The Perfect Storm
- 3 years ago
- 53
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I stomp my snow-covered boots twice on the welcome mat of the Hilton Garden Inn, and stride up to the front desk, hopeful that I’ll be luckier at securing a room than I’d been at the last two places. Eyeing the throng of somber-looking people seated in the lobby, baggage at their feet, I did not have a good feeling. It had been a great hockey game, and the drive to Columbus had definitely been worth it, but the weather forecasters had actually got it right this time. This storm was proving to be a doozy, and the zero visibility on the highways had sent travelers scrambling to get a bed for the night.
“How many are ahead of me?” I ask an apologetic clerk, after being informed that this hotel too, was full. She adds that management is working to make some rooms available - ones that are usually set aside for day use. I don’t need to ask what she means by day use, but I begin to wonder at the reputability of this particular hotel. It seems upscale enough, and I offer to myself that perhaps not all day users are customers of prostitutes. Regardless, I am hopeful that I might be lucky enough to secure one of these reassigned rooms. I am getting desperate at this point.
“Four, sir. You are welcome to wait in the lobby here, and we should know more in about fifteen minutes.” She smiles and adds, ”There is another hotel about six miles down the highway, if you’d rather not wait.”
I ponder my options, considering the near whiteout conditions out the lobby window and the roaring fire and large, black leather couch facing it. In my musings, I note an attractive woman, about my age, on one side of the couch, staring pensively at the crackling flames, her small suitcase tucked below her. Another stranded soul, and a very eye-catching one.
“I will wait,” I tell the clerk. “The last two places were full, and the roads are pretty bad out there.” I am banking on luck. If worse comes to worse, I wonder if they will let us sleep in the lobby. I make my way over to the couch, and the woman on the other end smiles, her hazel eyes conveying a degree of worry over the situation, but also a glowing warmth. Mmmm.
“Hello there. Do you mind if I join you?” I ask. I note a glass of what looks like white wine in her hand. She has wavy, very full hair, that she is currently teasing with her free hand.
“Not at all. It’s lonely over here,” she laughs. I like the sound of that response. Maybe this frigid Ohio night is going to warm up a bit. “I’m number three, so sit right down, number four.” She must have overheard my conversation with the clerk.
I put my carry bag by the other end of the couch and make myself ready to sit down. Then I can’t help but notice her shapely, pouty lips as she takes another sip of her wine. “If you point me in the direction of the bar, and promise to save my spot, I can get you another one of those. What are you drinking?” I know it’s a calculated risk and I hope that I don’t put her off. She had mentioned that she was lonely after all, and I read that as an invitation.
“Well, that’s a bargain if I’ve ever heard one! I’m drinking Moscato and… the bar is right behind that door.” She points and smiles again, and I can’t help but notice a very enticing jiggle in my peripheral vision, as she lifts her arm. I fight hard not to look directly at her bosom, but my ”spider senses” tell me that this lovely lady has a very shapely figure under that winter coat. She also appears to be on her own. My mischievous mind begins to wander as I make my way to the bar.
'You’re staying put, no more hotel hopping,' I tell myself. The last few miles were white knuckle driving and there will be no more of that. The glass of Moscato I got from the bar should help to steady my nerves. I take a long sip and stare off into the blazing fire.
The door opens up and ushers the cold air in. 'Brr! Close that door!' I say to myself. It’s just another stranded driver making their way in out of the storm. He draws my attention as he stomps off the snow from his boots. It’s hard not to notice how good looking he is. Boy, if I’m to be stranded, I might as well be stranded with him! He looks to be about six-foot-one with amazing shoulders… shoulders I could grab a hold of when needed. Oh good lord, focus on the fire, just focus on the fire.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see him walking over from the front desk to the lobby. There’s a few seats here and there, but I’m all alone on this big couch, so the odds are good that he’ll sit next to me.
Wait, what just happened? What did I just say? “Sit right down, number four.” I’m an idiot. Well, whatever. He’s buying me a drink so it must not have sounded that bad.
As he makes his way to the bar, I turn and watch him go. 'Hmmm, nice ass.'
Some twenty minutes slip by as we chat on the couch, sipping wine by the blazing fire. I am impressed that this hotel has a real fire, rather than an electric or gas model, like most places nowadays. I am also more than impressed with the woman keeping me company on this couch. She is from West Virginia, very smart, has a killer smile and oozes a sensuality that radiates right to my core. It comes up that we are both married with grown children, but we don’t get into our family lives too deeply.
Instead, we have fun, bantering back and forth, and joking about a variety of topics. The wine is flowing freely, and I begin to wonder if I will have to get a cab to the next hotel if this place ends up falling through. The snow, if anything, appears to be getting worse.
The family that was first, and the couple that was second on the waitlist, get the word that there are now extra rooms ready for them. As the two groups approach the desk to fill out the paperwork, Darcy and I looked warily at each other, silently wondering if this means that we will both be out of luck tonight. If the hotel ends up letting us spend the evening and night in the lobby, I think to myself that things could definitely be worse.
I am really enjoying Darcy’s company, and I get the same vibe from her. Besides her sense of humor and playfulness, I feel a definite physical attraction for this woman. She removed her coat earlier, revealing, as I suspected, a very full bosom that seems to be straining the tight-fitting sweater she is wearing. As a result, I am actually fighting to keep the strain in my own blue jeans at bay. 'Easy boy,' I coach myself mentally, 'You don’t want to create an embarrassing situation here.'
But my internal dialogue is betrayed by my less disciplined, wandering eyes. I also know that I have caught Darcy looking me over a few times as well. There is definitely some chemistry developing between us over this wine, this roaring fire crackling, and the howling blizzard raging outside. We are cut off from the rest of the world, vulnerable and finding refuge in each other’s company. I wonder where it will lead.
I attempt to shuffle my posture on the couch to ease the growing discomfort in my loins. Then the receptionist calls Darcy’s name. She turns, leaves her bag with me and smiles, making her way to the desk.
I’m not sure if it is the fire or the company I am keeping that makes me hot. Dane is very charming. He is very good looking and funny. His sense of humor allows me to relax and not worry about the snow piling up outside. At this point, I don’t care if I have a bed to sleep in or if I have to curl up on this couch with this handsome stranger. Actually being tangled up with Dane is beginning to sound like the better option.
I’m pretty sure that he won’t mind either, if the noticeable bulge in his pants is any indication. He keeps shifting in his seat, poor guy. I am very aware of what my 42DDs are doing to him. Maybe I should cover-up? Nope, I think not. We continue to chat, waiting for the receptionist to hand us our fate. She could take all night for all I care. He is so easy to talk to. Very quick on the comebacks. I am lost in his blue eyes when he talks about his trips out west on his bike. I wonder how deep those eyes would get when being enveloped by his body. 'Snap out of it Darcy, you can’t go there!'
In the midst of my daydreaming, the family and the couple are lucky enough to grab their rooms. I’m next. Still, I don’t care if I get a room or not, just as long as they don’t toss me out into the Blizzard of 2020, as the weatherman is calling it now. If I get separated from Dane on this wild night, won’t I always wonder if I would have crossed that line with him? But my guess is that the hotel would never, with the wine we’ve drunk and the conditions outside, make us go back out there. They’d be obligated, at least, to offer us a corner somewhere.
I hear my name in the distance. I’m not sure if all the wine was such a good idea. I get up, but ask if I can leave my overnight bag with Dane while I walk over to the desk. He smiles back. The receptionist hands me the paperwork, stating I got the last room. I nervously fill it out, knowing full well what I am about to do. I give it back and she hands me my license and the room key. I walk over, pick up my bag, and give Dane a coy smile and a key card. “Room 217, Mister. Lead the way.”
I am both shocked and relieved when Darcy hands me the room key card. I am also excited at the prospect of sharing a room with this beautiful woman, but I keep myself in check, not assuming anything beyond having a bed to sleep in. I thank Darcy sincerely as we make our way down the hall. Though I really enjoyed our conversation and flirting, and was getting a definite sexual vibe from her, I honestly did not expect her to offer to share her room.
Given it is the last of the re-assigned rooms the hotel has to offer, I feel that we could both justify it to our spouses, if we ever had to, though my conscience is already losing the battle to my simmering desire for this woman. 'Easy, boy.'
“It’s no problem at all. I’m sure you would have done the same for me,” she offers, as we open the door and lay down our bags in the room. “Besides, after a few glasses of wine, I wasn’t going to let you go back out into that storm.“
“Speaking of wine, how about I order us a bottle? It’s the least I can do for letting me share this room with you.” I lay down my bags beside one of the double beds, as Darcy is doing the same.
“Not a bad idea,” Darcy ponders, pausing,” but I thought maybe you would want to go down to the bar for dinner and drinks after we freshen up a bit.” I am again doing my best to not appear too obvious as I continue to scan the curves on her very sensuous body. The idea of both of us loosening up further, with more wine, in this already sexually-charged situation of our creation, is giving me butterflies and a tingle in my pants. I muster my best personal distraction techniques in an attempt to divert the blood from returning, in earnest, to my manhood. A losing battle.
“That sounds great. I’ll just get us two glasses then,” I offer, and I dial room service. As she passes by, on her way to the washroom, her smiling eyes warmly scan me up and down. There it is again! I’m not the only one enjoying the view! I wonder if she is noticing my erection. I feel myself flushing a little and I turn away from her.
As I do, I notice her also scanning my bags. She stops when she spies the label on my company bag. “Is ‘LoveHoney’ your business?” She is referring to the LoveHoney insignia on my product bag. I pause and consider how to tell her what I do - whether to give her the whole spiel. I decided that it would be best to be brutally forthright.
Hopefully, she isn’t creeped out. I really do need this bed to sleep in tonight. “Yes, I’m a sales rep for LoveHoney. Have … have you heard of our products?” I ask, swallowing my nervousness. This could explode in my face if I don’t handle it right.
“No, I haven’t. But it sounds very interesting. Love - Honey. Do you sell… honey?”
“Not exactly. You might want to brace yourself.” She looks back down at the bag with a quizzical expression on her face. “We mainly sell sex toys, for both men and women. I am the regional rep in this area, and that bag contains samples of some of our hottest … ah, best-selling products.” OK, time to breathe now. I know my face is a lovely shade of pink by now, but I stiffen my upper lip to maintain my professionalism.
This isn’t my first rodeo though. Keeping business-like about my line of work is actually easy for me, most of the time, when discussing the industry with vendors and potential vendors. But this situation is not so easy. This curvy fox has kindly offered to share her room with me, a perfect stranger, and now I am telling her that I am carrying around a bag of sex toys and that I sell the blasted things for a living!
There is a long pause as Darcy just stares at the bag. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the snow blasting across the courtyard, and I can hear the howls and the incessant pecking at the window. She too looks a little flushed at my revelation. Then, after a small eternity, a slow smile begins to creep across her face. She giggles. “Oh, I guess that’s… more than interesting.” She flips the hair from her eyes. As she does so, her full breasts bounce deliciously under her sweater. Her smile broadens and changes into a very sly look.
Am I wrong, or am I seeing nipples protruding noticeably from those generous mounds under that sweater? Oh my! “Maybe after I freshen up and change, you could... show me your product line? Or… right now? Whatever works for you. I’m just curious… of course.” Her eyes haven’t left the bag, and the sly smile is still there.
Another pause, this time initiated by me. The wheels in my head are turning. I just about choke when I finally open my mouth. “Uh, sure! By all means! I could show you our current best seller n-now… if you like. She just giggles and nods, mesmerized. I open the bag and right on the top, lays our top seller, the Bluetooth-operated vibrating panties. I am relieved that the five different dildos I carry are at the bottom of the bag.
Some of them are pretty huge and daunting, more for curious male fantasies than for actual female enjoyment. I downshift into my salesmen mode, putting out of my mind that this woman is my benevolent host for the night, a very sexy woman and a complete stranger until an hour or so before.
“This, Darcy, is the Secrets 5 Function Remote Control Vibrating Lace Thong. The panty has a slot to hold this perfectly-curved, ergonomic 5-function vibrator. It is very popular with the adventurous woman of today. Best of all, you can operate all these settings with this remote, which can be operates up to 30 feet away from the unit, if you would prefer a partner running the controls.”
Her eyes are as wide as saucers, but her smile widens. “Oh my,” she almost whispers, “what will they think of next? I have never even heard of such a thing. It ah … sounds like …fun though, for sure.” She winks at me, turns and pads off to the washroom. I am definitely back into the process of growing an erection again, and I am pretty sure that Darcy has noticed the tenting in my trousers. I reached into my pants and adjust myself, so that my climbing member can have the room he needs. 'Where is this night heading?' I wonder, as I concentrate again on getting control of my hormones.
I take a quick glance around to distract myself from the obvious bulge in Dane’s pants. I have to admit that I wasn’t sure what I was going to find when we entered this room, but I was pleasantly surprised. It is a very clean room. The beds are inviting and I was half-tempted to sink right down into one. I can’t lie though, I was sort of hoping for one bed instead of two. But least two beds will keep me honest, for a little while longer. He’ll have his and I’ll have mine. Right?
I grab my bag and pull out a leopard print dress and a pair of black slingback heels. I also grab my toilette bag and head for the bathroom. “I’ll be out in a few,” I call back to Dane, still processing his presentation of those crazy vibrating panties.
I run a quick bath. I take out my razor, bath scrunchie and my sweet rose shower gel from my little bag and place them on the edge of the tub. I place everything else I need around the sink and clip up my hair. I sink into the tub and turn the hot water off. Mmmm. It feels so good. I get straight to work.
I first start with my upper body, squeezing my gel onto my puff and lathering it up and scrubbing my arms, my neck and then my breasts. I lather all around them, making sure they are all soaped up. The suds felt so silky. I am thinking about his bag of tricks when Dane taps on the door.
“The wine’s here!”
“Ok, do you mind bringing it into me? You can place it on the floor next to the tub. I’ll just pull the shower curtain shut.” What am I thinking? I grab hold of the curtain and slide it shut. “Ok, I’m good.” I hear the door open and the glass hits the tile next to me. He is right next to me, my naked body, only a thin piece of fabric separating us.
“Is there’s anything else I can get you?” My attention is elsewhere and my fingers are busy lightly rubbing my clit. Ever so softly, just enough to stir up a little tingle. “Ahem! Are you in there? Can’t I get you anything else?” I snap out of it and quickly tell him no. Next thing I hear is the door closing. I wonder if he heard the blush in my voice.
I open the curtain and grab the glass of wine. It tastes refreshing, especially due to the hot bath I am in. I focus again on the task at hand. Soapy puff and razor ready to go, I lather up my legs and shave them. I think hard about my next step. Should I or shouldn’t I? If I don’t, I know I won’t cross that line.
But if I do, there’s a possibility I’ll let my guard down and that would be that. I decide that I want to feel 100% clean so I grab the razor again and within a few minutes, my pretty place is nice and smooth again. I rinse off and drain the tub. Wrapped in a towel, I drink the rest of the wine while staring at myself in the mirror. “Who are you right now?” I think to myself.
I dry off and rub lotion all over my body, taking time to rub some on my breasts. It feels so nice. I go to grab my black panties, but notice that I forgot them in my bag. Well, I’m an adult, he’s an adult and he has been a perfect gentleman so far, so... “Dane, can you grab something for me out of my bag?”
What did I just hear? I can’t believe that she has just asked me to go through her bag and grab her panties for her. Is she just very confident and uninhibited, or is this a direct communique that she wants sex later. I place my bets that it is number two. So much for controlling my erection, I think. I adjust again, as the head of my very erect penis is practically sticking out past the waist of my trousers.
I make a snap decision that is more than a little influenced by the hormones raging through my body and the alcohol relaxing any inhibitions I had considered. Instead of going into Darcy’s bag, I instead I grab the vibrating panties from my bag. I quickly insert the AAA batteries into the vibrator and slip it into the panty slot. I slip the remote, and its batteries, into my pocket. I tap on the door. “I couldn’t find your panties. Sorry. But I do have these if you want to try them. They are right out of the package!”
The door opens a crack. Her face appears, with the door shielding her obviously naked body. ‘How I would love to see those beautiful, big breasts!’ I can’t help thinking, as she blinks at me, with a very mischievous smile.
“I think you are just being naughty!” Darcy accused, “Did you really look in my bag? They were right there.”
I make a silly, ‘You know I’m lying’ grin and stare, continuing, ”I looked high and low, Darcy. Would you like me to look again?”
“No. These will be fine. It could be a fun evening … in many ways,” she concedes, her eyes dropping, in some residual shyness. “Let me guess, you have the other part - the remote - in your pocket?” Her eyes move back up to meet mine, with a gaze that acknowledges that we both know where this is going.
“I do. Company policy … that I need to keep close tabs on sample items. I’m responsible for replacement costs for any I lose. So, if I keep the remote, I definitely won’t forget to ask you for the panties back.” She smiles, her eyes go down again, and she slowly closes the door. I catch a good view of her ass in the mirror before the door fully closes. Mmmmm. While she finishes in the bathroom, I insert the batteries and slip the controller back into my pocket.
When Darcy comes out, she looks stunning, in a most inviting leopard print dress and sleek, sexy slingback heels. Her face looks radiant with the heat of the bath and the makeup touchups, while her hair flows in shimmering waves onto her shoulders, framing her very full cleavage. She smiles at my admiring looks and heads to her bag.
“You look fabulous,” I drawl slowly, “Maybe I should get into something a bit more evening-like myself.” As she reaches down to her bag, she suddenly stops. She instead slowly drops the clothing she was wearing into the bag and looks up at me with that coy grin I am getting to know. I guess she decided against checking to see if her own panties were in her bag after all. Hmmm. I feel for the remote and batteries in my pocket as I grab some clothes from my bag and my toiletries, and I head to the washroom.
I take a second look at myself in the mirror. Hair and make up is just right. My makeup isn’t heavily applied. I may be older, but I know I still pass for someone ten years younger, so no need for all that cover-up. Dress tight in all the right places and cut low to invite an occasional glance. The vibrating panties feel a little weird, but exciting. They are already wet due to the anticipation of what’s to come. I slide on my heels and open the bathroom door.
When I walk out, Dane turns around and the look on his face means more than the compliment he gives. Damn, I must look good!
I go to my bag with the intent of checking for my real panties. But instead, I just throw a few things in. I decide not to look. I don’t really care. My “turn-on” meter is already an 8, and that’s only because of discipline. If I decide to let go, it’s won’t take much to get me right to a 10 tonight. These panties I have on will definitely have me on the edge.
Dane heads to the restroom to change. I hear the shower turn on. I hope he takes a quick shower because I can’t wait to get this night started. Well, to be honest, I can’t wait to see what these panties can do.
I look over at his bag of tricks. The showers still going, so I think I’ll peek a little. No harm in that. I dig around a little bit, making sure not to disturb anything. Bullets, butt plugs. and more vibrating panties. Oh my God, a G-spot rabbit vibrator. Those are too much for me. A regular dildo is my speed.
How good that would feel though? To be rubbing my clit and be fucking my pussy at the same time. I would cum within minutes of doing that. The bathroom door opens a crack, the shower must have turned off without me noticing. Steam flows out of the small room and I hear him yell, “I’ll be out in a minute or two.”
“No hurry, take your time,” I yell back. I place things back as they were and move over to the edge of my bed to sit. He exits the bathroom and looks very handsome. Extremely sexy. I smell his cologne. Good lord, I’m in trouble. “You clean up well,” I tell him as I give him a playful smile and a wink. “Are we ready?” I ask as I get my purse.
“Absolutely,” he replies, and he opens the door and escorts me into the hallway. He places his hand at the small of my back and leads me in the direction of the restaurant. Little does he know that’s a huge turn-on for me.
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The wipers swished back and forth, not even making it to the end of their travel before the heavy, wet snow once again obscured the view. If anything, it was starting to come down harder. As he had climbed higher into the mountains, it first seemed that the snow was becoming a little thicker, less mixed with rain and more with sleet. But, then again, that may just have been his imagination. Now the snow was definitely harder but there was still a lot of sleet and freezing rain. Anyway he looked...
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First TimeIt was a late summer afternoon as the sun shown brightly in the western sky as he left work. It was on his way home that he noticed the dark ominous clouds on the horizon and the scent of rain was in the air. Dusting off his plants and shirt before jumping into his truck he rolled down the windows on the old 69 Ford he drove. As he drove out of the parking lot he waved at Bob saying have a good one Bob, and he turned left and drove down the street. On the way out of town he stopped by the...
Joanna is a shy, young student at the junior college. She signed up for one of my classes this past Fall and I have come to know her rather well. Earlier today, I found a message on the department answering machine. "Dr. Storm, could you drop by tonight? I am having difficulty with one of the problems you assigned, and maybe you could help me with it." Well, she lives on The Rez, and her house is on the route I take to my place. I'll stop by and see what I can do. It is...
First TimeStorm By R. Johnston Chapter 1: The Arrival The unmarried Kennedy sisters' small farm was on a quiet stretch of the coast just about a mile from the sea. Jane in her early forties and Maggie younger by a few years, managed to make a living from their small dairy herd and a flock of free range hens. The farmhouse was a two storied solid building surrounded by elm trees planted half a century ago to protect it from the prevailing north wind. It could not be seen from the main...
EYE OF THE STORM BY PAUL G. JUTRAS (MIXTURE OF TG FICTION WITH TRUE STORM EVENTS) It was Saturday night and the road outside his parent's house was deserted. For three days Paul and his folks had watched as I-4 and 95 went bumper-to-bumper traffic, so that one could travel faster by foot to evacuate for Hurricane Frances. Paul's dad believed in his house better than any shelter and had the three of them hunker down there. It was 5pm when the power went out. "I'm starting to think...
The impending storm was bringing the twilight faster than usual. He was seated on a barstool on one side of the counter in the kitchen, glancing absently at a newspaper spread out on the counter, and she stood directly opposite him, on the other side of the counter. Thunder sounded in the distance. He filled his heavy flat-bottomed glass with scotch from the decanter on the counter. She looked at the sky then the clouds through the window to the West. ?Storm brewing.? she said. ?Big...
I could see you on the horizon in the distance, standing on the beach. The wind from the approaching storm was stirring from the south, and it was making your gown ripple and flow from your body. From this distance I could just make out the subtle curve of your hips, the strong posture of your shoulders on the windward side. You stood still there on the shore, the white of your robe like a beacon against the rapidly darkening sky. I was drawn to you. I stepped of the porch of my beach house...
This short story is based on the two characters that were in my first story Elaine and Me. Some years have elapsed and they are still in love. I think that this story might illustrate the prejudice experienced by TS women everywhere. If anyone has any comments then please let me know. Brewing Up A Storm By Elaine Copyright 2001 "Darling will you help me get ready?" Elaine asked standing in the doorway. "Sure," he replied smiling at the scantily clad woman standing before...
He squeezed my breasts, sucking my nipples. The feeling of his tongue coating them with saliva intoxicated me. The whole affair did. With every thrust deep inside me the memories of boyfriend seemed liked a distant past. Guilt led to pleasure and sin become delightful. He grabbed my ass cheeks, one in each hand, a firm grip, and thrusted all the way inside me sending my body into a quiver.“So deep” I moaned out, “Harder” I begged.He put his hand on my throat and lifted me up – choking me...
I went on vacation to this this lake resort, by myself. I just needed some peace and quiet, being able to do what ever I want to do. I like this resort I went to, because I'm able to lay on the dock without a bathing suit if I want.Which, the first day I was there, I went to the local store, stocked up on some groceries, a few bottles of wine and a new blow up raft. I went back to my cabin, made some lunch, changed into my cover up and headed to the dock. I brought my radio and the raft. ...
“It’s coming! Hurry up, fuck, hurry the fuck up!”He is yelling at me, pushing heavy curtains that cover the glass wall of the living room to the sides, howling like a wild dog. A giant storm is coming, the sky has turned black and the lights above the kitchen desk are flickering. The air smells of rain and electricity, and it makes me shiver. He makes me shiver, too.It’s wakened up in him again, this element, this force. Oh my God, what’s going to happen this time? It excites him so much he...
OutdoorWe’ve never met before. Tonight is our first night. Online chats and emails don’t count and neither does the half hour on the phone, hearing one another for the first time and planning tonight’s rendezvous. All I know is that you are tall and blonde, a few years older than me, that you are married with kids and that you love sex. All you know about me is that I am married, younger and shorter, and that I love sex too. Correction. I love women. I love giving them pleasure. Sex is just one avenue...
Hello readers. Let me get my usual blah, blah, blah out of the way and then I'll get onto the story. Firstly, art credit for the lovely cover goes to the talented Tinnies. Second, this story was started over on my Patreon page and I want to thank my awesome Patrons for continuing to support my work. The Patreon version of this story will be a chapter or more ahead of this version so if you want to stay right up to date and you want to show me some love I invite anyone able to come on over and...
TranssexualIt was late. Storm clouds hung in the air, each adding another dark textured layer to the night sky. A flash of lightning illuminates all around for the briefest of moments before the deep rumble of thunder and darkness descends once more. Heavy rain pounds relentlessly against the floor to ceiling office windows, the bustling city swarming below. Building lights span as far as the eye can see, the red streak of blurred taillights painting a vivid picture as people feverishly rush to get out of...
Office SexIt’s been hovering in the 90s all week and while there has been some sunbathing, we have both stuck to the somewhat coolness and shade of indoors. Today the heat broke a bit and looking out over the ocean we could see dark storm clouds. We clapped our hands and looked forward to seeing the storm wash across our little bit of beach.Now, as the sun sets behind us, the clouds roll closer and closer. I pull you up from the chair you have been curled in, reading. I take your book and set it down,...
AnalMY VIRGINITY LOST IN THE STORMBy : VoyeurKingNOTE : This story is entirely true and was experienced first hand by yours truly. This is the tale of how I lost my virginity, and might give you some insight on the feeling of magic, excitement, and sexual hunger and desire of my youth. The names of the characters have been changed to protect their identities, and the dialogue isn’t verbatim (it was almost 9 years ago) - I have not made any additional editing to spice it up – This is how I lost my...
We’ve never met before. Tonight is our first night. Online chats and emails don’t count and neither does the half hour on the phone, hearing one another for the first time and planning tonight’s rendezvous. All I know is that you are tall and blonde, a few years older than me, that you are married with kids and that you love sex. All you know about me is that I am married, younger and shorter, and that I love sex too. Correction. I love women. I love giving them pleasure. Sex is just one avenue...
Straight Sex“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
“The raiding party never reported back in,” Crewmaster Lortz said, his hands clasped neatly behind his back as Korbaz marched into the conning tower. The other personnel averted their eyes, staring at the carpet with their heads bowed, anticipating some form of retribution. “What happened?” she demanded, leaning on the table as she examined the holographic display. “The fleet diverted from the Araxie territory as ordered,” he replied, gesturing to the map. “They made their way to the Black...
Some random thoughts on wedding night sex from a husband to his wife The calm before the storm can mean many things – but for us, dear lover, we know what it means. It sounds negative doesn’t it? But happily it is not. In reality, the calm before the storm, tempest, squall, hurricane, or what have you, is nothing but a blissful condition that will produce – if you may speak of it in meteorological terms, a downpour of emotion, energy, creativity, and as gravity as my witness, a wonderful...
It whooshed out of my mouth in a harsh whisper, “Oh, my god.”My front row seat let me see every detail even in the flickering tiki torch light. She owned the outdoor stage. Her hips swished back and forth, her stride sensuous grace. Her long chestnut hair, glowed a burnish bronze. The hot humid night fueled my desire and the girl was walking lust.I poked at my buddies arm. “Larry…. Larry, look up there.”He was sitting next to me but his attention was focused on the buxom blonde seated next to...
Althopugh the sun was trying to peak over the horizon, the angry gray clouds continued to fight back with a vengeance. Michael looked out of his living room window as he studied the wind whipped waves. Watching as the white tops grew larger and larger, spitting foam with every gust. Michael knew today would not be just another day in his private paradise.As he drank his third cup of coffee, Michael realized it was time to find his radio and think about securing all of his outdoor...
Coach Hope called me before I went to church. He wanted to talk to me, and my parents, before he made his final decision about what to do with the drinking issue from last night. We had agreed to go to Granny's for a late breakfast, after Mom and I came back from church. When we walked in, Granny spotted me. She made a big fuss about my chin and thought I needed a cinnamon roll to make it better. "I see why you come here," Mom chided me. Before I could respond, the Hope family joined us....
I had to stop and take time to think about how cool my life had turned out, not in Vietnam, in Germany with Hanna and friends, my new association with my old guy friend the boiler man. I had lived in Hawaii and was from the Pacific Northwest with a combination of life adventures both awesome and bad. But all in all I had a gamut of experiences and I was still only 22 years old, the sergeant E-5 draftee of the late 1960’s. Why I was chosen to serve at the kaserne that was a Hitler favorite,...
Apt. 1903, One-London Place, London, Ontario 5:22am, Sunday, December 2, 1979 Candi’s, mine and possibly Lynette’s deep and well deserved sleep was abruptly ended with Lisa’s plaintive, escalating cries of, “Candi, Candi! Candi! Candi!“ filled the good doctor’s apartment. I hate to say this but I nearly tossed Candi’s light weight body off the bed as she roused from her deep sleep on top of my chest. I had to get to my Bricky as fast as I could to see what was making her scream bloody...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Felicia had just opened her laptop and was ready to start working on her project when the loud pulsing rock music began in her neighbor’s apartment. Since the new neighbor moved in over a month ago, he had been playing his music at top volume during the day, evening, and night. Previously, she was able to put her ear buds in and ignore it, but now she had had enough. It was time to tell her neighbor that he could not play his loud music at all hours of the day. “That’s it!” she said, irate as...
InterracialThoughts Although I don't like to admit it, there are times I get lonely now. Having first had Malin, then Bill, regularly sharing my bed for a while, followed by occasional — and much welcome — visits from Ian, I'm reminded that I don't like sleeping alone. I guess in some ways I'm becoming more like Lady Heather than I realize, since my need is becoming as real as hers. Call me a robot who knows what her intended function is. Lately my 'bot partner of choice has been Terri. At...
June 1st not only marks the beginning of the hurricane season, but it also often marks the busiest time in the life of a Weather Channel meteorologist, and none are busier than Stephanie Abrams. That's because she made her name for two things: being hot, and being the one in the eye of the storm between June 1st and November 30th, which is the length of the Atlantic hurricane season. So as she gets called into a TWC meeting about her first potential destination for the season, she is looking...
The storm was gathering pace. My window panorama showed the trees thrashing about, trying to cling on to the steep cliffs that dropped sharply to the ocean. The cliff-top house creaked and shuddered around me in the gale, 400 feet above a small bay that was being relentlessly pounded by wave after wave of angry, dark-grey water. Just yesterday, I had picked my way carefully down the cliff trail and stood on the tiny beach, looking out at the calm waters of the Pacific, waiting for the sun to...
ReluctanceI was sleeping when storm woke me up. I tried to sleep again but wind was blowing really loud and storm was getting closer and closer so after few minutes I went downstair to the kitchen to drink some water.I noticed through glass in the door that TV is still running on, it was almost midnight but dad sometimes watch tv deep into the night. I entered kitchen quietly and heard noise from the TV. He was watching porn! Moans and screams. I carefuly peeked on and saw dad naked, sitting and watching...
Karl lay in his bed covered by only a thin cotton sheet. It was too warm in the Mediterranean summer to wear anything for sleeping beneath the sheet. Indeed, it was too warm for him to sleep at all so he lay there, thinking about the 3 days so far of his holiday. Or rather, he thought about Chrissie, with whom he had been staying for those 3 days. In truth, he knew very little about her. She was at least 12 years older than him because she had told him she wouldn’t see her fortieth...
Straight SexEdited by Willyb220 My name is Jack and I just turned 13 last month. I'm sitting in class at school right now with a big hard on. My cousin Dolly was over to visit us with her parents on Sunday. We fooled around and wrestled outside in the snow and I got a lot of cheap feels from her. I was on top of her a few times and I was pumping away on her thinking to myself that I was screwing her and it felt great. She gets me hard all the time when she comes over to our house. Afterwards we went in...
Her ample breasts pressed against his masculine chest, and her nipples hard as pebbles were causing his cock to stir. Michael and Sophia: The Shower and the Storm The storm was fierce. Michael and Sophia huddled together on the couch. As he held her, he could feel her shivering with fear. Her ample breasts pressed firmly against his masculine chest. Her nipples, hard as pebbles were causing his cock to stir. Sophia was afraid of the thunder. Every time it crackled, she squeezed him tighter. Her...
MatureDo you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
Porn Pictures SitesI always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....
Amateur Porn SitesWhat is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...
BBW Porn SitesHave you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....
Voyeur Porn SitesThe Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...