Professional Courtesy free porn video

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Jennifer pushed her way through the big revolving doors, knowing she was about to have sex with a complete stranger. As instructed, she strode across the lavishly appointed lobby without stopping at the reception desk. That this was the same hotel she had stayed in with her parents when they brought her to visit the college, struck an ironic chord with her. Jennifer slowed down to admire the gleaming cherry paneling, brass fixtures, and sparkling chandeliers.

Well dressed guests milled about, no doubt waiting for hired cars to take them to dinner or the theater. The opulence set her mind at ease. Nothing bad could happen in a place like this.

Jennifer was in her third year of studies at a prestigious university in Boston, USA. She came from a reasonably well off family. Her tuition was certainly dear enough. Yet the demands of sorority life proved to be expensive – fashionable clothes, house parties, and train tickets to New York, just to name a few. The money saved from summer jobs had nearly run out and Jennifer’s parents were not frivolous when it came to stipends.

Jennifer headed for the bank of elevators, where a thirty-ish couple with two small, restless boys waited. The woman smiled at Jennifer and raised her eyebrows in mock exasperation. I wonder what she would say if she knew why I am here, she thought. She noticed that her heart was beating faster.

Recently, two of Jennifer’s sorority sisters seemed to be flush with funds. She had visited their homes during school breaks and knew that they were not particularly wealthy. Neither did they have jobs on campus. She started questioning them and, at first, their explanations were vague, even implausible. One evening in her room, the pair waited for Jennifer’s roommate to leave and then swore her to secrecy.

They revealed that they had been introduced to a woman who arranged assignations between fresh faced, educated young women and mature gentlemen of considerable means. They typically had dates about twice a month, for which they were paid $1,500 to $2,000. Jennifer squealed with shock and excitement.

“What!? You mean like escorts?”

“Exactly like escorts.”

“You have sex with them???”

“Yes, Jenn, we have sex … but it’s not like it sounds. These men are sophisticated and polite. We usually meet at a nice restaurant or theater. They’re typically traveling here on business.”

“But they’re old, right?”

“Well, yeah, forties and fifties mostly … but don’t let that fool you. They’re experienced and know how to please!”

Jennifer was astonished. Her two closest friends were, well, … call girls! She peppered them with questions. The three howled and laughed at some of their answers. Then her friends made Jennifer an offer.

The woman who made these profitable arrangements was looking for another college girl, due to increased demand for her impressive young ladies. They described Jennifer to her and she sounded interested.

“God, no! I couldn’t!”

“Please, just think about it! You’ll have so much fun – and money!”

“But what about David?”

Ah, yes, the boyfriend. Jennifer had been seeing the computer science major since sophomore year. He was attentive and reliable. Their sex life was predictable. They typically fooled around after Saturday night parties or dates. He was a gentle lover, if not adventurous. Jennifer hadn’t had many men to compare, but his equipment was, in his words, average.

“Jenn, do really think you’re going to marry David someday?”

“Well, no … but …”

“Yes, he’s nice, we know. And not bad looking. But Jenn, there’s a big world of virile, exciting men out there. You’ll see!”

That night, Jennifer could hardly sleep. She fingered herself, thinking about tall, dark, handsome strangers. The thought of being paid to get naked and fornicate - to be the object of desire - soaked her panties.

Two days and two sleepless nights later, she said she’d do it. Arrangements were made. A new email address and bank account were set up for the strictly confidential transactions. She was sent to a clinic in a swank part of town to be checked for STDs. When all that was done, she received a professional-looking questionnaire to complete. Of course, her two cohorts assisted with its completion.

Name (first only): JENNIFER
Age: 20
Complexion: PALE
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 120 lbs.
Bust Size: 34-C
Orientation: STRAIGHT, BI-CURIOUS (This last answer caused no small measure of shrieking and giggling.)
Relationship: UNATTACHED (Sorry, David)
Sexual Experience (Total Number of Previous Partners): 3
Prior Same-Sex Experience? NO
List Off-Limits Activities: S&M, BONDAGE, ANAL, WATER SPORTS, ANIMALS (More hilarity ensued.)

The questionnaire went on to uncover more personal information and preferences. When completed, the trio scanned and emailed it with a head shot to the address on the form.

Two weeks later, here she was, stepping off the elevator on the twenty-first floor of a posh hotel. As she headed to room 2110, Jennifer’s heart was positively racing. She stopped before knocking on the double door and thought about turning around. Suddenly, it seemed very real. She had a sheltered childhood and this was way, way out of her comfort zone. No, she thought, her friends had done this several times. Let’s do this, she told herself.

A well dressed woman answered the door.

“Oh, I … sorry, I must have …”


“Why, yes, I wasn’t expecting ...”

“A woman, I know. It’s fine. Please come in, dear.”

As the door closed, a fifty-something gentleman stood up from a wingback chair with a glass in his hand. He wore a white dress shirt, open at the collar. His dress slacks were crisply pressed.

“Ah, Jennifer, please come in! I must apologize for surprising you. You see, my wife likes to join me to observe sometimes. I hope that’s acceptable?”

“Oh. Sh-sure.”

“Excellent! Well, then, this is my wife Olivia. And I am John.”

Jennifer was trying to process this on the fly. Her first time out was already kinkier than she had expected. Was Olivia really here only to watch? Damn, she thought, I shouldn’t have added ‘bi-curious’ to my profile. I’m not sure I’m prepared for that. At least not yet; not with an older woman.

Olivia was younger than John. Jennifer guessed mid-forties - about the age of Jennifer’s mother. She wore an expensive looking black silk dress that wrapped around her narrow waist. A string of pink pearls hung from her neck. She was actually quite striking. Jennifer wondered why John needed the attention of other women.

“Care for a drink?”

“Sure,” said Jennifer nervously. “Whatever you’re having.”

“Scotch then?”

“Great. Thank you”

Jennifer tilted the rocks glass and felt the warm, brown liquid slide down her throat. She knew that she appeared nervous despite all efforts. She looked around the room. It was a rather large suite, actually. They were in an anteroom. Open double doors revealed an enormous bed in the next room. The covers had been pulled back, leaving only white sheets on top. That’s where I’m headed, thought Jennifer uneasily.

The couple had been told it was her first assignment. They made small talk about school and career choices as they tried to make Jennifer feel more at ease. Jennifer silently appraised John. She thought that, if not for the graying hair, he could pass for a much younger man. She was relieved that he was quite handsome. The scotch and conversation began to relax her. She actually started to feel a tinge of excitement as Olivia handed her a second drink.

“Let’s move inside and get more comfortable, yes?” said Olivia.

John held out his arm, gesturing toward the door, and Jennifer preceded the pair into the bedroom. Her knees were weak. Olivia and John took seats in upholstered chairs near the bed and Jennifer stood facing them.

“You look lovely, dear,” said Olivia. “Why don’t you start by removing your top for us?”

Jennifer was startled by the frank suggestion. Her mouth was dry and she wished for another scotch. She slowly pulled her winter white cashmere sweater over her head and shook out her thick brown hair. Her pink areolae peeked through the lacy half-cup bra - the sexy one her friends had bought for her. A delicate gold chain hung from Jennifer’s neck. Suddenly, she felt cold and vulnerable.

“Isn’t she lovely, John?” said Olivia. “Oh, you can just toss your clothes on the chair next to you, dear.”

“Now slip out of those slacks, please, Jennifer,” smiled John.

Jennifer felt her face flush. She undid the button in the back of her black wool pants and let down the zipper. She stepped out of her heels before pulling her pants over her bare feet. Jennifer felt embarrassed in front of the fully clothed couple and goose bumps appeared along her arms and legs.

“Beautiful,” said John. “Now, please turn around for us.”

Jennifer knew she looked good. Her boobs, more than a mouthful according to David, were firm. Her tight buttocks were nicely round and stuck out precociously. The rest of the package, she was sure, was fit from daily exercise.

“Now, Jennifer,” said Olivia, “We want you to meet our other friend.”

Jennifer blinked at them. She didn’t understand. Did she say, meet someone? She heard a door open behind her. Out from a changing room stepped a very black, half naked, young man. Jennifer’s heart stopped. She spun around to John and Olivia. Their eyes bore holes in her.

“Jamal, this is Jennifer. She goes to college in town.” said Olivia. “You will be enjoying each other’s company this evening.”

Jennifer turned back to Jamal in alarm. He was wearing only a white bath towel exposing a thickly muscled chest. His rippling arms were heavily tattooed. Jamal was older than Jennifer, maybe 25 or so. He moved across the room toward them.

“Wait. I thought … I wasn’t …” she spurted to the couple.

“He’s really quite something, Jennifer,” purred Olivia. “Have a look”.

Olivia made a gesture with her fingers and Jamal dropped his towel to the floor. Jennifer gasped audibly. A long, thick penis hung nearly halfway to his knees. Its substantial head curled forward under a fold of foreskin and swung ominously as he moved.

Jennifer had seen ‘monster cocks’ in porn videos the sorority girls liked to play at night for laughs. Somehow, she had always assumed it was some kind of special effect. This, this was all too real. This was nothing like David’s ‘average’ dick.

“Jennifer, dear, this is what we’ve paid for,” explained John patiently. “We’d like to watch this potent stud copulate with a delicate, white sorority girl. Your profile says you haven’t had much experience. Is that right?”

“Please, I’m not ready for this. I can’t ...”

“Arrangements have been made and money has changed hands, Jennifer,” interrupted John. “You may leave now but your employer will not be happy when she returns her fee.”

Jennifer thought of her two sorority sisters. If she backed out now, they most likely would never get assignments again. Can she do this? She looked at Jamal. Deep inside, she was titillated by the impressive naked man. She sometimes fantasized about black men when she played with herself. But this was no fantasy; this was very real.

She turned to John and opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

“Oh Jennifer, Jamal’s profile says that his penis is nine and one quarter inches when fully erect,” tittered Olivia. “I see no reason to doubt it, do you?”

“Jamal, why not help the young lady with the rest of her clothes?” asked John.

“Certainly,” answered Jamal.

Jennifer felt his torso press against her back. He was a couple of inches taller than she and Jennifer felt his fat snake press between her thinly clad cheeks. Jamal reached around and expertly released the catch in the front of her bra, allowing her breasts to spring free. Discarding the undergarment, he dropped to his knees and pulled Jennifer’s diaphanous panties to the floor. He inhaled deeply at the crack of her newly bare ass.

“Spread your legs please,” ordered John.

Jennifer complied, moving her feet apart. The couple stared openly at her pussy. Jennifer felt an electric wave of shame and excitement course through her body.

Back on his feet, Jamal’s rough fingers circled and squeezed Jennifer’s nipples, which responded by fattening and growing to his touch. His mouth nuzzled her slender neck and a tingle went all the way to her belly. She was paralyzed with nervousness and arousal.

“Jamal, I’d like to see those muscles at work,” said Olivia. “Won’t you do some push ups for us?”

Jamal assumed a plank position. Jennifer noted that his thick cock dangled nearly to the floor.

“How much do you weigh, Jennifer? One hundred twenty pounds, I recall? Olivia continued. “That will do nicely. Please lie on his back.”

Jennifer moved haltingly to Jamal’s side, hesitated, and placed a hand on the massive trapezius muscle between his neck and shoulder. She carefully stretched out on top of him. Jennifer’s hips bent over his boulder-like buttocks. Her sensitive breasts pressed against his muscled back as she reached down to grasp his arms.

Slowly, Jamal began to move up and down. The action of his muscles vibrated through Jennifer’s lithe body. As his buttocks clenched, she felt it in her pussy. His biceps expanded and contracted under her hands. As Jamal continued, he began to perspire. The fragrance of soap and shampoo mixed with the musky smell of his manhood. Jennifer’s chest and abdomen slid atop Jamal’s moist back. He pumped out pushups as if she wasn’t even there. The power and action of the rippling body produced a flutter deep in Jennifer’s tummy.

“Wonderful. That will do, children,” interrupted John. “Let’s get to the fucking, shall we?”

Jennifer dismounted the heaving stud and Jamal stood upright. His muscles were positively popping now and his V-shaped body glistened. Jamal’s penis was beginning to pulse with blood. He reached for Jennifer, drew her against his chest, and kissed her deeply on the mouth. Jennifer was surprised at the soft, wet movement of his lips and tongue. She felt warm and wet between her legs. Jamal slid his hand down there and began to massage her pussy with two long fingers. She collapsed against him.

Jamal stepped back; his fingers toying with the neatly trimmed triangle of hair covering Jennifer’s mons. He surveyed his quarry for a moment.

“You know what to do, girl,” he intoned deeply.

She supposed that she did. Jennifer sunk to her knees and took his rapidly hardening tool with both hands. She had no experience with anything even approximating this magnitude. She handled the cock gently at first, lifting it up and running a hand under lemon-size testicles. She beheld the weight and volume in her hands with a mixture of curiosity, awe, and dread.

“Mmmmmmmm,” he groaned.

This pleases him, Jennifer thought. She felt a flutter deep in her abdomen. She began to pump the growing tool and push the skin off the enormous mushroom. Clear liquid dripped from the slit. She looked up at Jamal’s eyes.

“Suck me.”

Jennifer knew she couldn’t take all of him in her mouth, not nearly. She tentatively drew her tongue across his glans and tasted his pre-cum before slowly sucking it into her mouth. Jamal’s hands were around Jennifer’s head and he slowly pushed his way to the back of her open mouth. She felt his magnificent shaft stiffen and elevate as Jamal withdrew and reentered multiple times. She could no longer grip the phallus completely with her hands.

“My God, he’s big,” gushed Olivia.

Jamal stood back with his proud boner pointed skyward. Jennifer ran her lips over the underside and gripped the balls that swung in front of her face. His entire body shone with perspiration. Jennifer noted with interest that his dick was darker than the rest of his skin, a rich, deep chocolate, except for the almost pink glans that had popped out of his foreskin.

Jamal extended a hand and helped Jennifer to her feet. She regarded the nine-plus inch erection with alarm. Her vagina leaked despite herself. Before she could even think, Jamal had swept her up into his arms. Her long legs wrapped around his narrow waist as he held her effortlessly. She grasped his muscled upper arms as he tilted her thin body back, nearly parallel to the floor. Jamal’s hands supported her shoulders and back.

Olivia and John were standing as Jamal moved closer for their viewing pleasure. Jennifer saw that Olivia was now wearing only a see-through black bra and panties. Jamal’s thick erection pointed upward against Jennifer’s tingling pussy. He rocked his pelvis and slid the shaft up and down her groove, pushing apart her pink lips. Each time his head neared her opening, Jennifer was afraid he would impale her.

“Ohhhhh … God …. Ohhh,” was all Jennifer could utter.

John simply watched stoically but Olivia reached over and very gently circled one of Jennifer’s nipples with a thin finger. Her touch was so soft, so different from Jamal’s calloused fingers! She lightly rubbed the tip of the erect flesh. The sensation, combined with Jamal’s cock rubbing over her clitoris, produced in Jennifer an orgasm that racked her body. Jamal suppressed a smile as she melted in his hands.

Jennifer was still in a semi-euphoric state when she felt herself being laid face down on the bed. These sheets are so clean and fresh, she thought. Now, large hands pulled up her hips and Jennifer was on her knees, head still on the sheets. She felt her cheeks being separated and held open. Jamal and Olivia stood behind her.

“She has a gorgeous ass, doesn’t she?”

“You bet, Olivia,” replied Jamal.

The familiar thin finger tapped and tickled Jennifer’s puckered button and slid gently up and down her wet slit. That’s nice, thought Jennifer. The finger slowly pushed into her vagina and moved around slowly before easing back out. Jennifer found herself aroused by the attentions of another female.

“She’s all yours,” said Olivia.

A flat, warm tongue bathed Jennifer’s anus with saliva. No one had ever done this to her before! It felt so dirty and wrong. Jamal’s full lips moved lower to suck softly from Jennifer’s drenched pussy. She ground it into his face. There was some movement behind her now and soon Jamal’s prodigious head presented itself at her gate. Jennifer straightened her arms, bracing herself with her hands against the bed. She widened her legs for the assault she knew was coming.

Jamal’s monster was already slick with pre-cum and Jennifer’s juices. Jennifer looked sideways at the bureau mirror and watched as Jamal rocked his pelvis. She saw a long, thick column of dark sinew sink into her. She lost all her breath as she felt the phallus stretch the walls of her vagina and fill her up. It tunneled insistently forward into previously untraveled places, testing her limits.

Jamal paused and her discomfort began to subside; leaving Jennifer feeling the only word she could think of – full. REALLY full. Soon Jamal began slow, steady strokes - then faster and longer. Jennifer couldn’t believe what pleasure the huge cock could create. Size does matter after all, she thought, smiling inside. David is definitely history. She felt another orgasm start to build inside her

Suddenly, Jennifer found herself thrown onto her back with Jamal kneeling between her legs. He pulled her forward by the hips as he sank down, sitting back on his feet. He raised her by the ass and re-entered her cunt. Jamal thrust his invader upward, over and over again, electrifying her G-spot. Pleasure rang every nerve in Jennifer’s body and she heard herself scream. I never scream, she thought.

“Jamal, I want to see you come,” urged John.

Jamal withdrew in time to shoot spatters of semen over Jennifer’s chest and face. Olivia held his wet, pulsating penis until the convulsions stopped.

A few minutes later, Jennifer and Jamal slipped on fluffy hotel robes.

“That was extraordinary, thank you” breathed Olivia.

John stood up and headed for the other room.

“I would like to engage the two of you again, soon,” whispered Olivia, looking toward the door. “Without John next time.”

Jennifer glanced at Olivia’s generous breasts and the huge nipples that were hardly concealed by the sheer bra. She recalled Olivia’s talented fingers and smiled at Jamal.

“I think that can be arranged.”

After the couple had left, Jennifer and Jamal shared the luxurious, multi-head shower before dressing. They had no reason for modesty, after all. Jennifer could not help playfully pulling at Jamal’s soapy swinging dick as hot water poured over them. They wound up fucking on the bathroom floor – for fun this time – with Jennifer riding her stud, cowgirl style.

Later, as they headed for the elevators, Jennifer turned to Jamal.

“Thank you for not hurting me back there. They were really looking for a show and I got pretty scared.”

“Aw, ain’t-no-thing, Jennifer,” smiled Jamal. “Call it professional courtesy!”

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A few years ago we took on a case of a young man who'd been seriously injured in an industrial accident not of his making. The firm was clearly at fault but they denied liability and so the matter was going to trial. I was the instructing solicitor.The young man had spent several weeks in hospital, and was eventually discharged as an out-patient, and he returned to live in his flat in the town. The flat was on an upper floor and was accessed by a lift, so no problem for his wheelchair. It...

Office Sex
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Unprofessional Medical Examination Reedited Sep

The incident happened on my 18th birthday. On the actual day.My plan was all set. I had passed my driving test shortly after my 17th birthday and was finishing my college course ready for a big summer holiday with my mates a few months after I turned 18.
I wanted to drive a delivery van for a local distribution centre. I'd had a few friends do the job and it was the best way to earn some decent money in preparation for my holiday with the boys. The trick was that after 7 hours of work, they...

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Candy returned to her father’s plantation on the banks of the Mississippi river after having attended a finishing school on the east coast. She was beautiful; tall with strawberry blonde hair, pale blue eyes, and large breasts. She avoided too much sunlight since her skin had a habit of freckling rather than tanning. Her twenty-first birthday was arriving soon and her father asked her what she wanted. Candy told her father that what she wanted the most in the world was to own her own slave and...

1 year ago
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Taking Rosie Home

"Hi, Buddy, what's up besides your pecker." These dubious words of wisdom came from Agnes, the 45-year-old waitress at Mack's Diner. It was late one rainy night and I had dropped in for my customary dinner after work. Mack's Diner was in, what had once been, a fashionable part of town but now was just one step away from skid row. It had become, over the years, a local greasy spoon, frequented by seniors on a fixed income who didn't want to cook at home, singles, like myself, who had no...

3 years ago
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Slut Training

Abi is naturally shy, reticent, a submissive, up to a point. That is, until she snaps, and when she does it creates a loud bang, like hitting the sound barrier; metaphorically speaking that is.Matt’s eyes are glued to Abi’s figure as she slides effortlessly down the stairs; her hand clutches the handrail tightly with every small step she takes. It would seem, she is dressed to please and every hot blooded male would be pleased to see her dressed like this.She looks in Matt’s direction, for...

1 year ago
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Finally fulfilled my fantasy

So here I was working away on Friday afternoon, and it's getting closer to end of day. I notice that all of the managers are gone, and pretty much all of the people I work with. Sitting at my desk area I stand up, and notice that I am the last one here. I decide since no one else is around, and I don't really want to go home for a few minutes before going out again, I will just stick around, and listen to some music. I crank it up, and start listening to some Eldamar, Now I am sure no one has...

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You've seen it and I know you have wondered about it just as I have. How the best-looking and supposedly smartest girls always seem to go for the assholes and the dickheads. They ignore the guys who want to date them and who would treat them right and go for the guys who treat them like shit. Then after being treated like shit do they learn a lesson? Hell no, they go back for more and hang onto the jerk for dear life. My daughter was one of those girls. For the day she started middle school...

3 years ago
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STRANDED (Shifu’s Birthday Present) 2/7/08        I kicked the flat tire again.  I cursed it in my head.  I swore at it over and over.        ?Need some help??        I gasped as I jumped and turned to face the man who pulled over to help me.  My left hand clutched my chest as it beat rapidly within its confines.        ?Oh my God, you scared me,? I gasped for breath.        ?I’m so sorry.  I pulled over and saw you cursing and beating your poor car and thought you might need a hand.?    ...

3 years ago
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Live cum tribute

So like many other guys I enjoy to cum on sexy women's pics. The fantasy of it is very exciting. Especially when a woman has requested. The not cumming for a couple days, the build up, fantasizing looking at her pic and stroking for hours til you can't hold back anymore and just unload all over the pic. Mmmmmm getting hard just writing. And even more exciting when you get her response on how much she liked it or watches it when she masturbates. I'm sure we all hope for a woman that...

2 years ago
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Jennys niece

Jenny was 32 years of age and a photographer. Today she was waiting at her studio for her 16 year old niece Keisha, who was having a series of photos taken to create a portfolio for her budding modelling career. The studio had a table, couch, and small bed, along with a stage and backdrops. Jenny had set up the studio and had just finished arranging the lights when Keisha walked in.“Hi Keisha. How are you? Ready to have your photos done?"“Hi Jenny, I am fine. Yes ready to begin.”Keisha was...

3 years ago
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Nickis Mini Part 2

This story follows on immediately from "Nicki's Mini". Well, I loved my mini. For the next few weeks though, I really couldn't use it for work. It just didn't make sense because all the jobs I had were within walking distance of home, or, if they were further afield, they were near train stations: Lewes, East Grinstead, Littlehampton. Every day though, I'd try to find an excuse to take out the yellow peril in the evening, just for a run, just for the fun. And it was fun. I'd slide behind the...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Wife Trains Me to Eat Cum

It started innocently enough. You were allowing me to jerk off and lick my precum off your nipples like normal. Then you began whispering as I licked you that it was such a shame that I didn't want to taste cum after my orgasm. You talked about how you knew I wanted to do it, and how much it would please you. I nodded as I was getting closer to cumming. You made me stop.You asked how could we make it happen? How could I eat cum when I was so grossed out by it after I came? You let me start...

3 years ago
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Don and the Shrink

Don and the Shrink Last Friday I started wearing my sister's stuff and especially her silicone enhancements. It felt good then, as if I were in control, charting the course for a new voyage of exploration of my own self, seeing who I could become. Now it is Thursday and I feel completely powerless. I control nothing. I am stuck in this role; I am on the police records as a sexual assault victim named Dawn, not Don. Potential friends I have met this week, Zach and Maria and Emily,...

2 years ago
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Brenda and The Mango Man

Brenda lay baking under the midday Caribbean sun, fantasising about black cock as she often did these days. A shadow appeared and Brenda turned her head, opened an eye - wincing a little against the bright sunshine, It was the Mango Man.‘Hey! - warm enough for you?” ‘Hi, yes, maybe a little too warm! have you sold all you mango’s?’ she asked in a well spoken voice.‘Every last one maam’ the man smiled extravagantly and pointing to his empty sack.‘Where do you get them from?’‘There is a grove...

4 years ago
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Ambushed at Home

Ambushed at home by Danielle P (If you have any ideas on how to continue this story, please send me an email to [email protected]) Please tell me what you think...this is what I call "biographical fantasy" starts off true to life, and then becomes what I wish my life was like. I had been dating my girlfriend for about 18 months when we moved in together. We were a typical yuppie couple, both working in finance and being promoted up the corporate ladder quickly....

1 year ago
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Mummy Ka Gangbang Part 8211 1

Hi, ye bas ek fantasy story hai jooki kaafi lambi hai. Abhi main ek part post kar rha hun. Aage ka baaki baad mein karunga. Mera naam rajat hai aur main delhi ka rehne vala hun. Meri age 20 saal hai. Main virgin hi tha is kahani ko likhne se pehle. Humara ek bengali parivar hai aur hum bahut saal pehle delhi mein settle ho gye the. Mere parivar mein main aur mummy hai jinka naam seema hai. Papa ka mummy se bahut saal pehle divorce ho gaya tha. Divorce ke baad mummy ne kisi aur se shaadi nahi...

4 years ago
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Party Rape

I was looking for a new girlfriend, but you know how it is, when I was in my recent long term relationship, I was always seeing available girls, now I had split with Trish, I was seeing none. I was at this party with my flat mate Phil, when this pretty thing in a red dress gave me the eye. Oh my, she looked nice, not tall, probably five one, five two at the most, but boy was she stacked. Her large tits were overflowing her low top and a pair of shapely thighs appeared from under her short...

3 years ago
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Ali my Big Old Black StudChapter 5 My Second Weekend With Ali 2

Saturday the 11 of November 2000! 10 AM I have been sleeping like a rock Ali was still sleeping when I wake up, he lay on his back next to me with his eyes closed; I slowly removed the quilt that covered his body. I looked at his big soft and tempting cock lying down between his legs. I grabbed his cock, he groaned a bit in his sleep but his eyes stayed closed. It was too tempting I closed my lips around his soft cock, he groaned again and this time his eyes opened and he said: "Good...

2 years ago
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The Platinum Chef A Tale of Delacroix Part XIV

Chapter 49 Bzzt,Bzzt. Bzzt,Bzzt. Bzzt,Bzzt. Nothing again... C'mon Fay-fay, where are you? Rach couldn't remember the last time she'd been so hard to get to on the phone. It made her wish she could cry over something so trivial. Rach felt her eyes dampen. She knew it was the painkiller they'd given her. She got all emotional the last time they gave it to her; which, oddly enough, was due to a completely different snowboard injury. They'd gotten her out on the snow, fitted...

1 year ago
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Little Sister Pt 3 After School Special

It was late September. The fall breeze was rolling in off the nearby lake as I drove up to the high school. It was the first time I had come home since leaving for college, and I was preparing to drop in on my little sister Dani, who was currently a junior there. I parked in the parking lot and rushed in. It had been three weeks since I had left for college and that long since I had seen Dani; it seemed much longer. We had spent the last six weeks of summer around each other constantly, so...

2 years ago
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Mother And Son Sexual Journey 8211 Pt 2 Forbidden Joy

When I opened my eyes my rigid cock was already in mom’s mouth, fully. And she was looking at me. Her eyes were shining with lust for her son. I looked at my mom and gave her my happiest smile. Then I extended my hands, lying down. I was welcoming my mom to place her nude beautiful body on top of me. She got the message. Slowly and reluctantly, my mom disengaged my cock from her mouth and stretching forward, placed herself on top of me. Her big beautiful breasts, which fed me when I was a kid,...

2 years ago
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Dolly Part 3

Next morning, it was midweek already and she hadn't slept that well, her mind mixed between the horror in the canteen and the opportunity for her son with his prospective job. The undies match was already a little more difficult today, she could see that she would have to do a midweek wash at this rate, but today she had to go with what was there regardless of the fact that it was more difficult to get the colours to merge with her blouse and skirt. She tried on the second black blouse...

4 years ago
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My Maid Sujatha At Her House

Hi readers, I am Vimalesh with a new story. As some of you know, I was working in a school in Andhra Pradesh. There were four teachers from Kerala. After one year my friends left the school. I decided to continue in the very same school alone without my Kerala friends. Sujatha was my maid. She came by 6 o’clock in morning and 6.30pm in evening. One day in evening she completed her work and left. By 9.30pm I had my supper. I sat in my chair and completed my preparations for tomorrow’s teaching....

3 years ago
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Kitty Girl and the Peppermint Stick A Xmas tale

Twas two weeks before Christmas and out in the manager, Rachel was hatching plans of a sexual nature. Her panties were hung on a hook and forgotten, all the better to show off her bare bottom. Visions of orgasms danced in her head as she eyed all the toys spread out on her bed… Hi again, it’s me. Kitty Girl. It’s been a while since I’ve shared my real life exploits. Yes, there is my ongoing adventure with the girls of KINK but it’s a fantasy. No, I’m talking about sharing another honest to...

1 year ago
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Bangcom Pornstars

Porn stars represent an ideal our penises all hope to reach. Men like you look up to them as if they are sex angels. I look up at them because they're sitting on my face. I'm sorry that our lives are so tragically different.One in the ChamberWhile I can't give you a piece of the magic that makes me me, I perform my role as savior of man by directing you toward the best porn sites planet earth has to offer.When it comes to porn stars, Bang has a full clip with one in the chamber. We live in a...

Premium Pornstar Sites
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There Is a ReasonChapter 2

Two thousand miles away Becky stared at her cell phone as if she had never seen one before. She folded it shut, distressed and confused as a wave of emotions shot through her. Her mother had dropped a bomb on her with news about Bret. Bret, the man she loved and hated, the man who had loved her and then failed her, and then disappeared. It had been over five years since she had last seen him, but every mention of his name brought the same dull ache of longing and loss, and yes, anger. She...

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Mothers Submission Chapter 6

"What", he asked, shaking his head, sure he had heard her wrong. "Would you like to fuck Monica", Alicia repeated. "Look at her, how sexy she is. And she's hungry for cum, just look at how she lapped yours off of my face." "Wait a minute", Monica said, standing up. "Alicia, I'm married." "I know that", Alicia said. "But you're always talking about how boring Bill is in the bedroom. And besides, how can you resist this", Alicia said, walking over to Alex. She grabbed the towel...

3 years ago
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Moms Unique Punishment Part 7

As I was lying there next to Gloria my mind was racing. I was tired but I was having difficulty falling asleep in a roomful of teenage girls. Just as I was drifting off to sleep I thought I heard Gloria whisper something. "I'm really glad you're my friend Danielle and I was so happy that you agreed to come to my party." "I'm glad I came to." I whispered back. "And I'm glad we're friends. You're fun to hang around with." "You know I found it really exciting when you were talking...

3 years ago
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IncorrectionChapter 9

We both watched the guard lead the tailor out of the room. As soon as the door shut, Warden Kobe turned to me and said, “Now, about you and your commando fetish.” “It’s not a fetish...” I started, but her finger shushed me across my lips. She traced it down my chin, over my neck, and then back on my shoulder again. “I need you to relieve me of some stress I have, thanks to you.” “Really” I replied, a little confused, “I didn’t do anything.” “You and I have something in common.” she mused,...

1 year ago
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THUMPTHUMP THUMPMy husband exhales a loud sigh of disgust.THUMP THUMP THUMP"They're at it again," he said with sickening groan in his voice.THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMPIt was getting more rapid and rhythmic now."Yes, I hear it," I answer him."Doesn't it bother you at all?" he asked when he did not hear the proper tone of corresponding disgust in my voice."It's natural," I said after a momentary silence as I considered my answer. Nothing was going to satisfy him if it didn't match his own view.THUMP...

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Drei Wnsche

Anna ist vor zwei Wochen 18 Jahre alt geworden und weiß, dass sie in den kommenden Monaten noch unendlich viel für ihr Abitur büffeln muss. Ihre Eltern - Stefan und Mareike - wollten ihr und ihrem Bruder vor dieser stressigen Zeit noch eine Auszeit gönnen und haben eine Woche Urlaub auf den Maladiven gebucht. Anna war überglücklich davon zu hören, denn ihr letzer Urlaub ist schon einige Jahre her und das warme Wetter auf den Malediven ist eine willkommene Abwechslung zu den eisigen Temperaturen...

2 years ago
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Charlene Ryan A love renewed

A few years ago, they had been lovers, when they had met on one of Ryan’s leaves. Ryan had been in the Armed Forces for 15 years and had just come back to town for a longer than usual leave.  He had been overseas and had earned some extra leave. He was a tall guy, 35 years old about 6’ 2”, with a short black military hair cut and deep brown eyes, which had shots of gold through them, depending on his mood. He had a very sharp face with a cleft in his chin.  He was a very fit man, being very big...

Love Stories
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LTD Malissas Academy 22

LTD, Malissa's Academy, 22 By: Malissa Madison I sat in my office, the events of the last two weeks playing over in my mind. I knew that my youngest sister Stephanie Wolf was upset with me for siding with Shasstine in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on her mother, the Terrellian Queen. As the Crown Princess, Shasstine had ordered the Followers of the Way to stay out of Terrellian State Business. As they were moving on the Guilds, the loyal Security Troops had fought a...

3 years ago
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My Massage Slut

I visited Dede about a year ago. She had a normal had for massage by asian woman. That usually means a hand job and a bad massage, but what the hell my dick needed rubbing. She was pretty but not above average. She is about 35 years old and from China. To my surprise she gave a really good massage and a great hand job. I visited Dede numerous times over the year but could never get her to give me more than a massage. I would put my hand under her skirt and she would let me rub her butt but...

2 years ago
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Letter of recommendation1

“Um, when do you need this by?” Kevin asked “Well I leave tomorrow, I am really sorry, I sort of forgot...” said Laura. She continued in an apologetic vein for some time. Kevin wasn’t listening; the afternoon sun was right behind her, the golden light making the highlights of her blond hair shimmer. Kevin noticed the sundress was somewhat translucent, the mind filling in details of her stunning body, tricked by light and shadow. “Alright, stop by the house tonight and you can pick it...

3 years ago
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Going Bi 9

Introduction: Looking for a boy like me. Okay, guys. I have this one ready earlier than I expected. Thats the good news. That bad news is that there going to be at least two more parts, and I have work to do on them yet. If you arent into gay or b/m, please dont bother reading this. I promise you will be disappointed. *** I woke to the sound of Naomi, the housekeeper, vacummning in Jasons room, and glanced at my watch. It was only nine. Naomi must have thought that everyone was awake. She...

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Karens Dilemma A Body Hopper Story

Karen's Dilemma: A Body Hopper Story By Limbo's Mistress "Wake up, Sleepyhead," a familiar voice sang through the darkness. "You don't want to miss out on the last few moments of your life." Fighting against the lethargy that had my thoughts in a bear hug, I strained to open my eyelids. As the first rays of illumination broke through the encompassing blackness, I winced. I could feel the gears of my mind trying to find purchase. The wheels turned slowly as the traces of memory...

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