The Mummy Princess Chapter 2
- 2 years ago
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Kevin Marks was making his rounds at the San Diego Museum of Man as he had every night since taking the job five years ago. An ex-military man, he was in charge of security at his base in Iraq so security was one thing he knew well.
And the museum was glad to have someone who was in the military in that position – there were a lot of priceless artifacts and displays in the museum and it took someone like him to protect them.
The pride and joy of the museum these days was the new Egyptian exhibit set to open in a couple of days, and the star of that show was the sarcophagus that was reported to contain the mummy of an Egyptian princess.
It was late one night when he stopped into the Egyptian exhibit on his usual walking around. He tried to vary his rounds making them as random as he could and still visit every exhibit and check all the doors and windows.
The museum was a large, two-story building so it took him about forty-five minutes to complete each round. Having spent two tours in the Middle East, he had a special attraction to the Egyptian exhibit and so when he was in that area this time, he decided to have a closer look at things.
He walked up to the sarcophagus and looked it over. He noticed the inscription on the side. Under the inscription was a plaque placed there to help visitors read and pronounce the ancient Egyptian writing, although Kevin needed no such help. He was quite adept at reading and writing the Egyptian language from his time over there.
He leaned over the rope barrier that surrounded the sarcophagus a little to get a closer look at the writing.
"Min yaqra hdha alnnaqsh sawf tutliq mawjatan min almawmia'i, wasawf takun lahum 'iilaa al'abad," he read the writing aloud. (Translation: Whosoever reads this inscription will unlock the spell of the mummy and it will serve them forever.)
Suddenly the lights in the museum dimmed and a moment later they went out. With his flashlight in hand, Kevin made his way to the utility room where the electrical panel was located.
He looked at the panel and noticed one of the breakers had been tripped. He flipped it off and then on to reset it and the lights came back on.
"That was strange," he said aloud to himself, then he went back to the Egyptian exhibit to check on things.
Coming into the room he didn't notice anything wrong and so he turned to leave. But just as he turned around he saw a beautiful dark-haired woman dressed in mummy wrappings standing behind him!
"Holy shit!" he said, nearly falling backward over part of the exhibit. "W-who are you?" he asked.
"I am Princess Azizah, daughter to King Al-Huzzah. And who are you that speaks the ancient language?"
"Kevin… Kevin Marks. I am security here at the museum," he said, still trying to wrap his head around what was happening.
"Well Kevin Kevin Marks, what year is it?" she asked.
"It's just Kevin Marks and the year is 2015," he said.
"How can this be? I died in the year 2560," she said.
"You died in 2560 BC. This is 2015 AD. That's 4575 years.
"I have been asleep for 4,575 years?" she asked.
"Yeah, I guess you have. Your tomb was discovered only a year or so ago. I think that's what I've heard. I know the museum paid a lot of money to set up this exhibit and get all these things here.
"Museum? What is 'museum?'" she asked.
"Oh, I'm sorry, you probably don't know where you are right now! This is the San Diego Museum of Man in San Diego, California. Which, come to think about it, still doesn't tell you anything because no one knew about San Diego, California, or even the United States when you were alive!" he said.
She just smiled as he talked, having no idea at all what he was talking about.
"So what do you remember from before you died, Princess Azizah?" he asked.
"You may call me Azizah… I am no longer a princess as that life has long since passed and I'm not even in my own country anymore," she said.
"Okay, Azizah, and you can call me Kevin. So what do you remember?" he asked again.
"Well, I remember life in my kingdom, living in the palace and my father. I remember seeing him… oh! I remember seeing the guards fall and those men–they killed him! And oh great god Amun, they killed me too! That's how I died–those men in black robes stormed the palace and killed my family and me!" she said.
"I'm sorry Azizah, but you are here now, and unless I knocked myself senseless when the lights went out, you are very much real… somehow," he said.
"Yes, I am real. The wizards of my time often put spells on the tomb and sarcophagus of the royals so that when the time came, their people could bring them back from the Underworld. When you spoke the words, you called me back," she said.
"Well, I learned Arabic fighting in the war in Iraq. I can read, write, and speak Arabic fluently," he said.
"Fortunately for me. And now that you have brought me back from the Underworld, I am obligated to serve you for as long as you wish," she said, kneeling on the floor. "You are Pharaoh now."
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"I am your servant. I am here to serve you however you wish," she said.
"You mean like a genie or something?" he asked.
Azizah giggled, "Well I don't have magic powers, so I can't conjure up wealth and riches, but I am yours to command however I may please you," she explained.
This last statement made Kevin's cock twitch. She was quite beautiful, despite still being partially wrapped in old bandages. She was uncovered from the shoulders up so he could see her face clearly and the bandages still wrapped tightly around her body made it obvious she had a nice body under them.
She was young, Kevin estimated she died in her early twenties, and whatever they did to mummify her worked like a charm... or the magic to bring her back did. Either way, she was quite lovely. He stood there for a moment looking at her, scanning over her enticing figure, her lovely face with soft pink lips and bewitching green eyes framed in her straight black hair.
As he stood there, his eyes taking in the beauty before him, she knew just what he was thinking. She remembered such looks in her own past lovers and those who wished they were. She bit her bottom lip playfully as he stepped towards her. As he approached, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss.
It had been over 4,500 years since she last felt the warmth of another's embrace and as he pulled her to him she moaned softly into his mouth.
Feeling the soft warmth of this Egyptian princess in his arms, Kevin forgot all about what he really held – a woman who was murdered 4,500 years ago and had been wrapped in bandages and buried in the desert more than 2,000 before the birth of Christ!
To him, she felt every bit as real and alive as any woman he had ever held and a lot more passionate. Without thinking about anything but his growing desire, he pulled Azizah into a deep powerful kiss and felt the soft warm touch of her lips to his.
It had been a while since Kevin had enjoyed the pleasures of a woman as well and kissing Azizah was definitely one of those pleasures! He could feel his cock stirring in his uniform pants and it was getting a bit uncomfortable. As he held the wrapped woman close, she too felt his growing excitement and it made her moan yet again.
Kevin broke their kiss finally and pulled back a bit. He looked at the beautiful Egyptian woman, her eyes darting back and forth searching his face, looking for something. "Azizah… um… I know you are a princess, but…" he said, unsure how to approach what he wanted to say.
Azizah knew what he wanted to ask because she wanted the same thing. "You are Pharaoh, I am yours to command," she said, smiling coyly. She held out her crossed wrists and lowered her head in a sign of submission, giving herself to him.
Without another word he swept her up into his arms and took her into the security office where they would have a little more privacy. Not that they really needed it; it was well after operating hours for the museum, and he was the only security guard at this hour. But it made it a little more intimate and personal for both of them, which was what he wanted.
Once in the security office, he set her back on the ground on her feet. Then, as she held her breath in nervous anticipation, he began to unwrap the remaining bandages that covered her body.
Back in ancient Egypt, when a body was to be mummified, they began wrapping the body at the feet and worked upwards, overlapping part of the new wrapping over the last wrap. So Kevin started at the top where the bandages stopped at her shoulders and began unwinding the cloth strips that had encased her for so many centuries.
He noticed as soon as he started that Azizah was wrapped in the nude when she died, and as he took off each layer, more of her would be revealed than he first assumed.
Azizah made no move to stop him or even protest; either she wanted this just as much as he did, or she knew better than to question or protest his actions. He looked up at her from time to time and she smiled at him shyly but anxiously anticipating what she hoped would follow soon.
Kevin continued unwrapping Azizah and very soon he got to the point where he was about to unwrap her breasts. Once again he paused, uncertain what to do. He wanted to keep going, but he also wanted to be gentlemanly and respectful. Azizah saw his dilemma and tried to ease his mind.
"My lord, it is all right. I am here to serve you, however, you wish. This body is yours, to use in any and all ways you see fit. Do not be disquieted. You earned the right to this body when you spoke the ancient words and broke my slumber. I wish to please you and show my gratitude for releasing me. Please, my lord, continue as you please," she said. Her bright smile calmed his uneasiness and he did continue.
The next few wraps fell away and revealed Azizah's full, ripe and very admirable breasts, capped with rose-colored nipples hard and erect, just aching to be sucked. He couldn't resist giving those hard little buds an introductory lick and suck just to see her reaction.
He was pleasantly rewarded almost instantly.
"Ohhh…" she moaned as she felt his hot mouth close over her nipple and his tongue reach out to caress it gently. He began licking and sucking on her nipples more enthusiastically once he saw her reaction.
Azizah put her hands gently on the sides of his head holding him to her breast and moving to the other one when it wanted some attention too. She thrust her chest out offering herself to him as he feasted on her.
Kevin licked and sucked and chewed on her perfect breasts and her tender sensitive nipples as Azizah moaned and squirmed in his grip She wasn't struggling to get free, in fact just the opposite. It had been so long since she had felt this kind of pleasure and she wanted to make sure every part of her got its share.
But she needn't worry about that. Kevin was enjoying giving her pleasure just as much as she was enjoying receiving it. Her moans, mewls, and coos of delight also delighted him and he did his best to create more of them in her.
After he made sure her nipples and breasts had gotten plenty of attention from his hands and mouth, he began unwrapping more of his alluring present. He unwrapped her down to her waist and was surprised when he saw the large purple jewel stuck in her navel. He continued getting closer to his next stop.
As he reached her hips he saw that her pussy was neat and well-trimmed with her pubes cut short and well-manicured. This shocked him as he had always thought that wasn't a concern for women back in that time period. He just always figured that were au natural!
"Azizah, you are… your hair is so well kept!" he said in surprise.
"Do you like it, my lord?" she asked.
"I do like it, Azizah, I'm just a little surprised that women back then did that. I just assumed that you just let it grow naturally," he said.
"Well, the common women did, my lord, but as a princess, I was expected to be beautiful in every aspect. I was expected to be pleasing and be an example to the other women of the kingdom. So I was taught to keep my hair trimmed short there, keep it shaved completely under my arms, and also taught how to put on my makeup as you can see," she explained.
"Yes I do see, and it is very nice. But I think you would be beautiful even without the makeup and primping," he said, "You are a very lovely woman, Azizah."
"Thank you, my lord. I am glad you find me pleasing," she said blushing a little as she lowered her head.
He reached under her lowered chin with his fingertips and brought her face up to meet his. She looked into his eyes as they met hers. "Azizah, I find you more than just pleasing. Much more than just pleasing," he said.
And it was true; Kevin was completely captivated by the stunning Egyptian princess. He'd dated other women and even had a couple of fairly serious relationships.
But he had never met anyone like Azizah. And not just because she was a 4,500-year-old Egyptian princess come back to life. She had an attractiveness that Kevin had never experienced before and he was totally enchanted by her.
She smiled her beautiful smile. "I am glad, my lord," she said softly.
He finished unwrapping Azizah and then stood back to admire her fully. "My god you are breathtaking!" he said, as he surveyed her now naked form.
She took a couple of steps towards him stumbling a bit; her legs hadn't been used in a very long time and they had to get used to supporting her again as she walked. Kevin stepped forward quickly to catch her though and she smiled up at him once in his strong supporting arms.
He helped her walk over to the old sofa that sat against one wall of the security office. It was a black vinyl-covered sofa with a metal frame securely bolted to the wall. It was used not only to sit on but to handcuff someone to while waiting for the police to arrive. So it was pretty well built even as old and worn as it was.
"Here you'd better sit down for a minute. Your muscles aren't used to the activity and it's going to take you a bit to get used to moving around," he said.
"Thank you, my lord, for looking after me. But I am supposed to be pleasing and pleasuring you. How can I do that if I am sitting here helpless?" she asked.
Kevin looked at the resplendent woman sitting on the sofa. She should be sitting on a throne rather than an old worn vinyl sofa he thought. But she DID ask how she could please him. And he had an idea…
He knelt down in front of her. He spread her legs and moved between her open thighs. "W-what are you doing, my lord?" she asked uncertainly.
He didn't answer her question with words, only with actions. He grabbed her hips and pulled her to the front edge of the sofa and leaned her back. Then he got down between her legs and with a hand at each side of her slit he parted her swollen pink pussy lips.
He looked into her pink wet hole, amazed at how juicy it was already, considering she had only been reanimated for less than an hour! He inhaled her sweet musky scent and it made his mouth water.
"OH! MY LORD! What are you doing?!" she cried out as she felt his tongue snaking its way into her tunnel. "What magic is this?!"
He pulled his head up from her now-trembling pussy, "You've never had anyone do this before?" he asked?
"No, what are you doing to me? It's wonderful!" she said.
"Well, people call it different names… cunnilingus, pussy-eating, muff-diving… there are other less tactful names as well, but I just call it eating pussy," he said. "Do you want me to keep going?"
"Please!" she said, excitedly.
He leaned back in and resumed feasting hungrily on the young princess. Azizah leaned back and closed her eyes enjoying the incredible new sensations he was producing in her.
She had never felt anything so amazing and she didn't know how to react to it. She just let her body tell her what to do and very soon her hips began rotating and grinding up against his ravenous mouth.
"Oh, my lord! Ohh, I feel… I feel… OH, GREAT AMUUUNNN!" she screamed out as she burst, flooding his mouth with her juices and bucking hard against him.
Her orgasm tore through her unrestrained, causing her to pitch and writhe so much that Kevin had to hold her down to keep her from falling off the sofa and possibly getting hurt. He continued licking up the juices that were issuing out of her, which only served to extend her orgasm further and increase its intensity.
Azizah bucked and squirmed and writhed for what seemed like several minutes as her long-awaited orgasm struck her like a thunderbolt. Finally, it passed and she sat on the sofa, legs splayed open, dripping her juices onto the tile floor.
"Oh my lord… that was… ohhh…!" she panted as she tried to come down from her sexual high.
"I can't believe no has ever done that to you!" Kevin said as he sat there with her watching over her until she was back with him fully.
"No my lord, no one has done that to me. You see in my world, where I am from, women pleasure the men and the men have no real regard for whether the woman receives any or not. If we get any pleasure, it is in the act of giving pleasure to our men," she explained.
"Well that hardly seems fair," he replied.
"Maybe, but that's just the way it is… or was," she said, "I have to keep reminding myself that those times are past. It still seems very strange…"
"I'm sure it is. But the times have changed quite a bit from your time. Nowadays women demand their pleasure and if we men want to be with a woman–or be with her more than once, at least–we had better make sure we give as good as we get!" he said.
"My lord, you did wonderfully. If this is any indication, you should have plenty of women," she said.
"Not really. You see, working the hours I work, it's hard to meet and date women. Most women work during the day, and I work here at nights, so meshing together for any social get together or dating is hard," he said.
"I am here every night for you when you come to work, my lord. I will be most pleased to be your… date," she said.
"It will certainly make coming to work more enjoyable! It can get pretty boring and lonesome walking around this big museum late at night by myself. It would be nice to have someone to talk to," he said.
"Just talk, my lord?" she said, the sexual connotations dripping off her words like her juices were dripping off her pussy lips.
She moved off the couch and took her place between his legs this time. She reached up and began working his belt buckle and unfastening his trousers. Pulling his pants down to his knees and then pushing them down to his ankles, she then started pulling his boxers down as well. Kevin's hard throbbing cock sprang up standing at attention, ready to play.
Azizah smiled when she saw the reason for the bulge in his pants earlier. She took his stiff cock in her left hand, holding it at the base and with the index finger of her right hand traced circles around the rim and across the tip.
She licked her lips as she examined his cock, feeling the soft velvety texture of the skin on the hard shaft, the spongy fleshy tip and acquainting herself with the ridges and bumps that would bring her great pleasure later on.
After she had thoroughly examined his cock, she ran her tongue up the length of the shaft from his balls to the tip and all the way around its circumference until the whole shaft and head had been completely bathed in her saliva.
Kevin moaned as he felt her warm pink tongue caressing him and then when she had finished with the tongue-bath, she pushed the tip of his cock between her soft lips and began to swallow him down.
Kevin closed his eyes as he felt her take him into her wet warm mouth. He groaned with pleasure as he sank deeper into her mouth and she started bobbing up and down on his cock, making her mouth into a model of a pussy.
"Ohhh, God, Azizah, that feels so good!" he groaned.
He wrapped his hands deep in her long, luxurious, black hair and guided her at the rate and rhythm that he liked. She followed his directions perfectly keeping suction on his cock and cradling his balls in her hand and she used the other to hold his cock. She made a ring with her thumb and index finger and squeezed his cock tight, preventing him from cumming too quickly.
Kevin was moaning and humping his hips up at Azizah's hot, talented mouth as she gave him a blowjob to remember. He had never had such an incredible blowjob nor had he had one from anyone as beautiful as Azizah; he was in heaven!
But all good things must come to an end and so regretfully Kevin announced, "Azizah, you are wonderful, but if you keep this up, I'm going to cum before we even get going good!"
"Well, my lord, we can't have that!" she said, looking up at him with an impish little smirk.
She rose from her kneeling position and pushed his knees together. Then Azizah climbed up onto his lap facing him and straddling his thighs. She took his cock in one hand and spread her pussy lips with the fingers of the other. She pointed his cock at her eager hole and slowly sank down onto his hard shaft.
"Ohhh, my lord! Oh, you feel so wonderful inside me!" Azizah moaned.
She put her arms around his neck and sank down tantalizingly slowly, teasing both herself and Kevin, as she felt him opening her long-vacant womb. She continued sliding down his steel-hard cock until she finally, happily, rested her ass on the top of his thighs. Kevin reached forward and pulled her into a kiss as his hands moved around her hips to grab her ass cheeks sinking his fingers into the firm creamy flesh.
Azizah moaned into Kevin's mouth as she began to rotate her hips, making his cock move around inside her and hitting all her special spots that had for so long been neglected. Her arousal now a raging inferno, she began bouncing up and down on his lap in addition to rotating, alternating the different actions as she needed in order to increase her arousal and bring her closer to another great orgasm.
By now Kevin, too, was reaching the height of his arousal and he could tell he wouldn't last much longer. As Azizah bounced on his lap, Kevin thrust upward jamming his cock deeper into her wanting to get as far into the young woman as he possibly could.
That slap of her ass on his thighs and the wet squish of his cock plowing into her wet dripping pussy added to their mutual moaning to produce quite a cacophony in the silence of the small security office.
But neither minded the noise, both Kevin and Azizah were so wrapped up in their own lustful desire that a full orchestra could be playing a symphony in that room and they would have hardly noticed!
"Oh, my lord! I am about to burst again! Oh please! Please my lord!" she said.
Kevin thought her "dirty talk" was cute and he liked how she talked. He liked her use of "my lord" and saying she was "about to burst". He was used to girls talking dirty saying they were cumming and call out "oh-my-god" and things. But her version was so much more delightful, and fit her perfectly.
Azizah bounced a few more times before she was on edge. Kevin was set for blast off as well and just as he felt Azizah's pussy walls clamp down on his cock he gripped her hips and slammed deeper than ever into her pulling her down on him at the same time, sending his cock as far into her as he could possibly go.
He held her there as his cock erupted. With a mighty groan, he shot a huge load of searing hot, sticky cum deep in her belly. Azizah felt his seed splash against her pussy walls and it triggered her own orgasm.
"OHHH MYYY LORRRDDD!" she screamed out as she came harder than she could remember cumming.
She poured her sweet, syrupy juices out around his convulsing cock as he shot his own gift up into her. He held the woman close and as they gave of each other, they kissed once again. He held her to him until they had both finished cumming and even after, enjoying the feeling of his beautiful princess and her enjoying him.
At last, he helped her up off him and he walked with her to the bathroom so she could get cleaned up. He took the men's room and did likewise, finishing before her and waiting for her outside the door.
They spent the rest of the night together, Azizah walking with him as he did his rounds talking and getting to know each other.
She told him about the true way things were back in ancient Egypt and he was surprised to learn that a lot of what he had been taught was all wrong. He considered himself pretty knowledgeable about that time period, but he learned that his education was partly wrong but mostly incomplete.
And of course, Azizah had so much to learn about the modern-day world. They talked and she was amazed at some of the gadgets and ways to do things in today's world. Before either of them realized it, it was morning and the museum was about to open.
"My lord, I have had a most wonderful time, but I have to get back to the exhibit. I am afraid that I have to stay here when the museum is open. But I will wait for you to come to work tonight and we can spend the night together again if you desire," she said.
"You can't come home with me, Azizah?" he asked.
"I am afraid not, my lord. I have to stay here and be an exhibit until the museum closes and I can come back to life again. Please come back to me tonight," she said, holding his hands tightly.
"I will, Azizah. I promise," he said. He walked her back to her exhibit and helped her back into the sarcophagus. As she lay down he kissed her once more then turned to leave. As if by magic, her wrappings reappeared and she was once more a mummified Egyptian princess, ready for visitors to look and wonder at.
Hi friends, ab tak aapne is kahani ke 8 part padh chuke aage ki kahani uske bad ki ghatnao ka hai aap sab ne meri pichli kahani me padha ki us rat ko jab uncle ke sath meri mummy unke dost ke ghar gayi mummy ke naa chahte hue bhi ramesh aur sudhakar uncle ne meri mummy ko choda agle din meri mummy bahut jayada thaki hui thi sham ke chai ke bad mai apne room me padh raha tha Tabhi mummy ke phone pe phone aaya mummy us samay bathroom me thi kyuki 3 bar full ring hua aur pick up nahi hua mai bahar...
Hi friends aap sab ne meri kahani dost ke papa aur meri mummy ka nazayaz sambandh ke 4 part indian sex stories me padhe hai ye kahani usi kahaniyo ka continuation hai.Jo readers pahli bar is kahani ko padh rahe hai unse ye request hai ki pahle is kahani ke 4 part padh le.Maine apni pichli 2 kahaniyo me bataya tha ki aunty aur aroon apne nani ke ghar gaye hue hai aur holi ki puri raat uncle ne meri mummy ko apne ghar me choda aur next day aake mummy ke kamre me meri mummy ki gand mari aur chale...
Hello friends aap sab ne meri pichli kahani me padha ki kaise aroon ke papa ne meri mummy ko meri mummy ke bedroom me choda aur fir chale gaye. Ab mai aap sab aage ki kahani batane jaa raha hu. Chudai ka ye silsila aise hi chal raha tha bich bich me mujhe kai din ghar me school se aane ke bad condams dikhe kuch samay tak aise hi chalta raha bich bich me meri mummy bahar bhi jati thi rat me mai ache se janta tha meri mummy kis kaam ke liye jaa rahi hai. Kuch din ke bad ki bat hai Saturday ka din...
Hello dosto aap sab ne pichli kahani me padha ki aroon ke papa mumbai se meeting karke vapas aaye aur unhone meri mummy ko ramesh uncle ke ghar pe puri rat choda. Mai apne ghar aa gaya tha lekin meri mummy uncle ke sath hi soyi us din agle din meri neend 9 baje khuli mummy ghar nahi aayi thi. Kariban 11 baje meri mummy ghar me aayi bahut thaki hui thi aisa lag raha tha jaise vo soyi nahi ho. Mummy aake apne kamre me chali gayi unhone mujhe bualaya aur pucha rat me khana khaya tha maine kaha ji...
Hi friends, aapne meri pichli kahani dost ke papa aur meri mummy ka nazayaz sambandh ki agla part hai apne feedbacks mere mail id pe bejhe meri pichli kahaniyo me maine aap sabko bataya ki kaise meri mummy aur mere dost ke papa ke bich nazayaz sambandh kayam hua aura b mere dost ke papa meri mummy ko barabar chodtte hai.Ab mai aap sabko aankho dekhi ek aur kahani batane jaa raha hu hope ki aap sab ko usi tarah pasand aayegi jaisa aap sabne meri pichli kahani ko like kiya.Meri mummy us din bhi...
Hello every one hope karta hu ki aap sab ne meri pichli 9 part dost ke papa aur meri mummy ki nazayaz sambandh ko padh liya hoga. Ye kahani aage ki bato ka hai last kahani me aap sab ne padha ki uncle us rat ko bahut aggressive ho gaye the aur mummy ko apne bed pe bahut choda. Ab mai aap sab ko aage ki kahani batane jaa raha hu. Us rat ke bad uncle barabar meri mummy ko chodne lage. Mujhe ghar me school se aane ke bad kai bar condams dikhte the mai jan raha tha ki din me aate hai yaha pe in...
Hi friends aap sab ne meri is kahani ka title jiska naam meri mummy ne gair mard se chudwaya ke 4 part pahle hi padha hua hai.Mai ab meri mummy ki chudai ki kahani ko aage bhadte hue ek naya part likh raha hu dosto maine aapko pichli kahaniyo me bataya ki meri mummy ko mere chacha ne chod ke ek chudakkad aurat bana diya hai chacha ne meri mummy ko apne do dost aslam chacha aur firoz chacha se bhi chudawaya meri pichli kahani me maine aap sabko bataya ki kaise aslam chacha aur sibu chacha ne...
Ek din darwaze ki ghanti baji .babloo kotian aunty ke saath apne room mein busy tha . wo kotian aunty ki chudai karte hue keh raha tha ki asli mazaa tab aayega jab rohan ghar mein ho aur ek kamre mein main tumhare se mazey loot raha hoon. fir 3-4 baar fir se ghanti baji. babloo gusse se apne kamre se baahar aaya aur darwaza khola to ashwin khada tha. babloo gusse se bola abe kya hai . kyun mood kharab kar raha hai. ashwin babloo se bola yaar ghar pe koi nahi hai . babloo bola abe phoot na ....
Hello friends aap sab ne meri kahani ke pichle parts padhe uske liye thank you very much. Ab mai aap sabko aage ki kahani batane jaa raha hu. Subah jab mummy ghar aayi toh jake bedroom me chai gayi mai chai leke kuch der bad unke kamre me gaya meri mummy leti hui thi. Mujhe dekh ke mummy uth ke baith gayi bahut thaki hui lag rahi thi. Mummy ne pucha khana khaya tha rat me maine kah diya haan khaya tha. Mummy ke shakal se pata chal raha tha ki rat bhar chudi hai unke pair me vo payal thi jo...
Hi dosto kesy ho ap mera na surmand hy or mjy ghar main sb sono kehty hn meri family main meri mummy 43 year papa 51 year jo ky usa main rehty hain or 2 ya 3 saal bad aaty hain mummy house wife hi our main ny abi mumbai sy mba kya our our ghar shift hwa hon To dosto meri mummy mery ghar jany sy pehly apny sath apni badi behan ko rakhti thi jo k apny pati sy talak ly chuki thi us ky age 48 year thi us ka figar bi thora plus size tha but mummy ki trah bohat hot dikhti thi. Lekin mery jany ky bad...
Hi friendS, mera naam vicky hai.Aaj mai aap sabko ek sachi kahani batane jaa raha hu ye kahani vaise aaj se kuch sal pahle ki hai.Kahani padhne ke bad mujhe mail kajiye taki mai aage ki baat aap sab se share kar saku .Kahani suru karne se pahle mai aap sabko apne family ke bare me bata du meri family me 4 log hai mai mere papa meri mummy aur meri didi meri didi b.Tech kar rahi hai dusre city me.Mere papa ek software company me kaam karte hai aur maximum offshore rahte hai depend karta hai...
Hi friends ye meri pichli kahani dost ke papa aur meri mummy ka nazayaz sambandh ka agla part hai jo log mujhse contact karna chahe mera mail id hai is par apne mails bejh sakte hai.Sabse pahle mai un sab dosto se thanku kahna chahta hu jinhone meri kahani padhi aur like kiya aur un sab se jo ye kahani padh rahe hai unse ye nivedan hai ki jake pahle iska pahla part padh le. Dosto jaisa ki maine apni pichli kahani me bataya tha ki mere dost arun ke papa ne 31st ki night ko sari rat meri mummy...
Hello friends aapne is kahani ke 7 part already iss pe padh chuke hai ye kahani 7th part ka continuation hai.Apne feedbacks mujhe mail kare .Pichli kahani me aap sab ne padha ki kaise ramesh uncle aur sudhakar uncle ne meri mummy ko ek ek bar chod liya ab mai aap sab ko aage ki kahani batane jaa raha hu meri mummy ko nashe ki vajah se acha feel nahi ho raha tha jab mai hall ke pass ki khidki ke pass gaya vaha sudhakar uncle aur ramesh uncle dono nude hoke sofe pe baithe hue bat kar rahe the...
Hi friends this is Vicky meri dusri story hai meri first story thi “meri mummy ne gair mard se chudwaya” .mujhe khushi hai ki aap logo ko meri story pasand aayi. Mujhe bahut sare mail bhi aaye thanks to you guys for liking my story.ab mai apni second story likhne jaa raha hu ye story meri nahi hai par ye mere dost rajat ki hai .rajat mera bahut acha dost hai usne mujhe apni puri kahani batayi.usne mujhse kaha ki vickey tu mere liye story likh de. so aaj mai rajat banker ye story aapko...
Hello friends mai vickey aaj mai aapko ek kahani sunane jaa raha hu jisme holi kai awsar par meri mummy ki chudai hui .mai 10th class mai padhta hu aur mai mummy papa Mumbai mai rahte hai meri mummy dekhne mai bahut hi achi hai unki age 38 yrs ki hai unka fig bahut hi acha hai ab mai aapko apni story par le jata hu aaj se do mahine pahle ki bat hai holi ka samay tha meri dadi nai call kiya aur humse kaha ki is bar sab holi par gaon aao mummy nai kaha thik hai .papa jub sham ko ghar aaye toh...
Hi dear mera naam ajay .Mere ghar me papa, mummy, bhaiya, bhabi, or ek chota bhatija hai hum sab kanpur me rahte hai.Papa ki umra52 sal , mummy ki umra48 sal, bhaiya ki 26 sal or meri 22. Papa ka apna business hai , or bhaiya job krte hai. And mera final year khatam ho chuka hai. Jo kahani mai aap sab ko.Batane jaa raha hun bo kahani or kisi ki nhi meri mummy ki hai. Jo pativarta hokar bhi kisi gair mard se apne sambandh bana leti hai . Bo gair mard or koi nhi mere apne phufaji (meri.Bua ke...
Maine Karan se 1 ghanta baat ki. Aur uske baad main aapne dosto ke pass chala gaya. Fir thodi baad main ghar aa gaya. Jab main ghar aaya. Tab bhi pados wali chachi bethi hui thi. Woh mummy se baate kar rahi thi. Mummy hamesha se pados wali chachi ke sath jayada time bitati thi. Waise bhi woh aur kya karti. Ghar mein koi rehta bhi to nahi tha. Fir kuch der baad chachi chali gayi. Aur chachi ke jaate hi mummy kitchen mein chali gayi. Main bhi sidha mummy ke pass gaya. Woh mujhe dekhkar muskurane...
Hi dear mera naam ajay hai , aaj mai aap logo ko ek sach ghatna batane jaa raha hun . Mere ghar me mummy papa or bhaiya bhabi rahte hai, didi bhi unke sasural me rahti hai . Hum sab kanpur ke ek chote ganv me rahte hai . Papa ki umra 52 sal hai or unka khud ka business hai , bhaiya bhi papa ka business sambhal te hai.Bhaiya ki sadi 5sal pahle hui thi . Or didi ki 3sal pahle. Mummy ki umra 48 sal hai or bo ek sati savitri housewife hai . Ye kahani or kisi ki nhi meri mummy ki hi hai jo ek...
Mummy – Mujhe yakin nahi ho raha hai. Tu mera hi beta hai. Apni maa ke bare mein aisi soch rakhta hai. Agar main tere papa ke sath khus nahi bhi hu. To kya ek maa bete mein aisa rishta ban sakta hai. Main – Mummy, aaj ki duniya mein sab hota hai. Aap bhi dekhti hi ho ki aurat aur mard bahar chakkar chala lete hai. Koi sasur apni bahu ko chod raha hai. To koi saas aapne damad se chudwa rahi hai. Mummy meri baate badi gaur se sun rahi thi. Unka dimag kaam nahi kar raha tha ki woh kya kare. Isse...
Hello friends sabse pahle thanks ki aap sab ne meri story ka 15th part padha ab mai is part me aap sabko aage ki kahani batane jaa rahu. Aap sab ne meri pichli kahani me padha ki kaise meri mummy ko us ghar me dubeyji ne choda agle din meri mummy lagbagh 11 baje ghar aayi maine jab gate khola toh dekha meri mummy ki aankhe lal ho chuki mujhe aisa lag raha tha jaise meri mummy rat me soyi hi nahi hai, ho sakta tha dubeyji ko chodte hue maine dekha tha ho sakta hai unhone rat bhar meri mummy ke...
Hi friends mera nam Vicky hai aaj mai aapko ek aisi story batane jaa raha hu jub mai 8th class me tha .jisme mere makan malik ne meri mummy ko choda tha. Agar aapko meri story pasand aaye toh mujhe mailkijiye .mai pahle aapko meri mummy ke bare me bata du. meri mummy ka name varsha singh hai vo bahut hi sudar aurat hai unki age 39 yrs ki hai par unki body bikul fit hai unko dekh kar nahi lagta hai ki vo 39 yrs ki hai unke boobs bahut hi bade bade hai aur unki gand bilkul gol gol hai. meri...
Hi readers, mai Ajay aap sab logo ke liye apni kahani ka next part lekar aaya hun.1st or 2nd part me mujhe abtak koi acha response nhi mila hai.Plz meri story padhne ke bad aap jarur mail krna mujje. Ab mai story pe aata hun . Jisne kisi ne part 1,,2 nhi read ki ho to plz read kr lena tabhi ye part aap aasani se samajh skte ho. Karim uncle or meri mummy dono ek dusre ki bahon me jhum rhe the. Kabhi mummy uncle ke upar to kabhi uncle mummy ke upar. Uncle mummy ke pure sarir me apna hath ghuma...
Fir main mummy ke upar aa gaya. Aur unke pet aur nabhi ko chaat te hue. Maine unki chuchi muh mein bhar li. Idhar main mummy ki chuchi chus raha tha. Aur neeche mera khada lund unki chut par dastak de raha tha. Mummy aapne aankho par hath rakhakar leti hui thi. Main unki chuchi ko kheech kheech ke chus raha tha. Fir maine mummy ki aankho se hath hataya. Aur hum dono ek dusre ko dekhne lage. Maine aankhen band karke aapne hont unke honton se mila diye. Aur unhone bhi meri gardan mein aapne hath...
Hi friends aap aaj mai aap sabko apni mummy ki chudai ki ek aur kahani sunane jaa raha hu.Ye kahani mere pahli story meri mummy bani mere dost ki randi ki second part hai jisme aap sabne padha ki mai apni mummy ko bachpan se chudwate hue dekh raha hu meri mummy ke kai mard ke sath saririk sambandh the unmese ek mere chote chacha bhi the jo meri mummy ko mere hi ghar me chodte the meri mummy ko bahut logo ne choda hua hai unke sharir me sex ki ek ajib se aag hai jiska faida bahut sare mardo ne...
Hello friends this is Vicky story mere pahle story meri mummy ne gair mard se chudawaya ka 2nd part hai.jin logo ne first part nahi padha please padh lijiyega fir aapko meri puri story samajh me aa jayegi .meri first story me maine aapko bataya tha ki kaise mai aur meri mummy holi ke samay gaon gaye the aur vaha hamare chaha jinka nam sibu tha unhone meri mummy ko holi ke din choda.hum kariban 10 din gaon me rahe aur chaha ne mummy ko kai bar choda . ab mai aapko aage ki story batane...
Hi friends, mera naam Vicky hai.aaj mai aap logo ko ek kahani batane jaa raha hu. vaise ye kahani aaj se 6 sal pahle ki hai par jub bhi mujhe yaad aata hai toh lagta hai jaise aaj ki hi bat kahani meri mummy ki chudai ki hai jo ki mere tauji ne ki mere papa ke bade bhai.pahle mai aap logo ko dono ka parichey kara du meri mummy ka naam varsha singh hai. meri mummy dekhne me bahut sundar hai unka rang gora hai aur fig bhi bahut acha hai mummy maximum time saree pahenti hai aur kabhi kabhi...
Hi friends mera naam rehan hai me 20 saal ka hu college me hu mere ghr me meri mummy hai jinka naam jyoti hai or mere papa. Meri mummy ki age 40 hai hum upper middleclass family se hai meri mummy daily jim jaati hai or yoga krti hai unka figure 36 28 36 hai or boobs kaafi khade khade hai. Ye story meri mummy ke baare me hai ki kaise mummy kiraydaar se chudi or papa ne dekh liya ye story tabh ki hai jabh me school me tha or meri age 18 thi or mummy ki 36 Hamre ghr me 3 floors hai niche ki 2 me...
Hello friend’s mera naam Vicky hai.aaj mai aap logo ko aisi story batane jaa raha hu jise padh kar aap log ko ye pata chalega ki kaise ek bete ki galtiyo se uski mummy kisi aur se chud gayi. Agar aaplogo ko meri story pasand aaye toh mujhe mail kijiyega mera mail id hai Mere ghar me mai mere papa meri mummy aur meri didi hai meri didi kam nam priya hai aur vo Bangalore ke ek engineering college mai padhti hai pahle mai aapko apni mummy ke bare mai bata du meri mummy ka nam varsha singh hai vo...
Kyuki duniya ki sabse haseen aurat ko main hasil kar hi chuka tha. Ab baaki mujhe kuch nahi chahiye tha. Fir sabne kapde pehen liye. Is bar main bahar nahi nahaya. Fir hum log waha se bahar aa gaye. Main mummy ke peeche hi chal raha tha. Aur is bar mera hath unki gaand par hi tha. Jise main daba raha tha. Kyuki ab mujhe unse koi bhi darr nahi tha. Aur tajub ki baat ye thi ki mummy ne bhi ek bar bhi peeche mud ke nahi dekha. Main pure raste mummy ke sath maze leta raha. Fir hum sabne bahar...
Hi desi hot sex readers jaisa ki aap sab jante ho ki kaise humare upar ke kamre me rent pe rahne wala uncle mummy ki line marne ki kosish karta hai lakin jab mummy ko pata chal jata hai tab mummy unke upar bahut gussa karti hai. Jisse uncle bahut dar jate hai. Uss din ke bad se karib 3-4 din tak mummy kapde sukhane bahar nhi aayi. Lakin 3-4 din ke bad mummy kapde sukha rahi thi. Mummy bar bar upar ki taraf dekh rhi thi lakin upar uncle nhi the . Lakin thodi der bad hi maine dekha uncle bahar...
Ab aage ki desi hot sex sex stories – Ab mummy sirf peticot me thi, uncle peticot upar kar mummy ki chutad masal rahe the, uncle apna hath aage kar rhe the, lakin mummy unko rok rahi thi, uncle jubarjusti aage hath dal diye, jisse mummy ke muh se ek lambi siskari nikali, uncle mummy ki chut ko penty ke upar se hi masal rhe the, Uncle kabhi mummy ke boobs masal te to kabhi mummy ki kamar ko sahlate, mummy aah se kara rahi thi, phir aachanak pata nhi kya hua, ki mummy ne apne peticot ke under se...
Hello friends, I’m Vineet mujhe ISS ski stories bhaut achi lagti hai. Specially jisme mummy apne son ke friends se chudati hai. Mai bhi aapko ek esi hi story batne jar aha hu jo ki meri mummy ki hai. Mummy ke age 48 hai aor unka fig tik tik hai, veek house wife hai. Mai rajasthan k eek shar ka rahne vala hu and aaj kal jaipur k eek engineering college mai padta hu aor ab 3rd year mai hu. Mai jaipur mai ek rent ke room mai rahta hu. Jaipur mai khane ki problem hai is liye meri mummy bhi mere...
Hi friends, me naam Sumit ( name change) hai apni ek nayi story ke sath pehle me apne bare me bata du me college me 20 saal ka hu ye meri ghr me mom dad or chota bhen hai meri mom ka naam rashmi hai vo ek teacher hai school me unka figure 36 28 36 hai ye story meri mummy ke baare me hai ki kaise vo doodh wale se chudi hamare ghr me ek ladka doodh dene aata hai vo gaon ka desi banda hai jiski umar karb 25 se 28 ki hogi vo gaon me kushti karta hai or usne apni body kaafi achi bana rakhi hai uski...
By : Rahulkumar8533 Hi ISS reader main Rahul Kumar apko ek ghatna batane jaa raha hoon jo ki meri mummy ke sath hui thi jisne meri mummy ko ko ek sadharan se housewifes se badalkar ek anjaan admi ki randi bana diya hai. Ye ghatna aaj se do saal pehle ki hai jab main business managment ka course kar raha tha.hamre ghar main main mere papa aur meri mummy rehti hai.mere papa govt job karte hai meri mummy ek housewife hai meri mummy ka naam rashmi hai. Main apko apni mummy ke baare main batata hoon...
Hello friend’s maii Rahul saxena rajasthan se hu. Mujhe is ski stories bhut pasand hai khasker vo stories jisme shadi shuda aurat jo ki apne pati ke alwa kisi aur ke bare mai nahi soachti hai unhe dusra aadmi ya koi jawan ladka seduced kerta hai aur chodta hai. Meri mummy bhi isi tarh ki aurat hai, aur unhe bhi ek paraye mard ne ghar mai choda, vo chodne wala ek malish kerne wala tha. Mere ghar mai sirf teen hi log hai mai aur mere mummy papa. Papa ki age 55 sal hai aur mummy ki 50 sal hai, mai...
Hello dosto mera Avi hai. Meri umar 22 saal hai. Aur main Delhi ka rehne wala hun. Meri ye kahani meri sidhi sadhi mummy aur mere beech bane chudai ke rishte ki hai. Maine abhi abhi aapni padhayi puri ki hai. Aur main competition ki tayari kar raha hu. Isiliye jyada time ghar par hi rehta hu. Papa ek hotel mein manager ki post par hai. Aur woh subha jate hai aur shaam ko hi aate hai. Mummy ka naam Kusum hai. Aur unki umar 42 saal hai. Dikhne bilkul simple hai. Daily pooja path karti hai. Magar...
Hi mera name Rahul Hai and Mai Rajasthan mai rahta hu. Mujhe iss ki stories bhaut achi lagti hai. Mujhe mummy ki chudai ki stories bhaut pasand hai. Aaj mai aapko apni mummy ki story sunuga ki kese mummy and malish wala ke beech sharirik sambandh bane phir mere dost ne mummy ko black mail ker ke choda. Mere ghar mai sirf teen hi log hai, papa,mummy and mai. Papa private job company mai kerte hai, mummy house wife hai and mai college mai hu. Mummy ki age 48 years hai and unka figure 34 38 40...
Hi readers, mai ajay ek bar phir aap sab ke liye ek or nayi kahani lekar aaya hun. I hope ki meri ye kahani aap ke liye enjoyfull hogi.Or bahad pasand bhi aayegi.Plz aap sab se meri ek request hai ki story padhne ke bad apne opinion (comment ) jarure share kare. Mere ghar me papa (age 52) ek achi ssi company me supervisior hai.Meri mummy ki age 48 hai or meri wife ki age 26 hai . Dono hi gharelu houswife hai. Meri age 28 hai or mai bhi job krta hun. Meri ek choti sister bhi hai jo ki apne...
Hello friends mera naam Vicky hai aaj mai aapko aisi kahani sunanne jaa raha hu jo bahut pahle ki hai pahle mai aap logo ko apne bare me bata du mere ghar me 4 log hai mai, papa, mummy aur meri didi meri mummy ka naam varsha hai vo dekhne me bahut hi sundar hai meri mummy bahut gori hai aur unka figure bahut acha hai hum log middle class family se hai so rahne me meri mummy bahut hi simple hai vo ghar nighty aur bahar saree ya salwar suit hi pahenti hai. Meri mummy ke blouse se unki boobs bahar...
Hi readers, mai ajay ek bar phir se aap sab ke liye ek or nayi kahani lekar aaya hun. Meri pehli story Part1 to aap logo ne jarur padhi hogi, or agar na padhi ho to plz padh lijiye. Ye story usi ki next part2 hai. I hope ki meri ye story bhi aap sabhi ko bahut pasand aayegi. Jo story me batane jaa raha hun bah bilkul sachi hai. Bas aap sab se ek hi reaquest hai meri bo yah ki plz story padhne ke bad aap apne opinion or comment jarur share kre. 6 Month pahle meri final exam ka center lacknow me...
Hello dosto, asha hai aapko pochla part pasand aaya hoga aur aap logo ne jamke lund hilaye honge. Meri Mallu mummy Leela ko imagine karke muth maari hogi. To ab story pe aate hai: Main – Thik hai sir. Lekin ek shart hai. Rathore sir – Kya beta? Main – Aap jab mummy ko chodoge, to mere saamne chodna padega. Rathore sir to aur khush ho gaye. Rathore sir – Bilkul beta. Main – Thik hai. Aap yahi ruko. Main aata hu. Fir main mummy ke room mein chala gaya. Mummy bed pe ekdum nangi...
IncestHello dosto, asha hai aapko pochla part pasand aaya hoga aur aap logo ne jamke lund hilaye honge. Meri Mallu mummy Leela ko imagine karke muth maari hogi. To ab story pe aate hai: Main – Thik hai sir. Lekin ek shart hai. Rathore sir – Kya beta? Main – Aap jab mummy ko chodoge, to mere saamne chodna padega. Rathore sir to aur khush ho gaye. Rathore sir – Bilkul beta. Main – Thik hai. Aap yahi ruko. Main aata hu. Fir main mummy ke room mein chala gaya. Mummy bed pe ekdum nangi...
IncestDoston mai hoon Vicky aur mai haajir hoon apni ek incest story lekar jo meri mummy meri aur mere ek dost arun ki aap biti hai meri mummy ka naam anita hai aur sab pyaar se unhe dolly bulate hai..Mujhe incest story ka bada shauk hai aur mai chahta hoon aap logo ke saath ek story share karu..mere pariwaar me mai,mummy,papa aur meri sister hai.. Meri mummy ki umar 42 saal hai aur wo bhare badan ki hai wo gori chitti hai aur unke dudh kaafi bade hai mote mote,aur unki gaand dekh kar to muh me...
Hi friends apne meri story mummy ne gair mard se chudwaya ke 3 part aap sab pahle hi padh chuke hai jisme mummy ne gaon me apne dever jo hamre sibu chacha hai unse chudwaya. aur uske bad sibu chacha ne mummy ko 2 aur mardo se bhi chudwaya ab mai aap sabko aage ki kahani batane jaa raha hu.3rd part me maine aapko bataya tha ki kaise sibu chacha ne mummy ko choda aur agle din mummy ko bhang pila ke aslam chacha aur parvez chacha se chudwaya. sach kahu toh mujhe isme koi problem nahi thi ki mummy...
Hello mera nam vineet hai aor mai kota ka rahne vala hu. Iss per sex stories pad ker maine soach kyo na mai bhi abni mummy ke sath ghtna gahti vo batu. Meri mummy ka nam usha saxena hai. Vo ek ghare lu aurat hai unka figure 34-37-40 hai mummy moti hai. Per unka face bhut sundar hai. Hamre ghar mai sirf teen hi log rahte hai mai mummy and papa. Papa job kerte hai aor mai school jata hu. Ab mai apni story per aata hu. Humara gaher bada hai to ghar mai 2 room khali pade hue the. To papa ne soacha...
Hi friends aap sabhi ne story ka 6th part padha hoga .I hope aap sabhi ko kafi pasand aaya hoga or sabhi ne kafi enjoy kiya hoga. Meri yeh hi try rahti ki aap sabhi ko acha feel ho meri story ko padh kar.Aap sab ke kafi mail mile mujhe sabhi ne story ko acha btaya or aage ke part likhne ko bola.Ab mein kahani ka 7th part likh rha hoon. Story mein likhne se pahle mein kuch or kahna chata hoon jo reader ne mujhse pucha tha ki aap kya sochte ho.Mein yeh sochta hoon ki har chut chudne ke liye bani...
Hello all. Mai rahul 1 new story le k apke samne haazir hu. Agr aplog meri purani stories pdhna chahte hai to “Mummy ki palangtod chudaiyaan” aur “Mummy ki taxifod chudai” aur “Mummy ki jungletod chudai” aur “Shivani bhabhi ki thelathok chudai” aur “Mummy ki mamafod chudai” aur ekdm recently published “Mummy ki chudai”bsearch kijiye aur stories ka maza le. Waise to mummy ki bahut sari stories hai jo dhire dhire aplog ko mai sunate rahunga Aplg story pdhne k bd mjhe apna feedback jrure...
Hi friends this is vicky.Maine aapko pichli story mummy ne gair mard se chudwaya me bataya ki kaise holi pe hum gaon gaye the aur mere gaon ke chaha ne meri mummy ki chudai ki aur bad me meri mummy ne vaha aur bhi mardo se apni chut aur gand marwayi.Jo reader meri story padh chuke hai vo meri mummy ke bare me jante aur jo nahi jante unko mai thoda sa bata deta hu unke bare me fir story pe aata hu.Meri mummy ka naam varsha singh hai vo dekhne me bahut sunder hai. Ab mai aapko batane jaa raha hu...
Hi this is Rahul saxena from Kota mai bhi iss ka fan hu 4 salo se iss ki stories pad raha hu is site ke bare mai maine apne kai or dosto ko bhi bataya tha or unhe bhi iski stories kafi achi lagi thi or aaj bhi ve iss ko follow kerte hai per mujhe nahi pata tha ki in stories ko pad ker hi mera dost meri mummy ko chod dega or humare hi ghar mai Mere mummy papa ke bed per aaj mai apko batane ja rha hu ki kese mere dost ne mere hi ghar per meri mummy ko choda or ye chudai aaj bhi chal rahi hai....
Hi friends, aaj main apni mummy ki chudai ki ek aur kahani le kar aaya hu. Aap sabne meri pichhli kahaniyon ko padha aur dher saare mails kiye, uske liye thanks. Aap sab jante hain ki meri mummy ek chuddakar lady hai aur unke kai mardo ke saath shaaririk sambandh ban chuke hain. Aap sab ne meri pichhali kahaniyon mein padha ki kaise meri mummy ko unhi ke devar Sibu chacha ne gaon mein choda. Uske baad woh meri mummy ko barabar chodate the. Yahi nahi, unhone gaon ke hi do mardo se meri mummy ko...
This is not an incest story but it is a 100%true story except for the erotism I’ve added. Hi mera naam rani mishra hai meri haal hi mein shadi hui hai ye baat meri shadi se pehle ki hai hum tab bangalore mein rehte the mere ghar mein hum 5 log the mai badi behen chota bhai babloo,aur mere mummy papa mere papa ka trivandram transfer ho gaya tha lekin humari padhai ke karan keval papa hi trivandram gaye meri didi raat ko Call center mein kaam karti thi is karan se akele room leke rehene lagi ab...
Aap sab ne story ka 7th part padh hoga I hope aap sab ko pasand aaya hoga .Ab story ke next part likh rha hoon.Is part mein btaunga kaise aunty ke naukaro ne mummy ko choda. Mummy se relation ke baad sonu aram se ghar ke kamo mein mummy ki help karta or aram se ghar mein rehta.Sonu or mummy kafi frank ho jate the jab ghar mein koi nahi hota.Ek din mummy market gayi hui thi suddenly unko sharma aunty jinka name priyanka tha who mil gayi.Priyanka aunty 5.6 height 34-30-36 figure ki malkin thi....
Hi friends aap sabne meri pichli kahani me padha ki uncle ne apne dost ke ghar pe meri mummy choda.Ab mai uske aage ka kahani aap sabko bata hu.Meri school start ho gayi thi ab mai routine se school jane laga tha 22 din ho gaye the mujhe un dono ke bich me kuch dekhe hue and is bich uncle ne meri mummy ko kitne bar choda ye baat mujhe nahi malum hai. Mujhe aaj bhi yaad hai april me hi ye april end tha ek raat meri mummy khana khate samay uth ke bathroom gayi and ulti karne lagi I guessed ki...
Hi dosto mera naam Girish hai aur mai Mumbai ka rehne wala hu agar aapko meri kahani pasand aye to muze mail jaroor kijiyega mera E mail ID hai aap ke mail ka muze intzar rahega. Meri umar 21 saal hai aur Kahani abhi do mahine pahle ki hai. Ye kahani meri mummy aur behan ki hai. Meri mummy 45 saal ki hai. Unka naam sangita hai. WO dikhne me jyada sunder nahi par fig me achhi hai. Boobs bade bade hai aur patli kamar hai. Wo hamesha saari pahan ti hai. Ghar mai bhi saari hi pahanti hai. Mere...
Ahi guys this is vansh waise mera asli naam akshay hain from hisar ().i m going to naratte a true incident of my life.jinko is story mein sachai lage wo mujhe contact kar sakte hain meri e mail i d hain .ye katha meri or meri mummy ki hain mein 19 saal ka hoon 12 class mein padhta hoon. padhai mein accha hoon aur is bar above 85 % ka target kiya hain. meri mummy ek school mein teacher hain . sanskrit padahti hain wo bilkul dharmik .har vart aur upwass kar ti hain . mere dad jo ki reliance...
Aap sab ne story ka 8th part padh hoga I hope aap sab ko pasand aaya hoga. Ab story ke next part likh raha hoon. Is part mein btaunga kaise aunty ke naukar Vimal ne mummy ko choda. Sabse pehle aap sab ko sorry ki story ke liye aap sab ko wait karna pada. Lekin meri try yeh hi hoti hai ki aap sab ko achi story mile. Jis se aap sab achi muth aur ladkiya apni chut mein ungli dal sake. Mujhe kafi girlse ke mail bhi mile jo ki padh ke mujhhe acha laga. Ab story par aata hoon. Aunty ke naukar Vimal...
Meri mummy ka naam Monika hai. Mai apni mummy ke sath akela rehta hoon. Mere papa Bangalore mein job karte hai aur 2 mahine baad ghar ate hai. Meri mummy bahut hi sexy hai.Mummy ke chutad bahut bade aur piche ko ubare hue hai aur boobs bhi bahut bade aur firm hai.Mummy ki figure bahut sexy hai (38 boobs-28 kamar-40 chutad) aur color bahut fair hai.Mummy hamari colony ki sabse hottest milf hai aur sab mummy ki lene ki firak mein rehte hai. Papa ke bahar hone ke kaaran mummy ki sexual needs bhi...
Mera dost meri mummy ko leke ander jaa chuka tha. Usne dhire se meri mummy ko diwal se chipka ke khada kar diya aur lip kiss karne laga. Meri mummy ab puri tarike se uska samarthan de rahi thi. Maine dekha mummy ko chumte hue. Mere dost ne apna hath meri mummy ke chutado pe rakh diya aur sahlane laga. Kurti ke upar se woh mummy ke chutado ko sahla raha tha aur unhe chum raha raha. Achanak se mere dost ne meri mummy ki kurti upar kard. Unke safed salwar se kali panty jhalakne lagi. Mere dost ne...