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The Surprise Vacation


"Did you take your vitamin, dear?" Ellen called from the
I rubbed sleep from my eyes and picked up the pill bottle,
rolling a big tablet into my palm. "My horse pill? I'm doing it
"Have you noticed any difference yet?"
"Nah. Vitamins are pretty much all alike." She'd gone on a
minor health kick a month before, insisting that I needed to lose
a little weight and take better care of myself. I hadn't
actually made it to the gym to work out like she was though.
"Where's my underwear honey?" I asked my wife, poking
through my almost empty drawer. It was Saturday morning. I had
noticed that my underwear had been disappearing from my drawer
over the last couple of weeks. I thought nothing of it, figuring
that she'd simply been too busy to do laundry.
"Something went wrong with the washing machine and it ruined
everything in the last load," she said.
"Well, what am I going to wear?"
She emerged from the bathroom, dipped into her side of the
dresser. "Here, put these on," she smiled, handing me a pair of
her pink satin panties. "Now don't give me any fake macho
bullshit. I know you love wearing my panties. In fact, I know
you've secretly worn this very pair before."
I looked at her dumbfounded. I thought that I'd successfully
hidden my fetish from her. I'd been so careful.
"C'mon, let's put these on you,"she teased. I was beet red
as I numbly stepped into them and let her pull them up to my
hips. She stroked my cock through the fabric, a lot like I often
did. "Mmmm, I see that someone finds this exiting. We may have
to keep it like that." I wasn't sure what she meant by that
remark, but was too embarrassed to ask. I hurriedly put the rest
of my clothes on, jeans and a T-shirt. She gave me a slightly
disapproving look and said, "Well, I need take you shopping and
get some new underwear for you, among other things."
I said, "Can't you just pick up some for me? I want to
look at that washing machine and watch the football game."
Since she absolutely despises football, this would normally
have set her off on a tirade, but surprisingly, she just smiled
sweetly and said, "Don't worry about the washer. I fixed it
myself. Go ahead and enjoy your football honey. I'll get
everything you need."
So while she was shopping, I lay on the couch stroking
myself through the panties, embarrassed that my wife knew of my
fetish, but relieved that she seemed so low key about it. The
game turned out to be pretty boring and I thought about raiding
her closet for something else to wear, but now that she knew, I
couldn't bring myself to do it. Instead, I ended up taking a
nap. I woke up when she came home, loaded with bags from various
stores. I started to get up to help.
"Just stay there, I'll put everything away. What do you say
that we go out for dinner?"
"That sounds like a good idea."
"Great. But first, I have a surprise for you. Stand up and
close your eyes." I remembered that teasing look, that
flirtatious tone.
We hadn't played sex games in a long time. In fact, we
hadn't done anything sexual in a long time. With a smile, I
stood and did as she asked. The next thing I knew, she pulled my
hands behind my back and locked them with a pair of handcuffs!
"What's this all about?"
"No comments from the peanut gallery," she said as she
put some sort of gag in my mouth.
Whatever it was filled up my whole mouth, all the way to the
top of my throat! As I explored it with my tongue, I realized
that it was a penis gag. What was going on?
"Now come along peacefully, or I'll have to take further
steps." With that I followed her into the bathroom. She took my
hands and tied a strap to them and pulled it up to the shower
curtain, forcing me to bend over at the waist. She then took a
pair of scissors and proceeded to cut my clothes off, ruining
jeans I could have just stepped out of. It was all pretty kinky,
even for Ellen's sometimes bizarre moods, but except for the
embarrassment of having something shaped like a penis in my
mouth, it seemed harmless.
"You won't be needing those anymore," she said, tossing the
rags that had been my jeans and tee-shirt down the laundry chute.
She then took some shaving cream and a razor and proceeded
to shave every bit of hair below my eyebrows. I definitely
didn't like the turn things were taking, but fighting her while
she stroked my most private parts didn't seem like a good idea -
and there wasn't a whole lot I could do about it, anyway.
"I think that since you like wearing panties so much, you
should have the experience of everything else that goes along
with it," she explained as she worked over my underarms. "You'll
find that all of your old clothes have been replaced with
something more suitable for your new station. I think that about
does it. Step in the shower and let's rinse you off."
There was nothing I could do except slide the strap down the
bar and step under the water. I was bewildered. Surely she
hadn't really thrown out all my clothes! As she rinsed all of
the hairy soap off of my body, my skin felt strange, tingly and
oddly alive. She spent more time on my weirdly naked penis,
making it swell again. She patted me dry all over with a big,
soft towel and spread skin conditioner all over me, dwelling on
my semi-hard penis.
"Well that looks much better, but we'll have to do something
about your figure. That waistline will never do. You haven't
been losing enough weight, darling. Follow me and we'll take
care of it."
As we walked into the bedroom, I saw some clothes laid out
on the bed. There was a corset, panties, stockings, and a short
dress. She began to put the corset on me, and said, "Your arms
are in the way." With that, she reached into one of the bags and
pulled out a leather collar. She then put some leather cuffs on
my wrists, unlocked the metal ones, and quickly hooked my hands
behind my head to the collar.
This was starting to get too weird. Our sex games had died
out a year or so before. I'd known she was curious about bondage
and stuff, but had laid down the law and said no. I tried to
talk around the thing in my mouth, but she ignored me. I was
able to offer only token resistance as my arms were asleep and
numb from being pulled up and back for so long. Next, she
started hooking up the corset and pulling the laces in behind me.
Soon I couldn't breathe and still she was tightening the laces.
"Is that uncomfortable? Too bad. It'll give you incentive
to lose that extra weight you've been ignoring, won't it?" With
a final savage jerk, she finished adjusting the laces with a full
knot. "I think you'll have an interesting time trying to untie
that by yourself."
I silently agreed. It was more like being in a straight
jacket than lingerie. But there was an illicit thrill to it,
despite my deepening worry that she was going way too far with
her fun.
"Now let's put some panties on you. Which pair would you
like? You don't care? That's no way for a lady to show interest
in her appearance. I guess we'll try this new pair of pink satin
ones I bought you. Now you don't have to steal mine, love. Oh,
my! You really look cute in them."
Next came a set of latex breast forms which she teasingly
placed in the corset's half cups to fill out my chest. After
that she rolled some stockings up each leg, hooked them to the
garters on the corset, and smoothed them out. She quickly
admired her work while I tried not to, too embarrassed for words,
even if the gag hadn't been in my mouth.
"Let's see how this dress I picked out for you fits." With
that she picked up a shimmery peach colored dress and worked it
over the tangle of my head and arms. As it fell over my breasts
and hips it came down to only mid-thigh.
She looked at me with a grin on her face and said, "Don't
you look adorable! You'll have to be very careful and ladylike
when you sit or bend over or the world will see your garters and
panties. Only a slut would act like that. If you act like a
slut, I'll have to treat you like one."
What did she mean by 'the world will see you?' I didn't like
the implications in that statement.
"Step into these shoes," she said with the air of command,
as she placed a pair of matching peach shoes with about a 3-1/2
in heel on the floor.
I'd rarely dared to play with her high heels. They were a
little too tight, but the real reason I usually avoided them was
because they awoke in me a shame powerful enough to
counterbalance the excitement of cross dressing. I found it was
tremendously difficult to keep my balance with my hands fastened
behind my neck.
"Now it's time for your makeup. I'm going to remove the
gag, but I don't want to hear a single word or I'll put it back
in and leave it there for a whole day." Ellen gave me a look
that indicated she clearly meant it.
Well, I figured, we've gone this far, so why fight it.
Besides, cosmetics were another thing I'd never had the guts to
try, and I'd often fantasized about how I'd look. She spent the
next thirty minutes completing my makeup, going through founda-
tion, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara, adding a light blush, and
finishing with a bright, deep rose lipstick. She topped it off
with a light brown shoulder length wig.
"Now you can look at yourself," she said as she led me to a
I couldn't believe it! A beautiful girl looked back at me.
If she was alone in a bar, every guy in there would hit on her.
The dress had a scooped front almost to my breast forms, which
were ample. It also showed a very flattering figure. No wonder
I couldn't breathe. Looking at the reflection in the mirror, the
hemline seemed even shorter, at least six inches above my knees.
I heard a soft "click." I turned around, and my wife was
taking pictures of me!
"You can't admire yourself all day, sweetie. We've got a
busy afternoon and evening ahead of us."
My heart sank. She was really going to force me to go out
dressed like this! I started to speak, wanting to talk her out
of it, but she picked up the cock-shaped gag and moved ominously
toward me. I shut up. With that, my wife changed into a plain
dress and fluffed her hair, not even bothering to use any makeup
on herself, which was unusual. She noted my confusion and said,
"I don't want to steal any of the attention you deserve, honey."
She clipped a leash to my collar and led me to the garage.
As she opened the passenger door, I began to fight her. "Honey
what are you trying to -"
She pushed me off balance, which wasn't hard, and stuffed
the gag back in my mouth, immediately strapped it behind my head.
"I warned you! Now you'll have to pay the price for disobe-
dience!" She pushed me again and I fell into the passenger seat.
She buckled the seat belt. Bound as I was, with my hands behind
my head, there was no way I could do anything but go along.
As she drove us away, she said, "I know you're dying of
curiosity, sweetie, wondering what this is all about. It's
simple really. I noticed about six months ago that my clothes
and lingerie had been rearranged almost every time you're home
and I'm not. I started carefully marking my hangers and drawers
to confirm my suspicions, and I can name every time you snuck
into something sexy and even tell you what you wore. Really, I
don't mind, honey. In fact, it really turns me on. So I'm going
to make sure that you live your fantasy to the fullest. It's
really perfect, because MY fantasy is to dominate my husband
completely and I'm going to act that out, too."
I couldn't believe it! She must have caught on almost the
very first time I gave in to the impulse to see if silky feminine
clothes felt as wonderful as they looked. Well, the first time
since I was a k**, anyway.
"I've arranged for you to take a two week surprise vacation
starting Monday. Your boss thinks that we're going on a cruise."
She giggled. "In a way, we are, aren't we? For the next two
weeks, you're going to live entirely as a female and follow my
every command. If you give me any shit at all, I'll send those
pictures of you admiring yourself to your boss and secretary. I
think they'd get a good laugh from them, don't you? To get you
ready for our little adventure, we're going to the mall to do
some shopping for your vacation."
I kept hoping it was all a joke. That any moment she'd turn
the car around, laughing at how she'd scared me, and we'd play
for a while in bed, then it'd be over. But my guts were cold. I
couldn't talk myself into believing it'd happen that way. I knew
she was dead serious.
As we pulled into the mall parking lot she said, "In case
you're having any thoughts about running away, remember that you
don't have any car keys, wallet or money. If you don't do exactly
as I say, I'll leave you here to get back on your own."
She was right! Trying to get home without her, dressed like
this, wasn't an option. I couldn't even think of hitchhiking.
Cold sweat popped out on my brow as I realized that I was stuck.
I had to do what she said. I didn't even want to think of what
her plans were.

Heya, dudes and dudettes. Here's a bit of nastiness dealing with
forced feminization, etc., and so on. Chapters One and maybe Two
began life as someone else's work. Wish I knew who (s)he was. I
found them on a local BBS a couple of years ago and was hammered
by the idea - but the damned thing ended before much of interest
happened. I believe I've fixed that - but you be the judge.

As always, I'll utterly ignore any posting to this group requesting reposts.
If you want to e-mail me with comments, I'll welcome them, even send you
the file direct, if I have time - but don't offend all the other readers with
your insipid, thoughtless, inconsiderate, unwelcome public nattering.
Clear enough?


I was terrified. There I was, tied into my car seat,
dressed as a woman from high heels to wig, with my wrists
handcuffed to a leather collar around my neck, for all the world
to see. And my wife had driven me to the shopping mall to shop
for clothes to complete my wardrobe. I wanted to cry out in
frustration and terror, but there was a penis-shaped gag buried
in my throat. The excitement I'd felt at home was long gone.
After she stopped the car in the parking lot, she turned to
me and unlocked the collar, cuffs, and removed the gag from my
mouth. "Now, can I trust you to behave in here, or will I have
to really embarrass you? And by behave I mean do everything I
say without question."
With a numb feeling in my stomach I said, "Yes honey, I'll
be good."
"Wonderful! I know we're going to have a marvelous time."
With that, she made me fix the lipstick the gag had smeared,
and showed me how to powder my sweaty forehead. We got out of
the car and walked into the mall. The heels caused my hips to
sway noticeably. I did my best to minimize it.
She looked at me with a grin and said, "My, aren't we
calling attention to ourselves!" and laughed merrily. "Our first
stop is at the beauty parlor. We don't have that much time, so
today we'll just touch up your makeup and do your nails. Your
hair can wait until tomorrow. I've already made an appointment
for you."
The voyage through the crowded mall was tremendously
humiliating. I kept waiting for someone to recognize me, or see
through the disguise my wife had applied and sneer at a man in a
short dress and makeup. It was almost a relief to near the
beauty shop. While I didn't draw any of the disgusted looks I
was afraid of, I got way too much attention, and the appreciative
smiles were almost worse than mockery would have been.
We walked into the parlor, and she talked to the
receptionist. "Hello. I called earlier for a 'special
appointment' for Sheila."
A pretty brunette overheard and approached. "Hi! I'm Cindy
and everything is ready. Follow me please." She led us past the
filled stations into a back room. "Please have a seat here." I
looked at the chair and then my wife with some misgivings.
"SIT DOWN! You heard what the lady said!" my wife commanded
and shoved me into the chair. Before I could recover, she pulled
two velcro lined straps out of her purse and quickly strapped my
arms to the armrests, rendering me completely helpless. "Now sit
there quietly, or I'll have to take further steps."
The stylist was trying, though not very hard, to cover a big
smirk on her face.
"Go ahead and start on her. I don't think she'll give you
any trouble. How long do you think this will take?"
"For everything you asked for, about an hour and a half."
"Good, I'll be back then. I've got some shopping to do. If
she gives you any trouble, feel free to take whatever action you
think is appropriate." She then walked out of the store, leaving
me alone with the stylist.
"You aren't going to make any trouble, are you?" she teased.
I shook my head no, not trusting my voice. Sounding like a
man would've been too embarrassing, and I'd feel like a fool if I
tried a false woman's voice.
"Too bad. I think I'd enjoy disciplining and humiliating
you. You're obviously into it. Maybe I should see if my
boyfriend would look as good as you do dressed up."
That definitely made me decide not to resist - as if I could
have anyway. I did my best to ignore her flattery, too. The
last thing I wanted to do was look too much like a woman.
"Debbie here is going to do your nails, and I'll be giving
you a light makeover. You're lady friend made a separate
appointment for your hair for tomorrow." She turned her
attention to my face and began working me over as Debbie began my
Sixty minutes later, she was still working on my face, and
Debbie had mockingly told me to remove my hose so she could do my
toenails. The bands around my wrists made that impossible, of
course, and I cringed as the girl touched me and did it herself.
I kept my eyes closed, unable to face the changes being made to
me. The worst part was having my eyebrows plucked into shape.
How could I hide that when the "vacation" was over?
"This is a 'light' makeover?" I wondered to Cindy in a safe
whisper, trying to joke. "How long does it take for a complete
job?" I really didn't want to know.
At that moment my wife walked in with a shopping bag. "How
are we coming? Oh, she looks just darling!" she said as she
grinned at me. She then bent over and admired my bright red
toenails. Confirming that Debbie was finished, she rolled my
hose part way up and began digging through a huge shopping bag.
"What are you doing, honey?" I asked in a meek, gender
neutral voice.
"Oh, I didn't think that those shoes were flattering enough,
so I dropped into the Wild Pair to find you something prettier. I
know you're just dying to wear them, but with that corset on I
don't imagine you can bend over far enough to strap them on."
That was an understatement! While I'd gotten used to taking
shallow breaths in the corset, there was no way I could bend that
far down. I couldn't see what the shoes looked like from the
angle I was sitting in the chair, but I could tell they had a
much higher heel than the other set.
"There!" Cindy announced proudly. "That about finishes you.
How are you coming, Debbie?"
"Just a few minutes to let the last coat dry." After about
five very uncomfortable minutes of listening to girl talk, she
said, "That about does it. Let's stand up and have a look at
My wife then removed the velcro straps, freeing me from the
chair. I stood up and almost fell. I looked down at my shoes.
They were a pair of cream ankle straps with at least a five inch
heel. I could barely stand in them. It was amazing what a
difference an inch and a half made. I then looked in the mirror,
for the first time, and almost didn't recognize myself. The
person standing there was a short, truly beautiful, entirely
feminine woman staring back at me with wide, shocked, expertly
made up eyes! Her skin looked perfectly smooth and her lips were
strikingly highlighted.
I reflexively raised my hands to my face, not believing what
I was seeing, and then noticed my nails. One full inch long and
a deep liquid red - exactly the color of my skillfully painted
lips and toes.
My wife smiled approvingly at me and said, "Don't they look
lovely, Sheila?"
"Y . . . Yes," I stammered, too shocked to lie. "They're
beautiful. I can't believe it!"
As she paid Cindy and we turned to go, she said, "By the
way, I asked her to use a permanent set on the nails. You won't
be able to remove them."
I looked down at my hands in shock. How could you hide
nails like that? What would I do at the end of the two weeks? I
knew enough about it to realize that even if I cut them off,
they'd be unnaturally thick.
"Let's go, Sheila, we've got plenty still to do. Now it's
time for some clothes shopping. With a gorgeous bod and sexy
face like you have, we have to get you some 'hot' outfits to
I slowly emerged from my state of shock, and wished I
hadn't. I was drawing even more attention now. The way men were
staring at me left no doubt as to their thoughts. I stayed as
close to Ellen as I could as she slowly toured store fronts.
Our first stop was "The Body Shop." My wife had me try on
countless outfits in the dressing room. It was sheer torture,
climbing into and out of one revealing outfit after another. I
was horrified of being recognized and arrested for this
perversion. She ended up picking out a short black leather skirt
with matching bustier, and a white satin minidress with a deeply
scooped neckline. Then she made me pay for the items with my
American Express Card - with my real name on it! The sales
clerk gave me a shocked look and then a big smirk. My face
turned beet red from embarrassment. My slim hand shook as I
tried to grip the pen and sign the sales slip with my too long
We went from store to store for about two more endless
hours. I must have tried on forty outfits and purchased at least
a dozen. My ribs were killing me from the constant pressure of
the corset and my feet ached from walking and standing in those
incredible heels.
"Here we go. One last stop," my wife said as we turned into
another boutique. "Why don't you have a seat for a couple of
She didn't have to tell me twice. I was exhausted. I sat
in the chair she indicated, relieved to get a load off of my
feet. I carefully smoothed my hemline as I sat down (I'd learned
this lesson the hard way through some embarrassing comments and
looks from other shoppers). I was so tired, I didn't know what
store I was in, and really didn't care. I let my eyes close.
One of the clerks came up behind me and said, "Just sit
still now." There was a sudden, intense burning sensation in my
right ear. My eyes leaps open, and I tried to get up. She held
my head firmly with one hand and said, "Just a few seconds. Hold
still." The sharp pain was repeated in the other ear. She then
rubbed both with some alcohol and fiddled with each ear for a few
seconds. "There, that does it. You can get up now."
I stood up and looked in the mirror. She had pierced my
ears and placed a little gold ball in each of them! What would I
do at the at the end of two weeks? Those holes in my ears were
going to take a long time to heal over.
"Okay, that finishes us here. It's time for us to go home
and get ready to go out tonight."
With that, we walked back towards the car - slowly, because
I was forced to take such mincing steps in the tall shoes.
As we got into the car I turned and said, "Honey, this is
ridiculous. Look at my hands! I can't -"
She slapped me hard on the cheek, staggering me. She
immediately pulled out a pair of handcuffs, put them on me, and
secured them behind me to the headrest, making me completely
"I can see that you need a lesson to show you that I mean
business. When I'm finished with you, you're going to beg me to
dress you up, take you out, and make you look as pretty and sexy
as possible! We both know that you've secretly dreamed about
this. Well it's happening and there's not a damned thing you can
do to stop it! The sooner you realize that you're no longer in
control of what happens to you, the happier you'll be!"
"But honey," I whined, "don't you think that this's a little
She rammed the gag back in my mouth. "What were you saying
dear? I didn't catch it? Oh well, I guess it wasn't very
We pulled away from the mall with me helpless in the
passenger seat, thankful that the tinted windows offered me a
little protection from casual observation.
As I began to look around me I realized that this was not
the way home. Where was she taking me now?
She noticed me squirming and looking around and said, "Don't
know where we're going? Well, as much as you deserve to be
humiliated more in public, that'll have to wait. I just have to
pick something up."
My relief quickly turned to chagrin as we stopped and I
looked at where we were. It was a shop entitled "Exotic Leather
"I need to grab a few things to ensure that you learn your
lesson properly. Don't do anything naughty while I'm gone."
So there I was, tied into the passenger seat for any passers
by to see, trapped in a feminine appearance and clothing with an
artificial penis filling my mouth. Now that we'd stopped, the
tinted windows weren't nearly dark enough.
Suddenly, I saw a man approaching, walking towards the
car. He was casually looking at each of them as he passed by.
Would he notice me through the window? My heart was racing a
mile a minute. Just as it looked as if he would pass right by,
he stopped and did a double take. HE SAW ME! He stood there
looking in the window for at least a full minute with a big grin
on his face while I tried to become invisible. Just about that
time my wife came up to the car with a bag in her hand.
"Enjoying the view?" she casually asked the man.
"Sure am, honey," he replied with a leer. "Do you always
keep her tied up like that?" He thought I was a real woman!
"She prefers it that way," my wife laughed. "She's my
display model. Feel free to look all you want, but don't touch."
The man kept up his lewd stare while Ellen loaded her
purchases. He waved gaily, still laughing, as he walked away.
With that she got in started the car. As she drove us home, she
said, "I was planning to take you out for a nice dinner and
dancing tonight, but you obviously don't deserve a reward like
that yet. So, instead I'm going to teach you a lesson in
obedience. When I'm through with you, you'll beg me to dress you
up in sexy outfits so you can show off."
brother, was I in trouble. I was afraid to even think of
what my "lesson" would be. I was sure that it would not be
pleasant, but I knew there was no way she could make good on her
promise that I'd want her to expose me publicly.
Finally, we pulled into the garage. My wife leaned over
and connected my wrist cuffs to the collar. After that she
disconnected my hands from the headrest, giving me no chance to
get free. She then reached into her big purse, pulled out a
leash, and connected it to the collar. Getting her bag, my wife
got out of the car and came around to my door. I still could not
move because I was strapped in by the seat belt. She unhooked it
and gave a tug on the leash.
"Come along now, Sheila," she ordered as we walked into the
house. We stopped in the kitchen.
"The first thing we need to work on is this tendency of
yours to talk back and question everything I say. After all, I
can't keep that gag in your mouth all the time. Unless, of
course, you like the feel of something shaped like a cock in your
I shook my head violently.
"Well then, you need to show me that you can behave.
Believe me, I hate keeping that beautiful mouth of yours gagged
all the time. There are so many better uses for it."
Having said that she pulled what looked like a leather
sleeve with some laces running down the length out of the bag of
things she'd just bought. She then walked out of the room for a
few seconds and returned with several pieces of rope. She
unlocked the wrist cuffs and had me put my hands behind my back.
She then secured them with the hands facing.
Next, she picked up the sleeve and slid it up my arms,
securing it with some straps in front of my shoulder,
guaranteeing that it would not come off. Then she began
tightening the laces, straightening my arms and pulling my elbows
together until they were about four inches apart. It hurt like
hell and forced me to pull my shoulders back and arch my back to
accommodate the position of my arms. My arms and shoulders began
to ache almost immediately.
"My, aren't you the brazen little slut!" she laughed as she
looked at me. I had to admit that the way my back was arched did
throw out my chest, emphasizing my big breasts. Next, she took a
long length of rope, tied it to a ring on the sleeve below my
hands and ran it to a hook it the ceiling. That ring! She'd had
me put that in the ceiling last week to hold a heavy planter.
How long had she been planning this? A tug on the rope brought
me back to the present. As she pulled on the rope, it forced me
to bend at the waist while she pulled my arms towards the
ceiling. Tying the rope off onto a doorknob, she commented,
"There, that should keep you. Comfy?"
Hardly! I was still in those ridiculous heels and this
position forced all of my weight onto my toes, which were already
in agony. Adding to this, the bent over position made the corset
so tight that I was gasping for breath in tiny pants. I felt
like I was going to pass out.
The next thing I knew she was pulling my dress up over my
waist, exposing my pantied bottom. Then she pulled the panties
down around my ankles.
"Are you ready for your first punishment?"
I had no way to say no, of course.
She fumbled around in the bag. When I looked, she had
pulled out a leather paddle. There was no doubt what her
intended target was. Bound as I was, there was also not a single
thing that I could do about it.
SMACK! She connected right on my bare ass with a stinging
blow. "I think that fifty good ones is about right for talking
back to your mistress, don't you?"
SMACK! She continued. After about twenty, I lost all
control and was crying like a baby. Each stroke seemed to sting
more than the one before it. Finally, she reached fifty. My
entire behind felt like it was on fire. She then pulled the
panties up and pulled my hem down again.
"That was just your first punishment. I told you that you
would never forget this lesson. I'll be back in a little while.
I'm going to take a shower and rest a bit. My arms are tired.
Don't go anywhere."
Her arms were tired! At my ass and thigh's expense! I
stood there, miserably bent over, dreading the next punishment,
and wondering what it would be.


I'm sure my wife was gone no more than an hour, but it felt
like days. I was trapped there, standing on my cramping toes in
those tall high heels, bent forward at the waist, exposing my
swat-inflamed, pink pantied rear under the hem of my short peach
dress. My eyes burned from sweat and tear dissolved makeup
that'd run into them while she spanked me with the heavy leather
paddle. I could barely breathe because of the way I was tied and
tight corset cinching my waist into nothingness. There was
nothing for me to do but suffer and ruminate on my situation.
I was trapped by more than my agonizing posture. She'd
taken pictures of me and threatened to give them to my boss and
secretary if I gave her any trouble for the next two weeks of my
surprise vacation. She'd made me watch her drop them off at a
fifty-minute photo place at the mall, and I was positive she had
the prints hidden somewhere I'd never find them. All because I'd
secretly tried on her panties and a few other clothes a couple of
times! Okay, to tell the truth, it was more than a couple of
times. Now, she was determined to turn me into Sheila, a sexy
little crossdresser who'd beg to be allowed to go out dancing so
she could be seen and admired!
A dizzy wave of pain made me start crying again. I suddenly
stiffened. What if that wasn't all she wanted to make me do?
What if she was trying to do more than show off my cute ass and
pouty red mouth? She'd already called me 'slut' a couple of
times. What if she meant it?
I almost fainted. I had to end this before it went any
further. She'd promised me still more punishment, and I didn't
think I could take any more. Maybe, if I acted the way she
wanted, she'd relent. More importantly, if I cooperated, there
was sure to be a chance to catch her off guard and escape before
any real damage was done.
By the time I finally heard the door open, I was in such
total agony that thinking of ways to escape my feminization was
the last thing on my mind. I'd have done anything simply to be
allowed to stand up straight. I was dizzy from the unending
struggle to breathe. My legs were cramped into fiery pillars of
pain. I tried to sob out around the penis gag what was supposed
to be her name.
"Well, well," she drawled from behind me, "don't you look
sexy! How's that nice little ass feel now, Sheila? Still hot
and pink as your panties?"
I heard her walking across the vinyl floor until she was
right behind me. Between my quivering legs, I saw that she'd
changed into some shoes I'd never seen before. The black high
heels must have been six inches tall and were tipped with narrow
metal spikes. Her ankles were covered in black mesh hose. I
jumped when I felt her hand on my ass, then tried to stand very
still for whatever she was going to do. She petted me between my
"Is it too tender, darling? Oh, dear. It's hard to answer
me with that nasty gag in your mouth, isn't it?"
I nodded frantically.
"Will you be a good girl if I take it out?"
I nodded so hard that time that I almost dislocated my
I gasped the instant the thing slid out of my dried lips. I
wanted to scream at her to turn me loose. Instead, I croaked
out, "Thank you."
"Why you're quite welcome, dear. Would you like to stand
"Please!" My voice shook wildly.
"One little thing, and I'll loosen the rope." I heard her
dig through the bag of things she'd bought and wondered what my
next torture was. She tugged my panties down and ran a finger
lubricated with something cold and slick over my exposed asshole.
Then, she eased the finger inside me. It hurt like hell, but
what could I do? If I screamed or protested, she'd do it anyway
and leave me tied in this bent forward position - or something
worse. I gritted my teeth and endured as best as I could.
She wiggled the finger inside me and ran it in and out a
couple of times. Cold sweat again popped out all over me, but
there was a strange heat, also. When she pulled her hand away, I
thought she was finished. Then I felt something cold and hard
being pressed into me, something much fatter than a finger. It
spread me so wide I thought I was going to have to scream, then
narrowed, letting my sphincter muscle clamp around it.
"Very good, honey. In case you're wondering, that's your
very own butt plug. I'm sure it's painful, but you'll get used
to it. I expect you to wear it at all times unless I tell you
otherwise. Is that clear?"
I nodded jerkily.
"Say it!"
"Yes," I choked out. "I understand."
When she unhooked the rope from the doorknob and let me
stand, I staggered and almost collapsed. Even the tiny breathing
space the tight corset gave me felt wonderful. I gasped as deep
lungful of air as I could. I barely noticed her loosening the
long leather sleeve laced up my arms, locking my elbows together,
but I was sure aware of the added freedom and the lessening
She had to help me to a chair, holding me by my wrists,
still cuffed behind my back. I hissed when I sat, both from
tender ass cheeks and the suddenly more noticeable discomfort of
the thing buried in my ass.
Until then, I hadn't looked at her, and what I saw shocked
and frightened me. She looked nothing at all like my wife! She
was wearing a shiny, form-fitting black latex bodysuit that looked
something like wildly cut one piece swim wear. There was a seam
down the middle decorated with silver studs. The outfit made her
nipples stand out and was buried in the valley between her pussy
lips. The stiletto heels made her much taller than I was, even
in the five inch heels I wore. Her eyes were made up in a way
that reminded me of Cleopatra, with immense lashes and eyeliner
and silver eye shadow drawn out almost to her temples. Her lips
were a deep, deep red that made her teeth look too white. "Oh
dear, you look terrible! Have you been ruining your makeup by
I nodded, shocked by her appearance. I heard myself whine,
"It hurt."
"It was supposed to," she said like she was explaining
something obvious to a c***d. "And that was nothing compared to
what I'll do if you start misbehaving again." She tied my bound
wrists to the chair and brought me some water. I sipped
thirstily until I noticed how badly I had to pee. It'd been a
long time since I'd used the toilet. And about then the blood
flowing through my arms began to tingle, then burn, hurting
almost as badly as being tied had.
"It'll pass," she said with a grin.
"Can I use the bathroom? Please?"
"Soon. But first we've got to get you looking pretty again.
Do you know how much the makeover you ruined cost?"
So she led me back to the bedroom. I couldn't help noticing
how the butt plug made me walk even more enticingly than I had
merely in the high heels. Was there no end to my humiliation? I
had to endure another eternal thirty minutes at her vanity before
I was allowed to pee - sitting down, of course, with my wife
standing there impatiently. I couldn't help but sigh my relief
as yet more room was made for me to breathe. As I stood for her
to pull my panties up, I was amazed that I felt almost
comfortable in the corset and heels.
"Such a sexy smile," she observed, tucking my penis back
between my legs. Her fingers lingered there. Her incredibly
lush, wet lips hovered inches from mine, and I felt myself begin
to harden in her hand. "Do you feel good, love?"
"A little," I confessed, reminding myself that I had to go
along with her mad game.
"Don't you feel pretty?"
"Kind of."
"Pretty enough to go out to dinner now?"
I blushed. "I'm awfully tired. Can we do that another
time?" My penis was at full erection by then, and she was
showing no sign of stopping.
"But you would if I insisted?"
My hips rocked in time with her caress under my short skirt.
"I'd have to. I know what'd happen if I tried to fight you."
"Oh, no you don't," she whispered into my face. "It'd be a
hundred times worse than you can imagine, Sheila. Trust me on
that. You don't want to ever do anything that'd make me angry.
Never again. Understand?"
I nodded, feeling her stroking hand more clearly than I
heard her soft words. The way she was rubbing me through the
silky material of the panties was driving me wild. I parted my
lips, leaning forward to kiss her. She quickly pulled away and
squeezed my balls with enough force to make me feel nauseated.
"Ah, ah! None of that, darling. I'll not have you smearing
that pretty lipstick of yours until I tell you to. Is my baby
getting all hot? Her sweet clittie's swollen so big. Would she
like me to make her cum?"
"Yes," I whispered. "Please."
"You'd cum in your panties and then sleep in them?"
"Yes. I don't care. Just -"
"You'd lick and suck my pussy until I told you to stop, and
then cum in them for me?"
Oral sex had always disgusted me. "Yes! Anything
you want!"
She dropped her hand and took me back to the bedroom,
pushing me to my knees beside the bed. She quickly opened a
velcro closure hidden under the metal studs of the bodysuit and
peeled away a strip of fabric that'd covered her groin. She
straddled my head and sat on the edge of the mattress. I stared
in shock between her legs. She'd shaved her pussy sometime in
the week or more since we'd last made love. Her pinkish-brown
labia shone with moisture.
"Kiss those lips, Sheila. French kiss that mouth, you
little slut. Tongue fuck it like you mean it and maybe I'll let
you cum."
I was repelled by the thought, but knew it was my only way
to get gratification, and that resistance would mean real
trouble. I made myself lean forward and hesitantly lap at her.
"No!" she yelled, grabbing me by my wig and slamming my face
into her, humping my nose with her hips. "Do it, you fag slut,
or we'll go out and pick somebody up to fuck YOU!"
I did it with every bit of energy I could summon. Little by
little, my disgust faded. I was turning her on! Her thrusts and
approving curses were heartfelt. I'd never heard her even half
so aroused when we made love normally. My penis strained inside
the tight panties as I eagerly wallowed between her legs, licking
and sucking wherever she told me to and going fast or slow
according to her commands.
When she orgasmed, I thought she was going to smother me.
She screamed and her legs clamped around me like steel bands,
trapping both my mouth and nose. Her pussy twitched around my
tongue and my nose nuzzled her clit. Just as I started seeing
black dots dancing in front of my eyes, she spread her legs and I
came up gasping for air.
I felt right on the edge of cumming myself. I looked down
and saw that the hem of my hose clad legs were spread wide. My
dress had slid up high enough to show the garters and the panties
beneath. My cock was still almost invisible, pointing toward my
butt. It looked like I had a girl's middle, and I was so turned on I
was about to die! I'd never wanted to cum so bad in my whole
life, and I couldn't reach out to jack off. I tried to pull my
legs together, hoping that maybe I could rub my thighs together
and get off that way. It didn't work.
I heard my wife laugh. "Would my horny baby like to cum in
her panties now? Would she like to rub her clit with those sexy
hands for me?"
I saw that she was laying back on the bed, staring down at
me from between her legs. She was stroking her clit, just like
her words were describing.
"Would you like me to fix your nasty mouth so you can be
pretty for me, and jack off for me like a dirty little slut?"
"Yes! Oh, god, please!"
When she helped me up, she didn't have to tell me to lay
down on the bed. I did it on my own. She spread my legs and
snapped handcuffs attached to the bedframe around my ankles.
Then she freed my hands from behind my back, clicking the left
wrist to the bed over my head. The right one she set free.
"Now do it slow, Sheila. You can't cum until I tell you
I was almost oblivious by then. My hand felt clumsy after
being imprisoned for so long, but it flew straight to my middle.
She slapped it away and pinned my arm under her weight.
"Listen to me, cunt! Unless you do it MY way, you don't get
to do it at all! Now just lay there until I say so!"
I panted while she swayed to the vanity to bring what she
needed to repair my face again. I begged her to hurry. Her hand
lightly tickled my painful balls and I cooperated to the max,
holding my mouth open like I was hungry for the lipstick, turning
my head this way and that so she could powder my cheeks and chin
to her satisfaction.
"God, you're a sexy whore, Sheila! Now do exactly as I say.
First, lift your skirt out of the way. Now scratch the length of
your clit with those nasty red fingernails!"
The sc**** of my long nails through the silk almost made me
shoot off right then. I dimly heard the click of the shutter as
she took more pictures, but there was nothing I could do about
it. I knew I was angling my hips up provocatively, but I had to
in order to reach myself.
"Feel good, honey? I wish you could see how sexy you are,"
she cooed. "Now stick your hand inside the panties and rub it,
just a little."
The thrill was electrifying! It took every bit of willpower
I owned not to jerk it just the once it'd take to send me over.
But my wife's ominous warning rang in my ears. I may have
whined, but I didn't cum.
"Perfect baby! Now push your panties down under your balls.
I want to see it. I want to watch that pretty hand make you
shoot cum up in the air. NO! NOT YET! I want you to just hold
it for a second, just squeeze it. Feel how good it feels."
I was dying. My ears were ringing and my whole body was
stiff. I was panting like a dog. "Please! Please," I howled.
"Tell me your name, slut! Tell me who you are and I'll let
you cum!"
"Sheila," I shrieked. "I'm Sheila!"
"And you just love looking sexy, don't you!"
"Yes! Yes!"
"Beg me to take you dancing tomorrow night!"
"Please take me out! Anywhere you want!"
"Do you want to show off? Do you want to wear that nasty
black minidress and tall heels and bright make up? Show
everybody what a hot little slut you are?"
"Yes! I'll do it!"
"Do you WANT to do it?"
"Yes! Yes! I want to be a slut and let everybody see me!"
"Then cum for me, Sheila! Rub your fat clit and cum!"
The explosion ripped through me like lightning. My first
blast of sperm must have shot two feet in the air. There were
many more spurts to follow, and my flying hand was slick with it
long before I was finished. I collapsed onto the mattress, weak
as a baby.
She touched my shrinking penis, and I gasped. It was so
sensitive I couldn't stand it. I heard her low chuckle, but she
relented and lifted her hand. She brushed my lips with her
fingers, and I automatically kissed them, tasting something salty
and sticky.
My drowsy eyes sprang open. It was my cum! I jerked my
head away.
Her voice was a frightening growl. "Do you really want to
make me angry, Sheila? Do you really want to resist me? Are you
ready for a hot, long dick to slide up your asshole?"
My eyes threatened to overflow. "No," I whispered.
"Then lick every drop of cum from my fingers like a good
More humiliated than I'd been while giving the clerks my
charge card, or even having the man leer at me through the car
windows, I did what she demanded. She scooped every last bit of
sperm off my dress and slack penis and made me swallow it.
Finally, after I'd licked my own hand clean, she was satisfied.
After she'd made me change into a red teddy, she chained me
to the foot of the bed and made me sleep on a blanket on the
floor. She'd loosened my girdle a little, but made me sleep in
make up and the wig. The butt plug was still there, too. She
fed me a can of diet milkshake and a tiny salad.
"You need to get used to being this way, Sheila. And this
IS the way you're going to be for the next two weeks. Maybe
longer, if you give me any trouble. I can't wait to get our next
photos back. They'll show anybody who sees them just how much
you love living this way."
The renewed threat to give them to my boss cowed me even
further. I'd never been so miserable in my life. She'd reminded
me, as she handcuffed me to the bed frame, of what she'd said
"I told you, Sheila. I knew you didn't believe me then, but
now you know. I made you beg me to go out and flaunt your slutty
body, just like I said I would."
I cried as quietly as I could in the darkness. Somehow,
some way, I HAD to get out of this!


I woke up stiff and sore, with the thing in my ass hurting
like hell. That and being on the floor were instant reminders of
everything that'd happened. I tried a deep breath but was
stopped by the corset. I had to sweep the wig's hair out of my
mouth. My fingernails startled me so much that my handcuffs
clinked on the bed.
The mattress moved and my wife's sleepy face peered down at
me. "Good morning, Sheila? Did you sleep okay?"
A bitter retort was on my lips when I saw her face turn
hard. I swallowed my protest. "Um, it was okay."
She looked pleased. "That's the spirit, darling! What a
good girl you're being! Just for that, I'll let you go to the
bathroom alone."
I tried to hide the hope surging through me by looking down
at the floor and thanking her. My heart was pounding. She
dashed it by holding up a pair cuffs with a short length of chain
between them. She clicked them around my ankles before unlocking
me from the bed, and made me put on the five inch heels. I had
to take short mincing steps. Even if I could get away from her,
where could I go in a corset and teddy with shackles on my legs?
Seeing my dismay, she laughed heartily as I walked delicately
from the room.
I hated seeing myself in the mirror. There was still sleep
worn lipstick on my mouth, eyeliner around my eyes, and flakes of
mascara all over my cheeks. The brown wig was a tangled mop.
Under the teddy I was as hairless as my wife, and the corset
showing through the lacy lingerie showed a shape as nice as hers,
too. I could barely see a man beneath all that. The haggard
woman in the mirror looked familiar, like my twin sister might
have if I had one.
I felt foolish standing to pee, having to hold the red teddy
out of the way, but I was damned if I'd squat unless I had to.
The long red fingernails embarrassed me as they touched my heavy
morning cock. I had to look away as I did my business.
I tried to think. I could take a razor out with me to use
as a weapon - but they were all the disposable kind and wouldn't
work. Not that I could really hurt her, not even for this. But
maybe I could convince her I meant business. To my dismay, there
were no scissors, no nothing. Every conceivable weapon had been
taken away. I almost cried in frustration, and managed not to
only by reminding myself how feminine a reaction that'd be.
I pulled myself together. There'd be another time, other
chances, if I played my cards right. Hating what I had to do, I
tugged a brush through the wig and rinsed my face and mouth. I
tried a practice smile, but it was too scary. I had to stay away
from mirrors.
She arched an eyebrow when I traipsed back out with as much
enthusiasm as I could find. "Why you little darling! You
cleaned up for me!"
"Would you like me to bring you coffee in bed?" I asked her
remembering to speak softly in as feminine a voice as I could
"What? And leave you in the kitchen with all those sharp
things? Honey, you might hurt yourself."
Obviously, she knew I'd try something and wasn't going to
give me the opening I needed. I choked back a burst of rage.
"I'd be very careful."
"I'm sure you would, darling. But not this time. Sit down
there and get started on your face, my little cum lover. I'll
make the coffee."
She cuffed my legs to the back legs of the vanity's chair
and roped my chest tightly to the back. I might be able to reach
the knot, I thought.
"Now do a good job, honey. I want you to look pretty.
Remember, we've got an appointment to get your hair done this
"But I can't!" I protested. "I don't know how!"
"Come darling," she warned as she turned away. "You've
watched me hundreds of time, and Cindy and I showed you exactly
how it needs to be done. Do it and do it right, or else!"
The moment she was out of sight, I tried the knot. It was
tight, and I could get no leverage because of the angle of my
wrists. I fumbled with it anyway, desperately, but to no avail.
Again tears threatened me. This time I couldn't hold them off.
Once I started, I couldn't stop.
I'd never felt anything like that in my life. I was
terrified and helpless. She was outsmarting me at every turn. I
was horrified - she was winning! She WAS going to be able to
make me do whatever she demanded, no matter how sick or twisted.
I was never going to be able to resist her. I was still crying
when she came back fifteen minutes later. Her deep scowl made me
try harder to dam the flood.
"You haven't even started!" she accused angrily.
"I . . . I . . ." I stammered hopelessly.
"You worthless little bitch! That does it!" She stormed
toward me. There was no way to flee from her. I covered my face
with my arms and sobbed anew. But she didn't go for my face.
Her slap landed squarely between my legs. I doubled up with a
sick groan. She wrenched one arm behind my back and twisted. A
cold cuff went around my wrist.
"Give me the other arm!"
I did.
"Why you thankless bitch! You broke a nail messing with
that knot, trying to get away! Oh, you'll pay for that, too!"
She jerked me to my feet by my arms, causing me to yell in pain.
She dragged me into the bathroom and pushed me into the tub,
still wearing what I'd slept in. She jerked off my high heels,
then turned the water on, adjusting it until it was almost
scalding hot. I was too afraid to protest. At least I'd quit
crying. She quickly reattached the handcuffs around a very solid
towel rack. With a sinking heart, I remembered I'd installed it
for her three weeks ago. More evidence that she'd been planning
this for a very long time!
To the burning water, she added fragrant bath salts and
oils. She reached under me and with a cruel jerk, removed the
plug that almost felt like part of my ass.
"You've earned the next larger size, cunt. We've got to get
you loosened up and ready for a big fat real cock, don't we?
After all, we don't want it to hurt you so much you can't enjoy
the way it's going slide in and out of you."
That was more than enough to make me sob all over again.
"Please," I begged her softly, "Not that. Anything but that."
"Anything, Sheila? You mean that anythings better than
having a man lift your sexy legs over his shoulders and spread
those cute buns under your dress and hammer you with his cock?"
"Yes!" I wailed hysterically. "Anything!"
"Oh, baby," she laughed, "I'm going to make you remember
what you just said. When you're crying this hard, begging me to
let you have a cock up your ass, I'll remind you. And you will,
you know. Just like you did last night."
With the steaming tub filled to the rim, she left me to soak
and think. Horrible scenarios ran through my mind, but none were
anywhere near as bad as what she'd said. What could be worse
than having another man do that to me? The whole thing was a
nightmare, but that . . .
The water was almost cool by the time she returned, and I
was having trouble. It was like the butt plug had already
loosened my asshole, and I was sweating as I tried to keep my
bowels from emptying in the bathwater.
"Toilet!" I begged the instant the door opened.
"Oh, my! Do we have a problem, darling?" I barely noticed
that she was in makeup as wild as the night before and wearing an
ebony minidress that looked as wet and skin tight as her bodysuit
"I need to shit! Please!"
She giggled merrily. "We can't have that, can we? You'd
have to walk around all day smelling of you own shit!" She put a
theatrically thoughtful red nail before her thick scarlet lips.
"Now let me see. What did I do with those keys?"
I realized as she turned away that she wasn't coming back.
I knew the keys were just outside the door on an end table. And
she didn't return until she heard the forlorn wail I made fifteen
minutes later as my stretched sphincter finally released. I was
straining to keep as much of my body out of the filth as I could
and crying like a lost toddler.
She clucked her tongue at me and looked disgusted. "Well,
Sheila. That's your third fuck up already, and you've only been
awake an hour. What am I going to do with you? I'm only going
to be able to have you fucked by a few men before it's more
reward than punishment."
"I'm sorry! I'll behave! I swear to God I will. Please,
Ellen, give me one more chance!" I knew she was maneuvering me,
but it was all I could do.
She walked up to the side of the tub, petted my damp wig
with her hand. I looked up, pleading with my eyes. I could see
right up her skirt, see that she wasn't wearing any panties, just
garters to hold up her seamed hose. Her naked pussy pouted down
at me. I remembered how it tasted. Her searing red mouth
smiled. "Anything, darling. That's what you said. Remember?
Now take a deep breath and relax."
With that, she unlocked my hands. I knew what was coming.
Nausea welled up in me as she pushed my head under the water I'd
At least she let me shower and scrub myself clean, even
though I didn't feel that way. It didn't feel like I'd ever be
able to get clean. I hated her for what she'd done - all of it,
not just in the bathtub. But it was a strange hatred, more fear
than anger, if that makes sense. It didn't to me. I was more
and more convinced that I wasn't going to be able to escape her -
ever. My self-confidence had been eaten away over the past day
until I doubted everything except her cunning.
Somehow, being naked was even worse than wearing the corset
and teddy had been. My hairlessness seemed all the reminder I
needed. I wrapped a towel around me to hide as much of myself as
I could while I shaved my light beard as smooth as was humanly
possible. I knew the towel was a feminine gesture, but I
couldn't stand seeing myself that way.
When I finally minced out of the bathroom in my shackles,
holding my shampooed wig in my hand, she acted like nothing had
ever happened. She was chatty, in a kind of girl to girl way.
She'd loaded a tray with fresh fruit and coffee. My mouth
watered as I ate my share and tried to make light conversation.
She was critical of my voice, but not in a vicious way. As she
cleared the scant meal, she told me to do my makeup like a good
I promptly tried to imitate what had been done to me several
times the day before. I'd been paying no attention, and was
finding the task overwhelming. I swallowed my fear and meekly
asked for her help. I watched her expressionless face as she
approached, fearful of her wrath, but her smile made me try to,
"Of course, my love. I'm so happy you asked." She pressed
her soft breasts against the back of my head as she hugged me.
"I'd love to help make you beautiful. But," she warned tenderly,
you must learn to do it for yourself, or I'll be upset."
"I will," I vowed, relishing the feel of her chest wrapping
around me. "Uh, by the way, I think you're beautiful today." It
was the most truthful thing I'd said all day.
"Um," she purred, sliding her hands down my smooth chest,
playing with my nipples, rubbing her breasts more firmly against
me. "Thank you, lover. I knew you'd like it as much as I do."
She let her hands slide lower still, grasped my growing
member in a gentle hand. "God, you make me so hot," she
whispered, staring at me via the mirror. "You've done your lips
even better than I did. Such a sweet red pout - but you should
never start with lipstick, baby. Oohh. My cunt's dripping,
thinking about how good they'd feel kissing it like you did last
night. You gave me the best orgasm I've ever had, Sheila. I
want to sixty-nine with you, lick your clit until we both cum."
"I want that, too," I panted hotly, imagining my cock in
that sweltering red mouth. I spoke what I hoped she wanted to
hear. "Let me lick you again. Let me fuck you with my tongue."
She kept me stone hard and sweaty until she'd coached me
through the whole makeover. Then she forced me into a second
corset, this one red, and let me play with myself and her heavy
breasts as she stretched the laces tighter and tighter. She
warned me over and over not to cum until she gave me permission.
I had to put the breast forms in myself. Satisfied, she pushed
me to the carpet and

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My chance had arrived. I knew you would be alone and just so happened I was able to get away at that same time. It was going to be difficult to plan but no obstacle was about to stop me from my quest. I had to make all my travel and transportation arrangements and just hope you or your wife did not change any plans. This was going to be risky but I was more than willing to take a huge chance to finally get my hands on you. My mind was racing through all the little details I wanted to make...

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"Where are we going?" I asked, staring out the window into the cloudy skies. Tyler had made me put on a short skirt and no panties before we left the house. I wasn't sure what he had in mind for the day but I was a bit bored. I was also horny but all of my sexual advances had been rebuffed by him. I was confused as to why he would tell me to put on a skirt with no underwear and then not fuck me. I was frustrated."It's a surprise!" he said with excitement. "Try to at least look a little bit...

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©1997, All Rights Reserved When Joe came over that evening, I told him I had a surprise for him. "Umm," he said, "I usually don't like surprises, Holly." "Oh, I think you'll like this one," I said, smiling at him. "In that case," Joe said, "I look forward to it." He was cool, though. He didn't ask me what it was, not then or later as we chatted over wine and fixed dinner together. He smiled at me when I lighted candles and placed them on the table for dinner. Later, over...

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I woke up very early Monday morning to make sure that I got up before Ella. I had a few things to do before she woke up, so I got up at 5:00 and got dressed. I lingered for a few minutes before leaving, to stare at the angel in my bed. I thought, “I still can’t believe that Ella is my girlfriend… and slut.” That last part brought a smile to my face as I left to go and set up the surprises. I came back home at 6:45 and saw that Ella was still asleep. This made sense since I usually got up for...

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SURPRISE!Ellen was a late bloomer…until she was 18 years old she was a blushing small town virgin. Her 18 th birthday party down at Panama City Beach changed all that. She discovered that the sight of an erect penis ejaculating over her hands excited her, gave her a funny, tingly feeling between her legs. That same night she found that the hot squirts of cum against her pussy walls would make her cum as well. Shortly thereafter, she found that if she rubbed her pussy with her hand while she was...

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Standing outside of her house, I watch the bedroom window, waiting for the light to go off. That's when I'll make my move. Her parents are gone for the weekend at some kind of retreat. Her father didn't want to go, but his wife thought that was what they needed for their tired marriage. You see, I'm their neighbor and I find out all the good dope on all my neighbors. That way I can practice my profession and my hobby. By profession, I am a thief, and it's good to know when people are gone. I...

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Surpriseby Christiana LeckerThe room is filled with the warm glow of six flickering candles, and I hum a soft tune while I make the final decorations. Four of the candles are on holders on each wall to light the room, two on the side table waiting for a different use. I've been working since lunch time, moving furniture, putting photos of us two everywhere and making the dining room a special place for a special evening. I smile thinking of you while I put a transparent plastic cloth over the...

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I had been dating this girl I’ll call Rachel for several months. She was fun and adventurous, both out, and in bed. Usually, it took a long time before I would reveal my cross dressing to a girl. Sometimes I would have to because I left a receipt out somewhere and I had to explain that the clothing wasn’t for another girl, but for me. This time was going to be much different. Rachel and I were out one night and she had something about how she knew me so well, that there was nothing about...

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I did not write this, if you did and want me to take it down just say so.His SurpriseThe k**s were off to grandma's so they had the night to themselves. It had been a while since they had any real privacy, and at first they seemed lost in the silence that fell like a blanket over their otherwise frantic domain. Matt uncorked a bottle of good wine and suggested that they play a game of backgammon on the back patio and enjoy the sunset and each other.While they played, their three dogs romped...

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This is my first story- please comment. It was our two year anniversary and I knew my husband was planning a surprise for me. I walked up the steps to our flat and rang the bell- no answer. I rang again and the door opened. Strong hands gripped me and dragged me inside; there was a hand over my mouth and one around my mid section, not letting me move.I was dragged to the bedroom and thrown on the bed."What-" I started to protest.Before I finished my sentence I was gagged, then my eyes were...

1 year ago
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SURPRISE! Ellen was a late bloomer…until she was 18 years old she was a blushing small town virgin. Her 18 th birthday party down at Panama City Beach changed all that. She discovered that the sight of an erect penis ejaculating over her hands excited her, gave her a funny, tingly feeling between her legs. That same night she found that the hot squirts of cum against her pussy walls would make her cum as well. Shortly thereafter, she found that if she rubbed her pussy with her hand while she...

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It's me again. Not too long after I did the bukkake thing, my boss and the Mrs. were going to have a party, a garden party, they said. Part of my job as personal secretary is to do all of the personal correspondance for the Mr. and the Mrs. so I knew this was going to probably be a pretty big party, they sent out over 20 invitations, so if everyone showed up, over 40 people. I really never did anything in front of that many people.The Mrs. wanted to know if I thought that I could actually...

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Carol and I have been living together for over a year when she told me of her fantasy. She wanted a menage a trois. Being liberal minded and kind of turned on by the idea of having two girls in the sack at the same time, I agreed. I said "Carol, if it's a menage a trois that you want, then by all means lets fulfill your fantasy." In my mind I was wondering which of her girl friends she was going to bring for me. My dick was proceeding to the hard-on phase just thinking about the...

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Angela was laying down on the bed to rest for a bit in hopes her headache would disappear. She heard the door creak open and saw the crack of light fall across the bed. A man’s voice whispered in, “Are you feeling any better, can I come in?” She answered back yea, recognizing the voice as her friend, Joe. He closed the door behind him and walked slowly to the bed, his eyes not quite having adjusted to the darkness in the room. He felt around on the bed, brushing lightly against Angela’s ankle...

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About six months ago, Dad bought me my very own computer. So, like most Saturday mornings since then, I was awake early, showered and back in my room searching the web for some porn, while playing with my dick. I was pretty new to the whole sex scene. For some reason I hadn't really thought that much about it before but, after discovering porn on the internet, I found that my world of all things sexy, kinky, perverted, and nasty had no borders. In fact, I was becoming fascinated with the more...

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18 year old Mark was in the school toilets at the urinal he was getting verbal abuse from other boys because he was gay, a teacher came in and all the other boys left, the teacher told Mark to hurry up and left, 16 year old Steve entered Mark got worried Steve was a local thug and school bully who gave Mark no end of hassle, Mark waited for the normal verbal abuse and was surprised when none came and was totally surprised when Steve stood at the urinal unzipped his trousers and pulled his dick...

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Surprise! I had not seen her since my divorce 4 years earlier, but she was still my step daughter, although now 23, and educated, and still very beautiful. Her mother’s mother had passed away and I was enlisted to help my ex-wife dispose of the contents of the home. Having come up from Florida , I had spent the day with the ex, doing an inventory of the contents and what course of action would be best. We had gone out for dinner and she was still very upset, understandably, and asked if she...

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Surprise!I had not seen her since my divorce 4 years earlier, but she was still my step daughter, although now 23, and educated, and still very beautiful. Her mother’s mother had passed away and I was enlisted to help my ex-wife dispose of the contents of the home. Having come up from Florida , I had spent the day with the ex, doing an inventory of the contents and what course of action would be best. We had gone out for dinner and she was still very upset, understandably, and asked if she...

Straight Sex
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“Fuck,” I exclaim as he pushes a finger into me. I throw my head back on his shoulder, clutching the suit jacket adorning his body. “Don’t come until I say so,” Grey commands. He pulls the neckline of my summer dress down, exposing my hardened nipples. “Y-yes,” I stutter. He’s already making me feel so many things, and this is just the beginning. “I-I’m close,” he removes his finger as soon as the words leave my mouth.I look back at him with a confused expression. “Go lay on the bed, on your...

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It had been one hell of a Wednesday! I had finally had enough of my boss and I told him he could take his job and shove it! Hell I didn't really need the money anyway, even if it was over six figures. I had a nice retirement from the Navy and I had been drawing social security for three years and there was still my ample 401k plan that I hadn't touched, nope I was pretty much set financially. Next year when my wife of more than 40 years turned sixty five she would start drawing her social...

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OK all, you know what furries are? anthromorphic humans, people with slighly animalistic features. its not bestiality, alright? look up yiffies or furries on the net if you want. I gotta say I did not write this story, it was written by a guy called Xsirus, you can find it at furry pleasures among other places This was it, he was going nuts. He didn't mind Daxan's sex life but this was ridiculous. Covering his head with the pillow was all he could do not to hear the fox and his mate screaming...

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Jerry Bolshetti was the 24 year old son and grandson from a generation of farmers who grew up in northeast Kansas. For Jerry farming was in his blood and he could think of no greater pleasure then working with his hands. Jerry went to trade school to learn how to become a builder, he never had any interest in white collar work. Jerry at 5'10" 176 pounds had developed a body built of ripped farmers muscles and kept that way by doing hard physical labor mostly building buildings. A lot...

3 years ago
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Introduction: A woman helps her wife relax in a special way Surprise By Discreet Lover Copyrighted 2011 The house was quiet as Len walked though the front door. She frowned as she walked into the living room and listened for any sound. Checking her watch she saw it was only 6:30. So where were the kids and Randa? Usually when she got home from work the kids were either running around or watching tv and Randa was working on the computer or making dinner. Walking further into the house she...

2 years ago
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This is my first story- please comment. It was our two year anniversary and I knew my husband was planning a surprise for me. I walked up the steps to our flat and rang the bell- no answer. I rang again and the door opened. Strong hands gripped me and dragged me inside, there was a hand over my mouth and one around my mid section, not letting me move. I was dragged to the bedroom and thrown on the bed. ‘What-‘ I started to protest. Before I finished my sentence I was gagged, then my eyes were...

1 year ago
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It was September of 2009 and I was coming home from my high school when my mother called me with the details. Hi mom, whats up? Lex, you remember the Jones right? Sure, they have the twins right? How old are they now? Well, I think they just turned twelve last month&hellip,but anyways, Mrs. Jones just called me not ten minutes ago to see if you could head over to spend the night. They received an emergency from the hospital where her mother lives and they need to leave now and they cannot...

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I was sitting in the hot tub with a friend. It was not late, but it was Fall so it was already dark. We were naked and he'd started to get a little weirded-out. We were waiting on my wife to join us, but she was taking her sweet time about doing so.We’re not really close friends, but my wife and I were letting him crash with us while he was in town. We'd run through the usual talking points. I don’t like football, so wasn’t much help there. He didn’t know much about MMA, so we failed to connect...

4 years ago
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Your instructions are simple: meet me at the Haddon Hotel at 9pm. Once there, go to the front desk and the rest will fall into place. You enter the dimly lit the room not knowing what to expect. Wearing business attire, your thigh high skirt shows every sexual curve you possess. On the floor lies an arrow in rose petals which you follow to the back of the couch. As you look out into the city, without warning I grab you from behind. There is a small cry and I place my hand over your mouth to...

3 years ago
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If you read my stories you know I worked for more than forty years security mostly at night starting in the U S Air Force as an air/security police man for eight years mostly overseas in Asia and Europe having a four month break in that now lovely tourist area Vietnam which was damned fucking hot both temperature wise and dodging bullets wise! I have the Air Force to thank for meeting my wife who back in 1967 was working as a receptionist at the Douglas House Hotel, a regular West London Hotel...

1 year ago
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i get to your house a little earlier than i figured i could get there. you meet me happily at the door, wrapping your arms around me, squeezing me tight against you. you smell so nice, strawberries. your hair d****s over myhands as you kiss me deeply, your tongue searching my mouth for mine. My place my hands on your ass, caressing your beautiful curves. you lead me int your bedroom, explaining that you have a surprise for me and that i must co-operate. being the submissive servant to you that...

2 years ago
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I was trying to surprise my wife. I had been away in Chicago on business and I manage to wrap things up a day early so I caught a flight from O'Hare that arrived at Regan National around 8pm. Traffic was light and I rolled into my Northern Virginia driveway a few ticks before 9pm ready to enjoy some alone time with my wife.There was an unfamiliar car in front of the neighbor's house but that wasn't unusual since they were always entertaining, even on Thursday nights. The lights were out...

2 years ago
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You knew you should have let the gas station boy change your oil instead of letting him bend you over the car. Now you're stuck out in the suburbs with no real sign of help - or sex - anywhere.You find it extremely frustrating in these hot summer days to keep your hands from frigging yourself. You decide its time to venture outside of your Primera for help with your engine - and your car. After several hundred metres of tree and sidewalk, you notice something approaching you on the horizon. As...

2 years ago
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I woke up very early Monday morning to make sure that I got up before Ella. I had a few things to do before she woke up, so I got up at 5:00 and got dressed. I lingered for a few minutes before leaving, to stare at the angel in my bed. I thought, “I still can’t believe that Ella is my girlfriend… and slut.” That last part brought a smile to my face as I left to go and set up the surprises. I came back home at 6:45 and saw that Ella was still asleep. This made sense since I usually got up for...

1 year ago
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Aubrey swallowed the lump in his throat as his wrists grew sore from his restraints-being handcuffed to the headboard of the bed, naturally he grew stiff. Speaking of stiff… he peered down, under the frilly black miniskirt of his maid outfit was a visible bump, straining against the panties that constricted it, said lingerie was clinging to his soft pale skin. He bit a plump bottom lip and sighed, blowing a scarlet lock of hair away from his face. If only his bastard of a boyfriend would get...

1 year ago
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I have been dating this woman, Connie, for the past few months. She's adventurous, sexy and loving. She always seems to know what I want and even pushes my comfort-zone, from time to time.Last weekend, she and I went out for dinner and dancing. As the night progressed, I found that I was getting a bit "tipsy", shall we say, and didn't understand why. After all, I only had two drinks. She suggested that I sit the next dance out and she went to the ladies room. She was gone for an unusual amount...

3 years ago
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You are supposed to meet me at my place after work, for some reason things are really quiet and you get off a little early and head up here to meet me. Not bothering to call or knock you walk into the house and head towards the bedroom, but before you get there, you hear a noise and stop. You peek around the door thinking that I’m just masturbating but it turns out that something else is going on in the bedroom. Not only am I in the room with another man, but another woman as well. Deciding to...

1 year ago
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I was browsing through internet one time when I found a good site called friendfinder. I made a profile for me and in my information i said in it am male 45 years old 165 cm tall 65 kg bottom looking for top, I also put some naked and sexy pictures for me, after some time I received many messages from people all over the world want to make friendship with me, I was happy because most of them are young, good looking and horny too, I reply to many of them, but there is one guy he kept sending me...

1 year ago
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In search of a hot man, Heather and Heidi scope out the scene until they both agree that the tall, dark, muscular male sitting at the bar is the one. They slip out of the club unnoticed and after a few minutes Heidi returns to make her move. She climbs up on the barstool beside him and introduces herself. As the conversation progresses, she discovers that his name is Scott, he's the same age as she is, and best of all, he's single. They seem to hit it off very well and they begin to date. After...

3 years ago
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This story is what happen to me this morning, it's still on my mind, so i decided to share it with my friends here... I'm off duty today so was sleeping till late in z morning.. Everytime i stay home my bf used to come during the day, do some love n then we go somewhere.. But today morning, i was still in deep sleep when i feel like somebody was on me.. I used to sleep on my belly holding tightly my pillow pushing my ass up.. I felt that somebody caressing my legs coming up my ass.. I was...

3 years ago
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I knew your wife was going out of town to visit relatives. Damn I have wanted you for so very long. I wanted to do all the things to you that I knew she never ever would. All your fantasies I will make come true in a big way. Chatting with you for months made a huge lust grow deep inside me for you. Seemed you enticed me at every turn. You are just so sexy and hotter than any man I know. The lack of privacy made hooking up very difficult and I wanted more than just words though I loved...

3 years ago
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Your instructions are simple: meet me at the Haddon Hotel at 9pm. Once there, go to the front desk and the rest will fall into place. You enter the dimly lit the room not knowing what to expect. Wearing business attire, your thigh high skirt shows every sexual curve you possess. On the floor lies an arrow in rose petals which you follow to the back of the couch. As you look out into the city, without warning I grab you from behind. There is a small cry and I place my hand over your mouth to...

3 years ago
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It was in the run-up to Christmas. We had been invited to a number of parties and the only reason we attended yet another one was because they were good friends and they were concerned about how many would come. I had to work early the next morning so I couldn’t drink much and mid-way through the evening I was the only one sober and the only one not laughing. My wife was chatting to our neighbour who was there alone because his wife and kids were away for the week. I wandered across, my wife...

2 years ago
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Stepping into the shower was the high point of the day for her, she turned the shower on full, and feeling the power as it hit the top of her scalp. It felt good to her, washing away the day’s troubles. She closed her eyes under the powerful stream, letting the water run down her face and body. She felt his presence rather than heard him as he stepped into the shower, his hands came round to her breasts and held them, immediately the effect was electrifying and her nipples grew under his...

1 year ago
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Brad was at the park one Saturday playing softball with his buddies when he spotted Morgan, a tall, thin blonde sitting on a nearby bench. Brad accidentally lost the ball near where she was sitting and had to go get it. Everyone had packed up their things and left, since it was getting dark. Brad and Morgan had a little privacy, even though they were outdoors. Brad struck up a conversation with her, and they were getting along nicely. Morgan was doing some subtle flirting, giggling, brushing...

3 years ago
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Angela was laying down on the bed to rest for a bit in hopes her headache would disappear. She heard the door creak open and saw the crack of light fall across the bed. A man’s voice whispered in, “Are you feeling any better, can I come in?” She answered back yea, recognizing the voice as her friend, Joe. He closed the door behind him and walked slowly to the bed, his eyes not quite having adjusted to the darkness in the room. He felt around on the bed, brushing lightly against Angela’s ankle...

1 year ago
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*Note: All of the characters in this story are fiction. This story is only for entertainment purposes and is fantasy. **** 6 months ago I ran into a site by accident, I am not even sure how I got there. The site contained information on bdsm groups, get togethers and parties. I had never thought about going to a bdsm party before, but wanted to check it out to see what it was about. I contacted the site manager, and inquired about how I could be a guest a one of the get togethers to check it...

3 years ago
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It was my Mother's birthday and the day was winding down to a close. Almost everyone left or at least it seemed. In actuality some people left but the rest went around back and quietly made their way into the back room and got ready. We had a quite a few people over and after the last one left I just collapsed on the couch. "Thanks for helping me with everything today John," my Mom said as she sat down next to me. "Oh no problem Mom," I started to get back up," there's one more thing I have...

1 year ago
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Meg took another glance towards the clock, giving a soft sigh. Lee'd be home any minute. She was a bit surpirsed at his birthday wish. She told him that she'd do whatever he wanted for his birthday. She had figured he'd pick his favorite restaurant and a movie- but when he said he wanted to be in control of her for a night, it kind of threw her offguard. Still, she had said it, so she'd hold up to it. He told her about an outfit he had seen at the porn shop, as well as a collar and leash. He...

2 years ago
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As I prepared to leave work after a particularly hectic day, I concentrated my thoughts on getting home and relaxing in a long, hot bath. My DaddyDom, Dave was scheduled to be out of town overnight and that meant I would be alone for the first time since I’d moved in with him two months ago. I love Dave with all my heart and enjoy every minute with him but I was really looking forward to this night. Be honest, a girl needs some intimate time alone now and then, just to be herself!Anyway, during...

1 year ago
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I met 3 friends of mine on many occasions to jam in our little band. We meet at the drummers house on Saturdays. Last Saturday, I was getting ready to go, when J (Jeannie) asked if she could go listen. She loves music and our jams are usually closed to anyone other than the guys. I thought about the possibilities and said I don’t see why not. She was ready to go, so we left. J was wearing a very sexy sheer black top with a bra and jeans. We arrived and the guys were already there. We came in...

1 year ago
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I was parking my car in our garage when i noticed my hubby standing with another couple who i did not know, at first i thought he had someone over then as they came closer i could see the look in my hubby's eyes that he had done something and i was about to find out. his friend came around to my side of the car and opened my door and helped me out,,, he was very good looking and wearing nice clothes and smelled i got out he introduced himself as Tony and he walked with me into the...

3 years ago
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Stephanie stood there and watch her roomates Kevin and Robbie highfiveeachother and whoop and holler. They had been watching a football game andapparently, their team scores. She didnt watch sports."I'll be back in awhile guys". They grunted a reply without looking up.She was headed to the local market to get stuff to make the boys, her boysdinner. They had been living together as roomates for about a month now andStephanie thought it was time she told them her "secret." She sighed as sherode...

2 years ago
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I'm sitting here throbbing with need. You have been texting all morning, and you turn me on so effortlessly. I'm so wet, my jeans are getting dark.My nipples are hard under my shirt as I sit in my truck, moaning under my breath.You are only half playing with my mind, as you are working. I haven't told you that I was able to slip away from work... I have been refraining from playing with myself as you keep teasing. I want more than teasing.. and maybe some pay back.. I am sitting in the lot...

3 years ago
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was a wet night on my way home from work, as i drove down a lane the car sk**ded on some mud throwing my car into a spine,when i eventually stopped and checked the car it had two punctures, no signal because of the weather.i begin to walk the lane getting soaked,i see a car coming and wave it down a cpl guys in it tell me to jump in offer to take me to theirs to use the phone.its a big house secluded and set back we pull up they show me in giving me the phone, but its out of order too posibly a...

3 years ago
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I was young and minding my own business, she was younger and had some other business in mind, a little Southern belle that came unannounced and rang my chimes for the first time. A group of us had gotten into the habit of "finding" and consuming a beer or seven and one night her cousin brought her along. The fire was hot and the beer was cold and we were high on life. Picture the scene around a fire with a "borrowed" keg and not a single responsible person, adult or otherwise,with-in shouting...

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It had been quite some time since I had tasted the flesh of a young buxom female. I needed to have a good-looking lady at my side and soon. I decided to go dancing in town at one of the local bars. I don't usually hang out at these kind of places; however, It may be time I started. It sure is hard to find a date now a days. I went to the Lighthouse Bar. It usually is happening all night until about 4:00 am.I dressed in my tightest jeans and my best button up shirt. I looked for a lack...

1 year ago
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As I quietly enter the bedroom, I see you lying in the twilight. Your hair has grown longer, your eyes are closed, your skin is darker, your breasts are larger and your body glistens with sweat. You are beautiful lying there naked. I see you laying there on the bed in all your beauty. I continue to look at you, unseen, as you gently squeeze your breasts, and rub your clit. You slide your fingers inside you, bucking and thrusting them in and out. Your nipples harden, you pull them, squeeze them...

4 years ago
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Brad was at the park one Saturday playing softball with his buddies when he spotted Morgan, a tall, thin blonde sitting on a nearby bench. Brad accidentally lost the ball near where she was sitting and had to go get it. Everyone had packed up their things and left, since it was getting dark. Brad and Morgan had a little privacy, even though they were outdoors. Brad struck up a conversation with her, and they were getting along nicely. Morgan was doing some subtle flirting, giggling, brushing up...


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