The Mortal And The Magic Wand - Chapter 05 - Friday - END free porn video

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Josh was the first to wake up. He could tell right away that he was naked, and lying on his front. The floor was cold and metallic, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that the whole room seemed to be like this. He stood up, a thing which he found incredibly strenuous for some reason, and looked around. The tiny room was nothing but pure metal on all sides, except for one wall which appeared to be nothing more than transparent energy, flowing gently.

Josh saw Abbie on the floor, and shook her awake too.

“Abbie! Abbie!”

“Whuh…what?” She asked. She opened her eyes, and looked around, before jolting awake properly. “Where the fuck are we!?”

“I don’t know,” Josh replied, helping his sister up.

“What are you, stupid?” Josh and Abbie turned to face the man in the cell across from theirs. “You’re in prison, obviously.”

“Prison!?” Abbie shouted in panic.

“Hang on, you’re the guy who was interrogating me!” Josh said. “What have you done to us!?”

“Nothing, you idiots. It’s you that’s done things.”

“We’ve not done anything!” Abbie protested.

“We all have. I let Normals get access to magic, among other things, and you used that magic to commit countless crimes, mostly rape.”

“We didn’t rape anyone!”

“In the eyes of the law, you did. Using magic on people without their permission is already a crime, without forcing them to have sex with you too.”

“But we weren’t hurting anyone!”

“This isn’t some adolescent fantasy, this is real life. And in real life, you can’t just go around using magic to do whatever you want. Not without being careful like I usually am. Were you two seriously so blinded by the prospect of losing your virginities you didn’t stop to wonder where the wand came from, and whether or not using it was a good idea?”

“I…I suppose not,” Josh admitted.

“What’s going to happen to us?” Asked a worried Abbie.

“When they’re ready, they’ll bring us before the courts,” the man replied. “You’re just a bunch of innocent Normals who didn’t know what they were doing, I imagine they’ll just give you a slap on the wrist. Me? At minimum I’m looking at a death sentence.”


“One thing I’ll give your society credit for is that convicted criminals are still considered people. The magical justice system does no such thing, and there are basically no rules as to what punishments the courts can dish out. And when said courts have access to a near infinite supply of magical power, you can understand why I’m hoping they just kill me.”

“Well you’re a magician, can’t you just get us out of here?” Josh asked.

“First of all, I’m a wizard. Secondly, we’re in a magical prison. Haven’t you noticed the handcuffs you’re wearing?” Josh and Abbie both looked down at them. They weren’t joined together at all, but had lights on them. “The left one restrains magic, the right one drains physical strength, which is why you feel so weak. It makes escape impossible. That’s also why we’re all naked. No chances.”

“So what do we do?”

“We wait for our fates.”

And so they waited. Nothing much was said, Josh and Abbie just sat down on the floor and hugged, wondering when their time would come. Josh was sort of glad of the magic restrainer, as it meant that he wasn’t overcome with lust just by being in Abbie’s presence. She started crying at one point, and Josh just held her closer to him.

Eventually two guards came for them, lowering the barrier. Josh briefly considered trying to fight them, but the restraint sapping his energy meant that any sort of movement required an incredible amount of effort. The two guards pulled the teens to their feet, and escorted them down the corridor. Josh and Abbie took the opportunity to look into the other cells as they passed, and inside they saw all manner of different people, male and female, human and non-human. All of them looked miserable, which was probably to be expected in a prison.

Josh and Abbie were led into a dark room, where 3 men and 3 women were sat on either side of a man with a long beard. Josh figured he must be the wizard judge, because of course a wizard judge would have a big beard. The siblings noted that there didn’t seem to be any sort of jury here.

“Leave us, I don’t foresee any trouble from the Normals,” said the bearded man, with a big, booming voice. The guards left, the man turned to face one of the women. “Councillor Haruoz, you may proceed.”

“Joshua Stoney, you stand accused of numerous counts of rape, theft and mind control, as well as one count of possession of an illegal magical item,” said the main who looked old, though not as old as the bearded man. “Abigail Stoney, you also stand accused of numerous counts of rape and mind control, as well as one count of possession of an illegal magical item.”

“We’re innocent!” Abbie shouted.

“SILENCE!” boomed the bearded man, and Josh could swear he felt the room shake. “Know this, Normals, our courts are not like yours. Your guilt is already confirmed. You are here to answer for your crimes, so that we may decide how best to punish you.”

“We’re sorry, sir,” both teens said together.

“I advise you not to lie to us again,” the bearded man said, not the slightest hint of friendliness in his voice. “Councillor Mayomo.” The woman, who looked to be in her 50s, but who really knew with wizards and witches, pulled out something.

“Do you two recognise this?” She asked. They did. It was the wand. “WELL!?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“This is a Class 4, rechargeable magic wand,” said Councillor Mayomo. “Specifically it’s one with the Sorsone charger removed, something which particularly lazy wizards and witches do. It means that, rather than draining power from the user after every use to recharge the batteries, it runs entirely off the internal supply, effectively meaning that for a week or two, depending on how much it’s used, it can be used with almost no effort on the part of the user. The downside to this of course is that it means absolutely anyone can use it, including Normals. Including you.”

“Joshua,” said another of the women, this time a younger one. She’d have probably been quite attractive if not for the situation. “Did you know what this thing was when you found it?”

“No ma’am,” Josh replied. “I mean, I didn’t at first. But I kind of worked out because it looked like one. Like, ones on TV.”

“And when you had worked out the wand’s power, after you knew what it was capable of, what did you do?”

“Well I, uh…” Josh stuttered, embarrassed, but the woman gave him a look to suggest if he didn’t talk he’d be in a lot more trouble. “I gave myself orgasms.”

“Councillor Lowlorf, play the evidence,” said the woman.

“Of course, Councillor Kar-Il,” said one of the other men. He waved his hand, and the blank spaces behind Josh and Abbie and behind the councillors both changed to show the footage of Josh experiencing spontaneous orgasms in his bedroom on Monday evening.

“As my fellow councillors can see, the accused used the power of the wand to bestow sexual pleasure upon himself, as well as to alter his physical form,” said Councillor Kar-Il. “This is of course not a crime, but as we can see by this later footage, the accused did not stop there.” The footage turned to a montage of shots of Josh having sex with various girls. “The accused went on to use the power of the wand to force countless Normals to perform sexual acts on and with him, all without their consent. Joshua, please tell the council why you did these things.”

“Well, it’s…it felt good.”

“I see. So, in your eyes, does the pleasure in carrying out a crime justify it?”


“Did the sexual pleasure these girls gave you justify taking way their free will?”

Josh didn’t know what to say.

“Let’s move on,” said Councillor Kar-Il. Councillor Lowlorf waved his hand once more, and the screen changed again. “Do you recognise this girl?”

“That’s Ruth.”

“Ruth Ewing,” Councillor Kar-Il explained. “The only girl to have sexually pleasured you consensually. Of course, she didn’t know it was you, did she?”

“No ma’am.”

“Who did she think you were?”

“God, ma’am.”

“God. After turning himself invisible, the accused approached Miss Ruth Ewing, and claimed to be the deity of her religion. The accused then commanded Miss Ewing to sexually pleasure him.”

“She wanted to fuck him!” Abbie shouted. “He didn’t do anything wrong!”

“SILENCE!” The bearded man shouted. “Unless you wish to be cast straight into the Pit of Sorrow, you will stop interrupting me. Am I understood, young lady?”

“Yes sir. Sorry sir.”

“Now then, I believe Councillor Kar-Il was just explaining your brother’s Rape by Deception.”

“As I was,” Councillor Kar-Il continued. “We now move on to the final charge against you, that of theft. Two days ago, upon leaving your school, you entered a fast food restaurant, and used the wand’s power to force the workers there to provide you with large quantities of food, which you did not pay for. Why did you do this?”

“I was hungry.”

“You were a short distance from your home, where plenty of food was available to you. Alternatively, you had money with which to pay the restaurant. Even without this, you could have used the wand to create food to eat. Why did you not do any of these things?”

“I…I don’t know.”

“That is all, Joshua.”

Councillor Kar-Il then turned to Abbie, who tensed up.

“Abigail,” she said. “Tell us how you came to possess the wand.”

“Well, uh…” Abbie said. “I saw Josh with a naked girl. So I went into his room, and found it. I thought it looked like a magic wand, so I tried casting a few spells. I realised it worked so I took it.”

“Do you often steal your brother’s property?”

“No, but…this was a once-in-a-lifetime find.”

“And what did you do once in possession of the wand?”

“I…had sex with One Direction,” Abbie admitted.

“The accused use the power of the wand in order to force a popular boyband to sexually gratify her. Over the next 24 hours she then used the power to, among other things, enchant her body to induce arousal in those near her, and to commit numerous counts of rape, much like her brother did, before we were able to apprehend her yesterday.”

“All evidence has been presented,” said the bearded man. “What do you two have to say for yourselves?”

“We’re really sorry, we didn’t mean to be criminals. We were just weak, that’s all,” Josh said.

“We shouldn’t have used the wand, we should have just gotten rid of it.”

“Councillor Treybon, how do you suggest we punish the Normals?” Asked the bearded man.

“Erasure of magical memories,” replied the final woman.

“That’s it?”

“To do more would be extreme, I feel. They didn’t know what they were getting into, and believed they were only indulging in some harmless fun. No deterrent would be needed as they would lose all memories of this, and would be unlikely to encounter magic again.”

“Very well, let us vote.”

All 7 councillors raised their hands together.

“It is decided then,” said the bearded man. “Joshua Stoney, Abigail Stoney, you are sentenced to have your memories wiped of all magical experiences this past week.” Magical energy formed in the hands of the councillors at shot out at the teens, sending them unconscious once more.


It’s not been long since they took the Normals, but they’ve already come for me. Justice is swift, I suppose. They take me off to the council chambers, where I am to be judged. Chancellor Mothruise and his six lackeys. These 7 people are the most powerful in the world, holding all the sway in magical society. The Emperor is little more than a figurehead. This of course means that anything they choose to do me isn’t going to be overruled by anyone. Sadly.

“Johnathan Chrislow, aged 454,” says Councillor Haruoz. “You stand accused of an incalculable number of crimes. Rape, murder, theft and mind control being just the start, and with the latest being the crime of allowing two Normals access to a magic wand.”

“Is there anything I can say which will get you to let me off?” I ask.

“No, and we don’t intend to allow you that chance anyway,” said Chancellor Mothruise. “Your punishment was decided while you were unconscious.”

“And what will it be?”

“300 years in the Kodium mines.”

Oh. That doesn’t sound good. Kodium is a rare element which makes wonderful jewellery, among other things. Extremely rare and extremely expensive. It’s the sort of thing the Emperor probably makes love on a big pile of. The thing is though, it’s not rare because there’s not much of it. It’s rare because mining it is a terrible process. You see, it’s actually sentient, and it rather objects to being mined. Those who mine it are subjected to mind-bendingly horrific experiences, both physically and mentally, until they’re able to subdue it. And then do the whole thing over and over again with every bit. There’s a good reason why only criminals are sent down there.

“Now now, let’s not be hasty…” I say.

“Very well then, let’s not be hasty in letting you out,” says Chancellor Mothruise. “400 years.”


“500. Now be quiet or it’ll be 1000.”


Josh was woken up as usual by his alarm clock telling him it was time for school. He groaned, and climbed out of bed. Something about him felt off, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. It was only when he looked in the mirror that he realised it. His cock and balls were huge! They were twice as big as they usually were, at least! Had they grown overnight or something?

Josh admired his new genitals for a little bit, before getting dressed. He left his room, and as he did, his cock shot up to full mast, for out of her room came Abbie, dressed in pyjamas which seemed all small for her, and carrying her bath towel.

“Uh, morning Josh,” she said to him. God, what he wouldn’t do to make love to her right now. Abbie headed into the bathroom, and the instant the door shut, Josh felt his head clear of incestuous thoughts, and his cock begin to soften.

Once inside, Abbie stripped naked, and admired herself in the bathroom mirror. Her entire body seemed to have changed overnight; she was thinner, her boobs and butt were bigger, her pussy was hairless, and every bit of her was like an erogenous zone. What had happened to her? It was like someone had gotten hold of that Master PC program from the stories she’d read online, and turned her into their ideal sexpot. She fully expected to start lusting after some boy from her school any second now.

Abbie decided to ignore her changes for now, and take a shower instead. She got in, and closed the curtain, before turning the water on. Half a second later, she fell right on her enlarged butt as her shower orgasm was triggered, and she writhed and moaned in ecstasy. Whichever one of her classmates was doing this to her clearly wasn’t showing any mercy, as it felt absolutely mind-blowingly amazing. She’d have to remember to thank him after she finished whatever sexual acts he commanded her to perform for him.

Josh and Abbie walked to school separately, neither wanting to be together until they worked out what was happening. Sarah found that no matter where she went, everyone seemed to be staring at each-other with lust, something which got kind of annoying after the first 5 minutes. She just wanted to be left alone.
When Josh got to school meanwhile he found John making out with Sarah, and Holly and Molly caressing him.

“Woah!” Josh exclaimed. “Since when did you have girls!?”

“What? Oh, hey Josh,” John said, breaking the kiss with Sarah. “You get the wand back yet?”

“The what?”

“And where’d you go yesterday? You just kind disappeared after PE.”

“Did I?” Josh thought, and he didn’t seem to have much memory of the previous day at all. “Anyway, you done the homework for Mr Williams? The Macbeth stuff?”

As soon as Josh said that word, John groaned as a single spurt of cum shot out of his dick.”

“Shit,” he said. “I should probably ask your sister to turn that off for me.”

“Turn what off? You’re not making any sense.”

“Um the curse you put on me. Where I’ll orgasm whenever you say certain words.”

“Dude, that’s gross, I don’t want think about you splooging.”

“What do you mean? You made it happen!”

“Great, now we’re both confused.”

“You seriously don’t remember?”

“Remember what?”

“Shit, Abbie must have messed with your brain or something.”

“She’s a girl, of course she messes with my brain.”

“Get your phone out and call her. I wanna get to the bottom of this.”

Josh got his phone out and rang up Abbie.

“What is it?” Abbie asked on answering.

“John wants to talk to you about something,” Josh explained. “I dunno what, he’s being weird.” Josh handed the phone to John.

“Alright Abbie, what did you do to Josh!?” John shouted.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Abbie asked.

“Don’t play dumb with me, Abbie. You erased Josh’s memories of the wand.”

“John, I really have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“…Abbie, is your body different to how you remember? Like, bigger boobs and stuff?”

“That’s none of your fucking business, perv.”

“Are people staring at you like they wanna rip your clothes off? Like, all the time?”

“How…how did you know?”

“I think I need to talk to you guys.”

John dismissed his girlfriends, and sat down with Josh and Abbie.

“Alright, so you guys really don’t remember the wand?” He asked.

“What wand?” Josh asked.

“On Monday, on the way home from school, you found a magic wand.”

“No, I really didn’t.”

“You did. And over the next few days, you used it get the two of us laid. You gave me Sarah, Holly and Molly, and you fucked, among others, a load of cheerleaders, some girls at a swimming pool, and from what you told me, Principal Drummond.”

“Bullshit,” Josh said.

“On Wednesday, Abbie found the wand and took it from you, and started using it herself. That’s why she looks like she does, and why you and I both wanna bend her over and make a baby with her right now.”

“This is stupid, you’re just a pervert with fantasies,” Abbie said.

“Oh yeah? Well how else do you explain your body? Or how I bet neither of you can remember what happened in PE yesterday, or a whole bunch of other stuff.”

“I…I don’t remember,” Abbie said. “I can barely remember yesterday at all.”

“I can’t remember Monday night,” Josh said. “Nothing after leaving school. And I barely remember anything on Tuesday or Wednesday either.”

“Why can’t we remember anything!?”

“Sounds like you got your memories wiped,” John said.

“Why would we do that to ourselves?”

“Maybe you didn’t. I mean, that can’t have been the only magic wand around. Maybe someone else found you and took it away. I guess they forgot to undo any of the stuff you did, or erase my memory.”

“So what do we do now?”

“Get on with life, I guess. Get back to being normal. Or at least, slightly different.”

Life went back to normal after that, mostly. John was still cursed to orgasm when he heard certain words, which made the rest of the Shakespeare lessons rather uncomfortable. Abbie still had to endure being lusted after by everyone, although she soon learned to use it to her advantage. Her sex life was never the same again.

Josh quickly learned he apparently had the ability to control his erections, a skill he enjoyed thoroughly. His vastly increased orgasmic abilities also made lonely nights of masturbation a lot more enjoyable. Not just for him. Across town, Annie and Emily were in their student accommodation, getting very drunk with their friends. This drinking was interrupted however by the two girls orgasming in unison, while their friends looked on in shock.

“Oh my God, what’s happening!?” Asked a concerned friend.

“I dunno!” Annie moaned. “This keeps happening to us!” Of course, what she didn’t know was that the two girls’ orgasms were still linked to Josh’s, and the boy at that very moment was in the process of splurting a particularly large load out onto his sheets in his nightly masturbation session. Without the wand though, this link would never be severed, and would last for the rest of their lives.

A few weeks after the wand incident, the school suffered an outbreak of teen pregnancy. Specifically, 4 cheerleaders on the school’s squad feel pregnant within a very short space of one-another. 2 of the squad were very shocked at this, as they’d been sure to always use protection with their boyfriends. The other 2 were especially surprised, as they were virgins. At least, they thought they were. Josh was a little worried when he heard about this, as he was pretty sure he knew who the father was, but he sensibly kept quiet.


“SINFUL GIRL! REPENT NOW!” Ruth’s father slapped her round the face.

“I have nothing to repent,” Ruth said. “I carry God’s child.” The cheerleaders weren’t the only girls to get pregnant that winter. Ruth Ewing also found that she had been “blessed”. Quite literally, according to her.

“Do not blaspheme!” Her mother shouted. “God has only one child, and his name is Jesus Christ! His mother is the Virgin Mary, not you, you whore!”

“Mother, Father, please calm yourselves,” Ruth said. “It is the Lord himself who took my maidenhood, and the Lord himself who blesses me with his child. Oh how I wish you could understand.”

“You march yourself down to that church right now and beg God for mercy from the fires of Hell for your sins!”

“I will go, but only to thank God for this blessing, and to ask him to help you understand it.”

Ruth's father slapped her again, and she smiled. Little did her parents know that she was enjoying the slaps greatly, they felt like sex. In fact, since "God" had taken her virginity, she'd never felt pain, only pleasure, and her father slapping her was like her face having an orgasm. Truly she was blessed.


Author's message: Well, after 3 and a half months, I've finally finished it, and so now I can post it. The reason for the wait was because I wanted to be able to write a story without constantly being nagged for updates, and given how short it is, I figured I could manage it. It's taken me a lot longer than I'd originally hoped, and in fact the entire second half was written this week, spurred on by me reading other stories around the internet which got me in the mood.

This idea's actually been around for a while, at least as far back as A Boy and his Genie, possibly longer. I just never got round to it. Now I can tick it off my list though.

This story is the only one where I planned the vast majority of it out. Given the 1 chapter 1 day system, I needed to make sure each one would have enough content, and I also wanted to make sure I had the story sorted before I wrote anything. I did deviate from the plan a lot, but the basic framework is still there. It was nice as well to be able to write for a universe not related to my genies, or anything else. I have no specific plans to return to this, but then, I also had no plans to return to Harry and Sarosa, so I suppose anything could happen.

One of the themes of this story was consequences. Unlike in, say, my genie stories, Josh and Abbie had no-one guiding them on how to use the power, and so had to suffer the consequences. All the stuff with wishes going wrong, like the shower orgasms, was inspired by the film Absolutely Anything.

As for my next story, I really don't know. I had a story I started writing which I was sure would be next, but I'm not sure anymore if it'll interest me enough, or if it'll interest you enough. Reading some other stories online though has reminded me of a thing I've wanted to write for years, even since before I was writing shitting interactive stories. I won't say exactly what it is, because honestly I don't know for certain yet, but I will say this: You are the Master's representative.

I feel like I should have more to say here, but honestly, I can't think of it right now, so this will have to do. Goodbye for now, and I'll see you whenever I next post a story!


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The Magic WandChapter 8

It occurred to her, before she spoke, that the only reason she could say what she planned to say was what the wand had just done to her. She wasn’t worried about it. Everything would work out. She knew how foolish that was, to think that way. It was entirely possible that things wouldn’t work out at all. And yet, she wasn’t worried about that, either. “Okay,” she said. “I have to tell you some things.” “Is the wand making you tell me?” he asked, instantly. “No, but you need to understand....

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The Magic WandChapter 11

Both knew exactly what had just happened, as she returned to her side of the table. The responsible thing to do was talk about it. “That hasn’t happened in a while. What caused it?” she asked. He had matured, and he didn’t try to dodge the issue. “When you leaned over me, your breast touched my shoulder.” “Oh,” she said. Her cheeks got pink. “Sorry.” “And you’re wrong. It’s happened a lot, lately.” “Oh?” “Yeah. I’m pretty worked up when I go home from these tutoring sessions.” “Do I...

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The Magic WandChapter 13

Jane stood, looking down at the sleeping patient in the hospital bed. She didn’t want to wake the woman up. That seemed rude. Jane didn’t like hospitals. They seemed too institutional. She decided to sit in a vinyl upholstered chair against one wall and wait. What was going on in Jane Pendleton’s head was complicated. She loved her son, and anything that was important to him was important to her. She knew he loved choir. Now she had some “information” as to why he might love choir so much....

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In Search of the Magic Wand

We were at Young Life camp when the youth pastor caught us.  Mindy and I had been flirting for weeks.  We were the ones who snuck off to the woods to smoke when the others were off doing their little brainwash activities.  She was really developed.  Every chance she got she was leaning into me, brushing her tits against me.  Finally on one of our excursions, having lit our Camels, I got up the nerve and kissed her.  She kissed back like she had been waiting for it.  Unfortunately, we had...

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The Magic WandChapter 24

Mindy didn’t want to use the wand unless it was absolutely necessary. There were too many unintended side effects ... such as Horace’s admission he was having an affair with Gracie Winston. At the same time, she now had some powerful dirt on both of them. It was that dirt she decided to use on Gracie to get the rest of the information she needed. That was: who came to Gracie to complain about the unwed and pregnant music teacher at the high school. She didn’t want to chance using the wand...

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The Magic WandChapter 6

“Did you flush?” she asked. “Yes,” he said. “Did you wash your hands?” “No.” “Please go do that,” she groaned. When he came back she told him to sit down. “I’m going to try to undo this,” she said. “Thanks.” She waved the wand and said, “You can lie again.” She looked at him, expectantly. “Nothing,” he said. “I mean I didn’t feel anything.” “Do you want to make love with me?” she asked. “Desperately,” he sighed. She frowned. It hadn’t worked. Why hadn’t it worked? More to the...

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Harry Potter and his Magic Wand Ch1

“Wake up Harry, wake up” Ron shouted, while he shook Harry’s shoulder “We’re all set to go as soon as you get up. Come on Harry get up!” Harry rolled over, sweat dripping off his face as he leaned over the edge of the bed and puked into a chamber pot, splattering a bit on Ron’s shoes. “Ugg” they both groaned at the same time. “I’m feeling ill, Ron. You guys go on without me.” Harry moaned out as he shifted in the bed. Looking ill, Ron leaped back and turning he ran down the stairs to where the...

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Wand Book and Candle Part 1

Wand, Book and Candle, Part 1 By Elliot Reid "If I chance to talk a little wild, forgive me; I had it from my father." I snapped the book shut, eyes unfocusing from the text. With my fingers I massaged my temples, kneading tension away. I was approaching my birthday with mixed feelings. In two days I'd be sixteen. I'd have crossed another threshold. Would I feel more grown-up? I looked over at the stack of comic books by my bed, beside the Joseph Campbell and the Homer that I was...

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The Magic WandChapter 25

The passion involved in the make-up sex took the tension out of the air. Mindy had a string of orgasms as he rocked on top of her. It wasn’t until he sagged, covering her, that they noticed Christine, standing beside the bed, staring at them. “Mommy?” she said. “What you doing, Mommy?” “I’m just saying hi to your daddy,” said Mindy. Christine knew the word “Daddy,” but she wasn’t sure just what it meant. She knew that this person had been at the house before, and had read her stories. She...

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The Magic WandChapter 7

Her sleep was troubled by lurid, very sexual dreams. Batiste was in some of them, but only as the recipient of Abbey’s oral attention. She saw that again, saw how avidly Abbey was sucking the man. Then it was on to a dream of her waving the wand at Bobby and his clothing flying off in shreds. It didn’t hurt him, though. He stood there, staring at her, his erection impossibly long and big. Suddenly Phil was standing beside Bobby. “I see you met my frat brother,” he said, nodding toward Bobby....

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Wand Book and Candle Part 3

Wand, Book and Candle, Part 3 By Elliot Reid I hefted the 'phone, punched in the long-distance number and tried to ease back in the chair by my computer. My head, cushioned by a mass of unfamiliar hair, rested against the wall as I tilted back. I was cocooned in the femme pinkness of my bedroom, still glowing from my pool encounter with Tisha. As soon as I had gotten back I'd shucked off the starched school clothes. Having spent the day prancing around in my hot...

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Wand Book and Candle Part 2

Wand, Book and Candle, Part 2 By Elliot Reid The magic had altered me. I was no longer fully male. As my girlfriend cycled home, Mom immediately put me to work cleaning up. Denied any private time to explore the changes, I busied myself around the house doing chores. Our brownstone was a tiny place and the slightest clutter made it uninhabitable. I had to tidy and vacuum and rescue stray spiders from corners before they made Mom freak out. I had trouble adjusting to the body Meghan had...

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Wand Book and Candle Part 5

Wand, Book and Candle, Part 5 By Elliot Reid A scorching plain of fine white mica lay beneath an obsidian sky. Above it hung the Moon, wreathed in flame. Before me hovered a figure I did not recognize, pale and cold. It looked nothing like my father and yet I knew it was him. "Why do feel these things?" I asked the specter. "Why do I want to mutilate my girlfriends?" "The wand asserts itself," the ghost said, its voice dry as a library. "The what?" "The wand. Your old...

4 years ago
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The Magic Wand

Jim was bored. He sat in the last row of the lecture hall and tried to follow the professor in the front, a task which wasn't made easier by him barely getting sleep last night, after he had been out with friends. No more Sunday evenings, he mumbled and put his head into his hands. Behind him the door to the room creaked and when he turned around, Jim saw his best friend Mike sneak into the room and onto the chair beside him. "You never guess what I got," he started to talk and Jim groaned a...

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The Magic WandChapter 20

If it sounds like Bruce demanded information and it came pouring out in a gush of catharsis, that would be wrong. It might have come gushing out like that, except that neither Bobby nor Mindy were given enough uninterrupted time to ... gush. Instead, the parents “reviewed” what they knew and then asked questions to get more information. “Why couldn’t you talk to me about something like that?” complained Jane. “I was so ashamed,” moaned Mindy. “You said man,” commented Bruce. “You said man,...

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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Lauryn Tries My Magic Wand

"Like this?" Lauryn said, holding my wand vibrator awkwardly in her hand as she tried to get the angle right. "Yes, just like a big magic marker. Like you're going to write on yourself down there." She was completely naked. I'd never seen her whole body like this. It was Friday afternoon and no one else was home at my house. We had the whole weekend together and I was so excited about this vibrator I had to tell someone about it. Just minutes ago we'd been chillin' on my bed when I brought it...

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Harrys Magical Wand

A Harry Potter Fan Fiction What should have happened in the ending of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire… PS: I do not own the characters. And this story involves male / male slash sex, so if you have anything against that, Leave (: . Enjoy! Draco wanted Harry to suffer, he wanted him to fail the competition so bad! He circled around his room and tried to think of a way, that suddenly came to his mind. He quickly got down to breakfast and went to the Hufflepuff table, demanding to...

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The Magic WandChapter 17

If all this sounds silly, unreasonable, or impossible, you’re not alone in that evaluation. But there’s one key variable that hasn’t been mentioned. The wand. At graduation, Mindy used it on Bobby when the choir sang the school song. She had to be careful, and she thought for a long time about what she’d do, in very specific terms. She didn’t want any unwanted side-effects. As she made the circle/zee, she stared at Bobby and recited her memorized incantation. “It’s not urgent that we meet....

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The Magic WandChapter 14

He gave her his jacket because she was wearing only what she’d been transported to the hospital in and his car hadn’t warmed up on the short drive from school. It was only fifteen or so blocks to her house, and he put up with the chill. When they got to her house she said, “I’m going to take a shower,” and disappeared into the hallway that led to her bedroom. Bobby sat down. There was a big book on her coffee table that had hundreds of photographs in it. The theme of the book was natural...

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The Magic WandChapter 21

They were back inside, now. Bruce had many more questions, but now he realized this wasn’t the time to pose them. That could be done later, when things had calmed down. He thought of him and his son sitting quietly, sipping Scotch, when Jane wasn’t there. She didn’t need to know the particulars of all this. All she needed to know was that everything was okay. And now Bruce also understood why Mindy, eight years older, and a teacher, could fall in love with an eighteen-year-old boy. He was...

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Mandi Does LA Chapter III Part One Friday

Dave begins this true-life story.Mandi was at the point that she needed to spread her carnal wings as quickly as possible, and use this newfound freedom to enjoy as many possible sexual experiences she could. I was encouraging her to do just that, as it totally turned me on when she had sex with someone else. Of course, I had the same freedoms but not near as many opportunities as she had.I had an office in Silicon Valley in California. It was a Tuesday afternoon about a month after the...

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Inquisition Blood MagicChapter 2 Cassandra and Varric

The seeker was certainly beautiful, I mused, and so easy to manipulate; it was unfortunate she was so high maintenance, or I might have been tempted to have her as an actual partner instead of a thrall. But she wanted to be romanced, and I didn't have time for that shit. Taking her mind had been ridiculously easy; I made Solas tell her he was worried he was possessed, and after she'd expended her powers on the poor mage, I took her while she was helpless to resist, her seeker abilities not...

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Wand Book and Candle Part 4

Wand, Book and Candle, Part 4 By Elliot Reid The transformation slowed, the final change trickling into place. I cocked my head at the caramel woman in the mirror and smiled a dazzling, Colgate smile. My new face and figure was perfect in every detail, a Xerox copy of the original. I was the spitting image of my new crush, Tisha Williams. I stared at my coffee-colored hands with their light fingernails, noting the fine knuckle wrinkles. I then lifted my fingers to pat the...

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I Love Lucy A Wand of Change Story

I Love Lucy, a Wand of Change story By Eric Thanks to the peerless editor Steve Zink. He always makes me look good. The use of the Wand of Change was inspired by James' great video on YouTube. He used the name Eric for the main character, so I am returning the compliment with his permission. Let me hasten to add that except for being leading man handsome, his true character bears no resemblance to the rather vain male James in the story. James is actually pretty modest. Now the...

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A Halloween Wand

The Halloween Wand Halloween, a holiday where children can pretend to be anything they want: vampires, ghost, fairies, witches, anything. And these children can go door to door and get candy from neighbors. Of course, many people know that Halloween is an ancient holiday, celebrated by the Celts as part of their harvest festival, but some believe that Halloween is one of those times of the year when the spiritual world meets with the living world and when magic is most potent. A lot...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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The Cliche Wand

The Clich? Wand - By foobar2k Chapter 1 - The Discovery As James walked into the derelict theatre he frowned disapprovingly. His business partner's last procurement before leaving to Mali with the company's profits, James was trying to think of at least one thing to do with the building to make a living. The district of town was well known; a lot of robberies and shootings went on here, not like it used to be. In its best years it used to be the centre of the community, especially ...

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Cormac The Elders Wand1

--VeryTas Hi, my name’s McLaggen. Cormac McLaggen. You might have heard of me, in some of those stories about how the Chosen One defeated the Dark Lord at Hogwarts. I was at Hogwarts with Harry Potter. And before I go any further, I just have to say, well, I think it’s great that Potter lived and Riddle died. I mean, can you imagine what would have happened if it had been the other way around. So don’t get me wrong when I say I never much cared for Potter. And you know, I...

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An Ode to The Wand of Change

An Ode to The Wand of Change By Eric Eric did love Tina dear but he did fear The charming Brad, he of many leers! How best could he test his sweet, Sly Eric would try magical deceit! From far e-bay the Wand came And so fevered Eric's poor brain. It allowed him to become another But who? He could be mother or brother? Then fair Kim Tina's friend did call The party she'd not come after all! In the thrall of the Wand of Change Eric was like one sadly deranged. So manly, strong...

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The Halloween Wand

My name is Sam Clarkson. And as far as I can remember, this is an accurate description of what happened on Halloween, the year I was 13. My parents had gone out to a party, leaving me and my 10 year old sister, Tina, home alone. We were allowed to be home without a sitter, as long as I promised to be responsible, and to take Tina trick or treating. "OK, this is our chance!" I said. "What do you mean?" said Tina. "Well, since we moved into this house, some of the stuff is still...

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The Magic Wand

Magic to most people it's a trick of the light or sleight of hand or clever mechanics. However there is true magic in the world, spell casters exists hidden in the world their craft reserved for those who seek their services. Today we go to a park in New York where magic is more common than other places you just need to look closely. In the park a young man walks forward looking nervous and rushed he walks forward carrying a bag of clacking wood. He rushes forward hurrying not watching where he...

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Mortal Kombat

Mortal KombatBy Sonya Esperanto [email protected]: Same name as the hit video game Mortal Kombat.  But as far as this story is concerned, it about Mortal Kombatants Johnny Cage and Jax, who team up against Princess Kitana and show her the true meaning of combat.Story:It was a high cold mountain in Outworld.  Most of the Kombatants are dead.  The kontestants had to keep on fighting each other and after fatalities, they always get killed.  Sonya Blade got raped by Kano and so...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter 14

Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Brandee series is intended for adults only. Additionally, no part of this story may be reproduced without the permission of the author. Becoming Brandee Chapter Fourteen: It was almost a year since I had been transformed from smart independent CD girl, Jenni, into sweet dumb and adorable bimbo, Brandee. It was also Halloween and the final evening performance of my promotional tour being staged back where it all started, the...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Eleven

Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee series are intended for adult readers only. Reproduction in any form may not be done without permission of the author. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Eleven: Julie and I crawled into bed together spent as Richard retired to his room. However, just before heading up to bed, Benjamin and I shared a private moment at the door before he headed back to his home. He kissed me tenderly and told me that he'd like to see me...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Thirteen

Disclaimer: Like all chapters in the Brandee series, this one is also intended for adults only. And, like all other chapters, no part of this story may be reproduced without permission of the author. Enjoy. Becoming Brandee Chapter Thirteen: I think I was telling you all about my publicity and promotional tour before getting side-tracked by hygiene issues in the last chapter. Let me fill you in on a few of my adventures with some fascinating audience members who've won the "Win...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter 10

Disclaimer. This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee strory, are intended for adult readers only Becoming Brandee Chapter Ten: Now this was totally unexpected. I had initially thought that my wife Julie and I were both to be dates for Richard and suddenly I become very aware that only my wife is Richard's date for the evening. And, once I open the front door, I will be meeting my very own date. "You look divine, Brandee," said my wife encouragingly, "Now make...

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The Magic WandChapter 2

Mindy had her blouse on, but his pronouncement stopped her cold before it was fully buttoned. Her purse had been in the pile he’d handed her and she jammed her underthings in it. She approached Bobby and the man on the floor slowly. Kneeling, she went through the same motions Bobby had. “We need to leave,” she whispered. “Is he dead?” croaked Bobby. “I think so,” she said, her own voice shaky. “What did you do?” “I put him in a choke hold,” croaked Bobby. “I must have held it too...

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The Magic WandChapter 16

It is true that, if Bobby had visited Mindy in the hospital, it might have been viewed as being scandalous. But nobody asked the woman who came back every day for hour-long visits just who she was. No record was required for her to sign. No identification was demanded. Basically, she was ignored by hospital staff. The reason Jane returned, day after day, was simple. She liked Mindy. She liked being around smart people and, to tell the truth, she was a little starved for interaction with...

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The Magic WandChapter 15

He’d barely gotten his whole dream mapped out for Mindy when the door crashed open and Jerry Parker and Susie Beltone rushed in. Neither Bobby nor Mindy knew, at that point, that Mr. Nelson had informed their parents that, if they missed more than two days of a scheduled detention, that an additional week of detention would be “awarded.” If they missed any of that scheduled detention, then suspension would be automatic. Both missing students were seniors. If they were suspended, neither Jerry...

3 years ago
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The Magic WandChapter 18

She was still crying and trying to pull away from him as he dragged her up the walk and into his parents’ house. Her entreaties of, “Please, Bobby, No,” bounced off of him like rain off a duck. His father was sitting on the couch reading the paper. He looked up as Bobby dragged a crying woman into the living room. “Where’s Mom?” asked his son. “I’m right here,” said his mother, coming from the kitchen. She was wearing an apron and had flour dust on her hands. “What’s going on?” She got a...

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