White Boys Black Neighbour free porn video

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I feel I should share this story but first, a little background information. It took place when I was 18, in my senior year of high school and at that point, I was a total virgin. I was 5’6, about a 120 pounds and entirely smooth on my body. My brown hair and brown eyes were the same shade of color. My white skin had a nice little all-over tan to it. I had a pretty feminine figure due to my slightly wider hips and small bubble butt that seemed to attract stares in the locker room at school. I had never done anything with anybody of either sex. At that age, I wasn’t entirely sure what my sexual orientation was. I thought I was possibly gay because I had never seen a girl that made me think about having sex with her. I did however; see guys that made me stir in my pants. I seemed to be particularly fond of older black men, which is exactly what my neighbor was. He was 6’2 and about 220 pounds of muscle. I used to peek through my bedroom window whenever he worked outside in his yard. Seeing his muscles move while he did yard work made me want to touch myself. His wife was out of town one weekend so he asked me to babysit his two c***dren while he worked all day. I happily agreed and this is the story of what happened that night.

I sat on the couch of Mr. Thomas’ house watching TV. I wondered to myself where Mr. Thomas was, since it was already 11:30pm and he had told me he would be home 2 hours ago. I didn’t really care though. The k**s had already gone to bed hours ago and I had pants in the dryer. I had accidently spilled some tea on my pants a little while ago and so I threw them in the dryer. I didn’t have any underwear on so I just picked a pair of Mr. Thomas’ basketball shorts out of the clean laundry bin and slid them on. They were very big on me but I didn’t care. I was lost in my own thoughts when I heard the front door open. I sprang to my feet to see Mr. Thomas’ walking through the door.

“Hey Michael, sorry I’m so late. I went out with the guys from the job site for some after work drinks and lost track of time. It was a good stress reliever. Were the k**s okay tonight?”

“Its okay Mr. Thomas. The k**s have been in bed for hours and they were well behaved all day. Sometimes a guy needs to blow off some steam. Besides, I have pants in the dryer so I didn’t mind waiting. Sorry about stealing your shorts.”

“That’s okay.” He sat down on the couch and put his feet up on the ottoman. He was wearing work boots, blue jeans, and a wife beater under an opened flannel button up shirt. Even with his shirt on, you could still tell that he was a muscular man. “I’m surprised that those aren’t falling off of you. What happened to your pants?”

I sat down on the couch next to him. “I have them cinched up tight as they go but they still keep falling down all the time. I spilled some tea on my pants so I threw them in the dryer. Do you need these back?”

“Well no I don’t but if you don’t mind giving them back, I’m sure I can find something that fits you a little better. Just wear your shirt till I can find something.”

“Uuumm Mr. Thomas, I’m not wearing any underwear. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Just wear your shirt until your pants get out of the washer, it should be long enough to cover everything. We’re both guys right? It’s not like we haven’t seen all this stuff in a locker.”

My mind raced, was he trying to get me naked? Did he want me? No, of course not. He was a married man with two young c***dren. He didn’t seem the kind of guy that would be gay. I settled on he was just trying to get his pants back and that he didn’t want some neighbor boy free balling in his shorts. “Okay, I’m gonna take these off then.” I stood up off the couch, faced away from him, and slid off the shorts. I immediately realized that my tight blue shirt was not long enough to cover my entire butt. I just stood there in shock at my embarrassing situation with only ¾ of my smooth white ass covered before I could react by pulling my shirt down to almost cover the rest of my ass. “UUmm Mr. Thomas, I think I have underestimated the length of this shirt.” I turned my ahead around and thought I caught Mr. Thomas staring at my ass.

He snapped his head back as soon as I turned my head around and said,
“Well that’s okay. I’m sure I have something that fits you in my room. Let’s go take a look.”

“I’m so embarrassed right now. Alright, let’s go look.” I kept my ass to him and turned around to climb up the stairs that lead to his second story bedroom. As I climbed the stairs, he stayed 3 steps back and I could almost swear that I could feel him staring at me as we climbed the stairs. I kept my shirt pulled down as I skipped up the steps. “I’m so sorry, I don’t want you to see anything and get disgusted with me.”

He just smiled and said, “It’s okay Michael. I’ve seen man ass in the locker room before.”

I got to the top of the stairs and walked into his bedroom. “Alright, let’s get some pants for me so you don’t have to see my ugly white ass anymore.”

“It’s fine Michael. Not trying to creep you out but your ass isn’t that bad looking.” He walked over to a dresser and pulled out a pair of grey yoga pants. “These are my wife’s but you are about her size so these should fit. I hope these are okay.”

I replied, “These are fine, thanks.” I pulled on the tight fitting pants and was pleasantly surprised at how they felt. I liked the way that they hugged my ass and cradled my little package. I turned around and jokingly said, “How do they look?”

“They look fine on you. You have a feminine figure anyway so they hug your curves,” he said with a little wink and a smile that I took to mean that he was poking fun at me.

I laughed and said, “Well they do accentuate my hips and ass nicely. I might have to keep these.”

“Go ahead. She has plenty of pairs of those damn things.” He sat down on his bed, removed his shirts and started to unlace his boots. I was shocked at how smooth his dark muscular body was. I started to feel myself get a boner so I quickly turned away and acted like I was just looking around his room.

“This is a nice master bedroom you got here.” I looked back to see him standing up in nothing but his dark blue boxer briefs. I stared at his crotch and noticed how he had a large bulge. I quickly looked back up at his face. I don’t think he noticed me staring so I continued on. “Well you went full locker room real quick.”

“This isn’t full locker room. Full locker room is naked but I didn’t want to get naked with you in here and weird you out.”

I chuckled and said, “Alright well, I’ll get out if you feel uncomfortable.”

He replied, “Why would I be uncomfortable?” He dropped his boxer briefs and there it was. A glorious piece of large black meat and he wasn’t even hard. It was so big, so full of veins, and so smooth looking. “Hey would you go get me some underwear out of that dresser over there for me please? They’re in the bottom”

I pried my eyes away from his big swinging cock and walked across the room. I opened the drawer and bent over to get some out. I rummaged around in the drawer but couldn’t find any underwear. “Umm they’re not in here.” I looked around to him and thought I saw his cock getting a little hard.

“Oh sorry, they must all be dirty. Well, I’m gonna hop in the shower now. You can just watch TV in here until your pants get dry.” He then turned away quickly and walked into the bathroom, leaving the door open a crack.

I sat down on his bed with the TV on and started to think. He is amazing looking. Was his cock getting bigger because he saw me bend over in these yoga pants? Did he find me sexually attractive? Was he jacking off in the shower thinking about me? I heard the shower running and decided to wait a while. I had to see it again. I walked over to the door and peeked inside. In the mirror reflection I could see him pulling on his cock while he waited for the water to warm up. I started to get hard and rub myself through the thin pants. Suddenly, he looked up and said,”Hey could you hand me the towel off the back of the door?”

I jerked away from the opening in the door. Had he seen me? He hadn’t said anything so I assumed that I was in the clear, at least partially. My cock was straining at the seams of the pants and there was no hiding it. I grabbed the towel off the back of the door and lowered it so it would cover my crotch, and walked inside. “Here you go.” I tried to lay it down on the sink and walk out as fast as I could but he was too quick. He yanked the towel out of my hands and left me standing there with my erection.

“Well, well, well, what’s that all about? Are you gay? Do you like looking at my big black cock?”

All that I could do was stand there frozen. I mumbled, “uuhh sorry. I was thinking about some other stuff. Please don’t think I’m weird and tell everybody in the neighborhood.”

“Well now why would I do that? It seems that we can have a good time and nobody will be the wiser. Why don’t you touch my cock? See what a real man feels like. Your little thing barely qualifies as a penis. Go on and touch it.” With that, he put his large muscular hand on my shoulder and pushed me slightly to my knees.

I kneeled down before his chiseled dark skinned body and reached my hand out to touch his member. “I’ve never done anything like this sir.” I ran my fingers along the ring of his large mushroom shaped head, which elicited a twitch from his cock. I then wrapped my hand around his shaft and started to slowly and gently pump it up and down. I could honestly feel it getting slightly larger. I was bewildered by how large it was. My fingers could almost touch and I could easily put my two hands on his length with room for more. I looked up at him while I stroked his cock and said, “Am . . am I doing alright?”

He chuckled and then replied in a dominating tone, “Yes you are little white boy. How about you try sucking it now? Have you ever done that?” I nodded my head no. “Well then, today is a good day to learn. Work your tongue and do not use your teeth. If your teeth touch my cock I will slap you. Do you understand?”

I replied, “Yes sir. I’ll try my best.” I grabbed a hold of his cock and pointed it at my face. How I was ever going to suck this monstrous meat pole, I hadn’t the slightest idea. I stuck my tongue out and ran it along the head and all the way down his shaft. I then pointed it at the sky and ran my tongue from the base of his cock all the way to his head and circled around it. I took one last breath and decided to just go for it. I opened my mouth and slowly started to take it in. I wrapped my lips around the head and started to push it further and further into my mouth until I gagged. I had only taken a little over half of it and was wondering how anyone could ever deep throat anything like this. I started to increase my speed and bob my head up and down till I gagged. The feeling of his warm cock pulsing against my tongue was amazing. On the way up to the head, I would trace some of the prominent veins bulging against his cock skin with my tongue. I bobbed and gagged and slurped on his dark pole until my eyes started to water.

Suddenly, he grabbed the back of my head and told me to stop and go lay down on the bed. My heart was pounding in my chest as I did as I was told. He sat down next to me and said, “For someone that has never done that, you sure have some skills. Now let’s take this a little bit further.” He reached into his nightstand and pulled out a large bottle of lube.

I got wide eyed and timidly asked, “What exactly does that mean?” I knew what he meant. He wanted to fuck me in my ass. I was about to have a full on panic attack. How could he expect that thing to fit inside me? I had used my fingers on myself before but this was no comparison. His cock would split me in half.

“I’m going to fuck you.”

“Please sir, I’m a virgin. That thing won’t fit inside of me. It’ll break me apart.”

“Well that’s even better. I’ve never fucked a virgin white boy. Especially one with an ass like yours.”

My head started to spin. I had to get out of here. There was no way this could end well for me. I shot him a look and dashed for the door but he caught my arm on the way and threw me back on the bed. He stood towering over me with his massive hard cock staring at me. “Oh no, there’s no way that you’re gonna parade that little white ass in front of me and get away with it. I’m gonna make you worship my black cock.”
He leaned down and grabbed my arms and held them with one hand. I struggled against him but he was too strong. With his free hand, he reached down and pulled off my pants with one smooth motion. I managed to roll over but that was even worse for obvious reasons. With my arms pinned he reached down to the floor and grabbed a belt and bound my hands together with it. Now I just laid there on my stomach with my hands bound and nowhere to run. He grabbed my hips and pulled me onto my hands and knees. I heard a cap pop off of something and then felt a cool liquid on my ass. I couldn’t help but let out a small moan at how . . . good it felt.

“See? You like it. Now we can either do this the easy way or the hard way but the fact is, my black cock is going inside your ass.”

I pleaded my case with tears in my eyes one last time, “Please don’t! It will hurt too much.”

“You’ll learn to love it.”

I then felt him rubbing his massive cockhead around my tight pink hole. It sent shivers throughout my entire body. I felt an enormous amount of pressure and then a pop. The pain was indescribable. It felt like my ass was on fire and that I was going to be split in two. I buried my face in the sheets and started to cry. My fists clutched the bed like it was my only savior. He slowly pushed in and out, in and out. My tight hole expanded around his girth as he slowly moved inside me. As the minutes that seemed like hours passed by, I started to feel weird. His balls rested against mine as I realized he was all the way in. It felt like I was impossibly full. He withdrew and then pushed back in with a little more force. He hit my prostate on the way in and I felt ready to collapse. The total feeling of everything was overwhelming. He started to slide in faster.

“Oh gooddd! That feels so good.”

“See white boy? I told you that you would love this meat inside of you. Tell me how much you love it!” He started to pound me rapidly, hitting my prostate with each thrust and driving me insane.

“OOhhh please fuck me with your big black cock! Oh my god! Yes! Fill me up! You feel so good!” His huge balls slapped against mine with every forward stroke and my dick was rock hard.

He suddenly pulled out and said, “You are going to ride me now like the bitch you are.” I had never felt so empty in my life. It was like a part of me had just disengaged from my body. All I could think about was how much I wanted that cock inside of me. I eagerly straddled over him as he laid down on his back. He undid the belt and tossed it aside.

As I used my hands to steady myself, I slowly lowered my ass back onto his throbbing cock. The head popped in and instantly I felt better. Before I could descend any farther on it, he thrusted upward. His cock slammed into my prostate on the way to, what felt like, touching my lungs. It knocked the wind out of me and I almost lost my balance.

“Now bounce on it boy.”

I positioned my legs and started to slowly rise up and down on it. I started to bounce up and down faster. His balls touching my ass while my balls where on his pelvis. My dick jumped up and down each time I bounced. I started to scream out, “Oh you feel so good. I love your big black cock. Ohh my ass feels so good.” He grabbed my ass and started to pull me down onto it. I kept bouncing and singing the praised of his dark pole. I then looked in his eyes and said, “Oh god I think I’m going to cum!”

“Me too! Take my black seed inside of you.” He then pulled me down on his cock as hard as he could and started to pulse. His large pulsing cock felt amazing inside of me and I came. It shot all over his chest and mine.

I just sat on top of him panting until his throbbing subsided and then rolled off next to him. As his cum ran out of me and onto the bed and my legs, he leaned up and smiled at me.

“I think you should stay the night white boy. Your pants probably aren’t ready yet and I have other things to teach you.”

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She finally had our young neighbour

So it happened. My wife had a sexual encounter with our young neighbour. Unfortunately it was not something I was aware of until I accidentally discovered them together.Let me start by saying that my wife has had many fantasies involving our young neighbour Troy. He’s currently 22, blonde and a muscular 6 foot, hitting the gym every day after work. She is 45, fit, petite and extremely hot. We’ve dirty talked many times about her fantasies with Troy but she has never had the courage to try to...

1 year ago
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The LockedOut Neighbour

With a groan I slammed my almost emptylager bottle onto the table and stood up. I briefly debated putting on some trousers but then figured what the hell – if someone wants to knock at the front door ten minutes after I've got home from work then they'll just have to put up with me in my white Calvins and shirt. Opening the door I was a little surprised. It wasn't some kind of charity mugger or local councillor garnering votes. No, it was my hot as fuck neighbour, Warren. I could qualify that...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Fucked My Hot Neighbour

After seeing the overwhelming responses from the ISS readers, this story is about how I fucked my neighbour a month ago. I live in Chennai and her name is Savitha (name changed) and she is from Andhra. She lives with her husband and her kid in our flats as they have recently shifted to Chennai due to her husband work location changed. To tel about her, she is little bubbly, not too much of over weight, but the weight a woman gains after giving birth to a baby. Am not sure about her size as I...

4 years ago
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Dinner Turned Sex With Neighbour

Hello All Hope everybody is doing good. I am here to share my sexual encounters with my neighbour. To start with, I am a software engineer from Hyderabad and I am 27. I am fair and good looking guy and I stay at Miyapur in a single bed room flat. There is this lady around 35 who stays next to my flat. I met here few times earlier while coming and going out of my flat and exchanged some casual talks. Her husband too works for an IT company and had been to US and she was staying alone. She is a...

2 years ago
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24 Hours With My Sexy Neighbour

1 The Early Morning Show I’d never thought of my neighbour, Hazel, as anything but that, a neighbour, a good neighbour, but just a neighbour. She was in her late sixties so the thought of her having sex had never entered my mind. That was until late last night!!! I’d been out with the lads and it was late, very late, around two in the morning. Most of the tenants of the small block of flats where I live are in their seventies and eighties, definitely not your typical night owl, so I was...

1 year ago
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24 Hours With My Sexy Neighbour

1 The Early Morning Show I'd never thought of my neighbour, Hazel, as anything but that, a neighbour, a good neighbour, but just a neighbour. She was in her late sixties so the thought of her having sex had never entered my mind. That was until late last night!!! I'd been out with the lads and it was late, very late, around two in the morning. Most of the tenants of the small block of flats where I live are in their seventies and eighties, definitely not your typical night owl, so I was...

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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Mr Black No 1 Mr Blacks Dinner Party

As they lay naked in their bed, the sun slowly rising and sending yellow-orange rays through the curtains, wakefulness ever-so-slowly creeping through their bodies, Jack slowly dragged his fingertips along Steph’s thigh. Jack drew his lips to Steph’s ear and whispered, “I had an interesting dream.”Steph mumbled in response, unsure of whether she wanted to allow herself to cross over into wakefulness. She was warm and cozy under the covers and sleeping felt pretty damned good.“I was sitting at a...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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My New Neighbour

As you know i was trying to buy a new property but was having no luck.The only good thing to come out of my search had been that the estate agent had become a regular fuck buddy.When i did eventually find a place i was hoping that she would help me christen my new place.As it was one of my new neighbours achieved that honour.I had only been in there a little while when my next door neighbour came round.She was in her late fifties,long blonde hair,with nice pert breasts and a tight,firm ass.She...

3 years ago
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the New Neighbour

The new neighbourFall arrived and with it the annual ritual of moving, people seeking new places for the winter. This year the usual influx of students was curtailed by the ongoing “emergency”.Of interest to me was a flurry of activity next door. A moving van, people bustling around, unloading, carrying boxes and furniture inside, could this be new neighbours?The house had stood empty for four months. The backyard was a wasteland of discarded clothes, toys and broken furniture. Contractors had...

1 year ago
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Younger married man fucking 45 year old neighbour

I am now a 31 year old male, who had an experience with a woman 18 years older than me. Soon after my 14th birthday, we had new neighbours moving in next to us. They were a young couple both in their late 20's. They had one son only, who was only 3 years old. They had a second child a year later. But, the husband was a wild guy. Enjoyed partying with his buddies and going out every weekend. She on the other hand was a more homely type. She was'nt the most polite of people, but greeted when...

3 years ago
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My mamis neighbour

Sarita hesitating removed her old blouse and was now in her bra exposing some amount of her boobs. I was pretty excited. Lata remarked, "Oh, you have not nice boobs, you need not feel shy in exposing it in front of both of us. I shall be glad if would remove your bra also before trying on the new blouse." I was shocked; I could not believe my luck; I hoped Sarita would do as requested by my mami. Sarita said, "Nothing doing; how can I expose myself in front of this boy;it is all right...

4 years ago
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Friendly Neighbour

A good few years ago I lived in a little flat in the suburbs. It was a small, two-story block, with only 6 residences and a little parking area with garages out the back. I was living there with my girlfriend at he time, a dark haired, B-cupped woman with whom I argued incessantly.Often, on my way out to work in the mornings I would pass one of the neighbours, a woman of about thirty with shoulder length, mousey hair cut into a neat sort-of bob. Her eyes were amazing. The little laugh lines at...

2 years ago
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My Wife8217s Affair With My Neighbour

Hi all ISS members and sex story readers. I am Jayanth from Bangalore writing this sex story for the first time since I became member of pride ISS club (). This is my true story written without hiding anything from my heart except the real names of us. Please read this story and send your sincere comments to enable me send some more real stories happened in my life. I am basically an engineer working in some reputed private organisation in Bangalore. I am married to mirmala in 1991 to a bsc...

2 years ago
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The Neighbour

THE NEIGHBOUR Joanne Pare At the age of 18, I spent the summer at my parent's country chalet. Our neighbour had promise them that he would keep an eye on me. He lived there year round and was always alone. Our family came on the week-ends and I would be alone during the week. Andr?, the neighbour, would often come for supper with us and he proposed to my parents to take me for three days on a canoe trip. Since they had known him for years, they accepted. Our trop was planned for M...

2 years ago
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Whites vs Blacks Who Can Win the Interracial Sex Battle Part 1

It was a hot summer day in California. All these hot girls, so little time, Justin Thinks to himself. Now Justin isnt that great looking, but that doesnt matter because he is a black pornstar (He is well hung). Last week Justin got engaged to a black skater from Los Angeles, named Kitty. Kitty hates white guys, she couldnt imagine having sex with a white cracker. This is one of the reasons Justin likes her, he doesnt want his girl sleeping around with whites, he wants her assets all to himself...

1 year ago
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The Old Man finally has enough of his teen neighbour

I giggled into my scarf so as to muffle the sound. The faint scent of brandy and rum assulted my nose as my breath caught in my scarf's blue silken folds. Attempting to tiptoe lightly to my appartment door, I stumbled into a thin side table which thanks to my imbalance slammed against the radiator, sending in turn a deep metallic bang through the buildings heating system."Right you little cunt, 19 is old enough to have gained respect for elders..." I heard Mr Linton mutter as the door...

1 year ago
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Fucking my parents sexy neighbour

Introduction: When I was a teenager living at home with my parents house I was increasingly attracted to our next door neighbour Christine during my teenage years. Unfortunately the following story is only a fantasy as much as I would wish otherwise… When I was a teenager living at home with my parents house I was increasingly attracted to our next door neighbour Christine during my teenage years. Unfortunately the following story is only a fantasy as much as I would wish otherwise… My parents...

2 years ago
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The Neighbour

I live in a quiet neighbourhood. My house is surrounded by grass for the most part, but quite a lot of vegetation is present on the edges of the garden, so I'm completely shielded from the street. The only place from where people can have a look at me is when I'm sitting in the garden, from a window on the upper level of my neighbour's house. The same goes for my neighbour's garden and boy, I've been peeking a lot at that garden since I moved to this area... My neighbour Doe is a rather small...

2 years ago
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The Spying Neighbour

Jenny was thrown when she heard the doorbell, opened the front door, and saw her neighbour’s twenty-two-year-old daughter, Samantha, standing there. She smiled uneasily as she had just this moment come back downstairs after masturbating on her bed. The thing was that she had been fantasising about Samantha. Jenny was thirty-seven-years -old but was so taken by Samantha. “Hi Samantha,” Jenny managed to say looking her up and down. She looked so gorgeous in her pink cropped vest top showing off...

3 years ago
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My neighbour is in his 70's but a fit old chap he's very friendly to both myself and my wife, his wife died about 6 years ago and as far as i'm aware he doesnt have any lady callers.His bedroom is the other side of our bedroom wall so i would imagine he has heard us fucking a number of times as my wife isnt the quietest when she is in the zone.Let me set the scene we had been out for a number of drinks at out local so she was not dressed up just jeans and a blouse i wasnt even sure if she had...

2 years ago
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TO CANE A NEIGHBOUR he was born in 1957 and over the years developed an interest (perhaps an obsession) with spanking and especially caning since way back, in fact he said; “I guess the first time I can definitely attach a date to this ‘obsession’ was 1967. My elder sister (6 years older than me, she in the seniors and me in the juniors) went to the same school and at the end of one lunch break I saw my sister’s best friend, Sandra Fletcher, standing outside the Headmaster’s study sobbing...

1 year ago
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Fucked By My Neighbour

Because of my job I've had to travel up and down the UK, living in accommodations and hotels. I usually have around three months off in the summer so that I can go back home and see my family whose house I still technically live at. Upon arriving home I was greeted by parents as they were talking to the new neighbour. Now, despite being in a relationship with a girl for the last five years, I've always gotten off with men. The neighbour, named Tommy, was around six feet tall, with a pot belly...

3 years ago
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Steamy Sex With Hot MILF Neighbour

This sexy story revolves around a woman named Khyati who turned out to be my neighbour in a building I had just shifted in. Khyati was a 44-year-old single mother milf who could have easily passed on as a 25 year old. She was tall and a dusky woman with fat at the right places with a figure of approx 34-28-32. She had long curly hair and dark brown seductive eyes. Any straight man could have a hard on just by looking at her. My first encounter with her was while I was moving into my new flat...

4 years ago
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My Beautiful Neighbour

This is a real life incidence if my friend and his sexual encounter with his neighbour! So story has been elaborated! Get ready for a hard on! I am Bharath and i am 5ft 6 inches with an athletic muscular body. Am 20 years old. And I have a very active social life with full of thrills. Let me come to the point. Let me introduce my neighbour. Knock! Knock! “Whose there”, she said. It is your neighbour. She opened the door way to heaven..? There she stood in her half length shirt and a tight...

2 years ago
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Being An Escort Enjoyed My Busty Neighbour

Hello friends. This is Raunak Singh. I’m from Mumbai. Aged 19 and currently studying. I am also an escort serving to local ladies on their request. People liked my previous two sex stories and they mailed me too which encouraged me to share more of my real life incidences. Again, ladies from Mumbai do not feel shy to mail me at as I maintain complete privacy and I change the name and place of my clients while narrating my experience. So getting back to the story: a lady lives on my floor just...

3 years ago
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the new neighbour

Sonia sat at her computer browsing holiday sites looking for a last minute deal. As the sun moved round and made it difficult to see the monitor she began to wonder why she needed to go abroad. It was absolutely glorious outside, and indoors she was hot, even though she only had on her skimpy cotton shorts and a little vest top.She decided that she would give herself another half hour then wash the car before her husband got home. She needed to do something about the glare on the monitor first...

4 years ago
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Entertaining the Neighbour

She twirled the phone cord around her fingers as she listened to the dial tone, impatiently waiting for him to pick up at the other end. 3 rings, 4 rings, 5 rings.“Hello, Jack speaking,” he answered, his deep and masculine voice vibrating to her very core, making her already wet sex, ache.“I need you, I need to feel you against me. 7pm, our normal place. See you there?” she breathed down the phone line.“Baby doll, I can’t tonight. There’s no way I can escape," his voice now hushed into a...

2 years ago
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The Neighbour

During May 2010 David and I had been to a party at my sister’s - an adult party –By the time we were ready to leave it was late at night and my sister dared me to let my hubby drive me home in nothing but my heels leaving my clothes behind, I accepted the dare, yes I’d had a few wines, so not thinking too much about it, it’s about 12 miles back to our place mostly through some countryside and some streets. I also know another reason why I accepted her dare was, I had previously told her...

1 year ago
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The night I was pleasured by my neighbour

I am Natalia, a shemale and I have enjoyed rough sex a lot. I like fucking both men and women as long as I am satisfied. This one night I was literally made to get pleasured by my neighbour and I enjoyed it a lot. He had just jumped me and entered my apartment forcefully. I got scared and resisted but the minute he kissed me I relaxed. “So, you want to have a dalliance with me?” I asked Jory. “I want to fuck you and suck on your cock. Will you let me?” he asked. I smiled and hugged him,...

1 year ago
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When phone sex turned into an intense sex experience with my neighbour

Hello everyone. My name is Emma and I am typically a shy girl. I recently shifted to this new place away from my parents due to work and was feeling very lonely those days. I had been through a bad experience in my relationship, so I had decided not to date anyone for some time. I usually kept myself busy doing other things and it made me feel happy and content. I was not the type of person to hook up with someone or even have a casual relationship. This was because I used to feel very shy...

Real Hookup
1 year ago
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Checking out the new neighbour

Sonia sat at her computer browsing holiday sites looking for a last minute deal. As the sun moved round and made it difficult to see the monitor she began to wonder why she needed to go abroad. It was absolutely glorious outside, and indoors she was hot, even though she only had on her skimpy cotton shorts and a little vest top. She decided that she would give herself another half hour then wash the car before her husband got home. She needed to do something about the glare on the monitor first...


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