A Story Of A Friend free porn video

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my friend told my about his adventure and it goes like this :
My younger sister has many hot friends. But I never dreamt that my fantasies would come true...

This was my first story, I've been through it and found a few spelling mistakes (But it is in English English!!) and put some line breaks in to make it more readable. Enjoy!

I grew up in a big family, as the oldest of 4 I was always being annoyed one of my younger sibling. My sister Becky is 2 years my junior, but as I got older I found her less annoying as her friends started to get hotter. By the time she was 16 I was 18 and some of her friends were just stunning- all heights and shapes but every night I would lie in bed thinking of one (or more) of them. I used to trawl their Facebooks and MySpaces to find pictures of them, especially in the summer when the bikini pictures used to appear. Every now and again I would be “persuaded” to drive some of these hot girls somewhere and of course, living near the sea, the beach was a favourite.

The summer of 2007 I was preparing to go to University, and so when my family went off on holiday I opted to stay at home and work so I had a little bit more money to get me through my first year. I was at home one evening when my phone rang, I looked at the screen and saw it wasn't a number I recognised, curious I answered;


“James? It's Amy.”

Amy was one of my sister's hot friends. She probably wants a lift I thought;

“Hello Amy. What can I do for you? Do you want Becky 'cos she is on holiday.”

“No, it was you I wanted to talk to. You see my parents are away and the power in my house has just gone off. I know you are good with things like that and I wondered if you could come down and try and fix it.”

I had been working on building sites for a few summers and was known as a good handy man, so phone calls like this weren't uncommon from friends but the thought of going to Amy's house when her parents weren't there excited me. If nothing else it would mean next time I had a wank I could imagine her bedroom.

“Um” I paused, as I thought about all the things that might, but certainly wouldn't happen. “Sorry, I was miles away. I'll grab a few things and be down in a few minutes.”

“Great thanks”

“See you then!”

I ran round the house grabbing a few tools and then jumped into my car to drive the mile to Amy's house. Amy was then a curvaceous 16 year old, her arse wasn't small and tight but it was a fantastic shape and moved hypnotically as she moved. From the few times I had seen her on the beach I knew she had a little belly podge, but a fantastic set of boobs and some lovely long legs too. Her eyes were a pale blue grey and she had long glossy brown hair. The thoughts of her body filled my mind as I parked my car and walked to the front door but I knew that they would remain thoughts.
I reached towards the door bell and hesitated. I reached down and tucked my hard on into my waist band in the hope it would be a little less obvious!

I pressed the button, but then realised that the doorbell wouldn't work 'cos the power was off.

“Rat-at-tat-tat” I rapped on the door. A few seconds later it swung inwards, and I was presented with Amy. I forced myself to look her in the eyes (women, for some reason, don't like you staring at their tits).

“Hello. I assume its still off?” I said

“Yes, I have no idea what to do but Emma is coming over soon and I would like to be able to turn the lights on.” Amy was about 5”9 and curvy with it. Emma was 6” and slim, with a tight arse and dancer's body. She still had a lovely pair of boobs that weren't small either. My mind kicked into a higher gear as I dreamed of the possibilities...

I snapped myself back to reality.

“Right, where is the fuse box? Or is that a silly question?”

“I don't know” Amy responded.

“Ok, I'll have a look in the cupboard under the stairs.”

Amy turned and I followed her into the hall, my eyes resting on her beautiful behind for the few steps it took to get to the cupboard. I open the door, and sure enough the fuse box was there. I look in and realised that this would be easy. I pressed the reset button and pushed the RCD switch back up to on. All the lights in the house came on.

“Wow” Amy exclaimed “That was fast, what can I do to thank you” A few ideas came to mind.

“Would you like a beer?” She asked.


Few a few minutes we stood in her kitchen chatting, and I realised just how much I fancied Amy. She was dressed in a red strap top with a lacy top, and was clearly wearing a similar bra underneath. Her sexy legs were bare, and her bum was barely covered by a short blue denim skirt and when she had bent down to get a beer out of the fridge I had spotted red french knickers underneath it. As we chatted I was imagining her stood in front of me without the top or skirt and so of course I had a raging hard on. I suddenly realised that Amy's eyes kept glancing down towards my crotch, I blushed and so did she.

“Its a shame Emma is coming over” I said, “We could have gone out for a drink”

“James, are you asking me out?” She asked grinning. I took this as a positive sign;

“Well you are absolutely gorgeous.” I paused, for effect “Yes I am.”

“There is a problem with that” My heart sank “You see, my parents won't let me go out with boys my own age, they would never let me out of the house if the thought I had an older boyfriend”
Amy's phone rang in her pocket, which was a relief as I could foresee an awkward silence coming.

“Hello?... Oh hi Em... Are you sure?... Ok well lets meet up later in the week then... Sure. Friday?.... Great I'll see you on Friday then... Bye.”

I decided to seize the moment.

“I assume from what I heard that Emma isn't coming?”

“No, she isn't. Something about a family barbecue.”

“Well then, what about that drink?”

“But my parents...” I cut in;

“Are on holiday for the next ten days. Anyway I'm not just some random older guy. But lets worry about that when we get there!” This evening was going almost as well as I could dream. Sure I wasn't having a threesome with Amy and Emma, but I was about to go on a sort of date with one of my sister's hottest friends.

“Oh all right then”

We walked around the corner to the nearest bar, and I bought a few drinks. After two rum and cokes Amy was a little bit wobbly and the bartender suddenly realised that he hadn't see any proof she was old enough so I decided it was time to walk Amy home. All evening I had been trying not to stare down the front of her top, but at times the temptation was too great but I don't think she saw me.

When we got to her front door, I put my arms around her and kissed her on the lips. I was surprised when I felt her tongue slide between my lips, but I responded and for a few moments our tongues danced. She pulled away;

“We shouldn't do this here. I don't want the neighbours talking to Dad.” She gave me a very hot look “Come in for a few moments.” She turned and unlocked the front door. I followed her into the house, and she walked straight up the stairs.

“I like where this is going” I thought. I followed me, again taking the opportunity to stare at her bottom.

“Are you staring at my arse again James?” I knew I had been caught.

“How did you know?” I was glad she was still walking away from me so she couldn't see me blush.

“Because you have stared at my arse at every opportunity for the last 3 years.”


“I know. Its a fantastic arse isn't it? My room is through that door.” She pointed to one that said 'Amy' on it “I'm just going to the toilet.”

I went in and sat on the end of the bed. After a few minutes of waiting I heard the door of the toilet open and a hand came round the door frame and dimmed the lights. Then Amy walked into the room. I blinked.

She was only wearing her bra and knickers. Between her boobs was a silver heart, hanging on a fine silver chain. The bra was red and lacy, her boobs at least a C probably bigger. Her stomach wasn't flat, but the gentle rolling shape was somehow sexier than the perfection. She had a wonderful all over golden tan and as she walked towards me she span around.

“See anything you like?” The sight of her bum, encased in red lace brought my already hard knob to full attention.

“A few things” I retorted, trying to sound cool and nonchalant.

She pushed me back onto the bed and lay down beside me. With in seconds our tongues had resumed their dance, only this time my hands weren't appropriately place on her back. They were tucked down the back of her pants on her bum. Amy's hands were roaming all over my back under my shirt. She pulled back and started to unbutton my shirt;

“I always loved it when you came to the beach. When you don't have a shirt on I always fancied you so much”

I couldn't think of anything to say so I elected to stay quiet. Instead I placed my hands around her neck and pulled her towards me for another long kiss. Amy got up off the bed and stood with one hand on her hips.

“Come here” She said. I came here, standing. Expecting a kiss, I was surprised when her hands dropped down to my crotch. The feeling of her hands rubbing me through my trouser ran up my body like an electric shock. She looked into my eyes and then back down. Her hands fumbled momentarily with my fly before my trousers fell to the floor.
“Oh. I love skin tight boxers. Mmmmm... You look great.”

“Well I'm not the only one. You look practically edible. In fact, give me half a chance I will eat you.”

“Maybe later. Right now I want you to go and sit on my bed”

I sat on her bed with my back against the headboard and she came and straddled me. Again we kissed, the feeling of our skin in contact was fantastic, every new experience was turning me on more, and despite my experience with women I was turned on more now than ever.

As we kissed she ground her pussy against me. I could feel the warmth through my boxers, the feeling of this girl I had fancied for so long here with me was almost overwhelming. I concentrated on making sure I didn't cum too soon. Our bodies were hot and sticky, we were both softly groaning and we got more and more turned on. The feeling of her soft pussy massaging my cock through two layers of cloth was incredible.

I reached behind Amy and undid the clasp of her bra. Her boobs swung free and I caught a glimpse of the label of her garment. 34D. Her large pink nipples were hard, and because she was sat on my lap they were almost in my face. I pulled her towards me and started to kiss her boobs, starting in the valley and spiralling upwards. When I reached her nipples I playfully nibbled them. Her moan instantly doubled in volume. I bit a little harder, turned on my her noises and the increasingly frenetic pace of her grinding. Amy suddenly started pushing harder against me, her moans turning into cries;

“Oh God. Oh yes. James” Amy slowed down again, leaning towards me a kissed me. “I have never done anything like this. I've only ever had orgasms on my own before” She gave a wolfish grin. “I want to taste your cum James”

“OK then.” I grinned back. Not believing my luck as she climbed off me. I got off the bed, stood up and started to take off my boxers.

“I wanted to do that” Amy complained. I stopped and she knelt down in front of me. She ran her hands over the bulge in my boxers making me tingle all over, and then slid them onto my hips where the waist band was. She slid them down with her face just inches from my cock. As my boxers slid down it sprang free and hit her in the face, leaving a ring of precum on her check. My underwear reached my ankles and I stepped out of them.

“I've never seen a penis before. Its a good job Emma told me what to do.” She said with a very sexy giggle.

Amy ran a finger the length of my hard knob, and then leant in and licked my end.
“Mmmmmm...” we moaned in synchronisation.

Her lips parted and she swallowed me. I groaned again, and she reached up and gently fondled my balls. I knew I wouldn't last long, and then Amy looked up into my eyes when sucking my cock. It was unbelievably sexy, her blue grey eyes wide and yet piercing.

She moaned, and the vibrations of her voice added to the experience and sending another shiver through my body. Amy started to slide her mouth up and down me, her fingers gently tickling my bollocks.

“Oh God Amy. You are going to make me cum”

She moaned with excitement, and the vibrations tipped me over the edge. My body tensed as I let fly, Amy took my load in her mouth and swallowed. She reached up and milked my knob for every drop.

“Mmmmm” She moaned. Amy pulled back “That tasted good.”

“Well we have got all night, so I am sure I can fine you some more.”

“We will definitely have to revisit this, but there are several things that I want to do. And you did promise to eat me.”

She gave me another smoking look, and stood up. As Amy stood she dragged her hands over my flaccid member and then pressed herself against me and kissed me. I already felt my knob becoming hard again, and I ran my hands down her back and onto her bum again. I massaged her behind as she returned the favour. Our bodies sweaty and sticky, grinding against each other. I slid down and kissed the front of her knickers, the scent of her pussy filling my nose. I pulled down her pants and pushed Amy back onto the bed. Her arse was on the edge of the bed and I placed my head between her legs and smelt her.

“You smell so tasty. I can't wait to taste you.” I leant forward and ran my tongue the length of her. I felt Amy shudder and her legs closed around my head.

“Oooohhhh” She called out. She tasted incredible, the unmistakable flavour of pussy. I slid my tongue into her and she groaned again. Amy wrapped her legs around the back of my head and pulled me into her. My nose ground into her moist pussy and my tongue slid deeper. I flicked the tip of my tongue up over her clit and Amy shrieked. I continued to lick her clit and slid two fingers inside her wet tasty pussy.

“James.... Oh God...” She started to push against me and buck as she got more and more close to climax. I could feel her pussy tightening around my fingers as my tongue continued to dart over her clitoris.

“Yeeeaaassss!” She called out as she reached her second orgasm of the night. I pulled my fingers from her and licked them clean.

“Do I really taste that good?” Amy asked.

“Oh yes.” I grinned at her.

“I want to taste.” I ran my fingers across her clit and into her pussy, being rewarded with a shiver. I stood up and lay next to her on the bed, presenting my fingers to her, she gripped my wrist and started to very sexily lick my fingers. Once she was certain that they were clean, I pulled her close to me and kissed her again. Amy pushed me onto my back a lay on top of me, grinding against me as our tongues linked. The feeling of her pussy against my cock was incredible, the wet warmth of her was making me very randy.

“Oh God I want you so much” I said.

“Me too. Will it hurt?”

“We'll take it easy. You set the pace. I am all yours.” Amy's eyes lit up.

“All mine?”

“All yours. I'll do anything.”

She sat up, still straddling me, my cock resting under her hot and sticky pussy. She rose up, and wrapped one hand around the base of my shaft, then slowly settle onto me. Amy's pussy was so tight. It was like putting my knob into a hot wet vise.

“Oh Amy” I groaned.

“James” she replied. “Ohhhh” She cried out as she came to rest on my hips. She bit her lip, and fixed me with another incredible look. Her pupils were like saucers and she had never looked sexier.
“Wow James. I have NEVER felt like this.” She started to bounce up and down on me. I was sliding in and out of her. As she fucked me I could see her wonderful chest bouncing and swinging. I reached up and placed one hand on each tit. I played with her hard nipples as we both started to moan.

“Oh God” She cried out. I started to feel the waves of tightening that told me that Amy was close to her first real orgasm. The waves flowing in her pussy brought me closed to cuming again too. It was then I realised what was happening.

I was fucking my sister's hot friend. A girl I had been wanking over for 3 years. These thoughts almost made me cum. I concentrated. I wanted to cum with her. To make Amy's first time everything it could be.

“James, I think I am going to cum”

“Me too Amy”

Amy started to bounce harder on my hips. I returned the thrusts, pushing deeper and deeper into her.
“Oh God.” She cried. The clenchings in her getting stronger.

I thrust harder and came inside her, pumping my hips in and out, delivering another jet with each push.

We both screamed in mutual orgasm and then slid down next to each other. Satiated for a while, satisfied, locked in each others arms enjoying the post coital glow.

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Story Reader Se Chat Friend

Hi friends, I am jay from mumbai. 37 male married. I like enjoying with different styles. Me and my wife enjoy at the fullest. I wrote one story in gujju and after reading that story I got many responses. Story was about how I n my wife enjoy playing child hood game doctor doctor. After reading this story I got many responses and mails. Thanks to all. Out of this I recd a mail from a girl aged 25. Her name was let’s say p. She liked my story very much and especially the typical words I used in...

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Backstory Ch 02

Note: This is Part II of the backstory on Jim and Monique, two grieving lovers who find each other on a private island in the South Pacific. In the previous installment, Jim meets Monique, who has anchored on the far side of his island, secretly, to stock up on fresh water before sailing to Hawaii. He tells her that if she had only asked he would have given her all the fresh water she wanted, and cooked dinner for her, too. In this installment, she takes him up on his offer. ———— December 27...

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As i play with her hole her hand leaves my pussy and rubs all my pussy juice over her hole and then back to my pussy to work her magic. I continue to play with her hole which is now very wet from my juice that she put there so my finger could slide in eagerly she is now on all fores but with one hand still working my pussy this gives me an idea. I unlock our tongues and remove her hand from my pussy and get behind her, as my tongue starts on her ass hole i can taste my own juices all over...

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my bestfriends

my first threesome i was 18 at the time just moved back to my home town with my father, he interdosed me to the rest of my family that i had never met, well i did but when i was just a baby anyway, a cuple months after i started to chill with these 2 guys but i didnt no what to do cuz both of them were my bestfriends for a long time but at the same time were like my play mates. one night when i was just hanging around talking with scott he asked me if i would have sex with...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the Friendzoned

‘What’s wrong, Tish?’ ‘Oh nothing, Chaz. I just got friendzoned by a guy I like, um, used to like. He’s number one on my shitlist now.’ ‘I know the feeling.’ Charlie’s Story And I do know the feeling. I’d spent almost two years mired in the friend zone of Trisha’s roommate. But this isn’t about Lisa. I came upon Tish as she walked across the campus of our large midwestern university, and I noticed she was crying and I wanted to cheer her up. So, I put on my best knight-in-shining-armor...

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My first fuckfriend

It was back in college when it all started. I was having a hard time having a girlfriend back then and all my friends were telling me about how they’ve fucked already. She was 2 years younger, I’ll call her ‘A’, and lived in another city, 2 hours drive. We started talking on the internet, we liked eatch-other, and started dating. At first I went to visit her, but than she came and visited me in my city. We were starting to live a nice love story, talking for hours at a time, but we didn’t get...

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My Two Bestfriends

I sat in class Friday afternoon waiting for the bell to ring. It was sooo boring just sitting here in my last period. I just wanted to get out of there so I could meet up with my two best friends. My best friends names were Daniel and Rachel. Mine is Jason. I had known them since I was 8. I was now 17. Rachel and Daniel were 16. We always hung out with each other after school and I expected today to be just like any other day. Finally the bell rang! I immediately grabbed my books, dashed out...

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Bestfriend to sexfriend

My name is Amy. My bestfriend, who also happens to be my new recent ‘fuck buddy’, is Joey. We have known each other since the 7 th grade. All through high school we were quite flirtatious with each other, but never once acted upon it. Until now. I’m 18, and he just recently turned 19. On his birthday he asked me to go to the beach with him. So I made sure I had a nice clean shaven pussy, and then I put on the sexiest bikini I own. It’s skanky, and hot pink, and it’s thin enough that when my...

1 year ago
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Gay sex while out from Gfriends

We were planning to have a couples trip down to a lake for the weekend. Just 4 of us as me and my coworker ended up telling out gfs that we would go to check out the place. They told us to just call ahead but we had plans of our own and thought this would be the perfect time to go by ourselves. We got to the place after a nice little drive and rented it for the night for ourselves. It was right by the lake and was a good distance between the other cabins, offering some much needed privacy. We...

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One night touch from SecretFriends

Story taken from SecretFriends.com forum!I'm relaxing in a luxurious motel room in Northern Florida, watching out the window every now and then and wondering what the hell I'm doing here. I realize what brought me south; a holiday trip to visit a relative in Georgia, but what made me stop here in this five-star motel on my way home? I recognize what I'm doing isn't right, but, this time, I’m just out of control. Or I must accept that I want to be out of control. And then again, my deviant mind...

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"What a neat little doll, Ashley!", Corrina exclaimed."Where'd you pick it up?" Corrina turned the odd little dollaround into the light to get a better look at it.Ruffling a page in her magazine, Ashley snuffled. "Oh, **that**old thing? I picked it up in Rhodes, on vacation with myfolks. Its older than dinosaur shit, I've been told"."Lemme see it", requested Zenobia, reaching out her hand forthe little statuette. Corrina passed it to her. "It doeslook kinda old", she commented. Ashley's little...

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My wife made a new friend, her name was * and she was a curvaceous dark haired beauty, usually I don’t have much time for her friends, but for * I always made an exception and would find myself staring at her body and fantasing about her, as we both had families I thought that is as far as it would go…On this occasion she was staying over for the night as my wife and her were having a few drinks, she had never stayed over before and I noticed we exchanged a few glances throughout the evening,...

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How I became a bisexual guy. My story. It started when I was young. Like most teens growing up, my hormones were in a rage. Often, when it got to the boiling point, I found a restroom and took care of my erection. I masturbated several times a week. It was during those moments of masturbating, sometimes I found that no matter how long I pumped away, I was no closer to cumming than when I first started. I had no problem fantasizing about girls or the things that I could not wait to try. Up to...

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Kim Kardashian banged by Ray J his friendsInterrac

Sex StoryMy boyfriend Ray J had kept in contact with several of his college buddies over the years and they would meet on weekends to do things together. Over the years they began to get pretty competitive with their activities and to add money to their quests. At first it did not concern me as he would loose $25.00 over a weekend or come home a winner with several hundred dollars that he always used to pamper me. However, as their competitiveness continued to increase the losses starting...

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My Sons Gurlfriend

My 22yr old son called and invited me to dinner to meet his girlfriend. She was a very cute young lady. I was sure she was a transexual right away. Not sure what gave her away but I could tell. I later asked him if she was and he admitted as such. I told him I was totally fine with her and not to be ashamed. Several months later he told me they had broke up and I could tell he was heart broken and invited him out to my place for dinner. We set a date for the next evening. I starting preparing...

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91 AVIS AND HER LADYFRIENDS My friend Carol called me up one morning and asked if I would like to meet for some shopping and lunch. Since Jon and I would have the day to ourselves, I agreed and we met at the local mall. Carol approached me and unexpectedly kissed me there in the entrance way to the mall. "Good morning" she said as I looked back in mild shock. "Did I shock you?" she asked. I said I was a bit surprised, but then let it go and off we went shopping. Around noon we stopped at...

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My first fuckfriend

It was back in college when it all started. I was having a hard time having a girlfriend back then and all my friends were telling me about how they've fucked already. She was 2 years younger, I'll call her "A", and lived in another city, 2 hours drive. We started talking on the internet, we liked eatch-other, and started dating.At first I went to visit her, but than she came and visited me in my city.We were starting to live a nice love story, talking for hours at a time, but we didn't get to...

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My Cockfriend

I met him on the internet and found out he lived quite close to me. Our arrangement was settled long before our first meeting; him naked and hard, me between his legs, with a raging hard-on of my own, ready to welcome him into my wet mouth. He made it clear after our first session that he was interested in regularly getting together, that he didn't want this to be just a once in a while kind of thing. I agreed, trying not to show too much of my elation at his words. I started thinking of him as...

1 year ago
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Feminized by my first girfriend

This story was sent to me by a friend but it is totally true :About 6 months ago I joined a gym because I have never had a very masculine body and now that I just turned 21 it was time to finally get off my butt and try to build some muscle. That is where I met my girl friend Brook who stands 5' 9", has a fantastic body and a gorgeous face. She looks like Tia Carrere who was in Wayne's World and True Lies but in my opinion much hotter. I have always had a thing for hot asian girls so when she...

4 years ago
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My First Time Cuckolding with an Old Girffriend

An old girlfriend recently contacted me over Facebook, just to say hello and keep tabs on how our lives were going. We struck up a renewed relationship, and things were going well, very cordially, although there was always something in the back of my mind that had me asking myself what it would be like to be with her again, despite my commitments to my current partner. Then, during one chat session, she asked if I would call her. I did. We spoke several times over a few weeks-- she lived in a...

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Revenge of the Friendzoned

"What's wrong, Tish?""Oh nothing, Chaz. I just got friendzoned by a guy I like, um, used to like. He's number one on my shitlist now.""I know the feeling."Charlie's StoryAnd I do know the feeling. I'd spent almost two years mired in the friend zone of Trisha's roommate. But this isn't about Lisa. I came upon Tish as she walked across the campus of our large midwestern university, and I noticed she was crying and I wanted to cheer her up. So, I put on my best knight-in-shining-armor...

Straight Sex
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The picnic The beginning of an amazing friendshi

This is a story of how CC and H got started. My company had an announcement to make to all the employees and wanted to do it with a picnic. H and I somehow got nominated to put this all together. A few had past and I was really busy again and H was kind of stuck doing most of it . So I decided to talk CC into helping. She is a great planner. H is our office manager and had all of that to deal with to plus she was going through a rough divorce . CC and I have both been down that...

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My First Sexual Encounter With Girlffriend

Hey, there, I am newbie writer and this is my first sex story. It is the true sex story of myself and my GF. It was when we were in the second year of engineering. We both were at my place after a long time. After completing the everlasting submissions and exam period, finally, we met. I placed the key on the refrigerator and offered her a glass of water. She accepted it mocking like a queen and handed me the half empty glass with a teasing smile. I sensed the mischief and smiled at her. We...

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Awesome Threesome With Two Bestfriends

Hello friends my self sanjubaba. I am 23 years old. This is my first​ story on Indian Sex Stories. For feedback and any girl or aunty wants to have fun mail me at secrecy is guaranteed. About my self I’m 23 year old single guy who enjoys and obsessed to sex.i can satisfy a girls and aunties with my 6.5 inch tool. I live in ahmedabad. Girls and aunties from ahmedabad as well as from other city can contact me for sexual fun. so coming to story during my college time i had many friends who were...

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I have always dreamed of fucking my mom and her mom ,my nephews mother I want to fuck her two. For years they have filled my spank bank and made me shoot gallons of cum, unfortunately not inside eather one.My best friend from c***dhood, well his mother is no different as far as my cock is concerned. And to fuck her is not as good as sex with my own mother, but it is the next best thing. Especially the way I fucked her. I mean the way we fucked her. Well I guess I mean the way me and my best...

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wife fucked by her friendss

VISIT on www.papahaxx.com to see more top rated stories like theseHI I am Mayank. I am great fan of human digest stories, for many a days I was thinking of sharing my real life experience but was bit hesitant. But today I just want to share my experience so that other readers can get the fun and enjoyment out of it which I got.The incident is about my wife Nyati, she is 24 age perfect figure and nice handful boobs,nice height and can drive any guy crazy by her looks. We are being married 2 yrs...

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My Crush Became My Fuckfriend

Well coming to the story friends, her name is Seema of shapes 38D-38-40 D. She is a hot chick in our office little black in complexion but highly busty nearly of 31 years age but single yet. I always used to see her boobs whenever she comes in front of me and if she is ahead , u know what i stare at … I always think of getting a chance of fucking her ass. Guys, whenever she is walking you should see of the way they swing, I bet any would go mad over them. Coming to the story… One day it got...

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My Wifes Best Girfriend

My Wife's Best Girlfriend (cd, mf, cons) by Princess Pervette "I'll bet that butt of yours would look good in panties," my wife said one morning when we were getting dressed. We had been swinging singles before we married, and if my workload had permitted, I suppose we would have been a swinging couple now, but I wasn't prepared for a remark like that. I gaped at her and said, "Huh?" "I said, you'd look good in panties. You've got a really neat ass." She grinned. "That isn't...

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A New Gurlfriend

A New Gurlfriend by Paul1954 Discovery - May 14th, 1999 William Alistair Burns slammed the door shut, threw down his wet umbrella in the corner of the hallway, and started to remove his wet overcoat as he examined the drawn, and pale looking face that stared back at him in the mirror. He had just been through another piss awful day at the office and had arrived home late once again feeling mentally drained and physically exhausted, and he was really looking forward to winding...

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Marsha Seduces Her Daughters Best FriendbyMarsham

Marsha smoothed back her red hair and walked slowly toward her front door. She was in the middle of her workout and not eager to greet a door-to-door salesman, or for that matter anyone who'd talk long enough that her heart rate would slow. She needed to keep it at 80% of her maximum rate for 45 minutes if she was going to keep the cellulite from building up on her 41-year-old thighs.She opened the door and was surprised to see Amy, the 18 year old friend of Marsha's daughter Emily."Amy, come...

2 years ago
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Melissas sissy boifriend

The week before my state college's winter break I was eating in our lunch hall reading one of my magazines when a loud and commanding female voice asked, "Is anyone sitting here?" I quickly looked up and my heart rate skyrocketed upwards when I realized that it was Melissa the meanest girl from my high school. To say that this girl is mean is in my mind at least, an understatement. I can still remember the first week she came to our small Northern Virginia high school from NY, she beat...

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