence naked yesterday had had on my personal morale. As I entered our offices though, some chatter suddenly...

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Haileys First College Party Part One

They were greeted at the door by one of the pledges for next year. He droned briefly about welcoming them to ‘Phi Beta Kappa,’ then told them that while the party was throughout the building, the upstairs had drinking games and the basement had the non-alcohol games. The girls looked at Hailey for a minute before she realized that they were wanting to know where she wanted to go. She sputtered for a second. “I could use a drink, I guess.” They all agreed, and headed into the kitchen to grab a...

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