Mom Is A Widow free porn video

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Sam Smith fretted anxiously at the kitchen table while he waited for his mother to return from the district attorney's office. How could he have been so stupid? Breaking into the new neighbor's house had been a disastrous idea from the start. Ms. Johnson was an attractive, impeccably dressed older widow who had moved into the house- mansion, really- a few doors down. Billy Cravitz, Sam's nemesis, and the rest of the neighborhood gang had given Sam an ultimatum: break into Ms. Johnson's house or be an outcast for the entire summer. Sam knew it was stupid to go along, but he knew his reputation as a wuss would be sealed if he didn't accept Billy's dare. Sam figured he could do this one thing, impress the gang, and get Billy off his back for good.

After Sam finally agreed to the dare, one of the other guys asked how they would know that he had actually been in Ms. Johnson's house. That's when Billy had the idea for Sam to take something of Ms. Johnson's as proof. After a lot of animated discussion about what to take, Billy got an evil gleam in his eye. When Billy insisted that a pair of Ms. Johnson's panties would be the "perfect proof," the rest of the guys loudly and laughingly agreed. Sam anxiously tried to get them to reconsider, but they wouldn't hear of it.

Sam was actually holding up a pair of lacy, delicate pink panties in the middle of Ms. Johnson's opulent bedroom when the police came to investigate the silent alarm. He thought he would die of shame as the burly policemen and his female partner handcuffed him and took him to the station. In the patrol car, the officers laughed uncontrollably about how the rest of the squad would never believe what they caught Sam doing. By the time they arrived at the station, word had spread like wildfire. Everyone in the station stopped by to see the teenaged boy caught stealing panties from his neighbor's house. As he sat in the holding area, waiting for his mother to arrive, Sam's face burned hot with embarrassment and shame.

The days after his arrest were a complete blur to Sam. Sam tried to explain that it was all a prank, even detailing Billy's role in the break-in. News of Sam's arrest reached Billy and the gang, and by the time the police questioned Billy and the other boys, they all repeated a well-orchestrated story denying any knowledge of Sam's plans. Of course, Susan, Sam's mother, believed him; she knew all about Billy Cravitz and his malicious ways. Her son certainly was not a criminal�or a sissy.

Now Sam was anxiously waiting for his mother to return from a meeting with the lawyers and Ms. Johnson. He jumped involuntarily as he heard his mother's car door slam. To Sam's dismay, his younger brother, Mark, made his way into the kitchen, anxious to hear the latest developments in his brother's embarrassing saga.

Susan put her purse on the counter and poured herself a glass of white wine with a small sigh. Like her son, Susan had prayed she could clear the matter up and get the whole matter behind them.

"Well? What happened?" Sam asked anxiously.

Susan studied the face of her worried son. She had warned him over and over about hanging out with Billy and the other neighborhood bullies, but Sam was desperate to fit in. Now he was left holding the bag. She sighed deeply. "Sam, darling, I'm afraid I have bad news. Ms. Johnson is insisting that the prosecutor treat this like some sort of federal crime or something. She's demanding that the D.A. go forward with the most serious possible charges. Frankly, I think it was the fact that you were in her panty drawer that upset her so. The D.A. was willing to talk about a plea bargain, but Ms. Johnson was adamant that you spend some real time in juvenile hall to 'learn your lesson.'"

Sam's heart sank. "Mom! She can be serious! It was just a stupid prank. I'll never do it again; I promise!"

Susan tried to console her distraught son. It was obvious that he felt terrible enough about what he'd done. Being caught pilfering a pair of frilly women's panties was punishment enough for any boy, she thought. "I know you're sorry, dear. We'll just have to wait until the trial and see what happens. I don't want you to get your hopes up, though; our lawyer was not optimistic. Promise me you'll try not to worry, okay?" She smiled encouragingly at her son.

Sam nodded his head morosely.

Trying to lift the mood, Susan continued: "Actually, Ms. Johnson seems very nice. She's quite eccentric, though. Get this. She said that if you were a sissy and had been stealing the panties to wear them, she'd drop all charges. Apparently, she finds sissy boys quite�how did she put it? Oh, yes, entertaining. Can you imagine?" she chuckled.

Sam was not amused and forlornly made his way into his room, his younger brother tailing close behind. "Boy, Sam, you've really done it now. I bet the guys at the juvenile hall are really tough. Aren't most of them gang members?" He smiled wryly: "I wonder what they'll think of a little rich k**�particularly one caught stealing women's panties?"

Sam shuddered as his brother sniggered. "Shut up, Mark. It's not funny; they'll kill me in there. What am I going to do?" he whined.

"Well," Mark chuckled, " You could always tell Ms. Johnson that you're a big sissy, and the panties were for you �Sissy." Still laughing, Mark wheeled and hurried out of the room before his brother could react.

Sam spent the rest of the afternoon obsessing over his predicament and a possible solution. No matter how he analyzed it, he was screwed. Flopping on his bed, he idly thought about what his brother had said.

At dinner, Susan was happy to see that her troubled son looked more animated. "Well, it looks like someone is in a better mood."

"Mom, I've got the perfect solution. Remember what you said this morning? I'll just tell Ms. Johnson what she wants to hear. You know, that I was stealing the panties because I wanted to wear them. I'll just tell her I'm ---you know�a sissy."

Mark burst out laughing as Susan stopped dead in her tracks. "Sam Smith, don't be ridiculous. You're a lot of things, but a sissy you are not."

"Yeah, but Ms. Johnson doesn't know that. I'll just tell a little white lie, and we can forget about the whole thing. Please, Mom!" Sam whined.

"Absolutely not! Do you hear yourself? You mean to tell me that you would actually have Ms. Johnson believe that you enjoy wearing women's panties? Please!"

Sam looked at his mother pleadingly. "Mom, I'm dead serious. I can't go to juvenile hall. I won't last ten minutes. Ms. Johnson doesn't know me. So she thinks I'm a fairy. I don't care. Please? Will you call her? Please?"

Susan glared at her son. Before her husband had died, he had left them financially very well off. But he had never succeeded in teaching Steve to take responsibility for his actions and to be accountable for his mistakes. To date, Susan hadn't had much luck, either. She could have easily refused Steve's request, but she wanted him to make the right decision on his own. "This is a terrible idea. Lying about wanting to dress in girl's clothes is a very stupid thing to do."

A tear of frustration escaped Sam's eye. "Mom, I'm begging you. I'll never ask for anything again."

Susan's sighed. She relented, but only because she was confident that Steve would eventually come to his senses. "Oh, all right. I'll call Ms. Johnson. Just remember, this was all your idea. I'm not responsible for the consequences."

Sam pumped his fist and exclaimed: "Yes! Thanks Mom! You're the greatest."

"Don't be so fast to thank me, dear. I can't believe that this is going to be as easy as you think."

Sam waited anxiously as his mother called Ms. Johnson. And she returned, he looked at her impatiently.

"She wants to meet with us day after tomorrow at her house." Susan shrugged her shoulders. " Actually, she seemed thrilled at the news."

Susan and her son prepared for the walk down the street to Ms. Johnson's house. "Are you sure you won't reconsider? Let the justice system take its course? Who knows what will happen?" Susan's frustration was obvious in the tone of her voice.

"No way, Mom; I can't take any chances. Besides, you promised!" As Sam and his mother walked the block to Ms. Johnson's front door, Sam started to get nervous. After all, he was about to try and convince someone that he was an effeminate panty-waist; a sissy.

A smartly dressed woman met them at the door to the opulent house and led them into a well-appointed study. And Sam and his mom entered the room, they both stopped dead in their tracks. Susan spoke first: "Gladys, I certainly didn't expect to see you here. How ...delightful," she lied.

Susan's head spun. Gladys Cravitz! Billy's mother. The nosiest, most despicable woman in the entire neighborhood. Susan couldn't tolerate the hateful woman or her malicious ill-behaved son. Her presence could only mean bad things for her son and her.

"Susan, darling. It's been simply ages. And Sam! What a treat!" Gladys smirked.

Ms. Johnson introduced herself affably. She was a well-kept elderly matron, dressed expensively and stylishly. "Susan, so nice to see you again. I hope you don't mind. Gladys has been such a help to me since I moved to Englebrook, and I do so trust her judgment." Gladys all but stuck her tongue out at Susan.

"And this must be our little sissy," Ms. Johnson said, a note of excitement creeping into her voice. Clearing her throat, she took a more businesslike tone. "Sam, you've been a naughty boy. You should never break into someone's home and take their things."

"I'm really sorry, Ms. Johnson. But I only did it because I, uh, like to wear panties. I would have taken some of Mom's, but I was afraid she'd find out...uh. about my being a sissy and stuff."

"Aww, you poor dear. When your mother called and explained that you had broken into my house because you wanted to take my panties to wear, I was more than ready and willing to forget about the whole thing. After all, I may have mentioned to your mother that I find feminine boys�sissies�so charming and delightful," she giggled. "The very idea of a teen aged boy mincing around in panties, a pretty dress and make-up, his hair in a darling lady's hair-do�how funny," she giggled. Anyway, it would be wrong of me not to forgive a boy so desperate to wear panties that he was willing to break into someone's house and steal them. Of course, that's a different matter entirely from a nasty boy who would do that as a horrid prank� or a dare."

Sam gulped hard and squirmed in his seat.

"Anyway, Susan, Gladys actually believes that Sam is claiming to be a sissy just to avoid accepting his punishment. Ridiculous, isn't it?" she laughed.

Susan's face drained of color. "Ridiculous, yes," she squeaked.

"Well, Susan, dearest, if you and Sam would just sign these, we can all get this unpleasant criminal business behind us and discuss more pleasant things. I'm sorry about all this, but Gladys is just so insistent. Gladys?"

Susan sat stunned as Gladys smugly produced a stack of legal documents in front of her and brandished an expensive pen to sign with.

"What's all that?" Susan asked concernedly.

Gladys replied smugly: "Nothing to be concerned about, unless, of course, you and your criminal son are lying to Ms. Johnson about being a sissy. As you can imagine, fraud to avoid prosecution is a very serious criminal offense; even worse than robbery. You know, it's very interesting; I've known Sam all his life, and I've never been aware of his penchant for cross-dressing. Admit it, Sam. You're trying to defraud Ms. Johnson and the court, aren't you?"

"No, ma'am," Sam said defensively.

Susan felt sick but simply returned Gladys' stare.

Gladys' face clouded at their refusal to confess. When Clara had told her about the phone call with Susan, Gladys had been apoplectic. She was thrilled at the prospect of Little Miss Perfect's son going to jail. The fortune Susan's husband had left them couldn't help Sam there! Gladys actually knew her son's role in the prank, and she knew that Sam was as normal as her own son; he was no sissy. It was all a lie to keep Sam out of jail. But Clara wouldn't listen to reason. Gladys had her husband draw up documents to force Susan and her son to tell the truth and get their just desserts. The fact that her plan wasn't working infuriated her. "Well, then, there's nothing for you to worry about, and no reason you and your mother shouldn't sign these papers," she bristled.

Susan hated the way she and her son were being manipulated. She was furious: furious with her son for getting her into such a spot, and furious at Gladys for her meddling. "This all looks awfully serious. Maybe I should take these home and look at them overnight," Susan suggested.

Without missing a beat, Gladys crowed, "I knew it. See Clara? I told you they wouldn't sign the papers. It's all a big lie."

Sam panicked. If Ms. Johnson changed her mind, he'd go to juvenile hall for sure. "Mom, please I'm sure everything is okay. I'm going to sign."

Susan quickly and politely asked to speak with her son privately, and she half-d**g Sam into the hallway.

"Mom," he hissed. " What are you doing? We've got to sign those stupid papers before Ms. Johnson changes her mind. You promised you'd let me do this," he said accusingly.

Susan stared at her son, her hands on her hips. "Aren't you even the least bit interested what's in these documents? You understand what you're asking me to do? You're asking me to let you lie under oath that you're an effeminate boy who loves dressing and acting like a girl. Do you understand? Who knows what else is in those papers. Trust me, knowing Gladys, this is a huge mistake. Let's just tell the truth, go home, and call this whole thing off. "

"That's easy for you to say; you're not the one who'll have to go to jail," Sam said bitterly.

Seeing the betrayed look on her son's case, she relented. "Fine," Susan said exasperatedly. "But don't say that I didn't warn you." She watched with apprehension as Sam quickly signed all the papers, and slid them over to her. Susan sighed deeply and slowly signed the papers.

Ms. Johnson clapped her hands excitedly. "You see, Gladys? I told you there was nothing to worry about. You're too suspicious."

Gladys glared at Susan and Sam, a fake smile plastered on her face. "We'll just see about that, Clara."

After they left the house, Sam excitedly ran home as fast as he could. "It worked," he thought with relief. I'm a genius."

Susan finished reading the last of the documents she and Sam had signed, and took another gulp of wine. She didn't know which was worse: the affidavit detailing under oath that her son was an effeminate sissy; the admissions of criminal liability in the event that the affidavit was found to be untrue; or the authorization giving Ms. Johnson the right to "examine" Sam at her discretion to ensure the truthfulness of his affidavit. But the real source of Susan's concern was Gladys. Susan knew from experience that she was vindictive and persistent. As she heard Sam roughhousing with his brother down the hall, she suppressed a shudder.

At another house in the neighborhood, Gladys seethed. As she clattered around the kitchen, she spoke to no one in particular; Billy and his father had long ago learned to tune her out. "That little bitch! She thinks she's so clever. So she claims Sam's a panty-waist. We'll just see about that!" She picked up her well-used cell phone and hit speed dial. "Nina, darling. You know Susan Smith and her son, Sam? Well, you'll never believe�" Gladys closed her phone with a satisfied grin. By end of the day, everyone in the neighborhood would know about the day's developments.

The next morning, Sam plopped down at the breakfast table and relished in the summer sunshine. " Good morning, family," he enthused. " Mom, thanks again for helping me yesterday. I swear, I'll never do anything that stupid again."

Susan replaced her coffee cup and saucer. "I'm glad to hear that, Sam. But those papers you signed � I just don't know." The phone rang interrupting her thoughts.

When his mother returned, Sam happily announced his plan to do nothing but play video games all day long. He watched as his mother shook her head unhappily.

"That was Ms. Johnson on the phone. She's expecting you at her house in an hour. She wants to spend some time with you � how did she put it? � oh yes, "girl to girl."

Mark burst out laughing at his older brothers red face.

" I-I'm not going back there. I signed those stupid papers. What does she want with me?"

"You heard her yesterday, dear. For some reason, she finds girly boys 'entertaining.' And just so you know, one of the forms you insisted that I sign yesterday gives her every right to spend as much time with you as she sees fit to confirm that you're a sissy. If Ms. Johnson wants you to visit for some girl talk, I'm afraid you don't have much choice."

"What? You're k**ding, right? That's ridiculous!" Sam grew nervous. "What-what else was in those papers?" he asked hesitantly.

"Well, like I tried to tell you yesterday, if Ms. Johnson determines that you were lying about being a sissy and taking her panties for your own use, you waive your right to trial and agree to be incarcerated until you're twenty-one." Susan paused as Sam's jaw dropped in shock. "I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen," she admonished sharply. "You better finish up. Ms. Johnson will be expecting you."

Late that afternoon, Susan was reading by the pool, engrossed in a fashion magazine when she heard the backyard gate open. It had to be Sam, returning from Ms. Johnson's. "Finally! I was beginning to worry �" Susan stopped short when she saw that Sam was closely followed by Gladys Cravitz.

"Susan, darling. Don't get up. I spent the most delightful day with Ms. Johnson and Sally, here. Doesn't he look just lovely? I just wanted to stop by and let you know that you and your son aren't fooling me for a second. Well, two can play at this game. We'll just see how much of the sissy you really are, Sally. I'm going to be watching your every move, and when you slip up, you are going to jail." With that, Gladys threw her chin in the air, spun around indignantly, and strode away.

Only when they heard her Mercedes drive away did Sam break down. "Mom!" he sobbed. " Look at what they did to me!" he held out his hands, revealing long, glamour-length nails, manicured to perfection with a sophisticated, glossy red polish.

Susan covered her mouth as she took it all in. The nails, the thin, femininely arched eyebrows, the expensive-looking drop pearl earrings in Sam's newly pierced ears. The way her son's legs gleamed, she knew instantly that he had a leg waxing. In his hands was a large pink shopping bag emblazoned with the logo, "The Sissy Mister." Underneath was the silhouette of a boy pirouetting in a chic dress and heels. Involuntarily, Susan giggled.

"Mom! It's not funny," Sam whined.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. It's just that you look so � girly. " Despite her best efforts, she laughed. Trying to stifle her mirth an be sympathetic, she said, "Tell me what happened."

He sniffled; "It was awful. Ms. Johnson treated me like I was a Barbie doll or something. She made me wear the, uh, panties I took, and then she made me try on all of her dresses and stuff. Ms. Cravitz said all sissies love fashion shows. She kept teasing me and she even took pictures. She was awful! She kept saying things like, "For a sissy boy, you don't seem to enjoy wearing these darling dresses. What's the matter?" Or "You certainly don't walk in high heels like a sissy." I was getting really nervous. "Then she told Ms. Johnson about the store in town where they sell all this girly stuff � for boys!"

"Let me guess � the Sissy Mister?" Susan giggled, gesturing at the bag.

Sam nodded morosely. "It was horrible," he whispered. "It was like a pink nightmare I couldn't wake up from. Ms. Johnson was in heaven! Now look at me," he sobbed. "I look like some kind of � "

"Fag? Fairy? I tried to reason with you, dear. This is all your doing. But look on the bright side. Your nails are simply fabulous, and your eyebrows are to die for," Susan giggled.

"Very funny, Mom. Ha, ha. " Sam pouted angrily.

Ignoring him, Susan asked, "What's in the bag?"

"Ms. Johnson bought all this stuff for my nails; polish and junk. And hair remover for my legs and underarms. Ms. Cravitz kept saying that no real sissy would ever be seen with hairy legs and pits and without nail polish. Gag me!"

Susan looked at the expensive looking products in the bag and felt a twinge of envy. Idly, she wondered aloud how her nails would look in the same color as Sam's.


As Sam and his family finished their dinner, the doorbell rang.
"Who could that be," Susan wondered aloud. She opened the door to find Nina and Heather, two of Gladys' snooty friends grinning like Cheshire cats. "Ladies, what can I do for you?" Susan said suspiciously.

"Susan, darling, we heard through the g****vine about Sam's trouble at Clara Johnson's. You poor dear! It must be simply horrible to learn that your son's a panty-loving sissy boy!"

Heather added: "I know if I ever caught my son doing something like that, I'd just die. How utterly humiliating, for both of you!"

Susan's blood pressure rose, knowing that Gladys had set this up. "Well, we're doing the best we can."
Nina and Heather clucked sympathetically. "Is Sam, home? We have something for him."
I'm afraid he's�"

Susan was interrupted by Mark, who said, "He's right here, Mom!"

Susan cringed, and called Sam.

When Sam hesitantly appeared at the door, the two women burst into giggles. "Love your nails, Sam! And those pearl earrings, they're so you!"

Sam was absolutely mortified that his "confession" was becoming public knowledge. He hardly noticed when Nina came around and said, "Your nails are even longer than mine! Heather, take a picture! As Heather clicked pictures with her phone camera, Nina had Sam held his hands at arm's length as she did, fingers pointed down in the way that women show off their nails to someone. He felt like a fool. But not as foolish as when Nina stopped giggling and announced with a grin that she had a surprise for Sam

"Darling, since you apparently don't have pretty things of your own to wear, we took up a little collection from all the girls in Junior League. We even voted to adopt you as our special little project for the next year." Each woman produced two large shopping bags. "Our things may not be a pretty as Ms. Johnson's but there are some darling outfits; dresses, skirts, blouses, and of course, your favorite, some lacy little panties."

Heather added snidely, "Bettina was especially generous; she's gotten to be such a cow after her husband left, none of her old things fit anymore." The two women shared a malicious giggle.

"I donated a scrumptious little Chanel number that my first husband bought me. Since I saw that awful Amy Crawford from the club in one like it, I absolutely refuse to wear it anymore. But it'll look darling on you."

Not to be outdone, Heather volunteered. "I contributed the sweetest little off the shoulder sundress that's perfect for the club. I got it from that darling new shop; Girly-Girls Boutique. I simply can't wait to see you all dolled up in it! I'm sure your mother will lend you some adorable shoes and a purse to match. You'll be the perfect little pansy!" The pair erupted into heartless giggles

As he got ready for bed, Sam stared at his awful reflection in the mirror. Earlier in the day, Ms. Cravitz had insisted that every real sissy had a feminine name. Sam had panicked and blurted out the first girl's name that came to mind: Sally. What a ridiculous name, he thought. Thanks to Ms. Johnson and that Sissy Mister place, he already looked more like a Sally now. And thanks to the neighborhood ladies, he even had the beginnings of a wardrobe of feminine clothes. This wasn't going according to plan. No one was supposed to know. As a distraction from his troubles, Steve logged onto his computer and checked his e-mail. Immediately he noticed an unfamiliar address and opened it up. Steve gasped at what he saw and read. The thing that grabbed his attention was the picture. Sam looked in horror at the heavily muscled, tattooed, street tough with the malicious leer. Anxiously, Sam read the attached message.


I heard you're gonna be here at the Harsch Penal Institute for Boys. I can't wait to get a piece of your pantied ass, sissy boy. I've seen the pictures of you, faggot--getting your ears pierced and getting your nails done all pretty like a girl. Since you want to be a girl so bad, you're going to be my new bitch. Let me tell you some of the things I'm gonna do to you�."

Sam trembled as he continued read the horrid e-mail. It closed with a threat not to tell anyone about the e-mail, or he'd be "dead meat." It was signed "Ray Frink." As quickly as he could, Sam closed the e-mail, looking over his shoulder to make sure that no one else had seen it. Sam's heart was pounding. A million questions flooded his mind. How did Ray Frink get the pictures? What about his e-mail address? If he ended up in juvenile hall now, he'd be worse than dead! Steve hardly slept.

The next day, Mark was assigned to rouse his brother from bed. " Rise and shine, Sally. Mom says you need to get up."

Sam groaned. "Leave me alone � and don't ever call me that."

"Whatever you say, Sally. By the way, Mom said Ms. Johnson called. She wants to meet with you and Mom this morning."

As Susan took in the sight of her sissified older son, she grew more and more irritated. Steve's "little" deception had gone far enough. He was dressed in silk shantung Capri pants that zipped in the back, and matching fitted, sleeveless shell. A delicate beaded sweater completed the ensemble. It was one of Bettina's outfits. Susan had seen her in it a number of times. Underneath, Susan knew that Sam was wearing lacy, frilly panties that had formerly belonged to one of the trophy wives of the neighborhood. The very idea turned her stomach. "Sam Smith! You've got to stop this nonsense right now and tell Ms. Johnson the truth. You look ridiculous! Aren't you the least embarrassed about prancing around in panties and pearl earrings and wearing an outfit that belonged to the neighborhood fashion plate? You're a boy for gosh sakes�or at least I thought you were. Or maybe you're really enjoying this. Maybe you'd like to wear one of my bras? And some make-up? Or maybe you'd like to go shopping with Bettina for some of your own?"

"Mom! Cut it out. I just need to convince Ms. Johnson once and for all; then she'll leave me alone. Remember, you promised you wouldn't tell, and you'd let me make my own decisions," he admonished. Sam caught himself before he told his mom about the e-mail.

"I remember," Sally sighed. "I just want you to remember what I said about lies. You're digging your own grave�"

"Susan, Sally! We've been expecting you; do come in." A grinning Gladys led the pair into the formal living room. "You two know Clara, of course. Susan, this is Doris Gladstone, the owner and proprietor of the Sissy Mister. I suppose Sally told you all about our little excursion yesterday."

"He certainly did. He just went on and on about how much fun you girls had and all the wonderful things you bought him. How generous," Susan dead-panned.

"It was nothing, dear." Clara dismissed with a wave and a big smile. "Doesn't Sally look precious in his pink outfit? His new earrings go perfectly! I must admit, Susan, I'm quite smitten with your little sissy. I can't remember when I've had this much fun," she giggled. "He looked so cute all prettied up in my dresses and outfits. There's just something about a boy in a dress."

"I'm sure he feels the same way, Ms. Johnson," Susan lied. She could feel the heat from her son's red face.

Gladys cleared her throat meaningfully.

"Oh, yes." Clara said with a sigh. "Sally, dear, despite our fun yesterday, Gladys remains concerned that you don't seem to be very effeminate or girlish. You seem to be--how should I put it--a regular guy. Anyway, Gladys has convinced herself that this is proof positive that this is all a charade by you to stay out of juvenile hall."

Susan glanced over Gladys, who gave her a deadly smile.

Gladys addressed Sam, who by now was trembling with anxiety.

"Sam, don't you want to put an end to all this nonsense. Go back to being a regular boy?"

"Now, Gladys, stop that. I'm sure that there must be a reasonable explanation. I thought it best that you explained it to us, yourself, dear. Is there a reason you don't act very effeminate?" Ms. Johnson smiled sympathetically at Sam.

"I can probably answer that�" Susan started.

Gladys quickly interrupted: "I think Clara wanted to hear from Sally."

Without his mother to bail him out, Sam desperately tried to think of something plausible. The image of Ray Frink and what he had written caused him to actually tremble with fear. To his dismay, he actually started to tear up at the thought of being sent to juvenile hall. "Well, I guess I don't look or act all that feminine. It's just �" Sam's mind spun, until he had a sudden burst of inspiration. "I knew that if all the k**s knew the truth, they'd tease me and make fun of me. I�what's that word?�oh yeah�I repressed my girly side." Sam held his breath and waited anxiously.

Clara clasped her hands and clucked sympathetically: "You poor dear! Take this hanky and dry those tears. You weren't able to express on the outside what you felt on the inside, is that it?"

"Yes, ma'am," Sam said, trying to sound pathetic.

Gladys spoke up exasperatedly. "Puh-lease! Let me get this straight. You're saying that you've always been girly at the core, but yet you've always acted perfectly straight. Is that it?"

"Yes," Sam said hesitantly.

"Well, if you could hide it so easily, you certainly couldn't have been that effeminate. On a scale of one to ten, no more than a �one."

Sam panicked as he saw Ms. Johnson starting to nod her head. "No! I mean no, ma'am. I'd say I was definitely ten!" he lied, desperate to convince Ms. Johnson.

"Did you hear that, Gladys? A ten! Sally, you must be simply the most effeminate boy ever!" Clara giggled.

Susan cringed with panic as he heard her son dug the hole he was in deeper and deeper. She was startled as Ms. Gladstone spoke for the first time. She was an extremely intimidating, mannish looking woman with sharp features. "Any boy as girlish as you must be emotionally exhausted from hiding the real you�your inner girl."

"Yes ma'am," he said eagerly.

"Besides, it's not really fair to fool people and pretend that you're something you're not, is it?"

Ms. Johnson spoke up in his defense. "I'm sure Sally's not the kind of person who want to through life deceiving people."

Sam nodded vigorously.

Gladys chimed in with a smirk: "Then you must be anxious to come out of the closet and stop living your disgusting little lie?"

Before Sam could qualify his answer, Ms. Johnson spoke up: " Gladys, dear, don't be silly. Of course he is. Right, dear?"

Sam trembled, finally sensing where this was heading. But he couldn't back out now. "Yes, ma'am," Sam said meekly.

Gladys smirked menacingly, "Well, then, you're in luck, because Ms. Gladstone does absolute wonders with closet sissies like you who want to 'come out'."

Ms. Johnson gasped excitedly: "Doris, is that true?"

"If I may brag a little, Ms. Johnson, it is one of my absolute specialties. We take boys like Sally-sissies-who tragically have been socialized against their will into conformance with male stereotypes, and help them to express their inner girl that so desperately wants to be in control. We also teach them the essential feminine skills that they've missed out on learning: feminine grooming, domestic skills and feminine social skills. We also arrange for the little darlings to experience some of the girlish 'fun' that they've missed out on."

Gladys sneered as she fixed Sam with her eyes. "Doris? What do sissy boys think about your program?"

"Without exception, they're absolutely thrilled. The little darlings are so relieved to come out of the closet, they just adore our little programs. Of course, for an ordinary boy, I'm afraid any of my programs would be the most humiliating, embarrassing experience possible. But we certainly don't need to worry about that, do we, Sally? After all, you're just the perfect little sissy, aren't you?" she grinned as she caught his eye.

Sam nodded, his eyes closed in shame.

"How exciting! Ms. Johnson squealed.

"Then the only question is which of our programs is perfect for Sally?"

Ms. Johnson spoke up inquiringly: "What you mean, Doris?"

"It's quite simple, Clara. We have different programs for different levels of male femininity. I have programs for boys who are only mildly feminine, as well as those very special boys whose deepest desire to dress and act outrageously feminine, much more so than even the most feminine girly-girl. But I think that Sally answered that question for us, didn't you sweetie?"

"I did?" Sam said hesitantly.

Ms. Johnson made no effort to contain her enthusiasm. "Doris, you're absolutely right! Remember, Sally? You said you were a girly 'ten' at heart. Oh my! Isn't this thrilling!" she exclaimed. Sally simply must be enrolled in your most advanced program, Doris. It would be a crime if she wasn't!"

Gladys interrupted her. "Sally? Is something wrong? You don't seem very excited. Aren't you thrilled to have Doris help you throw open the closet door? Or is there something you want to tell Ms. Johnson?" she urged.

Sam peeked at his mother, who returned her son's gaze. "Unbelievable! Gladys and that Ms. Gladstone had set Sam up!" She spoke up, hoping to prevent her son from making yet another disastrous wrong choice. "Darling, this is a very big step. After all, this program of Ms. Gladstone's sounds very serious. I want you to think long and hard about what you're saying. Remember, I'm here for you," she said meaningfully.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking. Ms. Johnson, I have something I need to tell you�"

"Yes dear?"

Susan took her son's hand to lend her support. Finally, Sam was coming to his senses! She'd call the lawyer, and try to pick up the pieces, and�

"I can't wait to enroll in Ms. Gladstone's program."

Susan sucked in her breath. What had Sam done?

Clara came over and gave Sam a hug. "Oh, Sally, dearest. Then it's settled! Sally will be the newest member of your most advanced program, Doris," Ms. Johnson giggled. "What's it called?"

"Forever Femme." Doris smirked.

The pair waited until they were safely at home before either of them spoke about the morning's developments. Susan could hardly contain her frustration: "Nicely done," she said in exasperation. "It looks like you've arranged to be spending a lot more time at the Sissy Mister."

"Mom! It's not my fault. What else could I do?" Sam exploded in anguish. I didn't have any choice!"

"Oh, you had a choice�you just chose dresses and make-up over telling the truth."

The commotion attracted Sam's brother like blood attracted a shark. He listened in amused fascination as his mother related the events of the morning and how Sam was now enrolled in Ms. Gladstone's "Forever Femme" program. Sam retreated to his room, his amused brother taunting him every step of the way.

Later that afternoon, Susan answered the door. "What now," she wondered. She found a smirking Ms. Gladstone on her doorstep. In her hand was a large Sissy Mister shopping bag; behind her, she saw a shop assistant unloading boxes of something that looked to be soft drinks.

"Susan�you don't mind if I call you Susan, do you?" she grinned. After all, Sally's going to be part of our Sissy Mister family". Not waiting for an answer, she continued. Susan was aghast as Ms. Gladstone gave detailed instructions and handed over the shopping bag and drinks. Involuntarily, Susan covered her mouth as she listened. Luckily, Sam was out by the pool when Doris and her assistant surveyed his bedroom and took detailed measurements. When they were gone, Susan gulped a large cocktail as she pondered her son's fate.

When the boys came down for dinner, Sam had recovered somewhat from the morning. As he took his seat at the dinner table, he loudly exclaimed to no one in particular: "I hope there's plenty of dinner, I'm starved."

Sam watched in bewilderment as his mother wordlessly placed a pink drink can in front of him. Without thinking, Sam read the femininely scripted label aloud: "Slender Sissy Diet Shake." As his laughing brother grabbed the can to see for himself, Sam whined. "Mom! What's this?"

"Except for special occasions, 'this' is what you're having for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the foreseeable future. Doris Gladstone says that your weight and boyish build are obvious obstacles to expressing your "inner girl" that have to be corrected as soon as possible. Sooooo, she's put you on a little diet. Of course, since you went on and on about being a "ten" on the sissy scale and jumped at the chance to enroll in her Forever Femme program, she has you on her most restrictive diet. Better get used to the sound of your stomach growling, Sally."

"She can't be serious. I'll starve! You know how much I eat."

"Don't be so dramatic, Sally; women diet all the time. A 'Forever Femme' girl like you shouldn't have any problem."

Sam sulked. His mom was still upset that he hadn't told the truth. "She doesn't have to be so mean about it," he thought morosely.

Mark read the label on the can in between fits of laughter. "'You'll have a darling little figure in no time with our new Forever Femme formula. Your boyfriend won't be able to take his eyes�or hands�off you. Combine with our Dainty and Delicate Formula for especially fast-acting, permanent results." Mark laughed so hard he almost fell out of his chair.

"There's no way I'm drinking that stuff!" Sam growled. "I'm going to fix a sandwich," he declared shoving his seat back and heading for the kitchen.

The phone rang just as Sam was unscrewing the peanut butter lid.

"Sally, it's for you," his brother smiled.

"Hello?" Sam said hesitantly. "Oh, hi, Ms. Gladstone. The diet shakes? Oh, yeah, I've got one right here. Yeah, I can't wait. You're right. Yes, ma'am. The Dainty and Delicate Formula? No, ma'am. I see. It sounds � great. Urine tests? But why? I see. Homework?"

Mark watched in fascination as his brother's face got redder and redder. As his brother continued to talk with Ms. Gladstone, he thought, "This sissy thing is a dream come true."

Susan and Mark watched as Sam hung up the phone quietly and return to his seat. Wordlessly, he sat down, his face etched with despair.

"What about your sandwich?" Susan asked sweetly.

"Um, I guess Ms. Gladstone does tests to see if you've been cheating on the diet. I better not," he said mournfully. "She said I have to mix in that Dainty and Delicate formula with the shake." He cringed just saying the word 'dainty.'

Mark laughed, "I saw some out in the garage." He bolted from the table and returned, holding a large canister. He read happily with an affected lisp: "'You'll become a dainty and delicate darling with our new fast-acting muscle loss formula. Imagine your delight as you watch your disgusting male muscles melt away and leave you with the strength of a girl half your age. You'll be a frail and frilly little flower in no time. Caution, results are permanent."

Sam was terrified at what he heard, and started trembling. "M-m-mom, please don't make me take that stuff. I don't want to be� dainty!"

Susan took Sam's chin firmly in her hand and spoke in a steely voice. "Now you just listen to me. No one's making you do anything. All of this is your doing. Anytime you want to tell Ms. Johnson the truth, you just say the word, and we'll deal with it the best we can. You should have done that in the first place. But until you do, I'm not going to pretend that I approve of what you're doing, and I'm certainly not going to be sympathetic to your complaints. And I'm losing patience with your little tantrums. What is it you say to your brother? Oh, yeah; deal with it!"

Sam glumly closed his eyes and imagined that horrible picture of Ray Frink as he slowly prepared and drank the mixture of shake and formula. Finally, when he had choked down the entire glass, he opened his eyes and saw his mother looking at him disapprovingly. Mark was also watching, a big grin on his face "Creep," Sam thought.

His "meal" finished, Sam turned to his mother, who was finishing her plate of pasta. "Mom, can I talk to you after dinner?"

"Go ahead, dear."

Sam nodded his head at Mark and winced.

Susan added impatiently, "You've gotten all of us mixed up in your lies and deception, so go ahead."

Frustrated at his mother's refusal to exclude Mark from the conversation, he blurted it out: "Ms. Gladstone says that as 'homework,' I have to model all your clothes, with accessories, and stuff and take pictures of me in them. I'm supposed to e-mail them to her, Ms. Johnson, and Ms. Cravitz."

"A real sissy fashion show. How fun."

Steve thought the evening would never end. Wearing his mother's dresses, skirts, and blouses was bad enough. But his mother was doing her best to embarrass him as much as possible in the process. After insisting that he wear one of her bras in addition to "his panties." She pitilessly filled the cups with tissues to give Sam a womanly bustline and to make her clothes fit better. Sheer panty hose and a lacy white slip were also added to his ensemble. When his mother started pulling dresses and skirts out of her closet, Sam cringed; there were so many! It was going to be a long evening.

Susan and Mark sat on the living room couch; Susan sipped on a glass of wine. Mark made sure the digital camera was ready to go. "Awww, look, Mark. Doesn't your brother look just darling in my yellow sheath? He'll have a boyfriend in no time. With those legs, he simply must try out for cheerleader. Smile for the camera, dearie."

Steve thought he would scream. Each outfit brought taunts and laughter from his mother and his bother. "That dress always makes me feel sexy. How about you, Sally. Feeling sexy? Mark, get some extra pictures of your bother in that plaid wool skirt and sweater set. He looks so pretty. We'll enlarge the picture and send one to Mother. I know she'll be just delighted to see what a perfect fairy her grandson has become." "Ooooh, with that hat and purse, you look like you're heading out for lunch at the club with the girls. You'd love that, wouldn't you, Sally?" " Show your pretty nails for the camera, hon. A girl always shows off her manicure."

Mark laughingly took picture after picture, thrilled at his older brother's humiliation. As his brother became more and more upset, Mark tentatively ordered his brother to start posing like a female fashion model. Mark thought that Sam was going to blow a gasket, until his mother gave him a firm slap on the cheek and told him that if he wanted his pictures, he'd cooperate or else. Assured that he had his mother's approval, Mark became more and more demanding, relishing in ordering his older brother into one humiliating pose after another.

Sam sniffled and e-mailed the last of the awful pictures. He'd never been so humiliated in his life. His mother was being so mean; why couldn't she just support his decision? He wondered if he should have shown her the e-mail from Ray Frink before he deleted it. There's no way she'd believe me now, anyway" he thought. Steve's thoughts drifted to his younger brother. "That little shit. I'm going to pummel him; then I'm going to kill him," Sam vowed. But first, he was going to force him to delete all the pictures from his computer. He couldn't believe that his mother had let him download them from his camera. His mother was one thing, but Steve certainly wasn't going to be treated like some fag by his brother. As he plotted his revenge, Steve felt a small cramp in his stomach. "Great," he thought. "On top of everything else, I'm coming down with something." He turned out the light and crawled into bed, wishing he could stay there forever.

The next morning, Sam came downstairs looking like something the cat d**g in. "Mom, I feel like crap," he moaned. "My stomach's in knots, and I ache all over."

Susan placed her hand on Sam's forehead. Matter of factly, she said: "Ms. Gladstone warned that when the Dainty and Delicate formula started working, you'd probably feel sick. Surely you've had enough of this nonsense now? You're not going to stay on this silly diet? Seeing Steve simply hang his head, she exclaimed in exasperation, "Fine! I'll call Ms. Gladstone and explain. Have your precious shake and then get right back into bed."

Mark quickly volunteered: "You stay there, Mom. I'll get it."

"Thanks, dear. The directions are on the canister."

Alone in the kitchen, Mark poured a can of diet shake in a large glass. He already knew exactly what the directions said; fascinated, he'd read them over and over. They said that exceeding the recommended dosages would lead to faster and more dramatic weight and muscle loss. He quickly added three scoops instead of the recommended one to the glass, and mixed it vigorously. He returned from the kitchen, barely containing his excitement.

Mark watched as his brother emptied the glass. To satisfaction, Sam wrinkled his nose, but didn't notice a thing.

"Sweet dreams, Sally," he whispered as his mother led Sam back to bed.

Sam spent the next few days in bed. He couldn't ever remember feeling so sick. His fitful sleep was tormented with terrible images of the Sissy Mister, Ray Frink, and prancing around in his mother's dresses as she and Mark taunted him. The passage of time was marked only by Mark waking him up to drink those stupid shakes. At least I'm not hungry," he thought morosely.

On Friday, however, whatever malady had struck Sam was gone, because the cramps and muscle aches had dissipated. Gratefully, he got out of bed and took a long, hot shower. As he soaped up, Sam couldn't help but feel that something was still wrong. He dried off and pulled on a pair of briefs, noticing that the elastic must have stretched in the wash; they hardly stayed up. Sam stood in front of his large mirror to brush his hair, and caught sight of his reflection. Sam's hands fell to his side, the brush dropping noisily on the floor. As he stood motionless, fixated on the horrifying image in the mirror, he didn't notice his mother walk in, followed by Mark.

"Looks like someone's feeling better," she chirped. As she took the time to study her older son's form in the mirror, Susan involuntarily gasped: "Oh, my gosh!"

A wide, triumphant grin broke across Mark's face. Between the dieting and the Dainty and Delicate formula, his older brother was a mere shadow of his former self. The muscles that Sam was so proud of were gone, replaced by the smooth, pencil-thin limbs of a young girl. He pointed at his brother and guffawed. "Gee, Sally! You're so delicate and dainty. Your boyfriend's going to love the new you."

"Mom! Look at me," Sam cried plaintively. "I'm dying!"

"Oh, don't be such a drama queen. I guess when they say delicate and dainty, they mean delicate and dainty. Wait here."

Susan quickly returned with a form fitting pink knit suit of hers that Sam had unhappily modeled earlier in the week. Susan recalled that the suit had been a snug fit. "Here, try this on," she said as she handed Sam the suit.

"But, Mom�"

"Don't argue with me," she snapped. "Besides, you look so pretty in pink."

Morosely, Sam pulled on the skirt, remembering that it zipped at the side. When he let it go, it dropped several inches, almost falling off his hips.

Susan stared in wide-eyed wonder. "Now the jacket."

If anything, the jacket fit looser than the skirt. Susan sighed, "Congratulations, dear. By my guess, you've lost five dress sizes. I'd guess you're now a slender size 1."

Mark made no effort to hide his mirth.

"Stop laughing, Mark; it's not funny!" Sam demanded petulantly.

Still laughing, Mark watched as Sam had a flash and bolted to the corner of his room where he kept a couple of light dumbbells. When he saw that Sam could hardly lift one of them with both hands, Mark and laughed even louder.

"Mom!" What have they done to me?" Sam cried bitterly.

"Have you already forgotten our little talk? You've done it to yourself. You wanted to be Forever Femme, Sally? Well, I'd say this is a good start," she taunted. "Since you're feeling better, get dressed, but I'm afraid my things will be too big for you. You'll have to find something else to wear."

As she left, Sam angrily ripped off his mother's suit and grabbed a pair of jeans, tightening an old belt to hold them up. They still threatened to fall off, and the t-shirt fit no better. He looked all the world like a little girl wearing her older brother's clothes.

As he stared at his image in the mirror, he saw Mark behind him grinning maliciously.

"Why are you still here? W-what are you looking at?" Sam said nervously. As Mark closed the bedroom door, and approached him, Sam felt genuine fear for the first time.

"I'm looking at the world's biggest faggot, that's what. Sally! What a perfect name for you, you disgusting fairy. Now I'm going to give you something that you've had coming since we were little k**s."

"Mark, no! Please! Don't."

Mark quickly grabbed his older brother and threw him face down on the bed, wrenching his arm behind his back in the process. Sam gasped in pain. Undeterred, Mark began twisting harder until the boy was sobbing like a baby.

"Listen to you; you even cry like a girl. Mark loosened his grip, but didn't let go. "I'm a ten on the sissy scale, I want to be Forever Femme," Mark mocked in falsetto. "Well, I couldn't agree more, pansy. I suggest that from now on, you treat me with a little more respect. Understand?" He gave Sam's arm a final vicious twist.


Just remember; one word from me to Ms. Cravitz, and this whole charade comes to an end." Mark left, but not before leaving his dejected brother some instructions.

After Mark finally left, Sam flung himself on the bed and cried bitter tears. He knew his mother was right, he had done it to himself. Why didn't I just tell Ms. Johnson the truth," he thought. Now look at me. I'll bet all the girls in my class at school are stronger than me! His heart racing, he dropped to the floor and tried to do a pushup. He used to do fifty at a time. Now, he could barely eke out a single one, done badly�and it was girl pushup from his knees. What have I done?" he cried aloud.

Sam rose and studied his reflection in the mirror: thin, girlish limbs; femininely plucked eyebrows; hairless legs; long oval fingernails. Shit! His own bratty little brother had just manhandled him like a rag doll! Steve could just imagine what Ray Frink would do to him. He'd be a dead man. No matter how badly Sam wanted to tell the truth now, he realized that it was too late. Worse, he'd have to keep those crazy women happy-as well as his brother! He sobbed softly. Why didn't he listen to his mother when she had tried to warn him? After he finished crying, Sam dried his eyes. He had to pull himself together. It didn't matter what his mother thought of him now, he had to keep up his "sissy" act for Ms. Johnson's benefit and hope for the best.

Sam finally made his way to the breakfast table, where Mark and his mother waiting for him. Susan saw that Sam was wearing one of the outfits that Nina, well known as the neighborhood bulimic, had donated. The chic skirt and sweater set number only emphasized the extent to which Sam's body had diminished. She didn't know that Mark had "insisted" that his brother wear the outfit.

"Don't we look pretty? After breakfast, we simply must go by Nina's so she can see how darling you are in her hand me downs." As Sam pulled out his chair, she interrupted. Sally, darling, the head of the table is traditionally reserved for the male in the family. I don't think that it's appropriate for you to sit there anymore, do you?" she said icily.

Sam didn't answer, but slowly pulled out a chair closer to the kitchen instead of his normal seat at the head of the table. Mark gleefully plopped in his vacated chair at the head of the table.

"So what will it be for breakfast," Susan asked happily. "Pancakes? Bacon? Eggs?"

"All of the above," Mark laughed, as Susan joined in.

Sam's mouth watered as he listened to his mother. Now that he was feeling better, Sam's appetite had returned and he was starving.

"And what about you, Sissy Sally? Would you like a big omelet � you know, the kind you love?"

Sam glowered at his mother. "Mom, stop it. You know I can't; I have to have one of those stupid shakes."

"Oh, silly me. How could I forget? Disgusting little sissies are so concerned about their darling little figures. I guess it's a Slender Sissy Shake for Sally," his mother laughed. She went into the kitchen and returned with a glass of shake and the Dainty and Delicate canister. "Is this what you want, dearie?" Seeing her son nod angrily, she continued: "Then ask Mommy nicely, like a good little sissy," she said derisively.


"You heard me. Ask me nicely, like a good little girl. And since you're not a real girl, but a laughable little fairy, give us a cute little limp-wristed wave, as well." When her son only stared at her like she was crazy, she quickly gathered up the glass and canister and started for the kitchen.

"Mom, wait."

"Yes? Is there something you want to ask me? Tell me exactly what you want, and don't forget the wave."

Sam gulped. "May I please have a Slender Sissy diet shake, with some Dainty and Delicate formula mixed in?" Cringing, Sam flipped his wrist in effeminate fashion.

"What a fag!" Mark laughed.

Susan smiled. " Of course, Sally. How could I deprive my little girl? You know, while you were getting dressed, Mark and I had a little chat about you. I guess neither one of us fully appreciated how badly you hated your male body. Mark, what you think? Since your brother wants to be girlishly thin so badly, we should help him along, shouldn't we? "

"Absolutely, Mom," Mark laughed.

"You know, the directions on the canister say that increasing the dose will make the weight and muscle loss more dramatic and permanent. What about it, Sally? Wouldn't you like that?"

"Of course not. You and Mark stop teasing me."

"You know, darling, there's a saying: actions speak louder than words. You've seen what the shakes and formula did to you, yet you insist on continuing to use them. It's so obvious. You just adore the new, daintier you. Well, Mark and I certainly want you to be happy. Mark? What you think? The normal dose is one scoop."

"How about � four scoops?" Mark said, knowing firsthand what the increased dosage would do.

Susan covered her mouth in mock amazement. "Four scoops?" She shrugged, "I bet that will delight your sissy brother."

Sam watched in frustration as his mother gleefully measured out four generous scoops of the formula and mixed them into the shake.

"For you, Mademoiselle," she teased.

As Sam tried to take the glass, Susan retained her grip. Susan's voice turned deadly serious. "Sam, enough's enough. You've seen what this stuff does. These women aren't k**ding around. That Gladstone woman is evil. And don't even get me started on Gladys! You look like a ridiculous pantywaist already, and you haven't really even started with Ms. Gladstone's program. We both know it's only going to get worse." She put her cell phone and Ms. Johnson's telephone number on the table next to the shake. "Are you a man, or are you a sissy?"

She watched as Sam looked at his brother Mark. Sam bowed his head and picked up the glass and drank the awful concoction.

"Just as I thought," she said disappointedly.

The next morning, Susan drove Sam to the Sissy Mister. When Susan arrived at the address given to her by Ms. Gladstone, she recognized the swank store right away. "Oh my gosh, I always thought this was an exclusive store for old fashioned girls. Unbelievable," she murmured, taking in the exterior of the impressive store. "Look at those exquisite party dresses in the window. Aren't they gorgeous? I always wanted a daughter to dress up, but I never thought my son would be wearing a frilly girl's party dress" she sighed.

As the pair entered the store, Sam cringed. After his first experience there, he had prayed he'd never see the awful place again. His eyes riveted on the boy mannequins with the simpering smiles. They were arrayed in the most obscenely feminine garb imaginable. Even though he had seen them before, he was still hypnotized by the heavily made up, but distinctively boyish faces. Nervously his eyes scanned the store. Right away he noticed the red-faced boy attired in a marabou trimmed chiffon peignoir set, matching slippers on his feet. A couple of women fussed with the sophisticated outfit and taunted him: "You'll be quite a hit at Shelly's slumber part in this pretty little number. And to think she had a crush on you. Now to find a sleep bonnet to cover your curlers." Around the corner, a group of teenaged girls were laughing hilariously as a sobbing boy modeled a black, lace encrusted longline bra with generous cups. "Joan, please! Don't make me wear this under my baseball uniform this afternoon. It'll show!" "Of course it will show, you fairy. After today's game, your coach, your teammates and all the parents on both teams will know that you're nothing but a sissy! And for arguing, I'm going to add a padded panty girdle to your lingerie ensemble." Sam saw the boy break down as the girls erupted in raucous laughter. The sound of a man's voice caught Sam's attention: "Stop your sniveling. I told you you'd be wearing dresses full-time if your step-mother caught you wearing her things again." "But Dad! I've told you, she's lying!" "Sure she is. Let's go; we're meeting her at her favorite restaurant for dinner."

Ms. Johnson greeted them animatedly: "Sally! Susan! Isn't this exciting. I didn't sleep a wink."

Gladys gave the trio a fake smile. "Sally, let me look at you. Oh my, have you lost weight? How wonderfully slender and femmy you look. You must feel so much better about yourself. Susan, darling, you must be so pleased with Sally's new body. No more sports for him!"

Susan glared at the giggling harpy.

Ms. Gladstone joined them and led the group to her well-appointed office. If possible, Ms. Gladstone looked even more mannish and intimidating than the last time Susan had seen her. "Susan, welcome to the Sissy Mister. This will be Sally's home away from home for the foreseeable future."

Susan watched her son's face fall as Ms. Gladstone detailed the Forever Femme program. His day would start with sissy deportment class where he would learn to sit, stand, move, and act in an exaggeratedly feminine manner. That was followed by feminine grooming, where Sam would learn all the hair and makeup skills he needed to make himself "pretty and attractive to boys." Domestic arts and pink collar work skills came next, with feminine dance rounding out the day. For a minute, Susan thought that her son was actually going to throw up. She wished he would; right on that smirking Cravitz woman. Nonetheless, when Ms. Gladstone laughingly asked him if he was ready to fling open the closet doors, he managed a weak smile and nodded.

Gladys cleared her throat, assuring herself that she had everyone's attention. "Susan, you must be so thrilled that little Sally here is finally able to be herself."

Susan gritted her teeth. "Oh, I am, Gladys. And what a big help you've been," she muttered.

"My pleasure," she purred. "But we're just getting started."

Clara giggled loudly as Ms. Gladstone opened a box and took out a rather large, realistic looking phallus, complete with testicles.

Sam stared at the thing, horrified. "What's�what's that?"

"The shape should be familiar. It's the delivery system for your Teen Titty Formula."

Susan bit her lip. "Teen Titty Formula?"

Ms. Gladstone broke in, addressing Susan in a condescending tone: "Well, Susan, one of the most dominant sissy traits is a deep longing to have a feminine body, with wide womanly hips and large, feminine breasts. Of course, real boys would be horrified to feminize their body in that way. Just imagine how humiliating it would be to be a boy with boobs,' she laughed. "Since Sam's told us over and over how girlish he is, I've mixed up this extra-strength formula--- especially for him."

Clara gushed, "I can't wait to see Sally with her own set of pretty D-cup breasts. The boys will just love her!"

Sam's face turned red-hot as he struggled not to cry. Breasts? His life would be over.

Smiling evilly, Doris continued: "It's a very potent blend of estrogen. The Teen Titty Formula will literally bathe Sally's body in many times the amount of estrogen that real girls have in their system at their peak. Real sissies just adore what the hormones do to them." Doris didn't mention the additive to enhance the boy's embarrassment when dressing or acting like a female. It was a d**g she had the Sissy Mister chemists design when it was reported that a few of her customers eventually became accustomed to dressing and acting as girls in public. Even though the boys still hated appearing as sissies, Doris was adamant that the chemists come up with a d**g that preserved the exquisite humiliation and shame in her customers. After all, that's what made her job so enjoyable. After some trial and error, Doris' team of women chemists had developed an additive that heightened a boys sense embarrassment and humiliation when doing anything remotely feminine and altered the boy's cognitive function so that he was acutely aware of the fact that he was behaving or dressing in a feminine fashion. Doris licked her lips at the prospect of turning another teen boy into a simpering, sissy playtoy, his life an endless treadmill of embarrassment. When she mentioned the additive to Gladys, she had guffawed her approval and even asked Doris to give Sam a larger than usual dose in his formula.

Susan gasped and her head spun as Gladys gave her a feral grin. Sam's face had drained of color, and she saw that he was struggling to keep his composure. Susan exclaimed; "Now wait just a minute. This is too much! You can't be serious!"

Clara came over and consoled Susan. "Oh, you poor dear. I know what a shock this must be for you�your son with feminine, womanly breasts. I felt the same way, but Doris assured me that without exception, sissy boys like Sally find this extremely exciting and satisfying. Doris is the expert. You do want Sally to be happy, don't you? Just think. He'll need to wear a bra!"

Relishing in the expected dismay of her neighbor, Gladys took the dispenser from Doris, and cooed. "Please, allow me. I feel so badly for ever doubting Susan's fairy princess

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37 year old Widow

She doesn't know how long she stood at the base of the ladder when she found me standing in front of her and my hand on her cheek. I asked her if she was okay. She stammered a broken yes, then she found herself sitting on the couch in the living room. Her mind exploded. She could not process any real thought. She is consumed with emotions she did not understand and overwhelmed with a desire she did not know she had. I lean in and suddenly kiss her hard, thrusting my tongue into her mouth,...

2 years ago
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Sextale Of A Widow

Hello, guys, it’s Rakesh again with another erotic adventure tale. It’s not of mine but of a person who contacted me after reading my previous story ” She found new life in son “. You can go through my profile to read my tales. For new readers, I am Rakesh, 21, cute lad (i get that a lot ), in my final year of engineering and horny as fuck. I usually prefer women above 35+. No upper limit. I don’t know, I just find women above 35 damn attractive and give my best to give them a memorable...

1 year ago
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The Grieving Widow

(This is the sequel to 'Man Of The House')"My condolences," the driver said, as he looked back through the window between the back and front seats of the limo. "It'll take us about forty-five minutes to get to the cemetery. I'll make the ride as smooth as possible.""Thank you. Take your time," Rory said, pushing the button that raised the solid panel, closing the two compartments off from each other. Between the solid panel and the extremely darkly tinted windows, they were completely isolated...

3 years ago
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Lost Virginty to a Widow

My name is Tarun & This is how i lost my virginity to a widow. I work as a Team Lead for a call center in Bangalore.A team of 20 members were assigned to me,except one lady all the other guys and girls were young & enthusiastic but every one use to gel well and worked as a team. As this was a new team i had to know about every one’s background so i use to have a one on one session with my team and so did i with this lady (sarala-good looking lady with a great figure/structure) who then told me...

2 years ago
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The widow lived across the road. She didn't fit the image. She was my age; smart, kept herself trim. She had a pleasant but not overly exciting figure, the sort that left you wondering what it looked like naked. She was vivacious, lively, had a smile which lit everything up and she had never remarried. It didn't appear to be for want of suitor's - there wasn't a string of men or even a queue to the door. In fact she didn't go out a great deal, but if she did go there was always a handsome...

3 years ago
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The Lonely Widow

I’d never thought of or looked at Sue in a sexually way until I saw her striding behind her petrol lawnmower, still dressed in her clothes from church, it was the way her shapely black nylon covered legs appeared through the split at the back of her long stretchy black skirt. But I was mesmerised by the way the material stretched and clung to define her peachy shaped bottom as she moved. She turned at the top of the garden and saw me looking, raised her hand and smiled and I waved back to her...

3 years ago
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The Black Widow

They called the Black Widow but I had never actually met her. She was the Group Company Accountant and had a fierce reputation as a hard nosed bitch. I had only been head of our business section for a couple of months but had so far avoided meeting her, then one day out of the blue she decide to undertake a surprise audit of our division. One of the girls in the office announced that the ‘Black Widow was coming the next day and everyone fell silent, the other girls in the office looked like...

3 years ago
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Black Widow

“Escaped convict, the black widow, strikes again, so far five dead.”David looked up at the screen of his television. The picture of a dark, attractive woman was on the screen.“If you see her, do not approach her. Call the police and report her whereabouts. This woman kills for pleasure, do not be her next victim.”David laughed, he loved a good horror story and all this scaremongering over the last month had tickled him.He was an egomaniac and could not help but think to himself, I could change...

2 years ago
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The Farmers Widow

My name is Mike Wilson. The story I'm about to tell you really happened. I've just changed names and places. My first name is Michael, but my last name is not Wilson. If a certain farmer knew of me, I'd probably be beaten to a pulp, my body left for the buzzards. *** I had just turned seventeen, and completed my junior year in high school. I lived with my mother and father in a small Kansas town. Every summer since I was ten years old, I had spent the summers with my Aunt Barb and Uncle Bill,...

2 years ago
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The Widow

I met the widow by accident at a shopping centre in a large country town in the north of the state. I was on my way from the shops to the carpark when this lady in front of me took a fall. All I did was respond in the usual gentlemanly way. When I had retrieved her and her shopping, and got her to her car close by, I could see that though not hurt she was a bit shaken up by the accident. While initially she was a bit reluctant, and maybe a little embarrassed too, I got her to agree to have a...

1 year ago
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It was three o'clock on a sultry Saturday afternoon. Sarah sat in the chair at her vanity table, still wearing her sheer, red dressing gown, sipping on an Iceberg. "What a delightful drink," she thought. "Peppermint Schnapps and vodka. Gets you high, keeps your breath sweet, and holds all those worrisome problems at bay, all at the same time.""But you better take it easy," she spoke aloud to the reflection of herself in the vanity's mirror. "You don't want to be too tipsy, if you're going over...

2 years ago
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The Widow

The WidowIt was 9am on the day of the funeral, George had passed away suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack. He left behind his wife Michelle and 2 young c***dren. George had run a local business selling computer products before his passing. He had done quite well for himself owning a large house and always driving the newest model cars. Michelle was only 37, she was a stay at home mum who had always led the easy life due to George’s business. Too young to be a widow, people kept telling...

2 years ago
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Willing Widow

"Hey, Brandy, how are you doin'?"I tried to be jovial and upbeat, but it was difficult under the circumstances. Brandy's husband had died of a heart attack two months earlier.I liked her, especially her sunny disposition and ready smile. The best part of her personality was a unique honesty, an openness and willingness to talk about anything. She kept no secrets.On this occasion, she was at the banana stand in the grocery store. Brandy wore a baseball cap and short shorts revealing a phenomenal...

1 year ago
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Peter Parker always gets the ladies Pt 1Natasha Romanoff The black Widow

How had it gotten to be like this. How had Peter Parker, the handsome yet shy Nerd/Geek from Queens managed to nab, at the age of 20 no less, a beautiful and powerful woman 8 years older than him, who kicked the ass of Evil all over the world. Truth be told, the meetings the two had had before Natasha finally saw what she was looking for in Peter had been far from normal in terms of what society expected. ############################## He was taking pictures of the park. J.J.may have...

2 years ago
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the widow

Scene is Boston East Boston and Saugus Massachusetts Chris drives his moms car most of the time and is Savin for his own car Chris - college hockey star odd jobs and maintenance guy prior Navy 2nd class stationed in japan on destroyer as a gunners mateBC student double majoring mythology and teaching to become a mythology professor 23years old weapons expert martial artist and fraternity brother in ΧΛ Anastasia - widow cougar extremely rich (owner of Spartan weapons systems...

2 years ago
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Old Alaskan Widow

I was 33 years old at the time. I had a friend who had a service for dating. One night she called and needed a favor. She only had women in her stable and had been contacted by a 62 year old widow for some company. I had never done anything like that, but it was a Friday night about 10:00PM and I was home with nothing to do but watch the tube. I told her I’d call the woman. I phoned the widow. She told me her husband had passed away over a year ago and she hadn’t had sex since. ‘I’m horny and...

2 years ago
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Old Alaskan Widow

I was 33 years old at the time. I had a friend who had a service for dating. One night she called and needed a favor. She only had women in her stable and had been contacted by a 62 year old widow for some company. I had never done anything like that, but it was a Friday night about 10:00PM and I was home with nothing to do but watch the tube. I told her I'd call the woman. I phoned the widow. She told me her husband had passed away over a year ago and she hadn't had sex since. "I'm horny and...

2 years ago
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I Consoled A Grieving Young Widow

About ten years after the marriage, Mr. Anwar, one of the owners of the company that I worked for, died suddenly of a heart attack. The whole company attended his funeral because he was a very nice man, liked by everyone. I saw Salma, the grieving widow and offered her my sincere condolences. Mr. Anwar had married late and his wife was almost 15 years younger to him, she was about my age. After a month or so after Anwar’s funeral, I met Salma, Anwar’s young wife when she called me to her house...

4 years ago
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Hot Sex With Professional Widow

Hi, I am Rajat 52years old from Delhi, a professional pharmaceutical executive traveling around India and had many encounters and recently got introduced to Indian Sex Stories dot net and now sharing my latest real experience with a gorgeous HR professional from Bangalore. Her name is Ragini 31years old vital stats 36d-32-36 fair widow having a 6year old boy. Any females interested in having fun contact travel any city. On my recent trip to Hyderabad, after completing my meetings for the day...

3 years ago
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Blossoming of a widow

While going through other stories, I thought I should contribute my real life story for the benefit of all readers. You can call this as an incest story. This happened when I was 28 years old. I was working at Bangalore. It was summer vacation and my wife and son had gone to their native place and I was alone at home. My aunt [father’s youngest sister] aged around 47 years was living at our village along with my grandmother. She was a widow and issueless. Hence, she always considered me as her...

3 years ago
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Torture The Widow

Torture The Widow Chapter 1 ? Choke On It Please take note! Adults Only Literature The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc. Copyright...

3 years ago
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How I fucked beautiful widow

Hi iss readers, this Ashokkumar again here with one more true story. This happened when I was 26 years old. Now I am 39years. When we were in our old rental house in Bangalore. Our compound there were four houses in ground floor and two houses in first floor, we were in ground floor, in front of our house old people they gone to their own house, one new family came into that house. In that family they were one lady with two children, she was widow. Her husband was working in vidhansoudha. After...

4 years ago
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The Winsome WidowChapter 8 The Winsome Widow

"You need to listen to this," Evelyn whispered. We knelt together and listened; Johanssen was still telling a story and even though I hadn't been concentrating, I still understood where he was up to; perhaps the seated Alex who just got the tongue-fucking of her life had been listening on my behalf. He was re-telling David Adley's tale of the stone idol; he and Evelyn had honeymooned in South America and sought out a local mystic – a witch woman, the locals claimed – who was said to...

4 years ago
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Rebel SpyChapter 2 The Poor Old Widow

"Now," said the madam, with a small smile, "I want you to go visit this woman, the poor dear, she's had such a hard time, and do what you can for her. She is a widow of this war. I just found out last week." "Yes'm," I said, knuckling my forehead. "And bathe first, shave and get one the girls to cut your hair so you won't look so bearlike." "Yes'm," I said with a nod. "And put on some clean linen for goodness sakes." "Yes'm." "And polish your boots." I fled, did as...

1 year ago
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Michelle The Widow

It was 9am on the day of the funeral, George had passed away suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack. He left behind his wife Michelle and 2 young children. George had run a local business selling computer products before his passing. He had done quite well for himself owning a large house and always driving the newest model cars. Michelle was only 37, she was a stay at home mum who had always led the easy life due to George’s business. Too young to be a widow, people kept telling her....

3 years ago
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Romantic Sex With A Widow

Hi everyone, I’m Joy from Hyderabad. I am a 6 feet tall male with a big body and a tool of 7.5 inches. The lady of this story is Jessi. She is a really beautiful widow from Hyderabad with whom I had romantic sex. Her stats are 34-30-36. She got widowed just after 4 years of marriage and has no children. She lives alone with her mom and works in a store as a salesgirl to make ends meet. I have been in a casual relationship with an aunty for the past few years. We got to explore each other as she...

2 years ago
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My First Sex With A Widow

Hi. This is Koushik. Huge fan of Indian sex stories since a long period of time … I always get erected whenever I read stories here.. And finally I got the chance of posting my own story. About me age 20. Studying b tech in Visakhapatnam. Well built, smart enough to please any women. And ladies and girls in and around Visakhapatnam or vizianagaram for any kind of sexual pleasures and friendship contact me Our family consists of me and my parents. And the heroin of this story is our neighbour....

2 years ago
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The Widow

The Widow lived across the road. She didn’t fit the image. She was my age, smart, kept herself trim. She had a pleasant but not overly exciting figure, though it was the sort that left you wondering what it looked like naked. She was vivacious, lively, had a smile which lit everything up but she had never remarried. It didn’t appear to be for want of suitors, there wasn’t a string of men or even a queue to the door. In fact she didn’t go out a great deal, but if she did go there was always a...

3 years ago
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Black Widow

Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow is a fearsome member of the Avengers. Her hand-to-hand combat skills trump those of any other Avenger, except the Hulk, of course. She is also by far the most beautiful person in the MCU. Her red hair flows over her perfect breasts. Her shapely ass shakes suggestively from side to side as she walks. And now she is yours to do what you want with her. Which way would you like to see her ravished. Would you like to see her anally destroyed in hardcore BDSM? Would...

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Black Widow

"Agent 69, please wake up. It is time for work," booms a voice over the loudspeaker. Agent 69, Code Name Black Widow, sits up in her bed, completely nude. She is a young girl of only 19 years of age, birth name Justine Dark. She was given her code name and code number for her combination of raw sexuality and violent tendencies. Since a young age, she has been known for her fighting prowess and her lack of mercy for her enemies. She wis also known for her unquestionably good looks. She stands...

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The Widow

I was an 18 year old virgin when I was married, believe it or not. I had very little experience with any kind of sex. My husband had been my only serious relationship, and he treated me like a lady, even when I was only 16. We had been married nearly 10 years when he was taken ill and died. For more than 2 years I had no desire to date. So here I am a 31 year old widow, and now starting to realise that I greatly missed the feeling of a man. A man's strong arms holding me, a man's lips kissing...

3 years ago
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Fucked A Hot Sizzling Horny Widow

This is the story of how I seduced a colleague in my office and ended up having a decent time. First, let me describe myself a bit. I have an athletic built with hot smoking abs. I keep my physique chiseled through regular gym and diet. No one can believe that I am a consultant at a top company. Everyone thinks I am some kind of model. So it is no surprise that ladies give a lot of attention to me when I am working at my desk. So there is one colleague named Sneha. Her skin complexion was as...

2 years ago
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Final Submission Of The Widow

Hey guys, I am back with another story. This one is about my aunt Tinu. She is a widow. She was a pretty lean girl but after marriage, she put on weight. I used to love her milky thighs. I was basically staying with her during my college days. Like the last story I told, I started fucking Shyla. Shyla told me all about my aunty. She was alone. She wanted some company that’s why she called me to stay with her. They all used to masturbate. She loved uncle so much but she was missing someone...

3 years ago
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Black Widow

Black Widow by Laura303 My head was spinning as the elevator doors closed. The sudden acceleration as the car started upwards up was enough to cause me to grab onto the handrail at the back of the car. The flowery scent of her perfume was magnified by the close quarters, and for the umpteenth time that evening I wondered how I could be so lucky. It had been just a regular Friday Afterwork Club night. I'd gone to a local bar with a few of the girls from work, and knocked...

2 years ago
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Sexual Fantasy Of A Widow

She was just going mad with the heat of sex. It was 12 in the night and she could not sleep. Yes she was a widow, her husband had died 3 months ago and at this age of 42 she was not able to control the sexual heat in her body. She still remembers how her hubby’s closest friend hugged her while weeping for her husband and during that he almost caressed every sensual part of her body. She still was not able to forget the feel of his hands and now, in the midst of night when she was all alone some...

1 year ago
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Life Of An Unprivileged Widow

I am renjini, now 23 rd year old widow. Living with my mother in law and her husband near a remote village near Tamilnadu border. My husband was a manual worker and we were lived with utmost happiness till last year.My husband died due to fever that happened during the monsoon season. At that time i was carrying my daughter at 4 th month. My mother in law was not happy with my infant as it is a female one. She always curse her that she is the one who brings bad luck to the family in the form of...

2 years ago
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A Hungry Bihari Widow

Hi, am ashok again with another true experience and this time I am going to narrate a true story of an erotic sex with my servant boys mom who was a widow. I was posted in Patna during my training and I was 28 yr old. I was working and I had engaged a servant boy of around 11 yrs old to bring my lunch and dinner dabba from the mess as I did not like the hotel food. Gradually my work load increased and I had to engage a maid and so I told my servant boy to arrange a maid for cleaning the house...

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A widow

About six months ago, My friend was working on a Project and I helped him in hiring several people ( as i have finished my MBA course from Singapore and taking my time to establish my own business as i am waiting for government permission coz its a large scale business ) to work in the field to gather some data. These people would be working from home and the fieldwork would be near their residences. Once every few days they would come to the office or whenever they need supplies or had any...

3 years ago
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Sex with horny widow

Hello all ISS readers this Rahul form Bangalore and I’m going narrating my second story to you all, this happened after I shifted to Bangalore from Mysore. As I was not having much money to rent flat or any other house one of my friend suggested me to share his room until I get stability.His room was in the terraces and we need go out of the room for toilet. Next to our terraces which was joint there lived an widow of around 37 to 38.Her name was pushpa and she was quit good looking female and...

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Fucked Site worker mature lady widow

Hi all reader I am big fan or ISS i read regular i wanted to share my experience on my site were i was working for a construction company i was site supervisor I am 27 year love mature aunty big round ass i love mature granny also sex do not look age and also sex means pleasure so any mature granny 30 to 70 years i will satisfy her in all aspects can contact me ok i will start my story i was went to site to check the work all worker were on live of festival of pongal no one was there but this...

2 years ago
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Fucking my cousin widow

My cousin ,who was much senior than me died around nine years ago. His widow Lipika was then 25.Although she hailed from a poor family, she had good looks and a fair skin. She was just one year senior than me. The incident happened between me and her seven years ago and I still cherish about it. She lived in her late husband’ apartment and her kid was studying in a convent school far way, most of the time she spent alone in her apartment when she completed her office works. She earned a salary...

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The Wolf and The Widow

My husband passed away suddenly.  I was fifty-three and a widow. I’d married at nineteen. I didn’t know how to be anything but married. It took me some time to adjust to being single again.Learning to be alone was the biggest challenge. I was financially secure, but lonely. I had convinced myself I was beyond my prime.I was curvy, five-foot-seven. My hair was slowly turning silver where dark brown had once been. My brown eyes still sparkled when I laughed, according to my friends.  Those same...

3 years ago
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The Cowboy and the Widow

Summer 2015 Castle Texas 8AM 35 year old newly retired Rodeo Bull Rider Adam Rogers is on the way to a job interview, when he gets to his destination he parks his Ford F-150 Pickup truck near the driveway of the house where his future boss lived. He got out of his truck grabbed the file folder that contains his work history which included his 8 years of active duty U.S. Army Service and his 10 years as a Rodeo Bull rider. After he had the folder in his hand he closes the truck door and walks...

4 years ago
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Seduction of a Sports Widow

Wanda Ward Williams was born forty years before to the very day when I met her. I walked into the Holiday Inn on Wrightsville Island around 9 P.M. It was not the optimum time, at least that was the myth. It was Thursday though not Wednesday again not the optimum time. The myth went that by Wednesday night the mommies left with the kids, by the high powered daddies, were horny enough to stray a bit. The daddies went home to work or to play with the secretary during the week, then came back on...

4 years ago
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The Avengers Initiative the Black Widow

Colonel Nicholas “Nick” Joseph Fury was the spy to end all spies. It was said that his secrets had secrets. He stood staring out window of one of S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier’s pondering the past. It wasn’t always this way, at the very start of his career he was an officer of the US Army and then later an espionage veteran of the CIA during the Cold War. During the war he caught the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D., a covert international peacekeeping organization which operated as humanity’s first line...

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RebelChapter 16 Fran the doctors widow

The second time I went to visit Madam Von R--'s doctor friend, he had good news for me. A compatriot of his, another doctor, had died, he said, and had shelves filled with various medications. "I'm sure his widow has no use for the stuff," he assured me. "She's a fine woman, but I have no idea if she is politically inclined." He gave me directions and a note of introduction. It took most of the day to make the trip with my light wagon, and I was hungry and tired when I knocked at the...

1 year ago
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RebelChapter 43 Another Widow

This story is out of place and should have been entered earlier. But here it is. Every army has its camp followers, and I generally left them alone unless I was very deeply in need of female solace. Some officers' wives were also in the train that followed the army from place to place, but they usually rode in wagons and the men always left them alone while the washerwomen, trollops and sergeants' girls walked most of the time and were considered fair game. Shortly after we stopped the...

2 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 64 Widowing

I recall that we were on the third floor of one of the better Philadelphia taverns and that I had just finished serving a buxom wench so thoroughly that she lay half off the bed, begging for surcease, her shift bunched at her neck, head almost touching the stained floorboards, dugs fully exposed and sagging up toward her chin, hairy quim gushing gobs of fluids, when I heard noises from the next room of a different kind of passion. There were vile curses, scuffling, sharp blows or slaps, and...

2 years ago
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Best Sex Drive With A Widower

This is again raj, 42 from Chennai with a different experience. First I thank you, readers, for your support in sharing through emails and your support boosts my morale. Before going into my real experience would like to share my thoughts with you: Continue your support with your comments to my mail id and alternatively, you can post in the ISS portal. Many of the reader’s, insist for advice on sex-related issues. My comments on this is, I am not a doctor to advise you, anyhow I can guide you...

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mommys helping hands pt 2

'jack its nearly mommys bedtime do you need to pee before i go to sleep?''uh no i'm ok for now thanks mom' jack really needs to pee but is still horified from being jerked off by his mom earlier'are you sure its no good you thinking you can get me to help you in the night mommy needs her sleep if you don't go nw you will have to wait until the morning''please mom could i get my nurse back to help me with stuff like that''no i told you in future i help you now would you like mommy to help you...

4 years ago
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Sex With A Widow

During my school days, we used to read a lot of sex stories of fucking the aunties living nearby. But not having enough courage I did not have even a try. One day my parents went on for a marriage in Bangalore. We had just moved in to a new place, so I felt lonely. I didn’t know any1 there so I could not talk with others freely and mingle with them. So I thought I’d go out on a walk, it’s a big compound, I saw a lady coming towards me, she must have been in her early 30s. Plump was wearing an...

3 years ago
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Royal enjoiment with widow

I am a regular reader of ISS stories.I enjoyed them lot. But the story i am going to share with you is different. I am 58 years old widower. I was knowing a couple staying in our coloney for last one year. Suddenly one day the husband died due to heart day after two months of the death i met that lady name Lolita in the market. I asked her how are the things going on?How is her married batchlers life? she replied fine enjoing as I am enjoing my batchler life and ferther asked me...

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Rebel SpyChapter 21 Another Widow

"There is a woman in town," the old lady said with a tiny smile, "oh, you are going to enjoy this, a woman who has been recently widowed. She has been a fine source of information about the British navy and about Tory enterprises." I nodded waiting for the ax to fall. "I want you to go see her and do whatever she wants; comfort her." "Yes'm," I said, thinking I had better bathe and shave, assuming I was being sent to comfort some mature ladyfriend or dusty crone. Several hours...

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NOTE: This is a re-telling of a typical fantasy my wife would indulge me in. Although in the fantasy I pretend to be a young boy, and she my lusty Mother it is ONLY a fantasy and we are both adults.On a typical day alone my "Mommy" walks nude from her shower to the top drawer of her dresser and selects an old thread bare nightgown that dangles slightly below her waist. She comes to the bed where I lay sleeping, strokes my hair, and says: " Wake up little Man... Mommy is going to make us some...

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Bisexual widower

I’m a bisexual widower that only gets semi-hard these days. To say that impacts ones sex life is an understatement. My late wife would never suck my cock, so I sought out men that would suck me, and that eventually led me to sucking. She never knew. During my early days of bisexual activities, I visited a masseur who used a vibrating dildo on me and I loved it. So much so, that when a Navy Doctor wanted to fuck me, I agreed. The Navy Doctor was on temporary assignment at Camp Lejeune Marine...

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The Escort Revisits the Widower

It was only three days since her visit to the widower when Amy got a call from the escort service. “He called today,” said Ellen, her 'Director of Services', “and he asked for you to call him.” She rattled off a phone number and Amy replied, “He’s really a very nice man, just lonely since his wife died. Since he paid double for very little time, I’d like to give him a freebie, Ellen.” “I can understand your reasoning, Amy,” cautioned Ellen, “But just this once. Don’t go falling in love and...

Straight Sex

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