Daddy's Daughter free porn video

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He wasn’t a typical father. He was never a traditional person either. In high school, he was rather quiet and unassuming and shied away from commotion and all the usual outbursts which came with partying and celebrations of any kind. When he met his wife she found out what he liked and didn’t like only because of his softness and also that meekness which seemed to sparkle and that’s why they married and had two children.

Nevertheless, their children began to grow up, but unfortunately life took a turn for the worse. The mother died. All grown up now, at almost 45, she came to him, and felt now was the time to ask that question.

“Daddy, I have a problem.”

“What is it honey?” he said.

She was hesitant. She said she wished mommy was still around. He could see the sadness in her face and told her with that same sadness he wished she was too. It had been a year and a half since she had passed away. They hugged and stared at one another but then she decided to say it.

“Daddy, it’s about men. I mean guys” she said.

“Ohhhhhh” he came back. “Like what honey? All guys are a little different you know.”

“Yeah, I thought so” she replied as she looked up from the floor and at him.

“Did you and mommy really love each other?” she asked.

“Ohhh yes honey. We did. I loved her and I’m pretty sure she loved me too.”

Then the daughter said it. “I want to know a few things about uhhh sex and sexual intercourse, daddy.”

That had him immediately reeling. I don’t know anything about that. I mean your mommy always seemed to know how to encourage me somehow. She always knew how to make me uhhh, you know, uhhh get uhhh aroused he told himself. I mean, I don’t know. Girls just seem to know how to do those sorts of things or at least your mom did.

“Daddy, can you help me with all that?” the daughter asked.

“Uhhh, I don’t know honey” he said as his eyes closed and he looked away from his daughter. He swallowed as he looked at his grown 18 year old daughter. His eyes appeared to change a little. He seemed to be baffled on how to explain it all. He paused a moment as if in heavy thought. “Uhhh, what do you want to know honey?”

“Well, I don’t know” she replied as she looked away from her shy and quiet like dad. “Maybe everything, daddy?” she said.

“Ohhhhhh, everything?” he said. “As in every uhhh little thing?” as if totally surprised. “Well, I’m not sure exactly how to explain it to you. Maybe if you ask me questions, then I can try and answer them. Okay” he ended telling her.

“Well like Mark and I, okay?” she said, now looking right at her father.

Gracie, the 18 year old daughter was probably a lot like her dad in that she was shy and a little naïve and so wished she wasn’t but she was. Gracie most definitely had a nice figure with its nice smallish but defined tits and she was slender but with noticeable hips and an ass and sweet shapely thighs as well. Although her personality was much like her fathers her figure was a lot like her moms. Dad always thought so. He answered her and told her to go on and explain.

“How did it all happen before we were uhhh, you know, uhhh conceived?” Gracie said.

He explained. Both happened to be in good moods. It was a nice night so they decided to take a walk. They talked about their day and week. It happened to be a Friday night too. They laughed about this and that. He joked that they laughed a lot more prior to having kids but that is how it is with kids. Now, or in their case, they split their love up. Some towards one another and the rest was given to Gracie and her brother. He went on.

“We got home and sat quietly together and all of a sudden your mom just started to caress my leg. I loved it. I just loved how it felt when she did that and then she looked at me, differently. She smiled at me, differently too.” His daughter sat there listening, intently. He continued. “Her hand moved closer and closer to my” but then he hesitated a moment. He and looked at his daughter.

Should I say this part of it to her, he asked himself. He stared at her and smiled half-heartedly. “Honey, I can’t tell you anymore. I’m sorry. I just can’t. It’s all personal. I know you don’t understand this, yet, but you will. I’m sorry dear” and he looked at her sadly but she seemed to understand. “Maybe another time, alright?” he told her.

She tried to understand. They hugged and she got up and went to her room. He sat there and thought about it all. Who can she talk to? Who is around that can talk with her on this he asked himself and he knew there wasn’t a soul. They had no close relatives at all or none nearby that he knew of. As he sat there, for nearly an hour or so, he thought about it. He knew he had to talk to her but how and what to say was the question.

Thirty minutes after that she heard him knock on her door. In only her bra and gym like shorts, she threw on a top and sat on her bed. She told him to come in. He smiled and softly said hello to her. She smiled and said hi back to him.

“Can I sit down?” he asked and she said yes. “Can we try all this again?”

“Let me tell you something” he told her. “Sex can be one of two things. It can be personal or it can be simply sex. As in well” and he paused a moment and then added “some guys and girls just do it for the sex part because well, you know, they are uhhh how do I say this? They are uhhh” and he closed his eyes and said it. “They are simply horny. Lots and lots of guys, and girls too, get horny when they are young, like you might be.” They looked at each other. He asked himself that question. Is she horny lately? However he told her “Others honey, love one another, but they still want it all. Your mother and I, and your mom was great at this, wanted it all with each other and nobody else. Your mom was a, and I’m not sure how to say this, but she was a great lover.”

“Really, mom was?” Gracie asked.

He said yes. “She was always, when she was in need of it, all over me. And you look like your mother soooo much lately” he replied. He looked at her, up and down.

“Like how, daddy?” she asked.

How do you answer that, he asked himself. “Well” he said as he finished studying her all over “your eyes, your face, and your uhhh well your figure too.”

“My figure?” she said. “Can I ask you something?” she said and he said yes. “Are my boobs like hers too?” He was stunned by her question but he knew they were and said yes and then she smiled at his answer. “Really, my boobs are like hers were?” Gracie said.

That made him blush a little because although he didn’t want to let her down, these questions did seem to need to be answered, or so he thought they did. He looked at her boobs for some odd reason but she noticed he looked at them. “What are you doing?” he asked her as she stood up.

“Showing you something” she said as she pulled off her top to show him her figure. “What about the rest of me?” she said. He told her he didn’t want to see her body but she asked “But what about here and down here” and she turned around as he watched her shapely slim figure turn. “And what about my thighs as well, daddy?”

He liked his daughter’s body. It certainly had very nice features many men would like. For whatever reason he said “Will you d that again for me?” and so she did. She turned around but this time she took off the gym shorts. “Holy shit” he said accidentally as he ogled her nice shapely although smaller ass.

“What daddy what?” she said.

“Oh uh nothing sweetheart” he said knowing he already made a mistake but something was occurring he didn’t expect. He felt something odd. He felt an ever so slight tingling within his body. He shook his head and closed his eyes momentarily. “I was just thinking about something dear.”

“What’s that daddy?” she said and then thought of something. “So why did mommy find you attractive daddy?”

Was he going to tell her the truth or lie to her? Lie, he told himself. Just simply lie to his daughter. That was something he never did in his life to her or her brother. It was a rule in their house. They would never ever lie to their kids. They would always tell the truth.

“Well now” he started to say “that is an interesting question. It is a very, very interesting question indeed, honey.” She asked why and he tried smiling as he looked at his daughter before answering the question. “See, well, there is something about me that she found out about that seriously attracted your mother to me.”

“What’s that daddy?” she asked sincerely.

“I can’t tell you honey. I just can’t tell you why” he said.

“But why not daddy?” she asked again, seriously.

“It’s just something about me uhhh physically which gravely, if I may use that word, fascinated your mother to me” he told her. “I mean, there is something about me that she was fascinated about and” and he used quotation marks as he said “she had to see it for herself, first off.”

“What daddy what?” asked Gracie in a serious tone of voice. She was as naïve as they came or so it appeared and had no idea. “Tell me daddy” she went on to demand, almost.

“Okay, but just this once. Please do not overreact, alright?” he said.

She agreed and he stood up and she watched but was surprised as he undid his slacks. She asked him what he was doing and he told her to be patient. She quieted down as she watched the slacks drop to the floor. He told her to close her eyes. She closed them. He pulled down his underwear.

It was huge! It was, for a white man, thick and long and manlier then anyone who knew this human being could ever imagine, ever.

“Ohhhhhh my god, daddy” she cried out. “Your uhhh penis is” and she stopped as she stared at it. “That is huge daddy! It is really big, daddy!” He pulled up his underwear. “No, don’t” she said noisily. “I uhhh want to uhhh look at it again. May I look at that some more, please daddy?” and so he held his underwear below the dangling cock as she eyed it with great surprise in her eyes. “Do penises well are they always that big daddy?”

He swallowed hard, as if embarrassed his was so long and fat and surprisingly so “wild” to his daughter. He could tell she loved its size but what he couldn’t tell was how much the young lady wanted to do something, badly.

Gracie wanted to reach out and feel it. Gracie wanted to feel what it was like to the touch of her fingertips. But he had other ideas in mind. “That’s enough honey. I’m pulling up” but he stopped as he looked away and started to pull them up. “”Ohhhhhh holy” and she stopped again as he felt her fingers on his large dangling cock. “What, whoa, what are ohhhhhh” and his eyes closed a moment as he felt the soft and incredibly gentle touch of her fingers tenderly “strolling” across his fat penis.

That touch, his daughters touch, felt incredibly wonderful, and he wanted her although he didn’t say it to do it again and again. He didn’t pull them up. He stood there, shocked, as he felt his daughter’s soft and young 18 year old fingers pulsate over his cocks flesh. His heart rate danced higher as he felt those fingers stream along his cock. He hadn’t felt that, the soft gentle touch of a woman’s fingers in over three years, he thought, but when Gracie did what she’d done it felt as if his deceased wife was doing it herself.

“Ohhh Gracie, no, don’t” he said as he felt her fingers slowly cruising along his long, bulky shaft, but she didn’t stop doing it and he went on to say “Ohhhhhh my lord Gracie you have no” and then he stopped momentarily and found himself stepping a step closer to her. “You have no idea how wonderful” and he then said “mmmmmm, your mother would do it just like that too.”

Her hand came off it and Gracie looked up at her father. Gracie smiled. “I’m sorry daddy. I didn’t mean to do that but your penis, it surprised me. I mean its size and all. I uhhh just wanted to see what it uhhh felt like. Uhhh, did uhhh you like how that felt daddy?”

Did I like how it felt, he asked himself. Did I like how that felt? Ohhh if you only knew honey, he thought. If only you knew. I’d sit down and spread my legs apart and I’d let you feel me out all over. It’s as if your mommy is here and she’s feeling me all over, as if she’s the one holding and feeling my cock honey. And, ohhh I can’t believe I’m thinking this but I’d even let you put your mouth on it like your mommy did and, and she’d suck it off what seemed forever. He so wished he could let her do it too.

“Daddy?” she said again. “Daddy are you alright?”

“Oh ohhh yeah” he told her. “I’m fine dear. I’m just fine. It was uhhh weird. That’s all.”

The next night came. He was sitting on the floor going through and looking at some stuff. Gracie walked in and smiled, saying hi to her dad. She plopped down on the floor to talk wearing pajama shorts and a pajama top. To her, they looked “sexy” in a manner of speaking, which to some guys they were. They were a bit older so they were maybe a little tighter on her seeing as she was more developed in ways she never was in the past.

She hadn’t said a word. Out of nowhere, a leg came out. He wasn’t paying attention. Out of nowhere that leg, of hers, reached in between his legs. He was studying something important to him. He felt it. It had touched his crotch and then suddenly began lightly rubbing its contents.

“Whoa Gracie, what are you doing?” he said as he stopped it and started pushing it to the side. He knew exactly what was going on. “Listen, what happened last night, I mean with my, you know, my penis well that was a one time thing. I never meant for it to happen. Do you understand honey?”

She looked at him. He asked her again. She didn’t answer his question. “Daddy, didn’t you like what happened to you? I mean when I touched your penis last night? Didn’t you enjoy feeling my fingers on it?”

Heck yes I enjoyed it. You have no idea at all how much I enjoyed feeling your fingers all over my penis like that, he thought. If I could I’d do it again and again and ohhh dear god, I’d do more then just that. All of a sudden her foot touched his cock again.

“Didn’t you like it when I touched you last night daddy?” she asked again. “Don’t you like me doing this too?”

He looked down. Yes, he liked it, and more to the point he loved how it felt. If he had it his way he’d get undressed and let her play around some. If he had it his way, he’d let her do lots more then simply play his cock using her feet. He knew that for sure.

“Yes, I guess it does feel rather nice” he said not knowing why he said it.

He looked up and smiled at her and when she saw his smile, she smiled back as her feet pursued his crotch and that immediate area a lot more then usual. Realizing he’d said what he’d said and wishing somehow he could take it back but hadn’t he undid his zipper because he did know, for a fact, that her foot on his crotch was feeling wonderful.

“Okay” he said. “Okay, here. Let me undo my pants. I’ll let you play with my penis and testicals too. But let me clear something else up dear” and she asked what. “Men’s testicals can become very sensitive if you’re not careful.”

From there, with his pants down only, he allowed her to reach out with her foot and play around with his cock and even his balls. He loved how it felt and seeing as he did he shifted away from the material he was working on. She did too but her feet still focused on his cock. She reached inside of the underwear and he felt them playing and feeling the softness of her toes on his hardening shaft.

Her eyes grew wider as she noticed it too. “Ohhh wow daddy. It’s getting bigger. Daddy” she exclaimed “your penis, your cock, its getting a lot bigger. Daddy, can I uhhh come in and feel it? Can I feel that with my hands?”

It did feel magnificent and there was no denying that. How she had been touching it, how she had been playing with it was just like how her mother used to do it and as “fragile” as he was he gave in to her and said yes. He spread his legs apart for her. He even pulled off his underwear too. The hardness of his shaft had thickened and even grow some to her surprise.

Gracie was more then impressed and wished to hold it with bothTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Daddys Little Minx Maria

First story — remember, this is FANTASY. ——————————————————– Marias fingers reluctantly hitched under her panties and she slowly pulled them off. I could barely restrain myself from grabbing her right there and fucking her tight pussy. But I tried to relax and told myself, get a grip, old boy. Easier said than done considering I had a raging erection that wanted, no needed, to be inside Marias wet slit. She looked at me innocently and spread her legs. Her finger flicked her little clit and I...

2 years ago
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Daddys baby girl

Introduction: DO NOT COMMENT IF YOU DONT HAVE ANYTHING POSITIVE OR SUGGESTIVE TO SAY (as in any suggestions to help improve) My name is Kate, I am 16 years of age, 5 foot 3, slightly tanned skin and full 34D cup breasts with small nipples. I have straight, slightly waved blonde hair that falls just past my shoulders, my eyes are a pale blue with a hint of green flecks that are visible in the sun and full pink lips. My body is curved and my butt is round and makes my hips look a little wider, I...

1 year ago
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Daddys Rules Daddys Consequences

I’m lying on my back in the cage. My legs are cuffed up and open, and Daddy is stroking his magnificent cock on the other side of the mesh. His face is a mixture of concentration and amusement. My eyes pinball from his eyes to Bestie, my pet name for Daddy’s dick, who is now leaking precum. My heart is racing, aroused at the sight of Daddy’s engorgement, but also from anxiety. My “number one” job is to clean Daddy’s dick when he leaks, and in my current state, I cannot perform my task. Daddy...

1 year ago
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daddys dream

add me on msn at [email protected] Im a 23 year-old single woman, an only child. I wish I could tell your readers how I look like Pamela Anderson but that would be a lie. Im tall and thin and have smallish boobs and narrow hips. My long brown hair is straight and dull. Im not ugly but Ive been described as plain. Ive had several boyfriends but never anything too serious. Im not a virgin by any means but Ive been discovering I enjoy women more then men of late but thats neither here or there. ...

3 years ago
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Daddys whore

I had always been fascinated by the feel of womens clothes against my skin, and today was no different. Mom was away on a business trip to Canada, and dad was away at work for the next couple of hours.I had always had an effeminate look to me, with me being 6’1” and thin as a twig at 19, I was scrawny. I had bought a black wig to go with the outfit that I had picked out. It was black 6” heels, black pantyhose, a black garter belt and panties, with a short black skirt and a little black tube...

2 years ago
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daddys little girlfriend

Daddy’s Little Girlfriend "Daddy, can you come help me for a second?" "Sure baby, be there in a minute." That's how it all started. My daughter had just turned 18 a week ago and was getting ready to go to school; she was a senior in high school this year. She is very beautiful with long dark hair and green eyes, nice athletic body with curves in all the right places. Long smooth legs and a perky chest make her a much looked at girl. I even look at her 'in that way' sometimes. I left my wife...

1 year ago
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Daddys Cream

Note : This story is completely fictional! They were just playing pretend - it wasn’t supposed to happen Rashmi had just turned 18 and her mom was once again inter-state on business and had even forgotten to phone on her birthday. Daddy on the other hand had taken her to the mall and allowed her to buy the most expensive new outfit she could find. He had then allowed her to have the best ever birthday party by booking out a local restaurant with about 30 of her friends and had hired a live...

2 years ago
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Daddys girl Casey

“What wrong Casey?” Dad ask me, when he walked in the living room and saw me crying. “It’s the other boys at school; they are always picking on me, calling me names, pushing me around, calling me girlie boy, makes wish at times if I was a girl, they would leave me alone then wouldn’t they?”. Dad smiled and sat beside, “look Casey you will always run across people like that, things will get better as time goes by, one more thing, be careful what you wish, you just might get it”, Dad laughed. I...

2 years ago
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Daddys Girl pt1

So there I was, lying in bed with my sweet and beautiful daughter. It didn’t take much for her to seduce me. I had always wanted her, and apparently, she had lusted after her father for a long time. I didn’t know how this might change our relationship, it was definitely new ground. It felt right, it felt good, and my guilty feelings were few. She was 18 and able to make her own decisions. I had never felt more loved, or loved someone as much as I loved her. We were meant to be together.Heather...

2 years ago
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Daddys Girl pt1

So there I was, lying in bed with my sweet and beautiful daughter. It didn’t take much for her to seduce me. I had always wanted her, and apparently, she had lusted after her father for a long time. I didn’t know how this might change our relationship, it was definitely new ground. It felt right, it felt good, and my guilty feelings were few. She was 18 and able to make her own decisions. I had never felt more loved, or loved someone as much as I loved her. We were meant to be together.Heather...

3 years ago
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Daddys New Girl Part 7

Daddy’s New Girl, Part 7 Stephanie’s Opening Being a little older now, I don’t always sleep through the night. I woke up about 2:00 and got up to use the john. I came back to bed and looked at my new little princess of the house. She was so cute, sleeping peacefully on her side. She had one knee higher than the other. I pulled back the covers being the horny old dog that I am. I lit a candle and began to check out her partially exposed backside. My mouth began to water seeing a hint of her...

3 years ago
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Lori sat in her room on the bed running her hands over her large D cupped breasts. She was feeling horny, but it was late and she knew her Father wouldn’t let her go out. She grunted at the injustice of it all. She was 20, and should have been able to do as she pleased at this point, but her parents insisted that as long as she lived in the house she was to abide by their rules. Her mom had gone to visit her grandparents which left just her and her Father. If only he’d gone with her Mother, she...

3 years ago
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Daddys Special Massage Part 2

After the girls left this morning I had alternating bouts of intense guilt followed by intense pleasure reliving the memories of this morning, intense enough to give me a steady hard-on, which just started me on another cycle of guilt. After three weeks of fucking my daughter you would think I had resolved the guilt issue. I think I had gotten this far without thinking much about it because our sex had been all one sided. It had been more like masturbating. I rationalized that I had barely been...

3 years ago
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daddys little girl

add me on msn at [email protected] Ernest Ernie Haberfeld sat in his recliner, his feet propped up in the air while he rested leisurely in his sweats. His wife, Agnes, was out with her lady friends at her weekly bridge club, probably gossiping up a storm as they played cards to wile away their time. Ernie never begrudged his wife her time away from the home, it gave him time to do the kinds of things she found distasteful. Agnes was seven years older than his fifty five years, a fact that had...

2 years ago
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Daddys Girl

It was so hot, I lay on top of my bed naked letting what little breeze there was coming from the open window to blow across my body. Daddy had called earlier in the afternoon to say he had to work late and to leave the outside light on for him before I went to bed. I had gone to live with my daddy when I was ten my mother had died. My parents had divorced when I was four, I was now sixteen. I used to spent every other weekend with daddy, he had never re-married he said the only women for him...

2 years ago
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Daddys little helper 3

My heart was still racing as I stood up, pulled my underwear back into place and walked into the bathroom. I used a facecloth to wipe away the cum that had spattered my chest and neck when I had lost control watching my father and my best friend have sex.I hurried to my room and picked up a memory stick and returned to my father's room. I plugged the stick in and copied the folder onto it. I put the laptop back in its place, gathered up my clothes and walked back into my bedroom. I lay on top...

3 years ago
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Daddys Daughters diary part 20

*** The story so far Crystal writes a diary hoping her Daddy will read it and know her true feeling for him! James looked up at Chrystal, he quickly pulled her hands from his face and pushed her away. "No Chrystal, it's not right!" James cried. Jumping off the bed, tucking his now limp cock in his trousers he ran from the room. "I am going to work, I will see you later. I love you as a daughter and only as my daughter," he shouted. Chrystal did not reply she slumped down...

3 years ago
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Daddys Office

Hello and welcome. Here a story that I made staring myself and a secretive a guy that will be disclosed maybe at a later date and time. Along with that. Please enjoy.One of my favorite things to do was to visit my dad's legal office in downtown Pittsburgh. Sometimes he would bring me with him in the morning but usually I would just ride the "T" and then walk a block to get to the office building. Supposedly I was there to help with some minor office work - filing, mail, that sort of thing. In...

4 years ago
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Daddys Panty boy

The first inkling that something interesting was happening between dad and me came about because of my taking up running for exercise. My dad was a big guy, about 6'3 and well over 200 pounds, so I'd always been worried that I'd get a gut like he had. It looked fine on him, with his height it was proportional, but I was just 5'10, I didn't want a belly. One day when I got home from my classes I just started running. That night at dinner my dad asked how I liked it."It was okay except my balls...

2 years ago
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Daddys Little Hooker

Mike was feeling increasingly restless. Susan, his 18 year old teenage daughter was staying at her friends, and he had the house to himself. Just him; all alone. Just him and the computer, with only his frustration and loneliness to keep him company. He was flicking through some teen porn pics, the one’s he liked, the one’s that he secretly knew, but his conscience self denied; most resembled his Susan. For a brief, unguarded moment, he allowed her to slip naked into his mind, his cock...

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Daddys little helper 2

I was in shock. I had just watched a video of on my father's computer of my dad and my best friend Sam on the very bed I was sitting on. My friend was dressed in sexy pink lingerie and had sucked my father's dick until he had exploded all over Sammi's (as daddy called her) face. The pair of them had very obviously enjoyed the experience.That wasn't what had really shocked me though, the shock came from a couple of things. The first was that as my father had unloaded his come all over my best...

2 years ago
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Darla had no idea her world as she knew it would change forever. It was Tuesday morning around 9am and her husband was away on a two-week business trip. She'd been having trouble with her van, so late the night before she'd called her dad who is a mechanic by trade and they agreed he'd stop by the next morning around 9am. Darla was unaware that when she called, her dad was in the middle of giving his wife a good pounding, but the mood was gone and he'd gone to bed frustrated. Darla was a...

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Evie stretched out on the sofa in the living room as she watched cartoons. The t-shirt she had worn to be barely hit the top of her thighs and when she turned to the side you could see her black underwear and the curve of her sweet young ass. Her father, James, walked through the living room as he prepared to leave for work."Are you ever going to do anything besides sit in front of the tv?" he asked. Evie flipped onto her back and looked up at him, her legs spread innocently as she replied....

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Daddys Princess

I posted this a year ago, so thought id repost it.I had come home earlier than I had planned with business a little slow at the store and plenty of help there. I figured I could use the time to load more stuff to my online store. I have a comfortable office at home and get more done when I'm alone and not being interrupted. Besides, I wasn't in the best of moods because of the argument with my wife Linda last night. Not having sex in over a month helped to start the argument, but knowing my...

3 years ago
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Daddys Princess

I had come home earlier than I had planned with business a little slow at the store and plenty of help there. I figured I could use the time to load more stuff to my online store. I have a comfortable office at home and get more done when I'm alone and not being interrupted. Besides, I wasn't in the best of moods because of the argument with my wife Linda last night. Not having sex in over a month helped to start the argument, but knowing my wife as I did, I accused her of not having a similar...

2 years ago
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Daddys Problem

Daddy has this problem. He drinks a lot sometimes. I have a problem,too. I've always wanted to touch his dick. I don't know why, but since Iwas about 7 or so I've watched to touch it. I've been able to check it outsometimes, like when he comes out of the shower, or we change together atthe pool. As I've gotten older (I'm 10 now) I've also wondered what itmight taste like. I've looked up stuff on the Internet, and it's only madewe want to do it more. In fact, just last night I was looking for...

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Daddys Little Whore pt1

I was only 18 when I first noticed my father looking at me differently. Suddenly a developing new young woman, I was growing breasts and my hips were growing wider. As my father noticed my body taking on a more womanly shape, his looks turned from affectionate glances to leering stares of desire.Part of me liked the attention, but mostly I found it sickening that his eyes seemed to undress me every time he caught sight of me. My mother was much too concerned with her own problems to notice, and...

2 years ago
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Daddys Little Whore pt2

When the water was hot, he pulled me in with him and proceeded to bathe me. He took care to gently wash my breasts, my genitals, and my ass. Then he ordered me to bathe him as well. I copied his ministrations, softly soaping his body and rinsing it, paying special attention to his hard throbbing cock, his large swollen balls, and his ass.When I finished, he pulled me out and we dried each other off. He ordered me to bring him a pair of boxers and a robe. I did go and even helped him dress. Then...

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Daddys home

Finally I got the word that big daddy was heading home. Almost immediately I began making plans and arrangements to be in his arms as soon as possible. a week in vegas? seven days on a beach? At this point a week stuck in a random hotel room with my baby and daily room service make me perfectly hapy as long as he is by my side. All I can think about is meeting at the airport and feeling his big arms wrapped around me. Throwing him the keys I lift my skirt and get into the front seat. As soon as...

4 years ago
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Daddys reawakening Chap 6

Introduction: This story is pure fiction. All characters depicted are 18+. Chapter 6 – The next morning Good morning Tony. she said, waking me up while rubbing my back. I was in bed with Shannon, the woman whom I had met yesterday through work, and we were both fully nude. The morning sun reflected off her backside. Her flowing red hair spilled out onto her back and the surrounding pillows. Her full lips parted as she kissed me good morning and I was in heaven. Could I just stay here, quit...

2 years ago
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Daddys Little Girl Part 4

Introduction: Father and Daughter Romance Chapter Seven The next two weeks seemed to fly by. Lindsey met up with Ellie whenever possible to fuck. She was becoming more and more needy when it came to her love life. Now she was sitting on the side lines of the football field as the other boys and girls played soccer. She was so exhausted. The school quarter back sat down beside her, his small shorts and ripped shirt doing little to hide his muscular body. She eyed the huge lump in his shorts....

3 years ago
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Daddys Little Girl Part 3

Introduction: Father and Daughter Romance Chapter Four Lindsey yawned as she sat next to Ellie on the bleachers at school. I didnt sleep at all last night, Lindsey said. Ellie smirked. I did. You fucked me so good last night. I couldnt help but sleep. Oh, you look cute by the way. Lindsey knew that she was sexy. She had worn her tiny black shorts and pink sports bra to gym. But she was too tired to actually do anything. Ellie looked cute too. She was wearing her usual gray booty shorts and...

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