Elena, My Love free porn video

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"Don’t you have a girlfriend?"

I bet most of the boys in the world hate to say yes whenever someone asks this question.

Our parents died in a plane crash when I was 10 . My uncle took care of us after our parent's death . However, I can assure you that he wasn't the nicest person I've known. He would come home drunk, and then yell and curse at everyone in the house. My aunt left him due to his behavior . For a very long time it was my sister and I against the world, and as soon as she got a job, we left his house. Now we live in a small house in the middle of the city.

My sister’s name is Elena and she is as gorgeous as her name suggests. She is 24 years old, has dark brown hair and big, sexy brown eyes. The most important thing to me , although she has beautiful 34D tits, is that she loves me more than life itself. I don’t think the girls in my school stand a chance of ever being as beautiful as she is. She has the most fantastic body a guy could imagine.

The sexual thoughts about her that constantly fill my mind become more intense with each passing day. I think about her like a delicious chocolate candy ,which I can’t have. Sensual thoughts about her beautiful body occupy my every thought whenever she is in the room; even when she’s not , I still think about her and this causes my cock to be hard all the time. When I’m horny, it gets very difficult to hide my true feelings. When you have a beautiful girl like Elena as your sister, it's natural for a guy to develop incest feelings towards her.

Most of the time she wears tee shirts and panties and moves around the house dressed like something out of my hottest fantasies or a Victoria’s Secret catalogue. To her , there's nothing to be uncomfortable about; we are family. She didn't know how uncomfortable it made me, how it made my shorts tight and how it made me think of her constantly. For a horny 19 -year-old guy, it’s too much to take.

My name is Alan. I am a guy who is neither good looking nor ugly. To be precise, I’m an average guy. Due to my reserved nature, I have no girlfriends but I t doesn't mean that I never talk to girls. I am not a guy who would try to impress girls all the time , so no girl ever took me seriously. Maybe Elena was the reason I wasn't interested in having a girlfriend.

To Elena, I ha ve always been special. Normally when children lose their parents , the elder siblings tend to become overprotective. Elena always treated me as a friend and according to her; I was her best friend. She gave me freedom to live the life a normal boy should and to do the things everyone else does. Even with her busy schedule, she would take time out to be with me, take me places and buy me anything I wanted. Every night, I thank ed God for sending an angel in to my life.

However, something had changed.

As I grew older, my desires become more intense. I wanted Elena in every way. My lips needed to kiss her delicious mouth and every part of her beautiful body. I couldn't stand the thought of another man getting close to Elena. I think this reason was enough to prove that sex was n’t the only thing I cared about, because I wanted to be honest with her, but I assumed that she would think I was a pervert if she ever learned of my lust for her. I was afraid that she would leave me if she knew, so I made a hard decision.

She simply could not be around me so much anymore. I spent more time with my friends and stayed out with them as late as possible. If I wanted to go somewhere, I would just call a friend to go with me. If Elena ever tried to join us, I would make a stupid excuse and cancel the plans. Elena was very disturbed by my odd behavior. It was unnatural. The brother who had shared everything with her, had fun with her, been her constant companion, had now started to avoid her at every turn.

One Saturday morning, we sat quietly at the breakfast table. It was summer . She was wearing a purple bra, which showed plenty of cleavage, and matching panties .

"Baby!” She always called me that, not realizing that it made me want her even more as a lover. “ Is everything all right?" She asked looking at me with her beautiful eyes.

"Yes," I lied to the bowl of flakes in front of me. I didn't even raise my head to answer because her skimpy outfit was making me lose control, and I could feel my cock getting harder by the second, which made me even more uncomfortable .

"Don’t lie to me!"

"Why would I lie to you?"

"You’ve been ignoring me." She caught my hand and held it tight between her soft, loving hands.

"Why would I ignore you? You're my sister. You are everything I have. How in the world could I ignore you?" I tried to calm her down because I didn’t mean to hurt her, but I had.

"Then why do you have time for everyone else and not for me?" I could feel the frustration in her voice. Slowly, big tears formed in her eyes.

“Sis, you know that’s not true."

"Do I mean anything to you anymore?"

"Yes! You mean the world to me. I don’t have anyone besides you!"

I went to her and hugged her tightly to calm her down . She held me close as I wrapped my arms around her. It was getting more sensual by the second. The scent of her body was arousing me. My hands started to caress her back as I felt her beautiful curves cling to me. I couldn’t control my feelings anymore as I softly kissed the back and sides of her neck. As soon as my lips touched her skin, my cock became hard inside my boxers and I could feel the precum building inside me. This hug turned me on so much, that without thinking, I began unhooking her bra. A little more pressure would have been enough to unhook it completely , but I pulled away from her when the word "sister" entered my mind.

"Will you come on vacation with me?" She asked in her sweetest voice while reaching around her back to clasp the bra. I was amazed that she didn't ask about the hug.

"Vacation? "

" Yes, I have been thinking about it for a long time. I think it’s the right time for us to spend some time together." She said, giving me a cute smile .

"But...Don't you have to work ? " I asked .

"Naah ! I can afford to take some time away from work.”

“Where are you planning on going?”

"Thailand. I’ve heard that there are beautiful beaches and islands in that country. It would be a perfect place to spend time together. What do you think?" She asked in an excited voice.

"Sure!" Secretly I was not sure about this. I would have to see her in a bikini and I knew I would not be able to control myself.

"Great! Go and pack your bags. I will call the travel agent to book tickets for us right away." She jumped up with excitement and picked up her phone.

"Wait! Are we going tonight?"

"Yes! Now go. Pack all the shorts you have."

We took the 9 o’clock flight and landed in Bangkok the next day. From there it was only a short flight to Phuket. It was around 8 o’clock in the evening when we reached our hotel, and since we were very tired, we went to bed as soon as we got upstairs.

I awoke to her voice. "Good morning baby. Time to wake up!"

As I lifted myself up on one elbow, I saw Elena wearing only her white micro string bikini. You could call that bikini "the skimpiest bikini ever designed .” The top just covered her nipples and the G-string bottom barely covered her pussy. There was a tiny piece of cloth just to cover the front and the string was in between her ass cheeks. The way her ass moved around when she walked made her look sexier than ever.

"C’mon. Get up!"

"You are not wearing that, are you?" My eyes were riveted to her bikini-clad body. I was happy to see her in my favorite bikini because I was the one who had selected it for her. When I picked out the bikini for her in the shop, she didn’t even object. Elena was happy to wear it and tried it on for me in the changing room. When she came out wearing that bikini, sexual thoughts raced through my mind. It was the first time I saw Elena as a girl, not as my sister.

"What's wrong with this? It's your favorite bikini, isn't it?" she asked, winking at me.

She looked like a perfect angel in that bikini, a perfect, sexy angel. Her beautiful curves were driving me mad with desire, my hands were begging me to touch her beautiful body, and my fingers longed to reach inside that tiny bikini bottom to feel her pink pussy.

"What are you waiting for? Now get ready. There's a surprise waiting for you!" She smiled at me in that sexy mysterious way she has .

The beach was so close to our hotel that we walked there in just a few minutes. Every male on the beach was looking at Elena. I could see the instant boners and feel the sex filled minds around me , but it didn’t bother her. It was normal for her to have that effect on men . I knew those who had tried everything possible to impress her, but Elena was not an easy girl to impress. She held my hand and led me to a dock where a large yacht lay moored .

" Where are we going?" I asked.

“Have some patience, ” was her reply as we boarded the yacht and headed out into the ocean.

When we were miles out at sea , I noticed several small islands scattered all around us. The weather was fine , with a cool breeze and a flock of birds decorating the sky above us . Our boat reached an island , which was far from the other islands. Disembarking, we swam part way and then when the water was shallow enough, we waded to the beach.

"Like my surprise?" She smiled. We were far from the noisy world and the sound of ocean waves and wind were like music to my ears.

"I love it!" I shouted. She came close and stood against me; catching my hand, she put it on her waist, while resting her hands on my shoulders. This took me by surprise.

"You don’t know how long I've waited for this. After all that’s happened between us these past few days, I needed to spend some quality time with you. And I want my sweet, caring brother back all to myself for a while," she whispered in my ear. I could see the happiness in her eyes.

"I belong to you and I am sorry for avoiding you." I apologized, clasping her hand in mine.

"I am sorry too. Maybe I was the reason you felt you had to avoid me?"

"You are not the reason, trust me! I shouldn't have ignored you, it wasn’t right."

I don’t know why I was able to tell the truth at that moment, but I felt that it was the right time to confess my feelings.

"Why were you ignoring me sweetie?" She looked deep into my eyes, needing an answer because she could not understand why in the world I would ignore my sweet, loving sister.

"I am the reason." I whispered in embarrassment, as I looked down at my feet because I was unable to look her in her eyes .

" I don’t understand . What do you mean?" She asked with a puzzled look on her face. She had never seen me with such a serious look on my face.

"I don’t consider you just my sister anymore. You mean so much more to me. Whenever I see you, I want to hold you, kiss you, make love to you...." I started to confess while still avoiding her gaze.

“ Baby... wha --what are you ..." My confession had left her speechless.

“I know it’s wrong to think about my sister like that. I don’t know why , but you make me crazy. Even now , I want to remove your bikini and make love to you like there's no tomorrow.” Elena could hardly believe her ears. “Please don’t think of me as a pervert, please don't leave me! ” I started crying.

“Come here you silly boy.” We held each other close, hugging and caressing each other. It took me a while to calm down. “Lie down with me baby.” We cuddled in each other’s arms as her eyes took in my body. “ How long have you been fantasizing about me?” She asked as her hands traced the waistband of my shorts.

“ Four years.”

“That’s a pretty long time, isn’t it?" She asked, leaning over me as she continued to tease me through my swim trunks.


Sliding her hand into my shorts, she let it rest alongside my cock. My cock jumped when I felt her loving touch against my skin. Now the precum was slowly building inside me and I wasn’t able to control myself. My cock felt like a rocket , which would shoot off any minute now.

“Has anyone else touched you like this?” As soon as her fingers grasped my seven-inch cock, thick ropes of sperm exploded from my dick.

“Oh my!”

She slowly removed her hand from my dick and put her hand near her mouth , smelling my cum before licking it off her hand with her tongue. I couldn't believe it, my sister was eating my cum! She was licking at it as if it was ice cream, licking and moaning in between licks. It was making me so fucking horny.

“It's sweet, just like you baby.” She leaned over me , and I could feel her boobs pressing against my chest. It was heavenly.

“Aren’t you mad at me?”

“Why would I be? It's natural for a boy to have the hots for a girl. Yes, I agree it’s different when it's your sister. But still , I am a girl, so it’s ok.”

“Thank you for understanding me. I love you so much.”

“You should have confessed earlier my dear. You didn't have to go through such pain. Don’t you know that you don’t have to think twice about sharing your feelings with me, even if they’re wrong ? I love you so much baby , I can’t be angry with you.”

“Thank you , Sis . I will not hide my thoughts from you again, I promise."

Now there were no walls between us, nothing keeping us apart.

“That’s better. So what do you want to do now? We have all day.” She looked at me with her dark, sexy eyes.

“I ...I don’t know.”

“You don’t know? Are you serious?” She laughed.

“What do you mean?” I asked with a puzzled look on my face.

“You just confessed how long you've have been fantasizing about me. Don’t you think it's time for you to do all those naughty things you always dreamed of?" she asked with a coy smile.


I couldn’t believe my ears. Does she really mean all those things she just said ? I thought to myself . Did she really want me to touch her and to have sex with her? I actually wondered if I was dreaming .

"I've watched you peeking through my door when ever I change my clothes, or come out of the bathroom to dry myself in front of my mirror. Normally girls feel uncomfortable in these kinds of situations, but I never felt uncomfortable at all. After all, you're my brother, so I had no reason to be uncomfortable . You always watched me with such innocence; maybe that's the reason I used to leave the door open so that you could see me with those beautiful eyes of yours."

Her confession shook me a little bit. Never in my wildest imaginations, had I thought about being in a situation where my sister would tell me how much she liked my peeking through her door.

"When you were kissing my neck and caressing my back with your hands the other day, I really liked it. Then when you started to unhook my bra, I felt that I’d finally get to see the real side of you. I was ready to surrender myself to your desires , but much to my disappointment , you didn't do anything. Therefore, I had to put my plan of taking this vacation into action so that you could open your heart. I am glad that you came out of your shell today," she said , smiling at me.

"Sis, I am so sorry. I wasn't sure about what I wanted; I was so scared of losing you that I didn't go any further at that moment , but everything is clear now . People say that a man's life becomes beautiful only when he gets a woman who knows more about him than anyone else in the world. When I have a beautiful woman like you in my life, I don’t want anyone else. I...I . .." She put her finger on my lips when I was about to say those three beautiful words.

“Not yet. I would like to see how much my baby wants me.”


"There is no need to hesitate any longer baby. I am all yours." She really meant it. Her voice was steady ; she wanted this as much or more than I did! She was ready for her brother to touch her; ready for us to become lovers. I had waited for this moment for what had seemed like an eternity. My heart started beating faster as my sexy angel of a sister started to pull down my shorts.

“Lift up . They aren't going to come down by themselves dear,” she said, winking at me.

Dumbfounded and so turned on, I lifted my hips and Elena shoved my trunks down to mid-thigh. My erect cock was revealed, thick and long . Elena smiled excitedly, her cheeks coloring. Her hands slid up my legs, one of them wrapping around my shaft, the other cupping my heavy, swollen balls. I sighed at her expert touch. I slowly pumped my hips as my sister's hand squeezed my shaft; her slender fingers could barely wrap all the way around my girth.

Elena looked up happily into my face.

“I am going to enjoy this,"she whispered, as she continued to stroke my cock.

Smiling sweetly, she licked her lips , all the while watching my cock as she pumped it, seeing the pre-cum ooze out over her delicate fingers. As I stared with arousal and shock, Elena parted her lips and lowered her head to my penis. I sighed loudly, sagging backward as my sister's hot, wet, eager mouth engulfed the head of my cock. She sucked tenderly, pulling me in deeper now. I moaned, rocking my hips and stroking her beautiful hair.

My sister, I quickly realized, was an incredibly expert cocksucker. Sliding her mouth up and down my hard pole with long smooth gliding motions, she smacked her lips and sucked wetly. She swirled her tongue about the head of my dick each time she pulled up, and massaged my shaft with it every time she went down. With each plunge of her sweet, sucking mouth, she took more and more of my cock, eventually opening her throat and letting me slide all the way in. Her throat bulged as she took me to the root; she worked her mouth back and forth to get every inch of me inside her. I gasped and shook, reveling in the intense sensation. The feeling was incredible, heightened by the sight of my beautiful sister making love to my cock. I felt my orgasm building even faster than normal. My toes curled, my body tingled all over and I was about to cum.

I groaned with pleasure as I continued massaging my sister's scalp. I had never known such an incredible blowjob was even possible. I gripped her head in my hands, panting as my cock throbbed between her lips. My balls were heavy and swollen, ready to burst. “Oh God!” I gasped, plunging my cock in and out of her mouth as fast as I could.She remained passive for the most part, letting me fuck her mouth even as she stroked and squeezed my throbbing cock with her hand.“

"I'm gonna cum!”

“Uhm -hmmm,” she responded lovingly, pulling with her mouth, sucking harder and harder. I convulsed, the sweet rush washing through my body, my cock pulsing into my sister's sweet mouth , until finally a groan of pure pleasure escaped from my lungs as I erupted. I felt the thick ropes of sperm gush from my dick, filling Elena's mouth. My sister moaned appreciatively as she tasted my creamy cum, and kept sucking to get it all.

I thought my orgasm would never end as I kept releasing shot after shot of semen . I convulsed, grunting, spewing every drop of sperm my balls could give into Elena's hot mouth before I fell back and winced as my dick became very sensitive. She seemed to know just when to stop sucking and slipped her mouth off me. She lifted up gently, watching my spent dick as her fingers slid lightly up and down. A thick bubble of semen oozed to the tip of my cock, and she ducked down to lick it away.

Finally, Elena looked up at me, smiling around her sperm-filled mouth. Her lips and chin glistened wetly, dripping with my cum. I stared at her in bliss and gratitude, breathing heavily . I stared in amazement when I saw that my load filled her mouth . With a giggle, Elena sucked in her cheeks and swallowed loudly and completely. She sighed in satisfaction, licking her soft, full lips.

“Mmm , that was tasty,” she commented, her hands continuing to flutter along my shaft.

I almost fainted, my head falling back. “Oh shit . ” I muttered.

Elena giggled again. “You taste so sweet in my mouth baby."

She sighed, gently tugging on my cock. She smeared her lips around the head, glazing them with the last traces of my cum that still rested in the crevices of her mouth and tongue.

I panted, drained and incredibly satisfied. “Oh Jesus . . . oh God . . . that was . . . unbelievable."

I wondered how life could be any better while I was trying to catch my breath. Here I was on such a perfect pristine beach, with the most beautiful girl in the whole world beside me, and having received a mind-blowing blowjob that I was sure it had to be the greatest blowjob any guy had ever been lucky enough to receive.

“This beach is very beautiful, isn’t it?” I heard her ask . Her voice brought me back to reality from where my mind had wandered.

“Yes, very beautiful,” I replied, my eyes never leaving her sexy body. Glancing up at me, she realized that I wasn’t talking about the beach or the clear ocean water.

Blushing slightly, she couldn’t resist asking, “Do you really think I’m beautiful?”

“Oh my yes, I most certainly do. You are very beautiful.”

“Thank you, Alan. That is so sweet of you," she said as she kissed my cheek.

Looking at her as she laid there beside me, I couldn’t take my eyes off her large tits and the way they filled out her bikini top. Seeing me looking at her breasts, she pulled her shoulders back slightly, further accentuating her full breasts.

“Do you like what you see?” she asked coyly.

Her skimpy bikini top clung to her two feminine mounds as if she had painted it on. The outline of her hard protruding nipples was clearly visible to my wondering eyes.

“I sure do. I’ve always admired your boobs and wished that I could kiss and fondle them.”

My sister smiled proudly, and then slid her leg across my body, straddling me , as she untied her bikini bottom, exposing her pubic mound. I barely knew what Elena was doing as she lifted up, rubbing the sperm-smeared head of my still hard dick between her hot, slick folds. Sighing deeply as she slowly eased down, her incredibly snug pussy sucked me inside of her. I winced at the tight fit and burning, slick heat of her cunt around the head and first inch or so of my shaft.

I suddenly realized what was happening, and I stared at my sister in utter disbelief as she impaled herself upon me, giving me everything I had ever wanted in this world. Her expression was of ultimate pleasure, her glossy lips spread by a smile.

“Oh my God ! My dick is in Elena's pussy!” I thought to myself.

Still smiling broadly, she began moving up and down, sliding her slick cunt along my now fiercely throbbing cock. The realization that my sister was fucking me made my penis jerk inside of her. All I knew was how tight , wet and incredible her sweet pussy felt wrapped around my cock. I felt her orgasm with my cock inside of her for the first time, her unbelievably snug tunnel contracting around my shaft. She stared down at me, her eyes blazing with lust.

Knowing there was no turning back now, I lifted up, turning us over. Elena whimpered, giving me a pleading look, and moaned deeply as I held her legs up to my shoulders.

“Fuck me Alan,” she whispered heatedly. “Fuck me , brother!”

I groaned, unbearably turned on now as I plunged in and out of her cunt, slapping my hips against her upturned cheeks. Cum leaked from her pussy as my sister watched, mesmerized by the sight of my cock sliding back and forth between her thighs. Her quivering cunt squelched wetly around my pumping shaft as I pounded away. I held her ankles in my hands, admiring her long, lean, tanned legs. Jesus, my sister was gorgeous.

“Oh my God ! O my God ! YYYEEEAHHH!” My sister screamed as she exploded again. Her pussy clamped down hard, making me wince as she intensified my pleasure with her own. Her throbbing, rippling pussy was too much for me. She kept cuming , rolling her hips aggressively from side to side. She was fucking me back, her stiff clit throbbing against my pubic bone as I felt the rush of my own orgasm approaching.

“Oh, fuck!” I cried, jerking my throbbing, glistening cock from Elena's squelching cunt. Elena gasped, watching as I stroked my dick over her perfect body. Her face was flushed with the heat of her arousal; she glowed so beautifully, her eyes wide and bright with love and lust.

Then on impulse, I shoved my dick right back up inside of her, burying myself to the hilt in her tight, rippling cunt once more. Elena gasped and hissed deeply, then panted as she finally relaxed. Her tightness stroked the length of my shaft, cum now oozing down her cheeks. The sight was very arousing . I rolled over onto my back, bringing her with me. Elena , lying on top of me, cuddled against my chest for several moments, murmuring as she breathed in and out.

“Exhausted my love?” She asked , smiling at me .

“I must still have some energy. My cock is still hard . ” I laughed. To emphasize my point, I tensed my cock muscles caus ing it to twitch deep within her.

“Oh Alan, I felt that. I’m impressed. You really are hard yet, so what are you waiting for?”

Not only was she surprised that I was still ready, but I was also a bit surprised because I had already cum three times, and my body was still ready for more action. Since I was a virgin until just a few minutes ago, all this was new to me, but I had read someplace in one of my magazines that it’s very common for a guy to explode more than once when he has sex for the first time with a woman. It went on to explain that if he were highly excited, he might manage to give up his sperm to her three times in a short period of time, but any more than that was very unusual.

I had already given my love to Elena three times and my cock was telling the both of us that it wasn’t ready to give up yet. I couldn’t decide whether the reason behind this was all those countless nights that I had masturbated thinking of Elena, or because of her skill as a lover that has pushed me beyond normal limits. I had dreamed of making love to her so often and for so long, that the image of her and I together was a part of me. Either way, I was happy that my dream had now come true, but even more important, that I have been able to make her happy.

Reaching up over her back , I untied her top , which was still on even though she had pulled it up . She brought her arms forward so I could slide it off. The thin shoulder straps caught on her elbows , as if they were making a desperate effort to stop me from completely removing the last bit of protection her sensitive tits would have from my wondering hands and lips. Their effort was futile because nothing could stop me now. Pulling it off, I threw the useless garment aside.

Reaching back up over her, and with my right hand behind her head, I pulled her down tight against me. Now I could feel all of her soft naked breasts pressing against my chest . Her hard nipples were like sharp needles as they dug into my skin sending thrills and chills throughout my body like little electric shocks of bliss. Pulling her face down to mine and as our lips met in a tender loving kiss, I rocked my hips up, shoving my still hard cock even further up her love tunnel.

“Ohhh” she murmured into my mouth as our tongues started to play with each other.

Little shivers raced through my body, as I felt her gently caress my lips with the tip of her tongue. Pushing further into my mouth, our tongues kissed each other, sending even stronger tremors racing through my body.

Breaking the kiss and u sing my elbows, I forced myself up into a sitting position. She was now sitting in my lap, and the weight of her body drove my rock hard cock even further up her hot love tunnel , which brought a loud “ Ohhh ” from her lips . Her love mound pressed tight against my hips and I could feel her vaginal muscles gripping me in their silky smooth grasp. My eyes wandered down over my sister's slender body. There before me were her beautiful tits, the ones that she had unknowingly teased me with by wearing such revealing clothes around the house. Now there they were, suspended in mid-air before my eyes, patiently waiting for me to have my way with them. It was as if they were saying to me, "you have wanted to kiss and caress us for so long, now is your chance."

This was a dream come true. I had my beautiful sister-sitting nude on my lap; my steel hard cock buried to the hilt in her love tunnel, and those two gorgeous mounds were only inches from my lips. Bringing my hands up between our hot naked bodies, I cupped each one of her breasts , holding them for a moment as if trying to decide which was the heaviest.

“Hmmm, that feels so wonderful when you hold me that way. You have such a light gentle touch.” She murmured. “Kiss them.”

I lowered my head to her left nipple, sucking it into my mouth . She brought her hand to the back of my head as I licked and sucked at her breast like a hungry baby looking for milk. She leaned her body back thrust ing her tits forward, my face now engulfed by her cleavage. Allowing that soft breast to escape my lips and tongue, I attacked her other nipple, once more licking and sucking hard.

“ Ohh ...God!!! Yessss ...suck my nipple baby. Yes, that's sooo goood ! Aaahhhh ...” She softly moaned , before poking her tongue in my ear, tickling the sensitive inside with the wet, warm tip of her tongue.

I brought my right hand up her leg and grabbed her ass holding my fingers tight against her supple flesh.

"Lick my pussy baby," she said in such a sexy way, I simply had to obey.

Leaning to one side, I tipped both of us over. We were nowTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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ElenaChapter 20

When I got to my dad’s room both my dad and Elena were now in robes. When Elena saw me she ran to me as fast as her pregnant belly would allow. She then threw her arms around me. “I’ll say this again. If you don’t want me to have sex with our dad I won’t do this. After all maybe I could get over this with help from a therapist or something. Maybe we could make a dildo made from a mold of his cock. That might work.” said Elena. My only response was giving her a deep kiss and I turned her...

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ElenaChapter 9

The next morning I once again awoke before my wife and was preparing her breakfast when she came into the kitchen. I smiled at seeing her until I saw her crying. I then ran to her and asked, “What’s wrong Honey?” “You ... you left me. I had a bad ... dream that ... you ... left me. And ... when I woke up and you were g ... gone. Then I didn’t see any note like you usually leave out for me when you wake up ... before ... me. So I worried that...” She took a deep breath then spoke more...

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ElenaChapter 24

Finally came the day that I had to go back to school. It was hard to say goodbye to my family. I nearly went against my loving Elena’s wishes and called the school so many times and told them that I wasn’t going this school year. But every time I picked up my phone with the intent to do just that I’d get a look from both Elena and Maxine. It was like they were telling me not to make the call, I’d end up hanging up the phone. That is how I found myself at my apartment that I had lived in with...

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ElenaChapter 11

Zoe pulled me farther from the door then off to the side. I was getting angry that she wasn’t letting me stop my wife from having sex with my father. I then noticed the worry in her eyes then I said, “Why shouldn’t I stop this from happening? That’s my wife and your husband in there.” “I can’t really explain it right now but look at them in there. Just don’t go barging in there and pulling them apart.” she quietly demanded. I looked into the room and saw that Elena still had her pussy...

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ElenaMy Love Part 2

We arrived at the airport well ahead of our scheduled departure time, which was probably a good thing, because it seemed like we had to stand in line for hours. I guess that she could see that I was starting to get impatient, because she reached out and took hold of my hand. “Be patient, it won’t be too much longer now.” She whispered. Finally, we were able to get our luggage checked and all the necessary papers to allow us to board the plane when the time came. “We have a long flight ahead of...

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ElenaChapter 5

The next morning when I woke up Elena was still asleep. So I left her a note letting her know I was going to go and get some breakfast for us and that I’d be right back. It took a bit longer than I had expected because the lines were really long. But when I got back to the dorms I saw Elena sitting in front of my door with her face in her knees. I knelt down close to her and said, “Hey.” She jumped, bumping into me. I nearly dropped our meals. “Sorry. I was just waiting for you to return....

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ElenaChapter 10

Maxine walked towards Courtney as best as she could on crutches. And the Doctor followed shortly behind. Maxine sat down beside where I had been sitting. But as soon as I saw her coming I stood up. When the doctor got to us he said, “Now what’s the relationship you two share with miss Callison?” I was stunned for a second that he had called her by my last name but then Maxine then said she was my sister the same time I said she was my sister-in-law. Courtney also said at the same time...

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ElenaChapter 25

Jenny and I had checked into a hotel room. Neither of us wanted to go to her house. She and Courtney both lived with Jessica. We didn’t want to go to my house because that’d just be awkward. And I didn’t want to go to the apartment above the R. Callison Theater because that theater was special to me. I had gotten married to Maxine there and I had made love to her for the first time as her husband. So we picked the nicest hotel we could find nearby. So that’s how I found myself looking at...

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ElenaMy Love Part 3

I decided to be patient and see what she was about to do. Elena made a right turn and entered a motel named Paradise motel.“I'll be right back." She said, getting out of the car. She went into the office where there was an older guy, probably in his early forties, standing at the reception desk. I don't know what happened, but the guy winked at Elena as he handed the keys to her. Elena came running out and got into the car. Instead of putting the car in reverse, she drove forward into the...

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ElenaChapter 4

I was glad to see that Elena enjoyed the movie. During the dinner Elena kept on talking about it. Until half way through our meal a waitress came to ask us if we would like anything else. “I’d like a refill on my Sprite please.” I turned to Elena and asked, “Would you like anything?” She was looking at the waitress as she said, “Can I get something to carry this out? The meal is more than I can eat and I’d hate for it to go to waste. And could I get another Chocolate Milk please?” “That’ll...

2 years ago
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ElenaChapter 14

After I tell Maxine to stay where she was I ran downstairs I look to the doors and windows in the front and the windows are intact. What had made that sound from earlier? I then find out that one of the light fixtures had fallen down and broke the glass display case. I guess that was good to know that the light fixtures were bad. One thing I know to have checked for. I just hope the repairs to this theater were similar to my other theater. “Oh rats. I actually liked those lights.” Maxine...

4 years ago
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ElenaChapter 8

“Thanks for helping us pack everyone. It’s much appreciated. We couldn’t have done it without you.” I said. Constance then grabbed me in a tight bear hug, “Aww cuz it was the least we could do. Especially since you hired me on at the theater when I was fired for getting my new haircut. It let me meet my new girlfriend.” “New girlfriend? I guess that’s why you were able to get along with Christopher and Susan while helping us move. And who is the lucky girl anyways?” I asked. Constance had...

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ElenaChapter 17

Jenny signed her response to Courtney so fast I couldn’t understand it. And even if she had signed it slower I’m pretty sure I still wouldn’t have understood all of what was said. After Courtney gently kissed Jenny on the lips Jenny turned to us and with her device said, “Despite what I had just said I’m not ready to have a man make love to me. I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready for that. But I’ll give it some thought. I hope that is okay.” I turned to Elena and she nodded and whispered in my...

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ElenaChapter 23

I was sitting down in the hospital waiting room. Someone just sat down next to me but my mind hardly registered it. “It’s time to go son. I’ll take you and your little family back home or to the theater. Your choice.” said my dad. I spaced out for a moment then turned to him and said, “Sorry, I’m still kind of out of it. I had been really worried. I rode here with Elena in the Ambulance while Maxine drove my car as closely as she could to us. Everything felt so hectic with Elena being in...

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ElenaChapter 2

A few seconds after she offered me her hand I took it. It took a few more seconds for me to remember my own name. I foolishly said, “Hi. My name. Nice to meet you.” She just stood there and smiled. Finally I understood that I had said something wrong. “Hi. My name is Erik.” I took another look at her face and into her eyes. “Sorry about that I’ve just had a lot on my mind. I just can’t seem to ... Keep my thoughts together. Things at home are kind of crazy at the moment. I’m still trying...

4 years ago
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Elena the Lost Chapter

The lost Chapter 20 When I got to my dad’s room both of them were now in robes. When Elena saw me she ran to me as fast as her pregnant belly would allow. She then threw her arms around me. “I’ll say this again. If you don’t want me to have sex with our dad I won’t do this. After all maybe I could get over this with help from a therapist or something.” said Elena. My only response was a deep kiss and I helped to turn her around and I pointed to my dad. As soon as she gets to my dad she drops...

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ElenaChapter 6

“So when you say you want us to spend the day together what do you mean exactly? Do you want to get together after class and go on a date?” I asked. Elena smiled a mischievous smile, “Not exactly. I had a lot of things in mind. For starters we’re both going to skip our classes today. And have lots of fun.” Elena then moved me next to her bed and then got on her knees in front of me. She then proceeded to remove my pants. She gave me a blow job for about a minute before she pulled off of me....

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Elena LostChapter 2

Alex fell asleep in the chair after drinking a little more whisky and looking at pictures in his magazines. He was actually trying to stay awake so that he could go into the bedroom and fuck Elena again. He was imagining making her try one of the positions he had seen, but he closed his eyes to think about it and fell asleep instead. Elena fell asleep imagining Alex surprising her in his bed and making her fuck him again, with many positions possible, she thought, with his massive cock. She...

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ElenaChapter 21

“What was that? That can’t be possible. There is no way I can be the father of your baby? Are you kidding me?” I said convinced that I must have heard wrong. Zoe looked serious as she said, “You remember how once you turned sixteen you had your sperm frozen because you were going in for surgery and were unsure you’d make it and even if you did make it through the surgery, you and your dad weren’t sure you’d be able to have kids?” For a moment there the world was spinning out of control....

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The first romantic look we held was electric. My fuck buddy, Veronica was smoking hot. A perfect 10. Long brown hair down to her waist, which was saying a lot, since she was 6 feet tall. Thin frame, deep and giant brown eyes, skinny legs and all. Her perfectly round tits were huge but completely perky. Creamy white skin coated with a peppering of perfect tan freckles. Naturally, whenever I was around her I was turned on. She was 23 and in her prime, had a smile that could blare light through...

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The first romantic look we held was electric. My fuck buddy, Veronica was smoking hot. A perfect 10. Long brown hair down to her waist, which was saying a lot, since she was 6 feet tall. Thin frame, deep and giant brown eyes, skinny legs and all. Her perfectly round tits were huge but completely perky. Creamy white skin coated with a peppering of perfect tan freckles. Naturally, whenever I was around her I was turned on. She was 23 and in her prime, had a smile that could blare light through...

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ElenaChapter 7

Elena had just gotten back from another visit from her mom’s place. When she walked into my room she was looking really pale. “Elena? What’s wrong? Can I get you some medication or something? Do I need to drive you to the doctor’s?” I asked frantically. She was like a statue for a minute before she finally answered, “I’ve actually been to the Doctor’s. You remember how I was feeling a little sick before I left? Well I was still feeling sick the day after I got to my mom’s place. And she did...

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Elena LostChapter 3

Elena fell asleep after her brutal ass-fucking, and when she awoke, she could feel the pain. She lay there awhile, thinking about the two sexual sessions she had had with Alex. "That's more sex than my boyfriend gives to me in a month," she thought. "And he certainly never gives it to me rough like that." She decided she hated love as a part of sex. "I like it rough," she now admitted to herself. But then she thought about her daughter, realizing now how much she missed her. She...

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ElenaChapter 12

I squeezed my wife’s hand and told her, “You don’t have to tell me this if you don’t want to. If this is too uncomfortable for you to do I don’t want you to force yourself.” She smiled a half hearted smile. Thank you Erik. But I need to do this.” I didn’t argue after that. Whenever she calls me by my name in that tone I know it’s serious. I nodded and said, “Okay I’m listening.” “Back then my mom and dad were arguing a lot. I was so scared but I couldn’t talk to my parents about it. So I...

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Elena My Love Part 5

"Shall we?" she breathed into my ear; her cheek pressed against mine, as she reached out and closed the door. Pulling back slightly, her face only inches in front of mine, her hot breath burning my face, her soft brown eyes looking deep into mine as if begging me to let her have her way with me. Still holding me prisoner, I felt her right hand slide down my side, until encountering my belt, her hand then moved around as she forced it between our bodies. Fumbling at the front of my pants, she...

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ElenaChapter 19

Zoe rushed over to my dad, “I’ll explain later. But at the moment you and I need to have a private conversation.” She looked to us then added more, “We’ll talk in our room.” As soon as the door closed behind them Elena said, “When will they realize that we figured out that talking or having a private conversation in their room or any other place means they’re going to have sex?” “Mmm. Speaking of sex I could really go for some right now.” said Maxine. “I’m really tempted too, but I have...

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ElenaChapter 15

Around 6:30 the next morning I was waiting for Jessica at a coffee shop that was at the halfway mark on her run. When she saw me she quickly looked away and ran for a few seconds then stopped. She waited for a few seconds and then turned around to walk towards me. Once again she went past me and ordered a drink at the window. I tried to say something but then she held up a finger. After she finished her energy drink she slowly said, “Okay now we can talk.” “I suppose you’re going to tell me...

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ElenaChapter 3

I gave my Dad a hug as soon as he came through the front door. As soon as I pulled away from him he said, “Considering how we left things this morning there must have been something between then and now that made you really happy. Because that has never been your response when we’ve had arguments before. So was it a new lady in your life or an old flame you never told me about that has helped to put this smile across your face? Or were you really needing in your room?” I knew I must be...

2 years ago
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Elenas desire

All the lights in the house are off except for the candles she had lit which now fills the rooms of the house with glamorous smells that enhance her desires. She hears his jeep plow up the driveway followed by a steel door slam on the wrangler an snow crunching footsteps pounding up to the house. Her hearts pace begins to raise with anticipation, her eyes fill with desire an she throws the blanket from her shoulders leaving her laying there under the soft light of the candles an fire upon the...

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Helenas Nightmare

Helena slept heavily, her long blonde tresses dangling over the edge of the bed as she sprawled across the double mattress. A groan escaped from her lips as she woke uncomfortably, the feeling of a weight pressing down on her stomach and ribs disturbing her. As her eyes flickered open it seemed, in the gloom of her bed-chamber, that a small creature was perched on her torso, its eyes glinting. Eyes suddenly wide open, she shot upright. The vision of the creature disappeared. She...

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Selenas Discovery

Selena's Discovery By: Lyrissa The tall savannah grass of the Barrens rustled. The small animals who made the arid plains their home could hear the heavy impacts of footfalls without seeing anything due to the tall grass, and quickly scurried and slithered into their dens in the ground. A few seconds later a pair of large, heavy hooves stomped across the grass as a muscular tauren male continued his travel across the Barrens. He tilted his head up to try and guess who much time he...

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Selena gomez Megan fox

If any one has any sexy lesbian Selena Gomez stories feel free to post them Selena wasn’t worried about the Teen Choice Awards. Years ago, before her career had taken off, before Wizards of Waverly Place, maybe walking the red carpet might have made her nervous. But she’d been different then–less confident, less sure of herself. Now, she stepped out of her limo, flashed the reporters and the crowd her famous smile, and strutted toward the theater. This was going to be the perfect night. A...

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Selena Gets Some Slaves

Selena Gets Some SlavesEmily Osment stood to the side, off camera, watching her friend Miley Cyrus do a scene on the set of Hannah Montana."Hey sexy." Someone whispered in her ear. She turned and saw Selena Gomez standing there smiling."I told you not on set!" Emily blushed red and turned quickly to see if anyone heard her. They hadn't. Selena grabbed Emily's arm in a not too gentle grip and pulled her back farther from the crew. "Hey! That hurts!" Emily said. Selena let go of her arm and...

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Selena and JoeChapter 23

The fact that Selena had "dreamt" of Joe making love to her didn't quell her urge to be with him, talk with him, and make love to him again and again. Even the morning after tingle between her legs didn't take away from the fact she had not seen him all week. As she and Lucy sipped coffee in the dorm that Saturday and talked of the upcoming week of studies and upcoming exams Joe called for his love. "Hello Lover" "Oh, Please tell me you're coming home this weekend." "Wow! Not...

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Selena and JoeChapter 46

Selena lay in bed listening to the purr of Joe's light snore. She felt empty and alone. Although Joe said her admission made no difference, they went to bed without making love or the usual affections. They both downed their wine and Joe took her hand and led her to the bedroom. She undid her robe and Joe took it and laid it across the foot of the bed. He patted her bare butt and she crawled into the bed with Joe following her. She played coy and rolled away from him hoping he would spoon...

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Selena and JoeChapter 26

Selena was happy that Joe's homecoming Friday was a forgetful day at Polytech. One class had been canceled altogether and another was cut short when a professor was called out by the birth of a grandchild. Classes had reached a review and study phase anyway so Selena went through the day on an auto-pilot of sorts, her little notes of the where and how to meet Joe at the airport etched in her mind. Joe was coming in on a government charter and not going through the public terminal. She was...

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Selena and JoeChapter 22

After a whirlwind few hours Selena sat alone in the home she and Joe now called ours. Joe had packed, ransacked their bags for his personal items, drove to her parents house, visited with them, and drove back to meet the van, and her Joe was off. Their goodbye was tearful, but Selena was determined to be more grownup about the situation so Joe could leave with a good mindset. Selena drove to her dorm and gathered all of her books and returned to the place she called home now. After setting...

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Selena and JoeChapter 42

The drone from a church organ on the radio cracked the silence of an early Sunday morning as Joe and Selena slept off a long night of rich food, wine and spirited love making. Selena rose up her nude body and reached over Joe to the radio to switch the station to an FM music station and then hit the snooze bar. Her breasts hung in his face as he opened his eyes. "God! I thought I was in church and then I open my eyes to these beauties, I was sure I was in heaven." He joked with his...

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Selena and JoeChapter 65

Joe and Selena had been asleep in each other's arms for about 45 minutes when Joe startled. "What was that!" He said quickly sitting up moving Selena from her perch on him. "Wha... what?" "Listen," Joe said intently before falling back onto the pillow. "Oh, its Lucy and Jer! God I was dreaming about some thing and... " "Those two, still going at it." Selena reminded him, "The company, the strange bed and everything must have been an inspiration for them. Lucy said they'd...

2 years ago
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Selena Gomez Backstage of the Teen Choice Awards

Miley thanked everybody for coming and waved goodbye as she made her way backstage as the Teen Choice Awards were ending. She headed to her dressing room and flopped down on the couch, thankful the show was over. A knock on the door a couple of minutes later startled her as her publicist popped her head in “Hey Miley, great show tonight” she said as Miley stood up. “Yea, it was pretty awesome” Miley said as she grabbed a bottle of water and took a drink, walking over to the door. “Somebody...

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Selena and JoeChapter 37

On Monday night, her last day of a long Founders Day weekend, Joe said his goodbyes just after 7 o'clock. Their lovemaking had been intense and fulfilling so that losing their last 12 hours originally planned was easier to cope with. Joe always pledged that her school was number one, so when she became worried about her presentation for Doc Stevens, Joe knew where her priorities had to be set. Dressed in a hooded jogging suit she drove into the dorm parking lot and saw Lucy's car...

1 year ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 17

Joe woke Thursday morning in one of those dazes where you don't know where or what you are. The shades had been drawn, but light peeked in. He thought about a hotel room in Phoenix, but the sudden urge to pee changed his concentration to his penis and the night before came back to him in spades. He turned his head to see the sleeping Selena. "My God," he thought to himself. "This woman literally sexed me into submission last night. I've never seen a woman so possessed with sexual...

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Selena and JoeChapter 44

It was early in the new Wednesday morning when Selena woke to the sound of Joe snoring loudly. He was on his back, exhausted. She rolled off the bed to satisfy the urge to pee. Once on her feet she knew she needed to freshen her mouth from its acrid taste, and her vagina, the lips stuck uncomfortably with her dried juices. The discomfort in her rear was slight, but it did make her aware that she had been thoroughly sodomized a few hours earlier. After using the sink, the pot and finally the...

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Selena and JoeChapter 38

Joe was up and out early Saturday morning with Union business to take care of at Johnson Construction as well as contracts to settle with lawyers for future business. The final transfer of stock to the employees was drawing closer and Joe was doing everything he could to make the transfer smooth. The last two years had been good ones for the company and Joe liked to think that the fact he had taken a bigger role in the operation was part of it. His share of the operation was negotiated to a...

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Selena and JoeChapter 43

The gentle ringing of the phone stirred Selena. She had set it on low ring, figuring she would rarely need the wake up call. "Hello thank you!" She said to the waker and hung up, then quickly sat up on the side of the bed afraid to fall asleep again. Once again the phone rang and she reached for it again. "Please don't hang up in my ear this time." She heard Joe say. "Oh my God, that was you! I'm so sorry my love." She said, embarrassed. "I just called Joseph and told him I...

4 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 73

Ross Curran and Selena Hanson both greeted Deneigh and entered the door into the Great Room. Ross quickly turned and questioned her. "Does Joe have any connections at Galaxy? Did you discuss it?" "Only briefly. I mentioned that I was debriefed by the FBI and had denied his knowledge. He was wracking his brain to see if he did know anyone at Galaxy and I told him to stop and shut up." She said with a little grin. "That was a good plan. If ANYTHING comes up later and you try to convince...

3 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 6

A rustling on the bed began to rile Joe from his sleep at he washed he cobwebs from his mind. He became aware of Selena slipping in behind him on the bed to spoon him, reversing the position they fell asleep in. "Good morning," she whispered with a kiss to his cheek. "Good Morning yourself! Are we sorry for anything that happened last night?" "No, not for me anyway. There was a lot of sexual tension building and I think we lifted it. My reasoning may have seemed flawed, that a first...

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Selena and JoeChapter 29

Selena's train pulled out of the station right on time at 6:36 allaying any worries she would miss her 9:30 start time at Wall Street Global. Her goodbye with Joe was still tearful, although they said goodbye so many times in the past half day. Once on the train she had the days Wall Street Journal and USA Today. Plus, she had Joe go over everything he had done the day before with hopes it might give her insight on anything discussed at WSG. She was still a bit nervous that she might miss...

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Selena and JoeChapter 48A

The Monday after the Friday New Years should have been the beginning of a fitting countdown to Selena's last two weeks of winter break. Christmas had been her best ever, having her family Christmas at "her" house. When they got back from Manhattan after finishing her emergency fill-in for Charley Ford they decorated the house and got a big tree and all new ornaments. She and Joe cooked the whole meal for the 7 guests. There were her parents, her Aunt Judy and Uncle Mac with their daughter...

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Selena and JoeChapter 55

Selena's Sunday morning dream made her sleep serene. It was of the simple life she and Joe would share someday. It was idyllic in her sleep thought, as if floating on a cloud where making each other happy and enjoying their children were the only chores. What made it seem even more real was the gentle calling of her name as Joe tried to wake her. "Selena,... Selena? Essy, are you awake? I need some help." Joe whispered as he gentle rubbed her hip. Suddenly she startled. "What! Is...

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Selena and JoeChapter 30

"Hello? Daddy?" "Selena! Is there something wrong?" Scott Hanson asked in a worried tone, knowing it odd she call him at work, and from New York City. "That's what I want to ask you, if there's anything wrong." She said back inquisitively. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I spoke with Mommy last night and I'm so psychologist, but I can tell something is wrong. She sounds very depressed. I got real bad vibes from her Daddy. Do you notice anything when you talk to her?" She...

4 years ago
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Selena Lookalike Fucks her Fanatic Young Sister

Introduction: Wall have Selena fantacies, right? Heres a story about a sister who role plays Selena for her young sister. Lana carefully brushed her shoulder length curly, dark hair and put on a bit of pink lip gloss then pulled on her pink tank over her bare little tities. She loved how hard her puffy nipples looked under the thin material. She looked at the pink thong. She couldnt resist. She ran a finger down her pouty cunt lips so the material slipped inside. She trembled slightly and let...

1 year ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 9

The buzz of the alarm startled Joe from his sleep and he quickly hit the snooze and lay back next to Selena. He looked over at her and she looked so sweet and innocent he could not resist propping up on an elbow to stare at the young beauty. After a few moments he leaned and kissed her cheek and then her lips in hopes of waking her. As she began to stir, he leaned and whispered in her ear, "... and the handsome prince kissed Sleeping Beauty to wake her from her deep sleep." Selena smiled...

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