Skunk Junkies_(1) free porn video

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Allen and I had several things in common which drew us into friendship early in college. We were both from small towns and we fell somewhere between the labels of "dweebish" and "geekish". Throw in a little "nerdish" and I think you get the idea.

We weren't bad looking. Just skinny and socially awkward, especially when it came to girls. If one looked our way, we looked the other. Girls were like mysterious goddesses and we had no idea how to approach them.

You might imagine the humor of one of us daring the other to talk to a pretty girl and how the other would gather himself and say he would do just that, as if some kind of magical bravado-dust had befallen him and his life was about to change forever. Of course, it never happened.

The most adhesive bond of our friendship was our brotherhood in something so diabolical and covert that we would not discuss it with anyone. We trusted our secret to each other while imagining just how evil and darkly wicked and depraved we were, far beyond any of those popular students who just had no idea.

Ours was a dark mission with certain dangers should we ever be found out. We called it “The Allegiance” because we were sworn to secrecy and even more because our secret was so licentious. What was our secret? We wanted to pay allegiance to girls' butts. Yes, we were that deviant. We were ass worshipers. Can you imagine the danger? Imagine being discovered wanting to kneel behind girls and fondle their buttocks and kiss them and speak words of reverence and devotion.

The popular guys might rule the daylight, but we ruled the miscreant night. Only we were brave enough to pursue that great decadence. We were the pioneers, or at least, we would be some day. Then, how the others would applaud!

And, we had an icon. We had full-sized, full color posters of Jessica Biel on each of our doors. She was the supreme goddess of The Allegiance. We bowed to her. We kissed her ass until the posters dissolved and then we got others. We pledged devotion to her ample rear-end and we promised that someday, we would start the First Congregation of Biel and our people would all kneel and praise her ampleness and kiss it with reverence.

It seemed so wonderful. But, there was a problem: How in the hell would it ever happen if we couldn't even talk to girls? How would we worship any girl's rear-end if we were scared shitless of them?

In October, there were two days in which I couldn't find Allen. Then, on the third, he showed up. He was unkempt and his eyes were filled with excitement.

"I . . . I . . . did it!" he exclaimed.

"Did what?"

"Bryan, I did it. I actually did it!"

"You talked to a girl?"

"No. 'IT'. I did 'it'. Bryan, I kissed a girl's ass!"

Suddenly, he was either my greatest hero or my greatest liar. He explained how he had gotten down behind a girl and how she had an amazing butt and how she had willingly let him fondle her ass-loveliness and kiss her buttocks. And, he had met with her twice and he thought he might be in love---with her ass, of course.

I asked him how it had come about and he replied, "Bryan, you have to come with me!"

"With you? Where?"

He described a club at 7th and Atherton but when I told him I had never seen anything but the Mustang Bar on that site, he said it was in a basement, a private club with no signs.

"You have to come!" he insisted. "Bryan, heaven isn't a million miles away. Heaven is right here, at 7th and Atherton. You have to come. Keri wants to meet you."



"You kissed a Goth-girl's ass?"

"No, she's does memberships. She's not a Skunk."

"Skunk? What the hell . . . ?"

"A.J. Skunks. Name of the club. We're going. Tonight!"

He drove. I listened. He spoke of "going with the flow" and being “open to new things”. "Willingness, Bryan. Willingness. The willing shall inherit the flesh, or something like that.”

He parked his older Toyota. I was shaking more from apprehension than the cold night. We went to the back of the Mustang and down a narrow set of concrete steps to a dark green door.

Remember, Bryan. Willing. Eager. That is, if you want to be invited back."

He pushed a button and a feminine voice responded. Allen spoke two numbers, two letters, and two more numbers and the door opened. We entered what seemed to be a foyer. Although we heard party sounds, we could not see through a door ahead of us. A narrow hallway was to our left while a rustic counter top to our right had a tall blond girl writing in a ledger. She smiled but didn't bother to look up. She said Keri would be with us soon. She was wearing a black French maid's outfit with course mesh stockings. She was gorgeous and her legs were amazing.

Keri approached. She was about five-foot-two with orange-tinted auburn hair, a ring through her lower lip, and tattoos in various places. Allen introduced me and although she seemed friendly, she also seemed cautious.

"If you're Allen's friend, then I'm sure we'll be fine. If not, then you will get the fuck out of here and not come back. We have little tolerance for 'posers'."

She led us down the long hallway. She was wearing a floral peasant top with form-fitting khaki pants. Her butt was very round and, of course, I couldn't help but stare. Allen whispered, "Don't get any ideas. She's bi. Not a butt girl." She led us to a room that was about ten feet by ten feet and dimly lit. Allen and I sat on the floor.

"Allen says you are an ass worshiper, Bryan. Is that true?"

I somehow said that I was and told her about kneeling daily behind Jessica Biel and how I reverently kissed Jessica Biel's ass and spoke words of devotion to it and, well, maybe that was a fake Jessica, but if I ever met her, then I would do it for real. You could bet on that.

"Are you telling me that you would rather worship a girl's ass than fuck her?"

I didn't know what answer she wanted. I gave a shy nod.

"You would rather kiss a girl's ass than fuck her?" she asked again. I nodded. I shrugged.

She hit buttons of her cell phone and an Asian girl appeared wearing a similar French maid's outfit except that her short black dress had two white stripes down the center. Keri spoke softly to the girl who nodded and bowed and left. After an uneasy silence, there was a tap on the door followed by the most-stunning creature I had ever seen! She was brunette with dark eyes, a sculptured face, and a small mouth with full lips painted quite red. Her eyelashes were extended beneath iridescent aqua eye shadow.

"This is Aria" Keri announced. "Turn and show them all sides, Aria."

As the girl slowly turned, she seemed to absorb our adoring eyes. She was about five-foot-five and wearing a maid's dress with a single white stripe and her dress revealed her shapely thighs at the same level as my line of sight. She smiled as she slowly turned and then . . . her profile . . . her . . . her butt! She was wearing soft and thin white bikini panties that hugged her very round ass and when she was fully turned with her back to me, I could imagine every outline of her glorious glutious. I was in awe and filled with butt lust. She continued to turn and the vision of her bottom began to move out of sight.

Keri asked, "Now, if you are like Allen you would like to fondle Aria's ass, wouldn't you?"

My head bobbed more than I intended.

"Aria, why don't you give Bryan a little show? Give us a ninety."

Aria stepped toward me until she was standing no more than three feet from me as she began to slowly turn. Although I was young and healthy, I thought my heart would stop. She continued to turn until she was standing right before me . . . right before me! Her butt . . . her butt was . . . it was three feet directly in front of my face! Never had a girl's butt been so close! I was breathless. She was a goddess. I was nothing more than a butt-pauper.

Then, she did the something that will never, ever erase from my memory.

Aria put her hands on her hips, spread her feet as wide as her shoulders, and slowly, slowly began to bend at the waist. She continued to bend and her maid's dress rose and her pantied bottom became more and more visible as did the lust within me.

She bent more until I suddenly knew what Keri had meant by the word "ninety". Aria was bent over ninety degrees and her butt was practically in my face and I was practically out of my mind. It was round. It was full. It was heavenly. I wasn't worthy. But then, who could be?

"You may fondle, Bryan. Just the left side."

I was paralyzed. Allen poked me. "Do what you're told!"

I realized then that the rules of the game trumped everything. If I didn't do what was required, I would be kicked out. Although I had always craved feeling up a girl's ass, I was about to do it more from obedience than sheer butt lust.

My hand went to her lush left ass cheek and I timidly squeezed it with my fingers. My entire body shook. Allen whispered for me to actually feel it up and stop being so damned uptight. I wasn't uptight. I was just in awe of the first girl-ass I had ever touched. My hand cupped her ass and electric shocks went through me and the feel registered into the banks of my infinite memories.

Before I expected, Keri stopped my fondling of Aria's ass. I was so hopeful she would let me kiss it. It was right there in front of my face, bent over and beautiful. She HAD to let me kiss it! Even just one time! Let my lips go where my hand had been.

"Did you like that, Bryan?" Keri asked. My head was effusive with nods. Aria had straightened her posture, brushed her short dress into place, and stood facing us once again. "Do you want more? More might help you to pass the first test.”

"Test?" I managed to ask.

Allen whispered, "Yeah Bryan. Remember. Be willing."

"You want more of Aria's ass, don't you?” asked Keri. “Well, what you have so far is a tease. What comes next is a test. It may be easy for you. It may be difficult. Either way, it is essential. If you pass, you may be permitted to come here regularly and have all kinds of pretty butts. You want that don't you? Are you ready?"

Since I had no idea what the test was, I didn't know if I was ready or not. I had become so lost in overwhelming lust for Aria's ass that I would probably have tried anything. I nodded but she required me to speak so I forced myself to say "Yes".

"Very well then. Aria, give him another ninety."

I watched and panted and the shapely brunette turned and her butt-profile came into view and then . . . then, she was standing with her back to me once again. I could see her ass in those thin panties under that short frilly maid's dress. Then, she began bending. So did my insides. Her dress rose, her ass became visible, her panties stretched, and soon she was standing with a full bendover, right in front of my face. I marveled. I nearly prayed. I was so in awe.

Keri came close. "Just think how you could be with beautiful butts all the time. Ass goddesses. Imagine! Since you said you are ready for the test, then move your face closer. Yes, just like that. This is the test you must pass Bryan.” She paused and leaned closer. “Sniff her butt!"

What? What the hell? Ass worship was fondling and kissing but it sure as hell had never including sniffing someone's ass!

"Bryan, do it!" Allen added. "Do it! Don't fuck up!"

"Yes Bryan," Keri said. "Listen to your friend. He's already done it and his membership is already being processed. You want to be a member and have lots of ass like he will get, don't you? Now that you know how to get it, put your nose right there . . . " she said while pointing to the very center of Aria's stretched panties. "Right there and then smell her!" When nothing happened for a few seconds, she commanded, "NOW Bryan! If you know what's good for you, then sniff her butt! NOW!"

Her command was forceful and as a person, I am not, so it was more the strength of her voice that caused me to push my face forward and my nose into Aria's dark canyon and then . . . okay I admit it . . . I . . . I sniffed her butt.

It was awful! My face twisted and my head yanked backward until two hands stopped me.

"Keep smelling her!" Keri admonished while Allen agreed.

The hands pushed my head forward and I didn't resist and my nose went into the seat of Aria's panties and I sniffed her again and again. The smell was revolting but I figured if I did it this time and became a member, I wouldn't be required to do it again. I smelled her over and over and my face wrenched. I mean, I was . . . I was sniffing a girl . . . well, you know where. You know what she does there. And I had to smell it? I thought I would hurl but I kept doing as I was told. It was NOT ass worship, but it was also not negotiable so I kept sniffing until Keri told me to stop and the two hands pulled my head back. Aria straightened herself and turned to face us. She seemed to have a bit of a satisfied smile.

"You did well," Keri praised. "Do you know why it was important for you to do that? It's because we get guys who say they are ass worshipers but all they want is to take a couple of licks then move on to trying to fuck the girl. Nooooo, that is not an ass worshiper. We learned a long time ago that the one thing that TRUE ass worshipers have in common is smell. They all love it. So, if a guy isn't a true ass worshiper, we'll find out soon enough. Those types all run out of here like wimpy little puppies with their tails between their legs. But the sniffers, yeah, that's what we want."

Ass worship suddenly seemed bigger and more defined than I had ever imagined.

"Although you did well, Bryan, you haven't passed the test."

What? How could I not have passed? I had sniffed Aria's ass just like she told me to and for as long as she told me to.

"There's a second part and it is as important. You see . . . " she moved closer. "You see . . . ass goddesses must KNOW that you love their smell. If the smell is what separates ass worshipers from the rest then you must let her know that you love it. Ass goddesses are here to be adored. If you don't adore their smell, then you are a poser and they have no use for you.”

Allen nudged me again. "Listen. It's important."

"So Bryan," Keri said, "you will sniff Aria's butt. You will sniff it and smell it fully and you will tell her that you are in love with that smell. Do you understand? It doesn't matter if you love it or not as long as you say words that convince her."

Again, Aria turned her butt to me and she bent over just as before and I was staring at her widened hips and the shadowed crevice of her panties and I knew what I had to do. Somehow, I knew it was right. I was beginning to understand that buttsniffing was indeed part of ass worship and either I adjusted to it I wasn't a worshiper and I had to look for some other erotic pursuit, the prospect of which made me fearful. I knew they were right. I had to put my nose in Aria's ass and I had to not only smell it and say I loved it, but I had to somehow, someday get myself to actually love it.

My head went forward almost as if on its own and I buried my face in Aria's round ass. I felt her butt cheeks against my face cheeks. Her cheeks were soft yet taut while mine felt flushed. Then . . . I . . . I smelled it. It was as if I was smelling it for the first and I suppose that is because I was smelling girl-ass on my own for the first time. I had to force myself to keep my face snug against her buttocks because the smell was almost overpowering. I mean, it was . . . it was smelling her ... back "there" . . . you know. This time, no one was pushing my head. I was willingly smelling it. I sniffed again and winced but forced myself to keep my face right there. I sniffed again and again and I can't say that the more I sniffed the easier it was, but I mademyself to do it anyway.

"Stop!" Keri commanded. "Now, look directly at her and say how much you love her smell."

I did as she commanded even though I had to lie. I did it by substitution. What I mean is that while I was saying how much I loved the smell of her ass I was mentally substituting that I loved fondling her butt cheeks. I told her I craved the smell of her ass while actually remembering the feel of it cupped in my hand. “Your ass smells like heaven”--- (your butt cheeks are angelic and should be kissed 24/7) ---- that kind of thing.

Keri was pleased but not fooled. Even so, she said it was okay. "Anyone who would struggle with it that much but speak those words anyway is good enough to be considered."

Unlike Allen, I was required to stay for an hour and keep my nose in Aria's rear-end, smelling her and telling her how much I loved it. When Allen picked me up later he seemed pleased that I had grown in the appreciation of girl-ass and I had to agree because, for whatever reasons, I hadn't bothered to rid my face of her scent.

Allen gained a conditional membership in just four days. Mine took six. We were told that conditional memberships lasted for eight weeks and at the end of that time, we needed to have achieved full membership or we would lose all membership altogether. Of course, we wanted to know how to gain full membership and that is why Allen scheduled a day for his second test and within hours, I scheduled my day.

With our conditional memberships, we went to A.J.'s nd those small rooms and the Skunk girls with their black maid's outfits with single white stripes came to us and we fondled and kissed and, of course because it was required, we butt sniffed a lot of girls and praised their smell. I was still faking part of that appreciation but I found myself perhaps accruing somewhat of an addiction.

Then, Keri met with Allen to indoctrinate him into full membership. He came home dazed and mumbling and unable to explain why.

My appointment was the next day with doubts about whether I could do whatever was required. I was led to a room nearer the end of the long hallway.

Keri ushered a half-dozen girls into the room to stand before me while I was sitting on the floor. They were gorgeous and all dressed in skunk outfits except that they all bore two white stripes front and back. Keri told me I would choose the one girl who appealed to me most/ She had them turn around and do nineties and that is when I thought I might have fallen in love.

There was a girl near the end of the line with perfectly spread hips and a perfect rear-end with canyon shadows down the center of her thin panties. Although I had struggled to love the smell of girls' butts, I had all I could do to keep from leaping forward and burying my nose in that girl's ass and smelling it fully. She was THAT gorgeous. In a way, I think that might have been the very first time that I ever truly worshiped a girl's ass because that is the first time I truly wanted to smell it.

Keri had them straighten and turn to face me again. Then she asked which I preferred but I was so in awe of the perfectly-reared, honey-blond girl that I couldn't even speak. She looked to be about 20 with hazel eyes that quickly took me captive.

Keri saw where I was looking and reacted, "Then Shay it will be. The rest of you are dismissed."

I suddenly realized something: Sniffing Shay's butt, or any girl, is the most intimate and personal way of experiencing a girl. She is permitting you to breathe in her most-intimate and most-private place, giving you something that is extraordinarily personal. That alone is worthy of appreciation which includes adoration which equals ass worship. And, since I had learned that true ass worship didn't exist without buttsniffing and speaking words of love for a girl's most private scent, then it meant to adore Shay, I needed to sniff her butt and love it. I suppose my eyes were like that of a droopy and pleading puppy dog.

I was so ready to smell her and when Keri had her turn around and ninety herself into position, my nose went eagerly to her ass and I truthfully worshiped her smell. It was honest worship; pure and unmitigated. I sniffed and praised and smelled and adored. I became lost in the depths of Shay's dark and mysterious wonderland. Buttsniffing had made no sense in the beginning but now, with this hazel-eyed girl, it made all of the sense in the world and it was easy to tell her how much I loved her ass and her smell.

Shay was told to step away and stand-to. When she did, our eyes locked and hers seemed as if she accepted me. I mean, maybe she wanted me to be her boyfriend. Maybe she loved my nose in her ass or maybe my over-wrought expressions of adoration.

Keri explained that to get a permanent membership, I still had to pass “the second test”. She asked if I wanted more of Shay and I said “Yes! Yes!” and Keri emphasized, "It's all or nothing now, Bryan. Either you pass or you fail. If you fail, you're out of here. You want to kiss Shay's ass don't you?"

My head cranked up and down like a bobble-head.

"Then, remember, it's now or never. Comprende'?"

I had to have more of Shay. I had to kiss that girl's ass. I wanted membership and I wanted to sample more Skunk girls. I wanted to become a true ass worshiper.

Keri advised Shay to resume her ninety position and for me to once again start sniffing because "It will get you better prepared for the test".

After several minutes, she told me to stop but to keep my face in Shay's ass. I felt Keri's face come close to my left ear. "Now Bryan, this is very special and maybe not easy. But it's necessary if you want Shay's ass and all of the joys of A.J.'s."

With my face still in Shay's butt, I nodded slightly.

"Then, you keep your face right there. No matter what, you keep your face right there. Now or never, buttface. Understand?"

I nodded again. I would do anyth----


I felt it. It couldn't be! Shay had pushed her butt back slightly and then she had . . . she had . . . Shay farted in my face! She had just farted, right in my faceI I struggled. Then, I stopped. It was my fate. I had to have her. I had to take it.

"Do it again, Shay!" Keri ordered and once again, air wafted through Shay's panties and spread over my face. This time, it lasted much longer and the heat of it warmed my skin while the thought of it wrenched my guts.

"Keep your face in her ass, Bryan. Now or never! You know that!"

Shay looked over her left shoulder and back at me. She had a coquettish smile and I felt her hips move and then . . . once again . . . she farted right in my face! Unlike before, I didn't struggle. I accepted it. I surrendered to it. Why?

The answer came as quickly as the question. I was looking into Shay's eyes and she was looking into mine and that had made it very personal. Our eyes being locked and her fart coming into my face was like some kind of deep, deep communication; like some intimate connection was happening between us.

With a small smile, she farted again, right in my face. I received it as a very personal and private gift and not one she would give to just anyone. She was giving me something from her very essence and by inhaling her farts, I was consuming some intimate part of her. I stopped all manner of resistance and I smelled her. I earnestly and honestly smelled Shay's farts and took them in and knew that we were somehow bonding in strange but deep basis.

Keri was pleased and said it was better than how Allen had done and I felt proud. Odd to think about that; feeling proud to be a fartface.

Shay tapped the side of my face and I again looked into her eyes and she farted and I kept looking while I fully breathed her in. And so it went for quite some time.

I think Keri noticed our budding relationship because she dismissed Shay and brought in another girl who bent over and farted in my face while Keri challenged me to prove that fart-smelling wasn't just because of Shay. I did the best I could but the new girl's farts were were deeper and darker and nastier. And, she wasn't Shay. Even so, I did actually begin to adapt because I realized that no matter who the girl was, she was giving me something very special and personal and for that reason, I needed to love and appreciate and be grateful. And so I inhaled. I smelled the new girl's farts completely.

Later, Keri brought Shay back so I could fondle and kiss her butt cheeks and she even let Shay sit on my face and fart for ten minutes. Then, she brought in the other girl and had me do the same with her.

When I got home, I was excited. I told Allen how I had fallen in love with Shay's ass and then her farts and how I had taken it from the second girl just the same and how Keri believed I was enough of a true ass worshiper that she was forwarding my profile to the administrators for full membership.

Just as we received news that we would become full members, I asked Keri why facefarting was so important to A.J. Skunk's. She reminded me about the word “smell” and how farts were convincing evidence of true ass worship, at least at A.J. Skunk's.

“It's not an accident that most of the girls here are dressed like skunks. You put your faces in their butts and they spray you with their scent. See? Skunk girls." And she explained the meaning of stripes. No stripes meant a girl was not into ass worship and was probably just a greeter or a go-fer. One stripe meant the girl was into ass worship via buttsniffing. And, two stripes was for facefarting girls. She said that “A.J.” stood for the owner's initials but members often thought of it as “Ass Junkies” which had led to the creation of the term “Skunk Junkies”.

On our night of membership induction, we were finally admitted into the big room which had all of the noise and music and sounds of a party. We were put on stools in the center of what seemed to be a dance floor and the moderator, a lady who looked to be about 50, explained who we were and that we had become full fledged members and had been recommended by Keri and many of the Skunk girls and we were not only buttsniffers but were also fartfaces.

Members clapped and cheered while we felt very proud. I noticed that a small blond tart and a fat older man missed the announcements because she was farting in his face and he was snorting like a pig. Okay, that was a little ugly but I felt smug because I was new to the scene yet I could already snort farts almost as good as him.

We were put on our backs on a stage and ten girls in double-stripe outfits took turns farting in our faces while members howled and the pig held the tart by the hips.

After that night, we were taught ass kissing “in the way that it was intended.” It wasn't just kisisng a girl's butt cheeks but rather . . . actually . . . putting our mouths . . . you know . .. . putting our mouths right on girls' bronze rings and kissing. And then, not just kissing it but making out with it. Licking and deep-tonguing became our form of sexual intercourse and I must say, we not only learned a lot but we had ass, ass, ass, ass, ass! It was heaven, even though, in the beginning, it had seemed like hell. What I loved so much was that I could go to the club and either go to the main room and kiss and smell girl's asses at random or I could take a girl to a back room and worship her ass and smell her rosebud and kiss it adoringly. Or, I could have girls sit on my face or help me to grow in loving girl-farts, or deep-tongue her or, as with Shay, all of the above.

And yes, Shay and I dated. I wouldn't say we necessarily became boyfriend/girlfriend, but we did in the sense that I fell in love with her ass and when we made out, I made out with her ring and when we had sex, it was with my tongue buried in her butt while she fingered herself to orgasm.

Allen also had a butt-girlfriend. She was a little thinner than most but he loved her ass. He had become a fart freak and that is why he wanted her to be his girlfriend. I mean, Shay could fart like an angel but Elissa was the most prolific fart girl I had ever met.

Sometimes we would double date and while I was fucking Shay in the ass with my tongue, Elissa was stinking the place up unbearably by farting all over Allen's face. Shay's farts were beautifully scented but sometimes overpowered by the residual aromas that Elissa expelled.

Okay, so I know that kind of thing isn't for everyone, but it certainly is for us. There is a deep and sensual and sometimes romantic intercourse between an ass goddess and those of us who worship them and it cannot be replicated by any other form of intimacy that I know. Worshiping a girl's ass is to put her on the highest pedestal and what girl doesn't love that?

And so, The Allegiance continues as does our need to sneak through the dark of night to A.J. Skunk's to engage in our strange and decadent act of worshiping ass the way it was intended. There is so much more to tell. Perhaps, another time, but soon.

So far, we have not convinced Jessica Biel to sit on the throne of our faces or to let us kneel and reverently kiss her bronze ring, but we do have new posters so, as for now, those will have to do. If you happen to know her, please have her get in touch with us. Life is hell when the goddess you worship is only made of paper and is Scotch taped to the back of your door.


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I guess it all began about 9 months ago when Beverley - my wife, at the age of 53 started to think life had slipped away from her. She was typical of all woman - brought up our kids, worked and was now at that stage where she didnt know what to with herself As i was leaving for work one day, there she stood looking at herself in the mirror - not an ugly sight - standing semi naked - only in her pantys - her eyes critically looking at how her body had deteriorated over the years. We had just had...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Retirement part 2

It had been about three weeks since I left North Carolina and I couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened. I had spoken to Maureen a few times on the phone. She had said that she couldn’t believe how excited she had been with her daughter and I. She said she and her daughter had gotten together a few times while she was there. She said she was constantly wet now and her boyfriend loves it. She still hadn’t told him about our meeting. I told her about my car ride back to the airport and...

3 years ago
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You And Me 8211 What Happens When We Meet 8211 Part 1

Hi, ladies. This sex story is about when I met you. How we know each other, you decide. How we came close, you can make that up. You are a hot, sexy girl whom I have fantasized for long. And one day, I say it to you. We being close friends discuss it many times. And finally, you also agree to meet me once to let me complete my fantasy. We decide to meet at a hotel. We check in and go into the room. We start chatting and keep chatting for 15-20 mins. And then you ask me. You: you only want to...

2 years ago
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Playing with our neighbours son

Introduction: Following on from earlier story about myself, my Gf Clare and our young neighbour Things carried on this way for a few months and Sophie was a regular visitor to our bedroom. We played out all our fantasies including my favourite where the two girls tied me up and had their way with me. I was during one of these nights that Sophie mentioned that Steven, her older brother, was back from college soon. I looked at Clare and could see her smile. I could tell she was already thinking...

1 year ago
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Tumblr CousinChapter 6

It was easy, as it turned out. Lori’s pubic hair was curly and fairly stiff. Once I’d lathered her up and tried an experimental swipe at the top of her nest, the skin was exposed cleanly. I had to rinse the razor out a lot, but I’d brought a bowl of warm water to do that in, so it was no big deal. She strained to lift her head in the beginning, to try to watch. Cassie eventually stuffed a pillow under her head, but after a while she closed her eyes. “That feels... interesting,” she...

3 years ago
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Jacks Little Ass

Hi everyone, I am asked again and again to narrate another encounter of mine. So here comes the fresh encounter that happened this month. Here you go: This was right before Christmas when I was hiring new team members for my store. (p.S. This story is based in the USA.) so I interviewed few girls and few boys. Out of these candidates I hired two girls and a guy. This boy is jack. He is 18 years old, 5’7” or 5’8”, slim and very cute white guy with blue eyes. He has a really cute smile. So he...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Into to Sissies XX

Authors Note: I love comments... good ones, bad ones, mean ones even. The apparent policy at Fictionmania is that if you can't make positive remarks, then don't make a review. I disagree, at least as far as my stories and chapters are concerned. Please say anything. I am a vain person and just want to know that you've read what I've wrote. You can say I read this and it was dull, or stupid or unbelievable. Whatever. I love comments. Both the current stories and those in the library. And...

2 years ago
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Pictures of the Family Album

From that day on, anytime they went to the lake they wouldn't let him come in the canoe, and they started making him sleep on the fold out couch. The girls had convinced their parents to get two full beds instead of the bunk beds, but he always noted that one bed looking untouched whenever he went in to shower in their bathroom in the morning. He flipped the page, watching his sisters develop before him. Their chests grew to their present day B cup, their bodies lithe and athletic....

1 year ago
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Scary Stories to Tell The Frat House

The abandoned house was plain creepy. Every time Heather passed it on her way to her dorm room from class it gave her the shivers. She remembered when she was in high school, all the kids would play truth or dare and it seemed that every game the house would be mentioned in a dare; ‘go egg the house,’ ‘go knock on the house door,’ ‘go in the house.’ Of course everyone who got dared to do any of those things chickened out. “Earth to Heather.” Her boyfriend Carl said. “What?” Heather said coming...

3 years ago
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The Sacrificial Boy Chapter 15

Judicar Laoch, a tall, handsome, fair-haired young commander who had risen quickly in the ranks of the Verities of the Red, groaned as he slowly pulled himself off his cot. Rubbing his face, the Judicar thought it strange that he didn't remember going to bed the night before. His last memory was having a meal with the three other Judicars and High Lord Judicar Fearg who commanded the regiment. Looking about, he realized something was terribly wrong. Everything in his tent had been...

4 years ago
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The Suburban MILF Breeder

You are roused from your tangled blankets at the crack of noon by the loud bang of your mother finally slamming your bedroom door open. You mutter something about five more minutes and she roughly yanks off your blanket. The cold rush of the air-conditioned air over your naked body reminds you that you are not wearing any pajamas. “Jake!” Your mother snaps, flinching away from the sight of you naked. “Get up! And for god’s sake, put some clothes on!” You sit up and see your mother averting her...

2 years ago
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My night of disappointment

I had my big night planned and I was thrilled at the prospect. My hunger for cum had been in the back of my mind for days. I knew I needed to milk it from someone.The day was set, mission 2 would be first, in the afternoon. He promised 5 loads. Mission 3 would be in the evening and promised a load. 6 loads, my heart skipped a beat at the idea and desire to be cum drunk by the end of the night.Afternoon rolls around. I see mission 2 walking towards my house and I can feel my mouth water. I open...

2 years ago
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Liz Part One

I've mentioned Bondage but it's only very mild, similarly the place of work isn't a prominent feature, it's more a romance with sex than anything else. But it's not all that bad... Liz Part One One of the nice, if infrequent, perks of working for a large Company is visits by sales reps, keen to sell the newest all singing, all dancing products or trying to increase the level of consumables we order from them, with this in mind lunch is invariably an expensive drawn out...

3 years ago
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Sharing my girlfriend with an old man

Sarah and I had been dating for five years at the time. We were 23, and she was about 5’3′, had beautiful, natural, perky DD breasts with tiny pink nipples and a plump ass that bubbles out. She has beautiful long black hair with bright blue eyes and is a bit pale but she looks good. She’s a curvy girl but by no means fat. And a well-kept bush that is thick and gorgeous. She’s very submissive in the bedroom and likes being ordered around which was all knew for me but I love it. Sarah and I had...

4 years ago
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Some People Are Just Lucky I GuessChapter 17

The police were informed of the situations with the Black group and the skinhead group, and that was when I got my next surprise. The police had no intention of acting! They felt that they currently had so much to do that they would ignore those two groups until they did something so blatantly illegal that the police had to act. OK, I guess that I would live with that, since I was really more interested in the Muslim problem. However, just to be on the safe side, I TPed all of the firing pins...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Bella Rolland Lesbian8217s Creampie Cravings

Bella Rolland is on the phone with her girlfriend, who isn’t due home for another hour. But when their conversation turns steamy and Bella gets horny, she’s suddenly interrupted as Rico Hernandez barges into the room. Bella quickly hangs up and is confronted by Rico, who thinks Bella’s cheating on his sibling. Even though Bella’s mortified at being caught, she tells him the person on the phone WAS his sibling! BUT, since she’s horny and he’s handy, there IS a...

3 years ago
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Golden Ball

The Golden Ball THE GOLDEN BALL(by [email protected])    ?Oh, blest are they who beheld these last years and breathed their autumnal air full of rot and corruption! But twice blest is he who suffered the touch of their knowing, sinful flesh...???????????? ? From a medieval manuscript kept at the abbey of St. Colomannus.    1. One cold evening in late October, 1785, an open coach rattled along the dark and narrow Parisian streets, its wheels disturbing the chilly fog that crept over the...

1 year ago
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Scent of Desire

Isabella Carver is a beautiful, smart, single, and brilliant chemist at Rowdy Rouge Cosmetics. She takes pride in making the best-selling and the best-smelling fragrances for the company. She got an eye for detail and a nose for scents, given that she has an excellent sense of smell. Ever time she creates a new perfume for the company, she gets excited. She loves to be around the many flowers, spices, and food-inspired scents, combining the scents, and creating the top, middle, and bottom notes...

1 year ago
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Camping With Mom Part 1

Note: I am not the Author of this story.It was January 1985 and I was your normal 18 year old. Always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. One of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains near our house. Ever since I was born, our family would always take trips up to the mountains to hunt & fish. We would spend days camped in a tent next to our favorite lake. This year we didn't get to take our usual trip due to my dad's job. My mother could tell...

3 years ago
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My first time

I was 18. I was going to a party when my girlfriend,Kerry, dumped me for this guy who had a bigger cock than mine. His name was Jock, his real name- I dunno. But I heard they were having sex, and the guys fucking older than her. He's 22! But, surely its gonna be his first time too! Nope, he's a player. He shags a girl then dumps them. But, they were going to the same party I was going to. I decided to follow them. Jock grabbed her ass and love bit her. She giggled and banged her tits into him....

2 years ago
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Biye Barir Maja03 Bangla Galpo

Khanik pore amar kheyal holo je amar kichu kaj ekhono baki ache, ami ekhono amar pheda Paruler guuder bhetore charinee. Amar kheyal holo, jakhon theke Parul ghore esheche aar amara amader khela shuru korechee, takhon theke Parul ekbaro amar laura ta bhalo kore hathe neye nee. Ami Paruler kache eegoie gelam aar parul ke amar bara ta dekhlam. Parul amar dike takiye bhalo bhabhe chude debar janno ekgal henshe amar khara hoye thaka bara tp bhalo dhore nilo aar laura ta ke khuntoye khuntiye dekhte...

4 years ago
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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter 2 of 3

Two  Brenda watched in the mirror as her Master stepped out of his patrol car. He was an imposing figure in his uniform, 6’2′, 210 lbs, wide shoulders and narrow waist and as always, the mirrored sunglasses. He carried a small black bag with him, the bag he always brought to their meetings. Even though Brenda was never sure what would be in the bag, she knew from past experience the contents would both frighten and excite her. He walked up and put the bag on top of Brenda’s car. Brenda’s...

1 year ago
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The Biology Experiment

The Biology Experimentby Miss Anonna I woke up in quite a steamy mood. Was it an erotic dream or just a feeling deep down in my pelvis? I wasn’t sure but a quick glance at the calendar made me realize I was probably ovulating. I slowly got out of bed and headed for the bathroom one slow step at a time fantasizing of a good soak in warm water and bath salts. The warm water sucked me into the tub one leg at a time and then my whole body followed, shrinking into the depths while I watched the...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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The Erotic Reality Game Bernie is next

Bernie's date was Gail from California. Bernie lived three states to her east and offered to pick her up in his private jet. She easily accepted. Their date was scheduled for Friday. She was to meet him in the airport lobby around three in the afternoon with her passport. He arrived at two. Gail was early and apprehensive. She showed up at two thirty. She said she didn't want to be late. They had an hour before flight time and ordered a drink at the bar while the pilot refueled the plane. Gail...

Straight Sex
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Autumn Clematis Ch 01

Introduction This story came about through email exchanges between me and a woman I met through Literotica. We live about 1100 miles apart, have never physically met, and probably never will. We decided to write a fantasy together by exchanging emails. I wrote a section, then she responded, and this back-and-forth continued. Please excuse the frequent lack of explicit cues as to who is saying what. It was always clear to us, but you’ll have to figure it out for yourself. This entire story is...

2 years ago
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What Naughty Daughters 3

Chapter 4 Missy was thrilled. She crawled up into her father's arms, rubbing her hot virgin body against his hard powerful frame. "Am I as good as Mommy before she left us?" she asked. "Better, baby," Douglas rasped, cradling his c***d in his arms. "Oooh, Daddy." She tingled all over, found his mouth and gave him a wet hungry kiss. Douglas groaned and sucked on her tongue, his wet limp prick mashed against her soft belly. Missy pulled her mouth away from her father's lips. "Suckin' your cock...

1 year ago
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Melodys New Life Chapter Two

Chapter Two by BrettJ © 2010 All throughout dinner, Eric Prince kept looking at his gorgeous daughter and his sex-kitten wife, wondering what was going on in their hands. Well … Melody’s head, because Ariel’s hand kept reaching under the table and fishing for his cock and stroking it. Some men might find it annoying or teasing, but Ariel never teased – if she played with your cock or did a sexy little song and dance, you knew Ariel was in the mood to fuck and you’d better be...

4 years ago
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Anamika8217s Total Submission

Anamika looked extremely desirable in her formal white shirt and her black skirt as she was loitering on the production floor. Her firm breast straining against her shirt as she arched her back to suppress her yawn. Everything about her body was flawless, her above average height, her pretty long legs, her long silky hair and pearly white teeth. She could bring out the worst in any man, and I was no different. I had been lusting for her from the time I had joined the organisation, but had to...

2 years ago
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Cum Addiction

It happened a few years ago, some sort of illness came to. It lasted in people forever with no cure, well no long-lasting cure. These people need to ingest semen at least once a day, and even then once isn't exactly enough. If they don't they start to go through withdrawals and this eventually leads them to death. You, having a medical degree, put together a select team of scientists in your area where you study the disease and work on creating a cure. On top of this, you were personally given...

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Alexander Gregorvich Dark Ages

After the fall of Rome Europe was ruled by barbarian and local warlords whose only interest seemed to be maintaining their own power base and squabbling for more land. One man: Lokar Nemer rose to power in Southern Gaul and offered protection to the farms and towns around his keep in exchange for food and other resources he might need. The common people, desperate to end their suffering agreed to this exchange, and King Lokar true to his word put those resources to good use. Hiring more men he...

1 year ago
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Carl Carla and Hannah Part 15

Just before we got to our bedroom, Hannah stopped and kissed me full on. We she broke the kiss, she told me that tonight was her way of saying thank you to me, and that I should enjoy myself. Finally, she explained that Claire was almost exclusively into women, but she was also besotted with Hannah, and was totally submissive to her. If my male urge to have sex with Claire took over, I would have to use a condom. Otherwise, anything goes. She squeezed my hand as we went through the door to find...

1 year ago
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Widows Whiskey and Willow SwitchesChapter 9

They reached Kansas City early the next morning. Abby had sent a telegraph ahead at one of their stops and shrieked in delight at the sight of Jane and Archie waiting on the platform. Jane was as beautiful and tiny as ever, a pretty porcelain doll in her burgundy dress and shawl. Archie still resembled a bear, with his bushy hair tamed under pomade and a scruff of whiskers on his jaw. Wire spectacles rested on his large nose over twinkling blue eyes. She raced toward them and Archie laughed...

3 years ago
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Butterfly Beach III torm Clouds Over Eden An Interlude

From the sketchbook of G. McCrossen.Day by day, the desire to be rescued fades. Here, I no longer fear being found out. I feel free. Returning to civilization is far from my mind. Carter tugged insistently on Gavin’s hand as they walked along the beach, the sound of waves crashing against the rocks before sluicing through the tide pools their constant companion. They’d left the camp after devouring a meal enhanced by the pink fruit that had become a staple for the castaways, Grant wanting to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Beginnings Day 3 Preparation

BEGINNINGS - DAY 3 - PREPARATION I slept quite late the next morning, spent from a night of sex with Suzy and generally basking in the memory of a quite fulfilling experience. When I finally stretched and stood up, I realized that it was Tuesday and I had one more day before my date with Harry. Harry. Hmmm. Last night Suzy and I had spent hours making love woman to woman. Of course, at times my manhood was welcomed but for the most part we just snuggled, nibbled and licked. I...

3 years ago
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I just read this It made me so hot

It began one day when I was feeling really horny in class. I had only General Studies in the afternoon so I decided to skip the afternoon and go home, knowing I could masturbate. Dad and Steve, my elder brother, were out at work, Lucy, my younger sister was still in class. Our Mother had left us years before and had not been seen since, though I suspected Dad had some idea. I didn't often do that, skip school to bring myself off. I had once before, but it wasn't a regular thing.After I reached...

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Gathering Fallen RocksChapter 8

Atwood nodded, "So, tell me your license is current, your surety bond is good, and when you can start. I don't dare let you out that door. Someone else would grab you and I'd never get that office next door opened." "I don't know ... I mean, I'm really on vacation ... this was sort of a spur of the moment kind of thing, I've only had one job in my life. I was just curious to see if I..." Atwood threw his head back and roared with laughter. Gail couldn't help but smile and laugh a...

1 year ago
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After The Funeral

Although she would never admit it to anyone else, Claudiawas actually relieved when Mark died. Theirs had notbeen what you would call a fulfilled marriage. She hadnever been too keen on sex, so she could hardly complainwhen he sought his pleasure elsewhere. But it was hisattempts to introduce her, convert her, to practices shethought were just plain wrong that really annoyed her. Imean, tying someone up before making love to them –what was that all about?‘At least he didn’t suffer,’ her sister,...

2 years ago
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In 1977 wife Sarah and I desperately needed a break. Thanks to horse racing I,d won enough money to place a deposit on our first house in Essex, but with two young c***dren under three she couldn,t work and I was exhausted from commuting to London and back often getting more sleep on the uncomfortable often late running trains in and out of Fenchurch Street then working a twelve hour shift in industrial security all around the London area so Sarah,s parents stepped in to babysit and once more I...

3 years ago
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Beach fun part 2

We walked until it was dark enough out, and I was having a great time. John was getting teased the fuck out of him by the girls and I just watched at how pathetic he was. Paige and I walked holding hands, this was the best summer ever. We walked by a lifeguard shack, but I turned back and hid in front. I waved everyone over to sit so no one on the boardwalk could see us chill here. John started to smoke and Paige wanted to make out, so I obliged. Her tongue was so nice, swirling around. She...

2 years ago
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Frivolous dating

Two chicks make themselves comfortable in the bath and have the time of their life there, they are kissing and caressing each other and their pussies are begging for more!My life is not rich with events worth of overall attention, but sometimes there happens something I would like to share with you, readers! I am dating a nice woman, and I think she loves me. she is a bit 6”, medium built, she has got long brunette hair, slender body, nicely shaped ass and good boobs to die for, her skin is...

1 year ago
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The Carnival

There was a local traveling carnival that came into town every late spring. There was one old guy by the name of Gillespie, whom I became friendly with. He would be there every year when I was younger and I used to keep him company during slow nights. The more he told me that carnival life was not a good life, the more I wondered why. Everything looked like so much fun. I imagined this was similar to circus life; it was tempting. When I was fourteen I helped tear down the rides and learned...

3 years ago
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Misadventures with Beverly

A few years back, separated from my first wife and before I met my current wife, I spent a lot of time on one of the popular online hookup sites.I spent most of my time in the Carolinas chat room, and one day I started up a chat with a woman who lived in my town. We continued to chat in private for a few nights, until one day we realized we worked right across the street from each other. Our chats were getting progressively hotter, and by now we’d exchanged phone numbers. We had phone sex a few...

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Sabine Draws Gun on Walker

CHAPTER 1 Walker Smith had the age-old problem that occurs from time to time. The younger sister had spent the night in his bed, the other sister had caught his eye and their mother appeared to be trying to get it off with him. Walker thought it would only require the father to throw his arm around him and call him pal and… The 11:50 train heading east had Walker aboard, kicking himself for not choosing correctly initially but knowing he’d made the right decision by getting out of that...

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Something about Jennifer

 Jennifer was a very shy girl, yet an intelligent student in class. Somewhere in the nooks of Liverpool was a house, where Jennifer lived with her parents and brother. Her father was an executive, he was very gentle in nature, very charming person, her mother Barbara was a typical housewives, engaged in chores, some or the other… often wished life could take some turns, no she wasn’t an envious lady, she had friends both rich and middle class, she was just herself… she just wanted to spice up...

4 years ago
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vChapter 2

“The word in intrasolar politics today is unilateralism!” The snide, snarky voice of Dan Chaps, the best podcaster on politics on the web (at least, according to the 16 to 24 progressive and liberal demographic) filled the ear of Annabelle Herman DuPont as she peddled down the crumbling I-280 North in what had once been the biggest, most bustling suburbs in California. Her bike’s smart tires and efficient chain-gearing system, combined with her own long honed muscles, chewed up the miles...

1 year ago
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Diamond RoseChapter 28 Di

The knock at the door came just as Di put the finishing touches on her makeup. When Anne opened it, Di heard a man identify himself as the wedding coordinator and say he'd come to bring them down to the small poolside park. He also had a lovely bouquet of blue and yellow violas that Anne held for a moment before passing them to Di with a wistful sigh. Anne had put on a lovely blue dress to stand as her maid of honor. As they followed the coordinator to the elevators, Di began to feel the...

1 year ago
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ZebraGirls Dahlia Sky Skyler Nicole 07022016

Vulvodynia. Sure, you’ve never heard of it. Nor have we…until Dr. Skyler Nicole diagnosed her long-time patient, Dahlia Sky, with it. Simply put, Vulvodynia is chronic pussy pain without an identifiable cause. But Dahlia knows what’s up. Her pussy is in pain because she’s BCS (black cock slut) and after multiple BBC poundings, anyone’s pussy would be in pain. What’s a good gyno to do? Make that pussy feel better, of course. What’s Dr. Nicole’s...

4 years ago
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Accidental Discharge

Arriving at the firing range, a nondescript white building dropped into the middle of an industrial district, she unloaded her range bag and gear from the boot of her car. Jeans, black v neck lightweight sweater, nothing special, just another morning to be spent throwing lead at paper and steel targets in preparation for competition. She noticed that her instructor’s car wasn’t in the parking lot yet, but knew he would be here soon enough. Twelve years of practise, and she was still learning. ...

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Round one good morning

Mmmmm now pretty much every man out there gets morning wood. Oh the fabulous morning wood. The best is when there is a hot lil redhead there to help with this "problem". Me personally start helping before you get up by rubbing on you're dick at first, kiss on the neck maybe a few fingures in the hair. Pull my body nice and close my titties are rubbing against you.Now work my way down give the head of youre dick a lil kiss and trace the top with my tongue ring on my way down massaging either...

1 year ago
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Friendly with his sister

I remember this story very well. I was around 16 at the time. Me and my best friend were having a sleepover, at his house and towards the middle of the night started talking about… I remember this story very well. I was around 16 at the time. Me and my best friend were having a sleepover, at his house and towards the middle of the night started talking about girls in our school and stuff as we were becoming slightly horny. We both admitted to each other than none of us had masterbated...

2 years ago
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A Chefs JourneyChapter 10 Another Retreat

Jason I missed Tameka before I had managed to drive fifty miles, and if not for the threats of her mother's friends, I would have turned the car around. Her mother seemed to dislike me from the moment she appeared in town, and many of her friends appeared to come from a less than respectable part of the population. I never considered heading towards Phoenix, instead I traveled to the east for a week, wandering around until I stumbled on a small beach resort near the Georgia, South Carolina...

2 years ago
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Death and the Russian Winter

German Embassy, Moscow 11:01PM December 31st, 1928   Leona Graaf tried to adjust her tiara for the fifth time. She failed miserably. ?Arrgghh!!!!? she screamed at the empty washroom. She stamped her foot, damn Peter, damn him! She sighed and looked in the mirror again. The tiara remained at a drunken angle on her head, mocking her efforts. Worse, some more of her fine blonde hair had come loose and fallen across her face. Trembling with anger she tried again. First she put the hair back in...

4 years ago
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Made Love To My Girl In College

Hello friends. This is Yash Thakur again. First of all thanks a lot for the feedbacks on my previous story titled ‘she showed me the heaven’. I am from Delhi. I am studying in NIT Rourkela. My age is 21. The previous story was about how i satisfied my gf riya on phone. Riya is a sex bomb. Her figure is 34-26-34.From that day our sexual adventures started. We used to go for classes together l. On the way i will press her boobs, even kiss her, if got the chance. She will also respond with a...

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