Whiskey Road 4 free porn video

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I stared at the words. Every fiber of my being shook. I was so shocked.
Allie was having an affair with one of my employees.

Aden must have seen the look on my face, because he snatched the phone right out of my hand, snapping me out of my dazed trance. I looked over at him. He glared at the screen. He handed me the phone with his head held down. I clenched it with sweaty palms. I had no idea how to react to this. Was I angry? Yes. Was I hurt? Yes, but a tiny part of me felt relieved. I no longer felt guilty for what happened in the car, or the shower for that matter.

Aden began breathing heavily, his fists clenched, his head down and tears streaming from his left eye. Suddenly he began punching the dashboard furiously. Left, right, left, right, left.....

I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him, half expecting him to clock me one. He unbuckled his safety belt and quickly got out of the car. He began walking into the woods. I followed.

"Hey 'Ade', you okay man? I asked, keeping my distance but letting him know I was there.

He was leaning over, his hands on his knees, panting heavily and swearing through each breath. He shook his head up and down and raised his hand back in my direction, telling me to stay back. I stayed put. He had had a violent breakdown like this a few months ago that ended with him in the hospital with a broken hand.

He stood up, and turned to face me. Tears welling in his eyes.

"How can you be so calm Coop?" He said as he began walking toward me. "I mean SHIT man! You always seem to not be bothered by anything. That pisses me off because I've always wanted to be that way. how do you do it Cody?"

I smiled, and put my arm around his neck as we walked back to the car. "A whole mess of meth my friend. I sprinkle some on my Wheaties every mornin'.

He laughed and pushed me away. "Fuck meth, you got no soul." He teased.

I got in and buckled up. I turned to him.

"Things do get to me Aden, but I try not to let anyone know it."

"You can let me know it, I know exactly how you feel right now."

I put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed, then I turned back onto the road and headed for Lucia's. I was fucking starving. I was trying to fight the whirlwind in my mind.

We pulled into the parking lot of the diner and parked. We both got out and went inside. It was pretty empty save for the elderly couple sitting in a booth and the waitress chewing gum open-mouthed and staring at Aden through her glasses.

"What can I get yall' T'day? She said in a raspy voice.

I ordered the strawberry's and cream flapjacks and 1 pound of applewood smoked bacon. Aden ordered Blueberry, his pound of bacon and 3 scrambled eggs.

We sat in a booth on the opposite side of the diner, and waited for our food. The waitress, whose name tag read 'Hattie' brought us our coffee and two giant glasses of milk.

Aden stared out of the window and then turned to look at me.

"My Military buddy Dolton has a cabin a few miles north of here. We should go there and spend the summer." he said with a mischievous boyish grin. "He told me after the divorce that I could go there If I ever needed to just get away from it all. Call her sister to pick her up next weekend. Fuck her, and fuck Miranda, its just you and me like it used to be."

We ate our breakfast, had another cup of coffee and left for the Lake house. As we pulled up, a very frustrated Allie sat on the steps of the porch. She stood up as we approached, hands on her hips.

"Where the fuck have you been!?" she yelled. "I'm starving, you've been gone for two hours!"

"I wasn't out fucking Doug, that's for damned sure!" I yelled back.

Aden smirked as he leaned against the railing, crossing both his legs and arms.

Allie looked as if I had punched her square in the gut. "What the fuck are you talking about Cody?" she said.

I took her phone out of my pocket and shoved it in her face. "THIS!" I said, feeling my anger rise because she was actually still pretending that she didn't know what this was about.

She read the text message. Her face went pale. "You stole my phone?"

"You left your phone in the car door, you lying bitch!" Aden shouted. "Don't try to change the subject."

"Stay out of this Aden, I got this!" I shouted. He looked at me, surprised, but he nodded and walked into the house, closing the door behind him.

Allie began to cry. "What do you want from me? I broke it off, it meant nothing Cody!"

"You kept this secret from me, I hired Doug six months ago and you go and fuck him and you tried to hide it from me! Imagine that the roles were reversed Allie; imagine that I cheated with someone and never told you, fucking imagine if you found my phone with a text from a woman saying she missed me and wanted to see me again even though I said it was over? How would you feel? You would lose your shit Allie! You would divorce me and you know it!"

She dialed a few numbers on her phone.

"Kelly, it's me." she sobbed. "Come get me, I'll e-mail you directions."

Allie walked away sobbing to her sister on the phone.

"I want a divorce Allie."

She turned to me and nodded.

I walked down to the lakefront and sat on the small dock. As hard as I tried, I could not hold in the tears. I loved Allie, how could she do this to me? I also felt a pang of guilt wash over me for what I was experiencing with Aden. I had fantasized about him while with her in the car, in the shower after spying on him, but the c***dish part of me kept saying "She did it first, she broke your trust."

She had become distant in the six months after I hired Doug. I should have seen it. When she did show me attention, it was like she was trying to compensate for something. Now I know what. I felt a sense of relief.

Aden approached from behind and sat down on the dock beside me. He put his arm around me and stared at the water. I sighed with relief.

"It wont stop hurting anytime soon brother. Get used to that sinking feeling." he said.

We spent the rest of the day chopping firewood, barbecuing and drinking. Allie joined us after a while and Aden went inside.

"Do you love him?" I asked.

She nodded and began to cry. She explained to me that she had told her sister about he affair and Kelly gave her an ultimatum; either Allie should end it or tell me, or Kelly would tell me herself. She decided to end it and keep it a secret.

I felt so betrayed.

We discussed divorce, and Allie had our lawyer fax the papers and I signed. We would work out the details later. I was happy that we signed a pre-nup agreement. We both would walk away with what we had in the beginning. Thank God we had no c***dren.

Kelly would be here in the morning, and Allie did not want to stay the night here, so I drove her to a hotel a few miles away where her sister would pick her up.

When I got back, Aden was sitting in the tire swing drinking a beer and using his legs to push himself back and forth. I walked up behind, feeling like a k** again, feeling just the way I used to feel when I would get the shit kicked out of me by a bully. Aden would always handle them though. They knew to fuck with me when he was not around and even when he wasn't there, he would show up just in time to deal some justice. He nodded and motioned to the cooler by the base of the tree. I grabbed a cold one and drank greedily. I tossed the empty bottle on the ground and began pushing my c***dhood friend as he held his legs off the ground. He was heavy as fuck, but we had a laugh.

We drank til around midnight and watched an old VHS of his dad boxing in his younger days. Aden fell asleep on the couch and I headed to my room. Exhausted, I collapsed onto the bed and didn't bother to pull back the sheets. Allie was so anal about making the bed. I felt one last wave of heartache as I
drifted off to sleep.

I again dreamed of Aden in the dark room with a gun in his hand. He put it to his head and pulled the trigger. I jumped awake. I got up and rushed to the living room to find him fast asleep on the floor. He had fallen off the couch. A bottle of tequila lay empty under his bent right arm. I shook him, knocked on his forehead like a door and he woke up. His warm brown eyes smiled, matching his lips. H got up onto his knees and reached out for me to help him up. He mumbled something incoherently in his deep rusty voice and stood up. He shook his head and gave a big grin.

"I must have passed out."

"That happens when you chase a twelve pack with a bottle of tequila."

He chuckled. "It was 3 quarters of a bottle of tequila."

He stumbled a bit heading for his room. I grabbed his left arm and helped him along. We passed through the threshold and he stopped. He spun around to his right and was now facing me. He gave me a big hug and kissed the side of my head. I hugged him back as hard as I could and kissed his shoulder. He stood back, with a puzzled look on his face for what seemed like an eternity.

"Coop." he said.

"What?" I answered.

He didn't say anything else. He just stared at me, biting his lower lip and looking confused the way he always did in Trigonometry class when he didn't understand something.

His expression went blank. He grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head. His amazing pecs, lightly covered in dark hair, flexed as he stepped toward me. He grabbed the bottom of my shirt and lifted it over my head. I grabbed his waist and kissed him so deeply that it felt as if my head was spinning.

He put one hand on the door frame and the other behind my head and began kissing my neck, my ear, and then my mouth again. He pulled away and looked at me. He brushed my sandy red hair out of my eyes. "What are we doing Cody?" He asked. Fear washed over me. The only time he ever called me by my first name is when things were serious, like when his mother was diagnosed. "She's gonna' die Cody, they said there's nothing they can do bout it Cody." he had said through tears.

I didn't know what to say. I just stood there shaking my head. Finally I walked out of the room. I closed the door to my room behind me and sat in the armchair in the corner. I could hear his footsteps approach the door. The door creaked as he leaned into it. He said nothing. I held my breath, waiting for him to ask me to take him to a hotel. I was nearly in tears. A minuet or so passed by.

"Coop, you gonna let me in, or are you gonna leave me out here with my dick in my hand?"

I got up and opened the door. He stood there, naked, his manhood as erect as humanly possible. He stared at me with an annoyed look on his face. "Don't you run away Cody, you always run away from shit that scares you. Do I scare you Coop?" he asked. He broke a smile. I smiled back sheepishly.

"You don't scare me, the way I feel about youz' what scares me."

He walked toward me, and backed me to the bed. I could feel the heat of his breath on my neck, smell the beer and tequila. His strong hairy arms lowered me onto the soft sheets. He hovered over me for a few seconds and began to kiss me deeply. His tongue ran circles around mine. His hardness grinding against mine through my jeans. He straddled me and began grabbing at my belt buckle, ripping it free with a growl, he stood up and yanked my jeans until they slid off. My heart was pounding in my chest. This was really happening.

He ran his hands up my legs, caressing as he made his way upward. My cock was harder than it had ever been, pressing against my cotton boxer-briefs seemingly begging to be let loose. He made his way to them and put one hand underneath my ass and slid them down on the right, then on the left until they were past my thighs. He then stood up, gazing at my throbbing cock, which was a rival to his own in size though he was a larger man than I. He stared at the bead of pre-cum welling up out of my cock-hole. He smiled and leaned over me, touching the bead with his finger and lifting it up slowly, watching with fascination as it stuck to his finger, creating a shiny spiderweb like string between his finger and my pulsating cock head. The mucous string broke and Aden quickly took the finger to his mouth and licked it away.

He grabbed my dick and ran his tongue across my urethra's opening, coaxing more from me. Finally the heat of his mouth covered me, pure pleasure washed over me. I felt my face contorting as Aden licked and sucked my cock. His tongue went clockwise, then counter-clockwise over the head of my cock sending shock waves of electric pleasure up my spine. He began taking as much of my cock into his mouth as he could, stopping to catch a breath here and there. I felt the tightness of his throat closing around me, I began to thrust upward in rhythm with his head. The vibrations of his deep moans intensified my pleasure, my groin was alive with sensation. I felt so close.

"I'M GOING TO CUM!" I half moaned, half shouted.

Expecting him to stop, I reached for my red and swollen cock to finish myself off by force of habit. Allie NEVER let me cum in her mouth. Aden swatted my hand away and sucked harder, swirled his tongue faster and bobbed his head deeper. White hot lightning shot through me. My cock convulsed and shot ribbon after ribbon of hot thick cum into my best friend's mouth. He kept going, I grabbed his hair and shouted until the last drop left me.

Aden looked up at me and tortured me with continued licking and sucking until I finally could take no more and turned on my side. He wiped the side of his mouth and stood up, sweat pouring down his face and chest, his body almost glowing. He rubbed the tip of his cock and climbed behind me in the bed. I could feel his thick cock rubbing between my ass cheeks. I turned back to look at him and saw sheer desire in his eyes. he kissed me sloppily, letting me taste the remnants of my cum. I knew this would hurt like hell, but I promised myself that I would no longer run from things that scared me.

To be continued.....

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Mother Road

Author's note: All sexual activity in this story is between consenting adults over the age of 18.This story is dedicated to all single moms out there; you're no unsexy matron. Motherhood kicks you up to another level of sexy.++++++++++++++My divorce became official yesterday, so as of today my ex-wife Beverly is in the history books. After one year, six months, and 11 days, that guy in the mirror, Tom McFarland, is now officially single again!Beverly and I met at the Art Institute of Chicago...

3 years ago
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Just Down the Road

I entered and walked to the counter of the diner, I selected one of the dozen or so chrome and vinyl clad stool and sat. The diner was like a snapshot of a place that has not aged in 30 years. Clean but definitely dated. The waitress approached, her name tag read “Sarah.”“Coffee?”“Yes, Sarah, black please.”“Menu?”“Please.”As I waited for the coffee I checked my messages on my cellphone. Thinking to myself what a weird juxtaposition . . . using modern technology in this museum of a restaurant....

2 years ago
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Death Road

I would like to thank Zen Master for his help in editing this story. This story transpires in the year 1979, in the county of Palm Beach, Florida Murrr derrr, murderrr. The way the word rolled off my tongue seemed to fascinate me. Especially since that was the reason that I was sitting in the dark, on damp grass, with a gnarled cane pole in hand and I wasn’t thinking about murdering fish. I was planning to kill Bill Brown. My thoughts would bounce from the word to the question and back....

4 years ago
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Queen of the Road

Kevin White walked along the edge of the highway leading out of Rockland Springs. The sun was already in the lower half of the sky and he hoped someone would take pity on him soon and offer him a lift. When he was younger, his father had told him that growing up was a matter of making bad decisions and learning from them. If that was the case, he told himself, then he'd certainly grown up a lot in the last twelve hours. Otherwise, the decision to use his bus ticket to back what he thought...

1 year ago
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Maggie Part 3 The Boys Down The Road

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just worried about what them damn Worker’s Comp people have decided. All of them white-shirt assholes don’t have a clue the pain I deal with.” Emmitt was injured in a mining accident four years ago and had just been through a disability review in Hazard. Sure, he faked a lot of the time just to get that free money, but he had to play the game. “I should be getting a determination letter any day now.” “I’m sorry honey. I know it’s got ya worried but it’ll work out. Do you want...

4 years ago
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Maggie Part 3 The Boys Down The Road

Betty’s alarm went off at 4:30 as always. She reached over, slapped the alarm, looked over and Emmitt wasn’t in bed. She got up and headed up the hall to the bathroom. Looking up the hall, there sat Emmitt at the kitchen table. She stepped into the bathroom, peed, then walked into the kitchen. “You ok?”“Yeah, I’m fine. Just worried about what them damn Worker’s Comp people have decided. All of them white-shirt assholes don’t have a clue the pain I deal with.” Emmitt was injured in a mining...

1 year ago
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Shades of Death Road

I stepped out of Maureen's car as she handed me my sleeping bag. She asked, "Are you sure about this? You do know what happened out here?""Maur, if I don't do this, then Layla and the rest will think I'm just a coward and never allow me to live it down. Besides, I don't believe in all those stories. There isn't anything out here except a road with a name that scares people.""I don't think so, Rach. I've heard all the stories since I was just a kid. I was always warned about being out here after...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Amys New Road

Amy was annoyed, anxious and apprehensive as she drove home. She was getting married so she was apprehensive. She was annoyed at the drive home. The drive was not that long; about a hundred miles. She was not annoyed at the distance. It gave her time to think. She was intrigued at the countryside. You could see for miles when you topped one hill and could see between the valleys. The dark green pastures could be seen for miles until they turned to a dark blue as they blended with the clouds in...

2 years ago
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The Dirt Road

I was so tired. Having a husband and three kids meant the housework was never done and it seemed like I’d been cleaning forever. And no-one ever helped, except to make even more bloody mess. As soon as I got the kitchen cleaned, wallop, more muck appeared.I was done, at the end of my patience, finished with all this crap. I needed some time to be me again. Not a wife, not a mother, not a damn housekeeper. I needed to be me, Tori. Damn, I’d almost forgotten her: the vibrant young woman that used...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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A Bumpy Road

It was a warm, sticky, summer morning. The sun was peeking in through my blinds, as if to remind me that I had slept in much too late. It was the first Saturday of summer vacation after finishing my junior year of high school. A glorious day that should have been rewarded by sleeping in late, relaxing in the comfort of my bed, and maybe even stroking my rock-hard teenage morning wood that was pitching a tent in my sheets. Unfortunately, there was no time for that. My big sister, Alex, had...

3 years ago
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The Higher Order MultiplesChapter 6 The Long And Winding Road

Having made several practice runs back and forth to St. Louis via I-70 and twice by back roads, the quartet felt they were familiar enough with their two chosen vehicles to finalize their preparations. They knew that the bridge over the Mississippi was clear, as was I-70 all the way to I-55. The plan was to zigzag between I-55 and I-57 up to the south of Chicago, then across to Washington, DC primarily on US 30. They could hit several universities and state capitals, but really had few...

3 years ago
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The Wrong Road

The slave screamed again as the single tail lashed against her back, fetching yet another angry red welt to the surface of her already severely punished back.Her agonising screams brought only cheers and jeers from those watching the performance. No-one came to the slave’s assistance, and nor would they.She was nothing. Simply a new piece of meat on which they could enact their darkest wishes. For over an hour the slave had been beaten in one way or another. Twice she had lapsed into...

1 year ago
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On The Open Road

Curtis Cigarette wasn’t his real name, of course. He’d been christened Curtis Christoff but in his late teenage years he was always asking anyone, “Got a cigarette?”At one point someone said “Uh-oh, here comes Curtis Cigarette,” and the name stuck.Curtis was a stoner who over time had tried almost every drug but always came back to weed. I don’t know if you can be a weed addict, but you sure can be a “getting high” addict. He smoked his first joint when he was fifteen and had been high for the...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Going Down the Fire Road

Going Down on the Fire Road A few weeks earlier Tom had just gotten his new, to him, Jeep. He was so anxious to take it four wheeling. His girlfriend has been busting on him about how it would be show and no go. But was talking about him or the Jeep? Finally on a Sunday morning he called Tracy up and told her that today was the day. He was going to be by her place in an hour or so and had her pack a cooler. Tracy was 23 and had the girl next door looks. She had brown curly, shoulder length...

3 years ago
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A handsome man in the road

That sunny warm afternoon I was driving back home in Savannah.I had been visiting my dear old girlfriend Suzie at Miami and now I was getting tired and bored; hoping just reach home to enjoy my beloved hubby’s cock and a nice warm shower… or vice versa…It had been a long week away from home and I was horny as hell.After four hours with no stops, I saw him on the side of the road.The guy was tall and dressed in leather. He looked clean shaven with just the hint of stubble across his handsome...

3 years ago
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What Happens on the Road

As I was growing up I had the biggest crush on my mom. I don't know why I think all boys do. I would dream about fucking her. I would try to and often would catch her naked or catch her and dad fucking. As I grew older and my dick got bigger and I grew hair on my nuts I started to jack off all the time my mom was one of my stars. A friend of mine showed me a pair of his mom's panties which I was not impressed with till he told me to smell them, which I did. Then I bought those panties from him...

2 years ago
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Experience Of Gb Road

Dosto baat august 2011 ki h tab m ek science student tha aur 12th class m padta tha. Mera defense written exam tha august m jiska delhi centre tha m aur mere 2 dost exam dene gaye the hum exam se 1 din phale raat karib 9 bje new delhi railway station phuch gaye mera frnd rohit hmre sath tha jo phle bhi gb road aa chuka tha hum pure raste gn road ke bare m baat karte aaye usne hume batya ki gb road india ka sbse best red light area h usne hume batya ek hum karib 250rs m ek shot lee skte h aur...

3 years ago
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Going Down the Fire Road

Going Down on the Fire Road A few weeks earlier Tom had just gotten his new, to him, Jeep. He was so anxious to take it four wheeling. His girlfriend has been busting on him about how it would be show and no go. But was talking about him or the Jeep? Finally on a Sunday morning he called Tracy up and told her that today was the day. He was going to be by her place in an hour or so and had her pack a cooler. Tracy was 23 and had the girl next door looks. She had brown curly, shoulder length...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Blood BondsChapter 2 Well Met on an Ill Road

"Hello, Richard Owls. London Times. I presume you must be Dr. Ludwig Manteuffel. Glad you could take me in on such a short notice." A somewhat plumb, blond-haired man with a scruffy look and a thin, wiry receding hair line looked up from his writing pad through thick glasses and saw a red-haired, tall and almost gaunt man smiling and squinting under the uncomfortably radiant morning sun: "There's room for more, actually. Your editor-in-chief was very pleasant on the phone, and quite...

1 year ago
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At The End Of The Road

This is the preachy part, I thought I’d get it out of the way. When you take responsibility for everyone’s lives except your own, you take everything for granted. When you take everything for granted, you soon find yourself with more than your fair share of regret. With regret comes guilt, with guilt comes hopelessness and so on and so on until you find yourself living to die instead of living to live. It’s a bitter pill, I know, but there’s something to be learned from it. And if anyone had...

2 years ago
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A Lonely Road

The light coming from the street lamps criss-crossed through the trees trying in vain to lighten the road. On the empty four lane road she walked. Her gait quick and hurried. Her hands clutching the little bag she held, body was trembling, trembling with fear or was it anticipation? "Click-Clock-Click-Clock-Click-Clock ", the sounds of her heels cut the darkness and the silence of the night like a scalpel at the hands of an experienced surgeon. Soft murmurs of her talking to herself were...

3 years ago
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Surprise Sex On Road

Hi this is Rajesh. Thank you friends for the comments for my earlier story. This incident which i am going to narrate happen to me yesterday night and was was so excited and thrilled with this incident that i could not control myself from penning this incident. Its a small story. It was Saturday evening and i was attending small business meeting in a luxury hotel and after meeting there was a cocktail dinner. Generally i don’t drink alcohol and specially when i am driving, its a big no. But...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Why Dont We Do It in the Road

I had been looking forward to the first day of rifle deer season much as I used to look forward to Christmas when I was a kid. It always falls on the first Monday after Thanksgiving in Pennsylvania and is a bit of a state holiday. Many schools close because a large number of students from junior high up, as well as many teachers, will be in Penn's Woods that Monday and not in the class room. At the last minute a client from California pretty much insisted that I be available Monday to go over...

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The Not So Lonely Road

It was ten o'clock at night and freezing cold in the high Nevada desert. Not a cloud marred the star filled sky as Dick pulled into a wide spot alongside the road. He got out and went around to the right side of his truck and trailer rig. Nature was calling and he didn't mind the brief stop to relive himself. He finished and tucked himself back in his pants and walked around his truck. Something made him climb inside and kill all his lights and then he got back out. The sky was inky black...

2 years ago
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Seeding Hope Among the AshesChapter 9 A Friendly Chat by the Side of the Road

"Important news: we've had several advances. Each of the cities we've visited has established a functioning community. The people are working together with at least one person who can treat anyone who contracts the plague. Everyone we've treated has agreed to treat at least two people to replace them before moving on. This means each community will grow stronger, more reliable and more self-sustaining. We mention this to encourage everyone to either seek these cities out or prepare for...

4 years ago
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A Different Road

A Different Road By Trainmaster Synopsis: Henry and Anna take their dream vacation to Italy but their trip is ruined by mid-air turbulence. As clouds obscure the plane and wrap around Henry's thoughts, something happens that he doesn't understand. Nothing prepares him for an in-flight transformation--but with the help of a Canadian girl, an Austrian journalist, and a fat priest, he struggles to accept the change. Note: This manuscript incorporates the Elizabeth K?bler-Ross model...

1 year ago
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Beyond Bray Road

I thought it all started with a phone call, but, as usual, I was wrong.It took me a minute to get up to speed, because my buddy Bruce was talking fast and I had no idea what had fired him up."Is this what it comes down to, you keeping secrets from me?" he demanded. "Don't go off on another one of your tirades about hidden functions in phone apps! I told you the app would report back to Mark. If you would have written it for us, you would have known it sent us summaries. Mark says he's never...


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