A Novel Of Things To CUM- Part1 free porn video

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Birds singing, trees gently swaying in the wind and me smiling in anticipation of what was to come.
Reaching the door I stood there contemplating my future actions and their implications.
For the second time, everything about my life would change for the better.
Not so much for who I know will answer the door. As I hear footsteps approaching I briefly considered backing up and calling this whole thing off.
Two minutes later, the door opens and there she stands in pajama bottoms and a white T-shirt.
The sight of her is enough for me to make my decision and to seal her fate.
Her name is Zo and though not the most beautiful woman nevertheless, she's quite attractive and the first on my list.
Standing in at 5'8 180lbs with creamy white skin, hair dyed a lite chartreuse and hazelnut eyes I was looking forward to seeing what more that curvy body had to offer.
Both of us were still standing there looking at each others faces.
Hers was an inquisitive, yet mildly annoyed, look as she tried to see if she recognized me.
I could feel that she wasn't there yet so I ended the mystery.
"Zo it's me, J.C.", I said. The light bulb went off in her head and her eyes widened in recognition. She said, "J.C.! Oh yeah, I remember now.'
"Wow, you look different. I didn't recognize you." I wasn't surprised by her look of shock and disbelief.
A lot has changed since we last saw each other.
More than she could, but would before the night was over, believe was possible.
The most obvious, but not the least or even more significant, change was the way I look.
See, I wasn't in the best of shape back in the day.
I was at least 50lbs overweight.
I also had bad eyesight, 30% hearing deficiency, lactose intolerance, vitamin C deficiency, reduced mental faculties, and along with a host of other physical impairments I had a bum knee I could barely move.
But, a year later, after Zo quit the store, something happened that changed everything for me...

I had just gotten off work and was walking to the bus stop.
Just my luck it was storming like crazy, thunder and lightning flashing and crashing worse than I had ever experienced.
And, of course, I had no umbrella.
Walking across Holcomb bridge in a thin ass jacket, wallowing in my misery, I was reading a book on Kindle and listening to music when all of a sudden the world got insanely bright.
I later found out that it was so bright some people were temporarily blinded.
I probably would have been as well but for what happened not even a millisecond next.
Normally, at this point, most would say that they don't remember what happened next.
But not me. No, I remember every single second of the event.
A massive bolt of lightning so powerful that it tore through the side of the bridge and left a, what people would later call a suspiciously looking man-like, crater in the ground under.
What everyone couldn't see was that I was struck by the lightning bolt.
The first thing I felt upon being struck was immense pressure, as though every cell and bio-chemical process in my body was gut-punched.
So clearly was I thinking that I knew that my body had been obliterated as well as anything within 3 meters of me.
My clothes, my glasses, my Bluetooth headset, my backpack and it's contents, including my laptop, my portable chargers, my wallet, and my cell phone, which was in my hand at the time.
I didn't feel any pain, but in that instance I felt my consciousness expand and heighten.
I understood that though my body was destroyed it was not gone merely dispersed.
I knew that the first Law of thermodynamics, in part, applied to what we view as physical destruction.
The cells that make up my body still exist. Though my cells should have begun to decay at an accelerated rate due to the premature dispersal process, not only were they stable, they were also improved.
With my enhanced awareness I can perceive far more than my previous bodily senses.
For instance, I can tell that my conscience, or spirit, was still connected to every single cell of my body.
That's true from the moment of inception, but now I was truly aware of it.
Now, logic dictates that, despite being aware of my situation, the 'destruction' of my body should have separated my spirit from my cells.
But that wasn't the case, and I suspect that the lightning was the reason why. In my current state I examined the bond between my spirit and my cells.
On a side note, my awareness also extended to other things. I found that most things could be separated by rate of movement. Things like humans, plants, animals and insects moved at an accelerated rate.
Things like rocks, plants, and the things made from them, moved at a deccelerated, almost dormant, rate. Then, there are some things that appear to be both either at the same time or at different points of time.
Things like earth, air, fire, water, and other similar things are the latter(Elements of Nature). Things like stars, gravity, planets, the vacuum of space, the passage of time, and similar things are the former(Forces of Nature).
Anyway, I could 'see', among other things, the connection between the spirits of others and the cells of their bodies.
The strength of the unidentified EON that connects spirit to body varied in many ways, but one commonality was that the age of every life-form determined the ROM(rate of movement) of the connection.
The younger the life-form , the higher the ROM, the stronger the connection and vise versa.
Looking at my own connections, I could tell that they were not only completely dispersed, but that they had already converted into other different elements.
I couldn't use my old connections to bond with my cells, but it looks like I don't have to.
Although most of the lightning had dispersed, a large portion of it has bonded with me forging new and stronger connections as well as enhancing all aspects of my mind, body, and spirit.
I could feel the transformation of my entire being. It was quite exhilarating, nearly orgasmic.
As the intensity decreased, I came back to myself still in what I now call my aetheric form. I could still feel the transformation but at a very slow ROM.

I began to take stock of my situation. In my aetheric form I could observe the world in a different way. One thing I could tell is that time passes differently than normal.
From what I can tell time passes so slowly that it might as well not exist. So I had all the time in the world to figure out my next move.
One thing I decided to do was to return to the physical world. To do that, I had to reconstitute my body. My newly enhanced awareness and capability made it all too easy to put my body back to the way it was before I was struck by lightning, although I knew that I would be capable of doing much, much more than I could before.
That was now impossible to change, but if my spirit returns different than normal then why not my body. I thought about all the things that was physically wrong with me, allowed my cells to fill my awareness and began to reconstruct my body, making changes along the way.
One thing I became aware of as I rematerialized was the passage of time and it's affect on my new physical body. Which wasn't very much. When I tried to change the way entropy, decay, and the POT(passage of time) affected my cells I discovered that I didn't have to worry about it.
Apparently, my enhanced connection between spirit and cells are facilitating a state of constant cellular regeneration.
The unknown element(force?) is strengthening and converting my spirit which, in turn, is strengthening and converting my cells. Go figure. My rebirth is almost done.
Thus far my cells are reverting to a state of supernaturally healthy, in shape and highly intelligent 23-year-old. My brain now has an eidetic memory with an increased memory recall capability.
Which isn't really a problem anymore since the spirit retains and recalls everything. But, it's always good to have backups. I've also enhanced my body in other ways.
Increased strength, speed, agility, stamina, durability and heightened senses.
As stated earlier, my new nature provides an advanced regeneration ability, which in turn makes me immune to all diseases. And, any diseases my new body can't fight against, and I don't think there would many if any, would be destroyed in my aetheric form that I can turn into at will or when in extreme danger.
I also now have highly durable, yet, malleable skin, a faster cognitive and deductive process to the point of pre-cognition, and advanced psionic abilities.
And, because I am a man regardless, I treated myself to three, 9'4 inch, fully prehensile, penises as well as a greater semen-generating capacity without the enlarged testicles.
Due to my new awareness I'm also capable of manipulating the physical, psionic, and aetheric realms to an extent.
I expect that capability to increase as I grow more accustomed to, and more knowledgeable of my new nature and that of reality itself.

Once the process was complete(in 180seconds , gotta get that down to less than 30seconds), I just stood there revelling in my new body. All the enhancements, the tactile sensations, and more importantly, my new spiritual awareness.
It was so incredibly delicious, it was almost overwhelming. But I could handle it.
There was nothing in the physical realm that could threaten me now(that I knew of) and anything that could I will rise above, annihilate, or subjugate.
I decided then and there that no-one in this realm or any other would surpass and end me. With so much of existence to explore there were bound to be others of great power, age, experience and talent who could challenge me.
But nothing will stop me. I won't seek conflict and confrontation if I can help it. But if they seek me then I will be prepared and I will triumph over all. Well, now that I've pumped up my ego a bit, let's see what I can do.
Next, I reconfigured the elements around me to create clothes, after all I couldn't walk in public naked now could I. Well I probably could, but low profile and all.
With that, I took off across the field. No , I didn't reappear in front of some crowded public place full of people, thank you very much. I made sure to be in the middle of nowhere when I did my little magic trick. Cris Angel can kiss my ass.
Anyway, I took off at nearly over 200mph. I knew, intellectually, what my body was capable of. But knowing and experiencing it were two different things.
For starters, I remember that I could barely walk let alone run, and certainly not at the speed I was running now. I couldn't even lift my knees that high.
And that was another thing. My right knee was pain-free and completely mobile. It's been years since knees felt so good. I was so excited and happy I did the most unmanly thing ever(but I could care less). I started to skip the rest of the way. I was so giddy I almost failed to notice that my first skip had taken me at least 15ft in the air.
Surprising, but not unexpected. Didn't mean it wasn't exciting. I tried jumping again and I sailed across almost four acres of cornfields. It was so amazing, I wanted to go even higher.
I, also, could have gone faster, but I was keeping a low profile. I got home at a little after 1:00am. The incident was being televised. It looked like the whole event took maybe 30 minutes start to end here in the physical realm.
It seemed to last a lifetime in the aetheric realm. I went to my room and John was there, sitting in the chair, when I came in the door.
He had a stunned look on his face, so shocked he dropped the remote control and stood up. "Holy shit", he said "James, do you know what happened on Holcomb bridge, were you there?" Man, his voice got mad high.
I guess if you hadn't been there from my end, the aftermath would be the most exciting part. But knowing what I know now, all I can think is, 'buddy, you have no idea.' I answered him saying, "no, I was was on the bus to the station when it happened. But everyone on the bus heard it." He got an excited look on his face and started in on the subject. I responded appropriately but wasn't really paying attention.
I didn't want to just blow him off, but I had other things to think about. So I decided to test out my new psionic powers. Surprised at how easy it was, I just looked at him and thought, 'stop talking to me. Don't bother me for the rest of the night.' I looked on in amazement as John, immediately, stopped talking and just went on about his business.
He didn't acknowledge me in any way the entire night. I felt pretty amped after all that happened, but decided to go sleep. It was an interesting experience.
While my physical brain went to sleep, my aetheric self didn't require rest and stayed alert. It was odd, but didn't impede my sleep except I don't think I dreamt at all.
That wasn't all that abnormal so I didn't give it much thought. Early morning, I wanted to wake up and so I did. Looks like I can awaken at will, anytime I want, completely refreshed and rested. It was my day off and I had a lot to do.
I had thoughts of increasing my cash flow so I went to the most remote area I could find.
I, then, opened my aetheric senses and began to search deep in the earth for a certain precious metal to sell for a significant sum. Having found what I was looking for, I used my power to draw a great amount of the metal to me.
I took a relatively small portion of it and hid the rest. I sold the small portion for a little over $50,000.
Being generous I gave John $5,000, then I left and moved to a decently priced apartment in Buckhead.
I left everything, but the clothes on my back at my former place. After finalizing the paperwork for my new apartment, I set out to buy new clothes, furniture, kitchen appliances, bed and bathroom sets.
I had a lot to do and the whole day to do it. As long as I was discreet, getting from place to place wasn't too difficult. However I did intend to purchase a car at some point.
Given the state of global surveillance, discretion is the watchword of the week.
After leaving the apartment, I sold the the rest of the metal in different areas, under different names. With my abilities it was simple to hide my identity from the buyers.
I, also,found out that with my abilities I could understand a great deal about various forms of technology, and could remote access and control all electronic devices.
In this case, I could remove my image from surveillance cameras and any data about me imputed to any computer network I could just erase.
And though they say nothing can truly be erased from the web my greater understanding of the world means that idea doesn't apply to me.
All together I banked over$2,500,000. Enough to last me a while. Until I set up multiple bank accounts, I didn't want to have excessively large amounts of money connected to me. That said, my next step was to hire a lawyer.
Finding one I could trust would normally be a concern, but since I can know a person's deepest thoughts and intents, as well as force cooperation and complete obedience, I had nothing to worry about.
I found what I was looking for quickly and set up a trust that I could draw the legally deposit money in and withdraw money from.
With taxes and identification documents legalized and completed, I continued on with my errands.
I got everything I needed for my apartment and then bought a new car. A black 2017 Dodge Charger Convertible GTO V8.
Getting a license, tags, and insurance were a formality. Any cops that stopped me would believe that I was up to date with my paperwork and send me on my way.
I drove all across town well into the night.
I enjoyed feeling the rumble of the powerful engine through the leather seats, the speed, cutting through the air with the top down and the setting sun. I had fun.
The apprehension I once had about driving was thoroughly erased as I expertly negotiated my way through other cars doing 90mph on the freeway.
I, eventually, drove back to my apartment. Once inside, I changed clothes to go out.
I going for the grown n' sexy look so I changed to a tailored, black Armani suit, blood red silk shirt, black Jimmy Choo's with red lining, black dress socks with red stripe at the top, black titanium cuff links with a ruby J.C. design, a 30CT gold pinky ring with a silver middle and Celtic knot design.
To complete the ensemble, a red silk durag with a black Bailey Barr Fedora with red stripe.
And for the ladies, small spritz of Polo Black. And for the gold diggers, black and red Carthier watch with black diamond and ruby inlays.
I looked at myself in the mirror and saw someone I wouldn't have recognized a week ago.
So much has changed and I know that there's more to come, but as I go to stand out on the patio overlooking the city I can't help but feel excited about the future and all it now holds for me.
I think as I stepped over the balcony with a smile, knowing that fall wouldn't hurt me, 'they won't know what hit them.'

To be continued.......

Thanks for reading. This is my first time and I look forward to your comments. Part 2 is on the way.


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Little did Chloe know she was being followed, not randomly either. The female in the car following her was 32 years old her looks of a dominatrix. Her breasts were a 36c. Her body very well taken care of. She wore a tight Latex catsuit. Her body was covered every inch in latex. The latex hugged her breasts keeping them lifted and perky. Her ass was even lifted and firmed. She followed Chloe till there was nothing, but black dark roads. She lifted a small box with a red button she...

2 years ago
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My dog Bud part1

On game days my buddies and I would watch football on my big screen TV. No girls were allowed on game days. We wanted no distractions from the game. This idea came to me after a game night when a buddy of mine, Ted, was again drunk as hell and puking his guts out in the bathroom. This was a regular thing for Ted. On most game nights this is where he would spend the night. He would eventually pass out bent over the toilet. The first few times he did it I worried that he would fall in head...

1 year ago
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asian pleasure part1

Being from a town in south Alabama there are really no Asian women to look at. This leaves me with one thing Asian porn, it seems like every night I would find myself jacking my cock off to hot Asian school girls, or a young innocent Asian getting rapped on a bus it did not really matter to me. About three weeks into my senior year an Asian family finally moved into town. It was an amazing day for me. It was a single mom with two beautiful daughters and a dream of living here in America. One...

2 years ago
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The EXS part1

"who's there?" no one answers so I go back on the computer 2 minutes later the door bell rang. So I look out the window and there was my ex Tiffany Calderin, a tall thick PuertoRican girl with long brown hair, hazel eye's, firm breasts, and a perfect ass. I open the door " Hey jasi can I come in?" she said I look at the clock it was about 12 30 am "you know its almost 1 in the morning right?" "yeah but my girl locked me out" " don’t u got a key?" " I do but she got the...

3 years ago
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Tit For Tat Part1

It was really bad weather. Thunder storm was destroying everything. The time was only 5pm. It was mid July but dark grey clouds made it really dark. Sue was sitting next to fire and getting angry with herself. The decision she made to come here was really not a good idea. She could easily wait for few more days. But now it was too late. Sue was a very pretty and beautiful girl. She has such a soft and smart body. With her hands full breasts and long legs she could easily be a main attraction...

1 year ago
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Coeds European Roadtrip Horror Part1

Diora turned on the wipers again and they uselessly screeched against the hot dry screen. "It's making it worse not better," muttered her friend as the young red head tried to clear her view from hours of dust. They'd left Warsaw earlier that week and only a month into their European expedition had realised that a road trip had it limitations. "Did you measure how far Moscow is from Warsaw?" Asked the less opinionated girl in the back seat. Diora gave a chuckle "well it...

3 years ago
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My first time wman Part1

It was summer time and my family owned a beach house on Fire Island N.Y. If your not familiar with it ,its a barrier island south of Long Island made of beach communities that are only accessible by ferry. There are no cars so you either walk or ride bicycles. My parents worked on the mainland and would leave my sister and I while they took the ferry back every morning and returned in the afternoon . I would spend all day at the beach or at the arcade when it was raining. One day it was...

3 years ago
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The Old House and the Four Girls Part1

John replied your on bitch.As John started to that house he had to climb threw the window.As the girls where in their on bed rooms in their part of their house doing different things,but one girl named katie was in one room that looked like a step in shower half way threw it drop in to a hot tub that doubled into a bath tub.She was was taking a shower washing her young tanned body body as well as her perky c cup breasts and her beautiful shaving virgin twat.John was walking threw the house he...

2 years ago
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(CONTINUED FROM BREAKING SARAH WITH MY FRIENDS HELP) Rowan had gone to the supermarket to buy the alcohol and John had headed downstairs to phone up some friends as potential clients, There was just Sarah and me in the room, I untied her from the head-rail of my bed, her wrists had markings from her being tied up with her own panties, she began rubbing her wrists with her hands to ease the soreness, I started to stroke the top of her head, letting my fingers run through her hair, slowly...

2 years ago
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Reunion part1

After talking with Lee and his girlfriend for a while, who I came to know as Marie; I saw Nelle walking towards the food court and waved her over. “Lee, Marie, meet Nelle, my gorgeous girlfriend.” I managed, hugging her. She was uncomftorable, and I couldn’t blame her. I’d told her about Lee before, he was the reason I had seemed to like mostly girls since we’d ruined what we had so long ago. She knew he had been the love of my life, and often I could sense her wondering if she measured up to...

3 years ago
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a friendly farewell part1

I arrived at her place to find it was just her and I so we decided to camp near her dam. We had tea talked a bit and started drinking to relax ourselves and to let our convocation flow. We headed to the dam put up the tent; I set out a blanket for us to sit on while Tegan went back to the house to bring down some more drinks. While she I was gone I lite a fire near the edge of the dam, it looked very romantic as the sun was setting and reflecting off the water. When Tegan got back we...

3 years ago
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Columbian drug Lords Revenge part1

The big man was theatrically preening himself taking in the crowded press gallery his flamboyant reputation making him a surreal celebrity choice in this troubled country. Cesar Mendez had learnt to be patient. His arrest and prolonged trial had taken over two years and to the frustration of the outside world seemed as far from conclusion as when it started. The last few weeks however had started to unnerve even this amazingly rich and influential drug lord. The pot bellied Columbian...

2 years ago
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Interaction with the neighbours part1

I consider myself to be a very fortunate person, at the age of nineteen I own my own house. I inherited from my Uncle, along with an extensive library of erotic literature (most of it is simply porn) and what is probably one of the largest private collections of implements designed to cause pain. It is a nice house too, detached with three bedrooms, a living room, a dinning room and a kitchen to die for. It also has a good size study, which I have converted into a hobby room, you will find at...

4 years ago
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The Architect Meeting My Master Part1

The unease I had been feeling was familiar, almost comforting. It was the last opportunity to back out. To back out and forget this folly. Anxiety, nervousness, excitement–a cocktail of conflicting emotions seemingly bubbling around my chest. Meeting someone for the first time and knowing that we’ll be fucking soon after. Then never seeing each other again. My back felt cool leaning upon a nearby lamp post. I was wondering if I should just walk up the door, ring the doorbell, and get this...

1 year ago
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The Old House and the Four Girls Part1

Introduction: my first story In one weird house there was four gourgous girls that wasnt ever aloud out of the house ever,and was home schooled by their foster father who was almost never home. When he was he spent only a few hours with his thirteen years old daughters.They where starting to mature into beautiful young women.He just sat down and whatched television,but when they where alone they started having their on sexual experiances.They discovered that they where acutually very horny...

2 years ago
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2024 part1

Introduction: if your looking for the sex scene just find the 6969696969 It was 2024 post apocolyptic era. Life was in turmoil. The government had collapsed and humans were no longer the sole dominant species. Now we were in a constant battle with zombies created in the nuclear war of 2012. The people with power were those that hunted them for a living, and I was the best of them. My name is Jake OBrian. I am 62, 34 years old, with brown military short hair.For years before the war I was in...

3 years ago
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What a Tangled Web Part1

I honestly don’t know why I’m making this confession. Is it a confession if you don’t feel bad about what you’re doing? I love what I do, and the men love it too…well they love a particular part of it. What is the saying? A fool and his money shall soon depart. That’s my motto and luckily for me, there are lots of fools out there. I knew that he was my mark from the moment that I saw him. He had the cocky attitude that I loved so much. There’s something sexy to me about a man that acts like...

2 years ago
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Andys Office Initiation Part1

Andy thought it was odd when he was asked to include a full length photo in just his swimming trunks with his job application. But then it was for a sales assistant at a lingerie firm. Maybe it was normal – to test his commitment – that sort of thing. The salary was £40,000. That was £15,000 more than anywhere else he had applied for. The hours were good too. It was almost too good to be true. Andy arrived for his interview in his best suit. He cut a dashing figure and looked nice, especially...

3 years ago
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Twins found love Part1

Introduction: Inbox me if you want more or if you want story request enjoy I will start by describing myself I am suzanne im 15 years old and have a twin brother. I have long wavy red hair and emerald green eyes. I have pale skin and bright pink lips which are full and soft. I am about 51 and weigh about 102 lb. I have a slim but curvy figure I have a big bouncy round ass and my tits are a 36c and I have big aureolas and my nipples stand hard at about 1.5cm. I have a hairy pussy but it trim it...

3 years ago
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Hot Babysitter part1

I was in desperate need of a night out so I asked my husband if we could get a babysitter for the boys and go to dinner. He happily agreed and called the neighbors to see if their daughter, Susie, was available. Thankfully she was so we set it up for Saturday night. Saturday came around and I was more than ready to go out and look sexy for my hubby. I chose a short black fitted dress that hugged my hips and was low in the front to show off my C cup tits. I threw on some 4in black heels and let...

2 years ago
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Sexy pretty literature mistresspart1

In my eyes, she was really beautiful with a 1.65 m high, a shapely body and angelic face. Each time thinking of her is that my dick got hard as a rod of steel. Much of time, when masturbating, I fantasized about her naked nice body with the legendary breasts, the smooth belly and the red tiny pussy, for support. That was only my imagination, not real. I used to wish she would be mine one day. Who was she?   the answer was that she was my high shool literature mistress. Of course, as I said...

4 years ago
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A Romp In The Janitor ClosetPart1

My name is Eliza Gilbert, eighteen years old, and in my last year of high school. For the past few years of high school, I had been a dork, a nobody. I was invisible to the public eye. Until one summer at band camp, I lost my virginity to the hottest guy in school. His name was Matty Sykes with a body like a Greek God. Tanned and toned. He had these blue eyes that were hypnotising. He actually noticed me and I felt special, so I lost my virginity to him on the ground in the woods.  This is how...

Quickie Sex
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Therapist part1

I sat alone on my bed in a room that I had been sleeping in the past few months, apart from my wife of ten years. I knew it had been by choice, since I often felt the need for time alone, and it seemed nights were the only time that worked out.My desire for my wife was gone, mostly due to how she cared for herself, and some emotional issues. Our sex life was reduced to receiving occasional oral, and that took persuasion on my part. Even with that, I had been experiencing problems with erection...

2 years ago
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NYE in NYC part1

It all starts with a conversation between my friend Sarah and myself. She and I met in undergrad and became fast friends, she was a lesbian so there was nothing between us except a strong friendship. She's brilliant, funny, and a great conversationalist. Just a beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside, too. She and I kept in touch after graduation and she'd taken a job in NYC so we decided one year that I should make the trip up there to stay for a few days and we could have a really...

1 year ago
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The next door neighbor part1

It all started with a messy break up with my girl of five years, Patty. We had been together since our senior year in high school. By no means was I one of the studs on campus, you know the type. Before Patty I had only been with a few other girls. After living together for three years things just didn't work out.She had a way of punishing me after a fight. She would cut me off of all sex for days. Once as long as two weeks. My only relief was to take a pair of her panties from the hamper. I...

2 years ago
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Step Daughter Part1

Step DaughterShe walked into the house early in the morning. It was around 1:30 and she was well beyond her curfew. I didn’t know if she was home or not. I had gone to sleep but woke up and was wide awake and couldn’t get back to sleep. I got up while Carol slept soundly. Carol is my girlfriend of several years. A petite blond, well -built and pretty. As she slept I went downstairs and watched some porn. I sat in the living room with my laptop. I wore my briefs and white tank. Deanna is...

2 years ago
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Memories of Patty part1

My girlfriend Patty had just graduated from high school. To celebrate, I decided to take her to Kings Island, a local amusement park we frequented. We were going to make it a weekend trip and would be staying 2 nights. Of course, her parents wouldn't allow anything like that to happen, so we conspired with Patty's best friend, Debbie and her boyfriend, Rob. We told the girl's parents that they would stay in one room, and Rob and I would stay in another. All nice and safe, nothing to worry...

4 years ago
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Mistress Terie Story Part1

Like many of us I search out people to chat with on xhamster and people to cum with. Different scenarios, different relationships, etc. I often look for a big titted, dominate woman who will use me to the point of my complete compliance and subservience. I have been the sissy and slut of a few incredible people here on hamster. It has been so fun and so exciting. I have cum so many times just thinking about some of those relationships.One day I met Mistress Terie online. We clicked almost...

1 year ago
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Wife in control part1

This past weekend something a little different happened. I've always arranged meets and picked BBC for my wifes approval, but several weeks ago she told me that she wanted to search and find a bbc on her own and make all arrangements. She found one to her liking but I had no idea who he was. They chatted on the swing site at first then she began text and had phone conversations with him. She told me a few days before the weekend that we were to meet him at a local hotel. There would be no greet...

3 years ago
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Mother in law caught part1

A couple of years ago we were sharing a villa in Spain with my Wife's parents. The holiday was fairly uneventful until the start of the second week.We had all decided to go to the beach and after an hour or so, my Mother in law, Laura and I went for a swim in the sea. Once we got out and were getting dried Laura said she was going back to the villa for a quick change so she would be ready to go for lunch. I decided soon after that she had the right idea and set off back to the villa.I let...

1 year ago
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Betrayals part1

In retrospect it was my fault but how could I have possibly known at the time? It seemed to me to be a great and possibly my last chance to convince Michelle that we should be more than friends. Ah, Michelle Wanjiku, even now after all that’s happened I still sigh when I think of her.To me she had appeared to be my destined girl. She was beautiful, sexy, and had an infectious laugh. She also had a cute little dimple in her right cheek when she smiled, which she did a lot.Her physical...

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