Indiscretions Ch. 08 free porn video

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Melissa Singleton got up in the morning, took a shower and got dressed. The print-decorated man-tailored blouse and gray slacks she chose looked terrific on her, but she wasn’t aware of that. Then she straightened up the house.

Tom was due home from another overnight trip today, and Melissa made a practice of having the house look extra-good when her husband got back from a trip. The phone rang. She walked over and picked it up.

‘Melissa,’ Tom’s voice came through the receiver. ‘Honey, I hate to tell you this, but I picked up another contract, I won’t be home until Monday.’

‘Oh, Tom,’ Melissa replied. She made no attempt to keep the sound of disappointment from her voice. She planned an all-out effort to revive their sex life and get their marriage back on track this weekend. ‘Do you really have to?’

‘Afraid so,’ he replied. ‘You know we need the extra money.’

Melissa for the first time allowed herself to speculate about what Tom might really be doing on the trips he seemed to be taking more and more lately. Upsetting thoughts rushed from the far corner of her mind where she had buried them because they were too painful to consider.

‘Look, Melissa,’ Tom said. ‘I have to get going. I’ll see you Monday.’

‘When will you get home?’ Melissa asked.

‘Probably by noon,’ he said.

‘Tom, I…I love you,’ Melissa said softly.

‘Yeah, me, too,’ Tom replied. Then he was gone.

Melissa felt tears welling up in her eyes. She didn’t understand what was happening to them. For the past eight months, their marriage had been coming apart at the seams. Tom, once a loving, attentive husband, was gone all the time. And when he was home, he hardly paid any attention to her any more. She couldn’t remember the last time he’d even tried to make love to her. She was lonely. And, although she wouldn’t admit it to herself, she was horny, too.

As part of her preparations for the weekend, Melissa had made an appointment to get her hair done. Dorrie McNamara, the girl who did Melissa’s hair, was a divorcee. She was a bit brassy, but Melissa liked her. Dorrie always seemed to be up and happy.

Melissa, depressed after Tom’s phone call, did housework until it was time for her hairdresser’s appointment. Knowing she’d get to spend time talking with Dorrie gave Melissa something to look forward to.

At one, Melissa pulled her station wagon into the parking lot in front of Dorrie’s salon. She was surprised no other cars were there.

‘You weren’t planning to take the afternoon off, were you, Dorrie?’ Melissa asked when she got inside.

Dorrie grabbed her arm. ‘No, I wasn’t,’ she said. ‘Take off your coat and get over in the chair. Let’s get started.’ She led Melissa to the special sink used for shampooing customers, sat her down in the chair, and put a protective cover over her.

‘Talk to me, Melissa,’ Dorrie said. She had Melissa lay back and began to wet her hair. ‘You look and sound depressed.’

Melissa felt herself relaxing when Dorrie began to work the shampoo into her hair, filling it with luxuriant white foam. Her scalp tingled delightfully from Dorrie’s fingers massaging it. ‘Well,’ she said, ‘Things between Tom and me haven’t been going too well…’ She was surprised how easily all of her troubles came out once she started talking.

Dorrie finished applying the shampoo, rinsed the lather out of Melissa’s hair, had her sit up, and wrapped a towel around her head.

‘I know what I’d do if I were you,’ Dorrie commented as they walked to the front of the shop, ‘If my old man wasn’t taking care of business, I’d find someone who could.’

‘You…you mean take…take a…a lover?’ Melissa stammered, startled. ‘I…I could never…ever do that.’

‘I’m not telling you to do it, or not to do it,’ Dorrie said. ‘I’m just saying what I’d do. I’d find me a nice, horny young stud who could screw me silly.’

Melissa felt her cheeks get hot and knew she was blushing. ‘Tom…he’s…he’s the only man I…I ever…’ she stammered.

‘My personal point of view…’ Dorrie commented as she clipped a little off the back of Melissa’s hair, ‘…is that monogamy is highly over-rated. But that’s me. Like I said, I’m not telling you to do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing. I’m just saying what I’d do. You have to do what you feel OK doing.’

Melissa had to admit that the idea of an affair was exciting, but try as she would, she couldn’t picture herself going to bed with anyone but Tom. She had a good reputation, a good life, and she didn’t want to risk losing it.

‘I couldn’t do that,’ she said at last. ‘I just couldn’t.’

Dorrie was blow-drying her hair. Melissa closed her eyes and enjoyed the warm blast of hot air and the feel of the comb sliding through her tresses.

‘Hey, you know, there is something else you could do, I guess,’ Dorrie said. ‘I just remembered.’ She put the finishing touches on Melissa’s hair.

‘What’s that?’ Melissa asked as she examined her new coiffure in the mirror. She thought it looked nice. ‘Tom will really like this,’ she mused. Then she remembered her husband wouldn’t be coming home to see it.

‘Stay where you are,’ Dorrie said. ‘I’ll be right back.’ She disappeared through a doorway that led from the salon into her living quarters. In a few minutes, she returned, carrying a pinkish tube in her hand.

‘What on earth is that?’ Melissa asked. The thing Dorrie held in her hand looked almost like a penis!

Dorrie held the device up for Melissa to see. It was a large, life-like, artificial penis. The hairdresser smiled. ‘This isn’t nearly as much fun as a real one,’ she said, ‘but it’s a helluva lot better than going horny.’

‘I…Oh God!…I’d have no idea where to find something like that, even if I wanted to,’ Melissa stammered. She couldn’t take her eyes off the device Dorrie held. It looked so real!

‘Take this one,’ Dorrie said. ‘It’s the only one I’ve got that isn’t battery operated and…’ she giggled, ‘…ever since I met Benny, I haven’t needed it anyhow.’ She had an idea she’d piqued Melissa’s interest.

Melissa drove away from Dorrie’s shop, her mind spinning. ‘I could never take a lover,’ she thought. Then her thoughts turned to the dildo in her purse. She wondered what using one felt like.

‘It will probably feel better than my fingers,’ she said out loud.

When she got home, Melissa went into the house and directly up the stairs to her bedroom. She laid her purse on the bed, locked the bedroom door, then she walked to the bed and sat down. With trembling hands she slipped the fake penis out of her purse, held it up, and examined it.

‘It’s cold and it doesn’t feel very real,’ she thought, as she gazed at the device. ‘But it sure does look real!’ She giggled nervously. ‘It’s been a long time since I’ve held a cock this hard,’ she said. Her voice sounded strange in the empty bedroom.

‘It might just feel nice,’ Melissa thought. She sat there, looking at the dildo. ‘Now what?’ Getting in the mood was a problem. She got up, walked to the closet, stripped off her clothes, and stood in the closet fingering one of the silken negligees hanging in the closet. Then, naked, she turned and walked back to the bed.

She laid down, picked up the dildo, and felt herself starting to grow excited. What would it feel like? She began rubbing the sex appliance over her body and made a surprising discovery. The dildo got warmer the longer she held it! She moved it across one of her nipples and shivered as ripples of excitement raced through her. She moved it to the other breast and got more fantastic sensations. She kept moving it from breast to breast while excitement grew and spread through her.

At last, tentatively, a little breathless from self-induced desire, she slid the ersatz penis between her trembling thighs and rubbed the shaft against her labia. Wave after delightful wave of glorious sensation swept
over her. Her hips rose off the bed, seeking closer contact with the marvelous tool.

Melissa continued sliding the implement up and down against the sensitive flesh of her vagina. She tried rubbing it against her clit and her hips jolted. It really felt wonderful! She groaned and her hips began to rock as she continued arousing herself with the sex utensil, which continued to send sweet sensations into her.

At last, she moved the dildo so the tip was positioned between the puffy lips of her vagina and, slowly, began advancing it into her body.

‘Ohhhhh!!!!’ she groaned. It felt good! It felt unbelievably good! The soft plastic wand filled her and made her insides quake with joy. Her hips continued to hunch upward as she slid the wonderful warm device in and out of her clasping hole. She felt her hunger growing and realized she was getting near to her peak.

‘Yesssss!!! Oh, Yessssss!!!’ she groaned. One hand continued thrusting the dildo into her body, while the other moved to her juice-soaked clit. She was going to come! She had to…

The phone rang. Melissa, startled, froze, and felt very embarrassed, as if the person on the other end of the phone knew what she was doing. Reluctantly she pulled the dildo from her, rolled over, and reached for the phone.

‘Hel…hello,’ Melissa stammered into the phone. Her body was trembling with unsatisfied need. All she wanted was get the call over with and get back to satisfying herself.

‘Mrs. Singleton,’ Mitch said, ‘I’m not disturbing you, am I?’

‘Ah…no,’ Melissa replied. ‘He’d sure be surprised if he knew what he interrupted!’ she thought. ‘I, ah, I was working on something.’ Was she ever!

‘Oh,’ he said softly. ‘I, ah, I wanted to talk to you about making some changes in the way we do things, especially since Mr. Singleton seems to be on the road a lot more. I thought if you weren’t busy, ah, maybe I could run them by you and see what you think.’

‘Tell him you’re busy!’ a voice inside Melissa screamed, but she didn’t listen. ‘All right,’ she told Mitch, ‘come on up to the house, we’ll have a cup of coffee and go over them.’

‘Be right there,’ Mitch said, and hung up.

Melissa rolled over, dropped the phone back in the cradle, and looked down at the pink sex toy laying on the bed next to her. ‘I guess I’ll just have to wait,’ she thought, a bit disappointed. She got out of bed and slipped on her blouse and slacks. She didn’t bother putting her undergarments on because she planned to come back up and finish what she’d started once she was done talking with Mitch.

She slipped into a pair of bedroom slippers and started for the door. She had forgotten she’d locked it, and was confused when it wouldn’t open. She got the door open and went on downstairs, after giving the fake penis on her bed a last longing look. ‘Maybe I’m really not supposed to use that thing,’ she thought. ‘Maybe I’m being punished.’

Downstairs, she went to the kitchen and put some water on the stove to heat. A cup of hot chocolate would be nice. There was coffee on for Mitch, but Melissa preferred hot chocolate. Actually, she could use a drink. A strong one.

A knock sounded on the kitchen door. Melissa opened it and Mitch came in, carrying a yellow legal pad. ‘I’m not keeping you from anything, am I?’ he asked, looking around.

‘No,’ Melissa replied. ‘I was just doing some paperwork.’

‘Oh.’ Mitch felt his face grow hot. ‘Hey, you and she are alone, her old man’s gone more and more. You have a perfect opportunity to put some moves on her,’ a voice inside him said. He decided to ignore the voice, although it was hard.

‘Do you have your ideas written down?’ Melissa asked.

‘Ah…yeah, here on this pad,’ Mitch said and handed it to her.

Melissa took the folder and sat down at the kitchen table, then she looked up at Mitch, who was still standing.

‘Would you like a cup of coffee or some hot chocolate?’ she asked. She wasn’t exactly sure why she felt so tense.

‘Hot chocolate sounds good,’ Mitch said. ‘I figure I’ve had enough coffee for today.’

‘I put some water on, I’ll make some,’ Melissa said. She stood up and went to make the hot chocolate.

Mitch watched her, then he took off his jacket and sat down at the kitchen table. He thought saw Melissa’s breasts move when she stood up and felt a rush of excitement. ‘She isn’t wearing a bra!’ he realized, and felt his penis jump in his pants.

Melissa returned to the table carrying two cups of hot chocolate. She handed Mitch one, and set the other on the table where she had been sitting. Then she sat down and began to read over the ideas the hired man had written on the pad.

Mitch stared at her, captivated by the movements of her unfettered breasts beneath her blouse. He shifted in his seat to alleviate the pressure caused by his growing erection. He couldn’t keep pictures of her bare breasts from flashing through his overheated mind.

Melissa finished reading, looked up, and smiled. ‘These ideas are very good, Mitch,’ she said.

‘Ah, thank you. I figured they’d help us get things done more efficiently, you know?’ Mitch replied. He had a problem. How was he going to get out of the kitchen without her seeing his hard-on?

Melissa smiled at him. ‘Tom will be home Monday, and I’ll show these to him,’ she said. ‘I have a feeling he’ll be very impressed.’

‘Ah…thanks,’ Mitch stammered. He took a sip of his hot chocolate. His hands were trembling. Why?

‘I’m surprised you’re here and not out on a date,’ Melissa said. Part of her wanted him to leave so she could get back to pleasuring herself, and part of her kept remembering what Dorrie had said. ‘I’d take a lover, a young one.’ She tried to force the unwelcome thought from her mind, but it kept coming back. ‘I wonder what he’d be like as a lover…’ She shook her head, trying to clear it.

‘I…I ain’t been dating all that much,’ Mitch was saying. ‘I mean, I just moved to town, you know, and I haven’t met a lot of women yet.’ He had met Bonnie, but he wasn’t sure Melissa would approve of his having an affair with a married woman, so he didn’t mention her.

‘You don’t have anyone special in your life?’ Melissa asked, not sure why she felt a sudden burst of elation.

‘No…nobody special,’ Mitch said and drank more of his hot chocolate.

‘I would imagine that will change,’ Melissa said. ‘A good-looking guy like you shouldn’t have any problem finding girls to date.’ ‘I sure wouldn’t mind going to bed with you! I bet I’d give you a thrill you’d never forget.’ The sudden lustful thought almost made her choke on her hot chocolate. What was wrong with her?

‘I dunno,’ Mitch said. He stared into the nearly empty cup in his hands. Thoughts flooded his mind, things he could have said, wanted to say, but didn’t think he should. He decided it was time to leave, before he did something he’d regret. Holding his jacket in front of him, he stood up. ‘I…uh…I guess I better get going, Mrs. Singleton,’ he said. He turned and started for the door. ‘Thanks for the hot chocolate and for looking at my ideas.’

‘Thank you for coming up with those suggestions,’ Melissa said. ‘I’m sure Tom will like them. He’ll probably discuss them with you next week when he gets back.’ She got up, followed Mitch to the door, and watched him walk to his truck. She wondered why he hadn’t put his jacket on until he was outside.

‘Maybe he’s got the hots for you,’ the voice inside her said. ‘He probably got a hard-on from seeing you without a bra.’ ‘Melissa Singleton!’ she scolded herself, ‘What on earth is wrong with you?’

Still filled with yearning and confused by her lewd thoughts about Mitch, Melissa picked up the cups, put them in the dishwasher, then she went back up to her bedroom.

She shed her clothes, laid back down on the bed, picked up the sex toy, and soon was experiencing all the bliss it could give her. As she worked the magical devic
e in and out of her vagina, pictures of Mitch’s face kept flashing in her mind.

‘Nooooo!!!!’ she moaned as her hands thrust the life-like wand into her juice-slick opening with increasing fervor. Then, ‘Yessssssss!!!!! Yessssssss!!!!! Oh, yesssssss!!!!’ she wailed when her body began to convulse with joy. ‘Mitch!!!! Oh, Mitch!!!!!! Fuck me!! Fuck meeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!’ she cried, her hips hammering up and down on the bed.

Later, her need appeased, she turned out the lights and fell asleep. And dreamed of Mitch, not her husband, making love to her.

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We’d gathered up all of our stuff from the car and brought it all inside. While doing this, Caroline said, “I guess you decided. That’s a great idea, using the same signage all three places. The signage on El Camino Real Freeway may have to comport to the rest of the signage of the other stores in the center. You have a unique look to the O’Hara Real Estate sign you have now. That could be a deal-breaker if they won’t let you use your own ‘logo.’ Did you, by chance, get a trademark for...

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Check Yes or No

Tuesday had not been the best of days. So on Wednesday, Jacob Eckholm was not in a good mood. Not hateful. Not bad. He was just . . . there. He got to work early and really didn’t want to talk or interact with anyone, but in his job that wasn’t an option. Luckily he got to his room before anyone could engage him in conversation, so he shut the door and steeled himself for the inevitable barrage of questions that were coming. Fitzpatrick High School wasn’t a big place and news traveled fast,...

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Confessions of a Sex Crazy Cross Dresser Part 11

Hi All, it required a couple of re-writes to make it better. The final chapter of Sandy's adventures in book 1. Please let me know if I should publish book 2 Chapter 21: Nikki’s Night and Sandy ’s Night to Remember I finished shaving Nikki spending a lot of time shaving her pubic hair. I made a small heart shape right above her clit and took off all the rest of her hair. When I finished shaving my new love muffin, I took a shower. When I was dry we got dressed together after a couple more...

2 years ago
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Casual Hookup With A Colleague

Mail me on for any queries, advice or friendly meetups. ;) So let’s start our sex story. Twinkle is her name, is the secretary of our office, a large corporate sprawl set in the heart of the city. Twinkle is a regular middle-class girl, always dressed simply. She isn’t very good looking, a bit on the heftier side. Her stats would be roughly about 34-32-36, and since she was only 5 feet 2 inches tall, these stats gave her strangely an attractive shape, mainly because the assets spilled over a...

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© Copyright This story was written for a special friend of mine and you will see I use her name a lot in my stories. I love you baby. Walt has been a loner since he graduated from high school. He's not had any close friends, just a few people that he knows in town. It never really bothered him much at all. The only time it does, is when he needs female company. Then there are the local bars that Walt visits on the weekends, and most of the time he can find a woman to go home with. He...

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The Katy Nightmare Part 2

It had been a great weekend. Friday night had been great, with all of the expected friends showing up at my house, while on Saturday I'd headed to the local pub for a sociable drink with some of the regulars that I'd got to know there. It was a typical end to a mostly typical week for me nowadays, and indeed for all of my other friends, all of us having outgrown the lifestyle we'd had a few years before. I could remember the average week back then well. It'd start on a...

3 years ago
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Motherinlaw fuck

Mother-in-law opportunity Sam noticed Jim had left the door open for him, and couldn’t resist going straight inside. He saw Wendy inside, spread out on the bed, deep asleep. She was still wearing her party clothes…high heeled sandals, black stockings, a low cut halter dress that barely contained her tits.He stood inside the doorway, debating. She was breathing heavily and evenly. She’d probablly had a lot to drink and passed out. He felt safe having a closer look.Shutting the door quietly Sam...

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After The Dance1

The dance had gone well enough, I suppose. I had only needed to send three students home for being under the influence, a phone call home that is never fun to have to make, especially with those parents, increasing in number, it seemed, who felt like being suspended from school for being drunk at a school dance was an unreasonable breach of school authority. But the remainder of the night had gone as well as could be hoped for, and I was waiting around while the student council volunteers...

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Caroles Story 11 Bachelor Party

For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down below her shoulders. Her breasts are large, full, and natural with just a hint of sag. Each breast is tipped by large round light-brown areola that forms big beautiful circles around her protruding hard nipples. Her...

1 year ago
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The Devils Pact Slave ChroniclesChapter 10 Monica My Husbands Slave

Note: Over a year ago, Mark gave Monica the command to do whatever filthy things her husband wants. Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Saturday, June 7th, 2014 – Monica Jephson – Tacoma, WA I woke up bound, the sunlight streaming through the window. My bladder was full, urgent. My husband, and master, snored next to me. I turned my head, trying to ignore the sun and my bladder. It was still early; Jonathon wouldn't want to be woken up before eight, and he would be most displeased if I...

4 years ago
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Wife turns Slut at Football Game

It was day one of the new NFL season and the boys and I were set to watchsome football. I had just put in a big screen TV and naturally all myfriends wanted to watch the first big Giants game on my new set. The Giantswere playing the Packers this afternoon. It was with great irony thatbefore half-time was over the only Giants we cared about were those packingour shorts.The boys showed up about 12:30 with beer and munchies in tow. It was theleast they could do, since I was providing the TV. I...

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The gift 2

Let me recap some here, Alicia and I just had an amazing fuck, she was totally into it and very willing. Ever since I fell down the stairs and Mr. Fred offered me a gift, thing started to go very strangely after that. He told me all I needed to do was think of anything and that thought would come to pass. I remember thinking of Alicia and how it would feel to fuck her, and she shuddered each time I had a thought. When we were done fucking and I deposited a large load of cum in...

4 years ago
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The House In The Woods A Sexual HistoryChapter 28

When the phone rang early on a Monday morning, in the autumn of 1978, two days before Steve's appeal hearing was due to start, I yawned my way to the desk I had recently installed in the corner of the bedroom, and picked up the receiver. Felicity had warned she might call early. "Your girlfriend's dead," said a flat, deep female voice, before I could even say hello. Three faces seemed to flash before my eyes, Sarah, Steve, and oddly, Margaret. I dropped the phone and sat down quickly. A...

2 years ago
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The Jade Box Part 3

Amy hung back after class had finished and slowly approached the Teacher. 'What can I do for you Miss. Denton?' He asked. 'Um...this play thing.' 'Shakespeare.' 'Yeah. I...ah...I'm not good at that acting thing.' 'Well now is your chance to get good then. I intend for the class to perform it in front of the school.' Amy tried another tact. 'Is there any way I can get out of doing this?' 'Well one was to be on time for my class. But I guess there is one other...

3 years ago
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Mai meri biwi aur meri behan

Hi everyone back with another story. Meri shadi hue 1 saal ho gayi aur meri patni (rani) ko roj chodta hu. Problem ye thi ki chudai ke saath saath uske boobs ko bhi chusna parta tha warna woh jharti nahi thi. Mai usko kutia bana ke chodna chahta tha magar aise pose me uske boobs ko chusna mushkil tha isliye normal style se chodna parta tha. Shayad usko lagne laga ki mai bore hone laga hu. Ek din ghar pahucha to dekha ki ek 18-19 saal ki adiwasi larki ghar par thi sawla rang tha 4.5 feet ki...

3 years ago
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First Time Sex With Engineering College Girl In Tirupati

Hi everyone I am very big fan of iss I came to know about this site through my friend and I started reading every day when I’m free. Today I am her to share my fucking experience with all iss readers this incident wad happened in 2008 when I was in my first year of my bachelor of technology. When I was in first year of my lab teacher divided us into batches each batch consists of five students me and Pooja are in one batch and she is very intelligent and shy girl. After every lab I used to ask...

1 year ago
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GirlsDoPorn 19 Years Old E495

This gorgeous, exotic, super horny 20 year old amateur chick has returned and she’s about to push her limits and have a damn good time doing it lol! As I’m sure you guys already know, when a girl comes back for a repeat visit here on Girls Do Porn she generally pushes her envelope and tries something new to keep things fresh, and for this beautiful girl that means taking on two cocks at once…including double penetration, with anal sex and pussy fucking at the same time! If you...

3 years ago
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Hard PromiseChapter 10

The next few weeks were hell on me, but in my state of mind I didn't much care if I was in pain or not. Actually, my attitude probably helped me play football better, because now I had a nice, legal outlet for the mayhem I wanted to inflict. I hit harder in practice and during games, and jumped back up and asked for more if I was knocked down. Micki began dressing a little more conservatively, and stopped hitting on other guys, seemingly having learned her lesson. On the other hand, she...

1 year ago
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It was a regular weekend night, some friends and I were drinking at my best friend Jared’s house. His parents had taken his little sister to Disney land for the weekend. His 17 years old older sister was still home, and she was a 12 out of ten blonde bombshell. She has perfectly round C cup tits with little pink nipples. She is naturally tanned, and shaves her pussy. I know all of this because a week ago we were swimming in Jared’s pool when Taryn came out for a dip in her tiny red bikini. I...

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In the Guest Room

You’re having difficulty sleeping and it’s not just because it’s a warm night. The main problem is that you can’t stop thinking about John, and the fact that he’s crashing in the guest room, just a short distance down the hallway. You think about your boyfriend’s friend a lot. Actually, ‘thinking’ doesn’t describe it properly. ‘Fantasizing’ is more accurate. You fantasize about him all the time, and now that he’s under the same roof your imagination has shifted into overdrive. What if you got...

1 year ago
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Sibling MagusChapter 39

The walk back to my car gave me time to think. The memories I saw left no doubt in my mind who cast the Lockdown. It made it too easy really. How much would Dalton give to be able to just go up to anyone she thought had done something wrong and check their memories to find out whether or not she was right? Yet, that was the rub. It wasn’t proof. I knew who the caster was, but I couldn’t prove it. What made the whole situation worse was the fact that I didn’t believe for a second that she was...

2 years ago
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Blackfeather11 Guns and Ammo

PA SURPRISED US by stopping at the gun shop on Second Avenue before we took Aubrey home. “You’re hanging around these ranch kids more and more, Aubrey,” Mom Ash said. “You ought to get a look at what they’re looking at.” “Are we getting guns?” Kyle asked. “Ramie’s interested in some reproductions, but it’s a good idea for you to have good side-arms when you are out running around the ranch. We’ve been hearing more reports of wolves in the lower hills lately and you might not have time to...

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The ins and outs of clothes shopping

This story is written from my perspective. You are me. Krystal. Tell me what you think. It has been a little over a year since the incident with Tyrone in my previous story. Things did not work out between myself, and Tyrone, or myself and Frank. I have been alone for a long time with no men in my life. Now a new story begins… You just left a costume party, you experimented with your first hit of ecstasy with friends earlier tonight, and you are still feeling it a little bit. You are still...

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Meri Pyari Pummy Didi 8211 Part 2

Hi ISS readers. This is Ravi. I received a great response and love from all you readers for my first ever story on ISS ‘Meri Pyari Pummy Didi – Part l’. Many of you ranked that story as the best ever on ISS. Thanks for all your love. Those who had not read my first story can read now on the above link. Before reading this story I request you all to please read the above story. The above story is one of the best on ISS. If you readers want to enjoy this story to its fullest, please read its...

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Mia Chapter 10 Spring Break Part I

Mia felt the cold breeze of the air-conditioning make the hairs on her arm stand on end. The warmth from the setting sun was still beating down outside the car. Looking over to the driver seat through drowsy eyes, she smiled inwardly at herself as she admired the view of her boyfriend Jesse. They had already crossed quite a few state lines as they got closer and closer to their spring break retreat. Daytona Beach was the destination and they were planning to stay for the full week. Mia relaxed...

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Rotkppchen und der bse Wolf

Es war ein schöner heller Morgen im Frühling, als Rotkäppchen sich auf den weg zu ihrer Großmutter machte. Ihrer Großmutter ging es nicht gut, hatte ihre Mutter ihr erzählt und so machte sich Rotkäppchen auf, um ihrer Großmutter einen Korb mit Kuchen und Wein zu bringen, damit bald sie wieder zu Kräften käme. Rotkäppchen war gerade achtzehn geworden und ein junges unverdorbenes und unerfahrenes Ding. Sie war einen Meter siebzig groß und hatte goldblondes Haar, feste Brüste, etwa zwei Hand voll...

1 year ago
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Breeding Day at the MallChapter 2 Employee Relations

(Luke’s Story) mc, mf, impreg. “Did you see the look on that boy’s face when his whore barreled out of the changing room?” “Yeah! He was just standing there with his dick hanging out like a dumb ass.” Luke Bradley listened to his co-workers Penny and Ashley as they idly mocked the two fleeing exhibitionists. Working with the public had exposed the twenty-two-year-old to a lot of strange behavior. However, to his knowledge, this was the first time someone had actually had sex in one of the...

3 years ago
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Porn Star

My neighbor, Mr. Brown, is a big dick. I mean major prick. He is one of these guys that gets mad whenever anyone gets on his grass, he yells at people all the time. His wife is a bitch also, she is in her thirties but dresses like she is a teenager. This day Josh and I had had been at the pool for a couple of hours playing our favorite game-who I would fuck and how. We sit around the pool with our sunglassses on watching all the ladies and tell each other how we would fuck them. Then we get...

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If the Spirit Is WillingChapter 3

Bill walked down the unplowed street, a knit Sabres hat on his head and a blue winter jacket half unzipped. A few inches had fallen over night, not enough to close school if it hadn't been a Saturday but enough to make the day off much more fun. Well ... after he and Dad had shoveled the driveway, that is. That had been gotten out of the way early, though, and now the rest of the day was his. A car was coming up the road behind him, and Bill took a look back to make sure it wasn't aiming...

2 years ago
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My Family Chapter 3

Sorry it took so long for me to fiinish Chapter 3CHAPTER 3 – The Plan We had passed out in Ashley’s bed after our dirty sex spawned by Ashley’s panties and us both admitting that we wanted to fuck our 16 year old daughter. I woke up and looked at the clock and it was only 1pm, I had already missed my golf game so I had nothing to do the rest of the day. I looked over at Cindy who was lying naked next to me, god she was a dirty, nasty slut and she was my wife and I loved her. I gently ran my...

4 years ago
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Garden Service

Garden Servicepart 1Charlie Thurston looked out over the garden while wiping his forehead with a piece of cloth. Two hours work had resulted in a mowed lawn, cleaned out pool and trimmed hedges. This was the second summer that Charlie spent his summer doing yard work as a summer job while attending college. First year with his own route and truck since last year he had worked alongside the owner of the company for a couple of weeks and then filled in spots where needed. But hard work paid of...

1 year ago
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Battlemage Book 6 Scarlet Rage UnleashedChapter 11

Nathan was wondering what was going on. He continued to work his way around the room but now he could clearly hear the men faintly screaming who were in the hallway. As he shifted into passive detection he could see that magic aura that the men gave off, were first running one way then another. It was obvious they were either chasing or being chased. Then quickly one by one he saw their aura's go out! He even saw the occasional spell go off, but the caster's aura still went out. They...

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