Losing The Super Bowl - 2017 free porn video

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WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life.

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century.

Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is copyright (c) 2017 by The Technician.

Individual readers may archive and/or print single copies of this story for personal, non-commercial use. Production of multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format is expressly forbidden.

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Where to begin?

I guess I should start by saying that my name is Sue... except it really isn’t. The conditions of the bet said I had to write up what happened and post it. It didn’t say that I had to use my real name. So, Sue is close enough. I will use made up names for everybody involved and change the name of the city. Everything else is correct.

It all started because Tyson’s Corner is almost exactly half-way between Boston and Atlanta.

What does that have to do with it?

That means that a lot of the young people who work for the government here are from Boston– like Charmont is. And a lot are from Atlanta– like I am. In fact, in our little LSGO (that’s a Logistics Support Group Office) of twelve people, six of the young women are from Atlanta and six are from Boston. We work in an AMC (that’s Army Material Command) warehouse located near Tyson’s Corner, Virginia. Most people think our building is a mall or something, except that the lot is fenced in and there are things stacked all over outside.

It is a huge facility, and when I say huge, I mean, HUGE. We can park right next to the building, but we still have about a six or seven block walk to work. Of course that walk is inside through rows and rows of heavy-duty steel shelves that tower above us, but it is still a six block walk. The shelves are so tall that the forklifts which the loaders use have four segments to them. As soon as the second segment starts to open, these leg-like things pop out of the corners of the forklift and lower themselves to the ground to keep it stable. It’s a really big place and our office is right in the middle of it.

I don’t know why the office is located in the middle of the warehouse. I think it’s a hold-over from the old days before computers when the LSGO secretaries had to physically carry their load reports out to the loaders who were preparing shipments for wherever in the world. Now, we just tell the computer which printer to spit the report out of and the loaders in whichever segment have whatever they need. It is only if one of the printers is not working that anyone ever comes into the office– though usually, we use it as an excuse to walk out and flirt with the loading crew.

One of the perks of the job is a really large “staging area” next to the offices which has been converted into a break room. Because we use a very high speed cable modem to communicate with other AMC facilities world-wide, we have a standard cable connection to the office. There are all sorts of scramblers and stuff like that on the signal, but the cable and modem are just good old ComCast. That means we have basic cable in the break room. And somewhere along the line, someone was able to requisition a 72" HD television and some really comfy couches and recliners. I think they “got lost in shipment” to somewhere, but I’m not going to report anyone about it.

I know it is illegal to hold private parties on government property. I know that it is also illegal to bring alcohol onto the base. But as long as everything stays within the office area, none of the Army people give a shit. There are security cameras all over the place out in the warehouse but for our privacy–or whatever–there are no cameras inside the offices themselves. So what happens in the office–or should I say break room–stays in the break room.

We’ve had some rather wild and noisy Play Off Parties in the break room this year as both Atlanta and the Pats worked their way up to the Super Bowl. When Super Bowl Sunday came around, we were ready. The party started around noon. We had all agreed that everyone was going to stay overnight in the break room so no one tried to drive home. We might all have terrific hangovers on Monday morning, but we would all be there and not in jail– or worse. It was like some giant slumber party, except we were all in our twenties and instead of drinking pop and watching teen-aged chick flicks, we would be drinking hard liquor and watching a football game. I guess pizza remains the same no matter how old you are.

By the time the game actually started Sunday evening, we were all pretty well boozed up. We pushed two of the couches up in front of the TV and set them in sort of a V with the low table with the drinks and goodies on it between us. One of the girls–I think it was Darlene–said, “Hey, this looks like we are on a TV game show.”

Charmont, who seemed to be the lead Patriots fan, said, “Then we should have some prizes. I say that each time our team scores a touchdown, we win some nice clothing.” She laughed and said, “From you Falcons’ bitches.”

“OK,” I yelled back. “Strip football it is!”

We all sat back–more or less–to watch the game. The first quarter was boring as hell, so we mainly sat there and drank and trash-talked each other’s teams. By the time Devonta Freeman caught that pass in the end zone in the second quarter, we were pretty well gone.

As soon as he hit the ground, I screamed out, “Falcons score! We win!” I then turned over to Charmont and said, “You lose! Fork over some clothing!”

“What about the extra point?” Darlene asked.

“Socks?” one of my girls said in a really slurred voice. “Socks aren’t really clothes anyway.”

“OK,” Charmont said. “Shoes and socks for the extra points.”

“But if you run out of clothes,” I said loudly as I stood up, “if you run out of clothes, then you pay a penalty. A spanking. As many swats as the combined score!”

My couch of Falconettes cheered. Charmont looked at the girls on her side for a moment before glaring at me and saying angrily, “Deal!”

Actually, none of us thought that we would actually run out of clothes. We were all wearing basically the same thing– shoes, socks, slacks, top, bra & panties. That was enough clothes for four touchdowns plus four extra point attempts. The way this game was going, it was going to be a very low-scoring game so none of us were worried.

Each of the Patriot girls forked over a shoe and their bra. Except for the fact that they looked a little odd sitting there all wearing only one shoe, nothing looked out of place. Well, nothing except a pile of shoes and bras next to our couch.

Then our Falcons scored a second touchdown. I taunted Charmont, “I’m going to really enjoy paddling your ass when you run out of clothes.”

She snapped back at me, “The Pats will recover!”

“Yeah!” I answered. “Want to bet on that?”

“What you suggesting?” she growled at me.

“There’s enough body camouflage paint out there in the warehouse to create any color we want,” I answered. “When your precious Patriots finally lose, I want your naked body painted in Falcon’s black, silver, and red.”

She looked at the other five girls on her couch before snarling back, “Deal, bitch! Anyone naked at the end of the game gets painted. But it is your naked asses that are going to be painted red, white, and blue!”

I looked at the other girls on my couch and we all yelled back together, “Deal!”

Atlanta scored again and now the girls on the Patriot couch were sitting there in just their panties and one sock. “You bitches are going to be naked over my lap real soon,” I taunted.

“The Pats will come back!” Charmont said defiantly, standing up and facing me. “They always come back!”

“If you’re so damn sure of that,” I said, moving off the couch to put my face right up in hers, “then lets up the bet.”

“What do you want?!” she growled.

“Let’s make it personal,” I said with a laugh. “All this is getting me turned on. I will need some relief by the end of the game. After I finish paddling your ass with a ping pong paddle, I expect you to kneel between my legs and give me the relief I need.”

Charmont stood thinking for a moment or two and then turned to the other girls on her couch. All of them nodded slightly and Charmont turned back to me and said, “Deal!”

The game went into the halftime Falcons up fourteen-zip, but a couple of the girls on my couch were starting to get cold feet. “What if we lose?” Darlene whined to me. “You didn’t check with us before you made those bets. You don’t mind lapping pussy. In fact, I think you prefer it, but I’m not that into it and neither are the others.”

“Don’t worry, I said. “If we lose, I’ll make it up to you.”

“How will you do that?!” Darlene hissed loudly. “You gonna lap our pussies?”

“OK,” I said. “If that’s how you want it. Yes, If we lose, I’ll lap your pussies.” I stood up and let the booze speak for me– BIG mistake. “In fact,” I said, swaying and pointing to all of the girls on both couches, “I will be your personal office slave if we lose and lap your pussies whenever you want.” I paused to burp slightly and then added, “one week for each touchdown scored by the Patriots.”

I turned to Charmont and slurred out, “You want to take that as part of our bet?”

Charmont laughed. She has a really deep laugh some times. “I should say, ‘Hell no,’” she said loudly, “but something tells me that I will enjoy having an office slave for a while.”

One of her girls said, “That’s just for the team captains? Right?”

“Yeah,” Charmont said. “It’s just me or Sue who ends up crawling around naked sucking office pussy if we lose.” She gave that deep laugh again and said, “But I won’t lose because the Pats are going to come back.”

The second half started and we settled down to watch the game and trash talk each other’s teams. Then the Patriots scored a field goal.

“We didn’t talk about field goals,” Darlene said. “What do we do?”

“Same as a point after,” Charmont said. “Fork over shoes or socks.”

We all threw a shoe over at the other couch.

Then, with just thirty seconds left in the third quarter the Falcons scored again. Our side cheered and made lewd comments as the Falcon girls slid off their panties and added them to the pile of clothing at the end of the couch. I was surprised–well not really surprised–that Charmont and one of the other girls were totally smooth downstairs. They all sat back on the couch trying to hide their nakedness.

“I’m really going to enjoy paddling your naked ass,” I once again taunted Charmont.

“The Pats will come back,” she said firmly.

“You sure enough of that to up the bet?” I asked.

“What you talking?” she spat back.

I looked at the girls on the couch and Darlene piped up, “Post pictures on the internet?”

“No!” one of the other girls said quickly. “They would be around forever. Who knows who would see them?”

“Then posting the story of all this?” Darlene countered.

“That’s it!” I said. “When you lose, Charmont, you will write up a detailed account of your shameful loss and what you had to do. It has to be posted on at least four sites.”

Charmont chuckled. It was a deep throaty chuckle. “Deal,” she said. “I will enjoy reading what you have to say. You write it. I’ll decide where to post it.”

“Agreed,” I said. “But you’ll be the one doing the writing and I will be the one doing the posting.”

The Pats managed to eke out a touchdown before the end of the third quarter, but they couldn’t even get the extra point, so all any of us lost was our bra.

The fourth quarter was a different story. When the Patriots brought it to twenty - twenty-eight with five minutes to go, Darlene, who like all of us was down to her panties and one sock, sat there crying and sobbing, “We’re going to lose. We’re going to lose.”

“No, we’re not!” I yelled at her. “No one has ever come back from this far before... ever! We aren’t going to lose!” Charmont’s laugh from the other couch, however, caused chills to go up and down my spine.

Everyone was now standing in front of the TV screaming at their teams. When the Patriots scored again, I just stood there in shock.

“Shuck down!” Charmont yelled in my ear. I turned to her in total disbelief, but my hands slid down my sides and soon my panties were on the floor.

“Pick ‘em up and hand them to me!” Charmont growled. “And your sock!”

I had pushed my sock off my foot when I slid off my panties. I picked both up and set them in Charmont’s hand. She looked and me and laughed. It was a very deep, very evil-sounding laugh.

There were now twelve naked women standing in front of a giant screen TV screaming for their teams to score.

“What now?” Darlene asked when the final gun sounded and the score was tied.

“Sudden death,” Charmont said slowly. Then she turned to me and said, “Want to double the bet?”

“Which bet?” I asked.

“Slave to the office,” she answered. “Right now, you’re talking four weeks–five after the final touchdown. If we double that, you are the office slave slut for ten weeks.”

I stared back at her. Despite the alcohol fog, the office side of my brain was still functioning. “That means,” I said, “that you will be the naked, office slut slave until Easter.”

“Never said anything about being naked that long,” she replied, “but if that’s the way you want to play it... Deal!”

The yelling and trash talking stopped. We all stood in front of the screen watching as the Patriots won the coin toss and elected to receive. We watched as the kick off went into the end zone and Danny Amendola took a knee to stop play.

Charmont and her girls became noisier and noisier and we became more and more quiet as the Patriots moved steadily down the field. We were all holding our breath as Bennet almost caught the football in the end zone. We again held our breath as another pass was incomplete. Then James White pushed over into the end zone for that final score and we Falconettes let out our breaths in one long whooshing sigh.

“We lost,” Darlene said softly.

“Yes,” Charmont said as she grabbed my elbow and led me back to the couch. “You lost. And the combined score is 82.”

“Darlene,” she called out, “you get your naked ass over to aisle J-17 where they keep recreational supplies and you bring back six, good, strong ping pong paddles.” She laughed. “We got some spanking to do.”

They didn’t spank us all at the same time. Instead, at Charmont’s direction, they did us one at a time so we had to listen to the screams and howls of the girls before us.

Naturally, I was last. All the while that the other girls were getting their asses beaten, Charmont sat slowly stroking my ass. She knew it was turning me on and she took wicked pleasure in whispering to me, “You’re getting all wet thinking of what’s coming, aren’t you?”

I wanted to tell her she had it wrong, but I wasn’t sure myself. Was I responding to her stroking or to the idea that I was about to get my ass turned purple in public? That fantasy was so deep in my closet that I didn’t even admit it to myself.

Finally, it was my turn. For some reason, Charmont shifted me on her lap so that I was almost falling off. I wasn’t sure what she was up to until she slammed into me that first time. She had moved me so that my clit was right over her hard knee. Each slam of the paddle drove me into her knee.

Now there was no question of whether or not I was responding sexually to the spanking. My yelps of pain were starting to get more and more throaty. Charmont was not letting up, but continued to swing harder and harder into my ass. The pain was getting greater and greater, but so, too, was the pleasure.

She knew exactly what she was doing and played my body like a violin so that I reached the limit of pain I could stand and the limit of how long I could hold back an orgasm at the same time–and that was on stroke eighty-one.

I was crying out and sobbing, “No more! No More!” on stroke eighty. On eighty-one I was screaming in passion. On eighty-two I passed out.

When I came to, I was lying on my back at Charmont’s feet. “Was that good for you?” she asked derisively.

As I tried to stagger to my feet, she said, “Don’t bother getting up. There is still that matter of relieving some tension.”

Her voice became very loud and very firm as she said, “This time you are all doing this at the same time.” She made her voice even more commanding as she ordered, “And you losers do not decide when you are done. You stay between the winner’s legs lapping twat until she is satisfied.”

She then stroked my head and said more softly, “And I have a LOT of tension to relieve.”

It was almost an hour later when Charmont ordered Darlene to go out and get camouflage body paint from the warehouse. We all stood there as the winners giggled and made comments about our bodies as they painted us in various patterns of red, white, and blue. I ended up looking almost like Wonder Woman except I had large white stars on my breasts with my nipples painted a bright red so that they looked like a cherry on the top of a fancy milkshake.

After they were done painting us, they told us that we were their slaves until tomorrow and had to do whatever they demanded. That wasn’t really part of the bet, but we were all so beaten down that we just nodded our heads and did whatever we were told to do. I know for a couple of the girls that included more tongue and scissor work.

This morning, early, they allowed Darlene and the other four losers to use the showers located in the warehouse locker rooms to clean themselves up. Since we all knew in advance that we were going to be spending overnight at the facility, they had proper clothing for work in overnight cases which they had brought the night before.

I wasn’t allowed to shower. Charmont said it would be good for me to stay painted up for my first day as a naked office slave. As she was going over to shower, Darlene walked past me and smacked my already sore ass with a paddle she had concealed in her hand. “This is all your fault!” she said angrily.

“You’ve got a hard ten weeks ahead of you,” Charmont said with a smile. “Your girls have decided that all shipping pull orders get hand-delivered for the next ten weeks.” She laughed. “Care to guess who is going to be walking the paperwork out to the loading crews?”

She pointed to one of the fork lifts and said, “Darlene suggested suspending you by your ankles from the lift at full extension, but less angry heads prevailed.”

She smiled at me and said, “We will find many interesting tasks for you to perform over the next ten weeks. ... But your first task is to write up what happened so I can post it on some story sites.”

She smiled again and said, “I’ve got a friend who will post it for me so there is no paper trail back to me. W knows what sites I read, so I know it will get posted in all the right places.”

She then leaned in close to me and said, “And when we leave for the day, you have a choice to make.”

She stroked my swollen ass very, very lightly and said in almost a whisper, “You can go home and masturbate to all the fantasies last night fulfilled for you. ... Or you can come home with me and live out your fantasies as my personal slave and girl toy.”

As she walked away, she turned, winked at me, and blew me a kiss. “Think about it,” she said with a smile.

I already know my answer.

I just have to find out how to get out of the lease on my apartment.

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Super Bowl 50 with Queen B

I want to say in advance that english is not my first language so I'm sorry for any error .Enjoy it!It was the halftime show at Super Bowl 50, I was one of the lucky few to be on the field under the stage .I was dreaming of seeing Beyonce live for ages, I was kind of obsessed with her .I didn't like her song much but for sure I liked her body and especially her big ass .Seeing her shaking it at like 15 ft from me was absolutely incredible .I was there with a boner just for seeing here dancing...

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Super Bowl Fun Denver in Super Bowl again Yeah

This story happened during Super Bowl XXII 1988 Washington vs DenverI was a big Denver fan and my husband and his two friends (Gerry and Carl) were rooting for Washington. Gerry and Carl were both divorced so it was just the four of us eating, drinking and watching the pre game. Hubby had always told me that his friends thought I was sexy.So we made a bet that if Denver won they would have to strip for me, and if Washington won I would strip for them. No problem in my mind, I had faith in...

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Super Bowl Sexparty

The goddamn Super Bowl. My husband makes such a big deal out it. Three or four of his buddies show up hours before the game to drink beer and juice up their testosterone so they can yell at the TV. I’ve always been bored. This year I decided to spice things up as only a woman can. “I’ll make you a deal,” I told my husband Bill. “Instead of betting on the game, bet on me.” “What do you mean?” he asked. “Well,” I said, “Give me the four hundred dollars you guys always put in your football pool...

3 years ago
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The Making of a Super Bowl Champion

The Making of a Super Bowl Champion                                7 Apr 2011 12:15 pmChapter 1My pet is such a sweet boy.  Entirely oblivious to his own worth.  I do try to instill a higher sense of self-esteem in him, but I temper it with some humility.  It just wouldn’t do for him to realize how very special he is.  There are enough egotistical men in the world, without adding to the supply.  So I am, perhaps, overly harsh with him on occasion.  I also keep him at arm’s length as much as...

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The Super Bowl How losing is sometimes winning Part 1

Living in the cheese head capital and a Black and Gold fan can be a problem but Satellite TV does bring in the games so most of the time I am pretty happy. The occasional bet cums along on bowl games when they are playing in the Super Bowl but this time with the Black and Gold and the Pack playing, things got a little more interesting than just the game. I usually go over a couple's house and they tend to invite a few singles and couples for games. They're Bi and so am I so we often play...

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The Grim Reaper Adventures in Southern Law EnforcementChapter 6 Tuesday September 26 2017 to Thursday September 28 2017

Kelly and I watched the news Monday night for about an hour, but it was getting repetitious, and we turned it off. By then Kelly was beginning to get some emails and tweets from people she was friends with, mostly asking what was going on. Most seemed confused, but several were rather vile. A few people wanted me to immediately fly to California and butcher my brother on the fifty-yard line, followed by ritually committing suicide. We went to bed, where Kelly tried to take my mind off...

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The Grim Reaper Adventures in Southern Law EnforcementChapter 7 Friday September 29 2017 to Saturday September 30 2017

Friday started out like most other days. We got Riley off to school on the bus, and Kelly loaded Seamus in the Sienna to take to day care at Matucket State. The big difference was that we dug out all the luggage. While she was at class, I packed all my formal stuff in a hanging bag, with the rest in a suitcase. As soon as Kelly and Seamus came home, she grabbed her stuff out of the closet and told me to start packing, while she packed everything for the kids. It became a mad rush, since I...

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Day after the super bowl

A few hours after the super bowl party my phone rang It was Lilly, we laughed and talked about what happened at the super bowl party. Lilly asked if I wanted to go to lunch the next day. Of course I would. So we set the date. Driving to pick Lilly up at her condo pulling into parking space and exiting the car wolf calls (whistles) rang put. I turned to see 3 construction workers repairing the parking lot look at me. I waved and continued to her condo moving my hips a bit more than normal LOL....

2 years ago
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Super Bowl Party Gangbang Pt 2

_____________________________________________________________________________________ " OH MY GOD" Amber screamed, " I feel so full!" And she should have felt full, seeing as how she had my 8" cock up her ass, Stephens 7 1/2" cock in her pussy, and was shoving josh's 8" cock back in her mouth. She had asked for it and she was getting it. I was shoving up into her ass, and Stephen was pushing down into her pussy, josh was still shocked just standing there letting this beautiful whore...

3 years ago
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Super Bowl Party

“I’ll make you a deal,” I told my husband Bill. “Instead of betting on the game, bet on me.” “What do you mean?” he asked. “Well,” I said, “Give me the four hundred dollars you guys always put in your football pool and I’ll give a blowjob to the winner of each of the four quarters.” This had always been a fantasy of Bill’s ever since he read about it on a web porno page. “I’ll call the guys,” Bill said, a big shit-eating grin on his face. Super Bowl Sunday arrived and I was...

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Super Bowl Bet

To start, let me say I am not a big sports fan. I have nothing against sports and do not mind going to an event every now and then but mostly I have no real grasp of the rules and no real interest to learn them. I rarely ever watch sports at home other than to watch a major event and that is really more so I can invite people to over for a little party. Super Bowl for me is just one of those times, drinks, food, funny commercials and friends. For a few weeks my boyfriend, who is a Giants fan,...

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Super Bowl Party Gang Bang

The excitement in the air was palpable in January 2016, when the Denver Broncos won the AFC championship game against the New England Patriots, in front of a home crowd in Denver. The Broncos were headed to the Super Bowl once again, to try to win their first title since the win in 1999, when I was only seven years old.My name is Jared, and I was born and raised in the upscale Highlands Ranch suburb, about twelve miles south of Denver. Everyone in my family is an avid Broncos fan, and my...

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My British wife and I hadn,t been married long when Super Bowl in 1971 came along, only about eighteen months. We,d recently moved into a new cheaper apartment complex in Lakewood just outside McChord Air Base/Ft Lewis, Washington USAF and Army bases adjacent to each other. The complex housed both Air Force and Army personnel and their families who Didn,t qualify for housing on base, me because I was considered a junior NCO despite serving a total of over seven years andbeing a Sergeant for the...

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Super Bowl Fantasy

Tristaca Lockett grabbed her white-pink-and-teal monogrammed lunch bag from the breakroom refrigerator. The registered nurse was in a rush to leave the pediatrician’s office where she worked. Her oldest son, TJ, had a basketball game this evening. She rushed to her crimson 2016 Buick Enclave. She arrived at the start of the second quarter. She spotted her husband and other two c***dren and went to sit with them. TJ was on the court playing some pretty decent defense.. She cheered for her baby...

1 year ago
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My Super Bowl Bet

This story happened during Super Bowl XXII 1988 Washington vs DenverI was a big Denver fan and my husband and his two friends (Gerry and Carl) were rooting for Washington. Gerry and Carl were both divorced so it was just the four of us eating, drinking and watching the pre game. Hubby had always told me that his friends thought I was sexy.So we made a bet that if Denver won they would have to strip for me, and if Washington won I would strip for them. No problem in my mind, I had faith in...

2 years ago
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Super Bowl Bet

To start, let me say I am not a big sports fan. I have nothing against sports and do not mind going to an event every now and then but mostly I have no real grasp of the rules and no real interest to learn them. I rarely ever watch sports at home other than to watch a major event and that is really more so I can invite people to over for a little party. Super Bowl for me is just one of those times, drinks, food, funny commercials and friends. For a few weeks my boyfriend, who is a Giants fan,...

Straight Sex
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Super Bowl Fuck

I went out with this guy on Super Bowl Sunday.We went to a movie and dinner at a nice restaurant,then back to my place.The Super Bowl was on TV but he didn't care he wanted me more.He was kissing and groping me after five minuets in my place.I don't mind it's fun, makes me feel alive and young. I was wearing a dress,knee length,not too tight,low cut top showing a little cleavage.We were standing in the kitchen, he was kissing my neck and down to my cleavage.We were in there to get a drink.That...

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Mother and I Have A Super Bowl Party Part III

Mother and I Have A Super Bowl Party, Part III By Sandy Brown Author's Note: I was thrilled with the number of readers who emailed me asking for the version of the last chapter with images. For those who would like to see this chapter with images as well, feel free to email me at [email protected] That evening, when Mother and I got home, I went upstairs to my bedroom to get out of her clothes. She said to me, "Honey, when you get changed, come and get me. I'll show...

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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part IV

He smiled at the goddess laying peacefully beside him the scent of fresh strawberries filled the air around her and was like a intoxicating drug to him. A part of him wanted to wake her properly, but like all good things in life they both had other obligations. To start with they both needed to fly back to Las Vegas and retrieve their belonging, and if the seeds he'd planted before setting out to find her earlier, an new life as well. With a trace of reluctance he stopped caressing...

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Clothespin Girl Superhero

Once a upon a time, a long long time ago yesterday in fact. Today I began my plan to catch the elusive one. The one who rescues clothespins from clotheslines. The plan was a simple one to string up 7 clotheslines facing the wind knowing that if she was near that she might hear the cries of the clothespins. Now that the 7 lines were up I just had to wait and hope the wind would do it's job and carry the cries of the clothespins. This quest started years ago when I first put a clothespin on my...

4 years ago
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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part II

A part of her wanted him to stop, but that small weak voice of protest had been fading away with ever increasing speed for a while now. For the part of her that remained it was contented just to let her lay on her back as he skillfully stroked tenderly the inner borough of her parted thighs with his fingertips. Kara would never thought it would be possible to become so aroused by other persons merely touch her, but the growing euphoric bliss she was experiencing proved her wrong. ...

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Super Bowl After Party Turns Wild Part 2

I woke up the next day after our super bowl party wondering if I had dreamt the events from the night before. However, I quickly realized the reality of the situation when Megan wasn't in bed next to me.Since I was running late for work, I had to rush to get ready. Before walking out the door I did a quick check of the house only to find nobody home. I figured the girls must have stayed the night at Sean's house which made me upset to think about. I decided to swallow my jealousy and fear deep...

Wife Lovers
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Super Bowl Party

Well my wife and I were invited to a Super Bowl for the Chefs and 49er's game. We got ready loaded our beer and a few dishes to take over to Kim's and Ricks house Sunday morning. We wanted to get there early to help them get everything set up for the party. We arrived to find that Kim and Rick had it all under control but seemed to be glad to see us there early. My wife and Kim went into the kitchen to finish up some of the cooking while myself and Rick went to finish setting up tables on the...

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DEB’S SUPER BOWL SURPRISE: Part 2This story is based on the fantasies of ahrnycpl4u at xham. Printed with her permission.Remember, we left off from Part 1 with…Deb twisted her head and smiled so sexily and whispered to me, “Ryan, please Ryan. Get them ALL to fuck me tonight.”-------------------------I audibly gulped, which she heard and it caused her to giggle. 'I had to give myself time to think. Did she really know what she was asking?’First, her dress, I pulled it over her head, cast it away...

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Super Bowl Anal

Let’s just start by saying my wife Linda had a very busy Sunday night. Yes, she is a Bronco’s fan and made a bet with me and it wasn’t for money. You see my little 5 feet 2 inch petite doll has the nicest ass I have ever seen, and I love to stick my eight inches right between her ass crack. The trouble is she only takes it up the ass about once a year, the rest of the time it is straight vaginal sex with some fairly good blow jobs thrown in for good measure. So, our Super Bowl bet was unique,...

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Super bowl

This last super bowl the wife and I went over to a buddy’s house to watch the game. We had arrived early and Roy and Lisa were in the hot tub out back. When we walked up we could tell they were feeling no pain. They got out of the hot tub and came inside and Lisa had on the hot’s little bikini I had ever seen. The wife noticed I was looking at her ass, and said do like what you see and I said yes.We all went inside and started drinking for a while then Julie showed up. She is a little...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 11 A Super Bowl Party Four and Out

Super Bowl Sunday, 1984, Chicago, Illinois On Sunday morning I woke up early and carefully got out of bed, put on my exercise clothes, and went up to the attic. I did my exercises and practiced my kata, then went back to my room. Jackie stirred when I came in and smiled at me when I went to the shower. I expected her to join me, but she didn’t. After I turned off the water she came in to shower herself. When she finished, she dressed, and we went down to the kitchen to make breakfast. We...

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Pete and Amy Part 31 Thor February 10th2017

Hello everyone. It’s me again. The events of this night were profound for me. It took me almost a week before I decided I was going to share them here. Some of the events in this story are very taboo and so please look at the tags above to decide if you will read this story or not. The events in the second half of the story were the extreme highlight for my night and the reason I took some time to process before deciding to share them. I have dabbled in Dollification a few times, but it was...

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OMG what an end to 2017

This is a true account of the nights of 30th and 31st December 2017. A few weeks before Christmas there was an advert on channel 4, late at night, for an online store selling adult products. The next day I went online to check it out with the idea I might buy my wife something for Christmas. I prefer my wife naked in bed and she knows this but I decided to buy her something sexy to wear, really for me to feast my eyes on her wearing. I purchased two body stockings. Both had open crotches. The...

1 year ago
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Our holiday in Spain 2017

For several years Jean and I had not been able to take a holiday abroad as we had several dogs that we had taken in and it was expensive to put them in kennels. Having only one dog now we were able to go to Spain and flew from Gatwick to Alicante. Arriving at the hotel late in the evening we spent the next morning exploring the facilities. Outside there was a swimming pool, bar, lots of sun beds and an area with tables and chairs. Late in the morning the temperature was rising and the staff...

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Super Marketil Sexy Manaiviyai Usar Seithen

Hi friends, indru Tamil kama kathaiyil oru azhagiya veetu manaiviyai usar seithu ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar lokesh vayathu 27 aagugirathu. Intha vayathil anaithu aangalukum evalavu moodu earum enbathu anaivarukume therintha oru vizhayam thaan. Ennal oru naal kuda kai adikamal irukave mudiyaathu, thinamum kama kathai alathu kama padathai paarthu kai pazhakam seithu vitu enjoy seithukondu irupen. En sunni nangu viraithu irukum, 7″...

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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part III

The seemingly random flicker of light was coming from a rather dated television, but it was the only source of light in an otherwise darkened room. He didn't mind that the Agency he'd worked for the last few years had sent him out to remote places always to work another case. What he did mind he was the fact he was now only just ten weeks out from him being forced into retirement date and they had given him a new recruit to train. "Well so much for expecting things to go easy for...

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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part I

"I'm still finding it really hard to believe that it actually worked," Kacy Prescott answered honestly. Having watched his mom's car pull out of the driveway where she'd just dropped him off at his best friend's house for the weekend. "You should've had a little more faith in me. Your mom is going to busy with her new job to check up on us and besides by this time tomorrow we'll be in Las Vegas," Matt replied confidently smiled back at his friend, toying with what appeared to Kacy to...

2 years ago
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Super Superheroes

Super SuperheroesWe had been invited to Paul’s bosses 50th Birthday party and it was superheroes and villains fancy dress, so after many months of thinking what the hell we could go as we decided on wonder woman and batman, we had arranged to go to the party with friends who lived near, Paul and Devon worked together, Paul had come home late from work so I was already dressed as wonder woman in my tight blue shorts with white stars red top and red boots and of course wonder woman head band...

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The Grim Reaper Adventures in Southern Law EnforcementChapter 8 Sunday October 1 2017

For the last few days President Trump had been on a Twitter rampage, demanding that the NFL players stand during the anthem, demanding the team owners and coaches fire them if they didn’t, and promising dire actions otherwise. Both Jack and I were getting slammed left and right, me for not complaining about the football players’ protests and Jack for not doing more. He was also bitching about Puerto Rico, primary elections, and fake news. No wonder he wasn’t doing his job - he was spending...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

3 years ago
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 10 Good and Bad Times At The Local Bowl

I thought about what to do as I finished the long walk into town. A Saturday afternoon in this town offered a variety of attractions. There was the usual, like the cinema, ten-pin bowling, pinball, or more accurately video game, parlours. Then there was that place with the full size billiard tables and video games that had the unfortunate name of 'Shoot 'Em Up' that my father and I frequented quite often and that I often visited alone simply because, at least up until the last couple of...

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