Junior Year Ch. 05 free porn video

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V. Harmless Flirting?

‘Well, she’s totally passed out,’ Hanna said as she walked through the door connecting her room to Logan’s.

‘That’s didn’t take long.’

‘She was so high.’

‘It didn’t take much.’

‘It never does with that weed,’ Hanna said, and sat down next to Logan on his futon.

‘I’m gonna burn a bowl before bed,’ he said, absent-mindedly packing his hash-pipe.

‘Here,’ Hanna said, pulling out her bag, ‘let me throw some down.’ She pulled a little nugget from the bag and put it in the bowl. ‘You know, I’m gonna try not to be around tomorrow for when they get in the fight they’re gonna have.’

‘And miss all the fireworks? Too bad,’ Logan replied, and he lit the weed and took a hit. ‘It should be fun,’ he said as he handed her the bowl. She relit the bowl and took a hit.

‘Won’t be as bad as when he finds out about what she’s been doing behind his back,’ she said, handing the pipe back to him.

‘Oh?’ Logan asked. ‘We both know about her and Kitty. What else has she been up to? I haven’t seen her with any other boys. She certainly hasn’t brought them around here.’

‘It’s not boys… it’s me,’ Hanna said.

Logan raised an eyebrow. ‘Are you sure you want to get yourself in the middle of that?’

‘God, I couldn’t help myself! That girl is so fine… the other day we were talking about her and Adam and their sex life, and she told me that she has this thing for getting fucked reluctantly. She’s one of those girls that does, actually, sometimes mean yes when she says no. She told me Adam can’t really get into that, can’t wrap his brain around it. So I did it for her. Or to her, or whatever.’

‘Interesting,’ Logan said. They passed the pipe back and forth, hitting it a few times until it was finished.

‘I know you want her,’ Hanna said.

‘She’s a sexy little fox,’ he replied. ‘I’ve always been really good about respecting women when they say no, though.’

‘Well, let me tell you a little secret. When she tells you no, she really means yes. She doesn’t want to cheat on Adam, but I think as long as she’s saying no, at least initially, she can justify it to herself.’


‘She really is delicious, too. You should definitely have yourself a taste.’

‘We’ll see what happens. If an opportunity presents itself… I’ll keep all that in mind.’

‘I knew you would,’ Hanna said. ‘Now… I need a little something before I go to bed.’ She pulled a Trojan Magnum out of her pocket. ‘I’m prepared this time.’

‘That’s good,’ Logan replied. ‘I picked some up myself.’


Lauren woke up the next morning in Hanna’s bed, a bit disoriented. She was naked and so was Hanna. She found her clothes on the floor and put them on before walking out. She didn’t remember fooling around with Hanna at all, but the idea that Hanna had played with her passed-out body turned her on. She wondered if Logan had been a part of that, but she didn’t feel like she had been fucked. She blushed in shame as she realized she was wet from her thoughts, and decided to go to her room and fuck Adam to maybe make up for all the bitterness between them from the night before.

He wasn’t there. She wandered out to the living room to see if he had passed out on the sofa, but he wasn’t there either. She went back to her bedroom, and then found the note he had left her. It read:


I’ll be at the library all day. Party with the soccer team tonight. 1345 Rosemary, nine o’clock. See you there. Adam.’

She set the note down, and then she changed into some clean clothes that didn’t reek of pot. She went for comfort, no bra, just a tight pink tee-shirt, one of her many black thongs, and little black cotton shorts. She realized she was really hungry, so she went to the kitchen and fixed herself a bowl of cereal, and sat down at the dining room table to eat.

Logan came out of his room as she was finishing her cereal. ‘Good morning,’ he said. ‘How are you?’

‘Good,’ she said. ‘Still feeling a little stoned,’ she confessed. ‘But breakfast is helping.’

‘That’s good. Did you have fun last night on our roadie?’

‘Yeah, it was a blast! I gotta say, I think weed is so much better than alcohol. Thank you so much!’ She stood up and hugged him tightly as he came close to her.

‘No problem,’ he said. ‘And I agree, I’d rather toke than drink any day. Is Adam still passed out?’

‘He’s gone,’ she said. ‘He left a note saying he would be at the library all day and I should meet him at some party tonight. I guess that means he won’t be back at all.’

‘Huh. Well, I guess he’s not such a big fan of weed. Maybe he’s out trying to blow off some steam before he sees you.’

‘I hope so. I hate it when we fight.’

‘Fighting is no fun,’ Logan said. He went into the kitchen and started puttering about. He started a pot of coffee and went about scrambling some eggs. ‘You want any?’

‘Maybe just a little bit. Thanks!’ she said, and joined him in the kitchen. She rinsed out her cereal bowl and placed it back in the cupboard as he cooked the eggs. ‘So what are your plans for the day?’

He looked at the clock on the wall. ‘Well, I have to be at work in an hour, but I’ll be back a little after five.’

‘I didn’t know you had a job! What do you do?’

‘I’m a barista in a little coffee shop downtown.’

‘Oh, which one?’

‘The Expresso,’ he replied.

‘Oh, cool.’

‘It’s alright. You should come in today, I’ll give you a free latte.’

‘I will!’ she said.

‘Get me a couple little plates,’ he said. She grabbed them from the cupboard and he scooped some scrambled eggs onto each. He poured himself a cup of coffee and they sat down next to each other at the dining room table. The smell of the coffee brought Hanna and Kitty from their rooms, and they each got themselves a cup. After they ate, Logan got ready for work. Lauren gave him another tight hug before he left. Logan spent his day at the coffee shop unable to get her out of his mind. Her perky tits in that tight tee-shirt, pressed against his chest as she hugged him…

Around three in the afternoon, she and Kitty came into his coffee shop. He made them each a latte, and took his break to sit with them for a bit before he had to get back to work. Lauren was still dressed as she had been at breakfast, and Logan repeated failed to keep from checking out her tits. The girls had been out clothes-shopping, and each had a few good finds. Lauren promised to show him what she had gotten when he got home, and his mind raced with the possibilities for the rest of his day at work.

He tried to dismiss them. She had a boyfriend, she was in love with him, everything in his mind was just wishful thinking.

But then he recalled what Hanna had told him the night before, and he knew the possibilities were endless.

The minutes dragged on, but five o’clock finally came around, and Logan was quick to leave work. He raced back to the apartment. ‘Hello?’ he called out when he opened the door.

There was no reply, but he could hear, quite clearly, the verbal fighting going on between Lauren and Adam in their bedroom. Logan’s heart sank, and he went into the kitchen to cook himself some dinner. He suddenly heard heavy footsteps stomping through the living room, the front door open and slam shut, and then Lauren opening the door again and yelling at Adam some more. He went out to see what was going on. Lauren shut the door and he said: ‘Hey.’

‘Logan! Oh my God, I didn’t realize you had come home.’

‘I just walked in.’

‘I’m sorry you had to hear all that.’

‘I just caught the end of it.’

‘He’s really upset that I got high with you and Hanna.’

‘Bummer,’ Logan said.

‘Yeah. I told him he should try it before he knocks it, and that’s when he ran

‘Well, everyone should try it.’

‘I’d like to try it again,’ she said. ‘And I wanted to thank you again for last night. I feel like it really opened me up to a whole new world. I think that’s what Adam’s so jealous of.’ She came up to him and hugged him, and he held her tightly to him. ‘Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?’

Logan didn’t suggest the first thing that came to his mind, but instead said: ‘Well, just smoke me out if you ever get a bag.’

‘I’d like to,’ she said. ‘You and Hanna are the only people I really know, though, that could get it.’

‘Well, tell you what, I need to get another bag. I could get one for you, too.’

‘How much is it?’ she asked.

‘I usually get an quarter-ounce of kind bud, which goes for a hundred bucks. But I could get you a smaller bag for twenty or fifty.’

‘I think I’ve got a twenty left over from shopping today,’ she said. She went to her room and got the money from her purse, and handed it to him. ‘I think I should start small.’

‘That’s probably a good idea,’ he said, pocketing the bill. ‘You want to come with me?’

‘Sure!’ she said.

‘Let’s go. We’ll get some dinner, too. Take your mind off Adam.’

‘That’d be great, thanks so much, Logan!’ she said, and gave him another hug.

‘C’mon,’ he said, after squeezing her to him, pressing her against him.

They got in his car and left. They took a detour to downtown Columbia first, though, and he took her into a head shop. ‘I’m gonna buy you your first pipe,’ he said.

‘That’s so sweet!’

‘Just don’t let Adam find out,’ he said. She picked out a small pink glass pipe, after looking through all the displays. Then they drove through Columbia, and Logan eventually stopped in front of an apartment building. She stayed in the car, and he came back out a few minutes later and they drove back to their apartment. He gave her her little bag of weed, pretty little green kind buds. No one else was home. They went into Logan’s room and sat on his futon, and he showed her how to pack her bowl. She packed it and they smoked it, just a little bowl, but Logan knew it was enough to get her properly baked.

She was sitting right next to him, and kept touching him as they smoked and as they talked. He ordered a delivery pizza and she suggested they smoke another bowl.

‘I think you promised that you were gonna show me the outfits you bought today,’ Logan said, mentally crossing his fingers and hoping for the best.

‘Oh, yeah, totally!’ she said. ‘I’ll be right back!’ She ran out of the room and was back in a few minutes. ‘I was gonna wear this to the party tonight, as a treat for Adam, but I’m not going anymore, so I’ll just wear it for you!’ Logan’s jaw dropped.

‘What kind of party were you going to?’ he asked, looking her up and down. Her sexy tan legs were wrapped in white stockings, and on her feet were black hi-heeled shoes. She wore a short pleated red, white and black plaid skirt, and a tight white button-down shirt, unbuttoned enough to show off a little cleavage from her white push-up bra. She had put her long light brown hair in pig-tails, sprouting from either side of her head.

‘It was some frat party, I figured the only way to fit in is to look like a slut.’

‘Well, everybody there was gonna be hella jealous of Adam.’

‘Thanks!’ she said, and sat down on the futon next to him. She crossed her legs, and one of them rubbed against Logan’s leg. He had taken the opportunity to change out of his work clothes (which reeked of coffee) and was wearing mesh basketball shorts and a baggy tee-shirt. The blood had rushed to his crotch, and he crossed his legs in a vain attempt to hide his growing erection.

Somehow, though, he knew she had noticed, as the conversation turned to sex.

‘So,’ she asked, ‘what’s the deal with you and Hanna?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Well, she told me she had had sex with you. Are you gonna ask her out?’

Logan laughed. ‘Neither me nor Hanna wants any kind of serious relationship. We’re friends. We like to have sex. I’m not gonna be jealous if she sees other people, and she feels the same way about me. That beast is too wild to tame.’

‘And what about you? Are you too wild?’

‘Wouldn’t you like to know?’

She blushed. ‘Maybe someday,’ she said, quietly. ‘Sometimes I wish things weren’t so serious with me and Adam. We’ve been together for a long time.’

‘Moving in together has certainly brought your relationship to a new level.’

‘I know! We had thought it would be so good. But now there’s this fighting,’ she pouted. Logan put his arm around her, hugged her.

‘It’ll be okay. You guys will work it out, I’m sure. If it’s meant to be.’

‘I hope so,’ she said. She stood up suddenly. ‘Um, I’m feeling kinda hot and sticky, from running around all day. I think I’m gonna take a shower and cool down. Can we smoke another bowl when I get out?’

‘You bet,’ he said.

‘Thanks Logan!’ she said, and bent over and kissed him quickly on the cheek. She turned and walked away, and he watched her skirt swish from side to side as she left the room. As soon as he heard the water come on, Logan pulled down his shorts and laid back on his futon, rubbing his cock up and down. He grabbed a couple tissues and quickly blew his load, jerking furiously.

He picked up his guitar after tossing the tissue in a small trashcan, and noodled away for a while, trying to decide what to do. He was terribly conflicted. He wanted Lauren, badly, especially after seeing her in that outfit. He was pretty sure she wanted him. He just didn’t want to get dragged into the drama between her and Adam. He was jealous that Hanna had gotten a taste of her. Then he realized that if he fucked her, it would mean she had been with every one of her flatmates. The idea that she had become such a slut in such a short period of time turned him on immensely, and he quickly had an erection again. He heard her turn off the shower water. He continued picking out notes until he heard the squeaky bathroom door open. He set his guitar down and turned off his amp. He went to the door of his room, saw her go into her room, wrapped in just a towel. He decision was made.

He quickly walked down the hall and came to her door. It was closed, but not all the way, and he pushed it open. Lauren was standing in front of a mirror, still in just the towel. She was brushing her long brown hair.

‘Logan!’ she said. ‘Let me get dressed, then we can smoke, okay?’

‘You don’t need to be dressed for what I want to do with you,’ he replied, and walked swiftly across the room towards her.

‘Logan!’ she said, meekly, trying to back away but finding herself backed into a corner, next to the door that led into Kitty’s room. She opened the door and ran into Kitty’s room. ‘Logan, don’t!’ she cried, but he was quickly upon her. He grabbed her and threw her onto Kitty’s bed. ‘No, Logan, please!’ she said. He was on top of her, grabbing her wrists and holding them together above her head with one of his hands. With his other hand he tore her towel off and threw it on the ground, leaving her naked below him. He pried her legs apart and pulled his shorts and boxers down, exposing his big hard cock to her. She struggled underneath him, squirming, utterly failing to break his grip. He took a moment to admire her tight little body, her wonderful curves, her perky little breasts. He pressed the shaft of his cock against her bare, shaved pussy.

‘You slut, I can feel your wetness on my cock.’

‘No, Logan, stop!’

‘Are you gonna make me gag you?’ he asked, and pressed the head of his cock against her pussy lips.

‘Oh my God, Logan, you’re too big! Adam will know!’

‘He should know how much of a slut his girlfriend is!’ he said, and pushed the head inside her. She squirmed underneath him, trying to get away, but suc
ceeding only in getting more of him inside her. She cried out, feeling him fill her. God, she’s tight, he thought. ‘You’re gonna be such a loose little slut when I’m done with you,’ he said, letting go of her wrists and grabbing her by the hips, pulling her towards him and thrusting, burying more of his cock inside her.

‘Oh, God, Logan, please…’

‘Please what?’

‘Please…’ she moaned, and he slowly slid his cock back out of her, until just the head was inside.

‘Please what, slut?’ he asked, moving the head of his cock in and out just a little bit.

‘Please… please fuck me, Logan,’ she whispered, her hands on him now, in his hair and on his back, down to his butt, and he thrust inside her again, deeper this time than before, and she cried out. A couple tears ran down her cheeks, her eyes closed in a grimace. Logan wondered briefly if it was his size making her cry, hurting her, or if she was crying because she had realized what a slut she was. Either way, it turned him on even more, and he started sliding in and out of her, still not having fully impaled her. He grabbed her legs and spread them wide apart, sticking out to the sides, and he pushed his full length into her, and she practically screamed. He thrust in and out of her tight dripping cunt slowly, enjoying her tightness, enjoying loosening her up. She was moaning loudly below him. He let go of her legs and she wrapped them around his waist, pulling him into her. He used one of his hands to squeeze her tits, hard, and the other went down to her clitoris, and started rubbing it in little circles. That really got her going, and she started bucking her hips against him, and Logan was surprised to find her coming hard in mere moments, her pussy spasming around his cock, squeezing it tight, and the sensations caused him to lose control. He grabbed her hips and pushed his cock fully inside her, and they both cried out as he shot his seed deeply inside her, and then fell on top of her, and they lay together on Kitty’s bed.

After a moment he got off her, and they looked at each other.

‘Hanna told me about your little fantasy,’ he confessed.

Lauren blushed. ‘I was kind of hoping she would,’ she said quietly.

‘Well,’ he said, ‘your relationship with Adam may not be open, but your relationship with me certainly is.’

She smiled at him, and he leaned down above her again and they kissed, for the first time, a deep kiss, and tongues were soon involved. They eventually broke it, and Logan pulled her off Kitty’s bed, after pulling his shorts back on. He led her back into her room. ‘Why don’t you put back on that outfit you showed me earlier and we’ll smoke another bowl?’

‘That sounds great,’ she said, a little shyly, and Logan left her room and went back to his room. He loaded his pipe and waited for her to come back. She sauntered into his room a little while later, stood in the doorway, holding her bag of weed. She had changed her outfit just a bit: instead of white stockings, her legs were wrapped in black fishnets, and beneath her white blouse was a lacy black push-up bra, her blouse unbuttoned enough so that the lace was visible.

‘Damn,’ he said, eyeing her up and down.

‘You like?’ she asked, slowly walking towards him. ‘I’m not a good little girl anymore. You’ve made me a proper slut, and I think I should dress the part for you.’

‘I have to say I approve,’ Logan said. She sat down next to him on the futon, crossed her legs, draping one fishnet-clad leg over his thigh. He handed her the packed bowl, and they smoked it together, and were quickly very stoned. As soon as Logan set the pipe down they started making out sloppily, with lots of tongue battling and groping hands. She climbed into his lap, straddling him, and his hands went up her short skirt and he discovered that she was wearing no panties underneath. ‘You are a slut,’ he said in her ear as he squeezed her breasts through her blouse. She wrapped her arms around his neck and they kissed passionately, and she ground her bare pussy against the tent in his shorts. Their kiss broke, and she slid down his body, hooking her thumbs in the band of his shorts and sliding them down his legs, exposing his big hard cock. She wrapped her little hand around the shaft, and slowly pumped it up and down as she took the bulbous head into her mouth, licking and kissing it before sucking on it. Logan’s head fell back and he moaned aloud, putting his hands on her head. She kept pumping his big cock up and down with her hand, sucking on the head and then licking up and down the shaft. Then she let go of it and climbed back into his lap, this time facing away from him. He squeezed her ass and she grabbed his cock again, guiding the head to her wet, hungry hole. She rubbed the head all over her pussy before letting it slide in, and slowly she lowered herself, taking it inside of her, feeling it stretch her tight little cunt again, moaning low, and then growling as it filled her completely, deeper than when he had fucked her earlier. He grabbed her hips and helped her move up and down on his cock, and she kept saying ‘oh, God, oh God,’ over and over as she fucked him. He slapped her ass, and she started bucking her hips on top of him, as much as the thick rod inside her would allow, and her fingers started working her clit hard, and she was soon coming hard, crying out his name as he thrust into her again and again. She lost her balance and fell forward, but he held onto her hips and continued fucking her, hard, as she was bent over. She couldn’t believe how deeply his cock was penetrating her, filling her, stretching her. He drove his cock deeper inside of her, and she felt it grow just a bit and then start firing inside her, and they both cried out.

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Junior Year Part IIChapter 2 The Tale of Two Premieres

I’d set my alarm extra early because I had to be at the CBS This Morning studio by seven. It was snowing out, so I went down to the pool and swam. I really hated to run on a treadmill, so this was the best alternative for me. When I was done, I went to the little diner next to Tyler and Adrienne’s condo building to eat breakfast. I’d just finished when I received a text from Caryn to let me know our car was out front. The driver put my garment bag into the trunk, and I found it was just the...

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Junior Year Part IIChapter 11 Put My Toe into the Political Pond

“Hola, Lily,” I said, as I plopped down in the seat next to her. “Hola jefe, es un placer verte.” (Hey boss, it is a pleasure to see you.) “¿Por qué ... uhm... tan formal?“ (Why ... uhm ... so formal?) “Hoy tenemos un examen,” Lily answered. (We have a quiz today.) “¡Hijo de puta!“ Lily giggled. She’d been teaching me to cuss in Spanish. “David!” Ms. Cruz reprimanded. “Uh... Lo siento,” I said, embarrassed I was caught. (Sorry) I found that, with Lily’s help, I was picking up Spanish...

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Junior Year Part IIChapter 12 Say My Name Say My Name

Tracy, Pam and Halle were waiting for me when I got to school. “Are you all right?” Tracy asked. I assumed she was talking about the alert Fritz had sent out. “Yeah, I just wanted to make sure you were all okay. I guess, if nothing else, it was a good thing that we tested it out.” “Did you know the girl?” Halle asked. “No, not really. I met her for just a couple of minutes. She seemed nice. It was terrible, what happened,” I said. Pam wrapped me in a hug and whispered in my ear. “Are...

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Junior Year Part IIChapter 15 Star Wars Effect

When we came back from church, it was just the three of us: Mom, Dad and me. We had a light lunch, and I joined Dad to watch the Bulls lose another game. That was when someone buzzed from the front gate. Dad switched the TV to see who it was, and it was Coach Diamond. I met him at the front door. “Hey, Coach, come in,” I said, and took his coat. While I hung it up, Dad greeted him and he took a seat to watch the game. “This isn’t a social call,” he said, getting down to business....

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Junior Year Part IIChapter 24 Goals Plans

I’d started to have weekly meetings with Caryn and Megan. They’d agreed to early Sunday afternoons if I gave them Friday afternoons off. I was entertained by their little work of fiction. They really didn’t have to work 40 hours a week yet. They were both on salary, so they were paid the same regardless of how many hours they worked. Mom and Dad told me that the two didn’t take advantage and seemed to get their work done, so I didn’t have any problems with it. My odd work schedule meant that...

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Junior Year Part IIChapter 25 Baseball Playoffs Begin

After my run, I went to the kitchen and found Peggy looking worn out. “Are you okay?” I asked. “Coby’s waking up every couple of hours and I’m not getting much sleep.” “And you have finals coming up and your project. Do you need a break?” “I wish, but I’ve got a job that puts a roof over David’s and my head. Don’t worry about it. I’m just feeling sorry for myself,” Peggy said. “Tell you what, I’ll take them today, and you can catch up on your sleep and do whatever you want.” “I know how...

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JuniorChapter 23 Sammys list

Classes ended early on Friday, December the twentieth and I chose to leave that afternoon rather than waiting to entertain Gladys as was our custom. I used the weather forecast as an excuse for taking off early. She accepted the news that I would be away until Sunday, January the fifth. I knew she would be happy to find the gift I left for her in my bedroom. I stopped to have something to eat at the mid-way point and it was nine P.M. when I entered the back door at home. Suzanne met me and...

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Junior Year Part IIChapter 30 A Kiss to Build a Dream On

I drifted awake in a sea of warmth, feeling both languid and content. I was thinking of the exquisite feelings from last night when I started as I remembered who I’d spent the night with. That is if I hadn’t been dreaming. I sat up abruptly and looked around me. ‘Thank God,’ I sighed with relief. It had been a dream. The body keeping me warm was Duke. I picked up my phone and called Adrienne. “I had the best dream last night. It involved you and Kate.” “I wonder about you sometimes. I...

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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 26 Gold Medal Game

“You ready to learn something today?” Coach Way asked. He and I were in center field, and Coach Short was hitting balls to me. “Of course,” I said with a sideways look. “Here’s something I bet no one has ever told you,” he said, ready to lay some wisdom on me. “Have you ever been unsure whether or not a line-drive ball will drop in front of you?” There were times when that could be tricky. I just nodded in response. “Use the bill of your cap to help judge it. If the ball’s below the bill...

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Happy 2013 Newyear

2012-2013! by Peter Leo. approaching the door of our suite, with key in hand, i think with a frown how late business took me and that you’ll be fast asleep. so knowing my fate, with the stealth of a cat burglar, i quietly slip the key into the lock of the knob. pushing the door open i enter soundlessly. wanting, but not wanting to wake you. i listen in hopes that you aren’t sleep. but as i make my way into the darkened room, i see your cloths strewn over a chair near the bed....

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Tinder Helped In Newyear

The whole city was dancing on its feet when I met her. I was completely prepared to face a young diva as it was our first date after we met in tinder. I was waiting outside a pub in Vashi as new year evening was a couple entry event for that pub and I was not allowed to go in alone. Strange but we have not yet had shared our contact number. It was like a festival of cool couples who were rushing into the pub with arms around each other. She reached and the moment I saw her I was stunned. She...

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The Fursecution of Sammy Lightyear

The four of them stood staring in open-mouthed shock at the huge crowd of people surrounding them. Finally Syrie turned to his sister and said, "Sis, I love ... well, no, actually right now I hate you, but in either case sometimes you are an idiot." "But I was so sure," was all Aerie could say in reply as she continued to stare at the scene around her. For her own part Sammy was babbling as she stared at the mobs of people around her. "I must be dreaming. Someone pinch me and wake me up,...

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Junior YearChapter 14 Get Cape Wear Cape Fly

When I got to school, Mona was waiting for me in the parking lot. “What happened to our deal?” she asked. “You weren’t there. Kim and Tracy didn’t play fair.” “They flirted with you!” I nodded. “Men!” she shouted, and stomped off. The rest of the cheerleaders had seen what happened and had some choice comments. I was ready to tell them to back off when Zoe walked up and kissed me. “What was that for?” I asked. “For asking me to be your date for the Homecoming Dance.” I hadn’t asked...

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Junior Sex Club 8

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I must have dozed off just a bit after that, because I was abruptly aware that someone was above me...and that it was an adult woman. I could barely see anything, because her slippery cunt was hardly an inch from my lips. All that I could really tell was that her smooth labia were shaven and her slit was open. I was pretty sure that this was Eloise and I was...

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Junior YearChapter 8 Searching for Something More

When I came down to run, Precious was waiting on Duke, and they ran into the back yard and romped around. Duke was now almost fully grown and could easily hold his own against the cat from hell, and she seemed to realize that. It was funny to watch them stalk and pounce on each other. I was about to break up the fun and put Duke on his leash when I heard a girl scream, Buster, No! What I saw chilled my blood. Charging up our drive and dragging a young girl was the biggest pit bull I’d ever...

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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 17 A Piece That Fits

Allard and I signed in and then went next door to a deli to grab a quick sandwich. I came back to Fritz giving me the stink eye. “I know, I know,” I said, holding up my hand. “Who’s this?” Allard asked. “This is Fritz, the head of my security, and I’m in trouble for leaving the hotel without him,” I admitted. “I could be with you 24/7 if you’d prefer,” Fritz threatened. “I’ll make sure he lets you know,” Allard assured Fritz. I don’t think he wanted Fritz in our bedroom. What he didn’t...

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Juniors Samples Part of the Stopwatch SeriesChapter 3

JUNIOR'S SAMPLES: GOLD DIGGER Millions of years ago the entire west coast of South America erupted. Lava flowed east and west. Plate tectonics lifted and subsided and lifted again. Deep in the mantle, metallurgical reactions took place and molten ore slid down the side of a volcano. Centuries passed. The planet shrugged ... more than once. The torrential rains came and receded. Tons of moving water enveloped the shoulders of the mountains and eroded the land. Massive boulders moved. Down...

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Juniors Samples Part of the Stopwatch SeriesChapter 5

"Thanks for taking me on my coin journey, Carl." Wendy was in a congratulatory mood. "That was peachy." They were approaching Mr. Adams office. "Could you arrange a group photo? Maybe in the warehouse. You've all seen my Nikon." "That's quite a camera for a kid. My daughter uses her cellphone." "I needed better pictures. This was a science project." "Do you have all your dip samples?" Mr. Adams asked as he stepped out of his office and into the conversation. "Yes, Sir....

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Junior Year Ch 02

II While the Boys Are Away… Lauren and Kitty decided to spend their Saturday evening together, getting drunk and relaxing after a day spent on campus running around, buying books, and catching up with their old dorm friends from last year. Adam and Brad were out at the bars with the soccer team, partying. They hadn’t seen Logan or Hanna all day, and had no idea where they could be. They were sitting on the bed in Lauren’s room, lounging in the pajamas, loose little shorts and tight little...

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Junior Year Ch 04

IV. Let’s Get High The first week back at school was finally over. It was a balmy Friday night. Storm clouds hung low and threatening, and the humidity was thick in the air. Kitty and Brad were at a barbeque/day long house party on the other side of campus with the soccer team. After they had dinner, Adam told Lauren he needed to go back to the library to get a head start on an extra credit assignment. He said it wouldn’t take too long, and that he’d be back at the apartment by six that...

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Junior Sex Club 7

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey, sport," I looked down at Sandy, "I've got a hot and wet hole, too." "Sorry...I'm kind of new here...and the scenery is pretty spectacular," I answered, kneeling between the girl's thighs and reaching out to finger her cunt...probing inward for her hidden vagina. "Well, sure enough...you do seem to have a hole for me to play with," I bantered,...

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Junior Sex Club 5

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The week passed slowly...but not without incident! When I got home Tuesday after work, I found Mindy standing in the kitchen with a note in her hand. That was her only adornment, however...as she was completely naked! "Mom's gone to a meeting," she grinned, rubbing her deep slit with a fingertip, "and she took Polly and Suzy with her. She says we are to take...

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Junior Sex Club 3

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My wife left early to take our eleven year old daughter, Mindy, to a soccer game. They took Polly, our seven year old and Suzy, the four year old with them...so I was able to sleep in a little...until about 9:30. I got up, ate a little breakfast and took a shower. I was just finishing drying off when I heard the doorbell ring. I tossed the towel onto the bed...

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Junior Sex Club 2

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That had been five weeks ago, and since each weekend since then had been perfect weather, the family had returned to the resort. Twice since then we fucked in the tent...and each time I knew that Mindy watched us. One of those times had been like the first...but the other had been with a naked Sue on top, straddling me as she fucked me with abandon...her...

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Junior Sex Club 1

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The story below relates a tremendous change in life styles for me...one involving a sudden jump into the wild, wonderful world of juvenile sex and incest. It all started one bright sunny Monday morning in July. I was home from work taking a couple of comps and enjoying just being lazy. My thoughts were very much on the events of yesterday. My wife, Sue, had...

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Junior Year Ch 03

III. An Innocent Fantasy It turned out that Lauren and Hanna had a class together on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. The class was Introduction to Sociology. They sat in the back of the lecture hall and spent most of the class passing notes back and forth. By Thursday afternoon, they had grown to be really good friends, certainly more than just flat-mates. The notes they wrote back and forth in their notebooks started out innocently enough, gossip and goofiness, but soon turned to more randy...

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Junior Sex Club 5

Introduction: Pins and Needles I found a much better rewritten version of this story once online, and regretted erasing it from my computer. Heres the origanal written by someone else….I take no credit it for this, but thought many of you might like it. I only which I could get my hands on the rewritten copy so if anyone has it or knows where to get it, much apreasiated. ————————————————————————————————————————- The week passed slowly…but not without incident! When I got home Tuesday after...

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Junior Sex Club 1

Introduction: Introduction to the dance I found a much better rewritten version of this story once online, and regretted erasing it from my computer. Heres the origanal written by someone else….I take no credit it for this, but thought many of you might like it. I only which I could get my hands on the rewritten copy so if anyone has it or knows where to get it, much apreasiated. ————————————————————————————————————————- The story below relates a tremendous change in life styles for me…one...

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Junior Sales Trainee

"Get in there and get cleaned up," he grunted, throwing me a bottle. Hair remover. "And come out with these on, ready to go." A plain brown box was tossed across the hotel room. The two men sitting on the bed looked at me expectantly. With my heart pounding in my chest I turned and walked into the bathroom. I hadn't been sure what to expect on my first road trip with the company, but this wasn't it. My senior sales manager had just given me a bottle of hair remover and a box with...

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Junior ke saath

Hello dosto mera naam ..rajveer haicaur main gwalior,m.p se belong karta hun,c..aaj main aap logo se apna ek personal experience share kae ja raha hun,..jo ki pichle sal july ke mahine maiin mere sath hua. Maine abhi tak kabhi sex nahi kiya tha.but is bar july main ekdam se kismat mere uper mehaerban hogi..maine kabhi socha bhi nahi tha..kyun ki kismt jab meherban hoti hai to koi sari negative coditions bhi positive ho jati hain kyun december se abhi tak maine 3 bar different different...

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Junior College Entertainment

HI. This fun was experience by me in my jc time. It starts here under..After my 10th i got admission in a very good college in mumbai itself. As the college days started i also started 2 go 2 college. I got good friends in my group. We had 5 girls n 3 boys in my group. .After a week i met a girl in my class as the lecturer punished me n told me 2 sit beside a girl. She was shweta(17). I was also 17 at that time. But as of my habit. I started 2 talk 2 her. For a couple of days we sat together n...

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Junior ladki ki chudai

Hi dosto, May be I am new for all of you. But meri story bhute hi sexy hai. Shayad app sab ko acchi lagegi. Meri umar is bakt 35 saal hai aur mai dehkne mai smart hu. Mere office mai sab log muje is bare mai aksar compliment dete hai.Ye baat ajj se 7 saal pahele ki hai, Jab meri umar 28 saal ki thi. Aur mai electrical design department mai tha. Mere accha kam aur knowledge ki bajah se company mai bhute popular tha. Aksar late night tak kaam karta tha aur subah ko bhi jaldi aah jata tha.Ek din...

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Junior High Spankings

The girls were waiting outside the school auditorium in a state of high excitement. Rumors about a major change in school discipline were rampant. Marsha, a precocious 13-year old, and her best friends kept to themselves, but were not immune to the sense of electricity. Adding to the uncertainty was the fact that it was the boys, now in the auditorium, who were receiving the news first. Finally the doors to the auditorium opened and the boys came out and passed between the girls on their way...

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Junior High Soccer Moms

Marianne Smith huffed up the stairs, a basket balanced on her hip as she trudged along on her chore to pick up the clothes her two kids left strewn about the house. Blowing the strand of dishwater blond hair from her face she moved into her daughter Bethany's room and found the usual litter of panties, skirts and shirts lying on the floor and the bed. As she began to pick up the clothes she heard a muted cry of surprise coming from further down the hall. Normally Marianne would have ignored...

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Junior YearChapter 2 The Games That Play Us

I woke and was greeted by my trusty hound looking me in the eyes. He was absolutely not allowed on the bed, but I guess it was my fault because I had allowed him up when he was scared of the thunderstorm yesterday. When he saw I was awake, his tail thumped against the bed. I gave him a stern look. “What do you think you’re doing?” I asked. He answered by licking me in the mouth! “Yuck! Off! Get off the bed right now!” I ordered. Duke thought I was playing and swatted me with his paw. I...

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Junior YearChapter 3 Things Your Momma Never Warned You About

The HSAA allowed you a certain number of practices before the first game. Since we’d skipped one, the coaches decided we would catch up on Saturday morning. The guys grumbled because this was the last Saturday before school started on Monday. Plus it was an absolutely perfect summer day. Tracy had invited several of us to her lake house for the weekend. Mom was poaching chicken breasts for me and had a plate of bacon on the table when I came in with Duke. I got a bowl out and started to...

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Junior YearChapter 4 What Comes After the Blues

For me, this was the first day of school. I pulled up just as Mike did. I thought about sitting in my car until he went in, but decided I might as well tackle this now. He didn’t see me until I was right next to him. “Oh, shit!” he said as he jumped when he saw me. “Relax.” We walked in without saying a word to each other. Mike kept glancing at me, as did half the people who hung around the front of the school. I think we disappointed them when we didn’t throw down right there. Pam saw us...

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Junior YearChapter 6 This is Our House

Note: This is the last chapter BlackIrish was able to edit for me. Monday September 7 Today was Labor Day, so I didn’t have anything I had to do. Tami had been shocked by my revelation last night that I was no longer in love with her, and for the first time in my life she didn’t have anything to say. She’d just left me so I could get back to sleep. When I woke up, I went downstairs looking for my uncle. He and I had to have a talk. I found Aunt Bonnie. “You want some...

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Junior YearChapter 7 The Worst Day Since Yesterday

After our workouts, Wolf, Jim and I were offered scholarships. For Ty and Tim, they wanted to see what they did this year. I could see myself playing college ball for Michigan State. When we were finally done talking to the coaches, I went to the car to go home and saw only Mom and Dad in it. It seemed Brandon and Cassidy had been told to get rides with others in our group. That could only mean my mom wanted to talk to me. I knew this because she told me. “We need to talk through some...

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Junior YearChapter 12 Somewhere Between Raising Hell and Amazing Grace

First thing Monday morning I was called out of PE to meet with my guidance counselor, Ms. Jaroslav. I’d never met her before, so I wasn’t sure what she wanted. They had her in a small office with a huge file cabinet and a desk. I would go crazy in that cramped space if I were her. She had my folder out and, when I walked in, she looked up from reading it. She looked to be in her thirties and had a figure that looked like a mom. I wondered if she had any kids. “I understand that you’ll be...

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