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It was a warm spring night; I was finally taking the girl of my dreams out to eat. She’s beautiful, smart, fun, kind, outgoing-- just all around perfect in my eyes, and her name is Andrea. I arrived to pick her up and she exited her house wearing a light blue blouse that wrapped nicely in all the right places like it was custom made for her body, with a simple pair of jeans that seemed to be skin-fit as they hugged her curves wonderfully. I tried to conceal my fascination as she entered the car with her usual smile. We headed to our reservation at Southern Flames, a very fancy place. Once we arrived, and after struggling slightly to find a parking space, we took our seats and had a nice chat as we ate our meals. After we’d had our fill, I paid and we left.

As we were pulling away, I heard her soft sweet voice call to me. “I had a really great time with you today, Damon.”

“I had a lot of fun too,” I replied, “So now what do you want to do?”

“Hmm, I’m stuffed, so let’s ride around.”


After a brief pause for thought I decided to drive around Downtown. Andrea hadn’t been there before, so I decided to show her around. We left the car to explore a little bit. We watched the river as it glistened and flowed calmly past, saw the beautiful city lights at night, everything. But, in the midst of our journey, it began to pour down. What a way to mess up the perfect moment. We rushed back to the car, but only after we had gotten dreadfully drenched in the rain.

“Well, that was fun,” I laughed.

“I know, right?” she chuckled. “Shit, I’m so wet, let’s head back.”

“Your place or mine?” I joked.

“Cute, but we can go back to mine. I gotta get out of these wet clothes.”


I began to drive her home, but my mood was a little different than before. I kind of caught a glimpse of her erect nipples through her soaked blouse, and all I could think about during the whole trip was sucking and licking them. If I could just have one opportunity without any awkwardness I think I could rest a happy man at this moment. That very thought alone sent lustful chills up my spine; I had to catch myself before I bit my lip. Then I heard Andrea’s voice talking to me.

“….okay?” she questioned, she seemed a bit concerned.

“Huh? I’m sorry?” I asked, trying to regain my composure.

“I asked if you were okay, you seem a little uneasy.”

“Me? Oh, I’m fine, just thinking…”


“Nothing much, just stuff. Nothing major.” I smiled, hoping to assure her I was fine.

“Mhm, so let’s talk about something to pass the time. You pick the topic.”

“Okay, umm.” I thought hard, but the only thing that was on my mind at that very moment, no matter how hard I tried was… “Sex.”

That subject seemed to really grab her attention. “Ooh, now that’s an interesting topic. I’ll start.”


“Are you a virgin?”

I coughed at the randomness of the question, clearing my throat. “Pass.”

“Nuh uh, there’s no passing here, mister!”

“I am…” I stated shyly.

“Aw ain’t that cute, I lost mine years ago.”

“Cool, was he worth it?”

“Nowhere near the word.”

“Aw, I’m sorry to hear that, okay, my turn.”

“Ask away.”

“Um, have you ever been seduced?”

“Not to where I’ve been teased, I do the teasing,” she bragged.

“Oh really? We have to see about that.”

“You think you can handle me?”

“You have no idea….” I whispered to myself as I stared up and down her body.

We finally arrived back at her house. She opened the door to let us in and heads upstairs.

“Nice place,” I complimented as I followed her to her room and looked around.

I reached her bedroom and she was walking out as I was walking in. I noticed a towel in her hand.

“Make yourself at home, Sir Seductive, I must take a shower,” she said softly.

“Yes, mami,” I flirted playfully.

She flashed a smile and gestured for me to take a seat. I sat on the bed and watched her as she entered the bathroom, she closed the door, but only halfway. I heard her turn on the water and caught a glimpse of her taking off her top. Lust surged through my body instantly. I began to remember seeing her hard nipples under her wet blouse, and now that blouse was removed. My curiosity began to take over; I felt my body rise off the bed and headed to the bathroom door. I reached the doorway, and I saw her step into the shower. I saw everything she had on—nothing at all.

She began to sing a song, “I am yours, take me. I lose my breath, for you make me. Lust chills me all over, give me your warmth. I am a puppet, work my strings.”

I felt myself lean forward, my movements were not my own. I was not in control. What spell had this temptress put on me without even the slightest touch? My body entered the doorway, and I pulled back the veil that blocked me from my goal.

There she stood, I was in awe at what I saw, her body, gorgeous didn’t do it justice, the shower water smoothly cascaded down her caramel skin. The look in her eyes was mind controlling, and it was a look not with shock or surprise, but with hunger. Not to mention the mischievous smirk across her smooth pink lips.

“Took you long enough, I almost thought I had to come and get you myself. Welcome to the party Sir Seductive, I’m afraid clothes are not allowed,” she flirted.

“Well, I seem to be overdressed,” I countered wittingly, extending my hand gentleman-like to help her out of the shower.

“That is true…” she answered, taking my hand.

She stepped out of the shower, our lips connected and I melted. Her tongue danced upon mine, welcoming it to play. She moaned as I pulled her body close to mine. She took off my shirt as I unbuckled my pants. She slid them to my ankles and I finished the rest. She was entranced, it seemed something low had really got her attention; it was my soldier at attention.

“Mmm, it looks like you’re nice and ready for me,” she stated as she caressed it.

She dropped to her knees as she admired my thick meat. Then next thing I knew, she began to slip it between her watering lips. I pulled away and tried to stop her but she simply looked up at me and made me reenter as she massaged me with her mouth. I was in complete ecstasy, my head began to spin. My body went numb from immense pleasure.

She moaned as she increased her pace, as well as her depth. Rarely paused to hold me in the back of her throat, and then began once more. In mere minutes I felt my shaft preparing the launch, and that moment approaching faster and faster with every entry. I had no choice but to pull her long black hair to force her head back as I removed myself from her mouth.

She moaned as she lunged forward, reaching for one more mouthful. “Aw, Damon I was almost done, just a little and I would have tasted your cream filling. Give it back, please?” she pleaded as she licked the pre-cum exiting the tip.

At that moment, I kind of forgot that I was a shy virgin gentleman; I knew I had her, and I haven’t even seduced her yet. A devilish smirk crossed my face; it has always been sexy to me making a girl beg, it’s my guilty pleasure.

“No baby, maybe later,” I responded as I stood her up.

She pulled me into the shower with her and we kissed more, deeper, longer. I added tongue, just to make her melt in my hands as she massaged my shaft. I slid the tip of my tongue down a side of her neck, she shook and groaned softly. I worked my way up to where I started, curling my tongue, she moaned more and shivered.

I grazed my teeth on her neck softly, only to be rewarded with a retrained moan and a whisper, “Harder…” I did as commanded of me, and she screamed out as she gripped my shoulder. It sends chills through me, which made me crave more. I bit repeatedly, in multiple areas, her gasps and moans repeat continuously. I proceeded lower, leaving a trail with my tongue.

I cupped her round breast and closed my eyes as I placed my tongue on the nipple. A sharp gasp exited her as I flicked and curled it. I began to suckle, and her breaths turn to moans slowly rising in volume. I couldn’t help but moan at the reactions I received, sucking and slurping loudly like a starving newborn. She continued to moan and ran her fingers through my hair, urging me not to stop as the shower pours on us both. So I don’t, I only paused to lick and switch nipples as I go.

She was finally able to catch herself enough to stop me. “Damn, you really have a way with that tongue of yours. Let’s go to the bedroom, I may not be able to stand much longer if you keep that up.”

“Lead the way, my puppet,” I commended in a devilish tone.

She bit her lip as she turned off the water. She stepped out of the shower and grabbed my handle, inviting me to follow. As we left the bathroom with our bodies soaking wet, we proceeded to the desired destination. But as we headed there I couldn’t help but watch her plump ass swing back and forth.

“You can stop staring at it now,” she jested, half-looking back at me, “Or how about you smack it and show me how much you like it?”

“Then bend over.”

“As you wish…”

We entered her bedroom and she slowly leaned forward onto the foot of the bed and rocked her hips a little while looking at me. I grabbed her seat and smacked my hand across both cheeks, hard.

She moaned. “Mmm, I like it rough. Smack it like that and I might end up calling you daddy.”

“Rough is what I do best, and I’d love to hear you call me daddy.” I grinned and smacked her ass harder.

“Oooh you’ve gotta earn that title baby.”

“Oh really? I think I can do that.”

I rested the head of my dick against her entrance; she bit her lip as she glanced back at me, her eyes gleamed with anticipation. I gave her ass one last smack and began to enter her slowly from behind. She moaned at every inch as I went deeper and deeper. Once I was completely in, I started to thrust deep and slow, savoring every bit of her dripping paradise. She moaned softly, but that wasn't good enough for me, so I went faster and she raised her volume, much better.

She had a very sexy moan, the kind that could make any man melt instantly. I quickened my thrusts, I wanted more, and she softly grabbed the sheets as her moaned got louder and louder; it still wasn't enough. So I began to pump like a crazed madman, going as hard as I could. She reacted as expected, she starts screaming my name at the top of her lungs, clenching the sheets as tight as possible, and swearing in whatever words she could muster. Our skin clapped together as she screamed, I thrust her frantically like a jackhammer. Her moans signaled to me that she was on the peak of her climax and was reaching her release, I stopped abruptly and she collapsed in front of me, trying to catch her breath.

I chuckled, watching her lay there almost lifeless, wondering what I was going to do next. I grabbed her hips and rolled her onto her back. She landed with a soft moan. I grabbed her thighs and pried them open, exposing her thick kitten as it dripped with anticipation. I dropped to my knees and licked my teeth in hunger as she lay there like my helpless victim. Wanting more, but unable to take more. I gave her pussy one slow, long lick up the middle between her walls; she moaned and shook as I reached her clit. I made my way back down the same route I came and she shivered at it.

“Ooh shit, don’t do that, I don’t think I can take it,” she confessed in a stutter.

I curled my tongue on her clit rapidly and sucked on it, “Good…” I replied.

I inserted my tongue into her wonderland, and instantly moaned at her taste. It was pure ecstasy and my eyes rolled back, as did hers. I began to curl my tongue slowly as it entered her more and more; her body immediately began to rock and roll. I started to bob my head slightly, still moaning as I tasted more and more of her cream. I licked her as fast as possible; she grabbed my head and moaned my name repeatedly as I continued to make her my dessert. My tongue began to dance inside her, moving everywhere at once. I heard her moans and swearing reach the highest volume and felt her legs shake as I licked as deep as I could.

Before I knew it, she was saying what I was waiting to hear--”OOH SHIT DADDY I’M GONNA C--”

I kept going, and before she could finish her warning, I felt her temperature rise, her body seizure, and her nails dug into my skull. I loved every bit of it. Then it happened, a great rush of her sweet love juice shot like a waterfall around my tongue and into my mouth. I moaned at the intense release, she held a long screaming moan as she exploded and shoved my face deeper between her legs. I licked and slurped up every drop, why waste it? I made sure to get the drops leaking on my chin also.

After her grand climax, she fell flat on the bed and sighed out of satisfaction. “Oh my God, daddy, that was amazing. You work your tongue so good.”

I gave her glistening shaved cat one more long lick. “Mmm damn, you taste so delicious!”

“Why thank you,” she laughed, still slightly shaking.

“My pleasure, I could eat you forever,” I admitted.

“Um, I don’t think I could handle all of that daddy. You sure that you are a virgin? Your tongue speaks otherwise.”

I laughed at the compliment as I lay next to her.

She turned to me and began to work my rock hard member in her hand, “Hmm, I still want to know how YOU taste daddy,” she reminded me as she slowly made her way down my body.

“You seem to have come back to earth mami,” I joked.

She chuckled as she slid me into her mouth, “Mhm…”

Her lips began to wrap around me, and I was in too much of a lusty haze to resist. I became completely submissive. She showed me her hazel eyes as she took more and more of me slowly until she reached the limit. She moaned as she began to suck me. I moaned right away, unable to speak, I fell to her mercy, and she knew it. She went faster, my back arched, but the extreme pleasure disabled me from moving.

She continued and moaned, pausing to deep throat me occasionally as she did earlier then started back from the top. She went as fast and deep as she could which forced me to grab her head as my moan volume increased. I was at my peak, only thing left to do was cum, and that moment was rapidly approaching. I pulled on her hair and moaned her name repeatedly, louder with every breath.

My body fell completely numb as I burst hard inside her mouth. She moaned at my release, I think she liked how I tasted as much as I loved her taste. She sucked up and swallowed every drop, but some seemed to slip past her as it dripped down my shaft. She made sure to lick that up as well.

“Mmm, you taste better than I expected daddy,” she admitted with a smile.

I faintly chuckled. “Why thank you.”

She crawled on top of me; we kissed one last time to taste ourselves. She lay down next to me; I turned to her and softly slid my fingertips across her bare skin. She closed her eyes and gasped softly, then, with the little resistance she had, knocked my hand away.

“Mm, don’t touch me like that, please?” she whined.

I chuckled and smirked. “As you wish…” I teased.

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Making the Swim TeamChapter 4

That night his mother was ecstatic with pride and excitement. Erin could not stop talking about how her son was going to win and if he did not win he still was the only Freshman to make it that far. In her eyes she had won no matter what the result. Saturday morning Kurt was in the kitchen when his mother walked in. "I am having my friend over tonight. You know Ms. Jackson. Well she and I are going out tonight, and then going to have a few drinks here after. So your dinner is going to be in...

1 year ago
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Sex with a Ghost

September 6th, 2012 I sit down at the desk in my bedroom, immediately reaching for my journal. I opened to a fresh page, and began to write. ‘Just another day… I still thought about her the entire day… Work was okay and busy. I miss her so much… I still don’t remember her last name… Why was I stupid enough to let her go like that? Four years later, and I’m still head over heels for her… I need to find her soon… My mission will never stop until she’s in my arms again…’ I sighed heavily,...

4 years ago
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Hurt me

"So you decided to come..?" "You know what it is what I want from you?" "That it's nothing like "fifty shades", or anything like that soft stuff?" "And the pain I'm going to give you very probably is not like you dreamed it will be?" "Fine. We'll see if you still think so after this evening." I swallow. I feel a blush coming to my cheeks. I thought I was sure about this, but looking at the grimm, slightly amused look on her face gives me a knot in my stomach. And a raging...

4 years ago
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A Young RangerChapter 2

Jed and Al headed out on Jed's first assignment as a Ranger. They were traveling to Jaybird to pick up some prisoners and return them to Laredo for trial. There were six men who were charged with various crimes from murder to bank robbery. Al insisted that this was a very easy assignment that was practically a setup for Jed. Most new men got an easy assignment for their first one, and this was the one for Jed. They showed up in Jaybird in the evening, so they spent the night in the local...

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TIME of the WEREWOLF Part 2

Steve and the nearest dog handler raced for the site supervisors Ford pickup so they could follow two alsatians, one larger strange black one, the other that had managed to pull free of its lead. As Steve crested the peak of the site access road(it was a rather large storage area not far from the base proper) the a****ls ran across the road heading for the perimeter fence and the area kept mown short for security reasons, the fence itself made of chain link and topped by wicked razor wire to...

2 years ago
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The Great Blackmail2

Every writer has a folder of half finished plots and projects. This series is just a few ideas that never made it into other canons, sort of a blow out of material. As always, I look forward to your comments and I hope you enjoy the story. Cheers I.M “Are you a virgin?” I tare my eyes from the screen of my Mac to see my little sister, Maddie, standing at the foot of my room, blank eyed, looking back at me, and I sigh hard. Now it’s important to understand that Maddie and I have...

2 years ago
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Sirens A Bold New Dawn

 1900UTC: USS Nimitz - Sea of Okhotsk, Extended Sea Duties.The sign on the door read ‘Lieutenant Dawn Delaney’ and it stood out in a sharp contrast to the battleship grey innards of the aircraft carrier’s metal passageways. The air here was stale and cloying under the artificial lighting which illuminated the run of narrow windowless corridor. Seated at the small cluttered desk, the lithe officer rifled through the wad of paperwork unceremoniously dumped in her In-tray before picking out the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Diversion Part 2

I must really thank C.O. And G.S. for inspiring me! Hope you enjoy! Don’t forget to read Diversion — Part 1!! It was getting late as I left the airport and rented a car. I browsed the lot as it was quickly turning to dusk. I turned the corner and saw the car I wanted. Not just any car though, a jet black 2012 Mustang Boss 302! I speed out of the parking lot headed for HWY 863. I was several miles down the highway going a cool 99 mph when I looked in my rear view mirror and saw a police car...

2 years ago
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CeliaChapter 7

It was in the eighth year of her marriage, two years after her youngest daughter, Rachel, had been born that Duke Gabriell passed away. There was a grand state funeral, and all of Gabe’s relatives and his noblemen attended. The entire family mourned his passing. Celia in particular was hard hit. Patrick assumed that it was because Celia had been so close to Gabriell. He had saved her life, and adopted her as his daughter after all. Patrick never realized that Celia was grieving for her lost...

4 years ago
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The GovernorChapter 15 The Filthy Tramp

Harriet froze. She was trapped. She was squashed, breathless, bemused, unable to move. Fuck. There was a sooty black building behind her and below, somewhere, was the river, full of endless foam and icy noise, gurgling and rumbling, and beckoning that she jump. And here, in her face, was a tramp, and she was sandwiched between him and the building. He was holding her jacket and his hot burning eyes was traversing her clothes. First, he looked at her chest. He stared at her jacket and her...

2 years ago
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Chrissys UnveilingChapter 2

“OK Mike” I growled, “that’s enough. Spread her arse cheeks wide and her cunt open for Stan. The once humiliated guy was now trembling with lust and quickly moved to the side and did as he was told. Stan tore off his clothes and approached the luscious but degrading sight from behind. “Keep holding her cunt lips open wide” I barked, “until his cock’s in”. Stan’s prick is about the same size as mine, a helluva lot bigger than Mike’s. I got Chrissy back onto my cock and watched intently as...

3 years ago
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FOR C.J. Early on Tuesday morning, Dillon’s cell phone rang and woke him out of a dead sleep. It was too early to take a call, and way too early for the rude awakening his ringtone was blaring from the nightstand next to his bed: The intro of Won’t Get Fooled Again by The Who. No one in their right mind calls this early. Why didn’t I turn this damn phone off last night?, he wondered. But he was curious and looked at the phone. The call was coming from a number he recognized. It was the...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Riley Reign She Likes Dominant Men

Juicy blonde Riley Reign makes her 3rd appearance on the Hussie?Pass set today, and we paired her up with our footlong friend, Damion Dayski, for this interracial blonde update. After our director, Johnny Robins, helps us get reacquainted with the all-natural blonde, Riley gets naked and uses her fingers to warm up her meaty vag. Damion makes his way into the scene, and he’s brought some lube for Riley’s 34-DD breasts and very lovely ass, which she then twerks for all of us. She...

1 year ago
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Joy and Brother Billy

When I was a girl growing up on a farm I was introduced to sex by seeing the animals on the farm fucking. My dad had a pack of hunting dogs and whenever on of the bitches went in heat all the males would be all over her. I got hot thinking what it would be like being fucked like that and one day decided to find out well this led to other things like the two minature stallions my dad raided for stud service. one day my brother Billy walked in on me in the barn naked and playing with one of the...

3 years ago
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A Son A Soldier And A Lover

Dear Mom, I’m so sorry to have run away from you and our home. I hope you can forgive my decision to join the army without your consent. And I’m also sorry for not talking to you for the last three months. I had my reasons to choose this job and be away from home. I hope you can forgive me. It has been a hard three months for me, and there hasn’t been a day where I have not thought about you. Hoping to hear from you. With Love David   Dear David, I’m so happy to hear from you....

2 years ago
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Roommates Part 4 Missys Magic Wand

It came as a big surprise the following Friday when my girlfriend Jane and I came in late and heard some moaning from both Missy and her date when we came home the following Friday night. Missy was our roommate. She was a petite little redhead, with a cute round face, small, lovely breasts and a bottom which set a standard for female backsides everywhere. Cute as button, and hot as a firecracker Missy had a date anytime she wanted. But for all her dating she hadn’t ever brought a guy home...

2 years ago
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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 19

There’s a backdoor entrance to the small stage in the dining room, just as there is at the small stage in the lounge. We used this entrance to enter the stage, with only the floor lights on. By the time we were in position on the stage, Sherry was next to the microphone at center stage. Just as all the overhead stage lights came on, Sherry was speaking. The more I see her take charge like this, dressed so sexy the way she is, the more I love my sister. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen....

4 years ago
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Dead Men0

"Chicago, the windy city." they call it. I just think its cold as fuck... I'm driving down I'm driving west on 290, toward the western side of downtown, to my office. I take a cigarette out of my pack on the passenger's seat. Using the zippo lighter my father gave to me on his death bed, I light up. It's 8:53 and my office is closed, but it's a good place to be if you wanna get drunk and be alone. This girl, Nancy, keeps calling me. I met her in a bar a week, maybe 9 or 10...

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Can of Corn

When he got home from work, she was in the kitchen, standing at the sink washing the cutting board. "Hi love, how was your day?" She gave the pot of soup a quick stir, and turned around to get a kiss from Glen, and the can of corn he had bought. Setting the can on the counter by the stove, she rummaged for the can opener, opened it, then dumped it in the soup, giving it another stir. He watched her, only shrugging and grunting in answer to her question. She continued stirring the soup,...

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Jason and his naughty Mum

It always seem hard trying to start anything like this so I suppose I better begin by telling you a little bit about myself. My name is Alison Roberts I am a single mum with a 13 year old boy called Jason. I work part time in a local shop and have just had my 32nd birthday. I haven’t had many relationships with men and to be honest I don’t really miss having a man around. We live in a nice house (bought by my parents) and even though I don’t earn much I am always ?borrowing? money from them so...

1 year ago
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PropertySex Evelin Stone Taking The Full Package

After being cheated on by his wife, single dad Tony attends a house showing led by real estate agent Evenlin Stone. Evenlin shows Tony the spacious rooms full of natural light, and soon they begin to talk about amenities. The agent mentions that there is plenty of nightlife in the city, so Tony asks her where she likes to hang out. Flirty, Evelin mentions he might need some new friends, and if Tony is willing to take the full package deal on the property, she could sweeten it up for him. Evelin...

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Gym Friendship With Hot College Girl Ends In Bed

Hi, myself Rahul (name changed), pursuing B.Tech from a very reputed college in Kanpur. More about myself, I am a very shy and introvert type boy. Though I am skinny, I play football in the morning regularly. So, I am very fit. Today, I am going to tell you a true story that happened 3 months back. After joining college, I used to try everything from swimming to yoga. At the beginning of my third semester, I joined my college gym. Initially, there were only very few girls in the gym. One day, a...

3 years ago
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Strip Mall Meeting

I was lying on my back and enjoying my new friends oral skills and looking at the tightest ass cheeks and pink puffy pussy lips that were inches from my face. At that same moment I was thinking it was June in Southern California and usually I get lucky somewhere around the end of August and meet some girl trying to get some before her summer in So. Cal. is over. I should just be enjoying this hottie that picked me up and lead the way into having wild, sex the following day? I just graduated...

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My beautiful wife

My wife is amazing.Sometimes I forget just how amazing until I see her standing there in her bikini.We have just put our son down for a nap after being out by the pool and she looked extra sexy right now. Her long messy blonde hair and her small little bikini teased me as she went about her business. She had an amazing ass and a small waist. Most of the time just looking at her made me horny as fuck but today... I could feel the bulge in my swim trunks growing as her sun kissed legs strutted...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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First Sex With Divorced House Owner

Hi everybody. I am krishna from chennai.My age is 26.My native place is dharmapuri. I am staying in an apartment since last three years. working in a private company. I am new to iss.Good to be here. I am an athelete. I am 6 feet tall.So I look slim and fit. Coming to my story. My house owner was a divorced women. Her age was 29 years old. She have a son 5 years old.Because of some family issues she got divorce and staying alone. But she have four rental home. So she is well settled and she...

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MagicianChapter 94

The isle of Kedyrn in Tír na nÓg was tense, many of the inhabitants were passively refusing to co-operate with Verenestra’s forces, although the village leaders were at least giving lip service to her cause. That said, most of the population were too afraid to openly come out and support the Seelie court, just in case Queen Oonagh returned. Queen Titania however did openly come out in her royal ‘progress’ and settled herself upon the demesne of First Sword of the Morning Ghurran and proceeded...

4 years ago
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Dominant Black Transsexual CheerleadersChapter 9

My girlfriend did bring me home right after school. "Where's your mom?" Heather wondered as we entered through the house through the kitchen. "She works until nine," I shrugged and then smiled as I felt her hands on my shoulders. "Good ... I want you right here," she decided, pushing me over the kitchen table. "I wanna fuck you in every room of the house." "Ummm..." I half-giggled, half-sighed, laying on my tummy while Heather yanked my panties down my pale legs. "Yeah," she...

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shaadi me sex

hi to all of u.dosto ye meri pehli story hai.mujhe sexy story padna bahut accha lagta hai.me ab aap ko ek sachi aur sexy story batane ja raha hu.ye baat aaj se 1 saal pahle ki hai.me apne couisen ki shaadi me gaya hua tha.sex k liye shaadi se accha mauka aur koi ho hi nahi sakta.aur me is mauka ko aasani se nahi jane dena chahta tha. aur wo mauka mujhe mil bhi gaya. mere cousine ki shaadi me kai ladkiyan aayi hui thi. bus mujhe unme se koi ek shikar chun na tha.meine ek ladki jiska naam sweta...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 33

"First, I need to speak with Olu, to sort out the arrangements for his family group. Can you have him phone me from your phone? I will pay for the call." "That is acceptable, Winston. Next?" "Do you know if Olu or either of the twins have married? I need to calculate the total number of passengers: it affects the take-off weight. It will also determine how much luggage they can bring." "The last I heard of the family, there was no suggestion of marriage, or even engagement to marry....

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