The Grantham ClinicChapter 13
- 3 years ago
- 28
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Melissa Singleton got up in the morning, took a shower and got dressed. The print-decorated man-tailored blouse and gray slacks she chose looked terrific on her, but she wasn’t aware of that. Then she straightened up the house.
Tom was due home from another overnight trip today, and Melissa made a practice of having the house look extra-good when her husband got back from a trip. The phone rang. She walked over and picked it up.
‘Melissa,’ Tom’s voice came through the receiver. ‘Honey, I hate to tell you this, but I picked up another contract, I won’t be home until Monday.’
‘Oh, Tom,’ Melissa replied. She made no attempt to keep the sound of disappointment from her voice. She planned an all-out effort to revive their sex life and get their marriage back on track this weekend. ‘Do you really have to?’
‘Afraid so,’ he replied. ‘You know we need the extra money.’
Melissa for the first time allowed herself to speculate about what Tom might really be doing on the trips he seemed to be taking more and more lately. Upsetting thoughts rushed from the far corner of her mind where she had buried them because they were too painful to consider.
‘Look, Melissa,’ Tom said. ‘I have to get going. I’ll see you Monday.’
‘When will you get home?’ Melissa asked.
‘Probably by noon,’ he said.
‘Tom, I…I love you,’ Melissa said softly.
‘Yeah, me, too,’ Tom replied. Then he was gone.
Melissa felt tears welling up in her eyes. She didn’t understand what was happening to them. For the past eight months, their marriage had been coming apart at the seams. Tom, once a loving, attentive husband, was gone all the time. And when he was home, he hardly paid any attention to her any more. She couldn’t remember the last time he’d even tried to make love to her. She was lonely. And, although she wouldn’t admit it to herself, she was horny, too.
As part of her preparations for the weekend, Melissa had made an appointment to get her hair done. Dorrie McNamara, the girl who did Melissa’s hair, was a divorcee. She was a bit brassy, but Melissa liked her. Dorrie always seemed to be up and happy.
Melissa, depressed after Tom’s phone call, did housework until it was time for her hairdresser’s appointment. Knowing she’d get to spend time talking with Dorrie gave Melissa something to look forward to.
At one, Melissa pulled her station wagon into the parking lot in front of Dorrie’s salon. She was surprised no other cars were there.
‘You weren’t planning to take the afternoon off, were you, Dorrie?’ Melissa asked when she got inside.
Dorrie grabbed her arm. ‘No, I wasn’t,’ she said. ‘Take off your coat and get over in the chair. Let’s get started.’ She led Melissa to the special sink used for shampooing customers, sat her down in the chair, and put a protective cover over her.
‘Talk to me, Melissa,’ Dorrie said. She had Melissa lay back and began to wet her hair. ‘You look and sound depressed.’
Melissa felt herself relaxing when Dorrie began to work the shampoo into her hair, filling it with luxuriant white foam. Her scalp tingled delightfully from Dorrie’s fingers massaging it. ‘Well,’ she said, ‘Things between Tom and me haven’t been going too well…’ She was surprised how easily all of her troubles came out once she started talking.
Dorrie finished applying the shampoo, rinsed the lather out of Melissa’s hair, had her sit up, and wrapped a towel around her head.
‘I know what I’d do if I were you,’ Dorrie commented as they walked to the front of the shop, ‘If my old man wasn’t taking care of business, I’d find someone who could.’
‘You…you mean take…take a…a lover?’ Melissa stammered, startled. ‘I…I could never…ever do that.’
‘I’m not telling you to do it, or not to do it,’ Dorrie said. ‘I’m just saying what I’d do. I’d find me a nice, horny young stud who could screw me silly.’
Melissa felt her cheeks get hot and knew she was blushing. ‘Tom…he’s…he’s the only man I…I ever…’ she stammered.
‘My personal point of view…’ Dorrie commented as she clipped a little off the back of Melissa’s hair, ‘…is that monogamy is highly over-rated. But that’s me. Like I said, I’m not telling you to do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing. I’m just saying what I’d do. You have to do what you feel OK doing.’
Melissa had to admit that the idea of an affair was exciting, but try as she would, she couldn’t picture herself going to bed with anyone but Tom. She had a good reputation, a good life, and she didn’t want to risk losing it.
‘I couldn’t do that,’ she said at last. ‘I just couldn’t.’
Dorrie was blow-drying her hair. Melissa closed her eyes and enjoyed the warm blast of hot air and the feel of the comb sliding through her tresses.
‘Hey, you know, there is something else you could do, I guess,’ Dorrie said. ‘I just remembered.’ She put the finishing touches on Melissa’s hair.
‘What’s that?’ Melissa asked as she examined her new coiffure in the mirror. She thought it looked nice. ‘Tom will really like this,’ she mused. Then she remembered her husband wouldn’t be coming home to see it.
‘Stay where you are,’ Dorrie said. ‘I’ll be right back.’ She disappeared through a doorway that led from the salon into her living quarters. In a few minutes, she returned, carrying a pinkish tube in her hand.
‘What on earth is that?’ Melissa asked. The thing Dorrie held in her hand looked almost like a penis!
Dorrie held the device up for Melissa to see. It was a large, life-like, artificial penis. The hairdresser smiled. ‘This isn’t nearly as much fun as a real one,’ she said, ‘but it’s a helluva lot better than going horny.’
‘I…Oh God!…I’d have no idea where to find something like that, even if I wanted to,’ Melissa stammered. She couldn’t take her eyes off the device Dorrie held. It looked so real!
‘Take this one,’ Dorrie said. ‘It’s the only one I’ve got that isn’t battery operated and…’ she giggled, ‘…ever since I met Benny, I haven’t needed it anyhow.’ She had an idea she’d piqued Melissa’s interest.
Melissa drove away from Dorrie’s shop, her mind spinning. ‘I could never take a lover,’ she thought. Then her thoughts turned to the dildo in her purse. She wondered what using one felt like.
‘It will probably feel better than my fingers,’ she said out loud.
When she got home, Melissa went into the house and directly up the stairs to her bedroom. She laid her purse on the bed, locked the bedroom door, then she walked to the bed and sat down. With trembling hands she slipped the fake penis out of her purse, held it up, and examined it.
‘It’s cold and it doesn’t feel very real,’ she thought, as she gazed at the device. ‘But it sure does look real!’ She giggled nervously. ‘It’s been a long time since I’ve held a cock this hard,’ she said. Her voice sounded strange in the empty bedroom.
‘It might just feel nice,’ Melissa thought. She sat there, looking at the dildo. ‘Now what?’ Getting in the mood was a problem. She got up, walked to the closet, stripped off her clothes, and stood in the closet fingering one of the silken negligees hanging in the closet. Then, naked, she turned and walked back to the bed.
She laid down, picked up the dildo, and felt herself starting to grow excited. What would it feel like? She began rubbing the sex appliance over her body and made a surprising discovery. The dildo got warmer the longer she held it! She moved it across one of her nipples and shivered as ripples of excitement raced through her. She moved it to the other breast and got more fantastic sensations. She kept moving it from breast to breast while excitement grew and spread through her.
At last, tentatively, a little breathless from self-induced desire, she slid the ersatz penis between her trembling thighs and rubbed the shaft against her labia. Wave after delightful wave of glorious sensation swept
over her. Her hips rose off the bed, seeking closer contact with the marvelous tool.
Melissa continued sliding the implement up and down against the sensitive flesh of her vagina. She tried rubbing it against her clit and her hips jolted. It really felt wonderful! She groaned and her hips began to rock as she continued arousing herself with the sex utensil, which continued to send sweet sensations into her.
At last, she moved the dildo so the tip was positioned between the puffy lips of her vagina and, slowly, began advancing it into her body.
‘Ohhhhh!!!!’ she groaned. It felt good! It felt unbelievably good! The soft plastic wand filled her and made her insides quake with joy. Her hips continued to hunch upward as she slid the wonderful warm device in and out of her clasping hole. She felt her hunger growing and realized she was getting near to her peak.
‘Yesssss!!! Oh, Yessssss!!!’ she groaned. One hand continued thrusting the dildo into her body, while the other moved to her juice-soaked clit. She was going to come! She had to…
The phone rang. Melissa, startled, froze, and felt very embarrassed, as if the person on the other end of the phone knew what she was doing. Reluctantly she pulled the dildo from her, rolled over, and reached for the phone.
‘Hel…hello,’ Melissa stammered into the phone. Her body was trembling with unsatisfied need. All she wanted was get the call over with and get back to satisfying herself.
‘Mrs. Singleton,’ Mitch said, ‘I’m not disturbing you, am I?’
‘Ah…no,’ Melissa replied. ‘He’d sure be surprised if he knew what he interrupted!’ she thought. ‘I, ah, I was working on something.’ Was she ever!
‘Oh,’ he said softly. ‘I, ah, I wanted to talk to you about making some changes in the way we do things, especially since Mr. Singleton seems to be on the road a lot more. I thought if you weren’t busy, ah, maybe I could run them by you and see what you think.’
‘Tell him you’re busy!’ a voice inside Melissa screamed, but she didn’t listen. ‘All right,’ she told Mitch, ‘come on up to the house, we’ll have a cup of coffee and go over them.’
‘Be right there,’ Mitch said, and hung up.
Melissa rolled over, dropped the phone back in the cradle, and looked down at the pink sex toy laying on the bed next to her. ‘I guess I’ll just have to wait,’ she thought, a bit disappointed. She got out of bed and slipped on her blouse and slacks. She didn’t bother putting her undergarments on because she planned to come back up and finish what she’d started once she was done talking with Mitch.
She slipped into a pair of bedroom slippers and started for the door. She had forgotten she’d locked it, and was confused when it wouldn’t open. She got the door open and went on downstairs, after giving the fake penis on her bed a last longing look. ‘Maybe I’m really not supposed to use that thing,’ she thought. ‘Maybe I’m being punished.’
Downstairs, she went to the kitchen and put some water on the stove to heat. A cup of hot chocolate would be nice. There was coffee on for Mitch, but Melissa preferred hot chocolate. Actually, she could use a drink. A strong one.
A knock sounded on the kitchen door. Melissa opened it and Mitch came in, carrying a yellow legal pad. ‘I’m not keeping you from anything, am I?’ he asked, looking around.
‘No,’ Melissa replied. ‘I was just doing some paperwork.’
‘Oh.’ Mitch felt his face grow hot. ‘Hey, you and she are alone, her old man’s gone more and more. You have a perfect opportunity to put some moves on her,’ a voice inside him said. He decided to ignore the voice, although it was hard.
‘Do you have your ideas written down?’ Melissa asked.
‘Ah…yeah, here on this pad,’ Mitch said and handed it to her.
Melissa took the folder and sat down at the kitchen table, then she looked up at Mitch, who was still standing.
‘Would you like a cup of coffee or some hot chocolate?’ she asked. She wasn’t exactly sure why she felt so tense.
‘Hot chocolate sounds good,’ Mitch said. ‘I figure I’ve had enough coffee for today.’
‘I put some water on, I’ll make some,’ Melissa said. She stood up and went to make the hot chocolate.
Mitch watched her, then he took off his jacket and sat down at the kitchen table. He thought saw Melissa’s breasts move when she stood up and felt a rush of excitement. ‘She isn’t wearing a bra!’ he realized, and felt his penis jump in his pants.
Melissa returned to the table carrying two cups of hot chocolate. She handed Mitch one, and set the other on the table where she had been sitting. Then she sat down and began to read over the ideas the hired man had written on the pad.
Mitch stared at her, captivated by the movements of her unfettered breasts beneath her blouse. He shifted in his seat to alleviate the pressure caused by his growing erection. He couldn’t keep pictures of her bare breasts from flashing through his overheated mind.
Melissa finished reading, looked up, and smiled. ‘These ideas are very good, Mitch,’ she said.
‘Ah, thank you. I figured they’d help us get things done more efficiently, you know?’ Mitch replied. He had a problem. How was he going to get out of the kitchen without her seeing his hard-on?
Melissa smiled at him. ‘Tom will be home Monday, and I’ll show these to him,’ she said. ‘I have a feeling he’ll be very impressed.’
‘Ah…thanks,’ Mitch stammered. He took a sip of his hot chocolate. His hands were trembling. Why?
‘I’m surprised you’re here and not out on a date,’ Melissa said. Part of her wanted him to leave so she could get back to pleasuring herself, and part of her kept remembering what Dorrie had said. ‘I’d take a lover, a young one.’ She tried to force the unwelcome thought from her mind, but it kept coming back. ‘I wonder what he’d be like as a lover…’ She shook her head, trying to clear it.
‘I…I ain’t been dating all that much,’ Mitch was saying. ‘I mean, I just moved to town, you know, and I haven’t met a lot of women yet.’ He had met Bonnie, but he wasn’t sure Melissa would approve of his having an affair with a married woman, so he didn’t mention her.
‘You don’t have anyone special in your life?’ Melissa asked, not sure why she felt a sudden burst of elation.
‘No…nobody special,’ Mitch said and drank more of his hot chocolate.
‘I would imagine that will change,’ Melissa said. ‘A good-looking guy like you shouldn’t have any problem finding girls to date.’ ‘I sure wouldn’t mind going to bed with you! I bet I’d give you a thrill you’d never forget.’ The sudden lustful thought almost made her choke on her hot chocolate. What was wrong with her?
‘I dunno,’ Mitch said. He stared into the nearly empty cup in his hands. Thoughts flooded his mind, things he could have said, wanted to say, but didn’t think he should. He decided it was time to leave, before he did something he’d regret. Holding his jacket in front of him, he stood up. ‘I…uh…I guess I better get going, Mrs. Singleton,’ he said. He turned and started for the door. ‘Thanks for the hot chocolate and for looking at my ideas.’
‘Thank you for coming up with those suggestions,’ Melissa said. ‘I’m sure Tom will like them. He’ll probably discuss them with you next week when he gets back.’ She got up, followed Mitch to the door, and watched him walk to his truck. She wondered why he hadn’t put his jacket on until he was outside.
‘Maybe he’s got the hots for you,’ the voice inside her said. ‘He probably got a hard-on from seeing you without a bra.’ ‘Melissa Singleton!’ she scolded herself, ‘What on earth is wrong with you?’
Still filled with yearning and confused by her lewd thoughts about Mitch, Melissa picked up the cups, put them in the dishwasher, then she went back up to her bedroom.
She shed her clothes, laid back down on the bed, picked up the sex toy, and soon was experiencing all the bliss it could give her. As she worked the magical devic
e in and out of her vagina, pictures of Mitch’s face kept flashing in her mind.
‘Nooooo!!!!’ she moaned as her hands thrust the life-like wand into her juice-slick opening with increasing fervor. Then, ‘Yessssssss!!!!! Yessssssss!!!!! Oh, yesssssss!!!!’ she wailed when her body began to convulse with joy. ‘Mitch!!!! Oh, Mitch!!!!!! Fuck me!! Fuck meeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!’ she cried, her hips hammering up and down on the bed.
Later, her need appeased, she turned out the lights and fell asleep. And dreamed of Mitch, not her husband, making love to her.
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David awakes; as he stirs, he feels the bed softly shaking. He is soon aware the shaking is because his wife is softly sobbing. "What's wrong babe?" "Just being silly, but I don't think we should have come." "Liv, I know how you feel. Remember, apart from keeping fit I used to shut myself in my apartment if I wasn't at work or had some work function to attend. I know it's different here, but I really think you will grow to like it. Life's a bit calmer here." "I'm sure you're...
Peter's happy world is turned up side down, when first his mother finds out that his father is having affairs and is thrown out of the house, and then when his elder sister is killed in a road accident. Peter's mother then turns to Peter for comfort and looks to him to fill his dead sister's place. Peter & Pamela By Nina Henderson. All of the usual copyright rules apply, but this story may be posted freely on any site that does not require a fee for accessing it. Also, the...
He came like he always did...first the short gasps, then the clenched teeth, sucking air through them while his hips arched off the bed, forcing his cock just a little deeper into her mouth. He liked for her to hold her head still when he came, and for a few seconds after, then release him and let him come down. She sat back on her knees, watching him until his eyes opened. That was her signal to strip the condom off and throw it out in the bathroom as his cock softened. She opened...
I went back to my sunbathing and lay there thinking of a plan to seduce Mum. My feelings for Dad and my conscience were preying on me, giving me a strong guilt feeling, but I was so horny from wanting her that even a threat with a shotgun probably would not have stopped me trying to get in her pants. I ran through all the mother/son incest stories on the net that I could remember but could not come up with an idea that might work. My best approach seemed to be to carry on as I had been,...
Krista paged through the photo album until she found exactly what she was looking for. Right there on page 128, that was just what she wanted! "Jack," she called out, "I think I've got it, come and take a look!!!" Jack came out of the back room and checked out the photo Krista had selected and said, "Whoa, babe, you know that one's gonna hurt a little and after it heals up you might always be turned on!!!" Still staring at the picture, Krista thought about it a little more but finally replied,...
EroticThe days were growing shorter and the nights growing colder, winter was just a few weeks away. I was sitting out on the shelf outside our cave contemplating moving the horse pen closer to the cave where it would be easier for us to watch over and protect our mares. After all penned up animals are easy prey for predators. Fortunately for us, and even more so for the mares, Dugut and Nugut had taken to watching over the horses during the night. The location I had in mind was directly below the...
At that point I was allowed to go back upstairs and remove everything and go home. As I was walking out towards the door, John said he would see me the next week. Not if I can help it I thought.Once I got home, I quickly got into the shower and washed away the thoughts of what had happened to me and was soon in bed and fast asleep.Over the next few days, I began to forget of my ordeal and resolved to keep away from any of the chat rooms. I hoped I had learned my lesson.That was before I...
VI ‘He is in Russia, near Moscow. The name of the village is Shchyolkovo.’ ‘I don’t understand,’ Anna Podgolskiv said. ‘Russia? Moscow? Why?’ ‘We tried to get him out of the, well, trap that had been set, but this was the best we could do. Apparently when the Red Army took Peenemunde they took custody of many scientists and engineers. Most have been moved to this village. The Soviets are building a community near there, a community of people involved with rockets. Tomas is one of the most...
Jerry was enthusiastic about taking a bath with his sexy mother and hurriedly filled the big tub with hot water, steaming up the bathroom. "Gotta take a leak, first," he said, walking to the toilet. "No, wait!" Beth said. "Hold it." Her mind suddenly flashed a scene from one of Jack's porno books, a scene which had, at the time, both disgusted and strangely disturbed her. She didn't understand why people did such things, but it was so thrillingly obscene she decided to try...
Hi friends this is my first story on ISS and would love your feedback. This incident happened few years back when I was in Bangalore looking for a job every day I used go for interviews but no luck I must say either I was really unlucky or I did not deserve a job and it happened like one day I walked into one of the McDonald’s in bang lore and there I met one of my college’s best friend and she was still the same talkative and really pretty. We were not in touch for a long time and it turned...
Many of the people around me stood up, eager to deboard, but I preferred to stay seated. A few minutes passed and those in front of me had made their way off of the plane. I stood, grabbed my suitcase, and walked to the front of the plane. “Thank you for flying with us,” said the young flight attendant. I thanked her and left the plane, passing by those who had checked their luggage. I made my way to the arrival gate where I anticipated being greeted by an old friend I had not seen for...
Suddenly he woke from his daydreaming and she asked him to come inside and take his luggage to his room upstairs. He couldn't help but wonder how his uncle managed to bang such a hot milf. He manages to set up his room best possible and came downstairs for breakfast. She introduced herself as Maya and told that she was pleased to have him at their place. Jay smiled and took his seat at the table, she told that his uncle was away to the office and would be back by dinner. All the while at...
"Another late trip to the supermart" I reluctantly said to myself. It was where I liked to go to whenever I was super bored and felt like I needed to get out of my apartment. Television nowdays had nothing but terrible reality shows involving fat people losing weight or people having crazy addictions. It was enough to give ANYBODY a reason to get out of the house. So I decided a trip to the supermart was better then nothing. I walked back to the electronics to browse, it was my favorite area...
Rhode Rage – By James PendergrassTable of Contents:Chapter One – Eat SoapChapter Two – Her KneeChapter Three – CFNMChapter Four – Hair Brush Meets Male AssChapter Five – Remote ControlChapter Six – Kristin’s Friend SvetlanaChapter Seven – Anyone for Tennis?Chapter Eight – Cum Chortling DayEpilogue – Finished Off(Disclaimer: This is a fictitious tale intended solely for adults aged 18 or older. Like all my novellas, the characters depicted are all 18 or older. The author does not necessarily...
Time: November 16, 8244 10:50 AM I had been standing in the sealed airlock for thirty-five minutes now, having stepped in at 10:15 and entering my access request. The programming staff supporting this mission thought it would be an optimal time to try to second-guess the fuzzy logic of the automated security system. 10:15 was fifteen minutes after the normal end of morning Prayers. It was the right time for Royal to be leaving the nearby chapel and entering the main complex. As the...
on the light, illuminating a bed. Christine realized what I had planned, she is an attractive Korean woman just 5'5" tall, about 110 pounds, with long black hair, green eyes, and creamy skin. She was the sweetest woman I had ever met too, kind, always concerned about others. We had been lovers off and on in Dallas, when this job came available in LA I made a call and got her the job. I hadn't seen her in almost six months, she looked beautiful - she is wearing a white slip-dress that showed...
Hey there readers, this is the first story I’ve published to iss. It’s about a girl I dated early on in college, towards the end of the first year, I’ll call her Radhika (I’ve changed her name out of respect). We broke up a long time back but we had some pretty interesting experiences together, and I’ll try and put each one out to you guys as a series of episodes. Maybe if I get a good response I can write a few stories about the other girls I’ve been with or other nice experiences I’ve...
Hello everyone… Hello Mumbai… Here is Rahul again with another encounter that I witnessed at the bus stop in Mumbai. For the people who haven’t read my first story, here’s a bit about myself. Like most people around here, I love intimacy. I have pursued BTech degree. I believe in forward thinking. I love to hang out with open-minded people, especially with girls and women. With a height of 6 feet and weight 72kg, I am an average looking guy. If any unsatisfied lady from Mumbai wants a complete...
Upstairs, things had started slowly, but were moving well. Jean had been obviously reluctant, so Lon had taken things easy, taking her to his mother's room, rather than his own, figuring that was a less threatening environment. Jean plopped on the bed and put her head in her hands. "Everybody is telling me that I'm acting like a complete fool. That's not the normal thing..." Lon shrugged. "I think you were right, originally -- but it didn't do any good, because, dangerous or not, we...
Guilt. Shame. Anxiety. Humiliation. All these feelings—amplified by a poisonous hangover—greeted Karen when she woke up in Brandee’s hotel room bed the next morning.“Rise and shine, party girl!” Brandee sang. “What a wonderful wingman you were last night! Weren’t those boys yummy?”Karen rubbed throbbing eyeballs and tried not to recall the previous evening. It began with a wine-soaked dinner. Afterward, they went out…Oh no. Memories too appalling to be true swarmed the married woman’s brain:A...
InterracialThis story is fictional. Hi friends this line love back with another fiction hope you like my story…… Please mail me your comments at It was July during the summer before his senior year of high school. Seventeen year old David was a well built young man who had dreams of playing professional football. Standing 6 feet 2 inches, he weighed a muscular 215 pounds and was always into lifting weights in an effort to become stronger to fulfill his dreams. With his jet black hair, dark tanned skin,...
IncestSarah has been advertising free at home trials of her workout plan. Our boy was looking to get in shape this year, spotted the ad, and had to give it a try! Sarah showed up the next day in her tightest active wear and was ready to whip this little boy into shape! They started with some basic calisthenics to loosen them up, and slowly moved into more intense exercises like squats and sit ups. This part was vigorous, but the cool down after was sure to please! Sarah introduced Jake to couples...
xmoviesforyouAfter a short walk, they both reached the home of Frederik. They walked up to the front door and Sandra rang the doorbell. They only had to wait a few seconds, and then they could hear somebody running up to the front door, when the door opened, they could see Frederik standing there with a big smile on his face. "Hi," Sandra said. "I hope you don't mind, but I brought a new friend with me." "No problem," Frederik said. "Your friends are my friends now." When Sabina had heard how...
"George!"He looks up to see his mother standing there. She looks really shocked. As well she might! He has on her clothes that he has just raided from her wardrobe. He is trying to put some lipstick on. He has been concentrating so hard that he never heard her come home.To his mother, Jane, it is not shock but horror. Like father like son. She had once come home from work and found her husband dressed in her clothes.She stares at George for a moment longer."Take those things off! Right now!!...
It was a big event for the assembled staff, the introduction on Monday afternoon of their new boss. Something of a surprise too. Not so much the arrival of a woman to head up an otherwise all-male department (the 21st century, after all, and besides they already knew that a newcomer called 'Melissa Reynolds' had been appointed) but more her age and appearance. Melissa looked to be no more than late twenties, young for such an exalted position, and she was strikingly attractive. The new Head...