Vacation, What Could Go Wrong? Part 3 free porn video

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Their trip from the airport to the resort was uneventful. Ron had managed to not touch, rub, or think indecent thoughts, about Pam, Beth, or Amy for that matter. Even though he knew he was "allowed" to lust for Amy, given the propensity for his hair-trigger penis to fire to attention, he felt it best to avoid any distracting thoughts for the time being.

Their beach front resort was quite nice, with extensive grounds, pools, bars, etc. Their room, however, had been purchased with a budget in mind. It was a one-room efficiency unit. It was nice and clean, but not very big. The front room consisted of one double bed, a sofa bed, and a roll away cot leaning against the wall. The back of the unit was split, with the bathroom on the left, and a kitchenette to the right. There was a sliding door from the tiny kitchen to a cozy patio, which then connected directly to the pool area.

"Well, this is not what I expected. The travel agent said it was a two room unit that slept five." Pam stated in a slightly irritated tone. "I had planned on you having a room to yourself Ron. I am going to the front desk to see if I can straighten this out."

"Well, technically it is two rooms," Beth said before volunteering to go with her, and as they walked along the path that led to the office, she said to Pam, "Do you really think it is best to give Ron a room to himself?"

Pam's thoughts immediately went to the two previous incidents with Ron, remembering the way his engorged dick had looked as it pulsed only inches from her face in the back seat of her car. And then how long and hard it had felt pressed into her back on the plane, as she had been forced to grind her body into his excitable young penis. She reminded herself again of her vow to avoid any more awkward situations with her daughter's boyfriend, and she knew having the four of them share one room was not the best way to accomplish her goal.

Beth's voice brought Pam back from her brief day dream, shaking the lurid thoughts from her mind. "Are you ok? You seemed to be a million miles away."

"Um, yeah, my mind just wandered for a second." Pam replied. "Don't you think it would be more proper to give him a bedroom of his own?"

Beth, to the contrary, had been delighted with the accommodations. She knew at once her prick teasing thrills would be just that much easier to attain with Ron sharing their room. "More proper, maybe, but also more potential privacy for Ron and Amy. I can just imagine the late night 'movies' they would watch, or the afternoon 'naps' they would take , if you follow my drift."

"Oh Beth, Amy and Ron would never...I mean...Do you really think I should be concerned about them in that way?" Pam asked the question, even as the image of her petite daughter bouncing up and down on Ron's huge dick flashed through her brain. Unexpectedly, Pam could feel a tingling between her legs, even as she forced the graphic picture of the two teens from her thoughts.

"Oh come on Pam, are you that old already? I mean your daughter is turning out to be just as sexy as you are, and you can't convince me you haven't noticed how good looking Ron is." Beth said, neglecting to tell her friend about the telltale cum stains Amy had managed to get on her shirt at the Miami airport.

Beth was paying particular attention to Pam, as she looked up a little to quickly, eager to deny having ever noticed Ron in that manner, "No, I haven't really paid much attention to him. I guess he is kind of cute, for a teenager that is. You are right about Amy though, I see men giving her lustful looks all the time now. I don't know why Ron would be any different." Pam answered, convincing herself, with Beth's help, that she couldn't let Amy be alone in a bedroom with Ron's giant dick.

Just a few steps from the office door, Pam and Beth turned back to their room, each convinced everyone would be best served by leaving the sleeping arrangements as they were.


As soon as Pam and Beth had left the room for the office, Amy had grabbed Ron by the neck, pulled him to his knees and lifted her dress to reveal her bare pussy. He pushed her back onto the bed and began to lick up and down her wet lips. Ron wanted to ask her about the conversation he had with Beth on the plane concerning the 'ice cream' stains, but Amy was pulling his head so urgently into her crotch, he couldn't have spoken if he had to.

"I have ..been wanting your... face between ...legs....ooooh... for the last 24 hours. I am.....ahhh..... so horny I.....mmm.... might explode, God ...that.... feels... good!" Amy's words escaped between her labored breathing.

Ron, somewhat taken aback by Amy's aggressiveness, was licking and sucking on her as best he could, and only because Amy heard her mom and Beth outside the window at the last possible second were they able to disengage before being caught. Ron dove, stomach down, onto the bed just before the door opened, safely concealing his cock as it had began to swell and grow yet again. Amy, still breathing heavily, made her way to the kitchen area to fix a glass of water.

After Pam explained there were no other rooms available, Amy grabbed her swimsuit from her suitcase and said, "Ron and I are going to explore the beach for a while, as soon as we get on our suits, ok?"

"Sure honey, maybe Beth and I will catch up to you later." Pam said, as she began to help Beth unpack, placing their various belongings in the dresser drawers.

Ron knew he had only a few minutes before Amy came from the bathroom, and he would have to get up from the bed to go change. As much as he wanted to admire Pam and Beth as they went about unpacking, he shut his eyes instead, hoping his swollen cock would subside enough to avoid another embarrassing situation.

He had tried to act natural around Pam since their forced friction on the plane, and he was thankful she now seemed perfectly normal. Maybe all the commotion and movement when they were in the aisle had distracted her from even noticing what had happened. Ron decided that if he accepted that as an explanation, it would make it easier for him to look her in the eye for the rest of the trip.

Amy was taking a long time, and as Ron was replaying Steve McNair's last gasp drive against the Rams, reliving the frustration he had felt on Super Bowl Sunday, his cock began to soften and shrink. He moved quickly on to recalling his own stats from his most recent basketball season, now making some real progress toward a flaccid cock, when he heard Beth's voice.

"Wow Pam, you sure do have some sexy undies here." Beth taunted, holding up several of Pam's bras and panties for all to see.

"Beth! Give me those right now." Pam demanded of her friend. Pam had never been much for frilly lingerie, but Dave's recent invitation to have Amy meet his new, much younger girlfriend had put Pam in a funk. As a pick-me-up, she had gone shopping at Victoria's Secret. At this very moment she was regretting having done so.

Holding up a yellow, demi-cup bra and matching lace panties, Beth pranced around the room, saying "Hubba, hubba, check out my sexy friend here Ron, I bet you didn't know your girlfriend's mom had such a naughty side, did you?"

Ron just grinned sheepishly, deciding the best thing to do here was nothing. He laughed as Pam began to chase Beth around the small room, attempting to grab the garments from her. After a few seconds, Pam managed to push Beth to the couch, only a few feet away from Ron's position on the bed. Pam threw one leg across Beth's lap as her friend held the bra and panty, one in each hand, up as high over her head as possible. Pam leaned forward and stretched up in an attempt to retrieve her things. She didn't even realize how her dress was pulling higher and higher up her thighs, threatening to reveal a portion of her bubbly ass cheeks at any moment.

Beth had a good idea of the image they were providing young Ron. Beth's dress had been scooched up when Pam crawled onto her lap, and as she slid down further beneath Pam, she could feel her hemline pull up across her upper thighs. She then purposely spread her legs ever so slightly, hoping Ron was paying attention for a quick shot of her panty covered pussy.

Just as Pam grabbed both items from her, Beth reached around and briefly pulled up Pam's dress, exposing her black thong and bare cheeks to Ron's gaze. "Hey Ron, is she wearing anything sexy and lacy today?" Beth said between fits of laughter as Pam semi-playfully punched her in the arm, and got up from the couch.

"Damn it Beth, you can't do stuff like that." Pam said, genuinely pissed at her friend.

"Oh, come on Pam, if we are all four going to be roomies this week, we can't be carrying around a load of false modesty. Ron's going to see more of us in our bikinis that what just happened, besides, it is no big deal, right Ron?"

"Uh, well...No, not at all, I hardly saw anything, really." Ron lied, hoping they could not tell how utterly impressed he had been with the brief glimpse he had gotten of Pam's luscious ass.

At that moment, Amy come from the bathroom, and said, "What in the world is going on out here? It sounded like a herd of buffalo just went through." She looked at the other two women, each breathing hard.

"Oh, your mom got all goofy because I showed Ron her new underwear." Beth said.

Ron was attempting to slip unnoticed into the bathroom to change when Amy said, "It's no biggie mom, Ron has enough Victoria Secret catalogs in his room, I doubt it is anything he hasn't seen before." He stopped, and began to deny her allegations, when Amy went on, barely able to suppress her laughter, "Only k**ding, sorry Ron."

As the three women chuckled at Ron's expense, he locked the door behind him, and began to undress. As he emptied his pockets, he found Amy's forgotten purple panties. The recent images of Pam and Beth wrestling on the couch prompted him to rub the panties over his hardening dick. He imagined himself on the couch with the older women, fucking one, then pulling out and having his cock sucked by the other. In a matter of seconds he spewed a big load of cum all over Amy's already soiled panties. He quickly shoved them deep in his suitcase, pulled on his swimming trunks, and went to join Amy for a stroll down the beach.


After about 30 minutes of strolling up, then back down the beach, Amy was as horny as ever. College students on spring break were all over the beach, and Amy noticed how many of the older guys were giving her the once over, even as she walked past them holding Ron's hand. Her bikini was no more revealing than most other girls on the beach, although there were more than a few wearing thongs, some even topless.

She liked the fact that college guys were checking her out, and she didn't even mind Ron looking at the co-eds. She knew he would be more than ready for some fun as soon as they could be alone, not that he needed any additional motivation with the way Beth and her mom were behaving. She couldn't really explain it, but she found herself enjoying the thought of Ron being all hot and bothered, watching him trying to hide his hard dick from the others. But, as another group of guys turned to follow her down the beach, she also began to understand the things she had heard Beth tell her mom before, about how exciting it was to be a tease.

As they got closer to their resort, Ron had finally decided not to tell Amy about everything that had happened on the plane with Beth. She would probably think he was just imagining things Beth had never intended, besides, he wasn't exactly sure what had taken place himself.

"Let's go back to the room, maybe they are up there on the beach somewhere by now, and you can pick up where you were earlier." Amy said, smiling seductively at Ron.

He readily agreed, but as they got to the resort pool, Amy spotted her mom and Beth lounging near the patio to their room, happily sipping on Bahama Mama Rum drinks, and soaking up some sun.

"I am so hot for your tongue right now Ron," She whispered, trying to think of a plan, "Okay, we'll say you want to take a nap cause you're still tired from our trip, and I am going to explore the other end of the beach. I will double back around to the front door and sneak in to join you."

Again Ron agreed, and as Amy explained all this to her mom, Ron took the opportunity to admire both women from behind his mirrored shades. Beth and Pam were both wearing fairly normal two piece suits, but their bodies were anything but normal. They were each reclining back on a lounge chair. He knew he should be trying to keep his vow of avoiding such lustful temptations, but for their age, hell for any age, their boobs looked fantastic. Not so firm to look like implants, but there was not the droopy quality that Ron had noticed before on many older women. He had once again abandoned his attempt at restraint, and was trying to check out the clingy material covering Beth's crotch when Amy kissed him on the cheek, telling him to go and have a good nap.

He went through the patio doors, past the small kitchen, and straight to the bathroom. Ron had remembered the small window there from earlier. He twirled the slender rod hanging down by the window frame, slowly opening the mini-blinds until he could clearly view the women who had unknowingly kept his cock hard for the better part of the last 18 hours.

Ron had intended to only get a nice, long, uninterrupted look at Beth and Pam as they sunbathed 10 feet from the window. But, as he admired their bodies, he could not resist slipping his trunks down and touching his prick. Touching quickly became squeezing, then stroking, and before long Ron was rapidly jacking off to the sexy pair outside the bathroom window. He was so intent on trying to cum before Amy got back, (he knew getting it up again for her would be no problem at all, and besides, he might last a little longer when Amy wrapped her soft lips around him), he didn't hear her come in the front door. Only when the bathroom door begin to open did Ron realize she had gotten back from the beach. He managed to turn from the window before she entered the room, but his trunks around his ankles, and his hard cock in his hand could not be hidden.

"Ron, did you start without me?" Amy said, half smiling, and staring at his erection.

"Just a little," he said, grinning at Amy as she carelessly flung the door closed behind her, leaving it open an inch or so. She shimmed out of her bikini as he said, "I wanted to be good and ready for you."

"Well, I hope your tongue is good and ready for me, you have to go down on me before you get any relief." Amy responded, briefly squeezing his dick as she hopped up to sit on the back of the toilet tank. She then spread her legs and softly stroked her hand across her already wet pussy, "Come and kneel before me, Slave." Amy said in her best authoritative voice.

Ron readily did as she instructed, and as he began to lick and kiss on Amy's thighs, she noticed for the first time her ability to see Beth and her mom sunning just outside the window. "This is perfect Ron, I can watch mom and Beth while you, mmm, while you do me, and that way we can have some.....ah, mmmm, .... warning before they come back inside."

Ron just moaned his consent to her plan as he continued to nibble and suck on her swelling clit. Amy was still peering out the window when it hit her that Ron had been doing the exact same thing when she had surprised him just moments earlier. He had been masturbating, staring at Beth, ....and her mom for that matter. Her initial reaction was to confront him, but he tongue felt so good, she didn't want to stop him right now. Besides, as Amy continued to look outside, she knew she couldn't blame Ron at all. Beth and her mom had better bodies than anyone Amy had seen on the beach all day, as attested by the fact that every guy at the pool had turned their chairs to an angle that afforded them a better view of the sexy 35 year old divorcees. As Beth knelt next to her mom, her ass swaying gently as she applied sunscreen to Pam's back, Amy thought the guy sitting nearest her, with his wife and k**s, was going to start stroking himself on the spot, that is until his wife's sharp slap to his arm redirected his gaze.

Amy watched as Beth's near perfect breasts swayed only inches above her mother's exquisitely pronounce ass cheeks, her hands rubbing up and down the back of Pam's legs. Amy couldn't help but flash back to her fantasy from the plane, and as soon as she pictured Beth's lips wrapping around her pulsing clit, her body began to quiver. She clutched Ron's hair, pressing his face more firmly into her dripping pussy. Her orgasm overtook her as she kept her eyes locked on Beth's hands gliding up and down her mother's body.

In their brief sexual history, Ron had never seen Amy cum so hard. He was quickly becoming a big fan of eating pussy. His face was covered with her juices and he savored her taste as he rose from between Amy's legs. "I would really love to do it with you, right now." Ron said to her as she slumped against the wall, her legs still invitingly splayed open. His rock hard dick was at just the right angle to sink between her slippery lips. All he needed to do was take one step to her, and he could be inside.

"Oh, Ron, I want to too, but, look so big and hard, ....I just don't see how women can do it. I am kind of scared, you understand?" Amy truthfully explained. She had been thinking about having sex with Ron since the plane, but she knew how much she had to stretch her mouth to get his thick head past her lips. She just couldn't imagine his dick pressing inside her pussy.

Ron took a step toward her, leaning closer to kiss Amy's lips. "Sure, I mean, I guess I understand." As he spoke, he allowed his throbbing member to press against Amy's flat, sweaty stomach. Her hand automatically grasped the thick shaft, and she looked at Ron's cock.

"Look how big it is in my hand. It turns me on and makes me scared at the same time. Now look how big it looks down there." Amy guided Ron's cock head down to her still pulsating labia. The slick lips allowing her to press his head down closer to her opening. The head was throbbing a deep purple as blood rushed forward to greet her pussy.

"Maybe we could just try a little?" Ron pleaded.

"Well, just push it against me a little, let's see how it goes." Amy said just before Ron began to press his engorged cock into her slit. "See what I mean, if I could get the tip in, I think, maybe, ... I could handle the shaft,...but for God's sake Ron, look how your head is stretching my opening."

For as badly as Ron wanted to disagree with Amy and press onward, he had to agree. Her tight pussy looked to be stretched wide, and only half of his mushroomed cockhead was wedged into her hot, wet opening. She would have to stretch more to let the rest of the head past.

"Sorry Ronnie babe, I just don't think I am ready yet," Amy said as she pushed his prick away. "Take my seat up here and I will give you my best blow job, ok?"

Even though he was disappointed, Ron admitted to himself he was kind of scared too. He didn't want their first time to be a bad experience, for either of them. He was more than happy to take his seat on the back of the toilet, as Amy place her hands on his thighs and began to lightly kiss all around his tortured cock.

He was watching Amy's lips wrap around about two thirds of his dick head, her tongue snaking out to attack the exposed flesh, when Amy suddenly pulled away. Grasping his shaft at the base, she said, "You have to watch out the window so we don't get caught, all right?"

Ron agreed, realizing it was likely a once in a lifetime opportunity to peer at your girlfriend's sexy mom sunbathing, while her daughter gave you a blowjob a mere ten feet away. Pam was still on her stomach, her ass pointed directly at the bathroom window. It was quite a sight to behold. The purple fabric stretched tightly across her incredibly firm derriere, allowing 1/3 of each cheek to be exposed to the sun.
Ron was concentrating on Pam, and did not even realize Amy had yet to resume her blowjob, when she said, "Ron, I will suck you some more, I promise, but first, would you... I mean ..." she slowly stroked Ron's cock as she searched for the right words, "I would kind of like to watch, .....ah, well, know, watch you do yourself."

"What? You mean...., no, quit fooling around," Ron said, taken aback by Amy's request.

Nope, I am serious, I want you to jack off while I watch. And I want you to look out the window while you do it so mom or Beth won't come in and catch us" Amy said, determined that since she had gotten the courage to express this desire to him, she was intent on having Ron comply. She wanted to tell him she was getting some kind of perverted thrill, knowing he had been jacking off while watching her mom and Beth, but she was afraid of his reaction. "Please." She continued her sweetest, sexiest voice.

"You are really twisted, aren't you?" he said with an accommodating smile, "But I will do whatever you want." Ron then grasped his still hard prick and began to slowly stroke it, taking delight in the obviously pleased reaction on Amy's face.

"Don't watch me, you have to look out the window." She said, glad to see Ron obey her wishes.

He glanced back down at Amy, now leaning against the wall, her fingers actively playing with her soaked pussy. Encouraged by her body language, he decided to do what she had asked. As he looked back out the window, he was disappointed to see Amy and Beth making their way to the pool. He admired the view they presented strolling to the water, as did every other male, and some females lounging nearby.

"Umm, keep going Ron, I feel so dirty, but this is really getting me hot." Amy cooed as she watched her boyfriend jack off while almost certainly thinking about her mother. She surpressed a little giggle as she momentarily thought about the ther****t that would one day hear this story, but Amy quickly pushed Dr Freud from her brain and continued to watch Ron's hand move steadily up and down his thick cock.

As Amy's fingers began to bring her closer to a second orgasm, she closed her eyes, and even though part of her felt like some kind of sicko pervert, she allowed her mind to picture a naked Ron rubbing sun tan oil over her mother's body. She pictured Ron's hard cock sliding up and back between the firm cheeks of her mom's ass.

Ron couldn't see Pam and Beth very well in the water, so he turned his attention back to his girlfriend, obviously nearing another orgasm. He watched her for several seconds. She looked so amazingly sexy, leaning against the wall, her legs spread open, with both hands now working rapidly across her wet pussy. "God, you look so hot right now" Ron said, unable to keep his observation to himself.

"Ron, you can't stop looking outside, or we could get busted." Amy said, a little irritated at having her fantasy interrupted.

Ron did as she asked, pleased to see Beth emerging from the pool, her body glistening as the water cascaded down across her lovely boobs and past her flat stomach. He couldn't located Pam in the pool, but he didn't really care at the moment, as Beth stretched back out on the lounge chair and began to rub oil into her skin.


Pam had barely gotten submersed in the warm pool water when she realized the Bahama Mamas had begun to have an effect on her. Not only was she feeling a little tipsy, but her bladder was calling for some relief. She left Beth swimming laps as she quickly made her way back to the bathroom. She quietly slipped through the patio sliding door, hoping not to awaken Ron from his nap. Pam didn't see him on the bed, but in her rum-induced determination to reach the bathroom, she just assumed he must have gone out the front door.

As she made her way to the bathroom door, Pam heard a muffled moan come through the partially opened door. Even as she told herself she should turn and go back outside, she crept closer, until she could peer through the small crack of space between the door and frame. Only a portion of the bathroom was visible to her, but her line of sight allowed her to see Ron perfectly, sitting on the back of the toilet, masturbating while he stared out the partially open blinds.

As her eyes locked onto Ron's penis, Pam stifled an audible gasp just before it left her lips. His hand was rapidly stroking up from the fat base of the shaft, to the purplish, engorged head. It looked even bigger then she had imagined from her previous encounters with him.

Pam's mind was reeling from conflicting signals. She knew the right, moral thing to do was to turn and leave. She certainly didn't need to be watching Ron jacking off, especially given the frustrating temptations that had already been presented to her on this trip. Her body, on the other hand, was urging her mind to stay and watch. The thrill of peeping on young Ron as he stroked his cock, unknowingly putting on quite a display for his girlfriend's mother, was ultimately an opportunity Pam could not resist. She continued to watch as Ron peered out the window, his cock almost frightening in it's size and apparent firmness. The realization that Ron was obviously watching Beth as he stroked himself came to Pam slowly. Furthermore, if he was watching Beth, he had most likely been looking at her as well. The thought of Ron fantasizing about her while he jacked off increased Pam's excitement level even further, and she instinctively slipped her hand into her bikini bottoms to provide some relief to the heat building between her legs.

"Ah,...I....can't.....last.......much....longer" Ron said as his hand continued its assault on his fat cock.

Pam found Ron's self-proclamation a little unusual, but was glad to have some advanced warning, and she leaned in closer to the door, hoping to get an even better view. It was at that moment that she saw Amy's hand enter her field of vision, and wrap around Ron's shaft. Pam's feet seemed glued to the floor as she saw her teenage daughter's nude body emerge from her previously hidden position on the floor, opposite Ron. Amy quickly positioned herself so that she was sitting astride the toilet seat, her face only inches from his throbbing cock. Her second hand joined the first, and nudged Ron's fingers completely out of the way.

Pam's mind was a quagmire of emotion. Should she barge in and break up what was happening, or should she turn and slip away quietly, then confront Amy later, or should she confront her at all? It all seemed like too much to sort out so quickly. Or maybe....she should stay and watch, that way she would know if they were merely engaging in some heavy petting, or if they intended to have sex, at which time she would of course intervene. Discreetly watching would help let her know exactly how to handle things later. Her body's reaction to the scene before her was lobbying heavily for the 'stay and watch' option. Pam's rationalization was an attempt to deny she was watching because she was getting some perverse thrill from seeing her petite daughter tugging on Ron's dick, but she knew deep down it was true. Her fingers had quit their activity beneath her bikini bottom as she struggled with what action to take, but she had not pulled her hand away from her damp pussy. As Pam saw her daughter lean forward and lick the engorged head of Ron's cock, her fingers began to move once again.

"Oh yeah,.....cum in my mouth baby." Amy urged Ron on, "but don't stop watching Beth and my mom, I don't want to have them walk in and catch us."

Ron, having previously looked down to admire his gorgeous girlfriend as she stroked and licked on his cock, did as she asked, and peered back out toward the pool. He still didn't see Pam lounging next to Beth, but he was certain she could not have snuck by him so quickly, and assuming she was still in the pool, concentrated on Beth.

Amy's hands were firmly tugging back and forth on Ron's cock as her lips locked over his head. She began to swirl her tongue on the underside of his penis. She had discovered he really seemed to respond when she touched him there. As her tongue did its job, she sucked relentlessly on the head, feeling it swell even more in her mouth.

Pam's fingers were quickly bringing her to orgasm, promising to offer some relief from the intense sexual frustration that had begun to consume her. The deliciously naughty temptations she had been inadvertently subjected to by Ron had driven her to the point she was willing to peep on her own daughter sucking his fat dick. She knew she would battle with her conscience later, but for the moment, she allowed herself to let go, and continue to finger her hot pussy as she waited to watch Ron cum in Amy's mouth.

She didn't have to wait long, as Ron exclaimed, "Don't stop Amy,! Keep sucking on me....Agh"

Pam wanted to scream, "Yes, keep sucking on him." But she kept quiet, even as she leaned hard against the wall, her own orgasm coinciding with Ron's. She managed to keep quiet, but it was a real struggle. Her legs felt weak as another wave of pleasure overcame her.

Amy tried to prepare herself, and she managed to swallow more than usual, but eventually it was more than she could take. She pulled away from Ron's still spasming cock, as it continued to spurt across her neck and chest.

Pam wanted to watch Amy lick Ron clean, but she forced herself to retreat back to the patio before she was spotted. As soon as she stepped outside, Beth said, "My god Pam, what's wrong with you, you look like you saw a ghost or something."

"Or something is more like it," Pam knew she should probably not tell Beth what she had seen, but there was no way she could make up a lie so quickly, and she knew Beth would not relent until she confessed as to what caused her to look so shaken. "I just saw Amy giving Ron a blowjob."

Beth spun around to sit on the edge of her lounge chair, "You What?!"

"You heard me," Pam replied, still trying to regain her composure. Her bikini bottoms were sticking to her soaking wet pussy, and she just hoped Beth wouldn't notice.

"You watched your daughter suck her boyfriend's dick, Wow, that is perverted, even for me." Beth said with an awkward laugh.

Beth's reaction put Pam on the defensive, "No,... I mean,.. I didn't mean her, I didn't even know she was in the room at first. It was just Ron, by himself, doing, well, you know."

"You mean he was jacking off? And you were going to watch him?" Beth inquired with a slight smirk, getting more and more interested in Pam's tale.

Beth watched as Pam gave her a sheepish look, saying, "Well, it wasn't intentional, it's just that the bathroom door was open a crack, and before I realized what was happening, I saw him going at it, looking out the window and then I jus...."

"Wait a minute," Beth interrupted, "Ron was looking out the window, at me? Do you think he was watching me?"

"Yeah, he was watching both of us, at least before I went inside, Amy was making him watch us so they wouldn't get caught." Pam explained.

"Well, that plan didn't work too well, now did it? Then what...?" Beth asked, wanting to hear more.

"Well, it was only a few seconds, and I was getting ready to leave," Pam lied, carefully omitting the action her fingers had taken beneath her bikini, "when Amy came from out of my line of sight, and started to, well, to use her hands on him. I wanted to leave, but her little hands make him look so big and hard, I couldn't decide what to do. I didn't want to leave and let him try and put his dick in her, it would have hurt her for sure, it was just so big." Pam said, her brain drifting off to a mental image of Amy's tiny hands wrapped around Ron's fat dick. "So I waited until I knew what they were going to do for sure."

Beth, trying not to appear to anxious, said, "It was that big, really, I mean, how big exactly do you think?"

"Beth! I am not telling you this so you can get the dimensions of Ron's privates, I need to decide what to say to Amy. I need to take some time to sort through this right now.... But I will tell you, it was the biggest I have ever seen."

Pam leaned back on her lounge chair, her mind trying to purge itself of the sexual aura that seemed to engulf her since they left Nashville. She shut her eyes, and began to work through the options on how to deal with her daughter, oblivious to the numerous male eyes that were lustily admiring her.

Beth, as always, was acutely aware of the reaction she elicited from the men and boys around her. She deliberately adjusted her bikini bottom, pulling it up tight across her puffy lips. Pam's story had made Beth hot and she felt like putting on a tiny exhibition for her admirers. Knowing that Ron was evidently well hung, although she tended to discount Pam's ability to adequately compare, and had been jacking off while watching her was exciting. Plus, Pam's flustered reaction to having spied on Ron, coupled with their encounter Beth had observed on the plane, was causing her to dream up some apparently innocent, yet potentially erotic scenarios that might force both Pam and Ron to 'interact' against their will. And even if she couldn't orchestrate those fantasies, she was thinking of several options available to continue to tempt young Ron, and his potentially impressive cock.

More to Come.....

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Vacation On The Beach

My wife Carol and I had bought a four bedroom three bath home in a small community near the city of Birmingham Alabama. We were married just a little over two years and lived in the house we had purchased not much over a year when the vacation I am going to tell you about happened. I worked for an Architect - Engineering company. Carol worked near by for an insurance company. We were both just twenty four years old and although we wanted to have kids we were going to wait until we were more...

2 years ago
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Vacation Bound

VACATION BOUND by bound bob Why are the days just prior to vacation so stressful? It seems every timewe are going on vacation my wife and I fight. Work always seems to get mostunbearable right before vacation too. Our most recent vacation was no exception.Both the Mrs. and myself were working 12 hour days just so we could go on athree day vacation. The evening before we were to depart for a three-day vacation on the rockycoast of Maine my wife and I got into an argument over money....

3 years ago
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Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale shadow on the heart

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright ©2018 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...

3 years ago
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vacation for sex

It was the weekend before the 4th of July and Eric and Jennifer were getting packed for their week long vacation from their long beach California home to traverse city in Michigan making sure they had everything they needed for their vacation they have been dreaming about for a long time they were packing up and loading their Chevy suburban for their day and a half cruise to traverse in and leaving at 7 in the morning they were only a few hours into the trip before the both of them got bored...

1 year ago
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Vacation to Jamaica Man PT1

Traci and I just got back from another amazing vacation which I will get to later. As a couple, we have found an amazing rhythm of limiting our involvement in the swinging world. We find that when we do get back from a vacation with her enjoying well hung black lovers, that we are able to recall the memories and feelings while we are making love. Our sex life is incredibly fueled by these memories and many black realistic dildos. If we don't have an existing black dildo that is very similar to...

3 years ago
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Vacation Fun Chapter 1

Vacation Fun Chapter 1 - Vacation Fun(The girls of iCarly/Victorious/Sam & Cat go on Vacation together to catch up and relax.)With everyone off doing their own thing, there hasn’t been much time to hang out like they did in the past, so it is no shock that when everyone got the invitation Tori and Jade sent out, they accepted without a second thought. The invitation is for a week’s vacation at a private beach house, complete with a small private beach, Tori won the vacation as a prize in a...

3 years ago
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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 9 school meeting

Thursday August 9 2007 6:10 am Guest cottage area The green space in front of my house Homestake Paranormal Activities Research Center I am running through my morning routine, when Becky rolls up with a cart and Gunny driving. I glance over the carts back deck, to see traveling bags all laid on it? I walk over to see what is happening "Hi Gunny what is going on?" "Heya Kyley, Ahh I think Becky should tell you? As I don't want to get hurt!" "Haaa you old warrior. Your afraid......

2 years ago
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Vacation With Benefits

My girlfriend Roxanne found the ad in the paper. A free Caribbean vacation and all we had to do was listen to a sales pitch. I bitched that it probably was just a come-on, but she was intrigued. So on Saturday we sat through an hour and a half of a boring presentation for Isla Cachonda condos. The only thing that kept me awake was the amazing body of the presenter. She was built like a goddess, and her lines were well rehearsed. The twenty or so people at the presentation were...

2 years ago
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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 7

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels Peril a...

2 years ago
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Melvin a Whateley Tale Part 2

Chapter 5 Mom? Bastogne winter unknown date I moved through the snow my black hair flying loose in the wind behind me while covering the girl in my arms with my body. It was freezing outside and the snowstorm reduced the sight to a mere few meters. I decided we would need some cover and I knew that the best way to find some was to walk to the towards the enemy lines. Howitzer were always build in some kind of trenches. Moving towards the rumpling sound of the ongoing bombardment I...

4 years ago
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Vacation Isle

Nora Fleming waited anxiously for her son Darrin to arrive home from his summer job at the landscaping business he worked at with his two friends. Her son had just recently graduated from high school, and the eighteen year old was trying to earn extra college money with his summer off. Nora could not have been prouder of her son when he had graduated with honors and gotten a scholarship to the state university. She had wanted to give him something special for his graduation, but the money was...

3 years ago
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Vacation Turned Horny With Friendly Couple

Hello, everybody. Hope all readers are doing fine…And keeping good health… This is raj here with our new update after many years… My wife and I went to one of the club Mahindra resorts…For a short vacation of 4 days…It was a vacation after 4 years of planning and then canceling… Anyways let me introduce us…Myself raj and dear wife…Nisha…We are 36 and 33 respectively. Finally we arrived at this club mahindra resort where our vacation was planned for 4 days…We checked in the morning only to...

1 year ago
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Vacation at Aunt Jessicas Part 1

VACATION AT AUNT JESSICA?S - PART 1 By Nicki Germain Translated into English by Leah The main characters of this story: Myself, that is, the eleven-year-old Nicki. For his age very small and of girl-like stature with long auburn hair My Mom Aunt Jessica, also called Jessie, and the twin sister of Mom Nicole, or affectionately Nici, whom I still miss very much Sebastian, a twelve-year-old boy who in the story becomes my best friend Preface This story has...

2 years ago
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Vacation with Teens 6 The Afterparty

“Well, I guess I’ll be getting into my own bed.” Leah whispered. By the uproar in the hallway, they heard Lily had returned from the party. The loudness of the noises made her assume that Lily was slightly drunk. “Yeah… you should.” As much as he wanted to keep his little teen close to him, Robert knew his wife must never find out about this. “Remember. You’re not telling anyone right?” He added to make sure she understood. Leah nodded as she got up from the bed. Robert had replaced the...

3 years ago
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Vacation with Teens 6 The Afterparty

“Well, I guess I’ll be getting into my own bed.” Leah whispered. By the uproar in the hallway, they heard Lily had returned from the party. The loudness of the noises made her assume that Lily was slightly drunk. “Yeah… you should.” As much as he wanted to keep his little teen close to him, Robert knew his wife must never find out about this. “Remember. You’re not telling anyone right?” He added to make sure she understood. Leah nodded as she got up from the bed. Robert had replaced the...

3 years ago
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Vacation in Latex 1

VACATION in LATEX by cc & H.S.S. My name is Clinton Crayle, and I'm a very different kind of Private Eye My specialty is untangling the kinky sex lives of the very rich and I'm good at it. Very good! My fee is a thousand dollars a day, and I'm seldom out of work because my clients know my discretion is absolute and I guarantee my results. So if you're rich and in a jam, come to my office... But not till I'm back from vacation! It was to be a real luxury vacation. My last...

2 years ago
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Vacation TwoChapter 26

One nice February morning, while I was up early having coffee, Glenda walked over and sat with me. "Congratulations, Steve," she said simply. When I looked at her quizzically she said, "It was a year ago today that you rented that little trailer from Abe." She patted my hand and said, "You have come a long, long way in a year. It seems like it has been a lifetime since you first came. We may need to have a celebration." "You know, Glenda, that little patio became too small for us...

1 year ago
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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 2

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

2 years ago
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Melvin a Whateley Tale Part 3

Chapter 9 A new wardrobe and a Day at work After Sara and I managed to comfort Dr. Otto that I wasn't a threat, I finally was allowed to go back home. My clothes however didn't fit any longer and Sara seemed to understand what bugged me. "You know we should do something about your clothes Melanie." "Ain't no way around that?" I winced. "Don't you worry I happen to know the best tailor in Dunwich. Do you already have your school uniform ready?" I had not and I was pretty...

4 years ago
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Vacation Preparation

This is my first attend in writing these events, the person’s names has been change, the events has not. Also if there any grammatical mistake please let me know and I would do my best to clean them up. Julia and Sandy are two very attractive 40, and 43 year old wife. I am married to Sandy for the last 19 years. They are both petite hot looking ladies that exude sexuality. Sandy has a very nice tight ass; this is due to her constant Zumba dancing. Julia has almost the same figure as Sandy but...

1 year ago
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Vacation Suprises

My wife, Lisa and I had been married for 10 years we were both 21 when we were married. Lisa was an absolute sexy woman at 5'6'' 120 pounds with 34c boobs and long tan legs, men would always check her out. At 31 she hadn't lost any of it, and had only grown sexier. She looked young and even got carded sometimes when we would be out for drinks. Lisa was a virgin when we were married and was very conservative when it came to sex in the beginning due to her strong religious parents. Over time we...

1 year ago
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Vacation with Benefits Part 2 New Guests

We arrived at 227, and I opened it with the card key. I put his bags down and faced him. There was fire in his eyes as I could see him debate whether or not to jump me. I put my finger in the middle of his chest and said, "You should take a shower." He was incredulous. "A shower?" "Yes," I said. "I like my men squeaky clean." He frowned for a second. "Man, if this is one of Mitch's practical jokes, I'm gonna kill him." He went into the bathroom to disrobe, perhaps not...

2 years ago
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Vacation With Sexy Mom 8211 Part 3

Hello to my readers. First of all, if you have read both the previous parts, then a big thank you to you all. As promised, I am here with the third part. Let’s continue. The last 2 days of the vacation remained for Malini and her son, Anil. “Only 2 days!” Malini had thought to herself. She was up the next day. Anil was still asleep. “Maybe dreaming about his mom giving him a blowjob,” Malini thought. Malini wondered whether she had played the game too slow with her son. Women don’t appear too...

1 year ago
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Vacation! God how long has it been? This will be wonderful ... going to a romantic place with the man you love and - for a whole week - you don't have to cut up anyone else's meat ... no bedtime stories (unless you count the Penthouse Letters.) No hurt knees or feelings to soothe. Only you and Michael and your fantasies. You got lucky; the plane isn't crowded. You settle in - Michael by the window, you by the aisle and no one in between. The plane takes off and Michael lifts the armrests...

1 year ago
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Vacation turned into extramarital extravaganza Extra Marital Affair Stories

After a long time, my husband and I planned a vacation. It was a much-needed break that we were planning for years. After going through a rough patch financially and emotionally this was our way to reconcile and ignite the spark. We planned a trip to Costa Rica and landed there as per schedule. We checked in our hotel room and I hoped for some romantic moment after that. But Barney, my husband just sat down with his laptop on skype. Turns out, he had a meeting with a few investors and it could...

Extra Marital Affair
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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 3

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

3 years ago
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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 1

Hi there and thank you for reading this little introduction. My handle is Branek, and what you are going to read is a joint venture of a group of Authors. Together Nuuan , Shadowsblade and myself are writing a Fan Fiction set in the Whateley universe. This tale will be readable from multiple characters and each of the main protagonist's is getting his or her own story. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels...

2 years ago
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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 1

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

2 years ago
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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 4

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

1 year ago
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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 5Dark Ones rise

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. But remember all. I am not leaving Shadowsblade behind! I will start writing her soon! To have an idea about the main protagonist...

2 years ago
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Vacation time part 4 of Past The Point of Pain

It is vacation time for Master and I and we always go to a cabin we timeshare with several other lifestyle couples, so a yearly schedule is planned out in advance for extended vacation times and the occasional weekends and holidays, once a year several if not all of the couples sharing ownership of the property have a get together for an extended weekend. For the next month and a half it is ours to go and relax and enjoy the surrounding woods, private pool and hot tub. The cabin sits...

4 years ago
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Vacation of a Lifetime

It was to have been the vacation of a lifetime, an all expenses paid vacation to the Bahamas for the entire Robinson family. Things weren't working out quite as you expected, though. You land at the airstrip of a small island with a sandy beach perimeter, a thick jungle interior, and -- seemingly -- only one house, a beautiful three story estate that sits on a small rocky rise looking down upon all about it. The pilot quickly unloaded your bags and pointed you toward the house, then fired up...

1 year ago
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Vacation Fun

My wife and I are a very happily married couple of 15 years. Our biggest regret during this time is not spending as much time with each other as what we should have. Work, church activities and c***dren have always seemed to be higher priorities than taking time away together once in a while. For our 15th anniversary this year we decided it was time to finally get away together. We had taken the odd weekend away but never a full week away since we had been married. We both decided a few months...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale part 11

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. In this chapter....Kyley completes her journey to Whateley and helps her soon to be roommate out. NOTE that this chapter Kyley talks over the subject of attempted suicide. So if that subject bothers you? You might want to stop on this one? He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive? A human high school and...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 20 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

3 years ago
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Vacation on the Wild Side

I was off the next day, so I had plenty of time to research some resorts while Michelle was at work. I didn’t know if we should agree to go to one but the more I thought about last night, the hornier I got. This was before everyone had a computer at home and the internet made things easy. I went to a local travel agent and was able to get brochures on several different resorts. When I got home, I spent all afternoon looking through them. I finally found one that was an adult only, clothing...

2 years ago
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Vacation in Paradise

As I admired my bikini-clad figure in the dressing room, I knew that all of the exercise and dieting had been worth the sacrifice. At 39, my petite body was as toned and supple as it had been in my early 20s. The white string bikini contrasted beautifully with my long strawberry blond hair and green eyes and perfectly accentuated my perky 34 C breasts and the tight curves of my ass. Having climbed enough stairs on the gym stair climber to reach the moon and back in the past 4 months, I was...

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Rose and Owen Harper saved up all year for their big family vacation. This year, they'd be taking their four children - 20-year-old Dean, 18-year-old Finn, and 15-year-old twins Lucy and Lily - to Florida. They were thrilled at the idea of taking the kids to the central Florida theme parks, spending time at the beach, and, most importantly, having some romantic time alone together while they were there. It was Rose's suggestion to hire a babysitter to come along for the trip. It made sense;...

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Vacation in Paradise

As I admired my bikini-clad figure in the dressing room, I knew that all of the exercise and dieting had been worth the sacrifice. At 39, my petite body was as toned and supple as it had been in my early 20s. The white string bikini contrasted beautifully with my long strawberry blond hair and green eyes and perfectly accentuated my perky 34 C breasts and the tight curves of my ass. Having climbed enough stairs on the gym stair climber to reach the moon and back in the past 4 months, I was...

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Vacation Mistake

My Wife of 15 years and myself finally got a vacation away from the k**s when a family member agreed to sit for a week. We had missed out on a honeymoon and the last 14 years had been just work and look after our growing family. Needless to say we were both ready to have a great vacation in the Caribbean.We arrived early in the morning at the airport and after a long day of travel were tired but not wanting to waste any time we still went to one of the resort bars for some drinks. I was in the...

1 year ago
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Vacation Folly

I’d been working for the county for eleven years, ever since I was fresh out of college at 22. I decided to use up some of my accumulated vacation pay. To tell the truth, I was told by HR that if I didn’t use up some of my accumulated time off I’d get an official censure which would count against me when the next cycle of raises came around. It was in the early spring of 2003. Well, that sent me into a flurry of activity, delegating everything that I could. I wasn’t the top guy in the IT...

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Vacation at the BeachChapter 4

When parents go on vacation, their intent is slightly different than that of their children. That’s because there’s a big difference between the average day in an adult’s life and a child’s life. Parents like to talk about how rough they had it as kids, by comparison to what their own kids have to endure on a daily basis. But that’s mostly bunk. Kids always have it better than their parents. Nobody is taking care of the parents, feeding them, clothing them, worrying about them. And kids take...

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VacationChapter 75

Day Seventy-five - Friday My face was between two wonderfully full breasts. If there was a problem, it would be that it is impossible to get air when your face is being hugged into Sue's chest. I pulled loose to move up to be able to kiss her. As soon as I kissed her, she pulled my face back down to her breasts. This time I caught a taught nipple in my mouth and sucked, causing a loud groan from Sue. Sue's nipples were like those big hanging controls for the doors at the shop. You pushed...

1 year ago
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One day my girlfriend and I was on vacation in Barbados. She was very excited to go on vacation when it was just us two.My girlfriend was a bbw with big tits flat stomach… One day my girlfriend and I was on vacation in Barbados. She was very excited to go on vacation when it was just us two.My girlfriend was a bbw with big tits flat stomach , and a flat stomach. She told me on the plane, when we get on the beach to wear nothing but speedos and thongs. I instantly thought she was crazy and...

Sex With Stranger
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Emerald Princess Chapter 7 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 4 and 5 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...

4 years ago
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Vantier a Whateley Tale part 10

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. In this chapter....Kyley and Becky journey to Whateley via NY city! AKA Road Trip! He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive? A human high school and being a teenager? Will she remember what was? And grow in power? most of my current stories can be found on Fictionmania Or if you want to input...

2 years ago
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Vacation made in Heaven and Hell part 1

Vacation made in Heaven ... and Hell part 1 Alison Green and Jeanette Farrell had been friends and neighbours for many years now. Moving into adjoining houses as strangers, the newlyweds had bonded pretty much instantly and soon became the fastest of friends. Fifteen years later they had been through a lot together, the high and low points being the birth of their children and the loss of their husbands. While cancer had taken John Green, an affair with 'that dirty little slut from the...

1 year ago
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Vacation at the Beach 2

I was having a terrific dream, my sister Sarah was sucking my dick and I was just about to blow my load down her throat. I opened my eyes to see that it wasn’t a dream, it was real, my sister was sucking my dick and I was about to blow my load down her throat! She looked up at my face and her eyes lit up seeing me smiling at her. I reached out and stroked her hair as she continued to bob up and down on my dick. Next to us in the bed was our mother, naked and still asleep, the three of us...

2 years ago
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Vacation to Tobago Island

Introduction: While on vacation, Sam finds a little black hooker that he specds time with. The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 16. Enjoy. ______________________________________________________________ Thirty-two year old Sam Stevenson saved his money for a couple of years to afford the vacation that he wanted. He had long wanted to go to the island of Tobago. Finally he was on the...

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Vacation Playmate Mg cons

Vacation Playmate By SpectreOfHell ‘So,’ Nick said as he studied the little girl sitting across from him. ‘What do you want to do?’ She shrugged, which was all that he had expected from her. He rolled his eyes, which she couldn’t see because her eyes were fixed firmly on the floor, and tried once again to figure out how he’d gotten stuck with babysitting duty. It certainly wasn’t what he’d planned to be doing on his vacation. Nick was forty years old, and this was the first vacation he’d...

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Vacation in Aruba

21 year old Jimmy Baker looked out of the hotel room's slider out over the beautiful beach 8 stories below. The tropical weather was perfect and the water crystal clear. A light breeze came in off the water which helped offset the 80+ degree temperatures. He was glad he decided to come to Aruba for this seven day vacation. He really needed it. After saving for almost two years he had hoped to be taking this vacation with his girlfriend, Beth. Unfortunately, just two weeks before their...

3 years ago
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Vacation With Your Best Friend

[First Name = Your Name] [Last Name = Friend's Name] The sun is shining brightly through the car windows as you speed along the highway toward your destination. You yawn lazily from the passengers seat; getting up at five in the morning is not your idea of a relaxing vacation, especially after two months of working at your summer job. Now it's only a few weeks until college starts back up again and you've only got a week of true vacation. Thankfully, you're spending it the only way you can...

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Vacation orgy

My wife and I were staying at a resort on a relaxing vacation for a few days. Our normal routine was wake up, have sex, then go site seeing. This day, after sex, we decided to lounge at the pool. We were a little annoyed by a bunch of teens being loud while playing in the pool. Fortunately, they had drink service at the pool so we were getting drunk. It seemed like they were staying right in front of where we were trying to relax in the lounge chairs. I started looking towards them and realized...

1 year ago
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Vacation on a distant island part 1

There was a sense, a certain feel to it. The way it was obvious what about to happen. And he could see she had become troubled with how to behave about the consequences. He expected to be told not to look. Dabby flinched. Ben tried not to look, but it was too gross to ignore it. It wasn't the first time he'd expect her to get mad. But still, they haven't been exactly coming to terms with any of this. *** Couple of months ago they had been on vacation. The whole family been there, on...

2 years ago
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Vacation Surprise Part 2

As we walk into the bathroom, I notice it has a modern design to it. She opens the door to a large standing shower and turns on the shower. I can see how wet our bodies have become and she beckons me in with a sly smile on her face. She pours water all over my body, giggling as she does and I chuckle and tell her that she had better be careful lest I jump her. "Oh my! Wonder what will happen if I don't stop?" I lean in and give her a passionate french kiss, catching her slightly off guard....

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