Inappropriate Ch. 01 free porn video

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I was in a good position in life. As an Adjunct Instructor at the university, I was able to teach, which I truly enjoyed, but fortunately I was not burdened with academic research. The four classes I taught gave me plenty of time to myself, including short breaks throughout the day when I could get my errands done or take a leisurely lunch break. While there were often quizzes to grade, I could dispense with those rather quickly, midterms and finals clearly took longer to grade, but that only occurred a few times per semester. And since most of my students were in their first or second year of study, their youth helped to keep me youthful and energetic despite my thirty-six years of age.

The beginning of a new semester was always a time of slightly-nervous anticipation. With the advanced courses, there was almost no anticipation, both because the students already had a strong background in media studies and because I had already taught most of the students in previous classes. With the introductory courses, however, I never really knew what to expect – each group of students has its own collective personality which affects how a class is taught, but that is also part of what makes teaching itself such a fun challenge.

Another ‘fun’ aspect of teaching in such an environment was the juxtaposition of youth and sudden adulthood. Watching and listening to my students interact with each other showed their relative naïveté interlaced with ‘older’ attitudes and experiences and desires. I sometimes needed to hide a smile when I heard something, or watched discreetly as one student attempted (usually rather badly) to hit on another.

As New Student Orientation progressed, I enjoyed spending time walking across campus or meandering in the adjacent area of student-oriented shops and eateries. I especially enjoyed admiring the short skirts, tight shorts, and cleavage-revealing tops worn by the myriad of young women coming to or returning to the university. From behind my sunglasses, I was able to sit at a table and read Idoru while occasionally averting my eyes from the page to admire the collective female body passing by the restaurant’s patio.

‘He’s cute!’ I heard softly from my left. I pretended not to hear as I took another sip of the Coke, glancing to my left. A trio of young women sat two tables away, looking in my direction. But then the noise of the lunchtime crowd came to a natural crescendo, so I could no longer hear their conversation.

While I could not hear them, I could definitely discretely see them: two brunettes and a redhead. The redhead particularly attracted my eyes, with long eyelashes which captured my attention as I saw her in profile. She wore an adjustable silvery ring, and from the distance I was not entirely certain of the form of the ring. The tight tank top revealed that she was not wearing a bra, her nipples not erect but still just barely discernable against the taut fabric. Of the group, she looked toward me much more often than the others, her pinkish eyes truly riveting me.

In time, I finished the remnants of my lunch slipped the book back into my backpack. With a final sip of the Coke, I discretely admired the redhead one final time.


To my pleasant surprise, that had not been the final time to discretely admire the redhead, for on the first day of classes, she was the third student to walk into the large lecture hall.

It was a large class: 250 students and 5 Teaching Assistants, including me. I hoped, as I admired her from across the large auditorium, that she would be in one of my Sections.

‘Earth to Robert,’ one of the other Teaching Assistants chided me. ‘Eyes off the juveniles!’

Eric and I shared a knowing grin. I had taught with him in the Spring semester as well, and knew that he had his own ranking system for the women in his Sections, not dissimilar to the film 10.

At that point, Dr. Langley approached us, with several other Teaching Assistants in tow, for a quick impromptu meeting, and I lost track of her as the auditorium began to fill with students. But soon enough, the class was beginning, and as I stood with the other Teaching Assistants at the front of the auditorium, I saw her out of the corner of my eye.

Again, she wore a tight tank top, but she at least wore a bra this time, which was probably good since the air conditioning was indeed on its ‘Iceberg’ setting and her nipples would then have definitely been impossible to miss. Her eyes this time were lavender, and I could only assume that she was wearing colored contacts to achieve that effect. She also wore a rather short denim skirt, short enough that if she were to inadvertently part her legs, everyone at the front of the auditorium would have been able to accurately report what color underwear she was wearing.

…if any.

That thought percolated in my mind throughout the introductions and the opening lecture. I may have been laughing at the appropriate times at the many jokes and funny film and television clips Dr. Langley showed to the young throng, but my mind was reeling with thoughts of the redhead’s potential lack of underwear.

…and I could conspicuously feel her eyes upon me.


The first of my Sections immediately followed the lecture portion of the course for the week. Fortunately, I did not have far to go – just down the corridor to the last classroom on the left, and when I arrived, it appeared that virtually all the students in that Section had already arrived.

I was not at all surprised to see that the captivating redhead was already sitting at the table at the center of the front row, pointedly ignoring the Oriental-looking student sitting next to her.

To be honest, I do not know how I made it through that first Section without constantly having my eyes fixated upon her, and without sprouting an erection.

The good thing about the usually-mundane roll call was that I finally learned her name: Rose Black. Almost certainly, she had been named Rose for her red hair, but it also provided a nice and colorful counterpoint to her last name.

At the end of Section, most students left the classroom immediately. A few students came up to me with questions about the course. Rose, however, waited until everyone else had stepped away from me before she asked an unexpected question:

‘When are your office hours?’

It took me a brief second to collect myself. ‘Fridays from 11AM to Noon, and Wednesdays from Noon to 2PM. It says so in the syllabus.’

‘Oh,’ she replied. ‘I’m sorry. I must’ve overlooked it. Thank you, Dr. Stephenson.’

‘Whoa!’ I uttered with a laugh. ‘I’m just ‘Mr. Stephenson.’ I don’t have a Ph.D.’

Rose smiled. ‘That’s okay. You clearly know more about media than I do.’


That night, I dreamed of Rose. I dreamed of holding her tightly in the center of main campus as students and professors hurried past en route to their classes and labs and offices. I dreamed of teaching her Section and suddenly, in the blink of an eye, finding her completely naked yet utterly unashamed. I dreamed of grading her exam and finding she did not score well at all, then calling her into my office and pulling her over my thighs to spank her for her poor performance. I dreamed of awakening in the darkness to find her mouth slowly descending my hardened desire.

In the morning, Rose filled my mind as I showered the wall of the shower.


11:00AM came slowly. Typically, I did not really look forward to office hours, but this time, I truly wanted to be there.

I officially shared an office with a Junior Professor, but since she was on medical leave for the semester so she could give birth and care for her newborn, I had the small office to myself. I was very thankful for that fact when I arrived at the office and found Rose awaiting me.

‘Good morning, Dr. Stephenson.’

I sm
iled, gently shaking my head. ‘Remember, I don’t have a terminal degree.’

‘Remember, you know more about media than I do.’

Clearly, this was going to be a private joke between us.

Never be alone in a room with a single student, especially with a single student of the opposite sex, unless you have a door open so that others can easily see and hear anything that may happen. That line from the mandatory Sexual Harassment course kept resonating in my mind as we sat and chatted. The door was indeed open, but since the office was located in a rarely-used part of the building, there was virtually no chance that anyone would come by unless it was specifically to see me, since the professors with nearby offices were all teaching according to the department’s Master Schedule.

I do not recall the conversation Rose and I had that day in the office. I only recall that she sat in a very unladylike manner, her super-short skirt spread obscenely, providing a nice view of the crotch of her pink panty. Suddenly, the bell rang, signaling that my office hour was at an end, and Rose slowly stood, stretching her arms over her head as she arched her back, her breasts straining against the tight-fitting blouse.

‘Tease’ was the only word which came to mind.

‘Perhaps I am,’ she admitted quietly.

Only then did I realize that I had actually said what I had thought, and I froze for a moment, uncertain what to do. Yet with perfect fluidity, Rose pressed herself against me, hugging me, and only by instinct did my arms wrap around her, a deep, quiet area of my mind protesting the situation.

It had been several years since I had last held someone. She was also about the same height as my previous girlfriend. Perhaps it was those two facts combined which caused me to do something which I had often done with my previous girlfriend in such situations:

I kissed her forehead.

Rose whimpered softly, happily, a sound reminiscent of a contented puppy. Time seemed to lengthen before she finally stepped out of my grasp and retrieved her backpack from the floor.

‘I’ll be sure to watch that movie over the weekend,’ she said softly with a smile. ‘Thanks for the suggestion!’

And then, as if absolutely nothing out of the ordinary had happened in the previous few heartbeats, Rose left the office, leaving me standing there alone, confused yet aroused.


That night, one of my neighbors was having a barbeque and had invited me. There is something about the combination of barbeque sauce and alcohol which is just perfect. Add some great neighbors and a large pool to the mix and it was a wonderful Friday night.

However, instead of waking up with a hangover in the morning, I awoke to an emptiness. For the first time in years, I truly lamented the fact that there was not anyone beside me as I awoke.

Specifically, I truly lamented that fact that Rose was not beside me as I awoke.

That was when I knew for certain: I was falling for a student.

It was perhaps the only thing besides plagiarism which could instantly ruin an academic career. It would certainly ruin my Adjunct Instructor status if I were to act on this and be discovered.

Only then did I realize just how dangerous it was to have hugged Rose the previous morning with the door wide open. I had known at the time that it was not right, but the potential gravity of the simple act suddenly felt like a pair of anvil upon my shoulders.

I spent Saturday morning in somewhat of a stupor. While the aftereffects of the alcohol slowly drifted away into the ether, my mind was awash in images and thoughts of Rose, and that truly baffled me, for I had never fallen so hard for anyone, not even for my late fiancée.

Yet, by lunchtime, I was biking toward campus, secretly hoping to catch just a simple glimpse of Rose from a distance. I must have ridden all across campus in various meandering routes for over an hour, but I never saw her, and I finally returned, dejected, to an empty house.

As evening approached, something urged me to go to the shopping and restaurants area next to main campus, so I did. I walked amongst the throng of students, admiring the plentitude of female flesh but not really able to think of anyone or anything unless it was related to Rose.

‘Mr. Stephenson!’

A pair of students from one of my classes in the Spring semester came up to me from behind. It was good to see Charlotte and Anthony again, and I was not particularly surprised to see a small diamond ring on Charlotte’s hand. We chatted briefly, and while they were planning on getting married shortly after graduation, no arrangements had been made yet other than the fact that Charlotte would wear the wedding dress worn by both her bother and her grandmother. I was truly happy for them, and as they continued on their way to one of the nearby restaurants for a late dinner, I felt a bit happier myself. After all, happiness is usually contagious.

A few footsteps later, I heard a rapping on a nearby window. I glanced in that direction, and was pleasantly surprised to see Rose at the window of a video store, beaming at me. I waved at her and smiled, thankful to finally have been graced with a glimpse of her, but content to continue meandering through the area.

However, she waved me inside the store. Without a moment of hesitation, I changed my plan.

‘Hello again, Dr. Stephenson!’ Rose greeted me, her pink eyes sparkling. This time, I let the inappropriate honorific stand without comment.

‘Planning on a mini-marathon tonight or tomorrow?’ I asked, noting the small stack of DVDs in her hands.

She laughed, a melodic sound reminiscent of a siren. ‘I got Amélie, which you recommended, and a few friends who’ve seen it agreed that it’s a really great film. But it’s primarily just some Hollywood chick flicks to watch over the coming week.’

We chatted for a long time before finally making our way to the register. I stood aside as Rose applied for a rental card and paid for her selections, then walked with her back toward main campus. Once inside the main gate, however, our walk took strange patterns, never really with a goal in mind, until I heard the university’s tall clocktower chime the hour.


‘Wow…’ I said. ‘I didn’t realize it was this late.’

‘Me neither,’ Rose agreed quietly. There was something in her voice which indicated that she wished it was not quite so late, that she wanted to spend more time walking and talking with me.

I wanted the same thing.

The warm summer night sparkled upon us as we stood alone in the middle of a wide expanse of grass. During the day, this section of lawn would likely be filled with students – primarily women – tanning between classes. At night, with no one nearby, this place was romantic.

…and to the dismay of what remained of my logical mind, I was in this place with a student.

‘I suppose you should start thinking about heading back to your dorm room,’ I finally suggested, breaking the silence between us.

Rose shook her head. ‘I actually have an apartment to myself, thanks to my parents,’ she replied. It made sense, because due to the housing crunch, the university had lifted its insistence that first-year students live in the dorms. ‘But I’d rather not go there quite yet.’

‘I see…’

Another pregnant pause.

‘Where do you wanna go?’ she asked.

I simply shrugged.

As another comfortable silence befell us, it was clear that something was drawing us closer together. I knew that I was dooming myself by being in Rose’s presence in such a romantic location in clear view of anyone passing by the large starlit lawn. Yet, I felt powerless to do anything to bring this moment to an end. I longed to reach for her hand, to pull her to me and feel her lips parting for me. I wanted to hold her close, long into the night, and wa
tch the sky brighten for us as dawn slowly illuminated the city.

‘You know,’ she finally whispered, even though no one else was near enough to hear her, ‘I like you.’

My mind reeled, trying to find an appropriate response which would not further doom me yet still leave open the possibility for more.

‘I’m flattered,’ I replied with a smiling whisper.

She giggled quietly. ‘You should be, Dr. Stephenson. You should be.’

Eventually, we continued to walk. We did not touch each other, but we were clearly close enough to violate each other’s personal space. As we passed one of the many dorms on campus, we heard the unmistakable sounds of sexual pleasure coming from an open second-floor window, and I hoped the darkness was enough to hide my growing arousal.

‘I could listen to that all night,’ she said softly, ‘imagining that it was me being fucked to nicely.’

I could listen to that all night and imagine that it was me fucking you so nicely, I thought, trying to keep myself from smiling at her comment and my inappropriate thought.

We were both silent as we listened intently to the sounds of sex until we were out of earshot. The entire time, I imagined I was taking Rose from behind, reaching under her with one hand to roughly seize a breast while pulling her long mane with my other hand, thrusting hard into her as sounds of delight spilled from her dainty lips.

‘Would you fuck me like that?’ she asked, snapping me from my reverie.

Smartly, I hesitated before answering. ‘That would be… inappropriate,’ I answered, hoping it was a diplomatic response.

‘True,’ Rose acknowledged, sounding somewhat disappointed, ‘it would be…’

In time, we arrived at the edge of main campus. Even for the late hour, there was plenty of traffic on the street, and I noticed a significant police presence – likely on the lookout for drunk drivers, especially on the first weekend of the Fall semester.

‘Do you live far from here?’ I asked innocently, knowing that eventually Rose would need to return to her apartment.

‘No,’ she replied, fatigue finally creeping into her voice. ‘Just two blocks away from here.’


A few minutes later, we approached one of the many apartment buildings filled with students. Given her young age, I could only assume that this was Rose’s first time living on her own, away from her family, and she clearly had a nice place. All but a few spaces in the parking lot were carports, and the shrubs and flowers were definitely tended with love. It was an old three-story building, the white paint clearly fresh in the lamplights. Most of the tenants were either asleep or away, given the few illuminated windows. And most telling of all was that this was an interior-entry building, which was probably just perfect for a beautiful young woman living on her own for the first time.

‘Nice place,’ I commented truthfully. ‘Much better than my first apartment.’

‘I got lucky to get a place here,’ Rose admitted. ‘The inheritance came at just the right time.’

That response intrigued me, but I did not press the issue.

I accompanied her to the front door of the building, fully planning to say goodbye here and walk away once she was safely inside. But before I knew what was happening, she leaned into me, her hand against my heart, her head upon my shoulder, and my arms instinctively enveloped her.

I am so, so doomed, I thought sadly, but my heart ignored my mind.


After having spent Saturday night and early Sunday morning with her, Rose did not preoccupy my mind quite so much. It was not because I was any less interested in her. Rather, it was because my need to be in her presence had to some extent been sated.

Yet while I wanted to see her again, I also dreaded the Tuesday screening for the course. Granted, I would be sitting with the other Teaching Associates as everyone watched the opening film for the course, Citizen Kane, but just knowing that I would likely see Rose again meant that I would need to hide my growing interest in her.

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how she started cheating our real story

This is not about giving you an erotic story,I'm not good at writing cheesy details.It's just how she cheated the first time.It was 3 years ago, just two months after we got married, I was away for a few weeks for work reasons. It happened just a week after I left, at that time she was working as a waitress, and that night one of the clients was flattering her with compliments.When she finished her work around 1am she saw him waiting outside the restaurant, so she stopped just by the exit and...

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The Sky

The snowflakes grow and she loses her thoughts in the patterns falling on the windows. Feeling his strong hand slip around her waist, she's startled back into reality. My love.. she whispers in the voice she knows he loves. "Baby," he replies as his lips meet the small of her back,his hands wrap around her waist and finally cup her firm breasts. Feeling his fingers brush over her nipples and his lips on her shoulders, she closes her eyes and concentrates on his touch. Sliding up...

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just musing

With the holiday theme in mind I can only say it truly is ‘a wonder life.’ Today is Thursday morning 12/18/14, the 4th day of me being on a mission for my second baby. Ken and I are doing the work well, very well. I’m getting into counting now. This morning was the 11th episode of ‘The Overdose’. It has come to the point where I can’t hold any more. I’m leaving a goo stain everyplace I sit. So I’m back on the tampon, if only to plug the leak. The producers have also extended the series,...

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Oh Miss 8211 What A Fuck 8211 Part 4

Always strive to stay happy, be jovial, shun negativity and adopt positivity. Stay in others’ hearts because that is the best place to live. Live happily and make others happy. This is what I have learned with my experience of writing. All comments, feedback and chat on hangouts at . We were both naked, pressed together with bodies firmly feeling the skin and heat of each other. Devika moved her mouth on one of my nipples, my hands moved on Devika’s inner thighs. I was struck by how intense it...

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Checkout Girl

Checkout Girl Chapter One I always had a rapport with the checkout girls in our local supermarket. I smiled and joked with them, I’m that kind of person. The prettiest of them I asked out for dates. Some would say yes and some no. I had a bit of a reputation with them. I slept with them sometimes but it never went anywhere – I think they understood that Rafael was for their amusement and so they were for me and that was that. But the truth is, I had never really had satisfaction from any of...

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Office mai chudai

Hi. ISS readers mera naam Kumar hai aur mai Delhi se hu. Meri age 26 saal hai. I m 5’7” and mera lund 7″ lamba aur 3.5″ mota hai. Ye meri pehli true story hai jo ki main aap sab ke samne pesh kar raha hoo. Jab maine apni graduation complete ki to maine ek private company naukry ke liye apply kiya to waha se jaldi he bulva aa gaya. Jab mai interview dene ke liye gaya to waha per ek lady ladki jiski umar 24-25 saal ki hogi usne mera resume liya or bathne ko kaya mai beth gaya to mai kafi der se...

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Shackled Ch 15

(For all our ‘fans’ — thank you for all the wonderful feedback! It’s all wonderful and all helps. We do realize that the way this is set up — it can be a little bit tedious to read. This will eventually change, but our readers want more now — so here it goes. Emma had fallen asleep right behind Liam, her gaze focused on his relaxed, sleeping face. Some men looked boyish when they slept, but not Liam. He was still sexy as hell in her eyes, but still harbored some hard edges that could be seen...

4 years ago
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The Many Faces of AndieChapter 2 Summers end

"I should be jealous. How come I'm not?" "Jealous of what, Fred?" "We're laying here on the beach. A beach that we aren't even supposed to be on. We are nude, Sean has just fucked you, you're still holding his dick, and I've only gotten one little kiss all day." "I keep telling you, Fred, you're just going to have to grow a cock," Sean answered for Andie. "Shut up, Sean." "Both of you! Stop it now." Andie closed her eyes again and Fred and Sean both turned over on their...

4 years ago
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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 31

The pair didn't talk about it, but the fact that Lon and Sally thought Rick and Teela might make a couple wasn't a dead subject, by any means. Teela had gotten it from Sally, and Rick from Lon -- and the strange thing was that they hadn't killed one another, yet ... Rick had been having a blast until he realized where it was all heading -- and that left him more than a little freaked! Teela went over the whole incident thus far in her head and came to a couple of weird realizations: First,...

1 year ago
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TRC Oni and the Farmer Ch 12 Male x Monster Girl

Ikuno!" Kal yelled above the howling wind, "Do you know of any caves nearby that we can wait this out!" "If there are, they aren't on this trail!" she called back from just ahead of him. "What about if you made us one the way you made your pool!" he yelled. "I can't!" she answered partly turning to look at him, "Using magic during a… Kal!" she shouted as she saw him slip on a particularly smooth rock slickened further by the rain. falling too quickly to catch himself she...

2 years ago
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IPL Stadium To Bedroom Part 4 Pain And Pleasure

I had Anisha where I wanted her to be. At my house, taking a shower. I went in with her after a while and there was sensuous foreplay. I felt her push herself down on me, wrapping her lean legs around my head, fucking my very welcoming face. Taking a breather, I called her a rude bitch and she slapped my face. I called her it again twice, each time a lustful rage surged through her, each slap across my face sheer ecstasy! Sliding up, my red face again kissed up her taut tummy and her amazing...

2 years ago
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A Week Of Hell

Hello, mera nam rudhir hai. Me ek gang ke sath kam karta hu. Hamara gang logo ko train karta hai jo log sex ke field me aana chahte hai. Ese hi ek din ek ladki muje di gayi jiski training muje karni thi. Uska nam tanya tha, umar khareeb 20-21 saal, rang bilkul gora, chamkati huyi, patli si uski body. Rasile honth, kali aankhe, esa lag raha tha, isko chodne ko mila toh jannat me pohuch jaunga. Mere boss ne wo ladki muje de di ek week ke liye aur kaha achi training karke lana. Me use hamare farm...

1 year ago
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Na Friend Valla Amma Na Lanja

Hi I’m Anand, madhi nellore, chala years ga iss sex stories chaduvuthunnanu. First time naku jarigina visayam metho share chesukundam anukuntunna. Idi 3 years back start ayindhi. Apudu nenu b.Tech 2 year lo unnanu. Na friend peru arjun, nenu apudapudu valla intiki velthu undevadini. Valla amma peru neelima chala baguntundi, chudadaniki singer sunitha la untadhi, but koncham height untundhi, inka ah shape lu chuste evadaina bath room ki poyi oohinchukuni kottukovalsinde. Apudu valla amma naku...

3 years ago
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A conference in Mexco City

I was lucky enough to be selected to attend a conference in Mexico City and decided to do bit of sightseeing beforehand. So I arranged with Stan who was a colleague to go on a trip to Cancun first. The beach was delightful and the temperatures very agreeable for January. At the hotel we bumped into another group of two ladies and two middle aged men who were not known to us but were enjoying a holiday. They seemed a lively group and so we arranged to meet for dinner. The two ladies in the...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XXVIII

Chapter XXVII – Gotta Share Him (based on Modern Love No. 4 cover, EC, December 1949-January 1950)Allan Houth is the hunk of the clinic. Every girl, from patient to nurse, immediately fell in love with him. And how they couldn’t, given his eyes, his looks, his body, his tender voice, his charming ways, his manners and his education. And everybody wondered why he stood single for so long.Inside the clinic, we all knew he was the womanizer kind. He always tried to hit on the nurses who worked...

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A stranger in the night

One night Candi was laying in her sleeping with nothing but her bra and undies on with a light sheet covering her as it was a hot night. Candi suddenly woke up to see her boyfriend Jamie standing there next to her bed.She then sat up to kiss her boyfriend as he realised she was only wearing a bra and no shirt. He then told her to lay back down, he then hoped on top of her and started kissing her passionately. He then started to move he's hand down her body till he reached her undies and slipped...

Straight Sex
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HypnoSubmission Pt 11

Part 11: Katie “Shaun, please,” Beth said, slapping his arm. “W-when did you get here, Ma … Shaun?” Katie asked, her throat dry. His name is Shaun? I never thought to ask, I guess it doesn't matter except in company. He's just Master to me. “Just a little while ago,” he replied. “Finished my last appointment early and thought I'd swing by.” His brow furrowed. “I hope it's okay.” He looks genuinely concerned. But he can't be. He has to be fucking with me, being here while my mom is here. He...

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The Magic of LifeChapter 3

Sam woke early, as was her habit. Her entire body usually turned off the moment her head hit the pillow, and turned on again just before the sun began to peek over the horizon. This occasionally was a problem, her family having learned long ago not to put her anywhere near a pillow until absolutely necessary. The getting up part never caused a problem ... unless you counted her sister's anger at having it compared to her lateness in waking. Maybe all that extra beauty sleep was what had...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Kendra James Mona Wales Kenzie Reeves My New Mommy And Old Mommy

Mona Wales is relaxing on the couch when her step-daughter Kenzie Reeves enters. Kenzie trails a finger coyly along Mona’s arm. It’s clear that their relationship is VERY intimate. Mona jokes that sex is ALWAYS on Kenzie’s mind. Kenzie jokes back, saying that she’s 19, of COURSE it is! Mona laughs, but it’s obvious that they want each other as they begin kissing, though they’re interrupted when Kenzie’s phone buzzes. It’s Kenzie’s ex...

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Perfect Pervert Private Places Pussies Played 1

Perfect pervert private peeping pissing places produce profound intimate interesting & intriguing insights Intomany masturbation methods most tasty tight teens employ & enjoy erotically, seeking some sexual satisfactionProof of our point are a few videos, which I collected for my dear readership, with my original comments to themPerfect example is the first one, a cunning compilation of ten teens in toilets, coming, often in the same...

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Endstation Harem

Es war Freitagabend meine Freundin Sabine und ich wollten endlich Mal gemeinsam eine Diskothek in der Großstadt Frankfurt besuchen… Dadurch, dass ich vor ein paar Tagen Ende Mai endlich 18 geworden bin und auch bereits schon meinen Führerschein bestanden hatte, wollten meine ebenfalls 18-jährige Freundin Sabine und ich endlich mal richtig die Sau rauslassen! Endlich auch mal raus aus unserem Dorf, ab in die Frankfurter Gegend und die dortigen Diskotheken unsicher zu machen… Endlich mal was...

4 years ago
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The Cabin

The snow falls melodiously outside the cabins window as she looks out. The blaze of the fire warms her, the cabin is snug and cozy, but she still wraps her arms around her self. and looks out at the frozen beauty... the crackling sounds of the fire and his soft breath is all that she can hear. The Forrest is a mix of pine and deciduous trees, the plump dark green of the snow covered pines and naked skeleton, standing strong as there branches are line with snow... it's quite, nothing stirs...

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SRU Fantasy Life

FOR MATURE READERS: The following story includes mature descriptions of nudity and same-sex female relationships, as well as transformations of woman to animal, transgender, transorientation, fat gain, and breast expansion. This material is mature and should not be read by those who would be forbidden to do so by parents, guardians, or the law. ARCHIVAL: I am hereby submitting for consideration for archival on Fictionmania and the Breast Expansion Archive, and permission is...

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I Like To Play

playing with wife when she drunk and cumming in her knickers when my balls are full , BBW's with fat shaved pussy, girdles, hairy mom, auntys, big uncut cocks, save my load, teasing big clits, unloading in the woods... ..flying load across the room, or over shoulder and hit the wall.also love to catch wife with her hand down her knix messing with her pussy, felt the bed shaking a few times, she had a play when she thought i was sleeping and masturbated when she was drunk!Love to be teased by...

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Sweet Revenge

Sweet Revenge By Stephanie Davids Chapter 1 Consciousness had very slowly begun to creep back into my mind when a pneumatic drill joined it, tap dancing around the room. Taking a deep breath I went to squeeze my temple to reduce the pounding sensation. To my horror, I found that I couldn't move my right arm, I tried my left arm, same result. With a start I opened my eyes and discovered I could see myself looking back from a large mirror in the ceiling. The bed I was on had no...

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Watching Her

John watched her from his window every day. Her apartment was a floor above and across the narrow alleyway, so he was looking up at her when she worked in her kitchen. fortunately for him, her kitchen just so happened to have a large window positioned at just the right height for his viewing pleasure. She often had on shorts or a little skirt and sometimes just panties. He often dreamed of tying her up with rope. In his fantasies she would be his - helpless and vulnerable and beautiful. He...

1 year ago
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BrattyMILF Payton Preslee Don8217t Mess Around On Mom

How could anyone cheat on a busty gem like Payton Preslee? When Payton goes to use her husband’s computer, she discovers that he’s been unfaithful, and with her own sister to boot. She has been so good to her hubby, even going out of her way to be a good stepmom to her husband’s son, Charlie. No more of that. While she’s still reeling from this new development, Payton tries to figure out what she’s going to do. She’s understandably pissed, so when she decides...

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Search Of PG Turned Into Sex Ride

Hi Friends, Very happy to post my shocking real experience which happened when I was home alone. This is my first time posting so please excuse any typos. My name is Murali age 28 years, stay in Bangalore. I am average built guy with 5.6 height and somewhat good looks and one bright sun day I was travelling from majestic to my place as there was no reservation for ladies in Volvo buses. I just sat in front with one seat left out bus was almost full and a beautify girl came and sat next to me. I...

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Mami Ke Saath

Main 18 saal ka tha aur pitaji ne mujhe padhayee ke liye mama ke ghar bhej diya town mein. Mama ki mobile recharger etc ki chotti si dukan thi. Subha college karke dupahar mein 3 ghanta main bhi sambhal leta tha nanaji ke saath dukan ko. Mama ko aaram ho gaya mere aane se. Mama ki shadi hue 4 saal ho chuke the. Abhi tak baccha nahi hua tha. Mami ki umar 28 saal thi. Uska gathila sharir tha. Lumbi aur gori thi. Bahut hi sundar aur mazbut kad kathi thi. Unke mukable mama double patle aur kamzor...

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Candy is always good when you share her

Introduction: Another threesome with Candy, per request of a friend. As you tilt your head back to finish the rest of your beer, you notice the dark sky above is scattered with stars. They are kind-of hard to see through the rising steam coming from the hot water bubbling around you. Candys giggle brings your head back down and you notice she is holding a fresh opened beer out to you. Smiling at her, you take the cold bottle, with beads of water dripping down the sides, and hand her the empty...

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The Bodybuilder Part 5

The Bodybuilder - Part 5 Synopsis: Romey helps Danny lose some of the weight he's gained, and Danny begins using the name "Danni" and dressing as a girl. As the end of the year rolled around the effects of my near-constant gorging were very apparent. The last time I'd measured my weight it was just below 275 and that was several months ago so I'm guessing that I'm around 300 now. What had been my rounded and protruding belly has turned into a large sack of fat that sticks out almost...

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Alaska Part Two

Chapter one:The Flight  Amanda had leaned on her husband Rodger for almost the entire duration of the flight. Every so often, she would look up at him, and in her heart, she knew he was still the only man she had ever loved. He made her life worth living. In her mind, she believed she had done the right thing. After all, she had saved her husband from being mauled by a bear, right? Or even worse, left out overnight to freeze to death. She began to actually feel proud of herself for doing these...


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